HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-03-23; Growth Management Citizens Committee; ; Presentation SlidesMay 26, 2022Meeting 14 March 23, 2023 Carlsbad __,_-: TOMOR Growth Management Citizens Committee (Cityof Carlsbad Call to Order & Roll Call Carlsbad ~-: TOMOR Public Comment Carlsbad ~-: TOMOR Welcome & Introductions Carlsbad ~-: TOMOR COMMITTEE PURPOSE 1.Promote balanced consideration of a range of perspectives on issues affecting the future growth and quality of life in Carlsbad and 2.Identify the key elements of a new plan to manage growth in Carlsbad in a way that maintains an excellent quality of life while also complying with state law. 11 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS •City Administrative Facilities •Libraries •Parks •Drainage •Circulation •Fire Response •Open Space •Sewer Collection System •Schools •Water Distribution System •Wastewater Treatment Orientation, background & history COMMITTEE PROCESS MAR –APRIL 2022 Information & dialogue on existing standards Discussion & recommendation development for future standards MAY –AUGUST 2022 SEPT 2022 –JAN 2023 Draft recommendations available for public reviewCommittee meetings are open to the public and livestreamed. Review & discuss draft recommendations for new standards JAN –MAR 2023 Discuss & finalize report for City Council MAR 2023 •••••• --l COMMITTEE CHARTER The committee is expected to focus on input, review, and "buy-in" to carry out the committee's mission, rather than deliberating on precise details. The committee's work will conclude with a committee-supported report recommending to the City Council what should be included (key elements) in a new plan to manage growth and achieve an excellent quality of life while ensuring compliance with state law. The City Council will consider the committee's recommendations and direct the next steps to create a new growth management plan. Fire Response Mobility/Circulation Parks Arts & Culture Public Safety Open Space City Administrative Facilities Schools Wastewater Treatment Sewer Collection System Water Distribution System Drainage Libraries DECISIONS Growth Management Program Update Public engagement Revise Growth Management Ordinance Create new Citywide Facility Financing Plan Update Zone Facility Financing Plans as needed Start updating documents Update documents * Ballot Initiative may or may not be included Citizens Committee develops recommended framework and standards Mar 2022 –Mar 2023 City Council gives direction on next steps. City Council gives feedback on changes City Council final approval* April 2023 + 1 to 3 years STEPS IN THE PROCESS TODAY’S AGENDA Discussion items •Committee business –Draft committee report –Draft quality of life summary recommendations •Committee Member requests for future agenda items •Public comment (continued if needed) •Adjourn { City of Carlsbad 1.Committee Business Carlsbad ~-: TOMOR Review Draft Committee Report Carlsbad ~-: TOMOR TABLE OF CONTENTS •Introduction •History •Growth Management Program •Carlsbad Tomorrow Committee •Performance standard recommendations •Next steps Carlsbad __,..--: TOMORR W Growth Management Citizens Committee DRAFT REPORT MARCH 2023 RECOMMENDATIONS ' MOBILITY STANDARD 0 Existing standard ► Implement a comprehensive livable streets network that serves all users of the system - vehides, pedestrians, bicycles and public transit. Maintain a Level of Service Dor better for all modes that are subject to the Multi-Modal Level of Services standard, as identified in Table 341 of the General Plan Mobility Element, excluding Level of Service exempt intersections and streets approved by the City Council. Rationale ► The ability to move safely and conveniently throughout thE quality of life and the local economy as the city manages fi ► The committee believes vehicle traffic congestion needs ta should better accommodate all modes of travel. ► The 2015 General Plan update calls for a multimodal Comp throughout the city, which will accommodate all modes of and pedestrian). These modes will be prioritized drfferent~ purpose of each street. ► The city is currently developing a multimodal impact fee tc streets to meet current and future demands. Once comple could be reviewed to ensure alignment with the new impa, Other considerations ► Some committee members preferred a staff recommendat one that relied upon the Sustainable Mobility Plan and a rn impact fee to address citywide improvements. The majori1 recommend the current standard be kept in place. Status ► Based on the 2020-2021 Growth Management Monitoring roadway facilities identified in the report were previously c be deficient and exempt per General Plan Mobility Policy 3 Service analysis continues to be developed with the Traffic initial Multimodal Level of Service will be presented to the in the spring of 2023 34 WATER DISTR IBUTION SYSTEM STANDARD Proposed new standard ► Concurrent with development, coordinate with the appropriate water district to ensure water pipelines have capacity to meet increased demand. Existing standard ► Line capacity