HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-16; City Council; ; Budget Workshop DiscussionCA Review CKM Meeting Date: May 16, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Sheila Cobian, Legislative & Constituent Services Director Sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov or 442-339-2917 Subject: Budget Workshop Discussion District: All Recommended Action Consider a request from Council Member Burkholder to discuss and decide whether to schedule a budget workshop. Executive Summary On April 11, 2023, Council Member Burkholder submitted the attached email (Exhibit 1) to the City Manager requesting that the topic of a budget workshop be placed on an upcoming City Council agenda.1 Fiscal Analysis No city funding is being requested. Next Steps Staff will carry out City Council direction. Environmental Evaluation This action does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review. Exhibits 1.April 11, 2023, request from Council Member Burkholder to place an item on a City Council Agenda 1 Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1.20.060(C) states, “Items of business may be placed on the agenda by any member of the council, the city manager or the city attorney, or by council action. Council-originated items must be submitted to the city manager not less than seven days before the date of the council meeting at which the member desires the item to appear on the agenda. Nothing in this section precludes a council member from requesting council action to place an item on the agenda for a future meeting.” May 16, 2023 Item #12 Page 1 of 4 From:Scott Chadwick To:Sheila Cobian Subject:Fwd: Budget workshop Date:Tuesday, April 18, 2023 12:05:48 PM Attachments:image002.png Scott ChadwickCity Manager City of Carlsbad Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Melanie Burkholder <Melanie.Burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>Date: April 18, 2023 at 11:59:36 PDTTo: Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>Cc: Cindie McMahon <Cindie.McMahon@carlsbadca.gov>Subject: RE: Budget workshop  Hi Scott, Please place the item of “Budget Workshop” on a future agenda so the full council can discuss. Thank you Dr. Melanie Burkholder City Council Member, District 1 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov 442-339-2830 (City Hall) 442-637-2853 (mobile/text) From: Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 12:30 PM Exhibit 1 May 16, 2023 Item #12 Page 2 of 4 {_ City of Carlsbad To: Melanie Burkholder <Melanie.Burkholder@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Cindie McMahon <Cindie.McMahon@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: RE: Budget workshop Good afternoon, Councilmember- Thank you for the email. We are currently planning on introducing the budget at the May 23 City Council meeting. City Council will weigh in at that time and then staff will bring back a final budget for Council’s consideration in June, with an effective date of July 1. Meetings with Councilmembers are currently being scheduled for the week of May 15 to review the preliminary draft. We do not currently have a budget workshop scheduled, however, if you would like one scheduled, there are two options available to you: The first involves a minute motion that you would make at the City Council meeting. The second way would be to send me an email, requesting to place the subject matter on a future city council meeting. At that meeting, City Council would then need to vote in the affirmative to place the item at a future city council meeting. Please let me know your direction. Best- Scott Chadwick City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov Facebook | Twitter | You Tube | Pinterest |Enews From: Melanie Burkholder <Melanie.Burkholder@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 12:07 PM To: Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Budget workshop City Manager, In light of the slide-deck presented at last week’s council meeting and our current May 16, 2023 Item #12 Page 3 of 4 (i) financial forecast, I believe it would be helpful to have a workshop around the budget. Please advise. Best, <image001.gif> Dr. Melanie Burkholder City Council Member, District 1 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov 442-339-2830 (City Hall) 442-637-2853 (mobile/text) May 16, 2023 Item #12 Page 4 of 4 All Receive -Agenda Item# l2. For the Information of the: .... tH'!'.~OUNCIL Date~CA ✓cc ./ CM ~ACM /ocM (3) ✓ May 16, 2023 Council Memorandum {city of Carlsbad To: Honorable Mayor Black r d Members of the City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City M na Re: Additional Materials Re El to Staff Report Item No. 12 -Budget Workshop Discussion This memorandum provides a response to questions asked during the City Council's briefings with the City Manager on May 15, 2023, related to Staff Report Item No. 12, Budget Workshop Discussion. The table below identifies the dates during the previous 15 years that city staff presented the Operating Budget to City Council, the dates in which City Council adopted the Operating Budget including the final vote, and the type of community engagement opportunities provided for residents to weigh in on the city's budget beyond public comment opportunities during budget related City Council Meeting agenda items. Year Operating Budget Operating Budget Adopted Final Adoption Vote Community Engagement Presented to Council by Council Strategic Plan virtual workshop & 2022 5/24/22 6/14/2022 4-1 resident online survey City Council Goal Setting 2021 5/18/2021 6/8/2021 4-1 Workshops (3) Budget Priorities Workshop & 2020 6/2/2020 6/23/2020 4-0 resident online survey Budget Priorities Workshop & 2019 5/21/2019 6/18/2019 4-1 resident online survey 2018 5/22/2018 6/12/2018 4-0 Citizen's Budget Workshop 2017 5/23/2017 6/13/2017 5-0 Citizen's Budget Workshop 2016 6/14/2016 6/28/2016 5-0 Citizen's Budget Workshop Citizen's Budget Workshop & 2015 6/9/2015 6/30/2015 5-0 resident on line survey 2014 6/3/2014 6/17/2014 5-0 Citizen's Budget Workshop 2013 5/28/2013 6/11/2013 3-0 Citizen's Budget Workshop 2012 6/5/2012 6/26/2012 5-0 Citizen's Budget Workshop 2011 6/7/2011 6/21/2011 5-0 Citizen's Budget Workshop 2010 6/8/2010 6/29/2010 5-0 Citizen's Budget Workshop 2009 6/2/2009 6/16/2009 5-0 Citizen's Budget Workshop 2008 6/10/2008 6/24/2008 5-0 Citizen's Budget Workshop City Hall Office of the City Manager 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2821 t Additional Materials Memo -Staff Report Item No. 12 -Budget Workshop Discussion May 16, 2023 Page 2 cc: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney From: Sent: To: Subject: stickhog@sbcglobal.net Tuesday, May 16, 2023 11 :30 AM City Clerk Agenda 12 All Receive -Agenda Item# \ L CITY COUNCIL Date7[(6!1-3 CA_!_ cc{;- CMl_.AcM J DCM (3)_ I support Council Member Burkholder's request to schedule a budget workshop. This is smart-the planning needs to be detailed and accurate. Thank you, Larry Grandy District 2 en attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 1 From: Council Internet Email Sent: To: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 12:30 PM City Clerk Subject: FW: Agenda Item #12 From: Kris Wright <kriswrt222@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 12:07 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Agenda Item #12 Dear Mayor and Council, With the City Manager's statements in April 2022 and last month for a recommendation for the Council to vote to raise sales taxes by up to 1 %, with warnings that the future expenditures will be higher than expected revenues, I am in FAVOR of Ms. Burkholder's request to have a Finance Workshop to discuss this issue. I would ask the Council to request that some of the discussions involve: 1. A future TOT increase. 2. Future plans of the Golf course, given that it is barely breaking even in expenditures vs. costs: Since the City has essentially forgiven a $75 Million+ loan from the General Fund, what are the plans, if any to reimburse any future deficits? Can the City provide multi year projections? 3. Given that the Council passed Policy 86 in 2019 regarding the Pension Plan, I'd like the Council to revisit that issue and consider that the economy has changed. We should not now be funding up to 20% of the perision plan at this time. 4. Waste within City expenditures (I know of a few). 5. Finally I'd like the Council to discuss the increased number of City employees making over $1 00k per year. The reclassifications by Mr. Chadwick in 2020 resulted in a huge increase in employee salaries (hence the discussion of the Cal PERS retirement funding in #3. One employee was reclassified from an Assistant City Manager to Intergovernmental Affairs Director with an approximate $50k per year increase. Other employees such as our Chief Innovations Officer was hired above the hiring salary range. We need to examine those hiring practices. Thank you, Kris Wright District 1 Resident Kris Wright kriswrt222@gmail.com 1 From: Hope Nelson < hopefromthehood_@gmail.com > Tuesday, May 16, 2023 12:36 PM Sent: To: Keith Blackburn; Priya Bhat-Patel; Teresa Acosta; Melanie Burkholder; Carolyn Luna; City Clerk Subject: Agenda Item #12 Budgeting Workshop Regarding a Budget Workshop, I would like to see this happen for the citizens of Carlsbad, and with some specific content. This should not be designed as a 'sales job to the community' but a real discussion, particularly in light of recent talk of a sales tax increase. Specifics should include but not be limited to: A recap of the full position of the Crossings Golf Course, given the investment and the fact that it is barely breaking even. • A detailed recap of the city's full investment in the property • Recap, similar to a detailed income statement, by department, of where revenue and expenses are g~nerated. • Recap of where patrons come from, i.e. locals, day-trippers, tourists from hotels • Changes in the business plan that might secure more consistent profitability. A recap of city employee expenses over the previous 5 years • Comparison of# of city employees by dept • Comparison of city staff expense by dept • Recap of Senior Staff positions, again by# and total expense. I am sure there are more details to be examined. The point is this should be a workshop where staff is prepared to share and examine details with the community. Sincerely, Hope Nelson 1 . Carlsbad Resident CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 2 From: Sent: To: Subject: Christine Smoczynski <chris_enhls@yahoo.com> Monday, May 15, 2023 3:12 PM City Clerk Agenda 12 I support Council Member M . Burkholder's request to schedule a budget workshop. Thank you, Christine Smoczynski Sent from my iPhone All Receive -Agenda Item #~ For the Information of the: pTY COUNCIJ. ✓ Dat7fl~ {i') c;.. _/ CC--1 CM _ACM_✓_ DCM (3)_ ✓ CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 From: Sent: Susan Clifford <sarclifford@gmail.com> Monday, May 15, 2023 5:06 PM To: City Clerk Subject: AGENDA 12 Dear City of Carlsbad Council. I support Burkholder's request to schedule a budget workshop. Thank you. Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Susan Clifford 7027 Cinnamon Teal St, Carlsbad, CA 92011 901237 7061 District 49 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Stephanie Griffin <sbritt2896@gmail.com> Monday, May 15, 2023 7:42 PM City Clerk May 16 Agenda Items Greetings! I'm writing in support of agenda items #11 and #12. In particular, regarding item #12 for a budget workshop -I think this practice should always be in practice for approving budgets over $100K. The citizens of Carlsbad deserve transparency and strong fiscal responsibility. Thank you! Warm regards, Stephanie Griffin Carlsbad D2 Resident Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 From: Council Internet Email Sent: To: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 7:43 AM City Clerk Subject: FW: Agenda Item 12 -----Original Message----- From: Diane Bedrosian <drdianeb@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 12:46 AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Agenda Item 12 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: I support Councilmember Burkholder's request to schedule a budget workshop. Thank you. Diane Bedrosian Carlsbad District 2 resident CAUTION: Do notopen attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Peggy <peggybartley45@p roton.me> Monday, May 15, 2023 11 :46 AM City Clerk Agenda 12 All Receive -Agenda Item # \ ?- For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIJ-_/ Date~\511-)~_✓ cc ~ CM _.r;;;;;, 1 DCM (3) _ I support Council Member Burkholder's request to schedule a budget workshop. Most of us, when facing a deficit in our finances, look to ways we can cut back, i.e., cut spending. Raising taxes, supporting drugs (cannabis and vaping dispensaries, etc.) only open other problems. Why contribute to California's largest export --PEOPLE? Thank you, Margaret Bartley District 49 'Though liberals do a great deal of talking about hearing other points of view, it sometimes shocks them to learn that there are other points of view." William F. Buckley Sent with Proton Mail secure email. 1 From: Sent: To: cmmckee@roadrunner.com Monday, May 15, 2023 12:00 PM City Clerk Subject: agenda 12 I support Council Member Burkholder's request to schedule a budget workshop. Thank you, Carole McKee D1 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless nize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 From: Sent: To: Subject: Krisha Markowicz <krisha2700@yahoo.com> Monday, May 15, 2023 12:26 PM City Clerk Budget workshop I support Council Member Burkholder's request to schedule a budget workshop. Thank you, Krisha Wolter District 3 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 From: Sent: To: Subject: kelly.leberthon 12@gmail.com Monday, May 15, 2023 12:48 PM City Clerk Agenda 12 budget workshop Dear Mayor Blackburn and Council Members: I support Council Member Burkholder's request to schedule a budget workshop. Staff has already indicated that Carlsbad will be deficit spending by next year if this reckless spending continues. A workshop would provide an opportunity to shed some light on where the money is going and where the city could scale back. Adding more taxes -whether in the form of tourist tax increases (which would negatively affect Carlsbad's bread and butter tourist industry) or by approving cannabis dispensaries ( effectively selling out our young people to the real, demc;mstrably destructive ravages of cannabis) to make a buck off this industry:.... needs to have a public airing. Thank you, Kelly Le Berthon D 1 1