HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-06; City Council; ; Request for the San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission to Detach Certain Areas Served by the City of Carlsbad from Leucadia Wastewater District’s Service AreaCA Review GH Meeting Date: June 6, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Shoshana Aguilar, Senior Management Analyst shoshana.aguilar@carlsbadca.gov, 760-814-0241 Subject: Request for the San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission to Detach Certain Areas Served by the City of Carlsbad from Leucadia Wastewater District’s Service Area Districts: 3 & 4 Recommended Action Adopt a resolution requesting the San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission to hold proceedings for the Leucadia Wastewater District change of organization detachment and delegating authority to the City Manager or designee to sign the application and other documents necessary to complete the change of organization. Executive Summary The Utilities Department is working with the Leucadia Wastewater District to correct incongruencies in the wastewater service areas as defined by the San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission, or LAFCO. City and Leucadia staff support filing an application to the commission asking it to detach certain locations from Leucadia’s service area that are already served by the city’s wastewater collection infrastructure. There will be no change in service because of this formal detachment. A City Council resolution or a petition of landowners or registered voters is needed for LAFCO to initiate these change of organization proceedings. Explanation & Analysis Overview Leucadia Wastewater District serves a portion of wastewater customers in the southeast part of Carlsbad, almost a third of the city’s population. Leucadia Wastewater District’s service area, as determined by LAFCO, includes a handful of properties in pockets within Carlsbad where, when development occurred, Leucadia Wastewater District and the city agreed that the city would provide wastewater collection services because the city had nearby existing infrastructure. A recent example is the Poinsettia 61 development, which was completed in 2021. June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 1 of 34 The Utilities Department recommends initiating proceedings under the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000, for a proposed change of organization in order to detach these areas within Carlsbad city limits from the Leucadia Wastewater District service area. The city currently provides wastewater collection services to 681 residents in two of the three areas being discussed, so there would be no service level change for existing customers. The third area is mostly along the beach and does not have wastewater collections. Leucadia has no plans to extend wastewater collection facilities to these areas. The three noncontiguous areas are: • A narrow coastal portion north of Leucadia’s main service area, starting north of Batiquitos Lagoon and extending beyond Poinsettia Lane about 0.8 miles, 107 acres, a portion which is within the Carlsbad State Beach • New development on Poinsettia Lane associated with the Poinsettia 61 Project, west of El Camino Real and east of Artemisia Court, 81.3 acres • Along Black Skimmer Drive, south of Poinsettia Lane and west of El Camino Real, 16.9 acres A map of the areas to be detached is provided as Exhibit 2. The Leucadia Wastewater District supports this change of organization application so that customers served by the city are within the city’s LAFCO-approved service area. A letter of support from the Leucadia Wastewater District is attached as Exhibit 3. Approval of the resolution would allow staff to file the application, which would commence LAFCO’s formal review. Staff will revise the application if requested by LAFCO and will return to the City Council if LAFCO requires another resolution approving the application. The resolution also delegates authority to the City Manager or designee to sign the application and other documents necessary to complete the change of organization. Overview of LAFCO Change of Organization Process The general procedure to detach the wastewater service areas from the Leucadia Wastewater District is summarized as follows: 1) Complete the change of organization or reorganization application and obtain Leucadia’s concurrence 2) Prepare a legal description of the proposed territory perimeter, a reproducible parcel map and a vicinity map 3) Initiate the detachment process with LAFCO: a) Option 1 – Petition signed by 25% of registered voters or landowners within the detachment area b) Option 2 – Certified resolution of application from the City of Carlsbad City Council 4) Prepare a notice of exemption (Categorical exemption as noted in California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, Section 15320 – Changes in Organization of Local Agencies), to be filed by the city with the San Diego County Clerk 5) Pay the LAFCO processing fee 6) File and pay a fee to the State Board of Equalization June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 2 of 34 Because the city already provides wastewater services and bills customers in these areas, staff recommend a City Council resolution authorizing submittal to LAFCO instead of seeking a petition. As noted above, there will be no service change as a result of this action. Fiscal Analysis Detachment costs include fees for LAFCO processing, the State Board of Equalization, and city consultant costs for the development of maps and legal descriptions of the areas. Normally, a developer would be responsible for the cost of detachment. However, when the Poinsettia 61 Project received discretionary permit approval, the project was not conditioned to complete the LAFCO process to detach from Leucadia Wastewater District and annex into the city’s wastewater service area. Sufficient funds are available in the Wastewater Enterprise Fund’s fiscal year 2022-23 operating budget to pay for these costs. Options Staff provide the following options for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Adopt a resolution requesting LAFCO to take proceedings for the Leucadia Wastewater District Change of Organization, or detachment, and delegating authority to the City Manager or designee to sign the application and other documents necessary to complete the change of organization Pros • Allows LAFCO to consider adjusting wastewater service areas to reflect current services and existing infrastructure Cons • None identified 2. Do not adopt the resolution Pros • None identified Cons • Certain customers will continue to be within in the Leucadia Wastewater District’s service area, while being served by the city Staff recommend Option 1. Next Steps If the City Council adopts the resolution, staff will file the attached LAFCO application and coordinate with LAFCO during the application review, file the notice of exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act, and file LAFCO’s determination with the State Board of Equalization. Estimated detachment costs Consultant’s development of descriptions and maps $14,130 LAFCO processing fee $8,330 Notice of exemption fee $50 State Board of Equalization fee $2,500 Total estimated costs $25,010 June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 3 of 34 Environmental Evaluation The City Planner has determined the recommended action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section15319(a) since this annexation of existing private structures is consistent with the city’s General Plan, and there is no planned development in these areas inconsistent with the city’s General Plan. A copy of this exemption shall be retained in the Utilities Department file and filed with the San Diego County Clerk to serve as verification of this evaluation and the act’s environmental determination record. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution 2. Map of areas to be detached 3. Leucadia Wastewater District letter in support of detachment June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 4 of 34 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-143 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TO HOLD PROCEEDINGS FOR THE LEUCADIA WASTEWATER DISTRICT CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION DETACHMENT AND DELEGATING AUTHORITY TO THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE TO SIGN THE APPLICATION AND OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that it desires to initiate proceedings pursuant to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000, California Government Code Section 56000 et seq., for a proposed Change of Organization for detachment of certain areas within city limits from the Leucadia Wastewater District, or Leucadia, wastewater service area; and WHEREAS, those areas are indicated along with the application in Attachment A; and WHEREAS, in some cases, service areas were established before development needs were known; and WHEREAS, as development in parts of the City of Carlsbad has occurred, the city has provided wastewater collection services within the Leucadia Wastewater District service area due to the city's existing infrastructure; and WHEREAS, Leucadia Wastewater District has no plans to extend wastewater collection facilities to serve these areas and supports the detachment in order to revise the approved service area boundary; and WHEREAS, the San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission, or LAFCO, is authorized to initiate proceedings for this proposed Change of Organization without a petition of landowners or registered voters upon approval by the City Council and certified Resolution approving the LAFCO application; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has reviewed this proposed Change of Organization under the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, and has determined it to be categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15319 (a) because the annexation of existing private structures is consistent with the city's General Plan and there is no planned development in the subject areas inconsistent with the city's General Plan; and Exhibit 1 June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 5 of 34 WHEREAS, a copy of the CEQA exemption will be retained in the Utilities Department file and filed with the San Diego County to serve as verification of the City Planner's evaluation and the record of the CEQA environmental determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission is requested to start proceedings for the proposed Change of Organization that includes the territories described in Attachment A, according to the terms and conditions stated above and, in a manner, provided by the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000. 3.That the City Manager or designee is delegated authority to sign the application and other documents necessary to complete the Change of Organization. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 6th day of June, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. Blackburn. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor � �-SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk r -(SEAL) June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 6 of 34 SAN DIEGO LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION 9335 Hazard Way · Suite 200 · San Diego, CA 92123 (858)614-7755 · www. sdlafco.org Updated: September 3, 2019 S AN D IEGO L OCAL A GENCY F ORMATION C OMMISSION CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION OR REORGANIZATION APPLICATION The following information must be submitted when filing a change of organization or reorganization proposal with the San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO); additional information may be requested during review of the proposal. 1. Completed CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION OR REORGANIZATION APPLICATION. 2. (a) A certified resolution of application from an affected city or district; or (b) A landowner or registered voter petition making application to San Diego LAFCO (available from LAFCO or http://www.sdlafco.org/forms/petition.pdf). 3. A metes-and-bounds legal description of the proposal territory perimeter for the proposed boundary change(s), a reproducible parcel/plat map, and a vicinity map. For information about mapping requirements, refer to: http://www.sdlafco.org/forms/legal_description.pdf, and contact the County Assessor’s Mapping Division at 619/531-5588. The Thomas Brother’s Guide may be used for the vicinity map. 4. Environmental documentation to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); submit documents for applicable category only: (a)INITIAL STUDY: Submit completed form (available from LAFCO) if no environmental review has been conducted; (b)CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION: Submit document if an agency has certified that the project qualifies for a categorical exemption from CEQA; (c)NEGATIVE DECLARATION (ND): Submit document with certifying resolution and Initial Study*; (d)ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR): Submit 15 copies of the Final EIR and certifying resolution, plus one copy of the EIR Appendix*. *For an ND or EIR, a copy of the receipt for the fee paid to the California Department of Fish and Game must be submitted. 5. If annexation to a city is proposed, submit one copy of the city resolution approving prezoning and general plan land-use designations for the proposal territory. 6. JURISDICTIONAL CONFLICTS: If the response to question number 6 on page 3 is “Yes”, complete and sign the Policy L-107 form at http://www.sdlafco.org/forms/Legislative_Policy_L_107.pdf. 7. Completed CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION DISCLOSURE FORM AND EVALUATION CHECKLIST for DISCLOSURE OF POLITICAL EXPENDITURES (pages 7 and 8 of application). 8. PROPERTY-OWNER CONSENT FORM FOR INCLUSION OF PROPERTY (page 9 of application). 9. Completed SUBJECT AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (pages 10-12 of application) from each subject agency. 10. LAFCO processing fees. The San Diego LAFCO FEE SCHEDULE is available at http://www.sdlafco.org/document/feeschedule.pdf, or contact LAFCO staff. ATTACHMENT A June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 7 of 34 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 2 of 12 CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION OR REORGANIZATION APPLICATION The information in this application is used by LAFCO staff to evaluate proposals for changes of government organization. Please respond to all items in this form, indicating “NA” when an item does not apply. SUBJECT AGENCY(IES) (City or Special District) PROPOSED CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION/ACTION (Annexation, detachment, sphere amendment, etc.) 1. ______________________________ 1. _______________________________________ 2. ______________________________ 2. __________________________________________ 3. ______________________________ 3. __________________________________________ 4. ______________________________ 4. __________________________________________ As part of this application, the City of ________________ or the _______________________ District, ____________________________(the applicant), and/or the __________________________ (real party in interest): subject landowner and/or registered voter agrees to defend, indemnify, hold harmless, and release the San Diego LAFCO, its agents, officers, attorneys, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding brought against any or all of them, the purpose of which is to attack, set aside, void, or annul San Diego LAFCO’s review, approval or denial of this application or adoption of or refusal to adopt the environmental document which accompanies it or any other action San Diego LAFCO takes with respect to this application. This defense and indemnification obligation shall include, but not be limited to, attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees and other costs of defense, damages, costs, and expenses, including attorney fees payable to another party. Applicant and/or real party in interest agree that San Diego LAFCO shall have the right to appoint its own counsel to defend it and conduct its own defense in the manner it deems in its best interest and that San Diego LAFCO’s taking such action does not limit the obligations to indemnify and reimburse San Diego LAFCO’s defense costs. This defense and indemnification obligation shall apply whether or not there is concurrent passive or active negligence on the part of the San Diego LAFCO, its agents, officers, attorneys, or employee. The person signing this application will be considered the proponent for the proposed action(s) and will receive all related notices and other communications. San Diego LAFCO’s acceptance of this application is sufficient to make this agreement a binding, bilateral contract between us. I acknowledge that annexation to the city of _______________________ or the ________________________district may result in the imposition of taxes, fees and assessments existing within the (city or district) on the effective date of annexation. I hereby waive any rights I may have under Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the State Constitution (Proposition 218) to a hearing, assessment ballot proceeding or an election on those existing taxes, fees and assessments. Agreed: Signature: _______________________________________________Date: ________________________ Print/Type Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________Telephone: ( ) _______________ Property Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Cross Street(s): _______________________________________________________________________ Assessor Parcel Number(s): ____________________________________Acres: _____________________ Indicate below if anyone, in addition to the person signing this application, is to receive notices of these proceedings. Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________Telephone: ( ) _______________ June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 8 of 34 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 3 of 12 A. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION 1. Explain in detail why the proposal is necessary at this time (e.g., condition of an approved tentative map, an existing structure requires new services, etc.). ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe the use of developed property within the proposal territory, including details about existing structures. Describe anticipated development of vacant property, including types of buildings, number of units, supporting facilities, etc., and when development is scheduled to occur. __________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Describe the topography and physical features of the proposal territory, as well as its general location in relation to communities, major freeways/highways, roads, etc. ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. How many residents live within the proposal territory? ______________________________________ 5. How many of these residents are registered voters? ________________________________________ 6. Are there any jurisdictional issues associated with the LAFCO proposal or pending LAFCO action? □ NO □ YES (If yes, please complete the Policy L-107 form at http://www.sdlafco.org/forms/Legislative_Policy_L_107.pdf) B. LAND USE INFORMATION GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING: If the proposal territory is not within an incorporated city, San Diego County General Plan and zoning information may be obtained by calling (858) 565-5981 or toll-free (888) 267-8770 with the Assessor Parcel Number(s) of the subject property. If the proposal territory is within a city, please call the appropriate city’s planning department for General Plan and zoning information. 1. COUNTY: (a) The territory is within the _____________________________________________ community plan. (b) The County General Plan or community plan designation and allowed density: ________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ (c) Current County zoning and allowed density: ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 9 of 34 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 4 of 12 2. CITY: (a) The territory is within the general plan area for the City of _______________________________ (b) The City General Plan land use designation and allowed density: __________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ (c) Current City zoning and allowed density: _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ (d) Current City prezoning and allowed density: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Indicate below all permits or approvals that will be needed by the County or any city to complete the project. If already granted, please note the date of approval and attach a copy of each resolution of approval. If approval is pending, please note the anticipated approval date. Type of Approval or Permit File No. Approval Date Is Resolution Attached? Tentative Subdivision Map YES NO Tentative Parcel Map YES NO Major Use Permit YES NO City/County General Plan Amendment YES NO City Prezoning YES NO County Rezone YES NO (Other) YES NO 4. Describe the land uses surrounding the proposal territory (e.g., residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, open space, etc.). North: ________________________________________East:_________________________________ South: ________________________________________West:________________________________ 5. Indicate with a if any portion of the proposal territory contains the following: _____Agricultural land uses _____Agricultural Preserve _____Open Space Easement _____Slopes greater than 25% _____Sewer moratorium area _____Coastal Permit Zone _____Unusual features such as:________________________________________________________ 6. For city annexation proposals: Is any part of the proposal territory under a Williamson Act contract? If yes, please contact the LAFCO office for special instructions regarding petition/resolution of application requirements. YES NO June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 10 of 34 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 5 of 12 C. PUBLIC SERVICES INFORMATION SEWER SERVICE: 1. (a) Is the proposal territory within a district or city that provides public sewer service? (b) If yes, which agency? _______________________________________________ YES NO 2. (a) Is a developed parcel in need of annexation due to failed septic system? (b) If yes, include a copy of any letters from the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health or private septic-system company. (c) If no, is annexation for sewer service part of this application? YES NO YES NO 3. If annexation for sewer service is proposed, which district or city would serve the territory if this jurisdictional change is approved? ____________________________ 4. (a) Has the agency that will be providing service issued a letter of sewer availability? (b) If yes, please provide a copy of the letter with this application. (This documentation should be completed by the agency no longer than 6 months prior to submittal to LAFCO.) YES NO 5. (a) Will the agency be prepared to furnish sewer service upon annexation? (b) If no, please explain:________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ YES NO WATER SERVICE: 1. (a) Is the proposal territory within a district or city that provides public water service? (b) If yes, which agency? _______________________________________________ YES NO 2. Is a well or other on-site water system currently used on the property? YES NO 3. Is an on-site system proposed to be used when the property is developed? YES NO 4. (a) Is annexation for water service part of this application? (b) If yes, which district or city would serve the territory if this jurisdictional change is approved? __________________________________________________________ (c) Will the agency that will be providing service be prepared to furnish water service upon annexation? YES NO YES NO 5. (a) Has the agency that will be providing service issued a letter of water availability? (b) If yes, please provide a copy of the letter with this application. (This documentation should be completed by the agency no longer than 6 months prior to submittal to LAFCO.) YES NO June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 11 of 34 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 6 of 12 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES: NOTE: Complete the following section only if annexation to a fire protection service provider is proposed—or if the current fire protection service provider is proposed to change. 1. (a) Is the proposal territory currently within an agency that provides fire protection? (b) If yes, provide name and address/location of current fire service provider ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (c) Provide estimated response times to the proposal territory: priority_______ minutes; non-priority_______ minutes YES NO 2. Is annexation for fire protection service part of this application? YES NO 3. Which city or district would serve the proposal territory if this jurisdictional change is approved? ___________________________________________________________________ (a) Location/address of the proposed fire service provider: ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (b) Estimated response times to the proposal territory: Priority______ minutes; non-priority______ minutes POLICE PROTECTION SERVICES: NOTE: Complete the following section only if the police protection provider is proposed to change. 1. Which police agency currently serves the proposal territory? _________________________________________________________________________________ (a) Location/address of nearest police station: ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (b) Estimated response times to the proposal territory: priority____ minutes; non-priority____ minutes 2. Which police agency would serve the proposal territory if this jurisdictional change is approved? _________________________________________________________________________________ (a) Location/address of nearest police station:____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (b) Estimated response times to the proposal territory: Priority______ minutes; non-priority______ minutes June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 12 of 34 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 7 of 12 CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION DISCLOSURE PROVISIONS LAFCOs are subject to the campaign disclosure provisions detailed in Government Code Section 84308, and the Regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), Section 18438. Please carefully read the following information to determine if the provisions apply to you. If you determine that the provisions are applicable, the Campaign Disclosure Form must be completed and returned to San Diego LAFCO with your application. 1. No LAFCO commissioner shall accept, solicit, or direct a contribution of more than $250 from any party1 or agent2 while a change of organization proceeding is pending, and for three months subsequent to the date a final decision is rendered by LAFCO. This prohibition commences when your application has been filed, or the proceeding is otherwise initiated. 2. A party to a LAFCO proceeding shall disclose on the record of the proceeding any contribution of more than $250 made to any commissioner by the party, or agent, during the preceding 12 months. No party to a LAFCO proceeding, or agent, shall make a contribution to a commissioner during the proceeding and for three months following the date a final decision is rendered by LAFCO. 3. Prior to rendering a decision on a LAFCO proceeding, any commissioner who received contribution of more than $250 within the preceding 12 months from any party, or agent, to a proceeding shall disclose that fact on the record of the proceeding, and shall be disqualified from participating in the proceeding. However, if any commissioner receives a contribution that otherwise would require disqualification, and returns the contribution within 30 days of knowing about the contribution and the relevant proceeding, that commissioner shall be permitted to participate in the proceeding. 1 “Party” is defined as any person who files an application for, or is the subject of, a proceeding. 2 “Agent” is defined as a person who represents a party in connection with a proceeding. If an individual acting as an agent also is acting as an employee or member of a law, architectural, engineering, or consulting firm, or a similar entity or corporation, both the individual and the entity or corporation are agents. When a closed corporation is a party to a proceeding, the majority shareholder is subject to these provisions. To determine whether a campaign contribution of more than $250 has been made by you or your agent to a commissioner within the preceding 12 months, all contributions made by you or your agent during that period must be aggregated. Names of current LAFCO commissioners are available at http://www.sdlafco.org/document/CommRoster.pdf. If you have questions about Government Code Section 84308, FPPC regulations, or the Campaign Disclosure Form, please contact San Diego LAFCO at 9335 Hazard Way, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 614-7755. CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION DISCLOSURE FORM (a) Proposed change(s) of organization: ________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ (b) Name and address of any party, or agent, who has contributed more than $250 to any commissioner within the preceding 12 months: 1. __________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 2. __________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ (c) Date and amount of contribution: Date __________________ Amount $ _____________ Date __________________ Amount $ _____________ (d) Name of commissioner to whom contribution was made: 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ (e) I certify that the above information is provided to the best of my knowledge. Printed Name ___________________________ Signature ______________________________ Date __________________ Phone ________________ To be completed by LAFCO: Proposal: Ref. No. June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 13 of 34 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 8 of 12 DISCLOSURE OF POLITICAL EXPENDITURES Effective January 1, 2008, expenditures for political purposes, which are related to a change of organization or reorganization proposal that will be or has been submitted to LAFCO, are subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements of the Political Reform Act of 1974 and the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Act of 2000. Please carefully read the following information to determine if reporting and disclosure provisions apply to you.  Any person or combination of persons who, for political purposes, directly or indirectly contributes $1,000 or more, or expend $1,000 or more in support of, or in opposition to a proposal for a change of organization or reorganization that will be submitted to the Commission, shall disclose and report to the Commission to the same extent and subject to the same requirements of the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Government Code Section 81000 et seq.) as provided for local initiative measures, and Section 56700.1 of the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Act of 2000.  Pursuant to Government Code Section 57009, any person or combination of persons who directly or indirectly contributes $1,000 or more, or expends $1,000 or in support of, or in opposition to, the conducting authority proceedings for a change of organization or reorganization, must comply with the disclosure requirements of the Political Reform Act of 1974, (Government Code section 81000 et seq.). Applicable reports must be filed with the Secretary of State and the appropriate city or county clerk. Copies of the report must also be filed with the Executive Officer of San Diego LAFCO.  A roster of current San Diego LAFCO commissioners is available from the LAFCO office: 9335 Hazard Way, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 614-7755, or from http://www.sdlafco.org/document/CommRoster.pdf EVALUATION CHECKLIST FOR DISCLOSURE OF POLITICAL EXPENDITURES The following checklist is provided to assist you in determining if the requirements of Government Code Sections 81000 et seq. apply to you. For further assistance contact the Fair Political Practices Commission at 428 J Street, Suite 450, Sacramento, CA 95814, (866) 275-3772 or at http://www.fppc.ca.gov. 1. Have you directly or indirectly made a contribution or expenditure of $1,000 or more related to the support or opposition of a proposal that has been or will be submitted to LAFCO?  Yes  No Date of contribution____________________ Amount $ _________ Name/Ref. No. of LAFCO proposal _________________________ ____________________________________________________ Date proposal submitted to LAFCO _________________________ 2. Have you, in combination with other person(s), directly or indirectly contributed or expended $1,000 or more related to the support or opposition of a proposal that has been or will be submitted to LAFCO?  Yes  No Date of contribution____________________ Amount $ _________ Name/Ref. No. of LAFCO proposal _________________________ ____________________________________________________ Date proposal submitted to LAFCO _________________________ 3. If you have filed a report in accordance with FPPC requirements, has a copy of the report been filed with San Diego LAFCO?  Yes  No June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 14 of 34 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 9 of 12 PROPERTY-OWNER CONSENT FORM FOR INCLUSION OF PROPERTY Note: Processing of jurisdictional boundary change proposals, which involve uninhabited1 territory, can be expedited by approximately 60 days if all affected landowners consent to the proposal. If you wish to take advantage of this option, please return the completed PROPERTY-OWNER CONSENT FORM FOR INCLUSION OF PROPERTY to San Diego LAFCO with your application for a jurisdictional boundary change. If consenting signatures of 100% of the affected property owners are affixed and LAFCO does not receive any opposition from subject agencies, the Commission may consider the proposal without public notice, public hearing and/or an election. 1 Territory included within a proposed boundary change that includes less-than12 registered voters is considered uninhabited (Government Code 56045). The undersigned owners(s) of property hereby consent(s) to inclusion of that property within a proposed change of organization or reorganization consisting of: (Please list all proposed actions) Annexation to: 1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ Detachment from: 1.______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ Date Signature Assessor’s Parcel Number(s) 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________________ Attach additional sheets if necessary June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 15 of 34 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 10 of 12 SUBJECT AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM NOTE: A copy of this form must be completed and signed by each local agency that will gain or lose territory as a result of the proposed jurisdictional boundary change. Attach additional sheets if necessary. _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ Signature of agency representative Print name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Title _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ Telephone Date A. JURISDICTIONAL INFORMATION: Name of agency: ____________________________________________________________________ 1. Is the proposal territory within the agency’s sphere of influence? Yes No 2. Upon annexation, will the proposal territory be included within an assessment district and be subject to assessment for new or extended services? Yes No 3. Does the agency have plans to establish any new assessment district that would include the proposal territory? Yes No 4. Will the proposal territory assume any existing bonded indebtedness? If yes, indicate any taxpayer cost: $_______________________________________ Yes No 5. Will the proposal territory be subject to any special taxes, benefit charges, or fees? If yes, please provide details of all costs: ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Yes No 6. Is the agency requesting an exchange of property tax revenues as a result of this proposal? Yes No 7. Is this proposed jurisdictional change subject to a master property tax agreement or master enterprise district resolution? Yes No 8. FOR CITY ANNEXATIONS: Does the proposal territory contain existing commercial development that generates retail sales of ten million dollars or more per year? Yes No 9. FOR CITY ANNEXATIONS: If any part of the proposal territory is under a Williamson Act contract, please contact the LAFCO office for special instructions regarding petition or resolution of application requirements. EXPEDITED PROPOSAL PROCESSING: Processing of jurisdictional boundary change proposals can be expedited by approximately 60 days if all affected landowners consent to the waiver of protest and termination (conducting authority) proceedings and subject agencies do not oppose the waiver. If you do NOT want to waive these proceedings, then attach a written statement to the subject agency information form containing a signature, date, and declaration of opposition to a waiver of such proceedings. June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 16 of 34 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 11 of 12 B. SEWER SERVICE: 1. What is the agency’s current wastewater treatment capacity (expressed in million gallons per day and equivalent dwelling units)? _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the average volume of influent currently being treated by the agency (expressed in million gallons per day and equivalent dwelling units)? ____________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. (a) What is the agency’s peak flow volume (expressed in million gallons per day)? __________________________________________________________________ (b) What is the agency’s peak flow capacity (expressed in million gallons per day)? ___________________________________________________________________ (c) Has the agency exceeded the flow (peak) capacity within the past two years? (d) If yes, please describe the frequency and volume of incidents that exceeded the agency’s peak capacity: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ YES NO 4. (a) Has the agency issued a letter of sewer availability for the proposal territory? (b) If yes, please provide a copy of the letter. (This documentation should be completed by the agency no longer than 6 months prior to submittal to LAFCO.) YES NO 5. (a) How many future equivalent dwelling units have been reserved or committed for proposed projects? __________________________________________________ (b) Can all projects that have received commitments of sewer availability (e.g., “will serve letters”) be accommodated with planned capacity? YES NO 6. (a) Does the agency have the necessary contractual and/or operational treatment capacity to provide sewer service to the proposal territory? (b) If yes, please specify the proposal territory ’s estimated sewer demand and the agency’s available sewer capacity (expressed in million gallons per day and equivalent dwelling units): ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ (c) If no, please describe the agency’s plans to upgrade capacity to resolve any capacity related issues: _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ YES NO 7. Will the proposal territory be annexed to a sewer improvement district? YES NO 8. (a) The distance for connection of the proposal territory to the agency’s existing sewer system is __________ feet. (b) Describe the location of the connection to the agency’s existing sewer system: ___________________________________________________________________ June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 17 of 34 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 12 of 12 C. WATER SERVICE: 1. (a) Does the subject agency have adequate water supply and sufficient contractual and/or operational capacity available to serve the proposal territory? (b) If yes, describe the proposal territory’s estimated water demand and the agency’s available water supply and capacity (expressed in acre-feet or million gallons per day): ___________________________________________________________________ (c) If no, what plans does the agency have to increase its water capacity? ___________________________________________________________________ YES NO 2. Specify any improvements (on and off-site) that will be necessary to connect and serve the anticipated development. Indicate the total cost of these improvements and method of financing (e.g., general property tax, assessment district, landowner or developer fees): ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ YES NO 3. (a) Has the agency issued a letter of water availability for the proposal territory? (b) If yes, please provide a copy of the letter. (This documentation should be completed by the agency no longer than 6 months prior to submittal to LAFCO.) YES NO 4. (a) The distance for connection of the proposal territory to the agency’s existing water system is _____________feet. (b) Describe the location of the connection to the agency’s existing water system: ___________________________________________________________________ 5. (a) Is the agency currently under any drought-related conditions and/or restrictions? (b) If yes, describe the conditions and specify any related restrictions: ___________________________________________________________________ YES NO 6. (a) Will the proposal territory utilize reclaimed water? (b) If yes, describe the proposal territory’s reclaimed water use and the agency’s available reclaimed water supply and capacity (expressed in acre-feet or million gallons per day): ___________________________________________________________________ (c) The distance for connection of the proposal territory to the agency’s existing reclaimed water system is _____________feet. (d) Describe the location of the connection to the agency’s existing reclaimed water system:_____________________________________________________________ (e) If no, has the agency considered availability of reclaimed water to the proposal territory? (f) What restrictions prevent use of reclaimed water? _________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ YES NO YES NO 7. Will the proposal territory be annexed to an improvement district? YES NO June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 18 of 34 June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 19 of 34 SUBJECT AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM NOTE: A copy of this form must be completed and signed by each local agency that will gain or lose territory t of the pr sed jurisdictional boundary change. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Kathleen Heitt Signature ol agency representative Print name District Engineer Title 760-438-4422 1/20/2023 Telephone Date A. JURISDICTIONAL INFORMATION: Name of agency: Leucadia Wastewater District l. Is the proposal territory within the agency's sphere of influence? 2. Upon annexation, will the proposal territory be included within an assessment district and be subject to assessment for new or extended services? 3. Does the agency have plans to establish any new assessment district that would include the proposal territory? 4. Will the proposal territory assume any existing bonded indebtedness? II yes, indicate any taxpayer cost: $ __________________ _ 5. Will the proposal territory be subject to any special taxes, benefit charges, or fees? II yes, please provide details of all costs: ________________ _ 6. Is the agency requesting an exchange of property tax revenues as a result of this proposal? 7. Is this proposed jurisdictional change subject to a master property tax agreement or master enterprise district resolution? 8. FOR CITY ANNEXATIONS: Does the proposal territory contain existing commercial development that generates retail sales of ten million dollars or more per year? 9. FOR CITY ANNEXATIONS: If any part of the proposal territory is under a Williamson Act contract, please contact the LAFCO office for special instructions regarding petition or resolution of application requirements. YesEI NoO YesO No□ N/A YesD NoO N/A Yes(J No□ N/ A YesO NoO N/A YesD NoO N/A YesO NoO N/A YeCI NoO N/A EXPEDITED PROPOSAL PROCESSING: Processing of jurisdictional boundary change proposals can be expedited by approximately 60 days if all affected landowners consent to the waiver of protest and termination (conducting authority) proceedings and subject agencies do not oppose the waiver. If you do NOT want to waive these proceedings, then attach a written statement to the subject agency information form containing a signature, date, and declaration of opposition to a waiver of such proceedings. SAN DIEGO LAFCO-CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page l O of 12 SAN DIEGO LAFCO—CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION or REORGANIZATION APPLICATION Page 12 of 12 C. WATER SERVICE: 1. (a) Does the subject agency have adequate water supply and sufficient contractual and/or operational capacity available to serve the proposal territory? (b) If yes, describe the proposal territory’s estimated water demand and the agency’s available water supply and capacity (expressed in acre-feet or million gallons per day): ___________________________________________________________________ (c) If no, what plans does the agency have to increase its water capacity? ___________________________________________________________________ YES NO 2. Specify any improvements (on and off-site) that will be necessary to connect and serve the anticipated development. Indicate the total cost of these improvements and method of financing (e.g., general property tax, assessment district, landowner or developer fees): ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ YES NO 3. (a) Has the agency issued a letter of water availability for the proposal territory? (b) If yes, please provide a copy of the letter. (This documentation should be completed by the agency no longer than 6 months prior to submittal to LAFCO.) YES NO 4. (a) The distance for connection of the proposal territory to the agency’s existing water system is _____________feet. (b) Describe the location of the connection to the agency’s existing water system: ___________________________________________________________________ 5. (a) Is the agency currently under any drought-related conditions and/or restrictions? (b) If yes, describe the conditions and specify any related restrictions: ___________________________________________________________________ YES NO 6. (a) Will the proposal territory utilize reclaimed water? (b) If yes, describe the proposal territory’s reclaimed water use and the agency’s available reclaimed water supply and capacity (expressed in acre-feet or million gallons per day): ___________________________________________________________________ (c) The distance for connection of the proposal territory to the agency’s existing reclaimed water system is _____________feet. (d) Describe the location of the connection to the agency’s existing reclaimed water system:_____________________________________________________________ (e) If no, has the agency considered availability of reclaimed water to the proposal territory? (f) What restrictions prevent use of reclaimed water? _________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ YES NO YES NO 7. Will the proposal territory be annexed to an improvement district? YES NO June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 20 of 34 Page 1 of 3 DETACHMENT NO. DETACHMENT FROM THE LEUCADIA WASTEWATER DISTRICT GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 214-150-19 214-160-04, 05, 06, 25, 27, 28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 37 AND 39 216-140-08 THAT PORTION OF FRACTIONAL SECTIONS 29, 32 AND 33, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID FRACTIONAL SECTION 33 AS SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY 20809 RECORDED SEPTEMBER 22, 2010 AS FILE NO: 2010-0504205 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE (1) SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 33 SOUTH 00°39’07” WEST 2339.18 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF THAT 3.04 ACRE PARCEL SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY 6561 RECORDED JULY 13, 1965 AS FILE NO. 124950 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE (2) SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY SOUTH 17°17’45” EAST 279.88 FEET TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF LAFCO “BATIQUITOS POINTE REORGANIZATION” RESOLUTION NO. 7623 ADOPTED JULY 12, 1984, BEING THE INTERSECTION OF THE MEAN HIGH TIDE LINE AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 6 OF SAID SECTION 33 AS SHOWN ON SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 6561 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE (3) ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 7623 AND THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID 3.04 ACRE PARCEL AS SHOWN ON SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809 AND THE EASTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF NORTH 61°02’02” EAST 474.95 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809; THENCE (4) CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 7623 AND SAID EASTERLY LINE OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD NORTH 16°50’00” WEST 1414.99 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID EASTERLY LINE ALSO BEING AN ANGLE POINT IN THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AS ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1084 ADOPTED NOVEMBER 19, 1963; THENCE (5) CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 7623, SAID BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAID EASTERLY LINE OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD NORTH 03°59’30” WEST 663.24 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, BEING THE EASTERLY END OF LINE L3 SHOWN ON SHEET 4 OF SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809; THENCE (6) CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 7623, SAID BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809 SOUTH 86°00’30” WEST 177.99 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 6,280.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO WHICH BEARS NORTH 67°55’50” EAST; June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 21 of 34 Page 2 of 3 THENCE (7) CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 7623, SAID BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809, NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2°00’20” AN ARC DISTANCE OF 219.82 FEET; THENCE (8) CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 7623, SAID BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809 NORTH 24°05’17” WEST 164.86 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 339 (PONTO DRIVE); THENCE (9) LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 7623, SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809 AND THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809 SOUTH 89°04’24” EAST 307.62 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE ABANDON PORTION OF THE ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY’S RIGHT OF WAY ACROSS THE SOUTH TWO THIRDS OF LOT 4 OF SAID SECTION 29 AS SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY 682 RECORDED JULY 28, 1938 AS FILE NO. 38625 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY AND THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF SAID EASTERLY LINE OF THE ABANDON RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY AS SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY 12926 RECORDED OCTOBER 11, 1990 AS FILE NO. 90-556712 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE (10) CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 7623 AND SAID EASTERLY LINE OF THE ABANDON PORTION OF THE ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE ABANDON RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY AS SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY 12926 NORTH 03°59’30” WEST 826.11 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE EXISTING 200.00 FOOT WIDE ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY AS SHOWN ON SAID ROS 12926; THENCE (11) CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 7623 AND SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE EXISTING 200.00 FOOT WIDE ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY NORTH 20°35’22” WEST 194.97 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHERLY ONE THIRD OF LOT 4 OF SAID SECTION 29 AS SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY 13326 RECORDED AUGUST 2, 1991 AS FILE NO. 91-387218 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, BEING AN ANGLE POINT IN THE WESTERLY LINE OF LAFCO “H.B. DEVELOPMENT DETACHMENT” RESOLUTION NO. 337 ADOPTED NOVEMBER 12, 1970; THENCE (12) LEAVING SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 7623, ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 337 AND SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHERLY ONE THIRD OF LOT 4 OF SAID SECTION 29 NORTH 89°09’28” WEST 565.38 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809; THENCE (13) CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 337 AND ALONG SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809 NORTH 19°08’54” WEST 3174.34 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 19,846.00 FEET; THENCE (14) CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 337 AND SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809, NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0°22’36” AN ARC DISTANCE OF 130.47 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 2 OF SAID SECTION 29 AS SHOWN ON SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 682 AND AN ANGLE POINT IN THE WESTERLY LINE OF LAFCO “DEANNEXATION NO. 3” RESOLUTION NO. 407 ADOPTED DECEMBER 14, 1972; THENCE (15) LEAVING SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 337, ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 407, CONTINUING ALONG SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809 AND SAID 19,846.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0°41’34” AN ARC DISTANCE OF 239.96 FEET; June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 22 of 34 Page 3 of 3 THENCE (16) CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 407 AND SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809 NORTH 18°05’07” WEST 1172.32 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE (17) CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 407 AND SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809, NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 108°44’28” AN ARC DISTANCE OF 37.96 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1 OF SAID SECTION 29 BEING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 29 AS SHOWN ON SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809 AND THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL A OF “INCLUSION NO. 1 TO THE LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT” PER LAFCO ORDINANCE 2 ADOPTED JANUARY 23, 1961; THENCE (18) LEAVING SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RESOLUTION NO. 407, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL A AND SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 20809 NORTH 89°20’39” WEST 567.41 FEET TO THE MEAN HIGH TIDE LINE OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN; THENCE (19) CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARCEL A, SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID MEAN HIGH TIDE LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, A TIE LINE TO WHICH BEARS SOUTH 19°15’11” EAST 8572.62 FEET. CONTAINING 107.00 ACRES MORE OR LESS. FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THIS DESCRIPTION OF LAND IS NOT A LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AS DEFINED IN THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND MAY NOT BE USED AS THE BASIS FOR AN OFFER FOR SALE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED. THIS REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS ACT. ______________________________________ MICHAEL L. SCHLUMPBERGER, PLS 7790 January 12, 2023_____________________ DATE June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 23 of 34 June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 24 of 34 ~~ C r l Q A c l p " i "I ( ~ ~ I Q ~ ~ n V) 0 ~I v - - / ' 1 \ PR O P O S E D AR E A OF DE T A C H M E N T FR O M LE U C A D I A WA S T E W A T E R DIS T R I C T 10 7 . 0 0 AC R E S DIS C L A I M E R : "F O R AS S E S S M E N T PU R P O S E S ON L Y . TH I S DE S C R I P T I O N OF LA N D IS NO T A LE G A L PR O P E R T Y DE S C R I P T I O N AS DE F I N E D IN TH E SU B D I V I S I O N MA P AC T AN D MA Y NO T BE US E D AS TH E BA S I S FO R AN OF F E R FO R SA L E OF TH E LA N D DE S C R I B E D " I C f A N 0 ,, ~ ! f / > :: 0 ~ :: 0 ,, l6 -I ::0 cA f < 1 , . s B A D ~ ~ or ~ Ii! ~ :.; ; ~ ~" ' 1- . . $1 LO C A T I O N MA P NO SC A L E SH E E T 1 OF 4 AS S E S S O R ' S PA R C E L NU M B E R S I LA F C O RE S O L U T I O N NO . I AC R E A G E ID A TE SC A L E 21 4 - 1 5 0 - 1 9 , 21 6 - 1 4 0 - 0 8 21 4 - 1 6 0 - 0 4 10 116 & 25 . 'E l . 28 . 34 10 J9 CA R L S B A D BO U L E V A R D DE T A C H M E N T BE I N G A PO R T I O N OF FR A C T I O N A L SE C T I O N 29 , FR A C T I O N A L SE C T I O N 32 AN D FR A C T I O N A L SE C T I O N 33 , T1 2 S , R4 W , SB M , SA N DIE G O CO U N T Y 10 7 . 0 0 12 / 2 1 / 2 0 2 2 Ri g h t - O f - W a y En g i n e e r i n g Se r v i c e s , In c . 81 5 So u t h Tr e m o n t st r e e t • 0c n D a l d e , Cl 92 0 5 ' ww e , o w . . , . . . i e t (7 8 0 ) 83 7 - 2 7 0 0 Dr a w i n g fi e na m e : Cc r l s b a d Bo u l e v a r d De t a c h m e n t Jo b No . 22 1 1 - 0 0 J 6 - 0 7 June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 25 of 34 .... i 21 4 - 1 6 0 - • • ~~ t· v CO R N E R OF SE C T I O N 33 A. T. & S. F . IF l l O S 2 0 8 0 9 ~ CA R L S B A D BO U L E V A R D CU R V E TA B L E CU R V E DE L T A RA D I U S LE N G T H C7 2• 0 0 ' 2 0 • 28 0 . 0 0 ' 21 9 . 8 2 ' BO U N D A R Y OF NO . 78 2 3 /1 2 / 1 9 8 4 C/ ) <( z c3 z w <( Cl z ~ <( ~ ~c : : ; ' JJ ~ --- - - - - L4 l.1 LIN E TA B L E LI N E BE A R I N G LE N G T H L1 so o • 3 9 • 0 1 · w 23 3 9 .18 ' L2 S1 7 1 7 ' 4 5 • E 27 9 . 8 8 ' L3 N6 1 - 0 2 ' 0 2 • E 47 4 . 9 5 ' L4 N1 6 - s o · o o · w 14 1 4 . 9 9 ' LS NO Y 5 9 ' 3 o · w 66 3 . 2 4 ' L6 sa 6 - 0 0 • 3 o • w 17 7 . 9 9 ' LB N2 4 - 0 5 ' 1 7 • w 16 4 . 8 6 ' L9 sa 9 • 0 4 •24 • E 30 7 . 6 2 ' L1 0 NO Y 5 9 ' 3 o · w 82 6 . 1 1 ' L1 9 S1 9 1 5 ' 1 1 " E 85 7 2 . 6 2 ' SL Y LI N E LO T 8 I • / AP l t 2 1 4 - - 1 ! 1 0 - 1 9 - :: : - , '- - Z _ : ~- ; / 1 ; ; ; ; ; . ; - - J,. --- I" " ) I ~ ._ I- I LL. I LL. I Is o u r H ::: r : (/ ) RO S 8 5 8 1 C A R L S B A D S T A T E LL. I LL. I I (/ ) AP N : 21 6 - 1 4 0 - 0 8 ME A N HIG H TI D E LIN E - - - - - - - L 1 9 (T I E L I N E - ) - - - - - L2 P A C I F I C O C E A N TP O B SH E E T 2 OF 4 PR O P O S E D AR E A OF DE T A C H M E N T FR O M LE U C A D I A WA S T E W A T E R DIS T R I C T 10 7 . 0 0 AC R E S AS S E S S O R ' S PA R C E L NU M B E R S I LA F C O RE S O L U T I O N NO . I AC R E A G E ID A TE SC A L E DIS C L A I M E R : "F O R AS S E S S M E N T PU R P O S E S ON L Y . TH I S DE S C R I P T I O N OF LA N D IS NO T A LE G A L PR O E R T Y DE S C R I P T I O N AS DE F I N E D IN TH E SU B D I V I S I O N MA P AC T AN D MA Y NO T BE US E D AS TH E BA S I S FO R AN OF F E R FO R SA L E OF TH E LA N D DE S C R I B E D " 30 0 ' 011 1 1 1 1 5 0 ' 30 0 ' SC A L E 1" = 3 0 0 ' 21 4 - 1 5 0 - 1 9 , 21 6 - 1 4 0 - 0 8 21 4 - 1 6 0 - 0 4 10 06 &: 25 , 27 , 28 . 34 10 39 CA R L S B A D BO U L E V A R D DE T A C H M E N T BE I N G A PO R T I O N OF FR A C T I O N A L SE C T I O N 29 , FR A C T I O N A L SE C T I O N 32 AN D FR A C T I O N A L SE C T I O N 33 , T1 2 S , R4 W , SB M , SA N DIE G O CO U N T Y 10 7 . 0 0 12 / 2 1 / 2 0 2 2 11 " = 3 0 0 ' Ri g h t - O f - W a y En g i n e e r i n g Se r v i c e s , In c . 81 1 1 So u t h Tr e m o n t SI N e t • Oc e a n s i d e , CA 92 0 1 1 4 ro w e r o w . a g . n e t (7 8 0 ) 88 7 - 2 7 0 0 Dra w t n 9 fi e na m e : Ca r l s b a d Bo u l e v a r d De t a c h m e n t Jo b No . 22 1 1 - 0 0 3 6 - 0 7 June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 26 of 34 s CA T A M A R A N 7~ 1 TR A D E W I N D S DR I V E -+ I -LL. I LL. I :: c V) LL. I LL. I V) S O U TH - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - RE S O O J T I O N NO . 33 7 AD O P T E D 11 / 1 2 / 1 9 7 0 A. T. & S. F . LE E W A R D ST R E E T CA R L S B A D BO U L E V A R D RO S 2 0 8 0 9 AP N : 2 1 4 - 1 5 0 - 1 9 C A R L S B A D S T A T E _ _ L1 9 (T I E LI N E ) _ _ ME A N HI G H TI D E LI N E P A C I F I C O C E A N LI N E TA B L E LI N E I BE A R I N G L1 0 I NO Y 5 9 ' 3 o · w L 11 I N2 0 • 3 5 • 2 2 • w L1 2 I N8 9 1 l 9 ' 2 8 • w L1 3 I N1 9 1 l 8 ' 5 4 " W L1 9 I S1 9 1 5 ' 1 1 . E RO S 1 AP N : 21 4 - 1 6 0 - 3 7 LE N G T H 82 6 . 1 1 ' 19 4 .97 ' 56 5 .38 ' 31 7 4 .34 ' 85 7 2 . 6 2 ' t . , . 04 0 5 AP N : 21 4 - 1 6 0 - . . B E A C H N I -LL. I LL. I :: c V) LL. I LL. I V) SH E E T 3 OF 4 PR O P O S E D AR E A OF DE T A C H M E N T FR O M LE U C A D I A WA S T E W A T E R DI S T R I C T 10 7 . 0 0 AC R E S AS S E S S O R ' S PA R C E L NU M B E R S I LA F C O RE S O L U T I O N NO . I AC R E A G E ID A TE SC A L E DIS C L A I M E R : "F O R AS S E S S M E N T PU R P O S E S ON L Y . TH I S DE S C R I P T I O N OF LA N D IS NO T A LE G A L PR O P E R T Y DE S C R I P T I O N AS DE F I N E D IN TH E SU B D I V I S I O N MA P AC T AN D MA Y NO T BE US E D AS TH E BA S I S FO R AN OF F E R FO R SA L E OF TH E LA N D DE S C R I B E D " 30 0 ' 011 1 1 1 1 5 0 ' 30 0 ' SC A L E 1" = 3 0 0 ' 21 4 - 1 5 0 - 1 9 , 21 6 - 1 4 0 - 0 8 21 4 - 1 6 0 - 0 4 10 06 &: 25 , 27 , 28 . 34 10 39 CA R L S B A D BO U L E V A R D DE T A C H M E N T BE I N G A PO R T I O N OF FR A C T I O N A L SE C T I O N 29 , FR A C T I O N A L SE C T I O N 32 AN D FR A C T I O N A L SE C T I O N 33 , T1 2 S , R4 W , SB M , SA N DIE G O CO U N T Y 10 7 . 0 0 12 / 2 1 / 2 0 2 2 11 " = 3 0 0 ' Ri g h t - O f - W a y En g i n e e r i n g Se r v i c e s , In c . 81 1 1 So u t h Tr e m o n t SI N e t • Oc e a n s i d e , CA 92 0 1 1 4 ro w e r o w . a g . n e t (7 8 0 ) 88 7 - 2 7 0 0 Dra w t n 9 fi e na m e : Ca r l s b a d Bo u l e v a r d De t a c h m e n t Jo b No . 22 1 1 - 0 0 3 6 - 0 7 June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 27 of 34 CU R V E TA B L E LI N E TA B L E CU R V E DE L T A RA D I U S LE N G T I - 1 LIN E BE A R I N G LE N G T I - 1 C1 4 0" 2 2 ' 3 6 • 19 .84 6 .00 ' 13 0 . 4 7 ' L1 3 N1 9 1 > 8 ' 5 4 " W 31 7 4 . 3 4 ' C1 5 0• 4 1 • 3 4 • 19 .84 6 .00 ' 23 9 .96 ' L1 6 N1 8 1 > 5 ' 0 7 " W 11 7 2 . 3 2 ' c1 1 10 5 • 4 4 • 2 5 • 20 .00 ' 37 .96 ' L1 8 N8 9 · 2 0 • 3 9 •w 56 7 . 4 1 ' L1 9 S1 9 1 5 ' 1 1 • E : R~ 7 2 . R ? ' ~ ; ~ ,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , · r I IJ = i ' I I ___, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Q Y I 1 ~ - ; : - ~ ~ - K - - ~ ___ __ , _ __ I A. T . & ~ / CA T A M A R A N DR I V E FR A N C I S C A N RD . ~ !} 11 L l - - - - ~ - - - r ~~ a ~ _J _ I = ~ ~- i TR A D E W I N D S DR I V E SU R F S I D E LN . ~ I I , , , , r} C1 7 L1 6 C1 5 ~ i C1 4 I L1 3 NO R l H E R L Y BO U N D A R Y OF ~ u r c , , r a 1 v -~ ••• - •- ~ r& / ;~ ~ ~ O f ; ~ ~ : C E ~ ~ ~ ~ 1:J 2 CA R L S B A D BO U L E V A R D ~1 1 ~ ~ ~ : ~ N : RO S 20 8 0 8 AD O P T E D 11 / 1 2 / 1 9 7 0 ~~ n "' !J ~ AP N : 2 1 4 - 1 5 0 - 1 9 I- ~ ~ w ~J Q S O U T H C A R L S B A D S T A T E B E A C H ~ ~ w w L 19 (T I E LI N E ) cn - - - - - - ME A N HIG H TI D E LI N E P A C I F I C O C E A N PR O P O S E D AR E A OF DE T A C H M E N T FR O M SH E E T 4 OF 4 LE U C A D I A WA S T E W A T E R DI S T R I C T 10 7 . 0 0 AC R E S AS S E S S O R ' S PA R C E L NU M B E R S LA F C O RE S O L U T I O N NO . AC R E A G E DA T E SC A L E DIS C L A I M E R · , 21 4 - 1 5 0 - 1 9 , 21 6 - 1 4 0 - 0 8 "F O R AS S E S S M E N T PU R P O S E S ON L Y . TH I S 30 0 o _ _ _ 15 0 ' to o ' 21 4 - 1 6 0 - 0 4 1 0 06 &: 25 2 7 28 . 34 10 39 10 7 . 0 0 12 / 2 1 / 2 0 2 2 1" = 3 0 0 ' DE S C R I P T I O N OF LA N D IS NO T A LE G A L • • • CA R L S B A D BO U L E V A R D DE T A C H M E N T ~- " t Of - E n w l n M f t f f s .. . . . . In PR O P E R T Y DE S C R I P T I O N AS DE F I N E D IN TH E &-- -n a y .. , . & & & e e u . & & 5 e. . - n c e s , c. SU B D I V I S I O N MA P AC T AN D MA Y NO T BE • • • I BE I N G A PO R T I O N OF FR A C T I O N A L SE C T I O N 29 , 811 ) So u t h Tr e m o n t st r e e t • Oc e a n s i d e , CA 92 0 1 1 4 US E D AS TH E BA S I S FO R AN OF F E R FO R ., , FR A C T I O N A L SE C T I O N 32 AN D FR A C T I O N A L ro w e r o w . a g . n e t (7 8 0 ) 88 7 - 2 7 0 0 SA L E OF TH E LA N D DE S C R I B E D " SC A L E 1 =3 0 0 SE C T I O N 33 T1 2 S R4 W SB M SA N DIE G O CO U N T Y Dr a w t n v fi e na m e : C a r l s b a d Bo u l e v a r d De t a c h m e n t • • • ' Jo b No . 22 1 1 - 0 0 3 6 - 0 7 Page 1 of 2 DETACHMENT NO. DETACHMENT FROM THE LEUCADIA WASTEWATER DISTRICT GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 215-022-02 THROUGH 09 AND 11, 12, 13 215-023-01 THROUGH 11 AND 14, 15 215-050-45 AND 46 THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 23 AND NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26 AS SHOWN ON MAP 16329 RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 2019 AS FILE NO: 2019-7000078 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE (1) NORTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID MAP 16329 AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 26 NORTH 00°42’45” WEST 1311.33 FEET TO NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26 AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 23; THENCE (2) CONTINUING ALONG SAID MAP 16329, NORTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID FRACTIONAL SECTION 23 NORTH 00°33’46” EAST 1320.06 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 23; THENCE (3) CONTINUING ALONG SAID MAP 16329, EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 23 SOUTH 89°31’19” EAST 1347.97 FEET TO NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 23; THENCE (4) CONTINUING ALONG SAID MAP 16329, SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 23 SOUTH 00°33’08” WEST 1318.06 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 23 AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26; THENCE (5) CONTINUING ALONG SAID MAP 16329, SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26 SOUTH 00°22’00” EAST 1314.42 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26; THENCE (6) CONTINUING ALONG SAID MAP 16329, WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26 NORTH 89°28’10” WEST 1340.35 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 81.33 ACRES MORE OR LESS. FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THIS DESCRIPTION OF LAND IS NOT A LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AS DEFINED IN THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND MAY NOT BE USED AS THE BASIS FOR AN OFFER FOR SALE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED. June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 28 of 34 Page 2 of 2 THIS REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS ACT. ______________________________________ MICHAEL L. SCHLUMPBERGER, PLS 7790 December 14, 2022_______________________ DATE June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 29 of 34 June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 30 of 34 LIN E BE A R I N G LE N G T H ~ !! [ 8 L1 N0 0 " 4 2 ' 45 • w 13 1 1 . 3 3 ' L2 N0 0 " 3 3 ' 46 . E 13 2 0 . 0 6 ' t NO R T H L3 S8 9 " 3 1 '1 g• E 13 4 7 . 9 7 ' l l .. AP N : 21 5 - 0 2 2 - 0 3 AD O P l E D 1/ 2 3 / 1 9 6 1 PR O P O S E D AR E A OF DE T A C H M E N T FR O M LE U C A D I A WA S T E W A T E R DIS T R I C T 81 . 3 3 AC R E S DIS C L A I M E R : "F O R AS S E S S M E N T PU R P O S E S ON L Y . TH I S DE S C R I P T I O N OF LA N D IS NO T A LE G A L PR O E R T Y DE S C R I P T I O N AS DE F I N E D IN TH E SU B D I V I S I O N MA P AC T AN D MA Y NO T BE US E D AS TH E BA S I S FO R AN OF F E R FO R SA L E OF TH E LA N D DE S C R I B E D " 40 0 ' 0 20 0 ' 40 0 ' SC A L E 1" = 4 0 0 ' L5 L4 L5 L6 AP N : 21 5 - 0 5 0 - 4 6 s0 0 · 3 3 • o a · w s0 0 " 2 2 ' o o · E N8 9 " 2 8 ' 1 o· w AP N : 21 5 - 0 5 0 - 4 5 13 1 8 . 0 6 ' 13 1 4 . 4 2 ' 13 4 0 . 3 5 ' ~ IN II A P 1 8 3 2 9 AP N : 21 5 - 0 2 3 - 1 0 AP N : 21 5 - 0 2 3 - 0 2 21 5 - 0 2 3 - 1 1 21 5 - 0 2 3 - 1 5 ~- ~ N I ' N N PO B SW CO R N E R OF NW 1/ 4 OF lH E NW 1/ 4 OF SE C T I O N 26 AS S E S S O R ' S PA R C E L NU M B E R S I LA F C O RE S O L U T I O N NO . I AC R E A G E ID A TE SC A L E 21 5 - 0 2 2 - 0 2 TO 09 cl: 11 TO 13 PO I N S E T T I A LA N E DE T A C H M E N T BE I N G A PO R T I O N OF TH E NO R T H W E S T QU A R T E R OF SE C T I O N 26 AN D SO U T H W E S T QU A R T E R OF SE C T I O N 23 , T1 2 S , R4 W , SB M , SA N DIE G O CO U N T Y 81 . 3 3 12 / 1 4 / 2 0 2 2 11 " = 4 0 0 ' Ri g h t - O f - W a y En g i n e e r i n g Se r v i c e s , In c . 81 8 So u t h Tr e m o n t SI N e t • Oc e a n s i d e , CA 92 0 1 1 4 ro w e r o w . a g . n e t (7 8 0 ) 88 7 - 2 7 0 0 Dr a w i n g fi l e na m e : Po i n s e t t i a La n e De t a c h m e n t Jo b Na . 22 1 1 - 0 0 J B - 0 7 Page 1 of 1 DETACHMENT NO. DETACHMENT FROM THE LEUCADIA WASTEWATER DISTRICT GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 215-050-79, 80, 81, 82 AND 84 THROUGH 88, AND A PORTION OF 215-050-70 THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26 AS SHOWN ON MAP 15863 RECORDED APRIL 24, 2012 AS FILE NO: 2012-0239416 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE (1) ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 4 OF SAID MAP 15863 AND THE NORTH SOUTH CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 26 SOUTH 00°03’42” EAST 1440.84 FEET TO THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1 OF SAID MAP 15863; THENCE (2) LEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE AND SAID NORTH SOUTH CENTERLINE, ALONG SAID WESTERLY PROLONGATION AND SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1, SOUTH 89°14’40” EAST 890.74 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 2 OF SAID MAP 15863, BEING A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1755.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO WHICH BEARS NORTH 75°12’00” EAST; THENCE (3) ALONG SAID NON-TANGENT CURVE, SAID PROLONGATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 2 AND THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18°13’51” AN ARC DISTANCE OF 558.42 FEET; THENCE (4) CONTINUING ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 2 AND THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4 NORTH 33°01’51” WEST 1045.82 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 7045.00 FEET; THENCE (5) CONTINUING ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 4, ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0°38’44” AN ARC DISTANCE OF 79.38 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4 BEING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26; THENCE (6) LEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 89°17’09” WEST 53.84 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 16.94 ACRES MORE OR LESS. FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THIS DESCRIPTION OF LAND IS NOT A LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AS DEFINED IN THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND MAY NOT BE USED AS THE BASIS FOR AN OFFER FOR SALE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED. THIS REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS ACT. ______________________________________ MICHAEL L. SCHLUMPBERGER, PLS 7790 December 7, 2022_______________________ DATE June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 31 of 34 June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 32 of 34 CO U R S E I BE A R I N G / D E L T A RA D I U S I LE N G l H L1 I S0 0 - 0 3 ' 4 2 " E 14 4 0 . 8 4 ' \ BO U N D A R Y t L2 I S8 9 1 4 ' 40 " E C3 I 18 1 3 ' 5 1 " 89 0 . 7 4 ' 17 5 5 . o o ' I 55 8 . 4 2 ' WA S T E W A 1E R DIS T R I C T AT lH E llH E A S T CO R N E R OF Li L4 I N3 3 - 0 1 '5 1 "W 10 4 5 . 8 2 ' C5 I 0" 3 8 ' 4 4 " 04 5 . o o ' I 79 . 3 8 ' L6 I N8 9 1 7 ' 0 9 " W LO C A TlO N MA P NO SC A L E ,( ) ~ ) \ 'l\ - ~ / p ~ · / NW C O R N E R Of ' NE 1/ 4 Of ' SE C T I O N 26 DE P A R T I N G FR O M lH E NO R l H E R L Y BO U N D A R Y Of ' LE U C A D I A WA S T E W A T E R DIS T R I C T AT lH E NO R l H E A S T CO R N E R Of ' LO T 3 PR O P O S E D AR E A OF DE T A C H M E N T FR O M LE U C A D I A WA S T E W A T E R DI S T R I C T 16 . 9 4 AC R E S ~ NO R l H AP N : 21 5 - 0 5 0 - 8 0 II A P 1 5 8 1 3 LO T 4 1/ 2 3 / 9 6 1 /" - - . 53 . 8 4 ' PO R T I O N OF AP N : 21 5 - 0 5 0 - 7 0 AS S E S S O R ' S PA R C E L NU M B E R S I LA F C O RE S O L U T I O N NO . I AC R E A G E ID A TE SC A L E DIS C L A I M E R : "F O R AS S E S S M E N T PU R P O S E S ON L Y . 11- 1 1 5 DE S C R I P T I O N OF LA N D IS NO T A LE G A L PR O E R T Y DE S C R I P T I O N AS DE F I N E D IN lH E SU B D I V I S I O N MA P AC T AN D MA Y NO T BE US E D AS lH E BA S I S FO R AN OF F E R FO R SA L E OF lH E LA N D DE S C R I B E D " 20 0 ' 0 10 0 ' 20 0 ' SC A L E 1" = 2 0 0 ' PO R T I O N OF : 21 5 - 0 5 0 - 7 0 DO V E LA N E DE T A C H M E N T BE I N G A PO R T I O N OF TH E NO R T H E A S T QU A R T E R OF SE C T I O N 26 , T1 2 S , R4 W , SB M , SA N DIE G O CO U N T Y 16 . 9 4 12 / 2 / 2 0 2 2 11 " = 2 0 0 ' Ri g h t - O f - W a y En g i n e e r i n g Se r v i c e s , In c . 81 8 So u t h Tr e m o n t SI N e t • Oc e a n s i d e , CA 92 0 1 1 4 ro w e r o w . a g . n e t (7 8 0 ) 83 7 - 2 7 0 0 Dr a w i n g fll e na m e : Do v e La n e De t a c h m e n t Jo b No . 22 1 1 - 0 0 3 6 - 0 7 §¨¦5 CARLSBAD ENCINITAS SAN MARCOS BATIQUITOS LAGOON EL C A M R E A L LA COST A POINSETTIA VU L C A N ALGA ENCINITAS M E L R O S E RANC H O S A N T A F E LEUCADIA C O A S T H I G H W A Y 1 0 1 ALI C A N T E I- 5 LA K E EL F U E R T E N E P T U N E LE V A N T E PALOMAR AIRPORT LO N E J A C K A MA N C H E S T E R SAN E L I J O CALLE B A R C E L O N A MIM O S A AV I A R A CAD E N C I A DE N N I N G AM B R O S I A VIA D E F O R T U N A GL E N A R B O R TOWN G A R D E N RO S E B A Y RAVEAN KELLOGG VANESS A PUEBLA 0 0.9 1.80.45 Miles o §¨¦5 Sphere of Influence ENCINITAS PacificOcean PacificOcean §¨¦5 §¨¦15 }78 CHULA VISTA SANDIEGO ESCONDIDO §¨¦8 SAN DIEGO COUNTY Leucadia WD Leucadia Wastewater DistrictLeucadia Wastewater District SOI Adopted: 9 / 10 / 1984SOI Affirmed: 8 / 6 / 2007SOI Affirmed: 6 / 3 / 2013 SOI = Sphere of Influence CARLSBAD G:\GIS\PROJECTS\Profile_maps\2021 maps\Districts\WWD_Leucadia.mxd Created by Dieu Ngu -- 5/24/2021 This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including butnot limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.Copyright LAFCO and SanGIS. All Rights Reserved.This product may contain informationfrom the SANDAG Regional Information System which cannot be reproduced withoutthe written permission of SANDAG. This map has been prepared for descriptive purposesonly and is considered accurate according to SanGIS and LAFCO data. EXHIBIT 2 June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 33 of 34 San Diego County . . Local Agency Formation Comm1ss1on Regional Service Planning I Subdivision of the State of California EXHIBIT 3 June 6, 2023 Item #1 Page 34 of 34 ~~~I\ LEUCADIA WP.STEWATER ----=DISTRICT Vicki Quiram, P. E. Utilities Director City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 LEA DERS IN ENVIRONMENTA L PROTECTION May 3, 2023 BOARD OF DI RECTORS Elaine Sullivan, President Ch ris Roesink, Vice President Donald F. Omsted, Director Judy Hanson, Director Rolando A Saldana. Director Paul J, Bushee, General Manager Ref: 23-8403 Subject: Support for the Request for the Local Agency Formation Commission to Take Proceedings for the Leucadia Wastewater District Change of Organization Detachment Dear Ms . Quiram : The purpose of this letter is to express the Leucadia Wastewater District's (District) support for the City of Carlsbad's (City) proposed Change of Organization application to the Local Agency Formation Commission for the detachment of three areas historically served by the City, but currently within the District's service area. This effort will formally align those customers served by the City with City's service area. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (760) 753-0155 if you have any questions. 1960 LA COSTA AVENUE, CARLSBAD, CA 92009 • PHONE 760 .753.0155 • FAX 760 .753.3094 • LWWD.ORG • INFO@LWWD.ORG