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2023-07-25; Municipal Water District; ; Approval of Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement Project
CA Review GH Meeting Date: July 25, 2023 To: President and Board Members From: Scott Chadwick, Executive Manager Staff Contact: Molly Amendt, Senior Engineer molly.amendt@carlsbadca.gov, 760-573-3368 Dave Padilla, District Engineer dave.padilla@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2356 Subject: Approval of Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement Project District: 3 Recommended Action Adopt a resolution approving the plans, specifications and contract documents and authorizing the Secretary of the Board of Directors to advertise for bids for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement Project. Executive Summary The Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility, located at 6220 Avenida Encinas (Exhibit 2), has been determined to require a new roof. Staff are requesting the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors’ approval of the completed and permitted plans, project specifications and contract documents for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement Project, to be used to solicit construction bids to complete this work. The scope of the project includes replacing existing low-slope roofing with single-ply membrane, replacing the existing standing seam metal roof with a new standing seam metal roof, and replacing rooftop electrical equipment and mechanical ductwork. CMWD Board approval of these plans and specifications is required under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.080(E) because the expected value for this work is greater than $200,000. Explanation & Analysis A condition assessment and cost estimate, with repair and replacement recommendations, was conducted in 2022. Early this year, staff issued a task order to an architectural firm to prepare construction drawings and specifications to make the recommended repairs and replacement as part of Capital Improvement Program Project No. 4749. July 25, 2023 Item #1 Page 1 of 7 The plans, specifications and contract documents have been completed, reviewed by staff, and submitted for the required building permit. A building permit has been issued and is on file with the Building Division of the Community Development Department, ready to be used by the successful bidder. Fiscal Analysis Capital Improvement Project No. 4749 is funded by the Recycled Water Replacement Fund. Additional funding is not needed at this time, though will be necessary to cover construction costs if a contract is awarded. Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement Project Capital Improvement Program Project No. 4749 Total appropriation to date $381,000 Total expenditures/encumbrances to date -$60,545 Total available balance $320,455 Additional project costs Construction contract (engineer’s estimate) -$461,000 Construction contingency (estimated) -$46,000 Construction management, inspection and testing (estimated) -$42,000 Total estimated construction costs -$549,000 Estimated additional appropriation (to be requested as needed at the time of contract award) $228,545 Options Staff provide the following options for the CMWD Board’s consideration: 1.Adopt a resolution approving the plans, specifications and contract documents for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement Project and authorizing the Secretary of the Board of Directors to advertise for construction bids. Pros •This work is needed to maintain and protect a city asset that supports recycled water infrastructure •Proceeding with the work as soon as possible will minimize the risk of further deterioration and increased costs due to inflation Cons •None identified 2.Do not adopt a resolution approving the plans, specifications and contract documents for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement Project and authorizing the secretary of the Board of Directors to advertise for bids. Pros • None identified Cons •The roof and equipment deficiencies identified in the scope of work would continue to deteriorate and could result in operational downtime of the facility and possible damage to the interior of the building July 25, 2023 Item #1 Page 2 of 7 • Work deferred to a future date could result in an overall project cost increase due to procurement documents needing to be revised and increased construction costs due to inflation Next Steps With the CMWD Board’s approval, the Secretary of the Board of Directors will advertise a request for bids for the project. Staff will then evaluate the bids received and identify the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Staff will then return to the CMWD Board with a recommendation to award a construction contract to the identified lowest responsible and responsive bidder and request additional funding as needed in fall 2023. Environmental Evaluation The City Planner, through the process outlined in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 19.04.060, has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the California Secretary for Natural Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment. It is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents under California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15301(d), Class 1. In making this determination, the City Planner has found that the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines do not apply to this project. The project is consistent with 15301(d), Class 1 because it consists of maintenance of public facilities, such as restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated or damaged structures, facilities, or mechanical equipment to meet current standards of public health and safety. Exhibits 1. CMWD Board resolution 2. Location map 3. Plans, specifications and contract documents (on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Directors) July 25, 2023 Item #1 Page 3 of 7 RESOLUTION NO. 1713 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY ROOF REPLACEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California, or CMWD, has determined that the plans, specifications and contract documents for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 4749, or Project, have been completed to the satisfaction of staff; and WHEREAS, the CMWD Board of Directors has determined it necessary, desirable and in the public interest to construct the Project; and WHEREAS, the plans, sp·ecifications and contract documents for the Project have been prepared, are on file at the Secretary of the Board of Directors' office and are incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, the CMWD Board of Directors' approval of the plans and specifications is required under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.080(E) because the expected value to construct the Project exceeds the $200,000 limit established by the Public Contract Code, including the alternative provisions of the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has determined that the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(d),which applies to the restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated or damaged structures, facilities, or mechanical equipment to meet current standards of public health and safety, and that no exception to the exemption as set forth in CEQA Guidelines section 15300.2 applies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CMWD Board of Directors, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the plans, specifications and contract documents for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 4749, are approved and on file at the Secretary of the Board of Directors' Office. 3.That the Secretary of the Board of Directors is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in accordance with state law and Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.080((), a notice Exhibit 1 July 25, 2023 Item #1 Page 4 of 7 to contractors inviting bids for construction of the Project in accordance with plans, specifications and contract documents referred to herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California on the 25th day of J.!!ly, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. (�I KEITH BLACKBURN, President � / -.. SHERRY FREISINGER, Secretary r-(SEAL) ,,,,11111,, ,,,, c\PAl ,,,, ........... � .......... ,,f,. ',.,'� • o"�A ••/�;, = � .. ··�� � .. :·.�;,p �-Q . ..i' �. , --c::d �·.o:; -:111:m: �:ijj--;.n�O :-.= ':;. �-.... C' �'t-.... �: ", "J.: ·-.. �LIFO\\� •• •• {f � ., .;J ........ ' ✓, ,, ,, ,, ,,,,,. .. ,,,,, July 25, 2023 Item #1 Page 5 of 7 A V E N I D A E N C I N A S 6220 AVENIDAENCINAS Copyright nearmap LOCATION MAP PROJECT NAME EXHIBIT2CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLINGFACILITY ROOF REPLACEMENT $!Å **#5$ **#5$·|}þ78 VISTA ENCINITAS SAN MARCOS S.D.COUNTYOCEANSIDE PACIFICOCEAN PAL OMARAIRPO R T R D T AMARA C KAV LA COSTA AV P OINS ETTIA LN MELROS E D R C A R L S B A D B L ELCAMI N O REAL C ARLS B A D VILLAGEDR RA N CHOSANT A FERD FARAD A YAV C O LLEG E BL AL G A R D CAN N ON R D Created By: Sara Jadhav 4/3/2023 J:\SaraJadhav_Customers\MollyAmendt\FacilitiesProjects\LocationMap-4749.mxd SITE LOCATION $!Å PROJECTNUMBER4749 Exhibit 2 July 25, 2023 Item #1 Page 6 of 7 Exhibit 3 Plans, specifications and contract documents (on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Directors) July 25, 2023 Item #1 Page 7 of 7 00 01 01 TITLE PAGE Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement Project No. 4749 PWS23-2177FAC 1635 Faraday Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Email: PWContractAdmin@carlsbadca.gov Exhibit 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Table of Contents SECTION 1 .................................................................................................................................... 1 00 11 10 NOTICE INVITING BIDS .................................................................................................. 1 1. RECEIPT OF BIDS. ................................................................................................................. 1 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. ...................................................................................................... 1 3. COMPLETION OF WORK. ..................................................................................................... 1 4. OPENING AND AWARD OF BIDS. ......................................................................................... 1 5. PERIOD FOR AWARD. ........................................................................................................... 1 6. BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS..................................................................................................... 2 7. PRE-BID CONFERENCE. ........................................................................................................ 2 8. OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ................................................................................ 2 9. BID GUARANTEE AND BONDS. ............................................................................................ 2 10. PREVAILING WAGE RATES AND LABOR COMPLIANCE. ..................................................... 3 11. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION/QUESTIONS. ......................................................................... 3 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS .......................................................................................... 4 1. SECURING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. .................................................................................. 4 2. EXAMINATION OF SITE AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ...................................................... 4 3. INTERPRETATION OF DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS. ........................................................ 4 4. QUESTIONS. ......................................................................................................................... 5 5. PRE-BID CONFERENCE. ........................................................................................................ 5 6. ADDENDA. ............................................................................................................................ 6 7. ALTERNATE BIDS. ................................................................................................................. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 8. COMPLETION OF BID FORMS. ............................................................................................. 6 9. GOVERNING GENERAL PROVISIONS. ................................................................................... 7 10. MODIFICATIONS OF BIDS. .................................................................................................. 7 11. BID GUARANTEE. ............................................................................................................... 8 12. LABOR & MATERIAL BOND AND PERFORMANCE & WARRANTY BOND REQUIREMENTS. 8 13. SUBSTITUTION OF SECURITY. ............................................................................................ 9 14. OPTIONAL ESCROW FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT. ................................................................... 9 15. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. ............................................................................................ 9 16. LICENSING REQUIREMENTS. ............................................................................................ 10 17. SUBCONTRACTORS. ......................................................................................................... 10 18. BIDDER INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE FORM. ........................................................... 11 19. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT. .......................................................................................... 12 20. IRAN CONTRACTING ACT OF 2010. .................................................................................. 12 21. PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION CERTIFICATION. ..................................... 12 22. PREVAILING WAGES. ........................................................................................................ 13 23. DEBARMENT OF CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS. ............................................ 13 24. SIGNING OF BIDS. ............................................................................................................ 13 25. SUBMISSION OF SEALED BIDS. ........................................................................................ 14 26. OPENING OF BIDS. ........................................................................................................... 14 27. WITHDRAWAL OF BID. ..................................................................................................... 15 28. BIDDERS INTERESTED IN MORE THAN ONE BID. ............................................................. 15 29. SALES AND OTHER APPLICABLE TAXES, PERMITS, LICENSES, AND FEES. ........................ 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 30. PERMIT AND INSPECTION FEE ALLOWANCE (NOT USED). .............................................. 15 31. BASIS OF AWARD; BALANCED BID. .................................................................................. 15 32. AWARD PROCESS. ............................................................................................................ 16 33. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. ............................................................................................. 16 34. BUSINESS LICENSE ........................................................................................................... 16 35. PARTICIPATION OF MINORITY AND WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESSES. .............................. 16 36. USE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS ......................................................................................... 16 37. STATUTORY REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 16 00 41 00 BID FORM .................................................................................................................... 17 1. BID SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................ 18 2. TOTAL BID PRICE ............................................................................................................ 19 3. RECITALS ........................................................................................................................ 20 00 43 10 BID BOND FORM ......................................................................................................... 26 00 43 20 BID SECURITY............................................................................................................... 28 00 43 30 PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS FORM ........................................................................ 29 00 43 40 BIDDER INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE FORM ....................................................... 31 1. INFORMATION ABOUT BIDDER ...................................................................................... 31 2. LIST OF CURRENT PROJECTS (BACKLOG) ....................................................................... 33 3. VERIFICATION AND EXECUTION ..................................................................................... 37 00 45 10 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ....................................................................................... 38 00 45 15 IRAN CONTRACTING ACT CERTIFICATION ................................................................... 39 00 45 20 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION CERTIFICATION .................................. 40 TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 00 45 25 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ....................................................................................... 41 00 45 30 STATEMENT REGARDING DEBARMENT ...................................................................... 42 00 45 35 DISCLOSURE OF DISCIPLINE RECORD .......................................................................... 43 00 52 00 CONTRACT ................................................................................................................... 45 00 61 10 LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND ................................................................................... 49 00 61 20 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE AND WARRANTY BOND .................................................... 52 00 61 30 OPTIONAL ESCROW AGREEMENT ............................................................................... 56 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS ....................................................... 60 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 60 00 74 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNICAL PROVISIONS .................................................. 137 INTRODUCTION (NOT USED) ............................................................................................... 137 PART 2 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (NOT USED) ............................................................... 137 SECTION 2 ................................................................................................................................ 138 01 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK ................................................................................................ 138 PART 1 GENERAL (NOT USED) ............................................................................................. 138 PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ........................................................................................... 138 PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) .......................................................................................... 138 01 11 20 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ............................................................................... 139 PART 1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 139 PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ........................................................................................... 143 PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) .......................................................................................... 143 01 31 00 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION ....................................................... 144 TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 PART 1 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE (NOT USED) ..................................... 144 01 32 00 SUBMITTALS .............................................................................................................. 145 PART 1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 145 PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ........................................................................................... 150 PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) .......................................................................................... 150 01 33 00 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE .................................................................... 151 PART 1 GENERAL (NOT USED) ............................................................................................. 151 PART 2 EXECUTION (NOT USED) .......................................................................................... 151 01 41 26 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 152 PART 1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 152 PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ........................................................................................... 153 PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) .......................................................................................... 153 01 50 00 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS.................................................................. 154 PART 1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 154 PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ........................................................................................... 160 PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) .......................................................................................... 