HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Semiannual Transportation ReportMeeting Date: June 5, 2023 To: Traffic & Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Tom.frank@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2766 Subject: Semiannual Transportation Report Districts: All Recommended Actions Receive the Semiannual Transportation Report. Executive Summary Being able to get around Carlsbad safely and conveniently is a top community priority. In 2015, the City Council approved an updated General Plan, which included several new policies to achieve these goals. Specifically, the Mobility Element of the General Plan envisions a transportation network that balances all the different modes of transportation, unlike previous policies that focused primarily on the car. Understanding that transforming Carlsbad’s Road system would take many years, in 2018, the City Council asked staff to present updates twice a year to measure progress being made. This report highlights recent activities and covers changes that have been made to project priorities since the city proclaimed a traffic safety emergency in August 2022. Discussion Traffic safety emergency The City of Carlsbad proclaimed a local emergency on traffic safety Aug. 23, 2022, to address a more than 200% increase in collisions involving bikes and e-bikes since 2019. Under an emergency proclamation, a city can more easily redeploy staff and resources and expedite certain processes to allow projects to be completed more quickly. Following the emergency proclamation, the City Council allocated $2 million that enabled city staff to immediately launch a wide variety of programs, projects and initiatives to enhance traffic safety in Carlsbad. City staff have initiated a wide variety of programs, projects and initiatives to enhance the safe use of city streets. Some could be completed immediately while others are longer term in nature. All are described in the Safer Streets Together Plan, which was approved by the City Council Sept. 27, 2022. To date, more than half of this amount has been allocated to the city’s emergency response: $736,430 has been spent, and $676,337 is currently June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 1 of 22 encumbered, meaning it has been dedicated to a specific contract to complete planned work, leaving $587,233 unspent and unencumbered. On March 21, 2023, city staff presented data showing injury collisions across all modes of travel were down by 19% during the first six months of the emergency compared to the same time the previous year. Looking at bikes and e-bikes only, injury collisions were down 13%. The City Council voted on Dec. 6, 2022, Jan. 24, 2023, March 21, 2023, and May 16, 2023 to extend the emergency proclamation at least another 60 days. Staff will continue to carry out the Safer Streets Together Plan as directed by the City Council, and return to Council within 60 days for an update, and consider the next steps for the state of emergency. Existing and Ongoing Projects Report The following update provides accomplishments over the last six months and goals for the next six months for each division within the city’s Transportation Department: Transportation and Drainage Engineering and Asset Management Division Past six-month accomplishments include: • Advertised construction bids and awarded a construction contract for the 2022 East- West Corridor Emergency Resurfacing and Restriping Project as a part of the Local Emergency Declaration for bike, e-bike and traffic safety scheduled for June 6, 2023 • Completed construction of the 2021-22 Slurry Seal and Fog Seal Project • Completed construction of the 2021- 22 Overlay Project • Completed 50% engineering design of the 2023 Slurry Seal Project • Completed design and advertised for bid and award the 2023 Concrete Repair Project • Completed construction for Phase I and Phase II of the El Camino Real and Cannon Road Improvements Project • Obtained approval from the San Diego Association of Governments, or SANDAG, California Department of Transportation, or Caltrans, and California Transportation Commission, or CTC, for State-only Funding and Scope Change requests for the Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements Project. The approved State- Only Funding changed the Active Transportation Program, or ATP, grant funding from a federal program to a state program. The approved Scope Change request allows using the ATP grant funding for segment 2 of the project to meet the grant requirements • Completed 30% engineering design of the Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements Project – Segment 3 • Completed 90% engineering design for the Beach Access Repairs and Upgrades from Pine Avenue to Tamarack Avenue Project • Completed draft Mitigated Negative Declaration, or MND, and started public review period for THE Beach Access Repairs and Upgrades from Pine Avenue to Tamarack Avenue Project June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 2 of 22 • Completed 90% engineering design and continued environmental assessment updates for El Camino Real Widening from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue • Awarded construction contract for the 2021 Sidewalks Improvement Project and advertised for construction bid • Prepared and processed a variety of annual reports to various transportation agencies including SANDAG, Caltrans, and CTC to secure funding for transportation Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, projects • Initiated engineering design and environmental assessment of the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements Project • Completed visual simulations of the intersection traffic control options and provided public outreach materials for the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements Project • Obtained approved Right of Entry Agreement to reimburse State Parks for review of plans for the Beach Access Repairs and Upgrades from Pine Ave to Tamarack Blvd and Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements Projects • Representative Levin has secured $5 million dollars of federal funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Local Transportation Priorities Account and under the Highway Infrastructure Program for traffic circles and street lighting projects. As part of the grant requirements, several technical studies were prepared to support the Village and Barrio Traffic Circles and Barrio Lighting Projects • Village and Barrio Traffic Circles and Barrio Lighting Projects completed and certified an National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA, in May 2023 to satisfy federal grant program requirements • Received SDGE conflict check feedback on the preliminary design of pedestrian lighting as a part of the Barrio Lighting Phase II Pedestrian Lighting Project • Completed installation and energized 13 streetlights for the Barrio Lighting Phase 1 project. • Completed final engineering design and advertised for bid and award of the 2022 Bridge Preventative Maintenance Project, which includes four bridges • Presented the following projects to the Traffic and Mobility Commission: o Kelly and Park Drive Complete Street Improvement o 2022 East-West