HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-03; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Evaluation of Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street Pedestrian Signal ProjectMeeting Date: April 3, 2023 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Miriam Jim, Senior Engineer Miriam.Jim@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5796 John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2757 Subject: Evaluation of Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street Pedestrian Signal Project Recommended Action Receive a presentation on the evaluation of the Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street pedestrian signal project. Background Over the years, staff has been working to address concerns about pedestrian safety at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street. Staff have increased enforcement, hired crossing guards, made crosswalks more prominent and installed flashing lights to alert drivers to pedestrians crossing the road. When residents requested the city install an all-way stop at the intersection, staff evaluated the proposal but ultimately recommended against it due to conflicts with state policies on the placement of stop signs and best practices for traffic safety. On June 3, 2019, the Traffic & Mobility Commission concurred with staff’s findings and asked staff to explore other options to address safety, speeding and visibility issues at the intersection. This section of Tamarack Avenue is designated as a “Neighborhood Connector Street” by the General Plan Mobility Element which recommends as follows: “Mid-block pedestrian crossings and traffic calming devices should be considered, but only at locations with high pedestrian activity levels or major destination/attractions.” Based on input from the Traffic & Mobility Commission and guidance from the General Plan Mobility Element, staff proposed a pedestrian hybrid signal and curb extensions at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street. This type of signal allows pedestrians at the crosswalk to activate a red light for cars. When no pedestrians are waiting, cars can continue through the intersection without stopping. This type of signal would be the first of its kind in Carlsbad, although other cities have been using them for the past several years. With a solid red light displaying after a pedestrian activation of the push button, the pedestrian hybrid signal offers greater visibility to drivers and more positive April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 1 of 13 vehicle control than the previously existing rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) system that utilizes flashing warning light as an advisory warning. On September 24, 2019, staff presented the concept for curb extensions and a pedestrian hybrid signal to the City Council. The City Council approved staff’s recommendation and the project team began to design plans for this project. The plans for the signal and other intersection improvements were discussed at the Traffic & Mobility Commission on January 6, 2020, and ultimately recommended by the commission for approval by the City Council. The City Council approved the plans and specifications on July 28, 2020. The new pedestrian hybrid signal, along with the curb extension and other intersection improvements, were completed on September 27, 2022. During construction, some residents became concerned with the size and scale of the signal, which they felt was out of sync with the neighborhood’s character. Concerns have also come up about the new signal poles interfering with ocean views. As part of the project, street parking was eliminated in front of one resident’s home, causing concern, although staff has since been able to restore the parking. In addition to these concerns, some residents have expressed concern about the safety of the new pedestrian hybrid signal. Since the beginning of the construction phase of the project, the City has received dozens of emails, photos and videos to the city alleging unsafe conditions and driver behavior with most coming from one individual. Neighbors and others have asked that the signal be removed. On July 5, 2022, the Traffic & Mobility Commission asked staff to evaluate the new pedestrian hybrid signal’s performance and return with a report in six months after signal activation. On July 26, 2022, staff highlighted to the City Council a three-phase plan for traffic calming on Tamarack Avenue to address residents’ speeding and traffic safety concerns. This three-phase approach includes: 1. An accelerated short-term traffic calming project on Tamarack Avenue between Skyline Drive and Adams Street (currently underway) 2. Evaluation on the performance of the recent intersection improvements at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street (completed) 3. Implementation of a longer-term Sustainable Mobility Plan transformative corridor project along Tamarack Avenue (anticipated to begin design in summer 2023) Staff has completed the evaluation outlined in phase two, and this report includes the findings. Discussion Tamarack Avenue, in the vicinity of Valley Street, functions as a Neighborhood Connector Street and has a high number of single-family homes fronting it. It is striped with a