HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-10-13; City Council; ; Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan to Construct a Four- Story Mixed-Use Project Consisting of Two Buildings with 79 Residential Units and Four Commercial UnitsMeeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: Project Name: Project No.: Oct. 13, 2020 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cliff Jones, Senior Planner cliff.jones@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-4613 Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan to Construct a Four- Story Mixed-Use Project Consisting of Two Buildings with 79 Residential Units and Four Commercial Units on a 1.756-Acre Site in the Village Between Roosevelt Street and State Street Carlsbad Station CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 Recommended Action That the Carlsbad City Council hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving tentative tract map and site development plan to construct a four-story mixed-use project consisting of two buildings with 83 condominium units comprising 79 residential units and four commercial units on a 1.756-acre site at 2747, 2775, 2777, 2785 and 2801 Roosevelt Street; and 2780 and 2802 State Street in the Village Center District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. Executive Summary The applicant, McKellar McGowan, is requesting approval of a tentative tract map and site development plan to demolish eight existing commercial and residential structures and build a 177,945-square-foot four-story mixed-use building. This building is to have 79 residential units, 12 of which will be dedicated to being affordable for lower income families, and four ground- floor commercial units totaling 9,777 square feet. The required parking for the project is provided by a below-grade parking garage with 143 vehicle parking spaces. The property is within the Village Center District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan, which allows mixed-use development with a residential density range of 28 to 35 dwelling units per acre. The applicant is requesting a 35% increase in the project’s density under the state’s density bonus law, which requires at least 20% of the units to be affordable to low-income households. With this density bonus, the maximum number of units allowed for the 1.756-acre site is 84 units, with 12 of those units required to be affordable in keeping with the density bonus law and the city’s inclusionary housing requirements. The proposed 79 units , with 12 of them being affordable, results in a residential density for the site of 44.9 dwelling units per acre. (The density calculation is provided in the affordable housing density bonus request (Exhibit 3) and summarized in the density bonus discussion section below.) CA Review RK Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 1 of 223 The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and unanimously recommended approval of the project on June 17, 2020. The project is being presented to the City Council because the Village and Barrio Master Plan requires council approval of all projects located within the Village that are larger than 5,000 square feet. Discussion Project description The 1.756-acre site comprises eight legal lots between Roosevelt Street and State Street, north of Grand Avenue and south of Beech Avenue (Exhibit 2). The site consists of a relatively level L- shaped property now occupied by eight buildings constructed between 1947 and 1981. The existing structures are occupied by offices, retail businesses, residences and two restaurants. The project involves demolishing the existing structures and building 79 residential units that range in size from 747 square feet to 2,840 square feet. A total of 10,242 square feet of private deck area is to be provided for the residential units along with a fourth-floor common open space roof terrace totaling 4,000 square feet. The project includes four ground-floor commercial units that total 9,777 square feet. In terms of the project’s traffic impacts, the residential units combined with the commercial uses are expected to result in a decrease of 181 average daily trips compared to the existing on- site uses. The project increases on-street parking along Roosevelt and State streets by eight spaces by reducing the number of existing driveways from six to one. The project also provides 143 underground vehicle parking spaces, 12 on-site bicycle parking spaces and 12 additional bicycle parking spaces along Roosevelt Street and State Street. Frontage improvements along both Roosevelt and State streets include new curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bike racks, street trees and landscaping. Density bonus Under the city’s General Plan designation for this site, the maximum number of units allowed for a 1.756-acre parcel is 35 dwelling units per acre is 62 dwelling units. To construct 79 units, the applicant is requesting the city’s approval of a 35% density bonus, which allows for 84-units, as long as 20 percent of the units, (12 units) are affordable to low-income households.1 The project is also required to comply with the City of Carlsbad’s inclusionary housing requirement that 15% of the total units be affordable units, which is satisfied though the construction of the 12 low-income units. With 79 units, the proposed project would have a density of 44.9 dwelling units per acre. The developer’s affordable housing density bonus request (Exhibit 3) is summarized below: 1 State density bonus law (Government Code Section 65915 - Density Bonuses and Other Incentives) allows a developer to increase density on a property above the maximum limit set by a city’s local general plan. In exchange, a developer must reserve a certain number of the new dwelling units as affordable or other qualifying housing for at least 55 years. Developers can also have development standards waived or revised when such deviations are needed to achieve the density allowed under state law. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 2 of 223 Base maximum density 62 dwelling units per acre (1.756 acres x 35 = 61.46, which is rounded up to 62 in keeping with California Government Code Section 65915(q) 35% density bonus 22 units granted for providing 12 low-income units (62 x 35% = 21.7, which is rounded up to 22 under Section 65915(q)) Units permitted 84 units (62 + 22 = 84) Units proposed 79 units (15% or 12 units required to be inclusionary units), which results in a proposed density of 44.9 dwelling units per acre (79/1.756 = 44.9) As part of the density bonus application, the applicant is also requesting one incentive and one waiver: • An incentive to allow the removal of 79 units from the city’s excess dwelling unit bank (the request is for all 79 units since no dwelling units have been specifically allocated to individual properties within the Village) • A waiver from Section 2.71(I)(1) of the Village and Barrio Master Plan, which requires that businesses facing the street occupy more than 50% of the ground floor. The proposed project would dedicated 26% of the ground floor to commercial use. The justification for the waiver is provided in the developer’s affordable housing density bonus request (Exhibit 3). Staff recommends approval of the waiver because it shows that, given the site’s shape and configuration, dedicating 50% of the ground floor to commercial and achieving the units allowed under state density bonus law is not practical or feasible. Specifically, the additional commercial space at the required 14-foot plate height limit would reduce the number of residential units on the first floor.2 Also, the additional commercial space would require more parking than the residential units that would occupy that same floor area, which would require eliminating residential units to meet parking requirements. The City Council's action on this item is final. Planning Commission hearing The Planning Commission considered the tentative tract map and site development plan at a public hearing on June 17, 2020. At the hearing, three members of the public asked to have their comments read into the record. Two members of the public supported the project, saying they appreciated the project’s design, the lower profile of its buildings, mobility choices for residents and its compliance with on-site parking requirements. One member of the public had concerns about the project’s drainage, sewer lines and the retaining wall or fence building materials. 2 Plate height refers to the height of the top of framed wall, or, more specifically, the horizontal plane where the exterior walls meet the roof rafters or trusses. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 3 of 223 Drainage concerns Concerns were raised that water from the subject property causes flooding on the neighboring property when it rains. The owner of the property wanted to ensure that this project would fix the flooding issue. Based on the proposed plans, drainage from the site will drain directly to the public right of way and not onto the neighboring property. Sewer lines The plans presented at the Planning Commission hearing show that a private sewer line runs across the rear of the property. The owner of the adjacent property at 2730 State Street indicated that the line was public and expressed concerns about a retaining wall constructed atop a sewer line. Based on available information at the time of the hearing, staff indicated that the sewer line that transverses the property was private. Staff have since determined it is actually a public line. (Refer to the section titled “Post Planning Commission” below for additional information on this issue.) Retaining wall or fence A fence is proposed atop a property line wall, but the neighboring property owner desires a solid wall. The Village & Barrio Master Plan allows the construction of either fences or walls, so neither staff nor the Planning Commission identified issues with the choice of fence material. A solid wall would also require footings that would make access to the private sewer more difficult. Planning commissioners asked questions related to the project’s architectural design, low-scale height along State Street, number of on-site restaurants, the amount of ground floor commercial space, the desire to have a small grocery store tenant within the project, whether the applicant plans to sell or rent the designated affordable units and whether the number of affordable units is negotiable. Architectural style, low-scale height The Planning Commission asked for clarification on the chosen architectural style and why the one-story building element fronting State Street was not taller. The applicant’s team described the project design to be a “main street” architectural style and said that the building next to the theater is designed with just a single story to preserve the prominence of the 93-year-old theater building on the street and not have its appearance eclipsed by a newer building. On-site restaurant uses, future grocery tenant The Planning Commission asked whether both of the on-site restaurants are to remain in the new buildings and indicated a preference to have the project include a small grocery as a tenant. The developer indicated interest in retaining both on-site restaurants and including a grocery store if one is interested in becoming a tenant. Affordable units The Planning Commission asked for clarification on whether the affordable units are to be sold or rented and asked whether the city could ask for additional affordable units to be built because of the applicants’ request for a reduction in commercial space. The applicant indicated that it has not decided whether it plans to sell or rent the affordable units. Staff clarified that the reduction in commercial space is a waiver that is being Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 4 of 223 requested in keeping with the state density bonus law. State law does not give local jurisdictions the authority to require additional affordable housing units in exchange for approval of a waiver, incentive or concession. The Planning Commission deliberated and then, by a 7-0 vote, recommended the City Council approve the project. (Exhibits 4-6). Post Planning Commission Hearing After the Planning Commission hearing, city staff received a letter (Exhibit 7) from an attorney representing the adjacent property owner to the southwest at 2730 State Street. The letter documented the property owner’s concerns, which primarily include: 1. Belief that the private sewer line is a public sewer line 2. The ability to access the existing sewer line which runs along or near the property line 3. Construction impacts upon the existing sewer line The sewer line in question runs generally south from Beech Avenue to the subdivision boundary along the rear property lines. A total of 13 properties connect to the line, including the subject property and the adjacent property owner. Following lengthy review by the City Attorney’s Office, Community Development Department and Public Works Utilities Department, staff concluded that the sewer line in question was public. This determination was made when staff confirmed that the private line had been maintained by the city utilities department for several years. (Exhibit 8) Regarding the last two issues, a condition of approval has been added to the attached resolution (Exhibit 1) that provides the city with a public sewer easement, so city staff can access the public sewer for maintenance. Additionally, a second condition of approval has been added clarifying that the southwesterly property line retaining wall shall be a “gravity retaining wall or equivalent,” as depicted on the tentative map. This type of retaining wall is a maximum of two feet tall and does not have footings, which allows easier access to the public sewer if maintenance work is required. If the existing public sewer is damaged during construction, the developer and/or the owner are required to repair any damage they caused to the line. The tentative map has been updated to reflect the proposed public sewer easement (Exhibit 9). Staff responses to additional issues raised in the letter can be found in Exhibit 10. Fiscal Analysis If approved, all required improvements needed to serve this project will be funded by the developer, so there is no cost to the city from this action Next Steps If the City Council approves this tentative tract map and site development plan, staff will follow up with the applicant to ensure all the project’s conditions are satisfied and that its development permits comply with all applicable regulations and laws. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment; therefore, the project is categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of an environmental document pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 5 of 223 15332 – In-Fill Development Projects. A notice of exemption will be filed by the city planner upon project approval. Public Notification and Outreach Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. The project is subject to City Council Policy No. 84 – Development Project Public Involvement Policy. The applicant posted the notice of project application sign at a conspicuous location on the site on June 3, 2019. On Aug. 7, 2019, the applicant mailed the early public notice to property owners within 600 feet of the project site. The applicant’s team met with surrounding residents, property owners and interested parties at an open house forum on Sep. 11, 2019. They attended a Village Voices meeting on Nov. 5, 2019, to present the project. The also met with individual stakeholders and developed a website (carlsbadstation.com) to receive input. The early public notice, notice of project application sign and the informational meetings described above satisfy the requirements of City Council policy. Exhibits 1. Resolution 2. Location map 3. Affordable housing density bonus request dated Feb. 18, 2020 4. Planning Commission resolution 5. Planning Commission staff report dated June 3, 2020 6. Excerpts of Planning Commission minutes dated June 17, 2020 7. Letter from Michael L. Klein dated July 28, 2020 8. Carlsbad station sewer exhibit 9. Updated tentative map reflecting public sewer 10. Staff response to comments to Sept. 11, 2020 letter Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 6 of 223 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 7 of 223 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-202 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT A FOUR-STORY MIXED-USE PROJECT CONSISTING OF TWO BUILDINGS WITH EIGHTY-THREE CONDOMINIUM UNITS COMPRISING SEVENTY-NINE RESIDENTIAL UNITS AND FOUR COMMERCIAL UNITS ON A 1.756-ACRE SITE LOCATED AT 2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, AND 2801 ROOSEVELT STREET AND 2780 AND 2802 STATE STREET IN THE VILLAGE CENTER (VC) DISTRICT OF THE VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN AND WITHIN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 1 CASE NAME: CARLSBAD STATION CASE NO.: CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did, on June 17, 2020, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider Tentative Tract Map CT 2019-0003 and Site Development Plan SDP 2019-0004, as referenced in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7375; and the Planning Commission adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 7375 recommending to the City Council that it be approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, held a duly noticed public hearing to consider said Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council considered all factors relating to the Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the approval of Tentative Tract Map CT 2019-0003 and Site Development Plan SOP 2019-0004, is approved, and Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 8 of 223 II II II II II II II that the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7375 on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, are the findings and conditions of the City Council, with the addition of the following conditions: · a. Developer shall cause owner to dedicate to the city and/or other appropriate entities an easement for public sewer easement as shown on the tentative map. The offer shall be made by a certificate on the final map. All land so offered shall be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the city. Streets that are already public are not required to be rededicated. Additional easements may be required at final design to the satisfaction of the city engineer. b. The developer shall construct the San Diego Regional Standard Drawing C-09 Type A gravity retaining wall or equivalent along the southwesterly subdivision boundary as shown on the tentative map to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 3. This action is final the date this resolution is adopted by the City Council. The Provisions of Chapter 1.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, "Time Limits for Judicial Review" shall apply: Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 9 of 223 "NOTICE" The time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.16. Any petition or other paper seeking review must be filed in the appropriate court not later than the ninetieth day following the date on which this decision becomes final; however, if within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record is filed with a deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost or preparati.on of such record, the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attorney of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings shall be filed with the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 13th day of October, 2020, 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel. Schumacher. None. MATT HALL, Mayor (SEAL) S T A T E S T R O O S E V E L T S T GRAND A V ST A T E S T A L L E Y M A D I S O N S T BEECH A V W A S H I N G T O N S T CHRIST I A N S E N W Y CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) CARLSBAD STATION SITE MAP J SITE E L C AMINO R E A L LA COSTA AV C A R L S B A D B L M E L R O S E D R POINSETT I A L N EXHIBIT 2 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 10 of 223 City of Carlsbad Affordable Housing Density Bonus Prepared 2-18-2020 Project Number: CT 2019-0003/ SDP 2019-0004 DEV2019-0063 Project Name: Carlsbad Station Address: 2780, 2786, 2788, 2802 State Street 2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, 2801 Roosevelt Street APN’s: 203-181-03-00; 203-181-04-00; 203-181-07-00; 203-181-08-00; 203-181-09-00; 203-181-10-00; 203-181-16-00; 203-101-12-00 Applicant: Carlsbad Village 80, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Date: January 17, 2020 Density Bonus The project qualifies for a density bonus by providing affordable housing for low-income occupants pursuant to California Government Code Section 65915 and Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.86. Zone: Village Center District (VC) of the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan Allowable Base Density: 35 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) Lot Size: 1.756 acres Developable Area: 1.756 acres Total Base Units: 62 [1.756 X 35 = 61.46, which is rounded up to 62 per 65915(q)] Affordable Units Provided: 12 % Affordable: 20% [12/62=19.4, which is rounded up to 20%] Density Bonus Permitted: 35% density bonus. [62 x 35% = 21.7, which is rounded up to 22] Additional Units Provided: 17 Total Units Provided: 79 (84 permitted) Carlsbad Municipal Code 21.85 requirement: 15% X 79 = 11.85, or 12 units. 12 affordable units provided. The proposed project may have 84 units (62+22=84). EXHIBIT 3 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 11 of 223 Affordable Units Current Uses Commercial Office, Retail, Restaurant and Apartments Requested Incentives Per CMC 21.86.050.A.3.d., a project that provides at least 20% of the units for low-income occupants shall receive two incentives or concessions. Incentive 1: 17 Units Removed from the Excess Unit Dwelling Bank. This project, through utilization of the California State Density Bonus Law, is allowed 22 bonus units by providing 12 units affordable to low-income tenants. We are providing 17 bonus units, so we request to remove those 17 units from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. The following analysis shows clearly the need for the density bonus. The margins between cost and value without the release are so thin, the result would be no project at all. Condominiums are risky, and banks are extremely risk averse. Carlsbad Station Financial Performance Comparison Comparing 79 units vs 62 Units Assumptions 1Same % mix of units/floorplans, 10 affordable units 2Increase Retail from 9,777 sf. to 17,000 sf. (ADT count will increase) 3Proportionate decrease direct costs and some soft costs 4Proportionate decrease of Marketing and Selling Cost 5No change of Land Cost, Sitework, U/G parking 6Bank Loan- 60% loan to Cost @ 6% interest, 40% investor cash equity 79 Units + 9,777 sf. Retail 62 Units + 17,000 sf. Retail Sales Price p/sf. Market Rate$700$700 Sales Price p/sf. Affordable$274$274 Sales Price Restaurant$650$650 Sales Price p/sf. on street Retail$500$500 Sales Price p/sf. off street Retailn/a$350 Revenue$90,400,000 $74,200,000 Cost$77,600,000 $70,900,000 Net Profit$12,800,000 $3,300,000 Profit Margin14.2%4.4% IRR to Investor14.0%3.7% January 24, 2020 Oct. 13, 2020Item #4 Page 12 of 223 ------------ -------- ----l l ---- r ---- Please note also, that the parking requirement would increase if the 17 units were not released. The following parking analyses demonstrate this: Requested Waivers Per CMC 21.86.060, a density bonus project may qualify for waivers or reductions of development standards. Waiver 1: Relief from Retail Depth Requirement We request a waiver of the requirement of Section 2.71(I)(1) of the VBMP (Village Center, Supplemental District Standards) that retail uses occupy “one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor”. As a result, rather than one-half, our project proposes that approximately 26% of the ground floor square footage be retail. Reason: We cannot physically develop our 79-unit project if half of the ground floor must be retail. We are already harnessed by the corresponding requirement under VBMP 2.71(G)(2) that ground floor plate height must be a “Minimum 14 feet”. Wherever that requirement is imposed, the Project loses a floor and the overall impact is that it cannot accommodate 79 units. We have already had to give up five our allowable 84 units which without the restrictions, we would be entitled to build. In fact, we estimate that without the relief requested, we would be able to build only 70 units which would also mean one fewer low income unit. That would negatively impact both the market rate and affordable goals that the Project could bring to the market. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 13 of 223 Parking Parking ~9 Units, 9,777 sf. Retail 62 Units, 17,000 sf. Retail Parking Analysis Total Provided I Parking Analysis Total Provided I Required by City Ordinance Required by City Ordinance Use # Factor Total Use # Factor Total Market rate-2/3 bdrm 63 1.50 94.50 Market rate-2/3 bdrm 52 1.50 78.00 Market rate-1 bdrm 4 1.00 4.00 Market rate-1 bdrm -1.00 - Affordable-1 bdrm 10 a.so 5.00 Affordable-1 bdrm 9 a.so 4.50 Affordable-3 bdrm 2 1.50 3.00 Affordable-3 bdrm 1 1.50 1.50 Retail A 1,220 415 2.94 Retail A 1,220 415 2.94 Retail B 2,687 300 8.96 Retail B 3,500 300 11.67 Retail C-Restaurant 3,000 170 17.65 Retail C-Restaurant 5,000 170 29.41 Retail D 2,870 415 6.92 Retail D 7,280 415 17.54 Handicap 3 1 3.00 Handicap 3 1 3.00 Credit for add'I street Pkg. 8 (0.50) (4.00) Credit for add1 street Pkg. 8 (0.50) (4.00) Credit for bicycle Pkg. 24 (0.166667) (4.00) Credit for bicycle Pkg. 24 (0.166667) (4.00) Total Re qui red 138 Total Required 141 Surplus 5 Surplus 2 Also, of note: a. We are not asking for relief from the requirement that at least 80% of the building ground floor frontage consist of retail. b. The depths of the retail spaces provided are generous (averaging 42’ in depth) and consistent with market acceptable retail space in the Village. As designed the retail space provides sufficient room and feel to meet the City’s goal of accommodating established, non-boutique retailers and generating an active street scene. c. The Project maintains the minimum 14’ ground floor plate height required, again facilitating the City’s goal of accommodating legitimate retailers and engendering an active street scene. Indeed, because of the slope of Roosevelt St., the interior heights range from 14’6” to 16’. On State St., in deference to making an exciting architectural statement, heights range from 16’ to 18‘. d. Alternatively, State law would permit us to seek relief from the 45-foot height limit as a solution, but our goal has always been to work with the City for its most preferable outcome. e. Without the relief requested, we would also have a greater parking requirement since the retail uses require 3 times more parking per square foot than residential uses do. Building more parking would negatively impact the Project’s ability to provide both market rate and affordable housing., Another consequence would be the increase of ADTs, particularly at peak traffic hours Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 14 of 223 EXHIBIT 4 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 15 of 223 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7375 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT A FOUR- STORY MIXED-USE PROJECT CONSISTING OF TWO BUILDINGS WITH EIGHTY-THREE CONDOMINIUM UNITS COMPRISING SEVENTY-NINE RESIDENTIAL UNITS AND FOUR COMMERCIAL UNITS ON A 1.75-ACRE SITE LOCATED AT 2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, AND 2801 ROOSEVELT STREET AND 2780 AND 2802 STATE STREET IN THE VILLAGE CENTER (VC) DISTRICT OF THE VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN AN D WITHIN LOCAL FACI LITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 1. CASE NAME: CARLSBAD STATION CASE NO.: CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) WHEREAS, McKellar McGowan, "Developer/Owner," has filed a verified application wit h the City of Carlsbad regarding property described as TRACT A (File No. 891833): PARCEL ONE: THE NORTHEASTERLY HALF OF THE NORTHWESTERLY HALF OF LOT 29 OF SEASIDE LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF NO. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28, 1921, THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWESTERLY HALF BEING PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. PARCEL TWO: PARCEL 1: ALL THAT PORTION OF LOT 31 OF SEASIDE LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28, 1921, LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF A LINE THAT BEGINS AT A POINT IN THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, DISTANT THEREALONG 159.90 FEET FROM THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT AND RUNS THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTHWESTERLY 27.00 FEET OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY 159.90 FEET THEREOF. ALSO EXCEPTING FROM SAID LOT 31, THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL WITH AND 17.2 FEET NORTHWESTERLY MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTION OF LOT 31 OF SEASIDE LANDS, CITY OF CARLSBAD, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28, 1921, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 16 of 223 BEGINNING AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 31; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 27.00 FEET; THENCE RUNNING NORTHEASTERLY IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 159.90 FEET; THENCE RUNNING NORTHWESTERLY IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 27.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 159.90 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL THREE: ALL OF LOT 31 OF SEASIDE LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF NO. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28, 1921. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF THAT LIES SOUTHWESTERLY OF A LINE THAT BEGINS AT A POINT IN THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, DISTANT THEREALONG 159.9 FEET FROM THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT AND RUNS THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. ALSO, EXCEPTING FROM SAID LOT 31 THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL WITH AND 17.2 FEET NORTHWESTERLY MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. ALSO, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTHWESTERLY 54.00 FEET OF SAID LOT31. PARCEL FOUR: THAT PORTION OF LOT 30 OF SEASIDE LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28, 1921, LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE NORTHEASTERLY.LINE OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY 162. 7 FEET OF SAID LOT 30. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY 60.3 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL FIVE: PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO.1339, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORN IA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, FEBRUARY 23, 1973 AS FILE NO. 73-048297 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. APN: 203-101-12-00 (Affects: Parcel One) 203-181-04-00 (Affects: Parcel 1 of Parcel Two) 203-181-03-00 (Affects: Parcel 2 of Parcel Two) 203-181-07-00 (Affects: Parcel Three) 203-181-10-00 (Affects: Parcel Four) and 203-181-16-00 (Affects: Parcel Five) TRACT B (File No. 895331): PARCEL A AS SHOWN ON CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, ADJUSTMENT PLAT NO. 190, AS EVIDENCED BY DOCUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 19, 1981 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 81- 050735 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LYING IN THAT SOUTHEASTERLY 60.30 FEET Of-THE NORTHEASTERLY 162.70 FEET OF LOT #30, OF SEASIDE LANDS, THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE BEING PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT NORTHWESTERLY 60.30 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 30 PC RESO NO. 7375 -2- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 17 of 223 AND, THE NORTHWESTERLY 54.00 FEET OF LOT 31, OF SEASIDE LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF N·o. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28, 1921. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF THAT LIES SOUTHWESTERLY OF A LINE THAT BEGINS AT A POINT IN THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 31 DISTANCE THEREALONG 159.9 FEET FROM THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT AND RUNS THROUGH AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. APN: 203-181-08-00 and 203-181-09-00 ("the Property"); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan as shown on Exhibit(s) "A" -"0000" dated June 17, 2020, on file in the Planning Division CT 2019-0003/SOP 2019-0004 -CARLSBAD STATl9N, as provided by Chapters 20.12, 21.06, 21.35, and 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on June 17, 2020, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 -CARLSBAD STATION, based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings: Tentative Tract Map CT 2019-0003 1. That the proposed map and the proposed design and improvement of the subdivision as conditioned, is consistent with and satisfies all requirements of the General Plan, any applicable specific plans, Titles 20 and 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and the State Subdivision Map Act, PC RESO NO. 7375 -3- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 18 of 223 and will not cause serious public health problems, in that the proposed 83 condominium units comprising 79 residential units and four commercial units satisfy all minimum requirements of Titles 20 and 21 with respect to uses, public facilities, access, parking and setbacks; and is consistent with the General Plan as described below and in the project staff report dated June 17, 2020. Pursuant to Chapter 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC), a density bonus waiver is requested from the Village & Barrio Master Plan (VBMP), Village Center District, Section 2.71(1)(1), provision that new ground floor street frontage uses shall occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor. The findings for approval to support this modification can be made as provided below. A density bonus incentive is also being requested for the withdrawal of 79 units from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank as discussed below. Although the project's density of 44.9 dwelling units per acre is above the maximum V- B density of 35 du/ac, the 79-unit mixed-use project can be found consistent with the General Plan Land Use Policies as discussed below. 2. That the proposed project is compatible with the surrounding future land uses in that the proposed mixed-use project is a permitted use within the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP) and is compatible with the other commercial and residential uses surrounding the project site. The adjacent properties are also located within the VC District of the VBMP. Given the variety of existing uses within the vicinity of the project site, which include multi-story residential and commercial developments, as well as the wide variety of uses permitted in the surrounding VC District, the proposed project is compatible with existing and future land uses. 3. That the site is physically suitable for the type and density of the development since the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate residential development at the density proposed, in that the proposed project entails a request to construct mixed-use buildings which include 79 residential units. Pursuant to the Village & Barrio· Maser Plan, the maximum number of units for a 1.75-acre parcel at 35 dwelling units per acre is 62. In order to construct 79 units, the applicant is requesting approval of a density bonus pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.86, the Residential Density Bonus and Incentives or Concessions Ordinance. CMC Chapter 21.86 was established as a means to implement the goals, objectives and policies of the Housing Element of the General Plan which includes the provision to provide housing affordable to lower to moderate income households. Specifically, the applicant is requesting up to a 35% density bonus pursuant to Table A of CMC Chapter 21.86.040. In exchange for designating 20% of the base maximum density number of units,· or 12 units, as inclusionary units, the developer is entitled to a 35% density bonus. The inclusionary apartments are required to be rent-restricted and affordable to low income households. The project meets the findings for approval of a density bonus, is consistent with CMC Chapter 21.86 and, therefore, consistent with this finding. 4. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements of record or easements established by court judgment, or acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, in that the project has been designed and conditioned such that there are no conflicts with established easements. 5. That the property is not subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the Land Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act). 6. That the design of the subdivision provides, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision, in that structures have been designed to PC RESO NO. 7375 -4- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 19 of 223 include operable windows where practicable and balconies to maximize exposure of each unit to natural light and ventilation from nearby coastal breezes. 7. That the Planning Commission has considered, in connection with the housing proposed by this subdivision, the housing needs of the region, and balanced those housing needs against the public service needs of the city and available fiscal and environmental resources in that the applicant proposes to designate 20% or 12 units as inclusionary units. Further, because ten or more inclusionary units are required, at least 10% of the lower income units shall have three {3) or more bedrooms. The project satisfies this requirement with the inclusion of two, three- bedroom inclusionary units. The city's Housing Policy Team recommended approval of the request on May 4, 2020. As required by CMC Chapters 21.85 and 21.86, the project has been accordingly-conditioned to require the approval of an Affordable Housing Agreement and Density Bo.nus Housing agreement, respectively, prior to issuance of building permit. 8. That the design of the subdivision and improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat, in that the previously-developed lot is devoid of sensitive vegetation and any natural water features. Therefore, the proposed project does not impact any fish, wildlife or habitat. 9. That the discharge of waste from the subdivision will not result in violation of existing California Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements, in that the project has been designed in accordance with the Best Management Practices for water quality protection in accordance with the City's sewer and drainage standards and the project is conditioned to comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System {NPDES) requirements. Site Development Plan SOP 2019-0004 10. That the proposed development or use is consistent with t he General Plan and any applicable master plan or specific plan, complies with all applicable provisions of Chapter 21.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and all other applicable provisions of this code, in that the project is consistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan as discussed in the findings below and in the project staff report dated June 17, 2020. The various goals and objectives of the General Plan will be implemented as the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan, which allows for commercial and residential uses within the Village-Barrio (V- B) Land Use designation. Although the project's density of 44.9 dwelling units per acre is above the maximum V-B density of 35 du/ac, the 79-unit mixed-use project can be found consistent with the General Plan Land Use Policies as discussed in the findings below and in the project staff report dated June 17, 2020. 11. That the requested development or use is properly related to the site, surroundings and environmental settings, will not be detrimental to existing development or uses or to development or uses specifically permitted in the area in which the proposed development or use is to be located, and will not adversely impact the site, surroundings or traffic circulation, in that the proposed mixed use project will not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the area in which the use is located in that mixed-use is a permitted use within the Village Center {VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan {VBMP} and is compatible with the other commercial and residential uses surrounding the project site. The adjacent properties are also located within the VC District of the VBMP. Given the variety of existing uses within the vicinity of the project site, which include multi-story residential and commercial developments, as well as the wide variety of uses permitted in the surrounding VC District, the proposed PC RESO NO. 7375 -5- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 20 of 223 project is compatible with existing and future land uses. The proposed mixed-use project will not adversely impact the site, surroundings, or traffic circulation in that the existing surrounding streets have adequate capacity to accommodate the 1,615 Average Daily Trips (ADT) generated by the project, which is a net decrease of 181 ADT below the existing on-site uses that generate a total of 1,796 ADTs. With the exception of the density bonus waiver from the provision that new ground floor street frontage uses occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor, the project complies with all minimum development standards of the VC District and the VBMP. The project is adequately parked on-site and will not result in any significant environmental impacts. 12. That the site for the intended development or use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use, in that with the exception of the density bonus waiver from the provision that new ground floor street frontage uses occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor, the project complies with all minimum development standards of the VC District and the VBMP, and all other applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance, as discussed elsewhere in the findings and in the project staff report dated June 17, 2020. 13. That all yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested development or use to existing or permitted future development or use in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained, in that with the exception of the density bonus waiver from the provision that new ground floor street frontage uses occupy more than one- half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor as discussed elsewhere in the findings and in the project staff report, the project complies with all remaining development standards (i.e. front, side and rear setbacks, lot coverage, and parking) of the VC District and the VBMP. Landscaping along the courtyards and outer edges of the property, including street trees with ground cover in wells along Roosevelt Street and State Street, will be provided consistent with the requirements of the city's Landscape Manual. 14. That the street systems serving the proposed development or use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use, in that the mixed-use project will take access from Roosevelt Street, which is identified as a Village Street. Roosevelt Street is designed to adequately handle the 1,615 Average Daily Trips (ADT) generated by the project, which is a net decrease of 181 ADT below the existing on-site uses that generate a total of 1,796 ADTs. Roosevelt Street is improved with pavement, curb, gutter, and.minimum-width sidewalk. The project will reconstruct portions of the curb, gutter and sidewalk along the project frontage to accommodate project access into a below-grade parking garage. Street trees in wells and bicycle racks will be provided within a new 10.5-foot-wide sidewalk. The project will also reconstruct portions of the curb, gutter and sidewalk along the State Street project frontage to accommodate street trees and bicycle racks within a new 12-foot-wide sidewalk. City Council Policy No. 43, Allocation for Excess Dwelling Units 15. That the City's Housing Policy Team recommended approval of the request for an allocation of 79 units from the EDUB on May 4, 2020. 16. That pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.85, a minimum of 15% of all proposed ownership units in any residential project are required to be restricted to lower income households. The proposal to construct 79 condominium units includes 15% of the total number of units (i.e., 12 units) as inclusionary units. The 12 units will be required to be rented or sold to households earning a low income level (80% of the San Diego County Area Median Income). As 10 or more units are PC RESO NO. 7375 -6- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 21 of 223 · required, at least 10% of the lower income units shall have three (3) or more bedrooms. The project satisfies this requirement with the inclusion of two, three-bedroom inclusionary units. In addition, an Affordable Housing Agreement will be recorded prior to issuance of building permit. 17. That the project location and density are compatible with the existing adjacent residential neighborhoods and/or nearby existing or planned uses in that the project includes a request for up to a 35% density bonus pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.86, Residential Density Bonus and Incentives or Concessions. The project meets the applicable findings associated with the proposed density bonus request as described in the findings below. The adjacent properties are also located within the VC District of the VBMP. Given the variety of existing uses within the vicinity of the project site, which include multi-story residential and commercial developments, as well as the wide variety of uses permitted in the surrounding VC District, the proposed four- story mixed-use project is compatible with existing and future land uses. 18. That the project location and density are_ in accordance with the applicable provisions of the General Plan and any other applicable planning document, in that mixed-use is encouraged in the urban core in the city's Housing Element and the proposed 35% density bonus is consistent with the provisions in CMC Chapter 21.86. 19. That there are an adequate number of units in the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank in the Village to remove 79 units. Per the city's Quadrant Dwelling Unit Report dated April-30, 2020, less any recent allocations, 528 units remain available for allocation in the Village. Residential Density Bonus, CMC Chapter 21.86 20. The project is consistent with the provisions of this chapter in that the proposed mixed-use project includes the requisite 20% of the base maximum density as low income, deed-restricted housing units. The project meets all of the density bonus housing standards in CMC Section 21.86.090, including but not limited to location of affordable units onsite and near transit, timing of construction, number and size of bedrooms, and parking. In addition, the allowance for a waiver from the requirement that new commercial ground floor street frontage uses occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor is an allowable waiver. 21. The requested incentive(s) or concession(s) will result in identifiable, financially sufficient, and actual cost reductions in that the allocation of excess dwelling units allows for a financia~ly feasible project by sharing construction costs among all units including the land, permitting and construction costs. The allowance for a waiver from the requirement that new commercial ground floor street frontage uses occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor allows for a financially feasible project by sharing construction costs among all units including the land, permitting and construction costs, and allows for the development of the 79 units including 12 inclusionary units. 22. The requested incentive(s) or concession(s), and/or waiver(s) or reduction(s) of development standards, if any, will not result in an adverse impact, as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 65589.5 of the California Government Code, to the public health and safety, the environment, or on any real property that is listed in the California Register of Historical Resources in that the allowance for a waiver from the requirement that new commercial ground floor street frontage uses occupy more than one-half of ~he habitable space developed on the ground floor will not adversely impact the public's health or safety, the environment or a historic PC RESO NO. 7375 -7- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 22 of 223 resource. The withdrawal of 79 units from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank is a permitted incentive for density bonus projects in California pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.86.050 and Government Code §65915 as discussed in the staff report dated June 17, 2020. 23. The requested incentive(s) or concession(s), and/or waiver(s) or reduction(s) of development standards is not contrary to state or federal law (Ord. CS-242 §§ 14, 15, 2014; Ord. NS-889, 2008; Ord. NS-794 § 11, 2006) in that the allowance for a waiver from the requirement that new commercial ground floor street frontage uses occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor is clearly laid out as a waiver for density bonus projects in California pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.86.060 and Government Code §65915. The withdrawal of 79 units from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank is a permitted incentive for density bonus projects in California pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.86.050 and Government Code §65915 as discussed in the staff report dated June 17, 2020. California Environmental Quality Act 24. The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Section 15332 -In-Fill Development Projects of the State CEQA GuidelinE:s as an infill development project. In making this determination, the City Planner has found that the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the State CEQA Guidelines do not apply to this project. General 20. The Planning Commission finds that the project, as conditioned herein, is in conformance with the Elements of the city's General Plan, and the development standards ofthe Village and Barrio Master Plan, based on the facts set forth in the staff .report dated June 17, 2020 including, but not limited to the following: a. Land Use-The proposal to construct a mixed-use project with 79 residential condominiums and ground floor commercial would enhance the vitality of the Village by providing new residential and commercial land uses near the downtown core area. The project reinforces the pedestrian orientation desired for the downtown area by providing residents an opportunity to walk to shopping, restaurants, recreation, and mass transit functions. The project's proximity to existing bus routes and mass transit help further the goal of providing new economic development near transportation corridors. Overall, the mixed-use project would contribute toward the revitalization of the Village area. b. Mobility-The proposed project is located approximately 0.2 miles from the Carlsbad Village train station, which provides rail and bus service throughout the day. The project's proximity to the transit station would provide residents with the opportunity to commute to major job centers, thereby reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMTs) and the carbon footprint. Furthermore, the project supports walkability and mobility by locating the project near existing goods and services within the Village. c. Noise -The proposed project is consistent with the Noise Element of the General Plan in that the building's design, with windows closed, complies with the requirements of the noise study (Veneklasen Associates, dated June 21, 2019) and adequately attenuates the PC RESO NO. 7375 -8- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 23 of 223 interior noise levels for the new condominiums to 45 dB(a) CNEL or less (i.e., interior average noise level). The project is conditioned to provide mechanical ventilation. d. Housing -The proposed project includes twelve inclusionary units (20 percent) which will be required to be rented or sold to low-income households. The provision for inclusionary housing will contribute toward achieving the city's Regional Housing Needs. The project has been conditioned accordingly to require the approval of an Affordable Housing Agreement prior to building permit issuance. e. Public Safety-The propo~ed structural improvements would be required to meet all seismic design standards. The Fire Department has reviewed and approved the proposed conceptual building design with fire sprinklers included throughout the building along with a wet standpipe per the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 24 standards. Therefore, the_proposed project is consistent with the applicable fire safety requirements. The project would be required to develop and implement a program of "best management practices" for the elimination and reduction of pollutants which enter and/or are transported within storm drainage facilities. The project has been con.ditioned to pay all applicable public facilities fees for Zone 1. f. Village Center {VC) District Standards -The project as designed, with the exception of the requested waiver from the provision that new commercial ground floor street frontage uses occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor which is clearly laid out as a waiver for density bonus projects in California pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.86.060 and Government Code §65915, is consistent with the development standards for the VC District, the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP) Design Guidelines and all other applicable regulations set forth in the VBMP as discussed in the project staff report dated June 17, 2020 and Attachment 4. 21. The project is consistent with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 1 and all city public facility policies and ordinances. The project includes elements or has been conditioned to construct or provide funding to ensure that all facilities and improvements regarding sewer collection and treatment; water; drainage; circulation; fire; schools; parks and other recreational facilities; libraries; government administrative facilities; and open space, related to the project will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrent with need. Specifically, a. The project has been conditioned to provide proof from the Carlsbad Unified School District that the project has satisfied its obligation for school facilities. b. Park-in-lieu fees are required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 20.44 and will be collected prior to issuance of building permit. c. The Public Facility fee is required to be paid by Council Policy No. 17 and will be collected prior to the issuance of building permit. d. The Local Facilities Management fee for Zone 1 is required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.90.050 and will be collected prior to issuance of building permit. 22. The project has been conditioned to pay any increase in public facility fee, or new construction tax, or development fees, and has agreed to abide by any additional requirements established by PC RESO NO. 7375 -9- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 24 of 223 a Local Facilities Management Plan prepared pursuant to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This will ensure continued availability of public facilities and will mitigate any cumulative impacts created by the project. 23. This project has been conditioned to comply with any requirement approved as part of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 1. 24. That all necessary public facilities required by the Growth Management Ordinance will be constructed .or are guaranteed to be constructed concurrently with the need for them created by this project and in compliance with adopted city standards. 25. That the project is consistent with the city's Landscape Manual and Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 18.50). 26. The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. Conditions: NOTE: Unless otherwise specified herein, all conditions shall be satisfied prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, or approval of the Final Map, whichever occurs first. 1. If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to ·be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terms, the city shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a successor in interest by the city's approval of this Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan. 2. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan documents, as necessary to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different from this approval, shall require an amendment to this approval. 3. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this Project are challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with all requirements of law. PC RESO NO. 7375 -10- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 25 of 223 5. Developer/Operator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney's fees incurred by the city arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) city's approval and issuance of this Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan, (b) city's approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or nondiscretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and (c) Developer/Operator's installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitati<;>n, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the city's approval is not validated. 6. Prior to submittal of the building plans, improvement plans, grading plans, or final map, whichever occurs first, developer shall submit to the City Planner, a 24" x 36" copy of the Tentative Map, conceptual grading plan and preliminary utility plan reflecting the conditions approved by the final decision-making body. The copy shall be submitted to the City Planner, reviewed and, if found acceptable, signed by the city's project planner and project engineer. If no changes were required, the approved exhibits shall fulfill this condition. 7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall provide proof to the Building Division from the Carlsbad Unified School District that this project has satisfied its obligation to provide school facilities. 8. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of the Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. 9. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within 24 months from the date of project approval. 10. Building permits will not be issued for this project unless the local agency providing water and sewer services to the project provides written certification to the city that adequate water service and sewer facilities, respectively, are available to the project at the time of the application for the building permit, and that water and sewer capacity and facilities will continue to be available until the time of occupancy. A note to this effect shall be placed on the Final Map. 11. Developer shall pay the Citywide Public Facilities Fee imposed by City Council Policy #17, the License Tax on new construction imposed by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.030, and CFD #1 special tax (if applicable), subject to any credits authorized by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.040. Developer shall also pay any applicable Local Facilities Management Plan fee for Zone 1, pursuant to Chapter 21.90. All such taxes/fees shall be paid at issuance of building permit. If the taxes/fees are not paid, this approval will not be consistent with the General Plan and shall become void. 12. Prior to the approval of the Final Map, Developer shall submit to the city a Notice of Restriction executed by the owner of the rea l property to be developed. Said notice is to be filed in the office of the County Recorder, subject to the satisfaction of the City Planner, notifying all interested parties and successors in interest that the City of Carlsbad has issued a(n) Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan by Resolution(s) No. 7375 on the property. Said Notice of Restriction shall note the property description, location of the file containing complete project details and all PC RESO NO. 7375 -11- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 26 of 223 conditions of approval as well as any conditions or restrictions specified for inclusion in the Notice of Restriction. The City Planner has the authority to execute and record an amendment to the notice which modifies or terminates said notice upon a showing of good cause by the Developer or successor in interest. 13. Developer shall submit and obtain City Planner approval of a Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan showing conformance with the approved Preliminary Landscape Plan and the city's Landscape Manual. Developer shall construct and install all landscaping and irrigation as shown on the approved Final Plans. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. All irrigation systems shall be maintained to provide the optimum amount of water to the landscape for plant growth without causing soil erosion and runoff. 14. The first submittal of Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall be pursuant to the landscape plan check process on file in the Planning Division and accompanied by the project's building, improvement, and grading plans. 15. Developer shall establish a property owner's association and corresponding covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs). Said CC&Rs shall be submitted to and approved by the City Planner prior to final map approval. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall provide the Planning Division with a recorded copy of the official CC&Rs that have been approved by the Department of Real Estate and the City Planner. At a minimum, the CC&Rs shall contain the following provisions: a. General Enforcement by the City: The City shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce those Protective Covenants set forth in this Declaration in favor of, or in which the City has an interest. b. Notice and Amendment: A copy of any proposed amendment shall be provided to the City in advance. If the proposed amendment affects the City, City shall have the right to disapprove. A copy of the final approved amendment shall be transmitted to City within 30 days for the official record. c. Failure of Association to Maintain Common Area Lots and Easements: In the event that the Association fails to maintain the "Common Area Lots and/or the Association's Easements" as provided in Article---~ Section ______ the City shall have the right, but not the duty, to perform the necessary maintenance. If the City elects to perform such maintenance, the City shall give written notice to the Association, with a copy thereof to the Owners in the Project, setting forth with particularity the maintenance which the City finds to be required and requesting the same be carried out by the Association within a period of thirty (30) days from the giving of such notice. In ,the event that the Association fails to carry out such maintenance of the Common Area Lots and/or Association's Easements within the period specified by the City's notice, the City shall be entitled to cause such work to be completed and shall be entitled to reimbursement with respect thereto from the Owners as provided herein. d. Special Assessments Levied by the City: In the event the City has performed the necessary maintenance to either Common Area Lots and/or Association's Easements, the City shall submit a written invoice to the Association for all costs incurred by the City to perform such maintenance of the Common Area Lots and or Association's Easements. The City shall provide a copy of such invoice to each Owner in the Project, together with a statement that if the PC RESO NO. 7375 -12- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 27 of 223 Association fails to pay such invoice in full within the time specified, the City will pursue collection against the Owners in the Project pursuant to the provisions of this Section. Said invoice shall be due and payable by the Association within twenty (20) days of receipt by the Association. If the Association shall fail to pay such invoice in full within the period specified, payment shall be deemed delinquent and shall be subject to a late charge in an amount equal to six percent {6%) of the amount of the invoice. Thereafter the City may pursue collection from the Association by means of any remedies available at law or in equity. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in addition to all other rights and remedies available to the City, the City may levy a special assessment against the Owners of each Lot in the Project for an equal pro rata share of the invoice, plus the late charge. Such special assessment shall constitute a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon each Lot against which the special assessment is levied. Each Owner in the Project hereby vests the City with the right and power to levy such special assessment, to impose a lien upon their respective Lot and to bring all legal actions and/or to pursue lien foreclosure procedures against any Owner and his/her respective Lot for purposes of collecting such special assessment in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article ____ of this Declaration. e. Landscape Maintenance Responsibilities: The Association and individual lot or unit owner landscape maintenance responsibilities shall be as set forth in Exhibit ____ _ f. Rooftop Decks and Balconies: Rooftop decks and balconies must be kept in a state of cleanliness and repair at all times. No visible storage or unsightly personal property is permitted and no furniture is permitted that is not intended for outdoor use. No personal property shall extend above the parapet or railing of decks or balconies, including potted plants or hanging plants. An umbrella that is in good maintained condition is acceptable. Outdoor patio and barbecue equipment must be maintained. No wood burning smokers, fire pit, tiki torches, or chimineas are allowed. No awnings, trellises, patio covers, pop-up shades, tarps, window coverings, screening or other equipment shall be installe'd on rooftop decks or balconies or the exterior of buildings with the exception of solar energy rooftop panels, building system equipment and features such as canopies and awnings that are part of the original building architecture. 16. This project is being approved as a condominium permit for residential and commercial ownership purposes. If any of the residential units in the project are rented, the minimum time increment for such rental shall be not less than 31 days. The CC&Rs for the project shall include this requirement. Should the City Council adopt an ordinance that would permit rental of the units for less than 31 days, this condition shall be null and void. 17. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Developer shall submit to the City Planner a recorded copy of the Co~dominium Plan filed with the Department of Real Estate which is in conformance with the City-approved documents and exhibits. 18. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall ·be architecturally integrated and concealed from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets, in substance as provided in Building Department Policy No. 80-6, to the satisfaction of the Directors of Community Development and Planning. 19. If satisfaction of the school ·facility requirement involves a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District or other financing mechanism which is inconsistent with City Council Policy No. 38, by allowing a pass-through of the taxes or fees to individual home buyers, then in addition to any PC RESO NO. 7375 -13- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 28 of 223 other disclosure required by law or Council policy, the Developer shall disclose to future owners in the project, to the maximum extent possible, the existence of the tax or fee, and that the school district is the taxing agency responsible for the financing mechanism. The form of notice is subject to the approval of the City Planner and shall at least include a handout and a sign inside the sales facility, or model unit(s), stating the fact of a potential pass-through of fees or taxes exists and where complete information regarding those fees or taxes can be obtained. 20. Developer shall display a current Zoning and Land Use Map, or an alternative, suitable to the City Planner, in the sales office or model unit(s), at all times. All sales maps that are distributed or made available to the public shall include but not be limited to trails, future and existing schools, . parks, and streets. 21. Developer shall post a sign in the sales office, or model unit(s), in a prominent location that discloses which special districts and school district provide service to the project. Said sign shall remain posted until all of the units are sold. 22., No outdoor storage of materials shall occur onsite unless required by the Fire Chief. When so required, the Developer shall submit and obtain approval of the Fire Chief and the City Planner of an Outdoor Storage Plan, and thereafte·r comply with the approved plan. 23. Developer shall submit and obtain City Planner approval of an exterior lighting plan including parking areas. All lighting shall be designed to refiect downward and avoid any impacts on adjacent homes or property. 24. Prior to the recordation of the final map for any phase o.f this project, or where a final map is not being processed, prior to the issuance of building permits for any lots or units, the Developer shall enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement and Density Bonus Housing Agreement with the City to provide and deed restrict 12 inclusionary dwelling units. Specifically, 12 units shall be rented or sold at a price affordable to low income households at 80% of the San Diego County Area Median Income for 55 years, in accor~ance with the requirements and process set forth in Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The draft Affordable Housing Agreement and Density Bonus Housing Agreement shall be submitted to the City Planner no later than 60 days prior to the request to final the parcel map. The recorded Agreements shall be binding on all future owners and successors in interest. 25. Developer shall construct the 12 inclusionary units concurrent with the project's remaining 67 market-rate units, unless both the final decision-making authority of the city and the Developer agree within the Affordable Housing and Density Bonus Housing Agreements to an alternate schedule for development. 26. Developer shall construct, install, and stripe not less than 106 residential vehicle parking spa_ces and 37 commercial vehicle parking spaces within the confines of the below-grade parking garage as shown on Exhibits "A" -"0000" dated June 17, 2020. 27. Mechanical ventilation for each unit shall be shown on the plans submitted for building permit since windows are required to be closed to meet the maximum 45 dB(a) CNEL interior noise level. Noise consultant shall certify on the plans that the building construction proposed with the mechanical units listed will comply with the maximum interior noise limit. PC RESO NO. 7375 -14- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 29 of 223 Engineering General 28. Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to or from any proposed construction site within this project, developer shall apply for and obtain approval from, the city engineer for the proposed haul route. 29. This project is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for the development of the subject property, unless the district engineer has determined that adequate water and sewer facilities are available at the time of permit issuance and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. 30. Developer shall submit to the city engineer an acceptable instrument, via CC&Rs and/or other recorded doc_ument, addressing the maintenance, repair, and replacement of shared private improvements within this subdivision, including but not limited to private utilities, sidewalks, landscaping, enhanced paving, water quality treatment measures, low impact development features, and storm drain facilities located therein and to distribute the costs of such maintenance in an equitable manner among the owners of the properti_es within this subdivision. 31. Developer shall prepare, submit and process for city engineer approval a final map to subdivide this project. There shall be one Final Map recorded for this project. Developer shall pay the city standard map review plan check fees. Fees/ Agreements · 32. Developer shall cause property owner to execute and submit to the city engineer for recordation, the city's standard form Geologic Failure Hold Harmless Agreement. 33. Developer shall cause property owner to execute and submit to the city engineer for r.ecordation the city's standard form Drainage Hold Harmless Agreement. 34. Developer shall cause property owner to submit an executed copy to the city engineer for recordation a city standard Permanent Stormwater Quality Best Management Practice Maintenance Agreement. 35. Developer shall cause property owner to apply for, execute, and submit, to the city engineer for recordation, an Encroachment Agreement covering private sewer and storm drain utilities located over existing and proposed public right-of-way or easements as sho~m on the tentative map. Developer shall pay processing fees per the city's latest fee schedule. Grading 36. Based upon a review of the proposed grading and the grading quantities shown on the tentative map, a grading permit for this project is required. Developer shall prepare and submit plans and technical studies/reports as required by city engineer, post security and pay all applicable grading plan review and permit fees per the city's latest fee sched ule. PC RESO NO. 7375 -15- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 30 of 223 37. This project may require off site grading. No grading for private improvements shall occur outside the project unless developer obtains, records, and submits a recorded copy, to the city engineer, a temporary grading, construction or slope easement or agreement from the owners of the affected properties. If developer is unable to obtain the temporary grading or slope easement, or agreement, no grading permit will be issued. In that case develop~r must either ~pply for and obtain an amendment of this approval or modify the plans so grading will not occur outside the project and apply for and obtain a finding of subst antial conformance and/or consistency determination from both the city engineer and city planner. 38. Prior to approval of the grading plans, the applicant sha ll submit a Construction Plan to the city engineer for review and approval. Said Plan may be required to include, but not be limited to, identifying the location of the construction trailer, material staging, material deliveries, bathroom facilities, parking of construction vehicles, employee parking, construction fencing and gates, obtaining any necessary permission for off-site encroachment, addressing pedestrian safety, and identifying time restrictions for various construction activities. All material staging, construction trailers, bathroom facilities, etc. shall be located outside the public right-of-way unless otherwise approved by the city engineer or Construction Management & Inspection engineering manager. 39. Concurrent with t he grading plans Developer shall include shoring plans as part of the grading plans to the sat isfaction of the city engineer and building official. Structural calculations for all shoring shall be submitted for review and approval by the building division. Developer shall pay all deposits necessary to cover any 3rd party review. Storm Water Quality 40. Developer shall comply with the city's Stormwater Regulations, latest version, and shall implement best management practices at all times. Best management practices include but are not limited to pollution control practices or devices, erosion control to prevent silt runoff during construction, general housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and educational practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices or devices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to stormwater, receiving water or stormwater conveyance system to the maximum extent practicable. Developer shall notify prospective owners and tenants of the above requirements. 41. Developer shall complete and submit to the city engineer a Determination of Project's SWPPP Tier Level and Construction Threat Level Form pursuant to City Engineering Standards. Developer shall also submit the appropriate Tier level Storm Water Compliance form and appropriate Tier level Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the satisfaction of the city engineer. Developer shall pay all applicable SWPPP plan review and inspection fees per the city's latest fee schedule. 42. Developer shall submit for city approval a Tier 3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (TIER 3 SWPPP). The TIER 3 SWPPP shall comply with current requirements and provisions established by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board and City of Carlsbad Requirements. The TIER 3 SWPPP shall identify and incorporate measures to reduce storm water pollutant runoff during construction of the project to the maximum extent practicable. Developer shall pay all applicable SWPPP plan review and inspection fees per the city's latest fee schedule. 43. This project is subject to 'Priority Development Project' requirements. Developer shall prepare and process a Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP), subject to city engineer approval, to comply with the Carlsbad BMP Design Manual latest version. The final SWQMP PC RESO NO. 7375 -16- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 31 of 223 required by this condition shall be reviewed and approved by the city engineer with final grading plans. Developer shall pay all applicable SWQMP plan review and inspection fees per the city's latest fee schedule. 44. Developer is responsible to ensure that all final design plans (grading plans, improvement plans, landscape plans, building plans, etc) incorporate all source control, site design, pollutant control BMP and applicable hydromodification measures. Dedication/lmproveme nts 45. Developer shall cause owner to dedicate to the city and/or other appropriate entities an easement for public street & public utility purposes as shown on the site plan. The offer shall be made by a certificate on the final map. All land so offered shall be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost to the city. Streets that are already public are not required to be rededicated. Additional easements may be required at final design to the satisfaction of the city engineer. 46. · Developer shall design the private drainage systems, as shown on the site plan to the satisfaction of the city engineer. All private drainage systems (12" diameter storm drain and larger) shall be inspected by the city. Developer shall pay the standard improvement plan check and inspection fees for private drainage systems. 47. Developer shall prepare and process public improvement plans and, prior to city engineer approval of said plans, shall execute a city standard Subdivision Improvement Agreement to install and shall post security in accordance with C.M.C. Section 20.16.070 for public improvements shown on the site plan. Said improvements shall be installed to city standards to the satisfaction of the city engineer. These improvements include, but are not limited to: a. Sidewalk b. Curb & gutter c. Street trees d. Water meter and lateral e. Sewer cleanout and lateral f. Sewer main and manholes Developer shall pay the standard improvement plan check and inspection fees in accordance with the fee schedule. Improvements listed above shall be constructed within 36 months of approval of the subdivision or development improvement agreement or such other time as provided in said agreement. 48. . Developer is responsible to ensure utility transformers or raised water backflow preventers that serve this development are located outside the right-of-way as shown on the Tentative Map and to the satisfaction of the city engineer. These facilities shall be constructed within the property. Non-Mapping Notes 49. Add the following notes to the final map as non-mapping data: g. Developer has executed a city standard Subdivision Improvement Agreement and has posted security in accordance with C.M.C. Section 20.16.070 to install public improvements shown on the tentative map. These improvements include, but are not limited to: PC RESO NO. 7375 -17- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 32 of 223 Utilities i. Sidewalk ii. Curb & gutter iii. Street trees iv. Water meter and lateral V. Sewer cleanout and lateral vi. Sewer main and manholes h. Building permits will not be issued for development of the subject property unless the appropriate agency determines that sewer and water facilities are available. i. Geotechnical Caution: The owner of this property on behalf of itself and all of its successors in interest has agreed to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Carlsbad from any action that may arise through any geological failure, ground water seepage or land subsidence and subsequent damage that may occur on, or adjacent to, this subdivision due to its construction, operation or maintenance. j. The owner of this property on behalf of itself and_ all of its successors in interest has agreed to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Carlsbad from any action that may arise through any diversion of waters, the alteration of the normal flow of surface waters or drainage, or the concentration of surface waters or drainage from the drainage system or other improvements identified in the city approved development plans; or by the design, construction or maintenance of the drainage system or other improvements identified in the city approved development plans. k. There are no public park or recreational facilities to be located in whole or in part within this subdivision. The subdivider is therefore .obligated to pay park-in-lieu fees in accordance with section 20.44.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and has either paid all of said park in-lieu fees or agreed to pay all of said park-in-lieu fees in accordance with section 20.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 50. Developer shall meet with the fire marshal to determine if fire protection measures (fire flows, fire hydrant locations, building sprinklers) are required to serve the project. Fire hydrants, if proposed, shall be considered public improvements and shall be served by public water mains to the satisfaction of the district engineer. 51. Developer shall install potable water and/or recycled water services and meters at locations approved by the district engineer. The locations of said services shall be reflected on public improvement plans. 52. The developer shall agree to install sewer laterals and clean-outs at locations approved by the city engineer. The locations of sewer laterals shall be reflected on public improvement plans. 53. The developer shall design and agree to construct public sewedacilities substantially as shown on the tentative map to the satisfaction of the district engineer and city engineer. 54. The potable water service for this project shall be master-metered which shall be located within a water easement or city's right-of-way subject to approval by the district engineer. Developer shall install private sub-meters as necessary for all proposed units in the building. Final meter PC RESO NO. 7375 -18- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 33 of 223 design, backflow preventer, size, and manufacturer shall be provided to the satisfaction of the district engineer and shown on public improvement plans. 55. The developer shall cause the owner to provide an aesthetic cover to the relocated SDG&E fuse cabinet on State Street to the satisfaction of the Engineering Manager of the Land Development Engineering division. Code Reminders 56. This tentative map shall expire two years from the date on which the City Council voted to approve t his application. 57. Developer shall 'pay planned local area drainage fees in accordance with Section 15.08.020 of the City of Carlsbad ~unicipal Code to the satisfaction of the city engineer. 58. Developer shall pay park-in-lieu fees in accordance with Section 20.44 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code to the satisfaction of the city engineer. 59. Developer shall pay sewer impact fees based on Section 13.10 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. 60. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, Developer shall pay a Public Facility fee as required by Council Policy No. 17. 61. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, Developer shall pay the Local Facilities Management fee·forZone 1 as required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.90.050. 62. Developer shall pay a landscape inspection fee as required by Section 20.08.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 63. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all applicable sections of the.Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable city ordinances in effect at time of building permit issuance, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. 64. Premise identification (addresses) shall be provided consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.04.320. 65. Any signs proposed for this development shall at a minimum be designed in conformance with the Village and Barrio Master Plan and shall require review and approval of the City Planner prior to installation of such signs. 66. Developer acknowledges that the project is required to comply with the city's greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction ordinances and requirements.' GHG reduction requirements are in accordance with, but are not limited to, Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapters 18.21, i8.30, and 18.51 in addition to the California Green Building Standards Code (CCR, Title 24, Part 11-CALGreen), as amended from t ime to time. GHG reduction requirements may be different than what is proposed on the project plans or in the Climate Action Plan Checklist originally submitted with this project. Developer acknowledges that new GHG reduction requirements related to energy efficiency, photovoltaic, electric vehicle charging, water heating and traffic demand management PC RESO NO. 7375 -19- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 34 of 223 requirements as set forth in the ordinances and codes may impact, but are not limited to, site design and local building code requirements. If incorporating GHG reduction requirements results in substantial modifications to the project, then prior to issuance of development (grading, building, etc.) permits, Developer may be required to submit and receive approval of a Consistency Determination or Amendment for this project through the Planning Division. Compliance with t he applicable GHG reduction requirements must be demonstrated on or with the construction plans prior to issuance of the applicable development permits NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from date of approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading, or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. PC RESO NO. 7375 -20- Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 35 of 223 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on June 17, 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chair Anderson, Commissioners Geidner, Lafferty, Luna, Meenes, Merz, and Stine NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VELYN ANDERSON, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: DON NEU City Planner PC RESO NO. 7375 -21- Item No. Application complete date: March 20, 2020 P.C. AGENDA OF: June 17, 2020 Project Planner: Cliff Jones Project Engineer: Kyrenne Chua SUBJECT: CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION - Request for a recommendation of approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan to construct a four-story mixed-use project consisting of two buildings with eighty-three condominium units comprising seventy-nine residential units and four commercial units on a 1.75-acre site located at 2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, and 2081 Roosevelt Street and 2780 and 2802 State Street in the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The City Planner has determined that this project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to section 15332 (In-fill Development Projects) of the State CEQA guidelines. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7375 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Tentative Tract Map CT 2019-0003 and Site Development Plan SDP 2019-0004 to the City Council based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Setting: The 1.75-acre site is comprised of eight (8) legal lots located between Roosevelt Street and State Street, north of Grand Avenue and south of Beech Avenue. The site consists of a relatively level, L-shaped property, and is developed with eight structures constructed between 1947 and 1981. The existing structures are occupied by office, retail, multi-family residential, and restaurant uses. There are eight residential units and 21,130 square feet of commercial use on-site. The project site is located within the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP) and outside the Coastal Zone. Table “A” below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE A – SITE AND SURROUNDING LAND USES Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site Village/Barrio (V-B) Village/Barrio (V-B) – Village Center (VC) per the VBMP Office, Retail, Residential and Restaurants North V-B V-B (VC)General Commercial 2 EXHIBIT 5 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 36 of 223 0 I I CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 2 TABLE A – SITE AND SURROUNDING LAND USES (CONTINUED) Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use South V-B V-B (VC) Theater, General Commercial East V-B V-B (VC) Post Office, General Commercial West V-B V-B (VC) Theater Project Description: The project developer, McKellar McGowan, is requesting approval of a Tentative Tract Map (CT) and Site Development Plan (SDP) to demolish the eight existing structures and construct a 177,945-square-foot (gross) four-story mixed-use building consisting of seventy-nine (79) residential units and four (4) ground floor commercial units totaling 9,777 square feet. A detailed breakdown of each unit is summarized in Table “B” below. The 177,945-square-foot building consists of 137,791-square-feet of units and 40,154 square feet of building hallways, stairs, etc. The underground parking garage totals 60,586 square feet. TABLE B – DETAILS FOR UNIT TYPE Unit Type Unity Quantity Size (SF/Unit) Bedroom/ Bathrooms Open Space Private Balconies Commercial A 1 1,220 SF -- -- B 1 2,687 SF -- -- C 1 3,000 SF -- -- D 1 2,870 SF -- -- Subtotal 4 9,777 SF -- -- Residential A 14 747 SF 1/1 1,316 SF AX 2 1,205 SF 3/2 146 SF B 8 1,325 SF 2/2.5 624 SF C 2 1,409 SF 2/2.5 224 SF D 6 1,511 SF 2/2.5 978 SF E 3 1,511 SF 2/2.5 429 SF F 3 1,631 SF 2/2.5 537 SF FX 1 1,704 SF 2/2.5 179 SF G 1 1,636 SF 2/2.5 323 SF GX 1 1,754 SF 2/2.5 204 SF H 8 1,752 SF 2/2.5 1,440 SF I 2 1,758 SF 2/2.5 602 SF IX 2 1,771 SF 2/2.5 246 SF J 4 1,818 SF 2/2.5 752 SF K 2 1,845 SF 2/2.5 712 SF KX 2 1,864 SF 2/2.5 180 SF L 2 2,042 SF 3/2.5 426 SF M 2 2,007 SF 3/2.5 344 SF N 8 2,185 SF 3/2.5 928 SF Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 37 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 3 Unit Type Unity Quantity Size (SF/Unit) Bedroom/ Bathrooms Open Space Private Balconies NX 4 2,877 SF 4/3.5 464 SF O 1 2,452 SF 3/3.5 426 SF OX 1 2,840 SF 3/3.5 78 SF Subtotal 79 128,014 sf -- 10,242 sf The project also includes construction of a below-grade parking garage with 143 vehicle parking spaces and twelve (12) bicycle parking spaces. Access to the garage is provided from Roosevelt Street. The project increases on-street parking along Roosevelt Street and State Street by eight (8) parking spaces through a reduction in the number of driveways from six (6) to one (1). The proposed density is 44.89 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) that is requested through state Density Bonus Law. The residential units combined with the commercial uses result in a decrease of 181 average daily trips (ADT) compared to the existing on-site uses. Grading for the proposed project includes 28,300 cubic yards (CY) of cut and export. In addition to the 10,242 square feet of private open space a fourth-floor common residential open space roof terrace is provided totaling 4,000 square feet. Frontage improvements along both Roosevelt Street and State Street include new curb, gutter, sidewalks, bike racks, street trees and landscaping. The applicant characterizes the project’s design as “timeless Main Street architecture.” Buildings fronting on State Street and Roosevelt Street are primarily finished with brick and painted plaster finishes. Storefronts are clear glass with dark bronze anodized aluminum frames. Upper floors and side elevations are finished in brick sections and plaster with earth tone colors consisting of off-white, light grey, and beige. The buildings are broken up with varying wall planes, vertical massing, deeply recessed balconies, recessed windows and storefronts, plaster and brick roof cornices, and common courtyards adorned with landscape. Pursuant to Chapter 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC), the applicant is requesting a 35 percent density bonus which requires a minimum of 20 percent of the base maximum density units as inclusionary (i.e., rent-restricted or sales price restricted) units affordable to “low-income households.” With this density bonus, the maximum number of units allowed for the 1.75-acre site is 84 units, with 12 of those units required to be affordable to low-income households. The project is proposing 79 units, which is five units less than what is allowed per density bonus law for providing 12 low-income units. The project is also required to comply with the city’s inclusionary housing requirement of 15 percent of the total proposed units, or 12, affordable units, which is satisfied though the provision of the 12 low-income units. The 79-unit project has a proposed density of 44.9 dwelling units per acre. As part of the density bonus request for providing 20 percent of the base units affordable to low-income households, up to two incentives or concessions may be requested (CMC Section 21.86.050) and an unspecified number of waivers. Accordingly, the applicant is requesting: 1) one incentive to allow the removal of 79 units from the city’s Excess Dwelling Unit Bank; and 2) a waiver from the provision specified in Section 2.71(I)(1) of the VBMP that new ground floor commercial street frontage uses shall occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor. The project is proposing 26% of the habitable space on the ground floor to be commercial. Section A below provides a detailed discussion on the density bonus request. The applicant conducted enhanced stakeholder public outreach. The applicant’s team met with surrounding residents, property owners, and interested parties on September 11, 2019 at an open house forum; attended a Village Voices meeting on November 5, 2019 to present the project; met with individual stakeholders; and developed a website (www.CarlsbadStation.com) to receive input. Public concerns Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 38 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 4 included a dislike for the increasing density in the Village and a dislike for taller buildings being built in the Village. The applicant explained that the project is meeting city standards, except the requirement that the commercial use occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor and is allowed the density per Density Bonus Law. A CT is required to merge the eight (8) existing legal lots into one (1) common lot with eighty-three airspace condominium units consisting of seventy-nine (79) residential units and four (4) commercial units. The SDP is required per Section 6.3.3.B.1(a) of the VBMP for new construction of buildings over 5,000 square feet in size or new buildings or projects with more than four (4) dwelling units. The project requires a Planning Commission recommendation and City Council approval. III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following ordinances, standards, and policies: A. Village-Barrio (V-B) General Plan Land Use Designation and Density Bonus Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.86); B. Village-Barrio (V-B) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35), Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan; C. Qualified Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.06); D. Subdivision Ordinance (CMC Title 20); E. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85); and F. Growth Management Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.90), Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations and policies is discussed in the sections below. A. Village-Barrio (V-B) General Plan Land Use Designation and Density Bonus Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.86) The subject property has a General Plan Land Use designation of Village-Barrio (V-B) and is within the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP). Properties within the VC District do not have an assigned residential density as it relates to Growth Management Plan compliance. Therefore, the minimum and maximum densities for residential development are established in the VBMP. Table “C” below identifies the permissible density range for properties within the VC District, as well as the allowable density range based on the size of the project site and the proposed density and units. TABLE C – PROPOSED DENSITY Gross Acres Net Acres Allowable Density Range; Min/Max Dwelling Units per Village and Barrio Master Plan* Project Density; Proposed Dwelling Units 1.75 1.75 28-35 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) Minimum: 25 dwelling units Maximum: 62 dwelling units 44.9 du/ac 79 dwelling units * For mixed-use projects, the minimum density shall be calculated based on fifty percent of the developable area and the maximum density shall be calculated based on the entire developable area (VBMP, Chapter 2.4). For density bonus projects fractional units shall be rounded up per CMC Section 21.86.040(G). Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 39 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 5 The proposed project entails a request to construct a 79-unit mixed use project. As summarized above, the maximum number of units for a 1.75-acre parcel at 35 dwelling units per acre is 62 dwelling units. In order to construct 79 units, the applicant is requesting approval of a density bonus pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.86, the Residential Density Bonus and Incentives or Concessions Ordinance. CMC Chapter 21.86 was established as a means to implement state law and the goals, objectives and policies of the Housing Element of the General Plan which includes the provision to provide housing affordable to lower- and moderate-income households. Specifically, the applicant is requesting a 35 percent density bonus pursuant to Table A of CMC Section 21.86.040. In exchange for the 35 percent density bonus, the applicant is required to designate 20 percent of the 62 base maximum density units, or 12 units, as inclusionary units. The inclusionary units are required to be affordable to “low-income households” for a period of 55 years. Pursuant to CMC Section 21.86.020, a “low-income household” is defined as a household whose gross income is more than fifty percent but does not exceed eighty percent of the median income for San Diego County as determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. As discussed in Section E below, CMC Chapter 21.85 requires a minimum of 15 percent of the project’s total number of residential units as inclusionary units, or 12 inclusionary. The project is satisfying both requirements by providing 12 inclusionary housing units. Summary of density bonus request: Base maximum density: 62 dwelling units per acre Base maximum units: 1.75 acres x 35 = 62 dwelling units (round up per CMC Section 21.86.040(G)) (15% or 12 units required to be inclusionary units) 35% density bonus: 62 + 35% = 84 units (round up per CMC Section 21.86.040(G)) Proposed number of units: 79 units Proposed density: 79/1.75 = 44.9 dwelling units per acre Table “D” below summarizes the project’s compliance with standards required for a density bonus. TABLE D – CMC SECTION 21.86.090 - DENSITY BONUS HOUSING STANDARDS Standard Analysis Complies? A. Required target dwelling units shall be constructed concurrent with market-rate dwelling units unless both the final decision-making authority of the city and the developer/applicant agree within the density bonus housing agreement to an alternative schedule for development. The twelve affordable units will be built concurrent with the market rate units. Yes B. Whenever feasible, target dwelling units and density bonus dwelling units should be built on- site (within the boundary of the proposed development) and, whenever reasonably possible, be distributed throughout the project site. The inclusionary units will be built on- site and located within Building 1 that includes market rate units. Yes C. Whenever feasible, target dwelling units should be located on sites that are in proximity to, or will provide access to, employment opportunities, urban services, or major roads or other The proposed project is located within 0.2 miles from the Carlsbad Village Transit Station, and the project is located within the Village that Yes Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 40 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 6 Standard Analysis Complies? transportation and commuter rail facilities (i.e., freeways, bus lines) and that are compatible with adjacent land uses. contains urban services. The proposed project is compatible with the mix of adjacent land uses. D. Whenever feasible, target dwelling units should vary in size and number of bedrooms, in response to affordable housing demand priorities of the city. The inclusionary housing includes ten one-bedroom units that are 747 square feet and two three-bedroom units that are 1,205 square feet. Yes E. Density bonus projects shall comply with all applicable development standards, except those which may be modified as an incentive or concession, or as otherwise provided for in this chapter. In addition, all units must conform to the requirements of the applicable building and housing codes. The design of the target dwelling units shall be reasonably consistent or compatible with the design of the total project development in terms of appearance, materials and finished quality. With the exception of the allowance for the commercial use to occupy less than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor, which is a permissible waiver, the project is consistent with all applicable development standards. Further, the design of the target inclusionary units will be the same as the market rate units as they will be incorporated within a building also containing market rate units. Yes F. No building permit shall be issued, nor any development approval granted, for a development which does not meet the requirements of this chapter. No target dwelling unit shall be rented or sold except in accordance with this chapter. A density bonus agreement is required to be recorded prior to building permit issuance. The agreement will include details as specified pursuant to CMC Section 21.86.130. Yes G. Upon the request of the applicant, the parking ratio (inclusive of handicap and guest parking) for a housing development that conforms to the requirements of Section 21.86.040(A) shall not exceed the ratios specified in Table E or as noted, below. If the applicant does not request the parking ratios specified in this section or the project does not conform to the requirements of Chapter 21.86.040(A), the parking standards specified in Chapter 21.44 of this code shall apply. The applicant has not requested the parking ratios specified in Table E, therefore the parking requirements of the VBMP apply for the market rate units. The VBMP requires one parking space per unit for units with zero- to one-bedroom, and one and a half parking spaces per unit for units with two or more bedrooms. Four, one-bedroom market rate units 4 units x 1 space/unit = 4 spaces 63 market rate units with two or more-bedrooms 63 units x 1.5 spaces = 94.5 spaces Total market rate spaces required 4 + 94.5 = 98.5 spaces required for market rate units. Yes Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 41 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 7 Standard Analysis Complies? 1. If a development includes the maximum percentage of low- or very low-income units provided for in Chapter 21.86.040(A) and is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, as defined in the state Public Resources Code (subdivision (b) of Section 21155), and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, then, upon the request of the developer, the city shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of handicapped and guest parking, that exceeds 0.5 spaces per bedroom. For purposes of this subsection, a development shall have unobstructed access to a major transit stop if a resident is able to access the major transit stop without encountering natural or constructed impediments. 2. If a development consists solely of rental units, exclusive of a manager’s unit or units, with an affordable housing cost to lower income families, as provided in state Health and Safety Code (section 50052.5), then, upon the request of the developer, the city shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of handicapped and guest parking, that exceeds the following ratios: The development includes the maximum percentage of low-income units as provided in Chapter 21.86.040(A), which requires the developer to designate 20 percent of the base maximum density number of units, or 12 units, as inclusionary units. Additionally, the project is located within 0.2 miles of a major transit stop. Therefore, the affordable units require 0.5 parking spaces per bedroom. 10, one-bedroom affordable units 10 units x 0.5 space/unit = 5 spaces Two, three-bedroom affordable units 2 units x 1.5 spaces = 3 spaces Total affordable spaces required 5 + 3 = 8 spaces required for affordable units. Total Parking Required Residential: 98.5 spaces + 8 spaces = 106.5 spaces required, which is rounded down to 106 per Chapter 21.86.090(G)(3). Commercial: 29 Spaces (see Section B below) Total Required: 106 + 29 = 135 spaces Total Provided: 143 spaces 2. N/A Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 42 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 8 Standard Analysis Complies? a. If the development is located within one- half mile of a major transit stop, as defined in state Public Resources Code (subdivision (b) of section 21155), and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, the ratio shall not exceed 0.5 spaces per unit. b. If the development is a for-rent housing development for individuals who are 62 years of age or older that complies with state Civil Code (sections 51.2 and 51.3), the ratio shall not exceed 0.5 spaces per unit. The development shall have either paratransit service or unobstructed access, within one-half mile, to fixed bus route service that operates at least eight times per day. c. If the development is a special needs housing development, as defined in state Health and Safety Code (section 51312), the ratio shall not exceed 0.3 spaces per unit. The development shall have either paratransit service or unobstructed access, within one-half mile, to fixed bus route service that operates at least eight times per day. 3. If the total number of parking spaces required for a development is other than a whole number, the number shall be rounded down to the next whole number. 4. For purposes of this section, a housing development may provide “on-site” parking through tandem parking or uncovered parking, but not through on-street parking. 5. The applicant may request parking incentives or concessions beyond those provided in this section, subject to the findings specified in Chapter 21.86.050(A) (2). 6. Notwithstanding subsections G.1 and G.2 of this section, if the city or an independent consultant has conducted an area-wide or jurisdiction-wide parking study in the last seven years, then the city may impose a higher vehicular parking ratio not to exceed 3. The number of residential parking spaces has been rounded down from 106.5 spaces to 106 spaces. 4. N/A 5. N/A 6. N/A Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 43 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 9 Standard Analysis Complies? the ratio described in Table E, based upon substantial evidence found in the parking study, that includes, but is not limited to, an analysis of parking availability, differing levels of transit access, walkability access to transit services, the potential for shared parking, the effect of parking requirements on the cost of market-rate and subsidized developments, and the lower rates of car ownership for low- and very low income individuals, including seniors and special needs individuals. The city shall pay the costs of any new study. The city shall make findings, based on a parking study completed in conformity with this paragraph, supporting the need for the higher parking ratio. Incentives/Concessions: Pursuant to CMC Section 21.86.050(A)(3)(b) of the Density Bonus Ordinance, for a project which designates at least 20 percent of the total units for low-income households, a total of two incentives or concessions shall be granted. An incentive or concession may include any of the following: a. A reduction in site development standards or a modification of zoning code or architectural design requirements (excluding State Building Standards), that results in identifiable, financially sufficient and actual cost reductions. A reduction/modification to standards or requirements may include, but is not limited to, a reduction in minimum lot size, setback requirements, and/or in the ratio of vehicular parking spaces that would otherwise be required. b. Approval of mixed-use zoning in conjunction with the housing development if: (i) commercial, office, industrial or other land uses will reduce the cost of the housing development; and (ii) the commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses are compatible with the housing development and the existing or planned future development in the area where the proposed project will be located. c. Other regulatory incentives or concessions that result in identifiable, financially sufficient and actual cost reductions. d. The city council may, but is not required to, provide direct financial incentives, including the provision of publicly owned land, or the waiver of fees or dedication requirements. The applicant is requesting the following incentive: 1. Request for excess dwelling units: Pursuant to the Housing Element of the General Plan, because a Growth Management Control Point has not been established for residential development in the VC District, all residential units approved in the Village must be withdrawn from the city’s Excess Dwelling Unit Bank (EDUB). The EDUB is implemented through City Council Policy No. 43. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 44 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 10 Pursuant to City Council Policy No. 43, an applicant for an allocation of dwelling units shall agree to provide the number of inclusionary units as required pursuant to CMC Section 21.85.050 and shall execute an affordable housing agreement (AHA) prior to building permit issuance pursuant to CMC Section 21.85.140. As discussed in Section C below, the proposal to construct 79 units, including 12 inclusionary units, is consistent with the inclusionary housing requirement as set forth in City Council Policy No. 43. In approving a request for an allocation of excess dwelling units, the project shall meet the findings identified in City Council Policy No. 43. Specifically, the project location and density shall be found to be compatible with adjacent land uses and the project to be consistent with the General Plan and any other applicable planning document. As discussed in the attached Planning Commission Resolution No. 7375, the proposed project meets these findings. Waivers: In addition to incentives or concessions, CMC Section 21.86.060 also authorizes the waiver or reduction of development standards that would “have the effect of physically precluding the construction of a density bonus housing development at the density or with the incentives or concessions permitted by” CMC Chapter 21.86. There is no limit on the number of waivers or reductions that may be granted, and the grant of a waiver or reduction shall neither increase nor decrease the number of incentives or concessions to which the project is entitled. The project is requesting one waiver from the provision specified in Section 2.71(I)(1) of the VBMP that new ground floor commercial street frontage uses shall occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor. The project is proposing 26% of the habitable space on the ground floor to be commercial. Waivers or reductions of development standards shall be granted by the city unless certain findings can be made. In order to deny the requested waivers or reductions, the city would have to make any of the following findings in writing based upon substantial evidence: 1. The standard(s) requested to be waived or reduced will not have the effect of physically precluding the construction of a housing development at the densities or with the incentives or concessions permitted by this chapter; 2. The requested waiver or reduction of development standards would have a specific adverse impact (a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete) upon public health and safety or the physical environment, or on any real property that is listed in the California Register of Historical Resources, and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact; or 3. The waiver or reduction of development standards would be contrary to state or federal law. Staff has found no substantial evidence that any of the above findings apply in this case. Summary of General Plan compliance: The following Table “E” describes how the proposed project is consistent with the various elements of the Carlsbad General Plan. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 45 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 11 TABLE E – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply Land Use Goal 2-G.29: Maintain and enhance the Village as a center for residents and visitors with commercial, residential, dining, civic, cultural, and entertainment activities. The proposal to construct a mixed-use project with 79 residential condominiums and ground floor commercial would enhance the vitality of the Village by providing new residential and commercial land uses near the downtown core area. The project reinforces the pedestrian orientation desired for the downtown area by providing residents an opportunity to walk to shopping, restaurants, recreation, and mass transit functions. The project’s proximity to existing bus routes and mass transit help further the goal of providing new economic development near transportation corridors. Overall, the mixed-use project would contribute toward the revitalization of the Village area. See response above. Yes Goal 2-G.30: Develop a distinct identity for the Village by encouraging a variety of uses and activities, such as a mix of residential, commercial office, restaurants and specialty retail shops, which traditionally locate in a pedestrian–oriented downtown area and attract visitors and residents from across the community by creating a lively, interesting social environment. Policy 2-P.70: Seek an increased presence of both residents and activity in the Village with new development, particularly residential, including residential as part of a mixed-use development, as well as commercial, entertainment and cultural uses that serve both residents and visitors. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 46 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 12 TABLE E – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply Land Use Policy 2-P.8 Do not permit residential development to exceed the applicable Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) density unless the following findings are made: a. The project qualifies for and will receive an allocation of “excess” dwelling units, pursuant to City Council Policy No. 43. b. There have been sufficient residential projects approved at densities below the GMCP so the citywide and quadrant dwelling unit limits will not be exceeded as a result of the proposed project. c. All necessary public facilities required by the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan will be constructed, or are guaranteed to be constructed, concurrently with the need for them created by this development and in compliance with adopted city standards. Policy 2-P.9 Incentivize development of lower- income affordable housing by allowing residential development above the GMCP and maximum densities permitted by the General Plan, subject to the findings specified in 2-P.8, above, and an evaluation of the following: (a) the proposal’s compatibility with adjacent land uses, and (b) the project site’s proximity to a minimum of one of the following: freeway or major street; commercial center; employment opportunities; The proposed 79-unit mixed-use project qualifies for an allocation of excess dwelling units pursuant to City Council Policy No. 43 since the project includes the inclusionary housing units required by CMC Chapters 21.85 and 21.86 and the project is conditioned to execute affordable housing and density bonus housing agreements. There are currently excess dwelling units available in the Northwest Quadrant as a result of residential projects approved at densities below the GMCP. All necessary public facilities required by the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan will be constructed, or are guaranteed to be constructed, concurrently with the need for them created by this development and in compliance with adopted city standards. The proposed 79-unit mixed-use project includes 12 inclusionary units which will be required to be sold to low-income households. The adjacent properties are also located within the VC District of the VBMP. Given the variety of existing uses within the vicinity of the project site, which include multi-story residential and commercial developments, as well as the wide variety of uses permitted in the surrounding VC District, the proposed project is compatible with existing and future land uses. The project site is conveniently located 0.2 miles from the Carlsbad Village train station. Yes Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 47 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 13 Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply city park or open space; or commuter rail or transit center. Mobility Goal 3-G.3: Provide inviting streetscapes that encourage walking and promote livable streets. The proposed project is located approximately 0.2 miles from the Carlsbad Village train station, which provides rail and bus service throughout the day. The project’s proximity to the transit station would provide residents with the opportunity to commute to major job centers, thereby reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMTs) and the carbon footprint. Furthermore, the project supports walkability and mobility by locating the project near existing goods and services within the Village. Yes Policy 3-P.5: Require developers to construct or pay their fair share toward improvements for all travel modes consistent with the Mobility Element, the Growth Management Plan, and specific impacts associated with their development. The proposed project has been designed to meet circulation requirements, which include maintaining or enhancing frontage improvements consisting of sidewalks and landscaping. Traffic impact fees are not required for this project because the proposed uses have less ADT generation compared to the existing on- site uses. Yes Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 48 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 14 TABLE E – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply Mobility Policy 3-P.41: Consider supporting new development and existing businesses with various incentives (such as parking standards modifications) for implementing TDM programs that minimize the reliance on single occupant automotive travel during peak commute hours. The proposed project has been designed to reduce its reliance on single occupant automotive travel by substituting two commercial parking spaces for 12 bicycle parking spaces in accordance with the Area-Wide Standards of the Village and Barrio Master Plan. Yes Noise Goal 5-G.2: Ensure that new development is compatible with the noise environment, by continuing to use potential noise exposure as a criterion in land use planning. Policy 5.P.2: Require a noise study analysis be conducted for all discretionary development proposals located where projected noise exposure would be other than “normally acceptable.” The proposed project is consistent with the Noise Element of the General Plan in that the building’s design, with windows closed, complies with the requirements of the noise study (Veneklasen Associates, dated June 21, 2019) and adequately attenuates the interior noise levels for the new condominiums to 45 dB(a) CNEL or less (i.e., interior average noise level). The project is conditioned to provide mechanical ventilation and to comply with the construction methods outlined in the noise study. Yes Housing Policy 10-P.15: Pursuant to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, require affordability for lower income households of a minimum of 15 percent of all residential ownership and qualifying rental projects. Policy 10-P.18 Adhere to City Council Policy Statement 43 when considering allo- cation of “excess dwelling units” for the purpose of allowing development to exceed the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) density, as discussed in Section 10.3 (Resources Available). With limited exceptions, the allocation of excess dwelling units will require provision of housing affordable to lower income households. The proposed project includes 12 inclusionary units (20 percent) which will be required to be rented to low-income households. The provision for inclusionary housing will contribute toward achieving the city’s Regional Housing Needs. The project has been conditioned accordingly to require the approval of an Affordable Housing Agreement prior to building permit issuance. In approving a request for an allocation of excess dwelling units, the project shall meet the findings identified in City Council Policy No. 43. Specifically, the project location and density shall be found to be compatible with adjacent land uses and the project is consistent with the General Plan and any other applicable planning document. As discussed in the attached Planning Commission Resolution No. 7375, the proposed project meets these findings. Yes Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 49 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 15 TABLE E – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply Public Safety Goal 6-G.1: Minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to property resulting from fire, flood, hazardous material release, or seismic disasters. Policy 6-P.6: Enforce the requirements of Titles 18, 20, and 21 pertaining to drainage and flood control when reviewing applications for building permits and subdivisions. Policy 6-P.34: Enforce the Uniform Building and Fire codes, adopted by the city, to provide fire protection standards for all existing and proposed structures. Policy 6-P.39: Ensure all new development complies with all applicable regulations regarding the provision of public utilities and facilities. The proposed structural improvements would be required to meet all seismic design standards. The Fire Department has reviewed and approved the proposed conceptual building design with fire sprinklers included throughout the building along with a wet standpipe per the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 24 standards. Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the applicable fire safety requirements. The project would be required to develop and implement a program of “best management practices” for the elimination and reduction of pollutants which enter and/or are transported within storm drainage facilities. The project has been conditioned to pay all applicable public facilities fees for Zone 1. Yes B. Village-Barrio Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35) and Village Center District The subject property is located within the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP). Mixed-use is permitted by right in the VC District. The project’s compliance with the development standards specific to the VC District, as well as the Area-Wide Standards of the VBMP, are provided in Tables “F” and “G” below. Please see Attachment 4 for an analysis of the project’s compliance with the Design Guidelines of the VBMP. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 50 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 16 TABLE F – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - VILLAGE CENTER (VC) DISTRICT Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Front Setback Minimum of 0 feet; maximum of 5 feet to building (at the ground floor). Additional depth permitted where area includes a plaza, courtyard, or outdoor dining. Additional depth is also permitted to accommodate electrical transformers, utility connection, meter pedestals, and similar equipment only if other locations are infeasible as determined by the decision-maker. Roosevelt Street: 1st floor: 0’ to 8’-3”* 2nd floor: 0ʹ to 7’-6” 3rd floor: 0’ to 7’-6” 4th floor: 54’ State Street 1st floor: 0’ to 24’-6”* 2nd floor: 50ʹ 3rd floor: 50ʹ 4th floor: 50ʹ *Areas that are greater than 5’ from property line are considered courtyards that include outdoor seating and/or landscape. Yes Side Setback No minimum setback North side: 11ʹ South side: 11ʹ Yes Rear Setback No minimum setback Building 1 fronts two streets and, therefore, has two front setbacks. Building 2 has a 10’ rear setback. Yes Lot Coverage Not applicable 68 percent Yes Density 28 to 35 du/ac 44.9 du/ac per Density Bonus Law Yes Open Space Minimum of 60 square feet of private open space per unit; minimum dimension of 6 feet in any direction. Common open space not required for projects with less than 11 units. All open space is proposed as private patios and a roof deck. The smallest patio proposed is 78 square feet with a dimension of 6’-2” by 12’-4”. Each patio/roof deck area exceeds the minimum area and dimension requirements. Yes Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 51 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 17 TABLE F – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - VILLAGE CENTER (VC) DISTRICT (CONTINUED) Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Service/ Delivery Areas Service and loading shall be conducted using alley access where the condition exists. No alley access exists. Yes Building Height Maximum 45 feet, 4 stories Equipment screening, and parapet walls allowed up to 42 inches above maximum height. 