Emergency Resurfacing and Restriping o Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements Project (February and May 2023) • Completed annual vegetation clearing and trash removal of Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance District Project and submitted Annual Report and fee to California Department of Fish and Wildlife, or CDFW • Completed the Agua Hedionda Creek vegetation removal and more periodic trash and debris removal between the bridges of Cannon Road and El Camino Real and submitted Annual Report and fee to CDFW • Completed the final design and prepared draft contract documents for the Corrugated Metal Pipe, or CMP, Replacement Project north of Encinas Creek • Advanced the engineering design of the CMP replacement project on five sites in the northwest quadrant June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 3 of 22 • Re-evaluated potential design options and advanced the engineering design and environmental assessment of the Merwin Drive Drainage Improvements Project • Completed geotechnical investigation, topographic survey, conceptual grading plan, hydrology/hydraulic study and alternative analysis for the Drainage Master Plan Facility BFB-U, El Camino Real Channel Restoration Project • Approved plans and specifications and advertised for construction bids for the Highland- Hoover Storm Drain Realignment Project • Updated the design and advanced the development of the Program EIR for the Buena Vista Creek Concrete Channel Maintenance Project • Processed new task orders for engineering design and topographic survey for the State Street Treatment Control Best Management Practices (TCBMPs) project • Provided engineering support to the Land Development Division and reviewed several civil, improvement and drainage plans of private development projects • Created, edited and added asset inventory data associated with transportation, drainage, facilities, and parks and recreation assets • Produced a variety of mapping products and data analysis for use by design, maintenance and operations teams • Continued to update inventory of various assets (e.g., stormwater, street, signs, lights, signals, medians, easements, curb ramps, pavement markings, bridges, trees, sidewalk, wireless facilities, city facilities) • Plan checked and reviewed several digital submittal drawings of public improvements • Prepared GIS digital files for contractor of tree pruning • Coordinated integration of the Drainage Master Plan updated inventory • Finalized locations for the 2023 Surface Drainage Improvements Project and negotiated a new task order for engineering services • Finalized locations for the 2023 Sidewalk Construction Project and negotiated a new task order for engineering services • Processed a task order for engineering services for the 2023 ADA Transition Plan project • Awarded a construction contract and initiated construction of the 2021 Sidewalks Improvement Project • Awarded a construction contract and initiated construction of the Public Parking Lots ADA Improvements Project • Prepared 90% plans and specifications for the Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project • Approved plans and specifications and awarded a construction contract for Segment 2 of the Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements • Negotiated and executed a professional services agreement and initiated design for the Trieste Slope Repair Project • Repaired disjointed storm drain and sinkhole as part of Haymar Drive emergency project • Completed GIS Easement Layer Improvement project • Completed Phase1 of Rick Engineering GIS data integration project which involved Drainage Master Plan Data Assessment • Created streetlight map/app for street crew to utilize streetlight QA/QC purposes • Provided Updated Moratorium Web App • Provided Updated Emergency Green Bike Lane GIS Data June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 4 of 22 • Provided Bikeway Classification Map for Bike to Workday Six-month goals include: • Continue with designs of the projects included in the Transportation and Drainage CIP Project Status Update provided in Exhibit 1 • Complete construction of the 2022 East-West Corridor Emergency Resurfacing and Restriping Project • Complete construction of the 2023 Concrete Repair Project • Complete design and award a construction contract for the 2023 Slurry Seal Project • Complete construction of the 2021 Sidewalks Improvement Project • Complete construction of the Public Parking Lots ADA Improvements Project • Approve plans and specifications and award of construction contract for the El Camino Real Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Road • Approve plans and specifications and award of construction contract for the El Camino Real Widening from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Via Roble • Finalize professional service agreement with consultant to prepare improvement plans for Kelly and Park Drive Complete Street Improvement Project • Complete 100% plans and specifications for the Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project • Finalize IS/MND and submit to the city’s Planning Division for the Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project • Complete preliminary design of the 2023 Overlay Project • Finalize Right of Entry permits with State Parks for improvements along Carlsbad Blvd • Select preferred design alternative for Carlsbad Blvd & Tamarack Ave Intersection Improvement project and proceed to final design, environmental review and permitting • Complete IS/MND for Beach Access Repairs and Upgrades for public review • Complete NEPA environmental clearance for Village & Barrio Traffic Circles and Barrio Lighting Phase 2 to satisfy federal grant requirements • Initiate a contract with a consultant to provide engineering services and complete 90% design of the Barrio Lighting Phase II Pedestrian Lighting Project • Award contract and initiate construction of the 2022 Bridge Preventative Maintenance Project • Negotiate task orders and initiate engineering design and environmental review for the regional downstream TCBMP near the Agua Hedionda discharge • Complete 30% engineering design and initiate environmental review for the regional downstream TCBMP near the State Street discharge • Complete 30% engineering design and environmental review for the Drainage Master Plan Facility BFB-U, El Camino Real Channel Restoration Project • Award of construction contract and complete construction of the Highland-Hoover Storm Drain Realignment Project • Advertise for construction bids, award of a construction contract and initiate construction of the CMP Replacement Project north of Encinas Creek • Finalize engineering design of the CMP Replacement or Lining on five sites June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 5 of 22 • Continue to perform annual vegetation removal and debris removal for the Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance District Project • Continue to perform annual vegetation removal and debris removal for Agua Hedionda Creek between the bridges of Cannon Road and El Camino Real • Prepare a draft Program Environmental Impact Report, or PEIR, for the Buena Vista Creek Concrete Channel