Prepancl ror:
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Prepancl by:
2386 Faraday Avenue, Suite 120
Carlsbad, California 92008
(619) 438-1465
September, 1993
I. IN'TRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
A. CHANGES AFFECTING FACll.ITY DEMAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
A. .CIRCULATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
s.,,,.,,,,,.,. 1113 i ZOM 9 LFMPfAI
The Z?ne 9 ~ Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) was originally adopted by the City
Council on April 19, 1989. Since the adoption of the original 1989 LFMP a number of
changes have occurred in the City that have affected the sizing and location of facilities
identified in the original zone plan. The majority of these changes do not necessitate an
amendment to the original zone plan, however, the circulation section does require a LFMPA
based on preparation of a traffic repon for the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. This traffic
repon is the basis for preparation of a new LFMP Circulation section. The Circulation
section will more accurately ret1ect the need for circulation facilities based on the revised
land uses in the master plan.
Although changes to the circulation conditions are the basis for this Zone 9 LFMP A, this
introduction also provides a discussion of the changes to facility demand and supply that
impact other facilities but do not trigger the need for amendments to the existing LFMPA.
These changes to facility demand and supply are mainly due to the length of time that has
passed since approval of the Zone 9 LFMP. An updated discussion of impacts to facilities
based on these changes will assist in interpretation of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan
requirements based on Zone 9 LFMP conditions established in 1989.
The Zone 9 LFMP Finance Plan will not be approved concurrent with approval of this
LFMPA. As required by the growth management program, the Zone 9 LFMP Finance Plan
will be prepared prior to recordation of a final map, issuance of a grading or building permit
within the zone.
1. New Pplarion Generation Rare
' The 1990 Census figures for the City of Carlsbad indicate that the population
generation rare has decreased from 2.471 to 2.3178 persons per dwelling unit,
a decline of over six percent. This will cause a decrease in demand for all
facilities which have standards based on population, especially when
considered in conjunction with the reduction in the amount of dwelling units
that have actually been built to date. This reduction will result in less demand
for city administrative, library, and park facilities.
2. Na BRkk;ntial PIJasiDI SclJeduJe
1be citywide residendal phasin1 approved in the mtpw 1989 Zone 9 LFMP
assumed buildout of the zone in die year 1990. Since approval of the zone
plan, development has not occurred within Zone 9 u projected. In addition,
development in the immediate area of ?.one 9, u well as throughout the City,
has been sianificantly less than projected and is expected to continue to be
below previous projections in the near future. The slowdown is lar1ely due to
1eneral economic conditions, changes in propeny ownerships/options and the
~rowth manqement requirement to provide financial guarantees for lar&e
in_frastructure improvements. .
Since the need for facilities in the 1989 LFMP was based on unrealized
development schedules, the facilities projected to be provided concurrent with
development have not been provided as projected. Therefore, the timing of
the provision of facilities required of development in Zone 9 will need to be
revised based on conditions of the tentative maps for the area. It is estimated
that development may commence in 1994/95 with approximately 100 dwelling
units provided per year until build out of the Master Plan area.
3. Approval of Poinsettia Shores Master PJao <MPA 175<D))
Concurrent with this LFMP A, the Carlsbad Planning Commission and City
Council will consider .approvin1 MPA 175(D)', GPA 91-5 and LCPA 91-2.
The General Plan Amendment will change the existin1 land use designations of
RM, RMH, RC, P, N, TS/C, and OS to RM, TS/C, NRR and OS.
The ori1inal Zone 9 LFMP projected a total of 910 dwellin1 units and
1,282.895 square feet of non-residential development. Existin1 residential
development consisted of 384 units within the Lake Shores Garden Mobile
Home Park and 75 dwellin1 units located within the BLEP Master Plan area.
Existing non-residential development included 190,695 square feet for the
Poinsettia Village which is located outside of the BLEP Master Plan.
All future development projected in the 7.one 9 LFMP included 451 future
dwelling units and 1,092,200 non-residential'squarerfootqe located within the
boundaries of the Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park (BLEP) Master Plan.
The Poinsettia Shores Muter Plan will supersede the BLEP Master Plan. The
new master features nine residential villqes, a community recreational area, a
travel service/commercial area, and a recreational vehicle storqe lot, as well
as various open space areas.
