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2006-04-19; Planning Commission; ; SDP 05-08|CDP 05-08 - TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS
I City of Carlsbad Planning Department. A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION ItemNo. G) P.C. AGENDA OF: April 19, 2006 Application complete date: January 21, 2006 Project Planner: Jessica Galloway Project Engineer: Frank Jimeno SUBJECT: SOP 05-08/CDP 05-08 -TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS -Request for approval of a Site Devefopment Plan and Coastal Development Permit to construct four ( 4) residential air-space condominiums on a .223 acre site generally located south of Tamarack Avenue and east of Garfield Street, in the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6070 and 6072 APPROVING Site Development Plan SDP 05-08 and Coastal Development Permit CDP 05-08 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The proposal involves the subdivision and construction of four (4) residential air-space condominiums on a .223-acre site. The proposed project consists of a two-story building with basement level parking. A Site Development Plan (SDP) is required since the project is located in the Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ), and a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) is required as the project site is located in the Mello II Segment of the City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Program. The project is an infill project surrounded by a mix of single-family and multi-family developments and is exempt from environmental review. Since the project is only four units, the Engineering Department will be administratively processing a Minor Subdivision (MS 05- 32) and the Planning Department will be processing a Minor Condominium Permit (CP 05-02) subsequent to the Planning Commission action on this project. The project meets all applicable regulations and staff has no issues with the proposal. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting approval of an SDP and CDP to allow the development of four (4) residential air-space condominiums. The 0.223-acre site is located south of Tamarack Avenue and east of Garfield Street. The site has a Residential High Density (RH) General Plan Land Use designation and is zoned Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M). The Local Coastal Program Land Use and Zoning designations are RH and RD-M. The property is currently a vacant lot. The project site is surrounded by single-family residential to the north and multi-family residential to the south, east, and west. The proposed development would consist of a two-story structure with a basement. level for private garages and office/den livjng space. The garage will pro".ide two enclosed parking spaces for each unit along with direct access to each of the units. There are also two semi-subterranean L'\ 'f • ., SDP 05-08/CDP 05-08 -TA,ARACK BEACH LOFTS April 19, 2006 Page 2 guest parking spaces located at the end of the project driveway. Each unit has a separate exterior pedestrian entrance, roof decks, balconies, and private storage space located in the garage. Each unit has an architectural bulkhead element which provides stairway access to the roof deck. The bulkhead element exceeds the maximum 30-foot height limit by 5 feet, and portions of the butterfly roof element project above the maximum 30-foot building height limit, as permitted by section 21.46.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code,. The buildings will have integral colored plaster coated walls with stained cedar wood siding, with an extensive use of windows and architectural elements of aluminum and galvanized metal features. Table A below breaks down the square footage of each unit and the number of bedrooms and baths for each unit. TABLE A: UNIT DESCRIPTION Unit A UnitB UnitC UnitD Size (total s/f) 2,108 s/f 2008 s/f 1,997 s/f 2,128 s/f Beds 2 + office 2 + office 2 + office 2 + office Baths 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 The project will take access off of Tamarack Avenue and will be required to provide full street improvements. Approximately 1,250 cubic yards of cut and export would be necessary to prepare for the basement and parking. Runoff from the site would be treated with catch basins before draining into the existing storm drain on Tamarack Avenue, in compliance with the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit. IV. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following regulations: A. General Plan Residential High Density (RH) Land Use designation; B. Residential Density-Multiple Zone (RD-M) (Chapter 21.24 of the Zoning Ordinance), Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ) (Chapter 21.82 of the Zoning Ordinance), and Planned Development Ordinance (Chapter 21.45 of the Zoning Ordinance); C. Local Coastal Program (LCP) Mello II Segment and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone ( chapter 2 l .203of the Zoning Ordinance); D. Policy 66 (Principles for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods); E. Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); F. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Chapter 21.85 of the Zoning Ordinance); G. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Zoning Ordinance) and Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. General Plan The General Plan Land Use designation for the property is Residential High (RH). The RH designation allows residential development at a density range of 15 -23 dwelling units per acre with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 19 units per acre. The project's proposed SDP 05-08/CDP 05-08 -TA,ARACK BEACH LOFTS April 19, 2006 Page 3 • density of 18 du/ac is slightly below the GMCP density (19 du/ac) used for the purpose of calculating the City's compliance with Government Code Section 65863. At the GMCP, 4.24 units would be permitted on the .223-acre property (4 dwelling units). The project is proposing 4 dwelling units at the GMCP. The project complies with the Elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table B below: TABLE B -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE PROPOSED USES & ELEMENT ORPROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS COMPLIANCE Land Use Site is designated for Residential project at 18 du/ac ( 4 Yes Residential High Density du). at 15 to 23 du/ac with a GMCP of 19 du/ac. Housing Provision of affordable The project will be required to Yes housing. pay an inclusionary housing in- lieu fee in order to meet the project's inclusionary housing requirement. Public Safety Reduce fire hazards to an Meets all fire code requirements. Yes acceptable level. Open Space Minimize environmental Project does not impact sensitive Yes & impacts to sensitive resources. Conservation resources within the City. Utilize Best Management Project will conform to all Yes Practices for control of NPDES requirements. storm water and to protect water quality. SDP 05-08/CDP 05-08 -TA,ARACK BEACH LOFTS April 19, 2006 Page4 • TABLE B -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE CONTINUED USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE PROPOSED USES & ELEMENT ORPROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS COMPLIANCE Noise Residential exterior noise Project is impacted by potential Yes standard of 60 dBA noise generating sources such as CNEL and interior noise Tamarack A venue and will be standard of 45 dBA providing upgraded windows, CNEL. patio and balcony walls. Circulation Require new Project is providing full street Yes development to construct improvements to Tamarack roadway improvements Avenue. needed to serve proposed development. B. RD-M, BAOZ, and Planned Development Regulations The project site has a RD-M Zoning designation and is located in the BAOZ. The four-unit air space condominium project meets or exceeds the requirements of the RD-M zone (21.24), the BAOZ (21.82), and the Planned Development regulations (21.45.070) as outlined in Table C below: TABLE C -RD-M, BAOZ, AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE Standard Required/ Allowed Proposed Comply? Minimum 10,000 square feet (RD-M) 9,713.88 square Yes- lot/exclusive feet The lot is an use area size existing non- conforming lot. Maximum lot 60 % (RD-M and PD) 42% Yes coverage Lot width 60 foot minimum (RD-M) 65 foot Yes Building 35 feet (RD-Mand PD) Height 30 feet~ 3:12 (BAOZ) 30 feet with >3:12 Yes 24 feet< 3:12 (BAOZ) roof pitch with a5 foot bulkhead protrusions, pursuant to section 21.46.020 of the CMC SDP 05-08/CDP 05-08 -TA,ARACK BEACH LOFTS April 19, 2006 Page 5 TABLE C-R-3, BAOZ, AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE CONTINUED Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply? Setbacks Front yard: 10 feet (RDM); 10 feet Yes to porch, 11 feet (PD); 11 feet Yes to residential structure- 15 foot average (PD) 15 foot minimum Yes Driveway: to garage, 5 feet (PD) 5feet Yes to residence, 8 feet (PD) 8 feet Yes Interior yard: 5 feet (RD-M) 5 feet Yes Rear yard: 10 feet (RD-M) 10 feet Yes Resident 2 spaces per unit. Each unit has a two Yes Parking 1 garage /1 uncovered (PD). car enclosed garage. Guest Spaces Two Spaces Two guest parking Yes bays. Screening of Screened from adjacent property Parking is provided Yes Parking Area in a semi- subterranean enclosed garages, which will minimize the visibility from adjacent properties. Two guest parking spaces are located in semi-subterranean parking bays screened from the adjacent properties. Recreation 15 foot by 15 foot patio or a 120 Each unit exceeds Yes space (private) square feet of balcony area. the 120 square foot requirement of balcony space. Storage space 480 cubic feet or 392 cubic feet if 392 cubic feet/ unit Yes in one location per unit provided in the basement. SDP 05-08/CDP 05-08 -TA.RACK BEACH LOFTS April 19, 2006 Page 6 TABLE C-R-3, BAOZ, AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE CONTINUED Standard Required/ Allowed Proposed Comply? Architectural Three separate building planes on Each elevation has at Yes Design all elevations least three separate Elements building planes. Building facades shall incorporate The building Yes a minimum of four design includes elements elements. such as varied shaped windows, anodized framed windows, butterfly roof style, and metallic guardrails. The Planning Department has reviewed the proposed Condominium Permit for compliance with all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Director will consider and take action on the Condominium Permit subsequent to the Planning Commission approval of the SDP, and CDP. C. Mello II Segment and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone The project site has LCP Land Use and Zoning designations of and RH and RD-M respectively. The proposed project is consistent with the Mello II Segment of the LCP and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay (CRPO) Zone which contains land use policies for development and conservation of coastal land and water areas within its boundaries. The policies of the Mello II Segment emphasize topics such as preservation of agriculture and scenic resources, protection of environmentally sensitive resources, provision of shoreline access and prevention of geologic instability and erosion. The purpose of the CRPO zone is to provide additional protective regulations within designated areas to preserve, protect and enhance the habitat resource value of the lagoons, regulate best wildlife habitat characteristics, encourage proper lagoon management, and deter soil erosion on steep slopes. The project is consistent with the Mello II and CRPO Zone policies as follows: A) no agricultural lands exist on the project site, therefore no impacts to such will occur; B) the site does not contain environmentally sensitive habitats, water or marine resources; C) the site is geologically stable and the proposed grading for the site has been limited to the area necessary to develop the site; D) the project has been designed to reduce the amount of off-site runoff by surface drains and has been conditioned to implement the NPDES standards to ensure the quality of the water leaving the site; E) the project meets the parking requirements of the zoning ordinance; F) the project does not preclude any recreational opportunities or shoreline access as the property is not a shorefront property; and G) and the development does not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public right-of-way. Additionally, the project does not have any components (adjacency to lagoons, wildlife habitat, or steep slopes) subject to the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone. Given the above, the project is consistent with the Mello II Segment and the CRPO land use policies. 1 SDP 05-08/CDP 05-08 -TA,ARACK BEACH LOFTS April 19, 2006 Pae 7 D. Policy 66 (Livable Neighborhoods) • The proposed project complies with the applicable guidelines of City Council Policy 66 Livable Neighborhoods as shown in Table D below. As designed, the air space condominiums have met all livable neighborhood guidelines. TABLED: CITY COUNCIL POLICY 66 -LIV ABLE NEIGHBORHOODS Principle Compliance Comments Building Facades, Front Entries, Porches Facades create interest and character and should be The project provides clearly varied and articulated to provide visual interest to identifiable front doors from pedestrians. Clearly identifiable front doors and porches Tamarack Avenue and the project enhance the street scene and create opportunities for driveway, as well as a patio facing greater social interaction within the neighborhood. Tamarack Avenue. Building entries and windows should face the street. Front porches, bay windows, courtyards and balconies are encouraged. 2 Garages Homes should be designed to feature the residence as All required parking for the project the prominent part of the structure in relation to the is provided for in semi-subterranean street. A variety of garage configurations should be enclosed garages. Two guest used to improve the street scene. This may include parking spaces are located in semi- tandem garages, side-loaded garages, front-loaded subterranean parking bays. garages, alley-loaded garages and recessed garages. SDP 05-08/CDP 05-08 -TA,ARACK BEACH LOFTS April 19, 2006 Page 8 CITY COUNCIL POLICY 66 -LIV ABLE NEIGHBORHOODS CONTINUED Compliance Comments 3 Street Design An interconnected, modified (grid) street pattern should rrhe project site is located within an be incorporated into project designs when there are no topographic or environmental constraints. existing grid like street system. Interconnected streets provide pedestrians and automobiles many alternative routes to follow, disperse traffic and reduce the volume of cars on any one street in the neighborhood. Streets should be designed to provide both vehicular and pedestrian connectivity by minimizing the use of cul-de-sacs. The street network should also be designed to create a . This project does not involve any safer, more comfortable pedestrian and bicycling new streets. environment. Local residential streets should have travel and parking lanes, be sufficiently narrow to slow traffic, provide adequate access for emergency and service vehicles and emergency evacuation routes for residents and include parkways with trees to form a pleasing canopy over the street. Local residential streets are the public open space in which children often play and around which neighborhoods interact. Within this context, vehicular movement should be additionally influenced through the use of City-accepted designs for traffic calming measures. 4 Parkways Street trees should be planted in the parkways along all Parkways are not present along streets. Tree species should be selected to create a Tamarack A venue in this location. unified image for the street, provide an effective The project is providing street canopy, avoid sidewalk damage and minimize water improvements consistent with the consumption. existing neighborhood. 