HomeMy WebLinkAbout5825; 0; OCEAN VIEW ESTATES; 01-03OCEAN VIEW ESTATES We hereby certify that we are the -nera of or are interested in the land e ■braced within the Subdivision to be known as Ocean View Estate• and we hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this ■ap conaiating of 3 aheets and deacribed in the caption thereof. We hereby dedicate to public use Janis Way, Avondale Circle, Bedford Circle, and also dedicate the eaae■ents for the usea ahowa and Lot 'A',•• shown on said Map. We, the undersigned, the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co■pany, a Corporation, hereby certify that we are interested in the land embraced within the Subdivision to be known as Ocean View Estates, by virtue of an eaae ■ent recorded in Book 76351 Page 92 of Official Records in +l\c Of.l\c.e oi the Covn./ 'f R(l~d,,.,. Of 541'1 Dl<fJOU1c.J>'\+<j, StG.re o{Cafitorn:o) Qnd W4 b,,,by consef\4 fo tt-\6 p rcpflra f 10n and rar.ord afiop al +his ,,.,qp Consist;,., of 3 shta+s «nd. CW~rioca' ii\ +h¢ Oa,:,/-iord·hu4'of)suh/4G-I to S<11d414'_,,,; q rid all r i 'lhfs arv.'Cif44 +hdrtun4«"; il'IC,i ud,n,1cvt n~ !iP1ifadio+h. rt3h+ -lo ropair. r, Gl:J'I'!) +-ru~t1 re P,(o,c,, ope t'Q'H ca nd main r -.i r. wil-h~ di~ -1-urbiii ra1 +h,:, Co,..t) orv 1!, /.c.c.i l,ifd, 0:+ +~41rp,..fltlnr /0'-t:1",·-n:1 ,u,tl tr/4vtff,o~~ Wtrlt{n 64,'t/ suoct1"(sio11. T~E PACI I= IC TELE' f'J.joNc .4NO 'TELEGRAPH CoMPAN'I II corpu,-1/on 11o1aL.±---' Gtzn11r11/ P/11,?I A,,/11,1" ,,,,-KAMAR CONSTRUCTIUl'i CO., l~C., ~ California Corporation ;fr7 ~6,5,.f-'. ~ KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO., a Co-Partnership ~f.~k •~.rf.~ State of California County of San Diego ••· .cJ.. ~ On thia ,il,/ 3r day of4~,6r , 19 ,, , Before ■e, the undersigned, a Notaryu lCin and forsaid County and State, personally appeared Robert L. Watson, known to ■e to i,., ti,., _.ei:iarai Partner of the Li ■ited Partner- ship that executed the within inatru■ent, and acknowledged to •e that such General Partnership executed the sa■e. IN WI TNE:SS \',HEREOF, I have hereunto aet my hand and affixed my Official Seal in said County and State the day and year in this certificate first above written. My Co11ml. ssion expires 9Yz u J/1, /ffe 7 County and State BASIS OF BE:ARINGS The bearing of the Easterly line of Thu■ Lands shown as N 23° 33' Won Map No. 1681 was used aa the Basis of Bearings for this Map. T>-IE SOILS iNVESTIGA1IOt-J 'PREPARED e,y E. BR\AN SMnl-\, DRe=.SSEL>-IAUS ENG\t-JEcl'<S AND REPOR, RCE \~,817, WAS OF Being a Subdi vi aion of a portion of Lot "J", of Rancho Agua Hadionda ,·,.,Ji,. C-+, of Cvls~;C .. +,-1 ~ f)i-,o I State of C.lifornia, according to Partition M.ap No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, Nove ■ber 16, 1896, and all of Lot 50 of C.rlsbad Gardens Unit No. 2, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State ~f C.lifornia, according to Map thereof No. 4051,_filed in the Office of.the County Recorder of said County, January 8, 1959, as delineated on aheet ~ nera1n. No. 847170 Title Insurance and Trust Co■pany nereby certifies that accordiag to the Official Record• of the County of San Diego, RAYBOB, a Li■ited Partnership, as owner and Oceanside Finance Co■pany, a corporation, a ■ Trustee under thoae certain Deeds of Trust recorded February 26, 1965 •• Pile No. 34130; June 10, 1965 a• Pile No. 103226; and June 10, 