45 feet, 4 stories Equipment screening, and parapet walls do not exceed 42” above maximum height. Yes If a 4-story building is proposed: A maximum of 30 percent of the 4th story, street-facing façade can have a zero-foot setback. The remaining 70 percent shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet. Roosevelt Street 4th floor: All of the building’s lineal street frontage is set back greater than 30 feet. State Street 4th Floor: All of the building’s lineal street frontage is set back greater than 50 feet. If a 4-story building is proposed: The total square footage of enclosed 4th story floor space shall not exceed 80 percent of the 3rd floor footprint of the building (exclusive of balcony/patio) 3rd floor area: 52,256 SF Excluding patios: 50,809 SF 4th floor area (excluding patios): 31,659 SF The enclosed 4th story floor space represents 62.3 percent of the 3rd floor area Building Massing No building façade visible from any public street shall extend more than 40 feet in length without a 5-foot minimum variation in the wall plane, as well as a change in roofline. All building elevations visible from Roosevelt Street and State Street on the east and west elevations have been articulated to incorporate the minimum 5-foot variation in wall plane as required. The building roofline is also varied appropriately. Yes Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 52 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 18 TABLE F – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - VILLAGE CENTER (VC) DISTRICT (CONTINUED) Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Ground Floor Street Frontage Uses New ground floor street frontage uses shall occupy more than one- half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor and shall span at least 80 percent of the building frontage. Up to 20 percent of a building frontage may be used for a lobby or entryway to uses above or behind ground floor street uses. The project provides for approximately 26% of the ground floor to be used for commercial uses. The applicant had requested a waiver of the provision that new ground floor street frontage uses shall occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor per Density Bonus Law. The average depth of the commercial uses is 42 ft. and will allow sufficient depth to accommodate commercial uses. In addition, the commercial spaces all adhere to, or exceed, the minimum 14-foot floor plate height. The interior heights on Roosevelt range from 14’-6” to 16’ and from 16’ to 18’ on State St. Yes Ingress/ Egress Development shall be permitted a maximum of one access point from the public street. The city engineer may permit an additional access point or points upon demonstration of need. A driveway curb cut shall not exceed 20 feet in width and shall maintain a free line of sight. A single two-way driveway with a median is proposed off Roosevelt Street in order to preserve an existing street tree between the access points. The width of each drive is 10 feet with a five-foot planter in between to accommodate the existing street tree. The two- way driveway provides a free line of sight. Yes Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 53 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 19 TABLE G – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - AREA-WIDE STANDARDS Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Parking Studio and one-bedroom units: One space per unit. For condominiums, the space must be covered. Multiple-family Dwellings w/ two or more bedrooms: One and a half spaces per unit, one space required to be covered. No visitor parking required. No compact spaces allowed. Affordable units*: 0.5 spaces per bedroom *If a development includes the maximum percentage of low- or very low-income units provided for in Chapter 21.86.040(A) and is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, as defined in the state Public Resources Code (subdivision (b) of Section 21155), and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, then, upon the request of the developer, the city shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of handicapped and guest parking, that exceeds 0.5 spaces per bedroom. For purposes of this subsection, a development shall have unobstructed access to a major transit stop if a resident is able to access the major transit stop without encountering natural or constructed impediments. 1-Bedroom Market Rate Units: 4 market rate units x 1 space/unit = 4 spaces 2/3/4-Bedroom Market Rate Units: 63 units x 1.5 spaces = 94.5 spaces 1-Bedroom Affordable Units: 10 units x .5 space/bedroom = 5 spaces 3-Bedrrom Affordable Units: 2 units x 1.5 (.5 space per bedroom) = 3 spaces Development includes maximum percentage of low-income units and is located within 0.2 miles of a major transit stop (i.e. Carlsbad Village Train Station). No. of Residential Spaces Required: 4 + 94.5 + 5 + 3 = 106.5 spaces, which is rounded down to 106 per Chapter 21.86.090.G.3. No. of Spaces Provided: 106 spaces All spaces are covered. No compact spaces are provided. Yes Commercial Retail: One space per 415 square feet of gross floor area Restaurant, Delicatessen: One space per 300 square feet of gross floor area Retail A: 1,220 ÷ 415 = 3 spaces Restaurant (Delicatessen) B: 2,687 ÷ 300 = 9 spaces Restaurant C: Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 54 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 20 Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Restaurant: One space per 170 square feet of gross floor area 3,000 ÷ 170 = 18 spaces Retail D: 2,870 ÷ 415 = 7 spaces No. of Non- Residential Spaces Required: 3 + 9 + 18 + 7 = 37 spaces Minus 8-space reduction = 29 spaces. (8-space reduction for Bicycle Parking, Additional Street Parking and Handicap EV spaces; see section below for explanation of reduction. No. of Spaces Provided: 37 spaces (8-space surplus) Substitution of Car Parking with Bicycle Parking: New and existing uses with at least five required or existing off-street parking spaces may convert or substitute a minimum of one vehicle space and up to one space for every 10 vehicle spaces to unrequired additional bicycle parking as long as the spaces are conveniently located near the entrance, yield at least six bicycle parking spaces per parking space, and comply with the requirements of the city engineer. 12 bicycle parking spaces provided within the courtyard area have been substituted for 2 commercial/retail parking spaces inside the garage. The proposed bicycle parking consists of three racks that accommodate up to four bicycles each. In addition, the project is also providing bicycle parking along both the Roosevelt Street and State Street frontages. 12 bicycle parking spaces = 2-space reduction in required vehicle parking New On-Street Public Parking: The creation of two on-street public parking spaces along the frontage of the subject property by closing existing curb cuts or providing additional right of way may result in the reduction of one on-site required parking space, subject to the city engineer’s approval and the following stipulations: The closing of curb cuts (6 exist along State Street and Roosevelt Street) results in the creation of 8 additional spaces over the existing 16 spaces along the street frontages of State Street and Roosevelt Street, for a total of 24 spaces. The city engineer recommends approval for the following reasons: 1. The on-street spaces are located within the Village Center District and Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 55 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 21 Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply 1. The on-street spaces must be located within the boundaries of the Village and Barrio Master Plan and may not be located within the BP or BC districts. 2. The on-street spaces must not be located where they would interfere with planned or needed improvements. 3. The on-street spaces shall be public and shall not be reserved or designated for any particular use. 4. The creation of on-street public spaces shall be the net result of any existing spaces that might be reconfigured or removed to accommodate the created spaces. is not located within the BP or BC District. 2. The on-street spaces are not located where they would interfere with planned or needed improvements. 3. The on-street spaces shall be public and not reserved for any particular use. 4. The creation of 8 on-street spaces is the net result of the 16 on- street spaces existing along State Street and Roosevelt Street over the 24 on-street spaces created along the street frontages. 8 spaces ÷ 2 = 4-space reduction in required parking. Electric Vehicle Parking Standards California Vehicle Code 225112.2(B) specifies that “An accessible parking space with an access aisle served by electric vehicle supply equipment or an accessible parking space with an aisle designated as a future electric vehicle charging space shall count as at least two standard automobile parking spaces for the purpose of complying with any applicable minimum parking space requirements established by a local jurisdiction.” The project is providing 2 accessible spaces with an access aisle designated as future vehicle charging spaces. The two spaces count as four required parking spaces = 2-space reduction. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 56 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 22 TABLE G – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - AREA-WIDE STANDARDS (CONTINUED) Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Building Orientation Buildings shall be oriented toward primary street frontage. The primary entrance of a ground floor commercial use shall be oriented towards the primary street frontage. The buildings are oriented towards both the State Street and Roosevelt Street frontages. Ground floor commercial storefronts and entrances have been oriented towards these frontages. The upper floors of the buildings, which include the residential units, have also been oriented such that their primary living spaces and patios are oriented towards the street frontages to help activate the street frontage below. Yes Window Glazing 45 percent minimum glazing of ground-floor façade for retail uses adjacent to a public street. Façade measured from plate height to finish floor. Area of Glazing = 2,744 square feet Percentage Required = 45 percent Percentage Provided = 49.8 percent Yes The bottom of any window or product display window shall not be more than 3.5 feet above the adjacent sidewalk. Storefront glazing extends to the ground. Transparent or translucent glazing is required on the ground-floor façade of a commercial or retail use facing a public street. Opaque, reflective, or dark tinted glass is not permitted. Storefront glazing of clear glass. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 57 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 23 TABLE G – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - AREA-WIDE STANDARDS (CONTINUED) Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Roof Protrusions All roof structures, including protrusions such as equipment housing and guardrails; parapets and equipment screening; architectural features such as decorative or accent elements and towers; flagpoles; and roof decks and their amenities, shall complement and be consistent with the design of the building. Architecturally integrated parapets extending up to 3’-6” are included. No portion of architectural parapets that extend above the maximum building height provide additional floor space. Yes Roof mounted mechanical equipment and freestanding screening that is not architecturally integrated shall be set back from the building face at least equivalent to the height of the screening. Mechanical equipment is provided on the roof of the third and fourth floors consisting of A/C condensing units and solar panels. Mechanical equipment screening is provided in the form of building parapets, which are architecturally integrated. No additional setback is required. Architectural features: Up to 10 feet above maximum building height. Architectural features that are within 10 feet of a building face shall be cumulatively limited in width to 30 percent of that building face. There are no architectural features located within 10 feet of the building face which protrude above the maximum 45-foot building height. C. Qualified Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.06) Pursuant to Section 6.3.3.B.1(a) of the VBMP, new construction of buildings over 5,000 square feet in size or new buildings or projects with more than four (4) dwelling units are subject to the approval of a site development plan (SDP) pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.06. The project meets the required findings as summarized below. The project is consistent with the General Plan and the Village & Barrio Master Plan as discussed in this Analysis section. The project will not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the area in which the use is located in that mixed-use is a permitted use within the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP) and is compatible with the other commercial and residential uses surrounding the project site. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use in that the project complies with the development standards (i.e. front, side and rear setbacks, lot coverage, parking) of the VC District and the VBMP, as demonstrated in Table F above, with exception to the waiver from the provision that new ground floor street frontage uses occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor as discussed in Section “A” above. The street system serving the project is adequate to handle all traffic generated by the project in that Roosevelt Street is designed to adequately handle the 1,615 Average Daily Trips (ADT) generated by the project, which is a net decrease of 181 ADT below the existing on-site uses that generate a total of 1,796 ADTs. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 58 of 223 CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 24 D. Subdivision Ordinance The Land Development Engineering Division has reviewed the proposed Tentative Tract Map and has found that the subdivision complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the city’s Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20) for Major Subdivisions. The subdivision is considered major because it involves the division of land into five or more condominiums. The project has been conditioned to install all infrastructure-related improvements and the necessary easements for these improvements concurrent with the development. E. Inclusionary Housing The Inclusionary Housing regulations, specifically CMC Chapter 21.85, shall apply to any new construction of rental units where the developer receives offsets or any incentives of the type specified in the density bonus law pursuant to the provisions of CMC Chapter 21.86 and the developer agrees by contract to limit the units to either: 1) rents for below-market-rate rental units; or 2) below-market-rate for sale units. Pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.85.030, not less than 15% of the total units approved shall be constructed and restricted both as to occupancy and affordability to lower-income households. To satisfy this requirement, the applicant proposes to designate 15%, or 12 units, as inclusionary units. The 12 units will be affordable to households earning more than 50% but not exceeding 80% of the San Diego Area Median Income (AMI) as determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Further, because 10 or more units are required, at least 10 percent of the lower income units shall have three (3) or more bedrooms. The project satisfies this requirement with the inclusion of two, three- bedroom inclusionary units. The city’s Housing Policy Team recommended approval of the request on May 4, 2020. As required by CMC Chapters 21.85 and 21.86, the project has been conditioned to require the approval of an Affordable Housing Agreement and Density Bonus Housing agreement, respectively, prior to recordation of the final map. F. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the Northwest Quadrant of the city. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table I below. TABLE I – GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE Standard Impacts Compliance City Administration 279.42 square feet Yes Library 149.02 square feet Yes Waste Water Treatment Residential: 17,380 GPD Commercial: 1,415 GPD Total: 18,795 GPD Yes Parks 0.56 acres Yes Drainage 9.48 CFS, Basin B Yes Circulation Existing: 1,796 ADT Proposed: 1,615 ADT Net decrease: 181 ADT Yes Fire Station 1 Yes Open Space NA NA Schools Carlsbad Elementary: 19.91 students Yes Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 59 of 223 I CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION June 17, 2020 Page 25 Standard Impacts Compliance Carlsbad Middle: 6.43 students Carlsbad High: 8.21 students Sewer Collection System Residential: 17,380 GPD Commercial: 1,415 GPD Total: 18,795 GPD Yes Water Residential: 19,750 GPD Commercial: 2,736 GPD Total: 22,486 GPD Yes Properties located within the VC District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan do not have a Growth Management Control Point or an allocation for dwelling units. Therefore, since 79 residential units are proposed to be constructed, a total of 79 dwelling units will be deducted from the city’s Excess Dwelling Unit Bank (EDUB). Pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 7375, the allocation from the EDUB can be supported since 528 units are available for allocation in the Village according to the city’s Quadrant Dwelling Unit Report dated April 30, 2020, less any allocations recently approved. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Section 15332 (In-fill Development Projects) Class 32 Categorical Exemption of the State CEQA Guidelines. The project is consistent with the General Plan as well as with the Zoning Ordinance. The project site is within the city limits, is less than five acres in size, and is surrounded by urban uses. There is no evidence that the site has value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. Approval of the project will not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. In making this determination, the City Planner has found that the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the state CEQA Guidelines do not apply to this project, including historical resources. Specifically, the seven buildings on-site that were constructed prior to 1969 are not included in a local register of historical resources, and a qualified professional has determined that they do not meet the criteria for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources so their removal will not constitute an adverse impact. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon final project approval. The project is consistent with the Climate Action Plan (CAP) because the project will be required to comply with all applicable CAP ordinances and state law requirements in effect at the time of application for grading and building permits. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Planning Commission Resolution No. 7375 2.Location Map 3.Disclosure Statement 4.Village and Barrio Master Plan Design Guidelines Analysis 5.Reduced Exhibits 6.Public Comments 7.Full Size Exhibits “A - OOOO” dated June 17, 2020 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 60 of 223 S T A T E S T R O O S E V E L T S T GRAN D A V S T A T E S T A L L E Y M A D I S O N S T BEEC H A V W A S H I N G T O N S T CHRI S T I A N S E N W Y CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) CARLSBAD STATION SITE MAP J SITE E L C AMINO R E A L LA COSTA AV C A R L S B A D B L M E L R O S E D R POINSETT I A L N ATTACHMENT 2 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 61 of 223 ATTACHMENT 3 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 62 of 223 ( City of Carlsbad Development Serv;ces DISCLOSURE STATEM~J...r,_r~ fl P-1(A) · ' - Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www .carlsbadca.gov -P!....t,NN'l\,G DIVIS'C:. 1 Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit.• Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA} IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person__________ Corp/Part Carlsbad Village 80, LLC Title____________ Title See attachment A. Address __________ _ Address ___________ _ 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1 (A) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. A lso, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A} IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person See attachments B & C. Corp/Part ___________ _ Title ___________ _ Title _____________ _ Address _________ _ Address ____________ _ Page 1 of2 Revised 07/10 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 63 of 223 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non ProfitfTrust See attachment 8 & C. Non ProfitfTrust ---------- Title Title -------------------------- Address Address ------------------------ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes I ✓ I No If yes, please indicate person(s): __________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owner/date See attachment B & C. Print or type name of owner Carlsbad VIiiage 80, LLC -Erin N. Ruhe, Vice President/CFO Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date N/A Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1(A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/10 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 64 of 223 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FORMP-l(A) ATTACHMENT "A" Applicant: Carlsbad Village 80, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Address: 1903 Wright Place, Suite 280, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Members: HF CV80, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company JM3 Carlsbad Village, LP, a California limited partnership Manager: HF CV80, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Paul J. Borden -Vice Chairman Erin N. Ruhe -Vice President/CFO Chris Foulger -President Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 65 of 223 2. OWNER Person: Title: Address: DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FORMP-l(A) ATTACHMENT "B" APNs: 203-181 -03, 201-101-04, 07, 10, 12, 16 Dewhurst Family Revocable Trust, dated March 13, 1990 Owner 3425 Seacrest Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST Trust: Title: Address: Trust: Title: Address: Donald K. Dewhurst Trustee 3425 Seacrest Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Donna Doyle Trustee 2747 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 I certify that all the above infonnation is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 4-Jf-L4 Date "Donna Doyle, Tri.l-stee Date Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 66 of 223 2. OWNER Person: Title: Address: 'DISCLOSURE ST A TE.MENT FORMP-l(A) ATTACHMENT "C" APN: 203-181-08 & 09 The Howard-Jones Marital Trust dated March 31, 1981 Owner 4825 Argosy Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92008 3. NON~PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST Tnist: Title: Address: Trost: Title: Address: Carolyn L. Howard-Jones Co-Trustee 4825 Argosy Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Barbara Diane Howard-Jones Co-Trustee 4825 Argosy Lane, Carlsba~ CA 92008 I certify that all the above infonnation is true and correct to th~ best of my knowledge. C~aLD~ 6D+ro~ -l{.f1 -14 Carolyn L. Howard-J nes, o-Trustee Date VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES ANALYSIS CT 2019-0003 / SDP 2019-0004 CARLSBAD STATION INTENT The Design Guidelines (guidelines) intend to implement and enhance the existing character within the Village and Barrio as new development and property improvements occur. Together, the Village and Barrio are a unique, mixed-use environment. They serve as both a shopping and entertainment destination as well as a place to live and work. The guidelines aim to improve the character of the Village and Barrio while improving livability. Guidelines address many components of building style and orientation, including site layout, building massing, roof form, building façades, and appurtenances. Images are intended to provide a visual example of a targeted topic described in the caption and may not represent all aspects and direction provided within this document. Through these areas of focus, the guidelines strive to foster authentic designs with straightforward and functional construction. All development should align with the spirit and intent of the design guidelines presented in this chapter. Designers and developers should consider at a minimum that these guidelines are a starting point for quality development, and do not comprise every possible strategy for achieving high quality design. Therefore, it is prudent that designers use their own techniques for achieving authentic, high quality design. The following guidelines apply to all new and remodeled development within the entire Master Plan Area unless exempt as determined by Section 6.3.2. 2.8.2 SITE PLANNING GUIDELINES CONSISTENCY STATEMENT A.Site layout 1.Place buildings adjacent to, and oriented towards, the street. Locate prominent architectural features near corners and intersections. 2.Orient storefronts and major building entries towards major streets, courtyards, or plazas. 3.Minimize gaps between buildings in order to create a continuous, pedestrian-oriented environment. 4.Place parking lots so as not to interrupt commercial street frontages.5.Incorporate functional and aesthetic vehicular and pedestrian connections to adjacent sites. 6.Create small pedestrian plazas along the street wall through the use of recesses in building form. 7.Provide easily identifiable pedestrian access from the street and/or sidewalk to key areas within the site. 8.Incorporate plazas, landscaped areas, fountains, public art, textured pavement, and vertical building features to create focal points that enhance a pedestrian’s experience. 9.Utilize atriums and outdoor courtyards to increase the variety and number of views and to bring additional sunlight into large developments. 10.Give careful design consideration to corner lots, as they are typically a focal point in the urban fabric. 11.Utilize courtyards or other methods to break up the building mass and provide natural ventilation, wherever possible. The proposed mixed-use project is adjacent to and is architecturally oriented towards both State Street and Roosevelt Street. There are commercial spaces that front State and Roosevelt with easily identifiable entries that open on to both major streets, as well as building recesses, courtyards and pedestrian plazas. These will break up building mass and create architectural interest and a continuous pedestrian-oriented environment. The onsite parking required for the project is fully subterranean with a single access from Roosevelt, which does not interrupt the commercial street frontage. The project includes an easily identified landscaped pedestrian walkway linking State and Roosevelt streets where none before existed. There are plazas and landscape areas with textured paving and vertical building features enhancing the pedestrian experience. Buildings are spaced with courtyards between to allow sunlight and air to circulate through the project, and every residence has an outside deck and windows creating views to the surroundings and helping to activate the street frontage below. B.Parking and Access 1.Locate parking behind buildings and away from the street, wherever possible. 2.Use pervious paving materials, whenever possible. 3.Buffer residential uses from commercial parking lots by landscaping, fencing, and/or walls. 4.When walls or fences are utilized to screen parking, provide breaks to allow for pedestrian circulation and limit height for safety and security purposes. The parking is all underground and access is provided off Roosevelt Street at the north end of the site where there is less pedestrian activity. There is no surface parking for the project. Bicycle parking is provided within the courtyard and along both State Street and Roosevelt Street. The project provides 70 separate Electric Vehicle charging connections in the underground garage, including one servicing a handicap space. ATTACHMENT 4 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 67 of 223 2 5. Divide large parking lots into smaller areas with landscaping and clearly marked pedestrian paths. 6. Highlight primary pedestrian access paths within parking areas with decorative paving, trellises, canopies, lighting, and similar improvements. 7. Create pedestrian paseos to parking lots of buildings. 8. Locate parking below grade or in structures, where feasible. 9. Design parking structures so their height and bulk are consistent with adjacent buildings. 10. Provide bicycle parking at convenient locations such as entrances or other visible and accessible areas. 11. Provide electric vehicle charging stations and equipment where feasible and as otherwise required. C. Plazas and Open Space 1. Provide private or common open space and pedestrian connections to such spaces to enhance the living environment and contribute to a walkable neighborhood character. 2. Semi-public outdoor spaces, such as small plazas and courtyards are encouraged between private and public spaces to support pedestrian activity and connectivity. 3. Design plazas and building entries to maximize circulation opportunities between adjacent uses. 4. Provide landscaping and high-quality paving materials, such as stone, concrete or tile, for plazas and open spaces. 5. Place outdoor furniture, such as seating, low walls, trash receptacles, bike racks and other elements, in outdoor pedestrian spaces. 6. Site buildings to define open space areas. Ensure that outdoor areas are visible from public streets and accessible from buildings, as well as, streets and pedestrian and bicycle networks. The proposed project complies with the private open space requirements of the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP), which requires a minimum of 60 square feet per unit. All open space is proposed as private patios and a roof deck. The smallest patio proposed is 78 square feet with a dimension of 6’-2” by 12’-4”. In addition, courtyards are provided facing Roosevelt Street and State Street with a large courtyard that also functions as a pedestrian connection between State Street and Roosevelt Street. The courtyards include tables and chairs to support pedestrian activity and enhance the living environment. The courtyards are visible and accessible from adjacent public sidewalks. The courtyards provide enhanced hardscape which is designed with a range of different patterns and textures. The project is further designed with outdoor spaces sized to allow seating to serve the commercial uses. Bike racks will be conveniently located for the use of the homeowners, people patronizing the commercial spaces, and for the general public. D. Outdoor Seating 1. Incorporate seating into well-trafficked outdoor areas, to maximize opportunities for people to interact. 2. Consider movable seating so that people can accommodate their own preferences and respond to the weather or time of day. 3. Provide lighting to ensure that outdoor seating areas are safe places at night. Outdoor seating areas are provided as part of the ground floor commercial tenant spaces located at Roosevelt Street and State Street. The public right-of-way along both streets is wide enough to easily accommodate future sidewalk café-type seating, consisting of movable chairs and tables. The street frontage along this project is also proposed to be well lit to help confirm a feeling of safety at night. E. Connectivity 1. Connect all commercial buildings to the public sidewalk via a publicly accessible path or walkway. 2. Provide attractive, well-marked pedestrian links that create a clear path of travel between parking, buildings and sidewalks. 3. Ensure that alleys are well lit, open, and visible to passersby. 4. Enhance existing walkways or paseos to become more inviting. All commercial units’ front sidewalks on both Roosevelt Street and State Street and access is direct from both streets. As stated above, a large courtyard also functions as a pedestrian connection between State Street and Roosevelt Street. There are no alleys adjacent to the project site. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 68 of 223 3 5. Provide secondary entries to alleys. F. Mechanical Equipment and Service Areas 1. Carefully design, locate, and integrate service, utility, and loading areas into the site plan. These critical functional elements should not detract from the public view shed area or create a nuisance for adjacent property owners, pedestrian circulation, or vehicle traffic. 2. Locate loading areas in the rear of a site where possible. 3. Locate mechanical equipment and service areas along and accessed from alleys or the rear of properties, wherever possible. 4. Place public utility equipment, meter pedestals, and transformers underground or away from sidewalks and pedestrian areas, where feasible. 5. Screen all mechanical equipment from public view. 6. Ensure roof mounted mechanical equipment and screening do not interfere with required solar zones or installed solar photovoltaic or solar water heating systems. 7. Design trash and recycling enclosures to be consistent with the project and building architecture, and site and screen them to minimize visual impact. A new electrical transformer will be located on the south side of the project, screened by a new wall which will also screen two existing transformers. The existing transformers serve properties to the south. Mechanical and electrical support systems are located within the underground garage, as are meters for electric, gas and water. The roof-mounted mechanical equipment is screened and located at the center of the roof so as to not be visible from public locations. Ample space for solar panels is provided. Commercial trash and recycling rooms are proposed within the building structure and away from the public view. Residential trash and recycle dumpsters are all located within the underground garage and will be serviced by Waste Management. G. Landscaping Landscaping shall meet the policies and requirements set forth in the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. 1. Utilize landscaping to define building entrances, parking lots, and the edge of various land uses. 2. Utilize landscaping to buffer and screen properties. 3. Consider safety, environmental impacts, and accent elements when selecting and locating landscaping elements. 4. Landscaping, between the front property line and the building creates a visually interesting transitional space. Select and place plants to enhance and soften architectural elevations, screen undesirable building features and contribute to the overall quality of the streetscape. 5. Select species that are compatible with Carlsbad’s semi-arid Mediterranean climate, and that will grow to an appropriate size at maturity. 6. When there are minimal landscape areas between the building and the street, incorporate planters onto porches, recessed building entrances, and planters on decks and balconies. 7. Minimize paved vehicle areas such as driveways and parking areas. Design driveways to be no wider than necessary to provide access. Incorporate permeable surfaces, such as interlocking pavers, porous asphalt, power blocks, and lattice blocks/grasscrete or ribbon driveways where feasible. 8. Utilize planting to screen less desirable areas from public view, i.e., trash, enclosures, parking areas, storage areas, loading areas, and public utilities. 9. Provide landscaping between any parking lot and adjacent sidewalks or other paved pedestrian areas, as well as, The building edges, and the courtyards providing access into the buildings from both State Street and Roosevelt Street, are framed with landscaping to soften the building edges and to define points of entry to the courtyard and courtyard entries. Trees with ground cover are provided within the sidewalk to enhance and soften architectural elevations. All standards relating to preserving visual lines of sight as defined by the City of Carlsbad have been met for Carlsbad Station. The tree plantings along the street offer a typical urban parkway design solution where pedestrian access has been accommodated. The trees will offer shade as well as soften the building elevations. Careful consideration has been given to the selection of plant materials for this project. The plant options for the project represent low water use varieties to be compatible with Carlsbad’s semi-arid Mediterranean climate. The plants have all been selected to grow into the spaces they are placed in so as to minimize the need for pruning. This will help preserve the natural character of the plant varieties as they grow to maturity. Planters are proposed along the courtyard leading into the residential space. The decorative tree grates that have been incorporated provide a safe walking surface to the public, but also offer a decorative contrasting surface to the public sidewalk where ease of pedestrian travel is necessary. Planters will also be installed on upper level decks, balconies and the roof terrace. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 69 of 223 4 within surface parking lots. 10. Incorporate native and drought tolerant vegetation whenever possible. Avoid use of invasive or noxious plants. 11. Incorporate lattice work and landscaping onto existing blank walls to support flowering vines growing out of planters placed at their base. 12. Plant trees and fast growing and flowering vines along fences and walls to soften the appearance of the fencing and screen views to functional on-site work and storage areas. 13. Utilize vines, espaliers, and potted plants to provide wall, column, and post texture and color and to accentuate entryways, courtyards, and sidewalks. 14. Incorporate large planters into seating areas. Planters should be open to the soil below and should incorporate permanent irrigation systems. 15. Maintain landscaping and yard areas regularly to keep a desirable, healthy appearance, eliminate trash, and control vermin. 16. Incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) strategies, site design, and source control measures into projects. Examples include rain gardens, rain barrels, grassy swales, soil amendments, and native plants. 17. Utilize seasonal shading from trees and shrubs when developing planting schemes for courtyards and streetscapes on south and west facing facades. The underground garage entrance has been designed with minimal width while providing safe access. Approximately 80 percent of the plant materials qualify as drought tolerant, and none of the proposed species have the potential of being classified by the State of California as being invasive or noxious. Along the pedestrian link, vines and espalier-form plant varieties have been placed into open planters and pocket planters to offer a vertical accent to the building’ exterior. The buildings and landscape as well as the surrounding public right-of-way area will be maintained by the project’s Property Owner Association. Numerous areas of the project are engineered for water purification and stormwater runoff control. At final landscape installation, soil tests will be conducted and the appropriate soil amendments will be recommended and incorporated into the planter areas prior to moving forward with installation of plant materials. The tree selected for the streetscape area is a broadleaf evergreen variety that will form a canopy to provide shade and offer a flowering accent during the summer months. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 70 of 223 5 2.8.3 BUILDING FORM AND MASSING GUIDELINES CONSISTENCY STATEMENT A. Building Form and Articulation 1. Reduce the imposing appearance of tall buildings by stepping back from street level on elevations above the ground floor. 2. Utilize horizontal and vertical articulation to break up monolithic street walls and facades. 3. Utilize techniques to reduce massing, such as variation in wall plane and height and variation in roof form and levels. 4. Surface detailing may be used, but does not serve as a substitute for distinctive massing. 5. Consider adjacent low density uses when designing and orienting a building. For example, avoid balconies overlooking rear yards. 6. Minimize the vertical emphasis of architectural design elements by incorporating features such as horizontal bands, reveals, trims, awnings, eaves, and overhangs or other ornamentation, along different levels of the wall surface. 7. Minimize blank walls by: a. Adding window openings and/or entrances and other relief. b. Providing recessed glazing and storefronts. c. Adding vertical pilasters which may reflect internal building structure. d. Changing color and texture along the wall surface. e. Varying the planes of the exterior walls in depth and/or direction. f. Adding trims, projections, and reveals along different wall surfaces. 8. Articulate the building façade by varying building elements to create contrast. Integrate all architectural elements into the building design to avoid the look of “tacked on” architectural features. 9. Utilize facade projections and recesses such as bay windows, planter boxes, roof overhangs, and entry way recesses. 10. Arrange columns such that they appear to support the weight of the building or feature above and are balanced in height, weight, and depth. Spindly columns can appear out of proportion with the element it is supporting. 11. Size shutters appropriately, when used to cover the window opening. 12. Avoid exterior sliding or fixed security grilles over windows along street frontages. 13. Discourage and avoid “chain” corporate architecture and generic designs. Each project should strive to achieve the unique architectural style or character. 14. Design roofs to accommodate a solar photo-voltaic system and/or solar water heating system, as required by California Building Code. 15. Utilize details such as wall surfaces constructed with On State Street the four-story building is stepped back 50 feet from the property line above the single-story restaurant. On Roosevelt Street, the street-fronting building is three stories with landscaped terraces on the top floor, creating a step back. The buildings contain commercial storefronts on the first level with canopies providing a visible line of separation between the commercial and the residential elements above. To create vertical building articulation, the buildings utilize decorative elements such as heavy cornices and building sections separated by textured bricks and stucco with extensive color variation. These elements occur at varying wall planes enhancing the architectural transitions. Recessed balconies create additional levels of building articulation which reduce perceived massing. The project has been designed to orient patios toward the street and courtyards avoiding adjacent properties as much as possible. No overhanging type balconies are proposed. Blank walls have been minimized by adding and recessing windows and storefronts in all locations possible. Decorative canvas canopies have been added at commercial space window and door openings. Additionally, a decorative brick pattern texture has been included with the stucco areas. Multiple wall plane changes have been provided along with strategic color and texture enhancements. The building façades have been articulated using plane changes, material changes, added projection elements and color changes. The building roofs are designed to incorporate a photovoltaic solar system per current California Building Code and Carlsbad Municipal Code requirements. The buildings feature an extensive decorative brick veneer, large open windows and decorative metal, which incorporate the characteristic proportions of traditional facades in new infill development. Building wall surfaces are brick veneer and stucco. The stucco colors are white, tan and grey and the brick is either unpainted or painted white. The changes in building materials have been strategically located throughout the project. Accent lighting is provided, which is appropriately scaled to the size of the building. The street frontage storefront and entry door systems have been designed to promote a high level of visibility into the commercial spaces. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 71 of 223 6 patterns, changes in materials, building pop-outs, columns, and recessed areas to create shadow patterns and depth on the wall surfaces. 16. Ensure that proportions are consistent with selected architectural styles. 17. Incorporate the characteristic proportions of traditional facades in new infill development. 18. Balance the ratio of height, width, and depth of arches and columns to emphasize strength and balance. 19. Ensure consistency between the height of a column and its mass or thickness with the weight of the overhead structure the column supports. 20. Infill buildings that are much wider than the existing facades should be broken down into a series of appropriately proportioned structural bays or components. 21. Consider transitions between the height of new development and the height of adjacent existing development. 22. Utilize vertical building focal elements. Towers, spires, or domes may foster community identity and serve as landmarks. 23. Utilize windows and open wrought iron balconies to provide opportunities for residents to passively observe and report suspicious activity. 24. Utilize accent materials to highlight building features and provide visual interest. Accent materials may include any of the following: a. Wood b. Glass c. Glass block (transom) d. Tile e. Brick f. Concrete g. Stone h. Awnings i. Plaster (smooth or textured) 25. Use building materials and finishes that are true to the structure’s architectural style. 26. Windows, doors, and entries should be designed to capture the desired architectural style of the building. 27. Generally, use no more than three different materials on exterior wall surfaces. While certain styles may successfully incorporate multiple surface materials, caution must be used as too many materials can result in a less than aesthetically pleasing building. 28. Ensure material changes occur at intersecting planes, preferably at inside corners of changing wall planes or where architectural elements intersect, such as a chimney, pilaster, or projection. 29. Utilize light and neutral base colors. Generally muted color schemes will promote visual unity and allow awnings, window displays, signs and landscaping to be given proper emphasis. 30. Ensure lighting is architecturally compatible with the Building entrances have been strategically situated in locations that clearly portray the primary entry element for the residential and commercial portions of the project. Open spaces like courtyards and Paseos have been created to break down building forms so their proportions become appropriate and balanced. Recessed framed windows have been incorporated into the design of the buildings to provide an added level of architectural interest. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 72 of 223 7 building. 31. Articulate storefronts with carefully arranged doors, windows, arches, trellises, or awnings, rather than blank walls. 32. Ensure that the main entrance to a building is clearly identifiable and unique, as it is the primary point of arrival and should be treated with significance. 33. Window type, material, shape, and proportion should complement the architectural style of the building. 34. Utilize recessed windows where appropriate to the architectural style, to provide depth. B. Awnings 1. Use awnings made of commercial grade canvas or metal and that are either fixed or retractable. 2. Avoid plasticized, and/or vinyl fabrics, and back-lit awnings. 3. Maintain a minimum six (6) inch clearance from second floor features such as windows. 4. Avoid wrapping awnings around buildings in continuous bands. 5. Place awnings only on top of doors, on top of windows, or within vertical elements when the façade of a building is divided into distinct structural bays. The project proposes fixed metal awnings on the exterior elevations along the buildings. Canvas awnings are located above the commercial areas at entrances or window displays. The proposed awnings avoid wrapping around the buildings in a continuous band and maintain the minimum six-inch clearance from the second-floor features. C. Balconies 1. Place balconies adjacent to operable doorways. Faux balconies or those that do not appear usable are discouraged. 2. Visually support all balconies, either from below by decorative beams and/or brackets, from above by cables, or by other parts of the building. 3. On corners, balconies may wrap around the side of the building. No faux balconies are proposed with this project. However, each residential unit does provide an outdoor deck area with a wall-metal railing treatment. Each of these areas is located adjacent to operable doorways. Balconies on the fourth floor of the State Street-facing building wrap at the corners. D. Roof Forms 1. Ensure that roof materials and colors are consistent with the desired architecture or style of the building. 2. Utilize multi-roof forms, hips, gables, shed roof combinations, and sufficiently articulated flat roofs to create interesting and varying roof forms that will reduce building mass, add visual appeal, and enhance existing Village and Barrio character and massing. 3. Avoid long, unbroken, horizontal roof lines. 4. Avoid flat roofs unless sufficient articulation of detail is provided, such as precast treatments, continuous banding or projecting cornices, lentils, caps, corner details, or variety in pitch (sculpted), height, and roofline. 5. Avoid the “tacked on” appearance of parapets, and ensure their appearance conveys a sense of permanence. If the interior side of a parapet is visible from the pedestrian and/or motorist area of the project, utilize appropriate detail and properly apply materials. The project provides articulated flat roofs with parapets at different heights, including differing cornice types, textures and colors. These treatments create interesting and varying roof forms. The result is a reduction of building mass, addition of visual appeal, and an enhancement of the existing Village character. No interior side of parapets will be visible from public view. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 73 of 223 8 E. Lighting 1. Provide exterior building lighting, particularly in commercial and high-pedestrian areas. 2. Design or select light fixtures that are architecturally compatible with the building. 3. Integrate light fixtures that are downcast or low cut-off fixtures to prevent glare and light pollution. 4. Design lighting in such a way as to prevent the direct view of the light source from adjacent properties or uses, particularly residential properties or uses. 5. Utilize lighting on architectural details, focal points, and parking areas to increase safety, help with orientation, and highlight site attributes and the identity of an area. 6. Use energy-efficient lamps such as LED lights for all exterior lighting along with adaptive lighting controls to contribute to energy conservation and potentially reduce long-term costs. Architectural exterior lighting is proposed on the commercial buildings fronting the streets, on the buildings within the courtyards and within the pedestrian connection between Roosevelt Street and State Street. Proposed light fixtures are selected to be compatible with the architectural style and considered downcast or low cut-off type fixtures. They will help to prevent light glare and light pollution. For increased safety, light fixture locations have been selected that provide exterior building lighting in the commercial and high pedestrian traffic areas. They will help with pedestrian orientation, and will also accentuate architectural detailing at night. All lights will have adaptive lighting controls and bulbs used will be energy-efficient LEDs with a low Kelvin rating. This warmer light color will cast a soft appearance upon the public sidewalk with sufficient luminosity. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 74 of 223 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 ATTACHMENT 5 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 75 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS MCKELLAR McGOWAN Ri:AL ~ATii: DlltVE:LOPM9:NT CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 SHEET INDEX ARCHITECTURAL 2. ROOSEVELT STREET RENDERING 3. ROOSEVELT STREET RENDERING 4. ROOSEVELT STREET RENDERING 5. STATE STREET RENDERING 6. STATE STREET RENDERING 7. PROJECT INFORMATION 8. SITE PLAN GRAPHIC 9. SITE PLAN 9A. CARLSBAD STATION PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO TRAIN DEPOT EXHIBIT 10. ROOF PLAN 11. SUBTERRANEAN GARAGE FLOOR 12. FIRST FLOOR 13. SECOND FLOOR 14. THIRD FLOOR 15. UPPER FLOOR 16. 3 STORY / 4 STORY CONDITIONS 17. BUILDING 1 – EAST ELEVATION 18. BUILDING 1 - EAST TECHNICAL ELEVATION 19. BUILDING 1 – SOUTH ELEVATION 20. BUILDING 1 – SOUTH ELEVATION 21. BUILDING 1 – SOUTH TECHNICAL ELEVATION 22. BUILDING 1 – SOUTH TECHNICAL ELEVATION 23. BUILDING 1 – WEST ELEVATION 24. BUILDING 1 - WEST TECHNICAL ELEVATION 25. BUILDING 1 – NORTH ELEVATION 26. BUILDING 1 – NORTH ELEVATION 27. BUILDING 1 – NORTH TECHNICAL ELEVATION 28. BUILDING 1 – NORTH TECHNICAL ELEVATION 29. BUILDING 2 – EAST ELEVATION 30. BUILDING 2 – EAST TECHNICAL ELEVATION 31. BUILDING 2 – SOUTH ELEVATION 32. BUILDING 2 – SOUTH TECHNICAL ELEVATION 33. BUILDING 2 – WEST ELEVATION 34. BUILDING 2 – WEST TECHNICAL ELEVATION 35. BUILDING 2 – NORTH ELEVATION 36. BUILDING 2 – NORTH TECHNICAL ELEVATION 37. BUILDING 2 – SOUTH COURTYARD ELEVATION 38. BUILDING 2 – SOUTH COURTYARD TECHNICAL ELEVATION 39. BUILDING 2 – NORTH COURTYARD ELEVATION 40. BUILDING 2 – NORTH COURTYARD TECHNICAL ELEVATION 41. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HEIGHT EXHIBIT 42. BUILDING 1 – BUILDING SECTION 43. BUILDING 1 – BUILDING SECTION 44. BUILDING 2 – BUILDING SECTION 45. BUILDING 1 & BUILDING 2 – BUILDING SECTION CIVIL 1. KEY MAP & NOTES 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 3. SHEET INDEX PLAN SHEET/ STREET SECTIONS 4. DESIGN PLAN SHEET 5. DESIGN PLAN SHEET 6. DESIGN PLAN SHEET 7. GARAGE DESIGN PLAN SHEET 8. WATER,SEWER & STORM DRAIN PLAN 9. DESIGN SECTIONS/ DETAILS 10. ON STREET PAKING EXHIBIT 11. CARLSBAD STATION PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO TRAIN DEPOT EXHIBIT LANDSCAPE 1. TITLE SHEET 2. EXISTING VEGETATION PLAN 3. CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN 4. CONCEPTUAL WATER CONSERVATION PLAN 5. CONCEPTUAL MAINTENANCE REPONSIBILITY EXHIBIT FIRE 1. CONCEPTUAL FIRE MASTER PLAN 46. BUILDING 1 & BUILDING 2 – BUILDING SECTION 47. UNIT PLAN – A 48. UNIT PLAN - AX 49. UNIT PLAN – B 50. UNIT PLAN - C 51. UNIT PLAN - D 52. UNIT PLAN - E 53. UNIT PLAN – F 54. UNIT PLAN - FX 55. UNIT PLAN - G 56. UNIT PLAN - GX 57. UNIT PLAN - H 58. UNIT PLAN - I 59. UNIT PLAN - IX 60. UNIT PLAN - J 61. UNIT PLAN - K 62. UNIT PLAN - KX 63. UNIT PLAN - L 64. UNIT PLAN - M 65. UNIT PLAN – N 66. UNIT PLAN - NX 67. UNIT PLAN - O 68. UNIT PLAN - OX 69. PASEO RENDERING 70. PASEO RENDERING 71. ROOSEVELT STREET RENDERING 72. VIEW FROM GRAND AND ROOSEVELT INTERSECTION 73. VIEW FROM GRAND AND STATE ST. 74. VIEW FROM TRAIN STATION Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 76 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I VICINITY MAP Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 77 of 223 LEGEND ~DMY FINISHED FLOOR EU'VATION EXISTING SPOT E'l.£VA TION D«ST/NG CONTOUR EXISTING WAIDi' METER PROPOSED SJOEWALX 0£CORATIV( PAVffiS-IMPER'-fOUS (SE£ LANOSCAff PLANS FOR 0£TAILS) PROPOSED C-J RETAINING WALL W,/F'ENCING. MAX 6' COUSIN({) HEIGHT PROPOSED C-9 RETAINING WAU TYPE A W/FENONG, MAX 6' COAJBIN£D HEIGHT PROPOSED STORIJ DRAIN Pl~ PROPOS£0 CATCH BASIN PROPOSED YARD DRAIN PROPOS£O SPOT ELEVATION TOP OF WALL FINISH GRADE cXISTING OVffi-HEAO UTIUTY EXISTING WAmi' UN£ EXISTING SEllE"R UN£ EXISTING SEllE'R IIANHOt..£ EXISTING FIRE H'rDRANT PROPOSED FIRE WA mi' SER'"1C£ PROPOSED DOIJ£STIC WA TE:R S£R'rfCC PROPOSED SEll£R LA TE:RALS PROPOSEO IRR/GA TION S£RHC£ PROPOS£0 GAS S£R',1C£ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA T£R DISTRICT STANDARD DRA'MNG arr OF CARLSBAD STANDARD DRAl'lfNG SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD ORAftfNG PUBLIC UTILITIES x44,4 ----45- □ r, ,',' --SD- -SD--0--SD-~ $ -0,,----M ----<S)-- SM 0 ffii()t --FS----W----s----,----G-- C.M.W.D. C.S.D. SDRSD WA1Di'St.ffl.Y CARLS8AO IIUHICIPAL WAIDi'DISTR/CT cl I~ ' " C TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP "CARLSBAD STATION" FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES l LEGALDESCRIPTION CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 ~1/0NS OF LOTS 29. JO AND JI OF MAP NO. 1722 FIL£D IN TH£ QFFIC£ OF TH£ CCIJNTY RECORDCR (W .1./LY 28. 1921. PARCEL 2 CT PARCEi. IJAP NO. I.JJ9 FUD IN TH£ omcc CT TH£ COUNTY REC(R()£1l (W FEJJRUARY 2J. l97J AS OOCVMENT NO. lJ-048297 AND PARCEL ':.t" CT LOT UN£ AD.AJSTltlENT NO. 190 RECORD£D IN 1H£ QFFIC£ OF THC CO/JNTY RECOROlR CW FUJRUARY 19. 1981 AS OOCUll£NT NO. Sl-0507J5, Wl1HIN 1H£ arr CT CARLSBAD. CWNTY OF SAN ll!CG(t STA'TE: OF CAI.FORNJA OWNER'S CERTIFICATE 11£ HlR£8Y CCRTFY 7HAT 11£ ARE THC RECa?D OWERS OF THC PRCHRTY SHOVIN CW TH£ TCNTAII\£ SV80JVISl(W I/AP AND THAT SAi() I/AP SHOWS Ail. aJR camrows OWNERSHIP IN 'M#(J-( 11£ HA\£ ANY OC£D OR TRUST IN1E:R£ST. 11£ /JNOERSTANO THAT aJR PRCHRTY IS CCNSIDCRED CCNTIGilOIJS £l£N IF IT IS SCP.AR.AT[() BY ROADS: STRCETS. UTILITY £ASDIENTS. OR RAJLROAO RIGHTS-OF-WAY. DfllHURSTfAM/1..YRE'tOCABI.ETRIJST OATWIIARCH IJ, 1990 M25S£ACRCSTDR/1£ CAlilSBiW,c.492008 ,, l < L • .h OONALDK.OE»HURST '1/US7'/C 0//NNl>OOnE '1/US7'/C Dflfi.OPCR:CAR/..SBAO lftl..AG£ sq U.C. 190J 'M?JCHTPLAa; SVl'TE: 280 C4RLSBAO.CA92008 (760)918-8200 ./4,, '/) .,f ...L.-, fRNN. RUH£, I 1-fa'PRESIDCNT/CFO ENGINEER OF WORK bltA.lnc. ===~..--,.v SUITE"l" CARLSSAD,CA.9200S-4387 (760)1131-8700 PROJECT INFORMATION THEHOWARD-.KJNESMARITAI. TRUST OATWIIARCHJI, 1981 4825ARt,OSYLAN£ CAlilSBiW,c.492008 ~ w CAR«YN L HOWARO-.KINCS CO--TRtJSTEE:i ~h -~ I. STR££T ADDRESS ROOS£1£l.T STRCET {2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, 2081) RCSIDEN'f/AL: 250GPOX 79 • 19,750GPD RHAIL,IR£STA/JRANT: 2J()() GPO X 1.1896 • 2,736 GPO arr CF CARLSBAD " . s ' ===,==,=----;V>===W=> <i=v> -=<V> ~~~~~-=~~~:1= <V> 2. ASSCSSOR'SPARCCJ.. NlJll8£RS J Sl'TE:Aal!AGC 4.£XJSTINCZONING STA'TE: SrREET (2780 AND 2802} 20J--IOl-12,20J-181-0J,20J-IS1-04,20J-181-07, 20J--181-08, 20.J-181-09. 20J--18I-IO, AND 20J--18l-16. l,756Aai'ES'{76.5C8$f}GROSS sa,oa GAS.t-a.ECTRIC """""' CAB.£ ,,,,, RCSIDCNTW.: 79 CD/J'S 0220 G,',L P£R /JNIT • 17,JBO G,',L RHAIL/R£STAIJRANT: 1 EDIJ/1800 SF. 11,SlJ/1800 • 6.4J £DU 6.4.J EDU X 220 <PO/EDU• 1.415 GPO CARI.SBAO/JNIFl£DSOKJa.DISTRICT SANO/£GOG-4S.t-aECTRIC AT.tT IIIEWAJ/1/£JICAa'.£ CARLSBAD f1RC PROTCCTION DISTRICT HYDROLOGY-HYDRAULIC REPORTS BU/WING TABULATIONS HYDRa.OGY AND HIDRAIAJC RCPORT PRCPARCD BY SHA, INC. OATCD: 09-18-2019 (DosT Q/00-9.17 CFS/PR<P Q100=9.48 CFS} PRIORITY ~OPIICNT PRO.ECT-ST'ORM WA1CR IIIHG41/0N Pt.AN PRCPARCD 8Y8HA, INC. OATCD:04-04-19 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT GCOTE:a/NICAL R£PORT OATCO: OATW: tIIlf1IJNfl.12. ANO INfll.TRATION FC"518/UTY SIWY 0A1CD: M4t...Jl.....2I PR£PARED 8~ ffFfRY A QMNfY RCf M:'iff&f ZI/4 PRruN<l/!h..111!1S=JH AOVANCW GCOTEXJ-fNICAI. sa»TKWS. INC. 485ca?Pa?A1E:DRI',£, SV/'TE:8 £SCCNDIOO,CA92029 (619)867-(HSl SHEETINDEX SHEET 1: SHEET 2: SHEET J: SHEET 4; SHEET 5; SHEET 6; SHEET 7; SHEET 8: SHEET 9: SHEET 10; SHEET 11: KEY MAP .t NOTES EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN SHEET INOEX PLAN SHEET/STREET SECTIONS DESIGN PLAN SHEET DESIGN PLAN SHEET DESIGN PLAN SHEET GARAGE DESIGN PLAN SHEET WATER, SCM£R .t STORM DRAIN PLAN DESIGN SECTIONS/DEWLS ON STRffT PARKING EXHIBIT PWESTRIAN ACCESS ro TRAIN DEPOT EXHl8Jr //fS//J0/1/AI. '''" UNIT""' I.INITQTY. SF I BR/I BA "' AX JIIR/281> 1.206 II 28R/2.5BA I.J25 C 28R/2.5BA '·"" 0 28R/2.5BA 1.511 ' 28R/2.5BA 1.511 ' 28R/2.5BA WI "' 28R/2.5BA '·"" • 28R/2.5BA '·"' ,;x 28R/2.5BA '·"' H 2 BR/2.5 8A 1.m I 2 BR/2.5 8A 1,758 IX 2 BR/2.5 8A ,.m J 2 BR/2.5 8A 1,818 K 2 BR/2.5 8A 1,11<5 KX 28R/2.58A '·"" L J BR/2.5 8A ,.,, . J BR/1.5 8A Z/J/17 N J EJR/2.5 BA Z/85 4 BR/,15 BA "'' 0 JIJR/J.5BA '"' ox J EJR/,15 BA """ st81l)TJ\t ,. RETAL/R[sTAURANT UNIT UNITT'l'Pf UNITOTY. SF 11£71>/L 1,220 R£STA/Jfl4NT 10Tl>L 6J Ki\Clvll3D\1439\DVG\TM\1439·CarlsbadStatlon_TM01.dwg Mayl5,2020 !2,56pe, SFfiJ/1/T 2.410 10600 2.818 .... <"" <119J l,6J6 1.754 14,016 J,516 7,272 ;7211 11,sotJ 1211.014 SFfiJ/1/T 1,220 '687 ,.m IJ7.19t HJlif!J,A~ ,--,,-,----'---,-,----,-~~~ I I i ,o~•'!iil,s~• '!iilo~~~~~''i:'ii' iiiiiiiii1~00~· ~~~./?''°' KEYMAP (2) PEAK TRIP GENERATION •·-...... - SCALE: 1· -50' JJ II •◄ I I J •1 • I u Joi JJ .. u ,. ' . "" .. ,, ~, 1'.I ' I PARKING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOIW CW SIEET II CT THC AROll'TE:CTURAI. Pf.ANS I Cl'tdn.-.eit ... WtlflfV c.-1cit_,_,.::.:- CllllllHlllli'<l....,__,,tl_ " 5. CE/£RN. PUN &.MIN/WIIIJNIT>taD 1.MAXIIIUMOENSITY 8.PROPOSEDDCNSITY 9. NfAl8£R OFCXJSTINCLOTS 10.NIJIIBEROFPRa'OSCDLOTS II. CXJSTINCWliJ USC 12.PRfY'OSEDWli)IJSC IJ. PROPOSED OPEN Sl"Aa' 15.MINIMUMLOT511( 16.fflOPOSEDNUIIBERCTAJRSPAa'UNITS 17.SCTBACKOATA ""'" SU"1EI//(/// SIDESTRCET REAR INTCRIOR REARSTRCET V-R-\fWGC REW£W (CARl.SBAb MU.AGC ClNTcR I) lftl..AGC {V}. 28-JS Ol/'S/AC 25u,,rs 62U,,'5 .U.9/JNITS SLOTS I LOT RETAL/RESIDCN1IAI./OFFICCIRETAIJRANT MIXED/ISC(79C()N{JQFtATS/.'RETAJLIJNITS/IR£STAURANTUNIT) """"' N/1> 8fSIDfN11JJPRIVA1f. 60 SF/UNIT, 111TH MINIMUM OF 6• IN ANYOJRCCTION (RCQUIR£D) VARIE5SFBAI.CONIESX79UNITS{PROWJED)•ll,541SF (SC£ ARallrE:CTURAI. Pf.ANS FOR UNIT 8AI.WIY SQUARE fOOTAC£S) 8fSIDfN11JJA3Wlt 15 SF X 79/JNITS• 1.185 SF{REQ(JfRED) 11,898 SF (PROWJED} 7,51XJSF SJ (79 R£Slll£N11N./J RUAJl./1 RESTAURANT UNIT} liIJlj//Jjf/J_ etf1Z!!JWJ. o•-5• o•-5• o· 10· N/1> o· N/1> o· " . ,. ' ' Credftilt<'-~ " GENERAL DESIGN NOTES . "' ~" -,ltlil ... ' . ... ,, tit " . H JII. 2J ... II» tt u "~/!;-• ,u. f'I ~ TH£ PROPOS£D 12 (W-Sl'TE: BICYCU PARKING SPACES FOR 1HS PRO.£CT GRANTS (2) caaERaAI. PARKING SPACES POl SCC1/0N 26.6 OF TH£ V.8.M.P. TIIO PARK/lit SPACES ARE AOA EV SPACES IIHICH COUNT BOTH AS AN ADA SPAa' ANO AS AN EV SPAa' POl CAUFORNIA GOl£RNIJCNT CW£ SECTION 22511.2 (AB-1100 aECIRIC \£Ha5' PARKING REOUIRBENTS). & ----------·----~--... ~-~~·--=--= .. ~--------------------_JP ARfflC SW/STTGS: 1l)TAJ. £XJS1/NG "(W-SrRffi PARKING SPACES ffPFSrRfAN ACWS TQlfflOM llfAIN QEPQT; ro;FROM 8lAWING I CNrRANCE ro;FROM 8/JllDING 2 ENTRANCE NOTE: THIS IS A TENT A 771•£ MAP OF A CONDOAI/NIUM PROJECT AS DEFINED AS DEFINED IN SECTION 4125 OF THE CIWL CODE OF THE STA TE 920,rrr {O.l71111.£S) f,a.12f££T {0.l91111.£S} 1l)TAJ. PROPOS£[) "CW-STR£Er PARKING SPA<rS 24 {PARKINGSPAIB'POlCMC21 • .U.050 IABt££i) O'i'OflMY "Qlffl MS" H-11l$PGS: roTN. DIST/NG "aJRB CV~ roTN. PROPOS£[) "CURB aJTS" I APPROVED THIS IS TH£ APPR()I,£[) TENTAn~ IIAP,/SITE Pl.AN FOR PRO.ECT NO. __ PCR IXJNOITll>I NO. __ OF PU.NNJNG COIIMISSKJN RESOLUTION NO __ 1,CONTWRIN1CRVAl. 2. £ARTHYlffiK OUANn11£S WT 28,J()()CY FILL o.ooocY EXPORT 28,J()()CY RE1EDIAL GRAOING 6.51XJCY(J•O'l£R-£X) J roTALlltll'fR'MJUSAli'f'A 77.~SF 4.TOTN.P£R'MJt/SAR£A J,828SF 5. 8IJILDING HOGHT 45; FOUR STORlfS (CROIINO FL()()R PlA'TE: HOGHT lfJ 6. CO(STAJ. ZON£ NO 7. 8£Aal O\eiLAYZONC NO 8. OIWNAGCDISTR/CT A (N.W. OUADRANT) 9. "NFPAIJ" F1R£ SPRINKLERS ARC R£QURCD THROIJCHOI/T FOR 1HS PROECT 10. NO f»'STRAIN1S EXIST. Sl'TE: HAS 8£EJI 100 PCRCENT 0/SnJRBED. AND 1H£R£ ARE NO /JNOfl£L<PCD I.ANDS PURSUANT ro SCC1/0N 21.5J.2JO <T 1H£ CARLSBAD IIUNICIPAL COOC 11.saJRCEOFTrPOGRAPHY: FLOVIN TrPOGRAPHY INl.ANO A£RW. 5VRl£Y"S INC. OATW 01-0J-19 12. INQ.US/a/ARY HOUSING: PRO.ECT ro /Na.WE AFFrRMBI.£ 12 I/NITS ro SA11SJ'Y THE 79 RESIDENT/Al.. UNITS. "CARLSBAD STATION" STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET KEY MAP & NOTES CARLSBAD, CA OF CALIFORNIA. THE PROJECT CONTAINS A MAXIMUM OF SJ AIRSPACE UNITS. Mf/CH INCLUDES 79 RESIDENTIAL AIRSPACE UNITS, 3 RETAIL AIRSPACE UNITS AND I RESTUARANT AIRSPACE UNIT. Pl.ANNING D/IASION OAT( _"'1!1NE£//WG ___ o,,s,c,,--o-,-,, t==t================::1===::lt==::1 W. 0. 1026-1439-4()() SHEET 1 °' 11 "CARLSBAD STATION" EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 78 of 223 Af'N 203-181-16 DETAIL "A" b~A.lnc. landplannin9,civilen9ineerin9,surveying 5115 Avenido Encinas Suilel Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 DETAIL "B" NO SCALE 20· ,o· o SCALE: 1• -20· I I 1 t "®1 I-'"® I I I I I J g , I§ P/c DETAIL 50' BWC BLDG I~ I I I I I I I I-'"® I I I I a P/ ~ 0 I ---+'+-4+U\---\-'i.-:\ ' I COM NO $CAL£ -ffi...LL-\\ CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 LEGEND (for this sheet only) @ INDICATES WATER VAL\.