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2774 GATEWAY RD; ; FS100027; Permit
City of Carlsbad Fixed Systems Permit Permit No: FS100027 Job Address: 2774 GATEWAY RD Permit Type: FIXSYS Parcel No: 2133000600 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Status: ISSUED Applied 12/9/2010 Approved: 12/9/2010 Issued: 12/9/2010 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: AXIS FINANCIAL CLEAN AGENT SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Applicant: FACILITIES PROTECTION SYSTEMS SUITE D 1150 W.CENTRAL AV BREA, CA Owner: OAS SPECTRUM LLC C/O STEVE OAS 2231 RUTHERFORD RD CARLSBAD CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) L 130 0 1 130 0 —7, PASS/FAIL Enclosure Integrity Report CleanAgent 2001 retention time prediction program revision 2.5.4. By Retrotec, Inc, 2200 Queen Street, Bellingham, WA USA 98229 Software Licensed to: Facilities Protection Systems Inc. Complies with NFPA 2001 Appendix C, year 2000 edition. 360-738-9835 www.retrotec.com air leaks in Building, Location C-1992AXlSFINANCIAL 2774 GATEWEAYRD, CARLSBAD, CA Company, Contact AXIS FINANCIAL /PINNACLE RECOVERY, KEVIN ALEXEN (PM) JOHNSON & JENM Room name 2ND FLOOR SERVER ROOM Test number 1 . . Calibration Certificate # 5537 Certificate created 2010/01/14 agent leaks out Test date/time 2011/01/2607:33 Net Protected Volume, V 1,161 ftA3 Tester Bruce Clark . Maximum Protected Height, H0 9.00 ft. Certified to Level: 3 - Double fan NFPA room test Minimum Protected Height, H 7 0 ft. Signature .......................................................Static during retention, PSH 0.0 Pa Elevation above sea level Oft. Operating temperature 70 F Correction method NFPA 2001(2000) Formula A-3-5.3.3 Initial concentration, C 8.01% Correction factor 1 Mixing during retention No Agent FE-25(HFC-125) Agent quantity 32/b. Total room leakage, ELA 0. 17ftA2 Minimum concentration, CF 8.01% Lower Leakage, BCLA 0.09 ftA2 Minimum retention time 10.0 minutes Below ceiling leakage defaulting to worst case -- 5096' of total leakage. This enclosure was tested in compliance with NFPA 2001 and 12A. Assuming no cntinual mixing dung the retention period, enclosure leakage could allow sufficient agent to be lost to cause an air/agent interface to deend from a Maximum Protected Height of 9.00 ft. to the Minimum Protected Height specified of 7.00 ft. The retention time would then be 10.8 minutes which exceeds the minimum retention time of 10 minutes. The enclosure therefore gasses this acceDtance Drocedure. Notes Witnesses ct'06r)--)r \ b U Printed on: 2011/01/26 07:38 Page 1 DOOR FAN TEST-- Total Room Leakage Data CleanAgent 2001 retention time prediction program revision 2.5.4. Complies with NFPA 2001 Appendix C, year 2000 edition. By Retrotec, Inc, 2200 Queen Street, Bellingham, WA USA 98229 360-738-9835 www.retrotec.com Software Licensed to: Facilities Protection Systems Inc. air leaks in Building, Location C-1992AX/SFINANCIAL 2774 GATEWEAYRD, CARLSBAD, CA Company, Contact AXIS FINANCIAL IPINNACLE RECOVERY, KEVIN ALEXEN (PM) JOHNSON & JENM Room name 2ND FLOOR SERVER ROOM Test number 1 Calibration Certificate # 5537 Certificate created 2010/01/14 agent leaks out Total Room Leakage Operator In the room Smoke doesn't move Temperature during test (F) Static pressure 0 Pa 70 inside 70 outside Depressurization for room oressures: -10.0 to -1 Blower range Room press Auto corrected Flow - CFM Flow (ftA3/rr Auto corrected Corrected flow (ftA3/g Pressurization Blower range Room press Auto corrected Flow - CFM Flow (ftA3Irr Auto corrected Corrected flow (ftA3Irr -11 for room oressures: 10.0 to 13.0 ELA ft"2 (Pa FA I Slope n I ritercept k Correlation Standard Error E LAftA 2 Depressurization 0.17 11.0 0.5000 25.63 NA NA Pressurization 0.18 11.0 0.5000 27.14 I NA j NA Average 0.17 11.0 0.50 I Li 5000 238i 1 0.17 j 0.plj.5 Lower Leakage Below ceiling leakage of 0.09 ftA2 @ 10.0 Pa is the worst case assumption of 50% Technician: Bruce Clark Certified to Level: 3- Double fan NFPA room test Yes Level I - Fire enclosure design basics for improving agent retention and passive protection Yes Level 2 - adds single door fan operation and NFPA clean agent retention time calculations Yes Level 3 - adds double door fan operation for Lower Leak measurement No Level 4 - adds multi-point ISO door fan operation and discharge pressure relief vent Printed on: 2011/01/26 07:38 Page 2 DOOR FAN TEST -- Graph CleanAgent 2001 retention time prediction program revision 2.5.4. Complies with NFPA 2001 Appendix C, year 2000 edition. By Retrotec, Inc, 2200 Queen Street, Bellingham, WA USA 98229 360-738-9835 www.retrotec.com Software Licensed to: Facilities Protection Systems Inc. air leaks in Building, Location C-1992AXISFINANCIAL 2774 GA TEWEA YRD, CARLSBAD, CA Company, Contact AXIS FINANCIAL IPINNACLE RECOVERY, KEVINALEXEN (PM) JOHNSON & JENM Room name 2ND FLOOR SERVER ROOM Test number 1 Calibration Certificate # 5537 Certificate created 2010/07/14 agent leaks out 100 U. C.) (5 to 10 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Room Pressure (Pa) -o- Total leakage, depressurizing - Total leakage, average -o Total leakage, pressurizing Printed on: 2011/01/26 07:38 Page 3 One Year Calibration Certificate Certificate # 5537 System Model # Q5Ex2 System Owned By Facilities Protection Systems Inc. Console # For CA200I ver 2.0 license # Equipment Calibrated by Retrotec Inc Good for one year date: 2010/06/23 expires: 2011/06/23 This certificate complies with calibration requirements of NFPA 2001 Appendix C, year 2000 edition and ISO 14520. Completed by Retrotec Inc, 2200 Queen Street, Bellingham, WA, USA 98226-4766 DM-2 Mkll This gauge used for All Readings serial # 099271A to correct mult by & add gauge CR MRC error Pa 0.00 - 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 - 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 - 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DM-2 Mkll This gauge used for All Readings serial # 099271 B to correct mult by & add gauge CR MRC error Pa 0.00 - 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 - 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00- 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DM-2 Mkll This gauge used for All Readings serial # 202255A to correct mult by & add gauge CR MRC I error Pa 0.00 -1,250.00 1 1.00 0.00 10.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 DM-2 Mkll This gauge used for All Readings serial # 202255B to correct mult by & add gauge CR MRC error Pa 0.00 -1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CR is the Corrected Room pressure. CR = "gauge" reading X "mult by" factor + "& add" factor. CF is the Corrected Flow pressure derived the same way. The corrected readings are compared to the TRUE reading from our Master Reference Calibration (MRC) gauge and the resulting error shown in Pascals. Maximum allowable error is +1- 1 Pa from 0 to 50 Pa and +1- 5 Pa over 50 Pa. Five Year Calibration Certificate Certificate # 5537 System Model # Q5Ex2 System Owned By Facilities Protection Systems Inc. Console # For CA200I ver 2.0 license # Equipment Calibrated by Retrotec Inc Good for five years date: 2010/07/14 expires: 2015/07/14 This certificate complies with calibration requirements of NFPA 2001 Appendix C, year 2000 edition and ISO 14520. Completed by Retrotec Inc, 2200 Queen Street, Bellingham, WA, USA 98226-4766 CALIBRATION EQUATIONS WITH CALCULATION EXAMPLES: blower #1 serial #>> 096621 blower #1 serial #>> PH096613 blower range N K KI K2 K3 K4 MF I CR FF cfm m3 I sec #1 22 0.5214 486.9900 -0.070 0.800 -0.115 1.067 8.6 #1 22 0.5214 486.9900 -0.070 0.800 -0.115 1.067 8.6 #1 A 0.5030 259.0380 -0.075 1.000 0.000 1.023 12.0 #1 A 0.5030 259.0380 -0.075 1.000 0.000 1.023 12.0 #1 B 0.5000 174.8820 0.000 0.300 0.000 1.000 10.0 #1 B 0.5000 174.8820 0.000 0.300 0.000 1.000 10.0 #1 Ca 0.5000 78.5000 -0.020 0.500 0.016 1.000 10.0 #1 C8 0.5000 78.5000 -0.020 0.500 0.016 1.000 10.0 #1 C4 0.5140 39.3000 0.080 0.500 0.001 1.000 10.0 #1 C4 0.5140 39.3000 0.080 0.500 0.001 1.000 10.0 #1 C2 0.5500 20.0000 0.139 0.500 -0.003 1.000 10.0 #1 C2 0.5500 20.0000 0.139 0.500 -0.003 1.000 100 #1 Cl 0.5410 11.9239 0.122 0.400 0.000 1.000 10.0 #1 Cl 0.5410 11.9239 0.122 0.400 0.000 1.000 10.0 BLOWER TEST RESULTS: error Holes cm2 I blower I range I cm2 % cm2 This calibration certificate compares the calibration holes in the Retrotec test chamber with the tested blowers measurement of those holes. The left hand column shows the area of holes open in the Retrotec flow chamber. To the right is the comparable Retrotec Door Fan result using the above referenced CA200I software license. Maximum allowable error is +1- 5%. This calibration includes both gauge and blower error combined. CR and CF come from the One Year Certificate. For Flow Towards the operator, CF must be reduced by CR before calculating flow to yield FF, the symbol for the Final Flow pressure. For Flow Away from the operator CF=FF. FF must be >=MF and (CR * K2) otherwise flow pressure is too low for accurate results Flow in cfm = (FF.CR*K1)N*(K+K3*FF)*K4 For /sec, divide by 2118.882. Technician: Bruce Clark Certified to Level: 3- Double fan NFPA room test Yes Level 1 - Fire enclosure design basics for improving agent retention and passive protection Yes Level 2 - adds single door fan operation and NFPA clean agent retention time calculations Yes Level 3 - adds double door fan operation for Lower Leak measurement No Level 4 - adds multi-point ISO door fan operation and discharge pressure relief vent PASS/FAIL Enclosure Integrity Report CleanAgent 2001 retention time prediction program revision 2.5.4. Complies with NFPA 2001 Appendix C, year 2000 edition. By Retrotec, Inc, 2200 Queen Street, Bellingham, WA USA 98229 360-738-9835 www.retrotec.com Software Licensed to: Facilities Protection Systems Inc. air leaks in Building, Location C-1992AXISFINANCIAL 2774 GATEWEAYRD, CARLSBAD, CA Company, Contact AXIS FINANCIAL /PINNACLERECOVERY, KEVINALEXEN(PM)JOHNSON&JENM Room name 1STFLOOR SERVER ROOM Test number 1 Calibration Certificate # 5537 Certificate created 2010101/14 agent leaks out Test date/time 2011/01/2606:57 Net Protected Volume, V 828 ft"3 Tester Bruce Clark Maximum Protected Height, H0 9.00 ft. Certified to Level: 3 - Double fan NFPA room test Minimum Protected Height, H 7 0 ft. Signature .......................................................Static during retention, PSH 0.0 Pa Elevation above sea level Oft Operating temperature 70 F Correction method NFPA 2001 (2000) Formula A-3-5.3.3 Initial concentration, C 8.07% Correction factor 1 Mixing during retention No Agent FE-25(HFC-125) Agent quantity 23/b. Total room leakage, ELA 0.12 ftA2 Minimum concentration, CF 8.07% Lower Leakage, BCLA 0.06 ft"2 Minimum retention time 10.0 minutes Below ceiling leakage defaulting to worst case -- 50% of total leakage. This enclosure was tested in compliance with NFPA 2001 and 12A. Assuming no continual mixing during the retention period, enclosure leakage could allow sufficient agent to be lost to cause an air/agent interface to descend from a Maximum Protected Height of 9.00 ft. to the Minimum Protected Height specified of 1.00 ft. The retention time would then be 10.8 minutes which exceeds the minimum retention time of 10 minutes. The enclosure therefore gasses this acceotance orocedure. Notes Witnesses ('-\d'e.cQ Printed on: 2011/01/2607:40 Page 1 DOOR FAN TEST-- Total Room Leakage Data CleanAgent 2001 retention time prediction program revision 2.5.4. Complies with NFPA 2001 Appendix C, year 2000 edition. By Retrotec, Inc, 2200 Queen Street, Bellingham, WA USA 98229 360-738-9835 www.retrotec.com Software Licensed to: Facilities Protection Systems Inc. air leaks in Building, Location C-1992AXISFINANC/AL 2774 GATEWEAYRD, CARLSBAD, CA Company, Contact AXIS FINANCIAL IPINNACLE RECOVERY, KEVINALEXEN (PM) JOHNSON & JENM Room name 1ST FLOOR SERVER ROOM Test number 1 Calibration Certificate # 5537 Certificate created 2010/01/14 agent leaks out Total Room Leakage Operator In the room Smoke doesn't move Temperature during test (F) Static pressure 0 Pa 70 inside 70 outside room pressures: 10.0 to 1 ower range Room pressure 11 Auto corrected RP 11 - CFM Flow (ftA3/min.) 65 Auto corrected FP 65 Corrected flow (ftA3/min)I 65 ELA ft"2 cPa FA I T Depressurization 0.12 11.0 LijoTQt18.09 NAJNA Pressurization 0.13 11.0 L_0.5000 19.60 NA Average 0.12 11.0 0.50 I 0.5000 I _18.84 1 Lower Leakage Below ceiling leakage of 0.06 ft"2 @ 10.0 Pa is the worst case assumption of 50% iII_J.L.i 0.12110.0 Technician: Bruce Clark Certified to Level: 3- Double fan NFPA room test Yes Level I - Fire enclosure design basics for improving agent retention and passive protection Yes Level 2 - adds single door fan operation and NFPA clean agent retention time calculations Yes Level 3 - adds double door fan operation for Lower Leak measurement No Level 4 - adds multi-point ISO door fan operation and discharge pressure relief vent Printed on: 2011/01/2607:40 Page 2 DOOR FAN TEST -- Graph CleanAgent 2001 retention time prediction program revision 2.5.4. Complies with NFPA 2001 Appendix C, year 2000 edition. By Retrotec, Inc, 2200 Queen Street, Bellingham, WA USA 98229 360-738-9835 www.retrotec.com Software Licensed to: Facilities Protection Systems Inc. air leaks in Building, Location C-1992AXISFINANCIAL 2774 GATEWEAYRD, CARLSBAD, CA Company, Contact AXIS FINANCIAL IPINNACLE RECOVERY, KEVINALEXEN (PM) JOHNSON & JEW Room name 1STFLOOR SERVER ROOM Test number 1 Calibration Certificate # 5537 Certificate created 2010/01/14 agent leaks out 100 U- C) (5 (5 (5 10-- 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Room Pressure (Pa) -o- Total leakage, depressurizing - Total leakage, average -.