to meet demand as determined by the appropriate water district must be provided concurrent with development. A minimum 10-day average storage capacity must be provided prior to any development. Rationale ► Reliable delivery of safe drinking water is essential for public health, quality of life and the city's economy as the city manages future growth. ► Carlsbad Municipal Water District, which is a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad, Olivenhain Municipal Water District (southern carlsbad) and Vallecitos Water District (parts of eastern Carlsbad) distribute water within the city's boundaries. ► These water districts prepare water master plans to forecast future infrastructure needs, among other things. ► When a residential development project is proposed, city staff consult the appropriate water master plan to check pipeline sizes and facility capacities. If needed, developers will be required to build projects identified in the master plan concurrently with the project. ► The committee recommends removing the storage requirement because the standard is not intended to address water supply, just infrastructure. Additionally, the city has developed adequate storage capacity since the original standard was developed. Status ► Based on the 2020-2021 Growth Management Monitoring Report, all three water districts serving Carlsbad have plans in place to ensure water distribution capacity will keep pace with development. 36 Carlsbad-""": TOMORR W STANDARDS RECOMMENDED FOR REMOVAL By consensus, the committee recommended four of the existing performance standards be removed from the Growth Management Program. WASTE WATER TREATM ENT STA NDARD 0 Existing standard ► Sewer plant capacity is adequate for at least a five-year period. Rationale Sufficient planning processes and efforts exist to maintain sewer system capacity through the city's invotvement with the Encina Joint Powers Authority and the city capacity. Y A DMI NISTRATIVE FACILITIES STANDARD 0 ing standard 1,500 sq. ft. per 1,000 population must be scheduled for construction within a five-year period or prior to construction of 6,250 dwelling units, beginning at the time the need is first identified. nale This standard is no longer reflective of modern business operations and is unnecessary with the new civic center and city hall project authorized in August 2022 to move forward. Carlsbad-""": TOMORR W APPENDICES 1. Committee Reference Materials 2.Committee Meeting Materials –by meeting date (agendas, minutes, staff reports, PowerPoints, correspondence) 3.Public Comments -by date 4.Resource Documents -alphabetical list with links 5.Resource Websites -alphabetical list with links REPORT DISCUSSION •Report recommendations (without getting into wordsmithing): •Are committee actions and high level dialogue accurately reflected? •Is there anything missing that is essential for City Council's consideration? •Is anything missing from the appendices that needs to be included? •Other observations or suggestions?Overall feedback on format,flow or structure? Missing content? Review Draft Quality of Life Recommendations Carlsbad ~-: TOMOR QUALITY OF LIFE TOPICS Arts and culture Energy advisory group Public facility fees Homelessness Open space Proposition H Seniors/aging community Transportation and mobility {city of Carlsbad DISCUSSION QUESTIONS •Does draft language reflect committee’s direction? •Include additional language recommended by members? •Other observations or suggestions? {city of Carlsbad QUALITY OF LIFE FORMAT OPTIONS •Memo to City Council •Reference in final report and attach? •Other? {city of Carlsbad QUALITY OF LIFE TITLE SUGGESTIONS •Qualify of Life Statements •Quality of Life Recommendations •Quality of Life Recommended Goals •Supplemental Report –Quality of Life Considerations •Supplemental Report –Future Quality of Life Considerations •Additional Recommendations •Carlsbad Beyond Growth •Anticipate Carlsbad's Future •Foresee the Future of Carlsbad Next steps Carlsbad ~-: TOMOR NEXT STEPS ••• ... Ap,r'il 20, 21023-Co1mm1ittee· M ,eeting ► Committee· members share final feedback on fin.al documents .. ► Committee decides which cha1nges to make, if any, to docu1m1ents. ► Committee votes to fina1llize docum1ent (noting cha1nges, if any). ► Committee· work concludes .. May2023 ► City Counci ll considers the committe,e's reoommendations and provides direction on n,ext steps. Growth Management Program Update Public engagement Revise Growth Management Ordinance Create new Citywide Facility Financing Plan Update Zone Facility Financing Plans as needed Start updating documents Update documents * Ballot Initiative may or may not be included Citizens Committee develops recommended framework and standards Mar 2022 –Mar 2023 City Council gives direction on next steps. City Council gives feedback on changes City Council final approval* April 2023 + 1 to 3 years STEPS IN THE PROCESS Committee Member Requests for Future Agenda Items Carlsbad ~-: TOMOR Public Comment Carlsbad ~-: TOMOR Adjournment Next Meeting: April 20, 2023 Carlsbad ~-: TOMOR