£ @ INOICA TES SElt£R MANHOLE @ INDICA'Tf:S SEWER CLEANOUT @ IND/CA TES WA TU? METER TO BE REMO'vrn (l} IND/CA TES WOODEN FENCE (b IND/CA TES CHAINL/NK OR IRON FENCE @ INDICATES FIRE HYDRANT @ INDICATES STREET LIGHT Q) INDICATES CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER Q) INOIC,._ TES CONCRETE CURB @ IND/CA TES WAU Q) IND/CA TES TRANSFORMER TO REMAIN 12' INOICA TES TRANSFORMER TO 8£ REM0\1£0 @ IND/CA TES UTILITY HANDHOLE/PULL BOX @ EXISTING DRI\IE"WA Y TO BE REMOVED @ IND/CA TES STREU TR££ {SIZE) ® IND/CA TES UTILITY VAULT @ REMOVE EXISTING WATER SERI/ICES ® EXISTING PARCEL LINES TO 8£ MERGED WITT-I FINAL SUBDMS/ON MAP 1$) EXISTING ROW (D PUBLIC STREET & PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT TO 8£ DEDICATED WITH FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP @ PROPOSED PODIUM WALL oun1NE LIMITS OF DEMOLITION, EXCEPT AS NOTED IND/CA TES GAS LINE IND/CA TES S£Y,£R IND/CA TES WATER c::) PLOTTED EASEMENT EASEMENTS @) SDG&£ £ASEI.IENT PER DOC. 84-IJJ610 CANNOT BE PLOTTED FROM DESCRIPTION. (!ID SDG&:E EASEMENT P[R DOC. 75-244007 CI[) SDG&:E EASEMENT PER DOC. 78-176792 Q.i_) ~ic:~~g~~&~T PER DOC. 81-286246 TO (f/--~~;;J~rrnl-,----:;;:-i II I ~ : I re:' cc-----~t _____ _,_ -I BOLLARDS I PAVERS WO. 1026-1439-4()() SHEET 2 OF 11 DN OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD "CARLSBAD STATION" SHEET INDEX PLAN SHEET/STREET SECTIONSCARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 79 of 223 bl-IA.Inc. landplannlng,civil engJneerlng,surveyJng 5115 Avenido Encinas Sultel Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 FF=42.20 SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT FF=45.00 FF=42.20 : FF=45.80 I I -.i-1,o f-(f- t::l1t:J V5(V5 t:Jlt:J Ul(Ul I I I I /"'" FF=42.20 f FF=42.20 EE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT ----=_,,_,_ ___ ----'-_ _,--------------_ '-L._~_r-=-:--~1_-_s-..r:c::11:r:r::-. ~1 j -1 -1~·r~r,,k;1;~+1·~--1~~1-~~~~ -~ : __ 7 ~~~ ~~fRt -l 1: FF=42.20 20· 10· 0 20· SCALE: 1• = 20' (f) ---~ tl'ir I I rr"'if £XIST R/W EXIST. PCC WALK CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 VARIES 50'-58' c/c ,,. 21.5' lL EXIST. CUR8/C/JTT£'R I EXIST. AC PVMT DOST. CURB/CUT7£R .,,,,1 rn• : R' 9-"-EX!ST. 6w AC WATER £XIST. ! 1/2 HP G4S'_/ ~ /JAIN PER owe 101-T ~Pft/?~01 -1 I Xf,§7? J/!f/1(,; FIELD) {VERIFY DEPrH IN FIEW) v~:~.";,p OE~~~'/[y r;::,i~ ~~~; " NOTC: PROJECT TO OEOICATE' 8' OF R/W ALONG ROOSEV£l.T WHERE~ IS 25' PROP R/W EXIST R/W ROOSEVELT STREET (EXISTING) EXIST R/W " 1,:~·1 \/~"'il ~ 21.s•25• 3.s· REMOVE/REPI.ACE"_!-~4 -i-,--~-TI----,---: IMPROVEMENTS PROP. PCC WAL PER G-7• PROP . 1ST. CURB/GUTTER CURB&, GUTTER ~ PER G-2 20.0' 14.5' EXIST. 6w AC WArER EXIST 1 1/2 HP ~s MAIN P£R pwc 101-1 LIN£ P£'R owe 101-1 1 APPROX 4 oap /::!/!/o:~::~z F7£LD) I msr Bw vc;::;/:; ~;/::: TOI-I • NOT£: WIDTH VARIES (5' MINIMUM) ~ APPROX 7.5' DEEP {VERIFY DEPTH IN FIELD) EXIST R/W ROOSEVELT STREET (PROPOSED) N.T.S. VARIES 69.9'-79.B' EXIST R/W PROP. SD CO P£R A-4 • NOTE: WIDTl-f VARIE.S' (5' MINIMUM) STATE STREET (PROPOSED) N.T.$. W. 0. 1026-1439-4()() SHEET 3 °' 11 DN OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD "CARLSBAD STATION" DESIGN PLAN SHEET CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET OD Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 80 of 223 ---0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=- ~,~,.~.,~-~,~,~,,,,,~-:··;,~-~-:·:c, r~l!.OQSE,'(B_-_ 1::,1'_"'_"'_,,STJ!:E~,~-,-" 0 0 ~'/_;' LL t'.)" /f:J:;aa :/S ~k 'v'- --,..=c-=~------.~-..-~~-,s~~N-~2-~~-H--+4•'--•~~~.;.l-cl--~,~--~ -~NG a· VCP s~wr.R Prn cJTY GIS/DWG--1-~1-1 ~--------------------~~~---i~~---=--~--------~--~n~--2\?ll'"1<~ IE-JJ.9B I EXISnNG I 1/2" GAS PER CITY DWG - -,u11s,-,r,,,,Sl-(GAS)-(GAS ) -(G~S ) -(GAS) -(GASi:! ) -<uAS>-(GASJ -<UAS>-<u•s>-(GAS --- I I bl-aA,lnc. londplonning,civilengineering,surveying 5115 Avenido Encinas Suittl Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 FF=42.20 SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT FF=45.00 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD FF =42.20 EXIS c PR/VA 6" VCP s WER PER rr G/5 I I {APP OX 1.5' FROM P/L, PROTE:CT IN p ACE) (£G I.[) f--w w :r: IJ) w w IJ) CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 LEGEND: (for sheets 4-6 only/ @ ri~~fo ~~~~ i~0·E~TI~i t~1~~1EM,tJN) ® (~E ~~~~~E:~~J-JEwY,1~,:D~~:~a5~~~~~MTREES) @ 6" PCC CURB ANO GUTTER PER SORSO G-2, UNLESS OTHERv.tSE NOTED @ GAS CONNECTION TO EXISTING GAS LINE AND GAS SERVICE © SAWCUT PA'vOilENT 12" FROM EXISTING UP OF GUTTER (D SEVIER CONNECTION AND 6" SE\lo£R LATERAL PER C.S.O. S-7 @ 6" SE'ft£R BUILDING Cl.EANOUT PER C.S.O. S-6 @ DOMESTIC, IRRIGATION AND FIRE WATER CONNECTIONS PER C.M.W.D. W-8 OR W-9 {I) 2" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE PER C.M,W.D. W-8 Q) 2• WATER METER PER C.M.W.D. W-4 @ 2" BAO<FLOW PREVENTER PER C.M.W.0. W-2D (0 6" FIRE SERVICE ODCVA PER C.M,W.D. W-22 @ 1• IRRIGATION METER @ MODULAR WETLANDS BIO-FILTRATION SYSTEM (SEE SWCMP FOR DETAILS) @ STORM WATER ..RJNCTION BOX WITH WEIR SYSTEM (SEE S'MJMP FOR DETAILS) ® IMPERVIOUS Fl.ATWORK (SEE LANDSCRAPE PLANS) @ 5' WIDE IMPERVIOUS PERIMETER WAI...KWAY (SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS) @ 12" YARD DRAIN/BOX ® 8" YARD DRAIN/BOX. DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DEO< AND PIPED ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THROUGH THE PODIUM WAU. AND INTO THE 48" HOPE PIPE CISTERN (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS). © VENTILATION OPENING FOR GARAGE @ LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) 0 LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DECK AND CONNECTED TO A STORM DRAIN PIPE ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THEN THROUGH THE POOIUM WAU. AND INTO THE 48" HPDE PIPE CISTERN. ® EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) @ NEW TREES 'MTHIN ROW/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) © FENCING/GATE (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) {f) 48" HOPE CISTERN 12 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT AND S'MJMP FOR DETAILS) @ 24"x24" BROOKS BOX CATCH BASIN/GRATE LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT BMPS ((or sheets 4-6 onlv/ B SIDEWALK DRAINS TO LANDSCAPING PER SWQMP C'.J ROOf ORA.IN OO'M'I SPOUT RIP-RAP PAO TO LANDSCAPING (T'1'PICAL) PER SWCMP ,.~o·"'iiiisl"· "iiiii----"""----i'°iii-==;,-'° .. -..,."'"'i'°- SCALE: 1" -10' W. 0. 1026-1439-4()() SHEET 4 °' 11 OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD "CARLSBAD STATION" DESIGN PLAN SHEET CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET OD Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 81 of 223 s::1- f-w w :r: (/) w w (/) ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD FF =4 2.20 SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT FF=46.50 FF=4 2.20 SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT PROP SMH RIIJ-41.70 CONNECT 1D EXISTING 6 I TPJJ.5J ROOF DRAIN DO~ SP AND RIP-RAP PAD R T 41 ROOF DRAIN DO~ SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD @ (~;sttii; SEE SHEET 6 R -~~------------------- CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 LEGEND: (for sheets 4-6 only/ ® ri~~fr> ~~~~ i~0-E~TI~i t~,~~1EM,tJN) ® (~E ~~~~~E:~~J-JEwWl~,:D~~:~a5~~~~~MTREES) @ 6" PCC CURB ANO GUTTER PER SORSO G-2, UNLESS OTHER'MSE NOTED @ GAS CONNECTION TO EXISTING GAS LINE AND GAS SERVICE © SAWCUT PA'vOilENT 12" FROM EXISTING UP OF GUTTER (D SEVIER CONNECTION AND 6" SE\lo£R LATERAL PER C.S.O. S-7 @ 6" SE'ft£R BUILDING Cl.EANOUT PER C.S.O. S-6 @ DOMESTIC, IRRIGATION AND FIRE WATER CONNECTIONS PER C.M.W.D. W-8 OR W-9 {I) 2" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE PER C.M,W.D. W-8 (B 1" IRRAGATION WATER SERVICE PER C.M.W.D. W-8 0 r WATER METER PER C.M.W.D. W-4 @ 2" BAO<FLOW PREVENTER PER C.M.W.0. W-20 (I} 6" FIRE SER\1CE OOCVA PER C.M.W.0. W-22 @ 1• IRRIGATION METER @ MODULAR WETLANDS BIO-FILTRATION SYSTEM (SEE SWOMP FOR DETAILS) @ STORM WATER ..RJNCTION BOX WITH 'ft£1R SYSTEM (SEE Sv.QMP FOR DETAILS) ® IMPERVIOUS Fl.ATVKlRK (SEE LANOSCRAPE PLANS) @ 5' 'MOE IMPERVIOUS PERIMETER WALKWAY (SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS) ® 12" YARD DRAIN/BOX ® 8" YARD DRAIN/BOX. DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROOGH THE PODIUM OECI< ANO PIPED ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THROUGH THE POOIUM WAU. ANO INTO THE 48" HOPE PIPE CISTERN (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT ANO SYKIMP FOR DETAILS). © VENTILATION OPENING FOR GARAGE @ LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) 0 LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DECK ANO CONNECTED TO A STORt.l DRAIN PIPE ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THEN THROUGH THE POOIUt.l WAU. ANO INTO THE 48" HPOE PIPE CISTERN. @ EXISTING lREES TO REMAIN/NEW LANDSCAPING AROONO lREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) @ NEW lREES 'MTHIN ROW/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND lREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) @ FENCING/GATE (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) <i) 48" HOPE CISTERN 12 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT ANO Sv.QMP FOR DETAILS) Q} 48" HOPE CISTERN 11 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT ANO Sv.QMP FOR DETAILS) © 24"x24" BROOKS BOX CATCH BASIN/GRATE LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT BMPS (for sheets 4-6 only) E:3 SIDEWALK DRAINS TO LANDSCAPING PER SWOMP ~ ROOf DRAIN OO'tW<I SPOUT RIP-RAP PAO TO LANDSCAPING (TYPICAL) PER SWQMP bl-DA.Inc. landplann!ng,civilengineerlng,surveying W. 0. 1026-1439-4()() SHEET 5 °' 11 OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD OD OD "CARLSBAD STATION" DESIGN PLAN SHEET CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET OD Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 82 of 223 bl-IA.Inc. londplonning,civilengineering,surveying 5115 Avenido Encinas Suitel Carlsbad, Cal!fomlo 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 -~!4~~,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --I ~ I CONNECT TO EX,STTNG, ss SEE SHEET 5 --➔-1 ;:_3i}i3 (ASSUMED) FF =42.20 SEE ARCH ITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT FF=41.80 ROOF DRAIN DO\m SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD TING SMH TE:CT IN PLAC • 43,82 2.4fC%~~:s~NG N INVERT <S)-<SJ-(S> --Ill--+-~ ,-------------'------------l+J----'-----\-----------l-_:L __ ~_.e'!!:e!.._!'..f2'.<_Ef~ ____ _J/J__---!------'- • LC""-~·~ .. --.:-;".:'-.. ,. ., -•-•e . .1:;; __ I~-59 LF OF PR/VAT£ 18- RCP SD O 0.50%, Sff SHEET 8 FOR DETAIL CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 LEGEND: (for sheets 4-6 only/ @ JO' WIDE DRIVE PER C.S.O. GS-20 (MODIFIED) (MOOIF'IED TO ALLOW FOR EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN) @ PCC SIDEWALK PER SORSO G-7, WIDTH VARIES 5' MINIMUM (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES) @ 6" PCC CURB ANO GUTTER PER SORSO G-2, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED @ GAS CONNECTION TO EXISTING GAS LINE ANO GAS SERVICE © SAWCUT PA'vOilENT 12" FROM EXISTING UP OF GUTTER (D SEVIER CONNECTION AND 6" SEVIER LATERAL PER C.S.O. S-7 @ 6" SEVIER BUILDING CLEANOUT PER C.S.D. S-6 @ DOMESTIC, IRRIGATION ANO FIRE WATER CONNECTIONS PER C.M.W.O. W-8 OR W-9 {I) 2" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE PER C.M,W.O. W-8 Q) 2" WATER METER PER C.M.W.O. W-4 @ 2" BAO<FLOW PREVENTER PER C.M.W.D. W-20 (0 6" FIRE SERVICE DOCVA PER C.M,W.0. W-22 @ 1• IRRIGATION METER @ MODULAR WETLANDS BIO-FILTRATION SYSTEM (SEE SWCMP FOR DETAILS) @ STORM WATER ..RJNCTION BOX WITH WEIR SYSTEM (SEE S'MJMP FOR DETAILS) ® IMPERVIOUS Fl.ATWORK (SEE LANOSCRAPE PLANS) @ 5' WIDE IMPERVIOUS PERIMETER WALKWAY (SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS) @ 12" YARD DRAIN/BOX ® 8" YARD DRAIN/BOX. DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DEO< AND PIPED ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THROUGH THE PODIUM WAU. AND INTO THE 48" HOPE PIPE CISTERN (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT ANO SWQMP FOR DETAILS). © VENTILATION OPENING FOR GARAGE @ LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) 0 LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DECK ANO CONNECTED TO A STORM DRAIN PIPE ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THEN THROUGH THE POOIUM WAU. ANO INTO THE 48" HPOE PIPE CISTERN. ® EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) @ NEW TREES 'MTHIN ROW/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) © FENCING/GATE (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) {J) 48" HOPE CISTERN #2 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT ANO SWQMP FOR DETAILS) (!, 48" HOPE CISTERN #1 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT ANO SWQMP FOR DETAILS) © 24"x24" BROOKS BOX CATCH BASIN/GRATE LOW IMPACT DEVEWPMENT BMPS ((or sheets 4-6 only/ Ei3 SIDEWALK DRAINS TO LANDSCAPING PER S'MJMP ~ ROOF' DRAIN DOWN SPOUT RIP-RAP PAO TO LANDSCAPING (TYPICAL) PER SWCMP (l) SCALE: 1" -10' W. 0. 1026-1439-4()() SHEET 6 °' 11 MAIL MAIL MAIL 82 8381798078 102 103 104 105 106 141 24 2523 272621222018191715161412139108675342 51 5250484947454644424341394038363735333432303129 76 7775737472707169676866646563616260585957555654 142 140 138 139 137 135 136 134 132 133 131 129 130 128 123 122 120 121 119 117 118 116 9997989493919290888987858684 114 113 115 111 109 112 107 108 1 28 53 101100 124 125 126 127 110 143 11 9695 30 40 50 60 30 40 50 60 "CARLSBAD STATION" GARAGE DESIGN PLAN SHEET CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 83 of 223 bl-aA.lnc. land planning, civil engineering, surieying 5115 Avenida Encinas Suitel Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 DRIVEWAY PROFILE SCAJ.E: t" • 20' HORZ r-s'IIEl?T -~~~------------== CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 LEGEND: (for this sheet only) @ DRIVEWAY RAMP (SEE THIS SHEET FOR PRDFlLE) @ 12° lHICK PCC PODIUM WALL © VENTILATION OPENINGS FOR POOIUM (GARAGE) @ OUTLINE Of BUILDING ABOVE PODIUM DECK @ ELEVATOR (PRIVAlE-RESIDENT USE ONLY) (D STAIRCASE (PRIVAlE-RESIDENT USE ONLY) 5 STAIRCASE (GENERAL PUBLIC TO STREET LEVEL ONLY) @ SllE STORAGE ROOM @ EXISTING GROUND CONTOURS (D TRASH ENQ.OSURE ROOM. DUMPSlERS TO BE TAKEN UP TO lHE STREET LEVEL FOR WASlE MANAGEMENT PICKUP Q} UTILITY ROOM (0 8" PVC STORM DRAIN LINE O I.OX SLOPE @ MODULAR WEllANDS BIO-FILTRATION SYSlEW (SEE SWOMP FOR DETAILS) @ STORM WAlER JUNCTION BOX WllH WEIR SYSlEM (SEE SWOMP FOR DETAILS) @ 2◄"x2◄" BROOKS BOX TO BE USEO AS JUNCTION BOX ® 12"x12" BROOKS BOX TO BE USED AS JUNCTION BOX @ ◄a• HOPE CISlERN DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) (D COLUMN AND SPREAD FOOTING (TYP) @ STORM DRAIN CLEANOLJT BOX (Y) DUAL PUMP SYSTEM TO TAKE NUISANCE DRAINAGE FROM GARAGE AND CONVEY TO PROPOSED SEWER LINE IN STAlE STREET WHEN NEEDED. LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT BMPS (for this sheet only) @ 18"x18" BROOKS BOX CATCH BASIN WllH SUNTREE GISB (GRAlE INLET SKIMMER BOX) PER SWOMP @ 12" WIDE TRENCH DRAIN W/FlOGARO TRENCH DRAIN FILlER PER SWOMP 20· ,o· o SO' W. 0. 1026-1439-4()() SHEET 7 °' 11 "CARLSBAD STATION" STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREETWATER, SEWER & STORM DRAIN PLANCARLSBAD, CA ALL ON-SITE STORM DRAIN &SEWER IS TO BE PRIVATELYMAINTAINED. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 84 of 223 _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ~ ,,;°"NF;i:o EX'.:N.G w~~R PER,:,-!!__!!!:,-9 ~"~rls,-(uAs,-, I I I I I I ~ I §: I "" ~ I ~I ~1 I I ___ ___[___ ___ _J, I r r I ~ -~~==~=~J=-e;'° ~ c, 5• PCC CURB PROP COR -----~ ---;, STIVCM DOC/ BANK _1_o (EG 405) EX c INLET ---V ";~h ?' --~ _ _ _ "f:/!' OEPTH/LOCA nON IN mo J ~ SEWER ue m "'"""-' ,s ro i~/W' _ ,,_,, _, IM-_ ~ ---_TEC"[_IN PLACE _ __ _ ~E PRIVATE"LY MAINTAINED -----,- ------v-------I il.li ~ -,, -" ,, -,i ;0.0< f -M -M -M -,,, _ "' _, 1 ,e cC OF PRWA~ '8' RCP SD o o,o, ---------IE 2962 N IE 30.02 N t£XIS~:G-----;:~;~ WA;_;' PER ci';;--;;;;-<Ii! -'"'' - _ LIMITS FOR L_G.Jjj_NiL._& 0\IERLA RCP SD O O.Jl:C=-7-- ~---- 30' 15' o SCALE: 1• -JO' lorid planning, civil engine,ring, surveying 5115AvenidaEncinos Suitel Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 I I I I I I I ,- 1 I L b= ~=-:-------.-------_J ~ W. 0. 1026-14394()() SHEET 8 °' 11 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 85 of 223 P/4 5.5' 5.5' TOP OF WALL HEIGHT DO'MISPOIJr VARIES. 0.10' ABO\£ HIGHEST FINISHED OR EXISTING GRADE 0/SSA (FF -42.JO+/-) SDRSD C-9 RETAINING WALL TYPE A DECOR A !IV£ IMPERVIOUS PA \.fRS, SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR STYI..E/COI..OR SECTION A-A (ALONG NORTH PROPERTY LINE ON SHEET 4) NORTH OR WEST PROPERTY UNE COMBINED WALL/FENCE HEIGHT SHALL 8£ 6.0'. A MIN OF 3.5' OF SAFETY FENCING IS REQUIRED ON THE HIGHER GRADE EVEN IF 6.0' HEIGHT IS REACHED-----+--<> DECOR A TIV£ IMPERVIOUS PA \-!"RS. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR STYLE/COlOR SECTION 8-8 5.5' (ALONG NORTH AND WEST PROPERTY LINES ON SHEETS 4 AND 5) MODULAR WULANO SYSTEM /1 N.T.S. r--'-'"---=----'"-" ~I I r-r-ct ~·.t:_r·7,·~~ 48" HDPE CISTERN AND MODULAR WETIAND SYSTEM DETAILS BMPI N.T.S. SECTION C-C (ALONG NORTH PROPERTY LINE ON SHEET 6) N.T.S. c= MODULAR WETLAND SYSTEM /2 TOP OF PODIUM WALL "" 41.1 SECT/ONA-A TOP OF PODIU WALL -41.12 48" HDPE CISTERN AND MODULAR WETLAND SYSTEM DETAILS BMP2 N.T.S. 4.7' CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 10.6' FENCING PER ARCHITECTURAL PLANS SECTION D-O 0---+-'-----COMBINED WALL/FENCE HEIGHT SHALL BE 6.0'. A MIN OF 3.5' OF SAFETY FENCING IS REQUIRED ON Tl-IE HIGHER GRADE EVEN IF 6.0' ,fE!GHT IS R£ACH£D (ALONG SOUTH PROPERTY LINE ON SHEETS 5 AND 6 ) N.T.$. "CARLSBAD STATION" STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET DESIGN SECTIONS/DETAILS CARLSBAD, CA W. 0 1026-1439-4()() SHEET 9 °' 11 "CARLSBAD STATION" "ON-STREET" PARKING EXHIBIT CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 86 of 223 lond plonnin9,civilen9ineerin9,surveying 5115 Avenldo Encinas Suite L Carlsbad, Collfomio 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 "ON-STREET PARKING EXHIBIT FOR CARLSBAD STATION PROJECT ROOSEVELT STREET AND STATE STREET APN 203-/0J-12 STREET 7-9 I ROPOS£D R-0-W I APN APN I 2ro-1a,--,o I 20J-1e1-09 I 203~;1_08 @ EXISTING "ON-STREET" PARKING SPACES @ PROPOSED "ON-STREET" PARKING SPACES ZOJ:;:,~°is I G R-0-W 203-181-04 PROPOS!DR-0-W STATE STREET @ EXISTING "ON-STREET" PARKING SPACES STATE STREET APN 203-181-07 -------m=-~ .=:t i t I I <PN 203-181-12 PARKING STATISTICS· TOTAL EXISTING "ON-STREET PARKING SPACES 16 TOTAL PROPOSED "ON-STREU" PARKING $PAC£$ 24 (PARKING SPACE$ PER CMG 21.44.050 "TABLE B") DRIVEWAY "CURB CUTS" STATISTICS· TOTAL EXISTING "CURB CUT$" 6 TOTAL PROPOSED "CURB CUTS" 1 20' 10' 0 20' SCALE: 1" • 20' <O' 60' >----------------! 8 ~ i (z) PROPOSED "ON-STREET" PARKING SPACES W. 0. 1026-1439-4()() SHEET 10 OF 11 ~ K•\Civll JD\1439\DVG\TM\ 1439-Co.rlsbo.d Sto.tlon_TMIO_on street po.rklng e><hlbit.dlfl'g Mo.y 15, 2020 -12•57p"' "CARLSBAD STATION" "ON-STREET" PARKING EXHIBIT CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 87 of 223 bl-IA.Inc. land planning, civil engineering, surveying 5115AvenidaEncinas Suilel Carlsbad, Collforn!o 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 CARLSBAD STATION PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO TRAIN DEPOT EXHIBIT BUILDING 2 BUILDING1 PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO/FROM TRAIN DEPOT: TO/FROM BU/LO/NG 1 ENTRANCE 920 FEET (0. 17 MILES} TO/FROM BU/LO/NG 2 ENTRANCE 40' 20· 0 SCALE: 1" = 40' W 0. 1026-1439-400 1,032 FEET (0.19 MILES} 120' SHEET 11 OF 11 2 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 ROOSEVELT STREET RENDERINGSIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 88 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I 3 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 ROOSEVELT STREET RENDERINGSIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 89 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I 4 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 ROOSEVELT STREET RENDERINGSIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 90 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I M GOWANI KELLAR C Mc 0"" .. ,,_..,T RaALUT.A.TIC 5 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 STATE STREET RENDERINGSIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 91 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I 6 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 STATE STREET RENDERINGSIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 92 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I 7 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 PROJECT INFORMATION VICINITY MAP PROJECT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION DEMOLITION OF EIGHT EXISTING STRUCTURES COMPRISED OF OFFICE, RETAIL, APARTMENTS AND RESTAURANT. CONSTRUCTION OF TWO NEW MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL & RETAIL BUILDINGS AND RESTAURANT. 79 TOTAL DWELLING UNITS CURRENT USE: COMMERICAL, RESIDENTIAL, RETAIL AND RESTAURANTS PROPOSED USE: MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WITH RETAIL AND RESTAURANT EXISTING STRUCTURE TO REMAIN: NONE EXISTING STRUCTURES TO BE DEMOLISHED: EIGHT EXISTING STRUCTURES COMPRISED OF OFFICE, RETAIL, APARTMENTS & 2 RESTAURANTS. PROJECT ADDRESS ROOSEVELT ST: 2747, 2775, 2785, AND 2801 STATE ST: 2780, 2786, 2788, AND 2802 EXISTING ZONING VC (VILLAGE CENTER) LAND USE VR (AS PER MASTER PLAN) CLASSIFICATION OF LOT MIXED USE FIRE SPRINKLERS NFPA13 SYSTEM THROUGHOUT BLDG FIRE ALARMS NFPA72 SYSTEM THROUGHOUT BLDG PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE/ ARCHITECTURAL INFLUENCES DESCRIPTION THE APPLICANT CHARACTERIZES THE ARCHITECTURE AS TIMELESS MAIN STREET ARCHITECTURAL STYLE. IN KEEPING WITH MAIN STREET ARCHITECTURAL STYLE, BUILDINGS FRONTING ON STATE STREET AND ROOSEVELT STREET ARE PRIMARILY FINISHED WITH BRICK AND PAINTED PLASTER FINISHES. STOREFRONTS ARE CLEAR GLASS WITH DARK BRONZE ANODIZED ALUMINUM FRAMES. UPPER FLOORS AND SIDE ELEVATIONS ARE FINISHED IN BRICK SECTIONS AND PLASTER WITH EARTH TONE COLORS CONSISTING OF OFF-WHITE, LIGHT GREY, AND BEIGE. THE BUILDINGS ARE BROKEN UP WITH VARYING WALL PLANES, VERTICAL MASSING, DEEPLY RECESSED BALCONIES, RECESSED WINDOWS AND STOREFRONTS, PLASTER AND BRICK ROOF CORNICES, AND COMMON COURTYARDS ADORNED WITH LANDSCAPE. PROJECT TEAM OWNER/ APPLICANT MCKELLAR MCGOWAN 5075 SHOREHAM PL., SUITE 280 SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 PH: 858-342-9725 CHRIS@MCKELLARMCGOWAN.COM CONTACT: CHRIS MCKELLAR ARCHITECT ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 3337 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 170 IRVINE, CA 92612 PH: 949-655-1550 LENCISO@ROBERTHIDEY.COM CONTACT: LUIS ENCISO CIVIL ENGINEER BHA, INC. 5115 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE “L“ CARLSBAD, CA 92008-4387 PH: 760-931-8700 RBRADLEY@BHAINCSD.COM CONTACT: ROB BRADLEY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT C.M. BROWN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PH: 858-633-3550 CHRIS@CMBROWNLA.COM CONTACT: CHRISTOPHER BROWN SITE TABULATIONS GROSS SITE AREA: 1.76 ACRES = 76,665 SQ. FT. DWELLING UNITS: BUILDING 1: MARKET RATE UNITS: 29 AFFORDABLE UNITS: 12 BUILDING 2: MARKET RATE UNITS: 38 TOTAL UNITS PROVIDED: 79 SITE DENSITY: 79 D.U. / 1.76 ACRES = 44.89 DU/ACRE (INCLUDES STATE DENSITY BONUS) TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: 52,035 SQ. FT. = 68% BUILDING AREA TABULATIONS SUBTERRANEAN GARAGE 60,586 SQ. FT. BUILDING 1 80,338 SQ. FT. BUILDING 2 97,607 SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA 238,530 SQ. FT. BUILDING TABULATIONS PARKING TABULATIONS AUTOMOBILE PARKING: PROVIDED: 143 PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE UNIT TABULATIONS` UNIT QUANTITY BLDG. QTY. RETAIL A RETAIL B RETAIL C RETAIL D UNIT A UNIT AX UNIT B UNIT C UNIT D UNIT E UNIT F UNIT FX UNIT G UNIT GX UNIT H UNIT I UNIT IX UNIT J UNIT K UNIT KX UNIT L UNIT M UNIT N UNIT NX UNIT O UNIT OX BUILDING 1 1 (PER BLDG.) TOTAL 0 1 1 013280003100022022004011 BUILDING 2 1 (PER BLDG.) TOTAL 1 0 0 1 1002630011800400224400 SITE UNIT TYPE UNIT QTY. S.F.Total SF per Unit A 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH 14 747 10,458 AX 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 2 1,205 2,410 B 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 8 1,325 10,600 C 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 2 1,409 2,818 D 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 6 1,511 9,066 E 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 3 1,511 4,533 F 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 3 1,631 4,893 FX 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1 1,704 1,704 G 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1 1,636 1,636 GX 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1 1,754 1,754 H 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 8 1,752 14,016 I 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 2 1,758 3,516 IX 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 2 1,771 3,542 J 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 4 1,818 7,272 K 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 2 1,845 3,690 KX 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 2 1,864 3,728 L 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 2 2,042 4,084 M 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 2 2,007 4,014 N 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 8 2,185 17,480 NX 4 BEDROOM, 3.5 BATH 4 2,877 11,508 O 3 BEDROOM, 3.5 BATH 1 2,452 2,452 OX 3 BEDROOM, 3.5 BATH 1 2,840 2,840 NET RESIDENTIAL TOTAL 79 128,014 UNIT UNIT TYPE UNIT QTY.A RETAIL 1 1,220 1,220 B RETAIL 1 2,687 2,687 C RESTAURANT 1 3,000 3,000 D RETAIL 1 2,870 2,870 4 9,777 137,791 NET RETAIL/RESTAURANT TOTAL NET TOTAL RETAIL/RESTAURANT UNIT TYPE UNIT QTY. S.F.Total SF per Unit SUBTOTAL 79 10,242 BUILDING TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION BUILDING 1: TYPE VA (RESIDENTIAL/RETAIL/ RESTAURANT) OVER TYPE I (GARAGE) BUILDING 2: TYPE VA (RESIDENTIAL/RETAIL) OVER TYPE I (GARAGE) A 14 94 1,316 AX 2 73 146 B8 78 624 C2 112 224 D6 163 978 E3 143 429 F3 179 537 FX 1 179 179 G1 323 323 GX 1 204 204 H8 180 1,440 I2 301 602 IX 2 123 246 J4 188 752 K2 356 712 KX 2 90 180 L2 213 426 M2 172 344 N8 116 928 NX 4 116 464 O1 426 426 OX 1 78 78 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 93 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I I I I I I I I I 11111 1111111111 I 11 N I I ~ ~~~~~~"" EB I MCKER~~~A:O~~~~WANI 8 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 SITE PLAN BLDG NO.2 BLDG NO.1 BLDG NNO.2 BLDG NO.1O.11O. STATE STREET ROOSEVELT STREET BE E C H A V E N U E Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 94 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ~~ I 0 7.5'15' 30' 60' SCALE: 1":30' I I I I 9 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 SITE PLAN RESIDENTIAL PRIVATE OPEN SPACE RESIDENTIAL COMMON OPEN SPACE PROPERTY LINE (RIGHT AWAY) RECIPROCAL ACCESS FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION BIKE ROUTE ITEM: 3a. 2.6.1.A.3.a. 3e. 2.7.1.A.1. 3f. 2.7.1.E.2-3. 4b. 2.8.2.A.5. 4e. 2.8.2.B.10 PL PL RESIDENTIAL PRIVATE OPEN SPACE LEVEL # # OF UNITS RPOS SF 1 17 2,104 SF 2 18 2,288 SF 3 23 3,504 SF 4 21 3,645 SF TOTAL: 11,541 SF ROOSEVELT ST. STATE ST. RESIDENTIAL PRIVATE OPEN SPACE ON UNITS SEE PAGES 46 TO 65 FOR AREAS AND SIZES. AD J A C E N T P R O P E R T Y AD J A C E N T P R O P E R T Y AD J A C E N T P R O P E R T Y RESIDENTIAL COMMON OPEN SPACE TOTAL: 11,898 SF 12 ’ - 6 ” 12 ’ - 0 ” 14’-5” 11’-0” 11’-0” 8’ - 1 0 ” 7’ - 0 ” 11 ’ - 0 ” 7’ - 0 ” Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 95 of 223 I ! I I '---F ---- I 32' I I CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 9A CARLSBAD STATION PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO TRAIN DEPOT EXHIBIT Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 96 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO/FROM TRAIN DEPOT: TO/FROM BUILDING 1 ENTRANCE 920 FffT TO/FROM BUILDING 2 ENTRANCE: 1,032 FEET 40' 20' 0 120' SCALE: 1• -40' bl-IA.Inc. land planning, cMI engineering, surveying 5115AvenidoEncinos Su!lel Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 10 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 ROOF PLAN ITEM: 4w 2.8.3.A.14 4y 2.8.3.D.2-4 4l 2.8.2.F.6 6a 6b 6c 6d 7d ALL ROOF MOUNTED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT POLICY 80-6 SOLAR SYSTEM AREA ROOFHATCH WHITE COLOR TPO ROOFING (REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS) ROOFHATCH ROOFHATCH PL PL Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 97 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I ~~=~=~=~~~~=~=~~1-.. -..,... .......... """'-----t·--:·--------~=~-~~~~~=~=~~~------·--·=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~=-, -~~~---~=-7 " / ,----,~Cl!,,!C;!;;M ! ,, ' ! :' ~-~ L ----t- ---------------------------·----------------------------------------------------------------, 1 I I ! i i i i ""! ;1 j i 111i1111111111111111111~1• ~-.J L _______________ /, I ~~ I 0 4' 8' 16' 32' SCALE: 1116":1'-0" 11 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 SUBTERRANEAN GARAGE FLOOR PROVIDED: 143 PARKING SPACES (77 EV SPACES + 2 ACCESSIBLE EV SPACES) = 79 SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL STREET PARKING CIRCULATION UTILITIES STORAGE EV PARKING SPACE MAIL TRASH ROOM PL PL PL RA M P U P MECH. TRASHROOM TRASHROOM MECH. ELECTRICAL ROOM ITEM: 4f. 2.8.2.B.11 4m. 2.8.2.F.7 7i. 7ii. 7iii. 7iv. 7v. PARKING NOTES: THE PROPOSED 12 ON-SITE BICYCLE PARKING SPACES FOR THIS PROJECT GRANTS (2) COMMERCIAL PARKING SPACES PER SECTION 26.6 OF V.B.M.P. TWO PARKING SPACES ARE ADA EV SPACES WHICH COUNT BOTH AS AN ADA SPACE AND AS AN EV SPACE PER CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 22511.2 (AN-1100 ELECTRIC VEHICLES: PARKING REQUIREMENTS). TOTAL NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL SPACES REQUIRED SHALL BE ROUNDED DOWN PER CMC SECTION Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 98 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ~ -------------------7 ______________________ [ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 -I- --+ Mwlct'lr., .. ;/3/4bdrm 63 l.SO 94 ,..,.et,~tbdrm 4 1.00 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, AHorclabtot-lbdrm 10 0.50 5 Afflwd4111M-Jbdrm 2 I.SO 3 JttJ.111,l 1,220 415 3 it4itMII 2,687 300 CJ it.t.111(, .. u,uram 3,000 170 18 ltM.lllD 2,870 415 7 Handbo C0111ted In the requirements above Crlodlt~withEVchar11inll !2 (2 er.ditfo,tdd'lstree1Pko. 8 0.50 4 ~llfCl'Ofl&Jtebicycleparl<.in 12 (0.166667) (2) TOOIFlequired BS ~~ . -, -_- -, -----, -_---_I _-_ fE -~ =· -·= - L _______________ / ~~ I 0 4' 8' 16' 32' SCALE: 1116":1'-0" I I I I 12 AFFORDABLE UNIT CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 FIRST FLOOR BUILDING 1 TABULATIONS RESIDENTIAL AREA: FIRST LEVEL 14,375 SQ. FT. RETAIL AREA: FIRST LEVEL 7,286 SQ. FT. CIRCULATION AREA: FIRST LEVEL 2,765 SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA:24,426 SQ. FT. BUILDING 2 TABULATIONS RESIDENTIAL AREA: FIRST LEVEL 19,268 SQ. FT. RETAIL AREA: FIRST LEVEL 4,516 SQ. FT. CIRCULATION AREA: FIRST LEVEL 3,825 SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA:27,609 SQ. FT. (1,220 SQ. FT.)(2,870 SQ. FT.) RETAIL D RETAIL C RETAIL BRETAIL A (2,687 SQ. FT.) (3,000 SQ. FT.) TOTAL GROSS AREA: 52,035 SQ. FT. PLAZA PLAZA OUTDOORSEATING OUTDOOR DINING OUTDOORSEATING COURTYARD PASEO COURTYARDPASEO COURTYARD ITEM: 4m. 2.8.2.F.7 TRASHROOM TRASHROOM CORRIDOR CO R R I D O R ‘BUILDING 1’‘BUILDING 2’ 12 ’ - 6 ” 12 ’ - 0 ” (1,000 SQ. FT.) 14’-5” 11’-0” 11’-0” 8’- 1 0 ” 7’ - 0 ” 11 ’ - 0 ” 7’ - 0 ” RA M P D O W N Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 99 of 223 - I i i i i i L_ _________________________________________ _ H D I ROOSEVELT ST. D H I ! i i i B i □ i □ i O • • □;=1-=---=---"'...-: = ,:= =, L ______ i ----' I FX AX AX A ~~ I 0 4' 8' 16' 32' SCALE: 1116":1'-0" 13 AFFORDABLE UNIT CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 SECOND FLOOR BUILDING 1 TABULATIONS RESIDENTIAL AREA: SECOND LEVEL 14,496 SQ. FT. CIRCULATION AREA: SECOND LEVEL 2,205 SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA:16,701 SQ. FT. BUILDING 2 TABULATIONS RESIDENTIAL AREA: SECOND LEVEL 17,440 SQ. FT. CIRCULATION AREA: SECOND LEVEL 2,712 SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA:20,152 SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA: 36,853 SQ. FT. ‘BUILDING 1’‘BUILDING 2’ TRASHROOM TRASH ROOM CORRIDOR RETAIL BELOW RETAIL BELOW RESTAURANT BELOW RETAIL BELOW GARAGE BELOW CO R R I D O R PL PL Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 100 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS - I ROOSEVELT ST. ..----------------------. ' . :·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r------,-' _ r-·- -----1----~"~~-~-~----------------------------r ··--=··-;;.,;:==1 i i -+ i i i i E i i i i i i i i i L------··-··-··--·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·· H D I -----------------------------------------------, D H N B B i i ! i i i I L _______________ ./_r··------·~--~1-~--~-!!'!!!. =f ___ J STATE ST. F A A A A ~~ I 0 4' 8' 16' 32' SCALE: 1116":1'-0" 14 AFFORDABLE UNIT CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 THIRD FLOOR TOTAL GROSS AREA: 46,789 SQ. FT. ‘BUILDING 1’‘BUILDING 2’ CORRIDOR CO R R I D O R ROOF PL PL BUILDING 1 TABULATIONS RESIDENTIAL AREA: THIRD LEVEL 17,670 SQ. FT. CIRCULATION AREA: THIRD LEVEL 2,205 SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA:19,875 SQ. FT. BUILDING 2 TABULATIONS RESIDENTIAL AREA: THIRD LEVEL 23,990 SQ. FT. CIRCULATION AREA: THIRD LEVEL 2,924 SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA:26,914 SQ. FT. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 101 of 223 R H A ROOSEVELT ST. ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS OX F A A L---··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·· ··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··7 H D D H B A A K IX - ,r··-··-··-·-· ~~ I 0 4' 8' 16' 32' SCALE: 1116":1'-0" I I I L _______________ / STATE ST. I 15 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 UPPER LEVEL TOTAL GROSS AREA: 42,268 SQ. FT. ‘BUILDING 1’‘BUILDING 2’ CO R R I D O R ROOF TOP DECK PL PL L L L LL L LL BUILDING 1 TABULATIONS RESIDENTIAL AREA: UPPER LEVEL 16,893 SQ. FT. CIRCULATION AREA: UPPER LEVEL 2,443 SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA:19,336 SQ. FT. BUILDING 2 TABULATIONS RESIDENTIAL AREA: UPPER LEVEL 19,452 SQ. FT. CIRCULATION AREA: UPPER LEVEL 3,480 SQ. FT. TOTAL GROSS AREA:22,932 SQ. FT. (REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS) L Planter KEYNOTES Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 102 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! L_ _______________ -------------------------- H I H I ! i i i i i B K i r----------------------J L ______________ ....1' STATE ST. I F A A A A IX ~~ I 0 4' 8' 16' 32' SCALE: 1116":1'-0" 16 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 FOOTPRINT 3 STORY / 4 STORY CONDITIONS 3RD FLOOR AREA: 52,256 SF EXCLUDING PATIOS: 50,809 SF 4TH FLOOR AREA(EXCLUDING PATIOS): 31,659 SF THE ENCLOSED 4TH STORY FLOOR SPACE REPRESENTS 62.3 PERCENT OF THE 3RD FLOOR AREA. ITEM: 2. 3g. 2.7.1.G.3.b CO R R I D O R ROOF TOP DECK PL PL Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 103 of 223 R H A ROOSEVELT ST. ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS --+- L_ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ , i i ,.r-----------,---j L------··--------' STATE ST. I I I I 17 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5e. 8a. 8b. SIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT SCHEME 2 SCHEME 1 KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 EAST ELEVATION A D N E F L G H B IKKM A B C D E F G H I K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Canopy StorefrontM Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 104 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~~A:O~~~~WA NI 18 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 ITEM: 3d. 2.6.2.A.1-4 4k. 2.8.2.F.4 4l. 2.8.2.F.6 5a. 6a. 8. KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 RETAIL B GLAZING CALCULATION / 2.6.3 BUILDING ELEMENTS RETAIL FACADE - 1,097 SQ. FT. GLAZING - 579 SQ. FT. 52.75% GLAZING NOTE : THE BOTTOM OF ALL GLAZING AT RETAIL TO BE UNDER THE MAX. 3.5 FEET ABOVE THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK. EAST ELEVATION Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 105 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I 42" MAX. AlLOWABlE PROTRUSK>NS ABOVE MAX. HEIGHT LIMITS PER ZONING CHAPTER aue.020 & PER PI.ACEMEHT AHO ORIENTATION SECTION 2..6.2 /'8 IN vn.LAOe & BARRIO MASTER PlNt 4$'• O" MAX. AUOWA.81.E HEtGHT TO TOP OF R00f' SHEATHING PER SUflPI.EMEHTAI. OtSTRIC STAHOMOS SECTION 2.7. 1 IN \111.l.AGE 4 BARRIO W.STER PLAN -----------------------------'---------------------------------------------------------------· T,0.F~ROOFS~ATHINO____ ___ --c ___ _ ~!.____ i TO 111.M•l'IETM..a I ■ -0- E»STINGGAADE I ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I MC K ER~~~A:O~~~~WA NI 19 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5b. 5e. 8a. 8b. KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 SEE SHEET 20 PARTIAL SOUTH ELEVATION SCHEME 3 SCHEME 9 SCHEME 2 LAB E HCD 19’-6”25’-5”16’-5”21’-9”13’-7”12’-0”13’-4”12’-0”13’-4”12’-0”13’-4” A B C D E F G H I K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Canopy StorefrontM Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 106 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS + ., ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~~A:O~~~~WA NI 20 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5b. 5e. 8a. 8b. SCHEME 3SCHEME 9SCHEME 5 KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 SEE SHEET 19 PARTIAL SOUTH ELEVATION D A B L B C EH 13’-4”12’-0”13’-4”12’-0”27’-11”19’-1”18’-5”6’-5” A B C D E F G H I K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Canopy StorefrontM Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 107 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS i 7.il! I I I I r+ I I I ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" MC K ER~~~A:O~~~~WA NI 21 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 ITEM: 3d. 2.6.2.A.1-4 4k. 2.8.2.F.4 4l. 2.8.2.F.6 5a. 6a. 8. 72)522)6+($7+,1* 726/$% 5(7$,/%              KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 SEE SHEET 22 PARTIAL SOUTH ELEVATION RESIDENTIAL MIXED USE Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 108 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS + ., I I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------- + .. I I I I ~ I 0 'Z 4' 8' 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" 22 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 ITEM: 3d. 2.6.2.A.1-4 4k. 2.8.2.F.4 4l. 2.8.2.F.6 5a. 6a. 8. 5(7$,/&833(5&/*+7 726/$% 5(7$,/&     0$;$//2:$%/(3527586,216$%29(0$;+(,*+7/,0,763(5=21,1*&+$37(5 3(53/$&(0(17$1'25,(17$7,216(&7,21%,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1  0$;$//2:$%/(+(,*+7727232)522)6+($7+,1*3(56833/(0(17$/',675,&67$1'$5'66(&7,21,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1        KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 SEE SHEET 21 PARTIAL SOUTH ELEVATION RETAIL RESIDENTIAL Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 109 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I----- ------------- I I I I r+ I I L+ ~ 0 'Z 4' •. SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I 16' MC K ER~~~A:O~~~~WA NI 23 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5e. 8a. 8b. SCHEME 5SCHEME 4 KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 WEST ELEVATION I K E B AFHLDDD 11’-0”31’-0”31’-10”26’-0” A B C D E F G H I K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Canopy StorefrontM M L Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 110 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~~A:O~~~~WA NI 24 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 WEST ELEVATION RETAIL C GLAZING CALCULATION / 2.6.3 BUILDING ELEMENTS RETAIL FACADE - 1,770 SQ. FT. GLAZING - 879 SQ. FT. 49.5% GLAZING NOTE : THE BOTTOM OF ALL GLAZING AT RETAIL TO BE UNDER THE MAX. 3.5 FEET ABOVE THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 111 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I ,7 MAX. All.OWABlE PROTRUSIONS, ABOVE MAX. HEIGHT LIMITS PER ZONING CHAPTER 21..48.020 & PER Pl.AC£MEHT AHO OAENTATION SECTION 1.&.2148 IN VIU.AGE & BARRIO MASTER Pt.AN ':i" • O" MAX.AI.LOWABlE HEIGHT TO TOP OF ROOF SHEATHING PER SUPPLEMENTAi.. DISTRJC STANDARDS $EC110N 2..7.1 INVIUAGE & BARRIO MA$TERP\.AN l~~C -LOW_!RCLGlf! ~ TO.aM •lti!TM..C EXISTING GRADE I ■ ■ I I ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I MC K ER~~~A:O~~~~WA NI 25 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5e. 8a. 8b. EB BA H L SCHEME 9 SCHEME 3 SCHEME 1 G KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION (PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN WAY LINKINGROOSEVELT AND STATE STREET) SEE SHEET 26 11’-2”25’-10”19’-7”15’-5”15’-7”38’-10”23’-8”11’-2” A B C D E F G H I K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Canopy StorefrontM M Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 112 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I I I r+ I I I I ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" MC K ER~~~A:O~~~~WA NI 26 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5e. 8a. 8b. DHB LFA D SCHEME 4 B SCHEME 3 A B C D E F G H I K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Canopy StorefrontM KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 SEE SHEET 25 PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION (PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN WAY LINKINGROOSEVELT AND STATE STREET) 36’-7”11’-2”25’-10”11’-2”19’-7”29’-0”13’-5”17’-4”19’-7”8’-3”14’-10” M L Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 113 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS +, ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~~A:O~~~~WA NI 27 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 5(7$,/%&/*+7/(9(/ /(9(/ 72)522)6+($7+,1* 726/$% 5(7$,/%     0$;$//2:$%/(3527586,216$%29(0$;+(,*+7/,0,763(5=21,1*&+$37(5 3(53/$&(0(17$1'25,(17$7,216(&7,21%,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1 )2270$;$//2:$%/(+(,*+7727232)522)6+($7+,1*3(56833/(0(17$/',675,&67$1'$5'66(&7,21,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1 352326('*5$'( (;,67,1**5$'(              KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 SEE SHEET 28 PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION (PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN WAY LINKINGROOSEVELT AND STATE STREET) MIXED USE RESIDENTIAL Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 114 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS r+ I ------~ -------------------------------c : -----------------------------------------------~ 1--..........._ _______________________________________________________________ I ________________________________________ _ L+ ~ I 0 'Z 4' 8' 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I 28 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1 ELEVATION CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 18008.02 04/28/2020 5(7$,/&/2:(5&/*+7 5(7$,/&833(5&/*+7 726/$% /(9% /(9(/%%99 726/$% 5(7$,/&                 KEY MAP BLDG 2BLDG 2 BL D G 1 SEE SHEET 27 PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION (PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN WAY LINKINGROOSEVELT AND STATE STREET) RETAILRESIDENTIAL Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 115 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS +, I I I ---------------------------------------------•-----------_ --------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I + .I I I ~ I 0 'Z 4' 8' 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I 2929 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5e. 8a. 8b. SIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT SCHEME 6 SCHEME 7 SCHEME 4 SCHEME 3 StorefrontM KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 EAST ELEVATION I DN EM ABD JFFHL A B C D E F G H I J K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Metal Garage Door Canopy MMM Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 116 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS r ...., I I ----------' ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 3030 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 EAST ELEVATION RETAIL D GLAZING CALCULATION / 2.6.3 BUILDING ELEMENTS RETAIL FACADE -1,760 SQ. FT. GLAZING - 829 SQ. FT. 47% GLAZING RETAIL A GLAZING CALCULATION / 2.6.3 BUILDING ELEMENTS RETAIL FACADE - 913 SQ. FT. GLAZING - 457 SQ. FT. 50% GLAZINGNOTE : THE BOTTOM OF ALL GLAZING AT RETAIL TO BE UNDER THE MAX. 3.5 FEET ABOVE THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 117 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS _.l"W.X. AU.OWA!ILE PROTRUSIOHSABCNEMAX. HEIGHT IJMITS PER ZONING CHAl'TER 21 46.o20 & PER PLACEMENT ANO OOIENTATION SECTION U .2148 IN W.LAGE .J BAAAIO ~TEA PL.YI 45'• f1'MAX. AU.OWABl.E HEIGHT TO TOP OF ROOF SHEATl-llNG PEA SUPPLEMENTAL OISTIUC STANOAROS ------.... Sl;CTION 2.7. I IN \111.1.AGe & BARRIO W.STER Pl.AN !ilY ■ I ------------ PIIOPOSEDOAADE EXISTING GRADE I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ I ---------------------------------------------1q ... I ___ L~E~ -~AILA ·C!GJ:!L ~ 0 'Z 4' •. SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" ;., I 16' MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 3131 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5e. 8a. 8b. SIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT SCHEME 4SCHEME 8 SCHEME 3 SCHEME 6 A B C D E F G H I K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Canopy StorefrontM KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 SOUTH ELEVATION ALDBHBECDM Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 118 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 3232 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION 5(7$,/'&/*+7 /(9(/ /(9(/ 5(7$,/' 72)522)6+($7+,1* 726/$% /(9(/9(/(9/($%6/$267 /(9(/ /(9(/ /(9(/     0$;$//2:$%/(3527586,216$%29(0$;+(,*+7/,0,763(5=21,1*&+$37(5 3(53/$&(0(17$1'25,(17$7,216(&7,21%,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1  0$;$//2:$%/(+(,*+7727232)522)6+($7+,1*3(56833/(0(17$/',675,&67$1'$5'66(&7,21,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1 352326('*5$'( (;,67,1**5$'(                       KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 SOUTH ELEVATION RESIDENTIAL MIXED USE Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 119 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS --------- - - - ------ ~ I 0 'Z 4' 8' 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I 3333 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5e. 8a. 8b. A B C D E F G H I K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Canopy StorefrontM KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 WEST ELEVATION IHAFBABE SCHEME 9 SCHEME 8 SCHEME 9 SCHEME 8 21’-2”21’-2”30’-3”36’-5”16’-6”17’-2”20’-11”20’-11”17’-2”16’-6”16’-6” Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 120 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 3434 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION 72)522)6+($7+,1*72)522)6+($7+,1* 726/$% /(9(/((((((((((9(/ ((9(/ (9(/ ((9(/ (9(/ ((9(/ ////$% /(9(/$726/$$//726/$$$/(     0$;$//2:$%/(3527586,216$%29(0$;+(,*+7/,0,763(5=21,1*&+$37(5 3(53/$&(0(17$1'25,(17$7,216(&7,21%,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1  0$;$//2:$%/(+(,*+7727232)522)6+($7+,1*3(56833/(0(17$/',675,&67$1'$5'66(&7,21,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1 352326('*5$'( (;,67,1**5$'(               KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 WEST ELEVATION Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 121 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ----------------~ -------------------------------------------------------------~~ I I I ffli ffli HmI I u :::.::: ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 3535 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5e. 8a. 8b. A B C D E F G H I K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Canopy StorefrontM KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 NORTH ELEVATION B HAEBDL SCHEME 3 SCHEME 9 35’-2”36’-7”16’-0”19’-10”4’-6”15’-0”16’-0” Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 122 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 3636 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION 72)522)6+($7+,1* 726/$% /(9(/ 726/$% 5(7$,/$ 0$;$//2:$%/(3527586,216$%29(0$;+(,*+7/,0,763(5=21,1*&+$37(5 3(53/$&(0(17$1'25,(17$7,216(&7,21%,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1 )2270$;$//2:$%/(+(,*+7727232)522)6+($7+,1*3(56833/(0(17$/',675,&67$1'$5'66(&7,21,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1 352326('*5$'( (;,67,1**5$'(                      KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 NORTH ELEVATION Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 123 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS rr __ :=========-=====---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ I 0 'Z 4' 8' 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I 3737 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5e. 8a. 8b. A B C D E F G H I K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Canopy StorefrontM KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 SOUTH COURTYARD ELEVATION UNIT D UNIT D UNIT D DBBFFECA SCHEME 3 SCHEME 4 M Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 124 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS •• f ~ ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 3838 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION 5(7$,/$&/*+7 /(9(/ /(9(/.522)'(&. 72)522)6+($7+,1* /(9(/ /(9(/ /(9(/ 5(7$,/$     0$;$//2:$%/(3527586,216$%29(0$;+(,*+7/,0,763(5=21,1*&+$37(5 3(53/$&(0(17$1'25,(17$7,216(&7,21%,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1  0$;$//2:$%/(+(,*+7727232)522)6+($7+,1*3(56833/(0(17$/',675,&67$1'$5'66(&7,21,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1 352326('*5$'( (;,67,1**5$'(                     KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 SOUTH COURTYARD ELEVATION MIXED USE RESIDENTIAL Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 125 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS --------....11,~!'!::c-=-=-=------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /,;=-====~ I ~-,l. 0 SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" M GOWANI KELLAR C M C DCVCLO-<f<T RlltALUTATC 3939 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION ITEM: 3h. 2.7.1.H.1 4k. 2.8.2.F.4. 4l. 2.8.2.F.6. 4s. 2.8.3.A.2. 4t. 2.8.3.A.3. 5a. 5e. 8a. 8b. KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 NORTH COURTYARD ELEVATION UNIT D UNIT D UNIT D B BECHA SCHEME 7 SCHEME 3 A B C D E F G H I K L Railing Stucco Stucco Accent Brick Veneer Roof Screen Painted Brick Veneer Window Frame Bridge Signage Planter Canopy StorefrontM M F Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 126 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I L __ I •• •• I m~ mo 00 ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 4040 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BUILDING 2 ELEVATION 5(7$,/'&/*+7 /(9(/ /(9(/.522)'(&. 72)522)6+($7+,1* /(9(/ /(9(/ /(9(/ 5(7$,/'     0$;$//2:$%/(3527586,216$%29(0$;+(,*+7/,0,763(5=21,1*&+$37(5 3(53/$&(0(17$1'25,(17$7,216(&7,21%,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1  0$;$//2:$%/(+(,*+7727232)522)6+($7+,1*3(56833/(0(17$/',675,&67$1'$5'66(&7,21,19,//$*( %$55,20$67(53/$1 352326('*5$'( (;,67,1**5$'(                   KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 NORTH COURTYARD ELEVATION MIXED USE RESIDENTIAL Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 127 of 223 R HARC~ECTS ROBERT HIDEY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -~ ........ : .. . .. ~~---------------------- --------------- I I ~-,l. 0 2'SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I MCKELLAR NT MCGOWAN I RltAL UTATC DIIVCLO~lr 41 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 45’ -0” MAX. ALLOWABLE HEIGHT AND 42” MAX. ALLOWABLE PROTRUSIONS EXISTING GRADE 45’-0” MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HEIGHT45’-0” MAX. ALLOWABLE HEIGHT & 42” MAX. ALLOWABLE PROTURSIONS EXISTING & PROPOSED GRADEEXISTING & PROPOSED GRADE 45’48’-6”48’-6” Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 128 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I 4242 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ITEM: 7. BUILDING 1 BUILDING SECTION KEY MAP BLDG2 BL D G 1 BLDG2 SEE SHEET 42 UNIT OXUNIT FUNIT AUNIT AUNIT AUNIT A UNIT OUNIT FUNIT AUNIT AUNIT AUNIT A UNIT FUNIT AUNIT AUNIT AUNIT A UNIT FUNIT AX PARKING ELECTRICAL ROOMPARKING UNIT AXUNIT A RETAIL B Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 129 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS + ., I I I r--------------------------------------------------~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J ~ ---~ ------------------------------------ 11 r 7 + .I ◄ ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 4343 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ITEM: 7. BUILDING 1 SEE SHEET 41 BUILDING SECTION BLDG2 BL D G 1 BLDG2 UNIT AUNIT AUNIT I UNIT AUNIT AUNIT I UNIT AUNIT AUNIT IX UNIT AX PARKINGPARKING UNIT AUNIT IXRETAIL C Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 130 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I 4Z' MAX. ALLOWABlE PROTRUSIONS AMNE MAX. HEIGHT LIMITS PER ZONl,-,0 OV\PT'E-A:21.48..020,\ PER P'lACEMEHT NfO OREHTAUON SECTION 2.'8.2148 IN ----. VI.LAGE.I, BAAAIO W,STERA.Nf .S. FOOT MA.)(. AL1.0'HA8'.E HEIGHT TO TOP OF AOOF SHEAn.NG Pf.A. S~EMeNTAL DISTAIC $T~ S!CTIOH;2,7 1-.vlU.AGE & BARRIO ~STEA PIJ.H -----------------------------------------------r ----c ____ _ -------------------✓----- EXISTINGGAADE I I I r+ I I I I ------------- I 11 L+ ◄ ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 4444 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ITEM: 7. BUILDING 2 BUILDING SECTION KEY MAP BL D G 1 BL D G 1 BLDG2 UNIT JUNIT L UNIT J UNIT DUNIT L UNIT J UNIT D UNIT J PARKING PARKING UNIT DRETAIL A Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 131 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I -42" MAX. AUOWABI.E PROTRUSIONS ABOVE~ H!IGHT UMffS PERlONING CHAPTfR.21.Aa.020& PER Pl.ACEIAE>ll AND OfUENTATION SECTION 2A2 f.lB IN vtl..t.AGe & BAAAl0 MA.STEA. PV,N ,45 FOOT MiU. "1.1..0WASI..E tEOHT TO TOP OF ROOF 8"'EATHING PER SUPPLEMENTAL DISlRIC STANOARDS .SECTION ·2.Z. I IN V!l.J..AGE I-8"RRIO MASTER Pl.AN " PROPOS(D GRADE EXIST~ GRADE- ' .... ""l..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I I I -----':"""-' ----~1 ► ~ h ~ 0 'Z 4' •. SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I 16' MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 4545 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ITEM: 7. BUILDING 1 & 2 SEE SHEET 45 BUILDING SECTION KEY MAP BLDG2 BL D G 1 UNIT AUNIT BUNIT H UNIT AUNIT BUNIT HUNIT D UNIT AUNIT BUNIT HUNIT D UNIT A PARKING COURTYARDPASEO PARKING UNIT BUNIT HUNIT D Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 132 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS +, I I I 4r MAX. AU..OWASU: PROTRUSIONS ABO'ol'E MAX. HEIGHT l .. lTS PER ZONING CHAPTER 21.46.020 & PER PLACEMENT AHO ORIENTATION SECTIOH2Jl.21'8 IN ------.. VlUAGE. & rw:tRIOtMSTI:R PLAN ,45 FOOT MA.X. ALLOWASI.E HUGHT TO TOP OF ROOF SHeATl-tlNG PER SUPP\.E.MENTAI,. OIS'TRIC $TANCAAOS SECT'ION 2.1. t IN VIUAGE & 8ARAt) MASTER Pl.AN -----------------------------"'----------------r----------------------------------------------------'""------------- I ........ _] ___________________ _ ...... , J] lT T + .I ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 4646 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ITEM: 7. BUILDING SECTION KEY MAP BUILDING 1 & 2 KEY MAP BLDG2 BL D G 1 SEE SHEET 44 PARKING PARKING UNIT H UNIT H UNIT D UNIT D UNIT H UNIT D UNIT D UNIT H UNIT D UNIT D Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 133 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I 4Z" 1MX. ALLOWABlE PROTRUSIOHS AitOYE MAX. I-EIGHT LAUT$ PER ZONING CHAPTER 2U41.020 & PER PLACEMENT AND ORIENTATION SECTIOH 2.8.2 MB lt'4 VlllAGE & BARRIO MASTER Pt.AN ◄ 5 FOOT MM. M.LOWA8l.E HEIGHT TO TOP OF ROOF SHEAn.G PERSl..f)PI.EMENTAL DISTRtCSTAHOAADS SECTION 2.7.1 .. VILLAGE & BARRIO MASlEA Pt.AN .. ..... . ..... PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE ----------------------------------------------------- l1 1 I I I r+ I I I I 42 ------------------------- L L+ ~ I 0 'Z 4' •. 16' SCALE: 1/8":1'-0" MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 4747 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT A AFFORDABLE 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH 747 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 94 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 134 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS r .... ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 4848 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT AX AFFORDABLE 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 1205 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 73 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 135 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 4949 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT B 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,325 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 78 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 136 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 5050 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT C 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,409 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 112 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 137 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 0 I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I 6"-G 112" = ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 5151 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT D 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,511 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 163 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 138 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS _____ ;; ____ _ ~ ~ I bJ bJ ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 5252 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT E 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,511 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 143 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 139 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS II ~ II II II II II 6'-0' s ~ II 0 II II II II II ---,1 I 11 I 11 L.,_.i..; ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 5353 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT F 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,631 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 179 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 140 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS i 0 11 11 II II 11 II II ~ ~ N 11 11 11 11 ,, ,, II II ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 5454 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT FX 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,704 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE -179 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 141 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I 0 II II II II II II II !,, ~ ~ II II II II II II II II ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 5555 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT G 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,636 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 323 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 142 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 0 F□ ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 5656 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT GX 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,754 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 204 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 143 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 0 F□ = ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 5757 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT H 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,752 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 180 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 144 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 5858 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT I 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,758 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 301 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 145 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ---0 0 □ ® ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 5959 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT IX 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,771 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 123 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 146 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 6060 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT J 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,818 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 188 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 147 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 1---- I &a I I I ~ 0 ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 6161 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT K 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,845 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 356 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 148 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS .... .M. .... , --... ..... ~~~ T-a" □ 0 =•o !:l ® "' ,;, ... 0 ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' .. SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 6262 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT KX 2 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,864 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 90 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 149 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS □ 0 ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 6363 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT L 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 2,042 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 213 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 150 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ® 0 ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 6464 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT M 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 2,007 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 172 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 151 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 0 ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 6565 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT N 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 2,185 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 116 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 152 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS II 0 II II II ~ II II .. □ II 0 II II II ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 6666 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT NX 4 BEDROOM, 3.5 BATH 2,877 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 116 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 153 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS □ I I I II II II II I II II I ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 6767 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT O 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 2,452 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 426 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 154 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 0 EJ~EJ I= I ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" I I I I MC K ER~~.:A:D~~~N~WA NI 6868 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA UNIT PLAN UNIT OX 3 BEDROOM, 3.5 BATH 2,840 SF PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE - 78 SF KEY PLAN Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 155 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS 0 I I I I ~ I 0 1' 2' 4' 8' SCALE: 1/4":1'-0" MCKELLAR MCGOWAN RlltAL UTATC DIIVCLO I ~lrNT 69 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 PASEO RENDERING Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 156 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I 70 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 PASEO RENDERING Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 157 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I 71 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 ROOSEVELT STREET RENDERINGSIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 158 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I 72 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 VIEW FROM GRAND AND ROOSEVELT INTERSECTION RO O S E V E L T S T . GRAND A V E BEECH A V E CHRIST I A N S E N W A Y ST A T E S T . Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 159 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I 73 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 VIEW FROM GRAND AND STATE ST RO O S E V E L T S T . GRAND A V E BEECH A V E CHRIST I A N S E N W A Y ST A T E S T . Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 160 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS ran Av I I I I 74 18008.02 04/28/2020 CARLSBAD STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 20190003/SDP 20190004 VIEW FROM TRAIN STATIONSIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT RO O S E V E L T S T . GRAND A V E BEECH A V E CHRIST I A N S E N W A Y ST A T E S T . Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 161 of 223 R H A ROBERT HIDEY ARCHITECTS I I I I REVIEWED BY: DATEINSPECTOR DATERCEEXP. CARLSBAD STATION DIAL TOLL FREE1 - 800 - 422 - 4133 AT LEAST TWO DAYSBEFORE YOU DIG T.M. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA XXX CARLSBAD STATION 4/27/20 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE SUBMITTALTITLE SHEET SITE LOCATION LOCATION MAP SITE 9/30/214/27/20 CT 2019-0003SDP 2019-0004 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 162 of 223 Stat e St r eet/Ro ose v e lt Str eet Ca r l s bad , CA 9 2 00 8 VICINITY MAP NOTTO SCALE LOCATION MAP J ~· i""' DRAWING INDEX· SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER nTLE SHffT 1 EXISTING VEGETATION PLAN 2 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN J CONCEPTUAL WATER CONSERVA T!ON PLAN 4 CONCEPTUAL MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY EXHIBIT 5 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE, I HE:R£BY DECLARE THAT I Ai.f TH[ LICENSED 0£$/GNE:R OF WORK FOR THIS PROJfCT, THAT I HA II[ [X[RCISED R[SPO/iSIBL[ CHARGE OYER TH[ DESIGN OF TH/$ PROJ[CT A$ DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF TH[ BUSINESS AND PROF[SS!ONS CODE AND THAT TH£ DESIGN IS CONSISTENT )\HH CURRl:NT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT TH[ CHECK OF PROJf.CT DRAWINGS ANO SPE:CIF!CATIONS BY TH[ CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAN Ol[GO COUNTY DEPARTi.lE:NT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IS CONRNED TO A R£V1£W ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEW ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILIT/£$ FOR PRO£CT DESIGN THESE PLANS HAVE BffN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORi.lANCE WHH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDIT!ONS OF APPROVAL RE:LA TED TO LANDSCAPING. BY: CHRISTOPHER i.1. BROWN, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DA TE: APRIL 27. 2020 PHONE NO; (ti.1.2)_ ~2~Q/l~-4ul0~6 ___ _ REG/STRATJON NO: ~ EXPIRATION DATE SEPTEMBER JO 2021 WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE DECLARATION: I AM FAMILIAR WIT!-f THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATJON PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL&: WATER EmCIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HA\/!: PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE f\fTH THOSE RECULATTONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULA TTONS TO PROVIDE EmCIENT USE OF WATER. Bl'.· CHRISTOPHER !.I. BROWN, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ~ PHONE NO; ( ... fil..9 _ _) ~ZO~B--4-lOB~--- REG/STRATTON NO: ~ EXPIRATION DATE: S[p[[UR[R '9 2071 BACKFLOW PREVENTER TESTING, ALL /RR/GATTON BACKF1.0W PRE\11:NTERS SHALL BE TESTED BY A CERTIFIED TESTER AND RESULTS MUST BE G/\11:N TO rHE ClrY AND rHE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. PIPE BETMEN THE METER AND BACKF1.0W PRE\11:NTER SHALL BE •sCHEDULE K HARD COPPER•. APPRO\IED CONTRACT BACKFLOW TESTERS CAN BE FOUND ON THE CITY fl!"B SITE AT.· HTTP:/ /WWW. CARL SBADCA. GOV /SCRVICES/DEPARTMEN TS/WA TER/DOCUME"N TS/1i'ECYCLE"DWA TERBACKFLOWTES TERLIS T.PDF FOR RECYCLED OR HTTP:/ ,/11-Ww. CARLSBADCA. GOV/SERVICES/DEPARTMENTS/WA TER/DOCUMEN TS/WA TERBACKFI...OWTES TERLIS T. PDF FOR POTABLE OR CALL (760) 438-2722. INSPECTION PROCEDURES, INSPECTION PROCEDURES: INSPECTJON OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK, OR HIS DESIGNATED AGENT. REFER TO THE SPECIFICATJONS FOR THE SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED INSPECTJONS AND REQUIRED SUBMITTALS. FOLLOWJNG COMPLETION OF THE WORK, Tl-fE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE 111'.)RK lt1LL CERTJFY THAT rHE INSTALLATJON HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY SUBMITTING THE •cERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION" FORM. A REQUEST FOR A FINAL LANDSCAPE INSPECTTON BY THE CITY MUST ALSO BE MADE BY CALLING THE INSPECTJON REQUEST LINE. "CfRT!FICA VoN QF CO/.JP/En0N" fORlrl FM [Q· (76Q) @H 8943 I AND5CAPF IN5PfCDON RFOUFS[ PHONF /INF· /760) 602 4§02 PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK, Tl-fE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE DESIGNER OF WORK PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK AND THE DESIGNER OF WORK SHALL REl-i"EW rHE PRO.£CT UTTUTY LOCA TTONS AND REWSE PLANS ACCORDINGL r TO FULLY SCREEN ALL UTJL/TJES FROM WEW AND PROTECT ALL UTJL/TJES (ABO\>f" &! BELOW GRADE) FROM INVASI\IE PLANT GROWTH AND ROOTS. APPROVED FOR !RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION or PLANTING AREA. pm] CITY OF CARI.SBAD 15"~"'1 f--f--+-----------+--+--f----,---JL....2.__J PLANNING D1"'1SION ::===::==:::=====================::===+===::===+====+ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR :===t==:t=====================t==:::t===t==:::t==::::tessssesee============: ,-I APPROVED REVISION DESCRIPTION REVIEWED BY: DATEINSPECTOR DATE PLANNING DIVISION RCE EXP. XXX 4/27/20 CARLSBAD STATION EXISTING VEGETATIONREMOVAL PLAN EXISTING VEGETATION LEGEND TREE OR SHRUB MASS TO BE REMOVED NOTES: ENTIRE SITE TO BE CLEARED OF ALL EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATIONPLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANDWATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN INCOMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANDAGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTINGCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSEREGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER." 9/30/214/27/20 CITY TREE TO REMAIN14" CALIPERPODOCARPUS GRACILIORPROTECT IN PLACE CITY TREE TO REMAIN28" CALIPERSCHINUS TEREBINTHIFOLIAPROTECT IN PLACE CITY TREE TO REMAIN28" CALIPERLOPHOSTEMON CONFERTUSPROTECT IN PLACE CITY TREE TO REMAIN18" CALIPERLOPHOSTEMON CONFERTUSPROTECT IN PLACE CITY TREE TO REMAIN18" CALIPERPYRUS KAWAKAMIIPROTECT IN PLACE CITY TREE TO REMAIN18" CALIPERPYRUS KAWAKAMIIPROTECT IN PLACE CT 2019-0003SDP 2019-0004 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 163 of 223 X SCALE: 1"•20' APPROVED FDR /RR/GA TION AND PLAN TING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA ~I CITY OF CARLSBAD IEr:l i====i===:t=====================::===+===::===+===1 ~APE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: G G G G G FS FS S W S S G G G G W W W W S S S S S SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD DN OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD GAS LINE PER CIVIL (TYP.) WATER LINE PER CIVIL (TYP.) WATER LINE PER CIVIL (TYP.) IRRIGATIONWATER METER SEWER LINE PER CIVIL (TYP.)SEWER LINE PER CIVIL (TYP.)SEWER LINE PER CIVIL (TYP.)WATER LINE PER CIVIL (TYP.) FIRE SERVICE LINE PER CIVIL (TYP.) SEWER LINE PER CIVIL (TYP.) STORM DRAINPER CIVIL (TYP.) STORM DRAINPER CIVIL (TYP.) 6' TALL POWDER COAT ALUMINUM FENCE (TYP.)LANDSCAPE FORMS LINE ONE-INCH HORIZONTAL SLATCOLOR: POWDERCOATED BLACK 6' TALL POWDER COATALUMINUM FENCE (TYP.)LANDSCAPE FORMS LINEONE-INCH HORIZONTALSLATCOLOR: POWDERCOATEDBLACK 6' TALL POWDER COAT ALUMINUM FENCE (TYP.)LANDSCAPE FORMS LINE ONE-INCH HORIZONTAL SLATCOLOR: POWDERCOATED BLACK 6' TALL POWDER COAT ALUMINUM GATE (TYP.)LANDSCAPE FORMS LINE ONE-INCH HORIZONTAL SLATCOLOR: POWDERCOATED BLACK BIKE RACK (TYP.)MANUFACTURER: VESTREMODEL: VROOMCOLOR: RAL 9004 SIGNAL BLACK PAVER FIELD (TYP.)STEPSTONE 12x48 LARGESCALE CALARC PAVERS INSTACKED BOND PATTERNCOLOR: 1813 LIGHTSANDBLAST PORCELAIN PAVER BANDS (TYP.)STEPSTONE 3x18 NARROWMODULAR PAVERS INRUNNING BOND PATTERNCOLOR: 1813 LIGHTSANDBLAST PORCELAIN CONCRETE PAVING (TYP.)NATURAL COLORWITH TOPCAST #3 FINISH BENCH SEATING (TYP.)STREETLIFE SERIF HUG A TUBFINISH: NATURAL WOOD ANDPOWDERCOAT DARK GRAY STEEL 30" HIGH TREE PLANTER (TYP.)STREETLIFE SHRUBTUBS SQUAREWITH INTEGRAL LIGHTINGFINISH: POWDERCOAT DARK GRAY STEEL MOVEABLE OUTDOOR TABLES (TYP.) CORTEN STEELPLANTERS (TYP.) WATER FEATURE (TYP.)16" HIGH POURED IN PLACECONCRETE WALLS WATER FEATURE (TYP.)16" HIGH POURED IN PLACECONCRETE WALLS CORTEN STEELPLANTERS (TYP.) FIRE LADDER CLEAR PADLOCATIONS (TYP.) MDF, INC. 195 SMBIKE REPAIR ANDBOTTLE REFILL STATIONCOLOR: POWDER COAT BLACK TREE PLANTERS (TYP.)TO BE COVERED WITH 60" SQUAREIRONSMITH ADA TREE GRATEWITH INTEGRAL UPLIGHTINGFINISH: CAST IRON MOVEABLE BENCHMOVEABLEBENCH SEATING (TYP.) BIKE RACK (TYP.)MANUFACTURER: VESTREMODEL: VROOMCOLOR: RAL 9004 SIGNAL BLACK BIKE RACK (TYP.)MANUFACTURER: VESTREMODEL: VROOMCOLOR: RAL 9004 SIGNAL BLACK BIKE RACK (TYP.)MANUFACTURER: VESTREMODEL: VROOMCOLOR: RAL 9004 SIGNAL BLACK ALL-IN-ONE FOUNTAIN 24" HIGH RAISED PLANTERS TO MATCHTREE PLANTERS(TYP.) OUTDOOR KITCHEN WITH BARAND TELEVISIONS COVERED DINING PROPANE CONCRETE PREFAB FIREPITWITH OUTDOOR SEATING (TYP.) OUTDOOR BUILT-IN BENCH SEATINGWITH PLANTER BACKREST INCENTER TO MATCH TREE PLANTERS (TYP.) 30" HIGH TREE PLANTER (TYP.)STREETLIFE SHRUBTUBS SQUAREWITH INTEGRAL LIGHTINGFINISH: POWDERCOAT DARK GRAY STEEL REVIEWED BY: DATEINSPECTOR DATE PLANNING DIVISION RCE EXP. XXX CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN CARLSBAD STATION I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATIONPLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANDWATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN INCOMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANDAGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTINGCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSEREGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER." PLANTING AREA NOTE:ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS WILL HAVE POSITIVE SURFACE DRAINAGE (2% GRADE INPLANTING AREAS) AWAY FROM STRUCTURES AND SHALL TERMINATE IN ANAPPROVED DRAINAGE SYSTEM. TREES BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QTY Very Low Low Medium High Agonis flexuosa `Afterdark`Black Peppermint Tree 24" BOX 5 X Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Multi-trunk 36" BOX 8 X Cotinus coggygria `Royal Purple` Royal Purple Smoke Tree 24" BOX 10X Geijera parviflora Australian Willow 24" BOX 3 X Pittosporum angustifolium Weeping Pittosporum 24" BOX 23 X Podocarpus elongatus `Monmal` Icee Blue Yellow Wood 15 GAL 8 X Stenocarpus sinuatus Firewheel Tree 15 GAL 8 X SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QTY Very Low Low Medium High Acanthus mollis `Tasmanian Angel` Variegated Bear`s Breech 5 GAL 7 X Agave attenuata `Ray of Light` Variegated Fox Tail Agave 15 GAL 46 X Agave attenuata 'Nova' Blue Clone 5 GAL 30 X Agave x `Blue Flame`Blue Flame Agave 15 GAL 21 X Iris douglasiana Douglas Iris 1 GAL 61 X Juncus patens `Elk Blue`Spreading Rush 1 GAL 159 X Myrica californica Pacific Wax Myrtle 24" BOX 21 X Olea europaea `Little Ollie` TM Little Ollie Olive 15 GAL 53 X Polystichum munitum Western Sword Fern 1 GAL 35 X Sesleria autumnalis Autumn Moor Grass 1 GAL 191 X Woodwardia fimbriata Giant Chain Fern 5 GAL 5 X GROUND COVERS BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING QTY Very Low Low Medium High Carex divulsa Berkeley Sedge 1 GAL 18" o.c. 996 X CITY TREE TO REMAINPROTECT IN PLACE CITY TREE TO REMAINPROTECT IN PLACE 9/30/21 CT 2019-0003SDP 2019-0004 UTILITY SCREENING NOTE:ALL UTILITIES ARE TO BE SCREENED, LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS WILL BEREQUIRED TO SHOW AND LABEL ALL UTILITIES AND PROVIDE APPROPRIATESCREENING. VEHICULAR SIGHT LINE NOTE:ANY TREES LOCATED WITHIN A VEHICULAR SIGHT LINE MUST HAVE LIMBS REMOVEDTO A HEIGHT OF 6 FEET ABOVE THE ADJACENT TOP OF CURB. CITY TREE TO REMAINPROTECT IN PLACE IRRIGATION NOTE:ALL IRRIGATION WATER SHALL BE POTABLE PER REQUEST OF CMWD. EXISTING STREET TREE NOTE:ALL EXISTING STREET TREES ON ROOSEVELT AND STATE STREET TO REMAIN AS ISAND SHALL BE PROTECTED IN PLACE. IRRIGATION PLANS WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THEPARKS DEPARTMENT DURING THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHASE TO REVIEWTHE IRRIGATION SYSTEM DIRECTED TOWARDS ALL EXISTING AND NEW STREETTREES. PROPERTY OWNER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IRRIGATING NEW TREES FOR APERIOD OF TWO YEARS. 4/27/20 PLANT SCHEDULE FOURTH FLOOR ROOF TERRACE - SCALE: 1" = 20'-0"NOTE: TERRACE USE WILL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY NOISE ORDINANCE. 4/27/20 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 164 of 223 v ROOSEVELT ST M---0-(~J-"1)0 ,~,~(~> <~> "'1 +-.1,,.-----~---,-----='9----"''r----8-- - - - ----r v, STATE ST 00 00 __ p "t) © * Q {1j< @ 0 EB 0 0 @ REVl,ION JE :<.RIP JN APPHOVF FOR IRRIGATION ANLJ r'LAN TINC ONLY, INCL /0/W PRfC/Sc 0( 'AT/ON c I_AN, ING AW-A. CITY OF CARLSBAD ["LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT Pl.At;SFOR- SH:ET ' 0ROJE -NO DRA~NG HYDROZONE LEGEND STORMWATER PLANTERS - 68 SF LOW WATER PLANTING AREA - 2,952 SF MODERATE WATER PLANTING AREA - 3,525 SF FOUNTAIN WATER SURFACE - 227 SF G G G G G FS FS S W S S G G G G W W W W S S S S S SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD DN OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD REVIEWED BY: DATEINSPECTOR DATE PLANNING DIVISION RCE EXP. I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATIONPLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANDWATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN INCOMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANDAGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTINGCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSEREGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER."XXX CARLSBAD STATION MAWA AND ETWU CALCULATIONS MAWA: 92,370 Gallons ETWU: 88,353 Gallons SEE WELO WORKSHEETS FOR CALCULATIONS XERISCAPE PRINCIPLES 1. PLANT PALLETTE CONSISTS OFMOSTLY LOW AND MODERATE WATERUSE PLANTS AS DETERMINED BYWUCOLS IV 2. ON-GRADE AND SUBSURFACE DRIPIRRIGATION SYSTEMS WILL BEUTILIZED AT PLANTERS WHEREAPPROPRIATE 3. SOIL AMENDMENTS WILL BEADDED AS PLANTING BEDS AREPREPARED TO IMPROVE WATERABSORPTION 4. STREET TREES ARE PLANTEDTHROUGHOUT THE PROPERTYTO PROVIDE SHADE AND REDUCEEVAPORATION 5. IRRIGATION TIMES WILL BE INTHE EVENING AND EARLYMORNING, SMART CONTROLLERSWILL BE USED TO ADJUSTWATERING TIMES TO SEASONALNEEDS 6. RAIN SENSOR DEVICES WILLBE INSTALLED TO AUTOMATICALLYSHUT OFF IRRIGATION DURINGRAIN EVENTS 7. ORGANIC MULCH WILL BEUTILIZED IN PARKWAYS ALONGSTREET TO MINIMIZE EROSION,PROVIDE WEED CONTROL, ANDADD NUTRIENTS TO SOIL 8. HOA MAINTENANCE TO KEEPSITE CLEAN AND FREE OF DEADPLANT MATERIAL, REPLACEMULCH WHEN NECESSARY,ADJUST IRRIGATION SYSTEMS,FERTILIZE WITH ORGANICFERTILIZERS, AND PRUNE PLANTMATERIAL AS NEEDED 9. STORMWATER PLANTERS WILLBE UTILIZED TO PASSIVELYREMOVE POLLUTANTS FROM SITERUN-OFF 10. ONLY SUBSURFACE IRRIGATIONSHALL BE USED TO IRRIGATE ANYVEGETATION WITHIN TWENTY-FOURINCHES OF AN IMPERMEABLE SURFACEUNLESS THE ADJACENT IMPERMEABLESURFACES ARE DESIGNED ANDCONSTRUCTED TO CAUSE WATER TODRAIN ENTIRELY INTO A LANDSCAPEDAREA CONCEPTUAL WATER CONSERVATION PLAN 9/30/21 CT 2019-0003SDP 2019-0004 4/27/20 4/27/20 FOURTH FLOOR ROOF TERRACE - SCALE: 1" = 20'-0"NOTE: TERRACE USE WILL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY NOISE ORDINANCE. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 165 of 223 D - - - -1' --t--- CT! CT! -D APPROVW FDR !RR/GA TION ANO PLAN TING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLAN TING AREA. ~I CITY OF CARLSBAD I□ t===t==t=====================~==⇒===~==~==~ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT Pl.ANS roR HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION MAINTENANCE - 6,352 SF CITY PLANTERS - HOA MAINTENANCE - 529 SF MAINTENANCE LEGEND G G G G G FS FS S W S S G G G G W W W W S S S S S SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD DN OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD REVIEWED BY: DATEINSPECTOR DATE PLANNING DIVISION RCE EXP. XXX CARLSBAD STATION CONCEPTUAL MAINTENANCERESPONSIBILITY EXHIBIT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATIONPLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANDWATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN INCOMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANDAGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTINGCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSEREGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER." 9/30/21 CT 2019-0003SDP 2019-0004 4/27/20 4/27/20 PROPERTY LINE FENCE CUT SHEET FOURTH FLOOR ROOF TERRACE - SCALE: 1" = 20'-0"NOTE: TERRACE USE WILL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY NOISE ORDINANCE. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 166 of 223 __ _n D - - - ----r (f) --r-- 1 I I I I I I (f) LINE c-"'111,,.__Pllt_nr,\ l~--,m-,..,.,_,, (~] 1,r:71 I~ r-~~t, APPROVW FOR /RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECIS[ LOCATION OP PLANTING AR[A. LEJI CITY OF CARLSBAD I~ t===t==t=====================~==⇒===~==~==~ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT Pl.ANS FOR OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD OD OD OD "CARLSBAD STATION" DESIGN PLAN SHEET CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET OD Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 167 of 223 7 ,-i::::r----- □ L ____ J sn -.·-. ·SD ·. FS 41.70. --(Sl --<S) --CS) --(S) J (S) --(S) --CS PROP COR PR/VAT£ 6" VCP SEW£ PER CITY G/S TW 43.10 (APPROX 2.5' FROM P L, PROTEC IN PLACE) (EG 43.0) z TG 41.40 IE 39.00 E y~;....__ ' I I I I I I ___ I ACCESS GATE {EG 41.9) MATCH {EG 41.9) ----PROPOSED PR/VA TE SEWER ----11-...----..;='-L.--1.c-1 EASEMENT FOR THE BENEFIT ____ OF OWNERS -i'O'--F--'A-"-P~N~S"--: -~-~-~• 203-101-11 203-101-16 203-181-19 B DG 0.5 PROP SD CO IE 34.30 W \ \ BIKE REPAIR AND WA T£R BOTTLE REFILL STA TION'--1- □ PROP COR FS 40.50 {EG 40.5) Cone. □□ 6.8' II II II II II II -------PROP SMH #1 RIM=41.80 CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" SS TP 33.53 IE= 32.53 --------------SEE SHEET 5 (ASSUMED) R TG 41.30 , I I ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT TAKEN THROUGH PODIUM DECK AND CONNECT TO 48" HOPE FS 42.10 FF =42.20 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD R TC 41.30 FS 41.60 FG 41. 70 D R TC 41.30 I I I I I I I U) L....I~ ~ ■ EXISTING SMH PROTECT IN PLACE RIM = 43.82 TP 32.40/IE=31.40 STUB/PLUG EXISTING N INVERT CS) --CS) --CS) --(S) ADJUST WALL/FENCING AROUND EXIST SMH TW 44.00 (EC 43.6) SEE EET FOR TAIL Awnir ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD ct.lllL--tC-3 RETAINING WALL . :: . · -~ 1.5' MAX RETAINING) FS 42.10 FS 41.6 SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT ®~-,..._+-, FG 41.70 ~ C JooF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT tND RIP-RAP PAD FS 4 .70 8" SEWERI LINE @ 1.0% FS 41.7 FF=41.80 FS 41.05 FS 40.85 . . . .. -.:,-.---· --·-----~----"--~ . . . . NEW ON-STREET PARKING (3) -------- R TC 41.30 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD PODIUM WALL FF=41.50 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD FS 41.50 I I I I I T I I I _J L7 I T I I I -.--I TC 41.00 - --1.61% 0 CURB TRANS 6"-12" EXISTING 7.6' 10.6' 11.0· 0 0 " THEAT. R BL G PROP SD CO IE 34.58 W I ~ I 1-------s --------s. ~--~----s --------s __ ___,.....,._ __ _,___~1--------s C, a 400 LF OF 8" PVC SS @ 0.50%, Lri SEE SHEET 8 FOR DETAIL Asph. CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 LEGEND: (for sheets 4-6 only) @ ® © ® © ® ® ® (I) 0 ® <D ® ® @ ® @ ® ® 30' WIDE DRIVE PER C.S.D. GS-20 (MODIFIED) (MODIFIED TO ALLOW FOR EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN) PCC SIDEWALK PER SDRSD G-7, WIDTH VARIES 5' MINIMUM (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES) 6" PCC CURB AND GUTTER PER SDRSD G-2, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED GAS CONNECTION TO EXISTING GAS LINE AND GAS SERVICE SAWCUT PAVEMENT 12" FROM EXISTING LIP OF GUTTER SEWER CONNECTION AND 6" SEWER LATERAL PER C.S.D. S-7 6" SEWER BUILDING CLEANOUT PER C.S.D. S-6 DOMESTIC, IRRIGATION AND FIRE WATER CONNECTIONS PER C.M.W.D. W-8 OR W-9 2" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE PER C.M.W.D. W-8 2" WATER METER PER C.M.W.D. W-4 2" BACKFLOW PREVENTER PER C.M.W.D. W-20 6" FIRE SERVICE DDCVA PER C.M.W.D. W-22 1" IRRIGATION METER MODULAR WETLANDS BIO-FILTRATION SYSTEM (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) STORM WATER JUNCTION BOX WITH WEIR SYSTEM (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) IMPERVIOUS FLA TWORK (SEE LANDSCRAPE PLANS) 5' WIDE IMPERVIOUS PERIMETER WALKWAY (SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS) 12" YARD DRAIN/BOX 8" YARD DRAIN/BOX. DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DECK AND PIPED ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THROUGH THE PODIUM WALL AND INTO THE 48" HDPE PIPE CISTERN (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT AND SWQMP FOR DETAILS). VENTILATION OPENING FOR GARAGE LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DECK AND CONNECTED TO A STORM DRAIN PIPE ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THEN THROUGH THE PODIUM WALL AND INTO THE 48" HPDE PIPE CISTERN. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) NEW TREES WITHIN ROW/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) @ FENCING/GATE (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) (J) 48" HDPE CISTERN #2 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT AND SWQMP FOR DETAILS) @ 48" HDPE CISTERN #1 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT AND SWQMP FOR DETAILS) {J) 24"x24" BROOKS BOX CATCH BASIN/GRATE LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT BMPS (for sheets 4-6 only) ~ SIDEWALK DRAINS TO LANDSCAPING PER SWQMP C'.] ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT RIP-RAP PAD TO LANDSCAPING (TYPICAL) PER SWQMP 1 o· 5' 0 1 o' 20· 30' -------SCALE: 1'' = 1 O' BRUCE L. land planning, civil engineering, surveying 59 LF OF PR/VAT£ 18" RRIM0:4os_M3Ho 2 fll 71 LF OF PR/VA TE 18" /D N0~~~878 RCP SD @ 0.50%, SEE ,--: RCP SD @ 0 50% SEE ~~lt; tvenida Encinas SHEET 8 FOR DETAIL---a· IE 30.59 STATE -STREET SHEET 8 FOR DETAIL CIVU. l Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 ' _,,..-EXISTING 8" ACP WATER PER CITY G/S 1 ,,.-@ I ~ (7so) 931-8700 --,11, __ ,11, __ ,11) __ ,11) __ ,11) __ '"' __ ,11, ,11) _L_ "'"·") --,--1-1 ,") _ '"' L ~--,11) -,11, --,11, --,11) -t------------~~------------1 . ______________________________________ ___.:....:._ ____ · _-_--=__'11_'~...:::..._'11_)_-_ -_,_11_) \...:::..._'11_'~----'-{_11'_'\..a..._'11_) ~---'_11 '_'"-..a..._'11_) ~---'11_'::_ -_,_11_) o=--_'"_) ___f..:J...._· ____ ....!..~.1....----...1.l _____________ ....1.. ________ L_w:.:..:. . .:0..:. . ..:1:..:a::'2:..:6~-=-14..:.:'3:.9:... __ 4:...:0,:...:o:..JL_s:.'HE.==E=-=T:...._:6_:o:IJ'....:1.:1_J ~ From:Michael Franklin To:Planning Subject:Carlsbad Station Date:Saturday, June 06, 2020 1:07:26 PM I find it disingenuous that you would circulate a letter regarding yet another development, Carlsbad Station, and use the phrase that "The City Planner has determined that the Secretary of State for Resources........do not have a significant impact on the environment and is therefore categorically exempt.................... A little help with Environment folks: Environment = the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded. This project has a major impact on the "Village" environment. Your leadership, or lack thereof, is destroying this Village - A small residential settlement; a townlet, a whistle-stop. You have taken us down a dangerous path in search of density and tax dollars. The traffic, congestion, crime, homelessness and slow degradation of our Village is dirt on your hands. Going forward perhaps consider projects that fit the term "Village" and truly do not impact the Village Environment. As an example: Development of no more that two stories with ample parking and requiring developers to add greenery to our city. It would be helpful if you shared the truth instead of endeavoring to be clever wordsmiths to protect yourselves. I do not work for you, you work for me and I believe you are doing a poor job. I am sad I even had to write this since I believe people should; Do the Right Thing, Do Things Right and Do the Right Thing Right = Excellence CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. ATTACHMENT 6 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 168 of 223 June 9, 2020 Ms. Velyn Anderson Chair, Carlsbad Planning Commission 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Chairwoman Anderson, Please accept this letter of support for Carlsbad Station. Carlsbad has done an exceptional job at attracting industry leaders in clean technology, life sciences, and more, yet the need for housing in our region is no secret. The provision of housing near public transit is a priority for both state and local policy makers. Pursuant to Carlsbad’s own General Plan and the Village and Barrio Master Plan, Carlsbad Station is the right project for this particular location. The design and project features capitalize on the site location and bring to life the “more urban, walkable, transit-connected lifestyle” described in the General Plan. Additionally, the affordable units included within Carlsbad Station are a rarity within the Village and further reason to warrant support of this project. Carlsbad Station is consistent with the surrounding land uses on State and Roosevelt Streets. Reinvigorating the street scenes through added outdoor dining, public art, new landscaping and bike facilities so close to the train station, encourages new residents, long-time locals, tourists and commuters alike to shop, dine and support our local small businesses in the Village. I encourage you to approve Carlsbad Station, in hopes it serves as a best practice for infill development in our community. Sincerely, Melanie Burkholder Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 169 of 223 DR.MELANIE BURKH 3 LDER -FOR ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 76 - Circulate San Diego 233 A Street, Suite 206 San Diego, CA 92101 Tel: 619-544-9255 Fax: 619-531-9255 www.circulatesd.org Creating excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods. January 30, 2020 Chris McKellar McKellar McGowan LLC 5075 Shoreham Place Suite 280 San Diego, CA 92122 Subject: Circulate Mobility Certification Recipient Letter for Carlsbad Station by McKellar McGowan Dear Mr. McKellar, On behalf of Circulate San Diego, whose mission is to create excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods, I am pleased to share that the Carlsbad Station project by McKellar McGowan LLC has been awarded Circulate’s Mobility Certification. Circulate’s Mobility Certification review committee determined that your project meets our criteria for a sustainable growth project in the San Diego region. Carlsbad Station will bring 79 new homes with 12 units, or 15 percent, deed-restricted as affordable. The infill project is within walking distance of the Carlsbad Village Station, shops and restaurants, and office space. Carlsbad Station will also provide a mix of neighborhood-serving retail and a new restaurant. The site is one block away from rail and bus transit at the Carlsbad Village Station. Residents can take the COASTER to Oceanside or Downtown San Diego or take advantage of three bus routes that stop at the Carlsbad Village Station. The project will also include a landscaped pedestrian promenade through the development, increasing access to retail options and transit. The project is taking advantage of the Affordable Homes Density Bonus program to build deed-restricted affordable units on site and build additional market rate units to maximize the housing production in the Carlsbad Village. Residents will have the ability to live, work, and play in the Village because of the close proximity to many amenities. Carlsbad Station will provide the required parking on site and below ground, resulting in only one driveway for the project. Avoiding multiple driveways benefits the safety of pedestrians and results in a more walkable Village. McKellar McGowan includes bicycle storage in the garage along with the parking, an amenity that is not required by the City’s rules, but which will benefit residents of the development. After careful review by the review committee of independent local experts in land use and transportation, Carlsbad Station earned the Circulate Mobility Certification. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 170 of 223 Mobility CIRCULATE CERTIFICATION Creating excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods. 2 Sincerely, Colin Parent Executive Director and General Counsel The Circulate Mobility Certification, formed in 2012 as the MOVE Alliance and relaunched as the Circulate Mobility Certification in 2018, provides certification for transit-oriented, smart growth projects in the San Diego region. The Circulate Mobility Certification Committee members consist of local experts in smart growth planning and sustainable transit oriented development disciplines, including planners, developers, urban designers, and transportation engineers. By recognizing and supporting projects which meet the Circulate Mobility Certification criteria, we can help to create complete communities, one project at a time. For more information, go to http://www.circulatesd.org/certified. Oct. 13, 2020Item #4 Page 171 of 223 ~~   YIMBY Law  1260 Mission St  San Francisco, CA 94103  hello@yimbylaw.org     6/15/2020    Carlsbad Planning Commission  City Council Chamber  1200 Carlsbad Village Drive  Carlsbad, CA 92008    planning@carlsbadca.gov; clerk@carlsbadca.gov;   Via Email      Re:  2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, and 2081 Roosevelt Street and 2780 and 2802 State Street  CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063)    Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission,    YIMBY Law submits this letter to inform you that the Planning Commission has an obligation                to abide by all relevant state housing laws when evaluating the above captioned proposal,               including the Housing Accountability Act (HAA).     California Government Code § 65589.5, the Housing Accountability Act, prohibits localities  from denying housing development projects that are compliant with the locality’s zoning  ordinance or general plan at the time the application was deemed complete, unless the locality  can make findings that the proposed housing development would be a threat to public health  and safety. The most relevant section is copied below:    (j) When a proposed housing development project complies with applicable, objective general plan              and zoning standards and criteria, including design review standards, in effect at the time that the                 housing development project's application is determined to be complete, but the local agency              proposes to disapprove the project or to approve it upon the condition that the project be developed                  at a lower density, the local agency shall base its decision regarding the proposed housing                development project upon written findings supported by substantial evidence on the record that              both of the following conditions exist:    (1) The housing development project would have a specific, adverse impact upon the public               health or safety unless the project is disapproved or approved upon the condition that the                project be developed at a lower density. As used in this paragraph, a "specific, adverse                impact" means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on            objective, identified written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they              existed on the date the application was deemed complete.    (2) There is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the adverse impact               identified pursuant to paragraph (1), other than the disapproval of the housing development              project or the approval of the project upon the condition that it be developed at a lower                  density.    . . .      Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 172 of 223 YIMBY LAW   (4) For purposes of this section, a proposed housing development project is not inconsistent               with the applicable zoning standards and criteria, and shall not require a rezoning, if the                housing development project is consistent with the objective general plan standards and             criteria but the zoning for the project site is inconsistent with the general plan. If the local                  agency has complied with paragraph (2), the local agency may require the proposed housing               development project to comply with the objective standards and criteria of the zoning which               is consistent with the general plan, however, the standards and criteria shall be applied to                facilitate and accommodate development at the density allowed on the site by the general               plan and proposed by the proposed housing development project.    The applicant proposes to construct a four-story mixed-use project consisting of two             buildings with eighty-three condominium units comprising seventy-nine residential units          and four commercial units on a 1.75-acre site located at 2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, and 2081                 Roosevelt Street and 2780 and 2802 State Street in the Village Center (VC) District of the Village                  and Barrio Master Plan and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1.    The above captioned proposal is zoning compliant and general plan compliant, therefore, your              local agency must approve the application, or else make findings to the effect that the                proposed project would have an adverse impact on public health and safety, as described               above.    Yimby Law is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, whose mission is to increase the accessibility               and affordability of housing in California.    I am signing this letter both in my capacity as the Executive Director of YIMBY Law, and as a                    resident of California who is affected by the shortage of housing in our state.     Sincerely,      Sonja Trauss  Executive Director  YIMBY Law    YIMBY Law, 1260 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103  Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 173 of 223 From:Laurie Boone To:Planning Subject:Fwd: Support for the Carlsbad Station Project Date:Tuesday, June 16, 2020 4:05:55 PM Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Laurie Boone <chipcbad@aol.com>Date: June 16, 2020 at 10:00:23 AM PDTTo: planning@carlsbad.govCc: Cliff.Jones@carlsbad.govSubject: Support for the Carlsbad Station Project Greetings Carlsbad Planning Commissioners. These comments are being sent to you in the absence of the opportunity to speakin person in support for the Carlsbad Station development being considered by the commission just now.We attempt to stay informed about all projects in the city, but especially in Olde Carlsbad and the Village. We have participated in many meetings of the masterplan for the area over the years. We have resided in this north quadrant of Carlsbad for almost 46 years, and have celebrated the improvements andrevitalization of the downtown area. In September of 2019 we attended the information meeting of the proposedCarlsbad Station project hosted at the Harding Street Center. We were impressed by the presentation given at the time , and have been further pleased by theongoing enhancements to make the project even better for our community. We realize that it is very challenging for any builder to meet the city’s high standards,which we support and appreciate. This being said, we wholeheartedly offer our endorsement of the plans before you tonight. One of the best elements in the plan is the on site parking being provided. This has been one of our chief concerns with other new developments and so we arevery pleased by this plan. The walkway from Roosevelt to State Street is another bonus to enhancing the over-all plan. Also, we really like the lower profiles ofthe buildings facing both streets. The setbacks are more visually pleasing and yet allow higher heights to allow maximum use of the property in inner portions ofthe buildings. Please include our comments in the public record of the scheduled June 7, 2020commission meeting. Thank you all for your service to our beautiful city. Laurie & Jim Boone 3956 Skyline Road Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 174 of 223 June 16, 2020 City of Carlsbad Planning Commission 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Public Hearing Item #2 – June 17, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting Dear Commissioners: On behalf of the Carlsbad Village Association (CVA), I am writing to you in support of the McKellar McGowan project known as “Carlsbad Station.” While the idea of the Carlsbad Station project was first met with some consternation, I am pleased to say that the efforts of the McKellar McGowan team have been valuable in helping business owners and residents understand it more fully and appreciate what it brings to our downtown. In 2019, CVA staff and board members, along with residents and fellow business owners, attended a comprehensive community outreach meeting held by McKellar McGowan at the Harding Community Center. At this community meeting we were able to study artist renderings of the project, speak to the architects and builders for the project, as well as future business owners at the Carlsbad Station. We were able to provide input, ask questions, and share concerns. The following month, the team at McKellar McGowan attended CVA’s Village Voices monthly business outreach meeting and presented their vision to nearly 80 Village business owners and residents. They answered questions, allowed for input and also added anyone interested to their email list so that updates could flow freely. Their accessibility, transparency, and willingness to receive input and provide follow-up has helped everyone come to understand the scope of this project more completely. It is our opinion that the Carlsbad Station is a good fit for the Village. While a large project, it has been thoughtfully broken into smaller pieces to blend into our downtown environment. Its mixed-use approach is in line with other Village projects, as well as the Village and Barrio Master Plan, and along with its neighboring State Street Commons will provide an urban village ambiance. We are pleased to know that McKellar McGowan has also provided eight more parking spaces than originally planned and that they are dedicated to working with the North County Transit District to promote public transportation. In conclusion, we feel that the Carlsbad Station has been carefully planned and prepared for, and we support it and look forward to it coming to fruition. Sincerely, Christine Davis Executive Director Zachary Markham Chairman Darcy Clevenger Vice Chair Joli Hatch Treasurer Fumi Matsubara Board Member Samantha Dean Fauce Board Member Heidi Willes Board Member Sherry Alvarado Board Member Jake Stipp Board Member Tony Tata Board Member Chanel Bennett Board Member The Carlsbad Village Association (CVA) is a non-profit organization whose core purpose is to lead the continual improvement of Carlsbad Village by promoting and enhancing its business, cultural, and community vitality, making it a premier destination. 300 Carlsbad Village Dr. Suite 108A #135 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.644.2121 www.carlsbad-village.com info@carlsbad-village.com Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 175 of 223 Carl1bad Villafe A1Mtciation~ experience the village From:Matt Thorne To:Planning Cc:Cliff Jones Subject:Support for Carlsbad Station (6/17) Date:Tuesday, June 16, 2020 4:44:48 PM Attention Carlsbad Planning Commissioners, My wife and I have lived in Carlsbad for 15 years and are happy to see the direction the Village is taking. It’s awesome to have some many new restaurants and shops that we can visit. I recently learned about the Carlsbad Station project and think it will be great addition to the area, especially with the changes that are in process at the old Antique Mall. I know some people might be uncomfortable with the height of the new buildings, but I can appreciate that this developer stayed within the guidelines of the City’s plans. As a community, we spent a lot of time providing feedback on how the Village could evolve and grow and it’s nice to see much of that feedback reflected in Carlsbad Village. Change can be uncomfortable for people, but it’s important that we continue to move forward by approving projects with quality design that make sense in the context of the Village. I hope you will vote yes on this project to bring more investment and renovation to our Village. We plan to be part of this community for a long time and look forward to enjoying the Village for years to come. Please read these remarks during the upcoming public hearings. Matt Thorne 1795 Yada Place Carlsbad, CA CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 176 of 223 From:Maya Rosas To:Planning Subject:Public Comment-Item 2, Resolution No. 7375 Date:Tuesday, June 16, 2020 12:46:28 PM I would like to request that the following comments be read into the record. Thank you. My name is Maya Rosas, and I’m the director of policy with Circulate San Diego. On behalf of Circulate San Diego, whose mission is to create excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods, I recommend that the Planning Commission support the Carlsbad Station project today. Carlsbad Station was awarded the Circulate Mobility Certification, which recognizes transit-oriented, smart growth projects such as Carlsbad Station. Carlsbad Station was reviewed by the Circulate Mobility Certification panel, a volunteer committee with expertise in the areas of development, active transportation, and neighborhood design who determine if a project meets the Certification criteria. Carlsbad Station earned the Mobility Certification for several reasons. It is an infill project located within walking distance of the Carlsbad Village Station, shops and restaurants, and office space. The project will also provide a mix of neighborhood-serving retail and a new restaurant. The site is one block away from rail and bus transit at the Carlsbad Village Station. Residents can take the COASTER to Oceanside or Downtown San Diego or take advantage of three bus routes that stop at the Carlsbad Village Station. The project also includes a landscaped pedestrian promenade through the development, increasing access to retail options and transit. Carlsbad Station will bring 79 new homes with 12 units, or 15 percent, deed-restricted as affordable, a tremendous asset for Carlsbad Village. Residents will have the ability to live, work, and play in the Village because of the close proximity to many amenities. This is exactly where a mixed-income project should be located. In addition, McKellar McGowan includes bicycle storage in the garage along with the parking, an amenity that is not required by the City’s rules, but which will benefit residents of the development. For these reasons and more, we ask the Planning Commission to move Carlsbad Station forward with a positive recommendation. Thank you. -- Maya Rosas Director of Policy 233 A Street #206San Diego, CA 92101 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 177 of 223 R I Phone: (619) 544-9255 ext. 301Mobile: (310) 804-5256 Email: mrosas@circulatesd.org I will be working remotely until further notice. Please reach me by email or feel free to contact me on my cell phone at (310) 804-5256 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 178 of 223 From:LORI AVIS To:Planning Subject:Case CT2019-0003/SDP2019-0004(DEV2019-0063)-CARLSBAD STATION Date:Wednesday, June 17, 2020 1:16:08 PM Hello: I own the property, a small shopping center “the Arcade”, adjacent to the proposed development to the south. The main concern I and my tenants have with the project is parking during construction. Where are the workers going to park their vehicles? Roosevelt Street has time limited parking as does State Street. What can be done to minimize the parking impact on the surrounding businesses and their customers during construction? Additionally what measures will the developer be required to take to ensure that access to my parking lot is not impacted during construction? While the start of construction is not imminent, due to COVID-19 most of the small businesses in my shopping center were only recently able to reopen for business. They don’t need a problem with customers being unable to access the parking lot. Sincerely, Lori Avis, President Benchmark Pacific Inc. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 179 of 223 From:Clyde Wickham To:Planning Cc:Clyde Wickham; Ralph Straesser Subject:CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004(DEV 2019-0063) Carlsbad Station Date:Wednesday, June 17, 2020 1:29:39 PM Good afternoon:These comments are for the public hearing of CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 - Carlsbad Station Ralph Strasser owns an adjacent Parcel to this project - APN 203-101-11- He has asked me tohelp him comment on a few issues. I am a Carlsbad Resident and have worked for Carlsbad for more than 30 years. I am now retired.We have a few issues and concerns that would like to bring up at this Public Hearing 1. There is a 6” Sewer that is identified as a" 6” private sewer" that serves this project and Ralph’s property as well as the Liquor Store, the project under construction that used to be theAntique Warehouse and a list of other parcels all the way south to Grand Ave. I believe it is shown on one of the Tentative Map sheets - maybe sheet 4. The reference of a “Private" Seweris wrong. Just because the city cannot find a construction plan or an easement does not qualify a sewer main as “Private”. The material of this sewer is Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP) It has beenaround since the 60’s but it serves probably 20 parcels and projects in the downtown area. Again it is a public sewer.This project considers it “Private” and has proposed to construct a retaining wall over the top of the sewer. This project also proposes to construct a 48” storm a few feet east of this sewerand this project proposes to connect to this “private” sewer a few hundred feet away. Regardless of the designation, this sewer serves the public and should be treated the same asany other sewer main is treated. That is to provide reasonable access to maintain this sewer, and to provide an easement for the operation and access. The location of the retaining wall andstorm drain could be relocated as well as simply relocating the sewer to “fit" in the space so designed and provided by this project. This project proposes to cut this sewer where one of theproposed buildings cross the sewer line, and re-route the main to State Street and then back to Grand Ave. to connect to the public sewer. Will this part be considered a “Public Sewer”? Itwould make sense to consider this entire sewer as “public” and treat it the same. I discussed this issue with Kyrenne Chua, and discussed the addition of a condition to resolve this issue -before approval of the Final Map or Grading Plans for this project. 2. Another issue is the drainage in this area. We welcome the proposed project to resolve the flooding of our property and the BMP treatment of storm water as required by regional stormwater regulations. The drainage from Grand Ave. south of this project flows in the Ally as shown on the site plan as Tyler Street (it also has the same sewer as discussed above). Thissurface drainage flowing north of Grand Ave flows across this project and eventually to Beech Street, across 2 parking lots, unless it floods Ralf’s property which it did a few months agowhen we had a heavy rainfall. This project is blocking this surface drainage flow at Tyler Street. Again I discussed a condition to resolve this with Kyrenne Chua. 3. Finally on a minor note, but important to us and the prospective condominium owners ofthis project. The retaining wall has a fence proposed on top to a limit of 6 feet tall. This should be a solid block wall to block noise, and visual impacts of the Automotive repair facility onRalph’s property. The Tenants have a wonderful facility where they repair all sorts of expensive european vehicles, Bently's, Rolls Royce and Land Rovers. This operation is not Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 180 of 223 incompatible but a block wall would improve the living situation for the adjacentcondominium owners located just 11’ away from this operation. a minor and less efficient fence would not. We appreciate the opportunity to comment and hopefully improve this project. Clyde Wickham and Ralph Straesser citizen and property owner of Carlsbad. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 181 of 223 From:Robert Wilkinson To:Planning Subject:PC #2 Cbad Station Date:Wednesday, June 17, 2020 3:20:30 PM PC, I have reviewed and followed this proposed development since it was filed. I support it and recommend you vote to approve and send it on to Council with that recommendation It represents a good model for other Village properties to follow. Good that this project went to one of the more competent planning staff. Respectfully, Robert Wilkinson Wilkinson Design Group Land Planning + Landscape Architecture bob@wdesigngroup.net P.O. Box 4237 Carlsbad Ca, 92018-4237 760 434 2152 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 182 of 223 From:Gary Nessim To:Planning Subject:PC meeting June 17 Date:Wednesday, June 17, 2020 9:25:12 AM Public hearing #2 Carlsbad Station This is the first developer to take the new village and barrio master plan to heart, and the best so far! Fully parked with underground parking.Close to real transit with appropriate density of small and midsize worker housing units in the core village area.Excellent architectural style with some brisk with from the 50’s. 4th floor is setback more than the minimum all around for a not too tall feel.14’ plate height and deep, useful commercial restaurant space on street frontage. Great job! Gary NessimFirst Team Real Estate 500 Grand AvenueCarlsbad, CA 92008 760 519-5556. . . CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 183 of 223 ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Geldner, seconded by Commissioner Meenes, to adopt Resolution No. 7376. Motion carried, 7/0. 2.CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) – CARLSBAD STATION - Request for a recommendation of approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan to construct a four-story mixed-use project consisting of two buildings with eighty-three condominium units comprising seventy-nine residential units and four commercial units on a 1.75-acre site located at 2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, and 2081 Roosevelt Street and 2780 and 2802 State Street in the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The City Planner has determined that this project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to section 15332 (In- fill Development Projects) of the State CEQA guidelines. City Planner Neu introduced Agenda Item 2 and stated Senior Planner Jones would make the staff presentation (on file in the Planning Division). DISCLOSURES: Commissioners Geldner, Lafferty, Meenes, Merz, and Stine disclosed they drove around the site and walked the site. STAFF QUESTIONS: Commissioner Geldner asked that the address on the resolution be corrected to reflect 2801 Roosevelt Street. Senior Planner Jones confirmed that will be corrected. APPLICANT QUESTIONS: Arlene Tendick, Community Outreach Consultant for the applicant, gave a presentation and stated they would be available to answer any questions. Commissioner Stine asked about the restaurants that are currently located on the site. Christopher McKellar, applicant, stated the project is designed to accommodate two restaurants and there is one current restaurant who will be part of the new project. He stated they are open to working with any business in the area who would like to fill the restaurant space, including one that is currently there. Commissioner Meenes, Luna, Geldner and Stine wanted additional information on if the applicant plans to sell or rent the designated affordable units. They stated they are concerned that the applicant has not made it clear. The concerns include, short term rentals, HOA fees for someone who purchases an affordable unit, and if an affordable unit can then be rented. EXHIBIT 6 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 184 of 223 Christopher McKellar stated they are not sure yet what they will do with the units. They may sell them, rent them, or a combination of both. He stated that HOA fees for an affordable unit would be on a sliding scale and renters and owners will have equal access to the amenities. He stated the affordable units will remain affordable either way. Commissioner Lafferty asked for additional information on the design and height of the proposed project. She asked if the number of affordable units would be negotiable to allow the requested decrease in the ground floor commercial space. Robert Hidey, Architect, explained the design and stated they are going for a main street look. He explained the thought process behind the decision to make the building next to the theatre one story was to preserve the status of the theatre and not have it overtaken in appearance by a newer building. City Planner Neu stated the reduction in commercial space is a waiver that is being requested pursuant to the density bonus ordinance and there are not any housing laws that would allow the city to negotiate for additional affordable units in exchange for decreasing the required commercial space. Chair Anderson stated the retail spaces are on the smaller side and having a small grocery store would increase the value of the residential units as well as support the intent of having commercial space below residential dwellings. This would enable people to walk to the grocery store versus driving. She stated it is disappointing that the retail space is not larger. Christopher McKellar stated they would love to have a grocery store in one of the retail spaces. Chair Anderson asked if there were any members of the public who wished to speak on the project. She opened public testimony at 4:37 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Maya Rosas, of Circulate San Diego, submitted comments supporting the project. Specifically, the mobility choices. Laurie Boone, resident, submitted comments supporting the project to include on site parking, the promenade feature, and the lower profile of the buildings. Clyde Wickham, resident, submitted comments of concern about the project to include drainage to the neighboring property, the sewer lines and retaining wall building materials. Chair Anderson asked if there were any additional members of the public who wished to speak on the project. Seeing none, she closed public testimony at 4:47 p.m. Engineering Manager Geldert stated the applicant will be resolving some of the sewer issues in the area with improvements they are proposing. Commissioners Luna, Meenes, Merz, Stine, Geldner, and Chair Anderson, stated support for the project. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Geldner, seconded by Commissioner Meenes, to adopt Resolution No. 7375 as amended. Motion carried, 7/0. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 185 of 223 EXHIBIT 7 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 186 of 223 • GREENMAN, LACY, KLEIN, HINDS, WEISER .. --ATTORNEYS AT LAW--- MICHAEL L. KLEIN KELLY L. HINDS• KURT WEISER• JEFF LACY" A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS JANET BLEDSOE LACY ANGELA M. JENKINS DAVID V. DORIA AMBERS. CROTHALL GULAN F. TAHIR KENNETH L. GREENMAN, JR. " • PROFESSIONALCORPORATION •• RETIRED July 28, 2020 Celia A. Brewer, Esq. Office of the City Attorney 1200 Carlsbad Villa Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: 2730 State Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Brewer: 900 PIER VIEW WAY POST OFFICE BOX 299 OCEANSIDE, CA 92049-0299 (760) 722-1234 • FAX: (760) 722-5860 LA JOLLA OFFICE 7825 FAY AVENUE SUITE200 LA JOLLA, CA 92037 Sent Via email: attome) ,a:carlsbadca.gov And First Class Mail Please be advised our office represents the legal interests of the Ralph A. Straesser and C.J. Fields Revocable Trust dated August 22, 2016, the owner of the real property located at 2730 State Street, Carlsbad. Our client has grave concerns regarding the proposed development of the proposed Carlsbad Station project (CT2019-003) located immediately to the east of our client's property. Specifically, we understand that City staff has unilaterally sought to privatize a public sewer easement that has been used by our client and adjoining landowners for close to 70 years. Additionally, the proposed development of Carlsbad Station over the existing 6" clay pipe sewer line will no doubt result in the destruction of the sewer line. Our intent in writing is to commence a necessary dialogue with respect to the development of Carlsbad Station to assure that the project proceeds in a transparent manner that respects long- standing property rights of property owners on State Street. Our client welcomes the addition of Carlsbad Station to the downtown community. However, there are practical and legal concerns that must be addressed, and subject to public scrutiny. I would like to first explain the route of the existing 70 year old Public Sewer line, which may be best visualized per the attached Exhibit A. The Public Sewer line connects to a 10 inch sewer main on Grand Avenue and runs north 150 feet along the center of the alley, known as Tyler Street. At the end of this alley there is a manhole on the adjacent property where the sewer continues north another 150 feet to the Carlsbad Station property. There is another manhole at that location, directly on the property line. From this manhole, the sewer continues north along the shared property line another 100 feet to the north side of the Carlsbad Station project. This location is also the south boundary of the State Street Commons project, formerly known as the Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 187 of 223 Celia A. Brewer, Esq. Office of the City Attorney July 28, 2020 Page2 Antique Mall. The Public Sewer then continues along the joint property line of Carlsbad Station and State Street Commons for 186.5 feet to the south east corner of our client's property. Thereafter, the Public Sewer continues along the joint property line for an additional 62 feet to the Fiesta Liquor store property, before heading 38 feet north to the final manhole located on the property line between the Fiesta liquor store and the property located on the southwest corner of Roosevelt Street and Beech A venue. From the aforementioned final manhole, the Public Sewer continues north to serve the property located on the southwest corner of Roosevelt and Beech, and two additional commercial office buildings across Beech Avenue. This is the terminus of the existing Public Sewer. The Public Sewer runs north from Grand Avenue for approximately 855 feet. The alignment follows established property lines pursuant to subdivisions more than 70 years old. There have been numerous additional subdivisions and adjustments subsequent to the installation of the Public Sewer line, although the sewer is intended to serve the properties as originally configured, following common property lines. We are aware that State Street Commons has dedicated a 10 foot wide easement for sewer purposes to the City of Carlsbad. The Carlsbad City Clerk certified the acceptance of this easement dated March 16, 2020, and recorded as Document #2020-0149544 on March 23, 2020 with the County Recorder. The Public Sewer serves 30 commercial businesses, restaurants, residents, and offices. The Equivalent Dwelling Units associated with these connections are 50-60 EDUs per the City Sewer Ordinance, Title 13 of the Municipal Code. The volume of sewage is roughly 220 gal/day per EDU. Based upon 50 ED Us this equals 11,000 Gallons of average daily flow, which represents a significant amount of sewage. We understand that the City Engineer has deemed this 70 year old Public Sewer a private sewer because of the inability to locate construction drawings of this improvement. Our client's consultant has located the southern end ofthis Public Sewer, which is part of the first assessment districts that constructed public improvements in the 1950's. The absence of the construction plans can be easily corrected with two major projects that are currently under construction, including The Station Project which is in the process of City approval. Certainly, the very existence of the Public Sewer for over 70 years, its uninterrupted use by adjoining landowners, and the continuous maintenance by the City carries more weight with respect to its public designation than the mere alleged inability to locate the construction drawings in the City archives. Our client has specific concerns re: the Station Project. There is insufficient room to construct a 48 inch storm drain. A retaining wall is needed to level the site for drainage without the requirement for off-site easements. There is only 11' from the wall of the proposed building to Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 188 of 223 Celia A. Brewer, Esq. Office of the City Attorney July 28, 2020 Page 3 the rear property line. Three (3) feet of ventilation structures are depicted by the underground parking structure, reducing the available space to only 8 feet. To further compound our client's concerns, the water table below the sewer is extremely shallow; perhaps 10' deep. The sewer runs from 5' to almost 10' deep. At Grand Avenue, the sewer is situated at a depth of 10'. The adverse, practical implications of the proposed plan are as follows: 1. Numerous laterals are proposed to be cut off and capped 3 or 4 feet from the sewer main. Were these laterals to break, sewage will leak into the aquifer/water table. Water will flow into the sewer system, in violation of the Sewer Ordinance. 2. The proposed retaining wall located above the sewer line, the required fill, and the construction equipment needed to provide 90% compaction will also damage the old clay sewer pipe. All of the obstructions are shown on the attached Sheet 9 of the Tentative Map as section B-B. This exhibit is "not to scale" and does not identify existing sewer or the sewer laterals designated for cutting and capping. This creates a false perception of the impact of the proposed design. The only dimension that could not be drawn to scale from the developers tentative map is the storm drain elevation. That was not evident from the proposed site plan or the tentative map drawings. The loading from this project storm drain and the loading of construction equipment is going to be difficult to "protect the existing sewer in place". A Public Sewer would require the developer of the Carlsbad Station Project to create an Encroachment Agreement, to take responsibility for moving and replacing encroachments within the Public Easement. Without an Encroachment Agreement, how does the City expect the impacted property owners to accomplish the inevitable repair of the sewer when it breaks? Although our client has grave concerns regarding the transparency of the process, as previously stated, the Carlsbad Station project will be a welcome addition to the landscape of downtown Carlsbad. Our client intends to be forthcoming and proactive. Thus, we are authorized to present proposed solutions to the practical and legal dilemmas presented by the project as currently proposed: Solution Number 1 The most direct and affordable solution beneficial to the Carlsbad Station project, to include the following: -Move the 48" Storm Drain as close as possible to the ventilation openings of the underground parking structure. -Construct the retaining wall on the property line as depicted. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 189 of 223 Celia A. Brewer, Esq. Office of the City Attorney July 28, 2020 Page 4 -Replace the current 70+ year old Public Sewer with new and stronger C-900 PVC pipe. -Abandon the existing sewer in place. -Dedicate a new 20' wide Public Sewer Easement that will be granted as a condition of approval of the Carlsbad Station project, to include easements from State Street Commons (there is an existing, recorded 1 O' easement), and an easement from the Straesser/Fields Revocable Trust. -Record an Encroachment Agreement to resolve any future issues re: encroachments into the Public Sewer Easement. Solution Number 2 Alternatively, my client offers a second means of resolution: Potentially less costly, and a better alignment for a sewer would be to flow northward. -This proposed route would avoid 300 feet of deep sewer trenching on State Street, a crowded public street. The sewer in State Street north of Beech A venue is closer and shallower than the one in Grand A venue. The storm drain and the other utilities would be less problematic. There is 3' of fall from the north end of the sewer at the Fiesta Liquor Store location to the terminus of the State Street Sewer. -The design and construction would be incorporated into the Carlsbad Station Project. -The City could waive plan check and inspection fees for this portion of the project as its contribution to a solution. -The sewer will be constructed subject to a formal set of improvement plans to maintain its continued classification as a "Public Sewer". Solution Number 3 A third proposed solution would depend upon the reduction in scope of the proposed development to allow for sufficient separation of: -The underground parking structure at Carlsbad Station; -The 48" Storm Drain/Cistern water storage system; -The Retaining Wall; and -The Public Sewer. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 190 of 223 Celia A. Brewer, Esq. Office of the City Attorney July 28, 2020 Page 5 Our client is concerned that during the project review process, design requirements and Municipal Code mandates were either violated or ignored. There are public health, safety and welfare concerns that impact not only adjoining landowners, but the entire Carlsbad community. We hope that this correspondence prompts a response that will enable the Carlsbad Station project to proceed in a very public spotlight, and that our client's concerns will be heard and addressed. We welcome a meeting with staff and elected officials in the very near future before this project moves any further through the administrative process. Please favor my client with a response by contacting the undersigned on or before August 15, 2020. We look forward to working with the City of Carlsbad for the benefit of all concerned, to preserve property rights and build a sensible sewer system in the process. Sincerely, GREENMAN, LACY, KLEIN, HINDS, WEISER ~A{'J~ln~~ ! Michael L. Klein MLK/cte Enclosures include: Section B-B #2 the cross section of the Station Project showing underground garage, storm drain, retaining wall, and sewer. Portions of the City Design Standards that have been violated. Portions of Title 13 (Sewer Ordinance of CMC). Portions of the Design Guidelines that regulate Sewer and encroachments as proposed. Doc# 2020-0149544 -The dedication of IO foot sewer easement by State Street Commons dated March 23, 2020 S.D County Official records. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 191 of 223 2730 STATE ST. 6' FENCE I I 4' EL. 41.8 ~1·- 1 2' EL. 39.9 , I I' EL. 40.0 Y ~ 1 / I LOAD I I I LOAD CARLSBAD STATION CT 2019-03 II' i-----3.5' -1 3.5'-t----t--r-----EL. 4 2. 2 1ST FLOOR STORM I DRAIN I EL. 41.3 2·- t---'--r-EL. 41.12 ----------- 3' VENT ALA Tl ON DUCT : U•. ,ERt-.LS / ~JI< .. { EXISTING 6" SEWER VERY OLD V.C.P . (1947-1950) •• e NOT~<t_ WATER TABLE -APPROXIMATE ELEVATION SECTION 8-8 GARAGE EL. 30. 7 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 192 of 223 2730 STATE ST. 1 I I © NEW C-900 PVC 6" SEWER (SDRS SP-2 8t SP-3) I' EL. 39.0 CARLSBAD STATION CT 2019-03 19' SEWER EASEMENT II' EL. 41.3 48" HOP 12"PVC0 STORM DRAIN WATER TABLE · APPROXIMATE ELEVATION 1-3_5• 4.5' 1ST FLOOR ,______,'--EL. 4 2 . 2 I' I ---- VENTALATION OPENINGS SECTION 8-8 #2 GARAGE EL. 30.7 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 193 of 223 Up PrelliO Nex Mai ,Sear frin No Frames -us t n ch t - Title 13 SEWERS Chapter 13.04 GENERAL REGULATIONS 13.04.050 General prohibitions. A. Discharge of stormwater, surface water, groundwater, unpolluted industrial process water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, or any waters from an uncontaminated cooling system, swimming pool, decorative fountain or pond, into any public sewer or any private sewer which is connected to the public sewer without written permission in conformance with adopted regulations. B. No person shall enter, obstruct, uncover or tamper with any portion of the public sewer, or connect to it, or dispose anything into any sewer and/or sewer manhole without the written permission of the utilities director. C. No person or party shall remove or demolish any building or structures with plumbing fixtures connected directly or indirectly to the public sewer without first notifying the utilities director of such intention. All openings in or leading to the public sewer line or lines caused by such work shall be sealed watertight and inspected by the utilities director before being backfilled. D. No person shall fill or backfill over, or cause to cover, or obstruct access to, any sewer manhole. E. No person shall erect any improvements, structures, or buildings over public sewers without the written permission of the utilities director. F. Except as hereinafter provided in this section, no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described substances, waters or wastes into any public sewers: 1. Liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 140 degrees Fahrenheit; 2. Water or waste containing substances which may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 32 degrees and 150 degrees Fahrenheit; 3. Gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil, or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas; 4. Toxic, noxious or malodorous liquid, solid, or gas deemed a public hazard and nuisance; Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 194 of 223 5. Garbage that has not been properly shredded to a size of one- fourth inch or less so that all particles will be carried freely under normal flow conditions in the public sewers; 6. Ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, paunch manure, paper substances or normally dry, solid wastes capable of causing obstruction to the flow in or damage to sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewerage works; 7. Water or wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 9.5 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment, and personnel of the sewerage works; 8. Water or wastes containing any substance in sufficient quantity to discolor, injure, disrupt or interfere with the normal operation of any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to human or animal life, create a public nuisance, or significantly lower the quality of the receiving waters; 9. Water or wastes containing suspended solids of such character or quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle such materials at a sewage treatment plant; 10. Any unusual volume of flow or concentration of wastes constituting "slugs" as defined in Section 13 .04.010; 11. Radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life or concentration that may exceed limits established by the utilities director in compliance with applicable state or federal regulations; 12. Water added for the purpose of diluting wastes which would otherwise exceed applicable maximum concentration limitations; 13. Water or wastes containing substances which are not amenable to treatment or reduction by the treatment processes employed, or are amenable to treatment only to such degree that: a. The resulting effluent cannot meet the waste discharge requirements of the regional water quality control board or other agencies having jurisdiction over the quality and protection of the receiving waters, or b. The resulting sludge cannot meet limits for the chosen disposal method. G. Any person who discharges or causes to be discharged into the public sewers any water or wastes.having more than 300 mg/I of suspended solids shall be obligated to pay a surcharge, occasioned by the extent to which such water or waste contains an excess over the foregoing limitation of concentration. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 195 of 223 H. Where preliminary treatment facilities are provided for any wastewater as a condition of its acceptance, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his or her expense. I. When required by the utilities director, the owner of any property served by a building sewer carrying industrial wastewater shall install monitoring and recording equipment, and a suitable control manhole in the building sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the wastes. Such manhole shall be readily accessible and safely located, and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the utilities director. The manhole shall be installed and maintained by the owner at his or her expense. J. All measurements, tests, and analyses of the characteristics of water and wastewater to which reference is made in subsections F, G, and H of this section shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of the American Public Health Association's Standard Methods for Examination of Water, Sewage and Industrial Wastes and shall be made at the control manhole provided for in subsection I of this section, or upon suitable samples taken at said control manhole. If no special manhole is available, the sampling location shall be determined by the utilities director. ( Ord. CS-164 § 6, 2011; Ord. CS-010 § 2, 2008; Ord. NS-851 § 5, 2007; Ord. NS-129 § 2, 1990; Ord. 7069, 1986; Ord. 7065 § 1, 1983; Ord. 7062 § 1, 1982; Ord. 7060 § 1, 1980) View the mobile version. JJ.p Pre~io Nex Mai ,Sear frin No Frames us t n ch t - Title 13 SEWERS Chapter 13.04 GENERAL REGULATIONS 13.04.045 Responsibility for maintenance. A. Maintenance of all sewer mains dedicated to and accepted by the city shall be the responsibility of the city. B. Maintenance of all privately-owned sewer mains, and all lateral lines, equipment and appurtenances connected to the city's sewer Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 196 of 223 mains shall be the responsibility of the property owner or parcel occupant/user. The property owner or occupant/user is responsible for the cleaning and removal of blockages in the sewer lateral from the property being served to the sewer main. The property owner or occupant/user is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the sewer lateral from the sewer main to and including the building. C. The city hereby grants a revocable license to any property owner who has obtained a sewer connection permit pursuant to Chapter 13.10, or who, prior to the effective date of Chapter 13.10, has legally connected his or her sewer lateral to the sewer main, to retain his or her current sewer lateral placement within the city's right-of-way. D. Property owners must comply with Chapter 11.16 of this code, (permits for work or encroachments in public places), and any amendments thereto, prior to performing any work in, or encroaching upon, the city's right-of-way. (Ord. NS-851 § 4, 2007) View the mobile version . .U.p Pre~io Nex Mai Sear frin No Frames us t n ch t - Title 13 SEWERS Chapter 13.04 GENERAL REGULATIONS 13.04.090 Public health, safety and welfare violations. In addition to the other civil and criminal penalties provided herein, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter that is a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare may be declared and deemed a public nuisance, which may be summarily abated and/or restored as directed by the enforcement official in accordance with the procedures identified in Chapter 6.16. A civil action to abate, enjoin or otherwise compel the cessation of such nuisance may also be taken by the city, if necessary. (Ord. NS-851 § 6, 2007) Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 197 of 223 ... RECORDING REQUESTED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD WHEN RECORDED MAILTO: City Clerk CJTY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Cartsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. CA 92008 MAIL TAX EXEMPT STATEMENTS TO: EXEMPT The undersigned grantar(s) declare(s]: Documentary transfer tax is $0.00 DOC# 2020-0149544 111111111111~1 ~UI lffl MIi iii iHi 111111 lffll ~ffl 111111 Mar 23, 2020 . 02:25 PM OFFICIAL RECORDS Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER FEES: S0.00 (SB2 Atkins: $0.00) PAGES: 7 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Assessor's Paree! N'o.: 203-181-19-00 Project ID: SDP2019--0008 ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and Related Project ID: PR2020-0003 Related Project ID: ---------encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Project Name: State Street Commons ( ) Unincorporated area: (x) City of Carlsbad, and~~ GRANT DEED OF EASEMENT FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, STATE STREET COMMONS, LLCAA CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ASTO AN UNDIVIDED 86.4% INTEREST AND HF i:>TATE STREET, ilC, A CAlJFORNJA LJMJTED UABJLffY COMPANY AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 13.6% INTEREST. AS TENANTS IN COMMON the owner of real= property described herein located, in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California hereby GRANTS to City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation the following described real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California: arr easement for SEWER PURPOSES over, under, upon and across said reaf property as described in Exhibit "A0 , attached hereto and made a part hereof. Exhibit "8° is attached for clarity only. DATED 0;../ ;;y /;;tt~tJ OWNER: State Street Commons, LLC, a California limited liability company as to an ' undivided 86A% interest and HF State Street, LLC, a California limited liability company as to an undiwJed~•=~~ as= m common By:~ (Sign Here) (NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF EXECUTION BY OWNER($) MUST BE ATTACHED.) By: NOTE THAT THE PRESIDENT OR VICE-PRESIDENT AND THE SECRETARY OR ASSISTANT SECRETARY MUST SIGN _____ B.:___R=E_N_D_A_N_F_O_O_T_E _____ FOR CORPORATE EXECUTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT. (Print Name Here) ALTERNATELY A TRUE COPY OF A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS THAT IS SIGNED BY THE MANAGER SECRETARY DR ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE -------------:_-_-_-_-_-_-CORPORATION, UNDER CORPORATE SEAL SPECIFICALLY (7 ... ~ e), EMPOWERING THE INDIVIDUAL SIGNED IN BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION WILL SHOW SUFFICIENT AUTHORITY OF SAID INDMDUAL TO ACT IN THIS MATTER \. {~ IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT, PRIOR TO THE EXECUTION JASON HOTZE OF THIS EASEMENT, THE PARTIES CONSULT WITH THEIR ________________ ATTORNEYS WITH RESPECT THERETO. {Pnnt Name .Here) MANAGER (Title) Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 198 of 223 30' I 60' t-I w.=-w w 0:: ~ t-I-C/) (/) w 0 J-__J <(f~ J-Q_ en .._. 60' 30' 30' 30' ...I u en 'V co co :;:: 0 0 M (') .. 'V C") z w b ' (? (') (") ~ ~ EXHIBIT "B'' PLAT PR2020-0003 POR. LOT 29 <N55"26'56"E 162.63'> [N55°25'23"E 162.631 PARCEL1 CERTfFJCA TE OF COMPLIANCE REC. 01/15/2020 DOC. NO. 2020--0022357 O.R. APN: 203-181-19-00 SEWER EASEMENT AREA NOTE: BEARINGS ANO DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON RECORD INFORMATION. SEE SHEET 2 FOR EASEMENT NOTES MAP 1722 10' fO' POR. LOT 30 'tj- c.o ..--m MAP ~ 1722 0::: 10' i: '1i=---------------~=-----i ... 1!JI"------S55"27'00'W 162.70' (N55"27'E) LOT 31 LEGEND MAP 1722 ------PROPERTY LINE ------RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE -----CENTER LINE ------ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE cz:::::z::J 10' WIDE EASEMENT DEDICATED HEREON AREA 1,865 SQ.FT. (0.043 AC.±} ( ) l 1 INDICATES RECORD DATA PER MAP 1722 IND/CATES RECORD DATA PER PM 1339 MELLO ~ ~v~01-rJ&~ GARYD.ME1LOM, PLS 8537 ' 02/24/2020 < > INDICATES CALCUlATED FROM RECORD PER PM 1339 DATE: PASCO LARET SUITER & ASSOCIATES PH. 858.259.8212 / PLSAENGINEERING.COM SCALE= 1" = 40' PlSAJOBNO. 3139 SEWER EASEMENT SOP 2019-0008 SHEET1 OF2 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 199 of 223 90' I SCALE: 1• • 30" ALL ON-SITE STORM DRAIN & SEW'ER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED. bliAlnc. land plonnlnq, cMI engineering, aurveylng 5115 Avenldo Encinas Suite L Carlsbad, California 92008-'387 (760) 931-8700 "CARLSBAD STATION" STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREE' WATER, SEWER & STORM DRAIN PLAN CARLSBAD, CA w.o. 1026-1439-41XJ SHEET 8 OF Jj Carlsbad Station Sewer Exhibit LEGEND Project Boundary Existing public sewer Proposed public sewer Existing public sewer to be removed EX H I B I T 8 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 200 of 223 □ - --· VICINITY MAP EX H I B I T 9 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 201 of 223 LEGEND PROPERTY BOUNDARY FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING WA JER MEJER PROPOSED SIDEWALK FF 45.6 X 44.4 ~45- □ TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP ''CARLSBAD STATION'' FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES . ---------------------- DECORATIVE PA VERS-IMPERVIOUS {SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS) PROPOSED C-3 RETAINING WALL W/FENCING, MAX 6' COMBINED HEIGHT PROPOSED C-9 RETAINING WALL TYPE A W/FENCING, MAX 6' COMBINED HEIGHT PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PIPE PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED YARD DRAIN PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION TOP OF WALL FINISH GRADE EXISTING OVER-HEAD UTILITY EXISTING WA JER LINE EXISTING SEWER LINE EXISTING SEWER MANHOLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED RR£ WA JER SERVICE PROPOSED DOMESTIC WA JER SERVICE PROPOSED SEWER LA JERALS PROPOSED !RR/GA TION SERVICE PROPOSED GAS SERVICE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA JER DISTRICT STANDARD DRAWING CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD DRAWING SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING PUBLIC UTILITIES I I I I I 11 I I I I I I . ■ ■ ■ ■ ---SIJ---- -SD--0--SD- ~ ~ ,z.3 ---OH ---cw)--- ___ (S) --- SM Q FH -l()j- --~S--- ---w--- ---s---___ , __ _ ---G--- C.M. W.D. C.S.D. SDRSD WAII"R SUPPLY CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SEWER SCHOOi.. GAS & ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE FIRE RESIDENTIAL: 250 GPO X 79 = 19,750 GPO RETAIL/RESTAURANT.· 2300 GPO X 1.1896 = 2,736 GPO CITY OF CARLSBAD RESIDENTIAL: 79 £DU'S O 220 GAL PER UNIT= 17,380 GAL RETAIL/RESTAURANT.· 1 EDU/1800 SF. 11,573/1800 = 6.43 EDU 6.43 EDU X 220 GPO/EDU = 1,415 GPO CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC AT&T TIME WARNER CABLE CARLSBAD FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT I I I II ~ :, I I l 1; j ~j SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY I ! ! 65. 10· I a ~ 11 I~ I I :, I I I I -----==== :, ~ =:i:i=== II II II :, ------""'------------------ BUILDING TABULATIONS HYDROLOGY-HYDRAULIC REPORTS HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC REPORT PREPARED BY BHA, INC. DATED: 09-18-2019 {EXIST 0100=9.17 CFS/PROP 0100=9.48 CFS) PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT-STORM WATER MITIGATION PLAN PREPARED BY BHA, INC. DA TED: 04-04-19 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT DATED: DATED: FEBRUARY 12, 2019 AND INFILTRATION FEASIBILITY STUDY DA TED: MAY 31, 2019 PREPARED BY: JEFFERY A CHANEY RC£ 46544/GE 2314 PROJ. NO. PIW 1809-04, ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS. INC. 485 CORPORA TE DRIVE, SUITE B ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 (619) 867-0487 SHEET INDEX SHEET 1: SHEET 2: SHEET 3: SHEET 4: SHEET 5: SHEET 6: SHEET 7: SHEET B: SHEET 9: SHEET 10: SHEET 11: KEY MAP & NOJES EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN SHEET INDEX PLAN SHEET/STREET SECTIONS DESIGN PLAN SHEET DESIGN PLAN SHEET DESIGN PLAN SHEET GARAGE DESIGN PLAN SHEET WA JER, SEWER & STORM DRAIN PLAN DESIGN SECTIONS/DETAILS ON STREET PARKING EXHIBIT PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO TRAIN DEPOT EXHIBIT SITE ~ "o To ~ NO SCALE UNIT A AX B C D E F FX G GX H I IX J K KX L M N NX 0 ox UNIT A B C D RES/DEN TIAL UNIT TYPE UNIT QTY. SF 1 BR/1 BA 14 747 J BR/2 BA 2 1,205 2 BR/2.5 BA 8 1,325 2 BR/2.5 BA 2 1,409 2 BR/2.5 BA 6 1,511 2 BR/2.5 BA J 1,511 2 BR/2.5 BA J 1,631 2 BR/2.5 BA 1 1,704 2 BR/2.5 BA 1 1,636 2 BR/2.5 BA 1 1,754 2 BR/2.5 BA 8 1,752 2 BR/2.5 BA 2 1,758 2 BR/2.5 BA 2 1.771 2 BR/2.5 BA 4 1,818 2 BR/2.5 BA 2 1,845 2 BR/2.5 BA 2 1,864 J BR/2.5 BA 2 2,042 J BR/2.5 BA 2 2,007 J BR/2.5 BA 8 2,185 4 BR/3.5 BA 4 2,877 J BR/J.5 BA 1 2,452 J BR/J.5 BA 1 2,840 SUBTOTAL 19 RETAIL/RESTAURANT UNIT TYPE UNIT QTY. SF RETAIL 1 1,220 RETAIL I 2,687 RESTAURANT 1 J,000 RETAIL 1 2,870 SUBTOTAL 4 TOTAL BJ K:\Civil 3D\1439\DwG\ TM\ 1439-CQrlsbo.ci Sto.tion_ TM0Lciwg □ct 07, 2020 -127pci SF/UNIT 10,458 2,410 10,600 2,818 9,066 4,533 4,893 1,704 1,636 1,754 14,016 J,516 J,542 7,272 3,690 J,728 4,084 4,014 17,480 11,508 2,452 2,840 128,014 SF/UNIT 1,220 2,687 J,000 2,870 9,777 137,191 0 □ lgl ---- ~~ t 1· 11 SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY m i BUILDING 2 SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY D ----,-----i-----,---- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r--+ - -+- , I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ -i-t- -_J_ -I -..L.... +-'FY-FER S-'F. - ----, ---,- I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l c:, i KEYMAP 50' 25' 0 50' 100' 150' PARKING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN ON SHEET 11 OF THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS PEAK TRIP GENERATION SCALE: 1" = 50' Parking Ana lysis Total Provided I 143 1 Req uired by City Ordinance Carlsbad Station Trip Generation Summary Use # Facto r Total AMPeakHour PM Peak Hour Land Use Quantity Rate a ADT' %of [n: Out Volume %of In: Out Volume ADT' Split In I Out I Total ADT' Split In Out I Total Mar~et rat e-2/l/4 bdrm o,J 1.50 94 Mar~et rat e-1 bdrm 4 1.00 4 Existing Land Uses A ffordable-! bd rm 10 0.50 5 State S1reet A ffordable-3 bd rm 2 1.50 3 A -Restaurant 2,760 SF 160 /KSF 442 8% 5,5 18 17 35 8% 6A 21 14 35 Rei ail A 1,22G 415 3 B -Retail 4,370 SF 40 /KSF 175 3% 6,4 3 2 5 9% 5,5 8 8 16 Ret ail B 2,687 300 9 Roosevelt Street Ret ail C-Restauroint 3,000 170 1B C -Retail 4,090 SF 40 /KSF 164 3% 6,4 3 2 5 9% 5,5 8 7 15 Ret ail D 2,870 415 7 D -Office 2,430 SF 20 /KSF 49 14% 9,1 6 I 7 13% 2,8 I 5 6 Handicap Counted in the requirem ernts oibov e E -Restaurant 5,270 SF 160 /KSF 843 8% 5,5 34 33 67 8% 6A 40 27 67 Credit -Handi ca p with EV charging (2) (2) F -Multi-Family Residential 8 DU 8 /DU 64 8% 2,s I 4 5 10% n 4 2 6 Credit for add'I st reet Pkg. B (0.50) (4) G -Office 1.490 SF 20 IKSF 30 14% 9,1 4 0 4 13% 2,8 I 3 4 Credit for on sit e !J icycle parkinJ 1.2 (0.166667) (2) H -Retail 720 Sl' 40 /KSF 29 3% 6,4 I 0 I 9% 5,5 2 I 3 Total Requir1:1d 135 Subtotal --1,796 --70 59 129 -. 85 67 152 .S.urpl u.s g Proposed Land Uses PARKING NOTES: Multi-Family Residential 79 DU 8 /DU 632 8% 2,8 Restaurant 4.000 SF 160 /KSF 64-0 8% 5,5 to 41 51 10% 26 25 51 8% n 44 6,4 31 19 20 63 51 THE PROPOSED 12 ON-SITE BICYCLE PARKING SPACES FOR THIS PROJECT GRANTS (2) COMMERCIAL PARKING SPACES PER SECTION 26.6 OF THE V.B.M.P. Retail 8.573 SF 40 IKSF 343 3% 6,4 6 4 10 9% 5,5 16 15 31 Subtotal --1,615 -42 70 112 -91 54 145 Total Net New Trlp!i --(181) -. (28) II (17) . -6 11 (13) (7) Foottwtes: a. Trip generation rates foU11.d in the SANDAG (!,lot So) Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002 b. Avemge Daily Trip~ '-----------------------------------------' TWO PARKING SPACES ARE ADA EV SPACES WHICH COUNT BOTH AS AN ADA SPACE AND AS AN EV SPACE PER CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 22511.2 (AB-1100 ELECTRIC VEHICLES: PARKING REQUIREMENTS). PARKING STATISTICS: TOTAL EXISTING "ON-STREEt PARKING SPACES 16 PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TQIFRQM TRAIN DEPOT; TO/FROM BU/WING 1 ENTRANCE TO/FROM BU/WING 2 ENTRANCE NOTE: THIS IS A TENTATIVE MAP OF A CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AS DEFINED AS DEFINED IN SECTION 4125 OF THE CIVIL CODE OF THE STA 1E OF CALIFORNIA. THE PROJECT CONTAINS A MAXIMUM OF 83 AIRSPACE UNITS. WHICH INCLUDES 79 RESIDENTIAL AIRSPACE UNITS, 3 RETAIL AIRSPACE UNITS AND 1 RESTUARANT AIRSPACE UNIT. TOTAL PROPOSED "ON-STREEt PARKING SPACES 24 920 FEET (0.17 MILES) 1,032 FEET (0.19 MILES) (PARKING SPACES PER CMC 21.44.050 "TABLE B") DRIVEWA y "CURB curs· STATISTICS: TOTAL EXISTING "CURB curs· 6 TOTAL PROPOSED "CURB curs· 1 REV DESCRIPTION APPROVED THIS IS THE APPROVED JENTATIVE MAP/SIJE PLAN FOR PROJECT NO. ___ PER CONDITION NO. _____ OF PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. __ _ PLANNING DIVISION DA 1E ENGINEERING DIVISION DA TE LEGALDESCRIPTION CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 PORTIONS OF LOTS 29, JO AND 31 OF MAP NO. 1722 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER ON JULY 28, 1921, PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 1339 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER ON FEBRUARY 23, 1973 AS DOCUMENT NO. 73-048297 AND PARCEL "A• OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 190 RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER ON FEBRUARY 19, 1981 AS DOCUMENT NO. 81-050735, WI/THIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA OWNER'S CERTIFICATE WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE THE RECORD OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THE TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP AND THAT SAID MAP SHOWS AU OUR CONTIGUOUS OWNERSHIP IN WHICH WE HA VE ANY DEED OR TRUST INTEREST. WE UNDERSTAND THAT OUR PROPERTY IS CONSIDERED CONTIGUOUS EVEN IF IT IS SEPARATED BY ROADS. STREETS. UTILITY EASEMENTS, OR RAILROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY. OWNERS: DEWHURST FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST DA TED MARCH 13, 1990 3425 SEACREST DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 I~~~----L/)1 I '.ff~ _;;;6 10-07-20 DONALD K. DEWHURST DA 1E fRUSTEE ___ _ i/Jit 10-07-20 DONNA -DO DA 1E TRUSTEE DEVELOPER: CARLSBAD VILLAGE BO, LLC. EN.RUH£, ------" 1903 'NRIGHT PLACE, SUITE 280 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (76IJ)918=8200 ---- 1~ ·t1 ·f-~ VICE PRESIDENT/CFO ENGINEER OF WORK bl-lA,lnc. land plarri,g, clvl erv,ua~:c,. ~ 5115 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUllE "L• CARLSBAD, CA. 92008-4387 10-07-20 DAJE THE HOWARD-JONES MARITAL TRUST DA TED MARCH 31, 1981 4825 ARGOSY LANE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CAROLYN L. HOWARD-JONES -- CO-TRUSTEE 8 RBARA DIANE HOWAR -JONES C TRUSTEE Z~✓~✓/ ~~%e 10-07-20 BRUCE RICE RCE 60676 DATE PROJECT INFORMATION 1. STREET ADDRESS 2. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 3. SITE ACREAGE 4. EXISTING ZONING 5. GENERAL PLAN 6. MINIMUM UNIT YIELD Z MAXIMUM DENSITY 8. PROPOSED DENSITY 9. NUMBER OF EXISTING LOTS 10. NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS 11. EXISTING LAND USE ROOSEVELT STREET (2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, 2081} STA TE STREET (2780 AND 2802) 203-101-12, 203-181-03, 203-181-04, 203-181-07, 203-181-08, 203-181-09, 203-181-10, AND 203-181-16. 1.756 ACRES (76,508 sf) GROSS V-R-VILLAGE REVIEW (CARLSBAD VILLAGE CENII"R 1) VILLAGE (V), 28-35 DU'S/AC 25 UNITS 62 UNITS 44.9 UNITS 8 LOTS 1 LOT RETAIL/RESIDENTIAL/OmCE/RESTAURANT 10-07-20 DAJE 10-07-20 DAJE 12. PROPOSED LAND USE 13. PROPOSED OPEN SPACE MIXED USE {79 CONDO FLA TS/J RETAIL UNITS/I RESTAURANT UNIT) PUBLIC: N/A RESIDENTIAL PRIVATE: 60 SF /UNIT. WITH MINIMUM OF 6' IN ANY DIRECTION (REQUIRED) VARIES SF BALCONIES X 79 UNITS (PROVIDED) = 11,541 SF (SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR UNIT BALCONY SQUARE FOOTAGES) RESIDENTIAL COMMON: 15. MINIMUM LOT SIZE 16. PROPOSED NUMBER OF AIRSPACE UNITS I Z SETBACK DA TA FRONT SIDE INTERIOR SIDE STREET REAR INTERIOR REAR STREET 15 SF X 79 UNITS = I, 185 SF (REQUIRED) 11,898 SF (PROVIDED) 7,500 SF BJ (79 RES/DENTIAL/J RETAIL/I RESTAURANT UNIT) RE OU/RED PROPOSED o•-5• o•-5• o' 10' N/A o· o· N/A GENERAL DESIGN NOTES 1. CONTOUR INTERVAL 1' 2. EARTHWORK QUANTITIES CUT 28,300 CY FIU 0.000 CY EXPORT 28,300 CY REMEDIAL GRADING 6,500 CY (3' OVER-EX) 3. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA 77,636 SF 4. TOTAL PERVIOUS AREA J,828 SF 5. BUILDING HEIGHT 45; FOUR STORIES (GROUND FLOOR PLATE HEIGHT 14; 6. COASTAL ZONE NO Z BEACH OVERLAY ZONE NO 8. DRAINAGE DISTRICT A (N. W. QUADRANT} 9. "NFPA13" FIRE SPRINKLERS ARE REQUIRED THROUGHOUT FOR THIS PROJECT 10. NO CONSTRAINTS EXIST. SITE HAS BEEN 100 PERCENT DISTURBED, AND THERE ARE NO UNDEVELOPED LANDS PURSUANT TO SECTION 21.53.230 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL COD£ 11. SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: FLOWN TOPOGRAPHY INLAND AERIAL SURVEr'S INC. DATED 01-03-19 12. INQUS/ONARY HOUSING: PROJECT TO INCLUDE AFFORDABLE 12 UNITS TO SATISFY THE 79 RESIDENTIAL UNITS. DATE APPD BRUCE L. RICE NO. 60676 ! l'IVI\. :F Ct.\.~ "CARLSBAD STATION" STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET KEY MAP & NOTES CARLSBAD, CA WO. 1026-1439-400 SHEET 1 OF 11 "CARLSBAD STATION" EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 202 of 223 APN 203-101-34 ) APN 203-101-12 p /L ~ VCHAINLINK FENCE o.1·T n-ro.5rP/L ---'---f,~;---"o"= -CS) -I CS) l l - 1.0'+/- APN 203-181-11 BLOCK WALL_/ APN 203-181-16 DETAIL "A" NO SCALE land planning, civil engineering, 5115 Avenida Encinas Suite L Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 surveying APN ?03-181-09 I I - WOOD FENCE-----..__;__ 0.5!- APN ~ 203-181-19 P/L I 2.0· APN 203-181-08 TRASH ENCLOSURE I DETAIL "B" NO SCALE 20· 10· 0 K,\Civil 3D\1439\D\./G\ TM\ 1439 CC1rlsbC1d Station Tf102 topo.dwg □ct 07, 2020 1,19p1'1 I 1 \ \ VJ 20· 40' SCALE: 1" = 20' , I I I 0.4'---I 4.8' - P/L DETAIL NO SCALE 60' , E D \ I 8.2' CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 BLDG ~---IG g, <:: -- L ----1 o <:: '--' "' <t ~ BLO 11 I .,,su DI rs, N 'Ol ND R1 BL lG P/L,_ , . \ -,,,--R/W ---+4-+-+--1---1-.L\------I------\,~~ \ \0.7' , \ I \ 1 I I POINT OF__/ COMMON WALL DETAIL NO SCALE \_BLDG FACE ---1---12"0V j _ !3:Tln ~ I TO ';;MAW~ ~\ ~1 ~~~-~: J ~. \ ci EXIST TELEPHONE~ :o! (__ ,, ' 1 © 1" s TE"' I STRERT~ER:~Pf!:;Cf-ffR WIT Q ~ 'J C'; . 0 -I ,11PJESSJ~ z BRUCE L. ~\ § RICE \ l!, j NO. 60676 I '* '; ~ ClVll./~ ~ 01' Ct.\,~/, LEGEND (for this sheet only) @ IND/CA TES WA TER VAL~ ® © @ ® ® @ ® (j) Q) ® ([) ® @ ® @ ® @ ® ® (J) IND/CA TES SEWER MANHOLE IND/CA TES SEWER CLEANOUT IND/CA TES WATER METER TO 8£ REMOVED IND/CA TES WOODEN FENCE IND/CA TES CHAINLINK OR IRON FENCE IND/CA TES FIRE HYDRANT IND/CA TES STREET LIGHT IND/CA TES CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER IND/CA TES CONCRETE CURB IND/CA TES WALL IND/CA TES TRANSFORMER TO REMAIN IND/CA TES TRANSFORMER TO 8£ REMO~D IND/CA TES UTILITY HANDHOLE/PULL BOX EXISTING DRl~WA Y TO 8£ REMO~D IND/CA TES STREET TR££ {SIZE) IND/CA TES UTILITY VAULT REMO~ EXISTING WATER SERVICES EXISTING PARCEL LINES TO 8£ MERGED WITH FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP EXISTING ROW PUBLIC STREET & PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT TO 8£ OED/CA TED WITH FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP PROPOSED PODIUM WALL OUTLINE --LIMITS OF DEMOLITION, EXCEPT AS NOTED IND/CA TES GAS LINE -(GAS) --(S)-IND/CA TES SEWER -(\J)-IND/CA TES WATER C) PLOTTED EASEMENT EASEMENTS Q2> SDG&E EASEMENT PER DOC. 84-133610 CANNOT 8£ PLOTTED FROM DESCRIPTION. CJD SDG&E EASEMENT PER DOC. 75-244007 @) SDG&E EASEMENT PER DOC. 78-176792 <:2§) SDG&E EASEMENT PER DOC. 81-286246 TO 8£ ABANDONED. 1---------1---- - - - - - - - - - (j5/ n"L------l_j ~ DWY ~ c.-P/LJlf i:0 ~ ------l ___ .::i' ~ ---t I I b=dd [ BOLLARDS \ I I ([) I PAVERS ~IL---PILASTER TO \ REMAIN I -0 -• _.,_9-"--------.j__._j -• P/L-_.., \ -&;l.....-0.1· APN 1----,;~l.,'l v•-"-'v1 8 1 -Q 7 APN \ 203-181-12 /PILA~!".ER TO I 02·-i~/_ 1 \ V BR/CK WALL WITH >vv--__. WROUGHT IRONRAIL TOP TO REMAIN I', l,-,l-1--l ,___.+--------tl 1,---P/LASTER TO 11 /, REMAIN /~ o.2·--11---'f--, I I ~ PAVERS I I I \ 0.4' PILASTER TO REMAIN ,-3' WOOD / PARTITION I I rEj l-f-f----+-1 11 J. PATIO I o.4·~~1lllri"\--+-___ lJI ---------~~DG COR 0.3' P/L:-..1 1 I I so H FROM P/L DETAIL "C" SCALE: 1" 8' w.o. 1026-1439-400 SHEET 2 OF 11 a a ~ c:i 'i DN OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD "CARLSBAD STATION" SHEET INDEX PLAN SHEET/ STREET SECTIONS CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 203 of 223 ---0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U I I oo -~==-=---------;~:;;;;::;:;;;::;;:;;::;;;;::;:;;;::;;:;;::;;;;::;:;;;::;;:;;:;;::;;1r;fl ;;::;:;;;::;;:;;::;;;JS;::;;;;=;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===:=====~---------------------------------, _l,EXISTING 6" ACP WATER PER CITY GIS/DWG 101-1 ST.LT. ~ ~~ RQQSEVELT ---\:_F.H. STREET O ~ ---R-1 !}"T------Co,_,c._____ CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 CW) 7 CW) --(',/) -(',/J --C'w) 7 ('w) --(',/) -(',/J --CW) ~ CW) -(',/) --(',/) --(',/) --C'w) ~ CW) ~ ('w) ---(',/) -(',/) --<'.,/); --CW) ------QI,/) ) CS) ,___ ,._.;:. \)i --<& "'°' '>' 0 V)' -r,Jib) --(',/) --(',/) -(',/) --'Ill' --(',/) -(',/) --(',/) --(',/) -(',/) -- ' EXISTING SMff'_;,C <Sa 1"' ~> ,_ ·-•~ ·----s, -,<~>--~4.._ ,, CSb ...., 1,---..a;....-~-,,-EXISTING 8" VCP SEWER PER CITY GIS/_D"'&"'01-1 1o'W --c,1, --c,1, --,,1, RIM 42 08 c,; V -· <•> k\:o ,,,,__ "' <~> <:S> -" -tTT ~ ·-· -GJ-I' EXIST R/W CT 2019-000J I EXIST R/W = · SIGHT LINE PER D.O. T. (25 MPH SPEED) --~ ◊EXISTING SMH~----+-------------------- As, -<GAsfE= J_.J._~/}s, --<GAS) --__ a ---...._ -EXISTING / " '-'\, · ST.LT. T (GAS) (GAS) --(GAS) --(GAS) --(GAS) --(GAS) --(GAS) --(GAS) --(GAS)o ,a Asph, _ >---/ 1 1 2 GAS PER CITY DWG 101-1 RIM = 46.55 C"..1 C) ~ S) --CGAS) --(GAS) ~/'i'£,J __...-<GAS) -(GAS) _____/c GAS) --CGAS) --(GAS) --CGAS) --CGAS) /£= 37/l~ O LO -y GA. ) --CGAo;;::) --CGAS) --(GAS) --(GAS) --(GP rv-:i 0..J --------.------:::: ~ ---- F.H. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ~ { I Ix _l_ \ \ " <o \~ }cl , I ~-~-------~-~8= I IL -~ I I I I I - I I I CS) 0, IO- io ~ 0 - □ ~ [ - -_()_ .....,,_- r7.5' CL AR ---,- ZONE ---I ' -' NJ4"00'0J'W J6J.12' EXISTING ROW 7 ~ ~ .,..._ -c.;~'-l ..,--;,-l!==~~:{f6~-lr=~~"""'J i.----r----..!11 - Ii ------------~-'===--~.....,. '--.._PROPOSED R0\\11 -IV1 - L...-----~ ----.,c_FT::J_ - -Iii 1------ 1 V ---------: -----------·•-------- SEE SHEET 7 R GARAGE DESIG l:J _J vv FF=44.20 ")lo "' { FF=45.00 FF=45.80 r-. '-"-~---=db.,1,!j,1,11111,l11,1,,,,,l-=i7 j _j'\ □ II II □ □ El - FF=42.20 FF=42.20 's:t LO r w w :r: (/) r w w :r: (/) u II II - [ SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT \)lo +,;. /,-APPROX/MA TE LOCATION OF PROPOSED ( , PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT FF=42.20 w w (/) w w (/) □ □ ~1~~--=-===~=="--iii=i!.:"="::i!IT7~ -=-=-7 _s:_ - ----=--=-...i.':.......I - -l~C-o_ ~W --=-~ . ,~ --= <,..::,, ' (S) (S) (S) (S) ---u-(S) ---u-(S) I NJ4·10•41 ·-r 24r_53• I r ,s, r ,s, ,s, -~ ,s, -~~ i \._-EXISTING PUBLIC 6" VCP SEWER LINE. APPROX/MA ~LY I I i i I II 1.5'-2.5' FROM P/L. PROTECT IN PLACE I I I I I ,CS' 0Q \' APPROX/MA TE LOCATION OF PROPOSED [ II II > ------------------- FF=47.00 FF=46.50 FF=42.20 SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT SEE SHEET 5 SEE SHEET 6 la 'I I I 7 I bJ ,I 'I I £] ,I 'I I '-Onln ic=J_ ~""---"-_ n_v_Y _ _ I/ □ I PATIO W------1-, \ (RIM= 43.82 PO"-fl TP 32.40/IE=31.id0 ,cs·---- 1/ ~ N i,'J' 0Q 11 .. n n '?' ~1 ~ -(S) _+_ CS) --CS) - ...._• I-I " D C ·-S? _J _J VARIES 50'-58' *VARIES 25' 33' -C/L 25' I r VARIES I I 3.5'-11.5' 21.5' 21.5' J.5' I I EXIST. PCC WALK 2% 2% ,. -2% ?L. .. .. -,_/ ~ . Ii> .~:.i ,. I-~ii "\._£XIS T. PCC WALK 'C GUTTER EXIST. CURB/< EXIST. AC PVMT EXIST. CURB/GUTTER Al 10' 8' Q>---EXIST. 6" AC WATER EXIST. 1 I /2 HP GAS_,,/ ~~-~-~-r---=-------i~ MAIN PER DWG IO 1-1 LINE PER DWG 101-1 APPROX 4' DEEP APPROX 3' DEEP ' (VERIFY DEPTH IN FIELD) (VERIFY DEPTH IN AELD) I V EX/ST. 8" VCP SEWER LINE PER DWG 701-1 * NOTE: PROJECT TO DEDICATE 8' OF R/W APPROX 7.5' DEEP (VERIFY DEPTH IN FIELD) ALONG ROOSEVELT WHERE R/W IS 25' ROOSEVELT STREET (EXISTING) N.T.S. PROP EXIST R/W R/W EXIST CT 2019-0003 t-__ 1 _______ _:5:=8_' __________ R~:/W REMOVE/REPLACE IMPROVEMENTS 8.0' 11.5' J3' 21.5' C/L 25' 21.5' J.5' I ~=iL:f:%~n 1 2" AC GR/ND/OVERLAY I 12" SAWCUT I ,i,,.. ~ ?L. ~c-=~=- PROP. PCC WALK PER G-7* PROP. 6" PCC CURB &-GUTTER PER G-2 EXIST. I 1/2 HP GAS LINE PER DWG 101-1 APPROX 3' DEEP (VERIFY DEPTH IN AELD) 20.0' EXIST. AC PVMT EXIST. PCC WALK EXIST. CURB/GUTTER 14.5' EXIST. 6" AC WATER MAIN PER DWG 101-1 ' APPROX 4' DEEP I (VERIFY DEPTH IN FIELD) * NOTE: WIDTH VARIES (5' MINIMUM) ~EXIST. 8" VCP SEWER LINE PER DWG 101-1 APPROX 7.5' DEEP (VERIFY DEPTH IN AELD) ROOSEVELT STREET (PROPOSED) N.T.S. EXIST R/W VARIES 69.9'-79.8' EXIST R/W 39.9' C/L 11.9' 28.0' EXIST. PCC WALK EXIST. CURB/GUTTER A ' I _/ CO 19 EXIST. 1 1/2 HP GAS '?--------_1 VARIES 30.0'-39.9' VARIES 22.0'-26.9' EXIST. AC PVMT VARIES 8.0'-73.0' 1 I CT 2019-0003 EXIST. PCC WALK EXIST. CURB/GUTTER APPROX 3 DEEP f--. --'-''----l, APPROX 4' DEEP (VERIFY DEPTH IN FlELD) OP""'-" sc,m ("'"'"' __ 1 ____ __._ __ -1 FF=42.20 51 I LJ LINE PER JDC£ ASSET MAP I 13' I-EXIST. 6" AC WATER MAIN PER DWG 101-1 (VERIFY DEPTH IN AELD) I l land planning, civil engineering, surveying 5115 Avenida Encinas Suite L Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 20' 10· 0 ...,,. I I \ 20' SCALE: 1" = 20' 40' 60' BL7G FF~41.80 ~- + EXIST R/W 17.9' STATE STREET (EXISTING) 39.9' N.T.S. VARIES PER PLAN EXIST PROP R/W R/W VARIES 74.5'-79.8' C/L VARIES 34.6'-39.9' CT 2019-0003 28.0' VARIES 22.0'-26.9' 1 f.9' 2 AC GRIND/OVERLAY , 1--+----€...l==;:!-'"-REMOVE/REPLACE IMPROVEMENTS EXIST. PCC WALK 12" SAWCUl' 2% -2% p.µ:-:=;:~::z::Jf~I' RAISED PATIO BEHIND PROPOSED R/W EXIST. AC PVMT EXIST. CURB/GUTTER -A 19 , PROP. PCC CURB _/ , ANO GUTTER PER ROP. CC WALK AR c-'7* EXIST. 1 1 /2 HP GAS , G 2 '"R."'E.S 72" 6" LINE PER $OGE ASSET MAP · ":=~1=3===1------' _"_"_'_· __ -___ ! APPROX 3' DEEP - (VERIFY DEPTH IN AELD) EXIST. 6" AC WAiTR MAIN PER DWG 101-1 APPROX 4' DEEP (VERIFY DEPTH IN FIELD) 5' PROPOSED 75" RCP SD (APPROX 6.5' DEEP) ,.!._---------PROPOSED 10" SEWER LINE U (APPROX 70' DEEP) PROP. SD CO PER A-4 * NOTE: WIDTH VARIES (5' MINIMUM) STATE STREET (PROPOSED) N.T.S. DN OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD "CARLSBAD STATION" DESIGN PLAN SHEET CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET OD Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 204 of 223 ---0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST.LT. EXISTING 6" ACP WATER PER CITY GIS/DWG 101-1 -(v./) fy-(''y/) --(',/) --(',/) --(',/) --(',/) --(',/) --(',/) --(I,,/) -½---0) --(',/) --',/) H (',/) --(',/) --M -~ "t:i--(',/) __ !!:, oq,s e,ye ~:, T (',/) --(',/) --(',/~·11!: B 12,~ (',/) --,;, +---(',/) --(',/) --(',/) --(',/) --(',/) --(',/) --(vi) : t--\' /c/ 'J' 1E=36.38 w Ix' 0 !:,)· ~ ~ Ix ~~~~ Ix ~ =-=aa\ '~ cs' cso cs, '"' ~EXIS~:G SMHc&> \ ,., ----... --~ "" e&>---\ ----------------------------_______ w _______ ,sL ______ 1&'------~~s, \£) '"r'"' RIM = 42.08 > EXISTING B" VCP SEWER PER CITY GIS/DWG 101-1 ----------------=-___ _fH ______ --::4£) _______ .££> -_____ <<') ____ -GD --v-~ IE= 33.98 I <GAS) --<GAS) - ST.LT. - -7"--:~:::: ~~ ---------------------□- --_ _ (EG 42.2) ~r---r@. Cone-:-- - --0 FS 42.3Jl PROP COR TW 42.30 (EG 42.30) BEGIN PCC C-9 WALL FS42.9 10.00 1. FS 43.2 <' ~5:... -e-10.00..,. 7.5' CLEA ZONE ' -l'F=-r 7 ~-------""t{T- ® . FS 44: ?Z ~ l · EXISTING ROW 7Il!!!!! PROPOSED ROW IQ I @ MID VC 42.41 ,--i-------- I L_ 1 - -_J ----, ------------------ I 11.0' I 0. I I I I I I I TG 41.65 R ljll S 41.95 'rw 42.30 ®~rs /5 F' 41.60 I SEE SHEET 7 FOR GARAGE DESIGN FF =44.20 i I I! I I I I I I I 'FS 42 20 -l..l-11-1-1 • -~ PODIUM WALL FF=45.00 FS 42.20 . ,. . . I ,1 S TG 42. 10 · ® _l,'======:,1--~ S 39.87 FS 42_2_0 ADA RAMP I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (F =4 .3 + - ) 2" VG D-mt--.c 1. • ' TW 42.30 (EG 40.8)----n u TW 42.30 lllrl FS 41.70 TG 41.30 R A l--1-t:7"\Y I ~ u F 41.60 .JJI mi TG 41.30 R TW 42.20 fit 41. 70 1rw 42.30 F 41.70 @ (l_ 2 <( °" FF =42.20 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD II II II II FS 42.20 I 1ieeee==~==- . . 2.20 ~ . . . ' . ·."' II @ II II II .. ®TG 0 42.=i ··. WATER 12" PVC D_ •. _. ·•.• •.. i®P_ .. FEATURE @ 0.50% I 'F==~===~~ ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT TAKEN THROUGH PODIUM DECK AND CONNECT TO 12" STORM DRAIN FS 42.20 C-9 RETAINING WALL TYPE A W/FENCING. 6' MAX COMBINED HEIGHT TW 41.80 (EG 40.25) PODIUM WALL G 41.30@ SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT I fl I 0 S 41.60 ~ 41.70 ® B L---llfl-+-+---1'1-...J SEE SHEET 9 FOR DETAIL p l. I I I b~A,lnc. land planning, civil engineering, surveying 5115 Avenida Encinas ST.LT. Suite L Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 CS) --CS) --CS) --CS) --( EXISTING SMH RIM = 39.22 IE= 34.15 PROP CO (EG 39.6) I --(Sl --(S) --CS) --(S) CS) --CS) -- TW 41.80 C-9 RETAINING WALL (EG 39.6) TYPE A W/FENCING. B--..... 6' MAX COMBINED HEIGHT K:\Civil 3D\1439\DwG\ TM\ 1439-CQrlsbo.ci Sto.tion_ TM04_grounci,ciwg □ct 07, 2020 -2:22pM ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT RIP-RAP PAD (TYPICAL) FF=42.20 \J~ \;x + fl I ~B.0% ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD FF =42.20 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT TAKEN THROUGH PODIUM DECK AND CONNECT TO 12" STORM DRAIN ,,--APPROX/MA TE LOCATION OF PROPOSED PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT TW 42.20 (EG 42.1) I I I I I I LO I I I-I w I w I I U) I w I w I U) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 LEGEND: (for sheets 4-6 only) @ ® © ® © ® ® ® (I) 0 ® <D ® ® @ ® @ ® ® ® 0 30' WIDE DRIVE PER C.S.D. GS-20 (MODIFIED) (MODIFIED TO ALLOW FOR EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN) PCC SIDEWALK PER SDRSD G-7, WIDTH VARIES 5' MINIMUM (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES) 6" PCC CURB AND GUTTER PER SDRSD G-2, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED GAS CONNECTION TO EXISTING GAS LINE AND GAS SERVICE SAWCUT PAVEMENT 12" FROM EXISTING LIP OF GUTTER SEWER CONNECTION AND 6" SEWER LATERAL PER C.S.D. S-7 6" SEWER BUILDING CLEANOUT PER C.S.D. S-6 DOMESTIC, IRRIGATION AND FIRE WATER CONNECTIONS PER C.M.W.D. W-8 OR W-9 2" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE PER C.M.W.D. W-8 2" WATER METER PER C.M.W.D. W-4 2" BACKFLOW PREVENTER PER C.M.W.D. W-20 6" FIRE SERVICE DDCVA PER C.M.W.D. W-22 1" IRRIGATION METER MODULAR WETLANDS BIO-FILTRATION SYSTEM (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) STORM WATER JUNCTION BOX WITH WEIR SYSTEM (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) IMPERVIOUS FLA TWORK (SEE LANDSCRAPE PLANS) 5' WIDE IMPERVIOUS PERIMETER WALKWAY (SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS) 12" YARD DRAIN/BOX 8" YARD DRAIN/BOX. DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DECK AND PIPED ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THROUGH THE PODIUM WALL AND INTO THE 48" HDPE PIPE CISTERN (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS). VENTILATION OPENING FOR GARAGE LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DECK AND CONNECTED TO A STORM DRAIN PIPE ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THEN THROUGH THE PODIUM WALL AND INTO THE 48" HPDE PIPE CISTERN. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) NEW TREES WITHIN ROW/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) FENCING/GATE (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) 48" HDPE CISTERN #2 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT AND SWQMP FOR DETAILS) (J) 24"x24" BROOKS BOX CATCH BASIN/GRATE LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT BMPS ({or sheets 4-6 only) liiij SIDEWALK DRAINS TO LANDSCAPING PER SWQMP C'.J ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT RIP-RAP PAD TO LANDSCAPING (TYPICAL) PER SWQMP BRUCE L. RICE NO. 80878 CI\'\\, 10· 5' 0 WO. 1026-1439-400 10· 20· 30' SCALE: 1" = 10' SHEET 4 OF 11 c:i ,SC OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD OD "CARLSBAD STATION" DESIGN PLAN SHEET CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET OD Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 205 of 223 'J ------------------------------------------------------------------_________________ * _______ _ 1-;::::_-=---,-1 <y 1~~-1 EXISTING 6" ACP WATER PER CITY GIS/DWG 101-1 _ (I,/) __ (I,/) __ (I,/) <-'I,/) __ (I,/) __ (',/) __ ,,,~ ~ "' ~ "{°& l !! oqs 8.~ ~~, r '"' ,___ ,:) _ (',/) s_1_ ~-E_' ~-T-(',/) __ (I,/) __ (',/) __ (',/) __ (I,/) __ (',/) __ (',/) __ (',/) __ (',/) __ ,1,1, __ (',/) __ (',/) __ , 0 (:?' IE~37.64 w ff:J~J::: s IE-36-34 N/S EXISTING 8" VCP SEWER PER CITY GIS/DWG 101-1 <S) v(S)_ ==""'F~iS>"lc7J'==d'cl>;S)~-=--cccc-_(_S) ____L(S1 -=--.ec-~-(S) --(S}_ CS) ·~C,.a,S)e== Asph. rExtsTING 1 1/2" GAs PER ctTY DWG 101-1 ~EXISTING SMH RIM = 46.55 IE= 37.65 --(GAS) ST.LT. CGAS) --CGAS) TO REMAIN 24' CGAS) --CGAS) --CGAS) __L CGAS) --CGAS) --~(GAS) --CGAS) --CGAS.) I-+-(GAS) ~ PARALLEL PARKING STRIPING (TYP c:, , SPACING PER CMG 21.44.050 "TABLE " ;:: CGAS) --CGAS) --(GAS) --GAS) --CGAS) --(GAS) - -CGAS) --(GAS) --CG S) --CG ~ D --CGAS) -CGAS) --CGAS) --(GA~ 24 24' 24' -, • I --1.00%- -7 -7-.. <--- 1 @' I . _ _._ ® 7 ' ~j FS 45.81 <\i . · ·-~-_J I __ ( ____ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , FF =45.80 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT TAKEN THROUGH PODIUM DECK ANO CONNECT TO 12" STORM DRAIN S TG 46.20 IE 39.87 ELECTRIC ADA LIFT ~ w w I (f) w w (f) ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD FF=42.20 SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT SEE SHEET 9 ROOF DRAIN FOR DETAIL ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT TAKEN THROUGH PODIUM DECK AND CONNECT TO 12" STORM DRAIN ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT TAKEN THROUGH PODIUM DECK AND CONNECT TO 12" STORM DRAIN ...----C-9 RETAINING WALL TYPE A W/FENCING. 6' MAX COMBINED HEIGHT DOWN SPOUT -L...., APPROX/MA TE LOCATION RIP-RAP PAD E OF PROPOSED PUBLIC R TG 41.30 SEWER EASEMENT R TG 41.30 CS) --<S) TW 42.20 (EG 42.1) y FS 41.7 ,s) --,s>r-,s) --<s> --cs) --(S) --cs) u s> PROP cbk 1 £ _. .... LqXISTING PU/j/LIC 6" VCFj SEWER LINE. APPROX/MA TEL Y TW 42.20 1l 5'-2.5' FR(]lM P/L. PROTECT IN P4ACE I (EG 43.0) 38.o•!l K:\Civil 3D\1439\DwG\ TM\ 1439-CQrlsbo.ci Sto.tion_ TMOS_grounci,ciwg □ct 07, 2020 -2:28pM rs 46.25 · ® II II II II II II 24' 24' TC 45.90 - --1.26%--~ - FF=46.50 24' 24' TC 46.5 ----------0.55% FS 47.00 PROPOSED ROW FF=47.00 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT CONNECT TO 12" STORM DRAIN > I 1 C-3 RETAINING WALL ' -- ---- -- -- -- --... ■ W/CABLE FENCING ~,..,., .... -!t=::::J I I l I I I J I I II I I I II ~ ---_. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FS 41.70 IE 37.00 W ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT --._ I I " AND RIP-RAP PAD .._., 1 PROP SMH RIM=41.70 FF=42.20 D FS 41.60 R TG 41.30 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD PODIUM WALL SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT R TG 41.30 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD u 11.6' 7 6. 1' 1 1 I FS 41.70 CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" SS _F._S_4_1_.6_0_-:-"--~d-',-, TP 33.53 IE= 32.53 @ (ASSUMED) SEE SHEET 6 R TG 41.30 -~~-------------------' TC 46.70 MATCH END C/G 0 MATCH 0 EXISTING TRANSFORMERS TO REMAIN P/L C-9 RETAINING WALL TYPE A W/FENCING. L 6' MAX COMBINED HEIGHT FS 46.70 END C-9 WALL 47.00 EG 46.0 BEGIN C-3 WALL (10} STEPS □ ~~~~---TW 46.00 □ (EG 45.9) PATIO TW 46.00 EG 5.8 D SE SHE T 9 FO DETAL w.---L\-3 R TA/NIN WAL FENG G, 6' MAX. C MBIN HE/ T 0.22' 1.7 ' P/1 TW 4.00 (EG 3.9) LD BL G EXISTING SMH PROTECT IN PLACE RIM= 43.82 TP 32.40/IE=31.40 ( (S) --CS) --(S) --(S) - 1 o· 5' CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 LEGEND: (for sheets 4-6 only) @ ® © ® © ® ® ® (I) ® 0 ® <D ® ® @ ® @ ® ® 30' WIDE DRIVE PER C.S.D. GS-20 (MODIFIED) (MODIFIED TO ALLOW FOR EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN) PCC SIDEWALK PER SDRSD G-7, WIDTH VARIES 5' MINIMUM (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES) 6" PCC CURB AND GUTTER PER SDRSD G-2, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED GAS CONNECTION TO EXISTING GAS LINE AND GAS SERVICE SAWCUT PAVEMENT 12" FROM EXISTING LIP OF GUTTER SEWER CONNECTION AND 6" SEWER LATERAL PER C.S.D. S-7 6" SEWER BUILDING CLEANOUT PER C.S.D. S-6 DOMESTIC, IRRIGATION AND FIRE WATER CONNECTIONS PER C.M.W.D. W-8 OR W-9 2" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE PER C.M.W.D. W-8 1" IRRAGATION WATER SERVICE PER C.M.W.D. W-8 2" WATER METER PER C.M.W.D. W-4 2" BACKFLOW PREVENTER PER C.M.W.D. W-20 6" FIRE SERVICE DDCVA PER C.M.W.D. W-22 1" IRRIGATION METER MODULAR WETLANDS BIO-FILTRATION SYSTEM (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) STORM WATER JUNCTION BOX WITH WEIR SYSTEM (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) IMPERVIOUS FLA TWORK (SEE LANDSCRAPE PLANS) 5' WIDE IMPERVIOUS PERIMETER WALKWAY (SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS) 12" YARD DRAIN/BOX 8" YARD DRAIN/BOX. DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DECK AND PIPED ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THROUGH THE PODIUM WALL AND INTO THE 48" HDPE PIPE CISTERN (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT AND SWQMP FOR DETAILS). VENTILATION OPENING FOR GARAGE LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DECK AND CONNECTED TO A STORM DRAIN PIPE ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THEN THROUGH THE PODIUM WALL AND INTO THE 48" HPDE PIPE CISTERN. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) NEW TREES WITHIN ROW/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) FENCING/GATE (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) 48" HDPE CISTERN #2 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT AND SWQMP FOR DETAILS) @ 48" HDPE CISTERN #1 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT AND SWQMP FOR DETAILS) {J) 24"x24" BROOKS BOX CATCH BASIN/GRATE LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT BMPS (for sheets 4-6 only) I. SIDEWALK DRAINS TO LANDSCAPING PER SWQMP C'.J ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT RIP-RAP PAD TO LANDSCAPING (TYPICAL) PER SWQMP 0 10' 20' SCALE: 1'' = 1 O' BRUCE L. RICE NO. 80878 CI\'\\, land planning, civil engineering, surveying 30• 5115 Avenida Encinas Suite L Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 WO. 1026-1439-400 SHEET 5 OF 11 c:i ,SC OD OD OD OD OD OD ODOD OD OD OD "CARLSBAD STATION" DESIGN PLAN SHEET CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET OD Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 206 of 223 7 =--=---==--, _J_ . FS 41.70 --(Sl --<S) --CS) --(S) J (S) --(S) --CS PROP COR EXISTING UBL/C 6" V P SEWER IN£. TW 43.10 APPROXIM TEL Y 1.5'-.5' FROM /L. (EG 43.0) PROTECT I PLACE ACCESS GATE {EG 41.9) MATCH {EG 41.9) II II II II II II -------PROP SMH #1 RIM=41.80 CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" SS TP 33.53 /£= 32.53 --------------SEE SHEET 5 (ASSUMED) R TG 41.30 , I I ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT TAKEN THROUGH PODIUM DECK AND CONNECT TO 48" HOP£ FS 42.10 FF =42.20 FS 42.10 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD R TG 41.30 FS 41.60 FG 41. 70 D R TG 41.30 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD FS 41.6 I I I I I I I U) L....I~ ~ ■ EXISTING SMH PROTECT IN PLACE RIM = 43.82 TP 32.40/1£=31.40 STUB/PLUG EXISTING N INVERT CS) --CS) --CS) --(S) ADJUST WALL/FENCING AROUND EXIST SMH TW 44.00 (EC 43.6) SEE EET FOR TAIL Awnir ct.lllL--tC-3 RETAINING WALL . :: . · -~ 1.5' MAX RETAINING) APPROX/MA TE LOCA TION-----:11-r-----.---,---=1::c-:1-:'~ ®~-,..._+-, ' I I I I I I ___ I OF PROPOSED PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT B DG 0.5 PROP SD CO IE 34.30 W \ \ BIKE REPAIR AND WATER BOTTLE REFILL STA TION•--1- □ PROP COR FS 40.50 {EG 40.5) Cone. □□ 6.8' I ~ I l I G 41.30 ~ C SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR INTERIOR BUILDING LAYOUT ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD FG 41.70 R TG 41.30 , . r .. .. •·. . ·. · . ODIUM WALL ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD FS 41.70 10" SEWER LIN£ @ 1.0% FS 41.70 FS 41.70 FF=41.80 FS 41.05 FS 40.85 . ' . .. PODIUM WALL FF=41.50 ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT AND RIP-RAP PAD FS 41.50 I I I I I T I I I _J L7 I T I I I -.:,-.---· --·-----~----"--~ . . . . -.--I NEW ON-STREET PARKING (3) -------- TC 41.00 ---1.61% 0 CURB TRANS 6"-12" EXISTING 7.6' 10.6' 11.0' 0 0 " THEAT. R BL G PROP SD CO /£ 34.58 W 1-------s --------s. ~--~----s --------s __ __,....,_ __ .,___~1--------s CJ CJ 400 LF OF 10" PVC SS @ 0.50%, Lri 5££ SHEET 8 FOR DETAIL Asph. CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 LEGEND: (for sheets 4-6 only) @ ® © ® © ® ® ® (I) 0 ® <D ® ® @ ® @ ® ® 30' WIDE DRIVE PER C.S.D. GS-20 (MODIFIED) (MODIFIED TO ALLOW FOR EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN) PCC SIDEWALK PER SDRSD G-7, WIDTH VARIES 5' MINIMUM (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES) 6" PCC CURB AND GUTTER PER SDRSD G-2, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED GAS CONNECTION TO EXISTING GAS LINE AND GAS SERVICE SAWCUT PAVEMENT 12" FROM EXISTING LIP OF GUTTER SEWER CONNECTION AND 6" SEWER LATERAL PER C.S.D. S-7 6" SEWER BUILDING CLEANOUT PER C.S.D. S-6 DOMESTIC, IRRIGATION AND FIRE WATER CONNECTIONS PER C.M.W.D. W-8 OR W-9 2" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE PER C.M.W.D. W-8 2" WATER METER PER C.M.W.D. W-4 2" BACKFLOW PREVENTER PER C.M.W.D. W-20 6" FIRE SERVICE DDCVA PER C.M.W.D. W-22 1" IRRIGATION METER MODULAR WETLANDS BIO-FILTRATION SYSTEM (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) STORM WATER JUNCTION BOX WITH WEIR SYSTEM (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) IMPERVIOUS FLA TWORK (SEE LANDSCRAPE PLANS) 5' WIDE IMPERVIOUS PERIMETER WALKWAY (SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS) 12" YARD DRAIN/BOX 8" YARD DRAIN/BOX. DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DECK AND PIPED ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THROUGH THE PODIUM WALL AND INTO THE 48" HDPE PIPE CISTERN (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT AND SWQMP FOR DETAILS). VENTILATION OPENING FOR GARAGE LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) LANDSCAPED AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) DRAINAGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE PODIUM DECK AND CONNECTED TO A STORM DRAIN PIPE ALONG THE GARAGE CEILING THEN THROUGH THE PODIUM WALL AND INTO THE 48" HPDE PIPE CISTERN. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) NEW TREES WITHIN ROW/NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND TREES (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) @ FENCING/GATE (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) (J) 48" HDPE CISTERN #2 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT AND SWQMP FOR DETAILS) @ 48" HDPE CISTERN #1 DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE DRAINAGE REPORT AND SWQMP FOR DETAILS) {J) 24"x24" BROOKS BOX CATCH BASIN/GRATE LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT BMPS (for sheets 4-6 only) ~ SIDEWALK DRAINS TO LANDSCAPING PER SWQMP C'.] ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT RIP-RAP PAD TO LANDSCAPING (TYPICAL) PER SWQMP 1 o· 5' 0 1 o· 20' 30' -------SCALE: 1'' = 1 O' BRUCE L. 0 CJ ~ land planning, civil engineering, surveying 59 LF OF PR/VAT£ 18" RR/Mo:40S.M3HO 2 fil 71 LF OF PR/VA TE 18" /D N0~~~878 RCP SD @ 0.50%, SE£ t-.: RCP SD @ 0 50% 5££ ~~lt; tvenida Encinas SHEET 8 FOR DETAIL---a· IE 30.59 STATE -STREET SHEET 8 FOR DETAIL CIVn. l Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 ' ,,,..-EXISTING a" ACP WATER PER CITY G/5 1 ,....-@ I ~ (760) 931-8700 --(II) --(II) --(II) --(II) --(II) --(II) --(II) (II) _L_ "("·") -f+I <") _ (,/) L ~--(II) -(II) --(,/) --(II) -t------------~--------------1 · ~;:;:;--:;~;;-;:;::-;;-;~-:;:-;;:--;-:;-:;;;-:;:-;::::;::-;:::~::;:;::::--:;-;:;;;-z-;::::::::;:;::-----;;-::;--;;-:;--;-;::;-;;--:--;-::;-;:-:------------!....:.... ____ • _-_--=__'11 _'~...::;__' 11 _)_-_ -_,_ 11 _) \...::;__' 11 _' ~---..J.{_ 11 '_'\-"-_' 11 _) =----'_11 '_'"--"--'11_) =----'11_'::_ -_,_11_, o=--_,v_) --~~· ----....!..~J.... ____ ..1.l _____________ ....1.. ________ L_w:.:..:. . .:0..:. . ..:1:.:0::'2:.:6~-=-14..:.:'3:.9:..-_4:..:0,:..:'0:..JL_S:.'HE.==E=-=T:...._:6_:o:'F....:1.:l_J ~ K:\Civil 3D\1439\DwG\ TM\ 1439-CQrlsbo.ci Sto.tion_ TM06_grounci,ciwg □ct 07, 2020 -2:31pri MAIL MA I L MAIL 82 8381798078 102 103 104 105 106 141 24 2523 272621222018191715161412139108675342 51 5250484947454644424341394038363735333432303129 76 7775737472707169676866646563616260585957555654 142 140 138 139 137 135 136 134 132 133 131 129 130 128 123 122 120 121 119 117 118 116 9997989493919290888987858684 114 113 115 111 109 112 107 108 1 28 53 101100 124 125 126 127 110 143 11 9695 30 40 50 60 30 40 50 60 "CARLSBAD STATION" GARAGE DESIGN PLAN SHEET CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 207 of 223 [D n ---~ -'--------------__ J!_ · ----_--i\A--------2r7R -y----I-_:=---=- , --(',/) --(',/) 7 (',/) --(',/) --(',/ --(',/) ----½-0 ,£_£_Xl~~~G 6" (',I t WAT~!;, PER ~/TY GIS/DWG 101-1 ~' ~ ROOSEVELT F.H. ----------g--STREET · ) -~.,<;~;;,,... __ ,_,.___ /(; ~ \./) --C /'w) (\,/) -(',/) --CW) -------r.:::--CW)~-(\,./) __ (',/) __ C") -,,.-e,: t-,.~v °' ----(£) ,,~ v-ix~ . ~ w (w.._.;:,--C'w) ----0.\,/) ~ " C , 3£l 1,$-l (£> --,_ ·-· ,\ls "J &y (SG) --C',/) --C',/l ----,1w'(',/) -('1) __ (',/) _ (") _ _ , tXJST/NG :.MH ~ (S) (~-~ --..c.,r-(S) ~ -,(SJ.---4-~ --.. -~ 1> ---~+-~~ '''',,-,--" 1o" w (',/) (',/) -(',/) -(~) --(',/) --(',/) -(',/) _ c: RIM = 42.08 "-.cx:-c-...,__ " 1 ~-(.SJ_. ,.,zv ~). -~-csa~~--' --~-";,),.. i,: --=~-=-~f-,_ ~ ? Li::,, 8 VCP SEWER PER CITY GIS/D~G 101-1 ~ (&) (S) ·---·s"'"-(S) ~-CS) -4l-9,:-,,,.=n=-=--,------<;,.v' ' I (GAS) --(GAS) --(GAS) _ (GA = 33.9(f;AS) /I ----:---.,,_,~ r <L _ -~ I --CGASl --<GASl CGASl -CGASl --CGASl --l <GASl -g Asph. -EXISTING 1 1/L -• S PER CITY DWGEXISTING SMH TC . TC 42.87 I ---------~,., ,--(GAS)"' -(GAS) --(GAS) --AS) ~+ (GAS) -(GAS) g (GAS) 101-1 RI IM = 46.55 ----------41----------MATCH \_ --------~-_ TC 43.87 ------C's O c,j --(GAS) -CGAS>~ <GAS) --CGASl --CGASl E= 37(8,~, /C --_ ~ \ ------------TC 44.50 -TC 45.40 °' 'b--.._____ __ CGASl (GAS) CGASl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c ~ I I 31?_555' I I I I I I I\ I I I I (GAS) CG/ , _,q-D _ ~ ,,,, > ~• .. , 0 ---_ 1 ~ \ ------TC 46.25 TC 46, 70 / {EG 46.78} 0 7 \ '" 'C@'/ \ (EG 39.9} , v----------- V \ \ r • • . -" . .. ' -n C: f--Roo "'EIII ' - ' ' CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 LEGEND: (for this sheet only) @ DRIVEWAY RAMP (SEE THIS SHEET FOR PROFILE) @ 12" THICK PCC PODIUM WALL @ VENTILATION OPENINGS FOR PODIUM (GARAGE) ® © ® ® ® ® OUlLINE OF BUILDING ABOVE PODIUM DECK ELEVATOR (PRIVATE-RESIDENT USE ONLY) STAIRCASE (PRIVATE-RESIDENT USE ONLY) STAIRCASE (GENERAL PUBLIC TO STREET LEVEL ONLY) SITE STORAGE ROOM EXISTING GROUND CONTOURS (I) TRASH ENCLOSURE ROOM. DUMPSTERS TO BE TAKEN UP TO THE STREET LEVEL FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT PICKUP @ UTILITY ROOM (D 8" PVC STORM DRAIN LINE @ 1.0% SLOPE ® ® @ ® ® (D ® MODULAR WElLANDS BIO-FILTRATION SYSTEM (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) STORM WATER JUNCTION BOX WITH WEIR SYSTEM (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) 24"x24" BROOKS BOX TO BE USED AS JUNCTION BOX 12"x12" BROOKS BOX TO BE USED AS JUNCTION BOX 48" HDPE CISTERN DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE (SEE SWQMP FOR DETAILS) COLUMN AND SPREAD FOOTING (TYP) STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT BOX (J) DUAL PUMP SYSTEM TO TAKE NUISANCE DRAINAGE FROM GARAGE AND CONVEY TO PROPOSED SEWER LINE IN STATE STREET WHEN NEEDED. LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT BMPS (for this sheet only) @ 18"x18" BROOKS BOX CATCH BASIN WITH SUNTREE GISB (GRATE INLET SKIMMER BOX) PER SWQMP @ 12" WIDE TRENCH DRAIN W/FLOGARD TRENCH DRAIN FILTER PER SWQMP 20' 1 o· 0 20' 40' 60' SCALE: 1'' = 20' "CARLSBAD STATION" STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET WATER, SEWER & STORM DRAIN PLAN CARLSBAD, CA ALL ON-SITE STORM DRAINS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 208 of 223 I :, I I :, I I :, I I I I n ~s ~ E /STING SMH RI =j 3 .22 IE= 34.15 a.. 12 --48" HOPE CISTERN DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPE__S (TYP) L __ ~ 12" PVC SD (TYP) c:i - PROP COR lgi {EG 39.6) {EG 39.9) PROPOSED BUILDING OUTLINE _J PROPOSED BUILDING OUTLINE ----,_TOP OF PODIUM. WALL = 41.12 _._ ------;J______J;; - - - --(S) --<S) CS) I I I I I EG 42· 1 I APPROX/MA TE LOCATION OF PROPOSED PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT I I I I I EXISTING PUBLIC 6" VCP SEWER LINE. APPROXIMATELY 1.5'-2.5' FROM P/L. PROTECT IN PLA?E □ I 10. 48" HOPE CISTERN DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPES (TYP)--~ OUTLINE 12" PVC SD (TYP) -• OUTLINE lC PROPOSED PODIUM ~~ ~ I <o ------ (S) --(S) I I ' PROP COR {EG 43.0) I I I P/4 5.!. "' -- PROP SMH #1 RIM=41. 70 CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" SS TP 33.53 IE= 32.53 (ASSUMED) ;il; rl ii I ~ a.. 12 10.50'--'' H-1-1 1: ..J ..J ;il; 7.5o'J:i PROPOSED PODIUM~~ OUTLINE I ~ 8 a.. l~-+--48" HOPE CISTERN DRAINAGE STORAGE PIPES (TYP)--- APPROXIM TE LOCATION OF PROP SEO PUBLI ~ ~ ~ ~ EXIST SDG&E DUCT BANK. _/ VERIFY DEPTH/LOCATION IN FIELD, PROTECT IN PLACE. Cl C) c:i c,-, SEWER E SEMENT r+--\--++-+-H-i ,c. \\ I \'l, <-) 0 \/ 'v s \ 'b ;<-j s"''<- / (,'" o"i '<"' ,;_,'v' 'f {. <;;' ?~if oS "'00"· '<-0 x,'<' o':l 0 1,'o CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 ~--------r-------7--------7-------- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I b ,- 1 I I I I I I -,- I _L_ I I I I I I I I I ---,- -,- I _[_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---, ---, I __l_ (S --S) -,- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---, I CS) --(S) --(S) EXIST SMH RIM=43.04 IE=30.14 IE 30.02 N EXISTING 8" ACP WATER PER CITY G/S _. -ST.Cl; · · : . ~s PE.. ST.LT:._._.-. ST.LT. fj -------------------------------------------------------------------------___________________ --------------------------------------=====================f.,_9,9==Cl}f3cB==== __ L1M1~:_!"__~~--~: GR!~o _'!__o_~~RLA_,.._ == __ c...___ =====~=~=~=== ARi:G : =~1 =--. . . ·. -o--1 - - --::--7~ EXIST soMH j ~ EXISTING 78" RCP SD @ 0.37%_/ PROP SDMH SHOWN -~F.H. RIM=41.56 ~ 30' 15' 0 30' 60' 90' SCALE: 1'' = 30' K1\Civil 3D\1439\DwG\ TM\ 1439-Co.rlsbo.cJ St0-tion_ TM0B_SwR-SD,cJwg □ct 07, 2020 -3159pM e--------------,--------------EX C.INLE ~--~---~---~--~---~---~--~---IE=32.06 IE 34.00 N/S FL=40.36 IE 34.26NI I I 8 " EXIST SDMH I RIM=41.24 ~ /£=31.64 EXIST SMH L___--~---~---c___ __ ~---~-----"c___ __ -L_ __ ___JR/M=41.39 ~cs-'-',= _(~) --cs> ------~--==----==-=--=--==-~~-~-==--==-===-==-==~----;;:::==r---, b~A,lnc. land planning, civil engineering, surveying 5115 Avenida Encinas Suite L Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 8[ BRUCE L. BICE .., NO. 80878 C'IVI\. Op c~\.\: IE=26.99 (S) ~cs.,_,, =='Sl. -~cs..,__, CS) --...(S)•~-~-CS) - ~ - - ---,---- W 0. 1026-1439-400 SHEET 8 OF 11 c::i OS:: Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 209 of 223 NORTH PROPERTY LINE P/L 5.6' 5.5' 5.5' EXISTING BUILDING ,..--TOP OF WALL HEIGHT DOWNSPOUT VARIES. 0.10' ABOVE HIGHEST FINISHED OR RIP-RAP EXISTING GRADE DISSAPA TOR {FF= 42.30+/-) SDRSD C-9 RETAINING WALL TYPE A FS PER PLAN FS PER PLAN 12" YARD DRAIN TG PER PLA FF 42.20 • TOP OF PODIUM WALL= 41.12 GARAGE ---+-'------1-6" PVC PIPE, CONNECT TO 48" HOPE CISTERN ....