HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-12-15; Growth Management Citizens Committee; Minutes Minutes December 15, 2022 CALL TO ORDER: 5 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Primary – Jeff Segall, Eric Larson, Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, Mary Ryan, Frank Caraglio, Frances Schnall, Harry Peacock, Annika Jimenez, Gita Nassiri, Fred Briggs, Joe Stine, Steve Linke Alternate – Patrick Goyarts, Jan Neff-Sinclair, Casey Carstairs, Don Christiansen, Thierry Ibri, Angela O’Hara, Lisa Stark, Allen Manzano, Marissa Steketee, Kevin Sabellico, William Fowler Absent: Primary – Scott White, Mike Howes, Chad Majer, John Nguyen-Cleary, William Sheffler, Amy Allemann, Patricia Mehan Alternate – Ron Withall, Terence Green, Matthew Reese, Erin Nell, Nora Jimenez George, Jamie Jacobs, Art Larson APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Frank Caraglio, seconded by Jeff Segall, to approve the Nov. 30, 2022 minutes. PUBLIC COMMENTS: One public comment was received. 1. Parks and Open Space – Lance Schulte asked that a park at Ponto be included in the committee’s recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Schulte also suggested the committee maintain a 15% growth management open space standard. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Meeting opened with a welcome to attendees from Committee Chair Eric Larson. City Planner Eric Lardy then briefly reviewed the committee’s purpose and charter, with emphasis on the mission, the 11 existing performance standards, how the Growth Management Plan is implemented, the committee process, and the next steps in the Growth Management Program update process. Mr. Lardy briefly went over the role of the General Plan and the Housing Element and reminded the committee that SANDAG statistics related to projected population growth and demographics were redistributed in their committee packet. Facilitator Susan Harden reviewed the meeting agenda. COMMITTEE BUSINESS: • Walkability. City of Carlsbad Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager, Nathan Schmidt, provided a presentation on the term “walkability” and walkability in the city. The following committee discussion occurred: o Concern expressed that walkability is not elevated enough in the current standard and a desire stated that in the subsequent discussion (on the Mobility/Circulation Standard) a way be found to elevate walkability as a key quality of life indicator for the next iteration (of the Growth Management Program). Carlsbad -v-~ TOMORR W Growth Management Citizens Committee Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee December 15, 2022 Page 2 o Concern expressed about how past city policies have resulted in no parks within a walkable distance in certain areas of the city. o There was discussion on how a nexus can be made between a development adding pedestrians to the streets and requiring the developer to add amenities to make the streets more walkable. o There was an opinion stated that future developments will be mainly condos, apartments and hotels, therefore in the planning there should be a demand on the developer to include benefits to the general public such as pathways and trails. o The definition of “walkability” was discussed and noted that the term is defined in many different ways. o The comment was made that the Growth Management Program has been in place for 30+ years and the updated program will likely be in place for decades to come. The updated program is an opportunity to drive accountability to master planning, and the place topics like walkability can be elevated in importance. o It was again noted that land use plays a large part in walkability. • Circulation/Mobility Standard. City of Carlsbad Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager, Nathan Schmidt, Stephen Cook from Intersecting Metrics, and Katy Cole from Fehr & Peers provided a presentation recapping the prior Circulation and Mobility Standard presentation and discussed the current standard, what has changed since the current standard was adopted, the limitations of the current standard and the staff recommendation to update the metric in the standard. Staff recommended the Circulation Standard be changed to use Personal Miles Traveled as the measurement and use the Multi Modal Transportation Impact Fee to fund future mobility projects and accommodate future growth. The committee discussed the following: o Incorporate other alternative modes (shuttles, self-driving cars) o Generally supportive of the draft language/recommendation proposed by staff o Concern expressed regarding the loss of Level of Service D requirement as part of the standard. Per staff, Transportation Demand Management would still be required. o Concern that it seemed the “performance standard” was being removed from the Growth Management Program and directed to the Sustainable Mobility Plan. o Communication with the public will be important if the Level of Service requirement is removed from the standard so that the public understands how quality of roads is being evaluated and measured going forward. o The question was raised regarding whether to establish a standard or threshold for Personal Miles Traveled. o Concern expressed that Level of Service doesn’t measure walkability. o Concern expressed about transparency on fees collected. Staff noted AB602 requires the city to publish the amount of fees collected and on what projects the money was spent. o Concern expressed that although the draft language proposed for a revised standard state “all users”, it does not account for tourists/visitors. Staff indicated that as tourism relates to a new development, the impact of tourists from that development is accounted for through the Personal Miles Traveled evaluation for the development. o Can language be “hardened” around Personal Miles Traveled to serve more as a firm standard so that here is an “enforcement mechanism” through the Growth Management Program? o Concern expressed that the staff recommendation is a policy not a growth management standard and opinion that the Level of Service metric needs to remain in the standard. o Consider Personal Miles Traveled or Local Mobility Assessment into language of the standard. o Update the Multi Modal Transportation Impact Fee, but also include Local Mobility Assessment with Level of Service for all modes; or add these recommendations to the separate quality of life memo for City Council’s consideration. Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee December 15, 2022 Page 3  Action: Motion to recommend draft Circulation/Mobility Performance Standard language by Frank Caraglio, seconded by Stephen L’Heureux.  Action: Substitute motion by Frances Schnall, seconded by Steve Linke, to amend the original motion on the floor to leave the Level of Service and Local Mobility Assessment in the standard as the metric for direct impacts rather than moving it to the quality-of-life memo. • Comment on the amendment to have staff draft new recommended language rather than the committee. • Desire expressed for both the cumulative impacts = Multi Modal Transportation Impact Fee and the direct impacts = Level of Service/Local Mobility Assessment to be included in the performance standard.  Action: Frances Schnall withdraws her substitute motion and Steve Linke agrees to withdraw the second; Frank Caraglio withdraws his original motion and Hap L’Heureux agrees to withdraw the second.  Action: By consensus, committee moves to bring the Mobility/Circulation Standard back to the committee with revised language from staff that reflects feedback from the committee. • Technology/Wi-Fi. City of Carlsbad Chief Innovation Officer, David Graham, provided a presentation to the committee on “Connected Communities” and what role technology plays in growth, mobility and land use. No further committee discussion followed. • Water Supply. Dave Padilla, City of Carlsbad Utilities Engineering Manager, provided a presentation on water supply. Staff recommended not to establish a performance standard for water supply. o Discussion on the purchase of desalinated water. o Question on if assessments are made on future costs to source water and the impact on residents.  Action: By consensus, the committee agreed a water supply standard is not needed. • Water Distribution Standard. Dave Padilla, City of Carlsbad Utilities Engineering Manager, provided a presentation on the existing Water Distribution Performance Standard. Staff recommended retaining the portion of the standard requiring line capacity concurrent with development. Staff recommended removing the minimum 10-day storage capacity requirement since it is not directly related to the provision of water supply related to growth within the city and the region maintains much larger storage capacity. The committee discussed the following: o The question was asked about the benefit of removing the 10-day storage capacity. What is the downside to keeping it? o Eliminate the 10-day storage capacity language from the standard since it’s just a box to check and this will be achieved without inclusion in the performance standard  Action: By consensus, the committee agreed to move forward with the staff recommendation to maintain the requirement for line capacity and remove the 10- day storage capacity requirement from the performance standard • Recycled Water. Dave Padilla, City of Carlsbad Utilities Engineering Manager, provided a presentation on the city’s recycled water supply. Staff recommended not to establish a performance standard for recycled water. o Question on if there is an incentive for a new developer to connect to the city’s recycled water system. Staff states there’s a state mandate for developers with an irrigation need to connect to the city’s recycled water system. o Question on the Pure Water San Diego Project and whether the city has considered turning recycled water into potable water. Staff indicated studies are being conducted, but it’s a very expensive process. o Discussion on whether development is occurring where the recycled water system doesn’t exist. Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee December 15, 2022 Page 4  Action: By consensus, the committee agreed a recycled water performance standard is not needed. • Sewer Collection System Standard. Dave Padilla, City of Carlsbad Utilities Engineering Manager, provided a presentation on the existing Sewer Collection System Standard. Staff recommended retaining this standard in the Growth Management Program in order to continue to require sewer line connection and capacity concurrent with development.  Action: By consensus, the committee moved to retain the standard as is to require sewer line capacity concurrent with development. • Wastewater Treatment Standard. Dave Padilla, City of Carlsbad Utilities Engineering Manager, provided a presentation on the existing Wastewater Treatment Standard. Staff recommended removal of this standard from the Growth Management Program. Sufficient planning processes and efforts exist to maintain sewer system capacity through the involvement within the Joint Powers Authority and the city capacity.  Action: By consensus, the committee agreed to move forward with the staff recommendation to remove the Wastewater Treatment Standard from the Growth Management Program. • Drainage Standard. Scott Lyle, City of Carlsbad Senior Engineer, provided a presentation on the existing Drainage Performance Standard. Staff recommended the drainage standard remain as is in the Growth Management Program because it has worked to support continued management of drainage facilities in the city. o Non-drainage question raised on whether or not the committee should be making any recommendations to City Council through the quality of life memo on standards that are being removed – such as a studies that need to be conducted, or fees evaluated on a cyclical basis. o Comment on education component for water conservation and if that could be a fee to developers in the Growth Management Program. o Question posed regarding relationship to water quality. Noted that staff and the committee would be discuss this topic in the next committee meeting.  Action: By consensus, the committee moved to retain the Drainage Standard as is in the Growth Management Program, requiring drainage facilities required by the city concurrent with development. DISCUSSION ITEMS: • Committee meeting schedule and topics. Facilitator Susan Harden reminded the committee that the next meeting will occur on Jan. 11, 2023 and will cover the open space and parks standards, and there will be presentations on the Climate Action Plan and water quality. The following meeting will take place two weeks later on Jan. 26, 2023 with the agenda dictated by outcomes of the Jan. 11 meeting. COMMITTEE MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: • No future agenda items were brought forth by the committee. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: Chair Eric Larson adjourned the duly noticed meeting at 8:28 p.m. Eric Lardy – Minutes Clerk