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I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FACILITIES FINANCING PLAN FOR LOCAL FACILITIES :MANAGEMENT ZONES 11 AND 12 CITY OF CARLSBAD April 13, 1992 Submitted by: Zones 11 and 12 Property Owners c/ o Fieldstone/La Costa Associates P.O. Box 9000-266 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Prepared by: Onaka Planning & Economics P.O. Box 230906 Encinitas, CA 92023-0906 (OPIE 103) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose and Use of Document 2. Areas Responsible for Facility Financing 3. Financing Method 4. Timing of Need II. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FINANCING III. FINANCING PLAN 1. City Administrative Facilities 2. Library Facilities 3. Wastewater Facilities 4. Park Facilities 5. Drainage Facilities 6. Circulation Facilities 7. Fire Facilities 8. Open Space 9. School Facilities 10. Sewer Facilities 11. Water Facilities APPENDIX A APPENDIX B Facility Areas of LFM Zones 11 and 12 List of Facilities Which Are Funded From City of Carlsbad Development Fees 1 Pa~e I-1 I-1 I-3 I-3 I-6 II-1 III-I III-6 III-7 III-8 III-10 III-14 III-38 III-62 III-65 III-66 III-68 III-79 -I LIST OF FIGURES I Page I 3-1 Facility Areas of Zones 11 and 12 III-5A 3-2 Drainage Basin Boundaries -Zone 11 III-18 I 3-3 Drainage Basin Boundaries -Zone 12 III-22 I 3-4 Sewer Basin Boundaries -Zone 11 III-71 3-5 Sewer Basin Boundaries -Zone 12 III-74 I 3-6 Water Service Area Boundaries -Zone 11 III-82 I 3-7 Water Service Area Boundaries -Zone 12 III-85 I I LIST OF TABLES I Page 1-1 Comparison of Annual Development Projected for I-7 I LFM Zones 11 and 12 2-1 List of Facilities for Zones 11/12 Special II-2 I Assessment District 3-1 Zones 11 and 12 Facility Requirements, Source of III-2 I Funds and Financing Guarantee A-1 Relationship of Facility Areas to LFM Plan for A-1 I Drainage, Sewer and Water Areas A-2 Facility Areas, Owners and Projects A-2 I I I I 11 II I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. INTRODUCTION 1. PURPOSE AND USE OF DOCUMENT This Facilities Financing Plan has been prepared in accordance with and in satisfaction of the r"luirement~ of the City of Garllbad Growth Milllagcmcnt frogram (Clrl!blll Municil)al Coot Section 21.90.010 et seq.) for Local Facilities Management (LFM) Zones 11 and 12 in the southeast quadrant of the City. This Plan describes the proposed financing method or methods for each of the facilities which are identified by the Zones 11 and 12 LFM Plans as required to meet the City's Growth Management Program Performance Standards. The financing method consists of: ( 1) Source of funds for construction of the facility. (2) Method of guaranteeing the availability of funds, if required. (3) Source of public funds from which reimbursement is made to the developer of the facility, if applicable. Separate LFM Plans were previously prepared for Zones 11 and 12. However, the two zones share responsibility for financing many of the facilities, particularly circulation and drainage facilities. For this reason, a single Facilities Financing Plan has been prepared for both zones. This document may be used in the following ways: (1) For Special Conditions as described in the LFM Plan of either Zone 11 or 12, Section III of this Plan describes the financing method and the subarea or subareas· responsible for providing the financing guarantee required by the Growth Management Ordinance. I-1 (2) For any development located in LFM Zones 11 and 12, Table 3-1 of Section III identifies facilities for which the developer must provide the financing guarantee. To facilitate use of this Plan, the Special Conditions of Zones 11 and 12 LFM Plans have been reproduced verbatim in Section III. They were obtained from the Zone 11 LFM Plan which was approved by Resolution No. 88-46 on February 23, 1988, and from the amended Zone 12 LFM Plan which was approved by Resolution No. 90-264 on August 21, 1990. This Plan is based on and is consistent with the information contained in the LFM Plans, with the following exceptions: (1) When available, updated cost estimates are used in place of estimates contained in the LFM Plans. (2) Updated information on development phasing is used. As a result, some threshold standards are satisfied for additional periods, extending the number of years until new facilities are required to be constructed. (3) An interim fire facility has been constructed to meet the City's Performance Standards. This Plan addresses financing of this facility from all benefitted properties within Zones 11 and 12. Cost estimates have been obtained from various sources, including the Zones 11 and 12 LFM Plans, the City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program, and estimates conducted for individual facilities by consultant registered engineers. The reader should keep in mind that these are estimates based on plans in various stages of development. Further cost analyses shall be conducted as additional planning and design information is made available. I-2 I I I I I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • 2. AREAS RESPONSIBLE FOR FACILITY FINANCING In order to clarify the responsibility of individual development projects to provide specific facilities identified in the Zones 11 and 12 LFM Plans, the two zones have been divided by this Plan into 15 Facility Areas, which are shown in Figure 3-1 of Chapter m. This figure is intended to assist the City and the property owners in the satisfaction of financing conditions of development. The Facility Areas are defined primarily to identify individual ownerships. They are also defined to correspond where possible to infrastructure service areas as described in the Zones 11 and 12 LFM Plans. The correspondence between Facility Areas and infrastructure service areas is shown in Table A-1 of Appendix A. Table A-2 of Appendix A lists the property owners and/or names of projects, which are located in Facility Areas, as of October 1991. 3. FINANCING METHOD The following sources of funds and financing guarantees are used in this Plan. The application of these funds or completion of specified actions identified as "financing guarantee" shall constitute the guarantee that facilities will be provided, as required by Section 21.90.080 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Developer Funding Under this method, the developer will fund and construct certain required facilities prior to or concurrent with development of his particular property. Facilities to be funded in this way are those which normally would be imposed as conditions of approval of a tentative map under the City's development review process. The financing guarantee shall be satisfied prior to the recordation of a final map by either (a) construction of the facility or (b) execution of an improvement agreement, subject to the approval I-3 of the City Engineer and in conformance with Sections 20.16.060 and 20.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. Zones 11 and 12 Special Assessment District The owners of vacant private property in Zones 11 and 12 will establish a special assessment district ('' Assessment District") to fund certain circulation facilities, specifically Rancho Santa Fe Road North, Rancho Santa Fe Road South, Olivenhain Road, and El Camino Real, subject to other terms and conditions of the Assessment District when formed. As an alternative source of funds, Calle Barcelona is proposed to be constructed by a separate assessment district or a community facilities district. Section II of this Plan provides a general description of the Assessment District. In determining the allocation of benefit of facilities to property, the Assessment Engineer shall not assign any costs for Calle Barcelona to property in Zone 11; furthermore, that portion of assessments to Zone 12 property due to Calle Barcelona shall not be permitted to pass through to the ultimate homebuyer, but shall be paid in full at the time of close of escrow for homes within that zone. In addition, because all facilities included within the Assessment District are not needed immediate! y, the Engineer's Report on the Assessment District shall contain specific provision for a phased sale of bonds to correspond to the time of need of the facility. To assist the City in determining the appropriate estimate of timing for the sale of bonds in phases, the property owners in Zones 11 and 12 have prepared an updated traffic study, which is submitted separately ("Circulation Facility, Local Facilities Management Plan, Zone 12," prepared by Weston Pringle & Associates, with an expiration date of June 30, 1993). This traffic study will be referred to in this Plan as the "Pringle Traffic Study." The Pringle Traffic Study is not intended to supersede the City's monitoring program for Growth Management, but is intended to supply a guideline of timing of need for facilities. l-4 I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The financing guarantee, required by the Growth Management Ordinance, for facilities to be funded by the Assessment District or a community facilities district will be satisfied by a successful formation of and participation in the district following a public hearing or by other guarantee which may be deemed acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. City of Carlsbad Community Facilities District No. 1 The City of Carlsbad has formed and voters have approved Community Facilities District No. 1 to fund construction of certain Citywide facilities, including a number of facilities which are required by the Zones 11 and 12 LFM Plans. The financing guarantee, required by the Growth Management Ordinance, for any of the facilities to be funded by Carlsbad CFD No. 1 is satisfied through participation in the district. Development Impact Fees Capital Improvement Programs of the City of Carlsbad and water and sewer districts contain plans to construct certain facilities including a number of facilities which are required by Zones 11 and 12 LFM Plans. The source of funds for these facilities are development impact fees which are collected at issuance of building permit. Facilities which are proposed to be funded directly from development fees include wastewater treatment facilities and two years' operating costs of the park and fire station. Por facilities which are proposed to be funded from development fees, payment of such fees will satisfy the private developer's financial obligation for these facilities, as long as the applicable Growth Management Program Performance Standards are satisfied. In the event that the applicable performance standards are not met and the City does not have sufficient funds to construct a required facility, the developer may elect to construct the facility 1-5 and be reimbursed by the City at a later date. Such reimbursement will be subject to conditions stated below. Reimbursement from City of Carlsbad Development Fee Fund If a developer constructs a facility which is included in a fee program (see Appendix B), he shall be reimbursed from the applicable fee fund, subject to the following conditions: • That sufficient, unobligated funds are available; • That the reimbursement is consistent with the priority of project funding within the Capital Improvement Program (1991-92 to Buildout); and • That the reimbursement shall not exceed the maximum amount budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program (1991-92 to Buildout). Parks Agreement The required guarantee of parks facilities shall be satisfied through the execution of an amendment to the existing Parks Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Limited Partnership, together with the payment of applicable Park-in-Lieu Fees and Public Facilities Fees by properties in Zones 11 and 12. 4. TIMING OF NEED The LFM Plans cite years by which individual facilities should be constructed in order to satisfy the Growth Management Program Performance Standards. The projected timing of need was based on an assumed phasing of residential and commercial development in Zones 11 and 12. This schedule was not realized due to various causes. In addition, the revision of the Zone 12 LFM Plan resulted in a lowering of the residential buildout total. For this Plan, the property owners provided updated phasing of development and buildout projections as currently anticipated. Table 1-1 compares the phasing and buildout used in this Plan versus that used in the 1-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 1-1 COl\fPARISON OF ANNUAL DEVEWPl\lENT I PROJECTED FOR LFM ZONES 11 AND 12 This Plan(a) 1988/1990 LFM Plans(b) I Year Residential Commercial Residential Commercial (DU) (Sq. Ft.) (DU) (Sq. Ft.) I 1987 0 0 383 0 1988 0 0 117 0 I 1989 0 0 432 46,885 1990 0 0 510 285,789 I 1991 0 0 725 285,789 1992 0 0 625 285,789 I 1993 499 0 590 Buildout I 1994 599 57,700 335 1995 599 133,900 207 I 1996 512 304,900 164 1997 456 189,400 72 I 1998 515 Buildout Buildout 1999 268 I 2000 152 2001 Buildout I Total 3,600 685,900 4,160 904,252 1987 Existing 1,169 0 1.169 0 I TOTAL 4,769 685,900 5,329 904,252 I (a) Preliminary estimates, subject to change. Data are from NBS/Lowry, "City of Carlsbad, Assessment District No. 91-1, ADT Allocation," February 6, 1992; property owners' estimates; and Onaka Planning & Economics. NBS/Lowry I estimates a total of 3,913 dwelling units within the proposed district boundaries, of which 212 units are in Zone 6 and 101 units allocated to MAG Properties are anticipated to be developed as commercial. I (b) From 1988 Zone 11 LFM Plan and 1990 Zone 12 LFM Plan (amended). I I-7 I two LFM Plans. Based on the revised phasing, the Pringle Traffic Study was performed and submitted separately to the City for information and review. The study indicated that many circulation facilities would continue to satisfy the Growth Management Program Performance Standards beyond dates indicated in the LFM Plans. This Plan utilizes the updated years of need to assist in the determination of timing of need and sale of bonds for the Assessment District portion of this Plan. 1-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II. SPECIAL ASSESSI\IBNT DISTRICT FINANCING A spec: al assessment district is proposed to be formed pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of .913, the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, the Integrated Financing Act, or a combination of thes1, a.cts ("Assessment District"). The proposed district would include all privately owned, undeve oped land in Local Facilities Management (LFM) Zones 11 and 12. The district would also inc lude properties in LFM Zone 6, for which the approval of tentative maps is or would be conditi1 med upon a fair-share contribution for the improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Road North to prirr e arterial standards. The facilities to be financed by the Assessment District and their estimat ~ costs are shown in Table 2-1. In addi ion to contributions from sources outside the proposed Assessment District noted in Table 2-1, cc ntributions for these facilities from other property owners and agencies may occur in the future. Such contributions would reduce in proportion the assessments made to properties in Zones 11 and 12. II-1 -- Table 2-1 LIST OF FACILITIES FOR ZONES 11/12 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT [All cost estimates are based on 1991 data.] Rancho Rancho El Camino Calle I Total W/0 Total W/ Santa Fe 01 ivenhain Santa Fe Real Barcelona I Calle Cal le Rd.(No. )(a) Road (b) Rd. (So. )(c) Widening(d) (e) I Barcelona Barcelona ----------·-·----··-----------------------·---------------------------------------------------------·------I------------------------ Year Cost Was EstilllBted Year Facility Wil I Be Constructed Facility Cost Cf) Total Cost in Current Ool lars Inflation at Annual Rate of 4.0% Total Cost in Inflated Ool lars less Contributions From City of Carlsbad CFO No. 1 CIP Project Ch) Vista Santa Fe (i) Total Cost to Be Funded From Bonds Issuance Cost as " of Issue C j) 31.0X Total Bond Issue Amount 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1995 1995 1997 1993 1993 42,003,516 13,322,368 6,063,601 1,679,535 7,774,288 7,134,657 2,262,918 1,608,789 137,050 634,382 ------------------------------------------------------------ 49,138,173 15,585,286 7,672,390 1,816,585 8,408,670 (g) (g > (g) 0 0 0 0 0 (110,000) 0 0 0 (236,000) 0 0 63,069,020 70,843,308 11,143,414 11,m,796 ---------------------- 74,212,434 82,621,104 (6,000,000) (6,000,000) (110,000) (110,000) (236,000) (236,000) 67,866,434 30,490,717 76,275,104 34,268,525 98,357,150 110,543,628 a. Cost estimates from Project Design Consultants, "City of Carlsbad Zones 11 & 12 Public Infrastructure Preliminary Cost Estimates," February 26, 1991. Includes grading acquisition and,irrprovements (Facilities 6.5 and 6.8; see Chapter Ill). b. Cost estimates from PDC, dated February 26, 1991. Includes widening, intersection irrprovement, hydrology study and a detention basin ( F ac il i ti es 5 • 1, 5 • 2, 6. 1 , and 6. 7) • c. Cost estimates from Rick Engineering, "Rancho Santa Fe Road South." February 15, 1991 (Facility 6.9). d. Cost estimates from POC, dated February 26, 1991 (Facility 6.11). . e. cost estimates from PDC, dated February 26, 1991. 