HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-23; City Council; ; Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program, the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Appropriation Limit and Revision of Fees and Charges for SerCA Review CKM  Meeting Date: June 23, 2020  To: Mayor and City Council  From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager   Staff Contact: Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services  laura.rocha@carlsbadca.gov, 760‐602‐2415  Roxanne Muhlmeister, Finance Manager  roxanne.muhlmeister@carlsbadca.gov, 760‐602‐2417  Subject: Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2020‐21 Operating Budget and Capital  Improvement Program, the Fiscal Year 2020‐21 Appropriation Limit and  Revision of Fees and Charges for Services  Recommended Action  The following actions are recommended to be taken by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad,  the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the City of Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City  of Carlsbad Community Development Commission and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad  as the Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency for final adoption of their  respective fiscal year 2020‐21 operating and capital improvement program budgets:  Hold a public hearing on the fy 2020‐21 operating budgets and fy 2020‐21 to 2034‐35 Capital Improvement Program for the City of Carlsbad, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Public Financing Authority, the Community Development Commission and the City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, adopting the final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for fy 2020‐21 for the City of Carlsbad and establishing controls on changes in appropriations for budget funds Adopt a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District adopting the water district’s final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for fy 2020‐21 and establishing controls on changes in appropriations for budget funds Adopt a resolution of the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad adopting the final Operating Budget of the Carlsbad Housing Authority for fy 2020‐21 and establishing controls on changes in appropriations for budget funds Adopt a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority adopting the final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program of The Crossings at Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course for fy 2020‐21 and establishing controls on changes in appropriations for budget funds June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 1 of 124 e . . . JOINT MEETING oftll/4' CttyC<>11n I, CnrlJJ.,nd \t,111/ 'I I l\'nr,-r I) rid. Pu/,/;. 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Carlsbad’s share of the fy 2020‐21 Operating and Capital Budgets of the Encina Wastewater  Authority     Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad determining that the fy 2020‐ 21 Capital Improvement Program Budget is consistent with the city’s General Plan and  Climate Action Plan.    Executive Summary   The budget for fiscal year 2020‐21 was developed around maintaining the city’s fiscal health  while supporting economic recovery, with a focus on resiliency over the long‐term during this  time of economic uncertainty caused by the COVID‐19 health pandemic and the resulting state  stay‐at‐home order.  The City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program reflects the city’s ongoing commitment to  maintaining the highest standards of quality facilities for our community, both today and in the  future. It is a planning document, not a commitment for future spending. The 15‐year program  outlines the expenditure plan for future capital projects and the corresponding revenues to pay  for those expenditures.  Discussion    Overview  The annual budget is the most significant expression of how City Council policies are translated  into daily operations. The City Council sets the overall policy direction for Carlsbad and helps  staff prioritize programs, projects and services to support that direction.   City Council goal‐setting has historically been an opportunity to clarify city policy priorities and  inform how resources are allocated in the city budget. Since the fall 2019 goal‐setting process  was postponed because of a City Council vacancy, staff held a workshop on Jan. 21, 2020, with  the City Council to discuss priorities. Staff checked in again with the City Council at the meeting  on April 14, 2020, and the City Council approved the following three priorities as areas of focus  for the upcoming fiscal year: economic revitalization, housing and homelessness, and mobility.  June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 2 of 124 Maintaining good fiscal health remains a significant priority. Meeting this objective preserves  the city’s ability to continue providing important programs and services to the community. The  following budget principles and fiscal recovery priorities help guide the city’s evolution through  uncertain times, supporting economic recovery through changes to our policies and programs  where applicable, focusing on resiliency over the long‐term by using temporary solutions to  bridge revenue losses expected in the short‐term and seeking new ways to conduct work  through efficiencies and new platforms or service models.  The fy 2020‐21 Operating Budget totals $292.5 million citywide, which represents an increase  of $500,000, or 0.2 percent, as compared to the fy 2019‐20 adopted budget. Operating  revenues are estimated at $287.4 million, which is a decrease of $1.4 million, over the current  year’s adopted budget.  The recommended General Fund Operating Budget is $163.6 million, with estimated revenues  of $164.8 million. The chart below shows the adopted fy 2019‐20 General Fund budget as well  as the forecast for fy 2019‐20 and fy 2020‐21 as of Jan. 2020 and the updated forecast as of  May 2020. The differences between the two forecasts shows the effect of the COVID‐19  pandemic and the resulting stay‐at‐home order on the city’s finances.  General Fund estimated revenues  General Fund revenues provide a representative picture of the local economy. These revenues  are of particular interest as they pay for basic city services, such as police, fire, library and  cultural arts, street and park maintenance and recreation programs. The table below provides a  summarized outlook for the major General Fund revenues.   Adopted Budget Projected Budgeted Projected Budgeted 2019‐20 2019‐20 2020‐21 2019‐20 2020‐21 Total Revenues 170.6$     175.4$    180.8$    164.2$       164.8$        Expenditure Base for Personnel,  Services & Programs 154.2    152.5  157.4  146.2   154.7    Revenues Over Base Expenditures 16.4  22.9    23.4    18.0  10.1   City Council Contingency, Capital  Outlay & Transfers 13.0  14.8    14.2    13.6  8.9     Total Expenditures 167.2    167.3  171.6  159.8    163.6     Revenues Over Total Expenditures 3.4$      8.1$    9.2$    4.4$        1.2$         Forecast as of May 2020Forecast as of Jan. 2020 General Fund Forecast Fiscal Year 2020‐21 (in millions) June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 3 of 124       Until the COVID‐19 pandemic, General Fund revenues were on pace to have their best year  ever. However, the impacts of the COVID‐19 have drastically impacted the revenue from sales  tax, transient occupancy tax and income from property and investments, as well as from other  sources. The stay‐at‐home order imposed by California Governor Gavin Newsom essentially  shut down a majority of Carlsbad’s retail establishments, dine‐in restaurants and hotels.  Although these public health restrictions are slowly being lessened, a sense of normalcy is not  expected until there is a vaccine for the virus, which may not occur for six to eighteen months.  Even through this pandemic, property tax revenues are expected to weather the storm without  much of a hit, although the city does expect a small increase in delinquencies.  Just under 80% of General Fund revenues are derived from three sources: property tax, sales  tax, and transient occupancy tax, or TOT. Sales tax receipts and TOT revenues tend to be much  more sensitive to changes in economic conditions, unlike property tax revenues. Property taxes  remain relatively stable because of the mitigating effect of Proposition 13, which limits annual  growth in assessed values.   Property tax  Property tax, the largest source of General Fund revenues, is expected to grow by 2.5% in fy  2020‐ 21, as assessed values are expected to grow modestly. However, due to the recession  that has been created from the COVID‐19 crisis, the city is projecting that delinquent property  taxes will increase by 2%.  Sales tax  Sales tax revenues generally move in step with economic conditions and have heavily impacted  by the stay‐at‐home order and the recession created by the COVID‐19 pandemic. Until fy 2019‐ 20, sales tax revenues had improved markedly, peaking in fy 2018‐19 at $40.8 million. However,  on March 19, 2020, the governor issued a stay‐at‐home order for the State of California,  shutting down retail establishments, dine‐in restaurants and non‐essential businesses. Then, on  March 31, 2020, the governor issued an executive order granting a three‐month extension for  small businesses to file their quarterly sales tax returns. This will delay sales tax revenues for  the city by up to one calendar year. Because of effects of the stay‐at‐home order, the ensuing  June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 4 of 124 Property Tax Sales Tax Transient Occupancy Tax Franchise Taxes Business License Tax Development Revenues All Other Revenue Total GENERAL FUND REVENUES (In Millions) Estimated Budgeted 2019-20 2020-21 $ 72.4 $ 74.2 37.2 36.3 17.9 18.5 5.8 5.5 5.1 5.0 3.0 2.6 22.8 22.7 $ 164.3 $ 164.8 $ % Change Change $ 1.8 2.5% (0.8) -2 .2% 0.5 2.9% (0.3) -5 .2% (0.1) -1.6% (0.5) -15.5% (0.1) -0.4% $ 0.5 0.3% projected recession and the tax relief given to small businesses, it’s projected that sales tax  revenues for fy 2019‐20 will decrease by 9% over the revenue received in fy 2018‐19.  The city is projecting that the stay‐at‐home order will be partially lifted some time during the  month of June 2020, but the national economy will still be in a recession. Without the public  health order impacting sales tax revenues, and with small businesses beginning to pay their  deferred sales taxes to the state, sales tax revenue for fy 2020‐21 is expected to decrease by  2.2% to $36.3 million. This is still below the sales tax peak of $40.8 million in fiscal year 2018‐19.  Some of the decrease in sales tax revenues will be partially offset by an increase in internet  sales revenue generated from Assembly Bill 147 or the Wayfair law, which went into effect in  October 2019.1  Transient occupancy tax  The third highest General Fund revenue source is TOT, or hotel tax. TOT is forecasted to  decrease by 30% in fy 2020‐21 when compared to fy 2018‐19 actuals. This downward trend  began in fy 2019‐20, due to the impacts of COVID‐19 on Carlsbad’s tourism industry. Many  hotels have had to shut down during this time; however, it is anticipated that hotels will slowly  begin to recover in fy 2020‐21. The recessionary impacts on tourism are expected to last at  least for the next 18 months. The assumptions used in budgeting TOT for fy 2020‐21 include:  Occupancy rates between 45%‐50% for the summer of 2020 Occupancy rates between 50%‐60% from fall 2020 to spring of 2021 Occupancy rates between 60%‐70% during spring break 2021 Average daily rates to initially decrease by 30% Average daily rates improving to a 20% decrease by the end of fiscal year 2020‐21 General Fund budgeted expenditures  The General Fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that fund basic core city services.  The table below provides a summary of General Fund expenditures by type.  1AB 147 imposed the obligation to pay sales taxes on businesses outside California that deliver more than  $500,000 in sales for delivery in the state. It followed the 2018 U.S. Supreme Court decision in South Dakota v.  Wayfair, Inc., in which the court upheld the South Dakota law requiring out‐of‐state sellers without physical  presences in the state to collect sales tax on all sales in the state depending on how much business they do in the  state.  June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 5 of 124 GENERAL FUND SU MM ARY By Expenditure Type (In Millions) Budget Budget $ % 2019-20 2020-21 Change Change Personnel $ 101.4 $ 105.0 $ 3.7 3.6% Maintenance & Operations 53.8 51.2 (2.6) -4.8% Capital Outlay 0.6 0.4 (0.2) -30.4% Transfers 11.5 7.0 (4.5) -38.9% Total $ 167.1 $ 163.6 $ (3.6) -2.1%   Position changes   No new full or part‐time positions are proposed for the next fiscal year because of the current  environment caused by the COVID‐19 pandemic. The current city workforce consists of 747.75  permanent full‐ and three‐quarter time employees and 186.19 hourly, full‐time equivalent  positions.  Transfers to other funds and City Council contingency  The fy 2020‐21 Preliminary Operating Budget also includes the following General Fund transfers  to other funds:    $5.5 million, split between the Infrastructure Replacement Fund ($1 million) and the  General Capital Construction Fund ($4.5 million) for major new construction,  maintenance and/or replacement of city infrastructure and facilities. This represents 3%  of the General Fund revenues, which is a decrease from the 6% transfer that was  approved for fy 2019‐20. This percentage was reduced to minimize the impact to  personnel and maintenance and operations expenditure reductions in the General Fund  in response to the economic environment caused by the COVID‐19 pandemic. This  transfer percentage will be evaluated again during the next budget cycle.   $309,000 to the Stormwater Program for reimbursement for the General Fund portion  of stormwater expenses.   $700,000 to the Median Maintenance Special Revenue Fund to cover cash shortfalls,  because annual assessments collected from property owners do not cover annual  operating expenditures. Annual assessments can only be increased with a majority vote  of the property owners.    $500,000 to the Golf Course Enterprise Fund is budgeted and will be transferred if  additional cash is needed to cover current operating expenses of the golf course over  the next fiscal year. The golf course plans to phase in a compliant COVID‐19 response  operational plan in golf and food and beverage to allow revenues to reestablish.  Finally, the City Council contingency is budgeted at $1.5 million for fy 2020‐21, which is equal to  the fy 2019‐20 amount. This money is available to the City Council to cover the costs of  unanticipated emergencies or unforeseen program needs throughout the year.   Other funds   Enterprise fund revenues, including those from water, wastewater services and solid waste  management and the city’s golf course, are projected at $79.1 million, a $433,000, or 0.6  percent, increase over projected fy 2019‐20 revenues. The budgeted expenditures are  estimated at $83.5 million for fy 2020‐21, which is an increase of $907,000, or 1.1 percent, over  the fy 2019‐20 adopted budget. The Potable Water and Recycled Water Funds continue to  cover the cost of operating and maintaining critical infrastructure systems and provides for the  safe delivery of drinking water, conservation outreach and treated irrigation water. The  Wastewater Fund provides reliable wastewater collection services.   Revenues from special revenue funds are expected to total $13.7 million in fy 2020‐21, a  decrease of $1.9 million or 12% percent from fy 2019‐20 estimates. The types of programs  supported within special revenue funds are those funded by specific revenue streams such as  June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 6 of 124 federal grants (rental assistance and community development block grants), special fees and  assessments (affordable housing and maintenance assessment districts) and donations (library,  cultural arts, recreation and senior donations).  The most noteworthy changes in the special revenue funds occurred in the Affordable Housing  Fee Fund, which shows a decrease of $585,000 and the Agriculture Mitigation Fee Fund, which  shows a decrease of $240,000. Affordable housing fees and agriculture mitigation fees are  related to development and can fluctuate significantly from year‐to‐year. Revenues from grants  and donations also are expected to decline slightly. These donations are generally one‐time  revenues and tend to fluctuate from year‐to‐year.  Expenditures for special revenue funds, at $14.6 million, show a minor decrease of less than  one percent, or $104,000, when compared to fy 2019‐20. Spending in most programs is to  remain at similar or slightly lower levels over the prior year.  Expenditure increases of $100,000, or 30%, are planned in the Library Gifts & Bequest Fund for  books, materials and supplies to help supplement budget reductions in the Library & Cultural  Arts Department’s operating budget in the General Fund as a result of the COVID‐19 pandemic.   Similar expenditure increases are planned in the Police Asset Forfeiture Fund to pay for needed  police equipment. The budget in this fund has increased $316,000 or 236% when compared to  the prior fiscal year. A higher than normal revenue amount was received during fy 2019‐20,  which enables the increase in spending for the next fiscal year.  More information on all of the city’s projected revenues and operating budget  recommendations can be found in the attached exhibits.  Changes to the fy 2020‐21 Operating Budget from Preliminary to Final  The following changes were made to the operating budget since the preliminary budget was  presented to the City Council on June 2, 2020:  City Council Resolution No. 2020‐088 adopted on May 19, 2020, approved confined space hazard pay for sanitation system operators and wastewater utility workers. $40,400 in personnel expenses was added to the Wastewater Enterprise Fund to account for this change. An operating transfer of $40,000 from the Stormwater Enterprise Fund to the Fleet Replacement Internal Service Fund. This transfer was needed to facilitate a vehicle re‐ assignment from the Wastewater Enterprise Fund to the Stormwater Enterprise Fund. Capital Improvement Program  Carlsbad’s philosophy is to take a proactive, long‐range planning approach to building high  quality facilities and infrastructure that support the needs and priorities of the community.  Projects in the Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, are generally defined as any construction,  rehabilitation or replacement of major infrastructure such as streets, libraries, parks, fire  stations and administrative facilities, water, sewer and drainage facilities, and other facilities  that are located on or in the ground.   June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 7 of 124   The CIP is organized into the following classifications:    Planning: Studies, plans, reports or assessments that inform the development of future  capital improvement projects. Examples include feasibility studies, master plans and  asset condition assessments   Maintenance and operations: Assets identified in technical master plans or using other  asset management tools that require defined, multi‐year programs for maintenance and  operation. Examples include repair, refurbishment or rehabilitation, modifications,  improvements, monitoring, replacement and upgrades   Capital projects: Results in the creation of a fixed asset, or revitalization of a fixed asset  with total project costs of $200,000 or more (the City Council is the contract awarding  authority); projects are non‐recurring and have a useful life of at least five years    Regulatory and policy‐driven projects: legally required or mandated, complies with the  Growth Management Plan and/or the Climate Action Plan, defined projects to  implement policies, plans and goals adopted by the City Council   Community enhancements: new facilities, expansions, parks and trails, traffic signals  and coastal improvements    Project accounting: Tracking of capital improvements financing, including loans to other  funds, repayments and transfers, reconciliation and reimbursements  Estimated budget information is shown for a 15‐year period to provide the most  comprehensive information about known future projects. All future construction costs are  estimates and are reviewed and further refined each year.   As the city continues to grow and develop, there is a corresponding increase in the demand for  development‐related services and new facilities. To ensure that the necessary infrastructure  and facilities are built on a schedule that meets or exceeds this demand, the citizens of Carlsbad  adopted a Growth Management Plan in 1986. The Growth Management Plan states that unless  an adequate level of facilities is available to meet new demands resulting from the city’s  growth, development cannot proceed.  This plan is the foundation for making decisions about  the timing and prioritization of the capital projects under consideration.   Prudent financial planning has ensured ongoing funding to modernize, repair and replace  existing infrastructure projects through numerous asset management programs, which ensure  adequate inspection, maintenance, and replacement of buildings and parks, water, sewer and  drainage systems, bridges and roadways systems.  Development of the CIP is a team effort involving all operational departments, the City  Manager’s Office, the City Council and the community. Community feedback on infrastructure  needs is considered and incorporated as appropriate. Public health and safety, environmental  impacts, governing and policy documents, as well as regulatory requirements are considered.   The CIP is fully vetted at multiple levels of the city organization by appropriate staff using an  inclusive and transparent process, and reviewed on a quarterly basis.   June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 8 of 124 As the CIP is implemented throughout the year, staff continually re‐evaluate the scope, costs  and schedules of projects to responsibly and cost‐effectively manage infrastructure assets at  the required levels of service throughout their lifecycle. Recommendations for project funding  consider current project status, project scheduling and sequencing requirements, project  constraints and current staff capacity. Project charters are updated to include project  descriptions, locations, summaries of needs, justifications including any legislative or policy  citations, cost estimates and project scores.  Changes for fy 2020‐21  In anticipation of revenue decreases in some capital funding sources, staff recommended  funding adjustments in fy 2020‐21 that focused on matching existing resources with realistic  and achievable project schedules. New project requests were minimized, and the city remains  committed to continue work on projects that are already underway. Existing project balances  were evaluated to determine whether additional funding was needed or if the existing balances  were adequate. During this year’s evaluation, staff identified 16 projects that they recommend  be removed from the CIP. Projects were recommended for removal when the project needs  were either found to be addressed more effectively as part of other existing projects, or were  no longer needed based on current conditions. Previously allocated funding for cancelled  projects is returned to the original funding source. A list of projects recommended for removal   are detailed in Exhibit 3B‐2.  The fy 2020‐21 CIP outlines about $29.1 million in new appropriations to provide additional  funding for the continuation of existing projects as well as funding for new projects. The  attached budget exhibit provides a detailed list of every project in the 15‐year CIP, as well as  the estimated budget for each year. The following chart details appropriations by project type:  Percent Civic projects 15% $ 4,346,986 Parks 2%754,946 Drainage 2%465,077 Wastewater 36%10,379,874 Water 17%4,973,200 Streets/circulation 26%7,511,780 Other (loans) 2%690,000 Total 100% $ 29,121,863 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS  FY 2020‐21 apppropriations by type Total cost June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 9 of 124   CIP revenues   Projected revenues during the fy 2020‐21 are estimated at $34.5 million.  Revenues are  generated from six major funding sources:   1. Fees generated by development in Carlsbad   2. Special district fees and taxes, such as community facilities districts and bridge and  thoroughfare benefit districts  3. Water and wastewater replacement funds  4. Infrastructure replacement funds other than those for wastewater and water  5. General capital construction funds  6. Other sources, including grants, sales taxes and contributions from other agencies   While evaluating the availability of funding, every effort was made to fund projects using the  most restrictive funding source first. In addition to evaluating the availability of capital  construction funds, operating fund impacts were also considered.    Changes to the Capital Improvement Program from preliminary to final  There is one change made to the Capital Improvement Program since the preliminary budget  was presented to the City Council on June 2, 2020. An additional $1,205,000 in TransNet  funding was added to the College Boulevard Extension project for fy 2020‐21. These funds are  available from the city’s TransNet allocation and were included in the recent 2020 update to  the TransNet Program of Projects, which was approved by the City Council on June 2, 2020.    Climate Action Plan consistency  General Plan Sustainability Element Policy 9‐P.1 calls on the city to “enforce the Climate Action  Plan as the city’s strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” The plan recognizes the CIP as a  tool to help carry out that strategy as it relates to city facilities and operations. Exhibit 11A  describes how the various CIP projects relate to applicable Climate Action Plan measures and  actions.    Gann appropriations limit  In addition to adopting the Operating Budget, the City Council is asked to adopt the Gann  Appropriations Limit as required by Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. This limit creates  a restriction on the amount of revenue that can be appropriated for spending in any fiscal  year. The revenues which are subject to this limitation are those considered “proceeds of  taxes.” The basis for calculating the Gann limit began in fy 1978‐79 and is adjusted each year  based on population growth and inflation. The city’s spending limit for fy 2020‐21 is calculated  at $509 million and the calculation of the city’s spending projections subject to the limit is  $140.1 million, well below the legal limit for the coming fiscal year.    General fees, charges for services and development impact fees  Each year city staff evaluate and propose changes to fees and charges for services. Staff  conduct an annual review to ensure that the fees being charged do not exceed direct and  indirect costs of providing the service. A comprehensive cost of service study is prepared every  three to five years to update the calculation of the cost and confirm that fees and charges for  service do not exceed the updated cost.     June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 10 of 124 This comprehensive cost of service study on most general city fees and all development service  fees is currently underway. Staff presented the preliminary findings of the Cost of Service Study  to the City Council on December 10, 2019; and received direction on some additional  information the City Council wanted in the study before final fee recommendations could be  made to the City Council. The Cost of Service Study was created with data from the fy 2018‐19  adopted budget. To have the most updated financial information from the fy 2020‐21 adopted  budget, and to make allowances for the economic uncertainty created by COVID‐19, staff will  update the Cost of Service Study and return to the City Council with staff recommendations at a  later date.   In the interim, staff has reviewed the fee schedule and is recommending the changes as shown  in Exhibit 9A and 9B, and further discussed below. These changes are to fees not included in the  current fee study, such as ambulance fees, trash service fees and all development impact fees.  General city fees  These are fees or rentals charged for the use of city services and property. Depending on the  fee, these fees are increased annually by the increase in the annual West Urban Consumer Price  Index or the San Diego Consumer Price Index published by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics,  which reflects the cost of inflation. The one‐year change in the West Urban CPI is 2.9 percent  and the change in the San Diego CPI is 2.3 percent. Ambulance fees are included in general city  fees and are adjusted annually by the change in the Ambulance Inflation Factor, published by  the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. All other general city fees will be brought to the  City Council for its approval later this year once the cost of service study has been completed.  Development‐related service fees  These are fees charged to recover the cost of staff time and materials spent on development  related activities. The street light energizing fees are being increased based on the cost for  energizing each street light. Changes to all development‐related service fees will also be  brought to the City Council later this year once the Cost of Service Study has been completed.  Development impact fees  These fees are used to pay for infrastructure projects needed because of increased  development throughout the city. These fees will be increased by the index stated in the  respective resolution or ordinance establishing the fee, typically the Engineering News Record  Construction Cost Index. Details on these increases can be found in Exhibit 9A.  June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 11 of 124 Other fee changes for fy 2020‐21  In addition to the annual inflationary increases, the following fee changes are proposed for fy  2020‐21, for state compliance. These fees are not currently in the Master Fee Schedule, except  for the returned check fee, which is currently $25 for all returned checks.  June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 12 of 124 FEE CHANGES Fee FY2019-ZO FY20.ZO-Z1 tndex u,sed (date) Most Genera I Ciity and West Urban CPI O.evelopment Related Service Fees, 2.70% 2.90% One Year (1/2020) unless othe rwise noted Development Impact Fees: Planned Loca.l Drainage Area Fees and Los Angeles ENR License Tax on New Const ruction 1.20% 1.10% CCI One Year for Mobile Homes, Bridge & (1/2020) Thoroughfare District #2 ENR CCI On e Year All Other Development :Impact Fees 2.30% 1.60% (4/2020) 20 City Average ENR CCI Orie Year Bridge & Thoroughfare District #3 2.90% 2.60% (12/2019) 20 City Average Habitat Mitigat:ion Fee·s, Safety 2.60% 2.30% San Diego CP I Training Center Faci lity Renta l Fees (1/2020} Traffic Impact Fees -lncr,eas,e by annual ,change in Caltrans index or 12.61% 2.00% Ca ltrans CCI 2.0%, which ever is greater.. (12/2019) (Caltrans index for 20-21 is 0.43%) Am bu la nee Fees 2.30% 0.90% Ambula nce Inflatio n Fact or    Waste management fees  Trash collection rates are listed on the city’s Master Fee Schedule, but these fees are set by the  contracted service provider. The city currently has a contract for these services with Waste  Management. These fees are increased annually according to the contract and go into effect  July 1, 2020. Details on these increases can be found in Exhibit 9B.    Fee to be removed  The per‐unit fee for affordable housing credits in the Northwest Quadrant is no longer in use by  the city, so staff recommends this fee be removed from the fee schedule. (The fee was  $142,000 per unit. Fees for all units have been paid.)  Fiscal Analysis  The fiscal impact of the proposed budgets is detailed in the attached schedules.    Next Steps  Once adopted, the attached schedules and any adjustments made through an approved City  Council motion will become the spending plan for fy 2020‐21.  Environmental Evaluation (CEQA)  In keeping with Public Resources Code Section 21065, the action of adopting the prioritizing  and fund allocation program for the fy 2020‐21 Capital Improvement Plan does not constitute a  “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act  in that it has no  potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably  foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require  environmental review.  June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 13 of 124 CHANGES IN CHY FEES City Clerk fee changes Ca ndid ate fil l:i ng fee Notice of int ention to circulate petition filin g fee M iscellaneotis dty fee changes Returned check fee, pe r ch eck -first return e d check Returned check fee, each addit ional returned check Proposed fee (set by state) $200 $25 $35 No physical activity will occur until all required CEQA review is conducted at the time individual  projects listed in the CIP are undertaken. Attachment 11A describes each of the CIP project  activities and indicates the anticipated environmental review requirement of the project under  CEQA based on information available at this time. Most of the projects can be found  categorically exempt from CEQA review and will not be subject to any further environmental  analysis unless the scope of any project changes or additional information becomes available to  indicate that environmental review will be necessary.   Public Notification  Public meetings have been held throughout the fy 2020‐21 budget adoption process, including a  public workshop held in March 2019 and a staff presentation to City Council for the Operating  Budget and Capital Improvement Program held on May 21, 2019. The community was also invited  to participate in an online budget priority survey during March 2019. Notices on fee changes  were sent to the Building Industry Association and San Diego Gas & Electric.  The Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for fy 2020‐21 is on file with the city  clerk and on the city’s website. The Capital Improvement Program project details and interactive  map is also available to the public on the city’s website. Both documents can be found online at  https://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/finance/budget.asp.  Exhibits  1.Fiscal Year 2020‐21 Final Operating Budget Revenue and Expenditure Summaries 2.Fiscal Year 2020‐21 Capital Improvement Program Summary 3.Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, adopting the final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for fy 2020‐21 for the City of Carlsbad and establishing controls on changes in appropriations for the various funds 4.Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, adopting the water district final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for fy 2020‐21 5.Resolution of the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, adopting the final Operating Budget of the Housing Authority for fy 2020‐21 6.Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority adopting the Operating Budget of the Crossings at Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course for fy 2020‐21. 7.Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, acting as the successor agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, adopting the Operating Budget of the Carlsbad Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Funds for fy 2020‐21 8.Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, establishing the fy 2020‐21 appropriation limit as required by Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution and State law 9.Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, adopting changes to the Master Fee Schedule 10.Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, adopting the City of Carlsbad’s share of the fy 2020‐21 Capital and Operating Budget of the Encina Wastewater Authority 11.Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, determining that the fy 2020‐21 Capital Improvement Program Budget is consistent with the General Plan and applicable Climate Action Plan measures and actions 12.Correspondence June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 14 of 124 OPERATING BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY The Operating Budget for fiscal year 2020-21 totals $292.5 million, with revenues for the year estimated at $287.4 million. General Fund revenues are estimated at $164.8 million and General Fund budgeted operating expenditures are $163.6 million. Revenue estimates for the Operating Budget indicate that the city will receive a total of $287.4 million in fiscal year 2020-21, a change of about $1.4 million under the estimated fiscal year 2019-20 revenues. General Fund revenues are expected to increase by $500,000, compared to the prior year. Special Revenue funds are projected to fall by 12.3%, or $1.9 million, due to expected decreases in affordable housing revenues and donations. Enterprise Fund revenues are projected to increase slightly by 0.6% or $400,000 in the upcoming fiscal year. More detailed information on the city’s revenue sources is provided in the following discussion. The following table shows the total operating revenues anticipated to be received by the city for fiscal year 2019-20, as well as those budgeted for fiscal year 2020-21. Estimated Budgeted $% 2019-20 2020-21 Change Change General Fund 164.3$ 164.8$ 0.5$ 0.3% Special Revenue 15.6 13.7 (1.9) -12.3% Enterprise 78.7 79.1 0.4 0.6% Internal Service 25.1 25.8 0.7 2.7% Successor Agency Housing Trust 5.1 4.0 (1.2) -22.6% Total 288.8$ 287.4$ (1.4)$ -0.5% REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (in Millions) Fund Exhibit 1 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 15 of 124 General Fund General Fund revenues provide a representative picture of the local economy. These revenues are of particular interest as they fund basic city services, such as Police, Fire, Library and Cultural Arts, Street and Park Maintenance, and Recreation programs. The table below provides a summarized outlook for the General Fund revenues. Up until COVID-19, General Fund revenues were on pace to have their best year ever. However, the impacts of the COVID-19 have drastically impacted sales tax, transient occupancy tax, income from property and investments, and other revenues. The shelter-in-place orders imposed by California Governor Newsom essentially shut down a majority of Carlsbad’s retail establishments, dine-in restaurants, and hotels. Although the shelter-in-place orders are slowly being lessened, a sense of normalcy is not expected until there is a vaccine for the virus, which may not occur for six to eighteen months. Even through this pandemic, property tax revenues are expected to whether the storm without much a hit, although the city does expect a small increase in delinquencies. Just under 80% of General Fund revenues are derived from three sources – property tax, sales tax, and transient occupancy tax (TOT). Sales tax receipts and TOT revenues tend to be much more sensitive to changes in economic conditions, unlike property tax revenues, which remain relatively stable because of the mitigating effect of Proposition 13, which limits annual growth in assessed values. Property tax, the largest source of General Fund revenues, is expected to grow by 2.5% in fiscal year 2020- 21, as assessed values are expected to grow modestly. However, due to the recession that has been created from the COVID-19 crisis, the city is projecting that delinquent ad valorem property taxes will increase by 2%. The median price of a single family residence (SFR), based on resale data from Zillow, is up by 5.7% year over year in February 2020. All zip codes, or quadrants, in Carlsbad have seen increases for the year. In addition, according to Zillow estimates, home prices are projected to fall by 1.2% within the next year due to the anticipated recession. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 16 of 124 GENERAL FUND REVENUES (In Millions) Estimated Budgeted $ % 2019-20 2020-21 Change Change Property Tax $ 72.4 $ 74.2 $ 1.8 2.5% Sales Tax 37.2 36.3 {0.8} -2.2% Transient Occupancy Tax 17.9 18.5 0.5 2.9% Franchise Taxes 5.8 5.5 (0.3) -5.2% Business License Ta x 5.1 5.0 {0.1) -1.6% Development Revenues 3.0 2.6 (0.5) -15.5% All Other Revenue 22.8 22.7 {0.1) -0.4% Total $ 164.3 $ 164.8 $ 0.5 0.3% Until the unemployment rate stabilizes to pre-COVID-19 levels and small businesses begin to recover, housing and commercial property prices are not anticipated to increase significantly on an annual basis. However, low interest rates on mortgages will help to stabilize housing prices during this time period. Increased fixed rate mortgage interest rates caused ripples across the housing market in 2019, causing home sales volumes to fall back and prices followed by year’s end. Further, residential construction has yet to gain any momentum in San Diego, falling back considerably in 2019. Thus far, multi-family construction has experienced a quicker recovery than single-family residential construction. In addition, the Federal Reserve is expected to keep the discount rate flat, at a historically low rate, for the remainder of calendar year 2020, which could help the housing market as a stabilization in interest rates could lower the pressure on mortgage rates. It would be expected that this, coupled with the a higher unemployment rate, would create a slightly lower or even a flattening in home prices in the upcoming fiscal year. Changes in property taxes revenues lag behind changes in the housing market, as the tax revenue for the upcoming fiscal year is based on assessed values from January 2020. Thus, the taxes to be received for fiscal year 2020-21 are based on assessed values as of January 1, 2020. Proposition 13, adopted in 1978, limits the annual increase in assessed values for property. Under this proposition, assessed values (and the related property tax) can grow by no more than two percent per year. The value upon which the tax is based is only increased to the full market value upon the sale of a property. Thus, property taxes tend to grow slowly unless there is a significant amount of housing activity. In past decades, the city has seen robust growth in property tax revenue due to new development, high turnover of existing homes, and double-digit growth in housing prices. However, as the city approaches buildout, development has slowed. Despite historically low interest rates, slower development combined with a rising unemployment rate and tax reform, has caused a slowing in property tax growth in the city. 29 29 31 33 35 35 35 41 37 36 48 51 50 54 57 62 65 68 72 74 $ M i l l i o n s Fiscal Year Property and Sales Tax Revenues Property Sales Tax June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 17 of 124 ...... Sales Tax revenues generally move in step with economic conditions and have heavily impacted by the shelter-in-place and subsequent recession created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Up until fiscal year 2019-20, sales tax revenues had improved markedly, peaking in fiscal year 2018-19 at $40.8 million. However, on March 19, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued a shelter-in-place for the State of California, shutting down retail establishments, dine-in restaurants, and non-essential businesses. Then, on March 31, 2020, Governor Newsom issued an executive order granting a three month extension for small businesses to file their quarterly sales tax returns. This will delay sales tax revenues for the city by up to one calendar year. Through the shelter-in-place order, the ensuing projected recession, and the small business sales tax relief, it is projected that sales tax revenues for fiscal year 2019-20 will decrease by 9% over fiscal year 2018-19 actuals. The city is projecting that the shelter-in-place order will be partially lifted some time during the month of June 2020, but the national economy will then be in a recession. Without the shelter-in-place impacting sales tax revenues, and with small businesses beginning to pay their deferred sales tax to the state, sales tax revenue for fiscal year 2020-21 is expected to decrease by 2% to $36.3 million. This is still below the sales tax peak of $40.8 million in fiscal year 2018-19. Some of the decrease in sales tax revenues will be partially offset by an increase in internet sales revenue generated from the Wayfair or AB147 law that went into effect in October 2019. As indicated in the chart above, the city’s sales tax base is heavily weighted in the transportation (comprised heavily of new auto sales) and general retail sectors, both of which account for over three-quarters of taxable sales in Carlsbad. New auto sales are highly elastic in comparison to economic trends, and tax revenues from new auto sales fell precipitously during the recession, from $6.7 million in 2007 to $4.4 million in 2009. Since that dip, revenues hit a high of $8.5 million for the four quarters ended December 31, 2019. General retail sales, although down slightly in the fourth quarter, remain strong. Revenues received under Proposition 72, a 0.5 cent increase in California sales tax for the funding of local public safety services, is included in sales tax revenues. Transportation, 31.9% Construction, 2.6% General Retail, 28.0% Miscellaneous, 0.6% Restaurants, 19.2% Business to Business, 17.7% Sales Tax by Category Fourth Quarter 2019 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 18 of 124 The third highest General Fund revenue source is Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT, or hotel tax). TOT is forecasted to decrease by 30% in fiscal year 2020-21 when compared to fiscal year 2018-19 actuals. This downward trend began in fiscal year 2019-20, due to the impacts of COVID-19 on Carlsbad’s tourism industry. Many hotels have had to shut down during this time however, it is anticipated that hotels will slowly begin to recover in fiscal year 2020-21. The recessionary impacts on tourism are expected to at least last for the next 18 months. The assumptions used in budgeting TOT for fiscal year 2020-21 include: • Occupancy of 45%-50% projected for the summer of 2020 • Occupancy rates between 50%-60% until spring of 2021 • Occupancy rates between 60%-70% during spring break 2021 • Average daily rates to initially decrease by 30% • Average daily rates improving to a 20% decrease by the end of fiscal year 2020-21 The city is still expecting to see the opening of the Home2 Suites and the Springhill Suites during fiscal year 2020-21. As seen in the above graph, TOT had increased by over 104% since fiscal year 2011-12 through fiscal year 2018-19 as new hotels, such as the two hotels at the Legoland California Resort, Cape Rey Carlsbad Beach Resort, and the Westin Hotel have opened in the past years. According to a report from Tourism Economics, San Diego tourism will see modest growth in visitation of around two percent once the economy rebounds, for the next few years, as an increase in available rooms will impact occupancy rates in the city. However, average daily room rates will remain relatively stable in the coming years, according to the report. Carlsbad currently has approximately 4,764 hotel rooms, 668 timeshares, and over 265 registered vacation rentals. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020e 2021e $ M i l l i o n s Fiscal Year Transient Occupancy Taxes June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 19 of 124 Franchise Tax revenue has stabilized over the past years and is projected at $5.5 million in fiscal year 2020-21. Franchise taxes are paid by certain industries that use the city’s right-of-way to conduct their business. The city currently has franchise agreements for cable TV service, solid waste services, cell sites, fiber optic antenna systems and gas and electric services. The solid waste franchise experienced minor revenue increases that mirror growth in population and changes in rate structures. Cable TV franchise revenue is expected to decrease by 5% from $1.5 million to $1.4 million over the next fiscal year due to decreases in the number of paid subscription services. This trend will most likely continue in future years as more subscribers cut cable services and move to online streaming services. San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) pays franchise taxes for the use of the public land over which they transport gas and electricity. The city also receives an “in-lieu” franchise tax based on the value of gas and electricity transported on SDG&E lines, but purchased from another source. The “in-lieu” tax captures the franchise taxes on gas and electricity that is transported using public lands, which would not otherwise be included in the calculations for franchise taxes, due to deregulation of the power industry. The majority of the “in-lieu” taxes received is attributable to Cabrillo Power, the operator of the Encina power plant, and is based on the gas used in the generation of electricity. This revenue source is expected to drop slightly in fiscal year 2020-21 due to decreases in electric sales and lower gas prices in fiscal year 2020-21, and then flatten out over the next several years. Interdepartmental charges are generated through engineering services charged to capital projects, reimbursed work from other funds and miscellaneous interdepartmental expenses charged to funds outside the General Fund for services performed by departments within the General Fund. Through a modest increase in miscellaneous interdepartmental charges due to small cost increases, total interdepartmental charges are expected to increase by 1.2%. Business license taxes are closely tied to the health of the local economy, and are projected to remain flat at $5 million in fiscal year 2020-21 when compared to current year estimates. This is still below the pre-COVID-19 level of $5.3 million in fiscal year 2018-19 however, the recession created by the pandemic will still have an impact on the city’s business community for the next couple of years. There are currently about 9,930 licensed businesses in Carlsbad, with 2,491 of them home-based. Income from investments and property includes interest earnings, as well as rental income from city-owned land and facilities. The city is expected to earn about $2.5 million in interest on its General Fund investments for fiscal year 2020-21, and another $2.4 million in rental and lease income. The yield on the city’s portfolio is expected to decrease to around 1.7% and cash balances are also expected to decrease as delayed and reduced sales tax payments, lower transient occupancy tax income, and a reduction in other revenue sources due to the COVID-19 crisis lower the average projected cash balance in the General Fund for the year. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2012 2015 2018 2021e $ Millions Franchise Taxes Other SDG&E June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 20 of 124 ■ ■ Development-related revenues are derived from fees for planning, engineering and building permits, and fees paid by developers to cover the cost of reviewing and monitoring development activities, such as plan checks and inspections. These revenues are difficult to predict, as many of the planning and engineering activities occur months or years before any actual development. During fiscal year 2009-10, development- related revenues began to turn around from historic lows experienced in fiscal year 2008-09. Since then, development- related revenues have fluctuated in line with increases and decreases in residential, commercial and industrial development. In fiscal year 2020-21, the city expects a 15.5% decrease in development related revenues, to approximately $2.6 million, following higher than anticipated development activity occurring in fiscal year 2019-20. The projected decrease in development- related revenues is tied to the volume and type of development projected to be permitted, multi- family versus single-family, and the drop in the revenues derived from the early stages of development (plan checks, engineering plan checks, and building fees). Ambulance fee revenues are estimated to grow by 7.2% or $191,000 when compared to current year estimates due to a small increase in ambulance rates combined with a heightened focus on collection efforts. Although California Senate Bill 523 was fully implemented during fiscal year 2019- 20, requiring the city to remit to the state a portion of their ambulance fee revenues as part of a quality assurance program related to Medi-Cal transports, the city is seeing additional Medi-Cal reimbursement rates due to the senate bill. Transfer taxes are those taxes paid to the county upon the transfer of interests in real estate. The tax is $1.10 per $1,000 of property value, split equally between the county and the city. Carlsbad expects to receive approximately $1.2 million in transfer taxes for fiscal year 2020-21, which is a two percent increase from fiscal year 2019-20 estimates. The housing market continues to remain relatively strong as interest rates are at historic lows and are not predicted to increase in the near future. Housing prices are continuing to slowly increase in Carlsbad and inventories remain solid. All other revenues include recreation fees, intergovernmental revenues, other licenses and fees, fines and forfeitures, transfers in, and other charges and fees. The estimate for fiscal year 2020-21 totals $6.2 million, a $500,000 decrease from the previous year, primarily due to one-time grant and other revenues received in fiscal year 2019-20, a reduction in forecasted recreation fees due to COVID-19, and lower miscellaneous licenses and fees due to a slowdown in development activity. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 21 of 124 Overall, as reflected in the above bar chart, General Fund revenues are expected to be up 0.3% from fiscal year 2019-20 estimates, as the city begins to recover from the recession caused by the COVID- 19 pandemic. Although sales tax, franchise revenues, income from property and investments, and development-related revenues will still see decreases, the city expects to see some rebounding in TOT, property tax and business license taxes compared to fiscal year 2019-20 estimates. These increases are forecasted to continue into fiscal year 2021-22 as the economy slowly recovers from the recession caused by the pandemic. Although the city experienced revenue growth between 9% and 17% in the late 1990s, it was not sustainable. Much of those increases were due to the opening of new hotels, restaurants, retail centers, and new home development. As new development slows, it will be increasingly more difficult to produce double-digit growth in revenues. A recovering economy is certainly driving General Fund revenues higher, but this growth comes from a lower revenue base that was created in fiscal year 2019-20 due to the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. The city’s revenues are not projected to fully recover to pre-COVID-19 levels until fiscal year 2021-22, and then revenue growth should stabilize at around 2% to 3% in the following years. -0.9%6.7%3.3% 11.9%3.1% - 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020e FY 2021e Fiscal Year General Fund Revenues$ Millions -6.5 0.3%4.7%9.2% 3.9% June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 22 of 124 Other Funds Revenues from Special Revenue funds are expected to total $13.7 million in fiscal year 2020-21, a decrease of $1.9 million or 12% from fiscal year 2019-20 estimates. Funds collected in this category are restricted to specified purposes. The types of programs supported within Special Revenue funds are those funded by specific revenue streams such as:  Federal Grants (Rental Assistance and Community Development Block Grants)  Special fees and assessments (Affordable Housing and Maintenance Assessment Districts)  Donations (Library, Cultural Arts, Recreation and Senior Donations) The most noteworthy changes in the Special Revenue funds occurred in the Affordable Housing Fee Fund, a decrease of $585,000 and the Agriculture Mitigation Fee Fund, which shows a decrease of $240,000. Affordable housing fees and Agriculture Mitigation fees are related to development and can fluctuate significantly from year-to-year. Revenues from grants and donations also are expected to reduce slightly. These donations are generally one-time revenues and tend to fluctuate from year- to year. The Successor Agency Housing Trust Fund revenues are budgeted at $3.9 million, a 22.6% decrease over fiscal year 2019-20 estimates. Although the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency has been dissolved, the California Department of Finance has approved the repayment of the approximately $8.1 million (plus accrued interest) loaned to both the city’s former redevelopment areas by the General Fund as well as debt service payments remaining on the former agency’s 1993 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds. Payments are distributed annually from available property tax revenues allocated by the state to the successor agency. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 23 of 124 Special Revenue Funds FY 2020-21 Budgeted Revenues $13.7 million Maintenance Districts, $3.2M, 24% CDBG $0.7M,5% Affordable Housing $1.lM,8% Rental Assistance $7.8M,57% Enterprise fund revenues for fiscal year 2020-21 are projected at $79.1 million, an increase of 0.6% or $433,000 over the current year estimates. The revenue breakdown by activity is shown in the graph below. Enterprise funds are similar to a business, in that rates are charged to support the operations that supply the service. Carlsbad Enterprise funds include water and recycled water delivery, wastewater services, solid waste management, and operation of a municipal golf course. In addition to paying for the wholesale and fixed water costs, the fiscal year 2020-21 Operating Budget includes funding for replacement of Carlsbad’s water infrastructure, a critical valve replacement project, and maintaining sufficient operating reserves. The Water Enterprise Fund revenue for fiscal year 2020-21 is estimated to remain flat at $45.6 million when compared to current year revenue estimates. Recycled Water revenues at $8.2 million are expected to decrease slightly by 2% or $200,000. These decreased estimates are a combination of customer demand hardening and weather expectations. Estimated revenues for Wastewater are $14.3 million, a 2.6% decrease over the current year estimate. This decreased estimate is largely driven by demand hardening and weather expectations for wastewater’s volumetric customers. Estimated revenues from operations of the Golf Course are expected to increase by 11.5% next year to $7.0 million when compared to current year estimates of $6.2 million. However, when compared to fiscal year 2018-19 actuals of $8.2 million, estimated revenues for next fiscal year are down by 15% or $1.2 million. This loss of revenue is due to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting stay-at-home orders that occurred March through May of 2020. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 24 of 124 Enterprise Funds FY 2020-21 Budgeted Revenues $79.1 million Golf Course Operations $6.9M,9% Solid Waste Management $4.1M,S% Wastewater Operations $14.3M,18% Recycled Water $8.2M, 10% Water Operations $45.6M,58% Solid Waste Management revenues increase by 6.7% to $4.1 million when compared to current year estimates, a difference of $257,000. Internal Service funds show estimated revenues of $25.8 million for fiscal year 2020-21, a 2.7% or $672,000 increase over fiscal year 2019-20 projections. Internal Service funds account for services provided within the city itself, from one department to another, on a cost reimbursement basis. These include programs such as the self-insurance funds for Workers’ Compensation and General Liability (Risk Management), as well as Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement, and Information Technology. Departments pay for these services; therefore, the rates charged are based on the cost to provide the service. The goal of an Internal Service fund is to match budgeted expenses with charges to the departments. A recent actuarial review of the Workers’ Compensation fund determined that the city should continue to set aside cash reserves in anticipation of future workers’ compensation claims. In order to achieve this, charges to city departments need to increase by 10% each year over the next several years. Charges for the upcoming fiscal year were planned to be $3.8 million, an increase of 10% over the current fiscal year, however, the city is closing out the Self-Insured Benefit fund which has a current cash balance of $1.9 million. The Self-Insured Benefit fund was used for many years to collect department expenses to pay dental claim fees for all employees since the city was self-insured for dental benefits. In 2018, the city moved from being self-insured to paying a set monthly insurance premium, the cost of which is shared between the city and the employees. These insurance payments are now made through the city’s payroll trust funds consistent with other employee benefits. To close out the fund, the remaining cash balance is being transferred to the Workers’ Compensation fund to be used as a one- time offset to departmental workers’ compensation chargebacks for fiscal year 2020-21. There are increases in Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement charges of 18% and 19%, respectively. Vehicle maintenance and replacement costs rise when the number of vehicles and the price of new vehicles or the cost to maintain those vehicles increases; for example, many older generation sedans at the end of their useful life are now being replaced with hybrid and plug-in hybrids at a higher per unit cost. There have also been significant cost increases over the last several years in specialized vehicles, such as fire trucks and ambulances. Information Technology (IT) charges to departments have decreased by 5% or $733,000 when compared to fiscal year 2019-20 estimates. Estimated expenses are coming in lower than expected for fiscal year 2019-20 which reduces the amount needed to collect from departments in the following fiscal year. The division continues to modernize and strengthen IT infrastructure with an aim to leverage technology to increase proficiencies citywide. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 25 of 124 OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY The city’s Operating Budget for fiscal year 2020-21 totals $292.5 million, which represents an increase of about $500,000, or 0.2%, as compared to the adopted fiscal year 2019-20 budget. A summary of the changes in each of the city’s programs will be discussed below. Further information about each program can be found in the individual program summary pages. The General Fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that support basic core city services. However, this should not diminish the importance of the other operating funds, as they also contribute to the array of services available within Carlsbad. The remainder of this section will provide more information about the budgeted expenditures by fund and program. General Fund The total Operating Budget for the General Fund for fiscal year 2020-21 is $163.6 million, which is $3.6 million, or 2.1% less than the previous year’s adopted budget of $167.1 million. These changes are discussed in more detail on the following pages. Budget Budget $% 2019-20 2020-21 Change Change Personnel 101.4$ 105.0$ 3.7$ 3.6% Maintenance & Operations 53.8 51.2 (2.6) -4.8% Capital Outlay 0.6 0.4 (0.2) -30.4% Transfers 11.5 7.0 (4.5) -38.9% Total 167.1$ 163.6$ (3.6)$ -2.1% (In Millions) GENERAL FUND SUMMARY By Expenditure Type Budget Budget $% 2019-20 2020-21 Change Change General Fund 167.1$ 163.6$ (3.5)$ -2.1% Special Revenue 14.7 14.6 (0.1) -0.7% Enterprise 82.6 83.5 0.9 1.1% Internal Service 26.1 28.9 2.8 10.8% Successor Agency Housing Trust 1.5 1.9 0.4 25.0% Total 292.0$ 292.5$ 0.5$ 0.2% BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY By Fund Type (In Millions) June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 26 of 124 Personnel Personnel costs make up approximately 64% of the General Fund budget. The total personnel budget for fiscal year 2020-21 is $105 million, which is $3.7 million, or 3.6% greater than the previous year’s total personnel budget of $101.4 million. The table above shows the breakdown of personnel costs for the General Fund. General Fund salaries include full and part-time staff costs and are expected to increase in fiscal year 2020-21 by $4.9 million, or 7.1%. The increase is due contracted and anticipated wage increases for current employees scheduled in fiscal year 2020-21. Due to the current environment as a result of the COVID- 19 pandemic, no new full or part-time positions are proposed for the next fiscal year. This increase is partially offset by a reduction of 13.78 FTE part-time seasonal positions, mainly from the Parks & Recreation department due to reductions made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Retirement Benefits Cost CalPERS administers the city’s defined benefit pension plan, and costs have been increasing in past years as CalPERS addresses a structural shortfall in plan assets to cover unfunded liabilities. As part of CalPERS’ strategy to ensure the plan’s sustainability, CalPERS deliberately raised participating agencies’ contributions over several years to improve the plan’s long-term funded status. The pension system continues to pursue tactics in support of its strategy to ensure plan sustainability, such as investing in less risky assets, even though these tactics will increase near-term pension costs. While pension costs are increasing, there is some downward pressure on costs, as new employees receive lower pension benefits. CalPERS has taken significant steps to ensuring plan sustainability. In support of CalPERS strategies for plan sustainability, and as part of the city’s strategic, long-term approach to financial management, the city actively manages its unfunded pension liability. This active management helps ensure that resources are available to fulfill the city’s contractual promises to its employees and minimizes the chance that funding these pension benefits will interfere with the city’s ability to provide essential public services. In support of CalPERS strategies for plan sustainability, and as part of the city’s strategic, long-term approach to financial management, the city actively manages its unfunded pension liability. Budget Budget $% 2019-20 2020-21 Change Change Salaries and Wages 68.8$ 73.7$ 4.9$ 7.1% Retirement Benefits 19.1 18.9 (0.2) -0.9% Health Insurance 8.8 9.0 0.2 2.1% Other Personnel 4.7 3.5 (1.2) -25.9% Total 101.4$ 105.0$ 3.7$ 3.6% Personnel Costs (In Millions) GENERAL FUND June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 27 of 124 Health Insurance and Other Personnel Costs Health insurance costs are increasing by $200,000 or 2.1% over the prior year. This increase is due to the normal increase in health insurance for current employees. Other personnel costs include workers’ compensation expenses and other miscellaneous costs, such as Medicare, unemployment and disability. Maintenance and Operations Maintenance and operations costs represent about 31% of the total General Fund budget, and include the budgets for all program expenses other than personnel, capital outlay and transfers. Overall, total maintenance and operations costs are projected at $51.2 million, an decrease of about $2.6 million, or 4.8%, for fiscal year 2020-21 when compared to fiscal year 2019-20. In response to projected reduced revenues due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting stay-at- home orders, departments were asked to re-evaluate their budget requests for fiscal year 2020-21 and decrease discretionary spending wherever possible. General funded departments were able to reduce their maintenance and operations budget requests by 8% overall. Many of these reductions were in non-mandated employee training and in state conference travel budgets which were reduced by 49% and out of state travel for training and conferences was reduced by 83%. Other discretionary spending, such as equipment, office supplies and professional and outside services were reduced when possible with a focus on those that would have the smallest impact on city services to the community. Capital Outlay Capital Outlay includes budgeted equipment purchases over $1,000. Capital outlay purchases of $400,000 are budgeted in the General Fund for fiscal year 2020-21. This purchase is for the replacement of 11 EKG monitors in the fire department. The complete list of proposed major capital purchases for all funds (over $10,000) is shown on a schedule in the appendices section. Operating Costs Associated with Capital Investments As the city completes major capital projects, the costs of maintaining and operating the facilities and improvements, including additional personnel if necessary, are added to departmental operating budgets. There were no operating increases included in the upcoming budget related to new capital projects. Advances Advances and repayments of prior advances are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to other city funds and are expected to be repaid to the General Fund in future years. No General Fund advances are included in this year’s Operating Budget. It is anticipated that the Successor Agency Trust Fund will repay $2,460,000 in the upcoming fiscal year towards the outstanding loan between the city and the former Redevelopment Agency. This advance is expected to be fully repaid around the year 2023. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 28 of 124 Note: The spike in fiscal year 2016-17 reflects a one-time payment to pay off the golf course construction bonds and a transfer to the General Capital Construction Fund for replacement of Fire Station No. 2. As reflected in the graph above, the city’s General Fund expenditures were reduced with the budget in fiscal year 2011-12, and expenditure increases were minimal through fiscal year 2012-13. Fiscal year 2013-14 expenditures reflected a 10.8% increase due to labor costs and one-time expense for the Poinsettia Fires. The following year, fiscal year 2014-15, expenditures remained relatively flat. The fiscal year 2015-16 budget reflected an 8.1% increase in expenditures due primarily to increased personnel costs, and the fiscal year 2016-17 expenditures included $25.3 million in one-time costs ($10.5 million for a transfer to the Capital Improvement Program for Fire Station No. 2 replacement, and $14.8 million to pay of the golf course construction bonds). The expenditures for fiscal year 2017-18 reflect a substantial decrease due to the one-time costs reflected in fiscal year 2016-17 for the defeasance of the golf course bonds of $14.8 million and the transfer of $10.5 million to the General Capital Construction Fund for the reconstruction of Fire Station No. 2. These cost reductions were partially offset by an additional one-time payment to CalPERS to address the city’s unfunded pension liability, the addition of nine staff members, additional legal and expert costs associated with the county airport expansion and the Safety Training Center lawsuit, higher personnel costs due to normal salary and benefit increases, higher mutual aid costs, and the filling of prior year vacancies. Expenditures in fiscal year 2018-19 reflect an additional one-time $20 million payment to CalPERS to further bring down the city’s unfunded pension liability. Fiscal year 2019-20 estimates included the approved addition of 34 new full-time employees. Budgeted expenditures for fiscal year 2020-21 show a decrease in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to reduce discretionary spending as much as possible during this unprecedented time. $112.6 $111.2 $123.3 $125.1 $135.3 $174.2 $151.3 $172.4 $167.1 $163.6 $- $50 $100 $150 $200 in m i l l i o n s History of General Fund Expenditures June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 29 of 124 Program Expenditures Another way of looking at the General Fund budget is by program. The chart below compares the total fiscal year 2020-21 budget to those amounts adopted in the previous year. A detailed description of each department, its services, budget summary and department accomplishments and priorities can be found in the department program summary pages. Transfers Transfers are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to another city fund. The transfers included in the adopted budget are as follows:  $5.5 million, split between the Infrastructure Replacement Fund ($1 million) and General Capital Construction Fund ($4.5 million) for major new construction, maintenance and/or replacement of city infrastructure and facilities. This represents 3% of the General Fund revenues, which is a decrease from the 6% transfer that was approved for fiscal year 2019-20. This percentage was reduced in order to minimize the impact to personnel and maintenance and operations expenditure reductions in the General Fund in response to the economic environment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This transfer percentage will be evaluated again during the next budget cycle. A detailed description of each department’s budget can be found in the department program summaries. Budget Budget $% 2019-20 2020-21 Change Change Policy & Leadership Group 7.8$ 6.7$ (1.1)$ -14.7% Administrative Services - Finance 6.1 6.0 (0.1) -1.8% Administrative Services - Human Resources 5.0 5.0 - -0.7% Administrative Services - Innovation & Economic Dev.0.9 1.1 0.2 20.0% Community Services - Administration - 0.6 0.6 0.0% Community Services - City Clerk Services 1.3 1.3 - -5.5% Community Services - Community & Economic Dev.11.2 10.8 (0.4) -3.4% Community Services - Library & Cultural Arts 13.7 13.3 (0.4) -3.3% Community Services - Parks & Recreation 18.9 18.0 (0.9) -4.8% Public Safety - Fire 25.7 27.2 1.5 5.6% Public Safety - Police 42.0 44.6 2.6 6.1% Public Works - Administration 2.1 1.8 (0.3) -13.6% Public Works - Construction Mgmt. & Inspections 3.5 2.9 (0.6) -16.3% Public Works - Environmental Management 0.8 0.8 - 4.8% Public Works - Facilities 5.8 5.9 0.1 1.9% Public Works - Transportation 7.6 7.4 (0.2) -2.6% Non-Departmental 14.7 10.4 (4.3) -29.4% Total 167.1$ 163.6$ (3.5)$ -2.1% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES By Department (In Millions) June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 30 of 124  $309,000 to the Storm Water Program for reimbursement for the General Fund portion of Storm Water expenses.  $700,000 to the Median Maintenance and Street Tree Maintenance Special Revenue Funds to cover cash shortfalls, as annual assessments collected from property owners do not cover annual operating expenditures. Annual assessments can only be increased with a majority vote of the property owners.  $500,000 to the Golf Course Enterprise Fund is budgeted for fiscal year 2020-21 and will be transferred if additional cash is needed to cover current operating expenses of the golf course over the next fiscal year. The golf course plans to execute a compliant COVID-19 response phased operational plan in golf and food and beverage to allow revenues to reestablish. General Fund Summary The Operating Budget for fiscal year 2020-21 provides a balanced General Fund budget for the coming fiscal year with General Fund revenue estimates exceeding General Fund budgeted expenditures by $1.2 million. This projected surplus will be added to city reserves to be used in accordance with the city’s adopted reserve policy. Fiscal Year 2020-21 General Fund Surplus General Fund fiscal year 2020-21 Revenue Estimates $164.8 million General Fund fiscal year 2020-21 Adopted Expenditures $163.6 million Projected Surplus for fiscal year 2020-21 $1.2 million General Fund Reserves Projected unassigned balance at June 30, 2020 $88.9 million Plus: advance repayment from Successor Agency $2.4 million Plus: projected fiscal Year 2020-21 surplus $1.2 million Equals: projected unassigned balance at June 20, 2021 $92.5 million Carlsbad has historically benefitted from a strong and diverse economic base, and has maintained financial policies to protect the city from the fluctuations of the business cycle, increasing costs and unfunded mandates. The COIVD-19 pandemic has caused a sudden and significant impact to local, national and global economies. Fortunately, the city was in excellent financial shape prior to the pandemic and the proposed budget is a piece in the process to financial recovery. Throughout this unprecedented time, the city will continue to monitor and pivot if necessary to changes in the fiscal environment, evaluate opportunities to strengthen financial policies, identify opportunities to improve business practices and provide the greatest service level to the community. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 31 of 124 Changes in Other Funds Special Revenue funds, at $14.6 million, show a minor decrease in expenditures of less than one percent, or $104,000, when compared to fiscal year 2019-20. Spending in most programs is to remain at similar or slightly lower levels over the prior year. Expenditure increases of $100,000, or 30%, are planned in the Library Gifts & Bequest Funds for books, materials and supplies to help supplement budget reductions in the Library & Cultural Arts operating budget in the General Fund as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Similar increases are planned in the Police Asset Forfeiture Fund to pay for needed police equipment. The budget in this fund has increased $316,000 or 236% when compared to the prior fiscal year. A higher than normal revenue amount was received during fiscal year 2019-20 which enables the increase in spending for the next fiscal year. Enterprise funds total $83.5 million, an increase of $907,000, or 1.1%, over the fiscal year 2019-20 adopted budget. The Potable Water and Recycled Water funds continue to operate and maintain critical infrastructure systems and provides the safe delivery of drinking water, conservation outreach and treated irrigation water. The Wastewater fund provides reliable wastewater collection services. The Internal Service funds total $28.9 million, with an overall increase of $2.8 million, or 10.8% percent, over fiscal year 2019-20. Half of this increase is attributable to the $1.9 million budgeted transfer from the Self-Insurance Benefit Fund to the Worker’s Compensation fund. More detail on this transfer can be found in the Health and Other Personnel Costs section earlier in this document. The other half of the increase is in the Information Technology fund. The city continues to modernize, upgrade and invest in needed equipment, systems and applications. The budget for the Successor Agency Housing Trust Fund is slightly higher for fiscal year 2020-21 at $1.9 million when compared to the prior year’s adopted budget of $1.5 million. The Recognized Obligation Payments Schedule (ROPS) identifies financial commitments of the former Redevelopment Agency, including the remaining scheduled debt service payments on the Redevelopment Agency bond issue, the outstanding loan from the city’s General Fund and minor allowable administrative costs. The last debt service payment on the bond issue is scheduled for September 2023 and the city loan is expected to be paid off by the end of fiscal year 2022-23. These obligations are to be paid from semi-annual property tax increment revenue received by the Successor Agency. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 32 of 124 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (CIP) reflects the city’s ongoing commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality facilities for our community today and in the future. It is a planning document, not a commitment for spending. The 15-year program outlines the expenditure plan for future capital projects and the corresponding revenues to pay for those expenditures. Projects that are shown in the CIP are generally defined as any construction, rehabilitation or replacement of major infrastructure such as streets, libraries, parks, fire stations and administrative facilities, water, sewer and drainage facilities, and other facilities that are located on or in the ground. In most cases, the total construction cost of each of these assets is recorded and tracked as part of the city’s inventory of capital infrastructure assets and other city-owned property. Once the Council adopts the proposed annual CIP budget, projects receive an appropriation that authorizes spending in the amount specified for the adopted fiscal year only. Estimated budget information is shown for a 15-year period to provide the most comprehensive information about known future projects. Spending authority in future years is not granted until adoption of the annual proposed CIP budget associated with each year. Carlsbad’s philosophy is to take a proactive, long-range planning approach to building high quality facilities and infrastructure that support the needs and priorities of the community. The CIP is organized by the following project classifications: Planning Study Plan Assessment Maintenance & Operations Technical master plans Repair Refurbishment/ Rehabilitation Modifications Improvements Maintenance Program Monitoring Replacement Upgrade Capital Projects Regulatory & Policy- Driven: Legal requirements, compliance with Growth Management Plan, Climate Action Plan, defined projects to implement policies, plans and goals adopted by City Council Community Enhancements: new facilities, expansions, parks & trails, traffic signals, coastal improvements Project Accounting CFD #1 Admin Open Space Acquisition Loans Repayment/ Transfer June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 33 of 124 INVESTING IN OUR QUALITY OF LIFE As the city continues to grow and develop, there is a corresponding increase in the demand for development-related services and new facilities. To ensure that the necessary infrastructure and facilities are built on a schedule that meets or exceeds this demand, the citizens of Carlsbad adopted a Growth Management Plan in 1986. The plan was established to manage development within the city by linking residential, commercial, and industrial development directly to standards for availability of public services and facilities. The Growth Management Plan states that unless a standard level of facilities is available to meet new demands resulting from the city’s growth, development cannot proceed. Recently, certain actions, such as imposing a moratorium, have been determined to be impermissible by the California Housing and Community Development Department, per Senate Bill 330, Housing Crisis Act of 2019, which became effective on Jan. 1, 2020. The detailed level of planning required by Growth Management has allowed Carlsbad’s Capital Improvement Program to anticipate the funding needed for capital improvements in the next 15 years. Facilities such as community centers, parks, and fire stations have been constructed and opened to the public under this program. The Capital Improvement Program has been designed to specifically address areas where new or expanded facilities will be needed to maintain compliance with the adopted performance standards. With the adoption of the fiscal year 2020-21 CIP, compliance with the Growth Management Plan is continued. Prudent financial planning has ensured ongoing funding to modernize, repair, and replace existing infrastructure projects through numerous asset management programs, which ensure adequate inspection, maintenance, and replacement of buildings and parks, water, sewer and drainage systems, bridges, and roadways systems. PROJECT EVALUATION Development of the CIP is a team effort involving all operational departments, the city manager’s office, City Council, and the community. Community feedback on infrastructure needs is considered and incorporated as appropriate. The CIP is fully vetted at multiple levels of the city organization by appropriate staff using an inclusive and transparent process, and reviewed on a quarterly basis. Capital Improvement Program Public Health and Safety City mission, vision and organizational values Community values Environmental Review Governing and Policy Documents Funding availability City Council Goals June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 34 of 124 As the CIP is implemented throughout the year, staff continually re-evaluate projects’ scopes, costs and schedules to responsibly and cost-effectively manage infrastructure assets at the required levels of service throughout their lifecycle. Recommendations for project funding considers current project status, project scheduling and sequencing requirements, project constraints and current staff capacity. Project charters are updated to include project description, location, summary of need, justification including any legislative or policy citations, cost estimates and project scores. In anticipation of revenue decreases in some capital funding sources, staff recommended funding adjustments in fiscal year 2020-21 that focused on matching existing resources with realistic and achievable project schedules. New project requests were minimized, and the city remains committed to continue work on projects that are already underway. F ISCAL YEAR 2020 -21 APPROPRIATIONS In the fiscal year 2020-21 CIP, there are approximately 230 continuing and new projects planned over the next 15 years. The fiscal year 2020-21 CIP outlines $29.1 million in new appropriations to provide additional funding for the continuation of existing projects as well as funding for one new project. Projected revenues during the same fiscal year are estimated at $34.5 million. Capital Projects 47% Maintenance & Operations19% Project Accounting 34% FY 2020-21 Appropriations $29.1 million June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 35 of 124 FISCAL YEAR 2020 -21 APPROPRIATIONS Civic Buildings and Facility Maintenance $4.3 million This category includes a variety of facilities such as fire stations, libraries and the new City Hall. Costs include repair, maintenance, and replacement of civic buildings. Parks $755,000 Projects include improvements and enhancements to existing parks, such as playground resurfacing, picnic areas and other needs identified by the community and in recently updated parks master plans. Drainage $500,000 The city’s drainage infrastructure plays an important role in handling storm water runoff flows, as well as maintaining the water quality of the city’s creeks, lagoons and ocean. As the city continues to age, it is increasingly necessary to balance repairing and replacing the existing lines with enhancing the current infrastructure to accommodate future needs. Sewer $10.4 million The city’s sewer, or wastewater, projects include numerous pipeline construction and rehabilitation projects, as well as improvements to the Encina Wastewater Treatment facility. Most new lines are built and paid for with impact fees collected with new development. Water and Recycled Water $5.0 million Future water and recycled water projects include construction of new pipe lines, replacement of existing waterlines and reservoir improvements. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District has been producing and delivering recycled water for over 30 years. Streets and Circulation System $8.2 million People of all ages and abilities want to go places safely and conveniently in Carlsbad, whether they drive, walk, bike, or ride a bus or train. Carlsbad continues to invest in modernizing roads, leveraging technology to improve traffic systems, and making timely repairs and rehabilitation of the roadways, bridges, sidewalks and other assets in public rights of way throughout the city. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 36 of 124 NEW CIP PROJECTS V illage H South Off Leash Dog Area and Trail Segment 5B Managing Department: Parks & Recreation Classification: Capital Project Funding Source: Public Facility Fees Budget FY21 $ 375,000 FY23 $ 872,800 TOTAL $1,247,800 About This Project The City of Carlsbad took ownership of a 61-acre piece of property, bisected at the corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Victoria Avenue, as part of a lawsuit settlement involving the Quarry Creek housing project. The project anticipates approximately one acre of fenced, off-leash dog area, a parking lot and a pre-fabricated restroom. The project also includes the design and construction of the balance of Trail Segment 5B (Carlsbad Village Drive to Tamarack Avenue), as reflected in the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan. Project Need City Council directed city staff to “initiate public outreach to engage residents in the development of a plan to integrate an off-leash dog run as part of the Village H property.” Taking into account community input, staff and Preserve Calavera created a conceptual plan to allow an off-leash dog area while protecting sensitive habitat preserves and providing for wildlife movement. General Plan Consistency The project is consistent with Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation Element Goal 4-G.3 (“Protect environmentally sensitive lands, wildlife habitats, and rare, threatened or endangered plant and animal communities”) and Policy 4-P.41 (“Implement the projects recommended in the City of Carlsbad Trails Master Plan through the city’s capital improvement program, private development conditions and other appropriate mechanisms”). The project’s Open Space and Community Facilities land use designations support recreation and community-serving uses. Climate Action Plan Consistency The project is consistent with CAP Section 3.6 – Pedestrian Improvements Anticipated Environmental Review Potential Mitigated Negative Declaration or addendum to the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 37 of 124 REVENUES Over the next 15 years, revenues for Capital Projects are estimated at $708.2 million and are segregated into six major funding sources: (1) fees generated by development in Carlsbad, (2) special district fees and taxes (Community Facilities Districts and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit Districts), (3) water and wastewater replacement funds, (4) infrastructure replacement funds (other than wastewater and water), (5) general capital construction funds, and (5) other sources, including grants, sales taxes, and contributions from other agencies. Approximately 18% of all capital revenue is received as a result of development (Developer Fees and Financing Districts in the chart above), and is dependent upon assumptions made about the city's annual growth in dwelling units and commercial/industrial square feet. These revenues include Public Facilities Fees (PFF), Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), Park-In-Lieu Fees (PIL), Planned Local Drainage (PLD) Fees, Water Connection Fees (MFF), and Sewer Connection charges, Community Facilities Districts (CFD) and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit Districts (BTD). Water and wastewater replacement revenues generated by user fees equal approximately 32% of total revenues, and are used to pay for replacement of existing water and sewer facilities. Infrastructure replacement and General Capital Construction revenues, equal to 26%, are transfers from the city’s General Fund, which are being set aside to pay for replacement of major capital facilities other than wastewater and water facilities and the construction of various municipal projects. The remaining 24% consists of revenues from other agencies and include federal and state grants, the county sales tax program (TransNet), gas taxes, and contributions or reimbursements from cities, developers, and other agencies. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 38 of 124 FUTURE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT As shown on the graph on the previous page, there are a variety of revenues that are used to fund the capital projects. In order to estimate revenues to be received from development, several assumptions about the rate and type of future development are made. These assumptions can change from year to year and tend to correlate with the current economic climate. Every year, city staff evaluates all existing and future private development projects and compares this information to the capacity of the city using the most current adopted general plans. Information about existing development activity combined with estimates of how remaining net developable land might develop is then summarized to prepare future projections about when and where residential and non-residential development may occur. The following table shows the number of residential units and non-residential square feet of development that was used in calculating estimated revenues for fiscal year 2019-20 and subsequent years to build out. Projected Future Development Financial forecasting schedules are prepared to ensure that funding will be sufficient and available for construction of capital projects as planned in the CIP. In addition to evaluating whether or not capital funds are sufficient, significant operating cost impacts and availability of staff resources are also considered in evaluating the timing of projects. Where funding discrepancies occur, alternative financing methods and project timing are evaluated and recommendations are made to resolve the discrepancies. Conservatively, about 2,800 residential units are anticipated for future development, and it is currently estimated that the city is more than 90% built out. Residential development for fiscal year 2020-21 is projected at 167 units, and, over the next five years, should average 210 units per year. The amount of non-residential development is projected at about 556,000 square feet over the next five years. Projects include several multi-family residential developments, commercial industrial, office and other mixed-use projects. Development estimates provide data for estimating future fee revenues, which are calculated by multiplying each applicable development fee by the estimated number of dwelling units and/or square feet of construction expected during each year. Fiscal Year Residential Units Non-Residential Square Feet 2020-21 167 204,134 2021-22 127 149,011 2022-23 319 29,657 2023-24 61 112,332 2024-25 381 61,186 2025-31 1,082 1,706,327 2031-build out 690 2,402,960 Totals 2,827 4,665,607 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 39 of 124 FUTURE PROJECTS The CIP for fiscal year 2020-21 to fiscal year 2034-35 outlines approximately 230 projects at a cost of $623.9 million. Long-range planning and responsible asset management play key roles in the development of future capital projects. Using data from various infrastructure master plans, ongoing asset condition assessments, technical modelling, field inspections as well as community feedback, the information provided for future years reflects the most comprehensive snapshot of known or anticipated future projects as well as associated estimated costs. CALCULATION OF FUTURE FEES The revenue projections in the CIP reflect the growth assumptions identified in the previous section. The following information delineates how those assumptions were applied to estimate future development revenues. The mix of future multi-family and single-family residential units is assumed to be 80% and 20%, respectively, and reflects the anticipated mix of residential development for each Local Facilities Management Zone. In order to calculate estimated revenues for Traffic Impact Fees, the number of average daily trips was computed for each type of development use. An attached multi-family residential dwelling unit is assigned either eight or six trips and a detached single-family unit is assigned 10 trips per day. The trips-per-day value for commercial and industrial buildings are 40 and eight trips per 1,000 square feet of development, respectively, although the actual volume of trips generated by commercial and industrial buildings can vary widely depending on the ultimate land use. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 40 of 124 Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 is a citywide district established to finance various civic facilities required under the city’s Growth Management Plan. Park-in-Lieu Fees are collected for the purchase and development of parkland within each quadrant of the city, and the fees are based on the acquisition cost of parkland. Projects in the CIP funded with Park-in-Lieu Fees include future park site acquisition, development and restoration. Bridge and Thoroughfare Fee Districts (BTD) are formed by property owners to finance specific road construction projects located within the district boundaries. Poinsettia Lane – Aviara Parkway (BTD No. 2) was formed to finance the construction of Poinsettia Lane between Aviara Parkway and El Camino Real and Aviara Parkway between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. UNFUNDED PROJECTS There are six projects identified in the Capital Improvement Program for which there is no identifiable funding source and, in some cases, where only partial funding has been identified. The city will investigate obtaining possible external funding, such as federal and state grants, loans, or other financing sources. Once funding is identified for these projects, the project costs will have to be reviewed and updated to reflect actual cost estimates. The unfunded projects do not receive annual inflationary increases. Two projects are partially funded by the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Program. The program was planned to generate enough revenue to pay for 20% of the total costs of these projects, leaving the remaining 80% unfunded. Business Park Recreational Facility (Partial Funding)6,600,000$ Cannon Lake Park (6.7 Acres)2,243,000 Carlsbad Blvd. Mountain View To Northerly City Limits (Partial Funding)6,905,600 Carlsbad Blvd./ Palomar Airport Road (Partial Funding)14,109,600 Carlsbad Blvd. Realignment - Segments 3-5 26,100,000 College Boulevard Extension 30,000,000 TOTAL UNFUNDED PROJECTS 85,958,200$ June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 41 of 124 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 42 of 124 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-127 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR BUDGET FUNDS EXHIBIT 3 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year (FY) 2020-21 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to adoption of the final budgets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad entitled, "City of Carlsbad, FY 2020-21 Preliminary Operating Budget and FY 2020-21 to FY 2034-35 Capital Improvement Program -Preliminary" as amended, if necessary, in accordance with Exhibits 3A through 3C attached and incorporated by reference, are adopted as the final Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the City of Carlsbad for FY 2020-21 along with the program options and/or adjustments, if any, determined by the City Council as set forth in the minutes of the City Council meeting of Tuesday, June 23, 2020. 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2020-21 as shown in Exhibits 3A and 38 are adopted as the budgeted revenues for FY 2020-21. 4. That the amounts designated as the FY 2020-21 Budget request in Exhibits 3A and 38 are appropriated to the department or fund for which they are designated and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided in this resolution. 5. That total appropriations for each fund may only be increased or decreased by the City Council by passage of a resolution amending the budget except as provided in this resolution. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 43 of 124 6. That the following controls are placed on the use and transfer of budget funds: A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the City Council or City Manager as described below. i. The City Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within any department. ii. The City Manager may authorize transfers of funds between departments within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. iii. The City Manager may delegate any of the authority given to him/her under this resolution. iv. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the City Manager may authorize increases in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue, which is designated for said specific purpose. v. The City Manager may authorize the transfer of appropriations between accounts and/or capital projects up to $1,000,000 for the costs associated with the Encina Wastewater Facility (Encina) as authorized by the Encina Wastewater Authority's staff and/or Board. Any increase to the total appropriations for Encina's operating budget and capital program must be approved by the City Council. vi. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments to increase the appropriations for the Workers Compensation and Risk Management Funds operating budgets in an amount equal to the increases in costs of estimated claims expenses. vii. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments to increase the appropriations for the Workers Compensation and Risk Management Funds for estimated IBNR (incurred but not reported) losses. viii. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments to increase the appropriations for Mutual Aid Overtime in an amount equal to the increases in amounts to be reimbursed by other agencies. ix. The City Council must authorize all transfers of funds from the City Council's June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 44 of 124 Contingency Account. B. The City Council must authorize any increase in the number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in Exhibit 3C. C. The City Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or part-time staff as necessary within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 7. That the legal level of budgetary control is the fund level. Budgets may not legally be exceeded at the fund level without appropriate authorization by the City Council. 8. That interest earned on grants may be appropriated during the year for the purpose for which the grant was received. 9. That all appropriations in the Capital Improvement Program remaining unexpended at June 30, 2020, are appropriated to FY 2020-21. Unexpended appropriations will remain in their respective project budgets. 10. That all appropriations in the Operating Budget remaining unexpended at June 30, 2020 related to developer deposits received for developer funded studies not yet completed, previously appropriated funding in the Innovation Fund or grant awards received or expected for projects that are continuing into the next fiscal year are appropriated to FY 2020-21. 11. That all appropriations for outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2020, are continued into FY 2020-21 for such contracts or obligations. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 45 of 124 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 23 rd day of June, 2020, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor (SEAL) ity Cle k CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES Projected Beginning Advances Ending Fund Balance Projected Projected & Fund Fund Balance Fund July 1, 2019 Revenues Expenditures Transfers June 30, 2020 General Fund $82,479,945 *$164,252,000 $159,801,000 1,976,000 88,906,945 * Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing 21,538,307 1,716,000 675,000 22,579,307 Agricultural Mitigation Fee 759,504 243,552 0 1,003,056 Buena Vista Channel Maintenance District 1,394,469 115,000 137,500 1,371,969 Citizen's Option for Public Safety 255,535 240,700 245,000 251,235 Community Activity Grants 1,085,116 21,000 0 1,106,116 Community Development Block Grant 5,645 821,700 827,345 0 Cultural Arts Donations 264,664 51,000 59,350 256,314 Flower Fields Grant Program 933,514 9,758 943,272 0 Habitat Mitigation Fee 0 1,500 1,104,114 1,104,114 1,500 Library and Arts Endowments 261,200 5,000 4,000 262,200 Library Gifts and Bequests 1,375,752 324,000 317,600 1,382,152 Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 3,816,835 685,000 350,000 4,151,835 Local Cable Infrastructure 842,903 323,000 180,000 985,903 Median Maintenance District 243,627 906,500 890,000 260,127 Parking In Lieu Fee 1,062,401 155,880 48,000 1,170,281 Police Asset Forfeiture 181,385 246,500 125,000 302,885 Public Safety Grants 0 350,000 350,000 0 Recreation Donations 297,123 30,800 53,250 274,673 Rental Assistance 285,726 7,550,000 7,670,000 165,726 Senior Donations 334,086 22,000 36,000 320,086 Street Lighting Maintenance District 2,422,850 955,000 770,000 2,607,850 Street Tree Maintenance District 147,499 865,000 630,000 382,499 Total Special Revenue Funds 37,508,141 15,638,890 15,415,431 1,104,114 38,835,714 Enterprise Funds Water Operations 28,064,543 45,571,000 44,000,000 29,635,543 Recycled Water Operations 8,572,441 8,348,600 9,000,000 7,921,041 Wastewater Operations 8,882,298 14,700,000 13,600,000 9,982,298 Solid Waste Management 14,652,576 3,869,000 4,212,000 14,309,576 Golf Course 1,961,770 6,205,000 7,379,000 787,770 Total Enterprise Funds 62,133,628 78,693,600 78,191,000 0 62,636,228 Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation 3,301,487 3,815,000 3,030,000 4,086,487 Risk Management 2,779,467 2,299,000 2,065,000 3,013,467 Self-Insured Benefits 1,900,266 19,897 0 1,920,163 Vehicle Maintenance 1,071,317 2,994,500 2,610,000 1,455,817 Vehicle Replacement 18,067,636 2,751,000 4,410,000 16,408,636 Information Technology 6,217,903 13,232,500 12,125,000 7,325,403 Total Internal Service Funds 33,338,076 25,111,897 24,240,000 0 34,209,973 Successor Agency Housing Trust Fund 1,305,531 5,110,000 1,825,000 (3,050,000)1,540,531 Total Operating Funds $216,765,321 $288,806,387 $279,472,431 30,114 226,129,391 * For the General Fund only, this represents unassigned fund balance. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 46 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES Projected Beginning Advances Ending Fund Balance Estimated Adopted & Fund Fund Balance Fund June 30, 2020 Revenues Budget Transfers June 30, 2021 General Fund $88,906,945 *$164,787,962 $163,621,037 2,460,000 92,533,870 * Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing 22,579,307 1,131,000 880,698 22,829,609 Agricultural Mitigation Fee 1,003,056 7,000 0 1,010,056 Buena Vista Channel Maintenance District 1,371,969 114,000 195,245 1,290,724 Citizen's Option for Public Safety 251,235 177,000 253,937 174,298 Community Activity Grants 1,106,116 10,000 30,000 1,086,116 Community Development Block Grant 0 656,200 655,643 557 Cultural Arts Donations 256,314 52,700 122,385 186,629 Flower Fields Grant Program 0 0 0 0 Habitat Mitigation Fee 1,500 15,000 0 16,500 Library and Arts Endowments 262,200 3,000 6,000 259,200 Library Gifts and Bequests 1,382,152 258,700 426,910 1,213,942 Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 4,151,835 681,300 354,681 4,478,454 Local Cable Infrastructure 985,903 295,000 351,000 929,903 Median Maintenance District 260,127 1,062,000 1,221,612 100,515 Parking In Lieu Fee 1,170,281 12,000 50,000 1,132,281 Police Asset Forfeiture 302,885 47,000 316,000 33,885 Public Safety Grants 0 0 0 0 Recreation Donations 274,673 50,000 98,700 225,973 Rental Assistance 165,726 7,751,000 7,723,066 193,660 Senior Donations 320,086 21,000 104,500 236,586 Street Lighting Maintenance District 2,607,850 910,000 967,581 2,550,269 Street Tree Maintenance District 382,499 470,000 877,810 (25,311) Total Special Revenue Funds 38,835,714 13,723,900 14,635,768 37,923,846 Enterprise Funds Water Operations 29,635,543 45,584,600 46,126,865 29,093,278 Recycled Water Operations 7,921,041 8,179,400 10,583,658 5,516,783 Wastewater Operations 9,982,298 14,317,000 15,235,755 9,063,543 Solid Waste Management 14,309,576 4,126,300 5,022,951 13,412,925 Golf Course 787,770 6,919,000 6,571,000 1,135,770 Total Enterprise Funds 62,636,228 79,126,300 83,540,229 58,222,299 Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation 4,086,487 4,066,093 3,664,554 4,488,026 Risk Management 3,013,467 2,393,460 2,684,739 2,722,188 Self-Insured Benefits 1,920,163 0 1,920,163 0 Vehicle Maintenance 1,455,817 3,552,550 3,296,304 1,712,063 Vehicle Replacement 16,408,636 3,312,445 3,779,298 15,941,783 Information Technology 7,325,403 12,499,451 13,567,910 6,256,944 Total Internal Service Funds $34,209,973 $25,823,999 $28,912,968 31,121,004 Successor Agency Housing Trust Fund $1,540,531 $3,955,000 $1,933,523 (2,460,000)1,102,008 Total Operating Funds $226,129,391 $287,417,161 $292,643,525 0 220,903,027 * For the General Fund only, this represents unassigned fund balance. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 47 of 124 2019-20 2020-21 Change as %Difference 2018-19 Estimated Estimated of 19-20 2019-20 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2020-21 General Fund Taxes Property Tax $68,496,492 $72,425,000 $74,218,000 2.5%$1,793,000 Sales Tax 40,794,779 37,154,000 36,329,000 -2.2%(825,000) Transient Occupancy Tax 26,320,645 17,948,000 18,463,000 2.9%515,000 Franchise Tax 6,099,805 5,815,000 5,512,000 -5.2%(303,000) Business License Tax 5,321,780 5,071,000 4,990,000 -1.6%(81,000) Transfer Tax 1,714,782 1,180,000 1,204,000 2.0%24,000 Total Taxes 148,748,283 139,593,000 140,716,000 0.8%1,123,000 Intergovernmental Homeowners Exemption 345,211 350,000 350,000 0.0%- Other Intergovernmental 1,592,991 786,000 574,000 -27.0%(212,000) Total Intergovernmental 1,938,202 1,136,000 924,000 -18.7%(212,000) Licenses and Permits Building Permits 1,696,927 1,250,000 795,000 -36.4%(455,000) Other Licenses and Permits 971,121 1,245,000 1,019,000 -18.2%(226,000) Total Licenses And Permits 2,668,048 2,495,000 1,814,000 -27.3%(681,000) Charges for Services Planning Fees 730,167 318,000 367,000 15.4%49,000 Building Department Fees 1,161,368 890,000 850,000 -4.5%(40,000) Engineering Fees 583,903 590,000 565,000 -4.2%(25,000) Ambulance Fees 2,500,590 2,639,000 2,830,000 7.2%191,000 Recreation Fees 2,897,546 2,137,000 2,195,000 2.7%58,000 Other Charges or Fees 1,262,965 485,000 608,000 25.4%123,000 Total Charges For Services 9,136,539 7,059,000 7,415,000 5.0%356,000 Fines and Forfeitures 539,537 480,000 515,000 7.3%35,000 Income from Investments and Property 9,602,281 7,131,000 7,482,000 4.9%351,000 Interdepartmental Charges 4,581,303 4,898,000 4,955,962 1.2%57,962 Other Revenue Sources 1,774,163 1,460,000 966,000 -33.8%(494,000) Total General Fund $178,988,356 $164,252,000 $164,787,962 0.3%$535,962 * Interest is calculated on an amortized cost basis. CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES B-21June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 48 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES 2019-20 2020-21 Change as %Difference 2018-19 Estimated Estimated of 19-20 2019-20 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2020-21 Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing Affordable Housing Fees $732,010 $450,000 $46,000 -89.8%($404,000) Property Tax 492,876 760,000 615,000 -19.1%(145,000) Interest Income 1,179,139 426,000 440,000 3.3%14,000 Other Revenue 133,481 80,000 30,000 -62.5%(50,000) Total Affordable Housing 2,537,506 1,716,000 1,131,000 -34.1%(585,000) Agricultural Mitigation Fee Agricultural Mitigation Fees - 227,552 - -100.0%(227,552) Interest Income 31,798 16,000 7,000 -56.3%(9,000) Total Agriculutural Mitigation Fee 31,798 243,552 7,000 -97.1%(236,552) Buena Vista Channel Maintenance Assessment Fees 91,388 90,000 100,000 11.1%10,000 Interest Income 53,652 25,000 14,000 -44.0%(11,000) Total Buena Vista Channel Maintenance 145,040 115,000 114,000 -0.9%(1,000) Citizen's Option for Public Safety State Funding (AB3229)255,040 235,200 175,000 -25.6%(60,200) Interest Income 10,105 5,500 2,000 -63.6%(3,500) Total Citizen'S Option For Public Safety 265,145 240,700 177,000 -26.5%(63,700) Community Activity Grants Interest Income 40,769 21,000 10,000 -52.4%(11,000) Total Community Activity Grants 40,769 21,000 10,000 -52.4%(11,000) Community Development Block Grant Federal Grant 625,448 604,000 655,000 8.4%51,000 Interest Income 9,926 1,500 1,200 -20.0%(300) Other Revenue 190,740 216,200 - -100.0%(216,200) Total Community Dev. Block Grant 826,114 821,700 656,200 -20.1%(165,500) Cultural Arts Donations Donations 41,901 45,000 46,500 3.3%1,500 Interest Income 9,771 6,000 3,200 -46.7%(2,800) Other Revenue 5,870 - 3,000 0.0%3,000 Total Cultural Arts Donations 57,542 51,000 52,700 3.3%1,700 Flower Fields Grant Program Interest Income 36,447 9,758 - -100.0%(9,758) Total Flower Fields Grant Program 36,447 9,758 0 -100.0%(9,758) Habitat Mitigation Fee Mitigation Fees 17,202 - 15,000 0.0%15,000 Interest Income 1,874 1,500 - -100.0%(1,500) Total Habitat Mitigation Fee 19,076 1,500 15,000 900.0%13,500 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 49 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES 2019-20 2020-21 Change as %Difference 2018-19 Estimated Estimated of 19-20 2019-20 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2020-21 Special Revenue Funds - Continued Library And Arts Endowment Fund Interest Income 9,851 5,000 3,000 -40.0%(2,000) Total Library And Arts Endowment Fund 9,851 5,000 3,000 -40.0%(2,000) Library Gifts/Bequests Gifts and Bequests 1,154,287 299,000 245,200 -18.0%(53,800) Interest Income 36,320 25,000 13,500 -46.0%(11,500) Other Revenue - - - 0.0%- Total Library Gifts/Bequests 1,190,607 324,000 258,700 -20.2%(65,300) Lighting And Landscaping District No. #2 Assessment Fees 609,793 610,000 638,000 4.6%28,000 Interest Income 131,429 75,000 43,300 -42.3%(31,700) Other Revenue - - - 0.0%- Total Lighting And Landscaping Dist. No. #2 741,222 685,000 681,300 -0.5%(3,700) Local Cable Infrastructure Fund Cable Fees 424,979 307,000 285,000 -7.2%(22,000) Interest Income 26,130 16,000 10,000 -37.5%(6,000) Total Local Cable Infrastructure Fund 451,109 323,000 295,000 -8.7%(28,000) Median Maintenance Assessment Fees 354,872 355,000 362,000 2.0%7,000 Other 506,003 551,500 700,000 26.9%148,500 Total Median Maintenance 860,875 906,500 1,062,000 17.2%155,500 Parking In Lieu Parking In Lieu Fees 22,480 134,880 - -100.0%(134,880) Interest Income 41,997 21,000 12,000 -42.9%(9,000) Total Parking In Lieu 64,477 155,880 12,000 -92.3%(143,880) June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 50 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES 2019-20 2020-21 Change as %Difference 2018-19 Estimated Estimated of 19-20 2019-20 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2020-21 Special Revenue Funds - Continued Police Asset Forfeiture Asset Forfeitures 41,771 240,000 45,000 -81.3%(195,000) Interest Income 6,647 6,500 2,000 -69.2%(4,500) Total Police Asset Forfeiture 48,418 246,500 47,000 -80.9%(199,500) Public Safety Grants Federal Grant 553,229 350,000 - -100.0%(350,000) Total Police Grants 553,229 350,000 0 -100.0%(350,000) Recreation Donations Donations 59,402 25,000 47,000 88.0%22,000 Interest Income 11,018 5,800 3,000 -48.3%(2,800) Total Recreation Donations 70,420 30,800 50,000 62.3%19,200 Rental Assistance Federal Grant 7,494,252 7,400,000 7,680,000 3.8%280,000 Other Revenue 262,334 150,000 71,000 -52.7%(79,000) Total Rental Assistance 7,756,586 7,550,000 7,751,000 2.7%201,000 Senior Donations Donations 128,796 6,000 6,000 0.0%- Interest Income 12,184 7,000 6,000 -14.3%(1,000) Other Revenue 9,129 9,000 9,000 0.0%- Total Senior Donations 150,109 22,000 21,000 -4.6%(1,000) Street Lighting Assessment Fees 738,247 735,000 742,000 1.0%7,000 Other Revenue 159,401 170,000 145,000 -14.7%(25,000) Interest Income 91,997 50,000 23,000 -54.0%(27,000) Total Street Lighting 989,645 955,000 910,000 -4.7%(45,000) Street Tree Maintenance Assessment Fees 467,495 465,000 470,000 1.1%5,000 Other Revenue 276,209 400,000 - -100.0%(400,000) Total Street Tree Maintenance 743,704 865,000 470,000 -45.7%(395,000) Total Special Revenue Funds $17,589,689 $15,638,890 $13,723,900 -12.3%($1,914,990) June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 51 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES 2019-20 2020-21 Change as %Difference 2018-19 Estimated Estimated of 19-20 2019-20 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2020-21 Enterprise Funds Water Operations Water Sales $26,824,255 $28,165,000 $28,127,000 -0.1%($38,000) Ready-to-Serve charge 12,098,600 12,053,000 11,986,000 -0.6%(67,000) Water Rebates 259,491 - - 0.0%- Property Tax 3,981,688 3,590,000 3,805,000 6.0%215,000 New Account Charges 133,525 132,000 134,000 1.5%2,000 Back-Flow Program Fees 163,073 166,000 162,000 -2.4%(4,000) Penalty Fees 303,953 303,000 303,000 0.0%- Interest Income 1,165,139 633,500 550,000 -13.2%(83,500) Engineering Overhead 37,143 38,000 64,000 68.4%26,000 Service Connection Fees 68,403 66,000 85,000 28.8%19,000 Other Revenue 305,497 424,500 368,600 -13.2%(55,900) Total Water Operations 45,340,767 45,571,000 45,584,600 0.0%13,600 Recycled Water Operations Water Sales 5,653,189 6,945,000 6,561,000 -5.5%(384,000) Ready-to-Serve charge 1,157,960 1,183,600 1,150,000 -2.8%(33,600) Recycled Water Credits 690,490 - - 0.0%- Interest Income 145,917 118,000 80,000 -32.2%(38,000) Other Revenue 555,265 102,000 388,400 280.8%286,400 Total Recycled Water Operations 8,202,821 8,348,600 8,179,400 -2.0%(169,200) Wastewater Operations Service Charges 13,977,282 14,292,000 14,012,000 -2.0%(280,000) Misc. Sewer 27,048 22,000 27,000 22.7%5,000 Engineering Overhead 29,703 31,000 50,000 61.3%19,000 Penalty Fees 94,452 92,000 92,000 0.0%- Interest Income 475,977 207,000 75,000 -63.8%(132,000) Other Revenue 63,394 56,000 61,000 8.9%5,000 Total Wastewater Operations 14,667,856 14,700,000 14,317,000 -2.6%(383,000) Solid Waste Management Recycling Fees (AB939)378,933 330,000 340,000 3.0%10,000 Penalty Fees 58,457 60,000 60,000 0.0%- Trash Surcharge 3,000,274 3,075,000 3,000,000 -2.4%(75,000) Interest Income 550,004 272,000 273,300 0.5%1,300 Other Revenue 353,604 132,000 453,000 243.2%321,000 Total Solid Waste Management 4,341,272 3,869,000 4,126,300 6.7%257,300 Golf Course Operations Charges for Services 7,978,896 6,105,000 6,332,000 3.7%227,000 Interest Income 46,358 29,000 5,000 -82.8%(24,000) Other Revenue 182,560 71,000 582,000 719.7%511,000 Total Golf Course Operations 8,207,814 6,205,000 6,919,000 11.5%714,000 Total Enterprise Funds $80,760,530 $78,693,600 $79,126,300 0.6%$432,700 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 52 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES 2019-20 2020-21 Change as %Difference 2018-19 Estimated Estimated of 19-20 2019-20 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2020-21 Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation Interdepartmental Charges $3,004,370 $3,455,000 $1,880,930 -45.6%($1,574,070) Interest Income 451,433 250,000 250,000 0.0%- Other Revenue 1,773,924 110,000 1,935,163 1659.2%1,825,163 Total Workers' Compensation 5,229,727 3,815,000 4,066,093 6.6%251,093 Risk Management Interdepartmental Charges 2,091,149 2,195,000 2,309,460 5.2%114,460 Interest Income 153,651 86,000 70,000 -18.6%(16,000) Other Revenue 50,967 18,000 14,000 -22.2%(4,000) Total Risk Management 2,295,767 2,299,000 2,393,460 4.1%94,460 Self-Insured Benefits Interdepartmental Charges 298,133 - - 0.0%- Other Revenue 75,048 19,897 - -100.0%(19,897) Total Self-Insured Benefits 373,181 19,897 0 -100.0%(19,897) Vehicle Maintenance Interdepartmental Charges 2,770,789 2,950,000 3,500,050 18.7%550,050 Interest Income 29,134 9,500 7,500 -21.1%(2,000) Other Revenue 64,552 35,000 45,000 28.6%10,000 Total Vehicle Maintenance 2,864,475 2,994,500 3,552,550 18.6%558,050 Vehicle Replacement Interdepartmental Charges 2,272,471 2,366,000 2,872,445 21.4%506,445 Interest Income 679,775 355,000 350,000 -1.4%(5,000) Other Revenue 25,662 30,000 90,000 200.0%60,000 Total Vehicle Replacement 2,977,908 2,751,000 3,312,445 20.4%561,445 Information Technology Interdepartmental Charges 11,352,800 13,048,100 12,379,451 -5.1%(668,649) Interest Income 271,211 137,000 120,000 -12.4%(17,000) Other Revenue 32,643 47,400 - -100.0%(47,400) Total Information Technology 11,656,654 13,232,500 12,499,451 -5.5%(733,049) Total Internal Service Funds $25,397,712 $25,111,897 $25,823,999 2.8%$712,102 Trust Funds Sucssessor Agency Housing Fund Property Tax Increment 3,637,680 5,095,000 3,940,000 -22.7%(1,155,000) Interest Income 87,709 15,000 15,000 0.0%- Total Successor Agency Housing Fund 3,725,389 5,110,000 3,955,000 -22.6%(1,155,000) Total Trust Funds $3,725,389 $5,110,000 $3,955,000 -22.6%($1,155,000) Total Operating Funds $306,461,676 $288,806,387 $287,417,161 -0.5%($1,389,226) June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 53 of 124 % Incr / (Decr) 2019-20 19-20 Budget 2017-18 2018-19 Estimated 2019-20 2020-21 to Department Actuals Actuals Expenditures Budget Budget 20-21 Budget General Fund Policy And Leadership Group City Council $414,273 $453,386 $456,000 $608,117 $586,317 -3.6% City Attorney 1,645,117 1,751,649 1,885,000 1,930,232 1,987,318 3.0% City Manager 2,345,020 2,329,708 2,476,500 3,350,555 2,153,294 -35.7% City Treasurer 236,335 212,225 205,000 249,496 244,090 -2.2% Community Outreach And Engagement 1,511,292 1,602,350 1,603,500 1,675,553 1,692,761 1.0% Total Policy And Leadership Group 6,152,037 6,349,318 6,626,000 7,813,953 6,663,780 -14.7% Administrative Services Finance 4,075,310 5,195,794 5,745,000 6,099,607 5,989,716 -1.8% Human Resources 3,174,602 3,561,005 4,130,000 5,043,384 5,010,104 -0.7% Innovation and Economic Development 697,403 673,700 977,000 943,462 1,131,877 20.0% Total Administrative Services 7,947,315 9,430,499 10,852,000 12,086,453 12,131,697 0.4% Community Services Community Services Administration - - - - 581,849 - City Clerk Services 886,743 1,013,027 1,100,600 1,336,532 1,263,159 -5.5% Community Development 9,881,459 10,692,924 10,280,000 11,155,303 10,781,168 -3.4% Library And Cultural Arts 11,990,021 12,969,709 12,817,000 13,743,851 13,291,868 -3.3% Parks And Recreation 16,028,770 17,165,407 16,745,500 18,890,152 17,993,237 -4.7% Total Community Services 38,786,993 41,841,067 40,943,100 45,125,838 43,911,281 -2.7% Public Safety Fire 22,736,339 24,017,515 26,600,000 25,724,746 27,173,120 5.6% Police 35,310,020 39,009,548 43,085,000 42,017,261 44,593,457 6.1% Total Public Safety 58,046,359 63,027,063 69,685,000 67,742,007 71,766,577 5.9% Public Works Public Works Administration 1,569,375 1,626,845 1,696,000 2,067,458 1,786,198 -13.6% Construction Management & Inspections 2,706,324 2,575,598 3,150,000 3,459,299 2,893,903 -16.3% Environmental Management 585,802 669,711 882,000 772,217 808,946 4.8% Facilities 4,848,898 5,058,965 5,385,000 5,754,883 5,862,683 1.9% Transportation 6,174,496 6,877,759 6,715,000 7,607,635 7,410,972 -2.6% Total Public Works 15,884,895 16,808,878 17,828,000 19,661,492 18,762,702 -4.6% Miscellaneous Non-Departmental Expenditures Community Contributions 13,666 11,213 10,000 0 0 - Dues & Subscriptions 50,848 51,688 71,500 55,000 75,000 36.4% Legal Services 717,087 793,095 800,000 750,000 750,000 0.0% Professional Services 143,077 39,830 40,000 40,000 42,000 5.0% Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 163,807 738,439 650,000 0 0 - Personnel Related 140,607 149,563 152,400 175,000 284,000 62.3% Property Tax & Other Administration 639,319 660,633 670,000 725,000 725,000 0.0% Total Expenditures 1,868,411 2,444,461 2,393,900 1,745,000 1,876,000 7.5% CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Estimated expenditures may exceed adopted budget since they include prior year budget appropriations. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 54 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE % Incr / (Decr) 2019-20 19-20 Budget 2017-18 2018-19 Estimated 2019-20 2020-21 to Department Actuals Actuals Expenditures Budget Budget 20-21 Budget General Fund - Continued Transfers Transfer to Infrastructure Replacement Fund 9,970,000 10,681,000 5,111,500 5,111,500 1,000,000 -80.4% Transfer to General Capital Construction Fund 0 0 5,111,500 5,111,500 4,500,000 -12.0% Transfer to Golf Course Operations Fund 0 0 0 0 500,000 - Transfer To LLD#1 (Medians & Trees)850,000 775,000 950,000 950,000 700,000 -26.3% Transfer To Storm Water Program 218,511 219,274 300,000 300,000 309,000 3.0% Other Miscellaneous Transfers 1,858,216 1,500,000 0 0 0 - Total Transfers 12,896,727 13,175,274 11,473,000 11,473,000 7,009,000 -38.9% Total Miscellaneous Non-Departmental 14,765,138 15,619,735 13,866,900 13,218,000 8,885,000 -32.8% Subtotal General Fund 141,582,737 153,076,560 159,801,000 165,647,743 162,121,037 -2.1% Contingencies - - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 0.0% Total General Fund 141,582,737 153,076,560 159,801,000 167,147,743 163,621,037 -2.1% Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing $393,438 $704,106 $675,000 $1,128,778 $880,698 -22.0% Agricultural Mitigation Fee 275,834 149,893 0 0 0 - Buena Vista Channel Maintenance 102,839 135,419 137,500 194,882 195,245 0.2% Citizen's Option For Public Safety 322,045 236,881 245,000 268,428 253,937 -5.4% Community Activity Grants 0 0 0 10,000 30,000 200.0% Community Development Block Grant 132,519 509,402 827,345 632,895 655,643 3.6% Cultural Arts Donations 49,182 29,920 59,350 70,200 122,385 74.3% Flower Fields Grant Program 0 50,000 943,272 50,000 0 -100.0% Habitat Mitigation Fee 4,356 3,637 1,104,114 0 0 - Library And Arts Endowment Fund 5,955 1,493 4,000 4,000 6,000 50.0% Library Gifts/Bequests 132,290 301,371 317,600 327,277 426,910 30.4% Lighting And Landscaping District No. 2 253,297 253,519 350,000 354,378 354,681 0.1% Local Cable Infrastructure Fund 166,285 270,649 180,000 373,000 351,000 -5.9% Median Maintenance 981,749 960,502 890,000 1,206,305 1,221,612 1.3% Parking In Lieu 43,262 46,102 48,000 50,000 50,000 0.0% Police Asset Forfeiture 92,205 25,600 125,000 94,000 316,000 236.2% Police Grants 113,278 566,987 350,000 0 0 - Recreation Donations 89,871 47,518 53,250 112,000 98,700 -11.9% Rental Assistance 7,216,263 7,479,464 7,670,000 7,755,564 7,723,066 -0.4% Senior Donations 52,004 105,492 36,000 205,500 104,500 -49.1% Street Lighting 566,517 754,086 770,000 1,038,120 967,581 -6.8% Street Tree Maintenance 665,323 658,389 630,000 864,537 877,810 1.5% Total Special Revenue Funds 11,658,512 13,290,430 15,415,431 14,739,864 14,635,768 -0.7% Estimated expenditures may exceed adopted budget since they include prior year budget appropriations. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 55 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE % Incr / (Decr) 2019-20 19-20 Budget 2017-18 2018-19 Estimated 2019-20 2020-21 to Department Actuals Actuals Expenditures Budget Budget 20-21 Budget Enterprise Funds Water Operations $44,087,903 $42,715,366 $44,000,000 $45,213,561 $46,126,865 2.0% Recycled Water Operations 8,732,260 9,342,838 9,000,000 10,127,818 10,583,658 4.5% Wastewater Operations 13,224,657 18,534,329 13,600,000 14,163,213 15,235,755 7.6% Solid Waste Management 3,318,047 3,955,189 4,212,000 4,820,871 5,022,951 4.2% Golf Course Operations 7,322,249 7,794,389 7,379,000 8,227,596 6,571,000 -20.1% Total Enterprise Funds 76,685,116 82,342,111 78,191,000 82,553,059 83,540,229 1.2% Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation $4,291,779 $5,411,518 $3,030,000 $3,651,419 $3,664,554 0.4% Risk Management 2,041,118 2,181,589 2,065,000 2,519,958 2,684,739 6.5% Self-Insured Benefits 746,570 382,552 - 86,000 1,920,163 2132.7% Vehicle Maintenance 2,605,205 2,844,293 2,610,000 3,171,081 3,296,304 3.9% Vehicle Replacement 3,201,201 2,067,034 4,410,000 4,107,783 3,779,298 -8.0% Information Technology 8,769,808 12,433,677 12,125,000 12,549,759 13,567,910 8.1% Total Internal Service Funds 21,655,681 25,320,663 24,240,000 26,086,000 28,912,968 10.8% Trust Funds Successor Agency Housing Fund 1,816,779 1,769,568 1,825,000 1,546,792 1,933,523 25.0% Total Trust Funds 1,816,779 1,769,568 1,825,000 1,546,792 1,933,523 25.0% Total Operating Funds 253,398,825 275,799,332 279,472,431 292,073,458 292,643,525 0.2% General Fund 163,621,037 Non GF 129,022,488$292,643,525 Estimated expenditures may exceed adopted budget since they include prior year budget appropriations. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 56 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS July 1, 2019 Projected June 30, 2020 Unreserved Projected Projected Debt Service Projected Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Loans & Other Balance BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 12,147,090 2,331,495 - - 14,478,585 BTD#3 - Cannon Road West 503,448 7,982 - - 511,430 Community Development Block Grant - - - - - CFD #1 - Citywide 87,334,515 3,596,787 1,193,377 182,658 89,555,267 Gas Tax 13,344,910 2,284,930 3,001,992 610,000 12,017,848 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)1,337,299 1,724,259 1,639,351 - 1,422,207 General Capital Const.42,666,245 5,111,500 4,769,387 - 43,008,358 Grants - Federal - 1,440,000 8,143 - 1,431,857 Infrastructure Replacement 118,964,129 7,195,384 6,630,249 - 119,529,264 Other 1,859,723 31,493 - - 1,891,216 Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 4,427,448 127,595 - - 4,555,043 Park-In-Lieu NE 3,835,412 468,015 - - 4,303,427 Park-In-Lieu NW 1,502,376 95,551 925 - 1,597,002 Park-In-Lieu SE 1,428,906 411,788 4,850 - 1,835,844 Park-In-Lieu SW 551,165 248,854 386,658 - 413,361 Planned Local Drainage Area A 1,012,787 128,865 140,102 - 1,001,550 Planned Local Drainage Area B 2,483,850 129,224 1,042,185 - 1,570,889 Planned Local Drainage Area C 1,598,249 38,156 98,923 - 1,537,482 Planned Local Drainage Area D 780,830 34,430 184,636 - 630,624 Public Facilities Fee 27,060,099 2,199,842 1,391,816 - 27,868,125 Sewer Connection 8,862,588 4,579,674 2,823,552 - 10,618,710 Sewer Replacement 26,060,652 13,961,082 5,539,804 - 34,481,930 TDA - - - - - Traffic Impact Fee 22,594,162 3,008,280 1,191,233 - 24,411,209 Transnet/Local 25,361,161 5,437,581 6,320,961 - 24,477,781 Transnet/STP - - - - - Water - Potable 33,719,528 1,614,105 153,259 - 35,180,374 Water - Recycled (4,138,167) 24,033,033 11,928,792 - 7,966,074 Water Replacement - Potable 55,115,949 7,109,794 11,533,731 - 50,692,012 Water Replacement - Recycled 16,654,808 1,440,899 188,034 - 17,907,673 Total 507,069,162 88,790,599 60,171,960 792,658 534,895,143 PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 2019-20 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 57 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS July 1, 2020 June 30, 2020 July 01, 2020 2020-21 June 30, 2021 Projected Estimated Continuing New Total CIP Projected Fund Balance Revenues Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Balance BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 14,478,585 - 13,769,150 - 13,769,150 709,435 BTD#3 - Cannon Road West 511,430 - 105,021 (105,021) - 511,430 Community Development Block Grant - - - - - - CFD #1 - Citywide 89,555,267 4,379,265 29,825,834 134,000 29,959,834 63,974,698 Gas Tax 12,017,848 2,321,630 11,340,512 1,548,656 12,889,168 1,450,310 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)1,422,207 1,958,885 971,972 2,176,000 3,147,972 233,120 General Capital Const.43,008,358 4,500,000 40,701,129 (2,819,079) 37,882,050 9,626,308 Grants - Federal 1,431,857 - 1,431,857 - 1,431,857 - Infrastructure Replacement 119,529,264 1,000,000 26,185,187 6,500,000 32,685,187 87,844,077 Other 1,891,216 - 1,294,591 - 1,294,591 596,625 Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 4,555,043 70,281 - - - 4,625,324 Park-In-Lieu NE 4,303,427 - 200,000 - 200,000 4,103,427 Park-In-Lieu NW 1,597,002 361,321 792 - 792 1,957,531 Park-In-Lieu SE 1,835,844 326,756 - - - 2,162,600 Park-In-Lieu SW 413,361 255,278 222,573 - 222,573 446,066 Planned Local Drainage Area A 1,001,550 - 22,496 - 22,496 979,054 Planned Local Drainage Area B 1,570,889 226,596 2,401,013 (661,332) 1,739,681 57,804 Planned Local Drainage Area C 1,537,482 632 184,115 (163,016) 21,099 1,517,015 Planned Local Drainage Area D 630,624 91,841 22,511 - 22,511 699,954 Public Facilities Fee 27,868,125 962,903 2,105,322 1,151,581 3,256,903 25,574,125 Sewer Connection 10,618,710 349,946 3,899,731 246,000 4,145,731 6,822,925 Sewer Replacement 34,481,930 4,181,955 23,568,701 11,033,874 34,602,575 4,061,310 TDA - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fee 24,411,209 948,884 21,073,781 (2,727,000) 18,346,781 7,013,312 Transnet/Local 24,477,781 4,209,000 17,723,960 7,834,000 25,557,960 3,128,821 Transnet/STP - - - - - - Water - Potable 35,180,374 1,286,397 3,981,923 250,000 4,231,923 32,234,848 Water - Recycled 7,966,074 245,743 6,251,418 870,000 7,121,418 1,090,399 Water Replacement - Potable 50,692,012 6,845,091 44,527,182 1,965,300 46,492,482 11,044,621 Water Replacement - Recycled 17,907,673 - 4,351,401 1,887,900 6,239,301 11,668,372 Total 534,895,143 34,522,404 256,162,172 29,121,863 285,284,035 284,133,512 PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 2020-21 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 58 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS REVENUES ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Actual Actual Actual Projected Estimated Fund Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 59,251 305,677 751,810 2,331,495 - BTD#3 - Cannon Road West 79,875 4,293 18,996 7,982 - Community Development Block Grant 308,112 16,335 - - - CFD #1 - Citywide 3,065,439 2,795,212 6,095,889 3,596,787 4,379,265 Gas Tax 2,194,398 2,749,382 3,299,173 2,284,930 2,321,630 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)- 661,528 2,132,844 1,724,259 1,958,885 General Capital Const.10,521,222 - 1,077,525 5,111,500 4,500,000 Grants - Federal 19,890 40,371 956,847 1,440,000 - Infrastructure Replacement 9,765,585 10,358,061 15,073,019 7,195,384 1,000,000 Other 11,763 19,704 109,630 31,493 - Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 420,515 501,489 244,229 127,595 70,281 Park-In-Lieu NE 998,551 69,308 1,441,530 468,015 - Park-In-Lieu NW 253,193 771,528 1,086,531 95,551 361,321 Park-In-Lieu SE 18,033 16,622 372,419 411,788 326,756 Park-In-Lieu SW 52,856 61,225 190,127 248,854 255,278 Planned Local Drainage Area A 49,255 77,773 155,094 128,865 - Planned Local Drainage Area B 362,617 75,817 136,887 129,224 226,596 Planned Local Drainage Area C 4,339 5,489 82,796 38,156 632 Planned Local Drainage Area D 27,296 22,847 124,198 34,430 91,841 Public Facilities Fee 6,501,517 4,947,110 3,673,762 2,199,842 962,903 Sewer Connection 1,377,814 842,150 874,464 4,579,674 349,946 Sewer Replacement 4,932,632 4,872,244 7,662,061 13,961,082 4,181,955 TDA 59,887 23,682 - - - Traffic Impact Fee 3,041,034 3,059,920 2,586,291 3,008,280 948,884 Transnet/Local 4,172,670 4,269,152 3,779,436 5,437,581 4,209,000 Transnet/STP (198) - - - - Water - Potable 1,932,938 1,786,623 2,064,521 1,614,105 1,286,397 Water - Recycled 3,987,107 1,231,038 2,144,721 24,033,033 245,743 Water Replacement - Potable 5,073,257 5,002,438 6,970,260 7,109,794 6,845,091 Water Replacement - Recycled 1,015,575 1,348,906 2,046,796 1,440,899 - Total 60,306,423 45,935,924 65,151,856 88,790,599 34,522,404 Note: Revenues include loans, advances and transfers. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 59 of 124 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2020-21 Actual Actual Estimated Continuing New Total CIP FUND Expense Expense Expense Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 13,995 - - 13,769,150 - 13,769,150 BTD#3 - Cannon Road West 193,137 - - 105,021 (105,021) - Community Development Block Grant 16,335 - - - - - CFD #1 - Citywide 384,470 665,531 1,376,035 29,825,834 134,000 29,959,834 Gas Tax 2,862,646 2,609,525 3,611,992 11,340,512 1,548,656 12,889,168 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)10,711 1,441,968 1,639,351 971,972 2,176,000 3,147,972 General Capital Const.3,122,730 3,355,394 4,769,387 40,701,129 (2,819,079) 37,882,050 Grants - Federal 975,193 - 8,143 1,431,857 - 1,431,857 Infrastructure Replacement 3,346,454 1,963,003 6,630,249 26,185,187 6,500,000 32,685,187 Other - - - 1,294,591 - 1,294,591 Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 - - - - - - Park-In-Lieu NE - - - 200,000 - 200,000 Park-In-Lieu NW 992,883 (1,716) 925 792 - 792 Park-In-Lieu SE 887,896 432,960 4,850 - - - Park-In-Lieu SW 9,191 2,458,313 386,658 222,573 - 222,573 Planned Local Drainage Area A - 3,352 140,102 22,496 - 22,496 Planned Local Drainage Area B 286,812 1,114,394 1,042,185 2,401,013 (661,332) 1,739,681 Planned Local Drainage Area C - 2,168 98,923 184,115 (163,016) 21,099 Planned Local Drainage Area D - 2,451 184,636 22,511 - 22,511 Public Facilities Fee 8,820,647 4,996,962 1,391,816 2,105,322 1,151,581 3,256,903 Sewer Connection 9,281,833 1,293,191 2,823,552 3,899,731 246,000 4,145,731 Sewer Replacement 6,993,624 5,934,908 5,539,804 23,568,701 11,033,874 34,602,575 TDA 5,783 - - - - - Traffic Impact Fee 624,181 324,564 1,191,233 21,073,781 (2,727,000) 18,346,781 Transnet/Local 5,254,026 1,561,510 6,320,961 17,723,960 7,834,000 25,557,960 Transnet/STP - - - - - - Water - Potable 43,344 6,700 153,259 3,981,923 250,000 4,231,923 Water - Recycled 3,727,004 825,659 11,928,792 6,251,418 870,000 7,121,418 Water Replacement - Potable 4,046,139 7,089,068 11,533,731 44,527,182 1,965,300 46,492,482 Water Replacement - Recycled 186,353 215,047 188,034 4,351,401 1,887,900 6,239,301 Total 52,085,387 36,294,952 60,964,618 256,162,172 29,121,863 285,284,035 Note: Expenditures include loans, advances and transfers. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 60 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source Abandon Potable Services (New Recycled Services) Multiple Districts High 52051 WATER REPL 1,742,000 ADA Beach Access-Pine To Tamarack District 1 Medium 60651 GCC 375,000 Adaptive Traffic Signal Program Multiple Districts High 63261 TRANSNET- LOC 2,641,938 63264 TRANSNET- LOC 1,000,000 Advance Street Name Signs Multiple Districts High 60861 GAS TAX 40,000 Avenida Encinas Pedestrian Access Improvements District 2 Critical 60911 GAS TAX 75,000 Avenida Encinas Widening - South of Palomar Airport Road District 3 High 60041 TIF 5,177,000 Aviara Community Park - Phase 2 District 2 High 46041 PIL-SW 3,120,500 46042 PIL-SW 38,200 46043 PFF 700,000 Aviara Parkway And Plum Tree Waterline District 2 Low 19021 WATER REPL - Barrio Street Lighting District 1 High 40131 GCC 760,000 Beach Access Repair/Upgrades - Pine Avenue To Tamarack District 1 Critical 38961 IRF 1,612,750 38962 GCC 4,199,000 Buena Interceptor Sewer Access Road Improvements District 3 High 55371 SEWER REPL 1,150,000 Buena Interceptor Sewer Improvements Multiple Districts Critical 55011 SEWER REPL 1,588,499 55012 SEWER CONN 550,000 Buena Interceptor Sewer Realignment - East Segment District 2 High 55441 SEWER REPL 507,000 Business Park Recreational Facility (Partial Funding) District 2 Low 19041 ZONE 5 - Calavera Hills Community Center Referbishment District 2 Medium 47461 IRF 45,000 Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements District 2 Medium 46011 GCC 1,046,850 46012 GCC 10,500 1,742,000------- 2,875,000-----2,500,000- 2,641,938------- 1,000,000------- 40,000------- 75,000------- 5,177,000-----5,177,000-5,177,000 3,120,500------- 38,200------- 700,000------- 1,100,500----1,000,500100,000- 999,999-----239,999- 1,612,750------- 6,199,000------2,000,000 1,150,000------- 3,758,499------2,170,000 550,000------- 1,987,000-----1,480,000- 4,760,0004,760,000------ 685,000-----540,000100,000 1,146,850-----100,000- Capital Projects June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 61 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements District 2 Medium 46011 GCC 1,046,850 46012 GCC 10,500 Cannon Park Restroom District 2 Medium 47261 GCC 690,000 Carlsbad Blvd And Tamarack Avenue Pedestrian Improvements District 1 Critical 60581 GAS TAX 1,576,000 60583 TRANSNET- LOC 1,054,000 Carlsbad Blvd Realignment Multiple Districts Medium 60311 TRANSNET- LOC 3,250,000 Carlsbad Blvd Realignment / Palomar Airport Road (Segment 2) District 2 Low 19081 TIF - Carlsbad Boulevard Waterline Replacement At Terramar District 2 Critical 50481 WATER REPL 2,430,000 Carlsbad Boulevard Widening Mountain View Drive to Northerly City Limits District 1 Low 19101 TIF - 19102 TIF - Carlsbad Village Dr. & Grand Ave. Pedestrian And Crossing Imp. District 1 High 19121 TRANSNET- LOC - Carlsbad Village Drive Widening - Pontiac Drive To Victoria Avenue Multiple Districts Low 19131 TIF - Chestnut Avenue Complete Street Improvements-Valley To Pio Pico District 1 Medium 19161 TRANSNET- LOC - Christiansen Way Improvements District 1 Medium 19171 TRANSNET- LOC - City Hall Complex Multiple Districts Critical 40081 CFD#1 1,028,105 College Boulevard - Cannon Road To Badger Lane (375 Zone) District 2 Medium 50131 WATER CONN 1,060,000 College Boulevard - Cannon Road To Badger Lane (490 Zone) District 2 Medium 50121 WATER CONN 1,090,000 College Boulevard Reach A and Cannon Road Reach 4A District 2 High 36362 OTHER 1,713,002 36363 PLDB - 36364 TRANSNET- LOC - Crestview Drive Transmission Main District 2 Low 50331 WATER REPL 240,000 Desalinated Water Flow Control Facility No. 5 District 2 High 50381 WATER CONN 1,904,300 DMP Facility AAA (Jefferson Street) District 1 Low 19231 PLDA - 11,500-----1,000- 690,000-----634,354-634,354 1,576,000------- 1,054,000------- 3,250,000------- 932,000932,000------ 5,080,000----150,0002,500,000- 984,000984,000------ 1,274,0001,274,000------ 1,320,000-----1,320,000- 3,102,0003,102,000------ 1,080,000-----1,080,000- 310,000-----310,000- 51,028,105-50,000,000----- 1,095,000----35,000-- 1,460,000----370,000-- 1,713,002------- 512,196512,196------ 1,205,000------1,205,000 240,000------- 10,104,300-----7,950,000250,000 Capital Projects June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 62 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source DesalinatedWaterFlowControl Facility No. 5 District 2 High 50381 WATER CONN 1,904,300 DMP Facility AAA (Jefferson Street) District 1 Low 19231 PLDA - DMP Facility AAAA (Madison Street) District 1 Medium 19241 PLDA - DMP Facility AC (Highland Drive Drainage Project) District 1 Medium 66091 PLDA - DMP Facility AFA (Hidden Valley Drainage Restoration and Enhanceme.. District 2 Low 19251 PLDA - DMP Facility AFB (Calavera Hills Drainage Restoration and Enhanceme.. District 2 Low 19261 PLDA - DMP Facility BB 1 And 2 (Washington Street) District 1 Low 19271 PLDB - DMP Facility BCB (Magnolia Avenue) District 1 Medium 19281 PLDB - DMP Facility BFB-L & BFB-1 (Tamarack And El Camino Real Plda "B") District 2 Low 19291 PLDB - DMP Facility BFB-U (El Camino Real) District 2 High 66221 PLDB 138,220 DMP Facility BL-L (College Blvd. Bridge Reimb. Plda "B") District 2 Low 19301 PLDB - DMP Facility BL-U (College Boulevard) District 2 Low 19311 PLDB - DMP Facility BM (Cantarini/College Boulevard Box Culvert) District 2 Low 19321 PLDB - DMP Facility BQ (Sunny Creek) District 2 Low 19331 PLDB - DMP Facility BR (Cantarini/College Boulevard Pipe Drainage) District 2 Low 19341 PLDB - DMP Facility C1 - Carlsbad Boulevard Encinas Creek Bridge Plda "C") District 3 High 39192 PLDC 2,539,565 DMP Facility C2 (Paseo Del Norte) District 3 Low 19351 PLDC - DMP Facility CA (Avenida Encinas) District 3 Low 19361 PLDC - DMP Facility DBA (Poinsettia Village) District 4 Low 19371 PLDD - DMP Facility DBB (Avenida Encinas) District 4 Low 19381 PLDD - DMP Facility DFA (Batiquitos Lagoon Stormwater Treatment) District 4 Low 19391 PLDD - DMP Facility DH (Altive Place Canyon Restoration) District 3 Low 19401 PLDD - DMP Facility DQB (La Costa Town Center) District 4 Medium 19411 PLDD - 289,534289,534------ 416,500416,500------ 921,408921,408------ 91,60891,608------ 163,164163,164------ 1,086,0651,086,065------ 468,096468,096------ 904,329904,329------ 891,220------753,000 1,816,101-1,816,101----- 384,509384,509------ 204,077204,077------ 131,355131,355------ 180,773180,773------ 2,376,549-------163,016 727,730727,730------ 529,402529,402------ 167,215167,215------ 429,108429,108------ 256,423256,423------ 232,812232,812------ Capital Projects June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 63 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source DMP Facility DH (Altive Place Canyon Restoration)District 3 Low 19401 PLDD - DMP Facility DQB (La Costa Town Center) District 4 Medium 19411 PLDD - DMP Facility DZ (Poinsettia Lane) District 3 High 19421 PLDD - Drainage Master Plan Update Multiple Districts High 66231 PLDA 166,512 66232 PLDB 558,000 66233 PLDC 121,890 66234 PLDD 209,598 El Camino Real And Agua Hedionda Creek Bridge Railing & Sidewalk District 2 Critical 60561 IRF 210,000 El Camino Real And Cannon Road Intersection Improvements District 2 Critical 60421 TIF 2,615,000 El Camino Real And Carlsbad Village Drive Dual Left Turns District 1 Low 19431 TIF - El Camino Real And College Blvd Intersection Improvements District 2 Critical 60711 GAS TAX 895,000 60712 GCC 131,000 El Camino Real Left Turn Lane To Westbound Tamarack Avenue District 2 Low 60501 TIF 286,000 El Camino Real Medians Multiple Districts High 36431 PFF 909,500 36432 GAS TAX 1,984,530 El Camino Real Right Turn Lane To East Bound Alga Road District 3 Low 19441 TIF - El Camino Real Widening - Arenal Road To La Costa Avenue District 4 High 60511 TIF 3,200,000 El Camino Real Widening - Cassia Rd To Camino Vida Roble District 3 Critical 60721 TRANSNET- LOC 1,380,000 60722 FED GRNT 1,440,000 El Camino Real Widening - Lisa Street To Crestview Drive District 2 Low 60851 GCC 108,953 El Camino Real Widening - Sunny Creek To Jackspar District 2 High 60941 TRANSNET- LOC - Faraday & El Camino Real Sewer Replacement - Orion To PAR District 2 High 55391 SEWER CONN 140,000 Fire Station No. 2 Replacement District 4 High 40601 GCC 13,000,000 745,842745,842------ 642,063642,063------ 166,512------- 558,000------- 121,890------- 209,598------- 210,000------- 3,315,000------700,000 1,132,000-1,132,000----- 895,000------- 131,000------- 0-------286,000 695,781-------213,719 1,404,530-------580,000 438,000-438,000----- 5,000,000-----1,800,000- 1,555,000------175,000 1,440,000------- 0-------108,953 4,000,000------4,000,000 436,000----250,00046,000- Capital Projects June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 64 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source Faraday&ElCaminoRealSewer Replacement - Orion To PAR District 2 High 55391 SEWER CONN 140,000 Fire Station No. 2 Replacement District 4 High 40601 GCC 13,000,000 Fire Station No. 4 Expansion District 3 High 47401 IRF 810,000 Foxes Landing Lift Station Wetwell And Pump Replacement District 1 Critical 55261 SEWER REPL 5,492,000 Hydroelectric Generator at Desal Flow Control Facility No. 5 District 2 Medium 50591 WATER CONN 200,000 Intelligent Traffic Control Devices Multiple Districts Low 66341 GAS TAX 200,000 Intersection Control - Camino De Los Coches And La Costa Avenue District 4 Critical 63251 GAS TAX 250,000 Kelly Drive And Park Drive Road Diet And Multiuse Trail District 2 Critical 60751 TRANSNET- LOC 4,175,000 60753 GAS TAX 130,000 La Costa Avenue Traffic Improvements District 4 Medium 60761 GAS TAX 863,000 Laguna Drive Storm Drain District 1 Medium 66281 GAS TAX 370,000 Lake Calavera Outlet Improvements District 2 High 50541 GCC 1,220,000 Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan/Construction (Prop C) District 2 High 38661 GCC 1,063,250 Las Palmas Trunk Sewer District 2 Critical 55401 SEWER CONN 556,000 Left Turn Lane Extensions Multiple Districts High 60771 GAS TAX 200,000 Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Phase 3 - Stables Restoration and Restroom Construction District 2 Medium 46021 PFF 1,631,500 46022 PIL-SE 1,334,100 46023 PFF 29,655 Limited Access Pipeline Relocation Program Multiple Districts Critical 50351 WATER REPL 1,940,000 Maerkle Reservoir Floating Cover Replacement District 2 Critical 50361 WATER REPL 13,055,000 Maerkle Reservoir Transmission Main District 2 Critical 50011 WATER REPL 6,330,000 Marca Place Drainage Improvements District 4 Medium 66141 GAS TAX 65,000 Melrose Drive And Alga Road Dual Left TurnLanes(RTCIP) District 2 Low 19531 TIF - 13,000,000------- 5,335,000------4,525,000 5,492,000------- 2,275,000-----2,075,000- 200,000------- 250,000------- 4,175,000------- 130,000------- 863,000-----841,700-841,700 2,950,000----1,494,0001,000,00086,000 1,260,000-----40,000- 1,128,250------65,000 3,186,000-----2,630,000- 200,000------- 1,631,500------- 1,334,100------- 29,655------- 4,940,000----1,000,0002,000,000- 13,055,000------- 14,631,000---8,301,000--- 65,000------- Capital Projects June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 65 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding SourceMarca Place Drainage Improvements District 4 Medium 66141 GAS TAX 65,000 Melrose Drive And Alga Road Dual Left Turn Lanes (RTCIP) District 2 Low 19531 TIF - Melrose Drive Right Turn Lane To West Bound Palomar Airport Road District 2 High 60341 TIF 561,000 Miscellaneous Pipeline Replacement - Recycled District 2 High 19541 RECL REPL - Normally Closed Valve (Install Motorized Valve) District 2 High 50501 WATER REPL 485,000 North Batiquitos Access Road Improvement District 4 High 55471 SEWER REPL 250,000 North Batiquitos Lift Station Forcemain Rehabilitation District 4 Medium 55361 SEWER REPL 550,000 Ocean Street Restroom Facility District 1 High 47291 GCC 775,000 Orion Center District 2 High 35721 CFD#1 33,995,266 35722 WATER REPL 6,650,399 35723 SEWER REPL 3,995,000 35724 CFD#1 541,000 35725 RECL REPL 2,660,000 Palomar Airport Road And College Blvd Improvements District 2 High 60281 TIF 495,500 Palomar Airport Road/El Fuerte Street Right Turn Lane District 2 Low 19581 TIF - Palomar Airport Road/Paseo Del Norte Left Turn Lane Extension Multiple Districts Medium 60431 Gas Tax 32,193 60432 TRANSNET- LOC 250,277 Palomar Airport Road/Paseo Del Norte Right Turn Lane Multiple Districts Medium 60441 Gas Tax 101,891 60442 TRANSNET- LOC 925,639 Palomar Airport Waterline Realignment District 2 High 50551 WATER REPL 525,000 Pine Avenue Park - Phase II (Community Building) District 1 High 46031 PIL-NW 2,197,000 46032 PFF 10,016,040 46033 PFF 123,300 1,237,0001,237,000------ 711,000------150,000 6,010,0002,910,0002,150,000350,000350,000250,000-- 485,000------- 250,000------- 550,000------- 775,000------- 34,705,846-----710,580- 6,789,409-----139,010- 4,078,500-----83,500- 552,310-----11,310- 2,715,600-----55,600- 995,500------500,000 1,198,000-1,198,000----- 47,193------15,000 250,277------- 116,891------15,000 925,639------- 1,000,000------475,000 2,197,000------- 10,016,040------- Capital Projects June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 66 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source Pine Avenue Park - Phase II (Community Building) District 1 High 46032 PFF 10,016,040 46033 PFF 123,300 Poinsettia Community Park - Phase 3 District 3 High 46051 PFF 5,231,475 46052 PFF 43,225 Poinsettia Community Park - Phase 4 - Dog Park District 3 Medium 46081 PFF 1,080,500 46082 PFF 11,340 Poinsettia Lane - Reach E Cassia Road To Skimmer Court District 3 High 39221 BTD#2 14,081,200 Poinsettia Lane - Reaches A,B,C,F,G & Aviara Pkwy Reimb District 2 High 19591 BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane Lift Station Overflow District 3 High 55291 SEWER REPL 1,106,243 Poinsettia Lane Widening - Paseo Del Norte To Batiquitos Drive (RTCIP) District 3 Null 19601 TIF - Pressure Reducing Station Program Multiple Districts Critical 50201 WATER REPL 3,462,000 Recycled Water Line - CWRF To Agua Hedionda Lagoon Multiple Districts Critical 50271 WATER REPL 1,632,594 50272 RECL WATER 3,417,406 Recycled Water Phase 3 - CWRF Expansion District 3 High 52091 WATER REPL 3,517,276 52092 RECL WATER 6,844,124 Recycled Water Phase 3 - Pipelines Multiple Districts Critical 52081 WATER REPL 2,497,529 52082 RECL WATER 21,256,331 Recycled Water Phase 3 - Reservoir District 3 High 52101 WATER REPL 690,000 52102 RECL WATER 2,250,000 Robertson Ranch Park Development (Partial Funding) District 2 Medium 38011 PIL-NE 200,000 38012 PFF - Santa Fe II Inlet Pipeline Null High 50571 WATER REPL 495,000 SCADA Improvements Multiple Districts Critical 55421 SEWER REPL 1,207,500 123,300------- 5,231,475------- 43,225------- 2,061,000------980,500 21,140------9,800 14,081,200------- 1,168,8331,168,833------ 1,106,243------- 1,039,0001,039,000------ 11,862,0003,000,0003,000,000600,000600,000600,000600,000- 1,632,594------- 3,417,406------- 3,517,276------- 6,844,124------- 2,497,529------- 21,256,331------- 980,000------290,000 3,120,000------870,000 2,735,000----2,450,00085,000- 12,592,000----12,592,000-- 2,865,000----2,370,000-- Capital Projects June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 67 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding SourceSanta Fe II Inlet Pipeline Null High 50571 WATER REPL 495,000 SCADA Improvements Multiple Districts Critical 55421 SEWER REPL 1,207,500 55422 WATER REPL 1,305,000 55423 RECL REPL 357,500 Sewer Line Capacity Improvements Multiple Districts High 55481 SEWER REPL 100,000 Sidewalk/Street Construction Program Multiple Districts High 60021 TIF 3,200,000 Simsbury Sewer Extension District 2 Medium 55331 SEWER REPL 671,000 South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail District 2 High 40851 GCC 674,500 State Street and Grand Avenue Road Improvements District 1 Medium 60821 TRANSNET- LOC - Terramar Area Coastal Improvements District 2 High 60541 TIF 6,000,001 60542 GCC 999,999 60543 TRANSNET- LOC 1,000,000 60544 SEWER REPL 500,000 60545 PFF - Traffic Control Improvements - Poinsettia Lane & Cassia Road Multiple Districts High 63292 GAS TAX 411,000 Traffic Control Improvements - Poinsettia Lane & Oriole Court District 3 High 63302 GAS TAX 411,000 Traffic Improvement Program Multiple Districts Critical 60701 GAS TAX 1,400,000 Traffic Signal - Faraday Avenue And Camino Hills Drive District 2 Medium 63311 GAS TAX 210,000 Traffic Signal - La Costa Avenue And Levante Street District 4 Low 39381 GAS TAX 250,000 Traffic Signal - Maverick Way & Camino De Los Coches District 4 Critical 63322 GAS TAX 140,000 Traffic Signal - Poinsettia Lane And Brigantine Road Multiple Districts Low 19711 GAS TAX - Traffic Signal - Tamarack Avenue And Valley Street District 1 Medium 19721 GAS TAX - Trail Connectivity To Tamarack State Beach (Prop C) District 1 Medium 40631 GCC 3,276,000 10,058,100--610,5002,412,5003,209,2001,858,100760,300 10,155,600--610,5002,412,5003,209,2001,858,100760,300 2,394,000--398,000337,600631,500381,500287,900 1,070,000-----870,000100,000 4,400,000---300,000300,000300,000300,000 671,000------- 719,500------45,000 325,000-----325,000- 6,650,001------650,000 999,999------- 1,000,000------- 1,000,000------500,000 2,450,000-----2,450,000- 411,000------- 411,000------- 2,300,000----300,000300,000300,000 210,000-----210,000-210,000 250,000------- 140,000------- 210,000---210,000--- 290,000------290,000 Capital Projects June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 