5 Pedestrian Walkways Pedestrian walkways should be located along or visible A sidewalk and pathway leading to from all streets. Walkways (sidewalks or trails) should the building is provided for provide clear, comfortable and direct access to pedestrian connectivity. neighborhood schools, parks/plazas and transit stops. Primary pedestrian routes should be bordered by residential fronts, parks or plazas. Where street connections are not feasible (at the end of cul-de-sacs), pedestrian paths should also be provided. SDP 05-08/CDP 05-08 -TA.RACK BEACH LOFTS April 19, 2006 Page 9 • CITY COUNCIL POLICY 66 -LIV ABLE NEIGHBORHOODS CONTINUED Principle Compliance Comments 6 Centralized Communi:ty Recreation Areas Park or plazas, which serve as neighborhood meeting The project consists of only four places and as recreational activity centers should be incorporated into all planned unit developments. As units and is not required to provide frequently as possible, these parks/plazas should be community recreation areas. designed for both active and passive uses for residents of all ages and should be centrally located within the project. Parks and plazas should be not be sited on residual parcels, used as buffers from surrounding developments or to separate buildings from streets. E. Subdivision Map Act The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed Minor Subdivision for compliance with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. The City Engineering will consider and take action on the Minor Subdivision subsequent to the Planning Commission approval of the SDP, and CDP. The project will be conditioned to install all infrastructure improvements concurrent with development. The proposed building setbacks will allow for adequate air circulation and the opportunity for passive heating and cooling. F. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance For any residential development less than seven units, the inclusionary requirement may be satisfied through the payment of an inclusionary housing in-lieu fee. The project has been conditioned to pay the fee prior to building permit issuance. G. Growth Management Regulations The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of the City. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in the table below. SDP 05-08/CDP 05-08 -TJARACK BEACH LOFTS April 19, 2006 Page 10 GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS City Administration 13.91 sq. ft. Library 7.42 sq. ft. Waste Water Treatment 4EDUs Parks .03 acre Drainage .74 CFS Basin B Circulation 32ADT Fire Station No. 1 Open Space 0 acres Schools Carlsbad Unified (E = .359/M = .159/HS = .197) Sewer Collection System 4EDUs Water 600 GPD COMPLIANCE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NIA Yes Yes Yes The proposed project is below the Growth Management Control Point for RH properties. The project proposes 4 dwelling units where as the maximum unit yield of the property is 4.24 dwelling units. The project is at the GMCP. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project qualifies as a CEQA Guidelines Section 15322 (In-Fill Development Projects) Class 32 Categorical Exemption from CEQA. The project is consistent with the General Plan as well as with the Zoning Ordinance, the project site is within the City limits, is less than 5 acres in size, and is surrounded by urban uses; there is no evidence that the site has any value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species; approval of the project will not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The project is exempt from further environmental documentation pursuant to Section 15322 of the State CEQA guidelines. A Notice of Exemption will be filed upon final project determination. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6070 (SDP) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6072 (CDP) 3. Location Map 4. Background Data Sheet 5. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 6. Disclosure Statement 7. Reduced Exhibits 8. Exhibits "A" -"N" dated April 19, 2006 SITE MAP • N NOT TO SCALE TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS SPD 05-08 / CDP 05-08 -ACKGROUND DATA SHEET • CASE NO: SDP 05-08/CDP 05-08 CASE NAME: TAMARA CK BEACH LOFTS APPLICANT: Daniel Zimmerman REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for approval of a Site Development Plan and Coastal Development Permit to construct four (4) residential air-space condominiums on a .223 acre site generally located south of Tamarack A venue and east of Garfield Street, in the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Northeasterly 65 feet of the Northwesterly 150 feet of Lot 10 in Block 5, as shown on Map 1803, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California APN: 206-020-03 Acres: .223 acres Proposed No. of Lots/Units: ..o.4-=:un=its"'--------- GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: =R=es=i=de=n=ti=a"""'l H=ig=h"""Dc....e=n=s1=-·ty,__,._(RH=),__ _________ _ Proposed Land Use Designation: =-N"'-=/ A=---------------------- Density Allowed: 15-23 du/ac Density Proposed: -=-18-=---=du/=-=ac~-------- Existing Zone: Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) Proposed Zone: N::...:.a..:/A=---------- Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site RD-M RH Vacant North One-family Residential (R-1) RH Single-family home South RD-M RH Multi-Family East RD-M RH Multi-Family West RD-M RH Multi-Family LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Coastal Zone: IZ] Yes D No Local Coastal Program Segment: =M=e-=ll=o~I~I _____ _ Within Appeal Jurisdiction: D Yes IZ] No Coastal Development Permit: IZ] Yes D No Local Coastal Program Amendment: D Yes IZ] No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: RH Existing LCP Zone: RD-M Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: =-N"'-=/ A=----- Proposed LCP Zone: N=--:..:...::/ A~------- Revised O 1/06 • PUBLIC FACILITIES • School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad -==='------ Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): -=-4-=E=D::....:U:::...:s::...__ ____________ _ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 1:8:] Categorical Exemption, ~1=53=2=2:....--=ln=fi=1l=l-=d-=-ev~e=lo::::..ip;:..:;m=e=n=t ____________ _ D Negative Declaration, issued ____________________ _ D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated. ______________ _ D Other,, ___________________________ _ Revised 01/06 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMP ACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Tamarack Beach Lofts -SDP 05-08/CDP 05-08 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: l GENERAL PLAN: Residential High (RH) ZONING: Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M) DEVELOPER'S NAME: Daniel Zimmerman ~=-'-'~==~~---------------- ADDRESS: 3818 Skyline Road, Carlsbad CA 92008 PHONE NO.: 760-729-1022 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 206-020-03 ~-~--------- QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): =·2=23=--=ac=re=-s ____ _ ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: =--=A=-s-=-so::...;;:o=n~a=-s ..:-Po=s=s1=·b=le~----------- A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= =13=•.:;;_9=1s=g~/ft"'----- B. Library: Demand in Square Footage= ~7-~4=2~sq_/_ft ___ _ C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) -'-4~E=D--'U~s ___ _ D. Park: Demand in Acreage= ~·0=3-"'a=cr=-=-e-=-s ___ _ E. Drainage: Demand in CFS= :....:.•7.....:.4--=C=F-=S~--- F. G. H. I. J. K. Identify Drainage Basin= _B _____ _ (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADT = 32ADT (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) Fire: Open Space: Schools: (Demands to be determined by staff) Sewer: Served by Fire Station No. = -=-1 _____ _ Acreage Provided = ~0_A~c~re~s ___ _ E=.359/M=. l 59/HS=. l 97 Demands in EDU 4EDUs Identify Sub Basin= =B _____ _ (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) Water: Demand in GPD = 600 GPD L. The project is at the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. GJty _pf_ Carlsbad.," . IREUtdUl·l•li·FiilbLul1 ---<~ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests .on alf applications which will require . discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time cf application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receive.r, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit.ff Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below.. · 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of & persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a cor.ooration or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN'MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-J\PPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW If a publicly-owned corporation. include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person~~;.e,l.