1965 as File No. 103227 all of Official Record• in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Calif om ia, were on the /9 ~ day of ;]t:i"-', , 196 7 , at S o'clock ft .M. , al 1 the parties hiving any recor title interest in"tne land subdivided by mi aap, other than the San Diego Gaa & Electric Co■pany, a corporation, a• holder of that cert.in eaae■ent recorded in Book 7635, Page 455 of Official Records; and Pacific Telephone an~ Telegraph Co■pany, a corporation, as holder of that certain ease■ent recorded 10 Book 7635, Page 92 of Official Records; .,,, i:,,.,,,,,. C,,,.4,kr,el,~,, Co; z..~.,.C.l,lo,,.,1 &o,~J,o,, •ndKa,,.ar Cb.) 11 Co·l'irl,-,1r,Fhip 8 s h old,,6 ol l-h11 ,t ,,,,,ra,,i Ill#,.,,,,..., rec,,rJ1, "'°"'' j ,S~o .i1S /i Jt. ,.,,,., . t,?715 -Slr,'14 f ltMM: 4'9 ,.._ ot' N'-+,"e.ilt said ea se■en t • can ripen into a fee . IN WITNESS WHEREOF said Title Insurance and Tl-u•t Coapany h&a cauaed thia inatru■ent to be executed under ita corporate n-e and aeal by ita proper officer~ thereunto duly authorized the day a■d year first above written. TITLE INS~ ANDTRUST ca.tPAMY By (A·~esidant By ~'-~-~ la1ata■t Secretary I, j~A~tJE e J.~ , City Engineer of the City of C.rl abad, State of California,ereby certify that I have exa■ined the annexed -p of thia aubdiviaion to be known as Ocean Vie~ Estates, consisting of 3 sheet• aad deacribed in the caption thereof, and have found that the deaign is aubstantially the aaH •• it appeared oa the Tentative Map and any approved alterations thereof; that all the proviaions of the "Subdivision Map Act" of the State of California, a• a■ended, and any local ordinance• of said City applicable at the ti■e of the approval of the Tentative Map have been co■plied with, and I a■ satisfied that aaid Map ia technically correct, I llereby approve and reco-end said Map. Dated: /2 /22/,r, l.)~ CJ>~ ' ' City g\nee·~.E. No. Approved and re C o■ae nded t hi• /?:7/;day of Alve.-41~ 19 66 ' after exa■i •- at ion of map and certificates thereon.' (:jQ!_~ CITY PLANNING COlMlSSI~N_g o1r77 ~( ~ By JJ~~ S:,. "1,<.. G,~ Attest:_,/ -...._ "'-0 C ir .. n cratary I, Prank C. Rice, City Treaaurer of the City of Carlsbad, State of California, hereby certify that there are no lien• for unpaid City tax~• or unpaid bond• iaaued under any i■prove■ent act or i■prove ■ent bond act of the State of California ahowiag on the books of this office, except taxes not yet payable against tile trac;~t or sub- division or any part thereof shown on this aunexad -p ano ae;;;i:f: in the ca ion toereof . u,1(,,1'-I fr IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have he re unto set ■y hand t hi• day of ot/6 rt ~f.-. l~. ~ (r;_' <'."'cr#.a ■urer £. r~ ApprQved as to for■ thia /G71 day of.Alovt;:.>1.8£.e., 19a{; • ~PM;i~n.~y I, Margaret£. Ad-•• City Clerk of tne City of C■rlabad, Stat• of C.liforaia, hereby certify that the Council of said City has approved this -p of "Ocean View Eatatea" conaiating of 3 sheets and described in the caption thereof, and haa accepted oa behalf of the public Jania Way, Avondale Circle, Bedford Circle, the e■ae-nta for the u ae a shown, and al ao accept•, but not for public u ae , Lot "A" , a a shown on aa id )lap, IN WI'n!ESS WHEREOF, said Council haa caused these present• to be executed by 1:he City Clerk and atteated by it• aeal thia 22-, d&y of O•c~f"I brr , 19~. MAP State ef Califoraia County