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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2022-0003; FPC RESIDENTIAL - SB 330; STORM WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN; 2022-11-29CITY OF CARLSBAD PRELIMINARY PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) STORM WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWQMP) FPC RESIDENTIAL APN: 214-160-25, 214-171-11, 214-160-28 ENGINEER OF WORK: PREPARED FOR: H.G. Fenton 7577 Mission Valley Rd. San Diego, CA, 92108 Telephone: (619) 400-0120 PREPARED BY: DATE: 11.29.2022 Hunsaker & Associates, San Diego Inc. 9707 Waples Street San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 558-4500 TABLE OF CONTENTS Certification Page Project Vicinity Map FORM E-34 Storm Water Standard Questionnaire Site Information FORM E-36 Standard Project Requirement Checklist Summary of PDP Structural BMPs Attachment 1: Backup for PDP Pollutant Control BMPs Attachment 1a: DMA Exhibit Attachment 1b: Tabular Summary of DMAs and Design Capture Volume Calculations Attachment 1c: Harvest and Use Feasibility Screening (when applicable) Attachment 1d: Categorization of Infiltration Feasibility Condition (when applicable) Attachment 1e: Pollutant Control BMP Design Worksheets / Calculations Attachment 2: Backup for PDP Hydromodification Control Measures Attachment 2a: Hydromodification Management Exhibit Attachment 2b: Management of Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas Attachment 2c: Geomorphic Assessment of Receiving Channels Attachment 2d: Flow Control Facility Design Attachment 3: Structural BMP Maintenance Thresholds and Actions Attachment 4: Single Sheet BMP (SSBMP) Exhibit CERTIFICATION PAGE Project Name: FPC RESIDENTIAL Project ID: I hereby declare that I am the Engineer in Responsible Charge of design of storm water BMPs for this project, and that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistent with the requirements of the BMP Design Manual, which is based on the requirements of SDRWQCB Order No. R9-2013-0001 (MS4 Permit) or the current Order. I have read and understand that the City Engineer has adopted minimum requirements for managing urban runoff, including storm water, from land development activities, as described in the BMP Design Manual. I certify that this SWQMP has been completed to the best of my ability and accurately reflects the project being proposed and the applicable source control and site design BMPs proposed to minimize the potentially negative impacts of this project's land development activities on water quality. I understand and acknowledge that the plan check review of this SWQMP by the City Engineer is confined to a review and does not relieve me, as the Engineer in Responsible Charge of design of storm water BMPs for this project, of my responsibilities for project design. ________________________________________________________ Engineer of Work's Signature, PE Number & Expiration Date ________________________________________________________ Print Name ________________________________________________________ Company ____________________________ Date Alisa S. Vialpando Hunsaker & Associates - San Diego, Inc. PROJECT VICINITY MAP FPC Residential 7200-7294 Ponto Drive Carlsbad, California 92011 214-160-25 and 214-171-11 240,400 5.52 Including Public Improvements 179,867 4.13 214-160-28 77,101 179,867 100 Alisa S. Vialpando Civil Engineer, President 11/29/2022 SITE INFORMATION CHECKLIST Project Summary Information Project Name Project ID Project Address Assessor's Parcel Number(s) (APN(s)) Project Watershed (Hydrologic Unit)Carlsbad 904 Parcel Area ________ Acres (____________ Square Feet) Existing Impervious Area (subset of Parcel Area)________ Acres (____________ Square Feet) Area to be disturbed by the project (Project Area)________ Acres (____________ Square Feet) Project Proposed Impervious Area (subset of Project Area)________ Acres (____________ Square Feet) Project Proposed Pervious Area (subset of Project Area)________ Acres (____________ Square Feet) Note: Proposed Impervious Area + Proposed Pervious Area = Area to be Disturbed by the Project. This may be less than the Parcel Area. 214-160-25 and 214-171-11, 214-160-28 FPC Residential 4.64 1.77 202,221 77,101 5.52 240,400 4.13 179,867 1.39 60,533 The total disturbed area on site and offsite: 5.46 Acres The disturb area offsite: (5.46-4.54 = 0.92 Acres)* 7200-7294 PONTO DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92011 Description of Existing Site Condition and Drainage Patterns Current Status of the Site (select all that apply): Existing development Previously graded but not built out Agricultural or other non-impervious use Vacant, undeveloped/natural Description / Additional Information: Existing Land Cover Includes (select all that apply): Vegetative Cover Non-Vegetated Pervious Areas Impervious Areas Description / Additional Information: Underlying Soil belongs to Hydrologic Soil Group (select all that apply): NRCS Type A NRCS Type B NRCS Type C NRCS Type D Approximate Depth to Groundwater (GW): GW Depth < 5 feet 5 feet < GW Depth < 10 feet 10 feet < GW Depth < 20 feet GW Depth > 20 feet Existing Natural Hydrologic Features (select all that apply): Watercourses Seeps Springs Wetlands None Description / Additional Information: The western lot north of Ponto Dr and east of Ponto Rd is currently occupied by a self-storage facility, while the western lot is mostly undeveloped aside from two vacant structures. Description of Existing Site Topography and Drainage [How is storm water runoff conveyed from the site? At a minimum, this description should answer (1) whether existing drainage conveyance is natural or urban; (2) describe existing constructed storm water conveyance systems, if applicable; and (3) is runoff from offsite conveyed through the site? if so, describe]: The western lot north of Ponto Drive and east of Ponto Road is currently occupied by a self-storage facility while the western lot is mostly undeveloped aside from two va- cant structures. The sites drainage area is approximately 10.13 acres including around 5.79 acres of offsite area. The elevation-range of the watershed is between 52 feet to 36 feet. The runoff from the offsite drainage area and the eastern portion of the site is con- veyed westerly via overland flow to enter the self storage facility, and then travel through the facility v shaped driveways in a southwest direction to discharge into a de- pression area at the southwest corner of the site and enter the existing dual 24" storm drains crossing Ponto drive. The out-flow from the existing storm drain is conveyed southerly to ultimately discharge into Batiquitos Lagoon Description of Proposed Site Development and Drainage Patterns Project Description / Proposed Land Use and/or Activities: List/describe proposed impervious features of the project (e.g., buildings, roadways, parking lots, courtyards, athletic courts, other impervious features): List/describe proposed pervious features of the project (e.g., landscape areas): Does the project include grading and changes to site topography? Yes No Description / Additional Information: Does the project include changes to site drainage (e.g., installation of new storm water conveyance systems)? Yes No Description / Additional Information: The site impervious feature will be buildings, driveways, Sidewalk, parking lots. The site pervious features will be landscape areas. The post-developed condition of the site will consist of improvements consisting of a multi-family residen- tial development including housing units, driveways, access roads, sidewalks, and landscaped open spa- ces. Additionally, the project proposes water quality facilities (Proprietary Biofiltration BMPs)to treat the runoff from the site. The infrastructure will include streets and associated utilities including a storm drain system (pipes, inlets, cleanouts) necessary to collect and convey site runoff through the project area. Total Cut: 4,906 CY Total Fill: 8,629 CY Identify whether any of the following features, activities, and/or pollutant source areas will be present (select all that apply): On-site storm drain inlets Interior floor drains and elevator shaft sump pumps Interior parking garages Need for future indoor & structural pest control Landscape/Outdoor Pesticide Use Pools, spas, ponds, decorative fountains, and other water features Food service Refuse areas Industrial processes Outdoor storage of equipment or materials Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Vehicle/Equipment Repair and Maintenance Fuel Dispensing Areas Loading Docks Fire Sprinkler Test Water Miscellaneous Drain or Wash Water Plazas, sidewalks, and parking lots Identification of Receiving Water Pollutants of Concern Describe path of storm water from the project site to the Pacific Ocean (or bay, lagoon, lake or reservoir, as applicable): List any 303(d) impaired water bodies within the path of storm water from the project site to the Pacific Ocean (or bay, lagoon, lake or reservoir, as applicable), identify the