5.15, 6.6, 6.12, 10.4, and 11.6). lncludees grading, irrprovement, and appurtenant work (Facilities 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, f. Facility cost includes construction cost, contingency, engineering design, bonds and fees. g. The allocation of the contribution by City of Carlsbad CFD No. 1 to Rancho Santa Fe Road North and South and Olivenhain Road will be determined by the assessment engineer. h. City of Carlsbad Capital lrrprovement Program, installation of traffic signals at El Camino Real and Calle Barcelona, funded by Public Facilities Fee. i. Represents the bond delivered by the developers of Vista Santa Fe for the construction of a portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road South. See additional discussion on Facility 6.9 in Chapter Ill. j. Includes 10X bond reserve, 2X underwriter discou,t, 2X issuance cost, 2 years of capitalized interest at 8.5X. II-2 ---.. ---.. -------- - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • ID. FINANCING PLAN This section describes facilities required by the Zones 11 and 12 LFM Plans, source of funds, and areas responsible for financing. A summary table (Table 3-1) and a diagram of Facility Areas (Figure 3-1) are followed by individual sections corresponding to categories of facilities defined by the Growth Management Program. If Special Conditions are contained in the LFM Plans, they are reproduced verbatim in this Section. The Special Conditions are shown in italics. These are followed by descriptions of financing methods for individual facilities. For Drainage, Circulation, Sewer and Water facilities, the financing method is described for each required facility. These detailed financing methods contain the following data: Special Condition Estimated Cost Source of Funds Financing Guarantee Responsible Area Reimbursement The identifying number of the special conditions referenced in the applicable LFM Plan. Cost contained in the LFM Plan or the most recent cost estimated as available. Costs are for construction cost with contingency, but nQ! including engineering, bonds, and fees. One or more of alternative sources described in Section I.3. Guarantee applicable to the selected source of funds, as described in Section 1.3 above. Facility Area or Areas which are required to fund or guarantee the facility (see Figure A-1 of Appendix A}. Reimbursement due the initial developer of the facility and the source of funds, if applicable. III-1 - FACILITY Table 3-1 ZONF.S 11 AND 12 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS, SOURCE OF FUNDS AND FINANCING GUARANTEE I FACILITY AREA RESPONSIBLE FOR FINANCING I 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I ZONE 12 I ZONE 11 I SOORCE Of FUNDS I A I B I C I o I E I F I G I H I I I J I K I L I M I N 10 I NOTE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 CITY ADMINISTRATION Carlsbad CFO No. 1/PFF C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F 2.0 LIBRARIES Carlsbad CFO No. 1/PFF C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F C/F 3.0 WASTEWATER FACILITIES 3.1 Leucadia CW Sewer Connection Fee F F F -F F F F F F F F F F F Ca) 3.2 Vallecftos W Sewer Connection Fee -F F -------Ca) 4.0 PARKS Alga Norte Park 4.1 Land Acquisition Developer p p p p p p p -p p p p p p p Cb) 4.2 Construction -19.48 ac Developer p p p p p p p -p p p p p p p Cb) 4.3 Construction -8.52 ac PFF F F F F F F F -F F F F F F F 4.4 Construction -7.0 ac PFF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 4.5 COIIIIPJl"lity Center PFF F F F F F F F -F F F F F F F 4.6 Operation Zones 6-11-12 LFM Fee F F F F F F F -F F F F F F F Carrillo Park 4.7 Construction -10.2 ac PFF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 4.8 Construction -8.7 ac PFF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 4.9 Macario Park Construction Carlsbad CFO No. 1 C C C C C C C -C C C C C C C 5.0 DRAINAGE 5.1 Hydrologic Study Incl. In Facility 6. 7 s s s s s s s s s s s s s Cc) 5.2 Olivenhain Rd. Detention Basin Incl. in Facility 6. 7 A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 11 5.3 Basin B 4811 Storm Drain Developer D 5.4 Basin D Oesflt Basin Developer ---D D 0 D D 111-2 ----------------- - - - --------------... - Table 3-1 ZONES 11 AND 12 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS, SOURCE OF FUNDS AND FINANCING GUARANTEE I FACILITY AREA RESPONSIBLE FOR FIMANCING --- II. .. I 1------------------------·--------·-·-----------------------·--------------1 I ZONE 12 I ZONE 11 I FACILITY SOORCE OF FUNDS I A I a I C I D I E I F I G I H I I I J I K I L I M I N I o I NOTE ·····--------------··-------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zone 12 • Basin A 5.5 (B) 48" Stam Drain Developer D D -----------5.6 (C) 54" Stor111 Drain Developer . D D . -------- 5.7 (D) Detention Basin Developer D D 5.8 (E) Dbl Barrel 42" Stonn Drain Developer D D 5.9 ( F) Dbl 6x5 Box Culvert Incl. in Facility 6.12 D/A D/A 5.10 (G) 3011 Stam Drain (llest) Incl. in Facility 6.12 . D/A D/A 5.11 (H) 3011 Storm Drain (Central) Incl. in Facility 6.12 D/A D/A 5.12 (I) 30" Storm Drain (N. Cent) Developer D D 5.13 (IC) 30" Storm Drain (NW) Developer D D Zone 12 • Basin c 5.14 (A) 3611 Storm Drain Developer D 5.15 (J) 30" Storm Drain Incl. in Facility 6.12 D/A 6.0 CIRCULATION Intersections 6. 1 El C8111fno Real/Ol ivenhaln Rd. Incl. in Facility 6.7 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 6.2 El Camino Real/La Costa Ave. Traffic lq,act Fee F F F ------. ------6.3 1·5/La Coste Ave. Interchange Carlsbad CFO No. 1 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 6.4 RSF/Camfno de los Coches Developer ---D D 6.5 RSF Intersect f ons Incl. in Facility 6.8 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 6.6 El Camino Real/Calle Barcelona Incl. in Facility 6.12 D/A D/A D/A Road Seginents 6.1 Ol ivenhain Rd. from ECR to RSF Zone Assessment District A A A A A A A A A ,. A A A A A 6.8 RSF fr0111 Metr-ose to La Costa Zone Assessment District A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 6.9 RSF fr011 Olfv. to S. City Bdry. Zone Assessment District A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 6.10 La Costa Ave. from I ·5 to ECR Carlsbad CFO No. 1 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 111-3 FACILITY Table 3-1 zo~ 11 AND 12 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS, SOURCE OF FUNDS AND FINANCING GUARANTEE I FACILITY AREA RESPONSIBLE FOR FINANCING I 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I ZONE 12 I ZONE 11 I SOURCE OF FUNDS I A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I I J I K I L I M I N I o I NOTE ------------··---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.11 ECR from Olivenhafn to Levante Asmt.Dist. or Developer A/D AID AID 6.12 Calle Barcelona from ECR to RSF Developer or Asmt.Dist. D/A D/A D/A -----. -. (d) 7.0 FIRE FACILITIES Fire Station No: 6 7.1 Construction and Equipment PFF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F (e) 7.2 Operation (1 year) Zones 6-11·12 LFM Fee F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F (e) 7.3 Fire Station Relocation Zones 6-11-12 LFM Fee F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F (e) 8.0 SCHOOL FACILITIES 8.1 Encinitas USO School Site Oedicat ion 0/F 0/F D/F D/F 0/F 0/F 0/F D/F D/F 0/F D/F 0/F D/F D/F (f) 8.2 San Di egu i to UHSD State Funds/School Fees F F F . F F F F F F F F F F F 8.3 San Marcos USO State Fl.l'lds/School Fees F 9.0 OPEN SPACE Developer 0 D D D D 0 0 D D 0 0 D D 0 0 10.0 SEWER FACILITIES Zone 11 10.1 Basin B 1211 Sewer Main Developer -. D D ---- 10.2 Basin S 1211 Sewer Main Developer --D ---- 10.3 Basin F Station & Force Main Developer ---D D Zone 12 10.4 Basin A 10" Sewer Main Incl. in Facility 6.12 -D/A D/A 11.0 WATER FACILITIES Zone 11 11.1 Ph.A 12" Ln. (Corint. to El Fuerte) Developer 0 D 11.2 Ph.C 12" Ln. (C. Barcelona Ext.) Developer ---D D IIl-4 t - - .. ------------------- ----- FACILITY ------------- T&ble 3-1 ZONES 11 AND 12 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS, SOURCE OF F1JNDS AND FINANCING GUARANTEE I FACILITY AREA RESPONSIBLE FOR FINANCING I ,--. ----··--------------------------------------------·· --·· ---------------1 I ZONE 1 2 I ZONE 11 I SOORCE OF FUNDS I A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I I J I IC I L f M I N I O I NOTE - ................ ----.... ---. ------......... -·-------..... ------------------.... --....... -.. -----... -.. --·---------· -----·---------------------·-----..... -·--------·-----------------·- 11.3 Ph.C 1611 Ln. (Calle Acervo Ext.) Developer ---- 11.4 Ph.D 1611 Ln. (Calle Avervo Ext.) Developer --. 11.5 Ph.E 1611 Ln. (Calle Acervo Ext.) Developer - Zone 12 11.6 Serv. Area B 1211 Ln. CC-Barcelona) Incl. in Facility 6.12 D/A 0/A 11. 7 Serv. Area C 1611 Ln. (Incl. 10" Tie) Developer -D Notes: For definition of Facility Areas. see Section 1.2 of text and Figure 3·1. See te,c;t also for a detailed discussion of financing method and guarantee. This table provides a sunnary of actions required to guarantee the financing of facilities. A: Formation of and participation in Zone Assessment District. C Participation In the City of Carlsbad CFO No. 1. D: Developer construction or dedication; or execution of an iq:,rovement agreement. F : Payment of applicable development iq:,act or other fee. P: Execution of an amendnent to the Parks Agreement. S: This facility Is coq:,leted, or financing guarantee is otherwise satisfied, Facility Is not required for this area. Ca) Both water districts require the same iq:,rovements to the Encina Water Water Pollution Control Facility. Cb) To be covered by the proposed amendnent to the 1988 Parks Agreement between City of Carlsbad and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates. (c) Study coq:,leted by Howard Chang In Septent>er 1990. (d) Special assessment for this facility will be levied only on properties in Zone 12. (e) Covered by the 1988 Fire Station Agreement (amended) between City of Carlsbad and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates. Cf) Covered by an agreement between Encinitas USO and Fieldstone/la Costa Associates. 111-5 . D D ---D --D - - ZONE 12 B EXIST 0 Not To Scale EXIST = EXISTING DEVELOPMENT H.S. = FUTURE HIGH SCHOOL SITE E F G ZONE 11 L M Figure 3-1. FACILITIY AREAS OF ZONES 11 & 12 III-SA I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e I CITY AD1\1INISTRA TIVE FACILITIES I Required Facilities I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The following facilities are required: Las Palmas Purchase Safety Center Phase II New City Hall Total Estimated Cost $2,500,000 3,695,000 23,100,000 $29,295,000 The same facilities are required for all zones in the City including Zones 11 and 12. There are no Special Conditions specified in the Zones 11 and 12 LFM Plans. Source of Funds The City's Capital Improvement Program includes the above facilities. The source of funds is Public Facilities Fee collected at issuance of building permit. Portions of the Safety Center Phase Il and the New City Hall are also funded through Carlsbad CFD No. 1. Financing Guarantee Participation in Carlsbad CFD No. 1 satisfies the financing guarantee for the facilities included in the CFD. Payment of the Public Facilities Fee satisfies the financing obligation of private development for the remainder of City Administrative Facilities. 111-6 LIBRARY FACILITIES Required Facilities The following facilities are required: North Library -Remodel Library -Buildout South Library Land Acquisition/Design Construction Total Estimated Cost $4,000,000 5,060,000 4,006,000 10,700,000 $23,766,000 The same facilities are required for all zones in the City, including Zones 11 and 12. There are no Special Conditions specified in the Zones 11 and 12 LFM Plans. Source of Funds The City's Capital Improvement Program includes the above facilities. The source of funds is Public Facilities Fee collected at issuance of building permit. Remodelling of the North Library and construction of the South Library are also funded through Carlsbad CFD No. 1. Fmancing Guarantee Participation in Carlsbad CFD No. 1 satisfies the financing guarantee for the facilities included in the CFD. Payment of Public Facilities Fee satisfies the financing obligation of private development for the remainder of Library Facilities, as long as the Growth Management Program Performance Standard for libraries is met. 111-7 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I WASTEWATER FACILITIES Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 11 LFM Plan: The following actions shall be pursued jointly by each sewer districr to ensure adequate wastewater treatment capacity throughout a five year period: 1. Monitor Encina treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to determine actual flow rates and to have an early warning of capacity problems. 2. Actively pursue acceleration and phasing of treatment plant Phase JV expansion to provide adequate capacity. 3. Increase National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) permit to 27.45 MGD to allow full utilization of reclamation plant and ocean outfall. 4. The six member agencies shall form an agreement to maximize the utilization of available treatment capacity at Encina WPCF. Conditions 2, 3 and 4 are satisfied through improvement programs currently underway at Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The following mitigation is contained in the Zone 12 LFM Plan: The following action shall be pursued jointly by each sewer district to ensure adequate wastewater treatment capacity through the year 2(X)(): J. Monitor Encina treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to determine actual flow rates and to have an early warning of capacity problems. 1City of C&rlsbad Sewer Service District, Leucadia County Water District, and Vallecitos Water District. III-8 Source of Funds The source of funds for sewer line upgrades and expansion of treatment capacity is the sewer connection fees collected by each district. Fmancing Guarantee Payment of the sewer connection fee satisfies the financing obligation of private development for Wastewater Facilities. III-9 I I I I 'I I I I [ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARK FACD..ITIES Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 11 LFM Plan: 1. Prior to tM oaoption o/ this Local Pacilities Management Plan by the City Council, the existing parks agreement between the City of Carlsbad and La Costa Ranch shall be amended to include the following provisions: a. The secured dedication by the La. Costa Ranch Company of 21.2 acres of Alga Norte Park with the execution of this agreement at a location to be determined acceptable by the City. b. The secured dedication of an additional 6.98 acres of park land by the La. Costa Ranch Company with the execution of this agreement at a location to be determined acceptable by the City. c. d. e. f. g. The secured dedication of an additional 4.12 acres of park land by the La Costa Ranch Company with the execution of this agreement at a location to be determined acceptable by the City. Provide a plan which establishes acceptable access to these park sites subject to the approval of the Planning Director and the City Engineer. Provide a letter of credit or some other secured financing acceptable to the City in the amount of $2,241,265 guaranteeing the construction of 19.48 acres of park land, from a financial institute and upon terms and conditions acceptable to the approval of the Finance Director and City Attorney, at the time this agreement is executed. Earmark the budgeted 1991-92, $1,000,000from the '87-92 CIP, for park development purposes in Park District 4 to the development of 8. 7 acres of Alga Norte Park. Provide for the operating expenses of the parks either through a letter of credit or some other secured financing from a financial institute and upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney u.r the establishment of a Park District wide Growth Management Fee that would cover operating costs for m-10 the park. The amount of the costs and the time for which the La Costa Ranch Company or developers in Park District 4 would be responsible for these costs shall be provided for within the Parks Agreement. h. The Parks Agreement must be consistent with the requirements of the City's Growth Management Program. i. If any reimbursements and/or park-in-lieu fee credits are to be given, the Parks Agreement shall provide a mechanism to do so. 2. At any time the parks performance standard is not complied with within Park District 4, no funher residential development will be allowed in Park District 4 or in Zone 11. The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 12 LFM Plan: 1. The property owners of Zone 12 shall comply with the existing parks agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates, dated March 3, 1988, and any amendments thereto. Cu"ently, this agreement contains the following provisions: a. b. c. d. e. The secured dedication by Fieldstone/La Costa Associates of 35. 0 acres of Alga None Park at a location to be determined acceptable to the City, including acceptable access to the park site subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Provide a letter of credit or some other secured financing acceptable to the City in the amount of $2,435,000 guaranteeing the construction of 19. 