of Saa Diego ••· SHEET I OF 3-SHEETS -- I , Deuld H. Holly, a Lice a Nd Laad Surv• yor of tha State of Califonia, hereby certify that the aurvey of thi• aubdiviaioa -• Md• by H or u■dar ■y directioa i■ F£.P.,,, \rc:Gp ~ , and that aaid survey ia true aad coaple • •• a own. X Two (2) inch ire■ pipe, Twaaty-four (24) iacha• ia l•■--th haa been Ht at eaeh bound&ry corner and 1 will Mt 3/4 iach iro ■ pip••• aiJhteea (11) inches in length at all lot cor ■era, angle point ■ aJld poiata of curve witbia thirty (30) daya after co■pletion of the required i.aprove- -nta aad thair acceptance by tbe City of Carlsbad, aad a11eb aoau■eata are or will be aufficiaat to •-bla this aurvey to be retraced -d will occupy the position• ahow■ tbareoa. I, A.S. GRAY, Couaty Recorder of tne County of Sa■ Diego, State of Califoraia, hareby approve the •••e Ocean View Estate• for the Subdivision shown o■ tne annexed up, coaaisting of 3 aheets, and described i■ tile caption thereof. Date ,}'l[c,llt{UM ~ lf?66 State of C.lifornia County of Sa■ Diego •• A.S. GRAY, Couaty Recorder We, County Treasurer of the Qounty of Saa Diego, State of C.lifornia, Cou ■ty ~~f aaid County, aad Director of Special Diatrict Service ■ of said County hereby certify that there are no unpaid special aaa•■-•nt• or bond a which uy be paid in full, shown by tha boolta of our office• against the tract of subdivision or any part thereof shown o■ tba annexed -P and described in the caption thereof. Date__,1/~/'/,()=-,h~t:;...:.z _____ _ I ; Date __ 1_-_:)._-0;..-_,~z __ _ I Data ___ /_-~,;(,,_t?_~_t.,,__.7._ __ Stat■ •f Califonia •• Couaty of Sa■ Diego · DELAVAN J. DICK.Seti, County _ __..Trco.•••ur•r Byt? t:tf::;: tfrc1K.-" O.,, ,.__J ~puty D.K.A,P, C~nty i:#fi/,",/84'R. B ,, .• / ./,. ,/ y . ".;. Depuy" WARREN A. BARNEY, Director of Special District Service• By ~ ~ ,:J)/P '-•• . /7='if.puty I, Porter D. Crt .. na, Clerk of the Board of Super- viaora, hereby certify that tha proviaioaa of Chapter 2, Part 2, Diviaio■ 4, of tha Buaineaa and Profe ■aiona Code have bean coapliad with regarding depoaita for taxea on the property within th.ia Subdivision. PORTER D. CR.EMANS, Clark of ~rd of Supervisor• .~;a& ah2144'A / Pile No. /07/43_ 1, A.S. GRAY, Couaty Recorder of the County of Sa ■ Diego, State of C.lifor■ia, hereby certify that 1 have accepted for recordatio■ thia .. p. Piled at tha day of ,T/J:O((JARY A . W. ' Pee: $ '/. 00 request of Do .. ld H. Kolly, thia :?::£: , 1967 , at t?.',i?'7 o'clock, -r-/ / A, S. GRAY, County Recorder OCEAN State ef California•• Cou■ty of Sa ■ Diego · ~ 0a thia ,21,tf; day of ,/2tae k+ , 19"--, before-, the under1igned, a Notary Pu l c in ad for uid County a ■d Sta!!:Jeraonally appeared · n-n to -to be the ~-Preaident and.~~~~~~~~known to H to be the-:-=:-:-:--:--:--:~Secretary oft that executed the above certificate and knowa to H to be the peraon• who executed the above certificate on behalf of the corporation therein naaed and acknowledged to ae that auch corporation executed ■aid certificate purauant to ita By-Law• or a Reaolution of ita Board of Director•. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto Ht ■y ~ and affixed ay Official •••l in ■aid County and State the day and year in thia certificate f~•t abovej:itten. My co-i ••ion expire• JIM 1 5 4 er Ide, <E<9 /) /. <' l.'