- Total leakage, pressurizing Pnted on: 2011101/2607:40 Page 3 One Year Calibration Certificate Certificate # 5537 System Model # Q5Ex2 System Owned By Facilities Protection Systems Inc. Console # For CA2001 ver 2.0 license # Equipment Calibrated by Retrotec Inc Good for one year date: 2010/06/23 expires: 2011/06/23 This certificate complies with calibration requirements of NFPA 2001 Appendix C, year 2000 edition and ISO 14520. Completed by Retrotec Inc, 2200 Queen Street, Bellingham, WA, USA 98226-4766 DM-2 Mkll This gauge used for All Readings serial # 099271A to correct mult by & add gauge CR MRC error Pa 0.00- 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 - 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 - 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DM-2 Mktl This gauge used for All Readings serial # 099271B to correct mult by & add gauge CR MRC error Pa 0.00 - 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 - 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 - 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DM-2 Mktl This gauge used for All Readings serial # 202255A to correct mult by & add gauge CR MRC error Pa 0.00 - 1,250.00 1.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DM-2 Mkll This gauge used for All Readings serial # 202255B to correct mult by & add gauge CR MRC error Pa 0.00- 1,250.00 1 1.00 0.00 10.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 CR is the Corrected Room pressure. CR = "gauge" reading X "mutt by" factor + "& add" factor. CF is the Corrected Flow pressure derived the same way. The corrected readings are compared to the TRUE reading from our Master Reference Calibration (MRC) gauge and the resulting error shown in Pascals. Maximum allowable error is +1- 1 Pa from 0 to 50 Pa and +1- 5 Pa over 50 Pa. Five Year Calibration Certificate Certificate #15537 System Model # Q5Ex2 System Owned By Facilities Protection Systems Inc. Console # For CA2001 ver 2.0 license # Equipment Calibrated by Retrotec Inc Good for five years date: 2010/07/14 expires: 2015/07/14 This certificate complies with calibration requirements of NFPA 2001 Appendix C, year 2000 edition and ISO 14520. Completed by Retrotec Inc, 2200 Queen Street, Bellingham, WA, USA 98226-4766 CALIBRATION EQUATIONS WITH CALCULATION EXAMPLES: blower #1 serial #>> 096621 L blower #1 serial #>> PH096613 blower range N K KI K2 K3 K4 MF CR FF cfm m3 / sec #1 22 0.5214 486.9900 -0.070 0.800 -0.115 1.067 8.6 #1 22 0.5214 486.9900 -0.070 0.800 -0.115 1.067 8.6 #1 A 0.5030 259.0380 -0.075 1.000 0.000 1.023 12.0 #1 A 0.5030 259.0380 -0.075 1.000 0.000 1.023 12.0 #1 B 0.5000 174.8820 0.000 0.300 0.000 1.000 10.0 #1 B 0.5000 174.8820 0.000 0.300 0.000 1.000 10.0 #1 C8 0.5000 78.5000 -0.020 0.500 0.016 1.000 10.0 #1 C8 0.5000 78.5000 -0.020 0.500 0.016 1.000 10.0 #1 C4 0.5140 39.3000 0.080 0.500 0.001 1.000 10.0 #1 C4 0.5140 39.3000 0.080 0.500 0.001 1.000 10.0 #1 C2 0.5500 20.0000 0.139 0.500 -0.003 1.000 10.0 #1 C2 0.5500 20.0000 0.139 0.500 -0.003 1.000 10.0 #1 Cl 0.5410 11.9239 0.122 0.400 0.000 1.000 10.0 #1 Cl 0.5410 11.9239 0.122 0.400 0.000 1.000 10.0 BLOWER TEST RESULTS: error Holes [_cm2 blowerl range cm2 % cm2 This calibration certificate compares the calibration holes in the Retrotec test chamber with the tested blowers measurement of those holes. The left hand column shows the area of holes open in the Retrotec flow chamber. To the right is the comparable Retrotec Door Fan result using the above referenced CA200I software license. Maximum allowable error is +1- 5%. This calibration includes both gauge and blower error combined. CR and CF come from the One Year Certificate. For Flow Towards the operator, CF must be reduced by CR before calculating flow to yield FE, the symbol for the Final Flow pressure. For Flow Away from the operator CFFF. FE must be >=MF and (CR * K2) otherwise flow pressure is too low for accurate results Flow in cfm = (EFCR*K1)-N*(K+K3*FE)*K4 For m3/sec, divide by 2118.882. Technician: Bruce Clark Certified to Level: 3- Double fan NFPA room test Yes Level I - Fire enclosure design basics for improving agent retention and passive protection Yes Level 2 - adds single door fan operation and NFPA clean agent retention time calculations Yes Level 3 - adds double door fan operation for Lower Leak measurement No Level 4 - adds multi-point ISO door fan operation and discharge pressure relief vent /oOO7 HFC-125 CLEAN AGENT DETECTION & CONTROL SYSTEM ENGINEERING SUBMITTAL PINI\IACLE RECOVERY S 0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Q277 74Le/7 At- 11-23-10 PROVIDED BY: ~OJ F P S Specialists in Fire Systems 1150 W. Central Ave Suite "D, Brea, CA 92821 T: 714-257-2244 www.fpsys.com r1m I Vood-7 210 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL . FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-0900:0135 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7165 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL) LISTEE: FIKE PROTECTION SYSTEMS, 704 S. 10th St., Blue Springs, MO 64105 Contact: Brent Mllka (816) 229-3405 Fax (816) 229-5082 Email: brent.mlika@fike.com DESIGN: Model SHP PRO 10-2452 control unit with releasing device service. Includes main controller, transformer, and enclosure. Local, remote, and central station service. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: 10-2452; Main Controller 10-2450; Class A Input Module 10-2448; Class A Output Module 10-2204; CRM4 Relay Module 10-2453-R(G); Enclosure RATING: INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listees name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as a fire alarm control unit for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. This control unit does not generate a temporal pattern signal. If the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition is required, the control unit must be used with appliances that can generate the temporal pattern signal. This control unit meets the requirements of UL-864, 9th Edition Standard. NOTE: For Fire Alarm Verification Feature (delay of fire alarm signal), the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart period shall not exceed 30 seconds. 08-20-2004 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division APPROVALS UL S2203 FM 3017159 CSFM 1765-0900:135 SHP PRO DESCRIPTION The Fike SHP PRO®, (P/N 10-063) is a Conventional Control system designed to provide a sophisticated, reliable conventional detection system for use with clean agent extinguishing, sprinkler pre-action/deluge, watermist, waterflow alarm and fire alarm systems. It is a microprocessor based system which can be easily configured for a wide range of suppression applications. The SHP PRO is designed for use with Fike Clean Agent Fire Suppressant, CO2, or sprinkler (pre-action/deluge) suppression systems. The main controller contains all electronics required for a complete detection and control system suitable for most applications. Optional modules, which plug into the main circuit board, are available to add increased functionality to the system. The SHP PRO provides 10 Status LEDs (AC Normal, Alarm, PreDischarge, Release, Supervisory, Trouble, Panel Silenced, Abort, Release Disabled, Ground Fault) for instant feedback. A diagnostic LED display is provided to help trouble shoot any, potential field problems, provide current status and retain stored events A Reset and Silence switch is provided to allow control of the system outputs and operation. The SHP PRO can be configured for either one or two conventional detection • fEA 46104E circuits. The detection circuits can be configured for sequential detection, cross zone or single detector release. Depending on the configuration selected, the SHP PRO also provides up to three initiating circuits to monitor contact devices (Abort, Manual Release, Waterfiow or Supervisory switches). Four different abort types are available including a special NYC option. All five initiating circuits can be converted to Class A operation via the SHP PRO Class A Input Module, P/N 10-2450. All SHP PRO initiating circuits are inherently power limited. A twelve position dip switch is used to set all options. Three notification appliance circuits, rated for 2 amps @ 24 VDC are available. Depending on the configuration, each circuit will provide distinct signaling for Alarm, PreDischarge, or Release conditions. Separate Agent Release and Solenoid circuits are provided to operate the suppression system. A dedicated Disable switch is provided for release and audible outputs. All output circuits, including solenoid and agent release circuits, are power limited. The SHP PRO provides dedicated alarm, trouble and supervisory SPDT contacts for annunciation and control. If additional outputs are required, up to two CRM4 Relay Modules can be added. (P/N 10-2204) The SHP PRO is available in multiple hardware configurations, depending on the input power source (120 or 240 VAC), enclosure color (Gray or Red), and mode of operation (Clean Agent, Clean Agent/Sprinkler, Sprinkler, Watermist, Solenoid Releasing). The system comes equipped with a 4.0 amp @ 24 VDC power source. The system has been designed to comply with the following standards: NFPA 12 Carbon Dioxide NFPA 12A Halon 1301 Extinguishing Systems NFPA 13 Installation of Sprinkler Systems NFPA 15 Water Spray Fixed Systems NFPA 16 Deluge, Foam-water and Foam-spray Systems * NFPA 70 National Electric Code NFPA 72 Installation, Maintenance and Use of Protective Signaling Systems NFPA 2001 Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems Form No. D.1.07.01-6 704 S. 10th Street P.O. Box 610 Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. . (816) 229-3405 . (816) 229-4615 www.fike.com S S FEATURES Suitable for multiple types of Suppression: Clean Agent, Carbon Dioxide, Pre-Action Sprinkler/Deluge, and Watermist Systems Microprocessor based with hardware and software rntegrarion designed to guiirantee reliability Cross zone, sequential manual release, abort, water flow and supervisory detection types Three Class B, Style Y notification appliance circuits rated for 2.0 amps @ 24VDC Dedicated release circuits compatible with agent release or solenoid actuation Five Class B, Style B initiating circuits Optional Class A modules for notification appliances /releasing circuits and initiating circuits Alpha-numeric LED display for status and troubleshooting Programmable pre-discharge and discharge timers Resettable and continuous auxiliary output power Integral 4.0 amp power supply Small surface or flush mount enclosure with removable door Approved for releasing device service and sprinkler supervisory Built-in Gentex and System Sensor synch protocol Steel enclosure 21" x 14.35" x 4" Enclosure equipped with .50" wide lip for flush mounting SHP PROTM WIRING DIAGRAM COMPONENTS 10-063-X-X-X 10-063-X-X-X ABC - A: 1-Clean Agent/All Modes S 2-Sprinkler only M B: — @ 10-2452-1 PCB sy, SHP PRO Clean Agent, 11 Modes -J E 10-2452-2 PCB Asy, SHP PRO I n pnklei Only 0 FL / 102450 Class AInput Module . u-u • 10-2448 Class A Output Module 10-2204 CRM4 Relay Module NI - J Lj 0 '' I ' ----- • 10-2190-1 Battery Assembly I (Qty 2), 7kH w/ wiring assembly fl M I [-!.. • 10-2190-2 Battery Assembly L____J © (Qt,-v. 2), 18AH,w/ wiring assembly IiIIa]Ielø!IaliI I C) 0 , kO Copyright © Fike Corporation All Rights Reserved. Form No. D.1 .07.01-6 May, 2009 Specifications are subject to change without notice. FIKE APPENDIX I APPENDIX I BATTERY CALCULATIONS The SHP Pro is designed for use with batteries up to 40 AH in capacity. Each battery pack contains two 12V batteries which can be installed in the SHP Pro enclosure. Battery back-up duration must be extended for sprinkler supervisory systems. Minimum battery capacity must exceed (by more than 10%) normal operation power followed by alarm operation power for these durations: Operation Type Normal Operation Alarm Operation Local & Sprinkler Supervisory 90 hours (FM only) 5 minutes Remote Station 60 hours 5 minutes Local Operation Only 24 hours 5 minutes Each battery pack's maximum current consumption for normal operation is: ---Max Normal Operation Current--- Battery Pack Description 24 hour back-up 90 hour back-up (FM Only) 10-2190-1 7 Amp-Hour Battery Pack 0.260 A Not applicable 10-2190-2 18 Amp-Hour Battery Pack 0.590 A 0.171 A Battery 023468* 12V, 33 Amp-Hour Battery 1.106 A 0.295 A A02-0252" 12V, 40 Amp-Hour Battery 1.346 A 0.359 A NOTE: SHP Pro requires 2 12V batteries for operation. "Total normal current" and "total alarm current" can each be calculated as the sum of: SHP Pro controller current CRM4 current for relays activated while in alarm Output current to activated indicating devices. Auxiliary current from Aux Power Out circuit. M6iuhtCon sum ption Q_0_13510 iE~ O.TO—OAmps 0.000 Amps = (total normal current 60, or 90 hours (FM Only)]. 