HomeMy WebLinkAbout1475 TARA CT; ; CB003224; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 04/10/2001 Residential Permit Permit No:CB003224 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1475 TARA CT CBAD Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Parcel No: 2074400500 Lot#: 5 Valuation: $240,771.00 Construction Type: VN Occupancy Group: Reference #: CT98-20 04/10/2001 # Dwelling Units: Structure Type: SFD Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 Project Title: JAMES CANYON ESTATES-PLAN 3 2791 SF+451 SF GAR+ 128 SF DECK Applicant: Owner: HALLMARK COMMUNITIES STE 208 Status: Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: Orig PC#: Plan Check#: ISSUED 05/17/2000 RMA Plan Approved: 04/10/2001 PC00-70 2775 VIA DE LA VALLE DEL AMRR CA 92024 858 259-0606 6210 04/10/01 ~~ 01.9647-87 Total Fees: $19,647.87 Total Payments To Date: $0.00 Balance Due: $19,647.87 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee lnspector-JkM:(./;;,. J . $1,114.58 $0.00 $724.48 $0.00 $0.00 $24.08 $1,755.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,400.00 D5/8 $0.00 $0.00 Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWA Fee CFD Payoff Fee PFF PFF (CFD Fund} License Tax License Tax (CFD Fund) Traffic Impact Fee Traffic Impact (CFD Fund} Sidewalk Fee PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Housing Impact Fee Housing lnlieu Fee Master Drainage Fee: Sewer Fee: Additional Fees: TOTAL PERMIT FEES FINAL APPROVAL Date: IO /2-'-/of ' Clearance: $0.00 $80.00 $1,871.00 $0.00 $4,382.03 $4,044.95 $0.00 $0.00 $418.00 $472.00 $0.00 $161.00 $41.25 $69.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,897.00 $193.00 $19,647.87 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as '1ees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you Protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have nreviouslv been niven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has nreviouslv otherwise exnired. • City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 10/24/2001 Permit# CB003224 Title: JAMES CANYON ESTATES-PLAN 3 Description: 2791 SF+451 SF GAR+128 SF DECK Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Job Address: 1475 TARA CT Suite: Lot 5 Location: APPLICANT HALLMARK COMMUNITIES Owner: VISTA HIGHLANDS LL C Remarks: Total Time: Inspector Assignment: RCB Phone: 8585184452 Inspector: /, G!'J Requested By: JERRY Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural Pi ~~~ 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Associated PCRs lnsgection Histoi:y Date Description Act lnsp Comments 10/22/2001 89 Final Combo CA RC 10/19/2001 89 Final Combo co RC MASTER BATH WINDOW NOT TEMPERED 10/11/2001 89 Final Combo NR RC NO PLANNING SIGNATURE 09/14/2001 39 Final Electrical AP RC 08/01/2001 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test AP RC 07/31/2001 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test CA RC 07/30/2001 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test NR RC 07/24/2001 16 Insulation AP RC WALLS ONLY 07/23/2001 84 Rough Combo AP RC 07/06/2001 13 Shear Panels/HD's AP RC VERIFY DETAIL 7/505 (505) 07/03/2001 13 Shear Panels/HD's co RC TOO MANY TO LIST 06/25/2001 15 Roof/Reroof AP RC CHECK TRUSS BRACING ON SHEAR INSP 06/25/2001 15 Roof/Reroof AP RC CHECK TRUSS BRACING ON SHEAR INSP. 06/22/2001 15 Roof/Reroof co RC NAIL DRAG TRUSSES, B.N. ON BLKS AT SHR WALLS 05/18/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP SR @GARAGE 05/17/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers co SR NEEDS A 3 IN EARTH TO STEEL SEPARATION/NEEDS A City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 09/14/2001 Permit# CB003224 Title: JAMES CANYON ESTATES-PLAN 