pollutant(s)/stressor(s) causing impairment, and identify any TMDLs for the impaired water bodies: 303(d) Impaired Water Body Pollutant(s)/Stressor(s)TMDLs Identification of Project Site Pollutants Identify pollutants anticipated from the project site based on all proposed use(s) of the site (see BMP Design Manual Appendix B.6): Pollutant Not Applicable to the Project Site Anticipated from the Project Site Also a Receiving Water Pollutant of Concern Sediment Nutrients Heavy Metals Organic Compounds Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease Bacteria & Viruses Pesticides Batiquitos Lagoon Toxicity N/A (X) (X) (X) (P) (P) (P) (X) X = Anticipated P = Potential The general direction of flows for the subareas is relatively consistent with the existing condition. Unlike the existing conditions, the redevelopment will collect the runoff with proposed inlets, convey it towards the southeast corner of the site, and will connect to the existing 78” storm drain that runs southerly along the eastern boundary of the site. The 78” storm drain continues southerly and con- nects into a 84” existing storm drain before ultimately discharging into the Batiquitos Lagoon. Not listed Hydromodification Management Requirements Do hydromodification management requirements apply (see Section 1.6 of the BMP Design Manual)? Yes, hydromodification management flow control structural BMPs required. No, the project will discharge runoff directly to existing underground storm drains discharging directly to water storage reservoirs, lakes, enclosed embayments, or the Pacific Ocean. No, the project will discharge runoff directly to conveyance channels whose bed and bank are concrete-lined all the way from the point of discharge to water storage reservoirs, lakes, enclosed embayments, or the Pacific Ocean. No, the project will discharge runoff directly to an area identified as appropriate for an exemption by the WMAA for the watershed in which the project resides. Description / Additional Information (to be provided if a 'No' answer has been selected above): Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas* *This Section only required if hydromodification management requirements apply Based on the maps provided within the WMAA, do potential critical coarse sediment yield areas exist within the project drainage boundaries? Yes No, No critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected based on WMAA maps If yes, have any of the optional analyses presented in Section 6.2 of the BMP Design Manual been performed? 6.2.1 Verification of Geomorphic Landscape Units (GLUs) Onsite 6.2.2 Downstream Systems Sensitivity to Coarse Sediment 6.2.3 Optional Additional Analysis of Potential Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas Onsite No optional analyses performed, the project will avoid critical coarse sediment yield areas identified based on WMAA maps If optional analyses were performed, what is the final result? No critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected based on verification of GLUs onsite Critical coarse sediment yield areas exist but additional analysis has determined that protection is not required. Documentation attached in Attachment 8 of the SWQMP. Critical coarse sediment yield areas exist and require protection. The project will implement management measures described in Sections 6.2.4 and 6.2.5 as applicable, and the areas are identified on the SWQMP Exhibit. Discussion / Additional Information: Exempt per "Hydromodification Exemption analysis for selected Carlsbad watershed" dated 09/17/2015 by Wayne Chang N/A. HMP Exempt Flow Control for Post-Project Runoff* *This Section only required if hydromodification management requirements apply List and describe point(s) of compliance (POCs) for flow control for hydromodification management (see Section 6.3.1). For each POC, provide a POC identification name or number correlating to the project's HMP Exhibit and a receiving channel identification name or number correlating to the project's HMP Exhibit. Has a geomorphic assessment been performed for the receiving channel(s)? No, the low flow threshold is 0.1Q2 (default low flow threshold) Yes, the result is the low flow threshold is 0.1Q2 Yes, the result is the low flow threshold is 0.3Q2 Yes, the result is the low flow threshold is 0.5Q2 If a geomorphic assessment has been performed, provide title, date, and preparer: Discussion / Additional Information: (optional)N/A Other Site Requirements and Constraints When applicable, list other site requirements or constraints that will influence storm water management design, such as zoning requirements including setbacks and open space, or City codes governing minimum street width, sidewalk construction, allowable pavement types, and drainage requirements. Optional Additional Information or Continuation of Previous Sections As Needed This space provided for additional information or continuation of information from previous sections as needed. E-36 Page 1 of 4 Revised 02/22 STANDARD PROJECT REQUIREMENT CHECKLIST E-36 Project Information Project Name: Project ID: DWG No. or Building Permit No.: Baseline BMPs for Existing and Proposed Site Features Complete the Table 1 - Site Design Requirement to document existing and proposed site features and the BMPs to be implemented for them. All BMPs must be implemented where applicable and feasible. Applicability is generally assumed if a feature exists or is proposed. BMPs must be implemented for site design features where feasible. Leaving the box for a BMP unchecked means it will not be implemented (either partially or fully) either because it is inapplicable or infeasible. Explanations must be provided in the area below. The table provides specific instructions on when explanations are required. Table 1 - Site Design Requirement Existing Natural Site Features (see Fact Sheet BL-1) 1. Check the boxes below for each existing feature on the site. 1.Select the BMPs to be implemented for each identified feature. Explain why any BMP not selected is infeasible in the area below. SD-G Conserve natural features SD-H Provide buffers around waterbodies Natural waterbodies Natural storage reservoirs & drainage corridors -- Natural areas, soils, & vegetation (incl. trees)-- BMPs for Common Impervious Outdoor Site Features (see Fact Sheet BL-2) 1. Check the boxes below for each proposed feature. 2. Select the BMPs to be implemented for each proposed feature. If neither BMP SD-B nor SD-I is selected for a feature, explain why both BMPs are infeasible in the area below. SD-B Direct runoff to pervious areas SD-I Construct surfaces from permeable materials Minimize size of impervious areas Streets and roads Check this box to confirm that all impervious areas on the site will be minimized where feasible. If this box is not checked, identify the surfaces that cannot be minimized in area below, and explain why it is Sidewalks & walkways Parking areas & lots Driveways Patios, decks, & courtyards Hardcourt recreation areas FPC Residential E-36 Page 2 of 4 Revised 02/22 Other: _______________infeasible to do so. C.BMPs for Rooftop Areas:Check this box if rooftop areas are proposed and select at least one BMP below. If no BMPs are selected, explain why they are infeasible in the area below. (see Fact Sheet BL-3) SD-B Direct runoff to pervious areas SD-C Install green roofs SD-E Install rain barrels D.BMPs for Landscaped Areas:Check this box if landscaping is proposed and select the BMP below SD-K Sustainable Landscaping If SD-K is not selected, explain why it is infeasible in the area below. (see Fact Sheet BL-4) Provide discussion/justification for site design BMPs that will not be implemented (either partially or fully): Baseline BMPs for Pollutant-generating Sources All development projects must complete Table 2 -Source Control Requirement to identify applicable requirements for documenting pollutant-generating sources/ features and source control BMPs. BMPs must be implemented for source control features where feasible. Leaving the box for a BMP unchecked means it will not be implemented (either partially or fully) either because it is inapplicable or infeasible. Explanations must be provided in the area below. The table provides specific instructions on when explanations are required. Table 2 - Source Control Requirement A. Management of Storm Water Discharges 1. Identify all proposed outdoor work areas below Check here if none are proposed 2. Which BMPs will be used to prevent materials from contacting rainfall or runoff? (See Fact Sheet BL-5) Select all feasible BMPs for each work area 3. Where will runoff from the work area be routed? (See Fact Sheet BL-6) Select one or more option for each work area SC-A Overhead covering SC-B Separation flows from adjacent areas SC-C Wind protection SC-D Sanitary sewer SC-E Containment system Other Trash & Refuse Storage Materials & Equipment Storage E-36 Page 3 of 4 Revised 02/22 Loading & Unloading Fueling Maintenance & Repair Vehicle & Equipment Cleaning Other: _________________ B. Management of Storm Water Discharges (see Fact Sheet BL-7) Select one option for each feature below: are not proposed will be labeled with stenciling or signage to discourage dumping (SC-F) Interior work surfaces, floor drains & are not proposed will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4 or receiving waters Drain lines (e.g. air conditioning, boiler, are not proposed will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4 or receiving waters are not proposed will not discharge directly or indirectly to the MS4 or receiving waters Provide discussion/justification for source control BMPs that will not be implemented (either partially or fully): Additional comments for SC-6 BMPs General Information and Maintenance Considerations Proposed project is a multi family apartment complex. There will be no outdoor material storage and/or outdoor work areas. This project does not propose food service areas, refuse areas, industrial processes and fuel dispensing areas are not proposed for this project. Vehicle/equipment repair, maintenance and cleaning are discouraged. On site storm drain inlets All inlets are shown on exhibits. All inlets will be marked with the words “No dumping! Flows to Bay” or similar. Inlet markings will be maintained; periodically, markings will be re-painted and replaced. Storm water pollution prevention information will be provided to new owners, lessees, or operations. Need for future indoor & structural pest control Proposed building will integrate features that discourage entry of pests. Integrated pest management information will be provided to owners, lessees, and operators. Landscape/outdoor pesticide use The Final Landscape Plans will accomplish the following. Landscape design will: minimize irrigation and runoff, promote surface infiltration where appropriate, and minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides that can contribute to storm water pollution. Pest resistant plants will be implemented, especially adjacent to hardscape. Plants appropriate to site soils, slopes, climate, sun, wind, rain, land use, air movement, ecological consistency, and plant interactions will be selected to ensure successful establishment. Landscaping will be maintained using minimum or no pesticides. Refuse areas An adequate number of receptacles will be provided to accommodate tenants. Receptacles will be inspected regularly and repaired/replaced if leaks are present. In conjunction with SC-5 (i.e. trash enclosure will be covered), receptacles will be covered. “No hazardous materials” signs will be posted maintained. Refuse Areas will be inspected daily to ensure that litter and spills will be cleaned up immediately. Spill control materials will be available onsite. Fire sprinkler test water Fire sprinkler test water will be plumbed to sanitary sewer For plazas, sidewalks, and parking lots Plazas, sidewalks, and parking lots will be swept regularly to prevent the accumulation of litter and debris Debris from pressure washing will be collected to prevent non-stormwater discharge. Wash-water containing any cleaning agent or degreaser will be collected and discharged to the sanitary sewer. E-36 Page 4 of 4 Revised 02/22 Form Certification This E-certify that it has been completed to the best of my ability and accurately reflects the project being proposed and the applicable BMPs proposed to minimize the potentially negative impacts of this project's land development activities on water quality. I understand and acknowledge that the review of this form by City staff is confined to a review and does not relieve me as the person in charge of overseeing the selection and design of storm water BMPs for this project, of my responsibilities for project design. Preparer Signature:Date: Print preparer name: 11/29/2022 Alisa S. Vialpando PDP Structural BMPs All PDPs must implement structural BMPs for storm water pollutant control (see Chapter 5 of the BMP Design Manual). Selection of PDP structural BMPs for storm water pollutant control must be based on the selection process described in Chapter 5. PDPs subject to hydromodification management requirements must also implement structural BMPs for flow control for hydromodification management (see Chapter 6 of the BMP Design Manual). Both storm water pollutant control and flow control for hydromodification management can be achieved within the same structural BMP(s). PDP structural BMPs must be verified by the City at the completion of construction. This may include requiring the project owner or project owner's representative to certify construc- tion of the structural BMPs (see Section 1.12 of the BMP Design Manual). PDP structural BMPs must be maintained into perpetuity, and the City must confirm the maintenance (see Section 7 of the BMP Design Manual). Use this form to provide narrative description of the general strategy for structural BMP implementation at the project site in the box below. Then complete the PDP structural BMP summary information sheet for each structural BMP within the project (copy the BMP summary information page as many times as needed to provide summary information for each individual structural BMP). Describe the general strategy for structural BMP implementation at the site. This information must describe how the steps for selecting and designing storm water pollutant control BMPs presented in Section 5.1 of the BMP Design Manual were followed, and the results (type of BMPs selected). For projects requiring hydromodification flow control BMPs, indicate whether pollutant control and flow control BMPs are integrated together or separate. Step 1. Determine DCV for each DMA per SD County Worksheet B.1. A. 0.57 in rainfall depth was determined per 85th percentile 24-hr Isopluvial map B.Delineate Tributary area for each BMP C. determine runoff factor for each DMAD. for DMA5.1-3, tree wells were proposed to retain the entire DCV, except for DMA-5-3 and a hybrid of proprietary biofiltration (MWS or equivalent) and a tree well is proposed to meet water quality requirements. Step 2. Worksheet B.2 was used to determine the minimum retention requirements for each DMA. Per the Preliminary Infiltration Feasibility Study, proposed Multi-Family Residential Development, 7200-7294 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad, California. Full infiltration is infeasible due to to the loss of dwelling units. A density bonus waiver has been requested. Step3. Form I-7 (harvest and Use Feasibility Checklist), Harvest has been deemed infeasible. Furthermore, the proposed site improvements, and the potential issue with infiltration occurring so close to the building foundation limited the structural BMPs footprint. For these reasons, we decided to incorporate proprietary Type BF-3 BMPs (Proprietary Biofiltration BMPs). Worksheet B.6-1 was used to calculate the treatment flow rate for each BMPThe retained volume within each DMA was calculated and minimum retention require- ments were met. Design of Off-site BMP (DMA5) Due to limited space, Street Trees were implemented, per Appendix E.1 of the BMP Design Manual to ensure that the contributing drainage area will meet storm water quality requirements without implementing Structural BMPs . Structural BMP Summary Information [Copy this page as needed to provide information for each individual proposed structural BMP] Structural BMP ID No. DWG _________ Sheet No. __________ Type of structural BMP: Retention by harvest and use (HU-1) Retention by infiltration basin (INF-1) Retention by bioretention (INF-2) Retention by permeable pavement (INF-3) Partial retention by biofiltration with partial retention (PR-1) Biofiltration (BF-1) Flow-thru treatment control included as pre-treatment/forebay for an onsite retention or biofiltration BMP (provide BMP type/description and indicate which onsite retention or biofiltration BMP it serves in discussion section below) Detention pond or vault for hydromodification management Other (describe in discussion section below) Purpose: Pollutant control only Hydromodification control only Combined pollutant control and hydromodification control Pre-treatment/forebay for another structural BMP Other (describe in discussion section below) Discussion (as needed): Type of BMP: BF-3, Proprietary Biofiltration BMP. Description of BMP: Modular Wetland® Model MWS-L-8-8 (or Equivalent) BF-3-1 Structural BMP Summary Information [Copy this page as needed to provide information for each individual proposed structural BMP] Structural BMP ID No. DWG _________ Sheet No. __________ Type of structural BMP: Retention by harvest and use (HU-1) Retention by infiltration basin (INF-1) Retention by bioretention (INF-2) Retention by permeable pavement (INF-3) Partial retention by biofiltration with partial retention (PR-1) Biofiltration (BF-1) Flow-thru treatment control included as pre-treatment/forebay for an onsite retention or biofiltration BMP (provide BMP type/description and indicate which onsite retention or biofiltration BMP it serves in discussion section below) Detention pond or vault for hydromodification management Other (describe