HomeMy WebLinkAbout4438; 8-74; WOODLAND HEIGHTS; 01-02\ We ~ oert1fr tbat • an 1:be _,.. of, or an i..ntel"Mt.lld in the l,aai ......t within the wtdiri.s1.an to be lmown aa Woodhnd H-1.&hta, and -•el:11 con.ent to the prepan.Uon and reoordatian of thi.a 11ap C01min11:1& ot 2 •heete and. dekr1bld. 1n the caption thereof. We hereby ck:Uc.:w to pUblic aae Larkapur 1-, the Portion ot AdaDlll StrNt, the Port.1.an of Tam&r'llek AftZlWI and Lot "A• and U. Pabll.c Ut.illt,J" EaaEID9lltis 88 eh.own on Rid aap. We hrt.her otter t~ de(ti.oati.QQ to tho Cit,7 ot Carlsbad !~ publle UM the Sor.\ ther!T 12 .r..t ot ~ 17, 18, 19, 20 and Zl ae ebown on said aap1ond the Q,.o,noqe. Ec;:isemerrt os shcWn an said mop, QJJIJJl 1-...:HailtS, L1D., I. .i..Difi1m Pili&BA iii IP Bf KALROM ROPEFi'Tle5 INC_ (1 Ca 1forn1G1. Cor OTatio;J BY: ~ BY: t,£g~4;~ '-~ .,. 011 ~;~L!,4<>.y pf tlMVPIT(V , ,,. th.i 'Jea.-/960 , baforg .me-, l"f~V(i4 er: d 7/itt:eB , a IJo+ar'i Pui>lic ,n and for sa;d 'Co,,i.;,:;:.f ona S+ate, per~onafly ap,-.:ired 7?,;,pert .L. ~~fft'.~S , knbivr:1 to me to t>e: the.//4i;:e President and_,..lr',_,,4..,y~ffi ........... >! ... 1.,.;:ra-"'~!!!------, . known tq me.-ro -be. the. __ Secrctmr':1 of Kolt·om Properties Inc., the corporat'ion that-executed the within instrum11,t1+ on 1:>ehal-fl of .5a-,ol corporat,on~ sa·,c:1 corporo.t,on be1nq known ,ro me -t-o be. th~ Ge.ne.ral Pgrtner of Kalrom Prope.rtie.s, L-rd., ttie Lim,te.d partnership that" exe~uted the w,th,n ,nshun,en-t-, and ack11owl_ ed<3ed to me that such coi-porat-ion e1<ecuted +he same as StlCh qene.ral partner and that such L1 m,+ed partnership execute,:! the $<1me. .,......,_.....,... ~ . , ~L· ~<« Wotazi~~=;~tate ,'fc__.L.-v 1,c.J.E •IRY.1..a,r STATE r, CALD'Cail} WON It r, SU ll1l!DO S.S. ' On ~ 2.f 'L dq of f"--y & .-1959, Wo" 111e the Ulldersigned0 a ll<rt.aJ-r hblle i.tl aQd t~ aaid Cown;r en!. St.ate, ~ ~ WA.s: r:v ft tz .s 1a1own to ae to be \be v., e :ern,1dont---1 lJv, ~ • knom to -to ti. the rav s r t2meiioFd1on t.hai. e.cut4d Ule v.ltld.n instruaent, and lmolo to 111& to be the persona wt» --=ted tlle "1.thu 1ut.-i. on behalt of the corp- ~at1on t.aer.1.D n.ed, and acknoV.l~ to me t!a.t sud! ~a. tion ~ the ld.tbin 1.m~t pul"SIWlt to tts by-lavs or a Nsol~ or ita Board <4 Di.rectora. Wit.naas ~ band am ot.t10W -.i. lb" """"'"' aei on -.:q,in,e 4 -f 1-b 3 • tJ,tjµ..'-ni.~ stat. ot eautomu} s.s ~ ot Sa D1ego • -I, Gut.av J. Iai.ptner, hereby cwt.il)" tM.t I .,. & lloe, el1 lan:i ..uz ht,)ot i>t the St.ate 0L Calitcnd&J tbt the SIU,.., ot this subdiTi.