__-48" HDPE CISTERN DRAINS TO MODULAR KETLANDS SYSTEM DECORATIVE IMPERWOUS PA VERS, SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR STYLE/COLOR SECTION A-A (ALONG NORTH PROPERTY LINE ON SHEET 4) NORTH OR WEST P /L PROPERTY LINE COMBINED WALL/FENCE HEIGHT SHALL BE 6.0'. A MIN OF 3.5' OF SAFETY FENCING IS REQUIRED ON THE HIGHER GRADE EVEN IF 6.0' HEIGHT IS REACHED .. -----.-QJ SDRSD C-9 RETAINING WALL TYPE A --~ EG VARIES ALONG THIS PROPERTY LINE·----._ EG=41.4 EG=39.6 N.T.S. FENCING PER ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 77' *PROPOSED PUBLIC SEKER EASEMENT 5.5, 5.5' TOP OF WALL HEIGHT DOWNSPOUT VARIES. 0.10' ABOVE HIGHEST FINISHED OR RIP-RAP EXISTING GRADE D/SSAPA TOR FS=41.60 FS=41.70 12" YARD DRAIN TG PER PLA NORTH PROPERTY LINE EG PER PLAN EG VARIES ALONG THIS PROPERTY LINE EG PER PLAN SDRSD C-9 RETAINING WALL TYPE A FF 42.20 GARAGE • P/L EXISTING 6" VCP SEKER DEPTH--< VARIES FROM 5' ON NORTHERN --+'-----I-6" PVC PIPE, CONNECT END OF NW BOUNDARY TO 9' ON SOUTHERN END OF NW BOUNDARY. 1.5'+ -3.5' TO 48" HOPE CISTERN 48" HDPE CISTERN DRAINS TO MODULAR KETLANDS SYSTEM FENCING PER ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 15.6' TO 23.3' *PROPOSED PUBLIC SEKER EASEMENT 11' 7' __ TOP OF WALL HEIGHT VARIES. 0. 10' ABOVE HIGHEST FINISHED OR EXISTING GRADE 8.6' TO 16.3' DECORATIVE IMPERVIOUS PA VERS, SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR STYLE/COLOR FS PER PLAN FS PER PLAN 6" PVC PIPE, CONNECT TO 48" HOPE CISTERN 12" YARD DRAIN *WIDTH IS APPROX/MA TE, WILL BE DETERMINED DURING FINAL ENGINEERING DESIGN. SECTION C-C _,--· 10" SEWER LINE (ALONG NORTH PROPERTY LINE ON SHEET 6) N.T.S. FF 42.20 TOP OF PODIUM WALL = 41.12 GARAGE 4. 7' DOWNSPOUT RIP-RAP DISSAPATOR CT 2019-0003/SDP2019-0004 10.6' FENCING PER ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 5.9' TOP OF WALL HEIGHT--.__ VARIES. 0.10' ABOVE HIGHEST FINISHED OR EXISTING GRADE FS PER PLAN SOUTH PROPERTY LINE <!\--+--'-------COMBINED WALL/FENCE HEIGHT SHALL BE 6.0'. A MIN OF 3.5' OF SAFETY FENCING IS REQUIRED ON THE HIGHER GRADE EVEN IF 6.0' HEIGHT IS REACHED. FS PER PLAN FF 42.20 12" YARD DRAIN TG PER PLAN 48" HOPE CISTERN DRAINS TO--- MODULAR WETLANDS SYSTEM (ALONG SOUTH WEST PROPERTY LINE P /L • ~ SECTION D-D EG VARIES ALONG THIS PROPERTY LINE EG PER PLAN SDRSD C-3 RETAINING WALL (4.3' MAX RETAINING AT STEPS) --... __ DECORATIVE IMPERWOUS PA VERS, SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR STYLE/COLOR PROPERTY LINE ON SHEETS 5 AND 6 ) N.T.S. FENCING PER ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 17• COMBINED WALL/FENCE HEIGHT SHALL BE 6.0'. A MIN OF 3.5' OF SAFETY FENCING IS REQUIRED ON •PROPOSED PUBLIC SEKER EASEMENT THE HIGHER GRADE EVEN IF 6. O' HEIGHT IS REACHED.---,{J) EG VARIES ALONG THIS PROPERTY LINE EXISTING 6" VCP SEWER DEPTH---<: VARIES FROM 5' ON NORTHERN END OF NW BOUNDARY TO 9' ON SOUTHERN END OF NW BOUNDARY. 5.5, 5.5' ..----TOP OF WALL HEIGHT DOWNSPOUT VARIES. 0.10' ABOVE HIGHEST FINISHED OR RIP-RAP EXISTING GRADE DISSAPA TOR FS=41.60 FS=41.70 12" YARD DRAIN d FF 42.20 TOP OF PODIUM WALL= 41.12 GARAGE " --..._-+-'-o--f-6" PVC PIPE, CONNECT TO 48" HOPE CISTERN FS=35.60 •WIDTH IS APPROX/MA TE, WILL BE DETERMINED DURING FINAL ENGINEERING DESIGN. 48" HOPE CISTERN DRAINS TO MODULAR WETLANDS SYSTEM A SECTION 8-8 (ALONG NORTH AND WEST PROPERTY LINES ON SHEET 4) SCALE 1"=1' 12• PIPE -TREATMENT FLOW MODULAR WETLAND SYSTEM #1 18" PIPE -BYPASS FLOW PLAN VIEW JUNCTION BOX /1 48" HOPE CISTERN #1 A JUNCTION BOX #1 ------,,-,--,,.,-cFG""'-SU;,-RceFAl!c;7'~-.;, -,._ "" .-., __ ;:r;::,, ;:,r:;:v·,ii"i[sc:P==q;-:sr __ --r::'T-:"'?"C"2?""7"'c::T~;:G;::7T---;~~ F-:;-=~"""-,,, U"-:s "·r, V "_·,,,:1,,_"·'>?-1> "4_~·,._-~,.;. ;,'~ 2. o• -DIA OR/RC£ 34.68 IE OUT ::;&06.U.L~B ::::: t}t"""'"---____J'-'---'," • 1."._A:W£TLAND ,,,,._, .. _e.v ·< -:fS'C~rtM_ #1 -:_:_:_: ~ •' _v.,iv·,; __ ,:,_ .8_ V 4 _'i_;,-"'.·_,,·_v ,4 .')·,, :'_,._ V_.,,. _, ,,_ ... ,. .• ·,, •. _.,._.•·-'!-·_",,,:.;.-'·!' •. ,,_.•_ -,,_. :'::' V_;.:V.,.-v·,-,.v_,..,_,;_Y_;,.."·,. V.;_."·,.·",;_ :.,. .; ,;,--,, . ,i,-.-,, . .; .'O"·. "· _;,. '·" z,.. ,. A.· ,. .,. .A .,._. ":· <, ._,. "\. v_-,..V·,,.-.".,.•""t.., "-v.·e,,:, z..".,.·"!·A·"·t. ·_ . .-. :,,-"_·,;.v.~v-.,.v·_,. v-,,v_·,::,;,,_V'~·.;;,_v : • v_:,,_V_:,, V-,;_ V.,;,, '1-6 :"·.;,_ .V,.,: " . .o." ;;_ ."·,. '. ,;.:;'_'c "·,; .,,6_.,, ,,·_"!fi,,·",," ,;_v_-,..v ,;_'1 .'. ·v . .,, 7·,;._.,·:r,.-"· -_.. . .,, ;.-v ,,_·":.i,, "-~-~-,; '1_,;. .;v-,. v ,._·"f;?.·,..v,,..;,-1,,.'i•,.·V ,;.."--,,,."-·• V•,. _v·;,_ i, i,.'".J>·" ,.,_ '!_,." ,.-" /i '!'_ ':-".",;. • •i . .,_--.,, ,.. . .,: ", _v ·v_ .v·. v .. ,: "'· ,.. ',. , .. ·.;i "· _.,. .-_,.. _,. . ,._, ' .,4_v,.v',;.V:,.",,::O-,,__.,_,.-.,_;,",..",. ••- ,;.."•,.·V',;.."·,.·v·,,:-"'_,;..v :,,.11 . .,,_ ·V .;.-"' 'V.·,..7:,;. . .;·,.·'r·:,,· .... l,·v. ,.-., v • -.--, s :_;.• ,'7 •I.••'.'; (• ·,_, ,•,_.:,. .. c,. -. -. 12• PIPE TREATMENT FLOW 12/18" PIPE 4. 9D IE IN/OUT DISCHARGE CHAMBER WETLAND CHAMBER PRE-mEATMENT CHAMBER 0.5' -FLOW CONmOL -WETLAND MEDIA -INCLUDES PRE-FIL T£R ORIFICE RISER s,zm UTIUZJNG PA TENTED MEDIA CARmlDGES ro DRAIN DOWN IN HORIZONTAL PERIMETER SECT'ION A A LESS THAN 36 HOURS FLOW BIORETENTION - ~ ;, ~8 ~ 1-.. ~; ···-··· I\. "' . '" ~l!c 48" HOPE 1-.. l CISTERN #1 "' 35.18 IE IN 48" HDPE CISTERN AND MODULAR WETIAND SYSTEM DETAILS BMPl N.T.S. K,\Civil 3D\1439\DwG\ TM\ 1439-C0-rlsb0-ci Ste, tion_ TM09_sections,ciwg □ct 07, 2020 -J,57pri HGL-38.18 12" PIPE -TREATMENT FLOW MODULAR WETLAND SYSTEM #2 A 18" PIPE -BYPASS FLOW PLAN VIEW JUNCTION BOX #2 48" HOPE CISTERN #2 A JUNCTION BOX /2 ------vc:;~~'i°"F,;__;_G'"I._'."".s"-'u,,.R:::FAl!CE7':_-.,. :·_,.: .. :.,._·! ,,-: ,..:_.,. :·,.-:.,..:i:".=~~=~-:-::::q-- --l-t2:;:;]S=],'L1:LI~fL'.T"'f"'"';cL7'"'f-:..cG'-'R,ct'Jr-~i~ ~~,-- . ·"· ·V, . ·bv."--., . .,. "·,._".A·" r:·i""-'-'----'---,, 1-..8 :.:MP.1/LAf(, .. ,. ~ 2. o• -DIA OR/RC£ 34.4D /£ OUT ,.· ... _.,,"WE.TL_AND.~·"_'"·_,.-__ ., r.-: t------,. ~ ·:.· .:·i.:SY$_[EM :;..2:<~ .. ~ ·,_ ·".·:--,·,,,·v_ .,. ",._".;,-"· ,:." .,;.-V /iv,.".",, r..·"_,.,,-,:-,. a:.,:_-' f/-·.:._,. ,_; "·r.. "_ ..... -=--,._':' :~- .,..;. ·" .,. "l("l ·". t, V,; ".;;.. v.,.·.V-_;, .v.,.·'O',;. ..; ,;,. ·.,· .;,. ."v. v· ."v. v." ,,.-·." ·" .,,_ A· " . ". -~ ... /i " ,,. . •\ v_-,._,, ,;__v ,.-"A_:'.,.,,.,;._"";·"·,._"'_,;..,,. ;·· ,. "II, ,._V .,. .... ,:v .,,_ .,_.,. ",;,. V ·,,.:'f A".,.~-. v·,,:_l'A"·_,.;,-_,;_.",."i"-•,.v_,;_V4'!",. '. v. v·. I'. v. ·v· -,,.-. ., · v. ·"' V .: :,,_..,,, ·."· ,,. .. "-."." ". ·"· .,;._ ·"· .. • ,:, -".·,.",;._"-;."·".,.".;.",."A_'!',."',;,_l'A· ·• v· ·., v·.v ".v • v·.v.·v ,. ·ti.·."-·.-",'.-"·.,. ... ,,_· ..... ,._.,,.. : "'·.,._".""" "_.o.."-~ ,"";." ,.·"'_,,."_,,,·"_',; • ' ,.,";,. v.4 ".; "-o1-v.,._v:,..-" ,._.,_,..v "-." · V .O·". ~-v_,;.·v_" .,:,._,; ,;-_" °,:"'.;,-" 4-v 6 ,· V -V V, ~" V -p ~ 'V V ,._ , .. .-_ ..... ,,. ."."·". -"· ,,,_·",<I v._.-"_;,,.v-,. 'I",;,.".,, V,;. 'J :,,."-,,·V .,;.."·,. ••; { . / ,, ' - 12" PIPE TREATMENT FLOW 18" PIPE BYPASS FLOW 12/18" PIPE 4.90 IE IN/OUT DISCHARGE: CHAMBER ~TLANO CHAMBER PRE-mEATMENT CHAMBER 0.5' -FLOW CONTROL -WETLAND MEDIA -INCLUDES PRE-FILTER ORIFICE RISER SIZED UTILIZING PA TENTED MEDIA CARTRIDGES ro DRAIN ooWN IN HORIZONTAL PERIMETER SECTION A-A LESS THAN 36 HOURS FLOW BIORETENTION 48" HOP£ ISTERN #2 34.90 IE IN 48" HDPE CISTERN AND MODULAR WETLAND SYSTEM DETAILS BMP2 N. T.S. 1.5'+ - HGL~37.90 3.5' FS=35.60 SECTION E-E *WIDTH IS APPROX/MA TE, WILL BE DETERMINED DURING FINAL ENGINEERING DESIGN. (ALONG THE WEST PROPERTY LINES ON SHEET 5) BRUCE L. RICE NO. 60676 C'JvU. SCALE 1"=1' "CARLSBAD STATION" STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET DESIGN SECTIONS/DETAILS CARLSBAD, CA WO. 1026-1439-400 SHEET 9 OF 11 "CARLSBAD STATION" "ON-STREET" PARKING EXHIBIT CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 210 of 223 r - land planning, civil engineering, surveying 5115 Avenida Encinas Suite L Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 -- I I I I I I I / f'- 11✓ ~ I \ /'.: . /L 11,, ~ \ ' "" u_ "ON-STREET" PARKING EXHIBIT FOR CARLSBAD ST A TION PROJECT ROOSEVELT STREET AND ST ATE STREET ' I I I I ~ ~ ~ --::, -l ~ V V ~ ;:; I I ROOSEVELT ,---ExisnNG STREET I I I C) C) C) o,j DRIVEWAY C) ~ -TO BE - --1-2 I/ , 3-4 / ' / 7 5-6 REMOVED y ;:; , / 10 "'i-V ~ 7-9 I 11 12 □-• ,_ ~~ ~ Rf ~ I -I 1 -WJ; n -\_ Co;;, I o I I I " L._J -Cone. D ../ \ ,} Cone. T I t Cone. .,y I "' 1, I "' MO / I = \ {.EXISnNG \ __,/ \\-[' (; I ' \, (; \\- 7 0 0 \ \ ~ ;, I DRIVEWAY .J LEx1snNG 1, 00 o" I\ EXISnNG r vtf Ex1snNG J 'l --X ,nNG R-O-W 'vf!. TO BE ,' DRIVEWAY I /'' (J I 'l,i TO BE -,::,· .PROPOSED R-O-W I\ DRIVEWAY (j - '-□ , n "' I ----QO I I I I \ J .i t I DRIVEWA \{" L. REMOVED \\~~\,\\ REMf?pVfiD ,,Q TO BE 'J TO 1$E I -,::,· APN '?' \ REMO'~~ ,, R£' \~ 0<i. ?n' 101 12 I I I \ \ I I I 203-181-16 p~ \ I A"W I\ I '?' I \ \ I Al N APN I o{) 21 3-8 ~ 20 -81 0 I , I\ 31 (; I PN r I j 03 -1 08 ~ ~ 203-181-12 \ \ I \ \ I I \ \ ,Q ,o" \20 i>-8/r O ' ) I I I I I I I I I I ' @ EXISTING "ON-STREET" PARKING SPACES I I I ~ ~ -~ -::, -;, -V V V ::, 20·1 2 j, ROOSF;}(ELT STREET 2 J I V C) 20· 22· C) 20' 24' 24' 24' 24' 24' 8 24' 24' I • I I • I ·1 ~ 24° -' ' ' ' ' ' -,r ' - - ' ' ' y ;:; ' / 15 ? J > I -j 0 " ;:; / 14 "¾;• 1 2 3 4 6 Ii I\ 8 9 10 11 1: 13 15 -19 -- V D ' I -1 '\ / I ... I I I " I / I o I 'I ,· ✓ L._J \ -.. ' / L_J ~ .DWY v_ ~ \ LI 1,1)'" -·-I/ . 'I Ilw'l' D ir-JJ -Cone. '\ j Cone / r I \\ Cone. ' // • "' I "' #'-' I \ .i, \ \ I ~ I / ~ L;~SED ~If (; I ' L II (; 26 · DE I~ ,, 00 ~µ o" \ r "o:..._J D WAY LO -o-Lf:x snNG R-O-W '-, __ (J I ~ IP, I I -,::,· ~c ·PROPOSED R-O-W I\ -. -I L 0~ -0 U) 'I -~ ~ ,,Q '\J _ :<( ~-AP I I I I \ □ It--lll?03 I I '?' T"""' I I I s'< 1 1 ,2 o::03T'TI, 1-16 Pl\ APN I\ \ I I \ ( lli\J' Q O ' r \ \ \ \ I I o{) ~ 2, 3 "8 -20 81 -0' A, N 'J. ,v I =..-~ ~ 18 1 08 --C %·-~ \ I I i '. I I I I II I \"I I ,Q I ,o ""' @ PROPOSED "ON-STREET" PARKING SPACES I I I I I I ~ s: I I I I 1 \ cc, ;;tloc\ \ \ I \ I \ 1 ,. AFN AP J ~ ~ J3 1, 1 -3 I APN I-W 203-181-04 213 18-15 1_ \ \ /~£, S1 f(r-,.. ' I I \ ED R-O-W ~\\ \ I \ \ \ I I I I ____ J , '( ( J '¾_ -.,y ~ LJ~ '-J I /Cone. I'--" lf?N / □"' c, ff 'I --o--m-I I --t-o -nl,.ll• --1-" r ------------ l '-0---- .DWY V~ ~\ ,~ □ "'D ~ \ ~~ ,\ \ \ A\ C, '~-= Cl) II -~ ' . ' I \ , ' ' -c5 II \ \ \ \ c:i "' o,j = ~ - °' = ~ °' - i, STATE STREjj T = II ' • . . I @ EXISTING "ON-STREET" PARKING SPACES \ ~ \ ~ \ AFN I-~03 -1, 1-19 I \ \ \ \ I \ ____ J I " □ l ~ -I 1 -I ' c5 M. c:i "' o,j °' = 24· 24' II II i, = II STATE STRE.J j T I (J) PROPOSED "ON-STREET" PARKING SPACES 24' 16 / I 7---cc;,,c, I\. * '\J -.,_(; L. 'Ii' ~ I \\ C'\ , PN l ~ V 31 10.1 l -;:; I 21. ' " ;:,17 ' □ rY n I I "-I ----. uuo=---I I ~. ~ . I .i t I I I APN v 1-..-203 181 12 ) ' PARKING STATISTICS: TOTAL EXISTING "ON-STREET" PARKING SPACES 16 TOTAL PROPOSED "ON-STREET" PARKING SPACES 24 (PARKING SPACES PER CMG 21.44.050 "TABLE B") DRIVEWAY "CURB CUTS" STATISTICS: TOTAL EXISTING "CURB CUTS" 6 TOTAL PROPOSED "CURB CUTS" 1 20· 1 o· o 20· 40' 60' BRUCE L. RICE NO. 60676 CJ\11\. ~~----~~ SCALE: 1" = 20' WO. 1026-1439-400 SHEET 10 OF 11 K:\Civil 3D\1439\D\./G\ TM\ 1439-Co.rlsbo.ci Sto. tion_ TMlO_on street po.rking exhibitciwg □ct 07, 2020 -3:27pri C) C) ~ ci :s: "CARLSBAD STATION" "ON-STREET" PARKING EXHIBIT CARLSBAD, CA STATE STREET/ROOSEVELT STREET Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 211 of 223 CARLSBAD ST A TION PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO TRAIN DEPOT EXHIBIT land planning, civil engineering, surveying 5115 Avenida Encinas Suite L Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 i• K: \Civil 3D\1439\DWG\ TM\ 1439-Carlsbad Station_TM11 _ped pathway.dwg Oct 07, 2020 -3: 28pm BUILDING 2 • l ' ... ENTRANCE TO BUILDING 2 BUILDING 1 ENTRANCE TO BUILDING 1 RESTAURANT EPO( • • • PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO/FROM TRAIN DEPOT: TO/FROM BUILDING 1 ENTRANCE TO/FROM BUILDING 2 ENTRANCE ~• W' 0 W W 920 FEET (0.17 MILES) 1,032 FEET (0.19 MILES) 120' 111111111111111111111111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 111111111111111111111111111111 BRUCE L. RICE NO. 60676 CIV1l, SCALE: 1'' = 40' w.o. 1026-1439-400 SHEET 11 OF 11 Cl Cl ~ ci :s: .' Sept. 11, 2020 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 CT 2019-03, Carlsbad Station Project Comments Re: Review of proposed project by adjacent property owner Ralph Straesser, with necessary corrections and conditions to include in the approval documents. I am concerned that there are differences in standards that conflict with each other. That being said, it is critical to balance the size of the project, the volume of traffic that it will create, and the neighborhood conflicts, and the adjacent and downtown uses. BUT, to ignore the standards all together is negligent and a disservice to the City. The Engineering, Planning, and Design Professionals must devote their attention to create a project that is practical and financially feasible for all interested parties. And above all does not selectively harm private property owners impacted by the project. This project has been in the City Process for almost a year. The original, proposed design should have been rejected. The submission failed to protect the existing Public Sewer Main that runs from Grand Avenue north almost to Beech Ave. Today, this existing Sewer System serves about 40 or more Equivalent Dwelling Units. From the commercial projects that front on Tyler Street (Alley) north of Grand Avenue, the Doughnut Shop, AAA Trophies, the Day Spa, the Bakery, Hennessy's Tavern & Restaurant, The Apartments, Karlsbad Real Estate, the State Street Commons Project (formerly the Antique Mall), Carlsbad British Motorcars, and the Fiesta Liquor Store. Along Beech Avenue, there is a commercial office complex with four (4) residences above, located at Roosevelt Avenue, as well as an office and residence on State Street and Beech Avenue. All of these are connected to this Public Sewer Main. As far as we can tell, this sewer was constructed in the early1950's. However, the northern manhole has a County of San Diego 1947 date imbedded in the casting. This is a Public Sewer Main. It has always been maintained by the City for all of the above­ mentioned properties. City staff is apparently suggesting, for the sake of the Carlsbad Station Project, that the system is Private and should be abandoned by the City. To say the Sewer is a Private Lateral violates more City Standards and design Guidelines than the simple statement of "We can't find the Drawings, and There is no Easement". This requirement (for an easement and drawings) was changed in Title 13 and the Engineering Standards revision of 2016. The sewer system was built in the 50's. RETROACTIVE TO A 60 OR 70­YEAR­OLD SEWER SYSTEM? EXHIBIT 10 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 212 of 223 City Attorney, Robbie Contreras !Deputy City Manager, Gary Barberio Community Development Director, Jeff Murphy The State Street Commons Project dedicated a 1O' wide easement in early 2020. It is recorded. I will dedicate a 1O' easement as well, on my property where British Motorcars is located. The approvals should mandate that the Carlsbad Station Project shall be required to dedicate a 1O foot easement to complete the required 20' wide easement per (recently changed) City Standards. and an encroachment agreement to mitigate the proposed storm drain / cistern. This Sewer Main has served this community for 60 years. Comment #1: Frankly the Carlsbad Station Project is too large for a 1.75 Acre site. The designers cannot fit everything proposed into the available space Starting the review of the project on Roosevelt Street, at the proposed driveway to the project: Ref. Engineering Standards Vol. 1 Chapter 4 ­ 1A: The setback from the guard or entrance gate is not set back as required. Cars will stack up in the public right of way waiting to for the gate to open for entry. A Queueing Area no less than 20 feet is required, measured from the Face Of Curb. Project: No Queuing Area Proposed. Response: Per Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 1(C) of the Engineering Standards, the setback is adequately designed. There is 20-feet of queuing distance off-street 1C: 20 ft. Queuing Area per 1000 ADT. Project ADT= 1615 Area required is 40 feet. Proposed: No Queuing Area Proposed. Response: Variations from the standards are allowed by the City Engineer per Volume 1, Chapter 1 and Chapter 4 of the Engineering Standards. The gate for the garage will be open from 7:00 am until 9:00 pm. Therefore, there is no queuing during high traffic times. The potential queuing for off peak times was reviewed and the configuration was found to be adequate and approved by the City Engineer. 1D: Queuing Area cannot reduce street parking. Response: The queuing area does not interfere with street parking based on review of the project site plan and Tentative Map. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 213 of 223 --- 1G: Maximum Grade of driveway ­ 12% Proposed: Grade = 15.38%. (sheet 7 of project) The proposed grade of the underground parking structure will allow for public drainage to flow into this garage. The City Standards require a cross fall of 2% toward the public street and a vertical curve to start the driveway grade down. All of this outside of the public right of way. Response: Based on review of the project civil engineering plans, there is a proposed 2% cross-fall toward the street within the right-of-way and no public drainage will flow into the garage. Engineering Standards, Volume 1, Chapter 4 allows for exceedance of 12% driveway grade upon approval of the City Engineer. The City Engineer approved the proposed driveway grades. Rf. Eng. Stds. Vol 1 2A#2: Two proposed medians at the garage entrance is a violation of two (2) separate standards. There should be a minimum setback of 15' from the curb alignment. Proposed: None. Response: This standard (Engineering Standards, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 2(A)) applies to private streets. This project does not propose any private streets. #3: The medians should be outside of the Public Right of Way. Proposed: The first median is within the public right of way and the second median is on the right of way alignment. (sheet 7 of project) Response: The proposed driveway median in the right-of-way consists of a curb surrounding the existing street tree. Preservation of the street tree is a requirement of the project per Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 11.12.080(A). This design was reviewed and approved by the City Engineer #4: The lane widths shall be 14' minimum, 16' max. Proposed: 10 foo t wide lane width. (sheet 7 of project) Response: These are private street standards that do not apply to this project per Engineering Standards, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 2(A). The proposed 10-ft wide lane width meets the requirements for private drive aisle and driveways per Engineering Standards, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 3(A) and Section 3(B) and Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.44.050. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 214 of 223 2B #2 20 foot Queuing Area for gated entrance Proposed: None. Response: Per review of the project site plans and Tentative Map, a queuing distance of 20-feet is provided. #5 ­ A. Sidewalk required in parking area. Pedestrian And ADA Proposed: None. Response: Per Engineering Standards, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 4(B)(3) sidewalks may be eliminated on private drive aisles providing direct access to garages in multi-family projects. This project meets the standards. See Comment #1 above There are NO loading bays, NO residential delivery areas and NO restaurant delivery loading areas on site. Trash Pick­up is stated to occur at street level. All of these activities will be conducted within the public street of Roosevelt St. or State Street. Proposed: None . Response: Deliveries to the site will either occur in the underground parking garage for small vehicles or within the public row for larger vehicles. It is common in dense downtown environments to have deliveries occur at the street. Furthermore, the Village & Barrio Master Plan does not have a standard that states that a dedicated delivery area must be provided on-site. Underground Garage #6: This entire 1.5 acre underground parking structure has only ten (10) ­ 8' wide X 3' deep ventilation openings. These openings are ONLY on two (2) sides of the proposed structure. It appears these are chimneys to allow free flow of air. No fans, or ventilation system is proposed. From the plans we have received and what were submitted to the Planning Commission, this Ventilation design is not adequate or conditioned to be revised for adequate ventilation of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Noxious fumes. Fire Safety cannot be mitigated with the proposed design. This is a safety hazard. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning collects within the blood stream and is deadly. The published standard ratio of 4 to 6 times the volume of (enclosure air) is required to meet safety regulations. This structure is 54,711 Sq. Ft. of floor area with a height of 10.4 Ft. This equals a volume of 570,089 Cubic Feet of air. Dividing this area by 240 Square Feet of window space to ventilate is ludicrous. Each window must transfer almost 500 cubic Ft. of air per hour. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 215 of 223 No Conditions or review of this component were stated in the Planning Commission Public Hearing. Response: The California Building Code allows for mechanical ventilation and the ventilation system design will be reviewed during the building permit process. #7. There is also only 1 lane into and 1 lane out of this Garage. There are only 3 stair emergency exits for this garage. An additional or emergency vehicle entrance/exit ramp should be provided. The best available space for an additional access is State Street. See Comment #1 above Response: The Fire Marshal has reviewed the project and has not stated a need for an additional emergency exit or stairway. The final design will be reviewed by the Fire Marshal during the building permit process. DRAINAGE: Eng. Stds. Volume 1 Chapter 5 Drainage: #8. All Drainage Design shall be in accordance with the latest City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual, Chapter 5, JRMP, Master Drainage & Storm Water Master Plan and Water Quality Management Plan. Response: Project is designed in conformance with BMP design manual-Engineering Standards Volume 5 (which conforms to Jurisdictional Runoff Management Plan (JRMP) and the city’s master drainage plan). The project has submitted a preliminary storm water quality management plan (SWQMP) and the plan was reviewed and approved by staff. A final SWQMP will be reviewed during the grading permit process. #9. This project is not permitted to drain an underground Parking Garage into a sewer. The Garage needs a filtered drainage system that should connect to the storm drain. Proposed: None The polluted surface drainage from the Garage is proposed to be "pumped" into the Public Sewer System. This is a violation of Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) 13.04.050 Subsurface drainage. This is shown on sheet 7 of the site plan. Response: No stormwater drainage is entering the underground garage. Any Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 216 of 223 water in the underground garage is nuisance drainage (typically from the vehicles). All 18"x18" catch basin in the garage have filter devices in them and the trench drain at the bottom of the driveway ramp has a filter (see call outs 'K' & 'Q' on sheet 7 of TM). Per CMC 13.04.050 nuisance water (non-sewer water) can discharge into sewer system with written consent. Non-stormwater discharge (any water in the garage) cannot be discharged into the storm drain system as this is clear violation of the State's MS4 permit and CMC 15.12.050. #10. The proposed "Sistern / Storm Drain" shown on sheet 7, 8 and details on sheet 9 will hold 3 feet of standing water designed to drain at a very slow rate and to percolate into the ground. It will be a loading problem on the dilapidated sewer system that is considered "private" and with notes to "protect in place". Response: No additional loads will be placed on the existing public offsite sewer line, the load of the storm water cistern does not impact the existing public offsite sewer as density of existing soil is higher (carries heavier weight load) than storm water carried in storm water cistern that will replace the soil. Any on-site storm drain system, storm water quality BMPs, or other storm water facilities are not allowed to infiltrate/percolate into the ground. All storm water facilities are piped or hard-lined and discharge into the public storm drain system. No infiltration/percolation allowed at all for this project. See Comment #1 above SEWER: #11. Continued from above ­ Today, there are more than 40 EDUs served by this sewer. The EDUs, I am referring to many restaurants, doughnut shops, bakery's businesses, commercial and residential uses that are served by this system. The general alignment of this system was down the middle of the properties some, for which the Station Project owns. This project proposes to cut this public system off and with the City Engineer's support declare the remaining portion a "private" lateral to be the responsibility of the citizens and businesses that are served by this system. The intent or the alignment was to serve these adjacent properties. No one, to my knowledge, as I recently learned, has an easement of record for this sewer. I am certain that my fellow property owners, like me, assumed that such a right existed. Had an earlier request been made, it most certainly would have been granted. Now, with the proposed crowded Carlsbad Station project, there is no room for an easement, or as the City Attorneys have stated "no one wants to burden the developer for one". Response: The sewer is a public line and is located on the Straesser property, in the area referenced by the comment. There is no nexus for the project to improve the sewer line on the Straesser property as the project does not contribute any flows to the line. #12. This old sewer is a public sewer that was built more than 60 years ago and (today) it serves almost 40 business establishments, offices and residences. The project proposes to sever this existing public sewer and discard the north half as a 6 inch Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 217 of 223 "Private Lateral". This system still serves 14 individual properties and roughly 20 Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU's). The project identifies 3 properties on sheets 2, 7, and 8. Because the City cannot find the drawing for this sewer. And because the City cannot find any easements for this sewer. Response: The city concurs that the sewer is a public line. The City found the southern part (DWG 408­3 dated 1950's) it's not very good and considering the year it was developed, not up to the current quality of todays standards. Because the City cannot find a drawing they want to call this sewer a "private" lateral. It is a public sewer and has been for a long time. The existing Sewer System from Beech Avenue to Grand Avenue has been a Public Sewer for more than 60 years. The remaining drawing for this sewer main cannot be found by the City Engineer. The North end of this main has a manhole cover with a date of 1947 and a County of San Diego name cast into it. This makes sense, as the City was not incorporated when this sewer was constructed. Response: The city concurs that the sewer is a public line. The City cannot find an easement for this sewer either. There is one that was recorded in March of this year. The adjacent property owner (myself) has offered to dedicate my share of this easement. The Station Project could be conditioned to dedicate it's share(10 feet) of this easement to satisfy current standards. Regardless of the use or purpose, this public sewer will remain public. An Encroachment agreement could be conditioned and will be entered into for the perpetual maintenance of this public sewer. The proposed storm drain / cistern impact will be mitigated. Response: The sewer line is public, and the project is conditioned to dedicate a public sewer easement. Based on review of the project civil engineering plans, the proposed storm drain does not impact the public sewer line. See previous response regarding impacts to the public offsite sewer. The existing 6" (dilapidated) VCP pipe is showing signs of failure and cannot withstand the weight of the storm drain or the weight of compaction equipment over the top of this pipe. It should be replaced with stronger C­900 PVC Pipe to "protect in place". Please provide a method for "protect in place" of the existing sewer. It will not hold up under the proposed compaction, construction equipment and storm water/cistern load. Response: The city recently PVC lined the public sewer in 2017 resulting in reinforcing of the sewer line. The expected life of the lining is 50-years. Construction plans are reviewed as part of the permitting process. As part of the review, protection of adjacent properties and offsite improvements are evaluated. The project civil engineering plans were reviewed by staff and proposed improvements (onsite) do not conflict with the offsite public sewer line. #13. While this sewer is being replaced it could be redirected to flow to the north and Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 218 of 223 - - connect to the existing sewer in State Street 100 feet north of Beech Ave. This sewer would have to be constructed using Regional Standard ­ shallow manholes and minimal flow (as it is today). This alignment would flow to the north saving the project a lot of time, delay and cost of a deep sewer running south to Grand Avenue. Response: This project is not required to replace the public offsite sewer as the project does not contribute any flows to the line. Neither the developer, or the design engineer or possibly the City Engineer know the problems the City had, years ago constructing the downtown storm drain in State Street. The multiple utility conflicts and the proposed disruption of public business was so great the City "Bored" the pipe under the conflicting utilities. The proposed sewer from the station project is below the downtown storm drain. This will be a nightmare, again supported by the City Engineer. Response: The alignment of the proposed sewer in State Street is offset at least 20-feet from the existing storm drain. The existing storm drain does not pose a conflict based on review of the project civil engineering plans. #14. If the sewer was a Public Sewer as it is today, the Developer would have to : Dedicate a 1O' Public Sewer easement. The adjacent properties have and will dedicate the required width to satisfy the City Engineer with the 20' requirement. This 20' width of a public easement also applies to the proposed 8" PVC sewer that connects to State Street, if it remains as designed. Replace the old dilapidated and cracked sewer with a newer C­900 PVC sewer and "protect in place" as stated on the plans. While replacing the sewer, the plans will be approved and signed by the City Engineer, this will satisfy current requirements. Response: This project is not required to replace the public offsite sewer as the project does not contribute any flows into the line. Sign an encroachment agreement for any encroachments with this easement area. Response: The encroachment agreement is required. The project could proceed if these three (3) conditions are met (refer to Conditions, last page). The failures of the City Staff can be corrected or conditioned to be redesigned. #15. The entire Station Project is proposing to sewer to Roosevelt Street via 3 ­ 6 inch sewer laterals. I could not find any grease interceptors or sewer main lines. This system is serving the entire 74 unit condominium, the proposed offices, and the proposed restaurants. No where in the City Standards is this "Sewer Main" supported. On the Tentative map (sheet ) it is stated that the total EDUs are 85.5. This is incorrect. Title 13.10.020 has specific requirements for restaurants 2.67 EDU+ 1EDU per ea. 7 seats. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 219 of 223 The commercial and office EDUs are 1/1800 Sq. Ft. As proposed on sheet 1 there is 18,795 GPD proposed to drain thru three (3) 6" laterals. The GPD calculation is wrong, it is more. Response: Grease interceptors are not required for office and residential use. A grease interceptor will be installed for the proposed restaurant fronting State Street. The project is proposing sewer laterals to Roosevelt St in addition to the connection of a 10-inch PVC sewer line, as part of the continuation of the public offsite sewer line, that will connect to a public sewer in State St. Based on review of the project civil engineering plans, the project sewer system is adequate. #16. In contrast, the proposed project is constructing more than 600 feet of 8­inch PVC Sewer Main to serve the remaining 20 EDUs being cut off from the existing 300' long 6 inch Sewer Main. The proposed 8" sewer is following the City Engineers idea of a "Private Sewer" for the benefit of a few property owners. Again, this is wrong there are 14 properties using this sewer that have been connected to this system for years. This alignment is further than simply redirecting the reconstructed sewer north along the State Street Commons boundary and then west to existing sewer in State Street. The alignment just mentioned is more direct with much less public conflict (gas, electric, and water utilities). And this alignment is not a 10­foot­deep trench. Besides the need to drain the Station parking lot into this sewer there is no reason to design a mistake, as proposed. Again, draining a parking lot into a public sewer is a violation of the municipal code Title The storm water must be treated and drained into the storm drain. The proposed alignment is a disaster because of utility conflicts and deep trenching and the disruption of public access and service. The City Engineer supports this design/mistake. Response: See previous responses regarding public sewer and underground garage drainage. Again: See Comment #1 above. #17. Roosevelt Street has dedications on both sides of this project, within this project and across the street, yet this project is not in compliance with the alignment or dedication standards of the City. This project proposes to move forward without dedicating the ultimate right of way that the other developments have dedicated. The ultimate width of Roosevelt Street is 80 feet. Tentative Maps require cross sections of the public streets to show existing and proposed right of way. This tentative map does not have this information. Response: The street section is consistent with the Village & Barrio Master Plan. Information regarding street cross-sections is shown on sheet 3 of the Tentative Map. Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 220 of 223 Again: See Comment #1 above #18. The Engineer of the project (BHA) has stated that the sewer and the property lines are in the wrong location. This statement is wrong. There is a Record of Survey (ROS 23543) that corrects this information. The property lines of the adjacent lots are within.OB of a foot on one parcel and have been found in place on others. The sewer is in line with the property at the north end and shifts to the west as it travels south. Again, the sewer was constructed more than 60 years ago, surveying accuracy was not as precise as it is today. Response: An in-field survey was performed by BHA on the existing public sewer line and property lines and is reflected on the Tentative Map. #19. Section 8­8 on sheet 9 of the site plan should show the location of the existing sewer. It should also show the location of the proposed ventilation openings and the relative proximity of the storm drain. This detail should correct the elevations of the retaining wall. The depth of the proposed storm drain looks like it is less than 1 foot deep. The retaining wall is 1 foot deep and rises up about 2 feet to the surface on the Station Property. (ref. sht. 4 of the site plan). The statement on Section 8­B "top of wall varies 0.1foot above highest grade" is wrong ­ and is more than 2 foot above the highest grade at the north end. Response: Section B-B is not to scale. Based on proposed invert elevations of storm drain, the storm drain pipes meets the minimum 1-ft clearance from top of pipe to finish grade. The callout on section B-B was read incorrectly. The callout states: TOP OF WALL HEIGHT VARIES. 0.10' ABOVE HIGHEST FINISHED OR EXISTING GRADE. One side of the wall can have 2-ft height difference from top of wall to finish/existing grade. The other side of wall can have 0.10-ft height difference from top of wall to finish/existing grade. This wall can be more accurately described as a tall curb. #20. Relocate the Storm Drain closer to the Garage and Vents. With the ventilation ducts shown on section 8­B, this storm drain could be relocated almost 2 feet closer to the underground garage. The Storm Drain will impact the sewer because of the Water Table and the soft subsurface soil condition. Again the City Engineer made a serious mistake supporting this design. Response: A geotechnical review and analysis was performed and submitted to staff for review. The project was determined to be feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. Again: See Comment #1 above \ Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 221 of 223 Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. Concurrent with the development, the proposed sewer and the existing sewer along the west side of the project shall be replaced with C­900 PVC pipe as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement Plans for this replacement and new sewer shall be prepared and approved by the City Engineer. The alignment and terminus of this sewer shall be approved by the City Engineer. Response: The project is not required to replace offsite public sewer lines as there is no nexus. 2. The owner of CT 2019­03 shall dedicate an appropriate width easement for both sewer systems as proposed to the City of Carlsbad for Public Sewer Purposes. Response: The project is conditioned to dedicate a public sewer easement for the public sewer. 3. Prior to Final Map approval, the developer of CT 2019­03 shall enter into a standard Encroachment Agreement for both sewer easements. Response: The developer is required to enter into an encroachment agreement. This • Station Project, CT 2019-03 SOP 2019-04 (dated 5-15-20) Ralph Straesser, Owner of adjacent property ­ 2730 State Street Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 222 of 223 Oct. 13, 2020 Item #4 Page 223 of 223 July 7, 2020 The Honorable Mayor Matt Hall City of Carlsbad Dear Mayor Hall: j ~ ~ CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE All Receive -Agenda Item # '-/ For the Information of the: CIT.Y COUNCIL Date J0/5 CA ~cc _::::: CM ~CM ~CM (3) _..-- I am writing in support of the McKellar McGowan development project called Carlsbad Station in the Village. This is a mixed-use project that includes nearly 10,000 sq. ft. of quality retail as well as 79 new homes. As you know, one of our regions barriers to affordable housing is our short supply. This development will not only add quality supply, but dedicate 12 units (15%) for low income housing. The project will be located right in the heart of Carlsbad Village, close to shopping and mass transit. Carlsbad Station will include a beautiful pedestrian promenade that will connect Roosevelt to State Street and it has 143 subterranean parking spaces (including one EV charging station per home). This LEED Certified project will include a restaurant and retail in the commercial portion. In addition to being an attractive and intelligently designed project, Carlsbad Station complies with the Village Barrio Master Plan and all other city planning guidelines. For these reasons and many more, the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce fully supports this development and asks for your approval. Sincerely, Bret Schanzenbach President and CEO cc. Mayor Pro Tern Keith Blackburn Council Member Priya Bhat-Patel Council Member Cori Schumacher City Manager Scott Chadwick 5934 Priestly Drive I Garlsbad, CA 92008 I 760.931.8400 T I 760.931.9153 F www.carlsbad.org Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, North County YIMBY <northcountyyimby@gmail.com> Monday, October 12, 2020 9:59 AM City Clerk City Council 10/12/20 Public Comment -Item 4 Please find a public comment for the City Council Hearing on the Carlsbad Transit Project (Item 4) below: I am commenting on behalf of the· North County YIMBY group. We are a group dedicated to supporting housing projects in North County which will increase housing supply to ensure that all San Diegans have access to attainable housing. The Carlsbad Transit Station Project is a perfect example of the types of smart projects Cities should be approving to reach their RHNA numbers and provide accessible housing for all. It is infill, directly across from a major transit Depot and includes 15% low income Affordable Housing. This project is an important step forward toward Carlsbad's housing goals and will open up an expensive region to young San Diegans that are otherwise priced out. Being so close to the transit station will also allow residents to commute via the train, helping the City lower its GHG impact. We urge the Council to approve this project. Thank you, Catherine Ferguson, VP North County YIMBY CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kelly Seiler Vocke <kelly.seilervocke@gmail.com> Monday, October 12, 2020 10:50 AM City Clerk Agenda item #4 Comment on item 4: CARLSBAD STATION TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT A FOUR-STORY M IXED-USE PROJECT We need more projects like this near transit!! Great aesthetic. What a great opportunity to add housing where people can realistically choose to have fewer cars per household. Love that the onsite parking includes so many electric charging spots. Kelly Seiler Vocke Electrical Engineer http :ljwww.linkedin.com/in/kellysv kelly.seilervocke@gmail.com en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: 10/12/20 Dear Council, marianne grisez <mgrisezmph@gmail.com> Monday, October 12, 2020 4:22 PM City Clerk Item #4 at Carlsbad City Council Meeting 10/13 I am delighted to hear about the Carlsbad Transit Depot. building project. We are in great need of affordable housing.As a person of faith I committed to advocating for affordable housing. I urge you to continue to meet the current demand. I fully support and am happy you are on your way to making more affordable housing available in Carlsbad, Thank you, Marianne Grisez mgrisezmph@gmail.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: City Councilmembers, Bob Wilcox < rswilcox@gmail.com > Monday, October 12, 2020 8:49 PM City Clerk Support for agenda item #4 I am writing to encourage the city council to approve the proposed Carlsbad Station project. As a Carlsbad homeowner, this project is exactly the type of development that we as a community should be encouraging. This development will provide much-needed housing in a jobs-and transit-rich area, so that residents will not need to drive as much as if they lived further away. It's directly next to .the train station, so it will be ideal for leveraging the planned increases in NCTD service. It will also increase foot traffic to downtown businesses, while growing the tax base and bringing in much-needed revenue to city coffers over the coming years. I strongly urge you to support this project. It looks great, and I'm excited to visit the new businesses! Thank you, Bob Wilcox CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear City Council Members, Jenene McGonigal <jenenemcg@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 7:22 AM City Clerk Fwd: Carlsbad Station I fully support the proposed development of Carlsbad Station. It's a project my husband are considering relocating to as it has everything we are looking for in a new home for us. The location and walkabilty factor are huge draws for us. Hoping to see its addition in the Village soon. Jenene G. McGonigal Jenene McGonigal Jenene McGonigal 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Danielle Boda <danielleboda@me.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 7:47 AM City Clerk Per agenda item #4 Per agenda item #4 (Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan) I am writing to ask that the members of the council reject this plan based on the Waiver Request being made for Relief from Retail Depth Requirement. As noted as a primary intention of the Master Plan that provides this requirement: "Encourage mixed use development projects in the Village Center, with an emphasis on pedestrian-oriented retail uses on the ground floor, and office, other non-residential, and residential uses on the upper floors." As one of the first developments to occur under the new plan, what a disappointing precedent it would set to have the council so quickly allow such a substantial new development to move ahead in stark contrast to both the letter and spirit of the intentions set forth in the Master Plan. As the Master Plan states in 2.7.1 "The intent of development standards for this district is to reinforce the pedestrian shopping and dining environment, encourage mutually supportive uses and provide a major activity focus for the Carlsbad Village and the city as a whole. Retail shopping continuity, locaJ serving shops and restaurants, as well as facilities and services for travelers in the coastal zone are emphasized." The master plan clearly allows for the this type of development plan in the area designated as Village General "Existing uses in this district are primarily stand-alone office and residential with a limited retail presence. Opportunity exists for Village commercial uses to expand into this district. Setbacks in the Village General district are slightly larger and allowed density is reduced from the Village Center requirements." As is noted, the current plan for this development wouldn't allow it to meet the minimum 50% thres)lold of ground.floor commercial use and as such, I encourage you not to approve this plan as it currently stands. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: City Council Members, Robert Wilkinson < bob@wdesigngroup.net> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 9:03 AM City Clerk Chris McKellar; Tim McGowan; Gary Nessim Station re-development proposal ParkingServcieVehicles.pdf I am submitting this input to you stating my support for this development proposal item #4 "The Station" in the Village. This project is most likely the best redevelopment proposal in the Village to date, is it perfect, does it give all that we want in the Village no, but we hold that bar pretty high. There is one item/ issue I did not see covered in the staff report, due to the fact that it is not yet in the Master Plan or any other city regulations although the issue is in the Village Parking study, but with no follow through! That is, where vehicles servicing the businesses will do their temporary parking. Due to this I have to assume these vehicles will park as they do for all other businesses in the Village that is wherever they can including in auto and bike lanes. My position is that this practice is no longer an acceptable solution ! Please see the attached position paper regarding this issue. At a minimum this issue should be brought up and discussed at this weeks hearing so we the community can hear what the city's current position is and what your thoughts are for the future. This is a city management issue and we request movement on it soon along with other issues in approved documents for our Downtown Village soon. We can do better than this! Respectfully, Robert Wilkinson Wilkinson Design Group Land Planning + Landscape Architecture bob@wdesigngroup.net CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless fl:i lmagine iDi car/sbad PARKING IN OUR DOWNTOWN VILLAGE -5th edition Sept29,2020 This is not the typical complaint of not having enough parking for patrons, employees and residents in the village. However, it is a request for better management for parking, specifically temporary parking of vehicles servicing the businesses that are so critical for a thriving downtown environment in Carlsbad. This should be viewed as "best practice" management by the City to improve business activity and the safety of all. A management effort, perhaps with the VBA assisting, for the betterment of both business and their community of customers. Clearly, you see this on any 6 out of 7 days of a typical week, trucks sitting in an area not meant for this use. Typically, unloading supplies in a painted median on Grand, in a bike lane on CVD or the Boulevard or travel lane on any one of the side streets. A few years ago the Council was presented with and approved of the concept of "Complete Streets" giving it their full support. The 2018 Village-Barrio Master Plan also calls for more and more from streets in this neighborhood. The parking study prepared in support of the master plan identified this very issue, stating "the community has complained about trucks parked in travel lanes" and then identified what could be done to solve this problem, in part that is "curb management". We ask that you direct action on a comprehensive management practice to implement the master plan and parking study solving this current problem. Service vehicles parking in an inappropriate location that cause conflicts with modes of travel. We whole heartedly support the redevelopment that brings new businesses along our downtown streets. However, each new business must be required to identify the type, size and frequency of service vehicles for the type of business they plan to have . They need to identify where these vehicles will do their temporary parking. Beyond that, all existing businesses (maybe_as part of new business licenses) should also do the same, that's identifying vehicle size, frequency and the location for temporary service vehicle parking for their business. As we all know, the Village is fortunate to have a number of alleys in its core area. These were meant just for this reason and each should be made right and managed for use by service vehicles as their primary function. Where there are no alleys other parking locations must be identified, some developments may have room on site. Many others may need to use street curbs. These could be identified as service only for a certain time period, say 6AM to 3PM, then use these areas for later day drop off /pickups of patrons or evening valet use. Photo of the typical situation I am an active cyclist who rides with others in and through the village every week. Riding many of the city's arterial roadways we are very appreciative of the improvements the City has made over the last number of years reducing auto lane widths to enlarge bike lanes and adding buffer areas between the two and/ or adjacent parking. Anyone riding on most streets knows well the inherent danger that comes with this activity, riding side by side bike to auto. There is a substantial increase in overall bike use in Carlsbad. The E-bike has spawned this increase in use, from first timer (scary tourist), to full families, to our youth riding to and from home to the beach on their fat tires E-bikes complete with surfboard rack. And that is great it is exactly what we should want to see, Carlsbad residents using passive power to move from their neighborhoods to our coast line and all points between. Delivery trucks in bike lanes make gamblers of all those riding, old and young, will motorist allow me to move into their auto lane, or must I stop? Many if not most of the streets in the Village are oversized in width. This provides a great opportunity. All of this public land to re-imagine, re- engineer for all modes of travel as per "complete streets" and meeting our climate action objectives. Supersize our arterial roadways throughout the city just not the roads in the area we call a "Village" as that is a contradiction in terms, use and atmosphere. Please let's put together a management program to provide the appropriate location and space for the temporary parking for all service vehicles that removes the current hazardous condition. We can and should provide a grace period for some businesses due to the current need for expanded outdoor space at some curbs. However, we must not use that transition period as an excuse to not act now on this management task. "We can do better"! Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Ted Hageman <ted.hageman@yahoo.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 9:30 AM City Clerk Subject: Site Development Plan Per agenda item #4 (Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan) I am writing to ask that the members of the council reject this plan based on the Waiver Request being made for Relief from Retail Depth Requirement. As noted as a primary intention of the Master Plan that provides this requirement: "Encourage mixed use development projects in the Village Center, with an emphasis on pedestrian- oriented retail uses on the ground floor, and office, other non-residential, and residential uses on the upper floors." As one of the first developments to occur under the new plan, what a disappointing precedent it would set to have the council so quickly allow such a substantial new development to move ahead in stark contrast to both the letter and spirit of the intentions set forth in the Master Plan. As the Master Plan states in 2. 7 .1 "The intent of development standards for this district is to reinforce the pedestrian shopping and dining environment, encourage mutually supportive uses and provide a major activity focus for the Carlsbad Village and the city as a whole. Retail shopping continuity, local serving shops and restaurants, as well as facilities and services for travelers in the coastal zone are emphasized." The master plan clearly allows for the this type of development plan in the area designated as Village General "Existing uses in this district are primarily stand-alone office and residential with a limited retail presence. Opportunity exists for Village commercial uses to expand into this district. Setbacks in the Village General district are slightly larger and allowed density is reduced from the Village Center requirements." As is noted, the current plan for this development wouldn't allow it to meet the minimum 50% threshold of ground floor commercial use and as such, I encourage you not to approve this plan as it currently stands. Ted Hageman Sent from my iPhone 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Council Internet Email Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 9:40 AM To: City Clerk ' Subject: FW: Carlsbad Station -----Original Message----- From: Penny Johnson <pennyofcbad@icloud.com> Sent: Friday, October 9, 2020 4:59 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Carlsbad Station Carlsbad Council Members, Please vote NO on the 83 condo ,4 story Carlsbad Station in "Olde quaint,,charming,Village by the Sea" Carlsbad. By voting yes to this development is to be making a mockery of the words that have always been used to describe Carlsbad and that are still used in the promotional information that is used to bring people here to live and/or recreate. As you "may have heard", there is already a significant parking and traffic problem in the downtown which the council has ignored for years ..... and yet you continue to add to the problem whilst giving up the quality of the Olde,quaint,charming,Village by the Sea! Mr. Blackburn, your pledge to protect the village environment that is so "near and dear to your heart" is now called into question . What will it be? What do your words really mean as we see our/your Village by the Sea disappear as developer$$$$ corrode the ambience and environment we love? Yours truly, Penny Johnson Olde Carlsbad resident for 43 years. Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 DR.MELANIE -BURKH 3 LDER -FOR ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 76 - Ms. Velyn Anderson · Chair, Carlsbad Planning Commission 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Chairwoman Anderson, June 9, 2020 Please accept this letter of support for Carlsbad Station. Carlsbad has done an exceptional job at attracting industry leaders in clean technology, life sciences, and more, yet the need for housing in our region is no secret. The provision of housing near public transit is a priority for both state and local policy makers. Pursuant to Car-lsbad's own General Plan and the Village and Barrio Master Plan, Carlsbad Station is the right project for this particular location. The design and project features capitalize on the site location and bring to life the "more urban, walkable, transit-connected lifestyle" described in the General Plan. Additionally, the affordable units included within Carlsbad Station are a rarity within the Village and further reason to warrant support of this project. Carlsbad Station is consistent with the surrounding. land uses on State and Roosevelt Streets. Reinvigorating the street scenes through added outdoor dining, public art, new landscaping and bike facilities so close to the train station, encourages new residents, long-time locals, tourists and commuters alike to shop, dine and support our local small businesses in the Village. I encourage you to approve Carlsbad Station, in hopes it serves as a best practice for infill development in our community. Sincerely, Melanie Burkholder From: To: Cc: Subject.: Date: Matt Thorne olannina@carlsbadca.aov cliff.jones@carlsbadca.gov Support for Carlsbad Station (6/17) . Tuesday, June 16, 2020 4:44:47 PM Attention Carlsbad Planning Comm issioners, My wife and I have lived in Carlsbad for 15 years and are happy to see the direction the Village is taking. It's awesome to have some many new restaurants and shops that we can visit. I recently learned about the Carlsbad Station project and think it will be great addition to the area, especially with the changes that are in process at the old Antique Mall. I know some people might be uncomfortable with the height of the new buildings, but I can appreciate that this developer stayed wit hi n the guidelines of the City's plans. As a community,· we spent a lot of time providing feedback on how the Vill age could evolve and grow and it's nice to see much of that feedback reflected in Carlsbad Village. Change can be uncomfortable for people, but it's important that we continue to move forward by approving projects with quality design that make sense in the context of the Vil lage. I hope you will vote yes on this project to bring more investment and renovation to our Village. We plan to be part of this community for a long time and look forward to enjoying the Village for years to come. Please read these remarks during the upcoming public hearings. Matt Thorne Carlsbad, CA Zachary Markham Chairman Darcy Clevenger Vice Chair Joli Hatch Treasurer Fumi Matsubara Board Member Samantha Dean Fauce Board Member Heidi Willes Board Member Sherry Alvarado Board Member Jake Stipp Board Member Tony Tata Board Member Chanel Bennett Board Member The Carlsbad Village Association (CVA) is a non-profit organization whose core purpose is to lead the continual improvement of Carlsbad Village by promoting and enhancing its business, cultural, and community vitality, making it a premier destination. 300 Carlsbad Village Dr. Suite 108A #135 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.644.2121 www.carlsbad-village.com info@carlsbad-village.com Carltbad Villa\l e Attociation June 16, 2020 City of Carlsbad Planning Commission 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 experience the village Re: Public Hearing Item ti}.