in discussion section below) Purpose: Pollutant control only Hydromodification control only Combined pollutant control and hydromodification control Pre-treatment/forebay for another structural BMP Other (describe in discussion section below) Discussion (as needed): BF-3-2 Type of BMP: BF-3, Proprietary Biofiltration BMP. Description of BMP: Modular Wetland® Model MWS-L-4-21 (or Equivalent) Structural BMP Summary Information [Copy this page as needed to provide information for each individual proposed structural BMP] Structural BMP ID No. DWG _________ Sheet No. __________ Type of structural BMP: Retention by harvest and use (HU-1) Retention by infiltration basin (INF-1) Retention by bioretention (INF-2) Retention by permeable pavement (INF-3) Partial retention by biofiltration with partial retention (PR-1) Biofiltration (BF-1) Flow-thru treatment control included as pre-treatment/forebay for an onsite retention or biofiltration BMP (provide BMP type/description and indicate which onsite retention or biofiltration BMP it serves in discussion section below) Detention pond or vault for hydromodification management Other (describe in discussion section below) Purpose: Pollutant control only Hydromodification control only Combined pollutant control and hydromodification control Pre-treatment/forebay for another structural BMP Other (describe in discussion section below) Discussion (as needed): BF-3-3 Type of BMP: BF-3, Proprietary Biofiltration BMP. Description of BMP: Modular Wetland® Model MWS-L-4-4 (or Equivalent) Structural BMP Summary Information [Copy this page as needed to provide information for each individual proposed structural BMP] Structural BMP ID No. DWG _________ Sheet No. __________ Type of structural BMP: Retention by harvest and use (HU-1) Retention by infiltration basin (INF-1) Retention by bioretention (INF-2) Retention by permeable pavement (INF-3) Partial retention by biofiltration with partial retention (PR-1) Biofiltration (BF-1) Flow-thru treatment control included as pre-treatment/forebay for an onsite retention or biofiltration BMP (provide BMP type/description and indicate which onsite retention or biofiltration BMP it serves in discussion section below) Detention pond or vault for hydromodification management Other (describe in discussion section below) Purpose: Pollutant control only Hydromodification control only Combined pollutant control and hydromodification control Pre-treatment/forebay for another structural BMP Other (describe in discussion section below) Discussion (as needed): BF-3-4 Type of BMP: BF-3, Proprietary Biofiltration BMP. Description of BMP: Modular Wetland® Model MWS-L-8-16 (or Equivalent) ATTACHMENT 1 BACKUP FOR PDP POLLUTANT CONTROL BMPS This is the cover sheet for Attachment 1. Check which Items are Included behind this cover sheet: Attachment Sequence Contents Checklist Attachment 1a DMA Exhibit (Required) See DMA Exhibit Checklist on the back of this Attachment cover sheet. ypically required) Included Attachment 1b Tabular Summary of DMAs Showing DMA ID matching DMA Exhibit, DMA Area, and DMA Type (Required)* *Provide table in this Attachment OR on DMA Exhibit in Attachment 1a Included on DMA Exhibit in Attachment 1a Included as Attachment 1b, separate from DMA Exhibit Attachment 1c Form I-7, Harvest and Use Feasibility Screening Checklist (Required unless the entire project will use infiltration BMPs) Refer to Appendix B.3-1 of the BMP Design Manual to complete Form I-7. Included Not included because the entire project will use infiltration BMPs Attachment 1d Form I-8, Categorization of Infiltration Feasibility Condition (Required unless the project will use harvest and use BMPs) Refer to Appendices C and D of the BMP Design Manual to complete Form I-8. Included Not included because the entire project will use harvest and use BMPs Attachment 1e Pollutant Control BMP Design Worksheets / Calculations (Required) Refer to Appendices B and E of the BMP Design Manual for structural pollutant control BMP design guidelines Included Attachment 1a DMA Exhibit Use this checklist to ensure the required information has been included on the DMA Exhibit: The DMA Exhibit must identify: Underlying hydrologic soil group Approximate depth to groundwater Existing natural hydrologic features (watercourses, seeps, springs, wetlands) Critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected (if present) Existing topography and impervious areas Existing and proposed site drainage network and connections to drainage offsite Proposed grading Proposed impervious features Proposed design features and surface treatments used to minimize imperviousness Drainage management area (DMA) boundaries, DMA ID numbers, and DMA areas (square footage or acreage), and DMA type (i.e., drains to BMP, self-retaining, or self-mitigating) Structural BMPs (identify location and type of BMP) STOP B L D G . 1 6 B L D G . 1 7 B L D G . 1 8 B L D G . 1 9 P =4 5 .0FF=4 5 .5 P =4 3 .6 5FF=4 4 .1 5 P =4 4 .0FF=4 4 .5 P =4 4 .7 5FF=4 5 .2 5 P =4 5.4 5FF=4 5 .9 5 P =4 5.9 5FF=4 6 .4 5 P =4 5 .5 5FF=4 6 .0 5 P =4 4.8 5FF=4 5 .3 5 P=4 1.75FF=4 2.25 P =4 0 .25FF=4 0 .7 5 P=41.35 FF=41.85 P=41.45 FF=41.95 P=44.05 FF=44.55 P=43.95 FF=44.45 P=44.15 FF=44.65 P=44.05 FF=44.55 P =4 3 .6 5FF=4 4 .1 5 P =4 4 .5FF=4 5 .0 P=42.65 FF=43.15 P=42.55FF=43.05 OS-A B L D G . 2 0 B L D G . 2 1 B L D G . 2 2 B L D G . 2 3 B L D G . 4 BLDG. 5 BLDG. 8 BLDG. 9 BLDG. 10 BLDG. 11 BLDG. 12 BLDG. 13 B L D G . 1 4 B L D G . 1 5 BLDG. 1 OS-B OS-A P=44.45FF=44.95 P=42.15 FF=42.65 P=41.25FF=4 1.75 P=43.95FF=44.45 P=43.05FF=43.55 BLDG. 2 BLDG. 6 B L D G . 3 S E E D E T AI L D - S H E E T 4 F O R O F F S I T E P RIV A T E S E W E R C O N N E C T I O N P=41.5 FF=42.0 P=40.5 FF=41.0 P=40.0 FF=40.5 P=41.5 FF=42.0 P=40.5 FF=41.0 P=40.0 FF=40.5 BLDG. 7 P=41.5 FF=42.0 P=40.0FF=40.5 P=40.5 FF=41.0 P=40.85 FF=41.35 P=40.95 FF=41.45 P=43.55 FF=44.05 P=43.45 FF=43.90 P=43.65 FF=44.15 EXIST. PONT O RD EXIST. PONTO DR N O R T H S A N D I E G O C O U N T Y T R A N S I T D E V E L O P M E N T EXIST. PONTO DR NCTD R.O .W. PVT. BEACH WAY DMA 1 55,025 SF DMA 2 56,812 SF DMA 4 78,289 SF DMA 3 2,285 SF DMA 5-3 22,288 SF DMA 5-2 8,999 SF DMA 5-1 7,791 SF DMA 5-4 6,663 SF OF 1 1 PREPARED BY: CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FPC RESIDENTIAL DMA MAP LEGEND: PROJECT BOUNDARY........................................................................................... DMA BOUNDARY.................................................................................................... DAYLIGHT............................................................................................................... PROPOSED STORM DRAIN.................................................................................. EXISTING STORM DRAIN...................................................................................... FLOW LINE............................................................................................................. SUBAREA ACREAGE............................................................................................. DMA ICON............................................................................................................... IMPERVIOUS - ROAD............................................................................................ IMPERVIOUS - ROOF............................................................................................ IMPERVIOUS - SIDEWALK.................................................................................... PERVIOUS AREAS................................................................................................. INLET...................................................................................................................... HYDROLOGIC SOIL TYPE..................................................................................... POINT OF COMPLIANCE....................................................................................... STRUCTURAL BMP\ MWS UNIT............................................................................ TREE WELL (SD-A)...................................................................................... SYMBOL: SITE DESIGN BMPs: SD-2 CONSERVE NATURAL AREAS, SOILS, VEGETATION SD-3 MINIMIZE IMPERVIOUS AREAS SD-4 MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION SD-5 IMPERVIOUS AREA DISPERSION SD-7 LANDSCAPING WITH NATIVE OR DROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES SOURCE CONTROL BMPs: SC-1 PREVENTION OF ILLICIT DISCHARGES TO MS4 SC-2 STORM DRAIN STENCILING OR SIGNAGE SC-6 ADDITIONAL BMPS BASED ON POTENTIAL SOURCES OF RUNOFF POLLUTANTS SC-6A ON-SITE STORM DRAIN INLETS SC-6D NEED FOR FUTURE INDOOR & STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL SC-6E LANDSCAPE/OUTDOOR PESTICIDE USE SC-6Q PLAZAS, SIDEWALKS, AND PARKING LOTS UNDERLYING SOIL GROUP : B APPROXIMATE DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: 10' < GW Deprh < 20' VICINITY MAP SITEPROJECT REDEVELOPMENT DMA 4 STORM DRAIN STENCIL PER DS-1 Attachment 1b Tabular Summary of DMAs AREA BREAKDOWN DMA CALCULATIONS Imp. RF Pervious RF % Imp DMA1 Fraction of Total Imp Area Pervious Area Summation RF x A DMA-2 Fraction of Total Imp Area Pervious Area Summation RF x A DMA-3 Fraction of Total Imp Area Pervious Area Summation RF x A LANDSCAPE 0.90 0.10 0 14222 0.04 0 14222 1422 15775 0.04 0 15775 1578 325 0.02 0 325 32 ROOF 0.90 0.10 100 22885 0.54 22885 0 20596 23077 0.54 23077 0 20769 0 0.00 0 0 0 ROAD 0.90 0.10 100 13517 0.32 13517 0 12165 12052 0.28 12052 0 10847 1585 0.67 1585 0 1427 DRIVEWAY 0.90 0.10 100 1507 0.04 1507 0 1356 1849 0.04 1849 0 1664 0 0.00 0 0 0 SIDEWALK 0.90 0.10 100 2894 0.07 2894 0 2605 4059 0.09 4059 0 3653 754 0.32 754 0 679 55025 1.00 40803 14222 38145 56812 1.00 41037 15775 38511 2664 1.00 2339 325 2138 %Imperv 74.15 Weighted C =0.69 72.23 Weighted C =0.68 87.82 Weighted C =0.80 Imp. RF Pervious RF % Imp DMA 4 Fraction of Total Imp Area Pervious Area Summation RF x A DMA-5-1 Fraction of Total Imp Area Pervious Area Summation RF x A SQFT SQFT SQFT SQFT SQFT SQFT LANDSCAPE 0.90 0.10 0 22136 0.04 0 22136 2214 1478 0.03 0 1478.00 148 ROOF 0.90 0.10 100 29824 0.51 29824 0 26841 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 ROAD 0.90 0.10 100 16670 0.28 16670 0 15003 5017 0.77 5017 0.00 4515 DRIVEWAY 0.90 0.10 100 2261 0.04 2261 0 2035 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 SIDEWALK 0.90 0.10 100 7398 0.13 7398 0 6658 1296 0.20 1296 0.00 1166 78289 1.00 56153 22136 52751 7791 1.00 6313 1478 5830 %Imperv 71.73 Weighted C =0.67 81.03 Weighted C =0.75 Imp. RF Pervious RF % Imp DMA-5-2 Fraction of Total Imp Area Pervious Area Summation RF x A DMA-5-3 Fraction of Total Imp Area Pervious Area Summation RF x A DMA-5-4 Fraction of Total Imp Area Pervious Area Summation RF x A SQFT SQFT SQFT SQFT SQFT SQFT SQFT SQFT SQFT LANDSCAPE 0.90 0.10 0 697 0.01 0 697.00 70 2497 0.01 0 2497.00 250 1535 0.03 0 1535.00 154 ROOF 0.90 0.10 100 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 ROAD 0.90 0.10 100 5917 0.71 5917 0.00 5325 14952 0.75 14952 0.00 13457 2641 0.50 2641 0.00 2377 DRIVEWAY 0.90 0.10 100 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 SIDEWALK 0.90 0.10 100 2385 0.28 2385 0.00 2147 4839 0.24 4839 0.00 4355 2487 0.47 2487 0.00 2238 0 8999 1.00 8302 697 7542 22288 1.00 19791 2497 18062 6663 1.00 5128 1535 4769 %Imperv 92.25 Weighted C =0.84 88.80 Weighted C =0.81 76.96 Weighted C =0.72 11/29/2022 R:\1744\Hyd\SWQMP\Calcs\07-05-2022-1744-Volume 5 - City BMP Sizing Worksheet.xlsx Attachment 1c Attachment 1c Form I-7, Harvest and Use Feasibility Toilet and urinal flushing demand: Irrigation demand: Total = 515 + 354 = 869 cft 6231 cft Attachment 1d Form I-8, Categorization of Infiltration Feasibility Condition Infiltration testing in the upper soils yielded highly variable preliminary design infiltration rates ranging between 0.0 to 0.55 inches per hour. Due to the presence of less permeable layers within the Old Paralic Deposits, infiltrating water may flow vertically until encountering a less permeable layer, where the water may then flow laterally. Determining the ultimate flow paths would be very difficult. Attachment 1e Pollutant Control BMP Design Worksheets / Calculations Project Category #Description i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x Units 1 Drainage Basin ID or Name DMA 1 DMA 2 DMA 3 DMA 4 DMA 5-1 DMA 5-2 DMA 5-3 DMA 5-4 unitless 2 85th Percentile 24-hr Storm Depth 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 inches 3 Impervious Surfaces Not Directed to Dispersion Area (C=0.90) 40,803 41,037 2,339 56,153 6,313 8,302 19,791 5,128 sq-ft 4 Semi-Pervious Surfaces Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.30)sq-ft 5 Engineered Pervious Surfaces Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.10)14,222 15,775 325 22,136 1,478 697 2,497 1,535 sq-ft 6 Natural Type A Soil Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.10)sq-ft 7 Natural Type B Soil Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.14)sq-ft 8 Natural Type C Soil Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.23)sq-ft 9 Natural Type D Soil Not Serving as Dispersion Area (C=0.30)sq-ft 10 Does Tributary Incorporate Dispersion, Tree Wells, and/or Rain Barrels?No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes yes/no 11 Impervious Surfaces Directed to Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.90)sq-ft 12 Semi-Pervious Surfaces Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.30)sq-ft 13 Engineered Pervious Surfaces Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.10)sq-ft 14 Natural Type A Soil Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.10)sq-ft 15 Natural Type B Soil Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.14)sq-ft 16 Natural Type C Soil Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.23)sq-ft 17 Natural Type D Soil Serving as Dispersion Area per SD-B (Ci=0.30)sq-ft 18 Number of Tree Wells Proposed per SD-A 7 2 3 4 # 19 Average Mature Tree Canopy Diameter 10 20 25 15 ft 20 Number of Rain Barrels Proposed per SD-E 0 0 0 0 # 21 Average Rain Barrel Size 0 0 0 0 gal 22 Total Tributary Area 55,025 56,812 2,664 78,289 7,791 8,999 22,288 6,663 0 0 sq-ft 23 Initial Runoff Factor for Standard Drainage Areas 0.69 0.68 0.80 0.67 0.75 0.84 0.81 0.72 0.00 0.00 unitless 24 Initial Runoff Factor for Dispersed & Dispersion Areas 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 unitless 25 Initial Weighted Runoff Factor 0.69 0.68 0.80 0.67 0.75 0.84 0.81 0.72 0.00 0.00 unitless 26 Initial Design Capture Volume 1,803 1,835 101 2,492 278 359 858 228 0 0 cubic-feet 27 Total Impervious Area Dispersed to Pervious Surface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sq-ft 28 Total Pervious Dispersion Area 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sq-ft 29 Ratio of Dispersed Impervious Area to Pervious Dispersion Area n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ratio 30 Adjustment Factor for Dispersed & Dispersion Areas 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ratio 31 Runoff Factor After Dispersion Techniques 0.69 0.68 0.80 0.67 0.75 0.84 0.81 0.72 n/a n/a unitless 32 Design Capture Volume After Dispersion Techniques 1,803 1,835 101 2,492 278 359 858 228 0 0 cubic-feet 33 Total Tree Well Volume Reduction 0 0 0 0 280 360 870 400 0 0 cubic-feet 34 Total Rain Barrel Volume Reduction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cubic-feet 35 Final Adjusted Runoff Factor 0.69 0.68 0.80 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 unitless 36 Final Effective Tributary Area 37,967 38,632 2,131 52,454 0 0 0 0 0 0 sq-ft 37 Initial Design Capture Volume Retained by Site Design Elements 0 0 0 0 280 360 870 400 0 0 cubic-feet 38 Final Design Capture Volume Tributary to BMP 1,803 1,835 101 2,492 0 0 0 0 0 0 cubic-feet False False Automated Worksheet B.1: Calculation of Design Capture Volume (V2.0) Dispersion Area, Tree Well & Rain Barrel Inputs (Optional) Standard Drainage Basin Inputs Results Tree & Barrel Adjustments Initial Runoff Factor Calculation Dispersion Area Adjustments No Warning Messages Category #Description i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x Units 1 Drainage Basin ID or Name DMA 1 DMA 2 DMA 3 DMA 4 DMA 5-1 DMA 5-2 DMA 5-3 DMA 5-4 --unitless 2 85th Percentile Rainfall Depth 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 --inches 3 Predominant NRCS Soil Type Within BMP Location B B B B B B B B unitless 4 Is proposed BMP location Restricted or Unrestricted for Infiltration Activities? Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Restricted Restricted unitless 5 Nature of Restriction n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a unitless 6 Do Minimum Retention Requirements Apply to this Project?Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes/no 7 Are Habitable Structures Greater than 9 Stories Proposed?yes/no 8 Has Geotechnical Engineer Performed an Infiltration Analysis?yes/no 9 Design Infiltration Rate Recommended by Geotechnical Engineer in/hr 10 Design Infiltration Rate Used To Determine Retention Requirements 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.200 0.200 0.000 0.000 --in/hr 11 Percent of Average Annual Runoff that Must be Retained within DMA 4.5%4.5%4.5%4.5%37.0%37.0%4.5%4.5%--percentage 12 Fraction of DCV Requiring Retention 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.29 0.29 0.02 0.02 --ratio 13 Required Retention Volume 36 37 2 50 0 0 0 0 --cubic-feet False False Automated Worksheet B.2: Retention Requirements (V2.0) Advanced Analysis Basic Analysis Result No Warning Messages Minimum Retention Caculation DMA ID DMA 1 DMA 2 DMA 3 DMA 4 DMA 5-1 DMA 5-2 DMA 5-3 DMA 5-4 Required Retention Volume 36 37 2 50 0 0 0 0 MWS size 4-21 4-21 4-4 8-16 Tree Well Tree Well Tree Well Tree Well Modular Wetland Media Volume Calculation 477.2 477.2 92.94 881.61 Volume retained on site within the 38% Void Space in the MWS wetland Media 181.336 181.336 35.3172 335.0118 Min Reten Met yes yes yes yes CALCULATION SHEET FOR EVAPOTRANSPIRATION INSIDE THE MODULAR WETLAND SYSTEM LINEAR The Modular Wetland System Linear is a biofiltration system utilizing a highly porous bioretention media bed capable of maximizing pollutant removal and reducing volume through evapotranspiration. The media used in the system, known as WetlandMedia, is composed of a non-organic material mix which has a large percentage of interparticle and internal pore space: Porosity:  Interparticle Void Percentage = 0.48  Internal Pore Space (inside particles) = 0.24  Total Void Space Percentage = 0.72 Benefits:  Physically Inert  Greater Surface Area & Porosity  Excellent Hydraulic Conductivity  Reduced Weight  Employs Ion Exchange  Absorbs High Levels of Moisture for Better Plant Propagation  Lightweight  Contains various oxides for removal of dissolved pollutants Calculating Evapotranspiration: Several studies have been performed to calculate the amount of evapotranspiration from the biofiltration system. It has been found that it is a function of the moisture holding capacity of the material and it’s relation to the “welting point”. Much of this work has been done by Geosyntec. In 2016, the City of San Diego released the new “Storm Water Standards Manual” and “Part 1: BMP Design Manual – Appendices”. The manual and appendices was prepared by Geosyntec Consultants and Michael Baker International. Page G-23 of the above referenced manual provides the following method of calculating the amount of evapotranspiration that can occur within the soil layer of biofiltration systems: This process layer is typically composed of an amended soil or compost mix. Water that infiltrates into this component is stored in the soil void space and is available for evapotranspiration via plant roots or can percolate into the storage layer below. The following parameters are used:  Thickness: This parameter represents the depth of the amended soil layer.  Porosity: Ratio of pore space volume to soil volume.  Field Capacity: Pore water volume ratio after the soil has been drained.  Wilting Point: Pore water volume ratio after the soil has been dried.  Conductivity: This represents the saturated hydraulic conductivity.  Conductivity Slope: Rate at which conductivity decreases with decreasing soil moisture content.  Suction Head: This represents the capillary tension of water in the soil.  Porosity, conductivity and suction head values as a function of soil texture were included in Table G.1-5. The flow of water through partially saturated soil is less than under fully saturated conditions. The SWMM program accounts for this reduced hydraulic conductivity to predict the rate at which infiltrated water moves through a layer of unsaturated soil when modeling groundwater or LID controls. The conductivity slope is a dimensionless curve-fitting parameter that relates the partially saturated hydraulic conductivity to the soil moisture content. The Modular Wetland System Linear has the following parameters related to evapotranspiration as described above:  Thickness: 20”  Porosity (interparticle + internal): 0.72  Field Capacity: 0.24 (50% of interparticle void space at 0.48 due to capillary tension + 100% of internal void space at 0.24 = (50% x 0.48) + (100% x 0.24)): 0.48  Welting Point: 0.1 (standard from Manual based on field research done by Geosyntec)  Conductivity: > 395 in/hr The following diagram taken from the San Diego Manual illustrates soil saturation, field capacity and permanent wilting point: The following worksheet can be used to calculate the amount of volume reduction provided through the process of evapotranspiration in the Modular Wetland System Linear: Sizing Method of Evapotranspiration Losses in Biofiltration BMPs Project Name Model # Media Volume Calculations 1 Media bed width ft 2 Media bed length ft 3 Media bed height ft 4 Total media volume [Line 1 x 2 x 3] cu ft Evapotranspiration Calculations 5 Porosity 6 Field Capacity 7 Welting Point 8 Water Storage Capacity [Line 4 x Line 5] cu ft 9 Field Capacity - Welting Point [Line 6 - Line 7] 10 Total Evapotranspiration [ Line 4 x Line 9] cu ft This worksheet and supporting data can be used and can be included in your technical report. If you have any questions please call us at 760-433-7640 or email us at DCV CALCULATION 1 85th percentile 24-hr storm depth from Figure B.1-1 d=0.57 inches 2 Area tributary to BMP (s)A=1.263 acres 3 Area weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.1.1 and B.2.1)C=0.69 unitless 4 Street trees volume reduction TCV=0.00 cubic-feet 5 Rain barrels volume reduction RCV=0.00 cubic-feet 6 Calculate DCV= (3630 x C x d x A) - TCV - RCV DCV=1,803 cubic-feet 1 85th percentile 24-hr storm depth from Figure B.1-1 d=0.57 inches 2 Area tributary to BMP (s)A=1.30 acres 3 Area weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.1.1 and B.2.1)C=0.68 unitless 4 Street trees volume reduction TCV=0.00 cubic-feet 5 Rain barrels volume reduction RCV=0.00 cubic-feet 6 Calculate DCV= (3630 x C x d x A) - TCV - RCV DCV=1,835 cubic-feet 1 85th percentile 24-hr storm depth from Figure B.1-1 d=0.57 inches 2 Area tributary to BMP (s)A=0.06 acres 3 Area weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.1.1 and B.2.1)C=0.80 unitless 4 Street trees volume reduction TCV=0.00 cubic-feet 5 Rain barrels volume reduction RCV=0.00 cubic-feet 6 Calculate DCV= (3630 x C x d x A) - TCV - RCV DCV=101 cubic-feet 1 85th percentile 24-hr storm depth from Figure B.1-1 d=0.57 inches 2 Area tributary to BMP (s)A=1.80 acres 3 Area weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.1.1 and B.2.1)C=0.67 unitless 4 Street trees volume reduction TCV=0.00 cubic-feet 5 Rain barrels volume reduction RCV=0.00 cubic-feet 6 Calculate DCV= (3630 x C x d x A) - TCV - RCV DCV=2,492 cubic-feet DMA 1: Design Capture Volume Worksheet B-2.1 DMA 2: Design Capture Volume Worksheet B-2.1 DMA 3: Design Capture Volume Worksheet B-2.1 DMA 4: Design Capture Volume Worksheet B-2.1 10/4/2022 R:\1744\Hyd\SWQMP\Calcs\07-05-2022-1744-Volume 5 - City BMP Sizing Worksheet.xlsx DCV CALCULATION 1 85th percentile 24-hr storm depth from Figure B.1-1 d=0.57 inches 2 Area tributary to BMP (s)A=0.18 acres 3 Area weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.1.1 and B.2.1)C=0.75 unitless 4 Street trees volume reduction TCV=280.00 cubic-feet 5 Rain barrels volume reduction RCV=0.00 cubic-feet 6 Calculate DCV= (3630 x C x d x A) - TCV - RCV DCV=-3 cubic-feet 1 85th percentile 24-hr storm depth from Figure B.1-1 d=0.57 inches 2 Area tributary to BMP (s)A=0.21 acres 3 Area weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.1.1 and B.2.1)C=0.84 unitless 4 Street trees volume reduction TCV=360.00 cubic-feet 5 Rain barrels volume reduction RCV=0.00 cubic-feet 6 Calculate DCV= (3630 x C x d x A) - TCV - RCV DCV=-2 cubic-feet 1 85th percentile 24-hr storm depth from Figure B.1-1 d=0.57 inches 2 Area tributary to BMP (s)A=0.51 acres 3 Area weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.1.1 and B.2.1)C=0.81 unitless 4 Street trees volume reduction TCV=870.00 cubic-feet 5 Rain barrels volume reduction RCV=0.00 cubic-feet 6 Calculate DCV= (3630 x C x d x A) - TCV - RCV DCV=-12 cubic-feet 1 85th percentile 24-hr storm depth from Figure B.1-1 d=0.57 inches 2 Area tributary to BMP (s)A=0.15 acres 3 Area weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.1.1 and B.2.1)C=0.72 unitless 4 Street trees volume reduction TCV=400.00 cubic-feet 5 Rain barrels volume reduction RCV=0.00 cubic-feet 6 Calculate DCV= (3630 x C x d x A) - TCV - RCV DCV=-172 cubic-feet DMA 5-1: Design Capture Volume Worksheet B-2.1 DMA 5-2: Design Capture Volume Worksheet B-2.1 DMA 5-3: Design Capture Volume Worksheet B-2.1 DMA 5-4: Design Capture Volume Worksheet B-2.1 11/29/2022 R:\1744\Hyd\SWQMP\Calcs\07-05-2022-1744-Volume 5 - City BMP Sizing Worksheet.xlsx PROPRIETARY BIOFILTRATION FLOW-THRU SIZING CALCULATION 1 DCV DCV 1,803 cubic-feet 2 DCV Retained DCV Retained 0.00 cubic-feet 3 DCV Biofiltered DCV Biofiltered 0.00 cubic-feet 4 1.5 DCV requiring flow-thru (Line 1 - Line 2 - 0.67*Line 3)DCV flow-thru 1,803 cubic-feet 5 Adjustment Factor (Line 4 / Line1)AF=1.00 unitless 6 Design rainfall intensity i=0.2 in/hr 7 Area tributary to BMP(s)A=1.263 acres 8 Area-weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.2)C= 0.69 unitless 9 Calculate Flow Rate = AF x (C x i x A)Q=0.174 cfs 10 Treamtent Flow Rate = 1.5 X Q Q=0.261 cfs 1) 2) 3) MWS vault type 8-8, 3.95' Operation Head Capacity = 0.268 cfs DMA 1: Flow-thru Design Flows Worksheet B.6-1 Adjustment factor shall be estimated considering only retention and biofiltration BMPs located upstream of flow-thru BMPs. That is, if the flow-thru BMP is upstream of the project's retention and biofiltration BMPs then the flow-thru BMP shall be sized using an adjustment factor of 1. Volume based (e.g., dry extended detention basin) flow-thru treatment control BMPs shall be sized to the volume in Line 4 and dlow based )e.g., vegetated swales) shall be sized to flow rate in Line 9. Sand filter and media filter can be designed by either volume in :ie 4 or flow Propietary BMPs, if used, shall provide certified treatment capacity equal to or greater than the calculated flow rate in Line 9; certified treatment capacity per unit shall be consistent with third party certifications. 