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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-29; Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements Project Update (District 1); Gomez, PazTo the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Date b{~et!~A VCC / CM ~ACM ~DCM (3) ~ June 29, 2023 Council Memorandum To: From: Via: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Pu~Works {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2023064 Re: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manage~ Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements Project Update (District 1) This memorandum provides an update to a previous Council Memorandum dated June 1, 2023, provided as Attachment A, on the status of the Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements Project, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6097. Background The Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements Project (project) will enhance six crosswalks: Carlsbad Boulevard at Oak Avenue, Sycamore Avenue, Maple Avenue, Cherry Avenue, Hemlock Avenue and at the Army & Navy Academy between Mountain View Drive and Cypress Avenue, which currently have existing rectangular rapid flashing beacon systems. The proposed improvements include pedestrian-activated in-pavement flashing lights to augment the existing beacon systems, curb extensions, continental-style high-visibility crosswalk markings and green bicycle lane treatments in vehicle-bicycle conflict areas. On June 1, 2023, staff informed the City Council that the city's contractor began work at the Army & Navy Academy site on May 30, 2023, and that the majority of the work at the Army & Navy Academy site was scheduled to be complete in June 2023. Discussion Since the last update, the city's contractor has completed the majority of the work at the Army & Navy Academy site. The final work items, including asphalt restoration, striping and electrification of the in-pavement flashing lights, will be complete in July 2023. During this period, vehicular travel lanes, bike lanes, the crosswalk and sidewalks will be open and accessible to the public with intermittent closures, as needed, to facilitate the completion of the remaining work items. Next Steps Staff will continue to coordinate with Army & Navy Academy administrators and staff to minimize potential impacts to their operations a.nd summer programs. Pedestrian improvements at the remaining crosswalks are expected to begin in September/ October 2023. Public Works Branch Construction Management & Inspection Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2780 t Council Memo -Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements Project Update (District 1) June 29, 2023 Page 2 Attachment: A. Council Memorandum dated June 1, 2023 cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Mickey Williams, Police Chief David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director Gina Herrera, Deputy City Attorney Babaq Taj, Engineering Manager John Kim, City Traffic Engineer Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager To the members of the: CIT( COUNCIL €~at:;,~i~ ✓~c~) ~ June 1, 2023 To:: From: Attachment A Co uncil Memo ran dum {cityof Carlsbad Memo ID# 2023052 Via~ Re: Blat!<burn and IVlen1hers oftheC:ity Council; De?uty City Manager, Pti~q_rks Geoff PatniJ'e, Assistant City Manager G,B · Cadsbad Boulevard lm~rovements Project Upd.~te {Distrl~f t} This memoranduni pt ovJdes. ari i:lpdateto a previous Council Memorandum dated January 26, 2023, provided El~ Attachment ~1 on the status pf tbe tarlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements Project,. CapitaHmprov:ement Program {CIP) Prt>je~ No. 6097. BcJ'Ckground The Carl:S:bad Bo11levilrd Pedestrian lmprovem:enfs ProJect {project) wIII enhance six crosswalks: C~rlsb:ad Boulevard atbai~ Avenue, Sycamore Avenve, Maple Avenu'e., Cher:ry Avenue, Ave_'.nue and a:e theArmy& Navy Acadamy hetwe,en Mountarn View Drfue,and Cyµress Avenue, wh jch c(J rrently have: existing. rettan~ular rapid fl!'lshl□~ beacon systems. The, propos~ed improvements include pedestrlai1-actlvated ~n~pavement flash7ng lights to augrnent the e.xt.sting beacon systems, curb E!xtensiOns1 contlne,ntal-style high-visihiUty crosswalk markings and gre.en bicycle lane t r~atmen:ts in vehide-oicycle conflict areas. On Janu,a ry 26,-2023, staff inform~d the City Council that the start of Wprk was estimated to begin . . ip Septemh~r 2'023 and that the project wasft>'re¢ii3st to be complete in Fehru:ary 2024. 