-June 17, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting Dear Commissioners: On behalf of the Carlsbad Village Association (CVA}, I am writing to you in support of the McKellar McGowan project known as "Carlsbad Station." While the idea of the Carlsbad Station project was first met with some consternation, I am pleased to say that the efforts of the McKellar McGowan team have been valuable in helping business owners and residents understand it more fully and appreciate what it brings to our downtown. In 2019, CVA staff and board members, along with residents and fellow business owners, attended a comprehensive community outreach meeting held by McKellar McGowan at the Harding Community Center. At this community meeting we were able to study artist renderings of the project, speak to the architects and builders for the project, as well as future business owners at the Carlsbad Station. We were able to provide input, ask questions, and sh.are concerns. The following month, the team at McKellar McGowan attended CVA's Village Voices monthly business outreach meeting and presented their vision to nearly 80 Village business owners and residents. They answered questions, allowed for input and also added anyone interested to their email list so that updates could flow freely. Their accessibility, transparency, and willingness to receive input and provide follow-up has helped everyone come to understand the scope of this project more completely. It is our opinion that the Carlsbad Station is a good fit for the Village. While a large project, it has been thoughtfully broken into smaller pieces to blend into our downtown environment. Its mixed-use approach is in line with other Village projects, as well as the Village and Barrio Master Plan, and along with its neighb9ring State Street Commons will provide an urban village ambiance. We are pleased to know that McKellar McGowan has also provided eight more parking spaces than originally planned and that they are dedicated to working with the North County Transit District to promote public transportation. In conclusion, we feel that the Carlsbad Station has been carefully planned and prepared for, and we support it and look forward to it coming to fruition. Sincerely, Christine Davis Executive Director YIMBYLaw 1260 Mission St San Francisco, CA 94103 hello@yimbylaw.org YI MBY LAW 6/15/2020 Carlsbad Planning Commission City Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 planning@carlsbadca.gov; clerk@carlsbadca.gov; Via Email Re: 2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, and 2081 Roosevelt Street and 2780 and 2802 State Street CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, YIMBY Law submits this letter to inform you that the Planning Commission has an obligation to abide by all relevant state housing laws when evaluating the above captioned proposal, including the Housing Accountability Act (HAA). California Government Code§ 65589.5, the Housing Accountability Act, prohibits localities from denying housing development projects that are compliant with the locality's zoning ordinance or general plan at the time the application was deemed complete, unless the locality can make findings that the proposed housing development would be a threat to public health and safety. The most relevant section is copied below: (j) When a proposed housing development project complies with applicable, objective general plan and zoning standards and criteria, including design review standards, in effect at the time that the housing development project's application is determined to be complete, but the local agency proposes to disapprove the project or to approve it upon the condition that the project be developed at a lower density, the local agency shall base its decision regarding the proposed housing development project upon written findings supported by substantial evidence on the record that both of the following conditions exist: (1) The housing development project would have a specific, adverse impact upon the public health or safety unless the project is disapproved or approved upon the condition that the project be developed at a lower density. As used in this paragraph, a "specific, adverse inlpact" means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete. (2) There is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the adverse impact identified pursuant to paragraph (1), other than the disapproval of the housing development project or the approval of the project upon the condition that it be developed at a lower density. (4) For purposes of this section, a proposed housing development project is not inconsistent with the applicable zoning standards and criteria, and shall not require a rezoning, if the housing development project is consistent with the objective general plan standards and criteria but the zoning for the project site is inconsistent with the general plan. If the local agency has complied with paragraph (2), the local agency may require the proposed housing development project to comply with the objective standards and criteria of the zoning which is consistent with the general plan, however, the standards and criteria shall be applied to facilitate and accommodate development at the density allowed on the site by the general plan and proposed by the proposed housing development project. The applicant proposes to construct a four-story mixed-use project consisting of two buildings with eighty-three condominium units comprising seventy-nine residential units and four commercial units on a 1.75-acre site located at 2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, and 2081 Roosevelt Street and 2780 and 2802 State Street in the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The above captioned proposal is zoning compliant and general plan compliant, therefore, your local agency must approve the application, or else make findings to the effect that the proposed project would have an adverse impact on public health and safety, as described above. Yimby Law is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, whose mission is to increase the accessibility and affordability of housing in California. I am signing this letter both in my capacity as the Executive Director of YIMBY Law, and as a resident of California who is affected by the shortage of housing in our state. Sincerely, Sonja Trauss Executive Director YIMBYLaw YIMBY Law, 1260 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103 Laurie Boone From: Laurie Boone <chipcbad@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 10:00 AM To: planning@carlsbad.gov Cc: Cliff.Jones@carlsbad.gov Subject: Support for the Carlsbad Station Project Greetings Carlsbad Planning Commissioners. These comments are being sent to you in the absence of the opportunity to speak in person in support for the Carlsbad Station development being considered by the commission just now. We attempt to stay informed about all projects in the city, but especially in Olde Carlsbad and the Village. We have participated in many meetings of the master plan for the area over the years. We have resided in this north quadrant of Carlsbad for almost 46 years, and have celebrated the improvements and revitalization of the downtown area. In September of 2019 we attended the information meeting of the proposed Carlsbad Station project hosted at the Harding Street Center. We were impressed by the presentation given at the time, and have been further pleased by the ongoing enhancements to make the project even better for our community. We realize that it is very challenging for any builder to meet the city's high standards, which we support and appreciate. This being said, we wholeheartedly offer our endorsement of the plans before you tonight. One of the best elements in the plan is the on site parking being provided. This has been one of our chief concerns with other new developments and so we are very pleased by this plan. The walkway from Roosevelt to State Street is another bonus to enhancing the over-all plan. Also, we really like the lower profiles of the buildings facing both streets. The setbacks are more visually pleasing and yet allow higher heights to allow maximum use of the property in inner portions of the buildings. Please include our comments in the public record of the scheduled June 7, 2020 commission meeting. Thank you all for your service to our beautiful city. Laurie & Jim Boone Sent from my iPhone Mobility CIRCULATE CERTIFICATION January 30, 2020 Chris McKellar McKellar McGowan LLC 5075 Shoreham Place Suite 280 San Diego, CA 92122 Circulate San Diego 233 A Street, Suite 206 San Diego, CA 92101 Tel: 619-544-9255 Fax: 619-531-9255 www.circulatesd.org Subject: Circulate Mobility Certification Recipient Letter for Carlsbad Station by McKellar McGowan Dear Mr. McKellar, On behalf of Circulate San Diego, whose mission is to create excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods, I am pleased to share that the Carlsbad Station project by McKellar McGowan LLC has been awarded Circulate's Mobility Certification. Circulate's Mobility Certification review committee determined that your project meets our criteria for a sustainable growth project in the San Diego region. Carlsbad Station will bring 79 new homes with 12 units, or 15 percent, deed-restricted as affordable. The infill project is within walking distance of the Carlsbad Village Station, shops and restaurants, and office space. Carlsbad Station will also provide a mix of neighborhood-serving retail and a new restaurant. The site is one block away from rail and bus transit at the Carlsbad Village Station. Residents can take the COASTER to Oceanside or Downtown San Diego or take advantage of three bus routes that stop at t he Carlsbad Village Station. The project will also include a landscaped pedestrian promenade through the development, increasing access to retail options and transit. The project is taking advantage of the Affordable Homes Density Bonus program to build deed-restricted affordable units on site and build additional market rate units to maximize the housing production in the Carlsbad Village. Residents will have the ability to live, work, and play in the Village because of the close proximity to many amenities. Carlsbad Station will provide the required parking on site and below ground, resulting in only one driveway for the project. Avoiding multiple driveways benefits the safety of pedestrians and results in a more walkable Village. McKellar McGowan includes bicycle storage in the garage along with the parking, an amenity that is not required by the City's rules, but which will benefit residents of the development. After careful review by the review committee of independent local experts in land use and transportation, Carlsbad Station earned the Circulate Mobility Certification. Creating excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods. Sincerely, ~~ Colin Parent Executive Director and General Counsel The Circulate Mobility Certification, formed in 2012 as the MOVE Alliance and relaunched as the Circulate Mobility Certification in 2018, provides certification for transit-oriented, smart growth projects in the San Diego region. The Circulate Mobility Certification Committee members consist of local experts in smart growth planning and sustainable transit oriented development disciplines, including planners, developers, urban designers, and transportation engineers. By recognizing and supporting projects which meet the Circulate Mobility Certification criteria, we can help to create complete communities, one project at a time. For more information, go to http://www.circulatesd.org/certified. Creating excellent mobility choices and vibrant, healthy neighborhoods. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Sharon B <exclusivesportstickets@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 11 :26 AM City Clerk Subject: Per agenda item #4 (Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan) 1 / All Receive -Agenda Item # .!::::1..- Per agenda item #4 (Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan) For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date/o/l 2> CA .,...-cc__:::- CM ....-ACM ....-DCM (3) _::::: Requesting that the members of the council reject this plan based on the Waiver Request being made for Relief from Retail Depth Requirement. The Master Plan that provides this requirement: "Encourage mixed use development projects in the Village Center, with an emphasis on pedestrian-oriented retail uses on the ground floor, and office, other non-residential, and residential uses on the upper floors." The LAST thing we need in the Village are more overpriced "luxury condos" without any additional reasons to visit the Village being added, it will end up being a place passed by, as locals and tourists find "nothing to do", harming our local business and decreasing the quality of life. As is noted, the current plan for this development wouldn't allow it to meet the minimum 50% threshold of ground floor commercial use and as such, I encourage you not to approve this plan as it currently stands. Thank you, Sharon Bodon Carlsbad CA 92008 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: October 13, 2020 schreibmanp@sbcglobal.net Tuesday, October 13, 2020 11 :18 AM Council Internet Email City Clerk Support for Carlsbad Station (#4) Carlsbad Station (#4).docx Honorable Mayor Matt Hall and Members of the Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: Support for Carlsbad Station (#4) Dear Mayor Matt Hall and Members of the Carlsbad City Council: Please accept this letter of support for the Carlsbad Station project to be located in the Carlsbad Village area. As a 20-plus-year resident of Carlsbad, I have enjoyed our Village area as an inviting place to visit and to support area shops and restaurants. As we move forward as a City, providing additional housing in this area, provided it is planned appropriately, can continue to support our Village area, while also providing much-needed housing for our residents, whether it be those that are downsizing or young adults looking for places to branch out on their own. This project offers that opportunity with its location near transit, as well as access to a number of amenities located within walking distance. The pedestrian-oriented location and design for this project will be a plus in continuing the success of the Village, by activating the area with patrons and supporting the Village lifestyle we all enjoy. I encourage your support of this well-located, well-planned project! Sincerely, Patty Schreibman CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Carlsbad Gov Jean-Paul Dracolakis <jpdraco@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 11 :17 AM City Clerk Carlsbad commercial planning. Per agenda item #4 (Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan) I am writing to ask that the members of the council reject this plan based on the Waiver Request being made for Relief from Retail Depth Requirement. As noted as a primary intention of the Master Plan that provides this requirement: "Encourage mixed use development projects in the Village Center, with an emphasis on pedestrian-oriented retail uses on the ground floor, and office, other non-residential, and residential uses on the upper floors." As one of the first developments to occur under the new plan, what a disappointing precedent it would set to have the council so quickly allow such a substantial new development to move ahead in stark contrast to both the letter and spirit of the intentions set forth in the Master Plan. As the Master Plan states in 2.7.1 "The intent of development standards for this district is to reinforce t he pedestrian shopping and dining environment, encourage mutually supportive uses and provide a major activity focus for the Carlsbad Village and the city as a whole. Retail shopping continuity, local serving shops and restaurants, as well as facilities and services for travelers in the coastal zone are em.phasized." The master plan clearly allows for the this type of development plan in the area designated as Village General "Existing uses in this district are primarily stand-alone office and residential with a limited retail presence. Opportunity exists for Village commercial uses to expand into this district. Setbacks in the Village General district are slightly larger and allowed density is reduced from the Village Center requirements." As is noted, the current plan for this development wouldn't allow it to meet the minimum 50% threshold of ground floor commercial use and as such, I encourage you not to approve this plan as it currently stands. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Danielle Boda <dboda@iserviceauto.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 11 :09 AM City Clerk Carlsbad Village Distruction Please stick to the master plan! 50% commercial!! Danielle Ogden National Sales Trainer iServiceAuto.com :@isERv,cE E: dboda@iServiceAuto.com iService Auto Inc. 315 N. Crescent Dr., Suite 11 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 iServiceAuto.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Alex Goodman <alexgoodman@newvillagearts.org> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 11 :02 AM Council Internet Email City Clerk Endorsement of Carlsbad Station Carlsbad Station New Village Arts.pdf Please find support for Carlsbad Station attached. Best, Alex Goodman Managing Director New Village Arts, Inc. (0) 760.729-87031 (C) 313.929.2539 Important info from NVA: COVID-19 has put a halt on our current productions. We will announce updates once we know more. This is a detrimental time for the arts. Please click here to make a 100% tax-deductible donation to support NVA. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 1 NEW VILLAGE ARTS Kristianne Kurner Executive Artistic Director Alex Goodman Managing Director Joan Cumming President Mark Coulombe First Vice President, Secretary Saundra Redmond-Moton Second v;ce President Mary Kerr Treasurer Board Members at large Alex Goodman Kristianne Kurner Robert I. Lin, post president Andrea Moriarty Lou Storrow Scott L. White, past president NVA Advisory Board Rosemary Eshelman, Choir Ariel Bedell Mark Caruana Bob Dawson Kathy Deering Fred Deutsch Haley DiDonato Mea Hall Walt & Sharon Hambly Pat Hansen Bobbie Hoder Pat Hurley Emma Jadhav Chelsea Kaufman Richard Kuranda Cassie Langan Linda Ledesma Sue Loftin Gina McBride Christy Mohler Dr. Bob Ogle Christine lleto Pangan Justin Peek Shari Roberts Jay Sarno Don & Becky Sciglimpaglia NVA is o 501(C)/3) Non•Profit Organization Tox ID 1152-2320930 New Village Arts, Inc. 2787 State St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.433.324S info@newvillagearts.org www.newvillagearts.org 10/13/2020 Esteemed members of the Carlsbad City Council, On behalf of the New Village Arts staff, I'm pleased to see the plans in store for Carlsbad Station. Members of our board and staff attended the open house hosted by the developer in the fall of 2019. At that event, we indicated that public art should be included in the project. After a great follow up meeting with Chris McKellar and Arlene Tendick, we were happy to learn that our suggestion had been incorporated into the design. The inclusion of a mural along the pedestrian walkway through Carlsbad Station creates an arts corridor that leads to the entrance to the New Village Arts Theater and Foundry. We hope the new residents of this project will provide year-round patronage to the Theater and look forward to welcoming them to the Village. Sincerely, Alex Goodman New Village Arts Managing Director October 13, 2020 Patricia A. Schreibman P.O. Box 130635 Carlsbad, CA 92013 Cell: ( 619) 7 50-6334 Email: schreibmanp@sbcglobal.net Honorable Mayor Matt Hall and Members of the Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: Support for Carlsbad Station (#4) Dear Mayor Matt Hall and Members of the Carlsbad City Council: Please accept this letter of support for the Carlsbad Station project to be located in the Carlsbad Village area. As a 20-plus-year resident of Carlsbad, I have enjoyed our Village area as an inviting place to visit and to support area shops and restaurants. As we move forward as a City, providing additional housing in this area, provided it is planned appropriately, can continue to support our Village area, while also providing much- needed housing for our residents, whether it be those that are downsizing or young adults looking for places to branch out on their own. This project offers that opportunity with its location near transit, as well as access to a number of amenities located within walking distance. The pedestrian-oriented location and design for this project will be a plus in continuing the success of the Village, by activating the area with patrons and supporting the Village lifestyle we all enjoy. I encourage your support ofthis well-located, well-planned project! Sincerely, Patty Schreibman P.O. Box 130635 Carlsbad, CA 92013 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, Candace Gibson <candy@yum-yoga.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 11 :57 AM City Clerk agenda item 4 I am one of the business owners who will be displaced by the new development on Roosevelt St. I love my location and was hoping to rent one of the new spots in the new building. Except it has just come to my attention that only 25% of the new development will be available for commercial rentals. I knew they were getting away with not providing parking but this goes against the master plan. What is the point of the master plan if it is not being taken seriously? Over 12 small businesses will be displaced and the new space doesn't provide us an alternative. Also, I hate to bring this up but epidemics may start to become more common the way the world is so connected. The businesses on these properties have done an outstanding job utilizing outdoor space (parking lots). The city may want to think about how important it is to have outdoor areas and not building eating up the entire property. This maybe a necessity for a new reality, indoor/outdoor spaces to accommodate actual living during these times of crisis. Thank you, Candace resident for 13 years business owner for 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1 :13 PM City Clerk FW: save Carlsbad -no condos From: Tristan Gill <tristangg@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1:01 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: save Carlsbad -no condos Hello Carlsbad City Council, I live in Carlsbad and would like to express the importance of maintaining commercial space in Carlsbad and not giving into pressures to create additional private condos in these areas. (item 4 from todays agenda). Therefore you should not approve the waiver (to item 4) as it goes against the master plan and sets a very bad precedence. Thank you, Tristan Gill Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Council Internet Email Sent: To: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1: 13 PM City Clerk Subject: FW: Carlsbad Village Growth From: Camilla H <camilla.hallinanl@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1:09 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Carlsbad Village Growth Please slow the growth in Carlsbad Village. Regards, Camilla Hallinan CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless 1 nize the sender and know the content i Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Council Internet Email Sent: To: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1 :21 PM City Clerk Subject: FW: Agenda #4 From: gordon hoyle <gshoyle@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1:20 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Agenda #4 Per agenda item #4 (Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan) I am writing to ask that the members of the council reject this plan based on the Waiver Request being made for Relief from Retail Depth Requirement. Additionally, t recommend that Carlsbad Village Drive street name be changed as it is no longer a village. Matt Hall, unfortunately, will be remembered as the 'Gridlock Mayor" as it is just a matter of a few short years where the streets will be overwhelmed due to the unchecked growth. Regards,. Concerned Carlsbad Resident for 42 years, Gordon Hoyle 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: hannah lea <hannahlea3@yahoo.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1 :10 PM City Clerk agenda #4 Hello, I am contacting you in regards to agenda #4. I think it's not only a bad idea that will stuff the streets of the village with more traffic and cars to pollute the area, but it takes away from the old fashioned village scene. Downtown Carlsbad is a beautiful place as is with a wide variety of people who walk around and enjoy the scenery and old shops I don't see a need to add housing that will not only be expensive (besides the 12 low income units) but they will be an eye sore as well. I hope you'll take this in to consideration as someone who moved here from northern california because of the beautiful place the village already is. I would like to see Carlsbad continue to thrive instead of watch it turn into a busy city with nothing but traffic jams and apartment buildings. Thank you, Hannah Lea CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sarah Davis <sugarandlashes@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1 :02 PM City Clerk Agenda #4 Long time Carlsbad resident and local business owner here. Writing to strongly(!!) Appose the Carlsbad Station project. We are slowly losing the charm of our village and this project will only make it worse by create more traffic and parking issues while tearing down existing businesses that are struggling to stay afloat during Covid. Please consider non approval or delaying this project. Sincerely, Concerned Constituent Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Good afternoon, Vince Vasquez <vpvasquez@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 12:43 PM City Clerk re: public comments on 10/13 CC Meeting Agenda Item #4 -SUPPORT My name is Vince Vasquez, and I am a resident of Carlsbad . I write to you today in support of Item #4 on your agenda today. The Carlsbad Station project strikes the right balance between scale, community character, and meeting the growing needs of our changing and thriving city. It is the right type of infill housing that Carlsbad City Council should be approving, to foster more housing opportunity and accessible housing for all. Please vote YES on this Agenda Item, thank you. Regards, Vince Vasquez CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: jorge ureta <jorgeureta67@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 12:42 PM City Clerk building zone Per agenda item #4 (Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan) I am writing to ask that the members of the council reject this plan based on the Waiver Request being made for Relief from Retail Depth Requirement. As noted as a primary intention of the Master Plan that provides this requirement: "Encourage mixed use development projects in the Village Center, with an.emphasis on pedestrian-oriented retail uses on the ground floor, and office, other non-residential, and residential uses on the upper floors." As one of the first developments to occur under the new plan, what a disappointing precedent it would set to have the council so quickly allow such a substantial new development to move ahead in stark contrast to both the letter and spirit of the intentions set forth in the Master Plan. As the Master Plan states in 2.7.1 "The intent of development standards for this district is to reinforce the pedestrian shopping and dining environment, encourage mutually supportive uses and provide a major activity focus for the Carlsbad Village and the city as a whole. Retail shopping continuity, local serving shops and restaurants, as well as facilities and services for travelers in the coastal zone are emphasized." The master plan clearly allows for the this type of development plan in the area designated as Village General "Existing uses in this district are primarily stand-alone office and residential with a limited retail presence. Opportunity exists for Village commercial uses to expand into this district. Setbacks in the Village General district are slightly larger and allowed density is reduced from the Village Center requirements." As is noted, the current plan for this development wouldn't allow it to meet the minimum 50% threshold of ground floor commercial use and as such, I encourage you not to approve this plan as it currently stands. CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or cHck on links unless 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sarah Davis <mommydavis81@yahoo.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 12:39 PM City Clerk Agenda #4 I am writing as a Carlsbad local. .. born and raised resident of 39 years, in strong OPPOSITION to the Carlsbad Station project. After water dig tests have previously failed for this project I am appalled that this is still being considered. Underground parking will be structurally dangerous and no underground parking will be a nightmare for local business in the Village. Adding more traffic congestion and huge buildings to state street will not help our small town feel. We want Carlsbad to stay quaint and original as possible. There is also huge concern for long time businesses of 20 years that will be forced to move during a pandemic when they are already struggling to survive! A yes vote for this project will make it clear to residents and business owners where your loyalty lies ... with the people of your city who employ you OR with the big shot millionaires coming into our town and ruining it with all these new high rises and projects. Thank you for your consideration, Sarah Davis CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Good Afternoon- Andy Davis <mfcantina@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 12:32 PM City Clerk Per agenda item #4 Carlsbad Station Carlsbad Station Waiver Request.pdf I am writing to ask the members of the council to reject this proposal based on the waiver request being made of the provision that new ground floor street frontage uses shall occupy more than one-half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor per density bonus law. Carlsbad Station is only providing 26% of ground floor for commercial use.and not the required 50%. This goes directly against what was set forth, voted on and adopted in our City's Master Plan. Thank you for your t ime and consideration, Andy Davis Carlsbad, CA 92008 CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Charlee Dowson <charlee.dowson@yahoo.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1 :56 PM City Clerk Agenda #4 All Receive -A~enda Item# Lj For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date /JilJ.Sc,A Vee~ CM ~ ACM __::::--ocM (3)...:::: I oppose agenda #4 and the building of new condominiums. There are some great places that would be destroyed that the people of carlsbad love to enjoy!_ We don't need any more living spaces here! CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Adam Faringhy <adamfaringhy@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1 :46 PM City Clerk Agenda item #4 Good afternoon, my name is Adam Faringhy and I have lived in Carlsbad my whole life. It's sad to see major developments taking over our beach town. I beg of the city council to slow their pace and consider saving some of our popular land marks. I've been a huge advocate for building {I'm a builder myself) but this has gone too far. Places like Mas Fina Cantin a deserve to have their business stay in business. They're a huge part of the community as well! Please take a second look at this project and see the damage and unneeded traffic it will cause in our community. A Concerned Local, Adam Faringhy CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Kaytee McClelland <kayteebrielle@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1 :40 PM City Clerk Agenda #4 Good afternoon. I'd like to express my concern about agenda #4 for new condos in place of Mas Fina Cantina. I hope that you have heard many residents' concerns over this. My friends work at that restaurant and will be out of a job that they love and enjoy. This is a popular spot for so many. To see it bulldozed for no other reason than personal greed would break thousands of locals & travelers hearts. Carlsbad does not need more high rises or condos. Oceanside has already destroyed so much, let Carlsbad stay it's local and historic self. Thank you for your time. Save Mas Fina Cantina. Kaitlyn McClelland CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sarah Davis <mommydavis81@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1 :35 PM City Clerk Agenda #4 I would like to put on the record, that I strongly appose this project (Carlsbad Station} Approval of this project further hurts the surrounding businesses and residents by creating more traffic and pushing out current businesses that are already struggling to make it with a pandemic. Will this building be structurally sound after failing multiple water drill tests? Is greed pushing you to vote to approve this or do you truly care about your constituents and their wants? Several large projects have popped up in the Village threatening our local, small town feel and we are tired of it!!!! Sincerely, Elizabeth Davis CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Katie Hoffman <katelynmarie~offman@yahoo.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1 :29 PM Council Internet Email City Clerk Carlsbad Station Support (10/13 -item4) Hello, I currently live in the Village and am excited to hear about the new projects that are happening in the area. Carlsbad Station checks all the boxes: housing, retail, good design, compliant with City documents, next to transit, community support'. parking, and more. It's not everyday that we see this. This project is an opportunity to renovate a segment of Roosevelt that could use a little love. The improvements for State Street make total sense since the old Antique Mall is also getting some much-needed attention. I'm not able to watch the meeting but am hopeful to hear some good news about this project tomorrow evening. Katelyn Hoffman Carlsbad, CA 92009 CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sarah Davis <cleartopmasks@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1 :29 PM City Clerk Agenda #4 Hello, I strongly appose the project under agenda #4 today, Carlsbad Station. The Village has always been a small locals town and all of these huge new projects have already taken away from that feel. Residents and business owners are concerned about more traffic and parking issues that this project will cause. Why is money taking precedence over preserving the uniqueness of our town?? I urge you to reconsider stamping this project for approval. Sincerely, Concerned Resident and Business Owner CAUTION: Do not o en attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Sarah Davis <sugarandlashes@gmail.com> Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1 :23 PM City Clerk Agenda #4 I am writing as a concerned citizen and in strong opposition of the Carlsbad Station project. With already limited parking and a rise in traffic since other projects, I am opposed to another large structure in our small town. Seems like money is becoming more important than the small town vibe and we as residents appose any further changes. Also, we are concerned about long standing businesses that will be forced to move during an already difficult time. We urge you to appose or delay this project. Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your interest may be affected, that the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 to consider approving a Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan to construct a four-story mixed-use project consisting of two buildings with eighty-three condominium units comprising seventy-nine residential units and four commercial units on a 1.75 acre site located at 2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, and 2081 Roosevelt Street and 2780 and 2802 State Street in the Village Center {VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1, and more particularly described as: TRACT A (File No. 891833): PARCEL ONE: THE NORTHEASTERLY HALF OF THE NORTHWESTERLY HALF OF LOT 29 OF SEASIDE LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF NO. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28,-1921, THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWESTERLY HALF BEING PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. PARCEL TWO: PARCEL 1: ALL THAT PORTION OF LOT 31 OF SEASIDE LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28, 1921, LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF A LINE THAT BEGINS AT A POINT IN THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, DISTANT THERE ALONG 159.90 FEET FROM THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT AND RUNS THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTHWESTERLY 27.00 FEET OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY 159.90 FEET THEREOF. ALSO EXCEPTING FROM SAID LOT 31, THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL WITH AND 17.2 FEET NORTHWESTERLY MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTION OF LOT 31 OF SEASIDE LANDS, CITY OF CARLSBAD, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUI\JTY, JULY 28, 1921, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE l\(IOST WESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 31; THENCE. SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 27.00 FEET; THENCE RUNNING NORTHEASTERLY IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 159.90 FEET; THENCE RUNNING NORTHWESTERLY IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 27.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 159.90 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL THREE: ALL OF LOT 31 OF SEASIDE LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF NO. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28, 1921. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF THAT LIES SOUTHWESTERLY OF A LINE THAT BEGINS AT A POINT IN THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, DISTANT THERE ALONG 159.9 FEET FROM THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT AND RUNS THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. ALSO, EXCEPTING FROM SAID LOT 31 THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL WITH AND 17.2 FEET NORTHWESTERLY MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. ALSO, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTHWESTERLY 54.00 FEET OF SAID LOT 31. PARCEL FOUR: THAT PORTION OF LOT 30 OF SEASIDE LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28, 1921, LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY 162.7 FEET OF SAID LOT 30; EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY 60.3 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL FIVE: PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 1339, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, FEBRUARY 23, 1973 AS FILE NO. 73-048297 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. APN: 203-101-12-00 (Affects: Parcel One) 203-181-04-00 (Affects: Parcel 1 of Parcel Two) 203-181-03-00 (Affects: Parcel 2 of Parcel Two) 203-181-07-00 (Affects: Paree.I Three) 203-181-10-00 (Affects: Parcel Four) and 203-181-16-00 (Affects: Parcel Five) TRACT B (File No. 895331): PARCEL A AS SHOWN ON CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, ADJUSTMENT PLAT NO. 190, AS EVIDENCED BY DOCUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 19, 1981 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 81~050735 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LYING IN THAT SOUTHEASTERLY 60.30 FEET OF THE NORTHEASTERLY 162.70 FEET OF LOT #30, OF SEASIDE LANDS, THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE BEING PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT NORTHWESTERLY 60.30 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 30 AND, THE NORTHWESTERLY 54.00 FEET OF LOT 31, OF SEASIDE LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF NO. 1722, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 28, 1921. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION THEREOF THAT LIES SOUTHWESTERLY OF A LINE THAT BEGINS AT A POINT IN THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 31 DISTANCE THERE ALONG 159.9 FEET FROM THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT AND RUNS THROUGH AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT. APN: 203-181-08-00 and 203-181-09-00 Whereas, on June 17, 2020 the. City of Carlsbad Planning Commission voted 7 /0 to recommend approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan to construct a four-story mixed-use project consisting of two buildings with eighty-three condominium units comprising seventy-nine residential units and four commercial units on a 1.75-acre site located at 2747, 2775, 2777, 2785, and 2081 Roosevelt Street and 2780 and 2802 State Street in the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan and within Local Facilities Manageme·nt Zone 1. The City Planner has determined that this project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, an_d is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to section 15332 (In-fill Development Projects) of the State CEQA guidelines. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after October 2, 2020. If you have any questions, please contact Cliff Jones in the Planning Division at (760) 602-4613 or Cliff.Jones@carlsbadca.gov. Individuals wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to participate in thi_s public hearing. Per State of California Executive Order N-29-20, and in the interest of public health and safety, we are temporarily taking actions to prevent and mit igate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by holding City Council and other public meetings electronically or by telecqnferencing. The meeting can be_ viewed online at www.carlsbadca.gov or on the city's cable channel. The Carlsbad Ci~y Coun_cil welcomes your participation. During t he COVID-19 public health emergency, the city has provided two easy ways for community members to provide comments during a City Council meeting: Verbally Sign up to provide verbal comments by phone by filling out an online registration form by 2 p.m. the day of the meeting. You will receive a confirmation message with instruction about how to call into the meeting. ln_writing . E-mail your comments to clerk@carlsbadca.gov. Emails received by 2 p:m. will be provided to the City Council prior to the start of the meeting. Other comments will be included with the meeting record. Emailed comments will not be read out loud during the meeti_ng. Please indicate the agenda -item number in your email subject line. · If you challenge the Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk's Office, 1200-Ca rlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: CASE NAME: CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) CARLSBAD STATION PUBLISH: September 25, 2020 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL SITE MAP • N NOT TO SCALE CARLSBAD STATION CT 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-0063) PEACOCK AND PEACOCK 403 PARKWOOD LN ENCINITAS CA 92024 ONE RAILYARD LOFTS LLC PO BOX 7050 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 WEINBERGER LAWRANCE AND LAURIE 211 MAPLE AVE · SEA CLIFF NY 1157 9 I . CANTABRANA 2005 TRUST 1 2639 STATE ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 TH STATE STREET LLC PO BOX 7050 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 i NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY I TRZ\NSIT D ! PUBLIC AGENCY CARLSBAD CA 92008 r . BLACKBURN 2000 TRUST . 2 0 2 RAINBOW LN ' OCEANSIDE CA 92054 BEECHTREE OFFICE BUILDING PARTNE 2653 ROOSEVELT ST STE D CARLSBAD CA 92008 2646 SEA GLASS LLC 2646 STATE ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 PATERSON KENT R 5315 AVENIDA ENCINAS STE 130 CARLSBAD CA 92008 HARRISON KEITH AND SARA PO BOX 231594 ENCINITAS CA 92023 WILSON CORY A AND SUSAN J TRUST ' 3411 W RIVER DR MEQUON WI 53097 . VENSTROM FAMILY TRUST 2933 LANCASTER RD CARLSBAD CA 92010 SPEERT ELLEN FAMILY TRUST 2633 STATE ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 2659 STATE PARTNERS LLC 375 VIA LINDA DEL SUR ENCINITAS CA 92024 I ARMY AND NAVY ACADEMY I CARLSBAD CAL i PO BOX 3000 ' CARLSBAD CA 92018 . STRAESSER RALPH A AND CJ I FIELDS R 1518 AVOCADO RD OCEANSIDE CA 92054 · EISLER FAMILY SURVIVORS TRUST 6631 LITTLER DR SAN DIEGO CA 92119 CHAMBERLAIN MICHAEL A AND KIMBERLY 2653 ROOSEVELT ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 B WR 16 LLC 2922 DAIMLER ST SANTA ANA CA 92705 SAfl DIEGO GAS rum ELECTRIC co PUBLIC AGENCY CARLSBAD GA 92008 1 BRASHER LIVING TRUST 883 W GOODRICH PL • PALATINE IL 60067 : NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY TRANSIT D !2647 STATE ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 : CARLSBAD STATE STREET LLC · 2739 STATE ST I ! CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHROEDER THOMAS S LIVING TRUST 3518 CALLE GAVANZO CARLSBAD CA 92009 SMITH EDMUND AND EDITH TRUST : 3271 WESTWOOD DR I CARLSBAD CA 92008 I . DEWHURST DONALD K TRUST I 3425 SEACREST DR : CARLSBAD CA 92008 I I TREJO FAMILY TRUST 3383 ADAMS ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 HUSTON FAMILY TRUST PO BOX 547 CARLSBAD CA 92018 . CARLSBAD LAND PARTNERS LLC 264 PACIFIC AVE SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 MAR VISTA TRUST PO BOX 1481 CARLSBAD CA 92018 TREJO FAMILY TRUST 2687 MADISON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 BARLOW KAREN J TRUST 5315 AVENIDA ENCINAS STE 130 CARLSBAD CA 92008 JARMOLOWICZ JEANMARIE AND EDWARDS 46 PERRY HENDERSON DR FRAMINGHAM MA 01701 I APODACA JOE P JR [ 2645 MADISON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 i WILSON JANE RESIDENCE TRUST 2710 MADISON ST • CARLSBAD CA 92008 2755 JEFFERSON BUILDING 2755 JEFFERSON ST STE 200 ·. CARLSBAD CA 92008 1 ROBINSON JOHN P AND GWEN E 725 ARBUCKLE PL CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCANLON FAMILY TRUST 7306 BORLA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 TSAI PROPERTIES LLC 1368 SAPPHIRE DR CARLSBAD CA 92011 JOHNSON FAMILY TRUST 4513 COVE DR APT 12 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROOSEVELT CARLSBAD LP 1707 E HIGHLAND AVE STE 100 PHOENIX AZ 85016 DORAN JESSICA J AND LIAM J 2718 ROOSEVELT ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 KATZ STANS PO BOX 235481 ENCINITAS CA 92023 KEY 5 LLC PO BOX 3030 ! LA JOLLA CA 92038 • FRANKLIN FAMILY TRUST ' 12712 MADISON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 • HARRIS FAMILY TRUST I 722 ARBUCKLE PL ' CARLSBAD CA 92008 • ALBA ROGELIO S AND KEELY C · PO BOX 2711 CARLSBAD CA 92018 2801 JEFFERSON STREET LLC 7232 EL FUERTE ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 DUDZIK DUO LLC 2815 JEFFERSON ST STE 300 CARLSBAD CA 92008 WULLENJOHN CHARLES AND LORRAINE 1259 DISCOVERY ST SAN MARCOS CA 92078 MADISON SQUARE CONDOMINIUMS LLC PO BOX 669 POWAY CA 92074 DORAN JESSICA J AND LIAM J 2720 ROOSEVELT ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 , SEVILLE HOLDINGS LLC I 1630 VALDES DR LA JOLLA CA 92037 ROJAS ROBERTO F AND SARA G LIVING 2650 ROOSEVELT ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 • HOENIG SETH PO BOX 1958 ' CARLSBAD CA 92018 , NOLAN MARK J i 20322 CAROL LN SARATOGA CA 95070 2770 MADISON LLC 2667 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLANKERS REALTY LLC 3868 CARNEGIE DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056 FAMILY CONNECTIONS CHRISTIAN ADO 1120 TULLY RD MODESTO CA 95350 L H H INVESTMENTS LLC PO BOX 2466 CARLSBAD CA 92018 LS G NABER INVESTMENTS LLC 6704 LONICERA ST CARLSBAD CA 92011 KOUKIS PANDELIS AND EVANGELIA 507 N HOWARD ST GLENDALE CA 91206 BRANNICK AND STROTTO TRUST 2678 MADISON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 MR CARLSBAD 11 LLC 1818 1ST AVE ! STE 100 SAN DIEGO CA 92101 FAGRELL FAMILY TRUST 4114 TIERRA VIS BONSALL CA 92003 I FERNANDEZ LOURDES 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 204 •·CARLSBAD CA 92008 I AUSMAN WALTER A AND NATALIA V L 615 PATRICIA LN VISTA CA 92084 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TRUST 5405 ALTON PKWY STE A-204 IRVINE CA 92604 OCKELS THEODORE L DD 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 211 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ZOUCHA-REPP CAROLYN J F AND TRUST 5301 E MITCHELL DR PHOENIX AZ 85018 JEANENE ENTERPRISES INC PO BOX 1219 CARLSBAD CA 92018 MORISON SOMOR K 2664 MADISON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLEICH FAMILY TRUST 1 13176 W SKINNER DR PEORIA AZ 85383 'WHITMER CHRIS E AND TERRIE Y ! REVOC PO BOX 675685 1 ! RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 KIRKHAM REMY 1 1 351 ACACIA AVE . APT 35 CARLSBAD CA 92008 I i WEBBER CRAIG 12778 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 206 1 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ! HICKS G C AND K J 2005 TRUST 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD • UNIT 201 I CARLSBAD CA 92008 • WIELAND RI C AND DIANE L F TRUST 1 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 207 • CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOLT HOMER AND LUCY 2241 E CHRISTY DR PHOENIX AZ 85028 ROCK PETER A AND GEORGETTE TR 2421 S EL CAMINO REAL SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672 T GM S INC • PO BOX 230562 ENCINITAS CA 92023 : DESILVA FAMILY TRUST 2668 MADISON ST , CARLSBAD CA 92008 . VARA REVOC TRUST i HIMATHONGKHAM ' 2672 MADISON ST 1 I CARLSBAD CA 92008 1 TOMARO LIVING TRUST 385 BEECH AVE ! CARLSBAD CA 92008 I 'CONDOMITTI MATTHEW J I 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD ' UNIT 202 i CARLSBAD CA 92008 ! 1 WRIGHT PATRICIA C 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 208 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ! PORTER RANDALL K AND MARTHA M ' 21 77 N GRANDVIEW RD ORANGE CA 92867 i BOLLAR STEVEN AND DEBRA 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD I UNIT 209 j CARLSBAD CA 92008 DREW PATRICIA TRUST 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 215 CARLSBAD CA 92008 RAHHAL FIRAS MAND DIANNA S 4249 TARZANA ESTATES DR TARZANA CA 91356 NELSON CHRISTINE M REVOC TRUST 3021 E SHAKESPEARE PL SALT LAKE CITY UT 84108 PASHA SABIHA TRUST 2756 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92008 SK J FAMILY INVESTMENTS LLC 100 48TH AVE NORMAN OK 73072 , MENGER JEANNINE : 2 7 7 6 CARLSBAD BL VD UNIT 101 i CARLSBAD CA 92008 I NEGRON ELI P AND TOMASITA B 2760 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 102 CARLSBAD CA 92008 1 FLORES CHRISTOPHER AND i CARLOTHA 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 300 CARLSBAD CA 92008 HICKS ANGELA 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 303 CARLSBAD CA 92008 LILLFORS JOHN E 2764 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92008 JIM AND JAN TRUST 2764 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 104 CARLSBAD CA 92008 BUTH DWAYNE AND LISA 3114 DEL REY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 LARKIN RICHARD LAND DEBORAH C 2037 W FLETCHER ST CHICAGO IL 60618 BOLLAR STEVEN AND DEBRA 1226 HILL CIR COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80904 D L K SERVICES LLC 100 SPORTFISHER DR : UNIT 303 OCEANSIDE CA 92054 NICHOLS CELESTE 6022 N 64TH PL PARADISE VALLEY AZ 85253 HANIFAN JANDL TRUST 1575 DELUCCHI LN STE 115 RENO NV 89502 i GONZALEZ MIGUEL A AND MARIA S 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD i UNIT 301 I 1 CARLSBAD CA 92008 SCHILLING JILL D 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 304 CARLSBAD CA 92008 NIXON PAULE AND KIMBERL 2764 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 102 CARLSBAD CA 92008 LANGAN LIVING TRUST 1681 WI ESTATE DAWN DR TEMPE AZ 85284 WARSHAWSKY FAMILY TRUST 72 211 BARBARA DR RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 GAUDREAU-RICHTER LIVING TRUST 2756 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 HALL ELENA B 7102 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92011 SANGEORGE FAMILY TRUST 6964 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 PRIETTO JOHN G REVOC LIVING TRUS 3071 JEFFERSON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 OESTERLE FAMILY TRUST 152 WITHAM RD 'ENCINITAS CA 92024 JONES BARBARA H LIVING TRUST . 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 302 CARLSBAD CA 92008 FORD NANCY E TRUST 81415 THUNDER GULCH WAY . LA QUINTA CA 92253 LIBERTO ROCCO J AND KATHLEEN M FAM 155 S EL MOLINO AVE STE 202 PASADENA CA 91101 I SMITH BRETT LAND LAURA E 2748 CARLSBAD BLVD : UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92008 KAYVON FAMILY TRUST 2748 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 102 CARLSBAD CA 92008 BENSON FAMILY TRUST 2768 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 103 CARLSBAD CA 92008 · COSTELLO FAMILY TRUST , PO BOX 1570 ' RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 ; POTTER THOMAS A 3679 CAMINO MARGLESA ESCONDIDO CA 92025 BURNETTE RALPH F TRUST 390 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 DEWHURST FAMILY REVOC TRUST 3425 SEACREST DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 HOWARD-JONES MARITAL TRUST i 4825 ARGOSY LN CARLSBAD CA 92008 STATE STREET COMMONS LLC 2659 STATE ST STE 100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 550 GRAND AVE INVS LLC 595 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 PACHECO LEO AND DIANNA J 2100 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 GUGINO JAMES E TRUST 3105 RANCHO MONTANA CARLSBAD CA 92009 DORAZI DAVID F TRUST 4717 HAMPTON RD LA CANADA CA 91011 LANDES FAMILY TRUST 2752 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 102 CARLSBAD CA 92008 'BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 LLC I 2 STRAUSS TER 1 RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 i SVF LLC , 1231 STATE ST I I STE B SANTA BARBARA CA 93101 , 2822 STATE STREET LLC 2822 STATE ST ' CARLSBAD CA 92008 · BENCHMARK PACIFIC LTD II 550 LAGUNA DR · STE B ' I CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROOSEVELT TAMARACK I I INVESTMENTS p 6 VENTURE 215 IRVINE CA 92618 , I ' I MACDONALD PROPERTIES 99% ! 208 FOREST SERVICE ROAD 315 CAREYWOOD ID 83809 ! AVIS DOUGLAS M AND LORI TRUST 550 LAGUNA DR STE B CARLSBAD CA 92008 MORRA FAMILY TRUST 2601 OLD SPANISH TRL ESCONDIDO CA 92025 ; HARRIS JAMES M REVOC LIVING TRUS 2768 CARLSBAD BLVD UNIT 101 CARLSBAD CA 92008 i AARONSON FAMILY TRUST ~ 2422 S YOSEMITE DR 'PALM SPRINGS CA 92264 r BURNETTE JUSTIN B TRUST 3315 MCKINLEY ST I CARLSBAD CA 92008 OREXCIV LLC LF BURNETTE RALPH F 1231 STATE ST STE B i SANTA BARBARA CA 93101 , DEWHURST FAMILY TRUST I 3425 SEACREST DR : CARLSBAD CA 92008 I ~ I I STATE STREET ASSOCIATES LLC , 2 3 WALKER RD I SHELBURNE FALLS MA 01370 I I ' BEAZLEY BRENT AND DENI SE . FAMILY TR 16633 VENTURA BLVD 1 STE 1030 : ENCINO CA 91436 , GARCIA ABEL C LIVING TRUST 1502 ROLLING HILLS DR , OCEANSIDE CA 92056 STATE STREET CBAD LLC ! 4 64 9 GRANGER ST SAN DIEGO CA 92107 STATE AND GRAND LLC 3910 VISTA W 3910 VISTA WAY STE 107 OCEANSIDE CA 92056 KNAPP CLARK R 2889 OCEAN FRONT WALK APT C SAN DIEGO CA 92109 LAKRITZ FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 75% 8502 E CHAPMAN AVE STE 614 ORANGE CA 92869 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2833 STATE ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2787 STATE ST I CARLSBAD CA 92008 JJP HOLDINGS LLC 1084 N EL CAMINO REAL STE B345 : ENCINITAS CA 92024 HYAT HIROMI D 300 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR STE 108A CARLSBAD CA 92008 DROZANOWSKI FAMILY TRUST 733 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 HUGHES DUREEN REVOC LIVING TRUST 741 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRAND MADISON OWNERS ASSN 3005 S EL CAMINO REAL SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672 GUNTER FAMILY TRUST PO BOX 749 SAN PEDRO CA 90733 HYLEN-CARLSBAD LLC 5146 CHELTERHAM TER SAN DIEGO CA 92130 SATTERLY RUSSELL LAND SUSAN L 909 ROSEMARY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92011 , CITY OF CARLSBAD I PUBLIC AGENCY CARLSBAD CA 92008 · NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY TRANSIT D 399 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRENDEL FAMILY TRUST 721 GRAND AVE STE 1 CARLSBAD CA 92008 I SWANSON STEVEN D AND DEBRA L I 155 OLD GARDEN VALLEY RD iROSEBURG OR 97471 I 1 KERR KATSIYIANNIS FAMILY ; TRUST 731 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ADAMS JERRY AND ROSANNE : FAMILY TRU [ 7 43 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 GSD VERMILYEA , 11620 KISMET RD SAN DIEGO CA 92128 2921 ROOSEVELT LTD CALIFORNIA BU 2921 ROOSEVELT ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 ALL AMERICAN ENGINEERING AND TRA 721 MCGAVRAN DR VISTA CA 92081 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2829 STATE ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2897 STATE ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 . MURPHY MICHAEL K TR 630 GRAND AVE STE I : CARLSBAD CA 92008 PATTERSON FAMILY TRUST 723 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 KERR ROBYN S 731 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRAND MADISON LLC 3005 S EL CAMINO REAL SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672 WHITE FAMILY TRUST 745 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2922 ROOSEVELT ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2936 ROOSEVELT ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 STERLING DEVELOPMENT CORP 25% 162 S RANCHO SANTA FE RD STE B85 ENCINITAS CA 92024 VINE CHURCH 7040 AVENIDA ENCINAS STE 104-3 CARLSBAD CA 92011 • CITY OF CARLSBAD ; 2787 STATE ST STE A CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 3 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 6 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 9 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 12 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 15 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 18 CARLSBAD CA 92008 GORDON FAMILY TRUST 2892 S SANTA FE AVE STE 107 SAN MARCOS CA 92069 RAPPAPORT PAUL 2538 NAVARRA DR UNIT B CARLSBAD CA 92009 NEW VILLAGE ARTS 2787 STATE ST SET B CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 1 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 4 ; CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 7 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 10 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 13 ! CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 16 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 19 CARLSBAD CA 92008 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PO BOX 35605 DALLAS TX 75235 NORTH COUNTY TR..7'rNSIT , DISTRICT PU PUBLIC AGE~lCY CARLSBAD C~ 92008 SHOREHOUSE KITCHEN CARLSBAD : LLC 249 S HIGHWAY 101 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 , INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST i SPC 2 I CARLSBAD CA 92008 ! INFORMATION ONLY : 2631 ROOSEVELT ST : SPC 5 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 8 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 11 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 14 i CARLSBAD CA 92008 I 'INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 17 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 20 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 21 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 24 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 27 CARLSBAD CA 92008 GRAND MADISON OWNERS ASSN 3005 S EL CAMINO REAL SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 22 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 25 CARLSBAD CA 92008 INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 28 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD TRAILER PLAZA 2630 STATE ST • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 I I I I INFORMATION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 23 CARLSBAD CA 92008 IN FORMAT ION ONLY 2631 ROOSEVELT ST SPC 26 CARLSBAD CA 92008 -218 PRINTED - * DUPLICATE OWNERS REMOVED Carlsbad Station Cliff Jones, Senior Planner October 13, 2020 Location Map 2 3 CARLSBAD STATION T 2019-0003/SDP 2019-0004 (DEV2019-00 0 0 120 240 Project Information 177,945 s.f.Project •Two four-story buildings w/ below-grade parking –79 Residential Condominium Units •4 four-bedroom units (2,877 s.f) •16 three-bedroom units (1,205 –2,840 s.f.) –2 are affordable three-bedroom units. •45 two-bedroom units (1,325 – 1,864 s.f.) •14 one-bedroom units (747 s.f.) –10 are affordable one-bedroom units. –4 commercial units; 9,777 s.f. 4 Density Bonus –State Law •Government Code §65915 states cities shall grant the incentives/concessions and waivers of development standards unless the city adopts written findings based on substantial evidence presented at the hearing of the specific, adverse impacts on public health and safety. 5 Site Plan 7SIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT ROOSEVELT STREET RENDERING 8SIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT STATE STREET RENDERING Project Consistency •General Plan •Density Bonus Ordinance •Village and Barrio Master Plan •Subdivision Ordinance •Inclusionary Housing Ordinance •Growth Management •CEQA 9 Planning Commission 10 Architectural style, low-scale height •Architectural style is described as “main street” •Building next to the theater is single-story to preserve the prominence of the theater Planning Commission 11 On-site restaurant uses, future grocery tenant •Interest in retaining both on-site restaurant and a grocery store, if there is interest Planning Commission 12 Additional Affordable Units •Cannot require more units than allowed under state law •A decision was not made whether affordable units will be for-sale or rentals Planning Commission 13 Planning Commission, by a 7-0 vote, recommended City Council approve the project. Sewer Line Primary concerns from adjacent neighbor •Belief that the existing sewer line is “public” •Ensure ongoing maintenance access •Proposed construction may impact sewer line 14 Sewer Line Primary concerns from adjacent neighbor •City confirmed the sewer line is public •Conditions have been added to: –Require a maintenance easement –Limited improvements in the easement area •Neighbor has withdrawn opposition to the project 15 Recommendation That the City Council ADOPT the resolution APPROVING Tentative Tract Map CT 2019-0003 and Site Development Plan SDP 2019-0004 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. 16 Back-Up Slides 17 18 Carlsbad Station Sewer Exhibit LEGEND D Project Boundary Existing public sewer Proposed public sewer Existing public sewer to be removed Project Information •Zoning –Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP) and outside the Coastal Zone. •GPLU – Village-Barrio (V-B) 28-35 du/ac. •Lot Size –1.75 acre. •Lot Coverage –68%. 19 Project Information 177,945 s.f.Project •Two four-story buildings –79 Residential Condominium Units •4 four-bedroom units (2,877 s.f) •16 three-bedroom units (1,205 –2,840 s.f.) –2 are affordable three-bedroom units. •45 two-bedroom units (1,325 – 1,864 s.f.) •14 one-bedroom units (747 s.f.) –10 are affordable one-bedroom units. –4 commercial units; 9,777 s.f. 20 Project Information Parking and Traffic/Circulation •143 underground parking spaces accessed from Roosevelt Street (135 required; 8 space surplus). •Parking along Roosevelt Street and State Street increased by eight (8) parking spaces through a reduction in the number of driveways from six (6) to one (1). •12 on-site bicycle parking spaces. 24 additional spaces on-street. •1,615 Average Daily Trips (ADT) generated by the project, which is a net decrease of 181 ADT below the existing on-site uses (commercial and residential) that generate a total of 1,796 ADTs. 21 Density Bonus –Intent •Promote the construction of affordable housing •Implement the goals, objectives and policies of the Housing Element •Implement California Government Code •Provide incentives to encourage developers to construct affordable housing 22 Density Bonus – Summary Base maximum density:35 dwelling units per acre Base maximum units for 1.75-acre parcel: 62 units 35% density bonus, CMC Chapter 21.86:22 units (17 requested) Total: 62 + 17 = 79 units* Density = 44.9 dwelling units per acre *12 units required to be designated as low income inclusionary units. 23 Density Bonus –Incentive and Concession 24 35% Density bonus affords two incentives and unlimited waivers per Density Bonus Law. Project proposal: •One incentive to allow the removal of 79 units from the city’s Excess Dwelling Unit Bank (since no dwelling units have been specifically allocated to individual properties within the Village). •One waiver from Section 2.71(I)(1) of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP) requiring that commercial street frontage occupy more than 50% of the ground floor. The project is proposing that 26% of the ground floor will be dedicated to commercial use. Density Bonus –State Law •Government Code §65915 states cities shall grant the incentives/concessions and waivers of development standards unless the city adopts written findings based on substantial evidence presented at the hearing of the specific, adverse impacts on public health and safety. •A specific, adverse impact means a significant, quantifiable, direct and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified written public health or safety standards, policies or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete. Inconsistency with zoning or general plan land use is not a specific, adverse impact. 25 26SIGNAGETO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT ROOSEVELT STREET RENDERING 27SIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT STATE STREET RENDERING 28SIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT VIEW FROM TRAIN STATION 29 VIEW FROM GRAND AND STATE ST 30 VIEW FROM GRAND AND ROOSEVELT INTERSECTION 31 r . : -' - -'~7 IU-~ ~:. .... " ~ i;;;:,-. "'71) ;qJfi ,_" ••• _ • . : ~h ,I ® t:ET,:.IL .. ;,.- ~-'-J.la 32 BLDG N0.1 • 33 Underground Parking Level ATION 34 First Level I I ' I l)-..-.,--.u~"4 0 D -=:· <1,000 so,n.1 "·-·'-:;r:r-b I 35 Second Level H D 'BUILDING 2' ATION I ROOSEVELT ST. ··-··-··-··-··--------------------------, D H ! B ! 'BUILDING l'·---1----1 BELOW I r··-··-· ·-··-·· _____________ ../ I STATE ST. ! !A i ! i A i i i A i i i ! i I i i i i i i ! i ___ j 36 Third Level r 7 r-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·~----·------ i i i Ci i i PL-+ i i E: ATION ROOSEVELT ST. STATE ST. 37 Top Level r··-··-··-··-··-·~-··--: ---------------------------------------- H 'BUILDING 2' I ROOSEVELT ST. ----------------------------------~----------, H j B i ! ! ROOF ! i ! i j i ! i r··-··---··--·-··-··-·_j l_ _______________ _/ I STATE ST. F A A A A IX Mc 38 Roof Plan r-----·-··--·-··-··---: r-··-·-----·--·----··-··-··-··--------·-·--·---·-·------·-·---·-·--··-··-··-··-··-··---1 r··-··-··-··-··-··-··-rn·-··-·.. ·-··-··-· :. ,, ··-··-··-··-·-··-··-··-··-··-··rB}Di::::i,-~r-·· i ; #~ ' &:.;.~~_J '\ I 4o ,.. ! -i E : ""'-/ I / , ., -~:------1--~~~-4---~-----] a:: ! '-~ -~ '- ,, ! ·-f'c:,'OECI': i [R.EFER TO ,' , Ell\' ! •• ,~/_, / LANOSCAPE Pl.ANS) .,. ~ ! ~---'"--....,_,=-"T . ~_.--:..n L-·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-· ·-··, NT SH.All BE INSTALLED ILDlNC DEPARTMENT I i i i i = ,I ,, ,I I ., ! i ,1@11 ·~11~1111111 -~ i r ··---------------------l_ _______________ / I I I 39 H A 1 HIDE! AHHllECB 3RD FLOOR AREA: EXCLUDING PATIOS: 52,256 SF 50,809 SF 4TH FLOOR AREA(EXCLUDING PATIOS): 31,659 SF THE ENCLOSED 4TH STORY FLOOR SPACE REPRESENTS 62.3 PERCENT OF THE 3RD FLOOR ARE A. IIOOF i ! i ! i i i i ! ! ! i i i i ! i i i ' ! i ! ! i i I ' ! I r . ....._~__,. ___ _j L.·-··-··-·-··_/ . -··- STATE ST. '-1 ;01 FOOTPRINT 3 STORY/ 4 STORY 40 I I t!;Ff'X)T ..... ,. .-.U..O'AA8..E--EH?+t tO TOf'vf'-:;io-,--.: <;;ll!" ... fl.fr,l('i "'A 'S;LA'I..J"Wn,nu r.HiHlt:: !;TA~~r;-.,; '11411llh .:~ I t1t,'t1.-.i;1 I.IMl-llol/ll,M..~ l"l'\.1,1,. ---------------------------------------------------------- UNrT M UNfT 0 UNfT M UNITD UNrTH UNITD J __ _ UNfTH I PARKIN Ci + .I UN Ii A il UNITA. ; UNIT A. ; KEY MAP 41 CT 20 I <J-0003/S:W 20 l <J-0004 PfDfSmt4N .dca:sS zt>DROW JJM/N Qff'ftl' TO,,mo,,t 8UIUJIHG I ENTl'IANCC ~20 FUT TO/mOfl 8'Jlj.o,,H; 2 EH'1UNC£ ,,OJ2 FaT ...... .. CARLSBAD STATION PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO TRAIN DEPOT EXHIBIT 42 PARKING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN ON SHEET 11 OF TH[ ARCHITECTURAL PLANS Parking An;ily,b T otat Provided I Required by City Ordinanr.e Use 11 ractor Total 1.1arte1 rate-2/J/4 bdrm 63 1.50 ~ 'v1ar',et rat~ l bdr<n 4 l.00 4 A'iordabll?-l bdrm 10 0.50 s A'ford.ible-3 bdrm 2 1,50 3 'i\~tailA 1,no ' 415 3 ~etarl B 2,687 300 ~ lle1.1I C· Rest.;ur.nt 3,000 !70 18 !tetatl o 2.87D , 415 7 HandlC<l:> C~lJ'lred In th€' requirement~ above Credn-Hanoicap wnh EV charl{lnl\ 121 12] Credit for ~dd'I meer l>kg. 8 ID.50J (4) Cre-011 for on site Oic:yde parking 12 \0.16661i7) (2) Tohl R1>quir!'d HS Surp1u5 8 PARKING NOTES: THE PROPOSED 12 ON-SITE BICYCLE PARKING SPACES FOR THIS PROJECT GRANTS (2) COMl,1£RCl.41. PARKING SPACES PER SECTION 26.6 OF THE VB.MP rHV PARKING SPACES AR[ ADA EV SPACES WHICH COUNT BOTH AS AN ADA SPACE AND AS AN EV SPACf P[R CAUfORNIA GOr,,fRNl.t[NT CODE S[CTJON 22511.2 (AB-1100 ELECTRIC VEHICLES.· PARKING REQUIREMENTS). PARKING STA TJSTICS: roTAL EXISTING "ON-S7RE£i PARKING SPACES 16 WTAL PROPOSED "0N-STR£[1 PARKING SPACES 24 {PARKING SPACES PER C/JC 21."4.050 "TABLE B") DRIVEWAY ·cuRB curs· STATISTICS.· TOTAL EXISTING "CURB curs· 6 TOTAL PROPOSED 'CURB curs· 43SIGNAGE TO BE REVIEWED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT ROOSEVELT STREET RENDERING