0.000 Amps &iV e) (0.0 0 ach relay wh = (total alarm current) X (0.0833 hours). The selected battery capacity must exceed the sum of the Normal and Alarm power plus a 20% battery power derating safety margin to ensure adequate system voltages are maintained. If using an uninterruptable power supply that supplies power in excess of the above time durations; NFPA 72 allows lesser amounts of system internal battery capacity. NOTE: The SHP Pro 0.135 Amp current includes power to activate the normally energized trouble relay and power for the maximum number of two wire detectors. The CRM4's 0.010 Amps alarm current per relay is for the activated relays. A battery calculation form that illustrates a typical battery calculation example is shown in following pages S UL S2203 SHP PRO Product Manual Page 61 of 68 FM 3017159 Manual PIN: 06-297 Rev. 3, 11/08 S S Module Type: 10-2452 Controller 10-2450 Class-A Module 10-2448 Class-A Module 10-2204 CRM4 Module Normal operation power (in Amp-Hours) Alarm operation power CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL . FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-1653:0122 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7272 -- PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTOR LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc., 3825 Ohio Ave,, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Trish Linhart (630) 377-6580 Ext: 1185 Email: trish.linhart@systemsensor.com DESIGN: Model 2100, 2100T, 2112TL, 2112/24, 2112/24B, 2112/24D, 2112/24T, 2112/24TB, 2112/24TD, 2112/24TSR, 2112/24TSRB, 2100D, 2100TD, 2151 and *2151T photoelectric smoke detectors. Models 2100, 2100T, 2100D, 2100TD, 2151 and *2151T are 2-wire and Models 2112TL, 2112/24D, 2112/24TD, 2112/24, 2112/24B, 2112/24T, 2112/24TB, 2112/24TSR and 2112/24TSRB are 4-wire. Model with suffix -T employs a 1350 fixed temperature supplemental thermistor type heat sensor. This thermal circuitry is NOT approved for use in lieu of required heat detectors. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical: 8.5 to 32 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions and applicable codes and ordinances. Suitable in open areas with air velocities between 0-3000 ft/mm. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric smoke detectors when used in conjunction with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units and bases. For wall and ceiling mount. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: 1. Model 2151and *2151T is. also suitable for use inside ducts when used with listed Models B114LP and BII4LPBT (7300-1653:109) detector bases. 2. Formerly 7272-1209:159 *Rev 03-13-2006 jw This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an / endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Product Overview Sleek, low-profile design System Sensor 100 Series Plug-in Smoke Detectors offer superb performance and reli- Compatible with 400 Series product ability in a profile which is just 2" (5.1 cm) deep. Model 2151 (photoelectric sensor) and model 21511 (photoelectric sensor with thermal) can be used with a variety of Two LEDs blink in standby, providing differen: adapter bases in several wiring configurations and voltages Other features 360 visibility include: low current draw, stable performance in high air velocities, built-in tamper Broad range of adapter bases available resistart base design, remote LED option, removable cover, and built-in test switch. with built-in shorting spring The 100 Series is designed to meet the performance criteria designated by UL. Hand-held sensitivity reader available Its sensing chambers are sealed against back pressure air flow, dirt, and insects. This cbamber is protected by a fine mesh screen which can he cleaned or replaced. Additional key features include a variety of mounting bases and a full line of accessories. All 100 Series photoelectric smoke detectors contain a unique optical sensing chamber designed to sense smoke particles produced by a wide range of com- bustion sources. A custom integrated circuit incorporates signal processing to reduce false alarms. Model 2151 photoelectric detector's unique optical sensing chamber is engi- neered to sense smoke by a wide range of combustion sources. Dual electronic thermistors add 135'F fixed temperature thermal sensing on model 21511. LISTED S911 7272-1653:122 CS308 MEA MSFM approved APPROVED approved 205-94-E 0X5A4.AY 1973 Specifications - Opera ,. /olta 'Alarm Current See dapter Base SVection Guide following S ndby Current 8 pA Standby Seas 1ë%/ft. Height 2.0 in B401 Diameter 4.1" installed in B401 6.2" installed in B11OLP Shipping Weight 5.2 oz Adapter Base Selection Guide Construction Flame retardant thermoplastic Temperature Photo: 32°F to 120°F (0° to 49°C) Photo/thermal: 32°F to 100°F (0° to 38°C) UL Listed Velocity Range Photo: 0-3000 fpm (0-15.2 m/s) Humidity Range 10% - 93% RH non-condensing Smoke Detector Spacing On smooth ceilings (as defined in NFPA 72), spacing of 30 feet (900 sq. ft.) may be used as a guide. Other spacing may be used depending on ceiling height, high air movements, and other conditions or response requirements. Base Model Number Loot.) Type Curreni: Limit Resistor Contact Type Nominal Voltage Current Draw on 11am', (mn. A) 811OLP/B401t 2.wire* No - I 12/24VDC B110RLP/B4O1Rf/B401BRt 2.wire* Yes - 24VDC 10-62 B112LP/B402t 4-wire Yes Form A&C 24VDC 17-36 B114LP/B404t 4-wire Yes Form A&C + A Supervisory 120VAC 75 mA AC Max B116LP/B406t 2-wire* No Form C 24VDC 20-100° B401t - 2,wire* No - 12/24VDC 10_130** *Functionality contingent on panel compatibility **Must be limited by control panel tFlangeless base Relay Contact Ratings: Resistive or Inductive (60% power factor) load. Form A: 2.OA at 30 VAC/DC Form C: 0.6A at 11OVOC. 2.OA at 30VDC 1.OA at 1.25VAC, 2.OA at 30VAC Junction Box Selection Guide* Base Model Number Single Gang 3W' Octagon 4" Octagon 4" Square 50 mm 60 mm 75 mm B401 NO NO NO NO 1 YES YES NO B11OLP/RLP YES YES YES YES NO NO NO B112LP/B1161_P YES YES YES YES YES YES YES B114LP NO NO YES YES NO NO NO *Box depth contingent on base and wire size. Refer to National Electrical Code or local applicable codes for appropriate recommendations. Ordering Information Part No. Description 2151 Low-profile photoelectric detector. Must be mounted to one of the 2151T Low-profile photoelectric detector with thermal. Must be mounted 8100 Series or B400 Series bases listed in the Adapter Base to one of the 8100 Series or B400 Series bases listed in the Selection Guide. Adapter Base Selection Guide. Accessories F110 Retrofit replacement flange for B400 Series flanged bases. RA400Z Remote annunciator for 2 or 4 wire systems, 3-32V. Fits stan- dard single gang electrical box. B401BH-2 Sounder base. Requires an external 24 VDC power supply. Mounts to 4" square electrical box (15" minimum depth, 25" recommend- ed). SENS-RDR Hand-held sensitivity reader. SMK400 Surface mounting kit provides for entry of surface wiring con- duit. For use with B401 or B40IR mounting bases only. EOLR-1 End of line relay for power supervision, 12/24 VDC systems. M02-04-0I Test magnet. M02-09-00 Test magnet with 32" telescoping handle. XR-2B Detector removal tool. Allows installation and/or removal of 100 Series detector heads from base in high ceiling installations when used with XP-4. System Sensor Sales and Service XP-4 Extension pole for XR-213. Comes in three 5 ft. sections. C58.227-01 Replacement dust cover for 100 Series smoke detectors. RMK400 Recessed mounting kit (13401 sold separately). SENS-RDR Sensitivity Test Rea/ Sensor Headquarters System Sensor Canada System Sensor in China System Sensor - Far East System Sensor - India • System 3825 Ohio Avenue Ph: 905.812.0767 Ph: 86.29.8832.0119 Ph: Ph: x.2700 St. Charles, IL 60174 Es: 905.812.0771 Fx: 86.29.8832.5119 Es: 85.22.736.6580 Fx: 91,124,237.3118 Ph: 800/SENSOR2 System Sensor Europe System Sensor in Singapore System Sensor - Australia System Sensor - Russia Fx: 630/377-6495 Ph: 44.1403.891920 Ph: 65.6273.2230 Ph: 613.54.281.142 Ph: 70.95.937.7982 www.systemsensor.com Fx: 44.1403.891921 Fx: 65.6273.2610 Fx: 613.54.281,172 Ps: 70.95.937.7983 © 2006 System Sensor. The company reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. A05.0182-009.1/06.#1589 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION - OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL S FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: INSTALLATION MARKING: APPROVAL: NOTE: 7300-1653:0109 Page 1 of 1 7300-- MISC. DEVICE/CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl Inc., 3825 Ohio Ave,, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Irish Linhart (630) 377-6580 Ext: 1185 Email: trish.linhart@systemsensor.com Models B401, B401 B, B401 R, B401 BR, B401 BR-750, B401 R-750, 1340213, 1340413, B404BT, 1340613, B501, B501 B, 14506587-002, B501BH, B501 BHT, B401 13H, B110LP, 13110RLP, B1IORLP750, 131 121-P, 13I141-13, B114LPBT, B116LP and B21OLP detector bases. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, product designation and UL label. Listed as detector bases for use with separately listed compatible detectors. Formerly 7300-1209:128 S 06-17-05 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed \ the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. 5 Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS f, 7~ SYSTEM '' BIIORLP Plug-in Detector Base 4 cAIcnR For use with the following smoke detectors: In US: 1151, 2151 3825 Ohio Avenue In Canada: 1151A, 2151A St. Charles, Illinois 60174 1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495 In Europe: liSlE, 2151E Specifications Base Diameter: 6.2 inches (157 mm) Base Height: 0.95 inches (24 mm) Weight: 0.3 lb. (130 g) Mounting: 4-inch square box with or without plaster ring. Min. Depth-1.5 inches 4-inch octagon box. Min. Depth-1.5 inches 3-1/2 inch octagon box. Min. Depth-1.5 inches Operating Temperature Range: 00 to +49°C (320 to 120°F) Operating Humidity Range: 10% to 93% Relative Humidity Electrical Ratings - includes base and detector System Voltage: 24 VDC Maximum Ripple Voltage: 4 Volts peak to peak Start-up Capacitance: 0.02 jiF Maximum Standby Ratings: 17 VDC Minimum; 32 VDC Maximum 120 jiA Maximum Alarm Ratings: 10 mA Minimum at 10.5 VDC; 62 mA Maximum at 32 VDC (If used, the RA400 remote lamp operates within specified detector alarm currents.) Maximum Alarm Impedance: 1050Q Minimum Alarm Impedance: 516Q Reset Voltage: 2.50 VDC Minimum Reset Time: 0.3 Seconds Maximum Start-up Time: 34.0 Seconds Maximum S Before Installing Please thoroughly read the System Sensor manual 156-407, Guide for Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors, which pro- vides detailed information on detector spacing, placement, zoning, wiring, and special applications. Copies of this manual are available at no charge from System Sensor. (For installations in Canada, please refer to CAN4-S524, Standard for the Installation of Fire Alarm. Systems, and CEC Part 1, Sec. 32.) NOTICE: This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equipment. IMPORTANT: The detector used with this base must be tested and maintained regularly following NFPA 72 require- ments. The detector used with this base should be cleaned at least once a year. General Description The B110RLP plug-in detector base is used with System Sensor model 1151 and 1151 ionization detector heads and model 2151 and 2151A photoelectronic detector heads. The capability of plugging these detectors into a variety of spe- cial bases makes them more versatile than equivalent direct-wired models. Refer to the System Sensor catalog for other available plug-in detector bases. This base is intended for use in 2-wire systems, with screw terminals provided for power, ground, and remote annun- ciator connections. The base also contains a resistor to pro- vide current limiting in the alarm state. D150-04-00 1 • 156-596-03R S t SCREWS (NOT SUPPLIED) SHORTIN SPRING DETECTOR BASE BOX (NOT SUPPLIED) A78-ll?5-01 Mounting • This detector base mounts directly to 3-1/2- inch and 4- inch octagon boxes, and 4-inch square boxes (with or with- out plaster rings). To mount, remove decorative ring by turning it in either direction to unhook the snaps, then sep- arate the ring from the base. install the base to the box using the screws supplied with the junction box and the appropriate mounting slots in the base. Place decorative ring onto base, then turn in either direction until the ring snaps in place (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Mounting base to box: SNAP ON DECORATIVE RING Installation Guidelines All wiring must be installed in compliance with the National Electrical Code and the local codes having juris- diction. Proper wire gauges should be used. The conduc- tors used to connect smoke detectors to control panels and accessory devices should be color-coded to reduce the like- lihood of wiring errors. improper connections can prevent a system from responding properly in the event of a fire. For signal wiring (the wiring between interconnected detectors), it is recommended that the wire be no smaller than 18 gauge (1.0 square mm). Wire sizes up to 12 gauge wire (2.5 square mm) may be used with the base. For best system performance, the power (+) and (-) loop wires should be twisted pair and installed in separate grounded conduit to protect the loop from extraneous electrical inter- ference. Smoke detectors and alarm system control panels have specifications for allowable loop resistance. Consult the control panel manufacturer's specifications for the total loop resistance allowed for the particular model control panel being used before wiring the detector loops. I AcAUTION For system supervision - For terminals 2, 3, and 5 do not use looped wire under terminals. Break wire run to provide system supervision of connections. Wire connections are made by simply stripping insulation from the end of the wire, sliding the bare end of the wire under the clamping plate, and tightening the clamping plate screw. Use the strip gauge molded into the base for ease of wiring to terminals 1 through 5. System Sensor smoke detectors and mounting bases are marked with a compatibility identifier located as the last digit of a five digit code stamped on the back of the prod- uct. Connect detectors/mounting bases only to compatible control units as indicated in System Sensor's compatibility • chart which contains a current list of UL listed control units and detector head/base combinations. A copy of this list is available from System Sensor upon request. The zone wiring of the detector base should be checked before the detector heads are installed in them. To make this possible, this base contains a special spring-type short- ing jumper. After a detector base is properly wired and mounted on an electrical box, make sure that the jumper spring is in contact with the base of Terminal 3. This tem- porary connection shorts the negative-in and negative-out leads and permits the wiring of the loop to be checked for continuity. D150-04-00 - 2 I56596-O3R PLASTIC LEVER C A78-1175-03 BREAK TAB AT DOTTED LINE BY TWISTING TOWARD OF BASE. USE SMALL-BLADED SCREWDRIVER TO PUSH PLASTIC LEVER IN DIRECTION OF ARROW. 