The new master plan reduces future non-residential development from. the
· · previously proposed 1,092,200 square feec to 178,600 square feec and 220
timeshares/hotel units. The Master Plan allows the same base number of
dwelli.nl unics u the original BLEP Master Plan, however, it provides for an
additional 113 housin1 units u allowed per the City of Carlsbad Density
Bonus Ordinance.
s.,,,.,,,,,.,, t 993 2 ZOM 9 LFM/lfAI
!he reduction in non•residential square footaae more than compensates for the
increased demand from the 113 density bonus units on sewer, water, drainage
and circulation facilities. There will be a mar&inal increase in demand for
population-driven public facilities from the additional affordable housin1 units.
The increased demand, however, will be largely offset by the decrease to City
demand for parks, administrative and library facilities due to the reduction in
the population generation rate (2.471 to 2.3178) used to estimate.demand for
these facilities. The net increase in demand for City Administration, Library
and Parks does not require any modification of the original conditions of
approval identified in the previously approved Zone 9 LFMP.
In addition to the planned uses, one area of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan
has been set aside as unplanned. The ultimate uses for this area will be
determined at a later date when more specific planning is carried out for areas
west of the AT &SF railroad tracks. Prior to approval of specific development .
plans for the unplanned area, a Master Plan Amendment will be required. The
Master Plan Amendment will determine whether the new land uses will impact
public facilities identified in the Zone 9 LFMP and this LFMP A.
l. Community EaeiJitics District No, 1
Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 was formed in May of 1991. The
district will generate approximately S109 million for required facilities
throughout the City. The CFD will fund the followin1 facilities:
• A new library facility, a major addition to the existin1 library building,
a City Hall complex and the addition of office and warehouse facilities
at the public safety center. r
• Park improvements for Veterans Memorial Park (Macario Canyon)
• Major street improvements to Faraday Avenue, Cannon Road, La Costa
Avenue, Olivenhain Road/Rancho Santa Fe Road and-Leucadia
• Major bridae and overpass facilities for the La Costa A venue
Interchange, Poinsettia Lane Interchange and the Palomar Airport Road
In the ori&inal Zone 9 LFMP, the ftnancin1 of these facilities was attributed to
the Public Facilities Fee (PFF) or Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) propam.
s.,,,.,,,.. rgg3 3 ZoM 9 LFM/lfAI
2. · Revised Master Drainage Master Plan
On May 12, 1992, the Carlsbad City Council accepted the Draft Masttr
Drainagt and Storm Wartr Qualiry Managtmtnr Plan dated April 1992 and
a~thorized staff to solicit public comments. Since then, a revised document
has been drafted dated February, 1993. It is expected to receive final approval
in 1993.
This Master Plan will replace the 1980 Master Drainage Plan which was in
effect at the time of the original Zone 9 LFMP approval. There has been a
fundamental shift in the focus from the 1980 Plan. The shift is from a
program.of purely flood control to a program of flood control and water
quality enhancement as mandated by the Regional Water Quality Control
Board to meet federal storm .water quality regulations.
The Revised Master Drainage Plan contains new facility requirements and f ec
recommendations which differ significantly from the 1980 Drainage Master
3. Adm,tion of New Po,abte Water Master Plan
Since the adoption of the original Zone 9 LFMP, the Costa Rtal Municipal
Wartr District Masrtr Plan for Public Wattr Systan used for water facility
analysis has been superseded by the Wartr Masttr Plan CMWD Projtcr No.
89-105 dated June 29, 1990 and revised December 10, 1990. The Master Plan
will ensure consistency with the new Water Master Plan by updatin1 the
previously identified Zone 9 warer facilities as necessary.
4. Adoption of Reclaimed Water Master Plan ,
The City of Carlsbad has also adopted a new reclaimed water master plan,
Rtclai1Md Wattr Masttr Plan dated Aupst 1990. Where appropriate, the
Master· Plan will incorporate identified reclaimed water facilities as identified
in the new reclaimed water master plan.
s. New Pvb JOYCOtoa Adopted
The park analysis contained in the oriainal Zone 9 LFMP was based on the
1987 Parks Inventory that identified a total of 32 existin& park acres. Since
that time, a new inventory has been adopted identifyin1 57 acres of park land
in the Southwest Quadrant. The recently approved Zone 20 LFMP A/Finance
Plan reanalymd the parks facilities in ·the southwest quadrant due to the
chan1es to existin& park acraae, residential phuin1 and the application of the
new population aeneration rare •.
