HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-01-26; Growth Management Citizens Committee; Minutes Minutes January 26, 2023 CALL TO ORDER: 5 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Primary – Jeff Segall, Scott White, Eric Larson, Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, Mike Howes, Mary Ryan, Frank Caraglio, Frances Schnall, Harry Peacock, Annika Jimenez, Gita Nassiri, Fred Briggs, Chad Majer, John Nguyen-Cleary, William Sheffler, Amy Allemann, Joe Stine, Steve Linke Alternate – Ron Withall, Jan Neff-Sinclair, Don Christiansen, Jamie Jacobs, Allen Manzano, William Fowler, Angela O’Hara, Nora Jimenez George, Lisa Stark Absent: Primary – Alternate – Patrick Goyarts, Casey Carstairs, Terence Green, Thierry Ibri, Matthew Reese, Erin Nell, Art Larson, Marissa Steketee, Kevin Sabellico APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Eric Larson noted that the minutes from the Jan. 11 meeting would be approved at the Feb. 23 meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS: 6 individual public comments, and one group comment, were received. 1. Climate Action/Local Electric – Mary Oren stated her support for installing more solar panels at public facilities, electric power generation and storage in the city. 2. Ponto – Hope Nelson recommended land at Ponto be acquired for a park and open space. 3. Local power generation– Group presentation Robert Gilleskie spoke on behalf of Cathy Asker and Mercedes Marlin to ask that the city utilize micro grids as they are renewable energy (solar), less expensive and more secure than public utilities. 4. Local Power Evan Bierman discussed his company’s mission to repurpose electric vehicle batteries as storage and how this supports not only the city’s Climate Action Plan but also creates local jobs and supports local facilities to export the technology nationwide. Carlsbad -v-~ TOMORR W Growth Management Citizens Committee Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee January 26, 2023 Page 2 5. Parks - Lance Schulte expressed concerns with the fiscal impacts of not having a park at Ponto. Schulte recommended the committee increase the park standard, require a park at Ponto and asks for a 10- minute walking distance metric to be used. 6. Energy - Paige DeCino would like the city’s power generation to be local and expressed support for a Maerkle Reservoir solar power facility. 7. Climate Action Plan and Parks - Diane Nygaard suggested the committee recommend the city update the Climate Action Plan as soon as possible, to make it as strong as possible, and to encourage every level of government to do the same. Nygaard expressed support for the 3-acre park standard but recommended the committee add an additional half acre per thousand residents citywide for accessible parks with the goal that every neighborhood including Ponto has access to a park within a half mile or 10-minute walk. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: The meeting opened with a welcome to attendees from Committee Chair Eric Larson. Facilitator Susan Harden briefly reviewed the process and decisions made by the committee up to this meeting and highlighted an updated work plan provided to the committee that outlines the remainder of the committee’s work needed through April 2023. Susan reviewed the committee’s charter, next steps and the agenda. Chair Eric Larson reminded the committee that they are supposed to work towards reaching consensus. Absence consensus, the chair will entertain motions and take votes. COMMITTEE BUSINESS • Circulation Standard. Facilitator Susan Harden recapped the committee’s previous discussion regarding the Circulation Standard. Susan reviewed the new recommendations brought back by staff after the Dec. 15, 2023 meeting and committee discussion. City of Carlsbad Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nathan Schmidt and City of Carlsbad Transportation Director Tom Frank answered questions on the recommendations. The committee discussed the following: o Motion by Steve Linke to maintain the current circulation standard as is with Level of Service D. Harry Peacock seconded the motion.  Suggested language “Maintain the current standard Level of Service D and staff shall work to establish an equivalent standard for the other modes of transportation that aren’t currently covered.”  Concern expressed regarding the language in the current standard regarding exempt intersections and streets.  Concern expressed that the current standard only accounts for vehicular mobility. o Action: After discussion on the motion, the motion passed by a vote of 12 in favor and 6 opposed. Members Vote YES NO Jeff Segall, At Large X Scott White, At Large X Eric Larson, District 1 X Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, District 1 X Mike Howes, District 2 X Mary Ryan, District 2 X Frank Caraglio, District 3 X Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee January 26, 2023 Page 3 Members Vote YES NO Frances Schnall, District 3 X Harry Peacock, District 4 X Annika Jimenez, District 4 X Gita Nassiri, Arts Commission X Fred Briggs, Beach Preservation Commission X Chad Majer, Historic Preservation Commission X John Nguyen-Cleary, Housing Commission X William Sheffler, Library Board of Trustees X Amy Allemann, Parks & Recreation Commission X Joe Stine, Planning Commission X Steve Linke, Traffic & Mobility Commission X  It was noted that other thoughts and concerns noted by other committee members would be included in the report when consensus is not achieved, and the committee would be able to advise if they do not feel their opinion was correctly captured. o Motion by Annika Jimenez to include staff recommendations Options A and B in the quality- of-life report. Harry Peacock seconds the motion.  