Maintenance Project • Continue coordinating with California Coastal Commission to obtain Coastal Development Permit and finalize engineering plans for the Park Drive Drainage and Street Improvement Project • Negotiate a new task order for consulting services for the FY 2022-23 Storm Drain Assessment Program • Continue completing a variety of annual reports to various transportation agencies including SANDAG, Caltrans and CTC to secure funding for transportation CIP projects • Continue to provide engineering and construction supports to other departments and divisions • Continue to provide updates to the city’s GIS inventory data associated with transportation, drainage, facilities and parks assets • Continue to produce a variety of mapping products and data analysis for use by design, maintenance and operations staff • Continue to provide support with stormwater GIS data inventory request/update to Action System (TCBMP program), environmental program and maintenance program • Complete Drainage Master Plan inventory integration • Complete final draft of the study for the 2023 Surface Drainage Improvements Project • Complete 50% plans for the 2023 Sidewalk Construction Project • Complete preliminary study for the 2023 ADA Transition Plan • Prepare draft geotechnical report and complete 50% plans for the Trieste Slope Repair Project • Insert lining within repaired storm drain line as part of the Haymar Drive emergency project • Prepare Final Drainage Master Plan update and circulate to city planning for review Transportation Planning and Mobility Division Past six-month accomplishments include: • Continued as the staff liaison to the Traffic and Mobility Commission • Continued to lead the Transportation Demand Management Program – intended to reduce single-occupant vehicle trips – including outreach to local employers and continued review and monitoring of its mandatory programs • Continued management and development of the city’s Transportation Demand Management Program website, carlsbadcommuter.com, to provide Carlsbad June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 6 of 22 businesses and residents with access to alternative transportation information and services • Initiated key program recommendations from the Sustainable Mobility Plan, including the active transportation monitoring program, cycling education and safety training, and Safe Routes to School planning activities • Continued to lead review of all transportation impact analysis reports of development projects provided by the Community Development Department’s Land Development Engineering Division • Initiated the planning and public outreach process for the Tyler Streets Complete Streets study • City Council adopted the City’s Vision Zero Ordinance • Performed updates to the City’s Transportation Demand Management Handbook including new guidelines for residential projects, additional enforcement measures, and provided an updates on how businesses are using the TDM program to encourage their employees to utilize alternative modes of transportation • Updates to the City’s Growth Management Plan (GMP) Circulation Section: Working with the Growth Management Citizens Committee to update the standards for the circulation section of the Growth Management Plan to ensure the city’s transportation network can adequately accommodate future growth throughout our city Six-month goals include: • Subject to further City Council direction, continue to implement the Transportation Demand Management Program and create community-wide awareness to try to inspire change in commuter travel behavior • Incorporate data-driven metrics to create both qualitative and quantitative updates • Finalize updates to the multimodal level of service methodology, in collaboration with the Traffic and Mobility Commission • Subject to further City Council direction, finalize updates to the Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines, in collaboration with the Growth Management Plan Citizens Committee and the Traffic and Mobility Commission, for adoption by the City Council • Develop and complete Safe Routes to School Plans for Jefferson Elementary, Sage Creek High School and Aviara Oaks Elementary / Middle School • Continuation of the update of the city’s Multimodal Rransportation Impact Fee Program with consultant and conduct initial program outreach • Continue to develop and promote the city’s bicycle education and training program with emphasis on student education, smart cycling classes and e-bike specific training opportunities • Complete the second annual active transportation monitoring program June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 7 of 22 • Evaluate the city’s current bike parking and identification of new bike parking infrastructure needs at recreational and commercial destinations citywide Safe Routes to School Program Activities Staff have been working with Hope Elementary School on the City’s first Safe Routes to School plan to development both infrastructure and programmatic recommendations to provide safer access to the school site and encourage students to take alternative forms of transportation to school such as walking and biking. As this was the city’s first Safe Routes to School plan it also allowed city staff to establish and refine the Safe Routes to School Planning Framework that was provided in the Sustainable Mobility Plan. The Hope Elementary effort will function as a pilot program, an example for future plans, and help the city develop a larger Safe Routes to School program for rollout at other Carlsbad schools. Staff has selected a consultant to develop additional Safe Routes to School plans for three schools in Carlsbad including Sage Creek High School, Jefferson Elementary, and Aviara Oaks Elementary and Middle school. This contract is scheduled to be authorized by City Council at their June 6, 2023, meeting with a project kick-off date for all three schools tentatively scheduled for September 2023. Implementation Plan for the Sustainable Mobility Plan and Multimodal Transportation Impact Fee The city is preparing to create a plan to implement the Sustainable Mobility Plan, or SMP, and update the city’s current Traffic Impact Fee with a new Multimodal Transportation Impact Fee, or MTIF. The implementation plan will build upon the project prioritization process identified in the Sustainable Mobility Plan and serve as a blueprint for a phased implementation of the multimodal improvement projects identified in the plan. This strategy will include an engineering feasibility analysis of the plan’s top-priority projects and programs, covering the preliminary cost estimates, conceptual improvement plans and roadway cross-sections. It will focus on devising realistic funding strategies for the design and construction of recommended Sustainable Mobility Plan projects. One of the most over-arching tasks involved in that is the creation of a Multimodal Transportation Impact Fee (MTIF) program. This fee, which would be collected from developers for the impacts their projects will have on the city’s transportation network, will become a funding source for the Sustainable Mobility Plan. If adopted, the Multimodal Transportation Impact Fee Program will replace