HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-07-28; Growth Management Citizens Committee; Minutes Minutes July 28, 2022 CALL TO ORDER: 5 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Primary – Jeff Segall, Scott White, Eric Larson, Mike Howes, Mary Ryan, Frank Caraglio, Frances Schnall, Harry Peacock, Annika Jimenez, Gita Nassiri, Fred Briggs, Steve Linke, Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, John Nguyen-Cleary, William Sheffler, Joseph Stine, Nelson Ross Alternate – Jan Neff-Sinclair, Casey Carstairs, Don Christiansen, Terence Green, Matthew Reese, Erin Nell, Angela O’Hara, Lisa Stark, Allen Manzano, Art Larson, William Fowler, Nora Jimenez George, Patricia Mehan Absent: Primary – Chad Majer, Amy Allemann Alternate – Ron Withall, Patric Goyarts, Thierry Ibri, Jamie Latiano Jacobs, Marissa Steketee, Kevin Sabellico APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Jeff Segal and seconded by Fred Briggs, to approve the June 23, 2022 minutes. PUBLIC COMMENTS: 2 public comments were received. One additional comment was received later in the meeting and is summarized in the Committee Business section of the minutes. 1. City of Carlsbad traffic – Lance Schulte encouraged the city to look at missing links within the Land Use element within the General Plan for the Growth Management update. Mr. Schulte mentioned that missing links include little consideration for traffic within the Land Use plan and currently a poor distribution of parks with walkable access within the city. Mr. Schulte further noted the need to rebalance commercial and residential land use in the General Plan. 2. Electric Opportunities – Jay Klopfenstein introduced new electrical opportunity ideas to the committee such as electric busses with a bi-directional electric system that can provide power to other systems in case of emergency. He also encouraged the committee to look into the 8 new microgrids within San Diego County that could connect the City of Carlsbad to power in case of emergency. Carlsbad -v---: TOMORR W Growth Management Citizens Committee Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee July 28, 2022 Page 2 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Meeting opened with a welcome to attendees from Committee Chair Eric Larson. Principal Planner Eric Lardy then reviewed the committee’s purpose, process, and highlighted the 11 existing performance standards. DISCUSSION ITEMS: COMMITTEE BUSINESS • Fire Performance Standard. City of Carlsbad Fire Chief, Michael Calderwood provided a presentation on the existing standard for Fire services, including recommended alternatives to the current standard. Committee members asked questions regarding automatic aid, metrics, and ensuring direct and adequate resources to the city fire department. Group discussion followed, which centered around the following two questions: Is this standard important to the quality of life in the City of Carlsbad? Should the standard be re-evaluated in any way? A number of clarifying questions were asked of Chief Calderwood in regard to fire response and resources. The following key thoughts, questions and considerations specific to the City Fire Performance Standard were captured: o Fire department regularly tracks other metrics and measures to evaluate their performance. Metrics are analyzed monthly, reported out quarterly, and published annually. The city’s newest fire station, Fire Station 7, is a result of these analyses. o The current performance standard states that the Growth Management Plan is there to aid the fire department, but currently there is no correlation between the current standard and any aid provided to the department. o The current standard also does not consider high call volumes or call saturation like the recommended standard in presentation would. o Unclear if there is a development impact fee charged for fire? o 5-minute drive time versus 5-minute response time o Aging community is an issue within the city. Are retirement homes considered when counting the number of dwelling units? o Overcrowded and unaccounted for retirement homes or senior citizen housing facilities could slow response times in other areas surrounding those facilities. Consider the possibility of charging specific impact fees for those facilities. o Should there be a fire performance standard as part of the growth management plan? Or should Fire Department manage their performance with other metrics? o Not aware of any city that has a performance standard like Carlsbad. Industry standards for cities similar to size of Carlsbad shared during the presentation o Committee must ensure that we mitigate impacts to existing residents, which is a critical part of answering this question. PRESENTATION • San Diego Association of Governments, Marcia Smith, provided a presentation on population statistics and trends in the region and specific to the City of Carlsbad. Committee members asked questions regarding the regional spread of job growth, immigration impacts, influence of remote work, and residential growth prediction sources. Based upon Committee questions, SANDAG will follow up with additional detail on the following: standard deviations for job, housing, and population predictions and job predictions by industry or sector. Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee July 28, 2022 Page 3 COMMITTEE BUSINESS • Housekeeping Items. Committee Chair, Eric Larson addressed recent public comment items, Brown Act reminders, the potential use of subcommittees, additional topic prioritization, and the overall project schedule. The chair noted that the committee should prioritize and decide which public comments and new topic items fall under committee responsibilities and which do not. He further mentioned that at this time, subcommittees are not logistically feasible though this can be further discussed later if necessary. The chair then discussed that the project schedule will probably require additional meetings while deciding recommendations for the updated growth management plan, noting that an additional meeting may occur in October or November 2022. • Public Comment. Member of the public, Diane Nygaard, briefly discussed the City of Carlsbad’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to transportation. Ms. Nygaard noted that close to 40% of the regions GHG emissions come from transportation. She further discussed that there is currently no direct standard for multimodal or transit vehicles and that the inclusion of this type of standard would allow for safe, convenient, and affordable choices for multimodal access, aiding in many quality of life measures. • Mobility and Circulation Performance Standard. City of Carlsbad Transportation & Mobility Manager, Nathan Schmidt, Stephen Cook from Intersecting Metrics, and Tom Frank, City of Carlsbad Transportation Director provided a presentation to the Committee on mobility and circulation in the city. The presentation was broken up into three sections, including: explanation of the current mobility and circulation performance standard, how transportation analysis has changed, and future growth projections for trips in the City of Carlsbad. Discussion and questions on the item were limited due to time. Discussion surrounding the performance standard will be continued into the next meeting. The following key thoughts, questions and considerations regarding the Mobility and Circulation Performance Standard were captured: o Why hasn’t Multimodal Level of Service (MMLOS) been implemented yet for the city? ▪ Noted that MMLOS was adopted with the General Plan update and is being developed internally. There is currently no industry standard for this analysis so is taking time to develop amongst other priorities requested by City Council. o Monitoring of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) is only required through CEQA, a state requirement. Many projects are exempt from CEQA so the city is still missing a local level standard to account for projects without VMT monitoring. COMMITTEE MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: • Committee members requested better representation for presenters at meetings, such as having name plates for each presenter at the front of the room and/or names in the slides. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: Chair Eric Larson adjourned the duly noticed meeting at 8:35 p.m. Bailey Warren - Minutes Clerk