}J. I L ~) bftny fu-&'tt'c In an5 1or uid County and State State of California County of Saa Diego••• 0. thi• r,J.:,,_,; day of JJers'i'y , 19 "', be- fore ■e , the under •igned, a Notary Publ c in/nd loriid County and State, peraoaally appeared~~ 171 __ _ known to ■e to be the Preaid..-:t aat--~-(..:tc__ known to .. to be the:::::::::secretary oft e corporhlon that executed the above certificate and known to ■e to be the par1ons who executed the above certificate on .behalf of the corporation therein na■ed and acknowledged to ■e that such corporation executed 1aid certificate pursuant to it• By-Laws or a Re1olution of its Board of Director, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto Ht ■y hand and affixed ■y official aeal in ■aid County and State the day and year in thia certificate f~• above written. My Co-iaaio■ axpiraa ,;{tJ /9'70 ~; J:i:; fiu~flc tjn,£_".~id Couaty and State State of California County of San Diego••· J'2 before•~ ~~!•u&:'~ed,d:yN:~aryfut(&"t: ind f~rlCJ~,' Count and S~th pera9nally apP,aar. ad _ and ~~ . ~1h (,, 7l klfOWa ■e o t e artner■ oft eo.7arners Ip that executed within iaatru■aat, and acknowledged to ■e that au.ch Co-•aatt ■arahip executed the 1a ■e. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto ■et ■y hand and affixed ay Official 1eal in said Couaty aad State the day and year in thi1 certificate fir ■;above written. My Coaaiaaion expire• (k1 _ el O /9 2e g ; Q ««-;. ¥ t,~e~ fl4o"tary ,uhitc4Fand or Va County alld Stat■ MAP VIEW ESTATES SHEET 2 OF3 SHEETS -- \ \ \ \ I 4-I \ \ 1 I I \ I I --1--- ...__ --.alL!iiuiiW~iW...t:lu.t=-1 ,~,-, ,ra ••:•• !'~ ... i~ WAY FD. I._ \ QO"-t Pl Pi: T'-qGED L -~-1.. lSl"l ?e.~ t--1. .. -P """o, 4,0 e.t I: 0 0 ,ri C[) 4 • ill il ;z • Ill --- 8 LOO.o-o' 7 o(I • ,II " ➔ '• ···-~{~,~~t~,~· 2 N L..• 1 L,O' • ✓, 6 0 -0 0 . 0~ (i dl 0 N b. • ~, 0 4-01 "lO"I , R•'20,00' . L-=-"!.-4~091 9 c;.i,"" 0 39' 1::::,-4-ic~ (09, 44' 10 )...I, Q.G-0 5~· 5,4• ii; ·o II -. ,I) '9 -: r dl r- ) ·o .., 0 0 . 0 u'I " /JI ' ,<l " 2 109. ce,• 6-'2.'!i'··-~ Gl-.-!!i,'!5--.WI >~ "»;,,,~ A•~e•17.'411 Q • so.oo· L• ~?J.?,'!::i-' I I ~ =-se.~?:,' ... Q ... t:>•<2>~51' S5'1 \ t 'R • -4.&,oc' ... •·1 ~-~- '11' -ii\l "' /JI "' ~ • 19 0 -0 I" • {I l"I zl i " Ii 0 " () Ill Ill I c..'2 .oo' 17 14 ,.. l'I -- MAP I ' I I I L I ,•·. I I '0. \ I \ I \ _ _1---- \ ---- $€T 2• IROU PIP& CG,VTGREC> VITI/ OISC ST,4MPEO L . .I'. 25~0 AT ALL 60UA/0,4,tzY COR.A./€,i?S SNOIVN TNUS _____________ ___ SET /' /Raf/ PIPE CGA/ TGR.1:0 W/,T..V OISC STAMPt:O L . ..S: 2940 AT ALL LOT Co.QNE,es SNO ~,v T#llS --------------------0 FOUA./0 M4RKE:Rs 4.F /A/OIC4TGO, J...t:'IVA/ T#'US ____ • SET c:-K COA/CEET.G ~OA/UMi.VT CE,VTEREL) WIT# OISC 5TAUP£0 t..S: 2?40 AT STx'lrET :i IA.ITGA?SECT/OA./.S A.VO 8GylA/A./IA/<jS A,VO E',l.l' LJS OF CU RV.i S OF £' -S#'OIV,V TN'U5 ________ l::,. ... ~·, ·,.•: __ ... ... 1,..;_ ,·f ..... ·::; ~-· iJi : . ·-r .... .t... ~·F--0. 1:ii/4-"' 1 ao tJ p I Pow" .,. A.c; G a:o 12.'liiiii.. 1b2 PEiia R:.-c,,.. '. MA.-P 1-U:), I & 1, • 1:21-=-P I,. .. C1[" C> Pll:R" L1t9ew.c ..... A.so""", \J "'=-&· 5,-,1~4-• 'E l.o,. 'j ,s.~.: SCALlii 1•-501 I ·: 1...~ 4-e>f>-'~---,,di,-P ,·•·g : • I 1 ~ 0 r/1 10&-""'" .. )-1, is,.e,• '!5,~· 3-4-• I!.··•'!-" I.or DETAIL LOT 1A1 •NO -SCA.LE~ TJ/E b£C4£/.</f' OF T# E t:ASTl:RLY LJ~e OF T#UM' LA,l/L>S .S#O.VN AS N 2.:1-~.!>'IV 0.V MAP #• 1,:;.s1 WAS USEO AS T#E ,!!,AS"IS OF 4>RAliM<./•fS F0"7 Tl/IS MAR ~-,t ,/1 ~ • I) () ·o I" ~ <' "'