the City’s current Traffic Impact Fee program. City staff will present an overview of the Implementation Plan and Multimodal Transportation Impact Fee at an upcoming T&MC meeting for feedback and input on the plan approach and anticipated outcomes. Traffic Engineering Division Past six-month accomplishments include: • Initiated effort on updating the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program • Completed the restriping of southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from Manzano Drive to Island Way to better serve all roadway users • Completed green bicycle lane enhancements at five locations on Carlsbad Boulevard June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 8 of 22 • Completed design of Sustainable Mobility Plan implementation projects to enhance bike safety on La Costa Avenue, Jefferson Street and Cannon Road • Completed construction of a pedestrian hybrid beacon crossing signal on Tamarack Avenue at Valley Street • Continued implementation and configuration of Cubic/Trafficware traffic signal controller software • Coordinated with Caltrans to facilitate traffic clock synchronization between Caltrans and city controllers as Caltrans migrates its traffic central system software and upgrades outdated signal controllers • Completed neighborhood meeting for traffic calming project on Tamarack Avenue between Adams Street and Skyline Road • Completed neighborhood meetings for traffic calming on Victoria Avenue, Highland Drive, Nueva Castilla Way, Circulo Sequoia and Celinda Drive. • Attended public meeting with parents and staff at Sage Creek High School to discuss e-bike safety and initiated a plan. • Completed deployment 11 speed feedback signs (Emergency Declaration) • Completed design of green bicycle lane enhancements at 36 intersections with high bicycle collision activity (Emergency Declaration) • Completed green bicycle lane enhancements at 7 locations on Carlsbad Village Drive and 11 locations on Carlsbad Boulevard (Emergency Declaration) • Completed implementation of leading pedestrian interval and countdown pedestrian signal upgrades at 22 school locations and 10 locations in the Village (Emergency Declaration) • Updated general signal timing parameters based on California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or MUTCD • Established continuous traffic vehicle count stations on El Camino Real, Palomar Airport Road, and Rancho Santa Fe to monitor monthly and seasonal variations in traffic patterns • Developed coordinated timing plans for morning and afternoon commute periods on El Camino Real, Palomar Airport Road, Rancho Santa Fe Rd, and Carlsbad Village Drive • Provided engineering support to re-IP controller, video, and other signal equipment for data transmission on the new fiber optic communications network • Provided configuration and turn-on support for traffic signal modification of the El Camino Real/Arenal Road intersection to provide a new preemption pattern for the Fire Station 2 reconstruction project • Provided configuration and turn-on support for new pedestrian crossing beacon at Tamarack Avenue/Valley Street June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 9 of 22 • Installed countdown pedestrian signal heads and implemented lead pedestrian interval phasing at school and Village area traffic signals Six-month goals include: • Prepare traffic studies associated with reported traffic concerns and identify proposed improvements • Begin construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements Project • Begin construction of project to restripe southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from Manzano Drive to Island Way to better serve all roadway users • Begin construction to implement green bicycle lane enhancements at five locations on Carlsbad Boulevard • Begin construction of Sustainable Mobility Plan implementation projects to enhance bike safety on La Costa Avenue, Jefferson Street and Cannon Road • Continue effort on updating the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program • Continue implementation of traffic calming improvements on residential streets in accordance with the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program • Begin construction of green bicycle lane enhancements at 36 intersections with high bicycle collision activity (Emergency Declaration) • Continue the process for integrating traffic signal controller and other signal components into the city’s high-speed fiber network • Work with the Information Technology Department to identify opportunities to improve the traffic communications network • Continue to address communications and detection requirements to maximize capabilities of Cubic/Trafficware traffic signal controller software • Coordinate with Caltrans to maintain clock synchronization and coordination as upgrades to its central system software and controllers occur • Continue to explore efficiencies related to traffic signal contractor utilization • Change remaining legacy 170 city traffic controllers to 2070 style, including those adjacent to Caltrans facilities as Caltrans schedules their own 2070 upgrades • Implement directional traffic signal flush plan timing • Complete server migration for central traffic system software to improve communication reliability Streets and Storm Drain Maintenance Division Past six-month accomplishments include: • Successfully responded to the local emergency, including installation of green bike paint and use of message boards June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 10 of 22 • Completed the second year of a multi-year contract with Sweeping Corps of America (dba Pacific Sweeping) for the city’s street-sweeping services • Completed the second year of a multi-year contract with Urban Corps of San Diego for citywide pressure washing services, graffiti and trash removal services • Completed the second year of a multi-year agreement for high-priority storm drain maintenance and inspections with Downstream Services, Inc. • Successfully completed phase two to replace street signs with failing reflectivity • Successfully completed 960,015 linear feet of long line striping • Completed 224 work orders related to damaged signs from vehicle collision incidents • Inspected high-priority storm drain inlets, which resulted in removing over 19.8 tons of storm drain sediment and debris for the current fiscal year • Continued managing 1,800 lane miles of street sweeping per month resulting in removal of approximately 859.86 tons of debris from roadways • Completed 261 streetlight and electrical maintenance service requests • Completed 3894 storm drain maintenance work orders and 42 storm drain emergency responses • Completed 17 sidewalk work orders and 55 asphalt work orders within the right of way, which consisted of approximately 27,210 square feet of surfaces replaced • Completed installation of 41 LED fixtures Six-month goals include: • Continue to respond to local emergency • Continue implementation of the annual roadway restriping program • Continue with implementation of Street Light Replacement and Sign Replacement CIP programs • Continue with the annual street and storm drain maintenance programs • Complete Phase II and Phase