-,sVh.V'lu?&:~~\,\ Corp/Part L~Q.'\--. o S~e\""e..S \u..t.:>e~~\s-; llc. Title ~\.er Title ___________ _ Address3g~<t.S..k'l~ ,(~~l,Cfe-Address 3g \K. S.lJ..~':Yi:r R,oc.pl, Ca_~~ f.U~ts,8 · f2c0t ~ 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the prop~rty involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares~ IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a .oubliclv-owned cor.ooration. include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) · Person ~~el $~"'-\f'J"'::Le;_~~ Title t-lemb.c A~dress ~l~~~ Crulsk:scl , CJ-q2,ot,g Cor-p/Part ¼a~ £.~res; \..«,oes~~, ~C.. Title _____________ _ Address s&i(.~~ i Cwts'sset CJ:-9"2o~ 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a tru§!. list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the nq~_~fit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust N (A Non Profit/Trust __________ _ Title____________ Title. _____________ _ l\ddress _________ _ Address ·------------ 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes ~o If yes, please indicate person(s): __________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowiectge. L~~o.sL..c~s \"-.~eA~\;s-LLC... ~~ t2,/~/o\f · Signature of owner/date 'l>.o.J\.~.A ~~n'-\. \ \.t~"-- Print or type name of owner Print or type name of appiicant"' Signature of owner/applicant's ~~ent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent I H:ADMINICOUNTER\DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5/98 'Page 2--0f 2 POOR QUALITY ORIGINAL S ~ LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ' . "' AW.IS PNl -1£0:XJSJ'Cij,PIJjO. 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EUYl,llCH llltlCA.TOQ ~ """"'""m 0 n.tVAllOIV",l!'.I 11100.TORS """"'"""' C 0--DOOIITl'PE/SlZE ~==~~ m- o . /le ~SC:o VS©-UOOITYPC,aatRTOASI 1:.-IHIUIOROOll!Otu/Btll & COI.JiC~C!IT ~ABa,tfllf&lfl.DOlf ROOWHIJi.eER Qom Om: fgJ ISi """" □□= -■-c::::, f<> O> 0 ec110 Cl 0) = .... © ,€, ,€, "" j @ m (l) <!) 13 OOORIC(X1h:N1CiCfOCAlCa FAATITDIM'£NXJ.lllR [RI.IMOJTlfl:t!ADf'OI[)) """"""' o,iunc ID'l5:0i t1DtATOQ CCltlC lt:eliftAADN H)C,l,lCJI Ra:csstO CAB>O I.NI t!E,ITOI R[C£SStOOR£0:lJ0.19-ERCABl(T SJPP\.Yi,NIGDmS[II RCTI.RIIIMl::Glru! IJ>(A!IMV.il:omJSEA ~llGHlr«MC/SUIJ'4Ct':IQ.Jflto """"""'""""""""""' fl.Wl(SCOO uo,1 rrtnl>l./rtNJ. IO.MtD \l'.l.ll. IIOU>IEOUClll nnullt (SCOIIC() SPOTLDITfllTU~E SJ~ACt u:u.rtD LGIT fM\IRt RttESSClll.GfffllTUit SOl~l.OfTrOOU!t \l'AU."IA9£J\'1:m.ll[ UOO' 1ltlOC FlITI.lli!:: St.Q.[PCUlOCru:SWOOI J-~llnlfOl!!IICONN(CtlONTOEDIJl'lrlOII' 220\01.TREtCl'J.l,Q! OOM~IMSl'AU.OIZ"Nr MltlA£C[PTJO.!,IISA11eu"NFCJIC0UMTERllt'OG" l'ElD'flOllt mPl'AClE IMSl'JU e 18" NF ro.£\IISO'IR[t(PTIO.(NSW.1.•1~·Mf """"'" """' 9.o<£0ITl:C.TOR ........... "'''""' Jr£:C:tSSDOOII ,._,, """' ,_, CRN't«: 1/Sl,tAl,PM'C S'IVEn.5.RO>ES<Ml.00/IS """'""'"' EXISTliGCONMl016/TOPO:JWHCSUIMY A•I 8',SOIOifrux:fl PINI CM. ,_, "' roru.lNEPJ."al.11.1.P A.•2 rJ!STJUlOIIA,Nt A.•3 stCOitl A.0CA PVJI >.-~ NtW,IIK;nt,;afV,M A.·~ ROl:J'"FUII A.•S OOCliOID.£\,'ATIONS-£A5'1._IIOffll A.-7 OODICR[l[VATIONS-SClffilA:O' liS-L Sllf:fl.AN(Pllllf\.N-1) liS-2 OIIJRGCD SIT[ AHi AS-J SlitsteroliS lN()5W{ FVMt(; fl: 'flTtll C(lKS(fMtl),lf'\.11'1 NOTES: REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS MOOIIXlN TO TH[ 1GUAR l!G't:cnDICS, Ii£ fOU.t'IH. CIU:t® ITIOIS WU li!iO~Sl'EtW.tG'~INIO:Xf!twl::E'Mll1Stt.17Ul«THC UkfORl,LWU)tll,COOC. '"' """""""""' SCUc.a.FUIJl(.(PRIJR TUR.tlNCal.n:::tflllSPECTlCUI. 1iO SllU:MAI.CONCICT(C',',;IZIXLPSI 110 nEUL 118D1iC 110 IICIS'IR£N:1Wll0!.TS 110 l:(SO(R-sPrcm IO€ OJl.ER-WSOl!R'I' YES GENERAL NOTES I COIITRICltllTOVOIF't.lll.DIIEN:iDISAT.OOSITT.OOCA£PA!LCESNO/r:Jt~TO-ISStW.L 8E ILMD~tO.Y REPOflltD .Ill HtMDICM. lltlEHSDIS l,llAU. M PSUJ1J1Y (MR ::tJJ.e 2. 'IH[N'f'Lltla[K0fl.CCC(SfORTJISA!O.£CTN(1tftf'Q.LOl'JICl: TMC XO\ tAI.IR0IA. llJWNG cue (C8C}. (11£ 1997 1J)U'CllV SUUIHC cot{ (UaCJ); 'IHE2COICAUFtRU.Ol~IIECll.ATX:NS:(llnr-2♦): THC lOXl WCRII IIEOWICAI. COO( (\J\IC}; TlltlOOJUM'~Mf'l.l.MllllGCOC((tJ't-WiR>~CN),,1,110, llltU99ltUlOIW.[1£crnc,llax:((lf:Ci Ali.Q.£CTl!CA1.,ll(OW(CAL..,PUJIQ'l::,ROUJ<:EiCIJ> ... 'l(A(9Wl.CClf'LVWl'lM ICC0£S 3. MDTE0.l»{AICJR5C18(N IC.CORDIK:£W!..tN'PlX'JQ£COOCS..SIPJrAAti~NIO POOITS Sllll.l OC 081Nl€b AS IOlURED 11'1' co-.teilC ,MIS!itTDIS. ~MS $1w.t. PAOCUl£ AIIII PAY f'CR N.l. PERILll'S PERl'Allfi. TO tl!Clt Sl'£CLnC mus, M0lll(R 1H! 0ff£R, Al!CHTtCJ ~OIi Dlal€!A WU DIFOIIC( S>rEiY II~~ AECU.AIOIS, 4 Ill£ C.Cm.lCl"OR 5JW1 De:x,(, at!S'IIIUCT NO IINI-IIAIM JU. WOY ~ INeWDt«: Sl!CANC NO 8RIOIIC, N() 9Wl. IC SOtn.Y l3P0'Ql.C ~ C.CNfOII.INC 10 Al! lllCll_ SlATCNOftcOAI.SIJUYAHOHDLTH~ t,ll'SROR[CWJ'l()IG SUIMTTAL ~ roR DUOIREO SU!IIITTAL lffilS SIWJ. II: S\IEMTTED 10 Tilt N!OIITtCl ~ ~(NOJIDl'XllECOODYtlOSH.IU.Rt'YOtTt-fMAllllfOl!'ll,'!!JllOITOnt:tul.DNl Cff,:W VT,H A. HOIAT.IJN IMDCA.TINC nW' nt: WOii® SU:trllll.t.l DOOMilS WM'. 8(0I AEVf;'li®NO™T IMO ~It: em! J"OONDTCE( DI (O(IULCQNr~IWU 1111Hft£ OCSc;N Cf tN[ euU\Nl Tl'.£ DCJUfE) ~II. IIEMS ~HAU. !,Of B( NSl'All(U UNTI. tN[ft OOGN AHO SU!MTIAL OOCUIOlS 111,Y( !Gt N'l'ROIED 11'1' n£ WlOH. Ol'flCliL. " APPRl7,'.l,l 6Y nc fll!E ~ IS ll[l)IJUIEO ftlli ff: mE SPRl!f(LEJI SIS1DI PliOI TO Fll,l.\l,Ch'SP(CTOI. BASEMENT DEFINITION COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS (po,~~ lllfl,Ogtl C(ldf Cbc;,ta,1 21.ol05) ""'""""""' 5• ... 5• SISOOI' rN~tD fUXlR TO COH: KIGHT ~AIOlAC£IOJola'.liTOO"tlDM~HWJ1"(4'-&'00l«A ◄'-4'cma) 4'-0' fl!OU GIWlE ro COUliG tflQII 4'~<4'-e" suw~c CCIIPl.lts 'llfll 111£ a,.soo,J KICIIT 'rtRT'CI.I. DISTAIIC£ Dmill\OII P£1n£TEROIST,IJCCC. ~69 IJMtAIIFEET(tf)TOULSUl.CalCPERICTDI ~BUUINC~ moo IFMltlUltorolEOEIJLON.f~wtltR ~69 IITDW.WUIN.fUIIEIR :..J!ll!l.._Jl,a.Jll,.Oi'f:NBUlDfCP[IU,l(f[fl 196.69 lfl.c:'IUH.(.O,{f(I)fllUlNCPmlElERPllCMOlll auuac COri1rua wmt n1c BASD0/1 PfRl('IO co.uia 11UHOON STORAGE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS 430M'CFEOll0UfUl 00A.81<C-CWl£Aaovt7 150 """'"""'"' ~ lOW.CIJICfW~5a .,.,_ ClilUaNJ:M.T 150 CW(;t N.aH£ 10 \WlrE!FW-~ OWNER: l:""..-::.,-uc _,._ ..,,,... BUILDING CODE DATA LEGEND: ASSt:SalS f','OJ. NUIIIIJI (Jf'h} 201Hl10-0J ZCHNCII0--11 l£Stlll'tl0N CF I.SC. l!SDOO\lrl,. OOGl'MUM.C rxoswc. R!lm >.nlOLlD RESn:VITW. I.HTS forSlOIIES.PIIOPCSDlTIIOSWfl''lllill~ mt fSCOICSOOCTllN-ni'EVIICN RATtD Sl'RNQDIS 'ltS !HtnURS ~ F F£R #91-211) 1100iTY!P1tOPOStO(J>'mowt0i'MTHm11aua:ioe"' ~MUV OMPJCE.1!011 fS(J2M:il'.SCQ 9.7~ !f)" il5D sr, bl/alESCISTUBD•4.071Sf fl.OOIIMfJ..IIOil!IMAa!SPACCSPP'Ul!tMt """ "'"" """""' OOlllll'Al!OI: 61,'f~lllHOOIS .,.,, """'" ...,,,..., ""'-""' IU!!ll"Al'f.f SPJ.CtS A.IIC. .lU. CIKR Sl'AC(S ~ UNIT SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATIONS: Will flliSEWD!I mm O 'fro:tl EJ MUZMM WN , __ =-,.. ,.. __ -/Ol l;IBlL'Afl!-N:H CCt()llnaJ <la-I" 8 Ki,SJ,a(--"' ,.,,.......,_ ~· "' ,.. '" &» U~Sf 23' 79 79l!f 1.30" 111•-111951' ~, "'"' =•m "' 260 2!>4 11 msr tmtwrr.ia..c-NOMCCHJmM[D 546'" S7° 57' 9S-7~st C Wffl.ia.£--"' IOIHW'Jaf• """""' '" IOIW.SIL'AIU-HOHC.CNl:ITOlm sw• 0 Ki,l!Dil[• -., IOIHl.!II'lil£-=•m '" IOIHl.l!ll'lil.£-HOHC.ONtmJNED-1&5" .. "' '" 111' • LK0JES !WtXHt' SOW!E ro:r1.1a.: P£R fL00o1I "NXA.lESCMACt&srr;wa.:SOIJ,IJ£rOJ11C( -DIOC.UC.SRCCFtED<SWU!Ct00tAG£ "' "' "'"' 716Sf 1MSF ~ 7l5Sf" 111• 1!:0'" '" .. if&LJL IMTA IIHITA lttilJ C IIIIJIA IDT.'4 """"' """""'"' C"Dl""'1l "'"""""' ~ --= -· ~ --~ ~-= ----· "' JIMY Project: 11£ TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS COP05·06 CP0502 SOP 0508 245 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 X Consultants: --........... •lllfllf811,,1NDAWU _ .. _ , __ --CM. ..... ..,_ ---.... ......,. .. _ l-C1111J1tl-all'7 ,.