68 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source TrafficSignal-TamarackAvenueAnd Valley Street District 1 Medium 19721 GAS TAX - Trail Connectivity To Tamarack State Beach (Prop C) District 1 Medium 40631 GCC 3,276,000 Tri-Agency Water Transmission Pipeline Replacement District 2 High 50081 WATER REPL 6,455,000 Valley and Magnolia Complete Streets District 1 High 60191 TIF 3,286,206 60192 WATER REPL 71,000 60193 OTHER - Valley Street Road Diet And Traffic Calming District 1 Medium 19741 TRANSNET- LOC - Veteran's Memorial Park (All Quadrants) Multiple Districts Critical 46091 CFD#1 478,200 Village and Barrio Traffic Circles District 1 High 40151 GCC 315,000 40152 TRANSNET- LOC 1,025,000 40153 SEWER REPL 160,000 40154 GAS TAX - Village Decorative Lighting District 1 Medium 40161 GCC 703,853 Village H South Off Leash Dog Area and Trail Segment 5B District 2 Low Not Assigned PFF - Village Intelligent Parking Implementation District 1 Low 60891 GCC 300,000 Villas Sewer Lift Station Replacement District 2 Critical 55501 SEWER REPL 130,000 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Agua Hedionda LS & Forcemain (VC12-VC13) District 2 Critical 34921 SEWER CONN 30,863,405 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Buena Vista Lift Station Improvements District 1 Critical 55351 SEWER CONN 1,125,000 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Lagoon Bridge Replacement (VC11B) Multiple Districts Critical 38861 SEWER CONN 9,625,200 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Reach VC3 District 1 Critical 39501 SEWER CONN 597,000 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Reach VC14 To VC15 Multiple Districts High 39491 SEWER CONN 21,107,163 Water Valve Repair/Replacement Program Multiple Districts Critical 50191 WATER REPL 5,990,000 3,276,000-----3,123,844-3,123,844 6,455,000------- 3,536,206------250,000 71,000------- 0------- 1,645,000-----1,645,000- 23,922,200-23,420,000----24,000 415,000------100,000 1,025,000------- 560,000------400,000 2,175,000------2,175,000 1,103,853-----400,000- 1,247,800----872,800-375,000 300,000----300,000--300,000 850,000-----720,000- 30,913,405------50,000 4,346,000-3,150,000----71,000 9,625,200------- 2,689,000---2,092,000--- 21,107,163------- 20,540,0005,650,0005,110,000960,000960,000940,000930,000- Capital Projects June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 69 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source ADA Improvement Program Multiple Districts Critical 60491 TRANSNET -LOC 1,670,000 60492 IRF - Agua Hedionda Creek Maintenance District 2 High 33381 PLDB 4,098,069 33382 IRF - Agua Hedionda Lift Station Biological Monitoring And Maintenance District 2 Medium 55451 SEWER REPL 150,000 Alga Norte Park Modifications District 3 Medium 47331 GCC 314,000 Assessment District 97-1 Concrete Improvements District 3 High 60841 GCC 420,000 Aviara and Hidden Canyon Parks Playground Safety Resurfacing Multiple Districts High 47451 IRF 600,000 Bridge Preventitive Maintenance Program Multiple Districts Critical 60661 IRF 1,227,511 Buena Vista Creek Channel Clearing At El Camino Real Multiple Districts High 66191 GCC 675,000 Camino Hills And Jackspar Drive Slope Stabilization District 2 Critical 60301 GCC 859,400 Cannon Road and Bobcat Blvd District 2 High 60901 GAS TAX 155,000 Carlsbad Blvd Emergency Repair District 3 Critical 60631 GAS TAX 841,000 Carlsbad Blvd Median-Tamarack Avenue To Pine Avenue District 1 Low 19071 GAS TAX - Carlsbad Blvd Pedestrian Lighting - Tamarack To State Street District 1 High 60681 TRANSNET -LOC 1,325,000 Carlsbad Blvd Realignment / Palomar Airport Road (Segment 2) (RTCIP) District 2 Low 19091 TIF - Cathodic Protection Program Multiple Districts Critical 50071 WATER REPL 1,426,700 City Facility Accessibility Upgrades Multiple Districts Medium 47271 GCC 500,000 City Facility Safety And Parking Lot Lighting Assessment Multiple Districts High 60741 IRF 410,000 City Hall Complex Refurbishment District 1 Medium 47181 IRF 1,059,000 City Hall Exterior Refurbishment District 1 Critical 47251 GCC 2,250,000 Citywide Drainage Improvement Program Multiple Districts High 66082 GAS TAX 6,090,594 2,060,000---65,000130,00065,000130,000 0------- 3,548,753-------549,316 330,000--60,00060,00060,00075,00075,000 225,000------75,000 974,000-----660,000- 420,000------- 600,000------- 2,457,511----230,000500,000500,000 1,250,000------575,000 859,400-----700,000-700,000 155,000------- 841,000------- 2,763,0002,763,000------ 1,325,000------- 3,681,0003,681,000------ 2,716,700280,000260,000190,000190,000190,000180,000- 500,000------- 1,410,000------1,000,000 1,059,000------- 2,250,000------- Maintenance and Operations June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 70 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding SourceCity Hall Exterior Refurbishment District 1 Critical 47251 GCC 2,250,000 Citywide Drainage Improvement Program Multiple Districts High 66082 GAS TAX 6,090,594 66083 IRF 1,634,000 Citywide Street Lighting Program Multiple Districts Medium 60921 GAS TAX 150,000 Citywide Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Multiple Districts Critical 60931 GAS TAX 50,000 Cole Library Expansion District 1 Low 19211 CFD#1 - 19212 PFF - 19213 GCC - College Boulevard Wetland Habitat Creation District 2 Medium 66211 PLDB 955,000 66212 GCC - Concrete Repair/Replacement Program Multiple Districts High 60132 GAS TAX 2,933,000 60133 GAS TAX 107,000 Curb Inlet Filter Retrofit Program Multiple Districts Medium 66261 IRF 230,000 DMP Facility BFA (Country Store) District 2 High 66271 PLDB 963,673 Dove Library Lighting Improvements District 3 Low 40811 GCC 225,000 Dove Library Parking Lot Renovation District 3 Medium 47441 GCC 50,000 Emergency Operations Center Reconfiguration District 2 Medium 47191 GCC 1,658,000 47192 IRF 200,000 Faraday Center Refurbishment District 2 Medium 47201 IRF 3,154,380 Farol Court Storm Drain Outfall at Agua Hedionda Creek District 2 Medium 66181 IRF 696,700 Fire Flow System Improvements Multiple Districts High 50431 WATER REPL 1,710,000 Fire Station No. 1, 4, and 5 Drainage Improvements Multiple Districts Medium 66161 GCC 350,000 Fire Station No. 5 New Roof And Storage Building District 2 Medium 47361 GCC 225,000 6,090,594------- 4,844,000----595,0001,865,000750,000 150,000------- 50,000------- 5,988,0005,988,000------ 11,936,00011,936,000------ 1,000,0001,000,000------ 89,984-------865,016 410,000------410,000 6,433,0001,250,0001,250,000250,000250,000250,000250,000- 107,000------- 230,000------- 963,673------- 225,000------- 475,000------425,000 1,658,000------- 200,000------- 3,154,380------- 696,700------- 2,174,000---264,000100,000100,000- 480,000------130,000 Maintenance and Operations June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 71 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source FireStationNo.1,4,and5Drainage Improvements Multiple Districts Medium 66161 GCC 350,000 Fire Station No. 5 New Roof And Storage Building District 2 Medium 47361 GCC 225,000 Fleet Fuel Island Upgrade District 2 High 47471 IRF 150,000 Fleet Maintenance Refurbishment District 2 High 47141 IRF 1,374,000 47142 GCC 896,100 Guardrail Replacement And Improvement Program Multiple Districts Medium 60871 GAS TAX 250,000 Harding Center Refurbishment District 1 Low 47081 IRF 115,000 Headwall Replacement Program Multiple Districts Medium 66241 IRF 510,000 Holiday Park Facilities Maintenance District 1 Medium 47091 IRF 80,000 Hosp Grove Park Improvements District 1 Medium 47281 IRF 1,682,000 Kelly Drive Channel Repair District 2 High 66061 IRF 1,341,000 La Costa Slope Repair West of Romeria District 4 Low 60241 GAS TAX 255,749 Lake Calavera Reservoir Maintenance District 2 High 50492 GCC 721,001 Lake Calavera Storm Drain Improvements District 2 Medium 66251 GCC 451,500 Leo Carrillo Ranch Roof Repairs District 2 High 47481 IRF 250,000 Library Fire Alarm Panel Upgrades Multiple Districts Low 47411 IRF 180,000 Maerkle Facility Improvements District 2 Critical 50091 WATER REPL 2,235,200 Miscellaneous City Building Improvements Multiple Districts Medium 47231 IRF 1,565,000 Miscellaneous Pipeline Replacements Multiple Districts Critical 39041 WATER REPL 7,838,366 Monroe Street Pool Replacement District 1 High 47241 IRF 6,187,000 47242 GCC 62,000 New Village Arts Building Roof And Exterior Refurbishment District 1 Medium 47391 IRF 253,626 Park Drive Street and Drainage Improvement District 1 High 66111 GCC 717,439 225,000------- 150,000------- 2,074,000-----700,000- 896,100------- 250,000-----100,000-100,000 295,000-----130,00050,000 510,000------- 80,000------- 1,877,000-----195,000- 1,341,000-----300,000-300,000 255,749------- 639,501----58,50050,000-190,000 5,569-------445,931 1,550,000-----1,200,000100,000 180,000------- 2,235,200------- 3,665,000750,000750,000150,000150,000150,000150,000- 59,028,36621,080,00019,890,0003,000,0002,800,0002,690,0001,730,000- 6,723,000-----536,000- 67,360-----5,360- 253,626------- Maintenance and Operations June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 72 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source NewVillageArtsBuildingRoofAnd Exterior Refurbishment District 1 Medium 47391 IRF 253,626 Park Drive Street and Drainage Improvement District 1 High 66111 GCC 717,439 66112 GAS TAX 1,865,000 Parking Lot Maintenance Program Multiple Districts High 60521 IRF 1,530,000 Pavement Management Program Multiple Districts High 60011 TRANSNET -LOC 20,946,374 60012 GAS TAX 8,138,130 60013 TRANSNET -LOC 9,222,476 60016 RMRA 3,960,000 Public Beach Access Improvements (Ocean Street) District 1 High 60571 GCC 3,610,336 60572 IRF 726,683 Rancho Santa Fe Trail Slope Improvements District 4 High 60881 GCC 350,000 Recycled Water Condition Assessment Program Multiple Districts Critical 52111 RECL REPL 650,000 Recycled Water Valve & Appurtenance Replacement Program Multiple Districts Critical 52121 RECL REPL 260,000 Reservoir Repair And Maintenance Program Multiple Districts Critical 50241 WATER REPL 5,850,000 Retroreflectivity Sign Replacement Program Multiple Districts Medium 60371 GAS TAX 1,000,000 Roadway Slope Stabilization Multiple Districts Medium 60811 GAS TAX 614,000 Romeria Drainage Improvements District 4 High 66041 GCC 410,000 66042 GAS TAX 348,000 Safety Center Renovation District 2 High 47151 IRF 5,953,050 47152 GCC 2,013,500 Safety Training Center Settlement District 2 Low 47431 GCC 1,077,525 Senior Center Refurbishment District 1 Medium 47381 IRF 1,248,000 Sewer Lift Station Repairs And Upgrades Multiple Districts Critical 38401 SEWER REPL 2,935,380 717,439------- 1,865,000------- 1,530,000-----500,000-500,000 40,446,3747,500,0007,500,0001,500,0001,500,0001,500,000-- 8,138,130------- 28,446,4765,500,0005,500,0001,100,0001,100,0001,100,0002,600,0002,324,000 32,736,0009,500,0009,500,0001,900,0001,900,0001,900,0001,900,0002,176,000 3,610,336------- 726,683------- 350,000------- 1,440,000310,000280,00050,00050,00050,00050,000- 2,060,000700,000630,000120,000120,000120,000110,000- 14,490,0003,610,0003,070,000-1,960,000--- 1,660,000-----660,000- 614,000-----200,000-200,000 410,000------- 347,356-------644 12,603,050-----6,650,000- 2,013,500------- 1,077,525------- 1,248,000------- Maintenance and Operations June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 73 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding SourceSenior Center Refurbishment District 1 Medium 47381 IRF 1,248,000 Sewer Lift Station Repairs And Upgrades Multiple Districts Critical 38401 SEWER REPL 2,935,380 Sewer Line Condition Assessment Multiple Districts Critical 55131 SEWER REPL 1,458,000 Sewer Line Refurbishments And Replacement Multiple Districts High 55031 SEWER REPL 7,376,475 Sewer Monitoring Program (Capacity) Multiple Districts Critical 55041 SEWER CONN 517,000 Stagecoach Park Synthetic Turf Replacement District 4 High 47421 IRF 2,200,000 Storm Drain Condition Assessment Multiple Districts High 66201 IRF 600,000 Storm Drain System Rehab And Repair Program Multiple Districts High 66071 IRF 4,591,360 Street Lighting Replacement Program Multiple Districts High 60621 GCC 319,269 60622 TRANSNET -LOC 3,325,000 The Crossings Golf Course Lake Liner Replacement District 2 High 40841 GCC 835,500 Traffic Monitoring Program Multiple Districts High 60031 TIF 1,430,900 Traffic Signal Operations Modifications Multiple Districts Medium 63271 GAS TAX 180,000 Vallecitos Interceptor Sewer Cleaning and CCTV Multiple Districts High 55491 SEWER REPL 250,000 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Rehabilitation (VC1 & VC2) District 2 Critical 55511 SEWER REPL 20,000 Water Infrastructure Condition Assessment Program Multiple Districts Critical 50511 WATER REPL 990,000 Water Loss Monitoring Program Multiple Districts High 50521 WATER REPL 300,000 Wayfinding Sign Replacement Program Multiple Districts Medium 60611 GAS TAX 150,000 5,185,380750,000750,000150,000150,000150,000150,000150,000 4,968,0001,370,0001,240,000225,000225,000225,000225,000- 42,176,47514,050,00013,350,0001,850,0001,850,0001,850,0001,850,000- 950,000110,000110,00022,00022,00022,00022,000125,000 2,200,000------- 1,200,000---200,000200,000200,000- 5,391,360---200,000200,000200,000200,000 319,269------- 3,325,000------- 835,500------- 2,198,900-288,00096,00096,00096,00096,00096,000 180,000------- 250,000------- 1,936,000-----1,795,000121,000 7,750,0002,480,0002,250,000420,000410,000410,000400,000390,000 1,700,000500,000500,000100,000100,000100,00050,00050,000 150,000------- Maintenance and Operations June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 74 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source Chestnut Complete Street I-5 To Railroad Project Study District 1 Medium 60691 TRANSNET -LOC - Maerkle Reservoir Solar Project District 2 Low 47221 GCC 250,000 Ocean Street Reconfiguration Concepts Study District 1 Medium 60781 GCC 95,000 Odor And Corrosion Prevention Assessment Multiple Districts Medium 55201 SEWER REPL 320,000 Railroad Double Tracking Multiple Districts Critical 60591 GCC 2,250,000 Rancho Carlsbad Groundwater Supply District 2 Low 19621 WATER CONN - 19622 WATER REPL - Roadway Improvements - Coastal Area Analysis & Implementation Multiple Districts Medium 60791 GCC 200,000 San Luis Rey Mission Basin Groundwater Supply Multiple Districts Low 50441 WATER CONN 77,500 50442 WATER REPL 77,500 Sewer Modeling Multiple Districts Low 55461 SEWER CONN 300,000 Traffic Impact Fee Update Multiple Districts High 60401 TIF 200,000 Traffic Signal Master Plan Multiple Districts High 63331 GCC 150,000 Utility Undergrounding Program Study Multiple Districts Medium 60831 GCC 100,000 Village Public Gathering Spaces Study District 1 Medium 40611 GCC 345,000 Water Modeling Multiple Districts Low 50581 WATER CONN 300,000 Water, Recycled And Sewer Master Plan Multiple Districts Critical 55431 SEWER REPL 422,680 55432 WATER REPL 543,560 55433 RECL REPL 411,760 85,000-----85,000- 250,000----249,170--249,170 95,000-----95,000-95,000 320,000------- 173,173-------2,076,827 1,750,0001,425,000325,000----- 1,750,0001,425,000325,000----- 200,000------- 8,577,5002,500,0006,000,000----- 8,577,5002,500,0006,000,000----- 650,000125,000125,00025,00025,00025,00025,000- 200,000------- 150,000------- 100,000----100,000--100,000 345,000-----345,000-345,000 675,000125,000125,00025,00025,00025,00050,000- 422,680------- 543,560------- 411,760------- Planning June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 75 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source Aviara Reimbursement Agreement District 2 Low 36491 PIL-SW 238,000 Btd#3 Reconciliation And Closeout District 2 Low 60671 BTD#3 125,000 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (Encina Capital Projects) District 3 Critical 52031 WATER REPL 709,390 52032 RECL REPL 631,710 CFD#1 Administration Multiple Districts Low 19151 CFD#1 - Encina Capital Projects Multiple Districts High 58011 SEWER REPL 35,243,727 Gas Tax Transfer to General Fund (Transportation Operating Budget) Multiple Districts Null Not Assigned GAS TAX - Loan Repayment - Park-in-Lieu SW to Public Facility Fee Fund Null Null Not Assigned PIL-NE - Loan Repayment - Sewer Connection to Sewer Repl Null Null Not Assigned SEWER CONN - Open Space And Trail Acquisition (Prop C) Multiple Districts High 40831 GCC 2,215,000 Poinsettia Lane - Cassia Road To Skimmer Court (Reimb. Agreement) District 3 Medium 50451 WATER CONN 600,000 Quarry Creek Sewer Extension (SBA "A" - Reimb. Agreement) District 2 Low 19611 OTHER - Traffic Impact Fee Funds to CFD #1 Null Null Not Assigned TIF - 238,000------- 19,979-------105,021 709,390------- 6,941,7101,300,0001,200,000125,000320,000315,0001,450,0001,600,000 550,000--110,000110,000110,000110,000110,000 139,503,16536,720,30534,753,1467,547,8956,880,0636,217,3605,383,0956,757,574 3,600,000-600,000600,000600,000600,000600,000600,000 1,100,0001,100,000------ 4,700,0004,700,000------ 4,015,000------1,800,000 600,000------- 567,000-----567,000- 1,944,0001,404,00090,00090,00090,00090,00090,00090,000 Project Accounting June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 76 of 124 Project Name Reason District Score Funding Source Chinquapin Lift Station Force Main Outfall Realignment No current need based on existing and build-out conditions per the 2019 Sewer Master Plan Update. District 1 Low SEWER REPL El Fuerte And Corintia Street Pressure Reducing Station Project will be incorporated into the Pressure Reducing Station Program, CIP No. 5020.District 3 Low WATER REPL San Dieguito Water Intertie And Pipeline Extension Project deemed infeasible and of limited benefit.District 4 Low WATER REPL Santa Fe II Reservoir Site Electrical Improvements Utility Department operations staff completed a small project within the last year which made this project obsolete. District 2 Medium WATER REPL Terramar Sewer Replacement - El Arbol and Los Robles Further field investigation revealed root intrusion through the private sewer laterals was the cause; therefore it was determined more appropriate to address via existing sewer lateral replacement grant program. District 2 High SEWER REPL Traffic Signal - Alga Road And Cazadero Drive Upon re-evaluation of this location, traffic signal warrants are no longer met.District 3 Low GAS TAX Traffic Signal - Armada Drive And Fleet Street South Upon re-evaluation of this location, traffic signal warrants are no longer met.District 2 Low GAS TAX Traffic Signal - Armada Drive And Grand Pacific Resorts Upon re-evaluation of this location, traffic signal warrants are no longer met.District 2 Low GAS TAX Traffic Signal - Camino Vida Roble And Yarrow Drive Upon re-evaluation of this location, traffic signal warrants are no longer met.Multiple Districts Low GAS TAX Traffic Signal - El Fuerte Street And Rancho Pancho Upon re-evaluation of this location, traffic signal warrants are no longer met.Multiple Districts Low GAS TAX Traffic Signal - Faraday Avenue And Palmer Way Upon re-evaluation of this location, traffic signal warrants are no longer met.District 2 Medium GAS TAX Traffic Signal - Monroe Street And Hosp Way Upon re-evaluation of this location, traffic signal warrants are no longer met.District 1 Low GAS TAX Safety Training Center Water Recirculating System Study Project is not critical to facility operations and not needed at this time.District 2 Low GCC CWRF Irrigation and Landscape Project is not critical to facility operations and not needed at this time.District 3 Low RECL REPL La Costa Avenue Drainage Improvements Project will be incorporated into Storm Drain System Rehabilitation and Repair Program, CIP No. 6607 and Citywide Drainage Improvement Program, CIP No. 6608 District 4 High IRF CITY OF CARLSBAD FY 2020-21 REMOVED CIP PROJECTS Exh i b i t 3 B - 2 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 77 of 124 Adopted Adopted Adopted Prelim Budget Budget Budget Budget Department(*)2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 City Attorney 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 City Clerk Services 6.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 City Council 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 City Manager 8.00 9.00 12.00 7.00 City Treasurer 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.00 Communication & Engagement 5.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Finance 32.00 32.00 31.00 31.00 Human Resources 11.00 11.00 17.00 17.00 Information Technology 27.00 32.00 35.00 37.00 Innovation & Economic Development 3.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 Community Services - Administration 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 Community Development 58.75 59.75 63.75 61.75 Library & Cultural Arts 51.50 50.50 52.50 52.50 Parks & Recreation 57.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 Fire 90.00 92.00 97.75 97.75 Police 170.00 170.00 184.00 184.00 Public Works 165.00 166.75 172.75 172.75 Total Full-Time Personnel 693.00 704.75 747.75 747.75 Hourly Full-Time Equivalent Personnel 179.09 185.87 199.97 186.19 Total 872.09 890.62 947.72 933.94 *Notes: In FY 2018-19, Police IT was consolidated with city IT, resulting in the transfer of 5 FTE. FY 2019-20 includes a mid-year increase of 2 FTE in Police as approved by City Council. FY 2019-20 reorganizations include Finance, Human Resources, Community Development and Police. This table excludes paid interns, due to transitional nature of intern employment. PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS In FY 2020-21 5 FTEs were moved from City Manager to Comm. Serv. Admin. (3 FTE), and Innovation & Economic Development (2 FTE). Exhibit 3C June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 78 of 124 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 79 of 124 RESOLUTION NO. 1641 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, ADOPTING THE WATER DISTRICT'S FINAL OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR BUDGET FUNDS EXHIBIT4 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to the adoption of the final budgets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the Secretary entitled "City of Carlsbad, FY 2020-21 Preliminary Operating Budget and FY 2020-21 to FY 2034-35 Capital Improvement Program -Preliminary," as amended, if necessary, in accordance with Exhibits 4-A and 4-B attached and incorporated by reference, are adopted as the final Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for the FY 2020-21 along with any program options and/or adjustments determined by the Board of Directors as set forth in the minutes of the Board of Director's meeting of Tuesday, June 23, 2020. 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2020-21 are adopted as the budgeted revenues for FY 2020-21. 4. That the amounts designated as FY 2020-21 Budget in Exhibits 4-A and 4-B are appropriated to the fund for which they are designated and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided in this resolution. 5. That total appropriations may only be increased or decreased by the Board of June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 80 of 124 Directors by passage of a resolution amending the budget except as provided in this resolution. 6. That the following controls are placed on the use and transfer of budget funds: A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the Board of Directors or Executive Manager as described below. i. The Executive Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. ii. The Executive Manager may delegate the authority to make budget transfers. iii. The Executive Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the Executive Manager may authorize increases in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose. iv. The Executive Manager may authorize increases in purchased water appropriations in an amount equal to the same percent that water sales exceed the amount of the original revenue estimate. B. The Board of Directors must authorize any increase in the number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in the final Budget. The Executive Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or part time staff as necessary within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 7. That all outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2020 are continued into FY 2020-21 for such contracts and obligations. 8. All appropriations for Capital Improvement Projects remaining unexpended at June 30, 2020, are appropriated for such capital projects for FY 2020-21. Ill Ill June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 81 of 124 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 23rd day of June, 2020, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, PRESIDENT (SEAL) Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source Abandon Potable Services (New Recycled Services) Multiple Districts High 52051 WATER REPL 1,742,000 Aviara Parkway And Plum Tree Waterline District 2 Low 19021 WATER REPL - Carlsbad Boulevard Waterline Replacement At Terramar District 2 Critical 50481 WATER REPL 2,430,000 College Boulevard - Cannon Road To Badger Lane (375 Zone) District 2 Medium 50131 WATER CONN 1,060,000 College Boulevard - Cannon Road To Badger Lane (490 Zone) District 2 Medium 50121 WATER CONN 1,090,000 Crestview Drive Transmission Main District 2 Low 50331 WATER REPL 240,000 Desalinated Water Flow Control Facility No. 5 District 2 High 50381 WATER CONN 1,904,300 Hydroelectric Generator at Desal Flow Control Facility No. 5 District 2 Medium 50591 WATER CONN 200,000 Limited Access Pipeline Relocation Program Multiple Districts Critical 50351 WATER REPL 1,940,000 Maerkle Reservoir Floating Cover Replacement District 2 Critical 50361 WATER REPL 13,055,000 Maerkle Reservoir Transmission Main District 2 Critical 50011 WATER REPL 6,330,000 Miscellaneous Pipeline Replacement - Recycled District 2 High 19541 RECL REPL - Normally Closed Valve (Install Motorized Valve) District 2 High 50501 WATER REPL 485,000 Orion Center District 2 High 35722 WATER REPL 6,650,399 35725 RECL REPL 2,660,000 Palomar Airport Waterline Realignment District 2 High 50551 WATER REPL 525,000 Pressure Reducing Station Program Multiple Districts Critical 50201 WATER REPL 3,462,000 Recycled Water Line - CWRF To Agua Hedionda Lagoon Multiple Districts Critical 50271 WATER REPL 1,632,594 50272 RECL WATER 3,417,406 Recycled Water Phase 3 - CWRF Expansion District 3 High 52091 WATER REPL 3,517,276 52092 RECL WATER 6,844,124 Recycled Water Phase 3 - Pipelines Multiple Districts Critical 52081 WATER REPL 2,497,529 1,742,000------- 1,100,500----1,000,500100,000- 5,080,000----150,0002,500,000- 1,095,000----35,000-- 1,460,000----370,000-- 240,000------- 10,104,300-----7,950,000250,000 2,275,000-----2,075,000- 4,940,000----1,000,0002,000,000- 13,055,000------- 14,631,000---8,301,000--- 6,010,0002,910,0002,150,000350,000350,000250,000-- 485,000------- 6,789,409-----139,010- 2,715,600-----55,600- 1,000,000------475,000 11,862,0003,000,0003,000,000600,000600,000600,000600,000- 1,632,594------- 3,417,406------- 3,517,276------- 6,844,124------- Capital Projects Water June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 82 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source RecycledWaterPhase3-CWRF Expansion District 3 High 52092 RECL WATER 6,844,124 Recycled Water Phase 3 - Pipelines Multiple Districts Critical 52081 WATER REPL 2,497,529 52082 RECL WATER 21,256,331 Recycled Water Phase 3 - Reservoir District 3 High 52101 WATER REPL 690,000 52102 RECL WATER 2,250,000 Santa Fe II Inlet Pipeline Null High 50571 WATER REPL 495,000 SCADA Improvements Multiple Districts Critical 55422 WATER REPL 1,305,000 55423 RECL REPL 357,500 Tri-Agency Water Transmission Pipeline Replacement District 2 High 50081 WATER REPL 6,455,000 Valley and Magnolia Complete Streets District 1 High 60192 WATER REPL 71,000 Water Valve Repair/Replacement Program Multiple Districts Critical 50191 WATER REPL 5,990,000 2,497,529------- 21,256,331------- 980,000------290,000 3,120,000------870,000 2,865,000----2,370,000-- 10,155,600--610,5002,412,5003,209,2001,858,100760,300 2,394,000--398,000337,600631,500381,500287,900 6,455,000------- 71,000------- 20,540,0005,650,0005,110,000960,000960,000940,000930,000- Capital Projects Water June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 83 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source Cathodic Protection Program Multiple Districts Critical 50071 WATER REPL 1,426,700 Fire Flow System Improvements Multiple Districts High 50431 WATER REPL 1,710,000 Maerkle Facility Improvements District 2 Critical 50091 WATER REPL 2,235,200 Miscellaneous Pipeline Replacements Multiple Districts Critical 39041 WATER REPL 7,838,366 Recycled Water Condition Assessment Program Multiple Districts Critical 52111 RECL REPL 650,000 Recycled Water Valve & Appurtenance Replacement Program Multiple Districts Critical 52121 RECL REPL 260,000 Reservoir Repair And Maintenance Program Multiple Districts Critical 50241 WATER REPL 5,850,000 Water Infrastructure Condition Assessment Program Multiple Districts Critical 50511 WATER REPL 990,000 Water Loss Monitoring Program Multiple Districts High 50521 WATER REPL 300,000 2,716,700280,000260,000190,000190,000190,000180,000- 2,174,000---264,000100,000100,000- 2,235,200------- 59,028,36621,080,00019,890,0003,000,0002,800,0002,690,0001,730,000- 1,440,000310,000280,00050,00050,00050,00050,000- 2,060,000700,000630,000120,000120,000120,000110,000- 14,490,0003,610,0003,070,000-1,960,000--- 7,750,0002,480,0002,250,000420,000410,000410,000400,000390,000 1,700,000500,000500,000100,000100,000100,00050,00050,000 Maintenance and Operations Water June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 84 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source Rancho Carlsbad Groundwater Supply District 2 Low 19621 WATER CONN - 19622 WATER REPL - San Luis Rey Mission Basin Groundwater Supply Multiple Districts Low 50441 WATER CONN 77,500 50442 WATER REPL 77,500 Water Modeling Multiple Districts Low 50581 WATER CONN 300,000 Water, Recycled And Sewer Master Plan Multiple Districts Critical 55432 WATER REPL 543,560 55433 RECL REPL 411,760 1,750,0001,425,000325,000----- 1,750,0001,425,000325,000----- 8,577,5002,500,0006,000,000----- 8,577,5002,500,0006,000,000----- 675,000125,000125,00025,00025,00025,00050,000- 543,560------- 411,760------- Planning Water June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 85 of 124 Project Name District Score Funding ID Funding Source Prior Appropriation Year 1 (2020-21) Year 2 (2021-22) Year 3 (2022-23) Year 4 (2023-24) Year 5 (2024-25) Year 6-10 (2026-30) Year 11-15 (2031-35) Total Funding Source Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (Encina Capital Projects) District 3 Critical 52032 RECL REPL 631,710 6,941,7101,300,0001,200,000125,000320,000315,0001,450,0001,600,000 Project Accounting Water June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 86 of 124 PUBLIC WORKS | UTILITIES: POTABLE WATER OPERATIONS Account: 5016310 Fund: Enterprise ABOUT To ensure that drinking water is available on demand and customers can rely on receiving safe, high quality water that meets all regulatory health standards, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District staff provide ongoing maintenance and repair of the following: Nine storage reservoirs and/or tanks, 455 miles of pipeline, 17 pressure zones, 77 pressure regulating stations, three pumping stations, 14,369 valves, 4,397 fire hydrants and 29,293 potable meters. Staff also provides education and outreach related to water conservation. In fiscal year 2020-21, CMWD will continue to operate and maintain its critical infrastructure systems, while increasing the use of technology to improve and manage the system more efficiently and effectively, thereby extending the useful life of the assets. Optimized asset management reduces the need for infrastructure replacement and reactive response. SERVICES •Operation and maintenance of infrastructure, including reservoirs, pressure regulating stations, pump stations, pipelines, valves, meters and other elements •Delivery of drinking water •Water quality and cross-contamination (between drinking water and recycled water) testing •Regulatory reporting •Water conservation education and outreach 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $2,277,223 $2,269,516 $2,551,421 $2,536,130 Retirement Benefits 1,325,525 998,851 598,737 586,725 Health Insurance 582,255 602,867 449,801 419,940 Other Personnel Expenses 121,517 118,918 125,896 80,675 Personnel Services Subtotal 4,306,520 3,990,152 3,725,855 3,623,470 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 7,236,298 7,162,939 7,970,600 8,659,800 Supplies & Materials 24,875,512 23,564,467 25,797,700 26,133,700 Repair & Maintenance 340,265 242,174 358,450 538,050 Interdepartmental Charges 2,196,626 2,453,099 2,655,773 2,744,695 Other Operating Expenses 5,082,938 5,222,567 4,340,183 4,407,150 Capital Outlay 49,744 79,968 365,000 20,000 Operating Expenses Subtotal 39,781,383 38,725,214 41,487,706 42,503,395 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $44,087,903 $42,715,366 $45,213,561 $46,126,865 Full Time Positions 29.60 29.80 30.30 29.50 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.45 Exhibit 4B June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 87 of 124 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS •Added advanced metering infrastructure technology to existing meters. Staff can now quickly alert customers to high water usage and potential leaks •Completion of the Potable Water Master Plan •Completion of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition or SCADA Master Plan. SCADA is a system of hardware and software that monitors infrastructure, gathers real-time data and allows operators to make changes as-needed remotely •Completion of the Asset Management Plan •Completion of the utility billing system upgrade •Completion of the installation of the Maerkle Reservoir cover replacement project •Established program compliance with California Senate Bill 998, Water Shut-off Protection Act GOALS | OBJECTIVES | PRIORITIES •Meet all federal and state water quality objectives •Meet or exceed the American Water Works Association benchmark for pipeline breaks (1.4 to 12.6 breaks per 100 miles of pipeline, CMWD’s break rate is 1.74 for fiscal year 2018-19) •Meet or exceed the AWWA benchmark for pipeline leaks (1.5 to 11 leaks per 100 miles of pipeline, CMWD’s leak rate is 8.93 for fiscal year 2018-19) •Continue to meet or exceed operational requirements and benchmarks •Complete the design phase of a critical valve replacement project that includes replacement of valves throughout the district •Complete design and agreements for Flow Control Facility No. 5, which will provide CMWD with a direct connection to the Poseidon Water LLC desalinated water pipeline •Begin implementation of the new SCADA Master Plan June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 88 of 124 PUBLIC WORKS | UTILITIES: RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS Account: 5026310 Fund: Enterprise ABOUT The Carlsbad Municipal Water District or CMWD provides ongoing treatment, maintenance and repair of the recycled water system’s Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility treatment plant, three storage tanks, four pump stations, three pressure reducing stations, five pressure zones, 93 miles of pipelines, 815 valves and 950 meters. CMWD’s Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Program ensures a safe supply of drinking water by prevention of cross-contamination from the recycled system into the potable system, in accordance with federal and state regulations. CMWD also purchases and delivers recycled water from the Vallecitos Water District. The Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility treatment plant is next to the Encina Wastewater Authority Treatment Plant. CMWD takes wastewater from that plant and treats it to California Title 22 recycled water quality standards and then delivers that water to customers for irrigation and certain industrial uses. This effort reduces the amount of wastewater that would normally be released by the wastewater treatment plant into the ocean outfall, reduces dependence on imported drinking water and provides customers with a reliable local supply of recycled water. Recycled water is not subject to state water conservation requirements. 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $908,012 $849,549 $1,053,002 $1,164,750 Retirement Benefits 501,237 447,110 257,352 266,750 Health Insurance 133,445 126,154 196,340 189,792 Other Personnel Expenses 44,926 47,768 51,846 37,022 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,587,620 1,470,581 1,558,540 1,658,314 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,159,795 2,183,790 1,991,087 1,958,200 Supplies & Materials 1,940,254 1,462,839 2,361,500 2,376,300 Repair & Maintenance 12,328 20,923 78,643 103,243 Interdepartmental Charges 365,226 520,537 596,566 682,619 Other Operating Expenses 3,659,778 3,656,891 3,491,482 3,789,982 Capital Outlay 7,259 27,277 50,000 15,000 Operating Expenses Subtotal 7,144,640 7,872,257 8,569,278 8,925,344 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $8,732,260 $9,342,838 $10,127,818 $10,583,658 Full Time Positions 12.40 11.95 12.20 13.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 89 of 124 In fiscal year 2020-21, CMWD will continue to use technology to improve and manage the system more efficiently and effectively. The recycled water system is relatively new, built just 30 years ago. CMWD has an opportunity to begin implementing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, or SCADA and asset management techniques on a relatively young system, thereby maximizing the lifespan of these assets and reducing replacement costs over the long term. SERVICES •Operation of infrastructure, including the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility plant, reservoirs, pressure regulating stations, pump stations, pipelines, valves, meters and other elements •Treatment of wastewater to meet State of California Title 22 recycled water requirements •Maintenance of infrastructure •Delivery of recycled water •Water quality testing •Backflow testing •Recycled water conversion program RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS •Added Advanced metering infrastructure technology to existing meters allowing staff to quickly alert customers to high water usage and potential leaks •Completion of the Recycled Water Master Plan •Completion of the SCADA Master Plan •Completion of the Asset Management Plan •Completion of design of a 1.5 million-gallon storage tank •Completion of installation of recycled water services project, which will provide an opportunity to connect more customers to the system GOALS | OBJECTIVES | PRIORITIES •Complete construction of a 1.5 million-gallon storage tank •Meet all federal and state water quality objectives •Meet or exceed the American Water Works Association or AWWA benchmark for pipeline breaks (1.4 to 12.6 breaks per 100 miles of pipeline, CMWD’s break rate is 2.15 for fiscal year 2018-19) •Meet or exceed the AWWA benchmark for pipeline leaks (1.5 to 11 leaks per 100 miles of pipeline, CMWD’s leaks rate is 1.07 for fiscal year 2018-19) •Continue to meet or exceed operational requirements and benchmarks June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 90 of 124 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 91 of 124 RESOLUTION NO. 547 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING BUDGET OF THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR BUDGET FUNDS EXHIBIT 5 WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California (the Commission) has reviewed the Operating Budget for the Carlsbad Housing Authority Section 8 Programs for fiscal year (FY) 2020-21; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held as necessary prior to the adoption of the final operating budgets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Community Development Commission ofthe City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk entitled "City of Carlsbad, FY 2020-21 Preliminary Operating Budget and FY 2020-21 to FY 2034-35 Capital Improvement Program -Preliminary," as amended, if necessary, in accordance with Exhibit SA attached and incorporated by reference, are adopted as the final Operating Budget for the Carlsbad Housing Authority Section 8 Programs for FY 2020-21, along with any program options and/or adjustments, if any, determined by the Commission as set forth in the minutes of the Commission's meeting of Tuesday, June 23, 2020, and that all funding for planning and administrative expenses have been determined to be necessary and appropriate for implementation of the Carlsbad Housing Authority's activities in FY 2020-21. 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2020-21 are adopted as the budgeted revenues for FY 2020-21. 4. That the amount designated as FY 2020-21 Budget request in Exhibit SA is June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 92 of 124 appropriated to the fund for which it is designated, and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided in this resolution. 5. That the following controls are placed on the use and transfer of budget funds: A. No expenditure offunds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the Commission or Executive Director as described below. i. The Executive Director may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. ii. The Executive Director may delegate the Carlsbad Housing Authority to make budget transfers and adjustments. iii. The Executive Director may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the Executive Director is authorized to increase an appropriation for a specific purpose where said appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose. B. The Commission must authorize any increase in the number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in the final budget. The Executive Director may authorize the hiring oftemporary or part-time staff as necessary within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 6. That all appropriations for any state or federal grant funds in the Operating Budget remaining unexpended at June 30, 2020, are appropriated to FY 2020-21. 7. That all outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2020, are continued into FY 2020-21 for such contracts and obligations. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 93 of 124 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 23rd day of June, 2020, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. (SEAL) COMMUNITY SERVICES | HOUSING SERVICES: RENTAL ASSISTANCE Account: 190 Fund: Special Revenue ABOUT The federally funded Section 8 rental assistance program provides monthly rental subsidies to very low-income households in Carlsbad and processes new participants into the program as additional funds are available from the federal government. SERVICES Section 8 Tenant Based Rental Assistance •Provide federal funding to subsidize rents for eligible low-income households •Assist low-income households in the community with access to rental housing that is decent, safe and sanitary •Ensure the program is being administered in compliance with federal regulations, federal guidelines, the Carlsbad Administrative Plan and the Public Housing Agency Plan •Achieve and maintain a lease rate that effectively and fully utilizes funding allocation Family Self-Sufficiency •Enable unemployed, under-employed or under-educated low-income families achieve economic independence from welfare •Assist families to identify barriers to becoming self-sufficient •Provide guidance to families for establishing a five-year goal and plan •Coordinate needed support services and act as an advocate on behalf of the client 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $298,537 $312,439 $310,903 $300,769 Retirement Benefits 82,666 81,236 79,710 73,464 Health Insurance 45,909 43,266 44,022 38,636 Other Personnel Expenses 12,616 14,692 22,513 9,689 Personnel Services Subtotal 439,728 451,633 457,148 422,558 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 34,831 33,832 33,500 34,000 Supplies & Materials 6,120 5,741 10,515 10,665 Repair & Maintenance 640 505 300 300 Interdepartmental Charges 133,853 150,866 116,801 115,743 Other Operating Expenses 6,601,091 6,836,887 7,137,300 7,139,800 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 Operating Expenses Subtotal 6,776,535 7,027,831 7,298,416 7,300,508 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $7,216,263 $7,479,464 $7,755,564 $7,723,066 Full Time Positions 3.50 4.60 4.00 4.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Exhibit 5A June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 94 of 124 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS •Provided monthly rental assistance to approximately 550 very-low and extremely low- income households •Received “High Performer” ranking under the Section Eight Management Assessment Program for the ninth consecutive year, due to outstanding program performance GOALS | OBJECTIVES | PRIORITIES •Fully implement the Section 8 program management software to improve operational efficiency and reduce the need for paper file storage and increase the ability for electronic file storage •Complete intake and lease up for rental assistance vouchers for 15 non-elderly, disabled participants June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 95 of 124 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 96 of 124 RESOLUTION NO. 81 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OF THE CROSSINGS AT CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR BUDGET FUNDS EXHIBIT 6 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year (FY) 2020-21; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held as necessary prior to the adoption of the final budgets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the Carlsbad City Clerk entitled "City of Carlsbad, FY 2020-21 Preliminary Operating Budget and FY 2020-21 to 2034-35 Capital Improvement Program -Preliminary," as amended, if necessary, in accordance with Exhibit 6A attached and incorporated by reference, are adopted as the final Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the Crossings at Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course for FY 2020-21, along with any program options and/or adjustments, if any, determined by the Board of Directors as set forth in the minutes of the Board's meeting of Tuesday, June 23, 2020. 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2020-21 are adopted as the budgeted revenues for FY 2020-21. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 97 of 124 4. That the amount designated as FY 2020-21 Budget request in Exhibit 6A is appropriated to the fund for which it is designated, and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided in this resolution. 5. That the following controls are placed on the use and transfer of budget funds: A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the Board of Directors or designee, as described below. i. The City Manager, as Executive Director of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. ii. The City Manager, as Executive Director of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, may delegate the authority to make budget transfers and adjustments. iii. The City Manager, as Executive Director of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the City Manager, as Executive Director of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, is authorized to increase an appropriation for a specific purpose where said appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose. 6. That all outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2020, are continued into FY 2020-21 for such contracts and obligations. Ill Ill Ill Ill June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 98 of 124 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 23rd day of June, 2020, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, President (SEAL) COMMUNITY SERVICES | PARKS & RECREATION: THE CROSSINGS GOLF COURSE Account: 572 Fund: Enterprise ABOUT The Crossings at Carlsbad is an 18-hole municipal golf course and event facility. Amenities for public use include a 6,835-yard championship golf course, a clubhouse complete with a golf shop, players’ lounge, banquet facilities, fireplace lit dining room, full-service kitchen, outdoor deck with ocean views and three miles of hiking trails that connect to Veterans Memorial Park. JC Management, Inc. manages this facility via an agreement with the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority. SERVICES •Administer management and operations agreement with JC Management, Inc. •Maintain and renovate turf, landscaping, drainage and irrigation systems •Maintain and repair clubhouse, snack bar, restrooms and picnic areas available for patrons •Oversee food and beverage services at the Players’ Lounge and Canyons Restaurant •Manage sales and marketing for golf and non-golf activities, special events, banquets, weddings and other gatherings •Train and oversee marshals, greeters and assistants servicing the course and clubhouse RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS •Repaired and replaced mainline irrigation at various locations •Completed irrigation coverage analysis and implemented adjustments to improve course •Continued water conservation and turf replacement plan for areas out of play along Palomar Airport Road •Tilled, replenished sand and improved drainage in selective bunkers near the greens •Bid, award and administered construction contract for the replacement of the liner in the two lakes on the course •Improved drainage of the driving range turf areas •Replaced clubhouse entry concrete to enhance aesthetics and customer accessibility 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 267,255 272,249 277,240 285,000 Supplies & Materials 0 0 0 0 Repair & Maintenance 0 0 0 0 Interdepartmental Charges 0 0 0 0 Other Operating Expenses 6,668,762 6,990,393 7,151,606 6,114,000 Capital Outlay 386,232 531,747 798,750 172,000 Operating Expenses Subtotal 7,322,249 7,794,389 8,227,596 6,571,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $7,322,249 $7,794,389 $8,227,596 $6,571,000 Exhibit 6A June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 99 of 124 GOALS | OBJECTIVES | PRIORITIES •Execute COVID-19 response compliant phased operational plans in golf and in food and beverage to allow revenues to reestablish and ultimately grow •Execute a Capital Improvement Plan with projects that have a return on investment or are needed for maintenance effectiveness and/or safety considerations •Enhance wedding offerings by converting the existing women’s locker room into a bridal preparation suite to increase venue appeal •Install a new monument sign at The Crossing Drive and Palomar Airport Road for greater visibility of the course and restaurant •Install golf ball capture netting along the driving range and golf course maintenance facility for safety considerations June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 100 of 124 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 101 of 124 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-128 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ACTING AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY FOR THE CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING BUDGET OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY AND ENFORCEABLE DEBT OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR BUDGET FUNDS EXHIBIT7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has been designated as the Successor Agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency (Successor Agency) and, as such, is responsible for the administrative responsibilities required to complete the work of the former Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and repay all enforceable debt obligations; and WHEREAS, the Successor Agency and the appointed Oversight Board have reviewed the proposed Operating Budget for the Successor Agency and previously approved the enforceable debt obligations to be repaid from the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund for fiscal year (FY) 2020- 21; and WHEREAS, the Successor Agency finds that the proposed Operating Budget for the Agency and the Oversight Board approved enforceable debt obligations of the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund are consistent with the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule prepared by the Successor Agency and approved by the Oversight Board; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held as necessary prior to the adoption of the final operating budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad acting as Successor Agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 102 of 124 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the Carlsbad City Clerk entitled "City of Carlsbad, FY 2020-21 Preliminary Operating Budget and FY 2020-21 to 2034-35 Capital Improvement Program -Preliminary," as amended, if necessary, in accordance with Exhibit 7A attached and incorporated by reference, are adopted as the final Operating Budget for the Successor Agency and th.e enforceable debt obligations of City of Carlsbad's Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund for FY 2020-21, along with any program options and/or adjustments, if any, determined by the Successor Agency as set forth in the minutes of the Successor Agency's meeting of Tuesday, June 23, 2020. 