III of the citywide streetlight LED fixtures replacement program along connector streets, cul-de-sacs, landscape district two and industrial streets Fiscal Analysis This item is a presentation on the work related to management of the city’s transportation assets and it has no fiscal impact. Next Steps Staff will continue to provide updates on workload and schedule as part of future semiannual transportation reports. The next semiannual transportation report is expected to be in early 2023. June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 11 of 22 Environmental Evaluation This action does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under Public Resources Code section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program Project status update as of January 2023 June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 12 of 22 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update as of June 2023 • College Boulevard Reach A Extension – CIP Project No. 3636 o On May 5, 2020, City Council directed staff to pursue a city-led financing program, planning, and environmental review for construction of the College Boulevard extension, which would include the city undertaking a preliminary design and engineering assessment o On Nov. 2, 2020, staff presented the scope of work to the Traffic and Mobility Commission and solicited the commission’s input and feedback on the project o On Aug. 17, 2021, the city entered into an agreement with a consultant team to complete preliminary design and environmental services o Consultant has initiated preliminary engineering and environmental review process o Initiated field investigations, including biological surveys and geotechnical investigation o Prepared Traffic Operations Analysis report and draft cross section alternatives for College Boulevard Extension Design Study Project o The project has been paused per the City Council direction and will likely resume in the first half of 2024. • Pavement Management Program – CIP Project No. 6001 o 2021 Pavement Assessment – Finalized citywide pavement condition assessment and analysis. The final report was received in December 2022 o 2023 Slurry Seal Project - Completed 50% design level phase. Staff presented the draft striping plans to Traffic and Mobility Commission in June 2023  Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (July 2023), award of construction contract (late 2023) o 2022 East-West Corridor Emergency Resurfacing and Restriping – Project will resurface and restripe several east-west arterial streets including portions of Carlsbad Village Drive, Tamarack Avenue, Cannon Road, Poinsettia Lane, La Costa Avenue, and a smaller portion of Olivenhain Road.  Staff presented the project to Traffic and Mobility Commission in December 2022  Plans and specifications were approved by City Council on Feb. 7th, 2023  Awarded construction contract on June 7th, 2023 • Beach Access Repairs from Pine Avenue to Tamarack Avenue – CIP Project No. 3896 o Project will repair sidewalks, handrails, stairways, retaining walls and seawall o Currently 90%-complete level engineering design o Public review of the environmental document, Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), started on May 19, 2023, and will close June 19, 2023 o Coordinating the project with State Parks staff to obtain approvals of the repairs o Obtained approved Right of Entry Agreement to pay State Parks for review of plans o Project requires right-of-way coordination/resolution with State Parks o Ongoing coordination for ROW reconciliation with State Parks o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2023), award of construction contract (early 2024) • Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements – CIP Project No. 6058 June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 13 of 22 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update as of June 2023 o Project will widen sidewalk, add crosswalks, improve Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access and improve traffic flow and transit stop o Project requires right-of-way coordination/resolution with State Parks o Ongoing coordination for ROW reconciliation with State Parks o Obtained approved Right of Entry Agreement to pay State Parks for review of plans o Completed visual simulations of the intersection control design options o Provided outreach mailer with overview of intersection control design options o Presented at the Traffic & Mobility Commission in February and May 2023 to seek recommendation on the intersection control design option o Target schedule – Approval of the preferred intersection traffic control option (summer 2023), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid 2024), award of construction contract (late-2024) • El Camino Real Widening from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue – CIP Project No. 6051 o Widen southbound El Camino Real from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue to prime arterial standards, add sidewalk and widen bridge o Prepared 90%-complete improvement plans including environmental and supporting technical documents o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2024), award of construction contract (mid-2024) • El Camino Real and Cannon Road Improvements – CIP Project No. 6042 o Construction completed in late 2022 o Constructed a new bridge for pedestrian connectivity over the Agua Hedionda Creek along El Camino Real and widened the sidewalk on the west side of the El Camino Real bridge, and added an additional northbound through lane o Currently performing 24-months monitoring for hydroseed and plant restoration • Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Street Improvements – CIP Project No. 6075 o Provide traffic calming on Kelly Drive and Park Drive, enhance biking with dedicated bike path, and add trails and improvement pedestrian access o Presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission in August 2021 and December 2022 o Conducted public outreach efforts including online survey, email blast, mailers and virtual community workshop o Solicited RFP and now negotiating scope and fee with highest ranking consultant o Target schedule – Award an agreement to the selected consultant for engineering services (mid-2023), finalize plans and environmental documents (Initial Study (IS)/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)) for public review (early 2024), Planning Commission approval (mid-2024), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2024), award of construction contract (late 2024) • El Camino Real Widening from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble – CIP Project No. 6072 June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 14 of 22 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update as of June 2023 o Partially federally funded project to widen El Camino Real to the city standards and provide an additional northbound through lane from Cinnabar Way to Camino Vida Roble to increase capacity. The project also adds new sidewalks and medians. o Presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission in November 2020 and October 2022 o Completed engineering plans and environmental permitting o