HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-23; City Council; ; Approval to Execute Amendments to the Master Service Agreement and Purchase the Renewal of Hosting Services and Professional Services with Velocity Technology Solutions,CA Review CKM  Meeting Date: June 23, 2020  To: Mayor and City Council  From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager   Staff Contact: Rachel Muller, Acting Information Technology Applications Manager  Rachel.Muller@carlsbadca.gov, 760‐268‐4746     Maria Callander, Information Technology Director  Maria.Callander@carlsbadca.gov,760‐602‐2454  Subject: Approval to Execute Amendments to the Master Service Agreement and  Purchase the Renewal of Hosting Services and Professional Services with  Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc. for the Lawson Human Capital  Management System software in an amount not to exceed $747,029 for  a term ending June 30, 2022.  Recommended Action  Adopt a resolution authorizing the city manager to execute amendments to the master service  agreement with Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc. for hosting services and professional  services for the Lawson Human Capital System software in an amount not to exceed $747,029  for a term ending June 30, 2022.  Executive Summary  Staff is recommending that the City Council authorize the city manager to execute amendments  to the existing agreement with Velocity Technology Solutions Inc. to extend the hosting services  and to include professional services for the implementation of employee self‐service  automation.  The city has contracted with Velocity to host the Lawson Human Capital Management system  software since 2010. The proposed hosting solution includes application management with  hosting support of the Lawson applications. Extending these services will provide economies by  maintaining hosting services for the Lawson infrastructure, while Velocity will provide expertise  and specialized managed services to support the HCM system.   The City Council’s approval is required under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.060,  because the agreement will cost the city more than $100,000 per agreement year.  June 23, 2020 Item #5 Page 1 of 10   Discussion  Velocity hosts our Lawson human resources, benefits and payroll applications. The current  agreement with Velocity contains an automatic renewal provision, which extended the  agreement to June 30, 2021. The amendments remove the autorenewal provision, extend the  agreement’s hosting services through June 30, 2022, and allow for two subsequent one‐year  extensions of the hosting services.  The amendments also include additional professional  services to implement ESS automation.      Payments under the amendments will be made annually starting with the amount of $357,936  (increased annually by 5%) for the hosting services with an additional $13,260 for the ESS  Automation services, for a total of $747,029 for the term ending June 30, 2022.  The optional  two one‐year extensions, if needed, would increase the total to $1,556,008 through June 30,  2024. If the two one‐year extensions are needed, staff will bring them back for City Council  approval in the appropriate fiscal year.    The amendments are required to provide the operation of all the HCM system applications –  HR, Payroll and ESS.    The existing agreement covers:   All hardware, operating system, and database licenses and maintenance along with  infrastructure support for the Lawson HCM application  Full functional and technical support to the city’s HCM system and processes   Extended support, to include existing interfaces and Lawson Business Intelligence  reports.   Around the clock, seven‐day‐a week coverage    The amendments would allow the city to add applications and services, including digital  security improvements, new Microsoft features, workplace and tax applications and increased  employee self‐service capabilities.     Fiscal Analysis  With the amendments, the cost of the agreement will be $747,029 through June 30, 2022.   Funding for the cost of the agreement through June 30, 2021, is $371,196 and is included in the  Information Technology Department’s fiscal year 2019‐20 operating budget. Future years’  funding will be requested during each fiscal year’s budget process. The fy 2020‐21 budget  request is included in the proposed city budget for fy 2020‐21.     June 23, 2020 Item #5 Page 2 of 10         Next Steps  With the City Council’s approval, staff will execute the agreement documents with Velocity  Technology Solutions, Inc.    Environmental Evaluation (CEQA)  This action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental  Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to  cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect  physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review.  Public Notification  Public notice of this item was posted in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was  available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date.    