S.,,twnw. 1 SS3 4 ZOM I LFM/lfAI
The Zone 20 LFMPA analysis shows sufficient existin1 and projected park
acreage through build out of the quadrant. Based on this analysis, the City has
determined that the financial 1uarantee for park facilities in the southwest
quadrant is payment of Park-in-lieu fees and that no additional dedication of
park land is needed. Based on the Zone 20 analysis, the· City has determined
that the Zone 9 LFMP parks requirement has been satisfied throu1h build out
with the approval of the BLEP Master Plan Parks Agreement on August 26,
I 986. The major provision of the Parks Agreement required payment of
S 1,000,000 by the property owner to the City of Carlsbad .
New School Location Plan
The existing Zone 9 LFMP requires the deedin& of an acceptable school site,
if one is warranted within the zone. A new -School Location Plan has been
adopted by the Carlsbad Unified School District and incorporated into the
City's General Plan. The School Location Plan does not identify the need for
a school site in Zone 9. Therefore, the Zone 9 school requirement is limited
to payment of school fees.
S.,,t.,,,l»f. 1 993 s Zone S LFM/lfAJ
The special conditions contained in this amendment supersede those contained in the
previously adopted plan for circulation facilities.
So road segment or intersection in the zone nor any road segment or intersection out
of the zone which is impacted by development in the zone shall be projected to exceed
a service level C during off-peak houn, nor service level D during peak hours.
Impacted means where twenty percent or more of the traffic generated by the Local
Facility Management Zone will use the road segment or intersection.
This analysis determines whether or not the circulation system impacted by Zone 9
conforms to the adopted performance standard. This section is based on the
Transponation Analysis for Poinsettia Shores prepared by Urban Systems Associates,
rnc. (USA), May 17, 1993. As discussed in the introduction, a master plan
amendment and General Plan Amendment are bein& processed concurrently with this
LFMPA for the majority of remainin1 vacant land in Zone 9. The USA repon for
the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan analy:zed the impact of the Poinsettia Shores project
on the existing road network as well as the impact of all development within Zone 9
for the year 2000 and build out conditions in the City. The following section shows
the results of the existing, year 2000 and build out analysis for Zone 9.
1. Circulation Element Roads Within or Adjacent to Zone 2
As shown on Exhibit 1, sections of Poinsettia Lane, Carlsbad
Boulevard and A venida Encinas-are either adjacent to or located
within z.one 9. The following section identifies the road segments and
intersections impacted by 20" or more traffic from Zone 9.
6 ZoN S LFMl'tAI
S.,,temw. 1993
Identification of Impacted Road se1ment:s and Inteucctions
As stated in the perfonnance swidard, impacted road sqments and
intersections are those that have 20~ or more of the 2'.one 9 traffic
usin1 them. Exhibits 1 and 2 show the estimated percentage of traffic
leaving Zone 9 and the impacted road segments and intersections for
existing, year 2000 and at build out of the City.
The impacted road seaments and intersections are the following:
Rgad seaments
Poinsettia Lane:
Carlsbad Blvd-1-S
Carlsbad Boulevard:
Poinsettia Lane-La Costa Avenue
Avenida Encinu:
Poinsettia Lane-Wind,rose Circle
Windrose Circle-Ponto Drive
Ponto Drive-Carlsbad Boulevard
Major Arterial
Major Arterial
Secondary Anerial .
Secondary Arterial
Secondary Arterial
Poinsettia Lane at Carlsbad Boulevard
Poinsettia Lane at Avenida Encinas
Poinsettia Lane at I-S Southbound off ramp
Poinsettia Lane at 1-5 Northbound off ramp
A venida Encinas at Windrose Circle •
A venida Encinu at Carlsbad Boulevard
A venida Encinas at Ponto Drive
7 Zone g LFMl'fA>
> < C'I z
S 7096 > .....