48 acres of park land,from a.financial institution and upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney, at the time this agreement is executed. Provide for the operating expenses for the park. The Parks Agreement must be consistent with the requirements of the City's Growth Management Program. If any reimbursements and/or park-in-lieu fee credits are to be given, the Parks Agreement sha_ll provide a mechanism to do so. m-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. At any time the parks pe,fonnance standard is not complied with within Park District 4, no funher residential development will be allowed in Park District 4 or Zone 12. In summary, the following facilities are required by the Zones 11 and 12 LFM Plans: facility No. ALGA NORTE PARK 4.1 Land Acquisition Construction 4.2 19.48 Ac. 4.3 8.52 Ac. 4.4 7.0 Ac. 4.5 Community Center 4.6 Operation CARRILLO PARK -CONSTRUCTION 4.7 10.2 Ac. 4.8 8.7 Ac. 4.9 MACARIO PARK -CONSTRUCTION Estimated Cost $5,168,000 2,435,000 3,190,000 800,000 4,500,000 500,000 2,250,000 1,100,000 7,050,000 All facilities listed above are identified as required in the Zone 12 LFM Plan. Facilities 4.1 through 4.6 are identified as required in the Zone 11 LFM Plan. Facilities 4. 7, 4.8, and 4.9 are required to meet the parks requirements of the City's Southeast Quadrant at buildout. Source of Funds For Alga Norte Park, land acquisition (4.1) and construction of 19.48 acres (4.2) shall be guaranteed through an amendment to the 1988 Supplement to the 1982 Parks Agreement between the City and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Limited Partnership. No final maps may be recorded III-12 or building permits issued for residential projects until this amendment is fully executed. Construction of additional facilities at Alga Norte Park (4.3 and 4.4) and construction of a community center (4.5) are covered by the City's Capital Improvement Program. The source of funds is the Public Facilities Fee. Operation and maintenance of Alga Norte Park for two years (4.6) is funded by the Local Facilities Management Fee which was adopted by the City of Carlsbad as part of the Zone 6 Facilities Financing Plan. This fee is also collected from developments in Zones 11 and 12. Construction of Carrillo Park and Macario Park are required to meet Park District 4's park requirements through buildout. Carrillo Park is proposed by the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to be funded by Public Facilities Fee. Macario Park is included in the CIP with funding from Public Facilities Fee. This park is also included in Carlsbad CFO No. 1. Fmancing Guarantee Financing requirements for park facilities will be met through execution of an amendment to the existing Parks Agreement for Zones 11 and 12 and/or payment of Park-in-Lieu or Public Facilities Fees as applicable. Reimbursement The amepded Parks Agreement shall provide for reimbursement of any excess land dedication and fee payment with funds from the City's Park-in-Lieu and Public Facilities Fees, subject to availability of funds. Ill-13 I I I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAINAGE FACILITIES • ZONE 11 Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 11 LFM Plan: All development in 7.one 11 shall comply with cumnt city standards and the Baliquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan in effect at the time of issuance of any development permit. PH.A.SEA.: 3.Jlecial Qmditions.· 1. 2. Financing: Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Prior to approval of any final map within Phase A., the developer shall pay or enter into an agreement to pay any drainage area fees established by the forthcoming revised Master Drainage Plan. There is no special .financing required for Phase A.. PHASEB: ~ial Conditions.· I. 2. Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The 48-inch storm drain proposed along a tributary of Encinitas Creek shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. Prior to the recordation of a final map in Phase B, a comprehensive hydraulic study shall be completed by the landowners of 7.one 11 to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This study shall include an analysis of the Encinitas Creek drainage basin from 7.one 11 all the way to Batiquitos Lagoon. If the study identifies improvements that c14"ently fall below the pe,formance standard, a .financing program with reimbursement provisions shall be approved mitigating any deficient facility. This drainage study III-14 also benefits Zone 23. Therefore, when the LFMP for Zone 23 is submitted to the City for review, the Drainage Section should address a reimbuneJMnt agreeJMnt to tM property owners within ~me 11 and JZ who financed the drainage study. 3. Prior to approval of any final map within Phase B, the developer shall pay or enter into an agreement to pay any drainage area fees established by the fonhcoming revised Master Drainage Plan. Fmancmg: The cost of the proposed 48-inch storm drain is estimated to be $431,000. 1his storm drain is anticipated to be financed by the developers in Phase B requiring the need for it. If the hydraulic study indicates mitigation is necessary, a.financing plan shall be established. PHASEC: Special Conditions: 1. Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2. Prior to the recordation of a final map in Phase C, a comprehensive hydraulic study shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 1his study shall include an analysis of the Encinitas Creek drainage basin from Zone 11 all the way to Batiquitos Lagoon. If the study identifies improvements that cu"ently fall below the performance standard, a financing program with reimbursement provisions shall be approved mitigating any deficient facility. This drainage study also benefits Zone 23. Therefore, when the LFMP for Zone 23 is submitted to the City for review. the Drainage Section should address a reimbursement agreement to the property owners within Zones 11 and 12 who financed the drainage study. 3. Prior to approval of any final map within Phase C, the developer shall pay or enter into an agreement to pay any drainage area fees established by the fonhcoming revised Master Drainage Plan. financin.~: Presently there is no special financing required for Phase C. If the hydraulic study indicates mitigation is necessary. a financing plan shall be established. III-15 I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S,peci¢ eon4u;oru: 1. Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The desilt basin proposed in Encinitas Creek shall be provided as required by the City Engineer prior to recordation of the first final map in Phase D. 2. Prior to the recordation of a final map in Phase D, a comprehensive hydraulic study shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This study shall include an analysis• of the Encinitas Creek drainage basin from Zone 11 all the way to Batiquitos Lagoon. If the study identifies improvements that cu"ently fall below the perfonnance standard, a.financing program with reimbursement provisions shall be approved mitigating any deficient facility. This drainage study also benefits Zone 23. Therefore, when the LFMP for Zone 23 is submitted to the City for review, the Drainage Section should address a reimbursement agreement to the property owners within Zones 11 and 12 who financed the drainage study. 3. Prior to approval of any final map within Phase D, the developer shall pay or enter into an agreement to pay any drainage area fees established by the fonhcoming revised Master Drainage Plan. Financinc: The cost of the proposed desilt basin is estimated to be $36,000. This desilt basin is anticipated to be financed by the developers in Phase D requiring the need for it. Jfthe hydraulic study indicates mitigation is necessary, a financing plan shall be established. PHASEE: SJ>ecial Conditions: 1. Drainage facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2. Prior to approval of any final map within Phase E. tht developer shall pay or enter into an agreement to pay any drainage area fees established by the fonhcoming revised Master Drainage Plan. III-16 • Finpnrfg: 71roae if• special financing required for Phase E. For defiomcm • tlrainage phases in Zone 11, see Figure 3-2 below. Source of funds and financing ,apitlanents are discussed following the special conditions of Zone 12. Ill-17 I I II I I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I ------------------- ,·4• .. -~ _-;~_/ SAN ELIJO LAGOON BASIN . f.'ri'lo:11. . '!3' _. -16. ;· CnJ11r.c,, . ··---::~~ . \__,.,C\_f\ . , >i ~ _.,,_ <-->n I l I -::-·._ ----...... .,, : '.. ? PHASE _B ___ ..,-_ ·•wGO'of'! ~ASI_N lPMSE; ~ BAn~pl 03-. .. . --✓ . . . \ 1 -. . , . .. . ' . ··,,..::-_. __ ._~i.,l-··--·:··r··.i · ..... · ../ ,_ •, -t( \ -~---. . . . .,,-/. . ASE D . \ \; -·-·--·· "' ·· · "· · •'-·· -' f'-)PH \ · .. • '"'~--~--. ~--~. -··· -. .··{.. 'r ··· . . . --•-.. >~--,. . . ........--:-,.., \ ..J, • ., •--~ • , • ... • > ~-.·, . ~ ,. __ ,_,,: .... ,<--?-. . · ,--:-, -';;. -.. ·-. . \. l ·. t . -· . ·-.•-~ ··. ·>-. .l.,, ~ . -~-'-' : .. : . ' \ (10 u ---, ,~ l = \ '" . ,o , .\~' ~ V,-....; . 't . PHASE-A ' . ,0,. ., .. _ .. . ~ -~"¼-. =-> :· . ·t> --~. BAi:1au1rcis LAG00N"BASIN _.:, ::"•!.I No Scale 1.:.,! ( -~·· · K~ ® -<--\~T . ·· :--:1,, -\,_:_.,: -·ro-~~~-"''~ --:J✓-·~ \~-·-6)$ :-;~;_-__ ~_ -;-: - ·-I~--~. :. --.;:.:-; ~✓-,, -.~A:;'\,/ . t . I • \ ,_.,.. :: • °?\,\ . ·-~ ••to, .. ~.,, • .,, ... , I""'"" V. . ·\ '.\ . lho<-•C ,,., ,,., I.... • @~// ·••••••: .t"•-~ ~-C• . •· • • • 3 . 1' LEGEND -Phase Boundaries O Existing lnlel v Existing Outlet Existing Storm Drain @·fz, •• -Exlsllng Concrete Channel (!)obt3ri'. " Pr-oposod Inlet ~ Obi. 24-:...-~ • .. , Proposed Outlet 2, ,. 0 · :.---. Proposed Slorm Drain 5 ai.-~ ➔ Olrecllon of Overland Flow · <E) 35• ~--Approx. location of Flow Line of Creek a Exlsllng Detention Basin ""''"'~•"'•••• ) ( Ex lstlng Bridge --Opon Space , ~ Proposod Oeslllallon Bo:.in with Capacity X 100 ,~ 'i I vert ® e· ulvtrt (D Figure 3-2. DRAINAGE BASIN BOUNDARIES -ZONE 11 111-18 DRA1NAGEFACil.JTIF.S-ZONE12 Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are containe.d in the 7.one 12 LFM Plan: A. B. C. All future developmenr within 7,one 12 shall be required to construct any future Zone 12 storm drain facilities identified in the currenr Drainage Master Plan and the revised Master Drainage Plan as determined by the City Engineer. Any facilities necessary to accommodate future development must be .financially guaranteed prior to the recordation of a final map, issuance of a grading or building permit, whichever occurs first for any development requiring future storm drain facilities in Zone 12. Prior to the recordation of the.first.final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any specific development within Zone 12, the developers of that project are required to: 1. Pay the required drainage area fees established in the current Master Drainage plan and; 2. Enter into an agreement to pay any drainage area fees established in the fonhcoming revised Master Drainage Plan. Prior to the recordation of any final map within Zone 12, a comprehensive hydraulic study shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This study shall include an analysis of the Encinitas Creek drainage basin from Zone 11 all the way to Batiquitos Lagoon. 1he hydrologic analysis must propose alternate forms of mitigating peak storm runoff flows to include a possible flood attenuation action plan for the entire Encinitas Creek drainage basin. q the subsequent study identifies existing major storm drain facilities that currently fall below the performance standard, a financing program shall be approved mitigating any deficient facility. Financing This drainage study also benefits Zones 11 and 23. Therefore, when the LFMP for Zone 23 is submitted to the City for review, the Drainage Section should address a reimbursement agreement to the property owners within 7.ones 11 and 12 who .financed the drainage study. Ill-19 ·- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --.,. I D. WATERSHED A 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of grading permit I or building permit, whichever occurs first, within Watershed Ao/Zone 12, the developers are required to financially guarantee the design and I construction of the following storm drain facilities: a. A 48" st01m drain facility carrying water past a proposed road I crossing in the nonh central ponion of Zone 12. b. A 54" storm drain carrying water past a proposed road crossing I nonh of the riparian area in 7.one 12. c. A detentionldesiltation facility north of Calle Barcelona in the I western portion of the zone. d. A double ba"el 42" stomt drain facility carrying water from thl I detentionldesiltation facility to the northeast corner of Calle Barcelona and El Camino Real. I e. A double 6 by 5 foot box culvert extension of the existing box culvert which cu"ently carries water to the west side of El Camino Real. I f. A 30" storm drain facility carrying water across Calle Barcelona in central portion of zor,e. I h. A 30" storm drainfacility con-necting to the 48" storm drainfacility in the north central ponion of zone. I i. A 30" storm drain facility in the northwestern ponion of Zone 12. I Financins: The cost of the proposed storm drains within Watershed A is estimated to I be $792,200. These drainagefacilities are anticipated to be financed by the developers of Watershed A. I E. WATERSHEDB I No special conditions. I I III-20 I F. WATERSHED C 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or building pennit, whichever occurs.first within Watershed C of Zone 12, the developers shall financially guarantee the design and construction of the following drainage facilities: a. A proposed 36" storm drain carrying water from Santa Fe Glens through La, Costa SW I to Olivenhain Road. b. A 30" storm drain facility along the alignment of Calle Barcelona carrying water across Rancho Santa Fe Road. Financin~: The cost of the proposed 36" storm drain is estimated to be $120, (X)(). The cost of the proposed 30" storm drain is $58,<XXJ. These storm drains are anticipated to be financed by the developers of Watershed C. For definition of watersheds in Zone 12, see Figure 3-3 below. Source of funds and financing requirements are discussed following this figure. III-21 I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --- hAt1uu,11,·. I ,., ., Jt ,~ I ~:'.;,i" .. _,.-_.-:?•~~~ ---------------.. ,4• ncr •• ,-,> -18"110' Q ~ /i ·<. Y I 18"RCP 1 t '--•--,-/ -{ P'" .. ~,:r /. ---. -• I • • -·J ~. .. . . " --. . .l :1,' ~ l :::..-;.:. .r:;, ,. , I •W!"' . ·' ,, ,···.·--.,.,,,,..,,., / '\,. . 'I •1 ) . , •-, ' ·-~. , "••••• • . , .,-', A -<,,;" ----+--_, /.f, ,, ,,, ' ',, --::::::..--,··· . -,;,-,,, ... ' ,· , , I ,.. ... ._.... \\ ... )\.,,. J /,.,. .... ' . ,, , '' " ~ ,. -. .. ::_ ~-,_ .-' t .> ::-c::c-w • TE~t~.) / ',c,• i '----.:.... ------.......-RCP f I:, \ __ J :.:-\1\ , \ jJ':,,,,, ( / _.... ···-\ e' . : .. , ......... :l' --)L. 0%,;.• · ---1,, / \.. \\ -)) •o~K•c') 1-'\\.,._.,. ~e,;;,.--.-;"11:--; -/ ,-•"0·· ,' ,·-\ I I.Kl/,/ _ ___),,. ~-· ---t=-----DC '•· 1 , ·'.,' •/ ~ i ·'--" S"'5c• ,_,,.. ~ · S /J;.{ 8 -RCP / ' • 7 . ,..-;,,, . ,--''f;; "" ;:<;,' Co,,o C•~•,J! , SJ. • .. • . , ·, tu', ~--Oissipalor ,, ;13) ,,· "'"!> ' ti,,·· -c;,,;:,-~ -...-:: ----:._-:.._-:._----:::.__:~ . 7 __./ '-· \ .\ ~¥" =--' ,, , ~·· ' " ,,, , ' .... ,,. / ·. in_,__. JO" ~er ~-/ / \ ... / ® ' ,..,_,,, / • , " • . G . ' ·'' ,'2), l A, 1'.._ ••• -=ir=---i1 -~~c 9 "" , .. ,. "" -.. .... .. ~ .,,._ @o,~ Culver, -::-J --.. ••• /l @LEGEND Boundary --1/· • ...., .. zc•;s i 3 • W-"enhed 8 _ __.ary • '"'-'~.:--...._ / / •••• •• . rvlsion ""'~ s·,e· I 1/ ./© r Exist. Subdi ® S<>• Ci.t,enl 30• ACP 4 --Exist. Pipe hed Course • / /. , -_,.wot-; l / ,,._ ,.. "°'® <-E,b1, ~, .. I • / ~ \.J 1 1 Outlet . l · ;::..,_-..c:-, ·---(G a Ex s • lion Basm •◄' Bo• Culvert ---Exist 0ete~ C """ ,a -,:,_ "'°"°'"' ''" . \ '7'r) -sed Inlet • ' ' "-f, '-' P,op0 O,tlol -'-'----. ,,1/ '-...__,, 0 Proposed ( =,.c...,,,..,..., l======~ '---=-... ..:,,c; © '"'""' H•m••· : ,~ ..... _ -~ ""l('._-U~ • CP OF' cNC.',UAS Dbl 2◄ A CITY ~~ .. ___ (!]) (JL) NoScale - Figure 3-3. DRAINAGE BASIN BOUNDARIES -ZONE 12 111-22 FINA1llC!IRiMETIIOD DRAINAGE FACILITIES Facilityil Hydrologic Study Special ((lmdition ZQDell.] B.2, C.2, D.2 Z.mnell.12. C Estimatml Cost $85,655 (Included in Facility 6. 7) Source llllf Funds Developer Fina.miiqg Guarantee Not required Respoidle Area A-C, F-O ReimbUl'lelllent Assessment District Facility nm facility is a part of Facility 6. 7 (Olivenhain Road from El Camino Real to Rancho Sama Fe Road). Source of Fands Fieldstone/La Costa Associates has previously funded this study, which was completed in September 1990. Fmancing Guarantee Since the study is completed, no guarantee is required. Reimbursement This study shall be acquired by the Assessment District for the Olivenhain Road project. Fieldstone/La Costa Associates shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the first bond sale for Olivenhain Road. Ill-23 I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILITIES Facility 5.2 Olivenhain Detention Basin Special Condition Zone 11 B.2, C.2, D.2 Zone 12 C Estimated Cost $368,940 (Included in Facility 6.7) Source of Funds Assessment District Financing Guarantee Formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area A, F-0 Reimbursement See below Facility This facility will be constructed as part of Facility 6. 