HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Tyler Street Complete Streets StudyMeeting Date: June 5, 2023 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nathan.schmidt@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2734 Nick Gorman, Associate Engineer Nick.gorman@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2793 Subject: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study Recommended Action Receive a presentation and provide input regarding the Tyler Street Complete Streets Study. Background The City of Carlsbad is working on making streets inviting for everyone, whether driving, walking or biking. Known as “complete streets,” this approach recognizes the street as a public space that can be safe and inviting for all the ways people might want to get around. One of those streets where complete street improvements are being proposed is Tyler Street between Oak Avenue and Chestnut Avenue. Tyler Street is a north-south roadway between the Village and Barrio. The Village and Barrio Master Plan, which the City Council adopted on July 10, 2018, highlights a number a street design projects including Tyler Street. In April 2022, City Council requested the acceleration of several projects identified within the Village and Barrio Master Plan, including the Tyler Street Traffic Circulation Study; herein referred to as Tyler Street Complete Streets Study. Exhibit 1 contains the City Council minutes. The Village and Barrio Master Plan list this project as a key Barrio recommendation (Section 1.6.2.B) and is discussed in further detail in Chapter 4 Section 1. The master plan also states a Tyler Street streetscape and traffic direction analysis be conducted in the mid-term timeframe, which is within two to three years. The relevant excerpts from the Village and Barrio Master Plan are provided in Exhibit 2. June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 1 of 17 Discussion Existing Conditions Tyler Street is located just east of the railroad tracks and the Coastal Rail Trail and runs from Oak Avenue to Chestnut Avenue. It is classified as a local street within the City of Carlsbad’s Mobility Element. In its current configuration, the street has one travel lane in each direction and parking on the east side. There currently is a sidewalk that runs the entire length on the east side and a short section of sidewalk on the west side between Walnut Avenue and Chestnut Avenue. No bicycle facilities currently exist. Tyler Street has a number of different land uses that front the street. This includes a mix of residential uses that includes single family homes, multifamily homes, and a senior living facility. It also includes several industrial businesses, including auto repair shops, tow truck companies, a storage facility and a number more. As well, at the north end of Tyler Street, the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad has a facility. Data was collected along Tyler Street and surrounding roadways in December 2022 while school was in session, to better understand how the street is currently being used. The data collection included number of vehicles, trucks, bikes and pedestrians. Exhibit 3 includes figures containing the volumes along Tyler Street and the surrounding streets. Tyler Street was shown to have less than 800 daily vehicles. Given the number of industrial businesses, Tyler Street was shown to have a higher percentage of trucks than most local streets, with the highest being approximately 150 trucks between Oak Avenue and Pine Avenue. Multimodal counts showed approximately 170 pedestrians and 25 bicycles throughout the day. Proposed project options Within the Village and Barrio Master Plan, three options were provided for potential future conditions. As a part of the master plan, public outreach was done, which included several public comments regarding Tyler Street during the process. The initial three options for Tyler Street were developed based on input received from the public and considering the existing configuration of the streetscape. The options developed were preliminary in nature and did not include detailed design. Preliminary cross-sections can be seen in Exhibit 4. The proposed options in the Village and Barrio Master Plan are as follows: Option 1 This option views the street as a shared space concept, also called a “woonerf1”. This option would maintain two-way traffic and parallel parking on the east side. This option would remove the curbs and bring the entire roadway down to one continuous level. Decorative pavers or colored concrete would be used throughout the right of way. The travel lanes and pedestrian space would be delineated using either different pavers and/or color. Option 2 This option would make Tyler Street one-way to vehicular traffic in the northbound direction. 1 Woonerf is a European concept which views the street as a social space, rather than exclusively a channel for vehicular mobility. June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 2 of 17 The additional space resulting from only one vehicle travel lane would allow for bike lanes to be provided in both directions. Parallel parking would continue to remain on the east side. Option 3 This option would continue to have two-way vehicular traffic but would flip the parallel parking to the west side. A sidewalk would be added to the entirety of the west side. Bikes and vehicles would be encouraged to share the travel lane by the addition of sharrows in both directions. Community outreach Community outreach is currently underway to better understand the community’s needs, values and priorities for this project. Input opportunities include: •A community meeting, held on May 17, 2023 at the Harding Community Center •An online survey •Direct contact with the project manager •Door-to-door visits and meetings with residents, property owners and businesses Proximity to other city projects Within the surrounding area, the city has a few other projects ongoing. The Village and Barrio Traffic Circle project