'Disci,Jssfon Since the last update, staffidentifieq tin opportunity to adjust the sequence of wotk and accelerate the start of work at the Army & Navy Academy site. Following coordination with the Army & Navy Academy, staff directed the city's contractor to begin work at the Army & Navy Academy site on Tuesday, May 30, 2023. The majority of the work at the Army & Navy Academy site is scheduled to be complete in June 2023, during an academic break and prior to the start of its summer programs. Next Step~ Pedestdan improvem~nts at-the remaining crosswalks are expected to begin in Septemher/ October 2023. StaffwilJ continue~to work with the contractor to ensure_ an efficient, timely execution of the project upon receipt of the long-lead equipment it~rns, Attachment: A. Council Memorandum dated January 26, 2023 Public Works Branch Construction Managernent & Inspection Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad~ CA 92008 I 442-339-2780 t Council Memo-,-'-Carlsbad Boulev9rd Pedestrian Improvements Project Update (District 1} June 1, 2023 Page2 cc: Scott Chc1dwick; City Manag,er Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Admfoistrati\te Services MichaeJ Calderwood, Fire Chief · Mickey Williams, Police Chief David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer Torn Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Kyle Lancaster; Parks.& Recreation Dire-:ctor JeffMurphy; Community Development Director Kristina Ray, Comm1,mication & Engagement Director Gina Herrera, Deputy City Attorney Ba}Jaq Taj; Engineering Manager John Kim, City Traffic Engineer Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager 1r, them-ember~ of the: CITY COUNCI~ i.1ateJ~cA_✓_· cc✓ CMJ _✓-_ACM ✓ocM (3)✓ · Januc1ry 26, 2023 Attachment A Council Memorandum To: from; Via: H11norable Mayor Blackburn and Mehibers of the City Council Paz Gomez, l)epu~y City ~anager, PubYnWbrl<s .{city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2023009 Re! Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager ~ Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian hnprovements Project Update (DisVict 1) This memorandum provicfes an update on the Carls'bad Boulevard Pedestrian lrnprov.eme,nts Project, Capital Improvement Program (CfP) ProJett No. 6097. Background The Carlsbad BouJ~Vi:!i'cl Pedestrian. '!niprov~ments Project wilt .enhance six uncontrolled crosswalks: Cadshad Boulevard at Oak AvenueJ Syc~more Avenue, Maple Avent,;l.8j Cherry AvenueJ Hemlock Avenu.e af.ld at Army/Navy Academy betwe:en Mountain View Drive ant;! Cypress Avenue, . . . . which curtendy have existing rectangular rapid flashing beacon systems. The proposed improvements include pedestrian-activated in-p.~vement flashih~ iigbts to augment the,existing beacon systems, curb extensions, contfr1entaj-styile high-visibility crosswalk markings and green bicycle lane treatments ih vehicl:e-bicycle conflict areas. The Qty Council ai:{bpted Resolutfon No, 202:2--262 011 November .+5, 20221 ~warding the constructidn cbn:t~act tb Aster Constnictioh Servkes, .Inc. in ah amount ,net to exce_ed $1,246J567. Di~cussion FolJow.fng adoption of Resolution No. 2022-262 and execution of the contract, the project team learned that critical components associtlted with the pedestrian-activated in-pavement flashing lights will delay the start of work. Specifically, the electrical service cabinets at each crosswalk location will require approximately 30-36 weeks.for fabrication 9nd delivery. The equipment manufactu rer's representative has cited supply chain issues as the primary factor for the long fabrication and delivery duration . No additional costs associated with this delay is anticipated. The significant procurement duration for the electrical service cabinets is an unexpected impact and was not accounted for in the original 120-workday contract duration. As a resu It, constructio1i ai::tivities are estimated to begin in September 2023 with the estimated completion of the project in February 2024. PubJic Works Branch Construction Management & Inspection Department 1635 Far~day Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442..:339-2780 t f i t r J I- Council Mernci -Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements Project Update (Di~tdct 1) January 26, 2023 Pag_e 2 Next Steps StaffwilJ continue to work With the tontractorto complete all preconstructton and procuremeJ'.lt activities to ensure an efficient, timely execution of the project upon receiptoftlie long,,.Jead equipment iterns. Staff will als9 work with the contractor to ,explore optionsj such as resequencing work -activities, that may al'lowfor an earlier project completion,. cc: Scott Chatiw1ck, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gary $arberio, Deputy City Mar,tager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief MJckey WIiliams, Police Chief David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer Tom Frank,Transportation Director/City Engineer Kyle Lancasterj Parks & Recreation Director Jeff Murphy, Community Development birecto.r Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement birettor Babaq Taj, Engineering Manager Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Joh11 Kim1 City Traffic Engineer Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager J: 1: r r i _, !' l