Concern expressed that there is no threshold for project size stated in Option B to trigger the Level of Service and Multimodal Level-of-Service analysis.  Clarification provided that the Local Mobility Analysis has a threshold. o Action: By consensus, the committee agreed to include language from Options A and B regarding Multimodal Level of Service in the quality-of-life report. • Fire and Police Standard. Facilitator Susan Harden recapped the committee’s previous discussion regarding the Fire Standard and reviewed the revisited recommendation from City of Carlsbad Fire Chief Michael Calderwood, noting that City of Carlsbad Police Chief Mickey Williams is not recommending creating a Police performance standard. The committee discussed the following: o The revised Fire standard option is not a true performance standard, but rather best practices. o The Fire Department has its own performance metrics and the metrics do not apply to future development.  Action: By consensus, the committee moved to remove the Fire Standard from the Growth Management Program.  Action: By consensus, the committee agreed to recommend in the quality-of-life memo that City Council set aside funding for a future fire station and exempt the project from Proposition H -- a city law that requires projects costing more than $1 million to be approved by voters. o Discussion regarding adding a performance standard with a fee to the Growth Management Program for Police.  Action: By consensus, the committee moved to not add a Police Standard to the Growth Management Program. • Arts and Culture. City of Carlsbad Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson recapped the last committee discussion regarding arts and culture and how best to support them in the Growth Management Program. Suzanne discusses current funding and policies for arts and culture, and presents the staff recommendation that an arts and culture standard not be included in the Growth Management Program. The committee discussed the following: o Comment by one committee member who disagreed with leaving arts and culture out of the Growth Management Program. Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee January 26, 2023 Page 4 o Request to delay a decision on arts and culture in the Growth Management Program until the Arts and Culture Commission can review the recommendation, which they did not have the opportunity to do prior to it being presented at the Growth Management Program committee.  Suggestion to include arts and culture as a fee-based performance standard does not achieve consensus. o Comment that the committee should accept and respect the recommendation of the Library & Cultural Arts staff providing the recommendation as they are experts in their field. o Suggestion that arts and culture be included in the quality-of-life report. o Suggestion that staff bring back the suggested language to the Arts Commission for review for inclusion in the quality-of-life report. o Comment that it doesn’t feel right to add a developer fee for arts and culture when there hasn’t been one before. o Comment that the community should fund arts and culture programs and not developers.  Action: Motion from Gita Nassiri, seconded by Steve Linke, to table the arts and culture topic to a future meeting. Motion failed by a vote of 4 in favor and 14 opposed. Members Vote YES NO Jeff Segall, At Large X Scott White, At Large X Eric Larson, District 1 X Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, District 1 X Mike Howes, District 2 X Mary Ryan, District 2 X Frank Caraglio, District 3 X Frances Schnall, District 3 X Harry Peacock, District 4 X Annika Jimenez, District 4 X Gita Nassiri, Arts Commission X Fred Briggs, Beach Preservation Commission X Chad Majer, Historic Preservation Commission X John Nguyen-Cleary, Housing Commission X William Sheffler, Library Board of Trustees X Amy Allemann, Parks & Recreation Commission X Joe Stine, Planning Commission X Steve Linke, Traffic & Mobility Commission X o Comment that the Imagine the Possibilities document includes text regarding developer fees for new development.  Action: Motion by Gita Nassiri, seconded by Fred Briggs, to include an arts and culture performance standard in the Growth Management Program, with a fee ranging between $100 for single family and $1,000 for commercial and multi-family developments. Motion failed by a vote of 2 in favor and 16 opposed. Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee January 26, 2023 Page 5 Members Vote YES NO Jeff Segall, At Large X Scott White, At Large X Eric Larson, District 1 X Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, District 1 X Mike Howes, District 2 X Mary Ryan, District 2 X Frank Caraglio, District 3 X Frances Schnall, District 3 X Harry Peacock, District 4 X Annika Jimenez, District 4 X Gita Nassiri, Arts Commission X Fred Briggs, Beach Preservation Commission X Chad Majer, Historic Preservation Commission X John Nguyen-Cleary, Housing Commission X William Sheffler, Library Board of Trustees X Amy Allemann, Parks & Recreation Commission X Joe Stine, Planning Commission X Steve Linke, Traffic & Mobility Commission X  Action: By consensus, the committee agreed to include arts and culture in the quality- of-life memo. • Parks Standard. City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Director, Kyle Lancaster, provided a recap on the previous discussion regarding the existing Park Standard. Lancaster reviewed the results of the Parks & Recreation Master Plan Survey of City of Carlsbad residents. Facilitator Susan Harden discusses the newest recommendations brought to the committee based on previous committee meetings and