includes intersection improvements at Oak Avenue/Roosevelt and Chestnut Avenue/Roosevelt within the project area. Additionally, the Barrio Lighting project will provide pedestrian lighting in areas throughout the Barrio. Lighting locations are still being determined at this time. Next Steps Upon receiving input from the Traffic & Mobility Commission, staff will combine this feedback with the input received from the community throughout the engagement process, to further refine the preliminary options described from the Village and Barrio Master Plan. There will be additional opportunities for community input and changes to the designs, recognizing the unique mix of land uses along Tyler Street. From there, staff will bring back the concepts for the Traffic & Mobility Commission to review. Exhibits 1.April 26, 2022 City Council Minutes 2.Excerpt from the Village and Barrio Master Plan 3.Vehicle and Multimodal Volumes 4.Preliminary Tyler Street Proposed Conditions June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 3 of 17 CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes April 26, 2022, 12 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: 12 p.m. ROLL CALL: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Norby. Faraday Center 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn led the Pledge of Allegiance. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: This item was continued from the April 20, 2022 Special City Council Meeting. 1. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PRIORITIES -Review the schedule and funding status of Capital Improvement Projects planned for the next five years and provide direction to staff on changes, if desired. (Staff contact: Paz Gomez, Public Works) City Manager's Recommendation: Review the schedule and provide direction to staff. City Manager Chadwick introduced the continued item and Center of Organization Effectiveness Chief Executive Officer Sommer Kehrli. Facilitator Kehrli gave a brief synopsis of the previous meeting and explained the goals for the continued meeting including the list of projects and the Code of Ethics & Public Service Values. Council Member Acosta mentioned that for the record, she had requested that her initials be added to the following projects: Stagecoach Community Garden, South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail and South Carlsbad Coastline Road Realignment. Deputy City Manager Public Works Paz Gomez presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). In response to Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn's inquiry, Deputy City Manager Community Services Gary Barberio provided a brief history of Community Facilities District No. 1 which is the primary funding source for the new City Hall. In response to Council Member Norby's inquiry, Parks & Recreation Director Kyle Lancaster updated the City Council on the timeline with San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and other interest groups to gain greater flexibility over the trail alignment. In response to Mayor Hall, Deputy City Manager Public Works Gomez went over the Growth Management list of projects. Exhibit 1 June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 4 of 17 April 26, 2022 Carlsbad City Council Special Meeting Page 2 PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEM ONLY: Glenn Bernard expressed his concerns with the cost of the meeting facilitator, the crossing at Chestnut, the Grand Avenue Promenade, the lack of public restrooms throughout the city, and the study for the power lines. John Pimentel expressed his concern with the safety of crossing the street at Tyler Court Apartments. Gil Alvarado expressed his concern with the safety of crossing Tyler Street and asked that it be advanced on the list of priorities. Gary Nessim requested that Tyler Street be made a one-way street and have an alternative street design and requested that the Grand Promenade be moved ahead on the priority list. Lance Schulte expressed his desire to have a park at Ponto and added that 14.3 acres of Ponto land are now available for sale. President of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Chris Ross thanked the city for the viewing locations of the lagoon as part of the El Camino Real widening project. Don Christiansen expressed his concern with the Maerkle Reservoir being a non-performing asset. Kris Wright thanked the City Council for their support regarding the Monroe Pool and requested that they move the project forward. Facilitator Kehrli explained that timelines can be accelerated, decelerated, or projects can be added to the list and that staff will bring those items back with further information. Council Member Norby suggested having the Tyler Street Traffic Circulation Study, the Village and Barrio Traffic Circles, four of the Village and Barrio lighting projects, the lagoon trail, sustainable mobility plan and the trench be moved up on the priorities list. Council Member Acosta agreed with Council Member Norby's project selections of Monroe Street Pool, Tyler Street, the lagoon trail, the sustainable mobility plan, and added the Community Garden at Stagecoach, Maerkle Solar, new Fire Station No. 7 and the new City Hall. Council Member Bhat-Patel also agreed to several projects including Monroe Street Pool, Barrio Traffic Circles, the Village and Barrio lighting projects, the lagoon trail, the sustainable mobility plan, the trench, the Community Garden at Stagecoach, Maerkle Solar, the new Fire Station No. 7, the new City Hall, and added College Boulevard Extension project. She also re- emphasized lighting improvements with regards to pedestrian improvements. Mayor Hall added the Maerkle Reservoir to all of the other projects listed but took exception to the College Boulevard Extension project. Council Member Bhat-Patel explained that for the record, some of the projects she mentioned were for discussion only at this point in the conversation. June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 5 of 17 