HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-06; Municipal Water District; ; Accept Bids, Award a Contract to Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders & Engineers Group Ltd., and Authorize an Additional Appropriation of Funds for Construction oCA Review GH
Meeting Date: June 6, 2023
To: President and Board Members
From: Scott Chadwick, Executive Manager
Staff Contact: Dave Padilla, District Engineer
dave.padilla@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2356
Neil Irani, Utilities Associate Engineer
neil.irani@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2305
Subject: Accept Bids, Award a Contract to Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro
Builders & Engineers Group Ltd., and Authorize an Additional
Appropriation of Funds for Construction of the Recycled Water Phase III,
D-4 Reservoir Project
District: 3
Recommended Action
Adopt a resolution accepting bids, awarding a contract to Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro
Builders & Engineers Group Ltd. for construction of the Recycled Water Phase III, D-4 Reservoir
and appropriating additional funds from the Recycled Water Connection Fund to Capital
Improvement Program Project No. 5210.
Executive Summary
This project will construct a recycled water-storage reservoir and related site improvements on
what is known as the D-tanks site on Black Rail Road south of Poinsettia Lane as shown in
Exhibit 2. The D-4 Reservoir will be the fourth reservoir to be constructed on the site and is the
last remaining component called for in the Recycled Water Phase III Plan.
This reservoir will expand the distribution and storage capacity of the Carlsbad Municipal Water
District’s (CMWD) recycled water system to meet the estimated recycled water demands in the
2012 Recycled Water Master Plan and its 2019 update.
Additional storage will provide operational flexibility to better serve irrigation demands and
reduce energy costs by increasing our ability to pump recycled water into the tanks when
electricity rates are at their lowest.
This action would award a construction contract to the lowest responsive and responsible
bidder, Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders & Engineers Group, Ltd., or Metro, in an
amount not to exceed $4,835,764. An additional appropriation of $2,533,000 is required to fully
fund the project.
The CMWD Board needs to approve all formally bid contracts when the value exceeds
$200,000, as required under Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections 3.28.080(C), 3.28.080(E) and
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Explanation & Analysis
The 2019 Recycled Water Master Plan Update identified additional storage capacity needs in
the recycled water distribution system. The D-4 Reservoir will add 1.5-million gallons of storage
capacity to the 3.5 million gallons capacity provided by three existing recycled water storage
tanks, two of which are located at the D-tanks site and a third tank located south of Lake
Calavera. The D-4 tank will bolster the ability to meet storage requirements and daily maximum
demands, while avoiding the need to pump recycled water into the distribution system during
periods of peak energy use, thus avoiding peak costs.
Other improvements to be constructed with the project will include site grading, new onsite
piping for tank maintenance and recycled water distribution, paving, and electrical
improvements for tank level and pressure sensing. A new stormwater detention basin and
storm drain system will be constructed for the D-4 tank to mitigate stormwater runoff.
Landscape and irrigation improvements will be constructed around the perimeter of the D-4
tank and in selected locations near the southern and eastern property boundaries to partially
screen the tank from public view.
On Nov. 8, 2022, the CMWD Board adopted Resolution No. 1687, authorizing staff to seek bids
for construction. Staff advertised the project using the city’s formal bidding procedures.
Three bids were received on April 13, 2023, ranging from the low bid of $4,835,764 to the high
bid of $4,853,743. The bids are within 5% of the engineer’s estimate1 of $4,601,000, which
included a construction contingency of $601,000. The narrow bidding range suggests
competitive bids and consistent interpretation of the plans and specifications among the
bidders. An additional appropriation of funds at the time of contract award was anticipated
when the project was authorized for bidding.
Staff reviewed the bid proposals and determined Metro to be a responsible bidder and its bid
of $4,835,764 to be responsive.
Staff recommend the CMWD Board accept the bids, award a construction contract to Metro
and authorize additional appropriation of $2,533,000 to fully fund Capital Improvement
Program Project No. 5210.
Community Engagement
Staff conducted an enhanced stakeholder outreach effort in conformance with Carlsbad Council
Policy No. 84, Development Project Public Involvement Policy, to initiate communication with
neighboring residents within 600 feet of the project site. An early public notice was mailed in
September 2020, and a public notice sign was posted at the project site that October.
Staff received 10 inquiries from adjacent or nearby property owners with questions or concerns
regarding tank color and height, landscape screening, site lighting, work hours, construction
duration, foul odor from existing tanks, inappropriate language from construction contractors,
requests for notification of future hearings and potential aesthetic, noise, air quality and
stormwater impacts. Staff responded to these inquiries with an informational letter.
Staff shared additional project details in an informational mailer from November 2020, which
included a site plan, architectural photo renderings and other project information. Staff notified
residents again on July 20, 2022, prior to the Planning Commission hearing that day in which
1 The engineer’s estimate is the estimated cost for the construction of a project prepared by the engineer of
record, who may be a consultant or city or CMWD staff.
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the project’s special use and coastal development permit amendments were approved. No
public comment was received at the hearing and the project was unanimously approved.
Staff will engage a consultant to provide communication and outreach services before
construction to coordinate with nearby residents. The Executive Manager or designee will
procure these professional services in accordance with existing master agreements and the
authority provided in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.060(D).
Fiscal Analysis
Project cost
The total project cost of $6,342,164 is delineated in the table below. An additional $2,533,000
appropriation into the project Capital Improvement Project budget from the Recycled Water
Connection Fund is required to fully fund the project. This requested appropriation is funded
via the same mechanism as the overall project, through a combination of grants and a low-
interest, 1% loan. The 20-year loan will equitably spread the cost of the project across
ratepayers and over time.
Additional funding sources
This project will receive approximately $1.8 million in grant funding. Specifically, the CMWD, as
a part of the North San Diego Water Reuse Coalition, obtained $800,000 for the CMWD from
the U.S. Department of the Interior through a funding opportunity under the Water
Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act. The CMWD was also awarded a State
Integrated Regional Water Management Proposition 1 grant of $1 million dedicated to this
The primary funding source for the Recycled Water Connection Fund is a 2014 low-interest
State Revolving Fund loan, Agreement No. 14-820-550,2 for the Phase III Recycled Water
Project. The original loan amount was $29.5 million, and of that, there is $11.4 million
remaining. Staff successfully obtained grant funding to use towards the project, which reduces
the amount of debt the CMWD would need to finance the larger project. The D-4 Reservoir is
the final component of the Phase III project.
2 The CMWD Board of Directors approved this agreement through Resolution No. 1511 in 2015.
Recycled Water Phase III, D-4 Reservoir
Capital Improvement Program Project No. 5210
Total appropriation to date $4,300,000
Total expenditures and encumbrances to date -$490,128
Total available funding $3,809,872
Construction contract – Metro -$4,835,764
Construction contingency (15%) -$725,400
Construction management and inspection (estimated) -$600,000
Biological monitoring and reporting -$73,000
Community outreach during construction (estimated) -$40,000
State Revolving Fund loan labor compliance -$28,000
Engineering and administrative costs (estimated) -$40,000
Total estimated project costs -$6,342,164
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Municipal Code sections 3.28.040(C)(5) and 3.28.090(B) authorize the Executive Manager or
designee to approve change orders in an amount equal to the contingency set at the time of
project award, which for this project is $725,400.
Construction management and inspection services are necessary for the project. Staff plan to
issue a task order for these services in an amount not to exceed $600,000 through the
Executive Manager’s delegated authority under the Master Agreement for As-Needed
Horizontal Construction Management and Inspection Services authorized by the CMWD Board
in Resolution No. 1644.
Staff provide the following options for the CMWD Board’s consideration:
1. Adopt a resolution accepting bids, awarding a construction contract to Metro in an
amount not to exceed $4,835,764 and appropriating $2,533,000 from the Recycled
Water Connection Fund to Capital Improvement Program Project No. 5210
• Metro has been determined to be the lowest responsible and responsive bidder
• Much-needed recycled water storage capacity improvements can be completed
at the earliest opportunity, further protecting potable water for potable use
• Available grant funding and a low-interest loan will be used to fund project costs
• Award of the contract complies with applicable Carlsbad Municipal Code
sections, including Sections 3.28.080I and 3.28.080(I)(6)
• Requires additional funding appropriation
• Construction activities have the potential to create temporary impacts to
aesthetics, noise, air quality and traffic. However, impacts will be insignificant
with implementation of project design features and construction best
management practices.
2. Reject all bids and re-issue the bid solicitation for the Recycled Water Phase III, D-4
Reservoir, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 5210
• None identified
• Delays the completion of critical recycled water storage capacity
• Potential increase in construction cost could occur
• Conflicts with scheduled milestones for disbursement of the federal grant
Staff recommend Option 1 for the CMWD Board’s approval.
Next Steps
Once the CMWD Board accepts the bids and awards the construction contract to Metro, staff
will issue a purchase order, schedule a preconstruction meeting with the contractor and issue a
notice to proceed for construction of the project, which is expected to commence in late
summer 2023.
Remaining balance -$2,532,292
Additional appropriation requested $2,533,000
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Staff will engage the consultants for community outreach, construction management and
inspection services, labor compliance and environmental and engineering services during
construction upon execution of the agreements for those services.
Construction will last an estimated 10 months, excluding rain days and change orders that may
extend the contract duration, with an estimated completion in summer 2024.
Upon successful completion of the project, a notice of completion to release bonds issued for
the project will be recorded.
Environmental Evaluation
In 2012, the Board adopted Resolution No. 1455, approving the project’s initial study/mitigated
negative declaration and mitigation monitoring and reporting program. (EIA 12-02, State
Clearing House SCH# 2012091049) This storage tank project is a component of the Phase III
Recycled Water Project and is subject to the mitigation measures that are identified in that
mitigation monitoring and reporting program.
An addendum to that declaration and program document approved by the Board on July 17,
2018, Resolution No. 1601, included an evaluation of potential environmental impacts
associated with moving the storage tank 150 feet east of the original location that had been
studied in the 2012 initial study/mitigated negative declaration. On July 20, 2022, the Planning
Commission approved Resolution No. 7457, finding that the proposed project is within the
scope of the prior environmental documents and no further environmental documentation is
required under California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15162.
The contractor will be subject to environmental mitigation measures as described in the
approved initial study/mitigated negative declaration to mitigate potential environmental
impacts to a level of insignificance. A completed and signed checklist for each mitigation
measure will be submitted, fulfilling the city's monitoring requirements with respect to
Assembly Bill 3180 (1988), Public Resources Code Section 21081.6. The city and the CMWD
have also incorporated numerous project design features and construction measures in an
effort to reduce the potential for environmental effects. The Phase III project components
would incorporate the applicable project design features that are listed at the end of the
mitigation monitoring and reporting program that is included in the project specifications.
1.Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board resolution
2.Location map
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WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, or CMWD, Board of Directors of the City of
Carlsbad has determined it necessary, desirable and in the public interest to construct the Recycled
Water Phase Ill, D-4 Reservoir Project, Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, Project No. 5210; and
WHEREAS, on Nov. 8, 2022, the CMWD Board adopted Resolution No. 1687, approving plans,
specifications and contract documents and authorizing staff to seek bids for construction; and
WHEREAS, on April 13, 2023, three bids were received via electronic format for construction of
the project; and
WHEREAS, the lowest responsive bid was submitted by Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro
Builders & Engineers Group, Ltd. in an amount not to exceed $4,835,764, and staff determined Houalla
Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders & Engineers Group, Ltd. to be a responsible bidder; and
WHEREAS, Carlsbad Municipal Code, or CMC, Sections 3.28.080(() and 3.28.080(1)(6) require
the CMWD Board to award all formally bid contracts when the value exceeds $200,000; and
WHEREAS, CMC Section 3.28.040(C)(5) authorizes the Executive Manager or designee to
approve change orders in the amount equal to the contingency set at the time of project award, which
is $725,400 for the project; and
WHEREAS, the project requires an additional appropriation of $2,533,000 from the Recycled
Water Connection Fund; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 7457 on July 20, 2022,
approving Conditional Use Permit Amendment CUP 2020-0003, Coastal Development Permit
Amendment CDP 2020-0021, and finding consistency with the previous Initial Study/Mitigated
Negative Declaration approved in Board-adopted Resolution No. 1455, from 2012, and addendum to
the IS/MND
Exhibit 1
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approved in Board-adopted Resolution No. 1601, from 2018; and
WHEREAS, Planning Commission Resolution No. 7457, that was approved on July 20, 2022,
found that the proposed project is within the scope of the prior environmental documents described
above, and consequently, no further environmental documentation is required per California
Environmental Quality Act
Guidelines Section 15162.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors
of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows:
1.That the above recitations are true and correct.
2.That the bid in the amount of $4,835,764 submitted by Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba
Metro Builders & Engineers Group, Ltd. for construction of the Recycled Water Phase
Ill, D-4 Reservoir Project, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 5210, is accepted,
and the CMWD Board President is authorized to execute a contract with Houalla
Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders & Engineers Group, Ltd.
3.That the Executive Manager or designee is authorized to approve construction change
orders up to $725,400.
4.That the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services, is directed to appropriate
$2,533,000 from the Recycled Water Connection Fund to CIP Project No. 5210.
5.That the award of this contract is contingent upon Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro
Builders & Engineers Group, Ltd. executing the required contract and submitting the
required bonds and insurance policies, as described in the contract, within 20 calendar
days of the adoption of this Resolution. The Executive Manager may grant reasonable
extensions of time to execute the contract and assemble the required bonds and
insurance policies.
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PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the 6th day of June, 2023, by the following
vote, to wit:
Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna.
r KEIT�resident
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Exhibit 2
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