~----.............. IC. ._,,,... """"-"'-H'ILII~ .,.._ ATELERX -NPMlfl'Cl.1.\tl!NJt _ .. _ T,~..-, - No. Dale R~on -™Tf(i:'-PR(p1&fiON: 11 MAY 2005/9 OCT 05 Designed by ATEUERX . - ~~,!r ~~oN ~~:: . I ISSUE OAIB • LAND USE RESUBMITTAL 20 December 2005 i --1-• !~ill L_ ' -~--~----T !. ______ [_7 Blcck•~---1'!.!_03f'.vctllAPN ~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION J:J. Projed No. 2004-6 .M~~: mTAl.tARARCKA\'Ell.1£CAAt.Sll,OJlCAJ:zooa llr.c••g T<• Li urawmg st, Graphic $ylnbols & Abbreviations Orowing -No.: A-0 l,if 14 / ~ 1 INCH"' 20 f'EET CAAPHCSCALE I..EGEtO AND ABBREVIATIONS PROPERTY LINE i f'OUND 2• IRON PIPE WITH TAG MARKED "RCE 1848&• PER PI.I 5J66 .-.-50 --EXISTING CONTOURS AT I' INTERVALS ,c BFP BL< 8W CATV Cl co CONC 00 OWf '" EP EVI.T FL G IE LGT s SOMH SL SLPB s•H TC TER 1W W WATER WJN Wf WOOD FENCE WU WATER METER LEGAL DESCRl'llON CURB THE NORTHEASTERLY 65 fEET Of THE NORnfflESTERLY 150 FEIT or LOT 10 IN BLOCK s, AS SHOWN ON MAP 1 BOJ, IN THE CITY Of CAALSB.AO, COUNTY Of SAN DIEGO, STATE Of CALIFORNIA, BENCHMARK CITY Of CARLSBAD StlRVD' COtfflWL NETWORK POINT NO IJI, BM-V-1307, 3-US CO,AST AND GEODETIC SUR\l!Y DISK ON ROD IN 5• PCC. 120 fT• NORTH OF TAMARACK AVE AND SO FT EAST OF SONR RAIL ROAD TRACKS ELEVAllON 43 917 FEET (NGV029) ~ 9,750 SQUARE: FEET 0224 ACRE GeERAl, NOJES 1 ) BEAAINCS AND DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE RECORD PER PARCEL MAP NO 5366 2,) ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 206-020-03 i ~ ~ ~I~ i !i1 (:) ~ ti~ kl~~ ::,;: "' "' Q: ~ci~ ~ ~ _';' V) ti;~~ !Ii""' lei~~""' ij <.,'->~ ~ ~~t. lei~~ ~ ~;.s ?ii ii: W 00 ~8 :::> ~ 8l U) 0 <{ <( I 50 IL ~@ <l'. a: ~ff] 8 ;:!: a! IL ~ ~ g "' iJj ~ SHEET NO. 1 •: '0...._, .. .,• .. ir.J:'::c'lr~••tf_1-r-../,.y., \k.·.l:!e'f.:1-.•r,,-.,.,, •~crvfrJ,,-, ,Cu.,-:, "',,-.,,>rroi:.,._1.,.7,I-•, :,,i,::, , .Z.."'U:·•; ::,:.,.:,.., ,,•t PllLRH 't;C'.l]AJ I 1 1 ' \ I lli I .. 1~1"··· ! .,, ,f; I l l . 'I I & I \11IL 1 1" * I'' o! I ;l: ~ I 51,, ~~l I ~~ 1 1· ~: ! t. r . . I ' I » ~ 111 I If. 1 :1 ·I ,, JI J! I, ~ : .~ I I i1--,, ... 1 1, ,.t. •, I t~#'t~·-·, J;"~ : I .,, I . r.1-1·1 ~ I -( ~ I I ~I ., ~"' "I ~?-I I ·...,\.{ ~· ,-• ~ ,. .l; 'r," \I L:::J-.,~1..ll'' f1 : ~-~_;;;:-~ j j !}1_'.., ! :'j ' I: ~ : ti ·1:' : • ,1 ..... ~ / ~~ ; . I m,t I•.• ,, ~t.:.; I I,,. ,: I ~ /,l ~l ~. I , ::--,,.~ I ~ ,i\ f I ~ J: ll~ I ' _tL _____ ~ ' . ~ 1: l : ---.. i.:+-, I I , t :) · t•-1 ... ·, ~ 1: \ I : I ii lf I.: (1 I '·-_1 I I , . 1 ii: :I , L, ,;, 1: 'I ~. ! ... ~ i j! ' j \:.' ', . ' l •f '. •ilH(-:,i' I " : I • It:' ' ! !,» , i1~ I I I I' c~ I d I . ' ! :: ' ,. I i;, : I I ~ I !' ' 'I I I~ ; I! ;:, I \ - 1·1 · '"I'" 1 •~ ! ,i, l ---=--=•:._ ~~ 1_ ·_i. ~J lj--. : ~t-r--.t _., ·-\tj ![·-;LI\. lt\"·j l!I 11•/2-<t;, ri ! _' '..J * -,,. . I 'I . '. • t MY G/JiFIB.DSTRfET i% y,,~ l,. , l ~J0•4· ~zt• VARtE'S· J~---=="-~v-"'.- EX 4"PCC5aW.4LA'(TrP.) I;-Ex.ACPAVEIENT GRAPHIC SCALE k.....LY r (INFEff) IINCJl=IOFEET _/ EX. 6'PC.C. TYFEG-2CJRJ8 GiJmR EX..6'P.C.C.TrFEG•lCUi98GIJTTER f'lia>l."PCC5.m!Ja{TtP) 1.0 TAMARACK AVENUE ~ Rm:smAJ. SrREET fR.Bt/Q ] NJr1oscm I l:.l ,,, \, -- J I ---, ,, ~1\.. ~- FD>. /Ml' ,, ~1. MS# __ Tamarack Proposed Grading Plan /, . I ·!' <li ! __ I I ,f i l i-.; fl I ~ Z& I " t ,t li! .. \\ -~ -,ll "-~ ·-}-g -i I t1}t ,,., ,, '- r--.1 ,_;' I .:.:-~ l~ l ·-~ I Jl-~ I I -. l . . -:1· -• -t -.• 'B t\'t:i. ,t,; t>-l,:i,'(' L----%-_____ _ & ··•-•( i~ ~-,-. '' "'· ~-.. ~,.:', .. ~ c.l ~==.--=--=-I-------- ·, l_, ,: f ,,fl fl' c::,"f: Ji ,:, ~ I -t·--· ~ .. -r i ~--- ! -----~--- --)13:" "'{ -· .._,.J.¼ J?.t -------~ 1;;\\, :,}~- \\ ir-.· ¥.\ . .' 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Rfl!I =RIGHT<FWAY ---i AC =.tSfHJJ.T ___ , __ _ FNC =FENCE DJtr =£W1\,flr.lY MINOR SUBDIVISION # 05- 0WNIERISUBDIVIDIER: LWJ.NOSH:1;£slNYESTHEJ(f£LLC JS/8S.'01..IERtW ~ C4 92008 160-129..J.,t.68 DAMELZ/1'11£RWJ LIEGAL 0/ESCRIPTION: TH:NR11£JSIER!.Y65FcET<F Tl£M:RIMIESIE1i!.Y ISOFEET (Ft.OT IOI/Bl.CO< ~•a:pJJ.tSJJ:ESIIJ 4 II 11£aryv~ o:J.J/TYCFSNID:!=GO, SIArECFCJ.J.FCRUA,AtaGDNj ro TIEH.ll' TIEliECFN(). {8(JJ, FUD #I ThE CH/CE CF TIE CCCMY ~OF SI.N o:£(;0 CO<mY, .41.QGT 1!5, /921, NOT/ES: I EXJSmJAJt,:206-0..'0-0J 2. f'R".Y!'fRIY~2t.51NfARAtXAlfhlGCAJit5e4ltC4.9l«J8 J. ff/CffJSEDPARCB.SIPARCB..I.CctmtM.HIJllr5 GROSSA.lif"A =9,75150.ll (022t.Aa/ES) J£1~=9,t.SS'so.rr.(02!8AOiSJ De.sirr=l,/02J8=18JS{JU/N£TAOifS lJw.D-'NG COlfR..IGE = J67J SF/91,85 SF= JS 7$ Nff A-.f"A t.. EJCISTlo'G»DFROPa$lDla&f;lSRIHf 5. GRA/1,1,'G(XJAJ;llrtES: /2500 OJI fifJ'BJW.lstJcr EXPCilTl25OCYESTl1ATE 6 E.usrmlJTtUTTcS: GASJNJELEc1Rtc, •..... S.DGBE TEID'H:IIE • • • • • SSC FiRENDi'a.JcE5emcE ...... CITY OF~ 5AfERS8McE... • OTYOFCAlitsa.w WAlERSER'IICE ••................ cw.sa.wH.NtaP.v.. WATERDISTRJCT Sroot DRAIN. •• .. .............. CtTY OF CJ.iif.SB4D 5am. OISTRlcT, ............... , CA!as84D U.'IFIEO Sam. DlsrR!CT 1. TIE~Of Tl£ T<Y'OGRAPHYS!iMNHS$llSAfJELl)S!@fySrCll8E1ESLM'E.Yn;~ FS/.0..IJRY£lfX/5 AIWGE DAf.Y TIUFFIC IO/IHr XI. wrs= 40ADT(JOADT IM:li:ASE) ll'A1ERSf!McE0e£wJRE<xJHJENrS: 5EMER:/,[OU=90GAL/DAYX/,Dltfl.L I.MTS X(l5l'ERSa6JDIJ)=900GJJ./OAYC/cl5T/C IYATfk ISO GAUD.ir :( I. DKru. lNITS X (2.5 PfR$cNSl{X)) X DJ.Y//1,1,.0 Im. X 16 f'EJ.l.=L61 GPH /n,!rGJ,TJa'ill'Alre"5Gffl(-llERAGE). 10 ASO:l.feoRTWASPtitf',IJ:SJB'fScunmiCAl.FCINASO.Z.SB TESTIJC.k.DATE!JFSii!JJRYl, 2005R£F SCSBTOS/1()()9 ll ENCROACdelT 1£@-UT RE/J/JlRED Fat ff!lnl.lTE ST<RI (R).IN B Srl<fff R!SIHACN; 12. ~ TD6EIWE TDNOTat.OOC DIWNA5EBY ACtUTr.'G SAIErRCSTA&JGF£RfSSOJ TD CCNSTi/1.CTCWAD.J.lCENTFRCffRTY IJ. All.Ali!'AOOIV.S:ROIY&R41'¢ra:NCHlWAIIS51{.4£L6EC(Ml£CTCDT0~$TOfltfRAIN """' JI,, TillS/lDTIWll6'RESENTSBASDfNTCIJNSTIJJC1Ktt FREPN8JBY JltD ...,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,., PARCEJ.Ll>f SEHfRlttW IYArERH.411 O\'fRJEIJ)f'CllfRL/1-£ ,.,,,_, SEllERLAIER.lL lrArERS!H/1(£ Engineering ProfwiQ»al Cini Engineers and Land Sim!Jors 2080~1't,,co,SulooA.~CA9?029 l'hcoc760741-3S77 PAX7604'17216S El-Nall,~ ··"""'""' I RTFM -&IC ;~;:: ! &,sr,,; = I '" ® • "'"" ,,,,,.,, ,m,,,;G\ "-,f''l!!: :.-:=__j--=-'""-I I I I I I jCTJ\crTYOFCARl.SBADlrnj ---+~ I FF,,ao PROPOSIED GRADING PLAN LE«W.N3rES.1'Yf'ICJJ.SECmis.ViCHTYltv fD> P:~AW_/ 9 SIECTION A f'JJrToSCAlE ·EJtsrtJGRET. WAil ScCTJON 8 Nar To&:.uE DME REVISION DESCR/PTK,N :~=i: I ~;;: J:: lt'GI.NO SWY8 /Mfs11f:NTS. LLC JSIBSnu>ERoJ.!J ~C4 9l008 160-729-U.68 7\....-J~ '""""':zC\."')o", ,p . ...,,&J r<A~..J-1. ..... ;\',..~;t&.::, .zc...~.;.z...~,.. .. v,N 1 I 1 I I I I L____________________ El0S1"CRESOENCE __ S _____ L_ ______________ _ EXISmG RESO~CE -1~oo:rs ! TAMARACK AVENUE LCEHTll<UNE _______________ _ -----------t-------~IS;;,;;-----------------@ -y--•-•=•: __ q_ __ •u•--~=C TREE TO -----,' 1-w w a: I-t/) 0 -' w LL. a: < (!) 1 HYDRANT • / T1Ra.OCAT£ rxisnHC WATER NITER. I REFER TO Cr'l'I. ORA\lilNCS I +L-6J'-8" ,-------------T ... -NEAREST EXISTING flRE HYD~T LEGAL PESCIPTIQN• MAP 13721 -CllY Of CARLSBAD TCT NO 91-07 APN 206-020--03 niE NORTHEASTERLY 65 FEET OF TI-IE NORTHWESTERLY 150 FEET CF LOT 10 IN BLOCK S CF PALISADES NO. 2 IN lHE CllY CF CARlSBAD, COl..tHY CF 5.AJ',I OIECO, STA TE CF CALIFORt-lA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO 1803 Rl.£0 IN THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO, AUGUST 25, 1924- Et.OCK 020, LOT 03, PARCEL I ACR[AG(• 22 ACRES (9,750 Sf) tlO KNOWN EASELl[NTS 10' DEDICATED RIGHT OF WAY ENTRE SITE IS DEVELOPABLE PER ZONING OROL'«NCE SECTION 2153.230 EXISTN'i AVERAGE ONLY TRAmc: 10 PER UITT (SINGLE F.A.',IILY DEIACH<O) SCHOOL OlSTRlCT. CARLSBAD UNlnED SEW!::R AM) WATER: CITY or CARLSBAD AV(AAGC OAI. 'I' TRAff'IC 6 EXISTING & 24 PROPOSED INCREASE fOR A TOTAL OF 32 (8 PER D'wtlli-ro UNIT) EXISTING ZONING, RO-M (RES!OE:NTIAL DENSITY -1.lULffiPlC) EXISTING CENERill Pl.