1J11 Figure 2. Typical wiring diagram for 2-wire detector systems: C ffREPEA:TER :PANEL E 0 L A7Sl175-O + OPTIONAL FAULT TOLERANT WIRING S Once all the detector bases have been wired and mounted, and the loop wiring has been checked, the detector heads may be installed in the bases. The shorting spring in the base will disengage automatically when the detector head is removed from the base. DO NOT remove the shorting spring since it reengages as the detector head is turned into the base, completing the circuit. Tamper-resistance Feature NOTE: Do not use the tamper-resistance feature if the XR2 To make the detector tamper-resistant, use needle-nose pli- ers to break the smaller tab at the scribed line on the tamp- er- resistance tab. Figure 3A shows the location of this tab on the detector mounting bracket. To remove a detector from the bracket after it has been made tamper resistant, use a small screwdriver or other similar tool, to depress the tamper-resistance tab in the slot on the mounting bracket, and rotate the detector counter- clockwise (see Figure 3B). removal tool is to be used. NOTE: The decorative ring must be removed before the smoke detector can be detached from the base The tamper-resistant tab, in the detector mounting bracket, after the tamper-resistant capability is enabled. can make the detector tamper-resistant by making it neces- sary to use a small screwdriver or similar tool to detach the detector from the bracket. Figure 3A. Activating the tamper-resistance feature: Figure 3B Removing detector head from base: 0150-04-00 3 I56-596-03R S S Please refer to insert for the Limitations of Fire Alarm Systems Three-Year Limited Warranty System Sensor warrants its enclosed smoke detector base to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of three years from date of manufacture. System Sensor makes no other express warranty for this smoke detector base. No agent, represen- tative, dealer, or employee of the Company has the authority to increase or alter the obligations or limitations of this Warranty. The Company's obligation of this Warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of any part of the smoke detector base which is found to he defective in S materials or workmanship under normal use and service during the three year period commencing with the date of manufacture. After phoning System Sensor's toll free number 800-SENSOR2 (736-7672) for a Return Authorization number, send defective units postage prepaid to: System Sensor, Repair Department, RA a , 3825 Ohio Avenue, St. D150-04-00 Charles, IL 60174. Please include a note describing the malfunction and suspected cause of failure. The Company shall not be obligated to repair or replace units which are found to be defective because of damage, unreasonable use, modifications, or alterations occurring after the date of manufacture. In no case shall the Company be liable for any consequen- tial or incidental damages for breach of this or any other Warranty, expressed or implied whatsoever, even if the loss or damage is caused by the Company's negligence or fault. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limita- tion or exclusion may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. I56-596-03R © 2001 System Sensor CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL S FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 6760-0900:0103 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 6760 -- ELECTRICAL SWITCHES LISTEE: FIKE PROTECTION SYSTEMS, 704 S. 10th St., Blue Springs, MO 64105 Contact: Brent Mlika (816) 229-3405 Fax (816) 229-5082 Email: brent.mlika@fike.com DESIGN: Models 10-1638 thru 10-1641, 0-1643 hru 10-1652, 20-040 and 20-046 auxiliary switches for various function (manual rel ase, a rt, main reserve, reset with or without timer assembly for releasing agent co . fer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listees name, model number and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as electrical switches. Rev. 04-18-2005 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed \ the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division 10-1646 System Abort/Main Reserve 104647 System Abort/Remote Reset 10-1648 Main Reserve/Remote Reset S DESCRIPTION The Manual Release Switch is a dual actuation device which provides a means of manually discharging the automatic fire extinguishing system when used in conjunction with the Fike control panel. The System Abort Switch is designed to be used in conjunction with other system equipment. It provides a temporary manual means by which the agent actuation circuit may be interrupted before automatic actuation occurs. The "Main" to "Reserve" switch is used with systems that incorporate main and reserve (back-up) agent storage. The switch may utilize I or 2 Form "C" contact blocks which will provide an electrical path to either the "Main" or "Reserve" release device(s). The Keyed Remote Reset Switch provides a method for resetting the Control Panel from a remote location. These combination controls mount on a standard 4 gang masonry electrical box measuring 7-3/8" (187.3mm) wide x 3-3/4" (95.3mm) high x 2-3/8" (60.3mm) deep. (Fike P/N 02-2123) : 10-1645 Manual Release/Remote Reset > 10-1643 Manual Release/System Abort 10-1644 Manual Release/Main Reserve S APPROVALS UL Listed ULC Listed FM Approved CSFM Approved BSA - 610-79-SA Form No. P.1.73.01-1 704 S. 10th Street P.O. Box 610 Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. . (816) 229-3405 . (816) 2294615 www.fike.com F*OR P kOR A, T 100 N MAINTENANCE BY-PASS SWITCH DESCRIPTION The gem-main is a switch, which disconnects actuation circuits of a clean agent fire suppression systems to prevent accidental discharge during maintenance operations. OPERATION Two LED's indicate ' System Armed" and "System Inactive". When the key is inserted and turned, the "System Inactive' indicator lights. The key can only be removed in the "System Armed" position. TECHNICAL The information is silk-screened on a two-gang steel plate. The switch mounts to a two-gang compatible box assembly or two-gang plaster ring. Retrofit boxes are not compatible. Switch is typically powered by the suppression control unit 24 VDC source. C a e MAINTENANCE SWITCH SYSTEM SYSTEM ARMED INACTIVE 0~ FACILITIES PROTECTION SYSTEMS TEL: 714) 257-2244 a e Contact rating: 24vdc 15a @ 30VDC 1 O 250VAC, 15A 125-250VAC Power Consuption: 20mA ORDERING INFORMATION P/N DESCRIPTION GEM-MAINT Clean agent maintenance by-pass switch. 11 S CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1004:0101 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY; 7300 --MISC. DEVICE/CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES LISTEE: AIR PRODUCTS AND CONTROLS INC, 1749 E HIGHWOOD, PONTIAC, MI 48340 Contact: Richard Steele (248) 332-3900 Fax (248) 332-8807 Email: rsteele@ap-c.com DESIGN: Models MR-101/C, MR-104/C, R-2011 , MR-201/CX, MR-204/C, MR-204/CX, PAM-1, PAM-2, PAM-2X, PAM-3, PAM P D, RIC-1, RIC-2, *RIC3 *RIC.4 *MRRIC301 *MRRIC305 *MRRlC401 and *MRRIC. 405 relay modules. Models MR-101/C, -201/C and -201/CX may employ suffix -R or -S. *The MR-RIC series relay modules will employ /T, /C, or /C/R suffixes. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instruction, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as relay modules for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. NOTE: S *Rev. 03-01-2006 jw This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed '\ the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. S Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division AIR PRODUCTS._- AND CONTROLS i S / )'m/in Control MR-100, 200 SERIES MULTI-VOLTAGE CONTROL RELAYS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The MR Series Multivoltage Control Relays offer SPDT or DPDT 10 Amp resistive - contacts which may be operated by one of four input control voltages. A single ' relay may be energized from a voltage source of 24VDC, 24VAC, I 2OVAC or . - - -. 230VAC by wiring to appropriate input terminals. - Each relay position contains a red LED which indicates the relay coil is energized. Relays may be "snapped apart" from a standard 4 module assembly and used independently. These Devices are Ideal for applications where local contacts are required for system status, remote - contacts for control of electrical loads and general purpose switching.They are suitable for - use with HVAC, Temperature Control, Fire Alarm, Security, Energy Management and Lighting Control Systems. FEATURES :• Relays may be energized from a voltage source of 18 to 35VDC orVAC, 120VACor230VAC Each relay position contains a red LED, which illuminates when the coil is - energized.This provides a time saving device when checking an installed - system - no metering is required - Single, dual or triple relay modules may be "snapped apart" from standard 4-position master : DC control inputs are polarized S + For continuous duty use at 24VAC,24VDC or I20VAC (NOTE: Not intended for continuous duty use @ 230VAC) C us :• Available in dust resistant enclosures with LED viewing port(s) LISTED + IC versions mounted in enclosures CSFM LISTED + /C/R versions with red covers for NYC and other uses IT versions come complete with track mounting hardware which facilitates MEA ACCEPTED installation in standard cabinets UL recognized relays rated at 10,000,000 mechanical operations COMPONENT UL listed as Control Unit Accessory WIRING SPOT CONTACTS (TYPICAL FOR ONE 7AIEJ28VDC, 10A (NO: 1I6HP, NC: 118HP) © 120 VAC, 7A @ 230 VAC MODULE POSITION) I I 0 NC C_N001 I ' MR-1O1 RELAY ENERGIZED- I LIII LED I Em CONTROL 0 10124 115 2300 VOLTAGES I I 24)18.35)VDC@1BMA )--) 24)18.35)VAC @1 8.A -5. &C. A.C. -+ )+) I20VAC@18mA -0- N H 230VAC@18mA -0. L2 Air Products and Controls Inc. S 1749 E. Highwood A Pontiac, Ml 48340 HALMA (248) 332-3900 Phone (888) 332-2241 To// free GROUP (248) 332-8807 Fax COMPANY www.ap-c.com DPDT CONTACTS 7A©28VDC, 10A (NO: 116HP, NC: 11BHP) @ I20VAC,_7A@230VAC ,711111b, ONC CNONC C NOS1 ilL[1L]Ii MR-201 RELAY I I ENERGIZED-... I I LED 10 I I I ETh INPUT CONTROL 1 0 10124115 2300 VOLTAGES I I_I_I 24)18.35)VDC @40mA -0 (-)_(+) 24)1 B-35) VAC @40mA -p 0C. A.C. I20VAC@40mA -5. N H 230VAC@40mA -0- L2 LI L)istrlbutecl PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS rrwr'L, M('I ri IP UL* M.A (SM ' MODEL MODULE CONFIGURATION MOUNTED MOUNTED COVER FILE I FILE FILE NUMBER: jPOSITIONS PER POSITION HXWXD HXWXD MATERIAL S3403 73-92-E 7300-1004 3.25' (82mm) MR-1 01/T 1 SPDT 2.125" (54mm) UOXX2 :106 1.50 (38mm) Grey MR-10I/C 1 SPDT 5.125" (130mm) ABS-94V0 UOXX Vol. 14 3.125" (79mm) 2.50" (63mm) Plastic UOXX2 RedUOXX7 :101 ________ MR-I Ol/CIR 1 SPDT ABS-94V0 Vol. 22 Plastic 3.25" (82mm) MR-I04IT 4 SPDT 8.50" (215mm) UOXX2 :106 1.50" (38mm) Plated MR-1 04/C 4 SPDT 5.125" (130mm) 18ga uoxx 9.50" (241mm) 2.50" (63mm) CRS 1 UOXX2 Red Vol. 14 :101 UOXX7 MR-i 04/dR 4 SPDT l8ga CRS 3.25" (82mm) MR-2011T 1 DPDT 2.125" (54mm) UOXX2 :106 1.50" (38mm) Grey MR-201/C 1 DPDT 5.125" (130mm) ABS-94V0 I UOXX Vol. 16 3.125" (79mm) 2.50" (63mm) Plastic UOXX2 __________ Red I UOXX7 _____ :101 MR-201ICIR 1 DPDT ABS-94V0 Vol. 22 j Plastic 3.25" (82mm) MR-2041T 4 DPDT 8.5" (215mm) UOXX2 :106 1.50" (38mm) j Plated MR-2041C 4 DPDT 5.125" (130mm) 18ga UOXX 9.50" (241 mm) 2.50" (63mm) CRS UOXX2 Red UOXX7 Vol. 16 :101 MR204/CIR 4 DPDT 18ga CRS COIL VOLTAGE: MR-100: 24(18-35)VDC, 24(18-35)VAC, 120VAC, 230VAC MR-200: 24(18-35)VDC, 24VAC, 120VAC, 