HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-24; Library Board of Trustees; ; Library Reports for April 2023Meeting Date: May 24, 2023 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director Katie Nye, Deputy Library Director Staff Contact: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director sheila.crosby@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5520 Katie Nye, Deputy Library Director katie.nye@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2094 Subject: Library Reports for April 2023 District: All Recommended Action Receive the Narrative Report and Statistical Report for April 2023. Executive Summary/Discussion The board will review the library’s monthly narrative and statistical reports for April 2023. These reports provide a summary of work completed across all Carlsbad City Library divisions and locations as well as data and information about the services and programs provided for the community. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1.Narrative report for April 2023 2.Statistical report for April 2023 May 24, 2023 Item #1 Page 1 of 10 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Staff Report EXHIBIT 1 Carlsbad City Library Monthly Library Report April 2023 Highlights: 1. National Library Week National Library Week was celebrated from April 23-29 with the theme, “There’s More to the Story.” To celebrate, Principal Librarian Laura Mendez produced a “Day in the Life” of the library video, and Library Technician Paula McColgan starred in a National Library Worker’s Day video which was celebrated on April 25. Both videos were featured on multiple social media feeds and combined, the two videos reached a total of 14,618 viewers on Instagram and Facebook, with 10,779 combined plays. Carlsbad City Council issued a proclamation on April 11 recognizing National Library Week as well as the annual Carlsbad Reads Together program. Programs: 2. San Diego Fixit Clinic and Repair Event At the Georgina Cole Library on April 1, the Adult & Teen Services Division collaborated with the City’s Public Works department, Zero Waste San Diego, and Goodwill to help fix people’s broken things. The volunteers at Zero Waste San Diego specialize in mending, small appliances, bikes, and surfboards. Eight volunteers diverted 182 pounds of materials from the landfill and contacted 57 people. Goodwill had people drop off items to reuse and resell which filled up half of their truck. 3. Grow Your Garden: Smerdu 40th Anniversary Celebration The Adult & Teen Services Division partnered with the Carlsbad Community Garden Collaborative for the 40th anniversary celebration for the Harold E. Smerdu Community Garden on April 1. Guest speaker and horticultural consultant Richard Wright taught a class on gardening best practices to an audience of 20. Gardeners swapped crops, plants and succulents while enjoying cake to celebrate this anniversary, which had an estimated attendance of 100 visitors. May 24, 2023 Item #1 Page 2 of 10 4. Poetry Corner Carlsbad City Library Children’s Services celebrated National Poetry Month in April with a debut of the Poetry Corner. Staff invited children and families to create paper leaves with patron poems to hang up on the Poetree. The Tinker Tuesday Program invited patrons to create acrostic poems. Programs 5-12 are highlights related to the Carlsbad Reads Together event: 5. An Evening with Francisco Cantú The author event to wrap up Carlsbad Reads Together 2023 was held via Zoom on April 27 at 6 p.m. Author Francisco Cantú discussed his book “The Line Becomes a River” and fielded questions from the audience. The discussion centered on his four years working as a border patrol agent and the themes that arose in his book including the history of the Mexican/U.S. border, the author’s internal conflict with the inhumanity he witnessed, and his conversations with his mother who served as his moral compass. His unique insight into immigration issues and border policy combined with his empathy for the people he encountered on his patrols served to illuminate and give context to current challenges on both sides of the border. 89 people attended the virtual event An Evening With Francisco Cantú which will be available to view through May 2023. Total views and a Carlsbad Reads Together summary report will be shared when the streaming period is complete. 