#1 t.mO USE OESIGNA.llON: RH EXISTING AAO PROPOSED l.4M> USE: RESIDENTIAi.. PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOUR (4) 2 STOREY. WITH BASELIEITT, CONOOMNUMS WITH GAAAGES. t.ACH PROPOSED DENSfTY: 18 UNITS PER ACRE. ONE EJOSTING ANO PROPOSED LOT. TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE. .09 ACRES (4,070 SF) 42~ (SOX = 5850 sr ALLOWED) BUILDING SQUARE r00TAG£: HABITABLE: 5,970 SF NON IW3ITAEU: 614"5 SF SITE LANDSCAPE PERCENT~E: 26Y. 1,752 SF PI.MTING AREA 771 SF GRAS$ PAV[ 2,523 SF TOTN.. PARKING SPACES: 2 PER UNIT (4x2} + 2 VISITORS .. 10 TOTAL OPEN OR RECRE:-\TIONAl SPACE PER UNIT: A•JJ5 SF. 8•209 sr. c--209 SF, D•J72 Sf 1,125 Sf TOTAL SPRINKLERS REQUIRED ~---------r-- L ---0 -7 CNUelll,CA..,. ;EXISTING MASCNRY (7lll)J».4411 1RET•• WIil w/ ,s· w.i PAlET' IFENC( M>JACENT I TA.\WWlCEaCHI.CFTS I • , ~ : ~~11MSllEHTS,LlC IPROPER f I ] I ~wg~ I I TWO STOREY V.000 I _, " EXISTING RETMttNG WALL W/ WOOD FU,'C£ OH ADJACENT PR1JPERIY I .IA'IJCATIONl'IPEI: COMTAI.DEVa.CfllENTPERMT I CCNXlilNlJlrilPEIMT ST?llf'IWlfllOOPBIIIT 11:NTAMPARCELJ.WI, Mfat8llllMSIOH I I ~~~»m l I t I J ~ I 1 I ----_________ _L ________ ,_J_ I --------1--l 0SITE PLAN & SITE DEMOLITION I I I I o,...._ __ ,o 20 41 I SCALE: 1" = 20'-0 .. Project: lllE TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS COPOS-06 CP0502 SOP0508 245 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 X Consultants: --......... ,,. CWMl'WNIIAVNll ......,., .. _ ·----CM.-... _ ---.... ....,. .. _ T•CJICll'IWln' F-tMJ•.al ....... ...... .__ ... ___ .,. ........ -T•OIII~ ,..,.,. No. Dale A'IB.ERX -1111,WJIIWQ(-.. -"-T,(111)-..! - Revision ll,~TE or PREPIRATIOtf. 11 MAY 200519 OCT 05 Designed by ATELIER X Ora1m by RFDN ~ -00te Checked oi Dote · ISSUCli<lt:. LAND USE RESUBMITTAL 20 December 2005 -·r~o:i L_ • ~ ® --------T-·_ : I ____________ i_7 !Joc:l<•C20~_1"..-coll M'N 206-02D-O:J NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION >3. Projed H~ 2004-6 Address·2,,TA1,1,,1,J1AAC.KAYiNJ~CARI.S8,0l>CAt200a §1'f~T~lAN &SITE DEMOLmON PLAN Drawing No,: AS-1 4ol 14 ,!: ' '\ '-1 ~ l EXISTNG 1WO STOOD' , .. , 0,_ ~,' 'LJ''' ' -~· □'' ., □r·' ., ~:LnlJ-F:LY. ·--;-~·., ; --, ' ' '''' '' ~-· ' ~ ~ EXISTING TWO STOR£Y ', WOOD MUl.Tl-FMIILY --! BU!t..DING 'i □ _, ' .,; J I '! ~ ~ '/ l',, ,., ,~ ' I I ✓ ' ~-~-,--,"\;"\:' EXISIDIG lWO STOREY WOOO MUI.Tl-FAMILY EfJLDINC ' ' ~ :1 d I I '1 '-' '> ' '= '> I 1 . ~ ' "\... L L L L L L .~, •• , .. ,,, •' \, ,.,_,._,._~~~ ___ J ____ ~ ------------------ I NOTES· L .. -. 1. REFER TO L-1 rOR r11NG Pl.»l LEGEND: 9 ~ ~ I Pl»ffiNI AAUi -REFER TO l-1 I CRASS I'"· I CONCRT PAVl:Ll£NT C~ CONCRm: PAIDJENT Ill COLOR! I CONCRETE PA~S I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I w ::::> z w > < ~ (.) < 0::: < :::a: < f- I ·•-'>'-;1 fB i ~· 10 20 JO I I I I 1""I SCALE: 1'" • 10'-0" L __ ,-- Project: 'l!IE TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS COPOS-06 CP0502 SOP 0508 245 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 X Consultants: --,.._, ... __ .....,,.....,. ......., .. _ ,...,_ --IM.l!aElt ..,_ ---IU!H -""-T•(MIINl-"11 F-(!111-4111 .....,. ................. ---... _ ... _ T•(MII~ .,.,_ AlB.ERX -l\lt.lMllll,JO[ .... _ .. _ .,.. ..... ·- No. Dole Revision IM\TE Of PREPNOO!otf 11 MAY 200519 OCT 05 Designed by ATELIER X Draw-II by RFON •. D_ote Checked oz -Dote - ISSUEOAlE: • LAND USE RESUBMITTAL 20 December 2005 i --r----: ,~11~ L '~ ® --------T-;·· u ··--------·-l.7 -• 020 lei• m r.wc.1 , .._Pll ~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION IJ. P~/io,_ 2004·6 Addll!SS 20T~~.._VEt-1.tE,c,,RlsBAOc.\~200S s1r~ r~lAN & (PLOT PLAN) Drawing No,; AS-2 Sor 14 EXISTING MULTI FAMILY PARKING r:::::, EXISTING 2 STOREY WOOD MULTI FAMILY BUILDING PROPOSED 2 STOREY WOOD MULTI FAMILY BUILDING WITH BASEMENT EXISTING MULTI FAMILY PARKING 0~-~l;DING SECTION· EAST WEST@ 30' FROM PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED 2 STOREY WOOD MULTI FAMILY BUILDING WITH BASEMENT EXISTING 2 STOREY WOOD MULTI FAMILY BUILDING 0~-~j~DING SECTION· EAST WEST@ 130' FROM PROPERTY LINE o 10 m ~ ,--' f'Ull SIZE SCA.LE: 1" -t0'-0" Pro1ect. lliE TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS 245 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 COPOS-06 CP0S02 SOPOSOS X ATB.ERX onsultonts: --............ ------_,._ ,..,._ --........... ,.. _ __ ..... .... _,._ T0(71G11111-3111 . ...,_ ....,,,. ...... .__ .... ____ ....... _ T•PIII---F-llll>•7111 -llltMl!fWCII .... _ .. _ T•(IIIJ-..il ·-- No. Dole Rt!'Mion OAT£ or PREPAAAllOlt 11 MAY 2005/9 OCT 05 Designed by ATELIER X Drown by RFON -[f0fe Che:ked DZ Dale · ISSUE 11.llE: • LAND USE RESUBMITTAL 22 FEBRUARY 2005 1~ 2 --r L~ ®T-----·-n-·· ! ______ [ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~-£._~it.!=1 No. 2004-6 Mdt~~TA.UAA.IJ\Cl(/,,Vf.1,UE.C-"'11,.Sa,.()C.l.fflOa OrningTrlle: SITE SECTIONS Oro\lflng No.: AS-3 Got 14 -(~ i ~J!.,11\i fif l1l \ 1:; ~ I :~ I r,11 1, 1 , 11 ~ i& ! !~ ·-1:1 1:1 I JI \">'-: I ,___ I • i,i\j 'j;,, ,,, ~ ~/:~ rf ~\ . :;:,. ·r! rJ: I J ·§ I " . -~. ,la -~ t' --:::-1 r,' ~.. ; " '{,,, ('' ' j -. I f Ji ' '. ---. ; : ~ : ! . ------------r i: . ··ts .1 = ' -:.,\. ,, I ~:al : '- i '! i! ;_ fl < ;\ 'I') ,;-.;f · \i /,. ~J"/.,! · . 11. . ~\~ I ~1~ ,., ,J lli, ',i'/ ii i 1(, -,1 e ~ t "' ·--··--' t·i.. ~->, --;-~ a ,. ·11 .,,.,.,, ,_)' ---"--7 z-··(_:, I f', :__ -. MS# __ Tamarack Tentative Parcel IVlap I I__ t~L & i j, jH 1._·_e: ' ,· f J I -"ii' tih- "~-- ':.._· ~-..,-' r it~T .. -----. ____ _ MINOR SUBDIVISION # 05- 0WNERISUBDIVIDER: llWJ-l()SH:Ji6/11'VESTHENTS.UC JSJJSmlERo.JD ~ CA 9200S 760-129-1.468 DA.'lB.ZHEinW LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1n: IDWEASTERl.Y 65 ffET rF T1E !DlTHN'ESTEJl!..Y /50 FEET OF LOT JON 8LCO(. '!I:" OF P4LISJ.aS MJ 2. NT1ECITYOFCA/l.S8.40,awTYOFSANDEGO,STA1Er£CAI.F(RIIJ.~/OT1£HJ/'TiER£UII). /B()J, Fl.ED IN DE (ff/CE OF DE ta.NTY f;£((H,£J? OF SAN DEGO mNTY, .11.G.GT 25, 1911. NOTES: I E}(J5fm~Z06-bzo.-OJ 2. l'P(ffllf)'Al0'8S:2/,STAHARA(J(A~CUiIS!UltCA..92aJS J l'RrY'OSEDPARtELS:IPARaJ..I.CCNXlf.MUtlJllr5 G!i'OSSAll'A =9,751so FT. (0221.J.CJifS) ~Mf'A ::9,.G85so. FT. (02/SAOlfS} OCNSJTY:: 1.10 2/8:: f5 J5 DU/NU~ /k.!UJ1,,; COIWtiE = J6?.5 SF/91.85 SF:: J8 -% !ET A..fA I.. E)(JST/IIG /JIOl'ROl'(JS[J)lON.'G ISRD-H 5 GP.AJ»,'G«wfflTIES: f250cran /if1811Al.150cr If~: I ;ti »I~ -;1 I~~ ·1111 I/ -~·· 1 I" I b / -------~ I -.lr1~ ~\\l-JJ :'1 .... /11, I '-1. .. .r le •<• ··---~t, . "'"" I lvJJ I <•H ::s: 1: l ' ---- :·-tf ·1 ,, . DRJRT f2SO CY ESTtfATE 6 EJ.ISTmllTII.ITlfS: GASIJIJElECTRIC ............ SO.G 8E ,~ ...................... sac FR£NDPa.KES!RrlcE ......... Cm Q<-C.A/dSS,w SE>IERSlRJna ..................... CJTYCFCA!a.stJAD IYA1ERSER-'1C! .........••••• CAiUB.ID/11..r,/C/P.IJ..WATEROISTRICT STOffl CRAIN.... • • ... • .. CITY (Y CAJ:J.SBAD SOffl.DtsTRICT ••••••• CA!a.$AD/.NFIEDS0£1:X.0/STRJCT 1. TIE 5a.RtE OF TIE TlfQ;,Wffi' SICtoN H&fal IS A F:w SUr.a' Br Cme.E Stfflft'ni Oi i i : I . /7 l I I j -I! ~,': ft~·.,!-,---~,, .... ;'.:-' I ... J-,J~,.,...,' LI ; J-.J "":., ...... .__,2,',+.,,,'~-a.J:--1..11 I I" ,), ·,b;,-, ---• " "' .. ·1 I'. • ,. .. ' :11 ~lL. --·•---:...,.~'? {:_4 ~-;:;:~-l ---11 ' i .-0-:..:1 •'~ /' 1J+>-~ I '<!f : 1_ ;:'i'- 1 1·: ifr: \ ~ ~1 ~-\r: ~ I"' • .,, .... '~ t! ·, l",1 ,, . ,.; .,. ~t~,:p ' ,~ -~-AlfR.UiE DA/lY TRAFFIC J0/1.NfT XI. U.,TS ::1,0N}T (JOADT IM%ASE) JY,U'ER S!RYK:E £>EJw.v REWMIENTS: Selim I. E.DU:: 90GIJ.lfJAr X 4 IM9.1. lNITS X (25/'EJi:soislC'IW =9006,W{)AYDafsnc IYAIER:ISOGAL/DJ.r tl.DMBL lhlTSX(25PfRSa'lsl(Xl}X0Ar/fU.OMN. t 16f'EAX=l67GFH J/J/IGATl(WWAT!k45Gffl(AIWGE') lO A SoiL REPoRT WASP8eM!lJ8Y Sot.mEJ:,JCA!.JFcmA So.l.S8 TtsTIIG, LYC. 0ATEDFEBRI.URY 1, 2005RH. SCS8105/!009. I "' i \ ~ !ii, I ~----r ~ ·-~ 11 . ~~-i,,. ~-' .1 11 E ;lfl,l·ii I ~ : 1/ ~ : ' , ' , ro,••'\-\ _.,..,." ..... ._, +-I -i(,,..',..Jf ~; !{ 1 1 . 1 --------r:~;r9 1 ~~1\·: ---_, -~--~; I I. I ' .., . . ·, ',. ~\ 1; --~ ., -.. 1i, \ . I • ~". !i ::-~-. ,r ·:'" 11 -{,! , , ·~1:& .: \;l.1:1r~ ;'\' .. ,, l• I -, -~ \ : fl_,, I · •! I ' ' 11 i! 1t~ I I ;., i; < 11· 11 I' I I ~ ' ' s !> ' I~ I I I~ ~ ': ~ I . ~ . I;' J I \t1~ I' ! 's'.l f-, ,f, I ~ ·_ ' lLl::,r-.