HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-23; Growth Management Citizens Committee; Minutes Minutes February 23, 2023 CALL TO ORDER: 5 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Primary – Jeff Segall, Scott White, Eric Larson, Stephen L’Heureux, Mike Howes, Mary Ryan, Frances Schnall, Harry Peacock, Gita Nassiri, Fred Briggs, John Nguyen-Cleary, William Scheffler, Joe Stine, Steve Linke Alternate – Ron Withall, Patrick Goyarts, Jan Neff-Sinclair, Casey Carstairs, Terrence Green, Thierry Ibri, Angela O’Hara, Jamie Latiano Jacobs, Art Larson, William Fowler Absent: Primary – Frank Caraglio, Annika Jimenez, Chad Majer, Amy Allemann Alternate – Don Christiansen, Matthew Reese, Erin Nell, Nora Jimenez George, Lisa Stark, Allen Manzano, Marissa Steketee, Kevin Sabellico APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Joe Stein, seconded by Harry Peacock, to approve the Jan. 11, 2023 minutes. Motion by William Scheffler, seconded by Jeff Segall, to approve the Jan. 26, 2023 minutes as amended. PUBLIC COMMENTS: 8 individual public comments were received. 1. Carlsbad Tomorrow Plan/Climate Action/Solar Energy – Mary Oren stated support for installing more solar panels at public facilities, utilizing microgrid technology, electric power generation and storage in the city. 2. Open Space/Parks/ Quality of Life - Diane Lech expressed concern regarding state land zoning mandates and the loss of open space in the city due to increasing density. 3. Open Space - Michael Sebahar asked the committee to recommend the city fix the lack of open space and park land in southwest Carlsbad with a park at Ponto. 4. Open Space and Parks - Lance Schulte asked the committee to look at the City of Encinitas’ detailed park evaluation report and consider how something similar could be implemented in Carlsbad, specifically to address the lack of park space at Ponto. Carlsbad -v---: TOMORR W Growth Management Citizens Committee Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee February 23, 2023 Page 2 5. Community Microgrid Initiative – Clean Coalition - Jay Klopfenstein stated support for installing more solar panels at public facilities and utilizing microgrid technology in the city. They are a proponent of the Clean Coalition Initiative and described the benefits of implementing locally generated power. 6. Open Space - Howard Krausz recommended that the Growth Management Program Open Space standard remain as it is written but asked that the standard be applied as written without further exemptions. Recommended continuous monitoring in the unexempted Local Facility Management Zones and stated the exempted zones need to become more compliant with the standard. 7. Open Space Performance Standard- Diane Nygaard stated the committee must address the inequity in the city’s open space caused by the exempted zones. Recommended keeping the 15% performance standard for all the zones that weren’t exempted and require 15% open space for all new development in the zones that were exempted. Additionally, Nygaard asked the committee to include a request in the quality-of-life memo for the City Council to examine the 11 exempted zones and direct staff to identify existing unconstrained open space and develop an action plan to address short falls, recognizing that climate change and sea level rise will play a part in open space in the years to come. 8. Local Electric Power Generation and Microgrids – Sam Ward stated support for local production of electricity and the adoption of microgrids in the city to reduce dependency on out of state transmission lines and to help move Carlsbad towards a carbon neutral future. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: The meeting opened with a welcome to attendees from Committee Chair Eric Larson. Facilitator Susan Harden reviewed the meeting agenda and the process and decisions made by the committee up to this meeting. Susan reviewed the committee’s purpose, charter and next steps. Chair Eric Larson reminded the committee that they are to work towards reaching consensus. Absence consensus, motions will be entertained, and votes will be recorded. COMMITTEE BUSINESS • Climate Action Plan. City of Carlsbad Senior Program Manager, Environmental Sustainability Department, Katie Hentrich presented on sustainability in the city, the current Climate Action Plan, annual reporting, the Climate Action Plan update, and answered questions from the committee. Chair Larson reminded the committee that the Climate Action Plan topic is not presently a standard, nor was it recommended for standard consideration or inclusion in the quality –of life report. The presentation was requested by at least one committee member. The committee discussed the following: o Clarification was requested and provided on how vehicle travel is calculated for the Climate Action Plan. o How the target reductions and dates are established. o Potential consequences of not meeting the goals set forth in the Climate Action Plan. o Whether local energy production is included in the Climate Action Plan. o Recommendation regarding a stronger transportation demand management program as 50% of greenhouses gas emissions are vehicle related. o Traffic signal synchronization and how it would have a positive impact on greenhouse gas emissions. o Opinion expressed that the committee should support inclusion of traffic signal synchronization in the Climate Action Plan. Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee February 23, 2023 Page 3 • Local Electric Power Generation and Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability/Climate Change. The committee discussed whether to include these topics as a standard(s) in the Growth Management Program or as items in the quality –of life report. The following was discussed with all recommendations being made for the quality –of life report: o Support the inclusion of local power generation and microgrids in the quality –of –life report and request support of such from the City Council. o Include renewable energy storage in the quality-of-life report; support strongly urging the City Council to further consider these topics. o Request that the City Council creates a “Carlsbad Energy Advisory Commission” of 5-7 citizens and charge them with providing the Mayor and City Council with an annual summary of all energy-related activities impacting the city’s residents and businesses. • Open Space. City Planner Eric Lardy, and Nancy Bragado of Bragado Planning provided a presentation on Open Space in the city, with individual zone maps of existing open space, and provided comparisons to other cities in California. Eric Lardy reviewed the three Open Space Standard options provided by staff. The committee discussed the following: o Clarifying questions around the options presented by staff were asked – such as if Option C could be combined with Options A and/or B. o Discussion surrounding exempted zones and what could be done to ensure future development in exempted zones would have an open space requirement. o Opinion presented that, similar to the committee being suggested for renewable energy, the citizens open space committee could be re-engaged to reevaluate the parcels of land considered 10 years ago that could be converted to open space, also looking in the exempted zones. o Suggestion to have no exempt zones but require the currently exempted zones to maintain their current percentage of open space, and the currently non-exempted zones maintain 15% open space. o Opinion presented that the city has the capacity to reevaluate the exempted zones and create a mechanism to acquire land for zones with a shortfall in open space and parks. o Discussion on revamping zone system to focus on no net loss and planned developments. o Comment that the exemptions are applied to zones, not individual projects. o Suggestion to maintain the Open Space standard as is in non-exempt zones. In exempt zones, apply a 15% open space by project requirement or a to be determined in-lieu fee. o Motion by Steve Linke, seconded by Jeff Segall, to maintain the Open Space standard as is in non-exempt zones. For projects in Local Facility Management Zones exempted from the standard, 15% of their developable land must be set aside for permanent open space on a project basis or a linkage (in-lieu) fee applied. ▪ Action: Motion failed by a vote of 6 in favor and 11 opposed. The Alternates for Members Frank Caraglio, Annika Jimenez, and Chad Majer voted in their absence. Members Vote YES NO Jeff Segall, At Large X Scott White, At Large X Eric Larson, District 1 X Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, District 1 X Mike Howes, District 2 X Mary Ryan, District 2 X Frances Schnall, District 3 X Harry Peacock, District 4 X Gita Nassiri, Arts Commission X Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee February 23, 2023 Page 4 Members Vote YES NO Fred Briggs, Beach Preservation Commission X John Nguyen-Cleary, Housing Commission X William Sheffler, Library Board of Trustees X Joe Stine, Planning Commission X Steve Linke, Traffic & Mobility Commission X Alternate Vote YES NO Thierry Ibri X Angela O’Hara X Jamie Latiano Jacobs X o Motion by Mary Ryan, seconded by Joe Stine, to adopt Option B: In all Local Facility Management Zones, open space shall be provided consistent with city policies and regulations, including for protection of natural resources, provision of outdoor recreation, production of resources, and for aesthetic, cultural and educational purposes. In Local Facilities Management Zones 11 - 15 and 17 - 25, 15% of the total land area in the zone exclusive of environmentally constrained non-developable land must be set aside for permanent open space and must be available concurrent with development. o Motion to amend by Steve Linke, seconded by Harry Peacock, to adopt Option B, maintaining the Open Space standard as is in non-exempt zones. For projects in Local Facility Management Zones exempted from the standard, 15% of their developable land must be set aside for permanent open space. ▪ Action: Motion to amend failed by a vote of 5 in favor and 12 opposed. The Alternates for Members Frank Caraglio, Annika Jimenez, and Chad Majer voted in their absence. Members Vote YES NO Jeff Segall, At Large X Scott White, At Large X Eric Larson, District 1 X Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, District 1 X Mike Howes, District 2 X Mary Ryan, District 2 X Frances Schnall, District 3 X Harry Peacock, District 4 X Gita Nassiri, Arts Commission X Fred Briggs, Beach Preservation Commission X John Nguyen-Cleary, Housing Commission X William Sheffler, Library Board of Trustees X Joe Stine, Planning Commission X Steve Linke, Traffic & Mobility Commission X Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee February 23, 2023 Page 5 Alternate Vote YES NO Thierry Ibri X Angela O’Hara X Jamie Latiano Jacobs X ▪ Action: Motion to adopt Option B passed by a vote of 13 in favor and 4 opposed. The Alternates for Members Frank Caraglio, Annika Jimenez, and Chad Majer voted in their absence. Members Vote YES NO Jeff Segall, At Large X Scott White, At Large X Eric Larson, District 1 X Stephen “Hap” L’Heureux, District 1 X Mike