160 AGENCY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS / PROJECT MANUAL ………………………………………………… 161 Attachment A – Contractor Staging Area Attachment B – City Form E-32, Project SWPPP Tier Level Attachment C – Roof Warranty Form Attachment D – San Diego Regional Hazardous Material Questionnaire Attachment E – Construction Waste Management Plan, B-59 Plans – Bid Set Only – Not for Construction 00 11 10 NOTICE INVITING BIDS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 1 of 160 SECTION 1 00 11 10 NOTICE INVITING BIDS 1. RECEIPT OF BIDS. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (“Agency”) will accept Bids via electronic format via the City of Carlsbad Electronic Bidding Site up to and no later than 11 a.m. on August 24, 2023 through the online bidding portal (Contracting & Purchasing | Carlsbad, CA (carlsbadca.gov)) for the construction of the Work entitled: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement PWS23-2177FAC Project No. 4749 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. The Work includes the provision of all equipment, labor, materials, tools, services, transportation, permits, utilities, and all other items necessary to complete the construction of the following, as specified and shown in the Construction Documents: Replace existing low slope roofing with single ply membrane, replace existing standing-seam metal roofing with new standing-seam metal roofing, and replace existing rooftop ductwork.The Work Site is located at 6220 Avenida Encinas in the City of Carlsbad, in the County of San Diego, California. 3. COMPLETION OF WORK. The Contract Time is established as sixty-two (62) Working Days. The Contract Time shall begin as specified in the Notice to Proceed. The Engineers’ estimate for this Project is $460,798.00. 4. OPENING AND AWARD OF BIDS. Agency shall consider awarding the Contract for the Project to the lowest, responsive, responsible Bidder as determined by the Agency from the base Bid alone. The Agency has the right to reject any or all Bids or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any Bids or in the Bidding process. 5. PERIOD FOR AWARD. A period of ninety (90) Calendar Days from the time of Bid opening may be required to award the Contract. No Bidder may withdraw its Bid or Bid Guarantee during this period. Bidders shall assume full responsibility for their Bid Price during this period and shall make certain that such delay does not restrict the Bid Guarantee. 00 11 10 NOTICE INVITING BIDS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 2 of 160 6. BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS. Bidders shall be licensed contractors pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 7000 et seq. under the classification of C-39, Roofing, or Class B, General Building Contractor as of the date of submittal of the Bid Documents and shall maintain such license until final acceptance of the Work. Additional qualifications are included in the Contract Documents. 7. PRE-BID CONFERENCE. The Agency will conduct a mandatory Pre-Bid Conference at the Agency’s office (address listed below) on August 10, 2023, at 10 a.m. Bidders will have the opportunity to walk a portion of the roof. Address: 6220 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Representatives of the Agency and consulting engineers and architects, if any, will be present. Questions asked by Bidders at the Pre-Bid Conference not specifically addressed within the Contract Documents shall be submitted in writing through the bidding portal, be answered in writing, and shall be sent to all Bidders present at the Pre-Bid Conference and be posted on the online bidding portal. Bids will not be accepted from any bidder who did not attend a mandatory Pre-Bid Conference. 8. OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Bidders may obtain a copy of the Contract Documents from Agency’s website (Contracting & Purchasing | Carlsbad, CA (carlsbadca.gov)). To the extent required by Public Contract Code Section 20103.7, upon request from a contractor plan room service, the Agency shall provide an electronic copy of the Contract Documents at no charge to the contractor plan room. It is the responsibility of each prospective Bidder to download and print all Bid Documents for review and to verify the completeness of Bid Documents before submitting a Bid. All Addenda will be posted on the online bidding portal. It is the responsibility of each prospective Bidder to check the online bidding portal on a daily basis through the close of the bidding period for any applicable Addenda. The Agency does not assume any liability or responsibility for any defective or incomplete copying, excerpting, scanning, faxing, downloading or printing of the Bid Documents. Information on the online bidding portal may change without notice to prospective Bidders. The Contract Documents shall supersede any information posted or transmitted by the online bidding portal. No time extensions or other consideration will be given for non-receipt or other circumstance associated with the review or acquisition of Contract Documents. Bids must be submitted on the Agency’s Bid Forms in the Contract Documents. 9. BID GUARANTEE AND BONDS. Each Bid shall be accompanied by cash, a certified or cashier’s check or Bid Bond secured from a surety company satisfactory to the Agency, the amount of which shall not be less than 10% of the submitted Total Bid Price, made payable to the Agency as bid security. The bid security shall be provided as a guarantee that within 10 Working Days after the Agency provides the successful bidder the Notice of Award, the successful Bidder will enter into a contract and provide the 00 11 10 NOTICE INVITING BIDS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 3 of 160 necessary bonds and certificates of insurance. The bid security will be declared forfeited if the successful Bidder fails to comply within these 10 Working Days. No interest will be paid on funds deposited with the Agency. All Bidders must upload Bidder’s Bond to the online bidding portal. The original Bid Bond for the 3 apparent low Bidders must be submitted to the city within 2 Business Days of Bid opening. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Faithful Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Bond each in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract Price. Each bond shall be in the forms set forth in the Contract Documents, shall be secured from a surety company that meets all State of California bonding requirements, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120, and that is a California admitted surety insurer. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, the successful Bidder may substitute certain securities for funds withheld by Agency to ensure its performance under the Contract. 10. PREVAILING WAGE RATES AND LABOR COMPLIANCE. This Project is subject to prevailing wages and labor compliance per the Labor Code. To this end, Bidder shall sign and submit with its Bid the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) Public Works Contractor Registration Certification on the form 00 45 00 provided. Failure to submit this form may render the bid non-responsive. In addition, each Bidder shall provide the registration number for each listed Subcontractor in the space provided in the Proposed Subcontractors form. In bidding this Project, it shall be the Bidder’s sole responsibility to evaluate and include the cost of complying with all labor compliance requirements under this Contract and applicable law in its Bid. A copy of the prevailing wage rates may be obtained via the internet at: www.dir.ca.gov/dlsr/. 11. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION/QUESTIONS. Requests for Information (RFI) or interpretations of Bid Documents during the bid period shall be submitted via Online Q&A in the online bidding portal. The cutoff date and time to submit questions or substitution request regarding this Project via Online Q&A in the online bidding portal is August 15, 2023, at 5 p.m. PST. No questions will be entertained after that date. For further information, see the online bidding portal. END OF SECTION 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 4 of 160 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. SECURING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Bids must be submitted to the Agency on the Bid Forms which are a part of the Contract Documents for the Project. The Contract Documents may be obtained from the Agency’s online bidding portal (Contracting & Purchasing | Carlsbad, CA (carlsbadca.gov)). Prospective bidders are encouraged to communicate with the Agency well in advance of the date and time bids are due to the Agency (“Bid Submission Deadline”) to determine the availability of Contract Documents. The Agency may also make the Contract Documents available for review at one or more plan rooms. Prospective Bidders who choose to review the Contract Documents at a plan room must contact the Agency to obtain the required Contract Documents if they decide to submit a Bid for the Project. Addenda will be posted on the online bidding portal. Failure to acknowledge all Addenda may make a Bid nonresponsive and ineligible for award of the Contract. Bidders are advised to verify the issuance of all Addenda and receipt of them 1 Working Day prior to bidding. Failure to acknowledge all Addenda may make a Bid nonresponsive and ineligible for award of the Contract. 2. EXAMINATION OF SITE AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. At its own expense and before submitting its Bid, each Bidder shall visit the Site of the proposed Work and fully acquaint itself with the conditions relating to the construction and labor required so that the Bidder may fully understand the Work, including but not limited to, difficulties and restrictions attending the execution of the Work under the Contract. Each Bidder shall carefully examine the Drawings, and shall read the Specifications, Contract Documents, and all other referenced documents. Each Bidder shall also determine the local conditions which may in any way affect the performance of the Work, including local tax structure, contractors’ licensing requirements, availability of required insurance, the prevailing wages and other relevant cost factors. Each Bidder shall also familiarize itself with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and codes affecting the performance of the Work, including the cost of permits and licenses required for the Work, and shall make such surveys and investigations, including investigations of subsurface or latent physical conditions at the Site or where Work is to be performed as may be required. Bidders are responsible for consulting the standards referenced in the Contract. The failure or omission of any Bidder to receive or examine any contract documents, forms, instruments, addenda, or other documents, or to visit the Site and acquaint itself with conditions there existing shall in no way relieve any Bidder from any obligation with respect to its Bid or to the Contract and no relief for error or omission will be given except as required under California law. The submission of a Bid shall be taken as conclusive evidence of compliance with this Section. 3. INTERPRETATION OF DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS. Prospective Bidders unclear as to the true meaning of any part of the Drawings, Specifications or other parts of the Contract Documents, or discrepancies in or omissions from the Drawings and 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 5 of 160 Specifications, may promptly submit a written request for information, interpretation, clarification, or correction (“RFI”) to the Bid Administrator, the Agencies designated representative for soliciting and conducting bids on the Agencies online ebidding portal (defined below). The Agency may not respond to RFIs submitted past the Q&A Submission Deadline. The Bidder submitting the RFI is responsible for prompt delivery to the Bid Administrator. Responses to RFIs will be made only by duly issued written Addenda. The Agency shall not provide verbal responses to RFIs. Copies of written Addenda will be posted on the online bidding portal for each prospective Bidder who has downloaded a set of Contract Documents. The Agency will not be responsible for any other explanation or interpretations of the Drawings, Specifications or other parts of the Contract Documents. If any Prospective Bidder becomes aware of any errors or omissions in any part of the Contract Documents, the Prospective Bidder must promptly notify the Agency of such error or omission. Before award of the Contract, no addition to, modification of, or interpretation of any provision in the Contract Documents will be given by any agent, employee or contractor of the Agency except as otherwise specified in these Instructions to Bidders. No bidder may rely on verbal directions given by any agent, employee or contractor of the Agency except as specified in these Instructions to Bidders. 4. QUESTIONS. Questions regarding this Project must be submitted through the online ebidding portal. Questions shall be definite and certain, and shall reference applicable drawing sheets, notes, details or specification sections. The deadline to submit questions is identified in the Notice Inviting Bids. Questions received after the deadline may not be answered. Responses to questions submitted during the bidding period will be published in an Addendum and provided to those bidding on the Project no later than the date specified in the Notice Inviting Bids. Except for the Agency’s Bid Administrator, no other members of the Agency’s staff or Board should be contacted about this procurement during the bidding process. All inquiries and comments from Prospective Bidders regarding a proposed Bid must be communicated in writing, unless otherwise instructed by the Agency. The Agency may, in its sole discretion, disqualify any Prospective Bidder who engages in any prohibited communications. 5. PRE-BID CONFERENCE. The Notice Inviting Bids shall state whether a Pre-Bid Conference will be held and, if so, whether attendance is mandatory. Bids will not be accepted from any bidder who did not attend a Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference. The Conference will commence at the specified start time and the Site visit will begin at the conclusion of the Conference. Prospective Bidders who arrive late (ten or more minutes after the Conference has started) and who do not sign the “Sign-In” or attendance sheet, may be disqualified from the bidding process. Representatives of the Agency and its consultants, if any, will be present to the extent possible. Questions asked by Bidders at the Pre-Bid Conference not specifically addressed within the 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 6 of 160 Contract Documents shall be submitted in writing through the bidding portal, be answered in writing and shall be sent to all Bidders present at the Pre-Bid Conference. A Pre-Bid Conference may include a Project Site visit. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required of all Job Walk attendees. Attendees are required to wear closed toe shoes and long pants. Sleeved shirts, safety glasses (may be prescription with side shields if in process areas), safety vests and hard hats are recommended. Only those possessing such attire will be allowed on the Job Site. The Agency will not provide personal protective equipment to Job Walk attendees. 6. ADDENDA. The Agency may revise the Contract Documents before the Bid Submission Deadline. Revisions, if any, shall be made by written Addenda. All Addenda will be posted on the online bidding portal. All Addenda issued by the Agency shall be acknowledged by the Bidder on the online bidding portal and made part of the Contract Documents. The Bidder shall acknowledge the Addenda before submitting its Bid. Bidders are responsible for the receipt of all Addenda. The Agency may reject a Bid if the Bidder fails to acknowledge all Addenda. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104.5, if the Agency issues an Addendum which includes material changes to the Project less than 72 hours before the Bid Submission Deadline, the Agency will extend the Bid Submission Deadline by no less than 72 hours. The Agency may determine, in its sole discretion, whether an Addendum warrants postponement of the Bid Submission Deadline. 7. ALTERNATE BIDS. If alternate Bid items are called for in the Notice Inviting Bids and the Contract Documents, the time required for completion of the Work for the alternate Bid items is factored into the Contract duration and no additional Contract time will be awarded. The Agency may elect to include one or more of the alternate Bid items, or to otherwise remove certain work from the Project scope of work. Accordingly, each Bidder must ensure that each Bid item contains a proportionate share of profit, overhead, and other costs or expenses which will be incurred by the Bidder. If the Agency utilizes alternate Bid items as described above, the Notice Inviting Bids will prescribe predetermined criteria for the Bid package selection or a selection process in which price information and Bidder identities are not revealed to the Agency before the Bid Submission Deadline. 8. COMPLETION OF BID FORMS. Bids shall only be prepared using the Bid Forms which are included in the Contract Documents. The use of substitute Bid Forms other than legible and correct photocopies of those provided by the Agency are prohibited. Bids shall be executed by an authorized signatory as described in these Instructions to Bidders. In addition, Bidders shall fill in all blank spaces (including inserting “N/A” where applicable), and initial all interlineations, alterations, or erasures to the Bid Forms. Bidders shall neither delete, modify, nor supplement the printed matter on the Bid Forms nor make 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 7 of 160 substitutions thereon. Use of black or blue ink, indelible pencil, or a typewriter is required. Deviations from these instructions may result in the Bid being deemed non-responsive. The following documents must be completed and properly executed including notarization, where indicated, and submitted as a part of the complete Bid Package: 1. Bid Form (00 41 00) 2. Bid Bond (00 43 10) or Bid Security (00 43 20) with check/cash 3. Proposed Subcontractors Form (00 43 30) 4. Bidder Information and Experience Form (00 43 40) 5. Non-Collusion Affidavit (00 45 10) 6. Iran Contracting Act Certification (00 45 15) 7. Public Works Contractor Registration Certification (00 45 20) 8. Certificate of Insurance (00 45 25) 9. Statement Regarding Debarment (00 45 30) 10. Disclosure of Discipline Record (00 45 35) 11. Acknowledgement of ALL Addenda on the online bidding portal. 12. Optional Escrow Agreement, as applicable (00 61 30) When paper copies are submitted, all prices must be written in ink or typewritten. Changes or corrections may be crossed out and typed or written in with ink and must be initialed in ink by a person authorized to sign for the Contractor. 9. GOVERNING GENERAL PROVISIONS. The Specifications contained in the Agency Supplemental General Provisions (00 73 00) take precedence over the specification language contained in the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, “the Greenbook” latest edition and all errata. The Supplemental General Provisions address the unique conditions in the City of Carlsbad that are not addressed in the Greenbook. Therefore, if there is a conflict between the two, the Supplemental Provisions shall control over the Greenbook. The Greenbook may be purchased at Bidder’s/Contractor’s local technical bookstore, online or directly from the publisher. The Supplemental Provisions are available only for download from the online bidding portal with Contract Documents. The Agency does not provide hard copies. 10. MODIFICATIONS OF BIDS. Each Bidder shall submit its Bid in strict conformity with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Unauthorized additions, modifications, revisions, conditions, limitations, exclusions, or provisions attached to a Bid may render it non-responsive and may cause its rejection. Bidders shall not delete, modify, or supplement the printed matter on the Bid Forms, or make substitutions thereon. Oral, telephonic, and electronic modifications will not be considered. 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 8 of 160 11. BID GUARANTEE. Each Bid shall be accompanied by: (a) a cashier’s check; or, (b) a certified check made payable to Agency; or, (c) a Bid Bond secured from a surety company satisfactory to the Board, the amount of which shall not be less than 10% of the total bid price, made payable to Agency as bid security. Personal sureties and unregistered surety companies are unacceptable. The surety insurer shall be a California admitted surety insurer, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120. The bid security shall be provided as a guarantee that within 10 Working Days after the Agency provides the successful Bidder the Notice of Award, the successful Bidder will enter into a contract and provide the necessary bonds and certificates of insurance. The bid security may be declared forfeited if the successful Bidder fails to enter into a contract and provide the necessary bonds and certificates of insurance. Any Bid received that does not comply with these Bid Guarantee instructions may be rejected as non-responsive, and Agency may enter into a contract with the next lowest, responsive, responsible Bidder, or may call for new Bids. No interest shall be paid on funds deposited with the Agency. Copies of Bid Bonds submitted to the Agency shall have the same force and effect as the original. The Bidder’s security of the second and third next lowest responsive Bidders may be withheld until the Contract has been fully executed. The security submitted by all other unsuccessful Bidders shall be returned to them, or deemed void, within 10 Working Days after the Contract is awarded The proceeds of the Bidder’s security may also become property of the Agency if the Bidder withdraws its Bid within 15 Calendar Days after the Bid opening date, unless otherwise required by law, including Public Contract Code Section 5100 et. seq., and notwithstanding the award of the Contract to another Bidder. The Bidder shall submit Bid Bond (00 43 10) or Bid Security (00 43 20) with properly certified check with the Bid Package. 