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2020-21 are adopted as the budgeted revenues for FY 2020-21. 4. That the amount designated as FY 2020-21 budget request in Exhibit 7A is appropriated to the fund for which it is designated, and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided in this resolution. 5. That the following controls are placed on the use and transfer of budget funds: A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the Successor Agency or designee, as described below. i. The City Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. ii. The City Manager may delegate the authority to make budget transfers and adjustments. iii. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the City Manager is authorized to increase an appropriation for a specific purpose where said appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 103 of 124 purpose, and is approved in advance by the Oversight Board. B. The Successor Agency must authorize any increase in the number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in the final Budget. The City Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or part-time staff as necessary, within the limits imposed by the controls listed above and subject to the Operations Budget for the Successor Agency. 6. That all outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2020, are continued into FY 2020-21 for such contracts and obligations, as approved by the Oversight Board. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 23 rd day of June, 2020, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MA TT HALL, President (SEAL) COMMUNITY SERVICES | HOUSING SERVICES: SUCCESSOR AGENCY Account: 801 Fund: Trust Fund ABOUT The successor agency is responsible for preparing a recognized obligation payments schedule as detailed by the State of California’s Department of Finance, listing the enforceable obligations of the former redevelopment agency and their source of payment. This payment schedule is subject to approval by the countywide oversight board. SERVICES •Activities associated with the dissolution of the redevelopment agency •Ensure payment of all debt obligations as approved by the Oversight Board RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS •Processed Recognized Obligations Payment Schedule for fiscal year 2020-21 for approval by the countywide Oversight Board •Received loan repayment from the successor agency and funding for payment on redevelopment bond GOALS | OBJECTIVES | PRIORITIES •Continue to take actions to dissolve the former redevelopment agency in a timely manner and ensure repayment of all approved debt obligations 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $52,268 $47,752 $78,078 $30,004 Retirement Benefits 19,960 19,343 13,758 7,196 Health Insurance 9,106 8,061 6,780 2,158 Other Personnel Expenses 2,310 2,672 3,250 952 Personnel Services Subtotal 83,644 77,828 101,866 40,310 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 8,959 681 38,000 38,000 Supplies & Materials 8,403 7,686 11,000 11,000 Repair & Maintenance 0 0 1,500 1,500 Interdepartmental Charges 26,237 44,267 45,667 46,005 Other Operating Expenses 1,689,536 1,639,106 1,348,759 1,796,708 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 Operating Expenses Subtotal 1,733,135 1,691,740 1,444,926 1,893,213 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,816,779 $1,769,568 $1,546,792 $1,933,523 Full Time Positions 0.85 0.85 0.35 0.35 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Exhibit 7A June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 104 of 124 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 105 of 124 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-129 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 APPROPRIATION LIMIT AS REQUIRED BY ARTICLE XIIIB OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE CONSTITUTION AND STATE LAW EXHIBIT 8 WHEREAS, Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution requires that governments annually establish a limit on the appropriation of proceeds of taxes commonly known as the "Gann Limit"; and WHEREAS, state law requires that this limit be presented to the governing body of each entity each fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the Gann Limit is based on a combination of a population factor and an inflation factor as outlined in Exhibit 8-A attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires at this time and deems it to be in the best public interest to adopt the annual Gann Limit for fiscal year (FY) 2020-21 as listed in Exhibit 8-A, attached to this resolution and incorporated by this reference: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, establishes and adopts the FY 2020-21 appropriation limit of five hundred and nine million, nine thousand, four hundred and forty eight dollars ($509,009,448) as computed in the attached Exhibit 8-A. Ill Ill Ill June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 106 of 124 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 23rd day of June, 2020, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, President (SEAL) CITY OF CARLSBAD GANN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT The Appropriations Limitation imposed by Proposition 4 and modified by Proposition 111 creates a restriction on the amount of revenue which can be appropriated in any fiscal year. The revenues which are subject to the Limitation are those considered "proceeds of taxes." The basis for calculating the Limit began in fiscal year 1978-79 and is increased based on population growth and inflation. The major change made by Proposition 111 allows the City to annually choose among the following options for calculating its Gann Limit: Population growth of Carlsbad, OR Population growth within San Diego County, AND Growth in California per capita income, OR Growth in non-residential assessed valuation due to new construction in the city. The factors used to calculate the fiscal year 2020-21 Limit were: Population growth of Carlsbad AND Growth in non-residential assessed valuation due to new construction in the city. The formula is outlined below: Fiscal Year 2019-20 Expenditure Limit $478,842,379 % Population growth within Carlsbad 1.0073 Growth in non-residential assessed valuation X 1.0553 Net Increase Factor 1.0630 Fiscal Year 2020-21 Limit (2019-20 Limit x Factor) $509,009,448 Current Appropriation of Proceeds of Taxes $140,076,477 (Subject to the Limit) The spending limit for the City of Carlsbad for fiscal year 2020-21 is $509.0 million, with appropriations of "proceeds of taxes" of $140 million. The result of the calculation provides the city with an operating margin of $369 million. Exhibit 8A June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 107 of 124 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 108 of 124 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-130 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING CHANGES TO THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE EXHIBIT 9 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has the authority to establish fees for city services; and WHEREAS, from time-to-time said fees are reviewed and evaluated to maintain an adequate fee structure recovering costs for city services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the cost of providing general and development-related services; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes it is necessary for the City Manager to have the authority to adjust the parks and recreation and library and arts program and classes fees from time to time to remain competitive and within the market pricing for like programs and classes; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to recover the costs for city services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held the necessary public hearing and allowed for public comment on the establishment of said fees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the changes to the Master Fee Schedule as shown in Exhibit 9A and 9B are adopted. 3. The City Council authorizes the City Manager or his/her designee to set parks and recreation and library and cultural arts program, rental, and class fees that are included in the Community Services Guide. The fees shall not exceed the fully burdened (direct and indirect) costs of providing the program, rental, and class but shall be no less (except in the case of introductory, June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 109 of 124 discount or promotional pricing) than the lowest fee charged for like kind programs or classes in similarly benchmarked Southern California cities. 4. The City Council authorizes the City Manager or his/her designee to change parking violation fees at the time, and by the same amount, as the state changes its portion of the fee. Any changes to these fees will be made to the current Master Fee Schedule. 5. This resolution shall become effective on Sept. 1, 2020; not sooner than 60 days after adoption in accordance with California Government Code Section 66017 for development- related service fees and development impact fees. 6. Per the contract with Waste Management, changes to the recycling and trash fees as shown in Exhibit 9B shall become effective on July 1, 2020. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 23rd day of June, 2020, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor (SEAL) General City Fees Ambulance Fees Current Fee Proposed Fee Change Amount Change Reason Assessment/Non-Transport with medication given. No charge for assessment if no medication given and non-transport.$211 $212 $1 Advanced Life Support 1 - Resident and Non-Resident - plus Level I or Level II supplies and medications $1,211 $1,222 $11 Advanced Life Support 2 - Non-Resident - plus Level II supplies and medications $1,421 $1,434 $13 Advanced Life Support 2 - Resident - plus Level II supplies and medications $1,316 $1,328 $12 Basic Life Support - Resident and Non-Resident $988 $997 $9 Mileage Charge - per mile $24 $24 $0 Oxygen Charge $79 $80 $1 City Clerk Fees Proposed Fee Candidate Filling Fee $25 Notice of Intention to Circulate Petition Filing Fee $200 Miscellaneous City Fees Proposed Fee Returned Check Fee, Per check - First Returned Check $25 Returned Check Fee, Per check - Each Additional Returned Check $35 Ambulance Inflation Factor, 0.90% fee amount set by State fee amount set by State Change Reason Change Reason Exhibit 9A June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 110 of 124 Development Impact Fees Category Fee Description Current Fee Proposed Fee Change Amount Change Reason Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit: Cassia Heights (Southeast and Southwest quadrants)$60,011 $65,385 $5,374 catchup increase, last update was FY 2017-18, West Urban CPI (1/2020) Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit: Northwest Quadrants $142,000 Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit: Tavarua Senior Affordable Apartments (Northwest quadrant)$84,000 $93,810 $9,810 catchup increase, last update was FY 2016-17, West Urban CPI (1/2020) Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit: Villa Loma (Southeast and Southwest quadrants)$48,000 $48,000 $0 no change Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 - Zone 20 $2,005 $2,028 $23 Los Angeles ENR (1/2020), 1.10% Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 - Zone 21 $1,620 $1,637 $17 Los Angeles ENR (1/2020), 1.10% Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 - Zone 5 $387 $391 $4 Los Angeles ENR (1/2020), 1.10% Bridge & Thoroughfare District #3 - Fee per ADT $226 $231 $5 ENR CCI One Year 20 City Average (12/2019) 2.60% Type D - Coastal Sage Scrub $34,365 $35,155 $790 Type E - Non-Native Grassland $17,183 $17,579 $396 Type F - Agricultural Land, Disturbed Land, Eucalyptus Woodland $3,437 $3,516 $79 PLDA - High Runoff - Drainage Area A $29,562 $29,887 $325 PLDA - High Runoff - Drainage Area B $11,048 $11,170 $122 PLDA - High Runoff - Drainage Area C $10,727 $10,845 $118 PLDA - High Runoff - Drainage Area D $10,171 $10,283 $112 PLDA - Low Runoff - Drainage Area A $6,822 $6,897 $75 PLDA - Low Runoff - Drainage Area B $2,550 $2,578 $28 PLDA - Low Runoff - Drainage Area C $2,475 $2,502 $27 PLDA - Low Runoff - Drainage Area D $2,347 $2,373 $26 PLDA - Medium Runoff - Drainage Area A $13,566 $13,715 $149 PLDA - Medium Runoff - Drainage Area B $4,915 $4,969 $54 PLDA - Medium Runoff - Drainage Area C $3,502 $3,540 $38 PLDA - Medium Runoff - Drainage Area D $3,839 $3,882 $43 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area A $1,205 $1,224 $19 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area B $1,372 $1,394 $22 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area C $2,528 $2,568 $40 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area D $2,533 $2,573 $40 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area E $3,735 $3,795 $60 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area F $3,755 $3,815 $60 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area G $757 $769 $12 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area H $1,102 $1,119 $17 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area J $2,078 $2,112 $34 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area K $1,643 $1,669 $26 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area L $1,643 $1,669 $26 Sewer Benefit Area Fee - Area M $81 $82 $1 Sewer Connection (General Capacity all areas plus Sewer Benefit Area Fees)$982 $998 $16 Planned Local Drainage Area Los Angeles ENR (1/2020), 1.10% Sewer Benefit Areas ENR CCI One Year (4/2020) 20 City Average, 2.60% Affordable Housing Removing, all units have been paid Bridge and Thoroughfare Habitat Mitigation San Diego CPI (1/2020), 2.30% June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 111 of 124 Development Impact Fees Category Fee Description Current Fee Proposed Fee Change Amount Change Reason 40 WATTS $66 $68 $2 45 WATTS $71 $73 $2 70 WATTS $94 $98 $4 85 WATTS $108 $112 $4 100 WATTS $122 $127 $5 150 WATTS $168 $176 $8 200 WATTS $215 $225 $10 250 WATTS $262 $274 $12 1” Meter Size, Inches - Displacement $9,866 $10,024 $158 1-1/2” Meter Size, Inches - Displacement $18,636 $18,934 $298 1-1/2” Meter Size, Inches - Turbo (All Irrigation Meters)$21,878 $22,228 $350 2” Meter Size, Inches - Displacement $28,065 $28,514 $449 2” Meter Size, Inches - Turbo (All Irrigation Meters)$35,079 $35,641 $562 3/4” Meter Size, Inches - Displacement $6,251 $6,351 $100 3” Meter Size, Inches - Displacement $47,481 $48,241 $760 3” Meter Size, Inches - Turbo (All Irrigation Meters)$73,859 $75,041 $1,182 4” Meter Size, Inches - Displacement $73,859 $75,041 $1,182 4” Meter Size, Inches - Turbo (All Irrigation Meters)$211,027 $214,403 $3,376 5/8” Meter Size, Inches - Displacement $4,385 $4,455 $70 6” Meter Size, Inches - Displacement $137,166 $139,361 $2,195 6” Meter Size, Inches - Turbo (All Irrigation Meters)$422,046 $428,799 $6,753 8” Meter Size, Inches - Displacement $162,121 $164,715 $2,594 8” Meter Size, Inches - Turbo (All Irrigation Meters)$591,066 $600,523 $9,457 ENR CCI One Year (4/2020) 20 City Average, 2.60% Street Light Energizing Annual Adjustment based on SDG&E rates. Street Light Energizing Fees are the cost for energizing each street light for eighteen months, and include a $30.00 charge per light for connecting the light to an SDG&E service point. Potable and Recycled Water Connection June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 112 of 124 Other Fee Changes Category Fee Description Current Fee Proposed Fee Change Amount Apartment (Inside of CFD 1) per ADT $324 $331 $7 Apartment (Outside of CFD 1) per ADT $382 $390 $8 Commercial/Industrial Cost Per Trip (Inside CFD)$129 $131 $2 Commercial/Industrial Cost Per Trip (Outside of CFD)$153 $156 $3 Condominium (Inside of CFD 1) per ADT $324 $331 $7 Condominium (Outside of CFD 1) per ADT $382 $390 $8 Single Family (Inside of CFD 1) per ADT $324 $331 $7 Single Family (Outside of CFD 1) per ADT $382 $390 $8 Traffic Impact Fees *CMC 18.42.020 determines definitions and Average Daily Trips (ADT). Residential generation rates are: Single Family (calculated at 10 ADT), Condominiums (calculated at 8 ADT), Apartments (calculated at 6 ADT). CMC 18.42.050 - Traffic Impact Fees will be adjusted annually as part of the Capital Improvement Program budget process, by two percent or the annual percentage change in the Caltrans Construction Cost Index (12 month index, whichever is higher). FEES SUBJECT TO SECTION 66000 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 113 of 124 City of Carlsbad Fiscal Year 2020-21 Proposed Recycling and Trash Rates Residential Services*19-20 20-21 Residential - per month (64 or 96 gallon cart)$23.50 $23.88 Residential - per month (35 gallon trash)$21.42 $21.77 Residential - per month (backyard service)$29.58 $30.09 Extra trash cart beyond first cart $2.56 $2.61 Two additional Green Waste and/or Recycling carts will be free of charge, each additional cart will be charged $2.56 $2.61 Commercial Services* Commercial Cart (1-96 gal trash, 1-96 gal recycling) One pick-up per week (1-96 gal cart - trash, 1-96 gal cart - recycling) $49.16 $49.99 Two pick-ups per week (1-96 gal cart - trash, 1-96 gal cart - recycling)$86.90 $88.38 Three pick-ups per week (1-96 gal cart - trash, 1-96 gal cart - recycling)$124.60 $126.70 One pick-up per week (1-96 gal cart - trash) $23.44 $23.84 Two pick-ups per week (1-96 gal cart - trash)$46.89 $47.70 Three pick-ups per week (1-96 gal cart - trash)$70.33 $71.54 Extra pick-up per week (1-96 gal cart - trash)$11.04 $11.24 Commercial Yard Bins 2-yard bin - one pick-up per week $83.91 $85.30 2-yard bin - two pick-ups per week $147.67 $150.09 2-yard bin - three pick-ups per week $211.46 $214.91 2-yard bin - four pick-ups per week $275.14 $279.62 2-yard bin - five pick-ups per week $338.96 $344.47 2-yard bin - six pick-ups per week $402.74 $409.27 2-yard bin - extra pick-up $40.36 $41.06 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week $113.99 $115.86 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week $207.84 $211.23 3-yard bin - three pick-ups per week $301.67 $306.56 3-yard bin - four pick-ups per week $395.51 $401.91 3-yard bin - five pick-ups per week $489.34 $497.26 3-yard bin - six pick-ups per week $583.20 $592.63 3-yard bin - extra pick-up $54.16 $55.09 4-yard bin - one pick-up per week $152.01 $154.51 4-yard bin - two pick-ups per week $283.87 $288.51 4-yard bin - three pick-ups per week $415.78 $422.55 4-yard bin - four pick-ups per week $547.64 $556.54 4-yard bin - five pick-ups per week $679.51 $690.56 4-yard bin - six pick-ups per week $811.39 $824.56 4-yard bin - extra pick-up $64.80 $65.90 5-yard bin - one pick-up per week $190.05 $193.17 5-yard bin - two pick-ups per week $359.98 $365.86 5-yard bin - three pick-ups per week $529.88 $538.52 5-yard bin - four pick-ups per week $699.79 $711.19 5-yard bin - five pick-ups per week $869.71 $883.88 5-yard bin - six pick-ups per week $1,039.64 $1,056.56 5-yard bin - extra pick-up $75.41 $76.70 Commercial Split Bins, includes 2 locks One pick-up per week $92.05 $93.61 Two pick-ups per week $168.01 $170.84 Three pick-ups per week $243.95 $248.06 Four pick-ups per week $319.89 $325.27 Five pick-ups per week $395.83 $402.48 Six pick-ups per week $471.78 $479.71 Commercial Recycling Exhibit 9B June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 114 of 124 City of Carlsbad Fiscal Year 2020-21 Proposed Recycling and Trash Rates 96 gal cart - one pick-up per week $21.57 $21.97 96 gal cart - two pick-ups per week $43.14 $43.93 96 gal cart - three pick-ups per week $64.71 $65.90 96 gal cart - extra pick-up $10.22 $10.41 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week $82.62 $84.10 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week $139.77 $142.28 3-yard bin - three pick-ups per week $196.92 $200.46 3-yard bin - four pick-ups per week $254.07 $258.63 3-yard bin - five pick-ups per week $303.26 $308.71 3-yard bin - six pick-ups per week $363.70 $370.24 3-yard bin - seven pick-ups per week $424.32 $431.95 3-yard bin - extra pick-up $37.93 $38.61 4-yard bin - one pick-up per week $83.97 $85.48 4-yard bin - two pick-ups per week $142.05 $144.61 4-yard bin - three pick-ups per week $200.12 $203.73 4-yard bin - four pick-ups per week $258.19 $262.84 4-yard bin - five pick-ups per week $308.17 $313.73 4-yard bin - six pick-ups per week $369.59 $376.26 4-yard bin - seven pick-ups per week $431.19 $438.97 4-yard bin - extra pick-up $38.57 $39.27 Commercial Yard Waste 96 gal cart - one pick-up per week $24.27 $24.67 96 gal cart - extra pick up $10.72 $10.91 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week $131.41 $133.57 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week $235.88 $239.72 Commercial Compactor 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week $159.76 $162.30 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week $299.22 $303.94 3-yard bin - three pick-ups per week $438.65 $445.54 3-yard bin - four pick-ups per week $578.07 $587.14 3-yard bin - five pick-ups per week $717.51 $728.76 3-yard bin - six picks-up per week $856.97 $870.39 3-yard bin - extra pick-up $64.98 $66.06 Commercial - Special Haul Bin Rate - includes delivery fee 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week $139.35 $142.15 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week $217.78 $222.10 3-yard bin - three pick-ups per week $296.20 $302.03 3-yard bin - four pick-ups per week $374.63 $381.97 3-yard bin - five pick-ups per week $453.07 $461.91 3-yard bin - six pick-ups per week $531.50 $541.86 3-yard bin - extra pick-up $45.50 $46.43 Commercial Construction and Demolition Recycling Special Haul Bin (no Storm Water Fees) 1 week or less $98.41 $100.46 3-yard temporary C&D Recycling Bin $116.62 $118.93 4-yard temporary C&D Recycling Bin $126.75 $129.23 Commercial - Roll off Service Service Fee - Roll off service $233.92 $238.88 Service Fee /Contaminated Load $233.92 $233.92 Disposal Fee per Ton (pass through)$47.52 $48.21 Roll off - Demurrage Per Day Charge $4.98 $5.08 Delivery $60.20 $61.48 Delivery Demo (includes signage) $63.43 $63.43 Relocation Charge onsite $47.03 $48.03 Relocation Charge offsite $67.10 $68.52 Wash Out Receiver Boxes $53.81 $54.95 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 115 of 124 City of Carlsbad Fiscal Year 2020-21 Proposed Recycling and Trash Rates Dead Run charge $80.65 $82.35 Standby charge per minute after 5 minutes $2.13 $2.18 Other Fees and Charges* Bin Exchange $63.68 $64.82 Bin Lock Set Up Fee $39.80 $40.52 Locking Fee $15.13 $15.40 Overloaded Bins $54.83 $56.00 Bin paint charge fee - allowed 1 per year. After first paint within one year, there will be a charge per paint request.$109.61 $111.93 Bin that needs to be moved: 5 to 30 feet $5.57 $5.67 31 to 50 feet $7.57 $7.70 Additional 25 feet increments $7.57 $7.70 Special haul bin delivery $43.90 $44.83 Certified burial at Miramar plus special handling fee charged by Miramar $343.60 $350.88 Commercial Return to Service Fee - The return to service fee for two or more calls in a one- month period by a bin $70.62 $72.11 Copy Fee - The charge for copies requested by customers $1.50 $1.53 Delivery of extra cart $12.60 $12.87 Late Fee - Minimum fee on any delinquent account - $3 minimum charge $3.78 $3.86 Bulky Item - Exceeding 5 per pick up - First item $44.71 $45.66 Bulky Item - Exceeding 5 per pick up - each additional item $11.46 $11.71 Commercial Bin Customers shall be charged for bulky item pick-ups Per Bulky Item - first item $44.71 $45.66 Per Bulky Item - each additional item $11.46 $11.71 Bulky Item requiring 2 people to handle $64.20 $65.56 Contamination Fee - to recover costs for separating solid waste placed in a recycling or green waste container or for arranging a special, unscheduled collection due to contamination.$57.01 $58.22 Scout service per bin per service $51.58 $52.49 Residential Return to Service Fee - The return to service fee for two or more calls in a one- month period by a residential customer $35.91 $36.67 Restart Fee - The fee for restarting commercial service when a permanent account has been terminated for non-payment.$21.54 $22.00 *Storm Water fee included Single and Multi-Family Residents - 3 bulky item pick ups per calendar year with 5 items maximum per pick up June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 116 of 124 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 117 of 124 EXHIBIT 10 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-131 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S SHARE OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS OF THE ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is a Member Agency to the Encina Joint Powers Agreement (the Encina Agreement) entered into on July 13, 1961, for the acquisition, construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of the Encina Joint Sewer System; and WHEREAS, the Encina Agreement requires approval for the budget of the Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) by the Member Agencies following the recommendation of the Joint Advisory Committee (JAC); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires to approve said budget and provide for the payment of its share of such expenses in accordance with the allocation provided in the Encina Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Wastewater Fund is projected to have sufficient funds for the payments as they become due. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City of Carlsbad's estimated share of the FY 2020-21 Operating Budget of the EWA as approved by the JAC on April 22, 2020, in the amount of $4,145,972 for Wastewater Plant Operations, $953,505 for Wastewater Plant Operations pension pay-down (year two of three), $1,392,864 for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Operations, and $256,601 for Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Operations pension pay-down (year two ofthree) is approved. 3. That the City of Carlsbad's estimated share of the FY 2020-21 Capital Budget of June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 118 of 124 the EWA as approved by the JAC on April 22, 2020, in the amount of $6,757,574 for Wastewater Plant Capital and $1,600,000 for Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Capital is approved. 4. That the City Manager, or his/her designee, is authorized to approve appropriations to the EWA estimated budgets listed above based on the City of Carlsbad's actual share of the EWA budget. 5. That all outstanding operating encumbrances as of June 30, 2020 are continued into FY 2020-21 for such contracts and obligations. 6. That all capital improvement program budget appropriations and outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2020 are continued into FY 2020-21 for such contracts and obligations. 7. That the City Manager, or his/her designee, is authorized to make payment on behalf of the City of Carlsbad to EWA in accordance with the budget as approved by the JAC pursuant to the Encina Agreement. June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 119 of 124 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 23rd day of June, 2020, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 120 of 124 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-132 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT THE FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET IS CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN AND CLIMATE ACTION PLAN EXHIBIT 11 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has reviewed the Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year (FY) 2020-21 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to adoption of the Capital Improvement Program Budget; and WHEREAS, on June 23, 2020, the City Council reviewed for consistency with the General Plan goals and policies for the capital projects receiving an allocation of funds for FY 2020-21 pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.24.040(8); and WHEREAS, the City Council also reviewed the FY 2020-21 capital projects for consistency with applicable Climate Action Plan measures and actions; and WHEREAS, at said hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council considered all factors relating to the City Council's determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the City Council determines that the Capital Improvement Program for FY 2020-21 is consistent with the General Plan based on the following findings: a) The capital projects are consistent with the goals and policies ofthe city's General Plan in that they enhance the city's character and image by balancing development with open June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 121 of 124 space, by providing for the recreational and community needs of a wide variety of users in an established area, and by improving and expanding the city's circulation system. b) The capital projects are consistent with applicable goals and policies of the Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element of the General Plan, as described in Attachment 11A. c) The capital projects are consistent with, and support the Climate Action Plan greenhouse gas reduction measures and actions, as described in Attachment 11A. 3. This action is final as of the date this resolution is adopted by the City Council. The Provisions of Chapter 1.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, "Time Limits for Judicial Review" shall apply: "NOTICE" The time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.16. Any petition or other action seeking review must be filed in the appropriate court not later than the ninetieth day following the date on which this decision becomes final; however, if within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record is filed with a deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost or preparation of such record, the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attorney of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings shall be filed with the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 122 of 124 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 23rd day of June, 2020, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor /} (SEAL) NEW CIP PROJECTS V illage H South Off Leash Dog Area and Trail Segment 5B Managing Department: Parks & Recreation Classification: Capital Project Funding Source: Public Facility Fees Budget FY21 $ 375,000 FY23 $ 872,800 TOTAL $1,247,800 About This Project The City of Carlsbad took ownership of a 61-acre piece of property, bisected at the corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Victoria Avenue, as part of a lawsuit settlement involving the Quarry Creek housing project. The project anticipates approximately one acre of fenced, off-leash dog area, a parking lot and a pre-fabricated restroom. The project also includes the design and construction of the balance of Trail Segment 5B (Carlsbad Village Drive to Tamarack Avenue), as reflected in the Carlsbad Trails Master Plan. Project Need City Council directed city staff to “initiate public outreach to engage residents in the development of a plan to integrate an off-leash dog run as part of the Village H property.” Taking into account community input, staff and Preserve Calavera created a conceptual plan to allow an off-leash dog area while protecting sensitive habitat preserves and providing for wildlife movement. General Plan Consistency The project is consistent with Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation Element Goal 4-G.3 (“Protect environmentally sensitive lands, wildlife habitats, and rare, threatened or endangered plant and animal communities”) and Policy 4-P.41 (“Implement the projects recommended in the City of Carlsbad Trails Master Plan through the city’s capital improvement program, private development conditions and other appropriate mechanisms”). The project’s Open Space and Community Facilities land use designations support recreation and community-serving uses. Climate Action Plan Consistency The project is consistent with CAP Section 3.6 – Pedestrian Improvements Anticipated Environmental Review Potential Mitigated Negative Declaration or addendum to the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Calavera Hills Master Plan Phase II. Exhibit 11A June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 123 of 124 Library and Cultural Arts 1775 Dove Lane  Carlsbad, CA 92011  760-602-2011www.carlsbadlibrary.org June 8, 2020 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Library Board of Trustees SUPPORT OF LIBRARY STAFF BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 On May 27, 2020, the Library Board of Trustees heard a presentation summarizing city direction on preparation of the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget and the resulting library budget submittal. Staff provided an overview of the department’s significant changes including proposed reductions while seeking to maintain the highest level of public service and minimize the effect of reductions on services that are particularly important at this time to the community. Pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.16.060, the Library Board of Trustees “…may make recommendations to the city council and advise the city council in matters pertaining to…the amounts of monies required to operate the library.” At a special meeting held June 8, 2020, by proper motion and vote the Library Board determined that it supports staff’s preparation of budget recommendations that fulfill the city’s direction for reductions without significant impact on the public. Respectfully, LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Art Larson Beth Hulsart Dr. Sherman DeForest Dr. Sandy Parsons Gina McBride HP: jd cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager Exhibit 12 June 23, 2020 Item #9 Page 124 of 124 NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD, CARLSBAD PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY BOARD, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, AND CITY OF CARLSBAD ACTING AS THE SUCCESSOR TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FY 2020-21 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS The City of Carlsbad City Council will hold a joint public hearing on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, to discuss and adopt the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets and authorize Fiscal Year 2020-21 appropriations. This will include Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets for the city and Carlsbad Municipal Water District and Operating Budgets for the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, Carlsbad Housing Authority, the Successor Agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and the city's share of the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Operating and Capital Budget of the Encina Wastewater Authority. The council will also adopt the Gann Spending Limit for Fiscal Year 2020-21, changes to the Master Fee Schedule, adjustments to the City of Carlsbad's FY 2020-21 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets and determine that the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program Budget is consistent with the General Plan and applicable Climate Action Plan measures and actions. Copies of the proposed budget and proposed fee changes are available for public inspection on the city's website at www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/finance/budget.asp. Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to Roxanne Muhlmeister (roxanne.muhlmeister@carlsbadca.gov) at the Finance Department, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, 760-602-2417. Per State of California Executive Order N-29-20, and in the interest of public health and safety, we are temporarily taking actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by holding City Council and other public meetings electronically or by teleconferencing. The meeting can be viewed online at www.carlsbadca.gov or on the city's cable channel. The Carlsbad City Council welcomes your participation. During the COVID-19 public health emergency, the city has provided two easy ways for community members to provide comments during a City Council meeting: Verbally Sign up to provide verbal comments by phone by filling out an online registration form by 2 p.m. the day of the meeting. You will receive a confirmation message with instruction about how to call into the meeting. In writing E-mail your comments to clerk@carlsbadca.gov. Emails received by 2 p.m. will be provided to the City Council prior to the start of the meeting. Other comments will be included with the meeting record. Emailed comments will not be read out loud during the meeting. Please indicate the agenda item number in your email subject line. If you challenge the program budgets in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. PUBLISH DATE: June 12, 2020 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD, CARLSBAD PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY BOARD, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, AND CITY OF CARLSBAD ACTING AS THE SUCCESSOR TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FY 2020-21 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS The City of Carlsbad City Council will hold a joint public hearing on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, to discuss and adopt the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets and authorize Fiscal Year 2020-21 appropriations. This will include Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets for the city and Carlsbad Municipal Water District and Operating Budgets for the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, Carlsbad Housing Authority, the Successor Agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and the city's share of the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Operating and Capital Budget of the Encina Wastewater Authority. The council will also adopt the Gann Spending Limit for Fiscal Year 2020-21, changes to the Master Fee Schedule, adjustments to the City of Carlsbad's FY 2020-21 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets and determine that the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program Budget is consistent with the General Plan and applicable Climate Action Plan measures and actions. Copies of the proposed budget and proposed fee changes are available for public inspection on the city's website at www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/finance/budget.asp. Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to Roxanne Muhlmeister (roxanne.muhlmeister@carlsbadca.gov) at the Finance Department, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, 760-602-2417. Per State of California Executive Order N-29-20, and in the interest of public health and safety, we are temporarily taking actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by holding City Council and other public meetings electronically or by teleconferencing. The meeting can be viewed online at www.carlsbadca.gov or on the city's cable channel. The Carlsbad City Council welcomes your participation. During the COVID-19 public health emergency, the city has provided two easy ways for community members to provide comments during a City Council meeting: Verbally Sign up to provide verb~I comments by phone by filling out an online registration form by 2 p.m. the day of the meeting. You will receive a confirmation message with instruction about how to call into the meeting. In writing E-mail your comments to clerk@carlsbadca.gov. Emails received by 2 p.m. will be provided to the City Council prior to the start of the meeting. Other comments will be included with the meeting record. Emailed comments will not be read out loud during the meeting. Please indicate the agenda item number in your email subject line. If you challenge the program budgets in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. PUBLISH DATE: June 17, 2020 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL All Receive -Agenda Item# __:L For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL date 19{'2.3}?DCA __x_ cc -.'h CM ~ACM ~ DCM (3) ~ June 23, 2020 Council Memorandum To: From: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Admin'stirative Services Via: {Cityof Carlsbad Re: / Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager' Additional Materials Related to Staff R~t Item No. 9 -Fiscal Year 2020-21 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets This memorandum provides information related to staff report Item No. 9 of the June 23, 2020 City Council agenda packet. There was a question regarding how the city's personnel budgets were affected during the Great Recession, specifically during fiscal year 2009-10 and 2010-11. Staff has reviewed the adopted budgets fro_m those two fiscal years and have found the following actions: The adopted fiscal year 2009-10 budget reflected a total decrease of 13.5 full-time positions, which included the defunding·of 12.0 full-time positions and the elimination of 1.5 full-time positions. In addition to these changes, there were 14.0 vacant positions that were frozen to generate additional expenditure savings during the year. The practice of defunding positions entailed keeping the headcount intact but removing the b·udget with the intent that the positions would be funded again in a future fiscal year. Budgeted General Fund salaries decreased $800,000, or 1.6% from fiscal year 2008-09. The reductions in salaries from reducing positions was offset by the increases in salaries due to previously approved labor contracts. In 2009, the City Council approved a salary decrease of 5% for council member compensation ($1,462 per month to $1,389 per month). Council member compensation remained at this r~duced level until 2015 when the City_Council reviewed council member salaries and approved a salary adjustment from $1,389 per month to $2,052 per month. There have been no adjustments to council member salaries since 2015. The adopted fiscal year 2010-11 budget reflected a total decrease of 17.25 full-time positions, which included the elimination of 12.25 positions identified through the city's realignment efforts during that time, as well as the elimination of 5.0 positions that were defunded in the prior year. In addition to these changes, there were 6.0 positions that remained defunded for fiscal year 2010-11. Budgeted General Fund salaries decreased $100,000 or 0.2% from fiscal year 2009-10. The reductions in salaries from reducing positions was offset by the increases in salaries due to previously approved labor contracts. Administrative Services Branch 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2430 t Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council June 23, 2020 Page 2 Throughout the years of the Great Recession, the city honored all active labor contracts and did not re-open negotiations. Contracts were negotiated as they became due. cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Carlsbad City Clerk: Steve Linke <splinke@gmail.com> Monday, June 22, 2020 1 :44 AM City Clerk Tom Frank Correspondence for 6/23/2020 City Council Item #9 (FY 2020-21 Budget Adoption) 2020-06-23 CC FY2020-21 Budget-Linke correspondence.pdf Please include the attached correspondence for the above-referenced City Council item of business. Best regards, Steve Linke CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 All Receive -Agenda Item # <j_ For the Information of the: • CJIV_COUNCIL Date ~ CA ...1!'.'.:"CC .,- CM ~ACM .....--DCM (3) _!::::: To: Carlsbad Mayor and City Council From: Steve Linke (Traffic and Mobility Commissioner, but submitting as a·n individual) Subject: June 23, 2020 Item #9 -Fiscal Year 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Fee Revisions I requested that the Traffic and Mobility Commission be given an opportunity to review the mobility portion of the CIP budget, in order to provide recommendations to council. That request was not accommodated, so I will personally highlight and make recommendations on two related areas: 1. Re-allocate Trans Net Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) funds from predominantly repair/maintenance projects to improvement projects. 2. Update the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) program (project list and fee levels) consistent with the requirements and guidance in the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) and General Plan. 1. Re-allocate RTIP funds to improvement projects (Staff Report pp. 73-74) Although the RTIP has evolved somewhat overtime, the original intent was to fund arterial roadway improvements to provide regional congestion relief. Currently, 30% of the funds can be used for maintenance and other non-congestion relief projects, including minor pavement repairs and street/traffic lamp replacement. And the criteria for the remaining 70% that must be dedicated to congestion relief have been relaxed to include projects like pavement overlays-as long as they are at least one inch thick. However, in Carlsbad's current CIP budget, nearly $70 million in RTIP funds are shown as appropriated for the Pavement Management Program (repairs and overlays)-about $30 million having already been spent and about $40 million to be spent over the next 15 years (p. 73). In fact, the vast majority of Carlsbad's share of RTIP funds is being used for this purpose. In addition, over $3 million has been appropriated for street light replacement (p. 74). I am not opposed to the pavement program, but Carlsbad has Proposition H, which restricts the use of general funds for improvement projects that exceed $1 million without a vote. That restriction does not apply to repair projects like most pavement projects or lamp replacements, which can be paid by general funds, Thus, I think it would make more se_nse to reserve RTIP funds for the more funding-restricted improvement projects, particularly those that reduce vehicle congestion and/or improve facilities for pedestrians, bicycles, and transit. This is particularly important given the expanding number of deficient street facilities that are now triggering the need to expedite CIP projects. For example, the city's proportionate share of the College Boulevard extension seems like a far more appropriate use for RTIP funds than pavement overlays. 1 I also think we need to seek better transparency in Carlsbad on project types and corresponding funding mechanisms. It seems that when there are improvement projects that are not favored, the Proposition H argument is raised as a hurdle. However, other, more favored improvement projects can be sub- divided into multiple smaller projects under the $1 million limit, or co-mingled with a repair project to help bypass Proposition H, or assigned other funding. 2. TIF program update Summary of evidence that the TIF program needs an overhaul: • The CMC says that council is expected to review the program annually to ensure sufficient funding of circulation projects (project list and fee levels should be reviewed), but it has languished for over 12 years without a serious update. • Opportunities for developer funding are being squandered, potentially leaving taxpayers responsible for future improvements necessary to maintain Growth Management Plan (GMP) compliance. • The 2018 reform of the LOS grading system and traffic pattern changes have significantly modified the timing and list of street facility deficiencies relative to the last update in 2008. • The 2015 General Plan update assigned new typologies to Carlsbad's streets, which are not necessarily compatible with the way the TIF program is intended to work. • There may be additional project "creep" away from the 2008 plan in some cases (e.g., TIF funds being used to narrow a street for a project that it was supposed to widen). • The 2015 General Plan update changed land uses. • Recent development agreements have started to include references to developers paying into a Transportation Demand Management (TOM) mitigation fund through the TIF, but I am unaware of how the TIF is set up to handle that, and I have not received responses to requests for documentation. Background Based on the GMP, developers are expected to pay for projects that accommodate the traffic their developments contribute to the streets. One source of contributions comes from "conditions" placed on developments to address the direct impacts'to street facilities within and adjacent to the development. The other source of contributions comes from the TIF program, which is intended to address cumulative indirect impacts to arterial streets citywide. All developers pay uniform "per unit" fees into the TIF fund based on the average daily vehicle trips those units are predicted to generate. Both sources fund projects like the addition of through lanes, turn lanes, sidewalks, etc. For the TIF program, though, periodic citywide traffic analyses are supposed to be used to proactively identify the improvements necessary to maintain compliance with the GMP performance standard, which will not otherwise be covered by contributions from developers as conditions for their direct impacts. Based on the findings in the traffic studies, the TIF project list is then supposed to be updated, 2 and the fee schedule is supposed to be adjusted to ensure sufficient funding.The CMC states that council is expected to go through this process at least annually to account for changing circumstances (e.g., changes in anticipated traffic, land use, intensity of development, and construction-based inflation rates). However, the program has not been updated for the last 12 years! For the last TIF update, adopted by council on 4/8/2008, the traffic study revealed several new projected future GMP deficiencies, and the TIF project list and fees were adjusted accordingly. Several on the council were disappointed that they had waited so long since the previous update in 1991. Mayor Lewis lamented the fact that, without adjusting the fees, later developers and average taxpayers would have to disproportionately cover the costs of the projects in order to stay compliant with the GMP. And there was discussion about looking at the TIF program in more detail at least every two years to keep it properly updated. I encourage you to view that council meeting for further context. Sadly, Carlsbad's faulty GMP traffic level of service (LOS) grading system, which I first reported in 2011 . but remained in effect until 2018, exacerbates this situation. Instead of proactively predicting future street facility deficiencies that could be accommodated by periodic adjustments to the fee schedule, the faulty LOS grades masked the timing and/or emergence of new deficiencies, so only automatic inflation- . based increases to the fees have been done. And now we are being hit with eight pre-existing vehicle- based deficient street facilities, with at least four more to be reported in the coming weeks, as well as multiple multimodal deficiencies-some of which date back as far as the time I first reported the LOS problem. College Boulevard extension example The College Boulevard extehsion project can be used again as an example. The traffic study for that project shows that the first two lanes of the extension would be filled up to around capacity solely with traffic redistributed from Cannon Road and El Camino Real-traffic that already exists before any additional development occurs. That is the very definition of what should be covered by TIF funds- traffic originating from other areas. Developers adjacent to the extension should be expected to reimburse the city for the other two lanes for their direct impacts, plus their TIF fees for citywide impacts. Unfortunately, the faulty LOS methods masked the emergence of the Cannon Road and El Camino Real deficiencies, which began several years ago, and the TIF program was not reviewed to add part of the College extension cost to the project list, so at least some opportunity has been lost. Conclusion This all highlights the need to update the TIF project list and fee schedule as soon as possible-before potential additional revenue opportunities are lost. Or we may need to acknowledge that taxpayers could end up footing a disproportionate amount of the bills, as Mayor Lewis warned in 2008. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Richard Nucci <RNUCCl1@san.rr.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:11 AM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com BUILD PONTO PARK Dear Mayor and City Council All Receive . Agenda Item ti 9. For the Information of the: CjTY COUNCIL ✓ Datei,f/A:>CA ✓cc 7"7" CM /ACM /DCM(3)_ I am Richard Nucci and I have lived in Carlsbad for 6 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Richard C. Nucci, Sr. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on finks unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Dear Mayor and City Council Mary Kent <mmkent@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:18 AM City Clerk All Receive • Agenda Item I C, for the Information of the: . C)'!:f_COUNCIL Date~CA v cc~ CM .!::'.:_ACM ✓ocM (3) ~ We, Jim and Mary l(ent,have lived in Carlsbad 20 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Jim and Mary l<ent M CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: paula harwood < harpa98@att.net> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:21 AM City Clerk Ponto Budget Meeting Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council All Receive -Agenda Item If :}_ For the Information of the: CrTY COUNCIL oatetp/23 CA ,,,,..cc ~ CM ~ACM ,;--DCM {3) ✓ I am Paula Harwood and I have lived in Carlsbad 20 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be develope.d into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft l ocal Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Paula Harwood Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Andy Sybrandy <asybrandy@pacificgyre.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:29 AM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com 9 All it@C@tee AgC::da lttih n - For the Information of the: . CIJ1~0UNCIL Date ~CA ✓cc ✓ CM ✓ ACM ;/"DCM (3).:::: Subject: Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council I am Andrew Sybrandy and I have lived in Carlsbad since July, 2000 I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Andrew Svbrandv CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Dear Mayor and City Council Chrissy Timoschuk <timch07@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:33 AM City Clerk; info@peopleforponto.com All Receive -Agenda Item # ::j_ For the Information of the: Cl1Y COUNCIL Date ldi}3cA y' CC .,,,,,,. CM v--ACM ~DCM (3) ✓ I am Christine Timoschuk and I have lived adjacent to Carlsbad for 18 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30- acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for al l things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Christine Tlmoschuk Encinitas Ca., 92024 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council Karen Johnson <kajohnson74@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:38 AM City Clerk People for Ponto Agenda item 9 All Receive -Agenda Item # 3_ For the Information of the: .• Cl~ ~OUNCIL Date ~A v" CC ./ CM ✓ ACM ,.,.--DCM (3).:::::: My name is Karen Johnson. I moved to Carlsbad nine years ago. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30- acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Karen Johnson CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the conten is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Ronee <roneek7@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:38 AM City Clerk Budget. Ponto Park Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council All Receive • Agenda Item# 3_ For the Information of the: . CIJY f.OUNClL Date ~✓CC ' CM ~ ACM ../ DCM (3) ~ We are Bob and Ronee Kozlowski and I have lived in Carlsbad 25 years. We love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Bob and Ronee Kozlowski Carlsbad Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council Truax <truax@lovecarlsbad.org > Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:54 AM City Clerk Park in Carlsbad All Receive • Agenda Item # q For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date &/13CA ,;-cc ~ CM ...!'.'.:ACM :::::._DCM (3)~ We are Hal & Diana Truax. We love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you t>Lali\,a n-ua)( RtttLtoY ® 'DR.I;;# 0~~5i,r Htl YVIA.01'\.l::j Rttt Lttj, I 11\.C. ,r::21.2Jefftrsol'\. st. Cttrl.sbtiH~, CAJ200l? 'Pno~ G~~ir.~4G C web W\,\/V,/.l..Dveettrl.sbacl.or9 6111A.a tL cl~a 111,&1@LDveett rLsbacl .ore BE AWARE!! Online banking fraud is on the rise. If you receive an email containing WIRE TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS call your escrow office immediately to verify the information before sending funds. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is Selfe. Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council Steven Elliott <steven.s.elliott@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:59 AM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com Agenda Item 9 All Receive -Agenda Item# 9- For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date L,/:J:3cA .-/CC ,,,,-- CM V"ACM ✓ DCM (3) ✓ I am Steven Elliott and I have lived in Carlsbad 10 years. I love this town and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. We do not need more residential development we need more open space! I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Steven Elliott Carlsbad, CA 92009 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn All Receive• Agenda Item# 1.'.. From: Kathy Meyers-Schulte < kmeyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net> For the Information of the: Sent: To: Cc: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 8:06 AM CITY COUNCIL City Clerk Date ~CA £... CC ./ info@peoplefo~ponto.com CM ..>L....ACM ..IL DCM (3) ✓ Subject: Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council, I am Kathy Meyers-Schulte and I have lived in Carlsbad for 35 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open· space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space~ it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Kathv Mevers-Schulte · Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Glenn Rhoades <grhoades@yahoo.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 8:35 AM City Clerk June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council All Receive• Agenda Item # :}_ For the Information of the: I Cf!Y_ COUNCIL Date ~ CA v CC /' CM .......cACM _::::'.'DCM (3) ,, I am Glenn Rhoades and I have lived in Carlsbad since 1998. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Glenn Rhoades Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 \ Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council Anthony Vigo < avigo@att.net> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 8:38 AM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com All Receive -Agenda item i Cj For the Information of the: qTYCOUNCIL Date lllfl-2> CA I"' CC .,,,., · CM ✓ ACM ✓DCM (3)✓ Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget -Agenda Item 9 -Ponto Park I am Mary-Jane Vigo and I have lived in Carlsbad 35 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and vis,itors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy. I remember the original plan for a university and enjoying outdoor concerts at the Theater at Batiquitos (Aug 1988: Bob Dylan -Sammis Pavilion). I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draff Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Mary-Jane Vigo Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council: Bill Bradford <billbradford@roadrunner.com > Tuesday, June 23, 2020 8:41 AM City Clerk PONTO > > People for Ponto d 0 . . . . ive -A en a Item # _/.... June 23 City Council Meeting Agenda Agenda Item: BU~E,eceh I f g t· f th Fort e n orma 10n o e: . CJ"!!..COUNCIL Date 1PJd_j. CAL cc _:::: CM..-LACM .:::::_DCM(3)~ My name is William Bradford (formerly Curley) and I was born in Carlsbad in August 1946 where my parents built their home following World War II. I later graduated Mira Costa College and San Diego State College, then worked in my career all over the U.S. Twenty years ago I retired back here in Carlsbad. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I implore you to create a beautiful public park at the southern entrance to our lovely City in the Ponto area. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal _Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank You, William Bradford, CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: All Receive -Agenda Item I# 9 Holly Hamel <hollyk8@aol.com> For the Information of the: Sent: To: Cc: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 8:42 AM . Cl}'Y,. ... COUNCIL City Clerk Date J4d:j. CA ,/CC / info@peopleforponto.com CM ✓ACM .,.,--DCM (3) ::._ Subject: Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council I am Holly Hamel and I have lived in Carlsbad 5 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be de_veloped into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Holly Hamel Carlsbad, Ca 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council Andrew Eads <andreweads@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 8:48 AM City Clerk Ponto Park All Receive -Age~da Item I# 9,_ For the Information of the: t.%/Jf OUN CIL Date p<.,:XA •,....-CC ✓ CM ---!C'ACM _.;'l)CM (3) ..::::._ My name is Andrew Eads I have lived in Carlsbad for the last 4 years with my wife and kids and I don't plan on leaving .... ever. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30- acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and vis,itors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. It would make this place even more special than it already is. More houses would make us just like every other coastal community in Southern California that have chosen excessive development over protecting the beauty they're blessed with. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Let's do this! Thank you, AnrlrP.w anrl MP.lissa Eads Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council Lauren Brown <lgranvil@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 9:16 AM City Clerk i nfo@peopleforponto.com June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget All Receive· Agenda Item# 9- For the Information of the: &/:J30UNCIL Date CA vcc ..- CM JCACM .....----0CM (3) / My name is Lauren Brown and I have lived in South Carlsbad in the San Pacifico community for 9 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Lauren Brown Carlsbad, CA 92011 Lauren Granville Brown lgranvil@gm ail.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: smeyerscomms@aol.com Tuesday, June 23, 2020 9:18 AM City Clerk June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda ltem: Budget RE: June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor Matt Hall and City Council All Receive -Agenda Item# 9_ For the Information of the: , CJ'!;(.fOUNC1L Date~CA /°"CC / CM v ACM ~DCM (3) ~ My name is Sharon Meyers; I have visited Carlsbad for more than 35 years with my family and have so enjoyed the city and environs. I am writing you today, to ensure that Carlsbad remains a wonderful place to both live and visit. I am aware of the current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to s.erve res,idents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you and with appreciation for your action, Sharon Mevers Evanston, IL 60202 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council Samir Dube <sdube@yahoo.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 9:21 AM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget All Receive -Agenda Item# 5}_ For the Information of the: . CIJ'Y_fOUNCIL Date k/..d3CA ,/CC ./' CM .JLACM ~DCM (3)~ I am Samir Dube and I have lived in Carlsbad since 2002 I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Samir Dube CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Barbara Morgan <lost79vw@me.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 9:29 AM City Clerk Ponto All Receive • Agenda Item# 9.._ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Dateq /:J."2,CA .,---CC .,,--- CM v ACM ..::::::::-ocM (3) ~ Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council My name is Barbara Campbell and I have lived in Carlsbad 11 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Barbara C Campbell Alder Ave Carlsbad. District 1 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Andrew Eads <andreweads@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 9:42 AM City Clerk Subject: Agenda item 9 (Ponto Park) All Receive• Agenda Item# !l For the Information of the: err;: COUNCIL Date (R ro ...CCC / CM .,,-ACM ~DCM(3)_.:::. Dear Mayor and City Council My name is Andrew Eads I have lived in Carlsbad for the last 4 years with my wife and kids and I don't plan on leaving .... ever. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the'Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. It would make this place even more special than it already is. More houses would make us just like every other coastal community in Southern California that have chosen excessive development over protecting the beauty they're blessed with. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Let's do this! Thank you, Andrew and Melissa Eads Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: tom hall <tomhall2016@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 9:46 AM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com City council meeting June 23-budget item 9 Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Cou_ncil, All Receive -Agenda Item # !)_ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date[e/:J;?..cA .,--cc ./ CM /ACM _::: DCM (3):::. My name is Tom Hall and I have lived in north county since 1992, and in Carlsbad for the last 12 years. My family has had the privilege of enjoying the Ponto Beach area for many years now. They've had their birthday parties at the beach, and we've enjoyed many many beautiful sunsets as a family. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I highly recommend that the City of Carlsbad budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. As a certified financial planner, and someone who has been in the financial services business for almost 30 years, I understand budget deficits. I've served on many boards as well, and I understand the importance of financial governance, and long-term firiancial planning. As city leaders, you were trying to do what's best for the community and that involves very tough financial decisions. Let me get straight to the point: developing this piece of property for commercial use is not the answer. This may bring some additional revenues to the city, but I can guarantee you long term this will be a financial disaster for our community. More traffic, etc. etc. This will not enhance our community. The best solution is to develop a park for individuals and families to enjoy the beauty of our little piece of heaven in South Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park'. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all.things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Tom Hall, CFP Carlsbad Ca 92009 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: City Council Members, Jan Ryan <janryan.consultant@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 10:13 AM City Clerk 6% increase in police funding vote today All Receive. Agenda Item # q For the Information of the: ,Clf!_£OUNCIL Date ~A V-CC ✓ CM £ACM £_ DCM (3) ~ I would request that any increases for police be postponed until an analysis of the budget takes place with a citizen group to determine if these resources could be diverted to projects supporting our minority communities. Your support for listening to the community is one of the strengths of Carlsbad; it is a critical time to stop and listen. Thank you Janis Ryan, resident Carlsbad, CA 92008 Jan Ryan janryan.consultant@gmail.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ruth Utti < ruth@tennisutti.com > Tuesday, June 23, 2020 10:34 AM City Clerk i nfo@peo p leforponto.com All Receive. Agenda Item a g_ for the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date&[13 CA.Lee £ CM 3 cM .,-DCM (3) :;::;,--- From Ruth Utti RE Council Meeting 6/23/20 Agenda Item #9 Comments Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda #9 Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council I am RUTH M UTTI and I have lived in NORTH ENCINITAS between la Costa Ave and 101. I love this area of North San Diego County and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant 'of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Ruth M Utti Encinitas, CA 92024 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Vickey Syage <vickey.syage@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 10:35 AM Scott Chadwick; City Clerk Cc: Matthew Hall; Keith Blackburn; Priya Bhat-Patel; Cori Schumacher Subject: Agenda Item #9 -Budget Please read into the record at the City Council Meeting Dear Mr. Chadwick, All Receive -Agenda Item It !]_ For the Information of the: c;TY COUNCIL Date(u 13:A l/CC ~ CM _.cACM .....-OCM (3) ~ There seems to be a mistake in your Open Space and Trails Budget line item for the Agua Hedionda South Shore Trail (Hub Trail). I hope it was an honest mistake. At the last City Council budget meeting the South Shore Trail was designated by the City Council to be a priority project, yet only $45,000 has been allocated to the trail project of the $719,500 total cost allocated. There are zero dollars allocated for the next 2 fiscal years: 2021 -2022 and 2022 - 2023. Could you please explain? It appears, to the untrained eye, that this project is being delayed or not going to be built at all because only approximately 6% of the total expected cost has been allocated for the next 3 years. 6% funding over 3 years doesn't seem to be a priority project. A priority project is a funded project. That's not what the City numbers show. I've attached a screenshot of the line item from city documents for your review. This trail is a very political issue and one, based on repeated past actions over a number of years, that has created a lack of trust by the citizens for the City's planning department. Please take the first steps to start restoring t hat trust by allocating the money on an annual basis. Basically, it's time for the City to put its money where its mouth is on building the South Shore Trail. The people spoke in Feb 2016. The Council gave its direction in 2020. City staff must comply. Please fully fund and build that trail. Thank you. Vickey Syage 92011 PROJECT TITLE OPEN SPACE AND TRAILS Agua Hedionda South Shore Trail (HUB Trail) 1 TOTAL COST 719,500 PRIOR EXP/ENC 1,221 BALANCE FORWARD 673,279 TOTAL PRIOR BALANCE YEAR 1 YEAR2 PROJECT TITLE COST EXP/ENC FORWARD 2020-21 2021-22 OPEN SPACE AND TRAILS Aaua Hedionda South Shore Trail (HUB Trail) 719,500 1,221 673,279 45,000 Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan/Construction (Proo Cl 1,128,249 1,057,759 5,490 65,000 Trail Connectivity To Tamarack State Beach (Prop C) 3,276,000 152,156 3,123,844 (3, 123,844) 3,123,844 Open Space And Trail Acquisition (Prop C) 4,015,000 229,689 1,985,311 1,800,000 Total Open Space and Trails 9,138,749 1,440,825 5,787,924 (1,213,844) 3,123,844 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Ag~~~rt,~enda Item n9,_ · B d t For the Information of the: U ge CITY COUNCIL Date ////fJ.. 2...CA ...JLCC ...,,,,.. Dear Mayor and City Council: CM -~ ~cM (3) v--- 1 am Gail Norman and I have lived in Carlsbad for over 21 years while being a regular visitor for my entire life. My childhood accomplishments include numerous successful complete landings after using the ski jump ramp that was once in the lagoon. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. · This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Gail Norman Carlsbad, CA 92011 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Marcia Young <mmyoung@stanfordalumni.org> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 10:57 AM City Clerk *Item 9 on Agenda --June 23rd Ponto Park Issue All Receive -Agenda Item # <:j_ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL ~ Date ~CA v"CC _ CM CM_ CM(3) As residents of San Pacifico and South Ponto we oppose Ponto Park and vote with the Mayor and Keith Blackburn to oppose using Contingency Funding to further pursue this issue. This has been a difficult year for the businesses of Carlsbad with Covid and no contingency funds used be used pursuing this topic. We support development of the area Doug and Marci? Young CAUTION: Do not open attachments o,: click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Barbara Oetting <theoettings@yahoo.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 11 :20 AM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com June 23rd City Council Meeting, Agenda Item 9 Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council All Receive -Agenda Item # -3._ For the Information of the: . ClfY,.S._OUNCIL Date ~A ~C ,,,....,- CM_ v:is:tM -0CM (3) _.::::: I am Justin Oetting and I have lived in Carlsbad for twenty years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget m'oney in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draftlocal Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Justin Oetting Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Tony Vigo <vigot@att.net> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 12:05 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com All Receive -Agenda Item# 5:t.. For the Information of the: . CIJY ~OUNCIL Date uf.B:,A CC ,,,,..,..- CM ~M --0CM(3) ;...--- Subject: Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget -Agenda Item 9 -Ponto Park Dear Mayor and City Council, I am Anthony Vigo and I have lived in Carlsbad 35 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. · This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy. I remember the original plan for a university and enjoying outdoor concerts at the Theater at Batiquitos (Aug 1988: Bob Dylan -Sammis Pavilion). I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. · Thank you Anthony Vigo Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Jane Naskiewicz <fabsdhomes@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 12:20 PM City Clerk Subject: Please include at the June 23rd C_ity Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget o All Receive • Agenda Item # i_ For the Information of the: ~KY COUNCIL / Date CA ~ cc _v _ Dear Mayor and City Council CM ,..........-ACM _ cM (3) ✓ I am Jane Naskiewicz and I have lived in Carlsbad since 2004. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park _deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. We need a park at Ponto, PLEASE! So many people and no park space unless you drive really far. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal ·Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Jane Naskiewicz 686 Laguna Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council Valerie Cowan <dvcowan54@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1 :00 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com item #9 Budget All Receive -Agenda Item # _::)_ For the Information of the: . _CIT'(__s_OUNCIL .,,.- Date ~A-c _ CM_ CM_...-1JCM(~)~ We are Val and Dennis Cowan and we have lived in Carlsbad for 21 years. We love this' City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. We were born and raised in San Diego and have seen many changes over the past 66 years. One thing is obvious, there are not enough open space and the coastal areas are almost completely built out. Carlsbad has the chance to make a difference and save one of the last remaining coastal open spaces from more commercial enterprises. We are aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30- acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. We want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital · improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and we request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed_ park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open sp·ace, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located close~ to employment at the ·center of Carlsbad. We ask you to Develop Ponto Right-We ask you to build Ponto Park. We request that our comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Valerie and Dennis Cowan CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lauren < lauren.petry@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1 :03 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com June 23rd meeting: budget All Receive -Agenda Item # 3__ For the Information of the: , cp,:r.,,couNCIL Date ~CA ✓CC ~ CM_ CM_ CM(3)_ Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council My name is Lauren Robertson and I have lived in Carlsbad with my growing family for 5 wonderful years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit for my kids and their own one day. I would like to ensure a space for my kids to run and play in a safe area and just be kids! I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. · . . This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put _on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, The Robertson Family Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mayor and City Council T. Owen Rassman <owen@rassman.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1 :15 PM City Clerk; Matthew Hall; Council Internet Email; erin.prahler@coastal.ca.gov; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; corthitchens@coastal.ca.gov; People for Ponto Fwd: Please read into public comment at June 2nd City Council meeting regarding agenda item Jf budget 9 All Receive -Agenda Item # 1 For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date f.e/J,3cA /CC ~ CM CM .,...-DCM (3) / -- I have lived ir:, Southern CA for 30 years and in Carlsbad for the last 3. This is an amazing city but I know it can be so much more, we have an obligation to our children & all those that come to enjoy the coast line to make it more. Arid I thank Council Member Priy Bhat-Patel and Council Member Cori Schumcher for listening to the community, voting yes to put funds toward Ponto Park in the 6.2.2020 meeting . . The land at Ponto (Planning area F) is a prime location to do something amazing with, something that matters and inspires joy. I am aware that the land is for sale and DO NOT wish to see a developer turn it into a condo complex when it could be the jewel of our City. I know the State of CA says we have to have a certain number of new houses, but they don't say they have to be crammed into one of the last remaining pieces of open coastal land. Build housing complexes closer to where offices and businesses are, build them inland and Project Ponto! I know CV19 has wreaked havoc on current re~enues but also know the City is well prepared and that decisions being made today will have long lasting effects so we must think beyond the current state. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to put money in the upcoming budget to buy the land at planning areas F to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for ALL things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you T. Owen Rassman Carlsbad CA CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: . no Cooley <sebbiesixpack@att.net> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1:21 PM City Clerk Please read onto record at City Council Meeting Dear Carlsbad City Council Members, All Receive -Agenda Item # ..9._ For the Information of the: CllY COUNCIL Dat ,_.......,,,""" CA ✓ CC ✓ CM L ACM __L"DCM(3) ~ Thousands of people in Carlsbad have spoken about their priorities and the #1 reported priority is a park at Ponto. It is owed to us. Veterans Park as a substitute will not suffice. It is too far away. It will change the look of the city in ways which will benefit not only citizens, but visitors and local businesses as well. - Stop making excuses about why this can't be done and take bold action that will lead to a wonderful landmark feature for the coastal city of Carlsbad, CA. Michael Sebahar, M.D. Co-founder People for Ponto CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: -Dear Mayor and City Council jodi marie jones <jodimariejones@hotmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1:35 PM City Clerk Matthew Hall; Council Internet Email; 'Gabriel Buhr'; 'Erin Prahler'; 'Cort Hitchens'; People for Ponto Please put into public comment for the June 23rd City Council budget meeting, item 9 for Ponto Park All Receive -Agenda Item# ..9_ For, the Information of the: .. Cjl~COUNCIL Date~ CA v"CC ✓- CM .......-ACM .,,,,..-DCM (3) ✓ HUGE THANK YOU to Council Member Priya Bhat -Patel and Council Member Cori Schumaker for hearing what the community has been asking for and making a motion to put1funds toward Ponto Park! It is disappointing and sad to hear the "too busy" rhetoric from others and see lack of action. There is no question as to how special Ponto {Planning area F) is and what a rare opportunity The City has to develop it into an epic property for all to enjoy. It is obvious to so many what the City should be doing to Develop Ponto Right. The fact that the community wants Ponto Park has been detailed in nearly 3,000 letters sent to the City and Coastal Commission, thank you for finally paying attention. Yet, People for Ponto Supporters go unheard, unanswered and unsatisfied. In last year's Citizen budget survey, Open Space" is mentioned 313 times, "Parks" 237 times, and "Ponto" is mentioned 87 times. "Ponto" and "Ponto Park" were also top of mind at the budget workshops as shown in the below photo and yet the City has done nothing. In the Carlsbad residents survey, Parks and Open Space are top priorities for Districts 2, 3 & 4 and yet the Draft LCP proposes to change zoning to allow for building on one of the last pieces of coastal open space at Ponto. Carlsbad's own Community vision sets the priorities of: • Small town feel, beach community character and connectedness, • Open space and the natural environment, • Access to recreation and active, healthy lifestyles, • Neighborhood revitalization, community design and livability It's obvious Carlsbad Citizens and visitors of have spoken -now it's time for all The Council to act. 1 I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you budget money to buy the land available at Planning Area F and build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for ALL things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's Draft Local Co;:istal Program Amendment. Thank you Jodi M. Jones From the March 4th Budget Workshop 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: ·10: Cc: Subject: Doris Schiller <dorisschiller55@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1 :46 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com park in ponto Dear Mayor and City Council All Receive -Agenda Item # .3___ For the Information of the: .,Cl7!:~0UNCIL Date ~A -----CC .,,,,- CM /ACM ...,...--DCM (3) ~ I am Doris Schiller and I have lived in Carlsbad for 9 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park and perhaps a coffee shop or non-sit down eatery. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Doris Schiller CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc:. Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council, Marika Vigo <mkvigo@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1 :49 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com Please include at the June 23rd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget -Agenda Item 9 -Ponto Park All R I A d It # O eceve-gen a em i For the Information of the: ITYCOUNCIL Datelo J-3 CA V"'°" CC .,,,.,,,. CM ...l<C'ACM ~CM (3) ,.,,/' I am Marika Vigo and I have lived in Carlsbad for 23 years. I love this city and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan -Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Marika Vigo Carlsbad. CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Liz J <lizjonessd@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1 :57 PM City Clerk Agenda Item 9 -Ponto Park Dear Mayor Hall and Carlsbad City Council, Thank you for continuing the discussion around the development of Pont Park. All Receive " Agenda Item # 5}_ , For the Information of the: t crni ~OUNCIL Date ~A ~~ CM .....,-ACM .,...---DCM (3)..:::::::: My family lives in the area and frequents Ponto State beach often. We would very much like to have a park in Planning Area F and would frequent it regularly. This area of Carlsbad is lacking in public spaces and a park in that location would be an exceptional addition to enhancing our outdoor spaces and lifestyle. · I'm asking you to approve a park in Planning Area F for the good of our South Carlsbad Community. With gratitude for your consideration, Liz Jones I CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content! lis safe.I · . 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: · Attachments: All Receive -Agenda Item # 9- f PF tbe lotmroa!ioo ot !be· OUNCIL / Lance Schulte <meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net> Date CA ,/CC ,r Tuesday, June 23, 2020 8:55 AM CM_ACM ~DCM l3)..,,,,,, 'Erin Prahler'; 'Cort Hitchens'; 'Gabriel Buhr'; Council Internet Email; City Clerk 'Laura Walsh'; 'Fred Sandquist'; 'David Hill'; 'Jeff Regan'; 'People for Ponto'; Lisa Urbach Carlsbad Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment -130-pages of 6-2-20 Public Input to City Council on Ponto Coastal Park need and request Council Budget to address the need -part 1 of 4 · Citizen input on City Budget & Ponto Coastal Park Needs 1 of 4 and 32 pages.pdf Dear City of Carlsbad and CA Coastal Commission: People for Ponto would like to submit the following public input for the 6/23/20 City Budget Meeting and on the City Staff proposed Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to change the land use of Planning Area F from its Existing Non- . Residential Reserve land use to City proposed low-coastal priority high-density residential and general commercial land uses. The public input had to be divided into four (4) parts due to the file size of the 130-pages of Citizen input. As opposed what was said by 2 Council members on 6/2/20 the City's LCP policy covering Planning Area Fis not a Citywide LCP policy, but is specific to the Sammis/Poinsettia Shores LCP area, and the policy's scope and regulatory authority is limited by the boundaries of the Sammis/Poins~ttia Shores LCP area. There is however an additional Citywide Coastal Recreation issue related to CCC concerns about Carlsbad's proposed LUP land use changes and proposed Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) adequately providing for a 'buildout' need for Coastal Recreation land. It is not clear if 'buildout' is a set final amount of City and State population and development or represents accommodating an endless amount of population and development in Carlsbad and the State of California. If 'Buildout' is an endless amount of population growth and development, then how is an endless amount of City Parks and Open Space provided, and how is an endless amount of Coastal Recreation provided to accommodate en~less statewide growth? The preservation and acquisition of vacant Coastal land should be a City priority until these questions can permanently answered; because once land is developed it will never be available for Park and Coastal Recreation use. Two City Council motions [1/28/20 & 6/2/20] to specifically address Planning Area F's site specific LCP requirements to consider and document the "Public Park" needs were rejected by a 2-2 City Council tie. These 2-2 rejections have been extremely frustrating for Carlsbad citizens, adjacent citizens in our Coastal Zone, and some visitors in that about 3,000 emailed requests/p~tions citing the obvious and documented Park Need at Ponto and asking the City and Council to address the City's documented "Park Inequity" at Ponto and Ponto being outside the "Park Service Area". Citizens provided 130-pages of additional public testimony on 6/2/20 citing the Ponto Park need and also asking the City to budget for that need. The City at its 1/28/20 City Council meeting for the 1st time started to acknowledge over 15-years of the City's "Ponto planning mistakes" that the CA Coastal Commission and CA Coastal Commission Staff first identified in their 2010 rejection ofthe City's proposed Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan LCPA. These over 15-years of City "Ponto planning mistakes" were particularly destructive in that the City did not fully-openly- publicly disclose to citizens the existence of the Planning Area F LCP policy/regulations and other City Park supply/demand information. Thus the City's "Ponto planning mistakes" perverted and prevented public participation in 1 City and Coastal planning for over the past 15-years. Citizens can't participate in the Coastal [or City] planning process if they are not provided correct information, and allowed to use correct information to consider and then provide informed public input. City Commissions and the City Council are also hindered in making informed decisions if citizen input is compromised by withholding or misrepresenting information used to provide Citizen Input to City Commissions and Council. The City has had a fundamentally flawed planning process at Ponto going back over 15-years. You can't correct these significant and long-standing flaws with a quick 'gloss-over', or by ignoring or hiding it. The significant public input now about Ponto Coastal Park needs is due to the City's flawed planning processes and citizens only recently; and partially, becoming aware of the City's "Ponto planning mistakes", documented "Park Inequity", and City Park and Open Space deficits at Ponto. Citizens are concerned that after all the following public requests to address the Ponto Coastal Park needs, and the City's now acknowledged over 15-years of City "Ponto planning mistakes" there are some on the City Council that still appear --. to continue to not follow the City's and State's site specific Planning Area F LCP policy within the Sammis/Poinsettia Shores LCP, and even after the following significant public comments into the City Council. Citizens can't understand why some on the City Council, and Staff, are purposely not forthcoming or misleading Citizens on vital Ponto planning information, and then ignoring citizen input such as: 1. Over 2,500 emails and signed petitions citing the need for Ponto Coastal Park and asking the City Council to address that need, 2. 85 citizens identifying Ponto Coastal Park as the most requested specific facility _need for the City Council to budget coming out of the City's Budget Public Input Process. 3. 130-pages of public testimony at the 6/2/20 City Council Budget meeting citing the need to fund acquisition of Ponto Coastal Park [see 4 attached files], 4. Multiple requests by citizen and Coastal related non-profits to meet with the City to try to address the Ponto Coastal Park needs and opportunities for productive collaboration to address the need. The City has not responded to these multiple requests to meet. Documented Public input on 6/2/20 City Council Meeting Budget [agenda item #8] at City website: This link is to the same data as the attached 4 files of 130-pages of public input on the Ponto Coastal Park Needs and the request the City Council Budget for that need. We request these 130-pages of public input be included as DLCPA public input by the City and CCC, and particularly for City staff proposed land use changes to Planning Area Fat Ponto: https:ljwww.carlsbadca.gov/cityhall/clerk/meetings/default.asp Documented video of 1/28/20 City Staff proposed Draft LCP Amendment introduction, and 6/2/20 City Council Meeting Budget [agenda item #8] at City we_bsite: The videos present heartfelt and logical Citizen testimony, and show the City Council twice by 2-2 tie failing to addressing the specific existing LCP land use requirements/regulations for Planning Area Fat Ponto. We request these City Council actions be included as DLCPA information for the CA Coastal Commission to consider on how the City is apparently not addressing existing LCP Policy regarding Planning Area Fat Ponto, and not addressing high-priority Coastal Recreation needs at Ponto: 1/28/20 City Council meeting-item #14: https://carlsbadca.swagit.com/play/01282020-2176 6/2/20 City Council meeting-item #8: https://carlsbadca.swagit.com/play/06022020-906 Thank you, 2 Lance Schulte 34-year Carlsbad Citizen and one of many People for Ponto www. pea plefo rponto .com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: . no Cooley <sebbiesixpack@att.net> Thursday, May 28, 2020 2:53 PM Council Internet Email; City Clerk; Scott Chadwick; Gary Barberio; Don Neu; Jennifer Jesser; Kyle Lancaster; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; tort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov sandquist2@earthlink.net; lauraw@surfridersd.org; info@peopleforponto.com; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; jr66outback@gmail.com; dashill4551@gmail.com; Doug Gibson . Please read into the record at the City Council meeting(s) on the Budget, and include as public comment on the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment and Parks Master Plan Update Carlsbad FY 2019-20 Budget Public Input Report -Summary analysis for Public Comments on Budget-DLCPA-PMU.pdf Please read into the record at the City Council meeting: All Receive -Agenda Item # _8 For the Information of the: ,q1YCOUNCIL Date ~CA VCC ..,,.-- CM_~M-~M(3) ;:.,..-- Dear Carlsbad City Council: This budget should address both short-term Covid-19 impacts, and near/longer~term investments needed for Economic Recovery and Revitalization. The quality of our Carlsbad coastline, Coastal Parks, and open spaces are continually rated by Carlsbad citizens and businesses as the critical foundation of our quality of life, economic strength, and tourism industry. Ponto Coastal Park is a critically needed investment, and the last opportunity for the City to make an investment for Carlsbad's long-term sustainability. South Carlsbad Citizens, visitors, and the Visitor Industry have no Southern Coastal Park. Ponto is the only place to provide that needed investment for residents and visitors, and to advance Economic Recovery and Revitalize Sout~ Carlsbad's significant Visitor Industry. Coastal Recreation is the major attraction for visitors. With these understandings, we submit this testimony and attachment. The attachment highlights significant numbers of citizens asking for a Ponto Coastal Park as documented in the FY 2019-20 Budget Public Input Report; and notes concerns about Report dilution of specific citizen input provided at both the March 4, 2019 and 2020 Workshops. The need for a Ponto Park was the most frequent specific place need/desire citizens mentioned in the Public Input process. The attached documents 85 specific, verbatim citizen comments on Ponto area park needs and over 90% of these citizens request that Council budget to address this need. These 85 Verbatim Citizen comments specifically · address how they would like their (Park) tax dollars budgeted. Additionally, 2,500 similar public input email/petitions submitted as public comments on Carlsbad's Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment and Park Master Plan Update processes spoke to the need for a Ponto Coastal Park. 1 . I I As you know, the 11-acre Ponto Planning Area F site is for sale. This site is similar in size/shape as Holiday Park, providing a Coastal site for similar multipurpose community functions. Carlsbad's Local Costa! Program (and thus General Plan and Zoning Code) requires the City to first consider and document the need for a "Public Park" before any land use can be.planned for the Planning Area F site. The City's Park Master Plan already documents the need for a Ponto "Public Park", showing the area as "unserved" by City Parks and ~n area of Park "inequity" correlating well with Citizen input. The City also received offers of potential donations and cost-saving collaborations from Carlsbad Citizens and non-profits to advance the much needed Ponto Coastal Park. The City disappointingly has not replied to these extraordinary opportunities. Therefore, it is requested the City budget for a Ponto Coastal Park and contact the Planning Area F landowner regarding site purchase, · Consistent with Budget Public Input Report page 3, pleas~ provide this testimony and attachment to the Planning and Parks Commissions; and Coastal Commission as public input on the City Staff's proposed 1) City Budget, 2) Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and 3) Parks Master Plan Update. · Thank you, Michael Sebahar Co-founder People for Ponto CA UT/ON: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Friday, May 29, 2020 8:46 AM City Clerk FW: Develop Pont_o Right -Support Letter This is related to the budget on the agenda for June 2. From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2020 4:15 PM · All Recei~e -Agenda Item# /s:._ For the Information of the: , Cln_ COUNCIL Date !elli:,._ CA ~ ...::::- CM ~ACM ~CM (3)-:::::: To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwitk@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle. Lancaster@ca rlsbadca .gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca .gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadi;a.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local · Coastal Program Amendment · 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland · for Ponto. 3. There is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). · 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would ~elp resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently !gnoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Acco'rdingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. · · I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. 1 Thank you Scott DeFilippis sdiycdiycdi@aol.com Date submitted: 5/28/2020 6:12:56 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the ema.il above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize th e sender and know the content is safe. 2 . t I Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Friday, May 29, 2020 8:46 AM City Clerk FW: 2020-2021 FY Budget Hearing 2 June 2020 From: Harry Peacock <hrpeacock41@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2020 5:33 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> All Receive -Agenda Item# F5 For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date ~ CA ~c ~ CM ___::::::-ACM ..:_ '-'DCM (3)..::::: Cc: Chas Wick <chaswick@reagan.com>; Jodi Marie Jones <jodimariejones@hotmail.com>; Lance Schulte <Meyers- Schulte@sbcglobal.net>; Mike Sebahar <sebbiesixpack@att.net>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: 2020-2021 FY Budget Hearing 2 June 2020 In your upcoming budget' hearing on June 2nd you will be getting transmitted testimony from People for Ponto urging the members of the Council to take formal action when adopting the 2020-2021 budget to set aside funds for the acquisition of the current Ponto Planning Area F site to finally fulfill the· City's.obligation under the Growth Management Plan to provide three acres of park property per 1,000 city residents. The City acknowledges that a shortfall of 6.5 acres remains to be addressed to fulfill this obligation to the Ponto area and its surrounding neighborhoods to the north and east. This budget should address both short-term Covid-19 impacts, and both the near and longer-term investments needed for Economic Recovery and Revitalization. The quality of the Carlsbad coastline, existing Northern Coastal Parks and open spaces are continually rated by Carlsbad's citizens and businesses as the critical foundation of our quality of life and economic vitality which relies heavily on the hospitality industry. A Coastal Park at Ponto is a critically needed investment. As. such it represents the last opportunity for the City to make an investment for Carlsbad's long-term sustainability. South Carlsbad citizens, visitors, and the hospitality Industry have no Southern Coastal Park.