HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2021-0029; Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc; 2023-0189405; Certificate of Compliance/Non ComplianceDOC# 2023-0189405 1111111\11\1111111\111 \I\\ 1111\11111\ \\II\ 11\1111\\11\111111111\\1 \II\ RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Jul 19, 2023 01 :34 PM OFFICIAL RECORDS JORDAN Z. MARKS, City of Carlsbad SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER FEES: $32.00 (SB2 Atkins: $0.00) Land Development Engineering WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: PAGES: 7 City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 ---~-------~-----SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE----- ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: ________ _ 209-120-23-00 and 209-120-24-00 PROJECT ID.: _,S=D~P~2=0=2~1_,-0~0=29~------- COC 2022-0011 PROJECT NAME: lonis Pharmaceuticals Lots 21 and 22 LOT/PARCEL:6 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR ADJUSTMENT PLAT (Section 66412(d) of the Government Code) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Government Code Section 66412(d) and to the provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and upon application of the undersigned owner(s) of record, the following lot line adjustment is hereby approved by the City of Carlsbad by its city engineer. OWNER(S): lonis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. A Delaware Corporation DESCRIPTION: (See Exhibit "A" attached. Exhibit "B" is attached for clarity only.) NOTE: The description in Exhibit "A" attached has been provided by the owner of the property, and neither the City of Carlsbad nor any of its officers or employees assumes responsibility for the accuracy of said description. This certificate of compliance shall have no force and effect unless deeds reflecting the new boundaries are recorded pursuant to Government Code Section 66412(d). This certificate of compliance shall in no way affect the requirements of any other county, state, or federal agency that regulates development of real property. Date: Ja n S. Geldert, Engineering Manager RCE 63912 Exp. 9/30/2024 PARCEL A EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION coc 2022-0011 LOTS 21 AND 22 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO CT 97-13-03, CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH PHAS E 3, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 16145, FILED IN TH E OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DI EGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 16, 2016 AS DOCUMENT 2016-7000438 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. CO NTAINING 364,649 SQUARE FEET (8.371 ACRES) EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. ~It/( LS 9323 MAXIMILIAN LEBL, PLS 9323 tf/~/?a/3 • DATE EXHIBIT "B" PLAT coc 2022-0011 CURRENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 21 AND 22 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO CT 97-13-03, CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH PHASE 3, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 16145, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, OCTOBER 16, 2016 AS DOCUMENT 2016-7000438 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBERS LOT 21 209-120-23-00 LOT22 209-120-24-00 OWNER APPLICANT (EXISTING LOTS) LOTS 21 & 22 IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC, A DELAWARE CORPORATION 2855 GAZELLE CT c~~ ELIZA TH L HOUGEN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT & &Ll~K..A CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER • PASCO LARET SUITER I fo\SSO C!#\llES San Diego I Encinitas I Orange County Phone 858.259.8212 lwww,plsaengineering.com PLSA 3925 VICINITY MAP BASIS OF BEARINGS THE NORTH LINE OF MAP 16145, IE: N89°28'01"W ~ MAXIMILIAN LEBL, PLS 9323 DATE:/,(/ 7 /VJu? APPROVED BY: JASON S. GEL RCE 63912 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT SHEET 1 OF 3 EXHIBIT "B" PLAT coc 2022-0011 MA P 14926 OPEN SPACE (N 89°28'01" W 534.73') ~----~~~--------~-----BASIS OF BEARINGS MAP 14926 OPEN SPACE PARCEL 2 PM 21742 LOT 22 APN:209-120-24-00 (N 51 °50'04" W (R)) /:7( LOT 24 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE --------CENTER LINE ---------ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE -----------------LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED ( ) RECORD PER MAP 16145 PASCO LARET SUITER ~ $).~~OltC!