12. LABOR & MATERIAL BOND AND PERFORMANCE & WARRANTY BOND REQUIREMENTS. The successful Bidder shall furnish Agency with a Labor and Material Payment Bond and a Performance and Warranty Bond, each in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract price. Each bond shall be secured from a surety company that meets all State of California bonding requirements, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120 and is admitted by the State of California, and whose assets exceed their liabilities in an amount equal to or in excess of the amount of the bond. The Agency shall not accept personal sureties and unregistered surety companies. Each bond shall be accompanied, upon the request of Agency, with all documents required by Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.660 to the extent required by law. All bonding and insurance requirements shall be completed and submitted to Agency within 10 Working Days from the date the Agency provides the successful Bidder with the Notice of Award. These bonds shall be kept in full force and effect during the course of this Project, and shall extend in full force and effect and be retained by the Agency until they are released as stated in 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 9 of 160 the Contract. The Bonds are to be accompanied by an original, or a certified copy, of the unrevoked appointment, power of attorney, by laws, or other instrument entitling or authorizing the person who executed the bond to do so. 13. SUBSTITUTION OF SECURITY. The Contract Documents call for monthly progress payments based upon the percentage of the Work completed. The Agency will retain a percentage of each progress payment as provided by the Contract Documents. At the request and expense of the successful Bidder, the Agency will substitute securities for the amount so retained in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 22300. 14. OPTIONAL ESCROW FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT. Pursuant to applicable provisions of law (i.e., Public Contract Code Section 10263), appropriate securities may be substituted for any obligation required by these instructions or for any monies withheld by the Agency to ensure performance under the Contract. Public Contract Code Section 10263 requires monies or securities to be deposited with the Agency or a state or federally chartered bank in California as the escrow agent. The escrow agent shall maintain insurance to cover negligent acts and omissions of the agent in connection with the handling of retentions under this section in an amount not less than $100,000 per contract. 15. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Before commencing the Work, the successful Bidder shall purchase and maintain insurance as set forth in the Agency General Conditions. If the Bid is accepted, and if requested by the Agency, Contractor shall provide Agency or preferred vendor copies of the insurer’s most recent annual statement and quarterly statement filed with the Department of Insurance pursuant to Insurance Code Section 900 et seq. within 10 Calendar Days of the insurer’s receipt of a request to submit the statements. In accordance with the provisions of Labor Code Section 3700, Contractor shall secure the payment of compensation to its employees. Contractor shall sign and file with the Agency the following certificate before performing the Work under the Contract: I am aware of the provisions of Labor Code Section 3700, which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers’ compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of the Contract. The form of such, Certificate of Insurance (00 45 25), shall be submitted as a part of the Bid Package. Insurance must be placed with insurers that: 1) Have a rating in the most recent Best’s Key Rating Guide of at least A-:VII, or 2) Appear on the List of Approved Surplus Line Insurers, (“LASLI”) with a Best’s Key Rating Guide of at least A: X. 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 10 of 160 3) Are admitted to conduct the business of insurance in the State of California by the Insurance Commissioner. 4) Otherwise comply with all other aspects of City Council Policy No. 70. Auto policies offered to meet the specification of this Contract must: 1) Meet the conditions stated above for all insurance companies. 2) Cover any vehicle used in the performance of the Contract, used onsite or offsite, whether owned, non-owned or hired, and whether scheduled or non-scheduled. Workers’ compensation insurance required under this Contract must be offered by a company meeting the above standards with the exception that the Best’s rating condition may be waived. The Agency does accept policies issued by the State Compensation Fund meeting the requirement for workers’ compensation insurance. The Contractor shall be required to maintain insurance as specified in the Contract. Any additional cost of the insurance shall be included in the Bid price. The award of the Contract by the Board is contingent upon the Contractor submitting the required bonds and insurance, as described in the Contract Documents, within 10 Working Days of bid opening. If the Contractor fails to comply with these requirements, the Agency may award the Contract to the second or third lowest Bidder and the bid security of the lowest Bidder may be forfeited. 16. LICENSING REQUIREMENTS. Pursuant to Business and Professions Code Section 7028.15 and Public Contract Code Section 3300, all Bidders must possess proper licenses for performance of the Contract. Subcontractors must possess the appropriate licenses for each specialty subcontracted. Pursuant to Business and Professions Code Section 7028.5, the Agency shall consider any Bid submitted by a contractor not currently licensed in accordance with California law and pursuant to the requirements found in the Contract Documents to be nonresponsive, and the Agency shall reject the Bid. The Agency shall have the right to request, and Bidders shall provide within 10 Calendar Days, evidence satisfactory to the Agency of all valid license(s) currently held by that Bidder and each of the Bidder’s Subcontractors, before awarding the Contract. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Contract, if the Work involves federal funds, the Contractor shall be properly licensed by the time the Contract is awarded, pursuant to the provisions of Public Contract Code Section 20103.5. 17. SUBCONTRACTORS. Bidder shall set forth the name, address of the place of business, and contractor license number of each Subcontractor who will perform work, labor, furnish materials or render services to the bidder on the Contract. This requirement includes each Subcontractor licensed by the State of California who, under subcontract to Bidder, specially fabricates and installs a portion of the Work described in the Drawings and Specifications in an amount in excess of one-half of one 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 11 of 160 percent (0.5%) of the total Bid price. Additionally, the Bidder shall indicate the portion of the Work to be done by each Subcontractor in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 4104. Bidder shall submit Proposed Subcontractors Form (00 43 30) with the Bid Package. This form will be used by the Agency to determine the percentage of work that the Bidder proposes to perform. Bidders are cautioned that failure to provide complete and correct information may result in rejection of the Bid as non-responsive. Any Bid that proposes performance of more than 50 percent of the Work by Subcontractors or performance by forces other than the Bidder’s own organization will be rejected as non-responsive. Specialty items of work that may be so designated on the Proposed Subcontractors Form (00 43 30) “Contractor’s Bid” will not be included in computing the percentage of work proposed to be performed by the Bidder. Suppliers of materials from sources outside the limits of Work are not Subcontractors. The value of materials and transport of materials from sources outside the limits of Work, as shown on the plans, shall be assigned to the Contractor or the Subcontractor, as the case may be, that the Bidder proposes as installer of the materials. The value of material incorporated in any Subcontractor-installed Bid item that is supplied by the Bidder shall be included as a part of the Work that the Bidder proposes to be performed by the Subcontractor installing the item. When the Bidder proposes to use a Subcontractor to construct or install less than 100 percent of a Bid item, the Bidder shall attach an explanation sheet to the Proposed Subcontractor Form (00 43 30). The explanation sheet shall clearly apprise the Agency of the specific facts that show the Bidder proposes to perform no less than fifty percent (50%) of the Work with its own forces. Determination of the subcontract amounts for purposes of award of the Contract shall be determined by the Board in conformance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. The decision of the Board shall be final. Contractor is prohibited from performing any Work on this Project with a Subcontractor who is ineligible to perform work on a public works project pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.1 or 1777.7. Bidders shall make copies of the disclosure forms as may be necessary to provide the required information to Subcontractors. The page number and total number of additional form pages shall be entered in the location provided on each type of form so duplicated. 18. BIDDER INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE FORM. Each Bidder shall complete the provided questionnaire and shall submit the questionnaire along with its Bid. Failure to provide all information requested within the questionnaire along with the Bid may cause the Bid to be rejected as non-responsive. The Agency may reject any Bid if an investigation of the information submitted does not satisfy the Agency that the Bidder is qualified to properly carry out the terms of the Contract. 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 12 of 160 The Bidder shall submit Bidder Information and Experience Form (00 43 40) with the Bid Package. 19. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT. Bidders on all public works contracts are required to submit an affidavit of non-collusion with their Bid. This form (00 45 10 Non-Collusion Affidavit) is included with the Bid Package and must be signed and dated under penalty of perjury. 20. IRAN CONTRACTING ACT OF 2010. In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 2200 et seq., the Agency requires that any person that submits a bid or proposal or otherwise proposes to enter into or renew a contract with the Agency with respect to goods or services of $1,000,000 or more, certify at the time the bid is submitted or the contract is renewed, that the person is not identified on a list created pursuant to subdivision (b) of Public Contract Code Section 2203 as a person engaging in investment activities in Iran described in subdivision (a) of Public Contract Code Section 2202.5, or as a person described in subdivision (b) of Public Contract Code Section 2202.5, as applicable. The form of such Iran Contracting Certificate is included with the Bid Package and must be signed and dated under penalty of perjury. 21. PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION CERTIFICATION. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1773, the Agency has obtained the prevailing rate of per diem wages and the prevailing wage rate for holiday and overtime work applicable in San Diego County from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations for each craft, classification, or type of worker needed to execute this Contract. A copy of these prevailing wage rates may be obtained via the internet at www.dir.ca.gov/dlsr/. In addition, a copy of the prevailing rate of per diem wages is available at the Agency and shall be made available to interested parties upon request. The successful Bidder shall post a copy of the prevailing wage rates at each job site. It shall be mandatory upon the Bidder to whom the Contract is awarded, and upon any Subcontractors, to comply with all Labor Code provisions, which include but are not limited to the payment of not less than the specified prevailing wage rates to all workers employed by them in the execution of the Contract, employment of apprentices, hours of labor and debarment of contractors and subcontractors. Pursuant to Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, all contractors and subcontractors that wish to bid on, be listed in a bid, or enter into a contract to perform public work must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations. No bid will be accepted nor any contract entered into without proof of the contractor’s and subcontractors’ current registration with the Department of Industrial Relations to perform public work. If awarded the Contract, the Bidder and its Subcontractors, of any tier, shall maintain active registration with the Department of Industrial Relations for the duration of the Project. 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 13 of 160 This Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. In bidding on this Project, it shall be the Bidder’s sole responsibility to evaluate and include the cost of complying with all labor compliance requirements under the Contract and applicable law in its Bid. To this end, Bidder shall sign and submit with its Bid the Public Works Contractor Registration Certification on the form provided, attesting to the facts contained in the registration certificate. Failure to submit this certificate may render the Bid non-responsive. In addition, each Bidder shall provide the registration number for each listed Subcontractor in the space provided in the Proposed Subcontractors Form (00 43 30). 22. PREVAILING WAGES. Pursuant to Labor Code Sections 1720, et. seq. and 1770, et. seq., Contractor shall pay prevailing wages for all Work performed under the Contract. The Agency has obtained from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the Work will be performed for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the Contract. These rates are available at the Agency or may be obtained online at http://www.dir.ca.gov. Bidders are advised that a copy of these rates must be posted by the successful Bidder at the job site(s). 23. DEBARMENT OF CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS. In accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code, contractors or subcontractors may not perform work on a public works project with a subcontractor who is ineligible to perform work on a public project pursuant to Labor Code Section 1777.1 or 1777.7. Any contract on a public works project executed between a contractor and a debarred subcontractor is void as a matter of law. A debarred subcontractor may not receive any public money for performing work as a subcontractor on a public works contract. Any public money that is paid to a debarred subcontractor by the Contractor for the Project shall be returned to the Agency. The Contractor shall be responsible for the payment of wages to workers of a debarred Subcontractor who has been allowed to work on the Project. The Agency may disqualify a Contractor or Subcontractor from participating in bidding when a Contractor or Subcontractor has been debarred by the Agency or another jurisdiction in the State of California as an irresponsible bidder. 24. SIGNING OF BIDS. All Bids submitted shall be executed by the Bidder or its authorized representative. Bidders may be asked to provide evidence in the form of an authenticated resolution of its Board of Directors or a Power of Attorney evidencing the capacity of the person signing the Bid to bind the Bidder to each Bid and to any Contract arising therefrom. If a Bidder is a joint venture or partnership, it may be asked to submit an authenticated Power of Attorney executed by each joint venturer or partner appointing and designating one of the joint venturers or partners as a management sponsor to execute the Bid on behalf of Bidder. Only that 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 14 of 160 joint venturer or partner shall execute the Bid. The Power of Attorney shall also: (1) authorize that particular joint venturer or partner to act for and bind Bidder in all matters relating to the Bid; and (2) provide that each venturer or partner shall be jointly and severally liable for any and all of the duties and obligations that the Bidder assumes under the Bid and under any Contract arising therefrom. The Bid shall be executed by the designated joint venturer or partner on behalf of the joint venture or partnership in its legal name. 25. SUBMISSION OF SEALED BIDS. Once the Bid and supporting documents have been completed and signed as set forth in these Instructions to Bidders, they shall be uploaded, along with other required materials, to the online bidding portal before the deadline for submitting bids. At the time of Bid submission, whether in the form of a cashier’s check, a properly certified check or an approved corporate surety bond payable to the Agency, Bidders must upload an electronic Portable Document Format (PDF) copy of the Bid Guarantee to the online bidding portal. The first 3 apparent low Bidders must provide the Agency with the original Bid Guarantee within 2 Business Days after the Bid opening date. Failure to submit the electronic version of the Bid Guarantee at time of bid submission shall cause the bid to be rejected and deemed non-responsive. Failure to provide the original within 2 business days may deem the bidder non-responsive. Original Bid Bond shall be submitted to: Public Works Contract Administration Attention: Janean Hawney, Contract Administrator 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California, 92008 No oral or telephonic Bids will be considered. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Sections 1600 and 1601, only where expressly permitted in these Instructions to Bidders and the Notice Inviting Bids may Bidders submit their Bids via electronic transmission (the online bidding portal). Bids received after the Bid Submission Deadline will not be accepted. Agency may reject any Bid not strictly complying with Agency’s designated methods for delivery. 26. OPENING OF BIDS. Bids submitted on the online bidding portal will be reviewed by the Agency. Once the Bid Submission Deadline has passed, Bidders, proposers, the general public, and Agency staff are able to immediately see the results online. Agency shall consider award of the Contract to the lowest, responsive, responsible Bidder as determined by the Agency consistent with Section 32 below. In case of a discrepancy between the line item entries submitted in the online bidding portal and the Bid Form, the online bidding portal shall prevail. In the event of any discrepancies, written numbers (e.g., fifty, hundred) will govern over numerical numbers (e.g., 50, 100) on the Bid Form. Also, the sum of all lump sum line items will govern over the “Total Proposed Lump 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 15 of 160 Sum Price” line item. The Agency may reject any or all Bids or waive any irregularities or informalities in any Bids or in the Bidding process. The Bid and the terms of the Contract Documents constitute an irrevocable offer that shall remain valid and in full force for a period of 90 Calendar Days from the Bid Submission Deadline and such additional time as may be mutually agreed upon by the Agency and the Bidder. 27. WITHDRAWAL OF BID. Any Bid may be withdrawn via written letter, incurring no penalty, at any time before the scheduled closing time for receipt of Bids. Requests to withdraw Bids shall be worded to not reveal the amount of the original Bid. Withdrawn Bids may be resubmitted until the Bid Submission Deadline, provided that resubmitted Bids are in conformance with these Instructions to Bidders. Bids may be withdrawn after bid opening only by providing written notice to Agency within five (5) Working Days of the bid opening and in compliance with Public Contract Code Section 5100 et seq., or as otherwise may be allowed with the consent of the Agency. 28. BIDDERS INTERESTED IN MORE THAN ONE BID. No Bidder shall be allowed to make, file or be interested in more than 1 Bid for the same work unless alternate Bids are specifically called for. If the Notice Inviting Bids provides for alternate Bids, a person, firm or corporation that has submitted a sub-proposal to a Bidder, or that has quoted prices of materials to a Bidder, is not disqualified from submitting a sub-proposal or quoting prices to other Bidders. No person, firm, corporation, or other entity may submit a sub- proposal to a Bidder, or quote prices of materials to a Bidder, when also submitting a prime Bid on the same Project. 29. SALES AND OTHER APPLICABLE TAXES, PERMITS, LICENSES, AND FEES. Contractor and its Subcontractors performing work under the Contract will be required to pay California sales tax and other applicable taxes, and to pay for permits, licenses and fees required by the agencies with authority in the jurisdiction in which the Work will be located, unless otherwise expressly provided by the Contract Documents. 30. PERMIT AND INSPECTION FEE ALLOWANCE. (This section not used) 31. BASIS OF AWARD; BALANCED BID. The Agency shall award the Contract to the lowest responsible Bidder submitting a responsive Bid. The lowest Bid will be determined on the basis of the total Bid price. In the event of any discrepancies, written numbers (e.g., fifty, hundred) will govern over numerical numbers (e.g., 50, 100) on the Price Proposal Form. Also, the sum of all lump sum line items will govern over the “Total Proposed Lump Sum Price” line item. The Agency may reject any Bid which, in its opinion when compared to other Bids received or to the Agency’s internal estimates, does not accurately reflect the cost to perform the Work. The Agency may reject as non-responsive any Bid which unevenly weights or allocates costs, including 00 21 10 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 16 of 160 but not limited to overhead and profit to 1 or more particular Bid items or otherwise violates Public Contract Code Section 9203. 32. AWARD PROCESS. Once all Bids are opened and reviewed to determine the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, the Board may award the Contract. Once notified by Agency staff, the apparent successful Bidder should begin to prepare the following documents: (1) the Labor and Materials Bond; (2) the Performance and Warranty Bond; and (3) the required insurance certificates and endorsements. Once the Agency notifies the Bidder of the award, the Bidder will have 10 Working Days from the date of this notification to execute the Contract and supply the Agency with all of the required documents and certifications or the Bidder may forfeit the Bid security and the Agency may pursue award of the Contract to the next lowest, responsive, responsible Bidder. Once the Agency receives all properly drafted and executed documents and certifications from the Bidder, the Agency shall issue a Notice to Proceed to that Bidder. 33. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. As required in these Instructions to Bidders, the Bidder to whom an award is made shall execute the Contract in the amount determined by the Contract Documents. The Agency may require appropriate evidence that the persons executing the Contract are duly empowered to do so. The Contract and bond forms to be executed by the successful Bidder are included within these Specifications and shall not be detached. 