230VAC (Pull in voltage: 75% of nominal max. @ 25°C; Drop out voltage: 25% of nominal mm. @ 25°C) POLARIZED: DC input only ENERGIZED LED INDICATOR: One per module position CURRENT REQUIREMENT: Per module position: MR-100 Series = 18mA/ MR-200 Series = 40mA CONTACT RATINGS: 7A @28VDC /10A (NO:1/6HP, NC:1/8HP) @ 120VAC / 7A @23OVAC CONTACT CONSTRUCTION: Dry Form "C" ENVIRONMENTAL: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) @ 85% RH (@32°F), Non-condensing, Non-freezing WIRING: Solid or stranded; #12to#22AWG terminals /T VERSIONS: 3.5" wide, low profile plastic snap track provided with mounting screws /C VERSIONS: 8ackbox: 18ga CRS, plated with 1/2" conduit knockouts top and bottom "UOXXControl Unit Accessories, System; 2=Component; 7=Certified for Canada NOTICE: The information contained in this document is intended only as a summary and is subject to change without notice. The products described have specific instructional/installation documentation, which covers various technical, approval, code, limitation and liability information. Copies of this documentation along with any gen- eral product warning and limitation documents, which also contain important information, are provided with the product and are also available from Air Products and Controls Inc. The information contained in all of these documents should be considered before specifying or using the products. Any example applications shown are subject to the most current enforced local/national codes, standards, approvals, certifications, and/or the authority having jurisdiction. All of these resources, as well as the specific manufacturer of any shown or mentioned related equipment, should be consulted prior to any implementation. For further information or assistance concerning the products, contact Air Products and Controls Inc. Air Products and Controls Inc. reserves the right to change any and all documentation without notice. ©Air Products and Controls Inc. 2005 DS-RL-2 C050115 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION MiN - OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL S FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7135-0569:0122 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7135 --AUDIBLE DEVICES LISTEE: GENTEX CORPORATION, 10985 Chicago Drive, Zeeland, Ml 49464 Contact: Keiffer Sestric (616) 932-7195 Fax (616) 932-4219 Email: keiffer.sestricgentex.com DESIGN: Model GEH24 horn and Models HS24-15, HS24-15/75, HS24-30, HS24-60, H524-75, HS24-110, GEC24-15, GEC24-15/75, GEC24-30, GEC24-60, GEC24-75, GEC24-110, GEC24-177, GCC24-C, GEC3-24 and WGEC1638-75 horn strobes. May be followed by -W (wall) and -W or -R (white or red) or-P plain. Models GCC24-C horn/strobe are ceiling mounted followed by -R (red), -W (white) or-P (plain). Refer to listee's data sheet for additional product description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical: 24 VDC Candela: 15cd, 15/75cd, 30cd, 60cd, 75cd, 110cd, 177cd. GCC24-C Ceiling: 15cd, 30cd, 75cd, 95cd 115cd (selectable) GEC3-24 Wall: 15cd, 30cd, 60cd, 75cd, 110cd (selectable) INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listees name, model number, electrical ratings and UL label. S APPROVAL: Listed as horn and horn/strobes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. For indoor use only. Model WGEC1638-75 is intended for outdoor use when used with Model GOE outdoor enclosure (CSFM Listing No. 7300-0569:124). Model WGEC1638-75 is intended for private mode signaling use only and not approved for hearing impaired application. *The audible in Models GEH24, GEC24, GEC3-24, and WGEC1638 may produce distinctive tones including: mechanical, 2400Hz and chime tones in continuous and temporal 3 settings as well as a whoop tone in either a high or low dBA setting. *The audible in Model HS24 may produce a horn piezo frequency of 3100Hz. Model GCC24 may produce distinctive tones including mechanical and 240011z. Both models are capable of continuous and temporal 3 settings. NOTE: Rev. 11-02-2007 TI This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL S FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7125-0569:0123 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7125 -- FIRE ALARM DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED LISTEE: GENTEX CORPORATION, 10985 Chicago Drive, Zeeland, MI 49464 Contact: Keiffer Sestric (616) 932-7195 Fax (616) 932-4219 Email: keiffer.sestric@gentex.com DESIGN: Models S124-15, S124-15/75, S124-30, ST24-60, ST24-75, ST24-110, GES24-15, GES24-15/75, GES24-30, GES24-60, GES24-75, GES24-1 10, GES24-177, and GES3-24 strobe lights; followed by suffix -W (wall mount), followed by -W or -R (white or red). Intended for indoor use and wall mount only. Model GCS-24 strobe light; followed by W or R (white or red color) and P (plain). For indoor use on wall or ceiling mount. *Model AVSM Sync Module intended for indoor use with Gentex synchronizable strobe lights. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Candela: 15cd, 15cd & 75cd at 00 angle axis 30cd, 60cd, 75cd, ll0cd, 177cd. Model GCS24: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd, 95cd and 115cd Model GES3-24: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 60cd, 75cd and 1 10c Electrical: 21-30 VDC *Model AVSM: 8-33 VDCNFWR Flash Rate: 60 flashes per minute INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical and candela ratings and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as strobe lights suitable for the hearing impaired for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. NOTE: *Rev. 02-03-04 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. S Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division SELECTABLE CANDELA EVACUATION SIGNALS S STANDARD FEATURES 24 VDC units have field selectable candela options of 15, 30, 60, 75, and 110 candela 12 VDC units have field selectable candela options of 15, 30, 60, and 75 candela The horn is available in 12 or 24 Volt Prewire Entire System, Then Install Your Signals Ease of Supervision Testing (SuperShde) Lower Installation and Operating Costs Input Terminals 12 to 18 AWG Switch Selection for High or Low dBA Switch for Chime, Whoop, Mechanical and 2400Hz Tone Switch for Continuous or Temporal 3 not available on whoop tone) Tamperproof Re-entrant Grill Surface Mount with the Surface Mount Box Synchronize Strobe and/or Horn by Using the ,WS Series Control Module Silence Horn While Strobes Remain Flashing Rugged Die Cast Metal Mounting Bracket True Evacuation Tone Wide Voltage Range 8-17.5 VDC (12 Volt Models) 16-33 VDC or FWR (24 Volt Models) Available in Red or Off-White APPLICATIONS The Fike Selectable Candela Evacuation Signals, manufactured by Gentex - Corporation, are low profile horn, strobe or horn/strobe combination that offer dependable audible and visual alarms and the lowest current available. The Fike Selectable Candela Evacuation Strobe Horn/Strobe 24VDC offers field selectable candela options of 15, 30, 60, 75, and 110 candela. The 12V-DC offers J selectable candela options of 15, 30, 60, and 75 candela. V Evacuation horn offers a continuous or synchable temporal 3 in 2400Hz and Strobe Horn/Strobe Horn mechanical tone, a chime as well as a whoop tone. A.11 tones are easy for the professtional to change in the field by using switches. The Horn Strobe is shipped from the factory on the temporal lower frequency mode and it comes standard with a rugged cast metal mounting plate. The Fike Selectable Candela Evacuation Signals have a minimal operation current and a minimum flash rate of 111z regardless of input voltage. Units also come standard with the 4' mounting plate which incorporates the popular SuperShde feature that allows you to easily test for supervision. Also included is a locking mechanism which secures the product to the bracket without any screws showing. Appliances are UL 464 and UL 1971, listed for use with fire protective systems and are warranted for three years from date of purchase. APPROVALS Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA 4.28.3) BFP (City of Chicago) BS+A/MEA #285-91-E CSFM7135-0569:122 Horn Strobe); 7125-0569:123 (Strobe) FM Approved NFPA72 UL ULC Dual Listed 464, 1971 Form No. P.1.62.01-1 704 S. 10th Street P.O. Box 610 Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. . (816) 229-3405 (816) 229-4615 www.fike.com NOTES: The Strobe Horn/Strobes are not b'stedjbr outdoor use. Operating temperature: 320to 120°F (0° to 49° C). For nominal and peak current across UL re voltage range for fiLtered DC power and unfiltered (FWR [Full W'sue Reclyfied]) power, see installation manual 12 volt niodeis are DC only. Pike does not recommend using a coded or pulsing s(gaialing circuit with aqy qf our strobe products (see Gentex Technical Bulletin j\Tumber 014) Operating Strobe Current Candela @ I2VDC 2 24VDC 15 106naA 55tnA 30 131.mA 63mA 60 186,nA 88111A 75 237mA 112mA 110 1 N/ti I 136m1\ * Operating the horn in this mode at this voltage will result in not meeting the minimum UL reverberant sound level required for public mode fire protection service. These settings are acceptable only for plivate mode fire alarm use. Use the high dBA setting for public mode application (not applicable when using the chime tone. The chime tone is alwqysp,wate model). NOTES: The sound output for the temporal 3 tone is rated lower since the time the horn is off is averaged into the sound output rating While the horn is producing a tone in the temporal .3 mode its sound pressure is the same as the continuous mode. S AVAILABLE MODELS S S 12 or 24 Volt Low Profile Evacuation Horn, Wall Mount Fike P/N Manf. P/N Color Nominal Voltage 20-123-142 904-1239-002 Red 12 VDC 100 20-123-143 904-1241-002 White 12 VDC 100 20-123-27 904-1205-002 Red 24 VDC 100 20-123-28 904-1207-002 White 24 VDC 100 12 or 24 Volt Selectable Candela Low Profile Evacuation Strobe, Wall Mount Fike Manf. P/N Color Nominal Voltage Candela ((J L 1971) 20-123-144 904-1235-002 Red 12 VDC 15,30,60,75 20-123-145 904-1237-002 White 12 VDC 15,30.60.75 20-123-146 904-1236-002 Red, Plain (no lettering) 12 VDC 15,30,60,75 20-123-147 904-1238-002 White, Plain (no leuecinti 12 VDC 15.30,60,75 20.123-01 904-1321-002 Red 24 VDC 15, 30, 60, 75. 110 20-123-02 904-1319-002 White 24 VDC iS, 30, 60, 75, 110 20-123-46 904-1322-002 Red, Plain 24 VDC 15, 30, 60, 75, 110 20-123-47 904-1320-002 White, Plain 24 VDC 15, 30, 60, 75, 110 12 or 24 Volt Selectable Candela Low Profile Evacuation Horn/Strobe, Wall Mount Pike P/N Manf. P/N Color Nominal Voltage Candela L 1971) 20-123-148 904-1231-002 Red 12 VDC 15.30,60.75 20-123.149 904.1233.002 White 12 VDC 15,30,60,75 20-123-150 904-1232-002 Red, Plain 12 VDC 15,30,60,75 20-123-151 904-1234-002 White, Plain 12 VDC 15, 30, 60.75 20-123-48 904-1317-002 Red 24 VDC 15, 30, 60, 75, 110 20-123-49 904.1315-002 White 24 VDC 15, 30, 60, 75. 110 20-123-50 904-1318-002 Red, Plain 24 VDC 15, 30, 60, 75, 110 20-123-5I 904-1316-002 White, Plain 24 VDC 15,30 Horn Ratings Over Input Voltage Range of 8-17.5V Horn Mode dBA @ 10 Ft. Per UL464 (High) cIBA @ 10 Ft. Per UL464 (Low) DC (mA) @ Low Setting DC (mA) @ High Setting 8V 1211 17.511 8V 1211 I 173' 8V 1211 I 173V OV 1211 17.511 Temp 3 240011]z 76 78 81 69* 73 76 10 16 21 10 22 29 Temp 3 Mechanical 75 78 80 68° 72° 75 10 14 20 14 20 26 Temp 3 Chime 62° 631 64* 60' 62* 63° j 7 9 12 j 8 10 13 Continuous 24001-1z 79 82 84 74° 76 79 10 16 21 16 22 29 Continuous Mechanical 78 81 83 72° 75 79 10 14 20 14 20 - 26 Continuous l:luiric 63° 64* 651 61° 631 4° 7 9 12 8 10 13 Whoop 78 79 80 71* 74° 77 20 29 41 45 52 55 Horn Ratings Over Input Voltage Range of 16-33V Horn Mode dBA @ lOFt. Per UL464 High dB cIBA @ 10 Ft. Per UL464 Low dB DC FWR mA 16V 24V 33V 16V 24V 33V 16V 24V 33V 16V 24V 33V Temp 3 24001-{z 78 83 84 711 77 13 19 24 27 37 43 Temp 3 Mechanical 76 81 82 70° 73° 76 11 16 22 23 33 40 Temp 3 Chime 70° 71° 71* 66° 68° 70° 9 12 15 19 24 29 Continuous 2400Hz 81 86 87 74° 78 80 14 21 28 21 42 48 Continuous Mechanical 80 84 85 72° 76 1 78 1 13 1 18 1 25 1 27 37 44 Continuous Chime 70' 71° 73° 66° 68° 70° 10 12 15 19 24 30 Whoop 82 83 83 69° 72' 75 43 51 56 51 58 62 Dimensions H— 2.5 —H of 4.5" I _ I Qftj]JD - I F Mounting SuperSlide Die Cast Metal Mounting Plate: Mounts to a single gang, double gang 4" square boxes or GSB box. 0 Switch Locations Candela selection slid switch Depress cent and slide switch to des brightness level. Break off pin and insert hole at the bottom oft selectorto look candela s Signal must be removed bracket and pin pushed f from backside out of to change candela. Removing Bezel )y / Grip both sides of bezel and pull in a downward and outward motion. Conventional Strobe/Horn Strobe Wiring Diagrams I IIii i9I U .LTuI :. ., i IN S Wiring Diagram Strobe/Horn Strobe with AVS Series Synchronization Module F.A.C.P. ENO OISNT + TC NEXT SIGNAL ASS O TO NOTIFICATION ALARM CIRCUIT IMR,.G ONLY.