3 Description: 2791 SF+451 SF GAR+128 SF DECK Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Job Address: 1475 TARA CT Suite: Lot 5 Location: APPLICANT HALLMARK COMMUNITIES Owner: VISTA HIGHLANDS LL C Remarks: Total Time: Inspector Assignment: PD ---- Phone: 8585184452 Inspector: If (;!':, / Requested By: JERRY Entered By: KAREN CD Description Act Comment 39 Final Electrical M_ ________ _ Associated PCRs lnsi;iection Histo!Y Date Description Act lnsp Comments 08/01/200 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test AP RC 07/31/200 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test CA RC 07/30/200 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test NR RC 07/24/200 16 Insulation AP RC WALLS ONLY 07/23/200 84 Rough Combo AP RC 07/06/200 13 Shear Panels/HD's AP RC VERIFY DETAIL 7/505 (505) 07/03/200 13 Shear Panels/HD's co RC TOO MANY TO LIST 06/25/200 15 Roof/Reroof AP RC CHECK TRUSS BRACING ON SHEAR INSP 06/25/200 15 Roof/Reroof AP RC CHECK TRUSS BRACING ON SHEAR INSP. 06/22/200 15 Roof/Reroof co RC NAIL DRAG TRUSSES, B.N. ON BLKS AT SHR WALLS 05/18/200 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP SR @ GARAGE 05/17/200 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers co SR NEEDS A 3 IN EARTH TO STEEL SEPARATION/NEEDS A CONTINIOUS # 4 GRADE BEAM 05/10/200 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers AP SR AT HOUSE ONLY/ NO GARAGE 05/10/200 12 Steel/Bond Beam AP SR 04/30/200 21 Underground/Under Floor AP PD 04/30/200 22 Sewer/Water Service AP PD Walldesign Incorporated 111r,v:,,,.L[ • P,.ASTEH • PAINT • CONTHACTORS James Canyon Estates Street Address San Diego County Description of Insulation : Exterior Walls Insulation Type: Flat Ceilings Insulation Type: Cathedral Ceilings Insulation Type: Garage Ceilings Insulation Type: Interior Walls Insulation Type: Interior Ceilings Insulation Type: Slab on Grade Insulation Type: Blown Ceilings Insulation Type: Blown Walls Insulation Type: Foundation Insulation Type: Declaration Batts Batts Batts Blown Climate Zone Carlsbad City Hallmark Communities 5 Subdivision/Builder/Lot Thickness R-Value 3 l/2 R-13 lO R-30 6 l /4 R-19 12 R-30 I hereby certify that the above insulation was installed in the building at the above location in conformance with the current Energy Efficient Standards for residential buildings (Title 24, Part 6, California Code of Regulations) as indicated on the Certificate of Compliance, where applicable. 449739 Walldesign, Inc. License Number Insulation Subcontractor 17530 VON KARMAN• IRVINE, CA 92614 • (949) 25H959 • FAX (949) 251 ·9960 3560 S. POLARIS RD., SUITE 28 • LAS VEGAS, NV 89103 • (702) 678·6787 • FAX (702) 889·1248 6731 32ND STREET, SUITE G • NORTH HIGHLANDS, CA 95660 • (916) 434·9686 • FAX (916) 434·9691 140 WHISPERING WIND• GEORGETOWN, TX 78628 • (512) 869·8128 • FAX (512) 863•4242 fal< CIIY of Carlsbad ~ ·~ Final Building Inspection 5 ,...,,.. . --r"\ Dept: Building ngineerln Planning CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check #: Date: 10/11/2001 Permit#: CB003224 Permit Type: RESDNTL Project Name: JAMES CANYON ESTATES-PLAN 3 Sub Type: SFD 2791 SF+451 SF GAR+128 SF DECK Address: 1475TARACT Lot: 5 Contact Person: JERRY Phone: 8585184452 Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA .......................................................................................................................................................... ~;:pectµ~ Date 1,;{</41 Inspected: Approved: ~ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ .......................................................................................................................................................... , Comments: _______________________________ _ ,, City Of Carlsbad ~ -~ Final Building Inspection ,..,,... . ' . /.::~!J Dept: Building Engineerin~ 11,MWD St Lite Fire Plan Check#: Date: 10/11/2001 Permit#: Project Name: CB003224 JAMES CANYON ESTATES-PLAN 3 2791 SF+451 SF GAR+128 SF DECK Address: 1475 TARA CT Contact Person: JERRY Phone: 8585184452 Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Lot: 5 ···························································································· ............................................................. . Inspected 1/Vl2:, Date ~isapproved: __ By: Inspected: Approved: ; Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ .............................. , .......................................................................................................................... .. Comments: _______________________________ _ ~--'. :,1 / \ \ I \ ' \ . ' \ ~. \. \ I \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \: ~ -~ ·, ~ ' .> / ~ I -~· -- ' ~ i \ \ \9' I \ I -\ 1 I \ q--. I \ \ \ I . I i I ' - ·/ /. <~%u' .. ~-; -;•t,\1-. ., ~Q 0 ,o">-~ , .. ~~~ ;.:,. . .,. ~ ·o .)'-Q ~ ?:. ~·. ; ~v6' ....... vs . ,r.: "·,r.: 0 \ It \ \ i ~ I TARA 7 ~JP, pf::127.4 127.0 i I City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad California 92008 INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION RECORD CARD WITH APPROVED PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB CALL PRIOR TO 2:00 P.M. FOR NEXT WORK DAY INSPECTION BUILDING INSPECTION: (760) 602-2725 JOB ADDRESS: ___ _ ___ LOT NO./SUITE: _______ _ OWNERS NAME: __ _ CB003224 1475 TARA CT CBAD USE/OCCUPANCY JAMES CANYON ESTATES-PLAN 3 2791 SF+451 SF GAR+128 SF DECK RESDNTL SFD BUILDING OTHER Lot# '/6... HALLMARK COMMUNITIES 11:5 APPROVED TO COVER Type of Inspection Date Inspector BUILDING FOUNDATION ---:,:!;J, '67c _<-.: L) REINFORCED STEEL ~ ~ C: J' MASONRY ~- □ GROUT □ WALL DRAINS TILT PANELS POUR STRIPS COLUMN FOOTINGS SUBFRAME □ FLOOR □ CEILING - ROOF SHEATHING I: 11' /I" I ' 7Jt. EXT. SHEAR PANELS I, ?!-,o, 1-oi ,e,f!:, FRAME I, -". ~~c:i I I (j"' INSULATION -J..J-o I / ~ EXTERIOR LATH --I • I _./J,,.A INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL (/ ..,.. l v I ri 1....,._, FINAL /0/-,l...llt,/ /,l G L"'l PLUMBING 7 I ~ER AND BUCO 0'1'1/CO ,/;_ ~, 7J -,.,,-;;., UNDERGROUND J!9,..ll,1 ASTE _ □ WATER -,•-_,,v'V] 7 T? u;, TOP OUT ilZ! WASTE ~ATER "1 _ ,., JI A, Y1 ✓ n:. TUB AND SHOWER PAN V I . --' I I . ',, i0 GAS TEST B°CAS PIPING Q-f)/-c:il 1/?G ~ □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WATER FINAL /4J/.J.'-//o, iJ {. fl-, ELECTRICAL □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ,uFER ,:::..7h70l ~ ROUGH ELECTRIC WALLS -.... ,, -I ,,., ,,.. "" ROUGH ELECTRIC CEILING 7 c;r~rv, '' __,..., □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY □ BONDING □ POOL FINAL MECHANICAL UNDERGROUND DUCTS & PIPING -I □ DUCT & PLEM. □ REF. PIPING -11rv / HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I :✓,:, fl-, VENTILATING SYSTEMS 1./ /) ..... FINAL / DI )_l-//6! .Oc_.f:> 1ST. CONTRACTOR DATE 7!2¥i Notes I I~ • --. -.ti co -.. / rJ 11'\I ' ~ . V.· ,I ,.r. '6 -7/<>, ~ • , W/1-t-.L....< cnvt--V l - CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIA tE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED FINAL Sign When Appropriate Building Dept (Inspections) (760) 602-2725 l/o/;)t.//tJI P2c.,~ Fire Department (760) 602-4660 I OJ 'j/ i.,,.. ; ,Ji\ Planning Department (760) 81 5-6708 , __ '"'-~• uvR Engineering Dept..(lnspections) (760) 438-3891 i&,/ ~ / ,,,-i ✓P-v • Building Inspectors (7am-4pm) (760) 602-2700 / ,_ . I,,' CMWD (7601 438-2722 Ext 7151 ./,:;? / ~ /,,-, I, 7 7 ' REV 5/2000 SEE BACK FOR SPECIAL NOTES