7 (Olivenhain Road from El Crunino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road). Source of Funds This facility !hall be funded and constructed by the Assessment J)istrict for the Olivenhain Road project. Alternatively, it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the Assessment District. Fmancing Guarantee The financing will be guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the Assessment District. Reimbursement If the facility is privately designed and/or constructed, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the first bond sale for Olivenhain Road. III-24 FINANCINGfMBBJD DRAINAGE FACILmES Facillty:5.3 Basin B 48" Storm Drain Special Condttia Zoneat B.l Zonelll Not required Estimatedf&st $431,000 Source afIFuhcb; Developer p· . "A. manc1na~ mmee Improvement agreement Responsitile.Aaa F (part) Reimbw e•ildnl Not applicable Source or Fmids This fllmlityshall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin B of Zone 1.L Fmancing Gaar.llllfte Prior to*JCC8rdation of a final map in drainage basin B of Zone 11, this facility shall be cons~ or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the Ceyingineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of'a Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be se.cure.d with one of the following forms of se.curity asdtscribe.d in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrev«able instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial ManagemearE>irector and City Attorney. As this requirement guarantees the construction of this facility, no other guarantee for this facility is ~ed at this time. III-25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILffiES facility j.4 Hasin D D~iltation Hasin Special Condition Zone 11 D.1 Zone 12 Not required Estimated Cost $57,742 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area K, L (part), M (part), N, 0 Reimbursement Not applicable Facility This facility is currently required by the LFM Plan for Zone 11. However, if Facility 5. 2 (Olivenhain Detention Basin) is confirmed by the City as the preferred facility, then this facility would no longer be re.quired, subject to review by the City Engineer. Source of Funds If required, this facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin D of Zone 11. Fmancing Guarantee If Facility 5.2 (Olivenhain Detention Basin) has not been approved and guaranteed, then prior to the recordation of a final map in drainage basin D of Zone 11, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. As this requirement guarantees the construction of this facility, no other guarantee for this facility is required at this time. If Facility 5.2 is approved, then, subject to confirmation by the City Engineer, neither this facility nor financing guarantee for the facility would be required. 111-26 FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILIDES Facility 5.5 (B) 48" Storm Drain Specia1 Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 D.1.a Estimated Cost $54,000 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area B (part), C (part) Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin A of Zone 12. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in drainage basin A of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16. 070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. As this requirement guarantees the construction of this facility, no other guarantee for this facility is required at this time. III-27 , - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILITIES Facility 5.6 (C) 54" Storm Drain Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 D.1.b Estimated Cost $39,000 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area B (part), C (part) Reimbursement Not applicable . Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin A of Zone 12. Fmancin& Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in draiMge has:in A of Zone 12, thig facility ghall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. As this requirement guarantees the construction of this facility, no other guarantee for this facility is required at this time. III-28 • FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILmES Facility 5. 7 (D) Detention Basin Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 D.1.c Estimated Cost $220,000 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Are.a B (part), C (part) Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin A of Zone 12. Financin& Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in drainage basin A of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. As this requirement guarantees the construction of this facility, no other guarantee for this facility is required at this time. III-29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I • FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILITIES Facility 5.8 (E) Double Barrel 42" Storm Drain Special Condition Zone 11 Not required liJne 12 D.l.d Estimated Cost $116,000 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area B (part), C (part) Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin A of Zone 12. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in drainage basin A of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. As this requirement guarantees the construction of this facility, no other guarantee for this facility is required at this time. Ill-30 FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILITIES Facility 5.9 (F) Double 6 x S Box Culvert Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 D.1.e Bstimated Cost Included in Facility 6.12 Source of Funds Developer or Assessment District Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement or formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area B (part), C (part) Reimbursement See below Facility This facility is a part of Facility 6.12 (Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road). Source of Funds This facility is located within the right-of-way of Calle Barcelona. It shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin A of Zone 12. Alternatively, if found to be consistent with Council Policy 33 or 38 and approved by the City Council, it may be funded and constructed by a public financing district for the Calle Barcelona project, as described in the financing method for Facility 6.12, or it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the public financing district. Any special tax or special assessment related to this facility shall be levied only on properties located in Zone 12, which shall not pass through to homebuyers, but shall be paid in full at close of escrow. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in drainage basin A or B of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21. 16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of _credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. III-31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If the facility is funded by a public financing district, the financing will be guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the district. The formation of a public financing district for the facility shall satisfy and release any subdivision improvement bond previously posted with respect to the facility. Reimbursement If the facility is funded by a public financing district and if it is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the public financing district, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the first bond sale for the Calle Barcelona project, for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimbursement Agreement between the developer and the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. III-31A FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILITIES Facility 5.10 (G) 3011 Storm Drain (West) Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 D.l.f Estimated Cost Included in Facility 6.12 Source of Funds Developer or Assessment District Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement or formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area B {part), C (part) Reimbursement See below Farility This facility is a part of Facility 6.12 (Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road). Source or Funds This facility is located within the right-of-way of Calle Barcelona. It shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin A of Zone 12. Alternatively, if found to be consistent with Council Policy 33 or 38 and approved by the City Council, it may be funded and constructed by a public financing district for the Calle Barcelona project, as described in the financing method for Facility 6.12, or it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the public financing district. Any special tax or special assessment related to this facility shall be levied only on properties located in Zone 12, which shall not pass through to homebuyers, but shall be paid in full at close of escrow. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in drainage basin A or B of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21. 16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. IlI-32 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If the facility is funded by a public financing district, the financing will be guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the district. The formation of a public financing district for the facility shall satisfy and release any subdivision improvement bond previously posted with respect to the facility. Reimbursement If the facility is funded by a public financing district and if it is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the public financing district, the developer shall be reimburse.d from proceeds of the first bond sale for the Calle Barcelona project, for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimbursement Agreement between the developer and the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. III-32A FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILffiES Facility 5.11 (H) 30" Storm Drain (Central) Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 D.1.g Estimated Cost Included in Facility 6.12 Source of Funds Developer or Assessment District Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement or formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area B (part), C (part) Reimbursement See below Facility This facility is a part of Facility 6.12 (Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road). Source of Funds This facility is located within the right-of-way of Calle Barcelona. It shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin A of Zone 12. Alternatively, if found to be consistent with Council Policy 33 or 38 and approved by the City Council, it may be funded and constructed by a public financing district for the Calle Barcelona project, as described in the financing method for Facility 6.12, or it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the public financing district. Any special tax or special assessment related to this facility shall be levied only on properties located in Zone 12, which shall not pass through to homebuyers, but shall be paid in full at close of escrow. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in drainage basin A or B of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21. 16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. 111-33 I I I II 'I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If the facility is funded by a public financing district, the financing will be guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the district. The formation of a public financing district for the facility shall satisfy and release any subdivision improvement bond previously posted with respect to the facility. Reimbursement If the facility is funded by a public financing district and if it is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the public financing district, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the first bond sale for the Calle Barcelona project, for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimbursement Agreement between the developer and the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. III-33A FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILmES Facility S.12 (I) 30" Storm Drain (North Central) Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 D.1.h Estimated Cost $143,000 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area B (part), C (part) Reimbursement Not applicable Source or Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin A of Zone 12. Fmancing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in drainage basin A of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16. 070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. As this requirement guarantees the construction of this facility, no other guarantee for this facility is required at this time. IlI-34 I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILmES Facility 5.13 (K) 30" Storm Drain (Northwest) Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 D.1.i Estimated Cost $20,000 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area B (part), C (part) Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin A of Zone 12. Fmancing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in drainage basin A of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. As this requirement guarantees the construction of this facility, no other guarantee for this facility is required at this time. 111-35 FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILITIES Facility S,14 (A) 36" Storm Drain Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 F.1.a Estimated Cost $120,000 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area A Reimbursement Not applicable Source or Funds This facility shall be funderl and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin C of Zone 12. Fmancing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in drainage basin C of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. As this requirement guarantees the construction of this facility, no other guarantee for this facility is required at this time. Ill-36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • FINANCING METHOD DRAINAGE FACILITIES Facility S.15 (J) 30" Storm Drain Special Condition .ZOne 11 Not required Zone 12 F.1.b Estimated Cost Included in Facility 6.12 Source of Funds Developer or Assessment District Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement or formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area A Reimbursement See below Facility This facility is a part of Facility 6.12 (Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road). Source of Funds This facility is located within the right-of-way of Calle Barcelona. It shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in drainage basin C of Zone 12. Alternative! y, if found to be consistent with Council Policy 33 or 38 and approved by the City Council, it may be funded and constructed by a public financing district for the Calle Barcelona project, as described in the financing method for Facility 6.12, or it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the public financing district. Any special tax or special assessment related to this facility shall be levied only on properties located in Zone 12, which shall not pass through to homebuyers, but shall be paid in full at close of escrow. Fmancing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in drainage basin C of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. III-37 If the facility is funded by a public financing district, the financing will be guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the district. The formation of a public financing district for the facility shall satisfy and release any subdivision improvement bond previously posted with respect to the facility. Reimbursement If the facility is funded by a public financing district and if it is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the public financing district, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the first bond sale for the Calle Barcelona project, for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimbursement Agreement between the developer and the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. III-37A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. CIRCULATION FACILITIES -ZONE 11 Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 11 LFM Plan: A. B. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED NOW 1. Interstate 5 and La Costa Avenue Necessary Improvements a. WI.den overpass to accommodate 4 lanes plus left tum channeliza.tion. b. Signalize both northbound and southbound ramp intersections. Estimated Cost -$3,400,000 Completion Date -1993 S,pecial Condition -A .financing program guaranteeing the construction of the interchange of 1-5 and La. Costa Avenue shall be approved prior to the issuance of a development permit for any development within Zone 11. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1990 1. Olivenhain Road Necessary Improvements a. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prime arterial standards (126 ') from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road. b. Minimum of 4 lane improvements. c. Improved intersection, including signalization of Olivenhain Road and El Camino Real. III-38 2. Estimated Cost -$1,500,000 Completion Date -1990 Special Condition -A financing program guaranteeing the construction of 4 lanes of Olivenhain Rood between Rancho Santa Fe Rood and El Camino Real, including the improvement of the intersection of Olivenhain Road and El Camino Real, shall be approved prior to the recordation of the first final ma,p within lone 11. Rancho Santa Fe Road2 Necessary Improvements a. Complete grading to ultimate right-of way width to Prime Arterial Standards (126 ') from La Costa Avenue to the Carlsbad City Limits. b. Minimum of 4 lane improvements. c. Include signalization and left tum channelization where necessary. Estimated Cost -$12,000,000 Completion Date -1990 Special Condition -A.financing program guaranteeing construction of Rancho Santa Fe Road to 4 lanes including adequate signalization shall be approved prior to the recordation of the first final map within Z.One 11. 