HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Fiscal Year 2023-24 – Traffic and Mobility Commission Workplan Meeting Date: June 5, 2023 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager nathan.schmidt@carlsbadca.gov or 442-339-2734 Subject: Fiscal Year 2023-24 – Traffic and Mobility Commission Workplan Recommended Action Review and approve the final Fiscal Year 2023-24 Traffic and Mobility Commission Workplan and appoint a commissioner to represent the Traffic and Mobility Commission at the City Council meeting where the work plan will be presented for City Council consideration. Executive Summary Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.15.020(C) requires the Traffic and Mobility Commission, or T&MC, to prepare a draft work plan that identifies activities that the T&MC anticipates undertaking in the coming year and a subsequent report of the T&MC’s accomplishments. The purpose of this work plan is to encourage increased dialogue between T&MC and the City Council. City staff will facilitate this work and develop a draft work plan that will include a list of goals and related tasks that will guide the T&MC agenda for the coming year. Based on discussions during the May 1, 2023, Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting, staff have prepared the attached FY 2023-24 Work Plan that identifies activities that the commission anticipates undertaking in the coming year. The commission indicated support of the work plan as presented but added a request for staff to provide an annual schedule of items that the commission typically reviews each fiscal year. In response staff have added this schedule to the end of the work plan. On March 6, 2023, the Traffic & Mobility Commission made a minute motion to recommend to the City Council to consider changing the commission’s name to the Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission. As a result of this minute motion, the recommendation will also be listed in the Traffic and Mobility Commission Workplan. If the City Council approves the recommended name change at a future City Council meeting, an ordinance making revisions to Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.28 Traffic and Mobility Commission, Chapter 2.15 Section 2.15.050 Appointments and Chapter 2.12 Section 2.12.125 Attendance at Commission Meetings would be presented to the City Council for introduction followed by a second reading at a subsequent meeting. The ordinance would take effect 30 days after the adoption date. June 05, 2023 Item # 9 Page 1 of 10 Next Steps The FY 2023-24 Traffic and Mobility Work Plan will be submitted to City Council for review and approval at their July 18, 2023, meeting. Exhibits 1. Memo from City Attorney, Dec. 18, 2018 2. Traffic and Mobility Commission Work Plan FY 2023-24 3. Traffic and Mobility Commission Communications Plan June 05, 2023 Item # 9 Page 2 of 10 Memorandurn December 18, 2018 To: All Boards and Commissions From: Celia A. Brewer, City Attorney Via: Boards and Commissions Staff Liasions Re: Work Plans {cityof Carlsbad The City Councll recently revised the Municipal Code to create uniform policies and• procedures related to boards and commissions. Included in those revisions is a requirement for each board and commission to submit an annual work plan and a subsequent report of the activities it has undertaken to the City Council. The workplan should include the activities that the board or commission anticipates undertaking in the coming year. The City Cou11cil will review, amend if necessary and apprnve the work plan. The purpose of the work plan is to encourage increased dialogue between the boards and commissions and the City Council. It will also help ensure that the boards and commissions are working in line with the priorities of the City Council. Your staff liaison will present you with an initial draft work plan. Please spend some time at your next available meeting to review, modify if necessary and approve the draft work plan. In addition, please also consider any modifications to your authorizing ordinance or resolution which you may be necessary. The City Council will be reviewing the authorizing ordinances and resolutions at a future meeting. City Attorney 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2891 t Exhibit 1 June 05, 2023 Item # 9 Page 3 of 10 Exhibit 2 City of Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission Work Plan Fiscal Year 2023‐24 – Final Draft I.Mission Statement The Traffic and Mobility Commission is committed to enhancing safe mobility for the city and its residents by using data‐driven decision‐making and a forward‐looking approach to transportation. We are transparent and do the right thing the right way. II.Duties The City Council has established a goal to have the City of Carlsbad become a leader in multimodal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and goods through and within the City of Carlsbad. Consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.28, the City of Carlsbad Traffic and Mobility Commission was established. The duties of the Traffic and Mobility Commission are defined as follows by the Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.28.050: It shall be the duty of the Traffic and Mobility Commission to study matters concerning mobility and traffic safety, including implementation of the General Plan Mobility Element, and to make written recommendations to the City Council and Planning Commission regarding measures that should be taken to promote mobility and traffic safety within the city as follows: A.Review staff studies and reports, and make recommendations to the City Council and Planning Commission on mobility and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to those related to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety; B.Provide a public forum to review community input regarding mobility and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to those related to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety; C.Review and provide recommendations for revision to the city codes