discussions. The committee discussed the following: o Discussion regarding how the 10-minute/half-mile walk became part of the metric being considered and if this metric is used in other cities. o Discussion on how parks are currently funded and how increasing the acreage in the performance standard metric would affect current funding. o Comment that a distance measure metric could help solve the pockets of the city that have a perceived unmet need as measuring by quadrant seems to have created an issue. o Comment that perhaps a recommendation can be made int the quality-of-life report that a portion of the Transient Occupancy Tax could go towards public facilities at beaches. o Comment on the survey results discussed in the presentation indicating 20-30 percent of residents feeling their park needs are unmet is a high number. o Discussion on setting an acreage metric in the performance standard given city staff has indicated they’re unable to acquire land for parks and open space at market value.  Motion by Jeff Segall, seconded by Joe Stine, to keep the existing Park Standard of three acres per 1,000 residents and consider the accessibility item separately.  Motion to amend by Harry Peacock to include the language “Retain existing standard of three acres per 1,000 residents, calculated by each of the city’s existing quadrants, located within each quadrant of the city and within one half-mile of each neighborhood either existing or planned”. Motion to amend died without a second. Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee January 26, 2023 Page 6  Motion to amend by Steve Linke, seconded by Harry Peacock, to retain the three acres per 1,000 residents, but exclude property inaccessible to humans, and counting the parks in the quadrant they’re located in. (Veteran’s Park would be only counted in the quadrant in which it is located.) Motion to amend failed by a vote of 4 in favor, 2 abstentions, and 12 opposed. Alternate Angela O’Hara voting in Member Annika Jimenez’ absence. Members Vote YES NO Jeff Segall, At Large X Scott White, At Large X Eric Larson, District 1 X Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, District 1 X Mike Howes, District 2 X Mary Ryan, District 2 X Frank Caraglio, District 3 X Frances Schnall, District 3 X Harry Peacock, District 4 X Gita Nassiri, Arts Commission Abstain Fred Briggs, Beach Preservation Commission X Chad Majer, Historic Preservation Commission X John Nguyen-Cleary, Housing Commission Abstain William Sheffler, Library Board of Trustees X Amy Allemann, Parks & Recreation Commission X Joe Stine, Planning Commission X Steve Linke, Traffic & Mobility Commission X Alternate Vote YES NO Angela O’Hara, District 4 X  Action: Original motion to retain existing park performance standard passed by a vote of 15 in favor and 3 opposed. Alternate Angela O’Hara voting in Member Annika Jimenez’ absence. Members Vote YES NO Jeff Segall, At Large X Scott White, At Large X Eric Larson, District 1 X Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, District 1 X Mike Howes, District 2 X Mary Ryan, District 2 X Frank Caraglio, District 3 X Frances Schnall, District 3 X Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee January 26, 2023 Page 7 Members Vote YES NO Harry Peacock, District 4 X Gita Nassiri, Arts Commission X Fred Briggs, Beach Preservation Commission X Chad Majer, Historic Preservation Commission X John Nguyen-Cleary, Housing Commission X William Sheffler, Library Board of Trustees X Amy Allemann, Parks & Recreation Commission X Joe Stine, Planning Commission X Steve Linke, Traffic & Mobility Commission X Alternate Vote YES NO Angela O’Hara, District 4 X  Action: Motion by John Nguyen-Cleary, seconded by Amy Allemann, to adopt Option A: “Request that the City Council direct staff to evaluate the feasibility of creating and implementing a distance based standard to any public accessible park.”. Motion passes by a vote of 13 in favor and 5 opposed. Alternate Angela O’Hara voting in Member Annika Jimenez’ absence. Members Vote YES NO Jeff Segall, At Large X Scott White, At Large X Eric Larson, District 1 X Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, District 1 X Mike Howes, District 2 X Mary Ryan, District 2 X Frank Caraglio, District 3 X Frances Schnall, District 3 X Harry Peacock, District 4 X Gita Nassiri, Arts Commission X Fred Briggs, Beach Preservation Commission X Chad Majer, Historic Preservation Commission X John Nguyen-Cleary, Housing Commission X William Sheffler, Library Board of Trustees X Amy Allemann, Parks & Recreation Commission X Joe Stine, Planning Commission X Steve Linke, Traffic & Mobility Commission X Alternate Vote YES NO Angela O’Hara, District 4 X Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee January 26, 2023 Page 8 • Action: By consensus the committee moves to adjourn the meeting with the two remaining items on the agenda, Climate Action Plan and Local Electric Power Generation and Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability/Climate Change, to be presented first at the Feb. 23 meeting. • Facilitator Susan Harden went through a work plan showing the previous schedule and future path for concluding the committee’s work. She notes that committee meetings on March 23 and a tentative date for April 20 have been added to the calendar and reviewed projected topics for each meeting, including the Feb. 23 meeting. COMMITTEE MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: There was a request to develop a name for what has been called the quality-of-life memo or report at a future meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT: ADJOURNMENT: Chair Eric Larson adjourned the duly noticed meeting at 8:45 p.m. Eric Lardy - Minutes Clerk