Presented to Planning Commission and obtained necessary city discretionary permits in June 2022 o Currently processing property acquisition with owners for the necessary easements and request for authorization from Caltrans o Coordination with San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE) and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for existing easement o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2023), award of construction contract (early 2024) • Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard Improvements – CIP Project No. 6028 o Provide operational improvements to vehicles by adding an additional southbound through lane and improvement bike lanes o Construction plans are at 90%-complete level o Presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission in June 2020 and September 2022 o Project will be presented to the Traffic and Mobility Commission later this year for a project update and further considerations. • Palomar Airport Road and Melrose Drive Improvements – CIP Project No. 6034 o Provide operational improvements to vehicles by adding an additional southbound through lane and improvement to bike lanes o Project will be presented to the Traffic and Mobility Commission later this year for a project update and further considerations. • El Camino Real Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive – CIP Project No. 6094 o Project will widen El Camino Real to the city standards and provide an additional northbound through lane to increase capacity. The project also adds new sidewalks. o Presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission in September 2021 and October 2022 o Completed engineering plans and environmental documents o Currently negotiating with property owners for the necessary easement o Target schedule – Planning Commission approval (mid-2023), City Council approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2023), award of construction contract (early 2024) • Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements – CIP Project No. 6004 o Project will provide multimodal improvements including new bike lanes, sidewalks and traffic calming features o Presented to Traffic and Mobility Commission in May 2021, June 2021, April 2022 and August 2022 June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 15 of 22 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update as of June 2023 o Obtained approval from SANDAG, Caltrans and California Transportation Commission (CTC) for State-only Funding and Scope Change requests. The approved State-Only Funding request changed the Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant funding from a federal program to a state program. The approved Scope Change request allows using the ATP grant funding for segment 2 of the project to meet the grant requirements o Obtained authorization from Caltrans to advertise for construction bid o Target schedule:  Segment 1 (between Cannon Rd and Palomar Airport Rd): Completed  Segment 2 (between Poinsettia Station to Carlsbad Blvd): Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (Completed in April 2023), award of construction contract (Completed in May 2023)  Segment 3 (Palomar Airport Rd and Poinsettia Station): Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2024), award of construction contract (mid-2024) • Village and Barrio Traffic Circles – CIP Project No. 4015 o Traffic calming and pedestrian improvement features at eight intersections in the Village/Barrio area to calm traffic as shown in the Village and Barrio Master Plan o Construct five traffic circles, two other traffic calming improvements, and one high-visibility continental crosswalk o Project is in final engineering design o Representative Levin has secured $5 million dollars of federal funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Local Transportation Priorities Account and under the Highway Infrastructure Program for traffic circles and street lighting projects o Federal funds required project to go through NEPA process and work with Caltrans to finalize o Additional technical studies were prepared to support NEPA o NEPA certified in May 2023 o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2023), award of construction contract (early-2024) • Terramar Area Coastal Improvement Project – CIP Project No. 6054 o Construct roundabout at intersection of Cannon Road and Carlsbad Boulevard, sidewalks, crosswalks, increased parking and bluff improvements o Engineering design at 90%-complete level o Coordinating with utility companies on undergrounding overhead utilities o Responding to the city Planning Division first round of comments on the Draft CEQA document Target schedule – Presentation to Traffic and Mobility Commission (mid-2023), Draft CEQA document/MND targeted for public review (late 2023), Planning Commission approval (early 2024), Coastal Development Permit from California Coastal Commission (mid-2024), City Council approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2024), award of construction contract (late 2024/early 2025) • Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue Complete Streets – CIP Project No. 6019 June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 16 of 22 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update as of June 2023 o Construct sidewalks, bike paths, green street features and underground overhead utilities along a portion of Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue o Currently in engineering design phase o Ongoing coordination with SDGE and communication companies for 20A utility undergrounding and gas mainline relocation occurring in conjunction with this project o City Council approved agreement with SDGE for underground project in January 2023 o Ongoing outreach with the property owners and school district and coordination on design o Target schedule – Coordinating engineering design and coordination with utility companies for undergrounding and gas main relocation (mid-2023), • Barrio Lighting Project – CIP Project No. 4013 o Phase 1 of the project installed and energized 13 streetlights to dark areas in the Barrio o Phase 2 of the project, which will install pedestrian lighting in the Barrio area is in engineering design phase o Public outreach newsletter mailed out in November 2020 and November 2021 o Awarded an agreement for lighting assessment and preliminary design of Barrio Lighting Phase 2 o Outreach survey for pedestrian lighting completed in February 2022 o Existing lighting assessment conducted in late March and April 2022 o Contract being negotiated to finalize engineering design of Phase II (pedestrian lighting) o Representative Levin has secured $5 million dollars of federal funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Local Transportation Priorities Account and under Highway Infrastructure Program for Village and Barrio Traffic Circles and Barrio Lighting projects, $4M of which will be used for the traffic circle construction and $1M will be used for the Phase 2 construction o Target schedule:  Phase 1 – Construction complete (early 2023)  Phase 2A – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2024), award of construction contract (mid-2024) • Buena Vista Creek