- 11ion ,_ !lade lllf -or mder s;r di.l'90Uort in ,/..,,ye 1?5.,2-, and that aaid ~ 1.a wue mi CQll.tPltrte.,, ~-A two (2) inch pipe, ble.tt,,-t'o.r ~) !Jx:hee in 1-,;th baa bNia aet at eacll l:Mnm:iary oornar ad I 1dll nt. oae h::l t (l/2) 1noh pi.pee• '-1'"' (12) iJJches in lenet,b d, ..u lot ..-ner■, angle poillte agi pa.:blta ol! CIU'TIIS wit.hill thirty . (3)-) d:qa a.rt.er OQn!!)letion of the l"8qlliNd U!P4 •• ,nta and their ao- ~ptance by the a:it,y and au.ch IQOl'.,t.llillllU ara O'lf-litll be ntfl.cunt to m>abJ.e ~ SUI'VG)' to be ret.raoGd ult vill' ...,cAJ>i the poei t1om ~ thereon. ~ ---1--~-~ llln:ot B/3/ /4-:, rt /4:u-fL : ~4 ) ) Jij§!A, • ~ L:n:»£Sf:O LUO "<ttSO,...lt"'VE~10ltrm Jl). 2789 •WOODLAND HEIGHTS ill that porUi:lll et TNc\ Zltl of THtlM LAHIE• 1n the C1t.y ot Carlsbad, Count.7 ot San Die;o, St:..t.e or Calltomia, acoo?'dinc to Map thereof Ho. 1661, tiled 1n the Offl.oe ot Ute Reoorder ot l!l&id Count¥, lleeamber 9, 1915. dss~bed u tollowas • Beglm:lng at the tnterHcUcm of the center line ot Taiw-aak A""'8m111 and Adaiu Street.1 ~ alone aaid center line oL Adams s~ North 2flO 'J91 West a clut.ame of :)62..4? teet (Reooro 562.40 feet) 1 thcoe Marth 61.o 21" 04• Eaat., ltl.5.96 f..rt. (Record. Horth 61.0 21" East, 415.95 teet)f thence Sotlth 2B° ,e• Sl"' East, 562M teo,t; (Record South 280 YJ• East.. :;62.40 feet) to the atoremeotiow!d center U:ne ot Tamarack A~J t.bmlco along eaid i:tenter ~ Sauth 61.0 211 10" Wast 415.97 teet (Reoord South 610 2l • West, \15.95 feet) to t.be true point ot beginning. • BA.SIS OF IIEARDllS • The center-line ot A4mu St.reet llbown u s. 289 J91 K. on Map No, 1681 WM used as tho 8al!ia ot Bearing& tor thl.# up. I, CI,d& L. Jflftkeno Cit;.?' ~ of. tbe Ci'l;r of Ciu-l9bld0 State ot Cal.ifomia, beNby ~ that I have m;im!.ned the ann--1 map of w.a subdirtrtan to be kmlDa Woodlam Heights oanaiating et 2 sheet. am deaari.W 1n the ~ t.11eroot • am ha~ tOIUld that. th& dea1 en 1a IIWlllltantiallJ' the a.ma • it app,an,d on u,,. t-itati,-e iup and aey approyed altera.Uona thereot1 that all the pro. vi s1one ot tho "Subii.l'illioll Map Act" ot the St&t.e ot c.litornia. u '11'1M!ded an:!. ot at\)'" local ordi- nanooa ot said cit;)/' app].iGablo at the t1!lle ot the approTel ot the tentative llllll' haw been oampliad with. al'll:l I a aau.t'J#i that kid -'P is technicall,y oorrocrt., I hereby appro..,. and reooai.end aaid ~. Nov. IZ,19$!1 ~~---~ CLl L. 7. R.C.E. 1260 A..,...,,,ad am IOOOIIIIRA.ded thu ..Z1g~ ot 14::feS!!;, 195.