3. Rancho Santa Fe Road (South of Olivenhain Road) Necessary Improvements a. Full width street improvements to major arterial standards for all portions of Rancho Santa Fe Road within the Carlsbad City limits. 2North of La Costa Avenue. III-39 .. I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. b. Necessary street improvements to accommodate/our through lanes and a fully improved median adjacent to the existing improvements along the Carlsbad-Encinitas City boundary. c. Including adequate signal modifications. Estimated Cost -$3,400,000 Completion Date -1990 Special Condition -A.financing program guaranteeing construction of Rancho Santa Fe Road to Major Arterial Standards from Olivenhain Road to the southerly city limits shall be approved prior to the recordation of the first final map within Zone 11. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1995 1. 2. Rancho Santa Fe Road Necessaa Improvements a. Two additional lanes to complete full width improvements to prime arterial standards from La Costa Avenue to the Carlsbad City Limits. b. Including adequate signal modifications. Estimated Cost -$5,000,000 Completion Date -1995 Special Condition -A financing program guaranteeing the additional improvements necessary for Rancho Santa Fe Road to comply with Prime Arterial Standards shall be approved prior to the recordation of the first final map within Zone 11. Qlivenhain Road Necessaa Improvements a. Two additional lanes to complete full width improvements to prime arterial standards from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road. III-40 3. 4. b. Adequate signa,l modifications. Estimated Cost -$1,500,000 Special Condition -A.financing program guaranteeing construction of the additional improvements necessary for Olivenhain Road to comply with Prime Anerial Standards shall be approved prior to the recordation of the first final map within Z-one 11. La Costa Avenue Necessary Improvements a. Full width improvements to Major Anerial Standards from El Camino Real to 1-5. Estimated Cost -$5,000,000 Completion Date -1995 S_pecial Condition -A financing program guaranteeing the construction of La Costa Avenue from 1-5 to El Camino Real to Major Anerial Standards shall be approved prior to the recordation of the first final map within Zone 11. Rancho Santa Fe & Calle Lomas Verde Necessary Improvements a. Provide an additional westbound left tum lane. Estimated Cost -$2,000 Completion Dare -1995 or with adjacent development, whichever occurs first. S_pecial Condition -The necessary improvements for Calle Lomas Verde as described herein shall be guaranteed prior to any development permits for any adjacent propenies or by 1995, whichever occurs first. III-41 I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 2CXXJ 1. El Camino Real NJcessary Improvements a. Additional lanes necessary to complete full width improvemems to Prime Anerial Standards from Olivenhain Road to La Costa Avenue. Estimated Cost -$3,100,000 CQmoletion Date -2000 L SJlecial Condition -Prior to the recordation of the first final map within Zone 11, a .financing program shall be approved guaranteeing the construction of a proponional share of El Camino Real from Olivenhain Road and La Costa Avenue. The proposed plan shall address the possibility of an ultimate right-of-way width to accommodate eight lanes if it is shown by more detailed anaJysis that eight lanes are necessary. Source of funds and financing requirements are discussed following the list of Special Conditions for Zone 12. III-42 CIRCULATION FACILITIES -ZONE 12 Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 12 LFM Plan: The proposed mitigation is divided into the categories established under the phasing portion of this section. It should be understood that all cost estimates presented in this plan are preliminary in nature and will need further refinement as the actual scope of work, utility needs and right-of-way dedications are determined. A. An on-going monitoring program shall be established to evaluate the o.spects of improvements, development, and demand on circulation facilities. The required timing of improvements is based upon the projected demand of development in the zone and the surrounding region. This timing may be modified without amendment to this plan, however, any deletions or additions to the improvements will require amending this local plan. B. Prior to recordation of the Arroyo La Costa Phase II final map, the developer shall prepare a traffic study to evaluate future traffic conditions with and without Leucadia Boulevard. The developers of Zone 12 will be required to implement any mitigation required by the future study to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. C. Prior to recordation of the first final map. issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, within zone 12, a comprehensive financing program guaranteeing construction of the following circulation improvements shall be approved: 1. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED NOW a. Rancho Santa Fe Road Three road segments from Melrose Avenue North to La Costa Avenue shall be constructed to include the following improvements: 1. Complete grading of Rancho Santa Fe Road to ultimate right-of way width to prime arterial standards; 111-43 I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. 2. Construction of four through lanes, two in each direction, includins a fully land.scaped median; 3. Intersection signalization as required to meet traffic wa"ants by the City Engineer. Completion Date -1990 Estimated cost -$12,000,000 b. Qlivenhain Road Olivenhain Road between El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be constructed to include the following: 1. Complete grading for four lane interim improvement; 2. 3. Construction of interim four lanes; Intersection improvements at El Camino Real/Olivenhain intersection. Completion Date -1990 Estimated Cost -$1,500,000 IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1991 a. El Camino Real/Calle Barcelona Improvements to the intersection of El Camino Real and Calle Barcelona. Completion Date -1991 Estimated Cost -(included in cost estimates for Calle Barcelona, 1995) Ill-44 3. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1993 a. La Costa Avenue La Costa Avenue between El Camino Real and 1-5 northbound on- ramps shall be constructed to include the following: 1. 2. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to major anerial standards,· Construction of one additional through travel lane in each direction. Completion Date -1993 Estimated Cost -$5,000,000 4. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY 1995 a. Rancho Santa Fe Road Rancho Santa Fe Road from Melrose Avenue Nonh to Camino de los Coches shall be constructed to include the following: 1. Complete grading to ultimate right-of way width to prime anerial standards; 2. Construction of four through travel lanes, two in each direction, to include intersection improvements including a fully landscaped median,· Completion Date -1995 Estimated Cost -$42,000,000 b. Olivenhain Road Olivenhain Road from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be constructed to include the following: 1. Construction of six through travel lanes, three in each direction, to full prime anerial standards; ID-45 I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. 2. Improvement of the Olivenhain Road intersections with El Caminn Rtal and Rancho Santa Fe Road. Comvletion Date -1995 Estimated Cost -$8,700,000 C. Calle Barcelona Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road shall be constructed to include the following: 1. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width,· 2. Construction of two through travel lanes in each direction. This requirement is needed concurrent with Phase II of the Arroyo La Costa project in Zone 12. For purpo_ses of this analysis, it is assumed to be in place prior to 1994 (Zone 12 Build Out). Completion Date -1995 Estimated Cost -$5,600,000 d. El Camino Real/La Costa Avenue Improvement of the intersection of El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue. Completion Date -1995 Estimated Cost (included in cost estimates for La Costa Avenue, 1993) IMPROVEM1£NTS NEEDED BY 1998 Rancho Santa Fe Road from Olivenhain Road to the southern Carlsbad City boundary shall be constructed to include the following: a. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to major anerial standards; III-46 b. Construction of four through travel lanes, two in each direction, to include intersection improvements and a fully landscaped median. 6. IMPROVEMENIS NEEDED BY 2()(X) 7. No improvements needed. IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED BY BUILD OUT a. El Camino Real El Camino Real between La, Costa Avenue and Olivenhain Road shall be constructed to include the following: 1. Complete grading to ultimate right-of-way width to prime arterial standards; 2. Construction of six through travel lanes, three in each direction, to full prime anerial standards,· 3. Improvements of the intersections of El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue, Levante Street, and Calle Barcelona. Completion Date -Build Out Estimated Cost -$3, 700,000 b. Rancho Santa Fe Road Intersections Improvements to the intersections of Rancho Santa Fe Road on Melrose Avenue North, Questhaven Road, Melrose South, La Costa A venue, and Calle Barcelona. Completion Date -Build Out Estimated Cost (included in Rancho Santa Fe Road cost estimates, 1995) Source of funds and financing requirements are discussed below. III-47 I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION F ACILffiES Facility 6.1 ECR/Olivenhain Intersection Special Condition Zone 11 B.1.c, C.2.b Zone 12 C.1.b.3, C.4.b.2 Estimated Cost Included in Facility 6. 7 Source of Funds Assessment District Financing Guarantee Formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area A-O (all) Reimbursement See below Facility This facility is a part of Facility 6. 7 (Olivenhain Road from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road). Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the Assessment District for the Olivenhain Road project. Alternatively, it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the Assessment District. Financing Guarantee The financing is guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the Assessment District. Reimbursement If the facility is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the Assessment District, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the first bond sale for the Olivenhain Road project, for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimburseme:it Agreement between the developer and the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. III-48 FINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION FACILITIES Facility 6.2 ECR/La Costa A venue Intersection Special Condition Zone 11 No Special Condition Zone 12 C.4.d Estimated Cost $58,000 Source of Funds Traffic Impact Fee Financing Guarantee Payment of Traffic Impact Fee Responsible Area A-C Reimbursement Not applicable Facility This facility is identified by the City's Traffic Impact Fee program as Project Nos. 2 and 7. Estimated Cost The estimated cost for this facility is obtained from City Council Resolution No. 8524, designating the circulation improvements to be funded by the Traffic Impact Fee. Source of Funds This facility is funded by the City's Traffic Impact Fee program. Financing Guarantee The financing is guaranteed by the payment of Traffic Impact Fee, if the applicable Growth Management Program Performance Standards are met. III-49 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION FACILITIES Facility 6.3 1-5/La Costa A venue Interchange Special Condition Zone 11 A.I Zone 12 No Special Condition Estimated Cost $7,000,000 Source of Funds Carlsbad CFD No. 1 Financing Guarantee Participation in CFD No. 1 Responsible Area A-0 (all) Reimbursement See below Estimated Cost Estimated cost is obtained from City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program. Source of Funds This facility has been previously funded by the existing Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1, and the City has formed Carlsbad CFD No. 1 which will provide funding for this project. Fmancing Guarantee The financing is guaranteed by participation in CFD No. 1. III-50 FINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION FACILmES Facility 6.4 RSF/Camino de los Coches Intersection Special Condition Zone 11 C.4 Zone 12 Not Required Estimated Cost $2,000 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Not applicable Responsible Area I, J Reimbursement Not applicable Facility The only improvements remaining to be done at this intersection are dual left turns from Camino de los Coches onto Rancho Santa Fe Road. This intersection is identified as the Rancho Santa Fe Road/Calle Lomas Verde intersection in the Zone 11 LFM Plan . . Camino de los Coches has been previously named Mision Estancia and Calle Lomas Verde. Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the adjacent developer in Facility Area I or J. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in Facility Area I or J, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21. 16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, · irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. As this requirement guarantees the construction of this facility, no other guarantee for this facility is required at this time. III-51 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .• FINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION FACILffiES Facility 6.S RSF Intersections Special Condition Zone 11 B.2.c, C.1.b Zone 12 C.7.b Estimated Cost Included in Facility 6.8 Source of Funds Assessment District Financing Guarantee Formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area A-0 (all) Reimbursement See below Facllity This facility is a part of Facility 6.8 (Rancho Santa Fe Road [North]). Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the Assessment District for Rancho Santa Fe Road (North). Alternatively, it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the Assessment District. Fmancing Guarantee The financing is guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the Assessment District. Reimbursement If the facility is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the Assessment District, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the first bond sale for Rancho Santa Fe Road (North), for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimbursement Agreement between the developer and the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. III-52 FINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION FACILffiES Facility 6.6 I:CR/Calle Barcelona Intersection Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 No Special Condition Estimated Cost Included in Facility 6.12 Source of Funds Developer or Assessment District Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement or formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area A-C Reimbursement See below Facility This facility is a part of Facility 6.12 (Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road). Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the developer as part of the western phase of Calle Barcelona. Alternatively, if found to be consistent with Council Policy 33 or 38 and approved by the City Council, it may be funded by a public financing district for the Calle Barcelona project, as described in the financing method for Facility 6.12, or it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the public financing district. Any special tax or special assessment related to this facility shall be levied only on properties located in Zone 12, which shall not pass through to homebuyers, but shall be paid in full at close of escrow. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in Zone 12 which includes the western segment of · Calle Barcelona, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21. 16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. III-53 I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If the facility is funded by a public financing district, the financing will be guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the district. The formation of a public financing district for the facility shall satisfy and release any subdivision improvement bond previously posted with respect to the facility. Reimbursement If the facility is funded by a public financing district and if it is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the public financing district, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the first bond sale for the Calle Barcelona project, for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimbursement Agreement between the developer and the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. III-53A FINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION FACILITIES Facility 6. 