------- ----------------------- - TO NEXT SIGNAL REMOVEJUMPER ER TO NOTIFICATION ALARM CIRCUIT FORINDEPENDIENT ENT SYNCHRONIZED STROBE AND HORN OPERATIONTo SIGNAL&,-- EW, OF LINE MI LAVE UNITS UNLESS SEPARATE:: AND OPERATE SIGNAL Ar~ CONTROL OVER HOR N CKT IN UNISON MODE IS REQUIRE 0. VISIRLESIGNALIV 1' ENOCFU'LE RES!STOR FOR CIRCUIT • /I_i__..3VN RING ONLV END OF LINE RESISTOR FCR 01.0500 WIRIIJO OtJLV NOTES. See Geictex Technical Bulletin 015 Jbr proper sjinchroniation module for application. When iynchroithzng the Strobe or Horn/Strobe, the AVSM synchronic,yztion module MUST be used. ARCHITECT AND ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS S The audible and/or visible signal shall be a Gentex Selectable Candela Evacuation Signal or approved equal and shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. per UL 1971and/or UL 464. The notification appliance shall also be listed with the California State Fire Marshall (CSFM) and the Bureau of Standards and Appeals (NYC). The notification appliance (combination audible/visible) shall produce a peak sound output of IOOdBA or greater at 12 or 24'! as measured in an anechoic chamber. The signaling appliance shall also have the capability to silence the audible signal while leaving the visible signal energized with the use of a single pair of power wires. Additionally, the user shall be able to select either continuous or temporal tone output with the temporal signal having the ability to be synchronized. Unit shall he capable of being installed so that any unauthorized attempt to change the candela setting will result in a trouble signal at the fire alarm control panel. The audible,/,visible and visible signaling appliance shall also maintain a minimum flash rate of 1Hz or greater regardless of power input voltage. The appliance shall have an operating current of 55mA or less at 12 or 24 VDC for the 15Cd strobe circuit. The appliance shall be polarized to allow for electrical supervision of the system wiring. The unit shall be provided with a mounting bracket with terminals with barriers for input/output wiring and be able to mount to a single gang or double gang box or double workbox without the use of an adapter plate. The unit shall have an input voltage range of 16-33 volts with either direct current of full wave rectified power for 24 volt models or a voltage range of 8-17.5 volts for 12 volt models. The appliance shall be capable of resting supervision without disconnecting wires. Also the appliance shall be capable of mounting to a surface back box. 5 t411 lAW Copyright © Fike Corporation All Rights Reserved. CO Form No. P.1.62.01-i August, 2005 Specifications are subject to change without notice. APPLICATION/DESCRIPTION HFC-125 fire suppression agent is an environmentally acceptable replacement for Halon 1301. HFC-125 has a zero ozone depleting potential, a low global warming potential, and a short atmospheric lifetime. It is particularly useful where an ( J environmentally acceptable agent is essential, where clean-up of other media presents a problem, where weight versus suppression potential is a factor, where an electrically non-conductive medium is needed, and where people compatibility is an overriding factor. HFC-125 can be used to protect a wide range of applications from sensitive electrical equipment to industrial applications. Consult the current NFPA Standard 2001 and/or ISO 14520 for specific applications. HFC-125 fire suppression agent is used with Fike's total flooding systems. IIFC 125 is an odorless colorless, liquefied conipresed gas (see physical properties Table for additional infoimauon) It is stored as a liquid and dispensed into the hazard as a colorless, electrically non-conductive vapor that is clear and does not obscure vision. It leaves no residue and has acceptable toxicity for use in occupied spaces at design concentration. HFC-125 extinguishes a fire by a combination of chemical and physical mechanisms. HFC-125 does not displace oxygen and therefore is safe for use in occupied spaces without fear of oxygen deprivation. PERFORMANCE HFC-125 is an effective fire extinguishing agent that can be used on many types of fires. It is effective for many surface fires and most solid combustible materials. On a weight-of-agent basis, HFC-125 is a very effective gaseous extinguishing agent. The minimum design concentration for normal Class A combustibles protecting a total flood application is 80/i, In accordance with NFPA 2001 and 8.7%, in accordance with ISO. SPECIFICATION .HFC-i 25 is of high organic purity and essentially residue-free, meeting the following quality specifications: Purity, % by weight: 99.0 Min. Moisture, ppm by weight: 10 Max. Acidity, ppm by weight, expressed as HCl: 0.1 Max. Residue, % by volume: 0.01 Max. TOXICITY The toxicology of HFC-125 compares favorably with that of other suppression agents. The LC50 of I-IFC-125 is greater than 700,000 ppm. HFC-125 has been evaluated for cardiac sensitization via test protocols approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Test results show that cardiac tolerance to HFC-125 is much higher than that of Halon 1301 and will be acceptable for safe use in occupied space protection. HFC-125 will decompose to form halogen acids when exposed to open flames. The formation of these acids is minimized by using Pike early warning detection systems and proper system installation. When properly applied and installed, the generation of these by-products by .HFC-125 is minimal. APPROVALS HFC-125 complies with NFPA Standard 2001 - current edition. UL Listed - Ex4623 FM Approved - 3014476 S Form No. V.1.06.01 704 S.W. 10th Street P.O. Box 610 Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. . (816) 229-3405 www.fike.com S PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Chemical Name/Formula Peritafluoroethane / CHF2CF3 CAS Number 354-33-6 European Classification Number EC-No.: 206-5578 Molecular Weight 120.02 Vapor Density @25°C (77°F) and atm, kg/M3 (lb/ft3) 4.982 rn3 (0.3111) Vapor Pressure, Saturated @ 25°C (77°F), bar (psia) 13 bar (200.4) Boiling Point, 1 atm, °C (°F) -48.14 (-54.7) Freezing Point, °C (°F) -103(-153) Solubility in Water in FE-25 @ 25°C (77°F), ppm 700 Critical Temperature, °C (°F) 66.25 (151.25) Critical Pressure, bar (psia) 36 (526.6) Critical Volume, cc/mole 210 Critical Density, kg/m3 (lb/ft3) 571.9 (35.70) Specific Heat, Liquid (CP) @ 25°C (77°F), KJ/Kg- °C (Btu/lb°F) 1.37 (0.327) Specific Heat, Vapor (CP) @ 25°C (77°F) KJ/Kg- °C (Btu/lb°F) and 1 atm 0.809 (0.193) Heat of Vaporization @ Boiling Point KJ/Kg (Btu/lb) 164.4 (70.7) Thermal Conductivity, Liquid @ 25°C (77°F), W/m- °C (Btu/hr-ft°F) 0.0652 (0.0377) Thermal Conductivity, Vapor @25°C (77°F), W/m- °C (Btu/hr-ft°F) 0.0166 (0.0096) Viscosity, Liquid @ 25°C (77°F), cP (lb/ft-hr) 0.137 Viscosity, Vapor @25°C (77°F), cP (lb/ft-hr) 0.013 Ozone Depletion Potential 0 Global Warming Potential (based on a 100-yr horizon relative to CO2) 2800 Estimated Atmospheric Lifetime* 32.6 years Inhalation Exposure Limit (AEL-8 and 12hr. TWA), ppm** 1000 * Second Assessment Report (1995)- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (iPCC). The acceptable exposnre limit (AEL) is the 8-hr time weighted average (TWA) workplace exposure limit established ly DuPont. S F I ke Copyright © Fike Corporation All Rights Reserved. Form No. IV. 1.06.01 April, 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending 1" Impulse Container Fiam 3" Impulse Container ECARO-25TM AGENT STORAGE CONTAINERS ECARO-25 is also kvoiu,, by its ASHR/1E desi,gization HFC-125 DESCRIPTION Fike Clean Agent Containers are used in fire extinguishing systems to store the Clean Agent until a fire develops and the agent must be released. The Clean Agent is retained in the container by a impulse valve assembly which contains 'a fast-acting rupture disc. The disc will be ruptured, and the Clean Agent released, through the operation of an actuator by an electric signal that is automatically or manually controlled. Fike Clean Agent Containers have passed extensive testing by Factory Mutual and Underwriters Laboratory and are used in installations where 8 to 836 pounds (3.5 to 379,5 kg) of HFC-125 agent is required. Clean Agent containers can be filled in 1 pound (0.5 kg) increments to their maximum capacity. Each container for ECARO-25 Clean Agent Systems is super pressurized with dry nitrogen to 360 psig (25 bar), at 70°F (21°C), to provide a quick and effective discharge in 10 seconds or less. Fike Clean Agent Containers are supplied with a mounting bracket and pressure gauge that permits a quick visual inspection of container pressure. Containers with a 3" (80mm) discharge valve, 150-lb (61 L) and up, are equipped with a Liquid Level Indicator that allows 'a convenient method for determining the container agent weight without removing it from the installed location. An optional Low Pressure Supervisory Switch is available to provide constant monitoring of the internal pressure of the container. In the event of a decrease in container pressure below 288 psi (18.8 bar), the Supervisory Switch will change states, causing a supervisory trouble at the control panel. Fike Clean Agent Containers are available for installation in the upright, inverted or horizontal positions, depending upon the user's particular needs and the type and size container specified. The mounting location of the container is flexible. it can be mounted at the point of discharge or at a remote location by adding distribution piping. RELIABILITY Pike Clean Agent Containers are manufactured in strict accordance with Department of Transportation (DOT.) regulations. The Pike Clean Agent Containers have successfully passed testing by Factory Mutual and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Before leaving the factory, each container must pass extensive leakage testing, and pressure testing to 1000 psig (69 bar). The containers are constructed from carbon steel alloys and painted with a durable, baked enamel finish. APPROVALS UL Listed - Ex4623 FM Approved - 3014476 S Form No. V.1.05.01 1 704 S.W. 10th Street P.O. Box 610 Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. . (816) 229-3405 www.fike.com Page 1 S CONTAINER DATA/SPECIFICATIONS Container Fill range Valve Size Tare Weight Dimensions (approximate) Mounting Position Size P/N Minimum Maximum Diameter Height Lb. (L) lbs. (kg) in. (mm) in. (mm) lbs. (kg) in. (mm) in. (mm) 20 8 16 1 21 7.0 22.375 Upright - 70- 263 (3.5) (7.5) (25) (9.5) (178) (568.3) Horizontal 35 14 30 1 31 7.0 32.5 Upright 70- 264 (6.5) (13.5) (25) (14.5) (178) (825.5) Horizontal ( 60 7) 25 54 1 52 10.75 28 Upright - 70- 265 (11.5) (24.5) (25) (23.6) (273) (711.2) Horizontal 100 70 - 266 39 87 1 77 10.75 38.75 Upright (18.0) (39.0) (25) (34.9) (273) (984.3) (Valve Up) 150/150i 70- 267 54 120 3 150 Upright/Inverted 20.0 23.63 (24.5) (54.5) (80) (68.0) (508) (600.1) 215 78 173 3 155 20.0 28.87 Upright 70- 268 (35.5) (78.5) (80) (70.3) (508) (733.3) (Valve Up) 375 136 302 3 225 20.0 42.5 Upright 70- 269 (61.5) (137.0) (80) (102.1) (508) (1079.5) (Valve Up) 650 70-270 236 528 3 385 24.0 50.625 Upright (107.0) (239.5) (80) (174.6) (610) (1286) (Valve Up) 1000 j 70- 271 374 836 3 550 24.0 70 Upright (169.5) (379.5) (80) (249.5) (610) (1778) (Valve Up) Fill Range 25 to 56 lbs/fta 400 to 897 kg /M3 Fill Increments 1.0 lbs 0.5 kg Container Super - Pressurization Level 360 psig at 70°F (24.8 bar at 21°C) after tilling with dry nitrogen Container Storage Temperature Limitation 32°F (0°C) - minimum I 120°F (48.9°C) - maximum Container Rating DOT 46W500 IC 4BWM534 Page 2 S Victaulic Nipple and Coupling S ITEMS SUPPLIED WITH CONTAINER Along with a name plate and siphon tube, all Fike clean agent containers are supplied with the following: Impulse Valve This valve isarupture disc (metal diaphragm), pressure operated device that allows the agent to he released from the container and into the protected via the associated piping network and discharge nozzle(s). The discharge valve also fulfills the pressure relief valve requirements in accordance with DOT regulations. Victaulic Nipple and Coupling Used to connect container to the discharge piping network. For shipping purposes, a baffle plate is inserted into the Grooved Coupling as a safety device. Discharge Valve Size Replacement P/N Description 1" Discharge Valve 02-9964 1" diameter (25 mm) Victaulic Coupling 02-10042 1" diameter (25 mm) x 3" (76 mm) long Nipple 3" Discharge Valve 1 02-1987 1 3' diameter (80 mm) Victaulic Coupling 1 02-2106 3" diameter (80 mm) x4.5" (114 mm) long Nipple S ARCHITECT AND ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS The Clean Agent shall be stored in Fike Clean Agent Storage Containers. The containers shall be capable of being filled, in one-pound (0.5kg) increments, to their listed maximum capacity. The Clean Agent container shall be activated by a signal from the control panel which is processed by the Agent Release Module. This module shall store the power required to oper- ate the actuator. The valve shall contain a scored, non-fragmenting, rupture disc to provide an immediate, total discharge of all the agent. HFC-125 Clean Agent is stored in the container as a liquid, having a natural vapor pressure of 200 psig at 77°F (13 barg at 25°C). To aid in discharge, the container shall be super-pressurized to 360 psig at 70°F (25 bar at 21°C) with dry nitrogen. Agent discharge shall be completed in 10 seconds or less. Clean Agent Storage Containers shall be actuated by an electrical signal that is automatically or manually controlled. Normal operating temperature shall be +32° to +120°F (0° to 49°C) in any installation. Clean Agent Storage Containers shall be equipped with a pressure gauge to display internal pressure. This gauge shall be an integral part of the container and color coded for fast referencing of pressure readings. A Low Pressure Supervisory Switch shall be made available, as an option. A decrease in internal container pressure from 360 to 288 psig (24.8 to 18.8 bar) shall cause the normally opened/closed Supervisory Switch contacts to close/open, indicating a trouble or supervisory condition, at the control panel. Clean Agent Storage Containers shall be fastened to a wall, or other secure surface, using an optional mounting bracket that is designed for the most effective and versatile installation of each container. F WO Copyright © Fike Corporation All Rights Reserved. S Form No. IV.1.05.01 April, 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending Page 3 IMPULSE VALVE DESCRIPTION The 1" & 3" Impulse Valves are a rupture disc (metal diaphragm), pressure operated device that allows the agent to be released from the container and into the protected enclosure via the associated piping network and discharge . . nozzle(s). Fike impulse Valves are equipped with four ports: . Agent Discharge Port allows agent release from container and also - fulfills the pressure relief valve requirements in accordance with DOT regulations. Agent Fill Port used to fill (refill) and pressurize the container and also . '. used for the Low Pressure Switch. Actuator Port used to connect an Impulse Valve Operator(INTO) with Manual Strike Button for electric and manual actuation of the container 1 or an Impulse Valve Pneumatic Operator VPO) for pneumatic [ -J operation. . Pressure Gauge Port is used to connect a Pressure Gauge that will monitor internal container pressure, also equipped with an orifice '1 plug that allows the pressure gauge to be removed safely when the container is pressurized. . LI SPECIFICATIONS Valve Body: Brass Rupture Disc Assembly: Hastelloy C276/316SST APPROVALS UL Listed - Ex4623 FM Approved - 3014476 - Discharqe Port - PiessiieGatigePoll Fill Port Ruplille Disc Assembly —* 4.. Discharge Pelt t' Piess,eGeiige Fill Port Plesmie Gauge Pod 3' Impulse Valve Actuator Port Form No. IV.1.14.01 704 S.W. 10th Street P.O. Box 610 Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. (816) 229-3405 www.fike.com 1" Impulse Valve oOO . . ...................................... . ...................... .................. .... . ................................ . ... ... ...... ...... .. .. ....... . ... ECARO-25TM ENGINEERED NOZZLES FF DESCRIPTION The function of the Fike Engineered Discharge Nozzle in a fire extinguishing system ,_.. .. is to distribute the Clean Agent in a uniform, pre-determined pattern and concentration. The nozzles are designed to complete the discharge of Clean Agent in 10 seconds or less when installed within the design limitations of the Fike Design Manual and the Fike Flow Calculation computer program. Fike Engineered Discharge Nozzles are available in sizes of. 3/8" (10mm) through 2" (50mm). Each nozzle is available in 180 and 360 degree discharge patterns. The Discharge Nozzle size refers to the size of Schedule 40 or 80 steel pipe to which it can be connected. The nozzle discharge orifices are drilled perpendicular to the center line of the threads and discharge on a horizontal axis. [ Nozzle orifices are available in a wide range of sizes to provide accurate clean agent flow results. All nozzles have been tested for their ability to discharge the clean agent under extreme conditions. Nozzle orifice drilling must be done at the Fike factory only after 's-Built" calculations of the installed piping system(s) have been performed, using the ECARO-25 Flow Calculation computer program 0 The Fike Discharge Nozzle used shall be Factory Mutual (FM) approved and Underwriters Laboratory (UL) listed. ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS The nozzle used to disperse Clean Agent shall be a Fike Series 80 nozzle. The nozzle shall be available in 3/8" (10mm) through 2" (50mm) sizes.. Each size shall be available in both 180 and 360 degree dispersion patterns. The nozzle used shall have pipe threads that correspond to the nozzle size. All nozzles shall have an orifice size determined by the FM approved and UL listed ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Program. All nozzle orifice drilling shall be performed by the manufacturer. APPROVALS UL Listed - Ex4623 ULC Listed - CEx1136 FM Approved - 3014476 Form No. IV.1.07.O1 704 S.W. 10th Street P.O. Box 610 Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. . (816) 229-3405 www.fike.com NOZZLE SIZE AND AREA COVERAGE 4— —± 40'- 0" 44.0" 44'- 0" Nozzle Size - 3/8" (10 mm) Nozzle Size - 1/2" -2" (15-50 mm) Nozzle Type Radius 'R" Dimensions Ceiling Height Range N Nozzle Type Radius "R" Dimensions Ceiling Height Range ft. (m) ft. (m) ft. (m) ft ni 180° 22.75 (6.93) 1.0 to 16.0 (0.3 to 4.9) 180° 45.67 (13.92) 1.0 to 16.0 (0.3 to 4.9) 360° j 14.5 (4.5) j 1.0 to 16.0 (0.3 to 4.9) 360° 29.67 (9.04) 1 1.0 to 16.0 (0.3 to 4.9) NOZZLE SIZE 1800 NOZZLE 3600 NOZZLE (NPT) (mm) PART NUMBER PART NUMBER 3/8" (10) 80-044 80-036 1/2" (15) 80-045 80-037 3/4" (20) 80-046 80-038 1" (25) 80-047 80-039 1 1/4" (32) 80-048 80-040 1 1/2" (40) 80-049 80-041 [777777 (50) 80-050 80-042 NOTES: The maximum allowable area of coverage includes any area within the radius distance from the nozzle ("R" dimension) to the most extreme wail or corner. Nozzles should be located on center line of hazard area. When working with ceiling heights exceeding the values tabulated above, the hazard volume must be broken down into vertically stacked hazard volumes, with heights less than the maximums shown in the table. It is imperative that unusual applications of this nature be handled by experienced design engineers and, in most cases, operational tests should be performed before the system is put into service. 180 and 360 degree nozzles may, be placed a maximum oft foot (30.5cm) down from the ceiling, and 180 degree nozzles may be placed a maximum of 1 foot (30.5cm) from the wall. Nozzle threading is NPT. F m ke Copyright© Fike Corporation All Rights Reserved. S Form No. IV. 1.07.01 April, 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending S S IRM L * Impulse Valve Operator Reset Tool r cnn S IMPULSE VALVE OPERATOR (IVO) KIT DESCRIPTION The Impulse Valve Operator (IVO) provides the means to electrically or manually activate the lAke. impulse Valve clean agent containers. Upon activation, a pin is extended with the force required to open the inverted rupture disc, allowing the agent to be released from the container. The IVO can be activated either manually by depressing the red button or electrically via a signal from the fire suppression control panel. Once activated, the IVO can be reset using the included reset tool. Fike Clean Agent Containers with impulse Valve use an Impulse Releasing Module (IRM) to supervise the agent release circuit wiring (for open and ground fault conditions) from the container to the control panel. Up to 6 IRM's may be released from a single Fike fire suppression control panel. An IVO kit is included when ordering an Impulse Valve clean agent container with electric actuation. The kit includes the following components: Fike P/N Description 02-12728 NO 70-286 Reset Tool 02-12755 Wire Lead (3' long) with connector 10-2748 IRM SPECIFICATIONS Normal Supply Voltage: 24VDC Current Consumption: 0 Amps (for Battery Calculation) Electrical Connection: DIN connector w/ Cable & ½" NPT for conduit connection IVO Material: Stainless Steel (Body) / Brass (End Cap) Temperature Range: 32°F to 130°F (0°C to 54.4°C) APPROVALS UL Listed - Ex4623 FM Approved - 3014476 S Wire Lead with Connector Form No. V.1.09.01 704 S.W. 10th Street P.O. Box 610 Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. . (816) 229-3405 www.fike.com S . ELECTRIC ACTUATION - SINGLE CONTAINER SYSTEM WITH IVO .4, lRM Assembly (pin 10-2748) Discharge Pressure Switch (pIn 02-12534) to • 404- IVO WI Manual Strike Button ELECTRIC ACTUATION - MULTI-CONTAINER SYSTEM WITH IVO Fike Control Panel Maximum of 6 lRMs can be wired to a single Fike Control Panel) S I---------------- > IRM Assembly (pin 10-2748) II........ .- CL V ---------- -------- 1... I V IVO wl Plastic Cap I ManuJ Strike Button removed (Typical for containers) Note: When utilizing electric actuation (IRivi) with multiple containers with IVO, the manual strike button on each IVO must be removed and plastic cap installed. This is to prevent a single container from being discharged in a multiple container system. For wiring installation details between Fike Control Panel, IRM and the IVO, reference the Impulse Release Module IRM) Product Manual (p/n 06-552). F I ke Copyright © Fike Corporation All Rights Reserved. S Form No. IV.1.09.01 April, 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending S IMPULSE RELEASE MODULE DESCRIPTION The Impulse Releasing Module (P/N 102748) provides the primary interface between the supervised releasing circuit(s) of a Fike fire suppression system and the Impulse Valve Operator (IVO); which is used to release the fire suppressant agent from an impulse valve container. The IRM is equipped with three capacitors that receive a constant charging current from the releasing circuit of the control panel. When fully charged, the module is capable of firing a single IVO. Upon circuit activation, the output circuit reverses its output voltage polarity, causing the energy in the capacitors to be released to the Impulse Valve Operator. Each IRM is equipped with a red LED to provide positive indication that the module is in the active (release) state. SPECIFICATIONS Current Consumption: +24V Supervisory: 20.0 ma (during capacitor charging) 3.0 ma (after capacitor is charged) -24N7 Activated: -37.0 ma (LED active) Temperature: 32°F to 130°F (0° to 54.4°C), 93% maximum humidity Module Wiring: Control panel to IRM connections are supervised and power-limited Impulse Valve Operator (1\10) connection is non-supervised and power-limited Compatible Actuation Devices 02-12728, Impulse Valve Operator (PTO) Compatible Releasing Panels: SHP PRO, Cheetah Xi, Cheetah Xi 50 (Note: A maximum of six IRM's, wired in parallel, can be connected to each panel's releasing circuit.) INSTALLATION Each Clean Agent container shall be provided with a Fike P/N 10-2748 Impulse Release Module (IRM). The IRM shall he located at each container and shall be securely mounted in a standard 4" square x 2-1/8" deep UL Listed electrical box. Install conduit and releasing circuit wiring in accordance with the project drawings and appropriate wiring diagrams. All wiring must conform to the requirements of NFPA 70 - National Electric Code, NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 2001 - Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, and the requirements of the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction. APPROVALS UT. Listed - S3217 FM Approved - 3038320 Cheetah Xi Cheetah Xi 50 SHP PRO CSFM - pending MEA - pending Form No. V.1.15.01 704 S.W. 10th Street P.O. Box 610 Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. . (816) 229-3405 www.fike.com S WIRING DIAGRAMS (-) (-) FROM RELEASING RELEASING PANEL OR MODULE CIRCUIT EOL t ___ eueeDe + IVO + + NO + IRM TERMINAL IRM TERMINAL BLOCK BLOCK CLASS B (STYLE Y) WIRING (+) TO RELEASING PANEL OR MODULE , FROM RELEASING 10 PANEL OR MODULE __ (+) ecDeeue 1 eaeeDe + - NO - + + - NO - + IRM TERMINAL IRM TERMINAL BLOCK BLOCK CLASS A (STYLE Y) WIRING S P1 Ice Copyright © Fike Corporation All Rights Reserved.FI O Form No. IV. 1.15.01 April, 2010 Specifications are subject to change without notice. U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending S PIPE AND FITTINGS An ISO 9001:2008 Company COMPONENT SHEET Pipe and fittings used in Clean Agent System piping network must conform to the requirements as outlined in NFPA 2001, latest edition. PIPING MATERIALS Piping materials must conform to the requirements as outlined in NFPA 2001, latest edition. The thickness of the piping wall shall be calculated in accordance with ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code. For Fike Clean Agent System, w/ 360 psig (24.8 bar) working pressure, use a minimum piping design pressure of 500 psig (34.4 bar) at 70°F (21°C). CAUTION: Cast iron pipe, steel pipe conforming to ASTM A120, or nonmetallic pipe shall not be used. The following piping materials and configurations are acceptable: Schedule 40 Threaded Welded & Grooved Schedule 80 Threaded & Welded The following piping types and grades are acceptable for pipe configurations utilizing threaded, welded or grooved end connections: Pipe Schedule NPS Pipe Size Wall Thickness Grade Type A-1 06C A-53B A106B A-53B A-53A A-106A A-53A A-53F Seamless Seamless ERW Seamless ERW Furnace 3/8 0.091 VI VI VI VI VI VI 1/2 0.109 VI VI VI VI VI VI 3/4 0.113 VI VI VI VI VI V 1 0.133 VI VI VI VI VI VI 40 11/4 0.140 / VI VI VI VI VI 11/2 0.145 VI VI VI VI VI VI 2 0.154 VI VI VI VI VI VI 21/2 0.203 VI VI VI VI VI VI 3 0.216 VI VI VI VI VI VI 4 0.237 VI VI VI VI VI VI 6 0.280 VI VI VI VI VI VI Fike®, 704 SW lots Street, P.O. Box 610, Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. • Tel: (816) 229-3405 • Fax: (816) 229-4615 While every precaution has been taken during the preparation of this document to ensure the accuracy of its content, Fike assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Fike reserves the right to make changes to the product or this document without notice. www.fike.com PIN 06-495 Rev. 0 page 1 of 4 S FITTING MATERIALS Fitting materials MUST conform to the requirements outlined in NFPA 2001, latest edition. FITTINGS SIZE FITTING CLASS Up to 3" NPT Class 300 malleable or ductile iron Over 3" NPT 1000 lb. ductile or forged steel -7 All pipe sizes Class 300 flanged NOTE: All grooved fittings must be UL Listed and conform to the pressure requirements outlined in NFPA 2001, latest edition. Cast Iron fittings are NOT acceptable. PIPE SIZE CHANGE Pipe size changes, to increase or decrease the size, can be done at three different locations in the piping network: When the change in pipe size is done at a tee, this is accomplished by Pipe Size Change at a Tee using either a reducing tee or a standard tee and reducing fittings. All reducers must be concentric bell reducers or concentric reducing couplings. When the change in pipe size is done at an elbow, this is accomplished by Pipe Size Change at an Elbow using either reducing elbows or a standard elbow with concentric bell reducers or concentric reducing couplings. Pipe Size Change at a Coupling When the change in pipe size accomplished at a coupling, only concentric bell reducers or concentric reducing couplings can be used. NOTE: Reducing bushings, weld-o-let, and hole-cut fittings "ARE NOT" acceptable. S S Fike®, 704 SW 10th Street, P.O. Box 610, Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. • Tel: (816) 229-3405 • Fax: (816) 229-4615 P/N 06-495 Rev. 0 page 2 of 4 www.fuke.com S INSTALLATION The piping system should be securely supported with due allowance for agent thrust forces, thermal expansion, and contraction, and should not be subject to mechanical, chemical, vibration, or other type of damage. The maximum horizontal spacing for screwed, welded or grooved pipe are as indicated on the following table: Pipe Distance Rod NOTE: Size Between Supports Diameter Each pipe section shall be cleaned internally before installation with a (in.) (feet) (in.) nonflammable cleaner such as Perchlorethylene in accordance with NFPA 2001, latest edition. 3/8 7 3/8 Teflon tape or joint compound shall be used on all threaded joints. All grooved coupling gaskets shall be lubricated per the manufacturer's 1/2 7 3/8 specifications. 3/4 7 3/8 C" Clamps are not acceptable to support rod hangers. Rigid pipe supports are required to support the "live load" of the pipe 1 7 3/8 system during discharge. Rigid bracing is required at each directional 11/4 7 3/8 change, fitting, tee and nozzle. All drops to 1800 nozzles require back bracing in the opposite direction of the discharge. Earthquake bracing 1 1/2 9 3/8 shall be used where required by local code. (Refer to ANSI 1331.1 Power Piping Code for additional information) 2 10 3/8 For additional information on pressure rating of pipe and fittings, plus 2 1/2 11 1/2 recommended pipe supports and hangers, refer to FSSA's Pipe Design Handbook, FSSAPDH-01. 3 12 1/2 All system piping shall be installed in strict accordance to system plans. 4 14 5/8 If piping changes are necessary, they must be recalculated on Fike's Flow Calculation Program. 6 17 3/4 S S Fike®, 704 SW 10th Street, P.O. Box 610, Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. • Tel: (816) 229-3405 • Fax: (816) 229-4615 www.flke.com P/N 06-495 Rev. 0 page 3 of 4 CONNECTION - CONTAINER TO PIPING NETWORK The container discharge valve outlet is connected to the piping network using the following items: Discharge Valve Size Fittings Required Comments 1" Discharge Valve 1" Victaulic Coupling (p/n 02-9964) Supplied w/ Container (20, 35, 60 & 100 lb.) 1" Adapter Nipple (p/n 70-2164) x 3" (76 mm) 1g. 1" Coupling or Union (not shown) Supplied by Others 3" Discharge Valve 3" Victaulic Coupling (p/n 02-1987) Supplied w/ Container (150, 1501, 215, 375, 650 & 1000) 3" Adapter Nipple (p/n 70-2163) x 4.5" (114 mm) 1g. 3" Coupling or Union (not shown) Supplied by Others NOTES: 1) It is not necessary to supply a pipe union after the grooved coupling to facilitate removal of the container for service or maintenance purposes. The container can be removed by removing the grooved coupling provided with each container. 2) Adapter Nipple is supplied with 1/4" NPT female threads (plugged) to connect to: - Discharge Pressure Switch - Used to provide pressure to activate slave container(s) IMPORTANT NOTE: Remove the Baffle Plate located inside the grooved coupling before connecting the discharge piping to the container. The Baffle Plate is an anti-recoil device that must be installed whenever transporting or handling pressurized containers that are not connected to the discharge piping. ! Connected to Discharge Piping by using a Coupling or Union (see Note 1) Adapter Nipple w/ 1/4 female threads (see Note 2) Victaulic Coupling Discharge Outlet - Impulse Valve Front View S Fik?, 704 SW 10th Street, P.O. Box 610, Blue Springs, Missouri 64013-0610 U.S.A. • Tel: (816) 229-3405 • Fax: (816) 229-4615 P/N 06495 Rev. 0 page 4 of 4 www.fike.com S S ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Fike Corporation 0 F1 OR G P k ORATION ECARDjÜ; ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Version 4.00.0000 Copyright © 2002-2010 Fike Corporation UL Ex4623, FM 3014476 Licensed to Tomas Obregon, Facilities Protection System Results Printed on 11/22/2010 PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Pinnade Recovery Project Designer Project Location: Project Account C1992 Project Description: System t1A" Project Filename: N: \1-Engineering Projeds\C1901-C2000\C1992\FP\F\Flow Calculations\J-& 125 S CUSTOMER INFORMATION Company Name: Fadlites Protection Systems Company Address: 1150 W Central Ave Suite D Brea,CA 92821 Company Phone: 714-257-2244 Company Fax 714-257-2240 Contact Information: F-A. 125 Page 1 ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Fike Corporation Agent Requirements - Enclosure 0001 (1st Floor Server Room) Enclosure Area Enclosure Volume Added Volume Protected Volume Height Subtracted 0.00 ft L X 0,00 ft W 0.00 ft None None 828.00 ft3 Design Maximum Minimum Maximum Elevation Agent Required Concentration Concentration Temperature Temperature 8.00% 8.08 % at 70 OF 70 OF 70 OF 0 ft 23.0 lbs Nozzle Information - Pipe Network 0001 (Pipe Network 0001) Nozzle Number Type Enclosure Name RequestedAgent 0101 1800 1st Floor Server Room 23.0 lbs Total Agent Distributed Through Pipe Network: 23.0 lbs Cylinder Information - Pipe Network 0001 (Pipe Network 0001) Cylinder Type Agent Per Cylinder I Manifold Type I Cylinder Spacing Valve to Manifold Cylinder to Exit 70-264 35 lb Upright 1 X 23 lbs No Manifold - - I - Fill Density Empty Weight FloorArea Floor Loading 41.8 lbs / ft3 55 lbs 0.29 ft2 272 lbs I ft2 F-A. 125 Page 2 S ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Pipe Network Isometric Fike Corporation S I* ~,2~ 35 lb Upright F3A°.5 Page 3 ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Fike Corporation Flow Calculation Input Data - Pipe Network 0001 (Pipe Network 0001) Sta,t End Length Elevation Select Pipe 1)/a Select Pipe 5ch 90 Thn, Side Union Equ Cyl No Type Select Agent Select Orifice 1 2 2.71 ft 2.71 ft 1 in SCH 40 T 3.32 ft 1 2 3 7.25 ft 7.25 ft 1/2 in SCH 40 T 3 101 1.50 ft -1.00 ft 1 1/2 in SCH 40 T 2 180 23.0 lbs 0.1200 in F-A. 125 Page 4 1~ ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Fike Corporation Flow Calculation Output Data - Pipe Network 0001 (Pipe Network 0001) Start End Pipe Type Equ Length Start Pressure End Pressure Flow Rate Agent Discharged Orifice Diameter 1 2 1 -SCH 40 6.03 ft 279 psia 278 psia 2.2 lbs/s 2 3 1/2 -SCH 40 7.25 ft 278 psia 265 psia 2.2 lbs/s 3 101 1/2 -SCH 40 4.61 ft 265 psia 262 psia 2.2 lbs/s 23.0 lbs 0.1200 in Flow Calculation Messages ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Version 4.00.0000 Calculation based on fixed nozzle codes and pipe sizes. Calculation performed on 11/22/2010 11:55:12 AM System calculated within limits of Fikes UL listing and FM approval [1 S F-A.125 Page 5 S ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Bill of Materials - Pipe Network 0001 (Pipe Network 0001) Fike Corporation Cylinder List Qty Part Number Cylinder Description Agent FilAmount 70-264 1 35 lb Upright 23 lbs Nozzle List Num Part Number Nozzle Size Nozzle Type Drill Diameter 101 80-045-1200 1/2 -SCH 40 1800 0.1200 in Pipe List Section Pipe Length Pipe Type 1-2 2.71 ft 1 -SCH 40 2-3 7.25 ft 1/2 -SCH 4O 3 -101 1.50 ft 1/2 -SCH 40 S S F-As 125 Page 6 ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Fike Corporation System Acceptance Report Pipe Network Discharge Time Pipe Network I Discharge Time I %Agent in Pipe Network I Pipe I Temperature 0001 - Pipe Network 0001 1 9.63s 9.61% 70 OF Enclosure 0001 (1st Floor Server Room) - Nozzle Performance Nozzle Number Orifice Diameter I Agent Requested I Agent Predicted I Nozzle Pressure 101 01200 in 23.0 lbs 23.0 lbs 262 psia Minimum Required Concentration Design Concentration Minimum Predicted Concentration Maximum Predicted Concentration 8.00% 8.00% 8.08 % at 70 OF 8.08 % at S F-A. 125 Page 7 0 ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Fike Corporation F1 ORP kOR A T 100 N ECARD/ ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Version 4.00.0000 Copyright © 2002-2010 Fike Corporation UL Ex4623, FM 3014476 Licensed to Tomas Obregon, Facilities Protection System Results Printed on 11/22/2010 PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Pinnade Recovery Project Designer. Project Location: Project Account C1992 Project Description: System "B" Project Filename: N:\1-Engineenng Projects\C1901-C2000\C1992P\FFlowCalaiIations\F-a125 S CUSTOMER INFORMATION Company Name: Fadlites Protection Sysberns Company Address: 1150 W. Central Ave Suite D Brea,CA 92821 Company Phone: 714-257-2244 Company Fax 714-257-2240 Contact Infomiation: F-B. 125 Page 1 ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Fike Corporation Agent Requirements - Enclosure 0001 (2nd Floor Server Room) Enclosure Area Enclosure Volume Added Volume Protected Volume Height Subtracted 0.00 ft L X 0.00 ft W 0.00 ft None None 1161.00 ft3 Design Maximum Minimum Maximum Elevation Agent Required Concentration Concentration Temperature Temperature 8.00% 8.02 % at 70 OF 70 OF 70 OF Oft 32.0 lbs Nozzle Information - Pipe Network 0001 (Pipe Network 0001) Nozzle Number Type Enclosure Name RequestedAgent 0101 1800 2nd Floor Server Room 32.0 lbs Total Agent Distributed Through Pipe Network: 32.0 Its Cylinder Information - Pipe Network 0001 (Pipe Network 0001) Cylinder Type Agent Per I Cylinder I Manifold Type I Cylinder I Spacing Valve to Manifold I Cylinder to I Exit 70-265 60 lb upright i x 32 lbs No Manifold - - I - Fill Density Empty Weight FloorArea Floor Loading 32.9 lbs ,I ft3 53 lbs 0.63 ft2 135 lbs I ft2 S F-B.125 Page 2 ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Pipe Network Isometric Fike Corporation S 60 lb Upright (32.0 Ibs) F-13.125 Page 3 ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Fike Corporation Flow Calculation Input Data - Pipe Network 0001 (Pipe Network 0001) Stan End Length Select Pipe Dia Select Pipe Sch Elevation Th,n, 'e Egu Length Cyl Nozz 7)'pe Select Agent Select Orifice 1 2 2.33 It 2.33 It 1 in SCH 40 T 3.70 ft 1 2 3 7.75 ft 7.75 ft 1/2 in SCH 40 T 3 101 1.50 ft -1.00 ft 1/2 in SCH 40 T 2 180 32.0 lbs 0.1360 in S S F-13.125 Page 4 o ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Fike Corporation Flow Calculation Output Data - Pipe Network 0001 (Pipe Network 0001) Start End Pipe Type Equ Length Start Pressure End Pressure Flow Rate Agent Discharged Orifice Diameter 1 2 1 -SCH 40 6.03 ft 294 psia 293 psia 2.9 lbs/s 2 3 1/2 -SCH 40 7.75 ft 293 psia 276 pea 2.9 lbs/s 3 101 1/2 -SCH 40 4.61 ft 276 psia 270 psia 2.9 lbs/s 32.0 lbs 0.1360 in Flow Calculation Messages ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Version 4.00.0000 Calculation based on fixed nozzle codes and pipe sizes. Calculation performed an 11/22/2010 12:02:14 PM System calculated within limits of Fikes UL listing and FM approval S F-13.125 Page 5 ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Fike Corporation Bill of Materials - Pipe Network 0001 (Pipe Network 0001) Cylinder List Qty Part Number Cylinder Description Agent Fl/Amount 70-265 60 lb Upright 32 lbs Nozzle List Num Part Number Nozzle Size Nozzle Type Drill Diameter 101 80-045-1360 1/2 -SCH 40 1800 0.1360 in Pipe List Section Pipe Length Pipe Type - 1-2 2.33 ft 1 -SCH 40 2 - 3 7.75 ft 1/2 -SCH 40 3 - 101 1,50 ft 1/2 -SCH 40 S S F-B. 125 Page 6 I ECARO-25 Flow Calculation Software Fike Corporation System Acceptance Report Pipe Network Discharge Time Pipe Network I Discharge Time I %Agentin Pipe Network I Pipe Temperature 0001 - Pipe Network 0001 9.90S 5.40% 70 OF Enclosure 0001 (2nd Floor Server Room) - Nozzle Performance Nozzle Number Orifice Diameter I Agent Requested I Agent Predicted I Nozzle Pressure 101 0.1360 in 32.0 lbs 32.0 lbs 270 psia Minimum Required Concentration I Design Concentration Minimum Predicted I Concentration Maximum Predicted Concentration 8.00% 8.00% 8.02 % at 70 OF 8.02 % at 70 OF S F-13.125 Page 7