£; after ..,.ardnat.i.oa ot ~ doer-tificat■IJ tbenlon. -,.pr! Pl.ANIIIll) CO!t-!ISSitll OT~ CITY ~D , By-: ~, ?fe ff~-z,,,.,-~ ,7,vL. Atwti...' · • 1-\ ~ ~ • · -,,; ; ~ SeoreGr; I, Wesley F • Greek, Cit.¥ Treasurer ot the Cit;r ot Cllrlabad, St.at.a ot Call.tarni.a• horoqy oertif7 that there are no 11-tor unpaid cit.J' "t.a:n$ or unpdd bonda issued un1er any illlpJ"OV-t act. or i.a- puawt bond aat ot the State o! Co.litarnia ~ on the boolta ot thi.a offioe, veept tuea not 1"t ~able agidnBt. the tract or auhdi nsion, or an::, parl thereof shown on thi8 al"IMX...;_ u.p and de6crlbed 1a t.he c:aptiOD t.hareot • Ia"'-'-__,, I,,._...._, ..t.,""" """.a_.._"' t'"'J 1"-2. 1\HPw( t-J <S.::: c'it,r cier1r. ---,-,, ---,-r 1ii,v-,---,7 T"'l"j"'"---,~.-"7,,..,.,,,'C"'T~ ~r·~ .... ~-"""l~r,;.-;:'l~".,.'l~-rnr,;~~~~:~~ ~~~)-,+••· •:----•··-, ... -~ ,.,, __ ..,~+'I'•'•-""·~- MAP NO. r. Q-opr •· a-., ~ Recarda:-ot tbe eo.we_, ot &ui D1.e8o, Stat.. ot Calitonia. hsretv approwe the ni.. W.D~~-~l!H!Ts, :. tor tha ••.i.bdi:ri,aiap, abolc -ti.-annexed .-ap, coaalatiilg or ·e a1Jeew _,_ de■orlbed :1n \he e.apt.1on tae~ Datedt Z · J 1-=Cf a.,~ ~ St.ate ot Call!ornia} S S Couv ot Sa l>iogo •• I, J. C. Pen-igo, c.mt,J-Alld:itor ill and fJ:Jr tbe Cuw1t;J ot San Diep, Stat.a ot Calltol"Di&. hllreby earUt.,-tbat -u--e al'e no l•iwl for •mpaid st.ate and oount¥ taw or tor •pocul u&e•smerrta oou.ote:t 11..9 t.axaa, MOIIII b,y the books ot t.b.i8 ollioe, except taw or ape«:lal aa- aos~ts aollected as tUl!III not. ;rot picrabl.e ani es~ted b.,' M w be · 1 ',--,-_., _, dolla:r■ ap1n.,+'. tbs traet or suhdh1.aion as aholln Clrl the Ull1aed map and d-crlbed ill tho oaptian ~enio! l 8 Dated; _,;, , , /, ·1;,, a ~r . < ->: ,,,.,_., ·t"'::- Stat.a ot i':al.ifarni.a1 Ooant;r ot San Diego S.S. Cwnt,y bdi tar We. Counfy ~ ot '-County or San Die&Q. State ot Call .. fonli.a.o Co1U'ltq Slll"leyl)r ot said Coan\y -1 ~ of Public Worltll ot eaid Cc:iuffl.7 boroqy oerUt,-that there are no 1111pa.id ~ -- lllllent.s or boad3 lilbidl 'atr.f bfl paid :1n tall, ahom. qr the boob ar our ott1cea ap1Drt the tract ar e'llbdirtn.ori ar aey pert. t.bereof llhown CCI. the a~~~ ~ _t.be capUea thfJl'e0!. . Dat«l:~ 1 / 'lat.«b~ G, /f?c1Dateit /-&-• &,.o llicksan ' D. 1:.spoer Jee.n L. Vincenz Count;, Tl"easurer Coun~ Si.u-veyor nu-tor ot Publlo ~ Wan.a ~·•~ n~ : ~ff/a&J~. Bzi ~ Depat.J !,A t {}el-'VTY \y State ot Call.tornia} Co<url..Y ot Saa Di.eco s.s. I. 