10/4/2022 R:\1744\Hyd\SWQMP\Calcs\07-05-2022-1744-Volume 5 - City BMP Sizing Worksheet.xlsx PROPRIETARY BIOFILTRATION FLOW-THRU SIZING CALCULATION 1 DCV DCV 1,835 cubic-feet 2 DCV Retained DCV Retained 0.00 cubic-feet 3 DCV Biofiltered DCV Biofiltered 0.00 cubic-feet 4 1.5 DCV requiring flow-thru (Line 1 - Line 2 - 0.67*Line 3)DCV flow-thru 1,835 cubic-feet 5 Adjustment Factor (Line 4 / Line1)AF=1.00 unitless 6 Design rainfall intensity i=0.2 in/hr 7 Area tributary to BMP(s)A=1.30 acres 8 Area-weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.2)C=0.68 unitless 9 Calculate Flow Rate = AF x (C x i x A)Q=0.177 cfs 10 Treamtent Flow Rate = 1.5 X Q Q=0.266 cfs 1) 2) 3) MWS curb type inlet 4-21 capaity = 0.268cfs DMA 2: Flow-thru Design Flows Worksheet B.6-1 Adjustment factor shall be estimated considering only retention and biofiltration BMPs located upstream of flow-thru BMPs. That is, if the flow-thru BMP is upstream of the project's retention and biofiltration BMPs then the flow-thru BMP shall be sized using an adjustment factor of 1. Volume based (e.g., dry extended detention basin) flow-thru treatment control BMPs shall be sized to the volume in Line 4 and dlow based )e.g., vegetated swales) shall be sized to flow rate in Line 9. Sand filter and media filter can be designed by either volume in :ie 4 or Propietary BMPs, if used, shall provide certified treatment capacity equal to or greater than the calculated flow rate in Line 9; certified treatment capacity per unit shall be consistent with third party certifications. 10/4/2022 R:\1744\Hyd\SWQMP\Calcs\07-05-2022-1744-Volume 5 - City BMP Sizing Worksheet.xlsx PROPRIETARY BIOFILTRATION FLOW-THRU SIZING CALCULATION 1 DCV DCV 101 cubic-feet 2 DCV Retained DCV Retained 0.00 cubic-feet 3 DCV Biofiltered DCV Biofiltered 0.00 cubic-feet 4 1.5 DCV requiring flow-thru (Line 1 - Line 2 - 0.67*Line 3)DCV flow-thru 101 cubic-feet 5 Adjustment Factor (Line 4 / Line1)AF=1.00 unitless 6 Design rainfall intensity i=0.2 in/hr 7 Area tributary to BMP(s)A=0.06 acres 8 Area-weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.2)C=0.80 unitless 9 Calculate Flow Rate = AF x (C x i x A)Q=0.010 cfs 10 Treamtent Flow Rate = 1.5 X Q Q=0.015 cfs 1) 2) 3) MWS curb type inlet 4-4 Capacity = 0.052 DMA 3: Flow-thru Design Flows Worksheet B.6-1 Adjustment factor shall be estimated considering only retention and biofiltration BMPs located upstream of flow-thru BMPs. That is, if the flow-thru BMP is upstream of the project's retention and biofiltration BMPs then the flow-thru BMP shall be sized using an adjustment factor of 1. Volume based (e.g., dry extended detention basin) flow-thru treatment control BMPs shall be sized to the volume in Line 4 and dlow based )e.g., vegetated swales) shall be sized to flow rate in Line 9. Sand filter and media filter can be designed by either volume Propietary BMPs, if used, shall provide certified treatment capacity equal to or greater than the calculated flow rate in Line 9; certified treatment capacity per unit shall be consistent with third party certifications. 10/4/2022 R:\1744\Hyd\SWQMP\Calcs\07-05-2022-1744-Volume 5 - City BMP Sizing Worksheet.xlsx PROPRIETARY BIOFILTRATION FLOW-THRU SIZING CALCULATION 1 DCV DCV 2,492 cubic-feet 2 DCV Retained DCV Retained 0.00 cubic-feet 3 DCV Biofiltered DCV Biofiltered 0.00 cubic-feet 4 1.5 DCV requiring flow-thru (Line 1 - Line 2 - 0.67*Line 3)DCV flow-thru 2,492 cubic-feet 5 Adjustment Factor (Line 4 / Line1)AF=1.00 unitless 6 Design rainfall intensity i=0.2 in/hr 7 Area tributary to BMP(s)A=1.80 acres 8 Area-weighted runoff factor (estimate using Appendix B.2)C=0.67 unitless 9 Calculate Flow Rate = AF x (C x i x A)Q=0.241 cfs 10 Treamtent Flow Rate = 1.5 X Q Q=0.361 cfs 1) 2) 3) MWS curb type inlet 8-16 Capacity = 0.462 DMA 4: Flow-thru Design Flows Worksheet B.6-1 Adjustment factor shall be estimated considering only retention and biofiltration BMPs located upstream of flow-thru BMPs. That is, if the flow-thru BMP is upstream of the project's retention and biofiltration BMPs then the flow-thru BMP shall be sized using an adjustment factor of 1. Volume based (e.g., dry extended detention basin) flow-thru treatment control BMPs shall be sized to the volume in Line 4 and dlow based )e.g., vegetated swales) shall be sized to flow rate in Line 9. Sand filter and media filter can be designed by either volume Propietary BMPs, if used, shall provide certified treatment capacity equal to or greater than the calculated flow rate in Line 9; certified treatment capacity per unit shall be consistent with third party certifications. 10/4/2022 R:\1744\Hyd\SWQMP\Calcs\07-05-2022-1744-Volume 5 - City BMP Sizing Worksheet.xlsx 732971 FPC RESIDENTIAL REDEVELOP CARLSBAD, CA BF-3-1 0.268 OFFLINE N/A N/A 18" N/A N/A HDPE CURB N/A 36 42.04 PEDESTRIAN 3.9 2.3 1.0 0.268 36 * PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 42.04 FPC RESIDENTIAL CARLSBAD, CA BF-3-2 0.268 TBD TBD N/A N/A 12"PVC N/A N/AN/A N/A 36.0 40.04 40.04 40.04 TBD TBD FPC RESIDENTIAL CARLSBAD, CA 0.052 TBD N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 36.0 PVC 12" 40.50 40.50 40.50 BF-3-3 TBD TBD FPC RESIDENTIAL CARSLBAD, CA BF-3-4 12" 12" PVC PVC 40.0 35.0 41.80 TBD 2.0 40 35 41.8 STREET TREE DETAIL PREPARED BY: CITY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA HUNSAKER& ASSOCIATES Modular Wetlands® Characteristics and Capacity Table California Full Capture Certified Capacities Table 1 MWS Model MTFR (Trash/Sediment) Trash Storage Capacity Sediment Storage Capacity (cfs)(ft3)(ft3) MWS-L-4-4 0.052 10.7 2.7 MWS-L-4-6 0.073 15.0 3.7 MWS-L-4-6.33 0.073 16.7 4.2 MWS-L-4-6.5 0.073 17.6 4.4 MWS-L-4-8 0.115 19.8 4.9 MWS-L-4-13 0.144 32.0 8.0 MWS-L-4-15 0.175 32.0 8.0 MWS-L-4-17 0.206 32.0 8.0 MWS-L-4-19 0.237 32.0 8.0 MWS-L-4-21 0.268 32.0 8.0 MWS-L-6-8 0.147 30.5 7.6 MWS-L-8-8 0.23 36.7 9.2 MWS-L-8-12 0.346 56.3 14.1 MWS-L-8-16 0.462 85.7 21.4 MWS-L-8-20 0.577 94.0 23.5 MWS-L-8-24 0.693 123.4 30.8 MWS-L-10-20 0.693 90.0 22.5 ATTACHMENT 2 BACKUP FOR PDP HYDROMODIFICATION CONTROL MEASURES [This is the cover sheet for Attachment 2.] Indicate which Items are Included behind this cover sheet: Attachment Sequence Contents Checklist Attachment 2a Hydromodification Management Exhibit (Required) Included See Hydromodification Management Exhibit Checklist on the back of this Attachment cover sheet. Attachment 2b Management of Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas (WMAA Exhibit is required, additional analyses are optional) See Section 6.2 of the BMP Design Manual. Exhibit showing project drainage boundaries marked on WMAA Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Area Map (Required) Optional analyses for Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Area Determination 6.2.1 Verification of Geomorphic Landscape Units Onsite 6.2.2 Downstream Systems Sensitivity to Coarse Sediment 6.2.3 Optional Additional Analysis of Potential Critical Coarse Sediment Yield Areas Onsite Attachment 2c Geomorphic Assessment of Receiving Channels (Optional) See Section 6.3.4 of the BMP Design Manual. Not performed Included Attachment 2d Flow Control Facility Design and Structural BMP Drawdown Calculations (Required) See Chapter 6 and Appendix G of the BMP Design Manual Included Use this checklist to ensure the required information has been included on the Hydromodification Management Exhibit: The Hydromodification Management Exhibit must identify: Underlying hydrologic soil group Approximate depth to groundwater Existing natural hydrologic features ( watercourses, seeps, springs, wetlands) Critical coarse sediment yield areas to be protected (if present) Existing topography Existing and proposed site drainage network and connections to drainage offsite Proposed grading Proposed impervious features Proposed design features and surface treatments used to minimize imperviousness Point(s) of Compliance (POC) for Hydromodification Management Existing and proposed drainage boundary and drainage area to each POC (when necessary, create separate exhibits for pre-development and post-project conditions) Structural BMPs for hydromodification management (identify location, type of BMP, and size/detail) HYDROMODIFICATION EXEMPTION ANALYSES FOR SELECT CARLSBAD WATERSHEDS September 17, 2015 Wayne W. Chang, MS, PE 46548 Chang P.O. Box 9496 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 (858) 692-0760 Project Location ATTACHMENT 3 Structural BMP Maintenance Information Use this checklist to ensure the required information has been included in the Structural BMP Maintenance Information Attachment: Preliminary Design/Planning/CEQA level submittal: Attachment 3 must identify: Typical maintenance indicators and actions for proposed structural BMP(s) based on Section 7.7 of the BMP Design Manual Final Design level submittal: Attachment 3 must identify: Specific maintenance indicators and actions for proposed structural BMP(s). This shall be based on Section 7.7 of the BMP Design Manual and enhanced to reflect actual proposed components of the structural BMP(s) How to access the structural BMP(s) to inspect and perform maintenance Features that are provided to facilitate inspection (e.g., observation ports, cleanouts, silt posts, or other features that allow the inspector to view necessary components of the structural BMP and compare to maintenance thresholds) Manufacturer and part number for proprietary parts of structural BMP(s) when applicable Maintenance thresholds for BMPs subject to siltation or heavy trash(e.g., silt level posts or other markings shall be included in all BMP components that will trap and store sediment, trash, and/or debris, so that the inspector may determine how full the BMP is, and the maintenance personnel may determine where the bottom of the BMP is . If required, posts or other markings shall be indicated and described on structural BMP plans.) Recommended equipment to perform maintenance When applicable, necessary special training or certification requirements for inspection and maintenance personnel such as confined space entry or hazardous waste management Maintenance Guidelines for Modular Wetland System - Linear Maintenance Summary o o o o o System Diagram Maintenance Procedures Screening Device 1. Remove grate or manhole cover to gain access to the screening device in the Pre- Treatment Chamber. Vault type units do not have screening device. Maintenance can be performed without entry. 2. Remove all pollutants collected by the screening device. Removal can be done manually or with the use of a vacuum truck. The hose of the vacuum truck will not damage the screening device. 3. Screening device can easily be removed from the Pre-Treatment Chamber to gain access to separation chamber and media filters below. Replace grate or manhole cover when completed. Separation Chamber 1. Perform maintenance procedures of screening device listed above before maintaining the separation chamber. 2. With a pressure washer spray down pollutants accumulated on walls and cartridge filters. 3. Vacuum out Separation Chamber and remove all accumulated pollutants. Replace screening device, grate or manhole cover when completed. Cartridge Filters 1. Perform maintenance procedures on screening device and separation chamber before maintaining cartridge filters. 2. Enter separation chamber. 3. Unscrew the two bolts holding the lid on each cartridge filter and remove lid. 4. Remove each of 4 to 8 media cages holding the media in place. 5. Spray down the cartridge filter to remove any accumulated pollutants. 6. Vacuum out old media and accumulated pollutants. 7. Reinstall media cages and fill with new media from manufacturer or outside supplier. Manufacturer will provide specification of media and sources to purchase. 8. Replace the lid and tighten down bolts. Replace screening device, grate or manhole cover when completed. Drain Down Filter 1. Remove hatch or manhole cover over discharge chamber and enter chamber. 2. Unlock and lift drain down filter housing and remove old media block. Replace with new media block. Lower drain down filter housing and lock into place. 3. Exit chamber and replace hatch or manhole cover. Maintenance Notes 1. Following maintenance and/or inspection, it is recommended the maintenance operator prepare a maintenance/inspection record. The record should include any maintenance activities performed, amount and description of debris collected, and condition of the system and its various filter mechanisms. 2. The owner should keep maintenance/inspection record(s) for a minimum of five years from the date of maintenance. These records should be made available to the governing municipality for inspection upon request at any time. 3. Transport all debris, trash, organics and sediments to approved facility for disposal in accordance with local and state requirements. 4. Entry into chambers may require confined space training based on state and local regulations. 5. No fertilizer shall be used in the Biofiltration Chamber. 6. Irrigation should be provided as recommended by manufacturer and/or landscape architect. Amount of irrigation required is dependent on plant species. Some plants may require irrigation. Maintenance Procedure Illustration Screening Device The screening device is located directly under the manhole or grate over the Pre-Treatment Chamber. It’s mounted directly underneath for easy access and cleaning. Device can be cleaned by hand or with a vacuum truck. Separation Chamber The separation chamber is located directly beneath the screening device. It can be quickly cleaned using a vacuum truck or by hand. A pressure washer is useful to assist in the cleaning process. Cartridge Filters The cartridge filters are located in the Pre-Treatment chamber connected to the wall adjacent to the biofiltration chamber. The cartridges have removable tops to access the individual media filters. Once the cartridge is open media can be easily removed and replaced by hand or a vacuum truck. Drain Down Filter The drain down filter is located in the Discharge Chamber. The drain filter unlocks from the wall mount and hinges up. Remove filter block and replace with new block. Trim Vegetation Vegetation should be maintained in the same manner as surrounding vegetation and trimmed as needed. No fertilizer shall be used on the plants. Irrigation per the recommendation of the manufacturer and or landscape architect. Different types of vegetation requires different amounts of irrigation. Inspection Form Modular Wetland System, Inc. P. 760.433-7640 F. 760-433-3176 For Office Use Only (city) (Zip Code)(Reviewed By) Owner / Management Company (Date) Contact Phone ( )_ Inspector Name Date / / Time AM / PM Weather Condition Additional Notes Yes Depth: Yes No Modular Wetland System Type (Curb, Grate or UG Vault):Size (22', 14' or etc.): Other Inspection Items: Storm Event in Last 72-hours? No YesType of Inspection Routine Follow Up Complaint Storm Office personnel to complete section to the left. 2972 San Luis Rey Road, Oceanside, CA 92058 P (760) 433-7640 F (760) 433-3176 Inspection Report Modular Wetlands System Is the filter insert (if applicable) at capacity and/or is there an accumulation of debris/trash on the shelf system? Does the cartridge filter media need replacement in pre-treatment chamber and/or discharge chamber? Any signs of improper functioning in the discharge chamber? Note issues in comments section. Chamber: Is the inlet/outlet pipe or drain down pipe damaged or otherwise not functioning properly? Structural Integrity: Working Condition: Is there evidence of illicit discharge or excessive oil,grease, or other automobile fluids entering and clogging the unit? Is there standing water in inappropriate areas after a dry period? Damage to pre-treatment access cover (manhole cover/grate) or cannot be opened using normal lifting pressure? Damage to discharge chamber access cover (manhole cover/grate) or cannot be opened using normal lifting pressure? Does the MWS unit show signs of structural deterioration (cracks in the wall, damage to frame)? Project Name Project Address Inspection Checklist CommentsNo Does the depth of sediment/trash/debris suggest a blockage of the inflow pipe, bypass or cartridge filter? If yes, specify which one in the comments section. Note depth of accumulation in in pre-treatment chamber. Is there a septic or foul odor coming from inside the system? Is there an accumulation of sediment/trash/debris in the wetland media (if applicable)? Is it evident that the plants are alive and healthy (if applicable)? Please note Plant Information below. Sediment / Silt / Clay Trash / Bags / Bottles Green Waste / Leaves / Foliage Waste:Plant Information No Cleaning Needed Recommended Maintenance Additional Notes: Damage to Plants Plant Replacement Plant Trimming Schedule Maintenance as Planned Needs Immediate Maintenance Maintenance Report Modular Wetland System, Inc. P. 760.433-7640 F. 760-433-3176 For Office Use Only (city) (Zip Code)(Reviewed By) Owner / Management Company (Date) Contact Phone ( )_ Inspector Name Date / / Time AM / PM Weather Condition Additional Notes Site Map # Comments: 2972 San Luis Rey Road, Oceanside, CA 92058 P. 760.433.7640 F. 760.433.3176 Inlet and Outlet Pipe Condition Drain Down Pipe Condition Discharge Chamber Condition Drain Down Media Condition Plant Condition Media Filter Condition Long: MWS Sedimentation Basin Total Debris Accumulation Condition of Media 25/50/75/100 (will be changed @ 75%) Operational Per Manufactures' Specifications (If not, why?) Lat:MWS Catch Basins GPS Coordinates of Insert Manufacturer / Description / Sizing Trash Accumulation Foliage Accumulation Sediment Accumulation Type of Inspection Routine Follow Up Complaint Storm Storm Event in Last 72-hours? No Yes Office personnel to complete section to the left. Project Address Project Name Cleaning and Maintenance Report Modular Wetlands System ATTACHMENT 4 City standard Single Sheet BMP (SSBMP) Exhibit [Use the City’s standard Single Sheet BMP Plan.]