--~ =-,,,, '!' I ;:ji I" . I l; .,. __ .! :t I 1 ·4-t\ 1·1· ~· Li :ti __, ' ;t ! '~ I ~:~ FR<P.IMr Rll'I It, \ L,-~·, 1 -,,,..:r-~· ,,.,,~-,•. [~j -~· &t'FCCSIB~(T"<)I:-1_:;,:::JJ n:_l,,. EX. 6'PCC, TrFEG•2Q,(if)d GIITTER_J EX. 6 P.C.C. ~G/;;::wu:::(Trp) GRAPHIC SCALE G-,,Srr.,u 1.0 TAMARACK AVENUE ~ REsaN:::,s::::/''WI.IC} 10 0 5 10 Po-•-._...., 'f a: (INFEET} Jk;i::,OfE£t ~I ~i. ~f~ l _ _. . ------... ___ __,._,. --- ~ ~ --,w 's' ·--. .,J S\ -----~ "' ~\ t~--~ 1 ---i-; ,.r----1 .r --1 ---~r I~ Ii! :·'}I '~[ I ,-~I -1 '. .--iL 1-J.--l. ~ I'~ ••) •• , ~ I i '"i-~ LEGEND~' %.', :· I ; t \~. ~~ =~ \Ct-'--' ltv =WATDi'VALlf" \ : .l ; :; .. r; '>t~----r i ,i ' ff "' FH =Fif<£Hl1Jt?JNT ff e,o;u(OffNTFCRt1TRSXJIR£Df«iJ'iWATEST()IH~IN8S1'i!ETRSlHACN:i. 12. /ROVISKHS TDSElf.lI£TOA0TiJL(JCJ(J:IWN4GEBYACW'Tl'IGSAJ£'1lCBTA,.WGffffl,SSKN /0 Cll.SrRUCTrNADJACENTl'PCYERTY • /J, AJ.lA.'£4£RA~@XJF®lWS, TREMHDRAIIIS$1W.LBECGW!CTCDTOU«RGROI.JDST~®rN '"'"' fl, THIS ff.OT /UH iSfSB(1S BASEJ£NT ca,smx;Tl(ll. PREPJ.REDBY• I ! 4· l' ,1) Sffl =SEltER/1.Wltu '-l f? {Y EP =SXieOFP.AIIJ',l'.i --fARCELll.E AC ~ASfff.U.T ___ , __ _ r 1 1 t" a ::wnm.fE --TPM'7 , RIW ::RlfiHT(FW.IY ·S,TE---FNC =FEN:E D!W ::1)0)fWAY ___ , __ _ Sa1ERM.Ui IYATERMMI OlfMADF'OIIERlfllE F<E-SEltERLATER.IL IYATDi'SSMCE 111'D Engineering P,efunimal Cm1 Bnginurr and Land S1m,gors 2040WllM::rldp:1'l-.5u!o:A.Eui,,,dldo.Cll92029 et,o.,.760741-lm 1'.AX7601l')7-ll6.$ D-M.all,U~ TPM --:r= :~L~1rEE---~--- Exssnr;GRJ.f€ s· $ ::,:~=. ___ ., __ _ --\ r·,." w,-,,.,, .. \~-!II"-" ---c!r: -fF,.so I "rll CITY OF CARI.SBAD I\ ~s11 ,,.,,,.I/ET. w.,_ I TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP f'Ra>.6R.AJ:£ , l.ECml,MYrts,TrnCALSECTl(J{S.V/adTYNAI' Piia'GiuS::sP.41f" SECTION 8 lllWDS!a?fS/M'ESTl'ENTS,l1C J8185x>UERl»JJ SECTION A NorToSCAJ.£ Nor TOSCA!£ DATE REVISION IJESCRIPTKW 7iffE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OT}{RllffiOYA! CITY N'fflOVAL CA.Gl.2UO, C4 92(1()8 16()-729-t.t.68 ., \l-=f ,J,,_•,.z..-x;:,•.:"'•,.,,=o r,, ... .,..., ,,,-rv~_.,J.,; r, 1.~ , .i~az.;,,._")::: ,.~, ' j '-I; ~ " I w 'J .' =:, ' z I w EXISTING FAN PALM I > TO REMAIN I <( ' ~ i (.) 0 I <( I ~ I <( ,~,, ~= \)f \~',?.i~; ;~\~~ trJ\;1: 1 ~ii~'.;1t~:A\ 1 ;g'.-; l~;:~:i\;'; ~~.•-~--.. •, • •• ·;,;,,,'•,:::,:,:,;., •• _'.'.:_•~'.:_'.'_,:_::_•i:i:~:,:_:,:,~:~::.:,'.'.,:,'. .... '.:'.:'.:~·,_·'._·_..: I :::i: I <( I I- I ·1 I 1\ I I LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN ..... ~M•1'"lit •y-,· ,t, .. ~-,, .,__,1, :, I'~:• : ·• dt.~i},.,1/. :~::.:-: . f;;:r;-: : •:.:': ~ .~: f f I-!:"fl V "' . • • • ,' .·· ..... · .... :·1, .~ -~.~ .~. ·<·.·.·,·,·, . , . '. ,•,' ' I ~ .. , I, ..... " -. ". • (, . UNIT A UNITS UNITC UNITO -.;; .• • >. • > :-: !3 ' ,'j•,. ' .. ' i..' ,•! ii :1 ·,1,:l . _ . \1 ; [1----~ '\il===,11,. -~ ;\.,0····· '9> tJ ..................... d· ·t i' ~ @' u ¢' :-~ ... .:1 ,,; : --..:- ir.lll-Jf:it_~:.!.;,'._:.:.p.-·}. } ' j f _/ ! !I ;f 'I fl f! \ I/ ,, ' ~-, .. ,(;) [ 0 I ~~~~~~~~24-d:Jl~~:.~£#·~_:ft:~rn:::" ·· I I I, : \' .. ·,,: ;:;,:r::.t:··,~~!.:.2::=,::::[~f!f ff \1 , / . .' .' \i \ ·:• ::t·:.:··•; 0 lir\! 'ii l " :,1 ':I 11 .'ll p ...... o' .,, l, .. : ; !1 : \f~:~·,~ 'I ,, •l . ' n.:, I ; !I-·" ·:::--j /· :! RRIGATION VALVES UNIT B IRRIGATION VALWS UNIT C \ I I !; if :\ ~f / I', /\ j ©WATER CONSE~VATIQ~ 'PLAN -~11 I I /k~f\: ~!h4 . . ~_;r..,s.. ~~ ~ o l \_,,_,J ~ -~~ () ~ lli:..:il LEGEND LARGE TREE, JACARANDA ACUTIFOUA, 5 -15 GM.LON, DEEP WATERING DEVICE IRRIGATION STREET TREE, ORNAMENTAL PEAR, 3-15 GALLON, DEEP WATERING DEVICE IRRIGATION VERTICAL TREE, ARCH0NTOPHEONIX CUNNINGHAMIANA, KING PALM, 5 - 15 GALLON FLOWERING SHRUB, CAMELIAS OR AZAlfAS, 18 -5 GALLON ""'· SOil LBII GROUND COVER, SJJ.R Jk5MINE, I GAU.ON 24e ON CENTER, Of'FSIT ROWS Ill EJ [ZJ] GROUNO COVER. PURPLE TRI.UNG LANTNIA, I GAU.ON SPACED C 24• ON COO(R, OFFSET ROWS GRASS PAVE, USE DRIP IRRK.ATDN SYSTEM CONCRETE PAvo.£NT, R£rrR TO L-2 COLORED CONCRETE PAVEMENT, REFER TO L-2 NOTES: 1. 100:1 Of PlANTING AREAS ARE ZONE 1 "LUSH". AMOUNT Of SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION IS ESTIMATED AT OVER 30" ANNUALLY • 267. Of TOTAL SITE IS USED FOR LANDSCAPING. Of THE LANDSCAPE AREA, 437. IS TURF, {50:>: ALLOWED}, 30:1 IS "GRASS PAl/f.", AND 277. IS GROUND COVER. J. NO ACCOM0DATION FOR RECLAIMED WATER. 4. PER IIC.1 A FIRE SUPPRESSION PLAN IS NOT REQUIRED AS THE PROJECT NEITHER CONTAINS NOR IS BOUND BY HAZARDOUS NATIVE VEGETATION. 5. THERE ARE NO COMMON AREAS Of LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE RESP0NSIBILTY. EACH PRIVATE UNIT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LANDSCAPE AREA DIRECTLY EAST ANO WEST Of THE REPECTIVE UNIT; WITH UNIT A BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR THE AREA DIRECTLY SOUTH Of UNIT A; AND WITH UNIT D RESPONSIBLE FOR THE AREA DIRECTLY NORTH UP TO THE SIDEWALK 6. FDR WATER CONSERVATION, 'XERISCAPE' PRINCIPALS WILL BE IMPLEMENTED IN THIS PROJECT. 0 10 20 30 fB p-, -SCALE: 1" • 10'-0" Project: 11£ TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS CDP0S-06 CP0S02 SOP 0508 245 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ATB.ERX -X ,. __ onsultanfs. --....... ,.. . .,.~ ........ _"_ ,..., _ -----... _ __ .,.. 1111111 ......., .. _ T-C7':IINl-att F-CMI•--.....,. ............... ---""""-"-T-CJlal __ .,.,_ No. Dole _ .. _ T•(llllot-al - Reison lli\TE. Cf"-~: 11 MAY 2005/9 OCT 05 _!:[ ATEUERX Drawn by -RFD_!L Dote Checke.d DZ ---Date · lSSliEDAI,:-lAND USE RESUBMITTAL 20 December 2005 i -l~~ll L ' @ -------·-r--. ! -_______ i -, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION f:J. Pro~I Ho· 2004-6 Addr~2(5T.u.wlAACICAV!atAIECARI.S8Af>C,Uzooa LAfJD~APE PLANTING PLAN & WATER CONSERVATION PLAN Drawing No.: L-1 1-;,·14 } I 24'-0" 24'-0" 22'-0" ® r .. x 27'-0" I _j_ I _j_ I I I I I I I REFER TO CML DRAWINGS I I II I I t-FOR EXTENT Of lll[A OR.'JNS 101111 I b r-i'l====J ~===1l-r , ... -.s'~,t;l L':::==J,-r OFFICE 1J ,:, ~o·o 1s·s~ I ~ -y--- ~~ ~ .. D ....... -r-:7 ~r~, 1 ? I STORAGE RACKS, STORAGE RACKS, --~~E-7'~ . .. _ ~-8~ t~R-G =i: ~ 20X20 20X20 1 STAIRWm· ~ .-~ ~~~~-.-. f---- l==tll=tll Sit.lfil'IAY ~ ''"'"'-C•STORAGE RACKS, -----~~-------' 20X20 ~ ~ cJY IO r--- J [ZJ '---' __j I I ~, I I I [ZJ I ,,--... J t--1 -f-"-"-< 0 ~ h I □ SIQfil f-0 ~-~ <!( I IL I 8'-8" I 4'-o· I 16'-0" I I I 16'-0" 14'-0" I 8'-8" I I 16'-0" 14'-Q" I s·-a· I l 16'-0" 1,-v I o-o I ~~~~ ~tRl I I 2'-ot 2'-o· 16'-0" 16'-0" 4'-o· 8'-8' t·-o· 4'-0" _ 8'-8" I EXTENT OF RETAINING WALLSI ~ ◊ @ I ◊ I I ~ ~ NOTES: 1. WINDOW SILL HEIGHT SHAU Bf NOT MORE nw, 44 INCHES ABO\£ THE FINISH FlOOR IN BEDROOMS 2 CEILING HIEGHTS 8' -a• MF AT BAlHROOt.4S, REFER TO FW5H SCHEDULE. 3. WALL COVERING SHALL BE CEMENT PIASTER, CERA~IC TILE OR APPROVED EQUAL TO 70" ABOVE DRAIN AT SHO'M:RS OR rue WITH SHOWERS I.IATER~IS OTHER !HNI SffiUCTLllAL [lEMENTS SHALL BE MOISTURE RES5TANT 4. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE OCCUPANCY CIASSlnCATION GROUP R, OMSION 3 5, UNIFORM BUILOiNG CODE TYPE 5 NON RATEO CONSffiUCTION I ~ ◊ I I ! ! BX8X16 CMU Will 8XBX16 CMU w/ ¾" GWB oi F\JRRING @ INTERIOR 2X4 WOOD sruDs @ 16" ON CENTER W/ j"GWB ON BOTH SIOES OR IN BATHROOMS CERAMIC TILE 0/ !° WATER RESISTANT WALL BOARD 2X6 WOOO STUOS C 16" ON CENTER W/ i"GWB ON INTERIOR SIDE & EXTERIOR FlNI~ 0/ 2 1.A'IERS Of BUILDING PAPER 0/ 1/2" Pl\WOOO ON EXTERIOR SIDE, REFER TO EXTERIOR aEVATIONS FOR EXTERIOR FINI~ ◊ I I ~ ~ ~EMENT FLOOR PLAN - UNIT SOUARE FOOTAGE -BASEMENT ABCO TOTAL HABITABLE 239 217 226 295 977 SF NON HABIT ABlE- CONOITIONEO NON HABITABLE- NON CONDmON[D TOTAL 191 148 131 165 635 SF 484 546 549 485 2064 SF 914 911 906 945 3676 Sf 1 fB 0 . . I I I I I FUU.SlZE~J/15"•_!~" Project: 1lE TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS COPOS-06 CP0502 SOP 0508 245 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 X onsultonts: --... ca«&-41'MIT8MIDAV91.N! .....,. .. _ ,..,_ --.......... ,.._ ---.. , .. _,._ T,'1111111\.an f.Pll).,.ztll ....... ...... ...,,,. ... ___ ..,. ....,_,. ... T-(,..~ ,...,_ ATB.ERX -.... ~,.-_,._ T•Pli'..._, - No. Date Re'f"&on ()AT[ Cf-~: 11 MAY2005190CTOS Designed tr, ATELIERX Ora.n by RFDN Dote Checked DZ Dote • ISSUE llAJE: • LAND USE RESUBMITTAL 20 December 2005 I I -~7\z L __ ~ :1~ ® -r ' 1· ~ ______ i-. Boel.