'R. B. J-, Cl.wk ot the f.loc-d ot s.p.,t-rleon, hen,to certify that the -prorlaiOM ot Chapblr 2, Part. 2-. DiY1"1<1P 4, or tho Bwsinoee am Profeaa1on, Cod8 have twi omplied with rogard1-deposit.a tor t.u.,s on the praport,y vi thin this wbdJ.ri.sian. R. B. J.,_, Clerk ~ the Board ot ~ S,-1 ").{:frsst irk< ../l,1t,,.":A_.,1 o..p,rtJr / e-a Order Ho. '27li86 SECURITI TITLE DISURANCE <XJU>AJIY, a carporaU0111.0 hereby oertifioe tla.t acooi-ding to tho ottioial ri.oorrla o! the Cowlt.;r of Sall Diego, St.:i.te ot Ca.li!'ornia., w.ROM PROPERTDS, LTD., a. limited partnership, and SECUJUTI FIRST IIATIOHil. BANI, a na.UonaJ baJlldlt& uaoc:iation, a■ Tr'Urteo under that oerl&1n dffd ot trust recorded 1n IlOQk 7648, pqe 1.54 et otfiei.al. Reeord■, ,..,.., on tho ..:z.!.:!__ da,t ot,{er{tl{ffi v , 19~ at9,oo o'oloolc 1.JI •• all Utit paiil"..a-1iaruig AA¥" l'9<»l'd uiie i11t.ere■t in the lao:I. iru.l::di~ l'.IJ' Una map, IN WITNP'.SS wmi:RE01", ■aid Seouri+.J Title Iiunu-anco ~ bu oaued thu wt.i"Wlltnt t.o be -,,.,utl!ld under ih corpor;ate nams ~ ee~ b,y U• proper o!tiova t.Mrwnto dial¥ allt.horued t.Jie ~ and ,.,.,. 1'1rflt llboM wrltten. pRE.C\5\0N j\l~21'\9SO tl\\C~Ofl\..l'IIE.0 4438 "~ ' ~-·~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ " -~ " ~ ~ ~ (_. ~ ' ~ ll'i (\i t!' -, " ,I.ti ' ' ' .~ ;;_. ... "' ~ !(i < ~ '-.::. C ... ,, I ' - ' I>''• -r-r / I ' / / .3 ,.......-.8OVNl:JARY / w.z8".391 C)O "W. IIS,001 2 I-!'~ •1><1'" ,'.)~T,.-1",;...1.~ ~1,, ',;Ji.~'''!.-'_--.i-.i.- ' r fl , I 1 , , I HE/6HTS • //24.£JS'' 1124.Bo' /lEC', ,HAP 1681) Or -' ( I "• '• ,I ""'' / ii -- ,...,..'Jl';,,..,...H ~;'J'J!jl11'1•;•.'l i."°: '"'.:-s•, ';-" .:: ::~, ":f,,.. ~!j' ,1'1( ,;--,_;:·"'j;'"/¥"·,·l"'fl";':···-:r-.-~·r;-~---,1-,; L1J 1 W>L+ ~ ~~:;--JI•, 0 ...-• \ j " : ,··,·;·~, ;·-"""'/'; "'.!l";'-;-+f"lli, -~-'t V,I"' ""?t 1c'·,y-;•f-;.Jc!W"lJi<'"' --~•:~~r'\'.it~tTW~ " L '_., 1r·..-"t"" L < L I " MAPNo.ffj CSI-IEET '2 OF '2. Sl4EET5 -- - "-. . -....:; ----(l,r:p aiNc A1o#. -IJ(IR/£0 !!" l'M ,ff,4,P Ne 16'8 I 3 301 I 30' / 30' 30' ' " 1,, I ' I " ' J i' I '> ~ t ; 'RREC!SION JUN 271960 M1CROF!LMED • J.eaeNO • • ... $ETtfz1RoN l'/Pe CeN7.:lct.P WIT# iJIGC'STA,Wl'£1) L. $ 278!} AT A.t.L 40(1/VPARY C'O/iNFR.S SNOWN'7h'tl.S'u-@ Sll I" I.RON l'/P,f C£NTE-e£P WIT# l'JISC' SJ:4MP£l'J L.5 2789 ATAL.i LOT Q:7,E'NMS $#OWN irlt/$ •••••••••• o PO(INtJ MARKERS AS INO/C4Ti!'f) S#O.WN 7)/t/S ____ • SeT 6',, CONCRETE A10NU,#,:NT C'i!NTcREf) WIT# DISC' SiAll1A:O I..S Z789 AT STRUT I" ltVTeRSeCilONS A/v'tJ B&INN/NQS ANO ENI)$ O.FC'VR//JiS ONt#Sll()Wv'7Jf(l5 __ G (_ 4438