single vehicle lane, bicycle lane and on-street parking lane in each direction. The speed limit is posted at 30 miles per hour and the roadway accommodates approximately 8,500 vehicles per day. Neighborhood April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 2 of 13 Connector Streets have a level of service standard for pedestrians and bicycles but not for vehicles or transit. School street characteristics include: • Primary purpose is to connect people to different neighborhoods and land uses of the city • Designed to safely move all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists. • Vehicle speeds should be managed to promote safe pedestrian and bicycle movement • Bicycle lanes should be provided • Bicycle boulevards can be considered • Pedestrians should be accommodated on sidewalks adjacent to the travel way (minimum 5’ wide sidewalk) • Mid-block pedestrian crossings and traffic calming devices should be considered, but only at locations with high pedestrian activity levels or major destinations/attractions • On-street parking may be provided The intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street is close to Magnolia Elementary School, Valley Middle School and Carlsbad High School, and is host to a number of school-aged pedestrians during the school year. Valley Street is classified as a School Street and has level of service standard for pedestrians and bicycles but not for vehicles or transit. School street characteristics include: • Primary purpose is to connect people to schools from nearby residential neighborhoods. • Designed to safely move all modes of travel with an emphasis on providing safe pedestrian and bicycle access for students traveling to and from nearby schools. • Vehicle speeds shall be managed to support school uses (typically 25 MPH) • Enhanced bicycle and pedestrian crossings should be provided, including: o High visibility crosswalks o Enhanced pedestrian notifications (e.g., responsive push-button devices) o Enhanced bicycle detection o Bicycle lanes shall be provided and can be further enhanced or complemented by other facilities or off-street pathways • Pedestrian facilities should be a minimum of six feet and shall strive for eight feet in width and shall conform to ADA requirements • Pedestrian crossing distances should be minimized • Opportunities for mid-block pedestrian crossings should be investigated • Traffic calming devices that improve service levels and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists should be considered Over the years, staff have been contacted by residents and parents with concerns about vehicle speeds on Tamarack Avenue and pedestrian safety at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street. The objective of the Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street Intersection Improvement project is to address these concerns. The new pedestrian hybrid signal at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street operates only when a pedestrian pushes the pushbutton but remains “dark” when no one is crossing. Unlike the rectangular rapid flashing beacon previously installed which served as a warning device to motorists when a pedestrian was crossing, the pedestrian signal functions like a traffic signal at the intersection which requires vehicles to stop at the stop lines when the signal displays a solid red light after a pedestrian activates the signal via pushbutton. This pedestrian signal enhances April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 3 of 13 safety at the crosswalk while only impeding traffic flow on Tamarack Avenue when the light is activated by pedestrians wanting to cross. The project also added curb extensions at the high visibility crosswalks to make pedestrians more visible to motorists, decrease the pedestrian crossing distance across Tamarack Avenue and tighten the corner curb radii to encourage slower vehicle turning speeds. The pedestrian hybrid signal at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street was energized on September 27, 2022 and is the first of its kind installed in the city. Public Outreach The public had several opportunities to attend public meetings and learn about the options being considered for the intersection, including: • Traffic & Mobility Commission meeting – June 3, 2019 • City Council meeting – June 11, 2019 • City Council meeting – September 24, 2019 • Traffic & Mobility Commission meeting – January 6, 2020 • City Council meeting – July 28, 2020 • City Council meeting – April 20, 2021 The project was also discussed at two additional meetings held during construction, including a Traffic & Mobility Commission meeting on July 5, 2022, and a City Council meeting on July 26, 2022. City staff informed road users about the new pedestrian hybrid signal and how it works as the project neared completion. This included: • Email newsletters to people interested in the project • A Next Door post to the neighborhoods surrounding the signal • Emails and phone calls with administrators at nearby schools • Sample emails for schools to share with parents • Digital message board • Informational video • Social media April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 4 of 13 Evaluation of Pedestrian Signal Operation Observation of compliance Staff reviewed video