Source: Urban Syacam1 AUGCJaCN, INC.
~ Hofman Planning
~A S S O C I I I I S
: lit J arauv ... .,.,.. l111te tZO CM-CA UOOI
1096 _.
POt:-1S~.\. ·_:,r
Exhibit 1
Existing Trip Distribution
f 1196
1.5'6t ~ t
13.596 !
~ -.;.
Source Urtlan Systems AUOCtaN. INC.
~ Hofman Planning
..... A S S O C I a t t S
; 311 ;: J,rlQAw Awe""· s ... ,.,, :zo c: ....... CA taOOI
119' ....
?OINSt'M'1:\ UI
Exhibit 2
2000 and Build Out Trip Distr;bution
The traffic circulation network and the projected impacts resulting from traffic generated
from Zone 9 were analyzed by utilizing data from the following reports:
1. Circulation Facility -Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 9.
2. SANDAG General Plan Model (1990).
3. City of Carlsbad's Traffic Monitoring Report (1992)
5. Urban Systems Associates Inc Traffic Analysis for the Poinsettia Shores Project
. The traffic analysis prepared by Urban Systems Associates is a detailed study dealing
with the specific traffic generated from within the boundaries of Zone 9. This study
analyzes the impacts of traffic on existing and proposed road segments and intersections
impacted by Zone 9. The report also proposes a mitigation plan to ensure conformance
with the adopted performance standard through build out of Zone 9.
The roadways and intersections impacted by development in Zone 9 as identified in the
USA traffic report are identical to the impacted roadways and intersections shown in the
Zone 9 LFMP. However, a number of changes have occurred since preparation of the
Zone 9 LFMP that require amendment to the original circulation conditions. These
changes are as follows:
1. Avenida Encinas (Windrose Circle to Ponto Drive)
A venida Encinas from Windrose Circle to Ponto Drive will be dedicated to
secondary arterial standards with the road initially constructed to 2 lanes. The
Circulation element of the General Plan states tpt Avenida Encinas from the
existing Lake Shores Mobile Home Parle to Carlsbad Boulevard may be
downlf3ded if the immediate area consists oflow density development. The USA
study shows that the two lanes of the Avenida Encinas from Windrose Circle to
Ponto Drive will be adequate through build out of the City.
2. Windrose Cilcle
s-,,remw. , SS3
W-mdrose Circle currendy exists as a 2-lane collector serving the existing 75
homes built in the master plan area. The BLEP Plan called for Windrose Circle
to be a full circular roadway. However, the need for W-mdrose Circle as
oriamaDy projected is not consistent with the proposed Poinsettia Shores Master
Plan. Therefore, completion of W-mdJOse Circle to secondary arterial standards
and si1naJiution at Avenida Encinas has bml deleted as a condition of approval.
Windrose Circle is not a circulation element roadway, however, W-mdrose Circle
was included in the BLEP Master Plan. Site desip for the area does not require
the need for Windrose Circle to be completed to secondary arterial standards.
10 Zone S LFMP(AJ
The road will continue to exist as 2 lane collector off the southern extension of
existing Avenida Encinas. Since the road right-of•way for the complete circular
~gnment was previously dedicated to the City by the property owner, the Ctty
will vacate the property for the unneeded right-of•way and the land will revert
back to the property owner.
3. Installation of temporary signals at I·S/Poinsettia Lane
The requirement to install temporary traffic signals at Poinsettia Lane at I-5 has
been deleted as a condition of the zone plan. Poinsettia/I-5 is funded through the
CFO and is scheduled per the CIP in 1994/95. Therefore, there is no need for
interim improvements as the permanent improvements will occur prior to or
concurrently with development in the area.
Additional revisions also include clarification of the ori&inal text to indicate A venida
Encinas replaces Avenida Batiquitos as the correct name for the road segment between
Carlsbad Boulevard and Windrose Circle as well as Ponto Drivel Avenida Encinas
replacing Shearwater Road/Avenida Batiquitos as the correct name for this intersection.
The financing mechanisms for funding of circulation element roadways and intersections
has also been updated to reflect current information as shown on Exhibit 3.
