HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-30; Growth Management Citizens Committee; Minutes March 30, 2022 CALL TO ORDER: 5 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Primary – Jeff Segall, Scott White, Eric Larson, Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, Mike Howes, Mary Ryan, Frank Caraglio, Frances Schnall, Annika Jimenez, Gita Nassiri, Fred Briggs, William Sheffler, Amy Allemann, Joseph Stine, Steve Linke, Nelson Ross Alternate – Ron Withall, Jan Neff-Sinclair, Casey Carstairs, Don Christiansen, Terence Green, Thierry Ibri, Erin Nell, Angela O’Hara, Nora Jimenez George, Lisa Stark, Allen Manzano, Art Larson, Kevin Sabellico, , William Fowler Absent: Primary – Harry Peacock, Chad Majer, John Nguyen-Cleary Alternate – Patricia Mehan, Patrick Goyarts, Matthew Reese, Marissa Steketee APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None WELCOME: Meeting opened with a welcome to attendees from Committee Chair Eric Larson, who reviewed the purpose and charge for the committee, and the agenda and meeting format. It was noted that the presentation on the Brown Act and Public Records Act would be moved up in the agenda. Committee members raised questions regarding saving personal emails. It was noted that if committee email exchanges contain content related to the Growth Management project or process, it should be forwarded to the clerk or staff liaison to ensure they are part of the public record. Committee members also asked questions about retaining personal notes taken during the meetings. It was noted that if the notes will be referred to during decision making at any point, they should be saved to be included as part of public record. DISCUSSION ITEM 1: RALPH M. BROWN ACT AND CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RECORDS ACT PRESENTATION Committee received a presentation regarding the Ralph M. Brown Act, the California Public Records Act, and Resolution of the City Council establishing the committee. (Staff Contact: Celia Brewer, City Attorney’s Office and Sheila Cobian, City Manager’s Office). GROWTH MANAGEMENT CITIZENS COMMITTEE Minutes Growth Management Citizens Committee March 30, 2022 Page 2 INTRODUCTIONS: City staff provided brief self-introductions. Committee members then participated in an ice-breaker exercise in which members were each given one half of a teamwork quote and asked to circulate around the room to find their other half. Once matched, each pair read their quote out loud and provided a brief self-introduction. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None DISCUSSION ITEM 1 (continued): The meeting facilitator, Susan Harden, walked through the committee handbook, the proposed meeting schedule and topics, and an overall process graphic. It was noted that the schedule will be amended to avoid the December conflict with a Planning Commission meeting. The committee highlighted a desire for the process to be inclusive and to provide ample room for conversation. Committee members also identified a desire to discuss the following topics or questions during the process: • Committee objectives • Unanticipated factors or factors outside of the city’s control in the updated plan • Population growth and projection data DISCUSSION ITEM 2: COMMITTEE BUSINESS Ground Rule Development Facilitator Susan Harden introduced the “Bike Rack” tool which will be used to capture notes or ideas that aren’t focused on the agenda and that may be discussed at a later date. Committee members then worked together to establish ground rules for how they wish group members to conduct themselves during meetings. Emphasis was given to the idea that the ground rules were flexible in that they could be added to or tweaked as the committee developed. A summary of the ground rules drafted during the meeting include: • Encourage diversity of ideas; every idea is a good idea during brainstorming • Avoid applying personal biases based on geography, organizational affiliation, etc. – think about the city as a whole • Establish and follow general time limits for discussions items • Keep comments brief and do not dominate the conversation • Always be respectful • Be prepared by reading materials and thinking about topics ahead of meetings • Encourage all to speak - both primary and alternate members • Actively search for ways to identify gaps in data and make requests based on those gaps The committee discussed how to meaningfully engage alternates during discussion while still keeping meeting times reasonable. As highlighted in the handbook, primary members will be invited to share thoughts and ideas first, but Chair/Facilitator will then invite participation from alternates, with a back- and-forth approach as time allows. The committee suggested that general time limits be set for discussion items to keep meetings moving. It was noted that flexibility with time limits will be important to allow for meaningful dialogue. Growth Management Citizens Committee March 30, 2022 Page 3 To formalize and enforce the agreed upon ground rules, the committee will sign an “acknowledgement” during an upcoming meeting. Facilitator, chair and members will hold each other accountable for ground rules when necessary. The committee spent time discussing where in the committee agenda that public comment should occur. The committee agreed that public comment will take place at the beginning of meeting with a limit of 15 minutes and may continue at the end of the meeting if needed. The committee can determine a different approach after a few meetings if they would like. Committee members were reminded that interaction with community members during public comment period is not recommended. Additionally, city staff was asked to look into how (if) a member of the public can request to make a formal presentation during a committee meeting. Committee members requested to receive information prior to each meeting as early as possible with one week ahead being the ideal. Growth Management Overview City Planner Neu provided a brief presentation on the existing Carlsbad growth management plan and pertinent state law. The committee asked questions and engaged in dialogue regarding growth management in Carlsbad. It was noted by staff that City Council’s current stance is to be compliant with the state laws surrounding housing and that future state law trends will likely continue with a strong focus on housing. In discussions regarding open space, it was noted that a great deal of the open space in Carlsbad is protected by the state. The committee highlighted that term definitions and data will be important to understand (housing units, household sizes, etc.) It was noted the committee is welcome to request specific information from city staff on a subject. Committee members agreed that a key question for the committee is how to accommodate housing and maintain the same quality of life. Committee Name Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director, provided a brief presentation on the committee’s name and whether it should be changed to better reflect the breadth of issues that the committee will be addressing. Committee members and alternates were given some initial examples to think about and directed to bring potential ideas to discuss during the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Next meeting time: Thursday, April 28, 2022 5 p.m. Chair Larson adjourned the duly noticed meeting at 7:32 p.m. Bailey Warren - Minutes Clerk