footage captured at the pedestrian hybrid signal and observed pedestrians and motorists’ behavior at the crosswalk. The video footage covered a period of four days- three typical weekdays and one weekend day, in February 2023. There were a total of 209 crossing events observed with a total of 1,463 pedestrians crossing Tamarack Avenue at Valley Street in the four-day observation period. During the observed weekdays, approximately 90% of pedestrian crossing events were observed to activate the pedestrian hybrid signal to cross Tamarack Avenue, while about 58% of the crossings observed on the weekend had activated the pedestrian signal. Vehicles on Valley Street and Tamarack Avenue were observed stopping at red light after the signal was activated. The motorist compliance rate at the pedestrian hybrid signal was approximately 86% on the weekdays and 73% on the weekend. April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 5 of 13 Staff further evaluated the instances where motorists did not comply with the solid red light. Out of the total of 26 instances of non-compliance, two involved motorists not yielding the right-of-way to pedestrians at the crosswalk, (i.e., motorists entering the crosswalk as pedestrians started to cross Tamarack Avenue). For the other 24 cases of non-compliance, motorists yielded to the pedestrians crossing Tamarack Avenue but entered the intersection when the signal indication was still on solid red after the pedestrian(s) had cleared the motorists’ path of travel. A summary of pedestrian crossings at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street and the percentage of vehicles in compliance with the pedestrian signal are provided in Table 1. Table 1 - Summary of pedestrian crossing events at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street No. of ped. crossing events with signal activation No. of crossing events with vehicle(s) stopped at red light No. of crossing events with vehicle(s) entering intersection on red light Percentage of vehicle compliance No. of pedestrian right-of-way encroachments by motorists Weekdays 163 141 22 86% 2 Weekend 15 11 4 73% 0 Feedback from residents, crossing guard and School Staff received both positive feedback and concerns from residents regarding the new pedestrian hybrid signal at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street. The main concern raised by residents immediately after signal activation was vehicles running red lights. With police enforcement and public outreach effort on operation of the new signal, vehicle compliance at the new signal has been observed to be greatly improved. On the other hand, parents and residents have expressed gratitude for the safety enhancement at the crosswalk at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street with the new pedestrian signal. The crossing guard, who has been assigned to the crosswalk for over a year and has experience assisting children crossing Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street with and without the pedestrian hybrid signal, also provided positive feedback to staff. The crossing guard shared that the pedestrian signal has been an improvement and supports her job, especially in situations where children need assistance crossing both Valley Street and Tamarack Avenue, at the same time. With the pedestrian hybrid signal, the children can cross Tamarack Avenue without a crossing guard while this allows the crossing guard to focus on assisting other students to cross Valley Street. The project team also approached the principals at local schools to discuss feedback received from parents and staff. The principal at Magnolia Elementary School received questions and concerns from parents in the initial weeks after the signal was activated. Some parents expressed concerns that the signal was confusing, and another did not know the correct place to stop at the signal and received a citation from the Police Department. The principal indicated April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 6 of 13 that no questions or concerns had been raised since the initial weeks following signal activation. The principal at Valley Middle School has not received comments or questions from parents, but has observed that traffic sometimes is backed up on Tamarack east of Valley at times when a large number of pedestrians are trying to cross the street. Collision History The collision summary for the five-year period between Jan. 2018 and Feb. 2023 shows five reported collisions on Tamarack Avenue between James Drive and Park Drive. None of these collisions occurred at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street or involved a pedestrian. No collisions have been reported at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street as well as on Tamarack Avenue between James Drive and Park Drive since the pedestrian hybrid signal was energized on September 27, 2022. Fire Truck Turn with New Curb Extension Curb extensions at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street were constructed as a safety enhancement to provide a shorter crossing distance for pedestrians and to make it easier for drivers to see pedestrians. Since the curb extensions were constructed, a few residents have expressed concerns that larger vehicles may not be able to maneuver a