7 Olivenhain Road from ECR to RSF Special Condition Zone 11 B.l, C.2 Zone 12 C. l.b, C.4.b Estimated Cost $11,431,409 Source of Funds Assessment District and Carlsbad CFO No. 1 Financing Guarantee Formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area A-0 (all) Reimbursement See below Facility For purposes of this Facilities Financing Plan and the Assessment Districts which may be established, this facility shall include full intersection and traffic signal improvements at Olivenhain Road and El Camino Real an_d at Olivenhain Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road, as well as all street improvements and associated work between these intersections. This facility also includes Facility 5.1 (hydrology study), Facility 5.2 (detention basin at the southwest corner of the intersection of Olivenhain Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road), and Facility 6.1 (improvement of the intersection at El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road). Estimated Cost The estimated cost for this facility is obtained from "Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate" dated February 22, 1991, prepared by Project Design Consultants. Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the Assessment District. Alternatively, it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the Assessment District. Carlsbad CFD No. 1 shall contribute $6,000,000 toward the construction of Olivenhain Road, Rancho Santa Fe Road (North), and Rancho Santa Fe Road (South). Allocation of this amount to individual facilities shall be determined by the engineer for the Assessment District. III-54 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • Financing Guarantee The financing is guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the Assessment District. Reimbursement If the facility is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the Assessment District, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the first bond sale for Olivenhain Road, for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimbursement Agreement between the developer anq the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. The developer shall be reimbursed for design and engineering costs out of the first bond sale for this project. III-55 PINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION FACILITIES Facility 6.8 Rancho Santa Fe Road (North) Special Condition Zone 11 B.2, C.1 Zone 12 C.1.a, C.4.a, C.7.b Estimated Cost $36,015,912 Source of Funds Assessment District and Carlsbad CFD No. 1 Financing Guarantee Formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area A-O (all) Reimbursement See below Facility This facility is the realignment and improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Road (North) to prime arterial standards. It also includes Facility 6.5 (Rancho Santa Fe Road intersections) . . Estimated Cost The estimated cost for this facility is obtained from "Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate," dated February 22, 1991, prepared by Project Design Consultants. Source of Funds This facility shall be funde-0 and constructed by the Assessment District for Rancho Santa Fe Road (North). Alternatively, it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the Assessment District. Carlsbad CFD No. 1 shall contribute $6,000,000 toward the construction of Olivenhain Road, Rancho Santa Fe Road (North), and Rancho Santa Fe Road (South). Allocation of this amount to individual facilities shall be determined by the engineer for the Assessment District. F"mancing Guarantee The financing is guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the Assessment District. III-56 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Reimbursement If the facility is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the Assessment District, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the bond sale for Rancho Santa Fe Road (North), for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimbursement Agreement between the developer and the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. The developer shall be reimbursed for design and engineering costs out of the first bond sale for this project. III-56A FINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION FACILITIES Facility 6.9 Rancho Santa Fe Road (South) Special Condition Zone 11 B.3 Zone 12 C.5 Esijmated Cost $5,165,289 Source of Funds Assessment District and Carlsbad CFO No. 1 Financing Guarantee Formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area A-0 (all) Reimbursement See below Estimated Cost The estimated cost for this facility is obtained from "Preliminary Cost Estimate, Rancho · Santa Fe Road South," dated February 15, 1991, prepared by Rick Engineering. Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the Assessment District for Rancho Santa Fe Road (South). Alternatively, it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the Assessment District. Partial improvements of this facility from Olivenhain Road extension to the north line of the Shelley property have been bonded by the Vista Santa Fe project (CT 81-16). The bond is dated June I, 1989, in the amount of $236,000. Prior to commencement of work or issuance of public financing district bonds, whichever occurs first, the City shall cause the owners of the Vista Santa Fe project to contribute this amount toward the cost of construction of this facility. · Carlsbad CFO No. 1 shall contribute $6,000,000 toward the construction of Olivenhain Road, Rancho Santa Fe Road (North), and Rancho Santa Fe Road (South). Allocation of this amount to individual facilities shall be determined by the engineer for the Assessment District. Financing Guarantee The financing is guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the Assessment District. 111-57 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Reimlm.rsemm If the ilcility is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the Asseument District, the developer shall be reimburserl from proce.eds of the bond sale for llam1,n Santa Fe Road (South), for those items of cost as shall be determined by the pmvisians of an Acquisition and Reimbursement Agreement between the developer and the aty, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. The developer shall be reimbursed for design and engineering costs out of the first bond sale for t1dJ proj~t. IIl-57A FINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION F ACILffiES Facility 6.10 La Costa A venue Widening Special Condition Zone 11 C.3.a Zone 12 C.3.a Estimated Cost $5,000,000 Source of Funds Carlsbad CFD No. 1 Financing Guarantee Participation in CPD No. 1 Responsible Area A-O (all) Reimbursement Not applicable Facility This facility is the widening of La Costa A venue from Interstate 5 to El Camino Real to major arterial standards. Source of Funds This facility has been previously funded by the City's Traffic Impact Fee program, and the City has formed Carlsbad CPD No. 1 which will provide funding for the project. Financing Guarantee The financing is guaranteed by participation in CFD No. 1. III-58 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • FINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION FACILITIES Facility 6.11 El Camino Real Widening Special Condition Zone 11 D.1 Zone 12 C.7.a Estimated Cost $1,430,715 Source of Funds Assessment District or developer Financing Guarantee Formation of and participation in Assessment District or improvement agreement Responsible Area A-O (all) Reimbursement $110,000 (See source of funds below) Facility In accordance with the Special Conditions, which stipulate the guarantee of the construction of a "proportional share" of this facility, this project is defined as the addition of one northbound lane on the east side of El Camino Real from Olivenhain Road to Levante Street. Improvement of the intersection at El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road, however, is included in Facility 6.7 (Olivenhain Road). Estimated Cost The estimated cost for this facility is obtained from "Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate," dated February 22, 1991, prepared by Project Design Consultants. Source of Funds If deemed by the City as eligible for assessment district financing, this facility shall be funded and constructed by the Assessment District for El Camino Real widening. Alternatively, it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the Assessment District. The special assessment related to this facility shall be levied only on properties located in Zone 12. If deemed ineligible for assessment district financing, this facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer ir Zone 12. The Public Facilities Fee (PFF) program funds installation of traffic signals at El Camino Real and Calle Barcelona (Capital Improvement Program [1991-92), p. 128). The budgeted amount is $110,000. The PFF project is included in the El Camino Real widening as defined in this Plan. III-59 Fmancing Guarantee If deemed eligible for assessment district financing, such financing is guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the district. If deemed ineligible for assessment district financing, prior to the recordation of a final map in Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed consistent with the conditions of approval of CT 88-3 and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16. 070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. As this requirement guarantees the construction of this facility, no other guarantee for this facility is required at this time. Reimbursement The City shall allocate ·to or reimburse the Assessment District or the developer of this facility, whichever provides the initial financing for its construction, $110,000 from the .Public Facilities Fee Fund at times indicated in the City's Capital Improvement Program, subject to availability of funds. III-60 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINANCING METHOD CIRCULATION FACILffiES Facility 6.12 Calle Barcelona Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 C.4.c Estimated Cost $6,578,243 Source of Funds Developer or Assessment District Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement or formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area A-C Reimbursement See below Facility This facility is the phased construction of Calle Barcelona from EI Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road, as set forth in the conditions of approval for CT 88-3, approved by City Council Resolution No. 90-258 and Planning Commission Resolution No. 3032. It also includes Facilities 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, and 5.15 (drainage improvements F, G, H, and J); Facility 6.6 (improvement of the intersection at El Camino Real and Calle Barcelona); Facility 10.4 (sewer main); and Facility 11.6 (water line). Estimated Cost The estimated cost for this facility is obtained from "Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate," dated February 22, 1991, prepared by Project Design Consultants. The estimated cost includes drainage, water, sewer, and other work located within the road right-of-way. Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed i~ phases by the developer, consistent with the conditions of approval of CT 88-3. Alternatively, if found to be consistent with Council Policy 33 or 38 and approved by the City Council, it may be funded by an assessment district for Calle Barcelona or by a community facilities district, or it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired >y the assessment district or the community facilities district. If a public financing district is established to fund this facility, the special assessment or special tax related to this facility shall be levied only on properties located in Zone 12 and shall be paid in full upon close of escrow of each residential unit in the zone. 111-61 Fmancing Guarantee If the facility is funded and constructed by the developer, the financing guarantee shall be provided in phases, as follows: Prior to the recordation of a final map in Zone 12, only the portion of the facility which is required to serve the area covered by that final map shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed for that portion, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16. 060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. If the facility is funded by a public financing district, the financing is guaranteed upon formation of and participation in such a district. The formation of an assessment district or a community facilities district for the facility shall satisfy and release any subdivision improvement bond or bonds which were previously posted with respect to the facility. Reimbursement If the facility is funded by a public financing district and if it is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the public financing district, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds·of the first bond sale for the Calle Barcelona project, for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimbursement Agreement between the developer and the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. III-61A I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e I FIRE FACllJTIES I Required Facilities I The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 11 LFM Plan: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. 3. ,. 5. Prior to the adoption of this Local Facilities Management Plan by the City Council, the following actions shall take place: A. The La Costa Ranch Company shall provide a suitable fire station site at a location acceptable to the Fire Chief, Planning Director and City Engineer. This site shall be exchanged for the existing site located along the present alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. B. A letter of credit or some other secured.financing acceptable to the City in the amount of $1,118,000 guaranteeing the construction of Fire Station No. 6 shall be provided from a financial institute and upon tenns and conditions acceptable to the approval of the Finance Director and City Attorney. C. Prior to the City accepting a location for Fire Station No. 6, the preparers of this LFMP shall be required to prepare a modified five minute response time map for the southeast ·quadrant to ensure compliance with the performance standard. Prior to the approval of any final map within Zone 11, a schedule shall be approved by the City guaranteeing the construction of Fire Station No. 6 by 1989. No residential building permits shall be issued until the Planning Director and City Engineering make the findings that sufficient progress has been made towards the completion of Fire Station No. 6 and the opening of this station is projected to occur prior to the completion of any residential units. No residential units will receive a utility inspection until Fire Station No. 6 is operational. Prior to the occupancy of the Fire Station No. 6, an access load shall be provided from the new Fire Station No. 6 location to the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road by the La Costa Ranch Company or other property owners within Zone 1 ~ acceptable to the Fire Chief, Planning Director and the III-62 City Engineer. The Zone 12 LFM Plan does not contain any Special Conditions for Fire Facilities. In summary, the following facilities are required by the Zone 11 and 12 LFM Plans: Fire Station No. 6 Construction and Equipment Operation (one year) Fire Station Relocation (Reimbursement to City) Total Estimated Cost $650,000 530,000 375,000 $1,555,000 Permanent Fire Station No. 6 is a required facility for both Zones 11 and 12. Prior to completion of a permanent fire station, an interim fire station was constructed in accordance with an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates. (See "1988 Fire Station Agreement" and amendment.) The amended fire station agreement also obligates Fieldstone/La Costa Associates to contribute up to $375,000 for relocation of the fire station. This amount is intended to reimburse the City for the cost of constructing the interim fire station. The availability of an interim fire station benefits all properties in Zones 11 and 12, which otherwise would fail to satisfy the City's Fire Facilities performance standards. Source of Funds Funds for construction and equipment will be obtained from the Public Facilities Fee Fund. Under terms of the Zone 6 Facilities Financing Plan, the City has fully funded the costs of construction and equipment of Fire Station No. 6 by transferring funds from the General Capital III-63 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; Construction fund to the Public Facilities Fee fund. One year's cost of operating the fire station will be funded through a Local Facilities Management Fee imposed by the Zone 6 Facilities Financing Plan. This fee, which is currently $310 per residential unit, is also collected from developments in Zones 11 and 12. The required contribution toward relocation of the fire station shall be funded by an increase in the LFM Fee. The increase shall be implemented through an amendment to the existing LFM Fee program and applied to new residential and non-residential development in Zones 11 and 12. · The increase in LFM Fee shall be based on equivalent dwelling units (EDU), as currently used by the City of Carlsbad. Single family and multi-family residential units would be assigned one EDU. Non-residential development would be assigned one EDU per 0.17 acres, which represents the land area occupied by the average housing in the City. In Zones 11 and 12, there are plans for 3,600 residential units (see Table 1-1) and 73.1 acres of commercial development. The total ED Us planned in the two zones is 4,030 ED Us ( = 3,600 + 73.1/0.17). The increase in the fee is therefore $94 per EDU ( = $375,000 + 4,030). With the increase, LFM Fee in Zones 11 and 12 would be $404 per residential unit(= $310 + $94) and $553 per non-residential acre(= $94 + 0.17). Financing Guarantee Financing for permanent Fire Station No. 6 is guaranteed by the Zone 6 Facilities Financing Plan and subsequent actions by the City. No additional guarantees are required. Since the interim fire station is already constructed, no financing guarantee is required. The relocation cost of Fire Station No. 6 is guaranteed by the Fire Station Agreement, as amended. No additional guarantees are required. III-64 Reimbursement Fieldstone/La Costa Associates shall be reimbursed for the portion of the relocation cost incurred in excess of its prorata share. The reimbursement shall be made from the amended Local Facilities Management Fee for Zones 11 and 12. III-64A .