34. BUSINESS LICENSE The prime Contractor and all Subcontractors are required to have and maintain a valid City of Carlsbad Business License for the duration of the Contract. 35. PARTICIPATION OF MINORITY AND WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESSES. The Agency encourages the participation of minority and women-owned businesses. 36. USE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS The Agency encourages Bidders, suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators and contractors to utilize recycled and recyclable materials when available, appropriate and approved by the Agency’s Engineer. 37. STATUTORY REFERENCES All references in these Instructions to Bidders (00 21 10) to any statute, rule or regulation are to the statute, rule or regulation as amended, modified, supplemented or replaced from time to time by the corresponding legislative or regulatory body. END OF SECTION 00 41 10 BID FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 17 of 160 00 41 00 BID FORM NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement CONTRACT NO.: PWS23-2177FAC NAME OF BIDDER: AGENCY: Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 The undersigned declares that we have carefully examined the location of the proposed Work, and have read and examined the Contract Documents, including all Plans, Specifications, and Addenda, if any, for the above-mentioned Project. The undersigned has acknowledged receipt, understanding, and full consideration of ANY and ALL Addenda to the Contract Documents via the online bidding portal. We propose to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, and services, and to discharge all duties and obligations necessary and required to perform and complete the Project, as described and in strict conformity with the Drawings, and these Specifications for TOTAL BID PRICE. Attached is the required Bid Bond (00 43 10) or Bid Security (00 43 20) in the amount of not less than 10% of the Total Bid Price. Attached is the completed Proposed Subcontractors form (00 43 30). Attached is the completed Bidder Information and Experience form (00 45 40) Attached is the fully executed Non-collusion Affidavit (00 45 10). Attached is the completed Iran Contracting Act Certification form (00 45 15). Attached is the completed Public Works Contractor Registration Certification form (00 45 20). Attached is the completed Certificate of Insurance form (00 45 25). Attached is the Statement of Regarding Debarment form (00 45 30) Attached is the Disclosure of Discipline Record (00 45 35) Attached is the Optional Escrow Agreement (if applicable) (00 61 30) 00 41 10 BID FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 18 of 160 1. BID SCHEDULE Section Item Description Units Quantity Value Schedule A Mobilization (see 00 73 00 Agency Supplemental General Provisions, Section 7-3.4) LS Schedule A General Provisions LS Schedule A Division 1; General Requirements LS Schedule A Division 2; Existing Conditions LS Schedule A Division 6; Wood, Plastics and Composites LS Schedule A Division 7; Thermal and Moisture Protection LS Schedule A Division 9; Finishes LS Schedule A Division 23; Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning LS Schedule A Punchlist Completion LS $15,000 Schedule A 30-year CMWD Roof Warranty and Maintenance Form Per Attachment C (CMWD Form) LS $10,000 00 41 10 BID FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 19 of 160 Schedule A Allowance for square feet of roof sheathing that requires replacement, with all associated work to access and replace with new materials for construction to restore completed roof construction should replacement be required SF 500 The costs for any Work shown or required in the Contract Documents, but not specifically identified as a line item above are to be included in the related line items above and no additional compensation shall be due to Contractor for the performance of the Work required in the contract documents. 2. TOTAL BID PRICE The undersigned agrees that this Bid Form constitutes a firm offer to the Agency which cannot be withdrawn for ninety (90) Calendar Days from and after the Bid opening, or until a Contract The TOTAL BID PRICE on Bid Schedule total of Unit Prices: Total Bid Price in Numbers: Total Bid Price in Written Form: In case of discrepancy between the written price, the numerical price, or the price as submitted via the online bidding portal, the online bidding portal price shall prevail. 00 41 10 BID FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 20 of 160 for the Work is fully executed by the Agency and the lowest responsible Bidder, whichever is later. The Undersigned has carefully checked all the above figures and understands that the Agency will not be responsible for any error or omission on the part of the Undersigned in preparing this Bid. 3. RECITALS The successful Bidder agrees to sign the Contract and furnish the necessary bonds and certificates of insurance within 10 Working Days after the Agency issues the Notice of Award to the successful Bidder. The Undersigned agrees that in case of failure to execute the required Contract with necessary bonds and insurance policies within this time period, the Agency may pursue awarding the Contract to the next lowest responsible Bidder and the Bid Security of the lowest Bidder may be forfeited. Upon receipt of the signed Contract and other required documents, the Agency will proceed to execute the Contract and issue a purchase order and the Notice to Proceed. The time of completion shall commence on the date of the Notice to Proceed, unless otherwise specified. The undersigned agrees to begin the Work within 10 Working Days of the date of the Notice to Proceed, unless otherwise specified. The Undersigned is aware of the provisions of Labor Code Section 3700, which requires every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Work of this Contract and continue to comply until the Contract is complete. The Undersigned is aware of the provisions of Labor Code Section 1770 et seq. relative to the general prevailing rate of wages for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the Contract and agrees to comply with its provisions. The Undersigned Bidder declares, under penalty of perjury, that the undersigned is licensed to do business or act in the capacity of a contractor within the State of California and that this statement is true and correct and has the legal effect of an affidavit. The following are the Bidder’s applicable license number(s), with their expiration date(s) and class of license(s): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 00 41 10 BID FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 21 of 160 If the Bidder is a joint venture, each member of the joint venture must include the required licensing information. A Bid submitted to the Agency by a Contractor who is not licensed as a Contractor pursuant to the Business and Professions Code shall be considered nonresponsive and shall be rejected by the Agency. In all contracts where federal funds are involved, no Bid submitted shall be invalidated by the failure of the Bidder to be licensed in accordance with California law. However, at the time the Contract is awarded, the Contractor shall be properly licensed. The Undersigned Bidder represents as follows: 1. That no elected or appointed official, officer, agent, or employee of the Agency is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this Contract, or the compensation to be paid under it; that no representation, oral or in writing, of the Agency, its officers, agents, or employees has induced Bidder to enter into this Contract, excepting only those contained in this form of Contract and the papers made a part of this Contract by its terms; and 2. That this Bid is made without connection with any person, firm, or corporation making a Bid for the same Work, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. Accompanying this Bid is _________________________________ (Cash, Certified Check, Bidder’s Bond or Cashier's Check) for 10% of the amount Bid, payable to Agency as Bid Security and which is given as a guarantee that the undersigned will enter into a Contract and provide the necessary bonds and certificates of insurance if awarded the Contract. Organized under the laws of the State of ________________________. an individual a partnership a corporation (Signatures continued on next page) 00 41 10 BID FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 22 of 160 IF A SOLE OWNER OR SOLE CONTRACTOR SIGN HERE: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that all of the information submitted in connection with this Bid and all of the representations made in this Bid are true and correct. 1 Name under which business is conducted ______________________________________________________ 2 Signature (given and surname) of proprietor Printed/Typed Name ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3 Place of Business (Full Address: street, number, city, state, zip) ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 4 Telephone Number ______________________________________________________ 5 Email ______________________________________________________ NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF EXECUTION BY ALL SIGNATORIES MUST BE ATTACHED 00 41 10 BID FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 23 of 160 IF A PARTNERSHIP, SIGN HERE: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that all of the information submitted in connection with this Bid and all of the representations made in this Bid are true and correct. 1 Name under which business is conducted ______________________________________________________ 2 Signature (given and surname and role) (Note: Signature must be made by a general partner) Printed/Typed Name ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3 Place of Business (Full Address: street, number, city, state, zip) ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 4 Telephone Number ______________________________________________________ 5 Email ______________________________________________________ NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF EXECUTION BY ALL SIGNATORIES MUST BE ATTACHED 00 41 10 BID FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 24 of 160 IF A CORPORATION, SIGN HERE: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that all of the information submitted in connection with this Bid and all of the representations made in this Bid are true and correct. 1 Name under which business is conducted ______________________________________________________ 2 Signature (given and surname and Title) (Note: Signature must be made by a someone who can bind the corporation) Printed/Typed Name ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3 Place of Business (Full Address: street, number, city, state, zip) ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 4 Telephone Number ______________________________________________________ 5 Email ______________________________________________________ NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF EXECUTION BY ALL SIGNATORIES MUST BE ATTACHED 00 41 10 BID FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 25 of 160 List below names of president, vice president, CFO, secretary and assistant secretary, if a corporation; if a partnership, list names of all general partners, and managing partners: Approved as to form this ___________________day of _____________________ 20_______. ______________________________________________ Attorney for Agency END OF SECTION 00 43 10 BID BOND FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 26 of 160 00 43 10 BID BOND FORM (Note: This form is not required when other form of Bidder’s Security, e.g. cash, certified check or cashier’s check, accompanies Bid. In that case, use form 00 43 20 Bid Security) NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement CONTRACT NO.: PWS23-2177FAC NAME OF BIDDER: The makers of this bond are, as Principal, and , as Surety and are held and firmly bound unto the Carlsbad Municipal Water District(“Agency”) in the penal sum of 10% OF THE TOTAL BID PRICE of the Principal submitted to the Agency for the Work described below, for the payment of which sum in lawful money of the United States, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that whereas the Principal has submitted the accompanying Bid dated . If the Principal does not withdraw its Bid within the time specified in the Contract Documents; and if the Principal provides all required documents to the Agency and is awarded the Contract; then this obligation shall be null and void. Otherwise, this bond will remain in full force and effect. Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract Documents shall affect its obligation under this bond, and Surety waives notice of any such changes. In the event a lawsuit is brought upon this bond by the Agency and judgment is recovered, the Surety shall pay all litigation expenses incurred by the Agency in such suit, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs, expert witness fees and expenses. /// /// /// /// /// 00 43 10 BID BOND FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 27 of 160 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-bound parties have executed this instrument under their several seals this_____________ day of _____________________________, 20______, the name and corporate seal of each corporation. PRINCIPAL: ___________________________________ (Name of Principal) By: ___________________________________ (sign here) ___________________________________ (Print name here) ___________________________________ (Title and Organization of Signatory) Executed by SURETY this ______day of ________________, 20____ SURETY: _____________________________________ (name of Surety) _____________________________________ (address of Surety) _____________________________________ (telephone number of Surety) By: _____________________________________ (signature of Attorney-in-Fact) _____________________________________ (printed name of Attorney-in-Fact) Required Attachments: Corporate resolution showing current power of attorney. Proper execution by PRINCIPAL. Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by SURETY. President or vice-president and CFO, secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only 1 officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation. END OF SECTION 00 43 20 BID SECURITY Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 28 of 160 00 43 20 BID SECURITY (Note: This form is required when cash, certified check or cashier’s check, accompanies Bid. If Bid Bond is being provided, use form 00 43 10 Bid Bond) NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement NAME OF BIDDER: Accompanying this proposal is a Certified / Cashier’s check payable to the order of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (“Agency”), in the sum of dollars ($___________________), this amount being 10% of the total amount of the Bid. The proceeds of this check shall become the property of the Agency, provided this proposal shall be accepted by the Agency through action of its legally constituted contracting authorities and the Undersigned shall fail to execute a Contract and furnish the required Performance, Warranty and Payment Bonds and proof of insurance coverage within the stipulated time; otherwise, the check shall be returned to the Undersigned. The proceeds of this check shall also become the property of the Agency if the Undersigned shall withdraw his or her Bid within the period of 15 Calendar Days after the date set for the opening of the Bid, unless otherwise required by law, and notwithstanding the award of the Contract to another Bidder. _______________________________________ BIDDER Required Attachments: Certified Check or Cashier’s Check END OF SECTION 00 43 30 PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 29 of 160 00 43 30 PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS FORM NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement NAME OF BIDDER: In compliance with the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (Public Contract Code Section 4100 et seq.), Bidder shall set forth below: (a) the name and the location of the place of business, (b) the California contractor license number, (c) the DIR public works contractor registration number, and (d) the portion of the Work which will be done by each Subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render service to the Bidder in or about the construction of the Work or improvement to be performed under this Contract in an amount in excess of one- half of one percent (0.5%) of the Bidder’s Total Bid Price. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Work involves the construction of streets and highways, then the Bidder shall list each Subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render service to the Bidder in or about the Work in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the Bidder’s Total Bid Price or $10,000, whichever is greater. No additional time shall be granted to provide the below requested information. If a Bidder fails to specify a Subcontractor or if a Contractor specifies more than one Subcontractor for the same portion of Work, then the Bidder shall be deemed to have agreed that it is fully qualified to perform that portion of Work and that it shall perform that portion itself. No changes in the Subcontractor’s listed Work will be made without the prior approval of the Agency. Attach additional pages as required. (Signature of Bidder) 00 43 30 PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 30 of 160 Name of Subcontractor Location of Business CSLB Contractor License No./ Exp Date DIR Registration Number / Exp. Date Type of Work to be done by Subcontractor % of Work Amount of Work by Subcontractor in Dollars* Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4104, subdivision (a)(3)(A), receipt of the information preceded by an asterisk (*) may be submitted by the Bidder up to 24 hours after the deadline for submitting bids contained in the “Notice Inviting Bids.” END OF SECTION 00 43 40 BIDDER INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 31 of 160 00 43 40 BIDDER INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE FORM NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement CONTRACT NO.: PWS23-2177FAC NAME OF BIDDER: 1. INFORMATION ABOUT BIDDER (Indicate not applicable (“N/A”) where appropriate.) NOTE: Where Bidder is a joint venture, pages shall be duplicated, and information provided for all parties to the joint venture. 1. Type, if Entity: 2. Bidder Address: a. Facsimile Number b. Telephone Number c. Email Address 3. How many years has Bidder’s organization been in business as a contractor? 4. How many years has Bidder’s organization been in business under its present name? a. Under what other or former names has Bidder’s organization operated? 5. If Bidder’s organization is a corporation, answer the following: a. Date of Incorporation: b. State of Incorporation: c. President’s Name: d. Vice-President’s Name(s): e. Secretary’s Name: f. Treasurer’s Name: g. CFO’s Name: 00 43 40 BIDDER INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 32 of 160 6. If an individual or a partnership, answer the following: a. Date of Organization: b. Name and address of all partners (state whether general or limited partnership): 7. If other than a corporation or partnership, describe organization and name principals: 8. List other states in which Bidder’s organization is legally qualified to do business. 9. What type of work does the Bidder normally perform with its own forces? 10. Has Bidder ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? If so, note when, where, and why: 11. Within the last 5 years, has any officer or partner of Bidder’s organization ever been an officer or partner of another organization when it failed to complete a contract? If so, attach a separate sheet of explanation: 12. List Trade References: Name Company Phone Number 13. List Bank References (Bank and Branch Address): 14. Name of Bonding Company and Name and Address of Agent: 00 43 40 BIDDER INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 33 of 160 2. LIST OF CURRENT PROJECTS (BACKLOG) [**Duplicate or attach additional pages if needed for listing current projects.**] Project Name Sub or Prime? Description of Bidder’s Work Client Name Completion Date Cost of Bidder’s Work 00 43 40 BIDDER INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 34 of 160 LIST OF COMPLETED PROJECTS (LAST 3 YEARS) [**Duplicate or attach additional pages if needed for listing completed projects. **] Please include only those projects which are similar enough to demonstrate Bidder’s ability to perform the required Work. Project Name Sub or Prime? Description of Bidder’s Work Client Name Completion Date Cost of Bidder’s Work 00 43 40 BIDDER INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 35 of 160 EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS QUESTIONNAIRE Personnel: The Bidder shall identify the key personnel to be assigned to this Project in a management, construction supervision or engineering capacity. Add additional pages to identify ALL key personnel. Bidder may submit a 2-page resume of each key personnel mentioned above. Bidder agrees that personnel named in this Bid will remain on this Project until completion of all relevant Work, unless substituted by personnel of equivalent experience and qualifications approved in advance by the Agency. Job Title Name % time on this Project Specialized Education Years of construction experience relevant to the Project Summarize the experience 00 43 40 BIDDER INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 36 of 160 Additional Bidder’s Statements: If the Bidder feels that there is additional information which has not been included in the questionnaire above, and which would contribute to the qualification review, it may add that information in a statement here or on an attached sheet, appropriately marked: 00 43 40 BIDDER INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE FORM Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 37 of 160 3. VERIFICATION AND EXECUTION These Bid Forms shall be executed only by a duly authorized official of the Bidder: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing information is true and correct: Name of Bidder: Signature ________________________________________________________________ Name ______________________________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________________________________________ END OF SECTION 00 45 10 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 38 of 160 00 45 10 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT NONCOLLUSION DECLARATION TO BE EXECUTED BY BIDDER AND SUBMITTED WITH BID NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement NAME OF BIDDER: Consistent with Public Contract Code Section 7106, the undersigned declares: I am the of , the party making the foregoing Bid. The Bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation. The Bid is genuine and not collusive or sham. The Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to put in a false or sham bid. The Bidder has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any Bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or to refrain from bidding. The Bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the Bid Price of the Bidder or any other Bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the Bid Price, or of that of any other Bidder. All statements contained in the Bid are true. The Bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her Bid Price or any breakdown of it, or the contents of it, or divulged information or data relative to it, to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent of these, to effectuate a collusive or sham bid, and has not paid, and will not pay, any person or entity for such purpose. Any person executing this declaration on behalf of a Bidder that is a corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any other entity, represents that he or she has full power to execute, and does execute, this declaration on behalf of the Bidder. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration is executed ________________ 20 ____ at _______________ [city], _____ [state]. Signature Name _________________________________ Title END OF SECTION 00 45 15 IRAN CONTRACTING ACT CERTIFICATION Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 39 of 160 00 45 15 IRAN CONTRACTING ACT CERTIFICATION NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement NAME OF BIDDER: As required by Public Contract Code Section 2204, the Contractor certifies subject to penalty of perjury that the option checked below relating to the Contractor’s status in regard to the Iran Contracting Act of 2010 (Public Contract Code Section 2200 et seq.) is true and correct: The Contractor is not: 1) identified on the current list of persons and entities engaged in investment activities in Iran prepared by the California Department of General Services in accordance with subdivision (b) of Public Contract Code Section 2203; or 2) a financial instruction that extends, for 45 days or more, credit in the amount of $20,000,000 or more to any other person or entity identified on the current list of persons and entities engaging in investment activities in Iran prepared by the California Department of General Services in accordance with subdivision (b) of Public Contract Code Section 2203, if that person or entity uses or will use the credit to provide goods or services in the energy sector in Iran. The Agency has exempted the Contractor from the requirements of the Iran Contracting Act of 2010 after making a public finding that, absent the exemption, the Agency will be unable to obtain the goods and/or services to be provided pursuant to the Contract. The amount of the Contract payable to the Contractor for the Project does not exceed $1,000,000. Signature: Date: Name: Title: Note: In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 2205, false certification of this form shall be reported to the California Attorney General and may result in civil penalties equal to the greater of $250,000 or twice the Contract amount, termination of the Contract and/or ineligibility to bid on contracts for 3 years. END OF SECTION 00 45 20 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION CERTIFICATION Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 40 of 160 00 45 20 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION CERTIFICATION NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement NAME OF BIDDER: Pursuant to Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, all Contractors and Subcontractors that wish to Bid on, be listed in a Bid proposal, or enter into a Contract to perform public work must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations. See Public Works (ca.gov) for additional information. No Bid will be accepted, nor any Contract entered into without proof of the Contractor’s and Subcontractors’ current registration with the Department of Industrial Relations to perform public work. Bidder certifies that it is aware of the registration requirements set forth in Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1 and is currently registered as a Contractor with the Department of Industrial Relations. Name of Bidder: DIR Registration Number: DIR Registration Expiration: Bidder further certifies: 1. Bidder shall maintain a current DIR registration for the duration of the Project. 2. Bidder shall include the requirements of Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1 in its Contract with Subcontractors and ensure that all Subcontractors are registered at the time of Bid opening and maintain registration status for the duration of the Project. 3. Failure to submit this form or comply with any of the above requirements may result in a finding that the Bid is non-responsive. Signature: Date: Name: Title: END OF SECTION 00 45 25 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 41 of 160 00 45 25 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement NAME OF BIDDER: Bidder must attach either of the following to this page. Certificates of insurance showing conformance with the requirements for each of: a. Comprehensive General Liability b. Automobile Liability c. Workers Compensation d. Employer’s Liability Statement with an insurance carrier’s notarized signature stating that the carrier can, and upon payment of fees and/or premiums by the Bidder, will issue to the Bidder the required policies of insurance for Comprehensive General Liability, Automobile Liability, Workers Compensation and Employer’s Liability in conformance and the required Certificates of insurance to the Agency. END OF SECTION 00 45 30 STATEMENT REGARDING DEBARMENT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 42 of 160 00 45 30 STATEMENT REGARDING DEBARMENT NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement NAME OF BIDDER: 1. Have you or any of your Subcontractors ever been debarred as an irresponsible Bidder by another public agency in the State of California? YES NO 2. If yes, what was/were the name(s) of the public agency(ies) and what was/were the period(s) of debarment(s)? Attach additional copies of this page to accommodate more than 2 debarments. __________________________________ party debarred __________________________________ public agency __________________________________ period of debarment ___________________________________ party debarred ___________________________________ public agency ___________________________________ period of debarment BY CONTRACTOR: By: __________________________________ (sign here) ___________________________________ (print name/title) Page _____ of _____ pages of this Statement Regarding Debarment form END OF SECTION 00 45 35 DISCLOSURE OF DISCIPLINE RECORD Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 43 of 160 00 45 35 DISCLOSURE OF DISCIPLINE RECORD NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement NAME OF BIDDER: Contractors are required by law to be licensed and regulated by the Contractors’ State License Board which has jurisdiction to investigate complaints against contractors if a complaint regarding a latent act or omission is filed within 4 years of the date of the alleged violation. A complaint regarding a latent act or omission pertaining to structural defects must be filed within 10 years of the date of the alleged violation. Any questions concerning a Contractor may be referred to the Registrar, Contractors’ State License Board, P.O. Box 26000, Sacramento, California 95826. 1. Have you ever had your contractor’s license suspended or revoked by the California Contractors’ State license Board 2 or more times within an 8-year period? YES NO 2. Has the suspension or revocation of your contractor’s license ever been stayed? YES NO N/A 3. Have any Subcontractors that you propose to perform any portion of the Work ever had their contractor’s license suspended or revoked by the California Contractors’ State License Board 2 or more times within an 8-year period? YES NO 4. Has the suspension or revocation of the license of any Subcontractors that you propose to perform any portion of the Work ever been stayed? YES NO N/A 00 45 35 DISCLOSURE OF DISCIPLINE RECORD Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 44 of 160 5. If the answer to either of 1 or 3 above is “yes,” fully identify, in each and every case, the party disciplined, the date of and violation that the disciplinary action pertains to, the nature of the violation and disciplinary action taken. (If needed attach additional sheets to provide full disclosure.) 6. If the answer to either of 2 or 4 above is “yes,” fully identify, in each and every case, the party whose discipline was stayed, the date of and the violation that the disciplinary action pertains to, the nature of the violation and the condition (if any) upon which the disciplinary action was stayed. (If needed attach additional sheets to provide full disclosure.) BY CONTRACTOR: By: __________________________________ (sign here) __________________________________ (print name and title) END OF SECTION 00 52 00 CONTRACT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 45 of 160 00 52 00 CONTRACT This Project No. 4749 (“Contract”) is made and entered into this ____________ day of ________________________________, 20___, by and between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California, a California municipal corporation (“Agency”) and ____________________________________ (“Contractor”), whose principal place of business is _______________________________________________________. The parties agree: 1. SCOPE OF WORK. The Contractor shall perform all Work within the time stipulated in the Contract, and shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools, utility services, and transportation to complete all the Work required in strict compliance with the Contract Documents for the following Project: NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement The Contractor and its surety shall be liable to the Agency for any damages arising as a result of the Contractor’s failure to comply with the obligation described in this Section 1. 2. TIME OF COMPLETION. Time is of the essence in the performance of the Work. The Work shall be commenced on the date stated in the Agency’s Notice to Proceed. The Contractor shall complete all Work required by the Contract Documents within sixty-two (62) Working Days from the commencement date stated in the Notice to Proceed. Contractor agrees the time for completion set forth above is adequate and reasonable to complete the Work. 3. CONTRACT PRICE. The Agency shall pay to the Contractor as full compensation for the performance of the Contract, subject to any additions or deductions made in accordance with the Contract Documents, and including all applicable taxes and costs, the sum of ___________________________________ Dollars ($ _____________________________). Payment shall be made as set forth in the General Conditions. The Engineer will close the estimate of work completed for progress payments on the last working day of each month. The Agency shall withhold retention as required by Public Contract Code Section 9203. 4. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. In accordance with Government Code Section 53069.85, it is agreed that the Contractor will pay the Agency the sum set forth in Section 00 73 00 Supplemental General Provisions for each and every Calendar Day of delay beyond the time of completion prescribed in this Contract as Liquidated Damages and not as a penalty or forfeiture. If this sum is not paid, the Contractor agrees the Agency may deduct that amount from any money due or that may become due the 00 52 00 CONTRACT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 46 of 160 Contractor under the Contract. This Section does not exclude recovery of other damages specified in the Contract Documents. 5. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The “Contract Documents” include the following: ● 00 11 10 Notice Inviting Bids ● 00 21 10 Instructions to Bidders ● 00 41 00 Bid Form ● 00 42 10 Bid Bond or 00 43 20 Bid Security ● 00 43 30 Proposed Subcontractors ● 00 43 40 Bidder Information and Experience ● 00 45 10 Non-Collusion Affidavit ● 00 45 15 Iran Contracting Act Certification ● 00 45 20 Public Works Contractor Registration Certification ● 00 45 30 Statement of Regarding Debarment ● 00 45 35 Disclosure of Discipline Record ● 00 52 10 Contract ● 00 61 10 Labor and Materials Bond ● 00 61 20 Faithful Performance and Warranty Bond ● 00 61 30 Optional Escrow Agreement (if applicable) ● 00 73 00 Supplemental General Provisions ● Technical Specifications for the Project ● All Addenda ● Plans and Drawings ● Permits ● 00 74 00 Supplemental Technical Provisions ● “Standard Specifications and Drawings,” as last revised ● Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction “Greenbook,” latest edition and including all errata o Part 1 General Provisions o Part 2 to Part 8 (Construction Materials, Construction Methods, Existing Improvements, Pipeline System Rehabilitation, Temporary Traffic Control, Street Lighting and Traffic Signal Systems, Landscaping and Irrigation) ● Standard Plans for Public Works Construction, latest edition and including all errata ● Applicable Local Agency Standards and Specifications, as last revised ● Approved and fully executed change orders 00 52 00 CONTRACT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 47 of 160 ● Any other documents contained in or incorporated by reference into the Contract Documents The Contractor shall complete the Work in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. The requirements of the various sections or documents comprising the Contract Documents are intended to be complementary. Work required by 1 of the Contract Documents and not by others shall be done as if required by all. This Contract shall supersede any prior agreement of the parties. 6. PROVISIONS REQUIRED BY LAW AND CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE. Every provision of law required to be included in these Contract Documents shall be deemed to be included in these Contract Documents. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, the provisions of the Labor Code and Public Contract Code which are applicable to the Work. 7. INDEMNIFICATION. Contractor shall provide indemnification and defense as set forth in the 00 73 00 Agency Supplemental General Provisions. 8. PREVAILING WAGES. Contractor shall be required to pay the prevailing rate of wages in accordance with the Labor Code which such rates may be obtained online at http://www.dir.ca.gov and which must be posted at the job site. {signatures on following page} 00 52 00 CONTRACT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 48 of 160 NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF EXECUTION BY ALL SIGNATORIES MUST BE ATTACHED (CORPORATE SEAL) CONTRACTOR Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a Public Agency organized under the Municipal Water Act of 1911, and a Subsidiary District of the City of Carlsbad By: By: (sign here) Keith Blackburn, President (print name/title) ATTEST: By: (sign here) for Sherry Freisinger, Board Secretary (print name/title) If required by the Agency, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by contractor must be attached. If a corporation, the Contract must be signed by 1 corporate officer from each of the following 2 groups. Group A Group B Chairman, Secretary, President, or Assistant Secretary, Vice-President CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CINDIE K. McMAHON, General Counsel BY: _____________________________ Deputy General Counsel END OF SECTION 00 61 10 LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 49 of 160 00 61 10 LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District ( “Agency”) has awarded to (“Principal,”) a Contract for the Work described as follows: Contract No PWS23- 2177FAC Project No. 4749 Name of Project: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement (the “Project”) in strict conformity with the drawings and specifications, and other Contract Documents now on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad and all of which are incorporated by this reference; and WHEREAS, Principal is required to furnish a bond in connection with the Contract providing that if Principal or any of its Subcontractors fail to pay (1) for any materials, provisions, provender, equipment, or other supplies used in, upon, for or about the performance of the Work contracted to be done, (2) for any Work or labor of any kind performed under the Contract, (3) for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code for any Work or labor of any kind performed under the Contract, or (4) for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development Department under Unemployment Insurance Code Section 13020 or to the Franchise Tax Board under Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18663 from the wages of employees of Principal and its Subcontractors with respect to the Work or labor, the Surety on this bond will pay for the same to the extent set forth below. NOW THEREFORE, we, Principal and , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Agency in the penal sum of Dollars ($___________), for the payment of which sum being an amount equal to 100% of the total amount payable under the terms of the Contract by the Agency, and for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors, or assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if Principal, or its Subcontractors, heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall fail to pay any of the persons named in Civil Code Section 9100; fail to pay for any materials, provisions, provender, equipment, or other supplies, used in, upon, for or about the performance of the Work contracted to be done; fail to pay for any Work or labor of any kind performed under the Contract; fail to pay amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code for any Work or labor of any kind performed under the Contract; or fail to pay for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development Department or Franchise Tax Board from the wages of employees of Principal or its Subcontractors pursuant to Unemployment Insurance Code Section 13020 or Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18663, with respect to the Work or labor, then the Surety will pay for the same, in an amount not exceeding the penal sum specified above, and also, in case suit is brought upon this bond, all litigation expenses incurred by the Agency in the suit, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs, expert witness fees and investigation expenses to be fixed by the court consistent with Civil Code Section 9554. 00 61 10 LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 50 of 160 This bond shall inure to the benefit of any of the persons named in Civil Code Section 9100 so as to give a right of action to such persons or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. The Surety stipulates and agrees that this bond shall not be exonerated or released from the obligation of this bond by: 1. Any change, extension of time for performance, addition, alteration or modification in, to, or of any Contract, Plans, Specifications, or agreement pertaining or relating to any scheme or Work of improvement described above, or the furnishing of labor, materials, or equipment pertaining or relating to any scheme or Work of improvement described above. 2. Any change or modification of any terms of payment or extension of the time for any payment pertaining or relating to any scheme or Work of improvement described above. 