right- turn safely without encroaching into the travel lane in the opposite direction or hitting the new curb extensions. The design of the new curb extension follows the standard design guidelines to accommodate larger vehicles turning at the intersection. City staff conducted a test drive with a 61-ft long fire ladder truck which demonstrated that it can maneuver a right-turn movement from Valley Street onto Tamarack Avenue without encroaching into the opposite lane on Tamarack Avenue or the sidewalk or hitting the new curb extensions. The fire truck tests were recorded on video and are on file with staff. Speeds on Tamarack Avenue Staff reviewed speed data collected by the two radar speed feedback signs located on Tamarack Avenue, east and west of Valley Street, for a five-month period both before and after the pedestrian signal began operation in late September 2022. The before and after vehicle speed study reveals that the monthly average 85th percentile speeds (speed at which 85% of the vehicles were traveling at or below) on Tamarack Avenue approaching Valley Street has been reduced from 35.8 to 35.2 MPH in the eastbound direction and from 28.4 to 28 MPH in the westbound direction after improvements were implemented. The pedestrian hybrid signal was installed with the intent to enhance pedestrian safety at the crosswalk at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street and is not a vehicle speed management device. Therefore, a significant change in vehicle speeds on Tamarack Avenue at Valley Street is not expected and as reflected by the speed data. The monthly average 85th percentile speeds on Tamarack Avenue are graphically shown in Figure 1 below. April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 7 of 13 Figure 1 - Average 85th Percentile Speeds on Tamarack Avenue (Eastbound and Westbound) Based on staff evaluation, the performance of the pedestrian hybrid signal at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street has been satisfactory. No significant concerns have been noted with the operation of the new pedestrian hybrid signal and associated curb extensions. Necessary Council Action None. Ped. Signal In Operation Ped. Signal In Operation 35.8 MPH 35.2 MPH 28.4 MPH 28 MPH April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 8 of 13 Next Steps Staff will continue to monitor the pedestrian hybrid signal operation at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street and will report to Traffic and Mobility Commission as appropriate. The city will begin the outreach effort later this summer on the Tamarack Transformative Corridor project. The public is encouraged to participate in the public input and study process for this upcoming project to further improve the Tamarack Avenue to best serve the needs of the community. Exhibits 1. Vicinity Map 2. Collision Summary – Tamarack Ave between James Dr and Park Dr 3. Collision Summary - Tamarack Ave and Valley St April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 9 of 13 1 LOCATION MAP April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 10 of 13 Collision Summary Report City of Carlsbad Public Works Department/Traffic & Mobility Division 3/14/23 From 1/1/2018 to 2/28/2023 Total Collisions: 5 Injury Collisions: 3 Fatal Collisions: 0 TAMARACK AV from JAMES DR to PARK DR Page 1 of 2 19-01882 3/21/2019 12:30 Thursday Other Motor Vehicle on Othe TAMARACK AV - JAMES DR Unsafe Starting or Backing 0'Direction: Not Stated Property Damage Only # Inj: 0 # Killed: 022106Hit & Run: Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: M Assoc Factor: None Apparent Backing Sobriety: HNBDVeh Type: WESTDriverParty 1 2004FORD F150 Pickups & Panels Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: M Assoc Factor: None Apparent Proceeding Straight Sobriety: HNBDVeh Type: NORTDriverParty 2 2013CHEVROLET TAHOE Emergency Vehicle (On Emergency Run 20-01768 3/13/2020 12:27 Friday Broadside Other Motor Vehicle TAMARACK AV - PARK DR Auto R/W Violation 0'Direction: Not Stated Complaint of Pain # Inj: 1 # Killed: 021802AHit & Run: No Daylight Cloudy Pty at Fault:1 Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: F Assoc Factor: Inattention Proceeding Straight Sobriety: HNBDVeh Type: EASTDriverParty 1 2018HYUNDAI TUCSON Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: F Assoc Factor: None Apparent Proceeding Straight Sobriety: HNBDVeh Type: SOUTDriverParty 2 2019VOLKSWAGEN JETTA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep 20-07966 12/19/2020 15:57 Saturday Broadside Bicycle TAMARACK AV - PARK DR Auto R/W Violation 0'Direction: Not Stated Other Visible Injury # Inj: 1 # Killed: 021800AHit & Run: No Dusk - Dawn Not Stated Pty at Fault:1 Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: 51M Assoc Factor: None Apparent Proceeding Straight Sobriety: Not ApplicableVeh Type: WESTDriverParty 1 2020CHEVROLET SUBURBAN Sport Utility Vehicle Cell Phone Not In Use Age: 13F Assoc Factor: None Apparent Proceeding Straight Sobriety: Not ApplicableVeh Type: NORTBicyclistParty 2 SHIMANO Bicycle 21-01205 2/23/2021 09:44 Tuesday Hit Object Fixed Object TAMARACK AV - PARK DR Improper Turning 111'Direction: WEST Property Damage Only # Inj: 0 # Killed: 022107Hit & Run: No Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: 66M Assoc Factor: Other Proceeding Straight Sobriety: HBD Not Under InfluVeh Type: EASTDriverParty 1 2012TOYOTA COROLLA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep 22-05100 8/5/2022 16:25 Friday Broadside Other Motor Vehicle TAMARACK AV - JAMES DR Improper Turning 223'Direction: EAST Complaint of Pain # Inj: 1 # Killed: 022103Hit & Run: No Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: 36F Assoc Factor: None Apparent Making U Turn Sobriety: HNBDVeh Type: WESTDriverParty 1 2015NISSAN PATHFINDER Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Cell Phone Not In UseLap/Shoulder Harness Used Age: 29M Assoc Factor: None Apparent Proceeding Straight Sobriety: HNBDVeh Type: WESTDriverParty 2 2013TOYOTA COROLLA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Exhibit 2 April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 11 of 13 TAMARACK AV from JAMES DR to PARK DR Page 2 of 2 Segment Length: 0.23 miles (1,230') Collisions per mile: 21.46 Settings for Query: Segment: TAMARACK AV between JAMES DR and PARK DR Include Intersection Related at Limit 1 (JAMES DR): True Include Intersection Related at Limit 2 (PARK DR): True Include Intersection Related at Intermediate Intersections: True Sorted By: Date and Time April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 12 of 13 Collision Summary Report City of Carlsbad Public Works Department/Traffic & Mobility Division 3/14/23 From 1/1/2018 to 2/28/2023 Total Collisions: 0 Injury Collisions: 0 Fatal Collisions: 0 TAMARACK AV & VALLEY ST Page 1 of 1 Settings for Query: Street: TAMARACK AV Cross Street: VALLEY ST Intersection Related: True Sorted By: Date and Time Exhibit 3 April 3, 2023 Item #2 Page 13 of 13 From:Julene Hoffman To:Traffic Subject:Valley/Tamarack light Date:Wednesday, March 29, 2023 7:39:12 PM Hi, There is some confusion when making a left turn onto Tamarack Ave. when the lights are flashing red on Valley St. There is a clear sign that you cannot turn right, however it is unclear if you can make a LEFT turn onto Tamarack (heading east) when the lights are flashing and cars are stopped. Some people just go and others wait until the lights stop and traffic begins flowing again (and continue to wait until it is clear to go). Just looking for some clarity. :) Thank you, JH CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:dana wing To:Traffic Subject:New "Pedestrian Crosswalk Signal" on Tamarack Ave. I think it is "Working Very Well" ! I have not seen even one car disobey this signal. I think it is a "Very Valuble Addition" to the "Tamarack Ave." Traffic Control" project. Date:Wednesday, March 29, 2023 10:24:05 AM                                                                                                      Dana Wing                                                                                                     1740 Tamarack Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008                                                                                                     '23' year Resident !!! CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:elissa lightner To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and a valley pedestrian signal feedback Date:Wednesday, March 29, 2023 10:09:19 AM I am a current resident in Olde Carlsbad and have a few concerns about the new pedestrian traffic signal placed on Valley and Tamarack. First, because this signal is placed on a blind corner, I have observed most cars do not see the signal when it is on and keep going through it. Also, the signal is a HUGE eye sore for the neighborhood and I bet the surrounding homes are not happy with how big it is and how it hasn’t improved traffic or safety , they must be beyond frustrated. The surrounding homes have probably gone down in value based off the looks of the signal. My question is, what does it have to be so big and why didn’t the city place a normal pedestrian crossing signal like the on on Monroe Street? I hope the city can change this signal to one like the one on Monroe street and get rid of the huge eye sore that hasn’t been working. Elissa Edwards CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Catherine Zanuccoli To:Traffic Subject:Tamarack and Valley Pedestrian Signal Input Date:Wednesday, March 29, 2023 7:10:11 PM Hi, I was asked to provide input for the Tamarack and Valley pedestrian signal. To put it bluntly, it is one of the strangest things I have ever seen money spent. I have lived and traveled all over the world. Some of the places I have lived in are NYC, New Jersey, Texas, the Caribbean, Bermuda, and Paris. And, before moving to Carlsbad, I lived in Irvine. I have never seen a hybrid pedestrian signal before. And, that’s really saying something after residing in so many places. It is confusing to see blinking yellow and blinking red. And, it never turns green! During school drop off and pick up, anyone who is on Valley wishing to make a left onto Tamarack, can rest assured that they will suffer an excruciatingly long wait. Traffic signals are supposed to clearly communicate safe crossing with some degrees of efficiency. Sadly, this hybrid does not. Thank you for your time, Catherine CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Lindy Pham, Associate Engineer Miriam Jim, Senior Engineer April 3, 2023 Evaluation of Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street Pedestrian Signal Project RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive an informational report on the evaluation of the pedestrian hybrid signal operation at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL BACKGROUND Residents and parents have long expressed concerns about pedestrian safety at Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street.Project Location Valley Middle North County Academy Magnolia Elementary ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL BACKGROUND Increased enforcement New crossing guard Rectangular rapid flashing beacons Speed feedback signs ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL PROJECT TIMELINE JUNE 2019 City Council directed staff to consider options to address safety concerns SEPT 2019 City Council approved the proposed concept for curb extensions and a pedestrian hybrid signal JAN 2020 Traffic & Mobility Commission received presentation on the proposed safety improvement project JULY 2020 City Council approved project plans for the proposed safety improvements BEFORE JUNE 2019 Staff explored feasibility of stop sign at intersection JUNE 2019 Traffic & Mobility Commission supported staff recommendation to explore other options instead of stop sign ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL PROJECT TIMELINE APRIL 2021 City Council awarded construction contract SEPT. 2022 Pedestrian hybrid signal was activated SUMMER/FALL 2022 Residents expressed concerns about size and safety of the new pedestrian hybrid signal JULY 2022 Traffic & Mobility Commission asked staff to evaluate signal’s performance ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Blank-out signs to restrict right-turn from Valley St after pedestrian hybrid signal is activated ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL PUBLIC OUTREACH ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL ENFORCEMENT 10 ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL EDUCATION ITEM 2 11 Pedestrian Hybrid Signal EVALUATION •Observation of compliance •Feedback from residents, crossing guard and school •Collision history •Speed data •Truck turn with new curb extensions ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL OBSERVATION OF COMPLIANCE 4 days in Feb. 2023 209 total crossing events 1,463 pedestrians crossed New signal was used to cross ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL OBSERVATION OF COMPLIANCE 4 days in Feb. 2023 209 total crossing events 86% drivers complied (weekdays) 73% drivers complied (weekends) 2 right-of-way encroachments ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL OBSERVATION OF COMPLIANCE Weekdays Weekend No. of crossings with signal activation 163 15 No. of vehicle(s) stopped at red light 141 11 No. of events with vehicle(s) entering on red light 22 4 Percent of vehicle compliance 86%73% No. of pedestrian right-of-way encroachments 2 0 ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL FEEDBACK –RESIDENTS AND PARENTS •Concerns about vehicles running red lights immediately after signal activation •Vehicle compliance has been improved with police enforcement and public outreach effort •Residents and parents expressed gratitude for the safety improvement at the crosswalk ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL FEEDBACK –CROSSING GUARD •Pedestrian hybrid signal supports crossing guard’s job •Children sometimes need assistance crossing both Valley St. and Tamarack Ave. at the same time •The signal allows children to cross Tamarack Ave. while crossing guard helps other children cross Valley St. ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL FEEDBACK –SCHOOL PRINCIPALS •Received questions and concerns in the initial weeks after signal was activated •No questions or concerns received since the initial weeks •Observed some traffic back-up on Tamarack east of Valley when a large number of pedestrians were crossing the street ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL COLLISION HISTORY Jan. 2018 –Feb. 2023 Sept. 2022 –Feb. 2023 Total collisions 5 0 Collisions at Tamarack and Valley 0 0 Collisions involving pedestrians 0 0 James Drive to Park Drive ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL VEHICLE TURN WITH NEW CURB EXTENSIONS ITEM 2 SPEEDS REDUCED BEFORE AFTER Eastbound 35.8 mph 35.2 mph Westbound 28.4 mph 28.0 mph ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL SPEED DATA Ped. Signal In Operation 35.8 MPH 35.2 MPH Ped. Signal In Operation 28.4 MPH 28 MPH ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL CONCLUSION •Signal has been effective and is operating as intended •No injury collisions reported •Drivers have adapted to its use •Some backup of traffic during times of high pedestrian use •Continued concerns from immediate neighbors ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL NEXT STEPS •Staff will continue to monitor the pedestrian hybrid signal operation •Begin public outreach effort later this summer on the Tamarack Transformative Corridor project ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL RECOMMENDED ACTIONS •Receive an informational report on the evaluation of the pedestrian hybrid signal operation at Tamarack Ave and Valley St intersection ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL THANK YOU! ITEM 2: PEDESTRIAN HYBRID SIGNAL