HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-26; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesLIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Minutes April 26, 2023, 4 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: 4:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Trustees DeForest, McBride, Moran, Schatt. Absent: Trustee Sheffler. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Trustee Schatt led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees regular meeting held Feb. 22, 2023. Motion by Trustee Schatt, seconded by Chair DeForest, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion. carried, 3/0/1/1 (Sheffler -Absent, McBride -Abstain). PUBLIC COMMENT: None. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 1. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Receive the Narrative Report and Statistical Report for February and March 2023. (Staff contacts: Sheila Crosby and Katie Nye, Library & Cultural Arts) Recommendation: Receive the reports. Chair DeForest introduced the reports that were included in the agenda packet and asked for any questions or comments from the trustees. Chair DeForest asked about reduced e-Resource usage and increase of in house computer usage. Deputy Library Director Katie Nye answered there were small declines seen in a few e-Resources and patrons can access e-Resources from other devices, not just in-house computers. Reduced statistics may be related to February being a shorter month, and noted the numbers increased in March. Trustee Moran commented that the e-Resource and in-house computer usage statistics could be related to a post pandemic correction. The board received the reports. April 26, 2023 Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Page 2 2. WRITER TO WRITER CHALLENGE WINNER -Receive a report from staff on the Writer to Writer Challenge and Carlsbad City Library's adult learner will read her winning letter. (Staff contact: Carrie Scott, Library & Cultural Arts) Recommendation: Receive the report and hear the winning letter. Librarian Carrie Scott introduced the Writer to Writer Challenge program and introduced Winner Nyla Henry who read her letter (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) to the board. The board received the report and thanked Nyla Henry for attending the meeting to read her letter in person. 3. LIBRARY QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT -Receive the Quarterly Technology Report for two quarters. (Staff contact: Devin Castel, Information Technology) Recommendation: Receive the report. Business Technology Manager Devin Castel provided a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Trustee Schatt inquired on how many in-house computers were exchanged during the patron computer upgrade project. Business Technology Manager Devin Castel explained in- house computers were reduced by 25 based on the analysis performed. Trustee Schatt inquired on when the Ruby G. Schulman auditorium upgrades will start. Business Technology Manager Devin Castel explained the steps involved prior to the build phase. Trustee Moran inquired about the materials to be added to the digital asset management system. Business Technology Manager Devin Castel shared the transferred information will include Genealogy & Carlsbad History documents and Schulman Auditorium post- production work. Trustee DeForest inquired about security of computer systems. Business Technology Manager Devin Castel explained the city is doing its best to provide a secure environment. The board received the report. 4. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER 2023 OVERVIEW -Receive an overview from staff on programs and events around Carlsbad Reads Together 2023. (Staff contacts: Christina Lorenzo and Missy Shaw, Library & Cultural Arts) Recommendation: Receive the report. April 26, 2023 Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Page 3 Library Assistant Christina Lorenzo and Librarian Missy Shaw provided a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Questions from the Trustees were answered regarding the new book selection process and the number of registrants for the author's presentation. Trustee McBride acknowledged her appreciation that the book selections were available in both Spanish and English . The board received the report. 5. NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT -Receive a report from the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. (Staff contact: Sheila Crosby, Library & Cultural Arts) Recommendation: Receive the report. Board Liaison Mary Millet reported that the society congratulates Kristi Bell as the new Senior Librarian for Genealogy & Carlsbad History, the society is thrilled with the Georgina Cole Library being designated an affiliate FamilySearch library; and the society's 2023 Spring Seminar is scheduled for April 29 via webinar format. The board received the report. TRUSTEES COMMENTARY AND REQUESTS FOR CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS: This portion of the agenda is for the Board of Trustees to make brief announcements, brief reports of their activities and requests for future agenda items. Trustee McBride announced the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation is donating $105,000 to the city and the check will be presented and accepted at the June 20, Carlsbad City Council meeting. The foundation is still looking for volunteers. Trustee Schatt complimented staff on the professional video he viewed on social media for National Library Workers Day. DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS: Director Suzanne Smithson made the following announcements: • National Library Week and National Library Workers Day • New mural installed at the Library Learning Center • Update on full time recruitments • Budget proposal submitted to Finance Department. Details will be presented to the board at the May 24 meeting when we will ask for the board's concurrence. • An additional approximate $25,000 donation received as the final disbursement from the Falkenstein Estate. Total of the estate's donation left to the library is over $800,000 April 26, 2023 Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Page 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Chair DeForest adjourned the meeting at 5 p.m.