Howes, District 2 X Mary Ryan, District 2 X Frances Schnall, District 3 X Harry Peacock, District 4 X Gita Nassiri, Arts Commission X Fred Briggs, Beach Preservation Commission X John Nguyen-Cleary, Housing Commission X William Sheffler, Library Board of Trustees X Joe Stine, Planning Commission X Steve Linke, Traffic & Mobility Commission X Alternate Vote YES NO Thierry Ibri X Angela O’Hara X Jamie Latiano Jacobs X o Suggestion to include a request in the quality –of life report for the City Council to form a citizens committee to evaluate open space on an ongoing basis as properties may become available in the future that aren’t available presently. Charge could include updating list of properties available, developing a plan to prioritize zones that have a deficit of unconstrained open space, evaluating sea level rise as it applies to open space, etc. o Committee consensus to instead include a recommendation in the quality-of-life report to expand the scope of the current Parks & Recreation Commission to include open space. • Quality of Life Report. The committee discussed the following regarding the outline and items to be addressed in the report. o Question on if the table presented was the actual report or if there would be more substance to the topics. o Add text to the homelessness topic regarding support for the continuation of the Homeless Outreach Team. Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee February 23, 2023 Page 6 o Regarding the Proposition H city law ▪ The carve out recommendation was not just for a new fire station; it would be for any capital improvement project. ▪ Call out the $1 million threshold in the first paragraph that would require approval by voters. ▪ Increased and indexed over time. o Mobility ▪ Add that the Multimodal Transportation Impact Fee be updated regularly (for example every 3 years) ▪ Encourage the City Council to complete the updates to the Multimodal Level-of- Service and Local Mobility Analysis Guidelines o Add additional rationale/vision language to committee’s recommendations on homelessness, aging community, and arts and culture topics. o Add a request for a review and update of the existing Age-Friendly Action Plan to the recommendations related to the aging community. o Make the language in the arts and culture topic consistent with the Community Vision. o New topics suggested to include in the quality –of life report: ▪ Review of all public facility fees at defined intervals (3 or 5 years, for example) to ensure the fees are appropriate. ▪ Impacts from tourists and visitors on all city facilities. • Chair Larson asked the committee to submit draft language for consideration. ▪ There’s a request for public safety to be included in the quality –of life report. • It was noted that the committee had already decided on that topic. • Chair Larson asked the committee to submit draft language for consideration. • Draft Standard Pages. Committee Chair Eric Larson reviewed the draft standard pages, and the committee discussed the following: o Comment that the standards removed from the program should be documented in a similar way to the standards recommended for inclusion. o Comment that the draft parks standard should include the minority opinion (other considerations), similar to how the Mobility draft standard is presented. DISCUSSION ITEMS: • Committee meeting schedule and topics. Eric Larson informed the committee that the next meeting will occur on March 23, 2023. It is noted that the intention is to provide the full draft report and quality –of life report two weeks before the March meeting for the committee’s review. It’s noted the final meeting (if needed) is scheduled for April 20, 2023. COMMITTEE MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: • Information on the realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard was requested. City Planner Eric Lardy reviewed the potential realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard and the subsequent impact on open space in Zone 9. The committee discussed the following: o Discussion on the linear park concept in the Ponto area. o Comment that the committee should have a better understanding of the proposed linear park/realignment given the significant public interest in having a park at Ponto and because it ties in with the committee’s considerations for both open space and parks. o The committee was reminded that both parks and open space standards had been voted on and decided by the committee. o There was a suggestion that staff provide information about the South Carlsbad Coastline project to the committee before the next meeting so a concise discussion could be had if needed. Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee February 23, 2023 Page 7 o Suggestion to include the Carlsbad Boulevard Park/Ponto Park in the quality –of life memo. It was noted that the committee had previously decided not to make recommendations on specific projects as the committee’s charge is citywide. o Comment that there is no statement in the quality –of life table about future recreation needs. o Another request for existing information be provided to the committee on the South Carlsbad Coastline project, not necessarily a formal presentation at a committee meeting. o Committee agreed to have staff share information about the South Carlsbad Coastline project to the committee. The committee could then let staff know if they feel the topic needs to be placed on a future agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Eric Larson adjourned the duly noticed meeting at 8:29 p.m. Eric Lardy - Minutes Clerk