and plans on mobility and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety. III.FY 2023‐24 Goals & Objectives Consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.15, the Traffic and Mobility Commission will provide advisory recommendations within the scope of this work plan. The Traffic and Mobility Commission will focus on the following FY 2023-24 Goals/Objectives: 1.Goal: Review staff recommendations on the multimodal transportation system, and June 05, 2023 Item # 9 Page 4 of 10 provide input based on data, best practices and public input. a)Objective: Review and provide input on mobility policies, programs, processes and informational reports including the Growth Management Program (GMP) Annual Monitoring Reports, status related to signal and traffic management center operations from the Signal Coordination (CIP) project, Traffic Impact Fee program and other reports within the purview of the commission. In addition, the Traffic and Mobility Commission will review the list of CIP projects as part of the Transportation Director’s bi‐annual transportation update report. •Schedule: •Staff will present the annual GMP Monitoring Reports in the spring of each year. •Staff will provide an update to the city’s traffic signal program in the spring of each year. •The update of the Traffic Impact Fee program is currently underway and is anticipated to be completed by Fall 2024. b)Objective: Review and provide input on mobility plans currently in process including the annual reporting on progress of the Sustainable Mobility Plan, Citywide Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program and receive updates regarding the development of the city’s traffic signal communication system. •Schedule: •Staff will provide annual updates on the progress of the implementation of the Sustainable Mobility Plan in February of each year. •Staff will present an update on the traffic signal communication system in FY 2023‐24. •Staff will provide an annual performance report on the city’s TDM program including metrics regarding the number of active program participants, compliance with TDM plans, and other performance metrics. c)Objective: Review and provide input on Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program projects and proposed traffic control devices such as parking restrictions, speed limits, stop signs, roundabouts, traffic circles and traffic signal evaluations. •Schedule: •Staff will present Residential Traffic Management projects and traffic control device evaluations on an on‐going basis. d)Objective: Review and provide input to the new Mobility Systems Evaluation and June 05, 2023 Item # 9 Page 5 of 10 Monitoring (MSEM) manual including: Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines, Growth Management Program Annual Traffic Monitoring Manual, vehicle level of service (LOS) evaluation methods, multimodal (pedestrian, bicycle and transit) LOS evaluation methods and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis Guidelines. •Schedule: •Staff will return with proposed revisions to the TIA guidelines and vehicle level of service (LOS) evaluation methods in the Fall of 2023 with City Council adoption anticipated by end of 2023. •Staff are currently working with the T&MC ad‐hoc committee to revise the MMLOS methodology and expects to return to the T&MC in summer 2023 to review and approve the proposed methodology updates. e)Objective: Provide opportunities for public input on scheduled city projects that have the potential to improve mobility options. •Schedule: •Staff will present mobility related projects and receive community input on an on‐going basis. 2.Goal: Focus on mobility, including safety improvements, around school locations a)Objective: Review and provide input on significant mobility and safety projects near schools. Proactively engage the school district in Safe Routes to School (SRTS) planning and work with the schools to develop SRTS and access plans. b)Objective: Receive informational reports from the Carlsbad Police Department regarding school traffic education and enforcement. •Schedule: •Staff will present mobility and safety projects near school sites on an on‐going basis. •The Carlsbad Police Department will provide monthly updates during regularly scheduled meetings. Annual Schedule of Items: The following list provides a tentative schedule of re‐ occurring agenda items that the Traffic and Mobility Commission will review each year. First Quarter (January – March) •Semi‐Annual Transportation Report June 05, 2023 Item # 9 Page 6 of 10 •Growth Management Plan Circulation Section Second Quarter (April – June) •Active Transportation Monitoring Report •Traffic and Mobility Commission Work Plan •Semi‐Annual Transportation Report Third Quarter (July – September) •Transportation Demand Management Program Update Fourth Quarter (October – December) •T&MC Annual Calendar Other re-occurring programs to be presented as available: •Pavement Management Program, annual resurfacing projects •ADA Improvement Program, bi‐annual projects •ADA Transition Plan •Sidewalk Improvement Program, bi‐annual projects June 05, 2023 Item # 9 Page 7 of 10 Traffic & Mobility Commission Proposed Communications Plan Goals •Facilitate communication between the commission and the City Council regarding the Traffic and Mobility Commission work plan, including implementation status and City Council actions related to work plan items. •Promote opportunities for the public to engage with the commission and obtain information about the commission’s activities. Strategies & tactics Staff Reports •When city staff plans to bring forward an item related to the work plan for action to the Planning Commission or City Council, staff will seek an advisory recommendation from the commission beforehand. •When preparing staff reports for items coming before the commission for action, city staff will include the following: 1.Requests for advisory recommendations from the commission. 2.Opportunities for public input. 