April 26, 2022 Carlsbad City Council Special Meeting Page 3 Facilitator Kehrli requested the City Council list their conflicts of interest. Mayor Hall expressed that he had a conflict of interest on Tyler Street, Village Decorative Lighting, Village Barrio Circles, Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue Pedestrian Improvements, Village Intelligent Parking, Barrio Street Lighting, Chestnut Complete Street 1-5 to Railroad, and the lowering of the tracks. Facilitator Kehrli declared recess at 1:21 p.m. Facilitator Kehrli reconvened the meeting at 1:30 p.m. Mayor Hall recused himself at 1:31 p.m. due to a potential conflict of interest. Facilitator Kehrli began the discussion with the list of projects for any possible motions from the City Council Members. Motion by Council Member Norby, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, to accelerate the Tyler Street Traffic Circulation Study, the Village and Barrio Traffic Circles and all Village and Barrio lighting projects. Motion carried, 4/0/1 (Hall -Absent). Motion by Council Member Norby, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, directing staff to work with other regional agencies to prioritize the studies for the Lowering Railroad Tracks in the Village project, remove this project from the Capital Improvement projects list, reidentify costs for the studies and work with SAN DAG and legislative representatives to seek funding. Motion carried, 4/0/1 (Hall -Absent). Mayor Hall returned at 1:48 p.m. Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Blackburn, seconded by Council Member Bhat-Patel, directing staff to prioritize maintenance repairs within the current budget on the Monroe Street Pool through 2026. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. Motion by Mayor Hall, seconded by Council Member Acosta, to continue this item to the 1 p.m. City Council Special Meeting on Tues., May 3, 2022, at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Motion carried unanimously, 5/0. Facilitator Kehrli thanked everyone for their participation. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Special Meeting of April 26, 2022, was adjourned at 1:58 p.m. ~-~tl~ ✓ Tamara R. McMinn, CPMC, CMC Senior Deputy City Clerk June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 6 of 17 1-22 CARLSBAD VILLAGE & BARRIO 1.6.2 Key Barrio Recommendations A.Create a shared space at Roosevelt Street and Walnut Avenue, a prominent intersection in the Barrio. B.Explore reconfiguring Tyler Street south of Oak Avenue into a “shared space” and from a two-way to a one-way street. C.Explore use of the railroad right of way for public parking while maintaining the Coastal Rail Trail. D.Add traffic circles and other intersection improvements to calm traffic and improve walkability. E.Improve the Coastal Rail Trail entries at Tamarack Avenue and Oak Avenue. F.Develop protected bikeways (cycle tracks) that connect the Barrio with the Village and the beach. G.Provide, at a minimum, a pedestrian and bicycle crossing at Chestnut Avenue; if lowering the tracks below street level does not proceed, pursue the completion of this particular crossing. H.Lower the railroad tracks below street level to enable more crossings over the tracks and better connect the Barrio to the beach; connect the Coastal Rail Trail with any railroad crossings. CH A P T E R 1 IN T R O D U C T I O N Exhibit 2 June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 7 of 17 2 2-41MASTER PLAN 2.7.1 VILLAGE CENTER SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT STANDARDS Figure 2-5, Parcels Adjacent to R-1-10,000 and Buena Vista Lagoon Map Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community F Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA,USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS UserCommunity F Village Center (VC) Village and BarrioMaster Plan Area LAG U N A D R . Magnolia Manor Apartments BUE N A V I S T A C I R . 1 2 MAXTON BROWN PARK J.GOOD NEIGHBOR 1.In the Village Center District, a parcel north of Laguna Drive and west of Buena Vista Circle (Assessor’s Parcel Number 155-221-12, see “1” in Figure 2-5) shares a common boundary with property on Buena Vista Circle zoned “R-1-10,000” for single-family use (Assessor’s Parcel Number 155-221-01 see “2” in Figure 2-5). Development of this Village Center District parcel shall follow the requirements below: a.Development shall be set back 10 feet minimum from the property line shared with the R-1-10,000 parcel. b.Those portions of a structure over 35 feet tall shall be setback a minimum of 20 feet from the shared property line. c.Those portions of a structure over 40 feet tall shall be set back a minimum of 30 feet from the shared property line. d.Loading docks, service areas, repair yards, noise and odor generating operations, and ground-mounted mechanical equipment are not permitted within 20 feet of the shared property line. In addition, any use described above shall provide a six (6) foot masonry sound wall and a minimum five (5) foot landscaped setback along that property line. 2.Figure 2-5 also shows the two parcels in the Village Center District bordering Buena Vista Lagoon, a state ecological reserve. Development of these parcels shall comply with the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan and other applicable requirements, such as slope protection and coastal access, as follows: a.A 25-foot wide lateral access easement shall be required as a condition of approval for any development. The access easement shall be located upland from any wetland vegetation on the site or, where there is no wetland vegetation on the site, upland of the property line adjacent to the lagoon. b.Development shall be set back from the bluff or slope edge consistent with the stringline requirements in the City’s LCP. c.Native, drought tolerant and fire resistive vegetation shall be used in areas designated for, or located adjacent to, natural open space or native vegetation. Invasive or noxious plants shall not be employed or allowed to naturalize or persist on the site. Use of non-invasive turf and ornamental vegetation may be permitted within the development footprint. d.Landscape treatments for the purpose of fire protection shall be performed in a manner which avoids disruption and encroachments to environmentally sensitive areas while still achieving conformance with the fire protection standards. CH A P T E R 2 LA N D U S E June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 8 of 17 2LAND USE & URBAN FORM 2-42 CARLSBAD VILLAGE & BARRIO K.RAILROAD CORRIDOR The Village Center district contains portions of the North County Transit District (NCTD) railroad corridor and its right-of-way (see Figure 2-6). 