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • OPEN SPACE FACILITIES Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 11 LFM Plan: 1. 2. 3. All future development within this 1.0ne shall be required to show how it contributes to meeting the open space performance standard and that the development does not preclude the provision of performance standard open space at build out of Z.One 11. Open space compliance will be monitored annually and as individual projects are reviewed within this zone. Prior to the approval of any development within this 1.0ne, the Planning Director shall be required to find that the development does not preclude the provision ofpe,formance standard open space at build out ofZ.One 11. The 2'.one 12 LFM Plan contains the identical Special Conditions, except that references to I "Zone 11" are changed to "Zone 12". I Source or Funds I Funding for open space shall be provided by private developers. I Financing Guarantee I No specific financing guarantee is required. I I I I I Ill-65 SCHOOL F ACil,ITIES Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 11 LFM Plan: Encinitas Union Elementary School District: No special conditions are required. San Dieguito High School District: No special conditions are required. San Marcos Unified School District: Prior to the approval of a final map for any projects within the San Marcos Unified School District, an agreement shall be entered into between the San Marcos Unified School District and the La Costa Ranch Company that shall provide for t~e following: ]. 2. 3. The deeding of an acceptable school site to the San Marcos Unified School District. The guarantee for the financing and construction of a school for the District. This guarantee shall be in the form of bonding, cash deposit or some other form of security as specified in said agreement. If any reimbursements and/or school fee credits are to be given, the school agreement shall provide a mechanism to do so. The Zone 12 LFM Plan contains no Special Conditions for School Facilities. III-66 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I In summary, the following facilities are required: ENCINITAS USO Mission Estancia E. S. Elementary School No.3 SAN DIEGUITO UHSD High School Junior High School SAN MARCOS USD · Elementary School Estimated Cost $3,500,000 3,500,000 35,000,000 16,500,000 3,500,000 Zone 11 is served by Encinitas Union School District, San Dieguito Union High School District, and San Marcos Unified School District. Zone 12 is served by Encinitas USO and San Dieguito UHSD. Source of Funds Fieldstone/La Costa Associates or its predecessor have dedicated, sold, or negotiated future transfer of sites for all required schools except San Marcos USD elementary school. Source of funds for construction of required schools are State funding under various programs and school fees. Fmancing Guarantee Payment of applicable school fees satisfies the financing obligation of private development for the required school facilities. 111-67 • SEWER FACILITIES -ZONE 11 Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 11 LFM Plan: PHASE A: Special Conditions: 1. Phase A is located within the SMCWIY. Since SMCWD will maintain conj onnance to the adopted pe,:formanet standard until ultimate build out, there are no special conditions for Phase A. Financing: There is no special .financing required for Phase A. PHASE B: Special Conditions: ]. 2. Prior to any occupancy within Phase B, the proposed 12-inch sewer line east of La Costa Racquet Club, from the existing 12-inch stub in Calle Lomas Verde to the existing 12-inch terminus in Stagecoach Park must be installed. Phase B is located within LCWD4 drainage basin 8. The improvements recommended by the LCWD Planning Study will continue to be made by LCWD to maintain conformance with the adopted performance standard. All development within this phase will pay the required sewer fees to LCWD. Financing: '1he cost of the proposed 12-inch sewer is estimated-to be $92,100. This seweris anticipated to be.financed by the developers of Phase B. LCWD will.finance the facilities recommended in the Planning Study through the collection of sewer fees. 3Vallecitos Water District, formerly San Marcos County Water District. 4i..eucadia County Water District. 111-68 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PHASE C: SJ)ecial Conditions: 1. Plulse C is located within LCWD drainage basin 10. The LCWD PlaMing Study recommends improvements /or the development of their drainage basin 10. These improvements will continue to be 1TUll1e by LCWD to maintain co,iformance with the adopted performance standard. All development within Phase C will pay the required sewer fees to LCWD. Ft ' znancme: LCWD will Jina.nee the facilities recommended in the Planning Study through the collection of sewer fees. PHASED: SJ)ecial Conditions: 1. Prior to occupancy in Phase D, the proposed 11-inch sewer line west of La, Costa Racquet Club.from the existing 12-inch stub in La Costa Avenue to the existing 12-inch trunk sewer in Stagecoach Park must be installed. 2. Phase D is located within LCWD drainage basin 8. The improvements recommended by the LCWD Planning Study will continue to be made by LCWD to maintain coriformance with the adopted performance standard. All development within this phase will pay the required sewer fees to LCWD. Financing The cost of the proposed 12-inch sewer is estimated to be $59,100. 1his sewer is anticipated to be Jina.need by the developers of Phase D. LCWD will finance the facilities recommended in the Planning Study through the collection of sewer fees. PHASEE: SJ)ecial Conditions: 1. Phase E is located within LCWD drainage basin 8. 1he improvements recommended by the LCWD Planning Study will continue to be made by LCWD to maintain conformance with the adopted performance standard. All development within this phase will pay the required sewer fees to LCWD. III-69 LCWD will finance the facilities recommended in the Planning Study through the collection of sewer fee. PHASE F: Special Conditions: 1. Prior to occupancy in Phase F, one of the following must occur: 2. a. The pump station and force main must be installed. b. An agreement must be reached with the Cardiff Sanitation District. c. A septic system must be approved by the County Sanitation Department and the City of Carlsbad for the lots that can't gravity flow toward the LCWD sewer system. Phase F is located within LCWD drainage basin 8. The improvements recommended by the LCWD Planning Study will continue to be made by LCWD to maintain con/onnance with the adopted peiformance standard. All development within this phase will pay the required sewer fees to LCWD. Financing: The cost of the proposed pump station, force main and trunk sewer is estimated to be $200,000. These sewer facilities are anticipated to be financed by the developers in Phase F. LCWD will finance the facilities recommended in the Planning Study through the collection of sewer fees. For definition of sewer facilities phases in Zone 11, see Figure 3-4 below. Source of funds and financing requirements are discussed following the list of Special Conditions for Zone 12. III-70 I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------ ~ ........ -.i.•. : • ,.: I ----------··· · .. · ~ ' ·,~... -: .. . ~ .•· -"". r I ------~ I J' .. . .' I ,___ . . ·.· . ,' 'J, ~-·. --. , -. , ' ·--------•· •• • . <· . ,• ' • . . .. • • • • • • < ' '~> • .@) . . .. \, '.. ~. /,./ . ® MCWD M~adq_wlar:k . ·,;.- T realmerit Plant · & Lift Staiion ~2 SMCWD .. . ·· •. ·\ :-· ·. ' . ' . -.,..:.--;, .... •,rr.._...,:;...l,<-.,,' servo1r • · . · . ~-·, -".Uu.-~ .. C -' ··-/,•.:/ ·.•• /' •• -~-=--J',,i'I,-:~-;-· _/( ,/ \-PHASE B ;-:.~ . ~~~-\:;y\·.·_ 1 . . . : . \ . .::·-.-:~::...,_ __ •• ·-.>. --~p:i•:· / \✓--.>::: __ ·1 ,: · PHASE A ·>)j 1 SE'<~ :(,ot l ..... "' .... -~~ '\ ~ I . I \-'"',, . SMCWD : ·(__ r. L J ,✓ .:=-:'"~''• .. , . .,,,,,,_., . ? fD u ••·.t, ·.~ I .. '·.;'>,-......,_ I -" I I• I ., No Scale '"!"_,.:0-. ··..: LEGEND - f- (fil Phase Boumlnrlo; Existing Trunk lines Proposed Trunk Lines Direction o·f Natural Drainage Areas Drainage Basin Designation per Planning Study,LCWD "'""""''"" Sewer District Boundary between SMCWO and LCWD \ • • I I ~: ------·-.~---,------1 '-1 '-:r,-· / · ·PHASE E ':,': ;.•t• I, :·:.".·.:.::''G~~::·· I -;: "'\.; _.,.-, I .. · .. ~:. ~., .. , ... I• •. •,! . . ~--· ;' -•.' I ' PHASr F 1 . ,· .. j ·' I I ·r---- I I I ~ / ... ·/ ·, :-,,,~ .• >1 .:.:® I I • I \ I . \ ' \ ____ I , I Figure 3-4. SEWER BASIN BOUNDARIES -ZONE 11 111-71 - - SEWER FACILITIES -ZONE 12 Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 12 LFM Plan: A. All development within Zone 12 shall pay the required sewer connectionfee to the Leucadia County Water District. B. C. Sewer Basin A 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, for any development in Sewer /Jasin A, a.financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the following sewer facilities shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Leucadia County Water District: a. The proposed 10-inch sewer line within Calle Barcelona must be installed; b. The improvements recommended by the LCWD Planning Study will continue to be made by LCWD to maintain conformance with the adopted performance standard. Financing: The cost of the proposed JO-inch sewer is estimated to be $27,100. Sewer Basin B 1. Prior to the recordation of the first final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, for any development in Sewer Basin B, a.financing mechanism guaranteeing the construction of the following sewer facilities shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Leucadia County Water District: a. The improvements recommended by the LCWD Planning Study will continue to be made by the LCWD to maintain conformance with the adopted perfonnance standard. III-72 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Financing: Leucadia County Water District will.finance the facilities recommended in the Planning Study through the collection of sewer fees. For definition of sewer basins in Zone 12, see Figure 3-5 below. Source of funds and financing requirements are discussal following this figure. Ill-73 - . .. .. , . ., .. ... .. .. •o , \,, •o ~: }/"• :a,>~ ~9' ·, oo ~~ \ C, ?-' /"\ v \;; •, .,,,,,.., a,;oc, \~ ~'.111:, ~ ~ ~-·___../" .L/ :· . ,~ .-·· • r --"t - I BASIN A ..._, . ZON: NOTE: Zone 12 is locatod enllroly within lho Leucadia County Water District. ~ ... .>_,::>o\. \~'. ~-----==-·---- aaoo I' ----==-------' ~.:.Cto \ :i-'. / ,:::...---•••" \~I / ,.,- ,-.. ~ • 000 ....,'v 00 .. \l ~\\_ ~g~..--~i°--:-;-✓- 0 •• : 10· .-. .... 1/ 0 --.-.•!!1/ I 1i·\·y···· -:?ON::::; 1f111ll11lrl10i1f1i1i11111ili1i111111IHlllllllllllfllllllU!lr!llllr ---~~t~ \ -•·-1 "'::::, BASIN B ....___ --.. " ' '-~ 0 o• 0 -~-"l .• 0 .. 0 .. •• •• ~D ::I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • . : ~-N: • • 0 -00 % 0 -·~ . . (EXISTING) RJ.N::HO DE.;. l•()HDEROS-t. I OJ STING: I \\ .. " \' I ' . SJ.HT k ...-Rlt>GE i =STING! l l ·•. ... ,. j . \BASIN BI 0 -_J OOC' ~ : ::'•;~~ \ \ 0 ~ ---------~~QtO~ ----- 18" ~ 0 :1~ 0° !:N:INl7~:S No Scale "o'>o a• ZONE 1 ~ LEGEND: .. , ..... 000000 ...... t1n11nnttt1I 0 Sewer Basin Boundaries Existing Trunk Sewer Lines Proposed Trunk Sewer Lines ( 12• Diameter and larger) Drainage Basin Boundary Direction of Natural Drainage Facillly Number Figure 3-5. SEWER BASIN BOUNDARIES -ZONE 12 III-74 ------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINANCING METHOD SEWER FACILITIES Facility 10.1 Basin B 1211 Sewer Main Special Condition Zone 11 B.1 Z,one 12 Not required Estimated Cost $92,100 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area F (part), G (part) Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in sewer basin B of Zone 11. F'mandng Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in sewer basin B of Zone 11, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed with the appropriate sewer district. The sewer improvement shall be constructed concurrent with development. III-75 FINANCING METHOD SEWER FACILmES Facility 10.2 Basin D 12" Sewer Main Special Condition Zone 11 D.l Zone 12 Not required Estimated Cost $59,100 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area H (part) Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in sewer basin D of Zone 11. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in sewer basin D of Zone 11, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed with the appropriate sewer district. The sewer improvement shall be constructed concurrent with development. m-76 I I I I II I I I I II I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINANCING METHOD SEWER FACILITIES Facility 10.3 Basin F Pump Station, Force Main Special Condition Zone 11 F.l.a Zone 12 Not required Estimate.d Cost $200,000 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area L (part), M (part) Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This :facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in sewer basin J:' of Zone 11. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in sewer basin F of Zone 11, this facility shall be constructed; or an acceptable security instrument shall be provided to the City; or an improvement agreement shall be executed with the appropriate sewer district. The sewer improvement shall be constructed concurrent with development. 111-77 FINANCING METHOD SEWER FACILITIES Facility 10.4 Basin A 10" Sewer Main Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 B.l.a Estimated Cost Included in Facility 6.12 Source of Funds Developer or Assessment District Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement or formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area B (part), C Reimbursement See below Facility This facility is a part of Facility 6.12 (Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road). Source of Funds This facility is located within the right-of-way of Calle Barcelona. It shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in sewage basin A of Zone 12. Alternatively, if found to be consistent with Council Policy 33 or 38 and approved by the City Council, it may be funded and constructed by a public financing district for the Calle Barcelona project, as described in the financing method for Facility 6.12, or it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the public financing district. Any special tax or special assessment related to this facility shall be levied only on properties located in Zone 12, which shall not pass through to homebuyers, but shall be paid in full at close of escrow. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in sewage basin A of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 20.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. III-78 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • If the facility is funded by a public financing district, the financing will be guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the district. The formation of a public financing district for the facility shall satisfy and release any subdivision improvement bond previously posted with respect to the facility. Reimbursement If the facility is funded by a public financing district and if it is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the public financing district, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the first bond sale for the Calle Barcelona project, for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimbursement Agreement between the developer and the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. Ill-78A WAT.ER FACILITIES -ZONE 11 Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 11 LFM Plan: PHASE A: Special Conditions: 1. Water facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of SMCWIJ, The 12-inch water line proposed from the existing 12-inch stub in Corintia Street to El Fuerte Street shall be installed as required by SMCWD. 