#\llE~ San Diego I Encinitas I Orange County Phone 858.259.82121 www.plsaengineering.com SCALE= 1" = 150' PLSA 3925 APPROVED BY: JASON S. GELD RCE 63912 LOT 25 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT SHEET 2 OF 3 EXHIBIT "B" PLAT coc 2022-0011 LINE TABLE CURVE TABLE L 1 -(N 14°22'52" W 69.95') L2 -(N 16°08'49" W 32.60') L3 -(N 20°33'19" E 121.02') C 1 -(L=683.81' R=786.00' 0=49°50'48") C2 -(L=333.81' R=786.00' 0=24 °20'00") C3 -(L=350.00' R=786.00' 0=25°30'48") REFERENCES MAP 16145 EASEMENTS OF RECORD 0 0 0 0 RELINQUISHMENT OF ACCESS RIGHTS PER MAP 16145 RECORDED OCTOBER 13, 2016 PER DOCUMENT NO 2016-7000438 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SIGHT DISTANCE CORRIDOR EASEMENT PER MAP 16145 RECORDED OCTOBER 13, 2016 PER DOCUMENT NO 2016-7000438 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. EASEMENT LIMITS WITHIN COMMON AREAS FOR UTILITIES, LANDSCAPING, IRRIGATION, DRAINAGE/OTHER FACILITIES, INGRESS, EGRESS FOR PEDESTRIANS & MAINTENANCE ETC FROM BACK OF CURB TO TOPS OF SLOPE RECORDED FEBRUARY 5, 2007 PER DOCUMENT 2007-0081082 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ADDITIONAL NON PLOTTABLE EASEMENTS EXIST WITHIN THE PROPERTIES FOR STORMWATER BASINS IN COMMON AREAS; NON EXCLUSIVE UTILITIES, DRAINAGE, EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS; SIGNAGE AND INGRESS EGRESS FOR MAINTENANCE. PRIVATE ACCESS & MAINTENANCE EASEMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 1, 2018 PER DOCUMENT NO 2018-407532 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SAID EASEMENT HAS LARGE ERROR IN CLOSURE. EASEMENT SHOWN IS APPROXIMATE. APPROVED BY: // f' I J A 4/~t /IA7 JASON S. GEU1ERT, CITY ENGINEER RCE 63912 PASCO LARET SUITER LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT £?i fo\~~(D)C !~llE~ San Diego I Encinitas I Orange County Phone 858.259.82121 www.plsaengineering.com PLSA 3925 SHEET 3 OF 3 CALIFORNIA ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 880ll00CO:OC8'(H80 D D BIOOOl.)800 D I I a 181)8800:c BO 8880088808'0:8088ft OU IOBOO( D ll800Cl D D D D O D-80 E J l80 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California '::::: • County of ~~ __L,21 E;.C.Q On .:::S--uue g, 2,bZ,3 before me, ____3,u..~:!.!...J~__Jl..!-......i.J..ll....,=~.u.."'"~....1....:!,,J.1,£...1.[::!l,a,..._.!.J"4J~.&...- Date '-.--:::- personally appeared _ __.l_---...,1.,.l......__.,-z;p.-=._,~......,_,__.__.__t......,...:e.1.«""'l/,._..,..._E,._ .... ),J=---------------- Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(~ whose namevr, is/a~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that ~/she/they executed the same in kf's/her/t~ir authorized capacity(i~. and that by trt's/her/th~r signature~ on the instrument the person(.i?', or the entity upon behalf of which the person(7J acted, executed the instrument. Place Notary Seal and/or Stamp Above I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. OPTIONAL Completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: _ _._f.SOEC..!~:>a.cl-J.:u/ur3....._.1_,_r _ _.7s......,_ _________________ _ Document Date: _______________________ Number of Pages:__,~=---- Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: _,__H,---'-'-'~='._M....!..!....I ... LcLJIAc::u..,I\...._J---=~=--=---------------- Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: €J..J 'ZA:Aelf/ Hc;,u4e,J IM"Corporate Officer -Title(s): FE.UP { eFQ □ Partner -□ Limited □ General D Individual D Trustee D Other: □ Attorney in Fact □ Guardian or Conservator Signer is Representing: _;r;...,.ON~ ... f-.S.__ ____ _ P~A~Tl4A:L$, ~, Signer's Name: □ Corporate Officer -Title(s): ______ _ □ Partner -□ Limited □ General □ Individual □ Attorney in Fact D Trustee □ Guardian or Conservator D Other: Signer is Representing: _________ _ 881111:1188Ht DQII088ll11111ij11~:8 0:o88ffll EP 1:ta IIOll D D Ml81DQQ~~0:0:8111:111811] D D D EP llll0000008:0:000:0:0:11:88 ©2018 National Notary Association CALIFORNIA ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 000=00:rna:o:o o t1:o e:o 0111 m 1:0:00:0:000:000:00 0:o:o~ooo:1aaat00:o o:om o c o c 001es@11:e e 1 1 ttOOcfl:QODarl m uo 01~ A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California } County of \,, )Q.M !J 1-t) l) On ~ u ½ l 06 ( 1o?c 3 before me, tPC£./AtA & lll twl k N o:ta f'_j Date Here Insert Name andTit/J of the Officer personally appeared -'s,"'--'<-)_,.O&N),...,,,,::L..1._---==S""'--,---1b£,_,,,_=-.,l'""~=-~--------------- Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. eeeeeeee~ CECELIA FERNANDEZ Notiry Pu_blic • Cililornii x San 011!90 County f. Commission# 233◄735 ~ y Comm. Expires Oct 30, 202◄ Place Notary Seal and/or Stamp Above I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature --~-+..,-~£...:=--f:,,;<-L-•--~~""-'.....,::.....<.---,--- Signature of N~ry Public~ OPTIONAL Completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: ___________________________ _ Document Date: _______________________ Numberof Pages: ____ _ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: _______________________ _ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ____________ _ Signer's Name: □ Corporate Officer -Title(s): _______ _ o Corporate Officer -Title(s): _______ _ □ Partner -□ Limited □ General o Partner -o Limited □ General □ Individual □ Attorney in Fact o Individual o Attorney in Fact □ Trustee o Guardian or Conservator o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator □ Other: □ Other: Signer is Representing: _________ _ Signer is Representing: _________ _ ©2018 National Notary Association