Concrete Channel Maintenance Project – CIP Project No. 6619 o Proposed dredging of debris, clearing of vegetation and concrete repairs within the concrete-lined portion of Buena Vista Creek between the bridges of South Vista Way to approximately 200 feet upstream of the El Camino Real bridge o Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) determined to be appropriate CEQA document by city’s Community Development Department in fall 2021  Issued Task Order to prepare PEIR in February 2022  Prepared draft Notice of Preparation (NOP) in May 2023 o Completed topographic survey in April 2022 o Updated engineering design in July 2022 and March 2023 o Initiated coordination with Habitat Mitigation Banks in May 2023 o Target schedule:  PEIR being prepared and is expected to be circulated for public review (mid-2023)  Applications for resource agency permits to be submitted upon PEIR recordation  Secure offsite habitat mitigation credits (mid-2024) June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 17 of 22 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update as of June 2023  Channel clearing and dredging (late 2024) • Park Drive Street and Drainage Improvements – CIP Project No. 6611 o Remove and replace 500 feet of existing retaining wall and repair back slope with 2,000 cubic yards of imported fill. Project also includes brow ditch and storm drain improvements, and sidewalk replacement o 0.75 acre of compensatory habitat mitigation required offsite due to impacts to coastal sage scrub. Five-year maintenance and monitoring required upon completion of initial planning and six-month plant establishment period o Minor Conditional Use Permit, Minor Hillside Development and Minor Habitat Mitigation Plan permit applications approved by the city’s Community Development Department on March 30, 2022 o Coordinating with California Coastal Commission to obtain a Coastal Development Permit o Target schedule – Final engineering design (late 2023), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2024), award of construction contract (mid-2024) • Citywide Drainage Improvement Program – CIP Project No. 6608 o Drainage Master Plan Project BCB – Magnolia Avenue Drainage Improvements  Proposed 30-inch diameter storm drain pipeline on Magnolia Avenue from Brady Circle to Monroe Street  Project split into two separate phases that will be constructed during the summer months due to the proximity of several nearby schools • Phase I completed in mid-2022, constructed the main trunk of the storm drain on Magnolia Avenue and replace/relocate several sections of potable water main • Phase II will provide full street pavement resurfacing, speed humps, curb bulb-out/extensions and a storm drain lateral section on Valley Street  Target schedule: • Phase II – Approval of plans and specifications (late 2023), award of construction contract (early 2024) o Surface Drainage Improvements Project  Project improved surface drainage conditions on several streets within the northwest quadrant area of the city. Improvements included installation of concrete curbs, gutters, swales and gravel to reduce erosion and improve drainage  Negotiated a new task order for 2023 Surface Drainage Improvements Technical Memo in May 2023 o Merwin Drive Storm Drain Improvements  Project will improve surface drainage conditions and reduce the potential for ponding on Merwin Drive during and following storm events  Construction of temporary drainage improvements completed in December 2020  City Council approved authorization for engineering and environmental services and contract fully executed in September 2021 June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 18 of 22 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update as of June 2023  Design options analysis completed in early 2022  Revised design options analysis performed in May 2023  Amendment to consultant’s contract going to City Council for approval in July 2023  Target schedule – Approval of an amendment to Consultant’s contract (late 2023), final engineering design (early 2024), environmental processing and permitting (mid-2024), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2024), award of construction contract (early 2025) • Drainage Master Plan Update – CIP Project No. 6623 o Update to the city’s 2008 Drainage Master Plan (DMP). Effort will update the list of master planned projects, create a new fee schedule and amend existing Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) document o Geographic Information System (GIS) updates to the entire city drainage inventory completed in fall 2020. Drainage modeling supported by the GIS update, providing an updated analysis of proposed projects from the 2008 DMP and a recommended list of new projects to be added to the plan o Received Early Assessment comment letter from the city’s Planning Division on draft Drainage Master Plan update in October 2022. Staff comments on draft Drainage Master Plan provided to consultant in November 2022 o Negotiated a new task order to perform revised Basin BJ technical evaluation o Target schedule – Consultant submittal of Final Drainage Master Plan (mid-2024), City Council adoption of the Drainage Master Plan update (late 2024) • Agua Hedionda Creek Vegetation Maintenance – CIP Project No. 6629 o Budget increased for FY 21-22 to allow for two additional vegetation clearing events per year. Existing maintenance contracts were renewed to accommodate additional services o Half-acre section of Agua Hedionda Creek between the bridges of Cannon Road and El Camino Real cleared vegetation and removed debris in October 2022 and subsequently in February 2023 to improve creek conveyance capacity o Vegetation regrowth being monitored throughout winter months. Additional maintenance events maybe requested if regrowth is determined to be significantly prohibit stream flows o Completed monitoring report to CDFW in June 2023 o Target Schedule – Vegetation and debris clearing (late 2023), execute a new Streambed Alteration Agreement with CDFW (mid-2024) • Buena Vista Creek Assessment District – Operating Budget No. 1636312 o In October and again in December 2022, non-native vegetation and debris were removed from the 11.2-acre section of the Buena Vista Creek channel o In December 2022 annual channel vegetation clearing activities were performed within the northern half of Buena Vista Creek upstream of Jefferson Street bridge (year 3 of 5) and around areas of three storm drain outfalls o Coordination with homeless outreach team to remove several encampments and concentrated areas of trash within stream corridor June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 19 of 22 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update as of June 2023 o Vegetation regrowth being monitored throughout winter months. Additional maintenance events maybe requested if necessary o Annual Report completed and submitted with fee to CDFW in May 2023 o Target Schedule – Trash and non-native vegetation removal and annual vegetation clearing (late 2023), execute a new Streambed Alteration Agreement with CDFW (mid-2024) • Drainage Master Plan Project BFB-Upper – CIP Project No. 6622 o Project includes drainage improvements and slope