• 11211 ~•~ P:vail ' AP~ 20&-02(H)l NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION AX_ ProJed No 2004-6 Address 2'5TAI.WIARCl(AVf.~E.CAAC.SSADCAUOO& ~A'§~~ENT FLOOR PLAN Drawing No.: A-1 Sl!Nts It\ Contn,ct 8 of 14 ~1 f ii:. 'r J,; i1 ll• i "' L A1 B'-8" 14'-4" 5'-4" 2'-4" A2 B1 Cl 5'-4" B'-8" 5'-4" B'-8' 14'-4" 2'-4 14'-4' 2'-4 B3 C1 C3 NOTES: I. REFER TO A-1 FOR lYPIC>J. NOTES ~ 1£GEND 5'-4" 01 --7 B'-8" 14'-4' t-, 03) (04 UNIT SQUARE FOOTAGE -FlRST FLOOR ABCO TOTAL H.\BITABUE 624 615 609 616 2464 Sf NON HABITABlE-CONDITIONED NON H.\BITABl.£-NON CONDITIONED TOTAL 286 260 260 217 I02J Sf 88 57 57 11 I JlJ Sf 998 932 926 944 3800 Sf 0"= ecoc,ser;p a ' " f\JU. SIZE SCALE: J/W'" 1'-o• l Project: ll£ TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS COPOS-06 CP0502 SOP 0508 245 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA 92008 X Consultants: --"""'""--.,..,._,..... .....,,,._ ,.,.,_ --CM.-,.._ ---""" _,,._ T-(11qU\..an' F-17111•~ ........ .....,_ ... ......... ....,_ .. _ T•'7'IOI--S""'- ATEl£RX -,.,_,_ _,,._ f•(lal__, - No. Dale Rewion DATE" (j"-PRtf'mAliON: 11 MAY 200519 OCT 05 Designed by ATELIER X Drown by RFON cio1e Checked o~ Date · rssur CATE. LAND USE RESUBMITTAL 20 December 2005 -n=:= ---II ~ 1~1; I ~ I < L I w ___ I u ® -, I ;· ______ i-, Bloc:k,1 0;20• \.all 0-1 P-I APt-1 20M120-0:3 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Kl. Project Na· 2004-6 Ad~_;_ 10TA.W,R,l,RCl{AVEMIE Ci\RC.SBAOCA~ f1Flsf" FLOOR PLAN Drawing No.: A-2 9 of 14 Al J •• ~-+=+u I -~-.. --- 29'-8" 11·-,· 8'-8" 8'-8" J~i" ~~- ~-~·':'H -' •• J ~ ~ -.B&tO~[ 0 = o I .1 ~ !kW· ·!kW ~ !{1 rem · ~~ = ~ = DINING AREA :: HH WK WlNOOW SrAT WINOOW S[AT WINOOW SrAT \ooruNE·O: ROOF ABOit 8'-8" 14'-4" 5•_,. 5'-4" 8'-8' _!i_'c-1' 8'-8" 2'-4" 141-4· 2'--t. 14'-4" 2'-4 L Al A2 B1 B3 c, C3 D1 I. REFER TO A-I FDR TYPICAL NOfES & LEGEND 8'-8" 13'-6" ◊~◊ ~ ~ = DINING AREA WlNOOW SrAT 5'-4" 13'::_6" 8'-8" D5 ·'f1 e --4 I ' I H'-,t.• I I I 2'-4 D3 D4 T UNIT SQUARE FOOTAGE -SECOND FlOOR A 8 C D TOTAL HABITABLE 632 620 613 664 2529 Sf NON HABITASL(- CONDITIONED 236 254 254 241 985 Sf __ j_ NON HABITABLE-130 57 57 111 355 Sf NON CONDITIONED TOTAL 998 931 924 1016 3869 Sf fB G)SECOND FLOOR PLAN· 0 • • FULL SIZE SCALE J,116" • 1•-0• Project: Tl£ TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS CDPOS-06 CPOS02 SDPOS08 245 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 A1ELIER ATB.ERX X -., __ -"-'·•--_... Consultonts· --........... 0,WIITGMIIAV9Q. -"-,..,_ --CM.EIGEt ..,_ ---.... , ......,, .. _ T-1,..,1,1-1111 ...,.._,...,_ I •...:llflDO 111=-I ==- ' I N• ""' Re-kion °'Tt CF PREPNU!TION: 11 MAY 200519 OCT 05 Designed tr, ATELIER X Drawn by RFDN Dote Chttkcd DZ Dote • fssiJCIJAl£: -LAND USE RESUBMITTAL 20 December 2005 -n=--II ,~~ I ~ I < L___ I © -, ' ;· ______ i __ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION fl. Projed No 2004 6 Ad~ress i◄5ToWAAAAGICAVEMU£ CARL~BAOCO:OOS §'e&J~D FLOOR PLAN Drawing No,: A-3 10 of 14 10-4-- 0 ' '" A1 ·-o 8'-8" ROOf'OECK. •. g<s·.i10·5... . . (, ,,.):-(, ~ ·'r;b.X . ~ .. 3/.,l A3) (81) (82 C1 C2 D1 29'-8' 1s•-4• 6'-8" _i 6'-Q" 1~·-,· !!'_-]!_" 8'-8" 13•-,· 8°cJl" 1-----------:i I -I - I I I GREAT ROOM I I 6Mli I ~ I I ~ROOM -11 -- --I .\-\+----1 I 'r 1': 1'i' ~ -\ r;:: I I I l------1-~ .... I I I I 1[ 'H.. J 11------ I t_ -----I O ~I .r+- 8'-8" H'.-i' _§_'ci" 5'-f 2'-4" A1 A2 B1 [ ______ ] 8'-8' ~-4" 14'-4" 2'-4 B3 C1 L ____ J -\OUTLINE OF ROOF ABOVE 14•_4• 8'-8" 2'-4' C3J lD1 I. REFER TO A-1 FOR TYPICAL NOTES & LEGEND 8'-a· D2 lJ'-6' GREAT RQQM e.rull'./ I D5 13'-6' ''f 'a! I I ------I ! L __ _. -3 ______ J . ~-~ 5'-!" Jl'-Q" 14'-4" 2'-4' D3) lD4 UNIT SQUARE FOOTAGE -MEZZANINE A 8 C 0 HABITABLE O O O 0 TOTAL 0 Sf NON HABITABLE- CONlliTIONEO NON HABITABLE- NON CONDITIONED 79 71 71 92 313 SF 117 95 9S 150 m SF TOTAL 196 166 166 242 770 Sf 01£...<w:m'"'"'-""!PLA N• FULL Slzt SCAL(: J/16" • l'-0" Pro1ect: llE TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS COPOS·06 CP0502 SDP0508 245 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 X Consultants: ---OCNU. ... . ..,. ......... _ .. _ ,_.._ --..... .._ ,.._ ---.... ........ -T•171l174Mm ,.(JIil .. ~ --a,aa,.....,. ... ___ ..., _,._ T•l7lll--.... - ATELERX -N--_,._ T•~__, - ... llol, Rt:YtS.on Dtilf CJ" PREPAAAD)N; 11 MAY 200519 OCT 05 Designed lrJ ATELIER X Orown by RFD~ .,_ Dote Checked DZ -------O01e • ISSUE IWE: • LAND USE RESUBMITTAL 22 FEBRUARY 2005 -~c--==i-11 ~ I ~ I : L__ I ® ---r I I ---I -----, llod<tc:!O•LO;•C3P#COIIA.PH~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION IJ. Pro~ Ho 2004.S Address: 2,stAWJW1C1CAVU.UE.CAR1.!l!IADCAi:roo. ~~NINE FLOOR PLAN Drawing No.: A-4 11ot 14 0--· 0--· 0- 0- - (Ai) 2·-I n I 8'-_ll_" _! ,---. !lQ.QL.JliQ$ .-if" '9 '" I - [ ''\' !e -r ..... "' ~ 'i' ~ 'i' "' 8'-8' dv 15'-4" IC l DS1L I 11'-4" 2'-4' ~ ~ 6'-8" c;v ,._.-~ I I . -I 15'-4" i i i i i i 0 0 IE ~ R l ~ ~ f-1 I "' 5'-4" 5'-4" H'-4' @ 8'-8' ~ 8'-8' ? ROOF 'DECK 7'6i ·. () 0 ,• . DS ~I 8'-8' 5•.4• 2'~ dv fN • ROOF \WT REFER ro OS • J' CALVIMZED PIPE DOWN SPOUT CONNECT TO STORM DRIJNS\'SlOI D l q'-4' 8'-8" ~ 8'-8' @p 1J'c6" 13'-6' ~ f I i :r ;__:.;!._ ~ llQQE..Jl£CK· • --k ?'Bi . _12·1r . 0 . . 0: .·,. ... ' ·m . . . ' . ,• . ,: . •,. . -f-( Rl E l T ;;; . 1~ ~ I -------;--{ I ~I l~S ! -------{ O\JTU~ OF WALL aaow 8'-8' 5'-4" 8'-8' 14'-4' 14'-4' 2'~~ 2'~~ STAMJ~G 5fAM MET/J. ROOF, GALVM.UME FlN~H 1. REfl:R TO A-1 FOR TIPICAL NOTES & LEGEND 0 ROOFPLAN· ~ (}) FUU. SIZE SCALC: J/16" • 1'-0- Project: Tl£ TAMARACK BEACH LOFTS CDPOS-06 CP0502 SOP 0508 245 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ATELERX X -I\ITMlJflJi0(A'8&1[ onsultonts: --MCCO.,.TNI CNffaMCIAVN.11: _"_ ,.,.._ --CM.-... _ ---""'' -Q-T•CMIMl-.-r F-(Mla1.ztll -"""""-... . _,. ... ....,_ .. _ T•OIC\-- S ... - ----T•("'fOI-MI - No. ~ Re-.ision !YiTECf~. 11 MAY 2005/9 OCT 05 Designed b'f ATELIER X Orawn by -RFDN • Dote Checl:ed DZ----Dote · ISSUE 11\Jf: • LAND USE RESUBMITTAL 22 FEBRUARY 2005 i --1-··-: i~--il~ :~ I< L ' --~---~-----·T-;·· ------L7 lllockl !llO Leu 03 -I APN ~ --·-·----- NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION >J. Proj!d No· 2004-6 ~dress: 2•5ToWAIWICKAV£HJE.CAAUl!ACICA,:io:!S ~,· FLOOR PLAN Drawing No.: A-5 12 of 14 .. NOTES: 1. COMPLIES WITH THE CARLSBAD HEIGHT OROll'W-fCE 21.04 06S, ANO THE BEACH AREA O'IERIAY {BAO) ZONES ORDINANCE 2 I 82.0SO. , .. ,. ROOF~ llECK :c ,,__------=•-----· ~ FllST ---FLOOR Pro1ect: Tl£ TAMARACK COPOS-06 CP0502 SOPOSOS BEACH LOFTS 245 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ATB.ERX X -NtlMIM:IClWllf. ..._ .. _ onsultonts: --..,coa,,,,. ----,....... ..._, .. _ '""'---..... .._ ... _ __ ...,. ""'' _..,_ T•'7'1'11tl-lllT F-(111)•.za ....... ....... ....,.. ... ___ .,. .,_, .. _ T•CJlll&n. ,,.._ No. °"" T•(!IIJCMars - R~v.sion DATE OF PREPAAATIOH: 11 MAY 200519 OCT os Designed by ATELIER X 0-Cwn by -RFON Dote Checked oz Dale • ~sutll.\TE: • LAND USE RESUBMITTAL 22 FEBRUARY 2005 i --r----:, ~ ______ __J z i L----.--1 @ ! ________ [ kldress. 2'5T.w,,.R,,\RCl{AVl:NJ£.CARt.SBAOCl.9:00S Drewing No.: A-6 13 c, 14 NOTES: 1. COYPUES WlTH THE CARLSBAD HEK;HT ORDINANCE 21.04,065, AND THE BEACH MlEA OVERlAY (BAO) ZONES ORDINANCE 21.82.050. STAIUSS 3TEB. ~EYR.UE ------- ~=~ l-i:ri;\~t'.:;\J ~ --~DEg{ ___ t··-· ::: I I ~1 ·-t~f!.~---- ~ 0~PHT.H ELEVATION Project: Tl£ TAMARACK COPOS-06 CP0502 SOP 0508 BEACH LOFTS 245 TAMARACK AVENUE. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 X onsultants: --......... ,,.. 41'..-rllWIIAWU! -. .. -,.,., ..... --""""""' ... _ ----""'' ......,,._ T,'19'11'1-Sf F-(111)111-Nf ---...... ....,.. ... ----....,_,._ T•(lllll---•"'"- No. Date ATELERX -l\lw,MJQC.l.\ellt -"-T,(IIIJQl.ai - ReYis,on !YITE Cl" PREP.ARATION: 11 MAY 200519 OCT 05 Designed by ATELIER X Draw~ RFDN ~ --bOFe Checked oz -Dote • ISSUfOIJE: • LAND USE RESUBMITTAL 22 FEBRUARY 2005 --T i i----------::--1·1 ~ t~ i § I__ ' ~ ® ------··:·-' u i -_______ [_7 Addr~• 2•~lMIARAAf.ltAV'EMI! C".ARI.SUOC.A'®OII Drawing No.: A-7 Sli•l•lnConb'oc1· 14af 14