1.The primary use of the railroad corridor shall be for transportation facilities and improvements that provide rail and transit services and support facilities, as determined by NCTD. Accordingly, land uses in the railroad corridor are subject to CMC Chapter 21.100, Transportation Corridor. 2.In addition, the permitted and conditionally permitted uses allowed in the Village Center District, as set forth in Table 2-1, Permitted Uses, shall also be allowed on the properties located within the corresponding portions of the railroad corridor. 3.All non-transit related development or uses shall comply with all regulations and procedures set forth within this Master Plan, including obtaining a Coastal Development Permit. To approve any permit for a non-transit related development or use, the appropriate decision-making authority must be able to make all of the following findings: a.The NCTD Board, or other appropriate transit agency, has declared the site of the proposed development to be surplus or excess right-of-way and not required for the purposes of constructing and/or providing transit facilities, services or amenities; b.The development is consistent with the Master Plan, including its vision, goals and policies, standards and guidelines, and provisions related to mobility and public access; c.The development shall incorporate and/or demonstrate support for transit related uses within the railroad corridor, including but not limited to parking. 4.All future development adjacent to or near North County Transit District’s Right-of-Way shall be planned with consideration given to the safety of the rail corridor. This consideration will be given at the project-specific level and a determination will be made at that time as to whether or not any additional safety, noise, or vibration mitigation measures are required as a result of the proposed development. 2.7.1 VILLAGE CENTER SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT STANDARDS CH A P T E R 2 LA N D U S E June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 9 of 17 2 2-43MASTER PLAN F GRAND AVE. CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. OAK AVE. Railroad Corridor Village Cener (VC) Other districts Village and BarrioMaster Plan Area Coastal Zone Boundary Railroad Post Office CA R L S B A D B L V D . ST A T E S T . RO O S E V E L T S T . MA D I S O N S T . JE F F E R S O N S T . HA R D I N G S T . HO P E A V E . LAG U N A D R . BEECH AVE. WA S H I N G T O N S T . Carlsbad Village Station Rotary Park Maxton Brown Park F Figure 2-6, Village Center Railroad Corridor CH A P T E R 2 LA N D U S E June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 10 of 17 Existing Traffic Volumes Exhibit 3 June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 11 of 17 Existing Truck Volumes June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 12 of 17 Existing Bicycle Volumes June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 13 of 17 Existing Pedestrian Volumes June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 14 of 17 Exhibit 4 June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 15 of 17 June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 16 of 17 June 05, 2023 Item # 7 Page 17 of 17 Tyler Street Complete Streets Study Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nick Gorman, Associate Engineer June 5, 2023 RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive a presentation and provide input regarding the Tyler Street Complete Streets Study. ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study Background •Village and Barrio Master Plan adopted July 2018 –Highlighted Tyler Street as a street design project –Listed as a key Barrio recommendation •City Council requested acceleration of the Tyler Street project in April 2022 ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study Existing Conditions •One travel lane in each direction •Sidewalk on one side •Mix of land uses –Residential –Industrial –Boys & Girls Club ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study Oak Ave Chestnut Ave Ro o s e v e l t S t Ty l e r S t Tyler St Roosevelt St 377 1,590 383 841 Current daily vehicle counts per street Southbound Northbound ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study Pine Ave Walnut Ave Oak Ave Chestnut Ave Ro o s e v e l t S t Ty l e r S t Tyler St Roosevelt St 170 312 27 74 Current pedestrian and bike counts per street ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study Pine Ave Walnut Ave Tyler Street options •Option 1: Shared space •Option 2: One-way •Option 3: Parking on west side ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study Park Lane, Kirkland, WAWoonerf, Utrecht Netherlands Examples of shared spacesITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study Community Outreach •Community meeting held May 17, 2023 •Online survey through June 18 •Direct contact with project manager •Door-to-door visits with residents, property owners and businesses ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study Next steps Review all input received Refine designs Community input Traffic & Mobility Commission Select one design ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive a presentation and provide input regarding the Tyler Street Complete Streets Study. ITEM 7: Tyler Street Complete Streets Study