3. Any rescission or attempted rescission or attempted rescission of the Contract, agreement or bond. 4. Any conditions precedent or subsequent in the bond attempting to limit the right of recovery of claimants otherwise entitled to recover under any such Contract or agreement or under the bond. 5. Any fraud practiced by any person other than the claimant seeking to recover on the bond. The Surety also stipulates and agrees that this bond shall be construed most strongly against the Surety and in favor of all persons for whose benefit such bond is given, and under no circumstances shall Surety be released from liability to those for whose benefit this bond has been given by reason of any breach of contract between the Agency and Principal or on the part of any obligee named in this bond. Finally, the Surety waives notice of any such change, extension of time, addition, alteration or modification mentioned in this bond, including but not limited to the provisions of Civil Code Sections 2819 and 2845. If Principal is an individual, it is agreed that the death of any such Principal shall not exonerate the Surety from its obligations under this bond. [REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] 00 61 10 LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 51 of 160 Executed by PRINCIPAL this _________ day of _______________________, 20____. PRINCIPAL: ____________________________________ (name of Contractor) By:_________________________________ (sign here) ____________________________________ (print name here) ____________________________________ (title and organization of signatory) Executed by SURETY this ____________ day of _______________________, 20____. SURETY: ____________________________________ (name of Surety) ____________________________________ (address of Surety) ____________________________________ (telephone number of Surety) By: ____________________________________ (signature of Attorney-in-Fact) ____________________________________ (printed name of Attorney-in-Fact) (attach corporate resolution showing current power of attorney) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by CONTRACTOR and SURETY must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only 1 officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: CINDIE K. McMAHON, General Counsel BY: _____________________________ Deputy General Counsel END OF SECTION 00 61 20 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE AND WARRANTY BOND Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 52 of 160 00 61 20 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE AND WARRANTY BOND KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District ( “Agency”) has awarded to ________________ (“Principal,”) a Contract for the Work described as follows: Contract No PWS23-2177FAC Project No. 4749 Name of Project: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement (the “Project”) in strict conformity with the drawings and specifications, and other Contract Documents now on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad and all of which are incorporated by this reference; and WHEREAS, the Work to be performed by the Principal is more particularly set forth in the Contract Documents for the Project dated ____________, (“Contract Documents”), the terms and conditions of which are incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, the Principal is required by the Contract Documents to perform the terms of them and to furnish a bond for the faithful performance and warranty of the Contract Documents. NOW THEREFORE, we, Principal, and ,as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Agency in the penal sum of dollars ($ ____________), which is equal to 100% of the total amount of the Contract, for which amount well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if Principal, its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and agreements in the Contract Documents and any alteration of the Contract Documents made as provided in the Contract Documents, on its part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner specified in the Contract Documents, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning; and shall indemnify and save harmless the Agency, its Board, members of the Board, officers, directors, managers, employees, agents, and authorized volunteers, as stipulated in the Contract Documents, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured by this bond and in addition to the face amount specified in this bond, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred by Agency in enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. As a condition precedent to the satisfactory completion of the Work unless otherwise provided for in the Contract Documents, the above obligation shall hold good for a period of 1 year after the acceptance of the Work by the Agency. During this 1-year period, if Contractor fails to make full, complete, and satisfactory repair and replacements and totally protect the Agency from loss 00 61 20 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE AND WARRANTY BOND Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 53 of 160 or damage resulting from or caused by defective materials or faulty workmanship in connection with Contractor’s Work on the Project, the obligations of Surety under this bond shall continue so long as any obligation of Principal remains to the Agency. Nothing in this bond shall limit the Agency’s rights or the Principal’s or Surety’s obligations under the Contract, law or equity, including, but not limited to, Code of Civil Procedure Section 337.15. Whenever Principal shall be, and is declared by the Agency to be, in default under the Contract Documents, the Surety shall remedy the default pursuant to the Contract Documents, or shall promptly, at the Agency’s option: i. Take over and complete the Project in accordance with all terms and conditions in the Contract Documents; ii. Obtain a bid or bids for completing the Project in accordance with all terms and conditions in the Contract Documents and upon determination by Surety of the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, arrange for a contract between such bidder, the Surety and the Agency, and make available as Work progresses sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion of the Project, less the balance of the Contract Price, including other costs and damages for which Surety may be liable. The term “balance of the Contract Price” as used in this paragraph shall mean the total amount payable to Principal by the Agency under the Contract and any modification to the Contract, less any amount previously paid by the Agency to the Principal and any other set offs pursuant to the Contract Documents. Or iii. Permit the Agency to complete the Project in any manner consistent with Applicable Law and make available as Work progresses sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion of the Project, less the balance of the Contract Price, including other costs and damages for which Surety may be liable. The term “balance of the Contract Price” as used in this paragraph shall mean the total amount payable to Principal by the Agency under the Contract and any modification to the Contract, less any amount previously paid by the Agency to the Principal and any other set offs pursuant to the Contract Documents. Surety expressly agrees that the Agency may reject any contractor or subcontractor which may be proposed by Surety in fulfillment of its obligations in the event of default by the Principal. Surety shall not utilize Principal in completing the Project, nor shall Surety accept a bid from Principal for completion of the Project, if the Agency, when declaring the Principal in default, notifies Surety of the Agency’s objection to Principal’s further participation in the completion of the Project. The Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract Documents or to the Project to be performed under the Contract Documents shall in any way affect Surety’s obligations on this bond, and Surety waives 00 61 20 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE AND WARRANTY BOND Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 54 of 160 notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract Documents or to the Project. If Principal is an individual, it is agreed that the death of any such Principal shall not exonerate the Surety from its obligations under this bond. [REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] 00 61 20 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE AND WARRANTY BOND Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 55 of 160 Executed by PRINCIPAL this _________ day of ________________________, 20___. PRINCIPAL: ____________________________________ (name of Contractor) By:_________________________________ (sign here) ____________________________________ (print name here) ____________________________________ (title and organization of signatory) Executed by SURETY this ____________ day of ________________________, 20___. SURETY: ____________________________________ (name of Surety) ____________________________________ (address of Surety) ____________________________________ (telephone number of Surety) By: _________________________________ (signature of Attorney-in-Fact) ____________________________________ (printed name of Attorney-in-Fact) (attach corporate resolution showing current power of attorney) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by CONTRACTOR and SURETY must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only 1 officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: CINDIE K. McMAHON, General Counsel BY: _____________________________ Deputy General Counsel END OF SECTION 00 61 30 OPTIONAL ESCROW AGREEMENT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 56 of 160 00 61 30 OPTIONAL ESCROW AGREEMENT NAME OF PROJECT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement NAME OF BIDDER: This Escrow Agreement is made and entered into by and between the 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008 ("Agency"), whose address is ("Contractor") and whose address is ("Escrow Agent"). Agency, Contractor and Escrow Agent agree as follows: 1. Pursuant Public Contract Code Section 22300, Contractor has the option to deposit securities with Escrow Agent as a substitute for retention earnings required to be withheld by Agency pursuant to the construction contract entered into between Agency and Contractor for Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement in the amount of ___________ dated __________ ("Contract"). Alternatively, on written request of Contractor, Agency shall make payments of the retention earnings directly to Escrow Agent. When the Contractor deposits the securities as a substitute for Contract earnings, Escrow Agent shall notify Agency within 10 Calendar Days of the deposit. The market value of the securities at the time of the substitution shall be at least equal to the cash amount then required to be withheld as retention under the terms of the Contract. Securities shall be held in Agency’s name and shall designate Contractor as the beneficial owner. 2. Agency shall make progress payments to Contractor for those funds which otherwise would be withheld from progress payments pursuant to the Contract provisions, provided that Escrow Agent holds securities in the form and amount specified above. 3. When Agency makes payment of retentions earned directly to Escrow Agent, Escrow Agent shall hold them for the benefit of Contractor until the time that the escrow created under this Escrow Agreement is terminated. The Contractor may direct the investment of the payments into securities. All terms and conditions of this Escrow Agreement and the rights and responsibilities of the parties shall be equally applicable and binding when Agency pays Escrow Agent directly. 4. Contractor shall be responsible for paying all fees for the expenses incurred by Escrow Agent in administering the Escrow Account and all expenses of Agency. These expenses and payment terms shall be determined by Agency, Contractor, and Escrow Agent. 5. The interest earned on the securities or the money market accounts held in escrow and all interest earned on that interest shall be for the sole account of Contractor and shall be subject to withdrawal by Contractor at any time and from time to time without notice to Agency. 6. Contractor shall have the right to withdraw all or any part of the principal in the Escrow Account only by written notice to Escrow Agent accompanied by written authorization from Agency to Escrow Agent that Agency consents to the withdrawal of the amount sought to be withdrawn by Contractor. 00 61 30 OPTIONAL ESCROW AGREEMENT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 57 of 160 7. Agency shall have a right to draw upon the securities in the event of default by the Contractor. Upon 7 Calendar Days' written notice to Escrow Agent from Agency of a default, Escrow Agent shall immediately convert the securities to cash and shall distribute the cash as instructed by Agency. 8. Upon receipt of written notification from the Agency certifying that the Work required by the Contract is final and complete and that Contractor has complied with all requirements and procedures applicable to the Contract, Escrow Agent shall release to Contractor all securities and interest on deposit less escrow fees and charges of Escrow Account. The escrow shall be closed immediately upon disbursement of all moneys and securities on deposit and payments of fees and charges. 9. Escrow Agent shall rely on the written notifications from Agency and Contractor pursuant to Sections (5) to (8), inclusive, of this Escrow Agreement and Agency and Contractor shall hold Escrow Agent harmless from Escrow Agent's release, conversion and disbursement of the securities and interest as set forth above. 10. The names of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or to receive written notice on behalf of Agency and on behalf of Contractor in connection with the foregoing, and exemplars of their respective signatures are as follows: For Agency (Finance Director) Title _________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ For Contractor Title _____________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________ 00 61 30 OPTIONAL ESCROW AGREEMENT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 58 of 160 Address _____________________________________________________________ For Escrow Agent Title _____________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ At the time the Escrow Account is opened, Agency and Contractor shall deliver to the Escrow Agent a fully executed counterpart of this Escrow Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Escrow Agreement by their proper officers on the date first set forth above. For Agency Title ______________________________________________________________ Name ______________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ For Contractor Title ______________________________________________________________ 00 61 30 OPTIONAL ESCROW AGREEMENT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 59 of 160 Name ______________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ For Escrow Agent Title ______________________________________________________________ Name ______________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM: CINDIE K. McMAHON, General Counsel BY: _____________________________ General Counsel END OF SECTION 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 60 of 160 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS INTRODUCTION The specifications contained in this 00 73 00 Agency Supplemental General Provisions take precedence over the specification language contained in the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, “The Greenbook,” latest edition and all errata. This specification addresses the unique conditions in Carlsbad that are not addressed in The Greenbook. Therefore, if there is a conflict, these specifications shall control. The Greenbook may be purchased at Bidder’s/Contractor’s local technical bookstore or directly from the publisher. These Supplemental General Provisions are available only for download from the online bidding portal with Contract Documents. The Agency does not provide hard copies. When used in the Contract Documents, statements, or command phrases (active voice and imperative mood) refer to and are directed at the “Bidder” or “Contractor” as applicable. The specifications are written to the “Bidder” before award and the “Contractor” after award. Before award, interpret sentences written in the imperative mood as starting with “The Bidder shall.” Interpret the term “you” as “the Bidder” and interpret the term “your” as “the Bidder’s.” After award, interpret sentences written in the imperative mood starting with “The Contractor shall.” Interpret the term “you” as “the Contractor” and interpret the term “your” as “the Contractor’s.” PART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1 – GENERAL, TERMS, DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS, UNITS OF MEASURE, AND SYMBOLS GENERAL ADD the following: 1. The word “provide” shall mean “furnish and install,” unless otherwise stated. 2. In reference to Drawings, where words “shown,” “indicated,” “detailed,” “noted,” “scheduled,” or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that reference is made to the Plans accompanying these provisions, unless stated otherwise. 3. Where the words “equal,” “approved equal,” “equivalent,” and words of similar import are used, it shall be understood such words are followed by the expression “in the opinion of the Engineer,” unless otherwise stated. 4. The word “perform” shall be understood to mean that the Contractor, at its expense, shall “perform all operations and furnish labor, tools and equipment,” and further, “furnish and install materials that are indicated, specified or required” shall be understood to mean that the Contractor, at its expense, shall “furnish and install the Work, complete in place and ready to use, including furnishing of necessary labor, materials, tools, equipment, and transportation.” 5. Where words “directed,” “designated,” “selected,” or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that the direction, designation, or selection of the Engineer is intended, unless stated otherwise. The word “required” and words of similar import shall 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 61 of 160 be understood to mean “as required to properly complete the Work as required and as approved by the Engineer,” unless stated otherwise. Where the words “approved,” “approval,” “acceptance,” or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that the approval, acceptance, or similar import of the Engineer is intended. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Where applicable ADD/REPLACE the following: 1. Agency - The City of Carlsbad or the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the owner of the Project. 2. Agency Approval - Except where stated in this Contract to the contrary, the phrases “Agency approval,” and “Agency’s written approval” or such similar phrases shall mean approval by the City Manager for the City of Carlsbad or the Executive Manager for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 3. Agency Forces – City of Carlsbad or Carlsbad Municipal Water District employees who perform construction work. 4. Agency Supplement - 00 73 00 Agency Supplemental General Provisions; and 00 74 00 Agency Supplemental Technical Provisions. 5. Allowance (AL) - Payment under Allowance Bid items, denoted as “AL,” shall be based on the actual expenditures and for pre-authorized items of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The unused portions of the Allowances shall revert to the Agency upon acceptance of the Project or Work. 6. Apparent Low Bidder - The Bidder whose Bid having been publicly opened, initially meets the material requirements of the Bid Documents and whose Bid price is the lowest received. 7. Applicable Laws - Laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, orders, and regulations of governmental authorities and courts having jurisdiction over the Project. 8. As-Builts - The CADD drawings prepared from the approved Red-lines for record keeping purposes. 9. Award of Contract (Award) - The date on which the Board or designee executes the Contract. 10. Bid - Any proposal submitted to the Agency in competitive bidding for the construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of any structure, building, road or other improvement of any kind. 11. Bid Administrator – The City’s designated representative for soliciting and conducting bids on the City’s online bidding portal. 12. Board – The officer or body constituting the awarding authority of the Agency, which is the City Council for the City of Carlsbad or the Board of Directors for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. 13. Board of Directors for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District – The legislative body that governs the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and has the authority to pass ordinances and appropriate funds. 14. Business Day - See Working Day. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 62 of 160 15. Calendar Day – Every day on the calendar, including weekends and holidays. 16. City - The term “City” or “the City” means, City of Carlsbad. See also Agency. 17. City Council - The legislative body that governs the City of Carlsbad and has the authority to pass ordinances and appropriate funds. 18. City Engineer - The term “City Engineer” is defined as the Transportation Director, or designee, and is the person authorized to perform the functions of the City Engineer as defined in Government Code Section 66416.5. The City Engineer is the City's "duly authorized officer" for the purposes of Public Contract Code Sections 4107 and 4107.5. 19. City Manager – The appointed official who directs the administration of the City of Carlsbad. 20. Construction Documents - Plans and details, including Plans showing installation of major systems, equipment, fixed furnishings and graphics, the technical specifications and all other technical drawings, schedules, diagrams and specifications, accepted Shop Drawings, Working Drawings, and submittals that are necessary to set forth in detail the requirements for the Project. 21. Construction Manager – The City’s Consultant Project Inspector and the Engineer’s designated representative for the first level of appeal for informal dispute resolution. Contractor to review all work progress, monthly payment applications, monthly schedule updates and project documentation (e.g., submittals, RFI’s, etc.) with Construction Manager. 22. Construction Work - The portion of the Work to construct the Project as set forth in the Contract Documents in conformance with 2-1, “WORK TO BE DONE.” 23. Contract – The written agreement between the Agency and the Contractor covering the Work. 24. Contract Documents - Contract Documents include the following: The signed Contract, Addenda, Notice Inviting Bids, funding agency provisions, Bid including documentation accompanying the Bid and any post-Bid documentation submitted prior to the Notice of Award when attached as an exhibit to the Contract, Bonds, Permits, CEQA documents, Standard Specifications (the “Greenbook”), Agency Supplement, Plans, Standard Plans, Construction Documents, Reference Specifications, and Change Orders. Contract Documents, when applicable, shall also include Site and Coastal development permits, NEPA documents, re-vegetation plans, biological letters or technical reports, habitat mitigation plans, storm water documents, and local, state, and federal resource agency permits. 25. Contract Time - The number of Working Days to complete the Work as specified in the Contract Documents. 26. Contractor – The individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, or other legal entity having a Contract with the Agency to perform the Work. In the case of Work being done under permit issued by the Agency, the permittee shall be constructed to be the Contractor. The term “prime contractor” shall mean Contractor. 27. Critical Path – In the Construction Schedule, the sequence of activities that represents the longest path through the Project network of activities and the shortest possible Project duration. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 63 of 160 28. Days – Days shall mean consecutive calendar days unless otherwise specified in this Contract. 29. Defective Work - Work that does not conform to the Contract Documents. 30. Delay Factor - The Delay Factor may be the basis for compensation for idle equipment time on an excusable delay. The factor has been calculated to include the ownership costs without including operating costs. The Delay Factor recovers all the Contractor’s non- operating costs in an 8-hour day. If payment is made for equipment on an excusable delay, it is limited to 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week maximum. 31. Dispute Board – Persons designated by the City Manager of the City of Carlsbad or Executive Manager of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, to hear and advise the City Manager or Executive Manager on claims submitted by the Contractor. The City Manager for the City of Carlsbad or the Executive Manager for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District is the last appeal level for informal dispute resolution. 32. Drawings - See Plans. 33. D-size Sheet - “D” size paper for engineering design applications refers to 22” x 34” paper. 34. Engineer - The Deputy City Manager, Public Works of the City of Carlsbad acting either directly or through designated representatives and the third level of appeal for informal dispute resolution. 