· Ponto is the only remaining place to provide the needed investment for both resider,ts and visitors and at the same time advance economic recovery and revitalization of South Carlsbad's significant hospitality industry. A you know and the Carlsbad Visitors Bureau has noted over and over coastal recreation is the #1 attraction for visitors even more popular than Lego Land As you know by now a significant number of citizens have submitted testimony to th.is desire at both the FY 2019-20 Budget Public Input Report (notwithstanding the dilution of specific citizen input provided at both the March 4, 2019 and 2020 Workshops). Citizen input on the need for a Ponto Park was the #1 specific place need and desire citizens mentioned in the Public Input process. More than 85 specific citizen comments on Ponto area park needs and over 90% of citizen's polled requested that Council budget to address this need. These comments specifically addressed how they would like their (Park) tax dollars budgeted. Additionally, sonie 2,500 similar public input emails and petitions have been submitted as public comments on 1 Carlsbad's current Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment and Parks Master Plan Update speaking to the need for a Ponto Coastal Park. I have been told that the members of the Council know that the 11-acre Ponto Planning Area F site is for sale. This site is similar in size and shape to Holiday Park. The site would provide a perfect opportunity for a Coastal site for similar multipurpose community functions. Carlsbad's Local Costal Program (and thus General Plan and Zoning Code) require the City to first consider and document the need for a "Public Park" before any land use can be planned for the Planning Area f site. The Park Master Plan already documents the need for a Ponto "Public Park", showing the area as "unserved" by City Parks and an area of Park "inequity" correlating well with Citizen input. The City has also informally received offers of potential donations, or cost-saving collaborations from Carlsbad citizens and non-profits to advance the much-needed Ponto Coastal Park. I have been told that, to date, the City disappointingly has not replied to these special opportunities. I have also noted that a recent report on the City's investments of funds shows the City has deposits and investments in excess of $750,000,000. To me that means that money is not the issue, its what the priority for spending funds is to address the needs and desires of the citizens of the City and the promises made by the City in the past which it now recognizes it has failed to live up to. Therefore, it is my hope that the City will reserve $11,000,000 for a Ponto Coastal Park in the upcoming year's budget and initiate contact with the current owner of Planning Area F site regarding its pu·rchase. · Respectfully, Harrv Peacock CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: .. Council Internet Email Friday, May 29, 2020 10:25 AM City Clerk FW: Please read following email into the record at the June City Council Budget meeting(s) -DLCPA and Parks Master Plan Update Public lnout -FW: 2020-~1 FY · . All Receive -Agenda-Item ff ~ Budget Hearing 2 June 2020 . F th I f t' fth or e n orma 10n o e: COUNCIL Dat CA ~c .,,- CM _ACM _-oeM (3) ~ From: Lance Schulte <meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 9:58 AM To:. Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Erin Prahler <Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov>; Cort Hitchens <cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov>; Gabriel Buhr <gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov>; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Lisa Urbach <lisa.urbach@parks:ca.gov>; La.ura Walsh <lauraw@surfridersd.org>; Fred Sandquist <sandquist2@earthlink.net>; Jeff Regan <jr66outback@gmail.com>; David Hill <dashill4551@gmail.com> Subject: Please read following email into the record at the June City Council Budget meeting(s) -DLCPA and Parks Master Plan Update Public Input -FW: 2020-2021 FY Budget Hearing 2 June 2020 Please read following email into the record at the June City Council Budget meeting(s): Dear City Council and CA Coastal Commission: We request this and the following email to also be included as Public Input for the City's/CCC's Draft Local Coas.tal Program Amendment and Par.ks Master Plan Update processes. An email confirmation of those inclusions is requested. lhank you. There is a glaring C1ty and regional need for Coastal Park in South Carlsbad as has been well documented and expressed by a significant number of citizens and visitors. The Carlsbad City Council has the ability to address this need with a Ponto Coastal Park, as the site is required by the City's Local Coastal Program to be studied for a "Public Park", the site is for sale, and the City has the policy/regulatory justification and financial capacity/flexibility to make this much needed investment in Coastal Recreation and our important Visitor Serving Industry in South Carlsbad. Ponto Coastal Park is sound long-term investment in the fiscal sustainability and quality of life in Carlsbad. We love Carlsbad and our Coast. As has been communicated to the City on many occasion, but receiving no City response, citizens are working to generate donations/collaborations to help the City or State of California advance a Ponto Coastal Park . . Citizens have also repeatedly asked for a true and honest Community-based (not developer based) Coastal planning process for Ponto. The City Staff finally after 3-years on 1/28/20 acknowledged that the City made multiple "Ponto planning mistakes" dating back over 10-years. These multiple mistakes were first documented in the 2010 CA Coastal Commission's denial of the {developer focused) Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. These City "Ponto planning mistakes" denied citizens to fully understand issues so as to participate in the prior Ponto planning processes. I request the City Council: • Acknowledge the multiple decade long City "Ponto planning mistakes" and those multiple City mistakes flawed prior City planning at Ponto. 1 • Acknowledge the clear documented and significant citizen expressed need for Ponto Coastal Park in the Budget, DLCPA and PMPU processes. • Correct _those City "mistakes11 by providing a PontoToastal ParJ< as part of this budget process • Direct staff to provide a true community-based Coastal planning process for Ponto that will correct the past City mistakes and help design Ponto Coastal Park. Please know I love Carlsbad and our coast, and am fiscally prudent. Ponto Coastal Park is a valuable and cost effective investment for future generations of Carlsbad citizens and visitors. Sincerely, Lance Schulte 34-year Carlsbad citizen From: Harry Peacock [mallto:hrpeacock41@gmail.com] . Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2020 5:33 PM To: CityCou ncil@carlsbadca.gov Cc: Chas Wick; Jodi Marie Jones; Lance Schulte;. Mike Sebahar; Scott Chadwick Subject: 2020-2041 FY Budget Hearing 2 June 2020 In your upcoming budget hearing on June 2nd you will be getting transmitted testimony from People for Ponto urging the members of the Council tq take formal action when adopting the 2020-2021 budget to set aside funds for the acquisition of the current Ponto Planning Area F site to finally fulfill the City's obligation under the Growth Management Plan to provide three acres of park property per 1,000 city residents. The City acknowledges that a shortfall of 6.5 acres remains to be addressed to fulfill this obligation to the Ponto area and its surrounding neighborhoods to the north and east. This budget should address both short-term Covid-19 impacts, and both the near and longer-term investments needed for Economic Recovery and Revitalization. The quality of the Carlsbad coastline, existing Northern Coastal Parks and open spaces are continually rated by Carlsbad's citizens and businesses as the critical foundation of our quality of life and economic vitality which relies heavily on the hospitality industry. A C9astal Park at Ponto is a critically needed investment. As such it represents the last opportunity for the City to make an investment for Carlsbad's long-term sustainability. South Carlsbad cit/zens, visitors, and the hospitality Industry have no Southern Coastal Park. Ponto is the only remaining place to provide the needed investment for both. residents and visitors and at the same time advance economic recovery and revitalization of South Carlsbad's significant hospitality industry. A you know and the Carlsbad Visitors Bureau has noted over and over coastal recreation is the #1 attraction for visitors even more popular than Lego Land · As you know by now a significant number of citizens have submitted testimony to this desire at both the FY 2019-20 Budget Public Input Report (notwithstanding the dilution of specific citizen input provided at both the March 4, 2019 and 2020 Workshops). Citizen input on the need for a Ponto Park was the #1.specific place need and desire citizens mentioned in the Public Input process. More than 85 specific citizen comments on Ponto area park needs and over 90% of citizen's polled requested that Council budget to address this need. These comments specifically addressed how they would like their (Park) tax dollars budgeted. Additionally, · some 2,500 similar public input emails and petitions have been submitted as public comments on 2 Carlsbad's current Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment and Parks Master Plan Update speaking to the need for a Ponto Coastal Park. I have been told that the members of the Council know that the 11-acre Ponto Planning Area F site is for sale. This site is similar in size and shape to Holiday Park. The site would provide a perfect opportunity for a Coastal site for similar multipurpose community functions. Carlsbad's Local Costal Program (and thus General Plan and Zoning Code) require the City to first consider and document the need for a "Public Park" before any land use can be planned for the Planning Area F site. The Park Master Plan already documents the need for a Ponto "Public Park", showing the area as "unserved" by City Parks and an area of Park "inequity" correlating well with Citizen input. The City has also informally received offers of potential donations, or cost-saving collaborations from Carlsbad citizens and non-profits to advance the much-needed Ponto Coastal Park. I have been told that, to date, the City disappointingly has not replied to these special opportunities. I have also noted that a recent report on the City's investments of funds shows the City has deposits and investments in excess of $750,000,000. To i:ne that means that money is not the issue, its what the priority for spending funds is to address the needs and desires of the citizens of the City and the promises made by the City in the past which it now recognizes it has failed to live up to .. . . Therefore, it is my hope that the City will reserve $11,000,000 for a Ponto Coastal Park in the upcoming year's budget and initiate contact with the current owner-of Planning Area F site regarding its purchase. · Respectfully, Harry Peacock CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear City Council, tom hall <tomhall2016@gmail.com> Saturday, May 30; 2020 6:23 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com Ponto Park Please read this at your budget meeting. All Receive -Agenda Item n&., For the Information of the: I Clf' _COUNCIL Date ~CA _6C ~ CM _v-ACM ....-UCM (3)-=:::- My name.is Tom Hall, and I have been a current resident of Carlsbad since 2008. I have lived in the Encinitas/Carlsbad area for over 20 years. I'm an executive for a major life insurance company, and work with thousands of insurance agents around the country. I attend church locally, volunteer locally and have spent many years celebrating life with my family down at Ponto Beach. You can often find me three times a week running the stairs just below the new Encinitas Beach Hotel project, or possibly watching a sunset with my wife. And at least once a week I will park on Ponto Road and head north up on 101 for a nice jog. We are blessed to live in a beautiful area. And it is so important that we keep it beautiful, and unique, and special. Adding more shopping centers, housing, restaurants or other development is not a good solution for our community. In my humble opinion, it ~ill only create more traffic and slowly erode the unique beauty of this area. That is why I am asking you to please consider funding for a new park. Parks and trails provide our citizens opportunities to enjoy nature, the beach, fitness and spending time with family and friends. I urge you to highly . consider establishing a park in the Ponto area that is currently be considered for development. Let's do the right thing. Respectfully, Tom Hall CA UTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Mary Kent <mmkent@gmail.com> Sunday, May 31, 2020 3:08 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Please read at June 2nd City Council meeting. Agenda item: budqet o> All Receive -A'genda Item # ..Q. Dear Mayor and City Council For the Information of the: I CIJ'f_ COUNCIL Date ~ CA ~c_.:::- CM ~CM __:::1)CM (3) _:::- I am Mary Kent, my husband and I have lived in Carlsbad since 2001. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre par~ deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital· improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors ' , alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and_ I request the City contact the landowner to explore· purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad ·and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on ·residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of c;arlsbad. · 1 ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask yo_u to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's' Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's dr~ft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Mary Kent CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: tracy@sabin.com Sunday, May 31, 2020 3:26 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com All Receive -Agenda Item # ::2i: For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date i.d.Q.cA ~C~ CM ~CM _-BCM (3).:::::: Comments for the June 2 Carlsbad City Council budget presentation Dear Mayor and City Council We have lived in Carlsbad for over 20 years. We love this City and want it to remain a · wonderful place to live and visit. There is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. We want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Atea F is currently for sale and we request the City contact the· 1andowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. · Please put our comments in the official public record for all things Planning Area F, including the official public record for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment; and Parks Master Plan Update·; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Bridoet & Tracv Sabin CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on finks unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 . I I t I I Tammy Cloud-McMinn 011 escsive -&eepga ttem ft 8: For the Information of the: From: Sent: To: White, Geoffrey <geoff.white@grpfinancial.com> P T~ COUNCIL · Sunday, May 31, 2020 3:45 PM Date J..eJ.;;}.. CA .......-CC~ City Clerk CM ~CM i.-----l::)CM (3) .:=::- Cc: info@peopleforponto.com; White, Geoffrey;jody white Subject: Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council We are Geoff and Jody White and I have lived in Carlsbad for 20 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. We constantly talk with all of our friends and neighbors about what is being considered by the city and we all don't get it. · I am aware there is. a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwe~t quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zo!1e 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. · Thank you, Geoff and Jody CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on finks unless you-recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kathy Meyers-Schulte <kmeyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net> · . D Sunday, May 31, 2020 3:50 PM All Receive -Agenda Item ff _6_ City Clerk · For the Information of the: Please build a park at Ponto and Coast Highway , ~~1;, COUN~ __. Date Y2J.A. CA_-_ ...... __ CM __rACM ~.....e<:M (3) ~ Dear Mayor and City Council I am Kathy Meyers and I have lived in Carlsbad over 30 yrs. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderfui place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure · and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. ' I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask yol! to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Kathy Meyers CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on finks unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 · I I Dear Mayor and City Council, May 31, 2020 All Receive ~ Agenda Item # g For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL . Date~ CA _vet --. CM ~CM ___::::t)'CM (3) ~ I am Patti Travis and I have lived in Carlsbad since 1999. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. · I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to . budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. I This land is the entrance to Southern· Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure arid should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Patti Travis Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Valerie Cowan <dvcowan54@gmail.com> Sunday, May 31, 2020 4:09 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com Ah Receive -Agenda lfem 4 :g For the Information of the: _Cl"fY_ COUNCIL Date Je/.2:::i CA --Cc....:::::' CM ---:.\CM -OCM (3) .:::::::- Subject: Please read at the June 2 City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council We are Val and Dennis Cowan and we have lived in Carlsbad for 21 years. We love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. We were both born and raised in San Diego in 1954 so we have seen a lot of changes over the years. There are very few coastal open space any more. It is time to step up and do the right thing. , · We are aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30- acre o·pen-space deficit in Zone 9. We want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and we request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park: . . This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. · We ask you to Develop Ponto Right-We ask you to build Ponto Park. We request that our comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commi_ssion's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Valerie and Dennis Cowan dvcowan54@qmail.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council C Jain <cjainrun@hotmail.com> Sunday; May 31, 2020 4:33 PM City Clerk All Receive -Agenda Item # ..R For the lnformatiori of the: , Cl~ COUNCIL .,,,..,,.- Date~ CA ...:::::tc _ CM ~CM ___:::::-ncM (3)::::: Please read at the June 2nd City Council ~eeting Agenda Item: Budget My name is Catherine Jain. I have lived in South Carlsbad for 20 years. In the Ponto area, you have the exceedingly rare o_pportunity to thoughtfully plan a large piece of undeveloped coastal Southern California property in a way that benefits all residents. Open space must be a part of that plan. Please allocate funds to purchase Planning Area Fin order to develop a public park. With this plan, you wiH eliminate the 6.6.-acre park deficit in the southwest quadrant of the city, but this plan represents so much more than that. A beautiful coastal park at the south entrance to the city sets a specific tone. We are not just about residential development and we are not just about attracting large employers, although those two goals are clearly important. We are also about quality of life. We are about balance. We are about equal-opportunity access to our beautiful coastline. We are about community. But without places to gather, there can be no community. Hindsight being 20/20, what will you think when this project is complete? Will you think, "I'm so happy we filled that property with more houses", or will you think, "I'm so happy we created that beautiful park." Embrace this opportunity. Make Ponto an exceptional place ~or our community to gather. Build Ponto Park. I requestthat my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update;.and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Catherine Jain CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 . Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Donna G <donnagreenbergrealtor@gmail.com> Sunday, May 31, 2020 5:06 PM City Clerk Subject: Please read at the Ju.ne 2nd City Council Meeting Age'A~laRIJ~~Je8~R~%l~m\Wi1 E._ For the Information of the: COUNCIL Dear Mayor and City Council CA ..-cc --, Date _ - CM ~CM _vOCM (3)-;;:::... I am Donna Greenberg and I have lived in Carlsbad a little over 1 year. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a neede_d park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, · Donna Greenberg REALTOR®, SRES, DDC, ABR "Your Real Estate Professional" 858.229.0963 Cell Coastal Premier Properties Cal DRE# 01.91. 7967 CPP Cal DRE# 01861547 www.DonnalnDelMar.com This email message is intended only for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender. If .you are the intended recipient, but do not wish to receive communications through this medium, please so advise the sender immediately. 1 I I Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Michelle Wilhelm Turner <mwilhelmturner@gmail.com> Sunday, May 31, 2020 5:51 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com Comments for June 2, 2020 City Council Meeting Agenda lterui R~i?JJJ ~ Agenda Item # i?_ · For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: ·Budget Date ~ CA .......--CC~ CM ~M _::::1)CM (3) -- Dear Mayor and City Council - I am Michelle Turner and I have lived in Carlsbad for 15 years. I love this City and want to ensure it · remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit In the Coastal Southwest quadrant.of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. · This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I req'uest that ~y comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public recorgs for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and. Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amen~ment. · Thank you, Michelle Turner Carlsbad CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links uriless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Amy Schaefer <amy.schaefer@ymail.com> Sunday, May 31, 2020 6:44 PM City Clerk Ponto Dear Mayor and City Council,· All Receive -Agenda Item # 25 For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date ~ CA ..-cc_.:::- CM ___=::1X;CM _ -irtM (3) ....::::::' ·· I am Amy Schaefer and I have lived in Carlsbad for 14 years. I love this City and want to ei:1sure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Amy Schaefer Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open .attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 .1 ! Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Countil: . Bill Bradford <billbradford@roadrunner.com> Sunday, May 31, 2020 9:02 PM City Clerk People for Ponto ,ltii kece1ve -X~enda Item Ii _@ For the lnfo'rmation of the: CITY COUNCIL Date ~ CA VCC ~ CM ~CM __b:,DCM (3) .::::: Please read my letter at the June 2nd City Council Mee_ting Agenda Item: Budget My name is William Bradford (formerly Curley) and I was born in Carlsbad in August 1946 where my parents built their home following World War II. I later graduated Mira Costa College and San Diego State College, then worked in my career all over the U.S. Twenty years ago I retired bac_k here in Carlsbad. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I implore you to create a beautiful public park at the southern entrance to our lovely City in the Ponto area. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located c!oser to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the . official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Lcical Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's drc!ft Local Coastal Program· Amendment. Thank You, William Bradford, CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud~McMinn From: · Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council, Todd Schaefer <toddkschaefer@gmail.com> Sunday, May 31, 2020 10:15 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com &II Bern1xe -&seorta l!ern tt 8 For the Information of the: COUNCIL . Dat CA -CC .--· CM_A M_-Ot M(3) ;_-- Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget I have lived in Carlsbad since 2006. I love Carlsbad and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and vis1tors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not used for residential dev~lopment. · I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record In the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Updatei and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank yo~, Todd Schaefer Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Regarding budget agenda item. Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 7:49 AM City Clerk FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter From: info@peopleforponto,com <info@peopleforponto.com> . Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2020 5:33 PM All Receive -Agenda Item# g_ For the Information of the: CIT!'. COUNCIL Date 4?/~ CA -CC .,.,-- CM _~_ACM _-DCM (31 __:::- To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto R;ght -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California ,Coastal Commission: I an, informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. There is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. · Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 1. And most importantly; I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: . I want_ the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their-capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve ·residents and visitors alike. I want to preserve what. little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry .. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. This last bit of land should be used for a park/recreation to encourage and promote healthy living, while also allowing 1 users to enjoy the incredible coastal scenery. Thank you BrittVocke Bvocke76@gmail .com Date submitted: 5/30/2020 7:32:43 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and s~op receiving these emails click here . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click 011 links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To:. Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council Ail ReEelve -Agenda Item ff S Andrea Gattorna <agattorna@hotmail.com> .For the Information of the: Monday, June 1, 2020 9:15 AM l?;;f.,OUNCIL __.- City Clerk Date <P CA V"tc _· . . . . CMe117'1fM -DCM (3) V Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda lti . udger -. My name is Andrea Gattorna and I have lived in Carlsbad since June 2012. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30~ acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F-is curre'ntiy for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore.purchasing the site for a needed park. Thi~ land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a.space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential . development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to C,evelop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Andrea Gattorna CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: All Receive -Agenda Item ff .3 Leandro Festino <lfestino@gmail.com> For the Information of the: Monday, June 1, 2020 9:50 AM Cl/lOUNCIL ..........- City Clerk Date CA ~C- People for Ponto CM _0"{:M __!::::1)CM l3)::;::::: Subject: Please. read at 6/2 City Council Meeting agenda item: Budget Please read at the June ind City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council My name is Leandro Festino and I have lived in Carlsbad since 2016. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. · This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space. We need a park walking distance in SW Carlsbad and the options are very limi!ed today. I ask you to Develop Ponto· Right_-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Leandro Festino CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: . Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council, Jane Naskiewicz <fabsdhomes@gmail.com> Monday, June 1, 2020 10:26 AM City Clerk info ponto Please read at Tuesday June 2nd city council meeting All Receive -Agenda Item # 2 For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date ~ CA vtc~ CM ~M _::1)CM (3) ..:::::::- My name is Jane Naskiewicz and I have lived in Carlsbad for 16 years. I'm also a 2014 graduate of the Carlsbad Citizen's Academy, a local Realtor, and I love this City! That said ... l am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30- acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space~ it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. And If you're interested, I have a lot ofideas about how to make it benefit multiple generations, and generate income for the city to help maintain it. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, lncluding·the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Jane Naskiewicz 1 All Receiv~ -Agenda Item # $? For the Information of the: .crry E=OUNCIL Date 1eld,,. CA /cc_:::- CM 3 cM ~CM (3) --- Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agendq. Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council My name is George Tye and I have lived in Carlsbad 22 years. I 'm told there is a current 6:6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I respectfully urge you to budget money in the capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. ·I under~tand that Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed p~rk. This land is the southern entrance to Carlsbad along Hwy 101 and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space. A park would be a w~mderful enhancement to our city, particularly to those of us in the southwest quadrant. Along with the new 5-star hotel currently being built on the border of Carlsbad and Leucadia, a new p·ark would give our city a cache that would rival Laguna. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F1 including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; . and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, George Tye Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 10:36 AM City Clerk FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Regarding budget item for tomorrow's council meeting From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 10:33 AM All Receive -Agenda Item # _:8 For the Information of the: t;,iOUNCIL Date CA ~C~ CM ~CM ~M (3) -- To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; . Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -~upport Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that . 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area F·at Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. . 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. There is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of' Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. . 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to cr_eate a much needed Coastal . Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto: I wantthe City of Carlsbad to budget· money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at P.onto to serve residents and visitors alike. · I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. We need a comprehensive plan that engage the community wellness and considers an aquatic facility. 1 Thank you shannon delaney shannon@pchsports.com Date submitted: 6/1/202012:32:12 PM ·*This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. · · If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Sent from Mai l for Windows 10 Dear Mayor and City Council Nelson Ross <ncaesar2@outlook.com> Monday; June 1, 2020 10:41 AM . City Clerk All Receive -Agenda Item# '6 For the Information of the: . pljY ~OUNCIL Date J£.i...2.CA ~ __::- CM_'-ttCM _--iYCM (3) _.- I am Nelson Ross and I have lived in Carlsbad since 1977 I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live a·nd visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open- space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget; draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master ~Ian Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Nelson Ross CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council: ann gallagher <zorknzeek@yahoo.com> Monday, June 1, 2020 10:52 AM City Clerk People for Ponto All Receive -Agenda Item # g For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL oate.~CA -cc _ _..- CM ~CM_ '--DCM (3} _:::::: We are Annie & Rich Gallagher and have lived in Carlsbad for 20 years as original homeowners. We love where we live as it is a wonderful community of neighbors and merchants. Many from out of town visit Carlsbad as a destination spot for their yearly vacation spot.· The Carlsbad Camp Ground is directly across the street from San Pacifico where we live. Until recently, Rich has worked at nearby SeaPointe/Hilton Grand Vacations and directs local visitors to nearby attractions. I am aware there Is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest portion of Carlsbad. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget in their improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park in Planning Area F, which is currently for sale. We are requesting the City explore purchasing the site for a needed park which was part of the , original promised plan and and is now known to be a planning mistake violated by both City and State Local Coastal Programs. · · This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining spaces. It is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy. I ask you to DEVELOP PONTO RIGHT -build Ponto Park. We are requesting our comments be put on record in the official public records for Carlsbad's City-Budget and Parks Master Plan Update and the California Coastal Commission/Carlsbad's draft /Local Coastal Program Amendment. Respectfully, Annie & Rich Gallagher CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: All Receive -Agenda Item # <;}_ Ede the lrterrnaticr ct tbs· , c ~~~~NCIL Lance Schulte <meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net> Date ~ ✓cc .,,,- Tuesday; June 23, 2020 10:15 AM CM ACM .,-DCM (3) .,,- 'Erin Prahler'; 'Cort Hitchens'; 'Gabriel Buhr'; Council Internet Email; City Clerk 'Laura Walsh '; 'Fred Sandquist'; 'David Hill'; 'Jeff Regan'; 'People for Ponto'; Lisa Urbach; Lance Schulte Carlsbad Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment -130-pages of 6-2-20 Public Input to City Council on Ponto Coastal Park need and request Council Budget to address the need -part 2 of 4 Citizen input on City Budget & Ponto Coastal Park Needs 2 of 4 and 42 pages.zip Dear City of Carlsbad and CA Coastal Commission: People for Ponto would like to submit the following public input for the 6/23/20 City Budget Meeting and on the City Staff proposed Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to change the land use of Planning Area F from its Existing Non- Residential Reserve land use to City proposed low-coastal priority high-density residential and general commercial land uses .. The public input had to be divided into four (4) parts due to the file size of the 130-pages of Citizen input. As opposed what was said by 2 Council members on 6/2/20 the City's LCP policy covering Planning Area Fis not a Citywide LCP policy, but is specific to the Sammis/Poinsettia Shores LCP area, and the policy's scope and regulatory authority is limited by the boundaries of the Sammis/Poinsettia Shores LCP area. There is however an additional Citywide Coastal Recreation issue related to CCC concerns about Carlsbad's proposed LUP land use changes and proposed Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) adequately providing for a 'buildout' need for Coastal Recreation land. It is not clear if 'buildout' is a set final amount of City and State population and development or represents accommodating an endless amount of population and development in Carlsbad and the State of California. If 'Buildout' is an endless amount of population growth and development, then how is an endless amount of City Parks and Open Space provided, ~nd how is an endless amount of Coastal Recreation provided to accommodate endless statewide growth? The preservation and acquisition of vacant Coastal land should be a City priority until these questions can permanently answered; because once land is developed it will never be available for . . Park and Coastal Recreation use. Two City Council motions [1/28/20 & 6/2/20] to specifically address Planning Area F's site specific LCP requirement~ to consider and document the "Public Park" needs were rejected by a 2-2 City Council tie. These 2-2 rejections have been extremely frustrating for Carlsbad citizens, adjacent citizens in our Coastal Zone, and some visitors in that about 3,000 emailed requests/potions citing the obvious and documented Park Need at Ponto and asking the City and Council to address the City's documented "Park Inequity'' at Ponto and Ponto being outside the "Park Service Area". Citizens provided 130-pages of additional public testimony on 6/2/20 citing the Ponto Park need and also asking the City to budget for that need. The City at its 1/28/20 City Council meeting for the 1st time started to acknowledge over 15-years of the City's "Ponto planning mistakes" that the CA Coastal Commission and CA Coastal Commission Staff first identified in their 2010 rejection of the City's proposed Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan LCPA. These over 15-years of City "Ponto planning mistakes" were particularly destructive in that the City d-id not fully-openly- publicly disclose to citizens the existence of the Planning Area F LCP policy/regulations and other City Park supply/demand information. Thus the Ci'ty's "Ponto planning mistakes" perverted and prevented public participation in 1 City and Coastal planning for over the past 15-years. Citizens can't participate in the Coastal [or City] planning process if they are not provided correct information, and allowed to use correct information to consider and then provide informed public input. City Commissions and the City Council are also hindered in making informed decisions if citizen input is compromised by withholding or misrepresenting information used to provide Citizen Input to City Commissions and Council. The City has had a fundamentally flawed planning process at Ponto going back over 15-years. You can't correct these significant and long-standing flaws with a quick 'gloss-over', or by ignoring or hiding it. The significant public input now about Ponto Coastal Park needs is due to the City's flawed planning processes and citizens only recently, and partially, becoming aware ofthe City's "Ponto planning mistakes", documented "Park Inequity", and City Park and Open Space deficits at Ponto. Citizens are concerned that after all the following public requests to address the Ponto Coastal Park needs, and the City's now acknowledged over 15-years of City "Ponto planning mistakes" there are some on the City Council that still appear to continue to not follow the City's and State's site specific Planning Area F LCP policy within the Sammis/Poinsettia Shores LCP, and even after the following significant public comments into the City Council. Citizens can't understand why some on the City Council, and Staff, are purposely not forthcoming or misleading Citizens on vital Ponto planning information, and then ignoring citizen input such as: . 1. Over 2,500 emails and signed petitions citing the need for Ponto Coastal Park and asking the City Council to address that need, 2. 85 citizens identifying Ponto Coastal Park as the most requested specific facility need for the City Council to budget coming out of the City's Budget Public Input Process. 3. 130-pages of public testimony at the 6/2/20 City Council Budget meeting citing the need to fund acquisition of Ponto Coastal Park [see 4 attached files], 4. Multiple requests by citizen and Coastal related non-profits to meet with the City to try to address the Ponto Coastal Park needs and opportunities for productive collaboration to address the need. The City has not responded to these multiple requests to meet. Documented Public input on 6/2/20 City Council Meeting Budget [agenda item #8] at City website: This link is to the same data as the attached 4 files of 130-pages of public input on the Ponto Coastal Park Needs and the request the City Council Budget for that need. We request these 130-pages of public input be included as DLCPA public input by the City and CCC, and particularly for City staff proposed land use changes to Planning Area Fat Ponto: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/cityhall/clerk/meetings/default.asp Documented video of 1/28/20 City Staff proposed Draft LCP Amendment introduction, and 6/2/20 City Council Meeting Budget [agenda item #8] at City website: The videos present heartfelt and logical Citizen testimony, and show the City Council twice by 2-2 tie failing to addressing the specific exi.sting LCP land use requirements/regulations for Planning Area Fat Ponto. We request these City Council actions be included as DLCPA information for the CA Coastal Commission to consider on how the City is apparently not addressing existing LCP Policy regarding Planning Area Fat Ponto, and not addressing high-priority Coastal Recreation needs at Ponto: 1/28/20 City Council meeting-item #14: https://carlsbadca .swagit.com/play/01282020-2176 6/2/20 City Council meeting -item #8: https://carlsbadca.swagit.com/play/06022020-906 Thank you, 2 Lance Schulte 34-year Carlsbad Citizen and one of many People for Ponto www.peopleforponto.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy cioud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 12:12 PM City Clerk FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 11:41 AM All Receive -Agenda Item#-;"" For the Information of the: . CITYCOUNCIL Date ) CA v-c:c_::: CM ACM ..-OCM (3).:::::: --. To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.goV>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. . 2. ,:here is no public park cit Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. There is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Roa.d and west of.El Camino Real). . 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a la.rger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. , 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide foJ a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. · I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. 1 Thank you Jason Lewis jasonmlewis@hotmail.com Date submitted: 6/1/20201:40:28 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within_the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Council Internet Email All Receive -Agenda Item # .._' For the Information of the: Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 12:12 PM City Clerk To: Subject: FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter CITY COUNCIL Date ~CA ✓cc ✓ CM _::::::--ACM ..,.....-DCM {3)_ From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 11:50 AM To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet.Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca:gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter . Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a p'ublic pa 1 rk at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. . 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. Then~ is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real}. 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is C!Jrrently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Ame.ndment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. 1 Thank you Christina Farrow tina@aisleplanner.com Date submitted: 6/1/2020 1:49:50 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From:· Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 12:12 PM City Clerk FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> .Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 12:09 PM ,_ All Receive -Agenda Item # ,- For the Information of the: , Cl"JY,,. COUNCIL Date ~ CA ✓cc ✓ CM_ CM ~CM (3) 1/ To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email<CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadWkk@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carl~badca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com · Subject: Develop Ponto Right-Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public·park at P.onto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for~~o. . 3. There is a current 6.6 ~ere park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Roa·d and west of El Camino Real). 4. · There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center ofa larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto.has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto· Accordingly, I am requesting and making m·y position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. I want to. preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. 1 Thank you Andrew Mencinsky Andrewsurf7@gmail.com Date submitted: 6/1/2020 2:08:39 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.corn Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd li_ke to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council risa sybrandy <rlsybrandy@yahoo.com> Monday, June 1, 2020 12:24 PM City Clerk Park in coastal southwest quadrant of Carlsbad . . My name is Risa Sybrandy and I have lived in Carlsbad for 20 years. All Receive -Agenda Item nB For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL DatelP/ A CA -----cc .,-- CM ..,::::ACM .,....-DCM (3) __.::: I am copying in some text that has been prepared to request that the city resolve the park deficit in Coastal Southwest Carlsbad. I feel very passionately about this, and disappointed in Carlsbad government for not addressing this iss1.1e. It seems like the plan is being disregarded. I'm typically happy with our local government, but this issue causes me a lot of concern, and makes me concerned about our leadership. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and · a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing -the site for a needed park. · · This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. . . I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Risa Svbrandv Carlsbad CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: betsy cleek <vancleek@sbcglobal.net> Monday, June 1, 2020 12:33 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com All Receive -Agenda Item # Is:' Forthe Information of the: Cl"TY COUNCIL Datec ,, /J. CA L-CC _:::::: CM ..-ACM ,....----DCM (3) .,.,.,-- Subject: Preliminary budget presentation to City Council June 2, 2020 Please read at the June 2·nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor·and. City Council I am Betsy Cleek and I have lived in Carlsbad 19 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. · I am aware there ls a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program ·to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, It is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Betsy Cleek CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: .Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 1:05 PM City Cler~ FW: Develop Ponto Right-. Support Letter From: info@peopleforponto.com <lnfo@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 12:30 PM All Receive -Agenda Item # g For the Information of the: /~/ l OUNCIL ~ Date CA r CC CM_ CM ~DCM(3) ~ To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.goV>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <·Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.goV>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; -cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastaLca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio · <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; lnfo@peopleforponto.cor,:i Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that , . . 1.. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City_ Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3 .. There i~ a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south ·of Palomar Airport · Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. . 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open,space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am lnf9rmed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the l?st opportunity to creat~ a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program io purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve·residents and visitors alike. I want to preserve what little ~oastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future g~nerations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Pontp, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. 1 ?. I l Thank you Gary Cannon outrigger_canu@yahoo.com Date submitted: 6/1/2020 2:28:57 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to u_nsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . a CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 1:05 PM City Clerk FW;, Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June ~, 2020 12:47 PM All Receive ~ Agenda Item # ~ For the Information of the: , CIJY,,,COUNCIL . Dat ~CA --cc / CM . ACM ~ DCM (3) _,.- To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadc'a.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no pubiic park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. There is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). . 4. Th_ere are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park . . 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. . I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. Thank you 1 Gina Rittschof Ginarittschof@gmail.com Date submitted: 6/1/2020 2:47:26 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to ,unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 1:06 PM City Clerk FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 202012:56 PM All Receive -Agenda Item # 8 For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date ~CA £CC,~ CM /ACM ...... ocM (3) .,,.,,,..--- To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick , <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <DOn.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com · Subje(1: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning.Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. . 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. -Th~re is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal ·Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues arid in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal ~~~~~ . . . Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto; I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve ~esidents and visitors alike. , _ I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development-at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. 1 Thank you Kira Crage kiracrage@hotmail.com Date submitted: 6/1/2020 2:55:42 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails cl ick here . • CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject Council Internet Email Monday,June 1, 2020 1:06 PM City Clerk FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 1:01 PM · All Receive -Agenda Item# For the Information of the: Clft'. COUNCIL Date ~CA /cc ~ CM ✓ACM _ CM (3) ...=::'- To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pac:heco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2.. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. There is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. there are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most Importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. Thank you Marilyn Adams Mae:e:iesandie1mr@e:mail.com 1 Date submitted: 6/1/20202:59:46 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detaited within the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 1:06 PM City Clerk Sent: All Receive -Agenda Item# 2 For the Information of the: To: Subject: FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter CITY COUNCIL Date lo /.l, CA ~e.c _::::: _..- CM ._.......-ACM _/4CM (3) _ From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 1:04 PM To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lan_caster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; · cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area F at Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no publkpark at Ponto even though· City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto.· 3. There is a cu·rrent 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, {south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. I want to preserve what little Coastal Open SpacE: Carlsbad has _remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. We need to protect our precious local resources! City of Carlsbad has done~ great job with its library and other 1 ,. . recreational facilities! Creating the Coastal Park at Ponto will make Carlsbad top of the class I Thank you Annika Nelson annikanelsl@gmail.com Date submitted: 6/1/2020 3:04:07 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . .. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on finks unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To:. Cc: Subject:· Don Burton <djb83@netzero.net> Monday, June 1; 2020 1:09 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com Public Comment for June 2nd Council Meeting P!ease read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council All Receive -Agenda Item # 2 For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL .,,,,-- Date / CA .,-cc_ CM ~CM .,/ DCM(3)~ I am Donald Burton and I have lived in Carlsbad since 2005. I love this City. and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. 1 am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget m~ney in their capital improvement · program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area· Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. · This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. · I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Donald Burton CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Don Burton .;tigertutor@juno.com> Monday, June 1, 2020 1:13 PM City Clerk Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council All Receive. Agenda Item # S For the Information of the: crri' COUNCIL .,.-- Date iv/~ CA ✓CC _ _,,,;- CM ...i..:::. cM .:::::_DCM(3)_ I am Atsuko Suzuki and I have lived in Carlsb_ad for 15 years. I love_ this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park . . This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining p.ieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be develo.ped into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. · I ask you to Devefop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for an things -Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program_ Amendment. Thank you, Atsuko Suzuki CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: John N <john_nylander@outlook.com> Monday, June 1, 2020 1:25 PM City Clerk Subject: Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council All Receive. Agenda ltern #8_ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Oater.:;J;i.. CA .,.,.-cc_::::- CM .,::::_-ACM ::::..... DCM (3) - I am John Nylander and I have lived in Carlsbad for 34 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30- acre open-space deficit, in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital . improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park af Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. · ' . I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. • I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, ·and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, John Nylander Carlsbad CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor _and City Council Monsita Faley <monsitab@yahoo.com> Monday, June 1, 2020 1:29 PM City Clerk Peopleforponto Info Develop Ponto Right! ! t . i r f I am Monsita Faley and I have lived in Carlsbad the last 22 years .. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a [ wonderful pla.ce to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of [ Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital . [ improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors f alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for l a needed park. [ This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure !!.t and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the .official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendmen~ and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. · Thank you, Monsita Faley CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 t I J 1 ' ! Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council Andy Sy brandy < asybrandy@pacificgyre.com > Monday,Jurie 1, 20201 :31 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com . Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agef)ij~R~~~~U~jffida Item # ,g For the Information of the; CTI COUNCIL Oat ~ CA _0C:::::: CM ✓ACM .,....,.-DCM (3) ~ My name is Andy Sybrandy and I have lived in Carlsbad for 20 years. In particular, I live on the southern end of Carlsbad an am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program All_lendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; arid the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's drafUocal Coastc!l Program Amendment. Thank you, Andy Sybrandy CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Paula Presenkowski <paulapres@gmail.com> Monday, June 1, 2020 1:32 PM City Clerk Subject: Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council All Receive -Agenda Item # .,g> For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL , Date/ .:l2 -CA ..-CC i..- CM_~_ACM _:::::._ DCM (3).::;:: I am Paula Presenkowski and I have lived in Carlsbad for 27 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park .deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30- acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsba~ to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area Fis currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to.explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. ' ' I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad'.s City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. · · Thank you, Paula Presenkowski CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content . is safe. 1 l . ' 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Andy Sybrandy <asybrandy@pacificgyre.com> Monday, June 1, 2020 1:55 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com .1111 ftael I e·gnda Item # g For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Datei /11..i .~ CA _,,cec .,,- CM _0CM _:::::-E>CM (3) ..:::::::- Subject: Re: Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget . . ' Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting· Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council My name is Andy Sybrandy and I have lived in Carlsbad for 20 years. In particular, I live on the southern end of Carlsbad an am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you to build Ponto Park. L. . . I I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. , Thankyou, Andy Sybrandy CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the conten is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: natalie shapiro <bloomingtrillium@yahoo.com> Monday, June 1, 2020 2:10 PM City Clerk Please read into record City Council meeting June 2 Please read this comment into the record. For Agenda Item #8 All Receive• Agenda Item n,;3_ For the Information of the: <;rl)' COUNCIL Datet1.f.L CA ...--CC ,.- CM ::::::-ACM_ v OtM (3)::::-- I am in support of a park at Ponto and ask that either funding of the development of a park or a study on the development of a park be included in the 2020-2021 City of Carlsbad budget. This area is one of the.last undeveloped coast pieces of land and should remain undeveloped. · Thank you, Natalie Shapiro (City of Carlsbad resident for 8 years) CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. _1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council FARHAD SHARIFI <fhsharifi@gmail.com> Monday, June 1, 2020 2:12 PM City Clerk BUDGET -PARK FEEDBACK All Receive• Agenda Item # _E For the Information of the: _ CIJY_COUNCIL Date~CA v--cc -~ CM _v-ACM --OCM (3) ~ My name is Farhad Sharifi and I have lived in Carlsbad the last 8 years and San Diego area for 37 years. I love this City and want to ensure it remains a wonderful place to live and visit. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30-acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital Improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the lastremaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed .into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's qraft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you for your consideration, Farhad Sharifi Carlsbad CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is s·are. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor & City Council: Linda Sinclair <lindajsinclair@gmail.com> Monday, June 1, 2020 2:37 PM City Clerk info@peopleforponto.com Ail ReEeiO@ -AMHB5 Item w fi For the Information of the: CIJY COUNCIL Date !P..l2.__ CA ___:::--cc ~ CM _/4cM __!::::"DCM (3) __:::-- Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting -Agenda Item #8 (Fiscal Year '20-'21 Preliminary Operating Budget) My name is Linda Sinclair. I have been a homeowner in and resident of Carls.bad since March 2001. I am aware there is a 6.6 acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30 acre open space deficit in Zone 9. I request the City of Carlsbad budget money in its capital improvement program to purchase Pla'nning Area F and build. a public park at Ponto. Planning Area F is currently for sale. I request the City contact the landowner to explore. purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space. It should be developed into a public park for all to enjoy. I ask you to develop Ponto right by building Ponto Park. Please put my comments on record in the official public records for all things related to: Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment and Parks Master Plan Update; and, the California Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you, Linda Sinclair Carlsbad, CA 92009 District 2 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 3:13 PM City Clerk Sent: To: Subject: FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter All Receive -Agenda Item # For the Information of the: From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 1:22 PM CfTY COUNCIL Dateit'l/,-1. CA ~CC ,_- CM ~CM v--t>CM {3)-.::::::-- To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coasta't.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of.the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no public park ~t Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a_minimum of 6.5 acres bf parkland for' Ponto. 3. There is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant: of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5, Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves.· 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position know_n that: I want the Dra~ Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents· and visitors alike. I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. 1 Thank you . Crystal Waterman Waterman_crystal@hotmail.com San Marcos Date submitted: 6/1/2020 3:22:10 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . • CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 3:13 PM City Clerk All Receive -Agenda Item# g For the Information of the: Sent: To: Subject: FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Cl COUNCIL Date {g/__d_ CA v--ec _::::::- CM ~ACM ,.......--DCM (3)_ From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 1:30 PM To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca:gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consi_der on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part_ of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. There is a cu~rent 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real}. 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to .create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based .Park Planning process for Ponto. · I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future ge_nerations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto; but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. We need to protect and keep our coastal OPEN SPACE. We have enough houses in Carlsbad already.' 1 Thank you Julie Garrido julieagarrido@gmail.com Date submitted: 6/1/2020 3:26:21 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the· sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails cl ick here . • CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 ' Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 3:14 PM City Clerk FW: Develop Ponto Right -. Support Letter Fro'm: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 1:55 PM All Receive -Agenda Item# _8 For the Information of the: I CIJY..COUNCIL Date ~ CA..,,.....-CC .,-- CM CM ......,-DCM (3) ✓ --- To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@tarlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mik_e.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. There is a current' 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mlle stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most Importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. Please keep it prestige. Do not over build . 1 Thank you Mike Zines Ccsmikez@aol.com Date submitted; 6/1/2020 3:51:00 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. I • If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . CAUTION: Do not open attachments o.r click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 3:14 PM City Clerk FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 2:00 PM All Receive -Agenda Item # g' For the Information of the: C CIJY...,COUNCIL Date ~ CA .,.-CC ✓ CM ~CM ..:::::0CM (3)v' - To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part ofthe Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. · 3. There is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citiz~ns have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6 .. Ponto has a city documented 30.acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in' their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad ha's remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. 1 Thank you Robin Missailidis Rmiss2002@yahoo.com Date submitted: 6/1/2020 3:58:17 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . D CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 3:14 PM . City Clerk FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 2:05 PM All Receive -Agenda Item # .E For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date ~ CA _Lee / CM_ CM _.,......DCM (3) 7° To: Matthew.Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca:gov;.Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; lnfo@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Council, and California Coastal Commission: .I am informed that l ; Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. There is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal_Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to· create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft, Local Coa.stal Program Amendment to provide for a C~astal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. . I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. 1 . Thank you . Jesse Lora · jesse .lora@gmaii.com Date submitted: 6/1/2020 4:02:14 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 20203:14 PM City Clerk FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 2:08 PM . . All Receive -Agenda Item # .J3 For the Information of the; CIJY. COUNCIL Date .1:..L2._ CA .,,,--CC __.- CM __:::"ACM ___::1)CM (3) __.:::: To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks.ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mike.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City_Council, ;md California Coastal Commission:. I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. There is a current 6.6 acre park deficit in Coastal Southwes~ quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5 .. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has'a city documented 30 acre open-space standard deficit that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring.these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: · I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto . . I want the City to provide a true Citizen-based .Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve r.esidents and visitors alike. . I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. I am not in favor offuture residential development at Ponto, but think this .last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. 1 Thank you Murphy REINSCHREIBER 092853@gmail.com Date submitted: 6/1/2020 4:07:55 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Monday, June 1, 2020 3:42 PM City Clerk . FW: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter From: info@peopleforponto.com <info@peopleforponto.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 3:20 PM All Receive -Agenda Item# & For the Information of the: , qry COUNCIL Date ~ CA vc:c~ CM _/4"M --OCM (3) ~ . To: Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <scott.chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Kyle Lancaster <Kyle.Lancaster@carlsbadca.gov>; lisa.urbach@parks:ca.gov; Kathleen@carlsbad.org; Mike Pacheco <Mlke.Pacheco@carlsbadca.gov>; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; Erin.Prahler@coastal.ca.gov; Don· Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Gary Barberio <Gary.Barberio@carlsbadca.gov>; info@peopleforponto.com Subject: Develop Ponto Right -Support Letter Dear Mayor Hall, Carlsbad City Coi.J~cil, and California Coastal Commission: I am informed that 1. Carlsbad must consider on Planning Area Fat Ponto the need for a public park at Ponto as part of the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. 2. There is no public park at Ponto even though City Park Standards requires a minimum of 6.5 acres of parkland for Ponto. 3. There is a current 6.6 acre park.deficit in Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad, (south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real). 4. There are no Coastal Parks in all of South Carlsbad. 64,000 South Carlsbad citizens have no Coastal Park. 5. Ponto is at the center of a larger 6-mile stretch of coastline in that has no Coastal Parks. 6. Ponto has a city documented 30 acre open-space standard defi~it that a Coastal Park would help resolves. 7. And most Importantly, I am informed that the City is currently ignoring these issues and in the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment is proposing to eliminate the last opportunity to create a much needed Coastal Park at Ponto Accordingly, I am requesting and making my position known that: I want the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to provide for a Coastal Park at Ponto. I want the City to provide-a true Citizen-based Park Planning process for Ponto. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. . I want to preserve what little Coastal Open Space Carlsbad has remaining for future generations and our visitor industry. 1. am not i_n favor of future residential development at Ponto, but think this last small amount of vacant Coastal land should be reserved for Coastal Recreation. 1 Thank you christina collins cinco5@cox.net Date submitted: 6/1/2020 5:20:09 PM *This email was sent on behalf of the person named in this email using peopleforponto.com Please reply directly to the sender of the email as detailed within the email above. If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here . a CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: All Receive -Agenda Item#~ IOI tlitliifSli :aft tftbv CITY COUNCIL Lance Schulte < meyers-schulte@sbcglobal.net> Date lRt2J_ CA .JL cc / Tuesday, June 23, 2020 9:01 AM CM .., ACM /DCM (3)~ 'Erin Prahler'; 'Cort Hitchens'; 'Gabriel Buhr'; Council lnternerrmail; CrtyClerk ·~aura Walsh'; 'Fred Sandquist'; 'David Hill'; 'Jeff Regan'; 'People for Ponto'; Lisa Urbach Carlsbad Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment -130-pages of 6-2-20 Public Input to City Council on Ponto Coastal Park need and request Council Budget to address the need -part 4 of 4 Citizen input on City Budget & Ponto Coastal Park Needs 4 of 4 and 6 pages.pdf Dear Chy of Carlsbad and CA Coastal Commission: People for Ponto would like to submit the following public input for the 6/23/20 City Budget Meeting and on the City Staff proposed Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment to change the land use of Planning Area F from its Existing Non- Residential Reserve land use to City proposed low-coastal priority high-density residential and general commercial land uses. The public input had to_ be divided into four (4) parts due to the file size of the 130-pages of Citizen input. As'opposed what was said by 2 Council members on 6/2/20 the City's LCP policy covering Planning Area Fis not a Citywide LCP policy, but is specific to the Sammis/Poinsettia Shores LCP area, and the policy's scope and regulatory authority is limited by the boundaries of the Sammis/Poinsettia Shores LCP area. There is however an additional Citywide Coastal Recreation issue related to CCC concerns about Carlsbad's proposed LUP land use changes and proposed Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) adequately providing for a 'buildout' need for Coastal Recreation land. It is not clear if 'buildout' is a set final amount of City and State population and development or represents accommodating an endless amount of population and development in Carlsbad and the State of California. If 'Buildout' is an endless amount of population growth and development, then how is an endless amount of City Parks and Open Space provided, and how is an endless amount of Coastal Recreation provided to accommodate endless statewide growth? The preservation and acquisition of vacant Coastal land should be a City priority until these questions can permanently answered; because once land is developed it will never be available for Park and Coastal Recreation use. Two City Council motions [1/28/20 & 6/2/20] to specifically address Planning Area F's site specific LCP requirements to consider and document the "Public Park" needs were rejected by a 2-2 City Council tie. These 2-2 rejections have been extremely frustrating for Carl_sbad citizens, adjacent citizens in our Coastal Zone, and some visitors in that about 3,000 emailed requests/potions citing the obvious and documented Park Need at Ponto and asking the City and Council to address the City's documented "Park Inequity" at Ponto and Ponto being outside the "Park Service Area". Citizens provided 130-pages of additional public testimony on 6/2/20 citing the Ponto Park need and also asking the City to budget for that need. The City at its 1/28/20 City Council meeting for the p t time started to acknowledge over 15-years of the City's "Ponto planning mistakes" that the CA Coastal Commission and CA Coastal Commission Staff first identified in their 2010 rejection of the City's proposed Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan LCPA. These over 15-years of City "Ponto planning mistakes" were particularly destructive in that the City did not fully-openly- publicly disclose to citizens the existence of the Planning Area F LCP policy/regulations and other City Park supply/demand information. Thus the City's "Ponto planning mistakes" perverted and prevented public participation in 1 City and Coastal planning for over the past 15-years. Citizens can't participate in the Coastal [or City] planning process if they are not provided correct information, and allowed tp use correct infC?rmation to con~ider and then provide informed public input. City Commissions and the City Council are also hindered in making informed decisions if citizen input is compromised by withholding or misrepresenting information used to provide Citizen Input to City Commissions and Council. The City has had a fundamentally flawed planning process at Ponto going back over 15-years. You can't correct these significant and long-standing flaws with.a quick 'gloss-over', or by ignoring or hiding it. The significant public input now about Ponto Coastal Park needs is due to the City's flawed planning processes and citizens only recently, and partially, becoming aware ofthe City's "Ponto planning mistakes", documented "Park Inequity", and City Park and Open Space deficits at Ponto. Citizens are concerned that after all the following public· requests to address the Ponto Coastal Park needs, and the City's now acknowledged over 15-years of City "Ponto planning mistakes" there are some on the City Council that still appear to continue to not follow the City's and State's site specific Planning Area F LCP policy within the Sammis/Poinsettia · Shores LCP, and even after the following significant public comments into the City Council. Citizens can't understand why some on the City Council, and Staff, are purposely not forthcoming or misleading Citizens on vital Ponto planning information, and then ignoring citizen input such as: 1. Over 2,500 emails and signed petitions citing the need for Ponto Coastal Park and asking the City Council to address that need, 2. 85 citizens identifying Ponto Coastal Park as the most requested specific facility need for.the City Council to budget coming out of the City's Budget Public Input Process. 3. 130-pages of public testimony at the 6/2/20 City Council Budget meeting citing the need to fund acquisition of Ponto Coastal Park [see 4 attached files], 4. Multiple requests by citizen and Coastal related non-profits to meet with the City to try to add_ress the Ponto Coastal Park needs and opp_ortunities for productive collaboration to address the need. The City has not responded to these multiple requests to meet. Documented Public input on 6/2/20 City Council Meeting Budget [agenda item #8] at City website: This link is to the same data as the attached 4 files of 130-pages of public input on the Ponto Coastal Park Needs and the request the City Council Budget for that need. We request these 130-pages of public input be included as DLCPA public input by the City and CCC, and particularly for City staff proposed land use changes to Planning Area Fat Ponto: https ://www .ca rlsba dca .gov/ c ityha 11/ de rk/ meetings/ defa u It.asp Documented video of 1/28/20 City Staff proposed Draft LCP Amendment introduction, and 6/2/20 City Council Meeting Budget [agenda item #8] at City website: The videos present heartfelt and logical Citizen testimony, and show the City Council twice by 2-2 tie failing to addressing the specific existing LCP land use requirements/regulations for Planning Area _F at Ponto. We request these City Council actions be included as DLCPA information for the CA Coastal Commission to consider on how the City is apparently not addressing existing LCP Policy r~garding Planning Area Fat Ponto, and not addressing high-priority Coastal Recreation needs at Ponto: 1/28/20 City Council meeting-item #14: https://carlsbadca.swagit.com/play/01282020-2176 6/2/20 City Council meeting-item #8: https://car'lsbadca.swagit.com/play/06022020-906 Thank you, 2 Lance Schulte 34-year Carlsbad Citizen and one of many People for Ponto www.peopleforponto.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: . Mayor and City Council T. Owen Rassman <owen@rassman.com> Tuesday, June 2, 2020 10:46 AM All Receive• Agenda Item n_8 For the Information of the: :;rt.DUNCIL Date cA _=:::.-cC / CM . ~M ....-OCM (3 City Clerk; Matthew Hall; Council Internet Email; erin.prahler@coastal.ca.gov; gbuhr@coastal.ca.gov; cort.hitchens@coastal.ca.gov; People for Ponto Please read into public comment at June 2nd City Council meeting regarding agenda item 8 budget · I have lived in Southern CA for 30 years and in Carlsbad for the last 3. This is an amazing city but I know it can be so much more, we have an obligation to our children & all those that come to enjoy the coast line to make it more. The land at Ponto (Planning area F) is a prime location to do something amazing with, something· that matters and . inspires joy. I am aware that the land is for sale and DO NOT wish to see a developer turn it into a condo complex when it could be the jewel of our City. I know the State of CA says we have to have a certain number of new houses, but they don't say they have to be crammed into one of the last remaining pieces of open coastal land. Build housing complexes closer to where offices and businesses are, build them inland and Project Ponto! ' I know CV19 has wreaked havoc on current revenues but also know the City is well prepared and that decisions being made today will have long lasting effects so we must think beyond the current state. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to put money in the upcoming budget to buy the land at planning areas F to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for ALL things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you T. Owen Rassman Carlsbad CA CA UTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 -. Tammy Cloud-McMinn _From: Sent: Bonnie Shaw <bonnie@clearpoiritagency.com> All Receive -Agenda Item# _i? Tuesday, June 2, 2020 11 :14 AM For the Information of thE!: To: Subject: City Clerk CITY COUNCIL Letter for agenda item #8 at Carlsbad City Council MetJJooJJ.l... CA ~cc ...,........ :.-- . CM_,.~~CM {3)_ Dear Carlsbad Mayor and City Council Members: As the City of Carlsbad considers the FY21 budget today, I urge the City to put budget towards parks and open spaces in South Carlsbad, particularly the Ponto Beach area. The open lot at the corner of 101 and Avenida Encinas is the last open space in the Ponto Beach area. It is an important gateway to Carlsbad and provides an opportunityto create a community space/park for visitors and tourists alike. · A high-density condo project does not make sense in the space or the neighborhood there. I'm hopeful that the city will work to create community space that will benefit citizens, visitors and keep our beach area al') attractive area we can all be proud of. Our beach areas are precious and worth the invest~ent. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for your service to Carlsbad! Sincerely, Bonnie Shaw 20-year Carlsbad resident CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you re cognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn . From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council jodi mariejones <jodimariejones@hotmail.com> · Tuesday, June 2, 2020 12:11 PM City Clerk Matthew Hall; Council Internet Email; 'Gabriel Buhr'; 'Erin Prahler'; Hitchens, Cort@Coastal; info ponto Please read into public comment at June 2nd City Council budget meeting, item 8 for Ponto Park / 353 words I've volunteered with People for Ponto for a few years and am amazed at the dedication, experience and the wealth of knowledge the team has. I, myself, still get.confused at the difference between the Master Plan, the General Plan, the LCP, ect, ect .... But what I am not at all confused about is how special Ponto (Planning area F) is and what a rare opportunity The City · has to develop it into an epic property for all to enjoy. Actionsthe City should take to Develop Ponto Right are so obvious. The fact that the community want~ Ponto Park is so obvious and has been detailed in nearly 3,000 letters sent to the City and Coastal Commission. And yet, People for Ponto Supporters go unheard, unanswered and unsatisfied. In last year's Citizen budget survey, Open Space" is mentioned 313 times, "Parks" 237 times, and "Ponto" is mentioned 87 times. "Ponto" and "Ponto Park'' were also top of mind at the budget workshops as shown in the below photo and yet the City has done nothing. In the Carlsbad residents survey, Parks and Open Space are top priorities for Districts 2, 3 & 4 and yet the Draft LCP proposes to change zoning to· allow for buildi'ng on one of the last pieces of coastal open space at Ponto. Carlsbad's own Community vision sets the priorities of: • Small town feel, beach community character and connectedness, • Open space and the natural environment, • Access to recreation and active, healthy.lifestyles, • Neighborhood revitalization, community design and livability It's obvious Carlsbad Citizens and visitors of have spoken -now it's time for The Council to act. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right -I ask you budget money to buy the land available at Planning Area F and build Ponto Park. .f I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for ALL things Planning Area F, including the official p~blic records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA Co~stal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. Thank you Jodi M. Jones From the March 4th Budget Workshop 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From:· Sent: To: Subject: Barbara Kesten <bkesten01@gmail.com> Tuesday, June 2, 2020 12:44 PM . City Clerk; info@peof?leforponto.com I wish to have my comment read into the record at City Council meeting for Agenda Item 8 I request that Carlsbad budgets for purchasing Planning Area F (the land at Ponto) for the purposes of a park for the use of residents, who desperately need open Coastal park space to enjoy. There are significant current deficiencies in Open Space and Park land In the South West Quadrant. Preserving this space NOW, as a public park, and coastal park will preserve space for future generations and our precious tourist and visitor industry. There are no Coastal Parks in all South Carlsbad, so 64,000 residents are·without a coastal park. It's a 6 mile stretch of coastline without a park . I'm not in favor of future residential development at Ponto, and wish to preserve this last small amount of vacant land for Coastal recreation. Thank you for keeping Carlsbad green, for now, and our future generations. Barbara Kesten CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the s~nder and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subje~t: Mike Guerreiro <chief9toe@hotmail.com> Tuesday, JtJne 2, 2020 12:45 PM City Clerk People for Ponto Carlsbad City Budget Please read at the June 2nd City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Budget Dear Mayor and City Council My name in Mike Guerreiro and I have lived in Carlsbad for 15 years. I have two school age children and I want to ensure Carlsbad remains a wonderful place to live and call home. I am aware there is a current 6.6-acre park deficit in the Coastal Southwest quadrant of Carlsbad and a 30- acre open-space deficit in Zone 9. I want the City of Carlsbad to budget money in their capital improvement program to purchase Planning Area F and build a park at Ponto to serve residents and visitors alike. Planning Area F is currently for sale and I request the City contact the landowner to explore purchasing the site for a needed park. This land is the entrance to Southern Carlsbad and one of the last remaining pieces of coastal open space, it is a treasure and should be developed into a space for all to enjoy, not squandered on residential development that would do best located closer to employment at the Center of Carlsbad. I ask you to Develop Ponto Right-I ask you to build Ponto Park. I request that my comments be put on record in the official public records for all things Planning Area F, including the official public records for Carlsbad's City's Budget, draft Local foastal Program Amendment, and Parks Master Plan Update; and the CA "coastal Commission's consideration of Carlsbad's draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. · Thank you, Mike Guerreiro and Family Carlsbad, CA 92011 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: John Blackthorne <johnblackthorne305@gmail.com> . Sent: To: Subject: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 12:28 PM d 1 # 0 City Clerk All Receive -A_gen _a tern .:..J- . For the lnformat1on of the~ /. Re: Public Comment Agenda Item 9 6/23 ~I COUNCIL Date CA v cc_ CM_ACM ....-OCM (3) V I would like to retract my comment. Thank you. On Tuesday, June 23, 2020, John Blackthorne <johnblackthorne305@gmail.com>wrote: . City Council should be aware that Deputy Manager Rocha, the person in charge of the Cities finances and this multimillion dollar budget hired her daughter into a department that directly reports to her. How can we trust our Cities money to a person with such questionable ethics? CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Budget Overview Scott Chadwick City Manager Today’s Presentation •Recap of preliminary budget –Process –Priorities •Economic and fiscal issues •Changes since preliminary budget •Capital Improvement Program Preliminary Budget •Reflects economic uncertainty due to COVID-19 •City is benefitting from a long-term commitment to sound financial health •Propose reducing amount set aside for longer term projects and initiatives •Do NOT anticipate significant reductions in city services •Must continue to closely monitor and adapt if needed 2020-21 Budget Priorities •Council priorities redefined in April 2020 •Housing & homelessness •Economic revitalization •Mobility Council Priority: Housing & Homelessness •Continue the significant investment in Homeless Response Plan. •A flexible housing subsidy program with $400,000 from the Housing Trust Fund will be created to help individuals and families who are homeless or at-risk Council Priority: Economic Revitalization •Economic recovery and revitalization initiative ($5 million) •Business Expansion, Attraction & Retention (BEAR) •Business support, marketing, info sharing and regional collaboration •Talent attraction/retention and inclusive economic growth Council Priority: Mobility •Finalize and implement Sustainable Mobility Plan •Mobility investment of $8 million, or 28% of FY21 CIP budget –Improve Traffic Flow (7 projects) –Complete Streets & Access Improvements (6 projects) –Enhance Safety (3 projects) Economic & Fiscal Issues Laura Rocha Deputy City Manager Administrative Services Post COVID-19 Economy This is not the Great Recession •Past patterns can’t necessarily predict the path ahead •Businesses made billions of dollars then suddenly lost their ability to earn a profit •Crash caused the “permanent” loss of millions of jobs connected with the bubble U.S. Economy at a Glance Real GDP: Percent change from preceding quarter -6 Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 04 Ql 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis Seasonally adjusted at annual rates Real Disposable Personal Income and Real Consumer Sp,ending 2.0 ----------------,,-.. ID ~ 0.0 ___________ L.Jim _______ _ >, .c ...... C 0 2 0 2 . ·, .._,, ID g> -4.0 ro .c 0 c -6.0 ID 0 L Q) o._ -8.0 Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. ■ Real Disposable Personal Income ■ Real Consumer Spending Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis Post COVID-19 Economy California Unemployment California Labor Market Indicators Unemployment Rate Trend Metrics Marcti, 2020 April, 2020 Change Unemployment Rate 5.5% 15.5% 10% t Laoor Forc,e 19,168,000 18,)68,200 -J99,800 ' Empl oyment 18,115,800 15,682,900 •21432,;oo ' Unemployment 1,052,200 2,885)00 1,833,100 t --r-·-1··--r··--1··--,----1··-- Nonfatm Jobs 17,394,000 15,049,)00 -2344 700 ' I I 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 l~l 1994 1997 WOO 200J 2006 2009 L012 20 J 2018 2021 Da a Sourte: EDD Labor MarKe Information Division Noe: Data is seasonally adjusted. March 2020 data is rev~ed and April 2020 data is preliminaij. Local Unemployment 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 January -Labor Force San Diego Carlsbad MSA (San Diego County) February -Employment March -Unemployment Source: EDD Labor Market Division Data not seasonally adjusted, May 22, 2020 April --u nemp. Rate 16.0% 14.0% 1 2.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% Unemployment By Zip Code -Carlsbad SANDAG examined the geographic impact of unemployment in the region to gain an understanding of where the nearly 300,000 jobs lost due to COVID-19 are in our region –zip code updated as of May 9, 2020 92010 –31.34% 92011 –27.61% 92008 –27.13% 92009 –26.41% Long-Term Financial Forecasting City has prepared a ten year forecast for many years •Staff has developed a comprehensive financial model to project General Fund revenues and expenditures •City hires consultants to assist with technical forecasting and trend analysis –Sales tax, TOT, economists, CalPERS, growth projections •Forecast is formally updated on an annual basis during budget process (Jan. –May) •Forecast is informally adjusted throughout the year 16 Forecasting with Uncertainties Budget principles and fiscal recovery priorities help guide our work and evolve through uncertain times: •Support economic recovery through changes to our policies and programs, where applicable •Focus on resiliency over the long term while making service reductions and changes, ensuring that any services eliminated can be restored in future years •Seek new ways to conduct our work through efficiencies and a learning environment Graphs –Before & After COVID-19 $176M $175M $181M $187M $190M $195M $0M $50M $100M $150M $200M $250M fy 2018-19 (actual) fy 2019-20 (forecast) fy 2020-21 (forecast) fy 2021-22 (forecast) fy 2022-23 (forecast) fy 2023-24 (forecast) Forecast as of Jan. 2020 $176M $164M $165M $175M $184M $187M $0M $50M $100M $150M $200M $250M fy 2018-19 (actual) fy 2019-20 (forecast) fy 2020-21 (forecast) fy 2021-22 (forecast) fy 2022-23 (forecast) fy 2023-24 (forecast) Forecast as of May 2020 •Base expenditures •Transfers and other -Revenue Property Tax Forecast $60M $65M $70M $75M $80M $85M $90M fy 2018-19 (actual) fy 2019-20 (forecast) fy 2020-21 (forecast) fy 2021-22 (forecast) fy 2022-23 (forecast) fy 2023-24 (forecast) Original budget Forecast as of Jan. 2020 Forecast as of May 2020 Sales Tax Assumptions FY 19-20 FY 20-21 General Retail -10.3%-13.4% Food Products -2.0%-3.1% Transportation -8.9%-9.6% Construction -17.2%-16.3% Business to Business -16.9%-15.3% Miscellaneous -14.4%-11.2% County Pool 24.9%10.3% Sales Tax Forecast 21 $30M $32M $34M $36M $38M $40M $42M $44M $46M $48M $50M fy 2018-19 (actual) fy 2019-20 (forecast) fy 2020-21 (forecast) fy 2021-22 (forecast) fy 2022-23 (forecast) fy 2023-24 (forecast) Original budget Forecast as of Jan. 2020 Forecast as of May 2020 Hotel Tax Forecast 22 $M $5M $10M $15M $20M $25M $30M $35M fy 2018-19 (actual) fy 2019-20 (forecast) fy 2020-21 (forecast) fy 2021-22 (forecast) fy 2022-23 (forecast) fy 2023-24 (forecast) Original budget Forecast as of Jan. 2020 Forecast as of May 2020 Total General Fund Revenues 23 $155M $160M $165M $170M $175M $180M $185M $190M $195M $200M fy 2018-19 (actual) fy 2019-20 (forecast) fy 2020-21 (forecast) fy 2021-22 (forecast) fy 2022-23 (forecast) fy 2023-24 (forecast) Original budget Forecast as of Jan. 2020 Forecast as of May 2020 Revenues & Expenditures Roxanne Muhlmeister Finance Manager FY 2020-21 Operating Revenues by Fund Type $287.4 million General Fund, $164.8 M, 57% Special Revenue & Trust, $17.7 M, 6% Enterprise, $79.1 M, 28% Internal Service, $25.8 M, 9% FY 2020-21 Operating Budget Expenditures $292.5 million General Fund, $163.6 M, 56% Special Revenue & Trust, $16.5 M, 6% Enterprise, $83.5 M, 28% Internal Service, $28.9 M, 10% Overview of All Funds ($ in Millions) Budgeted FY 2020-21 Fund Est. Beginning Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Net Est. Ending Fund Balance General Fund $88.9 $164.8 $(163.6)$1.2 $90.1 Special Revenue & Trust 40.3 17.7 (16.5)1.2 41.5 Enterprise 62.6 79.1 (83.5)(4.4)58.2 Internal Service 34.2 25.8 (28.9)(3.1)31.1 Total All Operating Funds $226.0 $287.4 $(292.5)$(5.1)$220.9 FY 2020-21 General Fund Revenues $164.8 million Property Tax, $74.2 M, 45% Sales Tax, $36.3 M, 22% Transient Occupancy Tax , $18.5 M, 11% Franchise Tax, $5.5 M, 3% Business License Tax, $5.0 M, 3% Development Revenues, $2.6 M, 2% All Other Revenues, $22.7 M, 14% FY 2020-21 General Fund Expenditures $163.6 million Public Safety , $71.8 M, 44% Community Services, $43.9 M, 27% Public Works, $18.8 M, 12% Policy & Leadership, $6.7 M, 4% Administrative Services, $12.1 M, 7% Non-Departmental, $10.4 M, 6% General Fund Forecast Fiscal Year 2020-21 (in millions) Adopted Forecast as of Jan. 2020 Forecast as of May 2020 Budget Projected Budgeted Projected Budgeted 2019-20 2019-20 2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 Total Revenues $ 170.6 $ 175.4 $ 180.8 $ 164.2 $ 164.8 Expenditure Base for Personnel, Services & Programs 154.2 152.5 157.4 146.2 154.7 Revenues Over Base Expenditures 16.4 22.9 23.4 18.0 10.1 City Council Contingency, Capital Outlay & Transfers to Other Funds 13.0 14.8 14.2 13.6 8.9 Total Expenditures 167.2 167.3 171.6 159.8 163.6 Revenues Over Total Expenditures $ 3.4 $ 8.1 $ 9.2 $ 4.4 $ 1.2 Personnel Budget Summary-General Fund (in millions) Adopted Budget 2020 Proposed Budget 2021 Change % Salaries and Wages $68.8 $73.7 $4.9 7.1% Retirement 19.1 18.9 (0.2)-0.9% Health Insurance 8.8 9.0 0.2 2.1% Other Personnel 4.7 3.5 (1.2)-25.9% Total $101.4 $105.1 $3.7 3.6% M&O Budget Summary-General Fund (in millions) Adopted Budget 2020 Proposed Budget 2021 Change % Police $3.1 $3.2 0.1 3% Fire 3.0 3.1 0.1 3% Public Works 6.1 5.3 (0.8)-13% Community Services 13.7 12.3 (1.4)-10% Administrative Services 5.2 4.5 (0.7)-13% Policy & Leadership 1.5 1.1 (0.4)-27% Non-departmental 1.6 1.6 0.0 n/a Total $34.2 $31.1 ($3.1) -9% Maintenance & Operations-General Fund -$3.1M or 9% reduction •Achieved by reducing employee training and travel, pausing capital purchases, deferment of new Arts & Culture Plan initiatives and selected parks maintenance enhancements •Reduction is offset by increase in costs of various contracts and services (crossing guards, radio communication services, and animal control services) Capital Outlay-General Fund •EKG Monitor Replacement Program-$400,000 Total General Fund Expenditures 34 $150M $155M $160M $165M $170M $175M $180M $185M $190M $195M $200M fy 2018-19 (actual) fy 2019-20 (forecast) fy 2020-21 (forecast) fy 2021-22 (forecast) fy 2022-23 (forecast) fy 2023-24 (forecast) Original budget Forecast as of January 2020 Forecast as of May 2020 FY 2020-21 General Fund Recap Revenues $ 164.8 million Expenditures 163.6 million Projected surplus $ 1.2 million Projected reserve $92.5 million (56%) Changes from Preliminary to Final •No changes to General Fund •$40,400 for confined space hazard pay for sanitation system operators and wastewater utility workers (Wastewater Fund) •$40,000 operating transfer from Stormwater Fund to Fleet Replacement Fund to facilitate a vehicle reassignment between two work groups. Operating Budget Summary-General Fund Adopted Budget 2020 Proposed Budget 2021 Change % Personnel $101,362,000 $105,038,000 $3,676,000 3.6% M&O 34,173,000 31,100,000 (3,073,000)-9.0% Interdept 18,658,000 18,974,000 316,000 1.7% Transfers 11,473,000 7,009,000 (4,464,000)-38.9% Council Contingency 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 0.0% Total $167,166,000 $163,621,000 ($3,545,000)-2.1% Full-Time Personnel 608.28 606.18 -2.10 -0.3% Operating Budget Summary-Other Funds Adopted Budget 2020 Proposed Budget 2021 Change % Personnel $18,598,000 $18,781,000 $183,000 1.0% M&O 100,560,000 102,242,000 1,682,000 1.7% Interdept 5,750,000 6,039,000 289,000 5.0% Transfers 0 1,960,000 1,960,000 n/a Total $124,908,000 $129,022,000 $4,114,000 3.3% Full-Time Personnel 139.47 141.57 2.10 1.5% Fee Updates •Increases proposed in development impact fees, solid waste fees, traffic impact fees, and ambulance fees based on the associated index and municipal code. •All other fees in the fee study will be brought forward for City Council approval when the cost of service study is updated with the FY 2020-21 approved budget. FY 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program Paz Gomez, PE, CEM, GBE Deputy City Manager Public Works Capital Improvement Program •Long-range planning for high-quality facilities and infrastructure •Inclusive, transparent process including public input •Funding for the future set aside today •Consistent with General Plan, Growth Management Plan and Climate Action Plan Strategy for Moving Forward •Anticipate revenue decreases in some capital funds and recommend funding adjustments •Minimize new project requests to ensure deliverability on existing projects •Continue projects that are already underway •Match funding recommendation to project timing FY 2020-21 Projects Evaluation •Focus on realistic outcomes –Current project status –Scheduling and sequencing requirements –Project constraints –Staff capacity •Critical and High priority project scores •Confirm available balances are adequate to match project timing •Re-evaluate project needs against current conditions FY 2020-21 CIP Overview 233 active projects in 15-year CIP plan Planning 6% Capital Projects 59% Maintenance & Operations 31% Project Accounting 4% FY 2020-21 Funding Request •One proposed new project –$375,000 for South Village H Off-Leash Dog Park and Trail Segment 5B •Reduced projected expenditures by 40% –Last year’s FY 2020-21 expenditure projection was $46.6 million –Revised to $28.9 million in requested appropriations –45 projects with funding requests Requesting funding 20% No change 80% New project 0.4% Council Direction: New Project Village H South Off-Leash Dog Area and Trail Segment 5B Managing Department: Parks & Recreation Classification: Capital Project Funding Source: Public Facility Fees Requested Budget: FY 2020-21 $ 375,000 FY 2022-23 $ 872,800 TOTAL $1,247,800 Cancelled Projects •15 projects recommended for cancellation –Asset Managing Departments re-evaluated current project needs –Addressed through other existing project scopes –No longer needed due to current conditions Council Priority: Mobility FY 2020-21 CIP Investment in Mobility Projects Mobility 28% Sewer 36% Water and Recycled Water 16% Facilities 15% Parks 3%Drainage 2% FY 2020-21 CIP Mobility Investment Improve Traffic Flow •El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements •El Camino Real Widening -Cassia Rd to Camino Vida Roble •El Camino Real Widening -Sunny Creek Rd to Jackspar Dr •Melrose Drive Right-Turn Lane to Westbound Palomar Airport Rd. •Palomar Airport Road and College Blvd Improvements •Palomar Airport Road/Paseo Del Norte Left-Turn Lane Extension •Palomar Airport Road/Paseo Del Norte Right-Turn Lane FY 2020-21 CIP Mobility Investment Complete Streets and Access Improvements •ADA Improvement Program •Pavement Management Program (ECR between Cannon Rd and Faraday Ave, between Alga Pkwy and La Costa Ave; Batiquitos Drive) •South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail •Terramar Area Coastal Improvements •Valley St and Magnolia Ave Complete Streets •Village and Barrio Traffic Circles FY 2020-21 CIP Mobility Investment Enhance Safety •Sidewalk/Street Construction Program •Traffic Monitoring Program •Pedestrian Hybrid Traffic Signal -Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street Council Direction: College Boulevard •College Boulevard Extension (Project No. 3636) –Available balance = $1.3 million –Identified $1.2 million in TransNet funding for FY21 Public Dashboard ,,: .... _ .. .. Total Projects Traffic Signal -La Q_ ~ ·-!lll!J ·-01!! Costa Avenue And ·-• / I 22 Levante Street Traffic System 0 • : -Traffic Signal -e • ':t Poinsettia Lane And '" • Brigantine Road ~ 1 of 22 ~ Traffic System ~ Traffic Signal -La Costa • Traffic Signal Master .f • Plan ,._o" 2 Avenue And Levante f Traffic System • Traffic Signal -Camino Street McCtellan-Pal • Vida Roble And Yarrow Drive .po Traffic System Project# 3938 Score Low Village Intelligent Available Total Project • Parking Balance Cost Implementation $250,000.00 $250,000.00 T raffle System l " Traffic Signal -Alga 4•• +I Description Installation of a three-leg, ful ly • Road And Cazadero . -actuated traffic si~nal, including a Drive type 170 control er, 200SA local Traffic System intersection control program,