6. My Path to Carlsbad Librarian Emily Hardy collected and displayed 18 stories from the community for the “My Path to Carlsbad” display at the Cole Library, featuring stories of how Carlsbad families arrived in the city. Stories were submitted through March using a form on the Carlsbad Reads Together webpage, at story stations at the Senior Center and at local historical and cultural treasure, Lola’s Deli and Market. Emily was able to borrow items from the Barrio Museum to include in the display case, highlighting local history. Staff coordinated with Parks & Recreation and Senior Center staff to host a multigenerational story telling event under the umbrella of “My Path to Carlsbad” in which L.I.T.E Teen program participants interviewed seniors to write the story of how their families arrived in Carlsbad. These were then added to the online archive on the May 24, 2023 Item #1 Page 3 of 10 Carlsbad Reads Together webpage. Two seniors participated in the event, and all ten L.I.T.E teens contributed stories as well. This program will serve as a foundation for future collaborations with Parks & Recreation. 7. Empathy Symbol Keychain Exploration HUB staff taught classes based around the themes of the Carlsbad Reads Together adult selection and teen selection. Librarian Bridget Lopez and Library Technician Perry Veater taught the “Tinkercad 3D Design: Empathy Symbol Keychain” where patrons learned how to use Tinkercad 3D design app to create an empathy symbol keychain by manipulating shapes. 8. Silhouette Cameo: Landscape Design Coffee Mug Taught by Library Technicians Danielle Fiscal-Rajsky and Karen Tinajero-Vazquez, patrons used equipment in the Exploration HUB and learned how to trace a desert landscape design using the Studio software and cut out on adhesive vinyl to put on a coffee mug. May 24, 2023 Item #1 Page 4 of 10 9. Literacy Services Book Club Six learners participated in the book club that read “Unearthed, A Jessica Cruz Story” by Lilliam Rivera, the Carlsbad Reads Together Teen selection. Many learners identified with the main character, Jessica: her feelings of fear, worry and uncertainty. The group discussed the author's use of color to evoke and reflect emotions. Some learners shared personal stories about acquiring a green card or applying for U.S. citizenship. 10. Teen Intro to Genealogy- Discover your Family Tree Teen Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden and Library Assistant Christina Lorenzo hosted two introductory genealogy courses for teens in grades 6-12 on April 19 at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane and on April 20 at the Cole Library. 11. Focus On: Finding Your Mexican Roots Library Technician Jan Mongoven presented two sessions on Genealogy and Carlsbad History in April. Class attendees learned how to get started tracing their Mexican roots using genealogy records available in the Ancestry Library Edition database and FamilySearch.org website. Special Projects: 12. Supporting Data-Driven Decision Making Library staff shared data and information about the library’s patron computer reduction project with the city’s Innovation & Economic Development Department to support a sought-after certification. The shared information highlighted a data-driven and equity lens approach the library used to make decisions about the number of patron computers provided at each library location. Community Connections: 13. Senior Center Outreach Library staff hosted outreach tables at the Carlsbad Senior Center to connect with community members utilizing the AARP Tax-Aide program. Library staff hosted eight tabling sessions between Feb. 7 and April 13, interacting with a total of 166 individuals. 14. Teen Volunteers Teen Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden and Library Assistant Christina Lorenzo hosted an outreach and recruiting table at the Jobs, Internships and Volunteer Expo (J.I.V.E.) at Sage Creek High School on April 5 to promote the Summer Reading Adventure teen volunteer program. May 24, 2023 Item #1 Page 5 of 10 15. STEM Career Showcase On April 7, Librarian Maile McKeon, Library Assistant Hugo Ricalday Cuevas, and Library Technician Danielle Fiscal-Rajsky engaged with 170 students in grades 6, 7 and 8 during two lunch periods at Aviara Oaks Middle school. Exploration HUB staff 3D-printed 30 robot pencil toppers, which were distributed to students who had in-depth conversations with staff. 16. Exploration HUB outreach Librarian Maile McKeon promoted the Exploration HUB’s digital conversion equipment and demonstration classes at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center’s ’s April 17 North County Lecture Series held in the library’s Schulman Auditorium. Maile answered patron questions as they inquired about the Super 8/8mm and VHS tape conversion. 