The traffic analysis uses the proposed roadway system and intersection 1eometries for
the existin1 conditions and the year 2000 and build out conditions as outlined in the City
of Carlsbad's Arterial Phasing Plan.
The time increments are used more as bench-marks than actual completion dates. If a
future traffic analysis indicates that the timin1 of the necessary improvements needs to
be accelerated, the required improvements must also pe adjusted to auarantee that
conformance with the adopted perfonnance standard will be maintained.
The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate impacted road sepients and intersections
servin1 Zone 9 and propose a mitiption plan ~f these facilities are determined to operate
below the adopted performance standard. The phasin1 of development and analysis of
traffic impactS will be monitored on an annual basis. However, for the purpose of this
study, the timiq of the necessary improvements will be presented in the following
Improvements needed now
Improvements needed .prior to 2000
Improvements needed prior to Build Out
The phasin1 schedule noted above shall not limit needed traffic improvements to the
years mentioned. If a future traffic analysis indicates that the timinl of the necessary
s.,,,.,,,,.,, 1993 11 ZOM 9 LFMP(AJ
improvements has changed, the required improvements shall also be adjusted to guarantee
that conformance with the adopted performance swidard will be maintained.
This section will analyze the existing and proposed intersections and road segments
affected by the traffic generated from Zone 9. In accordance with the adopted
performance standard, the existing and proposed traffic facilities within and surrounding
Zone 9 will be identified by an evaluated level of service. The performance standard
determines that during peak hours a level of service A-D is acceptable and a level of
service of E or worse to be unacceptable. If a facility is determined to fail to meet the
standard, a mitigation program must be prepared so that the facility will operate at an
acceptable level of service.
Traffic conditions for existing, 2000, and build out are shown below. The levels of
service for impacted roadways and intersections are indicated and, if needed,
recommended circulation improvements are identified.
1. Existin1 Traffic Volumes and Capacity
The existin1 roadway volumes and capacity of impacted road seaments are the
Avemda Enciau •
-Poiulttia L&M•Windlote Circle
Carlsbad BoulCYard •
-PAR-Poilllettia Lane
-Poimletia Lane-La COiia Avenue
PoiAIIUia l..lM •
-Cuubld Boulevud-Aveaida Enciul
-Avtaida Enci.11&1 • I-S
WiadroN Circle •
-Avaida Enciul · Navi1ator Circle
All1'ElllAL cusgflCATION
4 MA • 4 l..lM Major Arterial
4 SA • 4 Lw Secm1ery Arterial
2 SA • 2 Lw Slcoadary Arterial
2 C • 2 Lw Collector
4 SA
4 Mt'
2 SA
2 SA
12.0 0.1.S A
14.S 0.16 A
14.5 0.16 A
7.0 0.11 A
14.0 0.37 A
0.6 0.02 A
The existin1 intersection level of service for the impacted intersections are the
I-SIPoimenla Laae SB oa~ff Ramps A C
I-S/Poimettia Lane N'B oa~ff Ramps B B
Poimettia I.aae/ A veaida Enciau A B
Powettia LIile/Carlsbad Boulevard A A
The analysis shows that street segments and intersections impacted by the existing
Zone 9 traffic cumntly comply with ·the Growth Management Circulation
Performance Standa¢ of at least level of service "D" during peak hours.