3.A clear overview of whether the item will require further consideration by the Planning Commission and/or City Council and whether the item will be considered on the consent calendar or as a presentation. •When preparing staff reports for commission items coming before the Planning Commission or City Council, city staff will include as an exhibit the approved commission meeting minutes related to the item. If the Commission minutes have not yet been approved, draft minutes will be submitted on that item. City Traffic Engineer Comment •During City Traffic Engineer comment at each commission meeting, city staff will provide an updated status report on: 1.any City Council actions taken on items related to the commission work plan since the last commission meeting; 2.other pending mobility-related items to be addressed by the City Council with or without prior commission review; and 3.unresolved requests from the commission Annual Work Plan •City staff will collaborate with the commission to prepare an annual work plan to the City Council and a subsequent report of its accomplishments per Carlsbad Municipal Code section 2.15.020(C). Exhibit 3 June 05, 2023 Item # 9 Page 8 of 10 Participation at City Council meetings •Per Carlsbad Municipal Code section 2.15.020(D), the commission (chair or another commissioner designated by the commission) will provide periodic written reports to the City Council, which should include: 1.Recent activities of the commission. 2.Attendance at the commission’s meetings. 3.Any ad hoc subcommittees which the commission has formed. 4.Any proposed amendments to the commission’s work plan; and 5.Any matters which the commission wishes to bring to the attention of the City Council or to have placed on a future City Council agenda. •In addition to providing the above-described written reports to City Council, the commission (chair or another commissioner designated by the commission) will also: 1.Participate in the semi-annual update to City Council by city staff on traffic and mobility initiatives. 2.Participate in the presentation to City Council on the commission’s annual work plan. 3.Affirm the commission’s recommendations and provide input on traffic and mobility items being presented to City Council. •The commission will also undertake other tasks from time to time as requested or approved by the City Council per Carlsbad Municipal Code section 2.15.020(F). Commissioners will coordinate participation at City Council meetings with the staff liaison to ensure proper protocols are followed. Meeting Agendas and Public Records •Items requested by a majority commission vote shall be agendized within a reasonable time if they are related to the work plan and staff resources are available. •The commission may place a time-certain item on their next agenda related to the items listed in CMC section 2.15.020 (D). •Best efforts will be made to distribute the commission agenda packet, staff reports, and meeting minutes available to the public and commissioners at least five (5) days in advance of a scheduled commission meeting. When not feasible, city staff will attempt to publicly circulate the full agenda package a minimum of 72 hours prior to the commission meeting in accordance with applicable law, including posting on the city’s website. •Commissioners may submit pre-meeting questions to staff, and staff shall make reasonable efforts to answer the questions prior to the meeting, consistent with City Council practice. •Additional materials received by the Friday before the scheduled meeting shall be distributed by staff to the commission and the public consistent with City Council practice. June 05, 2023 Item # 9 Page 9 of 10 •Commission meeting minutes will focus on noticed agenda items and accurately record recommendations, actions and public comments, so the commission’s activities are transparent to the public. •Commission records will be retained in accordance with the records retention schedule adopted by the City Council and applicable law. June 05, 2023 Item # 9 Page 10 of 10 Traffic and Mobility Commission Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2023-24 Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager June 5, 2023 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION 2 •Review and approve the final Fiscal Year 2023-24 Traffic and Mobility Commission Workplan and •Appoint a commissioner to represent the Traffic and Mobility Commission at the July 18th City Council meeting where the Work Plan will be presented for City Council consideration. ITEM 9: FY 23-24 T&MC WORK PLAN WORK PLAN UPDATES: ANNUAL SCHEDULE First Quarter (January –March)•Semi-Annual Transportation Report•Growth Management Plan Circulation Section Second Quarter (April –June)•Active Transportation Monitoring Report•Traffic and Mobility Commission Work Plan•Semi-Annual Transportation Report Third Quarter (July –September)•Transportation Demand Management Program Update Fourth Quarter (October –December)•T&MC Annual Calendar Other re-occurring programs to be presented as available:•Pavement Management Program, annual resurfacing projects•ADA Improvement Program, bi-annual projects•ADA Transition Plan•Sidewalk Improvement Program, bi-annual projects•Traffic Signal Program Annual Update3 ITEM 9: FY 23-24 T&MC WORK PLAN NAME CHANGE: TRAFFIC SAFETY & MOBILITY COMMISSION •March 6, 2023 T&MC: Minute motion to City Council to consider changing the Commission’s name to the “Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission” •This recommendation will be presented to City Council as part of the Workplan •If approved, an ordinance making revisions to the Carlsbad Municipal Code will be required (CMC 2.15.050 and 2.12.125) 4 ITEM 9: FY 23-24 T&MC WORK PLAN OPEN DISCUSSION & RECEIVE DIRECTION FROM THE COMMISSION ON WORK PLAN UPDATES 5 ITEM 9: FY 23-24 T&MC WORK PLAN RECOMMENDED ACTION 6 •Review and approve the final Fiscal Year 2023-24 Traffic and Mobility Commission Workplan and •Appoint a commissioner to represent the Traffic and Mobility Commission at the July 18th City Council meeting where the Work Plan will be presented for City Council consideration. ITEM 9: FY 23-24 T&MC WORK PLAN