Exhibit  1. City Council resolution   Amendment & Possible Possible Possible Extension Extension Extension Agreement Description FY 2020‐21 FY 2021‐22 Total FY 2022‐23 FY 2023‐24 Total Application Service Fees 350,652$        368,184$        718,836$        386,594$        405,923$        1,511,353$      Infor ADFS 7,284               7,648               14,932             8,031               8,432               31,395              ESS Automation 13,260             ‐                   13,260             ‐                   ‐                   13,260              Total 371,196$        375,833$        747,029$        394,624$        414,356$        1,556,008$      Total for Initial Extension Agreement to June 30, 2022 747,029$         Total for Initial Extension with Possible Two One‐year Extensions Through June 30, 2024 1,556,008$      June 23, 2020 Item #5 Page 3 of 10 June 23, 2020 Item #5 Page 4 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-124 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENTS TO THE MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH VELOCITY TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. FOR HOSTING SERVICES AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE LAWSON HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (HCMS) SOFTWARE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $747,029 FOR A TERM ENDING JUNE 30, 2022. Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the most effective way to operate and support the Lawson Human Capital Management Systems (HCMS) is through the use of a hosted solution; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad currently contracts with Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc. (Velocity) for HCMS hosting services; and WHEREAS, the current HCMS software (Version 10) is required to have annual support; and WHEREAS, the current agreement with Velocity has auto-renewed to June 30, 2021; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments eliminate the autorenewal provision, add professional services for ESS automation, extend the agreement term to June 30, 2022, and allow for two optional one-year extensions of the agreement term; and WHEREAS, the two one-year extensions, if needed, will be brought to the City Council for approval and funding. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: Ill Ill 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the amendments, specifically Amendment 1 to Service Description No. 004 (Attachment A) and Professional Service Description 010 -ESS User Automation (Attachment A.l), are approved and the city manager is authorized to execute them on behalf of the City. June 23, 2020 Item #5 Page 5 of 10 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 23rd day of June, 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor June 23, 2020 Item #5 Page 6 of 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 915AC4A9-7082-4E13-8B0B-FE7CA071B8E7 Vel(•)city ATTACHMENT A Amendment 001 to Service Description No. 004 This Amendment No. 001 is entered into as of the date last signed by a party hereto, and made a part of Service Description No. 004 ("SD#4") dated January 25, 2017, and the Master Agreement for Velocity Services, including (1) the Addendum to the Master Service Agreement for Application Management and Hosting Services, (2) the Addendum to the Master Service Agreement for Consulting Services and (3) Rider to the Master Agreement, all dated as of February 16, 2010 (collectively the "Agreement") by and between Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc. ("we", "us", "our" or "Velocity"), and City of Carlsbad ("Customer"). The parties hereby amend the above referenced SD#4 as follows, all effective July 1, 2020: I. The paragraph below the first table in Section I of Attachment 00 I to SD#4 is deleted replaced in its entirety to read as follows: The Additional Applications consist of: lnfor ADFS ($607.00), Microsoft Add-ins ($350.00), lnfor Process Automation ($1,117.00), Design Studio ($195.00), Lawson Business Intelligence (2 core) ($1,450.00), lnfor Workplace Standard (incl SharePoint) ($650.00), BSI TaxFactory ($695.00), Disaster Recovery (48 hour RTO, 24 hour RPO) (incl.), LDAP Bind (incl.) and VCAMP Base License Fee ($2,524.21) (the "VCAMP Base License Fee"). The VCAMP Base License Fee is included in the current monthly Application Service Fee hereunder. 2. The following paragraph in Section 4 Term of SD#4 is deleted and replaced in its entirety to read as follows: The term of SD#4 shall begin on January 25, 2017 and shall expire on June 30, 2022 (the "Service Description Term"), unless terminated earlier or extended in accordance with SD#4 or the Agreement. Notwithstanding Section 4 of SD#4, the Services under SD#4 and Attachment 001 shall end on June 30, 2022; however, the parties may, upon mutual written consent, renew SD#4 for two (2), one (I) year renewal terms (each a "Renewal Tenn"). Thereafter, SD#4 may only be renewed by mutual written consent of the Parties and, notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in the event that either Party gives the other Party a written notice of non-renewal as provided in the Agreement, Velocity will not thereafter be obligated to provide Customer with Upgrades as provided in Section l .H. 3. Effective July l, 2020, the minimum Application Service Fee set forth in Section 2 of Attachment 001 to SD#4, as currently in effect, is increased by seven thousand two hundred eighty-four dollars ($7,284.00) per year, payable yearly in advance for an annual aggregate Application Service Fee of three hundred fifty-seven thousand nine hundred thirty-five dollars and eighty-eight cents ($357,935.88). 4. Terms bearing initial capital letters not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the terms of the Agreement, and its Service Descriptions and Attachments, all remain in full force and effect. In the event of any conflict, the terms of this Amendment No. 001 shall control over any contrary provision of the Agreement, its Service Descriptions or Attachments with regard to the subject matter set forth herein. H s caused its authorized representative to execute this Amendment No. 001 as of the date set forth above: CI By: Name (type or print) Date June 23, 2020 VELOCITY TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. 1 By: James Mcinnes James Mcinnes Name (type or print) coo Title 17 June 2020 Date Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Information Form 2015-07-13 DocuSlgn CTR#007262 Item #5 Page 6 of 10 June 23, 2020 Item #5 Page 7 of 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 915AC4A9-7082-4E13-8B0B-FE7CA071 B8E7 Professional Service Description 010 ESS User Automation Prepared for: City of Carlsbad By: Jim Hayek June 23, 2020 ATTACHMENT A.l Ve/@city June 23, 2020 Item #5 Page 8 of 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 915AC4A9-7082-4E13-8808-FE7CA07188E7 Vel@city Overview This Professional Service Description O IO ("Service Description") is entered into by Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc. ("Velocity"), and City of Carlsbad ("Customer") effective June 23, 2020 (the "Effective Date") under the terms of the Master Agreement for Velocity Services, including (I) the Addendum to the Master Agreement for Application Management and Hosting Services, (2) the Addendum to the Master Agreement for Consulting Services, and (3) the Rider to the Master Agreement, all dated effective February 16, 2010 (the "Agreement") to document the Services Velocity will provide under the Agreement. Project Scope Velocity wiJI provide functional and technical consulting services to assist Customer with its Infor Lawson ("Lawson") software and associated applications. Specifically, Velocity will: · · • Build IPA flow to create new ESS users and to assign proper security access; • Velocity will meet with Customer's project team to review the requirements and approach and to set the project milestones. Velocity will document the milestones and present to the Customer for approval; • Once the milestones have been approved, Velocity will create the design document and submit it to the Customer for approval; • Once approved, Velocity will begin the work on IPA flow to meet the requirements of the design document. Velocity will perform an initial 'QA' of the flow in the 'DEV' environment, before making it available to the Customer for testing; • Velocity resources wilJ be available during Customer testing to address issues as they are identified; • Velocity will make adjustments and corrections as necessary, post training and then resubmit to the Customer for validation; • Once fully tested, Velocity will provide the promotion details to the Customer. The Customer will submit a new request to promote the IP A flow to production; • Velocity will be available to assist with any issues once the flow has been promoted; • At the end of two weeks, the flow will be transitioned to Velocity support and the project will be completed; • Provide Project Management. Project Assumptions: • Velocity will perform this work remotely; • Velocity will perform this work in the 'DEV' environment; • Velocity will be using a Customer supplied 'ProcessFlow' as the base for this project; • Velocity wiH base its development on the approved design document. Any changes to that design may result in a Change Order; • Customer will request a data refresh from 'PROD' to 'DEV' if necessary to have current data for testing; • Customer wiU be responsible for providing resources for data validation and testing; • Customer will provide timely responses to requests and approvals; • Customer agrees t,o adhere to the dates set forth in the milestones once defined. Note: Velocity will require a minimum of.two (2) weeks from the date the Service Description is executed to secure resources for this effort. Customer and Velocity subject matter experts will collaborate dw·ing the design phase of the project to develop a comprehensive functional and technical specification and detailed project plan. The Velocity Project Manager assigned will review the detailed specifications and the project plan with Customer. Customer and Velocity will indicate agreement on the detailed project plan and program specifications prior to materially beginning efforts. Such agreement is to be confirmed by the parties through email or other written means. 2 Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc. Services Descriplion Proplietary and Confidential Information Form 2018-09-07 -DocuSlgn CTR#007192 June 23, 2020 Item #5 Page 9 of 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 915AC4A9-7082-4E13-8B0B-FE7CA071B8E7 Vel@city Project Schedule The Services shall start on or about July 1, 2020 and are scheduled to be completed on or about Sept I, 2020 (the "Project Period"). Customer Responsibilities Customer will provide suitable system access for Velocity personnel performing the Services. Customer will make appropriate staff resources available during the course of the Services. Estimated Effort Estimates are provided by task: Functional Support Technical Support Project Management Total Standard Rates By Role Project Task Hours 2.50 56.50 9.00 68.00 The following table defines project roles that Velocity offers during the course of an engagement. Services ar.e provided by Velocity on a time and materials basis at the applicable "Hourly Rate" specified in the table below for each role. Such charges ("Service Charges") apply for all hours worked. Velocity may adjust the Hourly Rate to its then current rate on or after January 1 of each year. NOTE ON RATES: Hours worked by a single consultant in excess often (I 0) in a day at the request of the Customer are charged at the Hourly Rate shown above plus a premium of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour. Hours worked on holidays and weekends at the request of the Customer are charged at the hourly rate plus a premium of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour. Out of town travel time is charged at seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per hour with a maximum of four ( 4) hours for each one-way leg of a trip. Expenses Customer shall reimburse Velocity for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred by it in performing the Services m accordance with the Agreement. Estimated Charges The estimate to implement the Services provided in this Service Description is sixty-eight (68) hours or thirteen thousand two hundred sixty dollars ($13,260.00). Estimates are for guidance but do not alter the application of Service Charges at the Hourly Rate for all hours actually worked and any hours above the Estimated Effort shall be charged at the applicable hourly rate. Payment of Service Charges Service Charges at the Hourly Rate for all hours worked in providing the Services shall be paid by Customer in accordance with the Agreement. 3 Velocity Technology Solutions. Inc. Services Description Proprietary and Confidential Information Form 2018-09-07 -DocuSign CTR#007192 June 23, 2020 Item #5 Page 10 of 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 915AC4A9-7082-4E13-8B0B-FE7CA071B8E7 Vel<it)cit;y Change Management In the event that Customer requests Services that are not defined or authorized in the scope of this Service Description, the Velocity Engagement Manager will develop a Service Description Amendment to identify the requested Services and the impact of this change. A Service Description Amendment will become effective only when signed by both parties. In certain circumstances, a separate Service Description for the expansion of Services will be required. Project Sign Off Upon completion of Customer validation of Customer's instance of the Applications, the Customer Executive Sponsor will confinn Customer acceptance of the Services by signing a Project Acceptance Letter ("Project Sign Off'). Project Sign Off represents completion of the Project Period and the Services. In the event a Project Acceptance Letter is not signed, Project Signoffwill be deemed to have occurred on the date which is five (5) business days from completion of Customer's validation of Customer's instance of the Applications. Relation to Agreement This Service Description is incorporated into and governed by the Agreement. The provisions of this Service Description shall control over any inconsistent terms of the Agreement. Tenns bearing initial capital letters not otherwise defined in this Service Description have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Service Description by their duly authorized representatives as of the date set forth above. VELOCITY TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. By: James Mcinnes Name (type or print) ~,v MA..u.lroll Name (type or print) coo Title Date June 23, 2020 Title 17 June 2020 Date 4 Velocity Te<:hr,cjogy Solutions. Inc. Services Desa!ption Propriet81}' and Confidertlal Information Form 2018-09--07 -DocuSlgn CTR#007192 Item #5 Page 10 of 10 5. Extension of Hosting Agreement with Velocity for HCMS Maria Callander, IT Director Rachel Muller, Project Manager June 23, 2020 Background •Velocity hosts our human resources, benefits and payroll applications •Original agreement approved by council in 2010 •Amendments to extend in 2015 and 2017 •Current agreement has an automatic renewal provision which extended to June of 2021 2 Velocity Hosting Services •All hardware, operating systems and licensing •Functional and technical support •Backup and recovery services •Interfaces to other city systems 3 Proposed Amendments •Extends hosting agreement through FY 2021-22 •Removes auto-renewal provision •Allows for two 1-year extensions if needed •Adds new user security technology (ADFS) •Adds professional services to automate user provisioning (ESS Automation) 4 Fiscal Analysis FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 Total Hosting $ 350,652 $ 368,184 $ 718,836 Infor ADFS 7,284 7,648 14,932 User Provisioning 13,260 -13,260 Total $ 371,196 $ 375,833 $747,029 5 Fiscal Analysis 6 FY 2020-22 Possible Extension 2022-23 Possible Extension 2023-24 Possible Agreement Total Hosting $ 718,836 $ 386,594 $405,923 $ 1,511,353 Infor ADFS 14,932 8,031 8,432 31,395 User provisioning 13,260 --13,260 Total $ 747,029 $ 396,624 $ 414,356 $ 1,556,008 Recommended Action •Adopt a resolution authorizing the city manager to execute amendments with Velocity for hosting and professional services for the Lawson Human Capital Management System software in an amount not to exceed $747,029 for a term ending June 30, 2022 7 Thank you 8