3. 2000 Traffic Volumes and Capacity
S•ptemlMr, ·1993
Development within Zone 9 is projected to be completed prior to the year
2000. Therefore, the toca1 traffic impacts from Zone 9 are included in the
year 2000 analysis. The level of service for the impacted roadways for
2000 are as follows:
13 Zone J LFMl'fAJ
A vezuda Enciaa •
-• Poinsettia Lane-Poimettta Villa1e 4 SA
• Poinsettia Villa1e-Windrose Circle 4 SA
• Windrose Circle-Ponto Drive 2 SA'
• Ponto Onve-Cutsbad Boulevard 4 SA
Carlsbad Boulevard •
• PAR-Poinsettia Lano 4MA
• Poinsettia Lane-Avenida Enc:iD.u 4MA
• A veaida Encim.s-La Costa A vecue 4MA
Pomsema Lane -
-Carlsbad. Bouievard-Avenida Encinu 4MA
•Aveaida Encinas -I-5 4MA
Windtose Circle •
• Avellida Encinas -f'tlavi1ator Circle 2C
4 MA -4 Lane Major Arterial
4 SA -4 Laae Secoadary Arterial
2 SA • 2 LIM Secoadary Arterial
21.0 0.31 A
7.6 0.10 A
6.1 0.08 A
12.6 0.19 A
29.0 0.52 A
34.0 0.55 A
38.0 o.ss A
12.S 0.24 A
29.0 0.52 A
2.0 0.09 A
The year 2000 levels of service for the impacted intersections are the following:
I-S/Poimectia Lau SB OIHff Jl.uapl B C
I-S/Poimettia I.am NB cm-off Rampa C D
Po~ Laae/ Avmicla EDculM a C
Po---Laae/Carilbed Boulevard C C
Avaida Eacill111Poato Drive A A
Avaida F.acia■1/Wi.adrolll Circle A A
1 The portion of A venida Encinas from Ponto Drive to the bridae spannin1 AT &SF
Railroad will be built to three lanes and therefore. provide additional capacity for this
segment of A venida Encinas than indicated in the traffic repon.
All impacted roadway se1ments and intersections impacted by traffic 1enerated ·
by Zone 9 are operatin1 at adequate levels of service in 2000 to meet the adopted
performance standard assuming the following improvements. 1-5/Poinsettia Lane
interchange improvements to A venida Encinas are projected to be completed by
the year 1995. Avenida Encinas from Windrose to Ponto Drive will be initially
built to two lanes concurrent with development. In addition, Avenida Encinas
from Ponto Drive to Carlsbad Boulevard will be built to secondary arterial
standards. Also provided are improvements to the Avenida Encinas/Carlsbad
Boulevard intersection, Avenida Encinas/Ponto Drive signalization and the bridge
over the AT&SF Railroad. The two lane bridge on Poinsettia Lane is assumed
to be widened in l 997 + usin1 PFF funds.
4. City Build Out Conditions;
Future lon1-term traffic volumes at build out of the City were obtained from the.
SANDAG Model, June, 1990. Listed below are the road se1ments impacted
by Zone 9 at build out and the level of service:
AveG&da Enciau •
-Poimeaia Laae-Poimlaia Villap
• Poimeltia Villap-Wiadrole Cin:l1
-Wiadrote Cin:l1-Poato Drive
-PGllro Drive-C.vlsbed Boulavud
Carlsbed BouleYud •
-PAll-PoiuaUia Lall
-Poiueaia LaDI-Avaida EaciDu
-Avaida Enci.D&l•Lt Colla Avenue
Poimlaia Lal -
-CarllW BouleYud•Aveaida
·Avaida Ear:iau • l-S
Windroll C'aidl •
• Awaida Eaciau • N~pror Circle
il1'llllAL CLASSD1CAffON
4 SA • 4 Lw s.oadary A"8lill
2 SA• 2 Lw Secoadary Alterill
21.0 0.31 A
7.6 0.10 A
6.1 0.01 A
12.6 o.u, A
36.0 0.62 B
31.0 0.61 B
47.0 0.61 B
13.2 0.26 A
34.0 o.so A
2.0 0.09 A
2 ne portion of Avenida Encinas from Ponto Drive to the brid1e spannin1 AT&SF
Railroad will be built to three lanes and therefore, provide additional capacity for this
se1ment of Avenida Encinas than indicated in the traffic repon. ·
The year 2010 intersection levels of service for the impacted intersections are the
INTERSECTION AM PEAK PM PEAK -I-SiPoui.sectia Lane SB on~ff Rampa C D
I-S Poui.senia Lane NB 011~ff Rampa B C
Poinsema Laae/Avenida EnciDM B C
Poui.sen1a we/Carlsbad Boulevard C D
Avemda Encinas/Carlsbad Boulevard D D
Avemda Enc:inas/Ponco Drive A A
A venida Eac:inas/Willdrose Circle A A
All impacted roadways and intersections ate operating at adequate levels of
service at Build Out to meet the adopted performance standard assuming
modification of the Carlsbad Boulevard/Poinsettia Lane intersection (additional
southbound left tum lane). The need for the additional left tum lane is based on
long range projections by SANDAG which assume maximum build out
projections. In addition, the SANDAG Model reroutes traffic from 1-S on to
parallel roadways when capacity is reached on 1-S. This assumption may be
applicable to local circulation element roadways, however, regional traffic is
unlikely to use Carlsbad Boulevard u an alternative route. Yearly traffic
monitoring by the City will determine the actual need for construction of the
additional left tum lane at Carlsbad Boulevard and Poinsettia Lane. The
rerouting of traffic onto Carlsbad Boulevard is also responsible for the level of
service D at build out for the Avenida Encinas/Carlsbad Boulevard intersection.
1. An on-1oin1 monitorinl prosram $hall be established to evaluate the aspects of
improvements, development, and demand on circulation facilities. The required
timin1 of improvements is based upon the projected demand of development in
the zone and the surroundin1 rqion. This timin1 may be modified without
amendment to this plan, however, any deletions or additions to the improvements
will require amendin1 this local plan.
s.,,,.,,,,,.,, t 913 16 Zan. I LFMP(AJ
2. Prior_ to th~ recordation of an~ final map, issuance of a building or grading
pemut, whichever occun tint an Zone 9, a comprehensive financing program
guaranteein1 the construction of the following circulation facilities must be
a. Improvements N1"1'4r4 Now
b. Improvements Nc,dr,d by 2000
1) Poinsettia Lane 1-5 Overpass to Avenida Encinas
Widen overpass to provide two throu&h lanes in each direction, dual left
tum lanes to the on-ramps. The off-ramps will be widened with traffic
signals installed at the ramp junctions with Poinsettia Lane. Poinsettia
Lane will be restriped or widened both east and west of 1-5 to match the
I-5 overcrossing lane contiaurations. The existing traffic signal at the
Poinsettia Lane/ A venida Encinas intersection will be modified to
accommodate restriping needed to coincide with the 1-5 overcrossing lane
Estimated Cost:
Completion Dare
2) Poinsettia I.ane(Carlsbad Boulevard to Avenida Encinas)
Complete the construction of Poinsettia Lane to ultimate major anerial
standards to include the brid&e over thtl AT &SF Railroad
Estimated C0st:
Completion Dale:
3) Avenida Encinas (Wmcllme Cilcle-Ponto Drive)
Dedication of secondary arterial ri1ht-of-way with construction of the road
seament to 2 lanes to include:
a. Construction of a bridae over AT &SF Railroad
b. Intersec1ion improvements at Ponto Drive and Avenida
Encinas includina the installation of a traffic sianal,
Estimated Cost:
Completion Dare:
4) A venida Encinas(Ponto Drive-Carlsbad Boulevard)
Complete the construction of the road segment to 4 lane· secondary arterial
standard including intersection improvements to Carlsbad Boulevard and
Avenida Encinas.
Estimated Cost:
Completion Date:
C. Build Out Improvements
1) Poinsettia Lane/Carlsbad Boulevard Intersection
Restripe ·to provide dual left tum lanes, southbound to eastbound within
existing curbs.
Estimated Cost:
Completion Date:
Exhibit 3 shows a facility financin1 matrix for this facility. lbis matrix summarizes the
. individual facility to be financed, estimated cost and timing of construction, the existing
budgeted CIP monies available for the facility and the future fundin1 options.
... ~. "'---... -... ~
1. C-for,_. lilll'Mffll
ROAD SEGMINTS: --·-12 ,, IINftl\l ..
J19119 ..... ..,...
Poinsettia Lan•
1-5 averoass • Avenida Encina . ...., ... 11.1110.oaa . ,. ay.c,o
Avenld1 · Encinas • Cartmld IIMI . .... 12.oaa.oaa 1117 Cly• Ptrl'
Avenida Encina•
Win<Srou Circle • Ponto Onve 213--13.51100D , .. • ,,..o ...
Fonto Olille -Carlsbad BMI. •l'IN-11.m.oaa , .. ♦ams,... 0i9lnel
· Po1nset111 Lan• at Carlsbad BMI. ,. ... ,. 115.000 2001
Total Clrculatlon Costs 111,531.000