stabilization to an existing city-owned earthen drainage channel on the east side of El Camino Real from Chestnut Avenue to Tamarack Avenue o Objective of the project is to restore the channel by stabilizing slopes to mitigate against erosion during storm events and help reduce sediment transport to Agua Hedionda Lagoon o Engineering design contract fully executed with the City Council approval in September 2021 o Geotechnical exploration completed in December 2022 o Conceptual grading, geotechnical, biological, hydrological/hydraulics and alternatives analysis performed in June 2023 o Target schedule – Final engineering design and environmental permitting (early 2024), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid-2024), award of construction contract (late 2024) • Storm Drain System Rehab and Repair Program – CIP Project No. 6607 o Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) Replacement North of Encinas Creek  Removal of 200 feet of CMP and replacement with reinforced concrete pipe storm drain within Carlsbad Boulevard north of Encinas Creek. Project includes installation of one standard curb inlet, pipe replacement, outlet improvements and slope repair/stabilization.  Design and environmental services contracts executed in December 2020 for creation of final plan and environmental studies  Final design completed in March 2022  Target schedule – Advertise for construction bids (late 2023), award of construction contract (early 2024) o FY 2021-22 Storm Drain Maintenance and Repair Program  Removal of five CMP pipe drainage pipe systems throughout the city and replacement with reinforced concrete pipe systems  Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2023), award of construction contract (early 2024) o Highland-Hoover Storm Drain Realignment Project  Project will reroute an existing storm drain through several private properties to relocate point off a private property to city right-of-way  Engineering design completed in fall 2021  Obtained City Manager’s approval of acceptance of storm drain easements and right of entry agreements in March 2023  Fully executed storm drain easements recorded at the County in April 2023 June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 20 of 22 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update as of June 2023  Finalized plans and specifications and advertised for construction bids in April 2023  Conducted mandatory pre-bid meeting with prospective Contractors in May 2023  Target schedule – Award construction contract (late 2023), complete construction (early 2024) • Storm Drain Condition Assessment Program – CIP Project No. 6620 o Inspection results will create list of repair and maintenance projects to be executed by CIP Project No. 6607 o Program is also used on an as-needed basis to inspect drainage systems requiring immediate inspection o Finalized a Task Order for consultant to perform storm drain condition assessment and pipe cleaning services for several CIP projects in June 2023 o Coordinate with Cartegraph consultant to develop ongoing program that creates annual list of storm drain inspection needs o Target schedule – Storm drain condition assessment and pipe cleaning (late 2023) • Sidewalks Improvement Program – CIP Project No. 6002 o Program to design and construct missing links of sidewalk throughout the city o 2021 Sidewalk Construction Project locations are:  Garfield Street (east side) between Redwood Avenue and Tamarack Avenue  Monroe Street (east side) between Marron Road and southern mall driveway entrance (near bus stops)  Tamarack Avenue (north side) between Kirkwall Avenue and Edinburgh Drive o 2021 Sidewalk Construction Project - Construction contract awarded and under construction o Negotiated contract with consultant to perform engineering design services for 2023 Sidewalk Construction Project • Concrete Repairs Program – CIP Project No. 6013 o Miscellaneous concrete repairs to sidewalks, curb and gutter, pedestrian ramps, driveway approaches and cross gutters o Construction of the 2021 Concrete Repair Project completed in early 2023 o 2023 Concrete Repair Project  City Council approved plans and specifications and authorized to bid in April 2023  City Council awarded of construction contract in June 2023  Target schedule – Initiate construction and complete construction (late 2023) • ADA Ramp Improvement Program – CIP Project No. 6049 o Negotiating scope and fee for 2023 ADA Improvement o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2024), award of construction contract (early 2025) • Parking Lot Maintenance Program – CIP Project No. 6052 o Maintenance of city’s parking lots and driveways to provide access to the city parks, fire stations, libraries and facilities June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 21 of 22 Exhibit 1 Semiannual Transportation Report Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status Update as of June 2023 o Work under this program is being performed in conjunction with Public Parking Lots ADA Improvements, CIP Project No. 6049 o Finalizing list of locations for 2023 Parking Lot Maintenance Project o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid-2024), award of construction contract (late 2024) • Public Parking Lots ADA Improvements – CIP Project Nos. 6049 & 6052 o ADA and parking lot improvements at nine public parking lots in downtown Carlsbad and three city parks o Construction contract awarded and under construction o Target schedule: Complete construction (late 2023) • Trash Capture Amendment Compliance Program – CIP Project No. 6626 o Program to design and construction Trash Capture Best Management Practices (TCBMPs) to improve storm water quality, achieve compliance with watershed permit and reduce maintenance costs o Prepared conceptual TCBMP designs at six to 10 locations in early 2022 o Selected following six sites for 1st round of program:  State Street – proposed regional downstream TCBMP  Agua Hedionda discharge – proposed regional downstream TCBMP  Palomar Airport Road and Paseo Del Norte – retrofit 4 exiting TCBMPs o Issued a new task order to consultant for engineering design and environmental review services in May 2023 for State Street TCMP o Target schedule – Finalize design for State Stret TCBMP (early 2024), approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2024), award of construction contract (early 2025), issue a new task order to begin engineering design and environmental review for Agua Hedionda TCBMP (late 2023) • Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program – CIP Project No. 6066 o 2022 Bridge Maintenance Project  Project includes four (4) bridges located on Cannon Rd. (Macario Canyon Bridges) and Rancho Santa Fe Rd. (San Marcos Creek Bridges)  City Council approved plans and specifications and authorized to bid in June 2023  Target schedule – Award construction contract (late 2023) o Prepared field review and documentation memorandum of 21 of the city’s bridges o 2023 Bridge Maintenance Project  Target schedule – Initiate new contract for design of 2023 Bridge Maintenance Project, approved plans and specifications and authorized to bid (mid-2024), award construction contract (late 2023) June 05, 2023 Item # 1 Page 22 of 22