2. All development within Phase A shall pay the appropriate water fees established by SMCWD. Financing: The cost of the proposed 12-inch water line is estimated to be $154,600. This water line is anticipated to be .financed by the developers of Phase A. PHASE B: $.pecial Conditions: 1. 2. Water facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of OMWD6• All development within Phase B shall pay the appropriate water fees established by OMWD. Financing: There is no special .financing required for Phase B. 5Vallecitos Water District, formerly San Marcos County Water District. 6otivenhain Municipal Water District. III-79 I I I I I I II I I I I I ,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PHASE C: Special Conditions: 1. 2. Water facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of OMWD. The 12-inch water line proposed in the extension of Calle Barcelona and a ponion of the 16-inch water line proposed in the .future atension of Calle Acervo shall be installed as required by OMWD. All development within Phase C shall pay the appropriate water fees established by OMWD. Financing: The cost of the proposed water lines are estimated to be $151,800. These water lines are anticipated to be financed by the developers of Phase C. PHASED: Special Conditions: 1. Water facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of OMWD. 1he ponion of the 16-inch water line proposed in the future extension of Calle Acervo shall be installed, as required by OMWD. 2. All development within Phase D shall pay the appropriate water fees established by OMWD. Financing: The cost of the proposed water line is estimated to be $114,400 for Phase D. 1his water line is anticipated to be financed by the developers of Phase D. PHASEE: Special Conditions: 1. Water facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of OMWD. The ponion of the 16-inch water line proposed in the future extension of Calle Acervo shall be installed, as required by OMWD. III-80 2. All development within Phase E shall pay the appropriate water fees established by OMWD. Financing: The cost of the proposed water line is estimated to be $116,600for Phase E. This warer line is anticipared to be financed by the developers of Phase E. PHASE F: Special Conditions: 1. Water facilities will be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of OMWD. 2. All development within Phase F shall pay the appropriate water fees established by OMWD. Financing: There is no special financing required for Phase F. For definition of water facilities phases in Zone 11, see Figure 3-6 below. Source of funds and financing requirements are discussed following the list of Special Conditions for Zone 12. III-81 I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------... --Ill .. -.. .. --- ,:t---·.t, .• !••• .. It"'•'" 'r-•-.•· .. .. ·.··:~ !:·.-/;_ .!.:--< ... · ·-:.::~,--·/t:,;_ .' Oqn~ -· 'r ,., . .-. ·, · -. · , , .. -_., r'..i~k .. '._-_::~--.'P~:fASE'B".-' '/(_, ... : !~e IVOf_ ,. • · ·· ,· ·· _. ,,:"/<· .· . @ .. . . '~"€Ji . ' -· ' \/_,_ 2, ---\ f ,:t ----· ·--< _ .. · ?{<c:.--,. ,,_ ... ___ __ ....... ,::-;-·---=--&_·,-=-~·:...·~---. ", • ~--J , \(. ____ ,, .•/· . ··o'-11w·· iJ,._ , .-~-:..:. ---R-, -Ii ,. ----,,. ..., . •.-· • ,--~ ·> • ' I • J / . ,.• 1•' ,-,_ ' ' . , .\ ••• ,,,, ~,'I• ' '\ I I :• , , .. ·,,,·.,,,.., • .:..J! , ISTINr.i'\ . · .... , i' .••-. (.;,. .\."· -..··/ · ,:::--,:r-/ ji \"' . .. ._,..,_ ""O. ~ . ·. _. ·. ,-·--••. ·'· '·I, !l I' / ◄-• • \'. .. . . •• ( • , -· ' ' , .. . . . . . . . : -· --. '· ; ·, ·\ H·>.'"'. d{ IL ~ Y,7 ,-,.._ ~,::;;:;.;.;;;;;;i-\ . ·, ;\ •· 11 • :'' t;. ;,. .,....J:P..H"SE •A;_,·-:_ .... -~\·'.i.L.. ~,'>\ · ' · I ) ·-·· ·.._ ___ , :_ / l r, •,· · ., .. , , <', , Ir .. -, ,.• ' ~~~ . •.•--. : , \I • . :1 ,. ...... ~•-.~; .. \ '· _: \ ) . t I~-.J f· :. I \~ , .... _,., \' C' • ,, ,..,, '·, \... --~ . ,:_ ) \ .. C,fy J 1. ,! -· --' ' ' ,, ..... . . .• +.~ . , ' ,-, ' ' ' ·,··/' -· •' =·•·'· ·-' ·-·-·-'-.:~~n1.··1 • . .•. • <, .. •-:. <fl. \ •. ,>-,---..::, . IOI&■ : ·-. .' '-if t~)>_:@j ' '-._ ,. I -i r• ---->/-~: ;/L}.~:f ,~,@ .. ~-'./·.'--··--·· ·, \;...--- .!), .. : .,' • • t~· ./ ... ·• ...., .• I I '· I l\ \ . ... "-\ '\ \ i " ; \ (IQ u No Scale •. f • ; _,, I • LEGEND • ., .......... tflt:t Phase Boundaries £dating Water l!nes Pr01>oeed Vtalet Lines Boundary between OIJWO 111d SMCWO. : .... ,. r;. ' ,, -.. 'Wit" 1 • ... .., PHA ceu.-ta .. ue•e l<Nr.tt- - Figure 3-6. WATER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES -ZONE 11 111-82 WATER FACILIT~ -ZONE 12 Required Facilities The following Special Conditions are contained in the Zone 12 LFM Plan: A. B. Water Service Area A 1. 2. Water facilities shall be provided at the time of development to the satisfaction of OMWD7• The water district may require improvements outside of Wmer Service Boundaries if deemed necessary to serve development. All development within Water Service Area A shall pay the appropriate water fees established by OMWD. Financing: There is no special financing required for Water Service Area A. Water Service Area B 1. Water Facilities shall be provided concurrent with development to the satisfaction of OMWD. A ponion of the existing 12" water line in Calle Barcelona shall be removed and an extension/connection made to the 12" main in the new alignment of Calle Barcelona as well as its extension and connection to the 16" main in El Camino Real and the 12 " line in Rancho Santa Fe Road, as required by OMWD. 2. All development within Water Service Area B shall pay the appropriate water fees esrablished by OMWD. Financing: The cost of the removal, relocmion, and extension of the proposed 12-inch water line is estimated to be $256,000. This water line is anticipated to be financed by the developers of Water Service Area B. 7Olivenhain Municipal Water District. III-83 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. • • Water Service Area C 1. Water Facilities shall be provided concurrem with development to the satisfaction of OMWD. 2. The existing 14" water line in the nonhwesterly ponion on Zone 12 shall be removed and replaced with a 16" water line in Levante Street!Anillo Way with a connection at the La. Costa pressure reducing station and at the 16" main in El Cami,w Real. 3. All development within Water Service Area C shall pay the appropriate fees established by OMWD. Financin~: The cost of the proposed facilities in Water Service Area C are estimated to be $300,080. For definition of water service areas in Zone 12, see Figure 3-7 below. Source of funds and financing requirements are discussed following this figure. III-84 - .c-..... • • • '\••1-r ,,,,. •• .. zot.ic: c .-,,"-.,•\ : ",,,,i'• _..). •• • ,.,., ~\ ,,,..,."''' . . ----.•110J~'' •• • ..-1n7.......... '-t; 1 •• '· , .. 1 ✓.• ,-:-·••"'!"''llf\t.,., .. , .. ,, ... , ....... ,, .. 111\r.M1tllllf,~lll'lr.M .. : \\\ ..,-t6-• (9 .. ••••••••• '-DJ 110 Is'\! • \ ,-C ,.---,.. -,1' -/ \.::_,I ♦ ::. I ,, •" / C, '\U •••••• I • ;o:orir c, ~ ,_.""j.. ·..__) ,,,....... ' ~ • ~;;4 .. \ -~ ,,•••••·••• SERVICE AREA C ..................... ,,~ 10· : ' \ ,, ••••• ......... _ _,,._..1 ' \ ,,' .... ········. , ~D -=. '•"'' ••• oa• ••••• •••,a, ~ ..,,, ,, ••••• •o; ........ \,,, ... . .-7' ••• ··~ -;-, 1 •••• SERVICE AREA B : • ....... ~ \ \ .... . ·•···•··· .... .,, .. ------,.,. . . .. .-: •• -------•--:::_-< fr' • • •• .-, •• c: -::;-~~~------,.~, ...... \__B) .. •i ';-_,.i .. \ . ~7 _-J "~~ •• SERVICE AREA A :; ZOPI:: 23 ..-, \ ✓,_;.,:3:-/ I "~s.,¾ •• :/ "4;. A~ I 00""''~ •• •• '-. _..,,,~ 6 ~~o::'<, • • ... •.: ~ _..-:;~....--' ~.;;;;-.: ..... •:: .-: ......-...-::::-I 12· ~'---, ••.... ::: •· ..-;;., .... ___ .. ~:--.. .... :: .; /;1/ , ........... l!~ ......... ,1111111 ~ ••• .:..:, ... ~:\ --:::i-'1/ ••• s$. ......... "-''s. • --.---=~_::=;;..,-• ; ~~....... .... .... •= -: ...... • ~~ ~ .. .:-:: : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • •• • • • • • • • .,. a ; ~\ .•~··· ·= • y-ini\-l _. \.~ ~---ZONE 11 w :: ~ ~ u .___ • ~~ .!Y -; ~ ---c: ~ ( ~~-·· ~ d \ i.~---0 ~ LA< NGP ".._..-::-·- !%--· rt ____.-__.., •••• ..._~,~,:. LEGEND: ~ ~. 0 •• ·~"-'~ -,-.. -,-.. -,-, _E_x_l_s_tl_n_g_W_a_te_r_T_r_a_n_s_m_l_s_s_lo_n_F_a_c_l_l_ltles ;; ~ ---Proposed Water Tmnsmlsslon Facllllles t. : ~II,. i ·,~ •• .\,\~\""'"" 0t:,.::::.== ... == ... == ... :::::: .. u ...... , ... ;~.::.-:::=;::::\-~ .. Im, .. ,.1111•1>"• CITY Or EN~INITAS •••• • 0 Service Area Boundaries Preuure Reducing Station Faclllty Number No Scale Nole: Zone 12 la localed entlrely within the Ollvehaln Munlclpal Water OlstrlcL Figure 3-7. WATER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES -ZONE 12_ 111-85 ---------------.. -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINANCING METHOD WATER FACILffiES Facility 11.1 Service Area A 12" Water Line Special Condition Zone 11 A.1 Zone 12 Not required Estimated Cost $154,600 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area D, E (part) Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in water service area A of Zone 11. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in water service area A of Zone 11, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed with the appropriate water district. III-86 FINANCING METHOD WATER FACILITIES Facility 11.2 Service Area C 12" Water Line Special Condition Zone 11 C.1 Zone 12 Not required Estimated Cost $40,200 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area J, K Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in water service area C of Zone 11. Finan~ing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in water service area C of Zone 11, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed with the appropriate water district. III-87 I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINANCING METHOD WATER FACILITIES Facility 11.3 Service Area C 16" Water Line Special Condition Zone 11 C.1 Zone 12 Not required Estimated Cost $111,000 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area J, K Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in water service area C of Zone 11. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in water service area C of Zone 11, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed with the appropriate water district. III-88 FINANCING METHOD WATER FACILITIF.S Facility 11.4 Service Area D 16" Water Line Special Condition Zone 11 D.l Zone 12 Not required Estimated Cost $114,400 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area M Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in water service area D of Zone 11. Financing Cuarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in water service area C of Zone 11, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed with the appropriate water district. 111-89 I I I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINANCING METHOD WATER FACILffiES Facility 11.S Service Area E 16" Water Line Special Condition Zone 11 E.l Zone 12 Not required Estimated Cost $116,600 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area N Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in water service area E of Zone 11. Fmancing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in water service area E of Zone 11, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed with the appropriate water district. III-90 FINANCING METHOD WATER FACILITIES Facility 11.6 Service Area B 1211 Water Line Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 B.l Estimated Cost Included in Facility 6.12 Source of Funds Developer or Assessment District Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement or formation of and participation in Assessment District Responsible Area A (part), B Reimbursement See below Facility This facility is a part of Facility 6.12 (Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road). Source of Funds This facility is located within the right-of-way of Calle Barcelona. It shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in water service area B of Zone 12. Alternatively, if found to be consistent with Council Policy 33 or 38 and approved by the City Council, it inay be funded and constructed by a public financing district for the Calle Barcelona project, as described in the financing method for Facility 6.12, or it may be privately designed and/or constructed and later acquired by the public financing district. . Any special tax or special assessment related to this facility shall be levied only on properties located in Zone 12, which shall not pass through to homebuyers, but shall be paid in full at close of escrow. Financing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in water service area B of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Said improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.06.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bonds, cash, irrevocable instrument of credit or letter of credit, acceptable to the Financial Management Director and City Attorney. III-91 I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If the facility is funded by a public financing district, the financing will be guaranteed upon formation of and participation in the district. The formation of a public financing district for the facility shall satisfy and release any subdivision improvement bond previously posted with respect to the facility. Reimbursement If the facility is funded by a public financing district and if it is privately designed and/or constructed and thereafter acquired by the district, the developer shall be reimbursed from proceeds of the first bond sale for the Calle Barcelona project, for those items of cost as shall be determined by the provisions of an Acquisition and Reimbursem~nt Agreement between the developer and the City, said Agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the City. III-91A • • FINANCING METHOD WATER FACILITIES Facility 11. 7 Service Area C 16" Water Line Special Condition Zone 11 Not required Zone 12 C.2 Estimated Cost $300,080 Source of Funds Developer Financing Guarantee Improvement agreement Responsible Area C Reimbursement Not applicable Source of Funds This facility shall be funded and constructed by the first developer in Water Service Area C of Zone 12. Fman~ing Guarantee Prior to the recordation of a final map in Water Service Area C of Zone 12, this facility shall be constructed or an improvement agreement shall be executed with the appropriate water district. III-92 I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A FACILITY AREAS OF LFM ZONES 11 AND 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Table A-1 RELATIONSHIP OF FACILITY AREAS TO LFM PLAN FOR DRAINAGE, SEWER AND WATER AREAS Facility Area (a) Zone (a) (b) (c) (d) A 12 B 12 C 12 D 11 E 11 F 11 G 11 H 11 I 11 J 11 K 11 L 11 M 11 N 11 0 11 See Figure 3-1. See Figures 3-2 and 3-3. See Figures 3-4 and 3-5. See Figures 3-6 and ,-7. Drainage (b) Sewer (c) Watershed C Basin B Watershed A, B Basin A, B Watershed A, D Basin A Phase A Phase A Phase A Phase A, C Phase B, C Phase B, C Phase C Phase B, E Phase C Phase C, D Phase C Phase E Phase C Phase E Phase D Phase E Phase D, E Phase E, F Phase D, E Phase E, F Phase C, D Phase E Phase C, D Phase E (e) This subarea is served by existing water distribution facilities. A-1 Water (d) Service Area A, B Service Area B Service Area C Phase A Phase A, B Phase B Phase B Phase B (Existing) (e) Phase C Phase C Phase B Phase D Phase E Phase F • Table A-2 FACILITY AREAS, OWNERS AND PROJECTS Facility Area A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 Owner Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Fieldstone/La Costa Associates Fieldstone/La Costa Associates D. Shelley M.A.G. Properties Leisure Technology Mission Estancia Partnership La Costa Funding-(Vistar) Union Oil Company Broadmoor Homes La Costa Estancia Partnership Donald L. Bren Company Brighton Homes Rice Enterprises D. Shelley Wiegand Properties Note: Ownership information as of October 1991. A-2 Project Arroyo La Costa Arroyo La Costa Arroyo La Costa Southeast III Southeast II Southeast II Residential -80 Ac. Commercial C.T. 85-15 C.T. 85-21 Commercial Commercial C.T. 85-11 Commercial C.T. 85-9B C.T. 89-23 C.T. 85-10 Residential -115 Ac. Residential • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , • • APPENDIX B LIST OF FACILITIES WHICH ARE FUNDED FROM CITY OF CARLSBAD DEVEWPMENT FEES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • APPENDIXB LIST OF FACILITIES WIIlCH ARE FUNDED FROM CITY OF CARLSBAD DEVELOPMENT FEES (a) Facility Source of Funds Amount Reference 1. Park Land Acquisition PIL $5,168,000 Parks Agreement (b) 2. Park Construction PFF $2,630,000 Parks Agreement CIP (1991-92), p. 27 3. Traffic Signal -PFF $110,000 CIP (1991-92), p. 128 ECR/Calle Barcelona 4. Traffic Signal PFF $125,000 CIP (1991-92), p. 131 ECR/Olivenhain (a) This table is a list of facilities which are proposed in the Zone 11/12 Financing Plan to be constructed as part of projects to be initially funded by the developers or by one or more public financing districts and which are also funded from development fees collected by the City of Carlsbad. · (b) Park land will initially be dedicated by Fieldstone/La Costa Associates in accordance with the Parks Agreement. A portion of the value of the dedicated land may be subject to reimbursement from the Park- in-Lieu Fee revenues. The reimbursable portion may be less than this amount. The exact amount and timing of reimbursement will be determined as part of a new master plan, appraisal, and reimbursement agreement, as described in the Parks Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates.