HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-16; City Council; ; State of California Local Housing Trust Fund ApplicationCA Review __RK__ Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: District: May 16, 2023 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior Program Manager nicole.pianojones@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2191 State of California Local Housing Trust Fund Application 1, 2 and 3 Recommended Action Adopt a resolution authorizing the submittal of a Local Housing Trust Fund funding application to the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development in the amount of $1,770,000. Executive Summary The state Department of Housing and Community Development has announced that approximately $53 million in Local Housing Trust Fund matching funds is available to eligible applicants for the creation of affordable housing and homeless shelters. The City of Carlsbad is eligible based on several affordable housing and emergency shelter projects that have received, or are being considered for, local funding investments from our city Housing Trust Fund. For the city to receive these funds, state guidelines require the City Council to consider the city’s application and adopt a resolution authorizing the list of eligible projects being requested. Applications are due May 17, 2023. Explanation & Analysis Background The Local Housing Trust Fund program was established in 2018 through the Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act (Proposition 1). Its objective is to expand sources of funding for housing and to expand the supply of affordable housing through the support of Local Housing Trust Fund grants. State matching funds can be used to provide loans to pay for: Construction or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing developments •Emergency shelters •Permanent supportive housing •Transitional housing •Affordable homebuyer/homeowner projects May 16, 2023 Item #10 Page 1 of 8 Based on the program guidelines and scoring criteria, city staff have identified a list of eligible projects and matching fund requests that would likely put the city’s application in the competitive range. The list of projects is included as Attachment A to Exhibit 1. If it is awarded, the state grant would be a great leveraging opportunity for additional funding to financially support affordable housing and emergency shelter projects in Carlsbad. The eligible projects would receive additional funding from the State and any funds from the repayment of the loans would go to the local Housing Trust Fund for future use. Carlsbad Housing Trust Fund The city has an Inclusionary Housing Ordinance that requires all residential development projects greater than six units to restrict 15 percent of the total number of units as affordable to low-income households. Some developments, based on size, have the option to satisfy their affordable housing obligation through payment of inclusionary housing in-lieu fees or affordable housing credit purchases. The city established the City of Carlsbad Housing Trust Fund to receive and confirm that fees collected were applied only towards the affordable housing needs of lower-income households. The Housing Trust Fund receives revenue from a variety of sources, including interest from loans, loan repayments, housing credit purchases, housing in-lieu fees, housing impact fees, and interest earned on the fund balance. The fund is intended to aid in the production, acquisition, rehabilitation and preservation of housing affordable to extremely low-, very low- and low-income households, and those experiencing homelessness. The Housing Trust Fund has been an indispensable tool to attract other funding sources to affordable housing projects, leveraging the city’s investment up to five times with outside funding sources. If awarded, this matching grant would provide additional revenue to affordable housing and emergency shelter projects in Carlsbad from State funds and will help grow the future fund balance of the city’s Housing Trust Fund since loan repayments of the state funds would go into to the city’s Housing Trust Fund. Eligible projects The City Council has already approved or is considering Housing Trust Fund investments for a number of projects that provide affordable housing or emergency shelter beds. The affordable housing and emergency shelter projects are either under construction or are expected to begin construction within two years. The city’s Housing Trust Fund investment is not enough to close the funding gap for these projects. Projects that started over the last year have experienced unprecedented increases in construction costs, utility operating costs and interest rates, reducing the amount of permanent financing available to cover the higher development costs. Based on projected costs and revenue, the affordable housing and emergency shelter projects included in the table below would benefit from additional funding support. The city is able to apply for matching grants to provide additional funding support for these projects based on the already or the anticipated city Housing Trust Fund commitments to be provided. The state funding application amounts identified for each project are based on using the grant funding scoring criteria and trying to maximize the chances of receiving an award of grant funds. If received, the state funds would be provided to the city to distribute to the eligible projects. The city would be required to issue the awarded funds as loans recorded against the property. May 16, 2023 Item #10 Page 2 of 8 Multifamily rental projects are required to have a recorded regulatory agreement setting forth the requirements for household income levels and rent restrictions for not less than 55 years for all units assisted with the funding. For emergency shelter projects, the loan may be forgivable upon satisfaction of the 15-year minimum regulatory period. Project name Project description Carlsbad Housing Trust Fund award State Local Housing Trust Fund request Aviara Apartments Affordable housing – 70 units at 30-60% of area median income $3,100,0001 $300,000 Marja Acres Affordable senior housing – 47 units 30-60% of AMI $715,0001 $260,000 West Oaks Affordable Housing – 42 units at 30-60% of AMI $1,500,0001 $150,000 La Posada Shelter Emergency shelter expansion $1,470,6212 $1,050,000 Administration $10,000 Project total $6,785,621 $1,770,000 1 Housing Trust Fund award already approved by City Council 2 Funding recommended on another item on this City Council meeting agenda Aviara Apartments Aviara East Apartments is a 70-unit, 100% affordable housing project on Aviara Parkway south of Palomar Airport Road and north of Laurel Tree Lane being developed by BRIDGE Housing. The overall Aviara Apartment project is required to provide 79 units affordable to lower-income households. The City Council approved a $3.1 million loan from the city’s Housing Trust Fund on Aug. 31, 2021, to increase the affordability of seven of the 70 units to serve very low-income households. We are requesting $275,000 in state funds to match the $3.1 million the city has already contributed to the project. Additional funding from the state could narrow the funding gap that has increased since the $3.1 million loan was awarded due to the increases in costs listed above. The project is under construction and anticipated to be complete in 2024. Marja Acres Senior Apartments The Marja Acres Apartments project is a 47-unit, 100% affordable senior housing project on the west side of El Camino Real, just south of Kelly Drive, that is being developed by USA Properties. As an approved density bonus project, Marja Acres is required to provide 46 senior apartments affordable to lower-income seniors.1 The City Council approved a total of $715,000 in loans from the city’s Housing Trust Fund, on Oct. 12, 2021, and Oct. 11, 2022, to deepen the affordability of five of the units to people with extremely low-income levels. We are requesting $275,000 in state funds to match the $715,000 from the Housing Trust Fund that the city has already contributed to the project. Additional funding from the state could also narrow the 1 Government Code Section 65915, the state density bonus law, allows a developer to increase the density on a property above the maximum limit set by a city’s local general plan in exchange for reserving a certain number of the new dwelling units as affordable or other qualifying housing for at least 55 years. May 16, 2023 Item #10 Page 3 of 8 funding gap that has increased due to the increases in costs listed above. The project is currently under construction and anticipated to be complete in 2024. West Oaks Apartments West Oaks Apartments is a 42-unit affordable housing project located south of Palomar Airport Road and west of Palomar Oaks Way. It is being developed by Chelsea Investment Corporation. As an approved density bonus project, Integral Communities is required to provide 42 units affordable to lower-income households. The City Council approved a $1.5 million loan from the city’s Housing Trust Fund on Dec. 7, 2021, to deepen the affordability of ten units to serve extremely low and very low-income households. We are requesting $175,000 in state funds to match the $1.5 million from the Housing Trust Fund that the city has already contributed to the project. Additional funding from the state could also narrow the funding gap for this project, which has also increased since the loan was awarded due to the increased costs. The project is anticipated to start construction in 2024. La Posada Shelter La Posada is the city’s only homeless shelter and is operated by Catholic Charities. It currently provides 100 beds, of which 50 are reserved for farmworkers. On Sept. 28, 2021, the City Council expressed support for Catholic Charities to expand the capacity of the La Posada shelter to serve more individuals experiencing homelessness, including space for women and families. The city contributed $183,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant funds toward pre-development expenses related to the expansion. An architect is now under contract and has started initial feasibility and cost estimate studies. The total project cost is currently estimated at $9 to $10 million, depending on whether it includes a third story to provide more bed space to serve more individuals. The project is anticipated to start construction in 2024 if enough capital for construction can be raised by Catholic Charities. City staff have been actively seeking outside funding alternatives to reduce the amount of capital needed so that project construction can start. The City Council approved documents at the Feb. 7, 2023, City Council meeting to accept $2 million in funds from the County of San Diego and, in turn, grant the funds to Catholic Charities toward the expansion. In another action being considered on this same City Council agenda, the City Council is being asked to contribute $729,379 in state Permanent Local Housing Allocation funds and $1,470,621 from the city’s Housing Trust Fund towards the project. If the City Council votes to provide the $1,470,621 from the city’s Housing Trust Fund to La Posada, the project can be included in the list of eligible projects in the matching grant application to the state. We would be requesting $1,050,000 in state funds to match the $1.4 million in funding the city is considering contributing from its Housing Trust Fund toward the project. The matching funds requested from the state are dependent on the contribution from the city’s Housing Trust Fund. Fiscal Analysis There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund associated with the recommended action. Additional funding for these projects is contingent on the expenditure of city matching funds and the successful award of program funds from the Department of Housing and Community Development. If the state Local Housing Trust Fund program funds of $1.77 million are May 16, 2023 Item #10 Page 4 of 8 awarded, the city would receive the funding to provide additional financial assistance to eligible projects. If the state does not award this funding, the city is not obligated to provide additional local funding for these projects. If awarded, the funds are required to be provided to eligible projects as a loan recorded against the property. Any loan repayments of the state funds would go into to the city’s Housing Trust Fund to be used for the purposes set forth in state guidelines, providing future revenue to the Carlsbad Housing Trust Fund. Options Staff provide the following options for the City Council’s consideration: 1.Authorize the application for the Local Housing Trust Fund matching funds for projects as presented Pros •Provides additional funding to affordable housing projects in Carlsbad and the La Posada Emergency Shelter expansion project Cons •None identified 2.Do not authorize the application for the Local Housing Trust Fund matching funds for projects as presented Pros •None identified. Cons •The city will not be considered for Local Housing Trust Fund matching funds for projects in Carlsbad Staff recommend the City Council select Option 1. Next Steps With the City Council’s approval, staff will submit the application for the grant. The announcements of awards is expected by August 2023. If the city is awarded a grant, staff would then execute the loan agreements for the identified projects. Environmental Evaluation This action does not constitute a project as defined under the California Environmental Quality Act in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 21065, in that these actions may not cause a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1.City Council resolution May 16, 2023 Item #10 Page 5 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-133 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF A LOCAL HOUSING TRUST FUND APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,770,000 WHEREAS, the State of California (the "State"), Department of Housing and Community Development is authorized to provide up to $53 million under the Local Housing Trust Fund ("LHTF") Program from the Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2018 (Proposition 1) (as described in Health and Safety Code section 50842.2 et seq. (Chapter 365, Statutes of 2017 (SB 3)) ("Program"); and WHEREAS, the State Department of Housing and Community Development ("Department") issued a Notice of Funding Availability ("NOFA") dated March 7, 2023, under the LHTF Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is an eligible Local or Regional Housing Trust Fund applying to the Program to administer one or more eligible activities using Program Funds; and WHEREAS, the Department may approve funding allocations for the LHTF Program, subject to the terms and conditions of H&S Code Section 50842.2, the LHTF Program Guidelines, NOFA, Program requirements, the Standard Agreement and other related contracts between the Department and LHTF award recipients. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.If the City of Carlsbad receives an award of LHTF funds from the Department pursuant to the above referenced LHTF NOFA, it represents and certifies that it will use all such funds on Eligible Projects in a manner consistent and in compliance with all applicable state and federal statutes, rules, regulations, and laws, including, without limitation, all rules and laws regarding the LHTF Program, as well as any and all contracts Applicant may have with the Department ("Eligible Project"). 3.That the City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to act as the manager in connection with the Department's funds to Eligible Projects pursuant to the above­ described Notice of Funding Availability in an amount not to exceed $1,770,000 (the "LHTF Award"). Exhibit 1 May 16, 2023 Item #10 Page 6 of 8 4.The City of Carlsbad hereby agrees to match on a dollar-for-dollar basis the LHTF Award pursuant to Guidelines Section 104. Applicant hereby agrees to utilize matching funds on a dollar-for-dollar basis for the same Eligible Projects for which Program Funds are used, as required by HSC Section 50843.5{c), and are included as Attachment A. 5.Pursuant to Attachment A (List of Eligible Projects) and the City of Carlsbad's certification in this resolution, the LHTF funds will be expended only for Eligible Projects and consistent with all program requirements. 6.The City of Carlsbad shall be subject to the terms and conditions as specified in the Standard Agreement, H&S Section 50842.2 and LHTF Program Guidelines. 7.The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to execute the LHTF Program Application, the LHTF Standard Agreement and any subsequent amendments or modifications thereto, as well as any other documents which are related to the Program or the LHTF Award to Applicant, as the Department may deem appropriate. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 16th day of May, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor j?tNY �HERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk {SEAL) May 16, 2023 Item #10 Page 7 of 8 Attachment A STATE LOCAL HOUSING TRUST FUND GRANT ELIGIBLE PROJECT LIST Project name Project description Carlsbad Housing Trust Fund award State Local Housing Trust Fund request Aviara Apartments Affordable housing – 70 units at 30-60% of area median income $3,100,000 $300,000 Marja Acres Affordable senior housing – 47 units 30-60% of AMI $715,000 $260,000 West Oaks Affordable Housing – 42 units at 30-60% of AMI $1,500,000 $150,000 La Posada Shelter Emergency shelter expansion $1,470,621 $1,050,000 Administration $10,000 Project total $6,785,621 $1,770,000 May 16, 2023 Item #10 Page 8 of 8 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING . NOTICiE OF PUBLIC UfiARING ~ / ~~ TO: CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBUC~-: .s:!tlf)L7.P::)_3. s u sJ m, Ha JJ::i • o/J +-C..cs-co . C\R ,i 1.rx::,, J) IdM .c., ~ tL,..d, J LOCATION: CQi:200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~°If>- □ Other: ------------------ DATE POSTED TO CITY WEBSITE sl,,J:).p~ DATE NOTICES MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS: ----------- NUMBER MAILED: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws.of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad and the foregoing is true and correct. DEPARTMENT: ~TY CLERK'S OFFICE □OTHER _______ _ ' j , xY1.:2r2, ~/) Signature Date SENT TO FOR PUBLICATION VIA E-MAIL TO: □ Union Tribune on ___ _ ~ Coast News on· ;;;/>?~ PUBLICATION DATE: Union Tribune _____________ _ Coast New s s/; d lc7o~ I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad and the foregoing is true and correct. DEPARTMENT: ~ CLERK'S OFFICE □ OTHER _______ _ Jm~ Signature Date Attachments: 1) Mai ling Labels 2) Notice w/ attachments NOTICE OF PUBLIC REVIEW AND PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public meeting at the Council Chamber located at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at 5 p.m., for the State of California Housing & Community Development Department Local Housing Trust Fund Application. The Local Housing Trust Fund program was established in 2018 through the voter approved Proposition 1 Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act. The program objective is to expand sources of funding for housing, and to expand the supply of affordable housing through the support of Local Housing Trust Funds. State matching grant funds can be used to provide loans to pay for construction or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing developments, emergency shelters, permanent supportive housing, transitional housing and affordable homebuyer/homeowner projects. On March 7, 2023, the State Department of Housing and Community Development released a Notice of Funding Availability for approximately $53 million in competitive Local Housing Trust Fund dollars. The City of Carl sbad is pursuing the Local Housing Trust Fund program to obtain needed funding for eligible affordable housing projects previously funded by the City of Carlsbad's Housing Trust Fund. A summary of those projects may be viewed on the City's website: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/housing-homeless- services/affordable-housing. Those persons wishing to speak on this item are cordially invited to attend the public meeting. In addition, written comments may be submitted to the City Council at or prior to the meeting via U.S. Mail to the attention of the City Clerk, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, or via email to clerk@carlsbadca.gov. Copies of the staff report will be available by Friday, M ay 12, 2023, on the city's website: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/city-hall/meetings-agendas. The meeting can be viewed on line at https://www.carlsbadca.gov/residents/communication/city-tv- channel or on the city's cable channel. For questions or more information, please contact Housing & Homeless Services Department Program M anager Nicole Piano-Jones at (442) 339-2191 or nicole.pianojones@carlsbadca.gov. PUBLISH: FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL LOCAL HOUSING TRUST FUND APPLICATION Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior Program Manager Housing & Homeless Services May 16, 2023 {city of Carlsbad OVERVIEW •Proposition 1 –Veteran and Affordable Housing Bond Act •Administered by State of California, Housing & Community Development •Publish guidelines, notice of funding availability •March 2023 -$53 million competitive funds •Program matches local housing investments for creation of affordable housing & shelter ITEM 10: LTHF APPLICATION {city of Carlsbad •Eligible Applicant •Established Housing Trust Fund •Housing Element Compliance •Eligible Projects •Affordable rental housing •Emergency Shelters •City Council Resolution PROGAM REQUIREMENTS ITEM 10: LHTF APPLICATION {city of Carlsbad Project name Project description Carlsbad HTF award State LHTF request Aviara Apartments 70 units 30-60% AMI $3,100,000 $300,000 Marja Acres 47 units 30-60% AMI $715,000 $260,000 West Oaks 42 units 30-60% AMI $1,500,000 $150,000 La Posada 45-99 additional shelter beds $1,470,621* $1,050,000 Administration $10,000 Totals 159 affordable rentals & 45-99 shelter beds $6,785,621 $1,770,000 * Pending City Council approval -being considered Item #9 on tonight’s City Council Agenda NEXT STEPS SUBMIT APPLICATION (MAY) & AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT (AUG) ADMINISTRATION CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION ITEM 10: LHTF APPLICATION EXECUTE PROJECT DOCUMENTS ))) 0 ITEM 10: LHTF APPLICATION Adopt a resolution authorizing the submittal of the Local Housing Trust Fund funding application to the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development in the amount of $1,770,000 RECOMMENDATION {city of Carlsbad Questions {city of Carlsbad