17. Earth Month Celebration Library Technicians Chrisje Field and Hannah Lockhart, along with Lead Librarian Darin Williamson hosted a booth and the Books To Go book bike at the City of Carlsbad’s Earth Month Celebration at Pine Avenue Community Park on April 15, interacting with over 200 community members. To promote sustainability, the library booth hosted a craft where participants created planters out of upcycled plastic bottles. 18. Eggstravaganza Deputy Library Director Sheila Crosby and Library Technician Jade MacEoghain staffed a table at the city’s annual Eggstravaganza Spring Festival hosted by the city’s Park Parks & Recreation Department on April 4, interacting with over 400 community members to promote Carlsbad Reads Together, the upcoming Summer Reading Adventure, and the early literacy initiative 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. May 24, 2023 Item #1 Page 6 of 10 Accomplishments: 19. Serra Adult Services Professional Development Day, Racial Equity and Inclusion Librarian Kim Tubbs-Nelson and Library Assistant Ruben Valenzuela presented their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Findability Project poster at the April 27 program held at the San Diego Public Library main branch. The catalogers in the Collections & Technical Services Division are working on adding subjects and genres like “Disability and Neurodiversity Materials” in records to help people find these materials more easily in the catalog. Other: 20. Learning Center Mural Studio Tutto completed their custom-designed mural for the Library Learning Center. The design features native plants and animals painted in a sepia tone meant to mirror the “ecosystem of learning” within the Library Learning Center. The project has been received enthusiastically by our patrons. One tutor exclaimed, “The building looks alive with possibilities!” May 24, 2023 Item #1 Page 7 of 10 21. Seed Library Statistics The three seed libraries distributed a total of 1,356 seed packets in April. Staff attribute the continued increase to the spring planting season and the donation of ranunculus seeds from the Carlsbad Flower Fields. (Birdhouse gourds provided by St. Patrick Catholic School’s grade 4 class). • Library Learning Center: 107 • Dove Library: 554 • Cole Library: 695 May 24, 2023 Item #1 Page 8 of 10 Patron Stories (heard around the library): Social Media Comments from Instagram Post for National Library Workers Day May 24, 2023 Item #1 Page 9 of 10 9:53 ,, LTE ([t.J, < Comments Top comments v danhammergram 1w We LOVE our Carlsbad Library -headed there now! Thanks to all the library staff, volunteers & Friends 2 likes Reply Message nancy_klobucar 1w Thank you . 1 like Reply Message lelapanagides 1w I love our libraries and our staff and volunteers! • 3 likes Reply Message makeyourbeds 1w I love Paula!!! And I love Dove!!! 2 likes Reply Message peaceloveandyogawellness 1w Love the Carlsbad Library! You guys are great! .... 1 like Reply Message old_dolio_ 1w Paula!!! ••• 3 likes Reply Message • 0 0 0 0 < 11:02 Comments sbranch602 1w Paula is the coolest! 1 like Reply Message dorian_lucas 1w Favorite Library! 1 like Reply Message grvlptgrl 6d ,, LTE Be sure to check out the Friends of the Library Bookstores for great finds for great prices! Al l proceeds go right back into our wonderful libraries. Reply Message jackieport 1w Love this and YOU !! 1 like Reply Message lyndacgunn 5d Paula is awesome Reply Message carlzsparkly 1w •• q •• 44' •• •• MOTHER IS MOTHERING 5 likes Reply Message ~ mariP.IIP.bP.I 1w H .. • ( Ade' a corr-,.....ent .. EXHIBIT 2 LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS April 2023 April 2022 April 2023 Total Library Hours Open 642 621 Total Visitors On-site (includes curbside) 31,994 33,643 Library Services Circulation of Library Materials 71,306 70,114 eAudiobook/eBook/eMagazine Downloads Audio/Video Streaming* 16,641 0 19,946 804 *Available offerings have adjusted 2022: Kanopy relaunched Aug. 1; Hoopla launched Aug. 17 Circulation Total 87,947 90,864 Reference Questions 9,065 10,739 Technology eResource Use Library Website Sessions In-House Computer Use 8,467 46,223 2,237 7,292 36,162 3,168 Programs, Facility Usage Number of Programs Presented (on-site, off-site, includes virtual) Programs Attendance 58 2,282 93 3,642 Number of Community Rentals Community Rentals Attendance 57 2,282 57 3,343 May 24, 2023 Item #1 Page 10 of 10 (carlsbad City Library Et 0000 ~ ~ [E 0 fl □ ~t ooo D~Cl c=)