35. Engineer of Record/Design Engineer – A registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of California who is qualified to act as an agent of a Project Owner or to prepare Plans for facilities to be accepted by the City of Carlsbad or the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The term includes persons licensed in the State of California as Civil Engineers or Structural Engineers, as well as other licensed professionals like Architects and Landscape Architects. 36. Engineering Manager – For this project, this capacity will be served by the Public Works Manager. 37. Executive Manager – The appointed official who directs the administration of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. 38. Field Book - The Agency field maps showing sewer and water facilities. 39. Field Order - A Field Order is a written agreement by the Engineer to compensate the Contractor for work items in accordance with 2-8, “EXTRA WORK” or 2-9, “CHANGED CONDITIONS.” A Field Order does not change the Contract Price or Contract Time or the intent of the Contract. The unused portions of the Field Orders shall revert to the Agency upon acceptance of the Work. 40. Final Environmental Document - The CEQA and/or NEPA document issued for the Project, such as certified environmental impact reports, mitigated negative declarations (MNDs), negative declarations, or exemptions. 41. Final Payment - The last payment for the Contract made to the Contractor, excluding Retention. 42. Fleet & Facilities Project Manager – The Project Manager with the Fleet & Facilities Division and the Construction Manager’s immediate supervisor and designated representative for the second level of appeal for informal dispute resolution. 43. Float – The number of days by which an activity in the Construction Schedule may be delayed from either its earliest start date or earliest completion date without extending 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 64 of 160 the Contract Time (total float). Total float belongs to the Project and to any Party to accommodate changes in the Work or to mitigate the effect of events which may delay completion. 44. Holiday - Holidays observed by the Agency are listed below: Holiday Observed On New Year’s Day January 1 Martin Luther King Day 3rd Monday in January Presidents’ Day 3rd Monday in February Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July 4 Labor Day 1st Monday in September Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2nd Monday in October Veteran’s Day November 11 Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday/Friday in November Christmas Day December 25 If any Holiday listed falls on a Saturday, the Saturday and the preceding Friday are both legal Holidays. If the Holiday falls on a Sunday, both Sunday and the following Monday shall be legal Holidays. Unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents or authorized by the Engineer, do not work on Holidays. 45. Limited Notice to Proceed (LNTP) - A written notice given from the Agency that authorizes the Contractor to start a limited amount of work that, as described in the notice, is not Construction Work. 46. Minor Bid Item – a single contract item constituting less than 10 percent (10%) of the original Contract Price bid. 47. Night Work - See Working Night. 48. Normal Working Hours - Unless specified otherwise, Normal Working Hours core periods shall be 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, inclusive. Saturdays, Sundays, and Agency Holidays are excluded. For Traffic Control Permits, Normal Working Hours are defined as 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM, unless specified otherwise. 49. Notice of Completion (NOC) - A document recorded with the County of San Diego to signify that the Work has been completed and accepted by the Agency. 50. Notice to Proceed (NTP) – A written notice to proceed with the work of the contract as mutually agreed in the Preconstruction Meeting. 51. Party or Parties - The Agency, the Contractor, or both, their respective permitted successors or assigns, and any other future signatories to the Contract. 52. Plans – The drawings, profiles, cross sections, Standard Plans, working drawings, and shop drawings, or reproductions thereof, approved by the City Engineer, which show the location, character, dimensions or details of the Work. 53. Prime Contractor - See Contractor. 54. Project Site (Site) - Areas where the Work is performed pursuant to the Contract. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 65 of 160 55. Public Works Manager – The Public Works Manager of the Fleet & Facilities Division and the Facilities Engineering Project Manager’s immediate supervisor and designated representative for the third level of appeal for informal dispute resolution. 56. Punchlist - A list of items of Work or corrections generated after a Walk-through that is conducted when the Contractor considers that the Work and Services are complete. 57. Quality Control Standards and Procedures - The standards and procedures that are stated in a written manual that can be furnished to the Engineer upon request. The standards and procedures are followed by the Supplier in the production of materials supplied for the Work Site. 58. Red-lines - Plans with annotations of changes made during construction to reflect the actual improvements or facilities built during construction whether concealed or visible. 59. Retention - The amount withheld from the money due to the Contractor in accordance with 7-3.2, “PARTIAL AND FINAL PAYMENT.” 60. Samples - Physical examples of the materials, equipment, or workmanship specified or required and which conform with the standards and specifications in the Contract Documents and by which the Work shall be evaluated. 61. Schedule - A Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule of construction activities and their durations to be performed during the Contract Time and prepared by the Contractor in accordance with 6-1, “CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK,” and accepted by the Engineer. 62. Scope of Work (SOW) - Labor, materials, equipment, facilities, and services required to be performed or provided by the Contractor to complete the entire Project or the various separately identifiable parts of the Project pursuant to the provisions of the Contract Documents. 63. Services - Work performed in connection with the layout, construction, testing, inspection, and commissioning of the Work or administration of the Contract and which may include professional services such as engineering, surveying, construction management and legal services that are required in accordance with the Contract Documents. Services are incidental to the Work. 64. Separate Contractors - Those individuals or entities that have entered into arrangements with the Agency for the provision of labor, materials, or other services in connection with the Project who are not under contract with the Contractor. 65. Signal Pre-Check - The procedure that the City uses to evaluate traffic signal systems prior to Signal Turn-On and generating a Punchlist. 66. Signal Turn-On - The day the City activates new traffic signals. 67. Supplemental Provisions – See Agency Supplement. 68. Tonne – Also referred to as “metric ton.” Represents a unit of measure in the International System of Units equal to 1,000 kilograms. 69. Walk-through - The procedure the Agency uses to evaluate the status of the Project and to generate a Punchlist prior to acceptance of the Work. 70. Work – All labor, materials, equipment, tools, and services and other requirements of the Contract Documents as modified by Change Order, whether completed or partially completed, provided or to be provided by Contractor to fulfill Contractor’s obligations. The Work may constitute the whole or a part of the Project. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 66 of 160 71. Working Day - Any day within the period between the start of the Contract time as defined in Section 6-1 and the date provided for completion, or upon field acceptance by the Engineer for all work provided for in the Contract, whichever occurs first, other than: • Saturday; • Sunday; • any day designated as a holiday by the Agency; • any other day designated as a holiday in a Master Labor Agreement entered into by the Contractor or on behalf of the Contractor as an eligible member of a contractor association; • any day the Contractor is prevented from working at the beginning of the workday for cause as defined in Section 6-6.1; or • any day the Contractor is prevented from working during the first 5 hours with at least 60 percent of the normal work force for cause as defined in Section 6- 6.1. 72. Working Night (Night Work) - A period of nighttime work, allowed only on Sunday through Thursday, excluding Holidays. 73. Work Site - See Project Site (Site). ABBREVIATIONS 1-3.2 Common Usage. ADD the following: AML Approved Material List CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting CA MUTCD California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices CCT Correlated Color Temperature CEQA California Environmental Quality Act. CFR Code of Federal Regulations CGP Construction General Permit CIPM Cured-In-Place-Manhole CL Centerline CMS Content Management System Database CNC Computer Numerical Control CRI Color Rendering Index CSA Canadian Standards Association DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise DCE Data Computer Equipment DG Decomposed Granite DVBE Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise DWT Detectable Warning Tiles EOW Engineer of Work ESL Environmentally Sensitive Lands ESO Electrical Service Orders 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 67 of 160 FRP Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic GFE Good Faith Effort GMT Greenwich Mean Time GPS Global Positioning System IDA International Dark Sky Association IP Ingress Protection LCD Liquid Crystal Display LD Laser Diode LER Luminaire Efficiency Rating MBE Minority Business Enterprise MDFT Minimum Dry Film Thickness MHPA Multiple Habitat Planning Area MH Manhole MIL Military MJ Mechanical Joint M&M Maintenance and Monitoring MMC Mitigation and Monitoring Coordination MOV Metal Oxide Varistor NA Numerical Aperture NC Not Connected, Normally Closed NEPA National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 NEXT Near End Crosstalk NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program NOC Notice of Completion NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NTP Notice to Proceed OC On Center ODP Open Drip Proof OFNR Optical Fiber Nonconductive Riser OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer PB Pull Box PCMS Portable Changeable Message Signs PCU Photoelectric Control Unit PEP Plant Establishment Period PIC Polyethylene Insulated Cable PL Property Line RFP Request for Proposal RFI Request for Information RPMS Rubber Polymer Modified Slurry SIC Standard Industry Classification SMS Short Message Service SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SOW Statement of Work, Scope of Work SOV Schedule of Values 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 68 of 160 SPDT Single Pole Double Throw SSD Surge Suppression Devices TDR Time Domain Reflectometer TEES Transportation Electrical Equipment Specifications TFFN Thermoplastic Flexible Fixture Wire Nylon Jacketed TIG Tungsten Inert Gas UF Underground Feeder UPRR Union Pacific Railroad Company VAC Volts AC VPC Vitrified Polymer Composite WBE Women Business Enterprise 1-3.3 Institutions. ADD the following: AMTRACK American Track National Railroad Passenger Corp. ANSI American National Standards Institute AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AISC American Institute of Steel Construction ANSI American National Standards Institute API American Petroleum Institute AREA American Railway Engineering Association ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWPA American Wood Preservers Association AWS American Welding Society AWWA American Water Works Association BNSF Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway DSD Development Services Department FHWA Federal Highway Administration GRI Geosynthetic Research Institute IPCEA Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association IES Illuminating Engineering Society (Photometric Data) ISO International Organization for Standardization MTS San Diego Metropolitan Transit System NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers NAFP National Association of Pipe Fabricators NCTD North County Transit District NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Dept. of Commerce) NFPA National Fire Protection Association PCI Prestressed Concrete Institute SANDAG San Diego Association of Governments SD&AE San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railroad SDTI San Diego Trolley, Inc. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 69 of 160 UL Underwriters’ Laboratories Inc. USGS United States Geological Survey UPRR Union Pacific Railroad Company 1-6 BIDDING AND SUBMISSION OF THE BID 1-6.2 Subcontractor Listing. ADD the following: Each Bidder shall comply with the Chapter of the Public Contract Code including Sections 4100 through 4113. The use of Subcontractors in no way relieves the Contractor of any obligations or responsibilities under the Contract. The following excerpts or summaries of some of the requirements of this Chapter are included below for information: The Bidder shall set forth in the Bid, as provided in Section 4104: “(a) The name and location of the place of business of each Subcontractor who will perform Work or Labor or render service to the prime Contractor in or about the construction of the Work or improvements, or a Subcontractor licensed by the State of California who, under Subcontract to the prime Contractor, specially fabricates and installs a portion of the Work or improvement according to detailed Drawings contained in the Plans and Specifications, in an amount in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the prime Contractor’s total Bid, or, in the case of Bids or offers for the construction of streets or highways, including bridges, in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the prime Contractor’s total Bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater.” “(b) The portion of the Work which will be done by each such Subcontractor under this act. The prime Contractor shall list only one Subcontractor for each such portion as is defined by the prime Contractor in his Bid.” If the Contractor fails to specify a Subcontractor or specifies more than one Subcontractor for the same portion of the Work to be performed under the Contract (in excess of one-half of 1 percent of the Contractor’s total Bid), the Contractor shall be qualified to perform that portion itself, and shall perform that portion itself, except as otherwise provided in the Code. As provided in Section 4107, no Contractor whose Bid is accepted shall substitute any person as Subcontractor in place of the Subcontractor listed in the original Bid, except for causes and by procedures established in Section 4107.5. This section provides procedures to correct a clerical error in the listing of a Subcontractor. Section 4110 provides that a Contractor violating any of the provisions of the Chapter violates the Contract and the Board may exercise the option either to cancel the Contract or assess the Contractor a penalty in an amount of not more than 10 percent of the Subcontract involved, after a public hearing. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 70 of 160 1-7 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT 1-7.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1-7.1 Standard Contract Provisions. 1-7.1.1 Successor’s Obligations. All grants, covenants, provisions and claims, rights, powers, privileges and abilities contained in the Contract Documents shall be read and held as made by and with, and granted to and imposed upon, the Contractor, the Agency, and the Contractor’s and the Agency’s respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 1-7.1.2 Waiver of Legal Rights. 1. The Agency’s failure to insist, in any 1 or more instances, upon the performance of any provision of the Contract, or to exercise any right therein, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such provisions or rights. 2. Any waiver of any breach of the Contract shall not be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. 3. Any waiver the Agency issues to any provision of the Contract shall only be effective if it is agreed upon in writing by the Agency and if it is specific to the matter concerned. 1-7.1.3 Requests for Information (RFI). 1. Inquiries from the Contractor seeking clarification of the requirements of the Contract Documents shall be submitted in writing to the Agency as a Request for Information (RFI). 1-7.1.4 Assignment to Awarding Body. 1. In accordance with subdivision (b) of Public Contract Code Section 7103.5, the Contractor and the Contractor’s Subcontractors shall conform to the following requirements: a. In entering into a public works contract or a subcontract to supply goods, services, or materials pursuant to a public works contract, the Contractor or the Contractor’s Subcontractor offer and agree to assign to the awarding body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Business and Professions Code Section 16700 et seq.) arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials pursuant to the public works contract or the subcontract. b. This assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the awarding body tenders to the Contractor, without further acknowledgment by the Parties. 1-7.2 Contract Bonds. ADD the following: 1. Before execution of the Contract, the Bidder shall file surety bonds with the Agency to be approved by the Board in the amounts and for the purposes noted below. Bonds issued by a Surety, who is authorized to issue bonds in California, and whose bonding limitation shown in the circular is enough to provide bonds in the amount required by the Contract shall be 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 71 of 160 deemed approved unless specifically rejected by the Agency. Bonds from all other sureties shall be accompanied by all documents enumerated in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.660 (a). The Bidder shall pay all bond premiums, costs, and incidentals. 2. Each bond shall incorporate, by reference, the Contract and be signed by both the Bidder and Surety and the signature of the authorized agent of the Surety shall be notarized. 3. The faithful performance/warranty bond will be reduced to 25 percent of the original amount 30 Calendar Days after recordation of the Notice of Completion and will remain in full force and effect for the 1-year warranty period and until all warranty repairs are completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The bond to secure payment of laborers and materials suppliers shall be released 6 months plus 30 Calendar Days after recordation of the Notice of Completion if all claims have been paid. 4. All bonds are to be placed with a Surety insurance carrier admitted and authorized to transact the business of insurance in California and whose assets exceed its liabilities in an amount equal to or in excess of the amount of the bond. The bonds are to contain the following documents: a. An original, or a certified copy, of the unrevoked appointment, power of attorney, bylaws, or other instrument entitling or authorizing the person who executed the bond to do so. b. A certified copy of the certificate of authority of the insurer issued by the insurance commissioner. 5. If the Bid is accepted, the Agency may require a financial statement of the assets and liabilities of the Surety for the quarter calendar year preceding the date of the execution of the bond. The financial statement shall be made by an officer’s certificate as defined in Corporations Code Section 173. In the case of a foreign Surety, the financial statement may be verified by the oath of the principal officer or manager residing within the United States. 6. If the Surety on any bond furnished by the Contractor is declared bankrupt, becomes insolvent, or its right to do business is terminated in any state where any part of the Project is located, immediately notify the Engineer; and immediately substitute another bond and Surety acceptable to the Agency. 7. The Contractor shall require the Surety to mail its standard “Bond Status” form to the Agency. ADD the following: 1-7.2.1 Payment. 1. If enumerated in the Contract Documents, the Bid item for “Bonds (Payment and Performance)” includes full compensation for actual costs of payment and performance bonds. The Contractor may submit a request for payment of actual invoiced costs up to the Bid amount, but not to exceed 2.5% of the Contract Price, no less than 10 Working Days after the award of the Contract. 2. If enumerated in the Contract Documents, if the Bid item for “Bonds (Payment and Performance)” exceeds actual invoiced costs, any such differential amount up to the Bid amount shall be paid as a part of the Final Payment. SECTION 2 – SCOPE OF THE WORK 2-1 WORK TO BE DONE ADD the following: 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 72 of 160 1. Where approval or acceptance by the Agency is required, only a general approval is required. However, such approval does not relieve the Contractor from the Contractor’s responsibility for complying with all applicable laws, codes, and best industry practices. Contractor has its obligation to fulfill all conditions of the Contract. 2. In accordance with the provisions of California Law, the Contractor shall possess or require the Contractor’s Subcontractor(s) to possess valid appropriate license(s) for the Work being performed as conveyed in the Bidding Documents. 2-2 PERMITS DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 2-2 PERMITS, FEES, AND NOTICES 1. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all business taxes, business licenses, permits, and fees required for constructing the Project and licenses and inspections necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work, unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents. a. To the extent that there is a change in the type or cost of any of such permits, fees, licenses, or inspection occurring after Award of Contract, there shall be an equitable adjustment in the Contract Price on account of such change under the Extra Work provisions. b. The Contractor shall comply with and give notices required by applicable laws. The Contractor is not entitled to damages or additional payment for delays attributable to the acquisition of permits. c. The Contractor shall pay the Agency for regulatory fees, fines, or penalties imposed on the Agency arising from the Contractor’s failure to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. Contractor shall not begin work until all permit’s incidental to the Work are obtained. This includes, and is not limited to, encroachment, right-of-way, grading and building permits necessary to perform Work for this Contract on Agency property, streets, or other rights- of-way. Permits for night work, overload, blasting, demolition, and disposal of all materials removed from the Project are also Contractor’s responsibility. 3. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits for the disposal of all materials removed from the Project. The cost of the permit(s) shall be included in the price Bid for the appropriate Bid item and the Agency shall not pay additional compensation for Contractor to obtain such permits. 4. Permits shall be maintained in valid status until acceptance of the Work by the Agency. 2-2.1 Building Permits. 1. The Contractor shall obtain the required building permits from Agency’s permitting departments. Any prior approval obtained for the Plans shall not in any way waive this requirement. 2. Request inspections in accordance with the building codes in effect on the permitted Plans and by City’s Development Services Department, Building Division or Construction Management and Inspection Department. Any Work performed without the benefit of the 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 73 of 160 required permit and subsequent inspection shall be removed and replaced at the discretion of the City Building Inspector at no additional cost. 2-2.2 Caltrans Encroachment Permit. (This section not used) 2-3 RIGHT-OF-WAY ADD the following: 1. The Contractor shall coordinate access to private property with the property owners and the timing of accessing private property when the Agency has already obtained rights of entry. Unless otherwise provided, the Contractor shall coordinate, pay for, and assume all responsibility for acquiring using, and disposing of additional work areas and facilities temporarily required. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Agency harmless from all claims for damages caused by such actions. The Contractor shall protect any private and public improvements. 2-4 COOPERATION AND COLLATERAL WORK ADD the following: 1. The Contractor shall coordinate and cooperate with all the utility companies during the relocation or construction of their lines. The Contractor may be granted a time extension if, in the opinion of the Engineer, a delay is caused by the utility company. No additional compensation will be made to the Contractor for any such delay. 2. If work to be performed by the Agency or its separate Contractors is not shown or specified in the Contract Documents, the Engineer shall notify the Contractor in writing 10 Working Days prior to the start of such work and make available Plans or Specifications for work to be performed by others that may be pertinent to Contractor’s Work. If Contractor determines that the work to be performed by the Agency or its separate Contractors may interfere with or cause damage or delays to Contractor’s Work, notify the Engineer in writing within 3 Working Days of the Engineer’s notice. The Contractor shall diligently pursue with the Engineer resolution of potential conflicts with the work of others. 3. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval a plan and schedule to integrate the work of Contractor or its Subcontractors, Agency or the work of others. The plan shall conform to the tasks identified in the Construction Schedule and identify additional tasks as necessary and the sequencing of interrelated activities. 2-5 THE CONTRACTOR’S EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES 2-5.2 Temporary Utility Services. ADD the following: 1. The Contractor shall furnish, install, maintain, and remove all temporary utility services, such as light, power, electrical, gas, and water, at its own expense for construction and maintenance activities until acceptance of Work. These include piping, wiring, lamps, and other equipment necessary for the Work. 2. The Contractor shall obtain a construction meter for water used for the construction, testing, disinfection and flushing of new water or sewer facilities, vegetation establishment and 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 74 of 160 maintenance, site maintenance, landscaping, cleanup, and all other work requiring water. The Contractor shall contact the water agency that serves the Project Site for requirements. 3. The Contractor shall pay all costs of temporary light, power and water including hookup, service, meter, and any, and all, other charges, deposits and/or fees. The costs shall be considered incidental to the items of Work that they are associated with and no additional payment will be made for them. 2-6 CHANGES REQUESTED BY THE CONTRACTOR ADD the following: 1. Any plan or method of work suggested to the Contractor by the Agency, but not specified or required by the Contract or Change Order, which is adopted or followed by the Contractor in whole or in part shall be done at the Contractor’s sole risk and responsibility. 2. The Contract Price is not subject to adjustment for any type of tax increases after the Award. ADD the following: 2-6.1 Cost Reduction Proposal. 1. The Contractor may submit to the Engineer in writing, proposals for modifying the Plans, Specifications, or other requirements of the Contract for the sole purpose of reducing the total cost of construction. 2. The cost reduction proposal shall not impair, in any manner, the essential functions or characteristics of the Project such as service life, economy of operation, ease of maintenance, quality, desired appearance, or design and safety standards. 3. The following information must be included in the cost reduction proposal: a. A description of both the existing Contract requirements for performing the Work and the proposed changes. b. An itemization of the Contract requirements that shall be changed if the proposal is adopted. c. A detailed estimate of the cost of performing the Work under the existing Contract and under the proposed change. d. A statement of the time within which the Engineer shall act on the cost reduction proposal. e. The Contract items of Work affected by the proposed changes, including any quantity variation attributable thereto. 4. This subsection does not require the Engineer to consider any cost reduction proposal. The Agency shall not be liable to the Contractor for not approving or acting upon any cost reduction proposal the Contractor submitted nor for any delays to the Work attributable to the cost reduction proposal. 5. If a cost reduction proposal is similar to the information included in the Contract Documents or adopted by the Agency after the advertisement and prior to Award of the Contract, the Engineer will not accept such proposal and reserves the right to make such changes without compensation to the Contractor under the provisions of this subsection. 6. The Contractor shall continue to perform the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract until a Change Order incorporating the cost reduction proposal has been issued. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 75 of 160 7. The Engineer is the sole judge of the acceptability of a cost reduction proposal and the estimated net savings. In determining the estimated net savings, the Agency has the right to disregard the Contract Bid prices if, in the judgment of the Engineer, such prices do not represent a fair measure of the value of the Work to be performed or to be deleted. 8. The Agency reserves the right to require the Contractor to share in the Agency’s costs of investigating the Contractor’s cost reduction proposal. When this is required, the Contractor shall indicate the Contractor’s acceptance in writing allowing the Agency to deduct amounts payable to the Contractor. 9. If the Engineer accepts the Contractor’s cost reduction proposal in whole or in part, the Engineer shall issue a Change Order to incorporate the changes in the Plans and Specifications which are necessary to permit the cost reduction proposal or such part of it as has been accepted to be put into effect. If the Engineer’s approval is conditional, the Change Order shall include any conditions upon which the Engineer’s approval is based. 10. The Change Order also includes the estimated net savings in the cost of performing the Work due to the accepted cost reduction proposal and provides that the Contract cost be adjusted by crediting the Agency with 50% of estimated net savings amount. 11. The Contract Time shall not be extended by the acceptance of the cost reduction proposal and the performance of the Work unless specified otherwise in the Change Order. 12. The amount specified as payable to the Contractor in the Change Order is full compensation for the cost reduction proposal and the performance of the Work. 13. The Agency expressly reserves the right to adopt a cost reduction proposal for general use on contracts administered by the Agency when it determines that the proposal is suitable for application to other contracts. When an accepted cost reduction proposal is adopted for general use, only the Contractor who first submitted such proposal shall be eligible for compensation subject to this subsection, and in that case, only for contracts awarded prior to submission of the accepted cost reduction proposal. 14. The cost reduction proposals identical or similar to previously submitted proposals shall be eligible for consideration and compensation under the provisions of this subsection if the identical or similar previously submitted proposals were not adopted for general application to other contracts administered by the Agency. 15. Subject to the provisions contained in the Contract, the Agency or any other public agency shall have the right to use all or any part of any submitted cost reduction proposal without obligation or compensation of any kind to the Contractor. 16. The Contractor shall bear all costs to revise bonds for the Project to include the cost reduction incentive proposal work. 2-7 CHANGES INITIATED BY THE AGENCY 2-7.1 General. ADD the following: 1. The Agency may change the Plans, Specifications, character of the Work, or quantity of Work provided the total arithmetic dollar value of all such changes, both additive and deductive, does not exceed 25 percent of the Contract Price. Should it become necessary to exceed this 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 76 of 160 limitation, the change shall be by written supplemental agreement between the Contractor and Agency, unless both parties agree to proceed with the change by Change Order. 2. Change Orders shall be in writing and state the dollar value of the change or established method of payment, any adjustment in Contract Time of completion, and when negotiated prices are involved, and shall provide for the Contractor’s signature indicating acceptance. 3. Unless expressly set forth in writing in a Change Order signed by the Agency and the Contractor, changes initiated by the Agency shall not be construed as the Agency directing the Contractor’s mean-and-methods in the execution of the Work. 2-7.2 Payment-Contract Unit Prices. 1. If a change is ordered in an item of work covered by a Contract Unit Price, and such change does not involve substantial change in character of the Work from that shown on the Plans or specified in the Specifications, then an adjustment in payment will be made. This adjustment will be based upon the increase or decrease in quantity and the Contract Unit Price. 2. If the actual quantity of an item of work covered by a Contract Unit Price and constructed in conformance with the Plans and Specifications varies from the Bid quantity by 50 percent or less, payment will be made at the Contract Unit Price. If the actual quantity of the item of work varies from the Bid quantity by more than 50 percent, payment will be made per Section 2-7.3 or 2-7.4 as appropriate. 3. If a change is ordered in an item of work covered by a Contract Unit Price, and such change does involve a substantial change in the character of the Work from that shown on the Plans or specified in the Specifications, an adjustment in payment will be made per Section 2-7.6. 2-7.3 Payment – Increases of More than 50 Percent. 1. Should the actual quantity of an item of Work covered by a Contract Unit Price and constructed in conformance with the Plans and Specifications, exceed the Bid quantity by more than 50 percent, payment for the quantity in excess of 150 percent of the Bid quantity will be made on the basis of an adjustment in the Contract Unit Price mutually agreed to by the Contractor and the Agency, or at the option of the Engineer, on the basis of Extra Work per Section 2-8. The Extra Work per Section 2-8, basis of payment, shall not include fixed costs. Fixed costs shall be deemed to have been recovered by the Contractor through payment for 150 percent of the Bid quantity at the Contract Unit Price. 2-7.4 Payment – Decreases of More than 50 Percent Should the actual quantity of an item of Work covered by a Contract Unit Price, and constructed in conformance with the Plans and Specifications, be less than 50 percent of the Bid quantity, an adjustment in payment will not be made unless so requested in writing by the Contractor. If the Contractor so requests, payment will be made on the basis of an adjustment in the Contract Unit Price mutually agreed to by the Contractor and the Agency, or at the option of the Engineer, on the basis of Extra Work per Section 2-8; however, in no case will payment be less than would be made for the actual quantity at the Contract Unit Price nor more than would be made for 50 percent of the Bid quantity at the Contract Unit Price. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 77 of 160 2-7.5 Stipulated Unit Prices. Stipulated Unit Prices are unit prices established by the Agency in the Contract Documents as distinguished from Contract Unit Prices submitted by the Contractor. Stipulated Unit Prices may be used for the adjustment of Contract changes when so specified in the Supplemental General Provisions. 2-7.6 Agreed Prices. Agreed Prices are prices for new or unforeseen Work, or adjustments in Contract Unit Prices per Section 2-7.2, established by mutual agreement between the Contractor and the Agency. If mutual agreement cannot be reached, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to proceed on the basis of Extra Work in accordance with Section 2-8, except as otherwise specified in Sections 2- 7.3 and 2-7.4. 2-7.7 Schedule of Values. Before construction, Contractor shall provide a schedule of values for all lump-sum Bid items that shall be used for the purpose of progress payments. The prices shall be valid for the purpose of Change Orders to the Project. 2-7.8 Eliminated Items. Should any Bid item be eliminated in its entirety, payment will be made to the Contractor for its actual costs incurred in connection with the eliminated item prior to notification in writing from the Engineer so stating its elimination. If material conforming to the Plans and Specifications is ordered by the Contractor for use in the eliminated item prior to the date of notification of elimination by the Engineer, and if the order for that material cannot be canceled, payment will be made to the Contractor for the actual cost of the material. In this case, the material shall become the property of the Agency. Payment will be made to the Contractor for its actual costs for any further handling. If the material is returnable, the material shall be returned, and payment will be made to the Contractor for the actual cost of charges made by the supplier for returning the material and for handling by the Contractor. Actual costs, as used in this Agency Supplement, shall be computed on the basis of Extra Work per Section 2-8. 2-8 EXTRA WORK ADD the following: 1. New or unforeseen Work will be classified as “Extra Work” when the Engineer determines that it is not covered by Contract Unit Prices or stipulated unit prices. 2. Any request by the Contractor for Extra Work shall be in writing to the Engineer and shall include itemized estimates and in accordance with Section 7-4. The Contractor shall fully itemize the Extra Work cost estimates such as labor and payroll costs, quantities, crew composition, production rates, material costs, Subcontractor and Supplier costs, equipment costs, supplemental costs, and time impact. 2-9 CHANGED CONDITIONS ADD the following: 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 78 of 160 The Contractor shall promptly notify the Engineer of the following Work Site conditions (“Changed Conditions”), in writing, upon their discovery and before they are disturbed: 1. Subsurface or latent physical conditions differing materially from those represented in the Contract; 2. Unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character being performed; and 3. Material differing from that represented in the Contract which the Contractor believes may be hazardous waste, as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 25117, that is required to be removed to a Class I, Class II, or Class III disposal site in accordance with provisions of existing law. The Engineer will promptly investigate conditions which appear to be Changed Conditions. If the Engineer determines that conditions are Changed Conditions and they will materially affect performance time, the Contractor, upon submitting a written request, will be granted an extension of time subject to Section 6-4.2. If the Engineer determines that the conditions do not justify an adjustment in compensation, the Contractor will be notified in writing. This notice will also advise the Contractor of its obligation to notify the Engineer in writing if the Contractor disagrees. The Contractor’s failure to give notice of Changed Conditions promptly upon their discovery and before they are disturbed shall constitute a waiver of all claims in connection with them. 1. The Contractor shall not be entitled to the payment of any additional compensation for any act, or failure to act, by the Engineer, including failure or refusal to issue a Change Order, or for the occurrence of any event or other cause, unless the Contractor shall have first given the Engineer written notice of potential claim as specified in this Section 2-9. Compliance with this section shall not be required as a prerequisite to notice provisions in Section 6-4.2(4) Extensions of Time, nor to any claim that is based on differences in measurement or errors of computation as to Contract quantities. 2. The Contractor shall provide the Agency with a written document containing a description of the particular circumstances giving rise to the potential claim, the reasons for which the Contractor believes additional compensation may be due and the nature of any and all costs involved within 20 Working Days of the date of service of the written notice of potential claim for Changed Conditions. Verbal notifications will not be accepted. 3. The potential claim shall include the following certification relative to the California False Claims Act, Government Code Sections 12650-12656. “The undersigned certifies that the above statements are made in full awareness of the California False Claims Act, Government Code Sections 12650-12656. The undersigned further understands and agrees that this potential claim, unless resolved, must be restated as a claim in response to the Agency’s proposed final estimate for it to be further considered.” 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 79 of 160 By: Title: Date: Company Name: 4. The Contractor’s estimate of costs may be updated when actual costs are known. The Contractor shall submit proof of its actual costs to the Engineer within 20 Working Days after the affected Work is completed. Failure to do so shall be cause to deny any later-filed claim regarding a potential claim described in this Section 2-9. 5. The intent of this Section 2-9 is to have differences between the parties arising under the Contract brought to the attention of the Engineer at the earliest possible time so that such matters can be settled, if possible, or other appropriate action promptly taken. 2-10 DISPUTED WORK ADD the following: 2-10.1 Claims. 1. A Claim is a written demand by the Contractor that seeks an adjustment in the Contract Price, Contract Time, or other relief associated with a dispute arising under or relating to the Contract, including a breach of any Contract provision. A voucher, invoice, or other routine request for payment is not a Claim. 2. A Claim shall conform to these specifications and may be considered after the Agency has previously denied a request by the Contractor for a Change Order seeking the demanded relief. 3. The Contractor shall submit a Claim to the Engineer if a dispute occurs that arises from or relates to the Contract. The Claim shall seek all relief to which the Contractor asserts the Contractor is entitled as a result of the event(s) giving rise to the dispute. The Contractor’s failure to process a Claim in accordance with these specifications shall constitute a waiver of all relief associated with the dispute. Claims are subject to 6-10, “Right to Audit.” 4. The Contractor shall continue to perform the Services and Work and shall maintain the Schedule during any dispute proceedings. The Engineer will continue to make payments for undisputed Services and Work. 5. The Agency’s Claims process specified in the Agency Supplement shall not relieve the Contractor of the Contractor’s statutory obligations to present Claims prior to any action under the Government Code. 6. Except for those final payment items disputed in the written statement required in Section 7-3.2, all Claims of any dollar amount shall be submitted in a written statement by the Contractor no later than the date of receipt of the final payment estimate. Those final payment items disputed in the written statement required in Section 7-3.2 shall be submitted no later than 30 Calendar Days after receipt of the Final Payment estimate. No Claim will be considered that was not included in this written statement, nor will any Claim be allowed for which written notice or protest is required under any provision of this Contract, including Sections 2-9 Changed Conditions, 2-10 Disputed Work, 4-1(22) Protection, 6-4.4 Written Notice and Report, or 6-4.2(4) Extensions of Time, unless the Contractor has complied with notice or protest requirements. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 80 of 160 7. The Engineer will consider Contractor’s filed Claims, which must be detailed enough so the Engineer can determine the basis and amount of the Claims. Contractor shall provide the Engineer additional information to determine the facts or contentions involved in a Claim if requested by the Engineer. If additional information is needed, Contractor must provide Engineer with this information within a reasonable time of being asked for additional information. Failure to submit such information and details will be sufficient cause for denying the Claims. 8. Payment for Claims shall be processed by the next payment application of their resolution for those Claims approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall proceed with informal dispute resolution under Section 2-10, Disputed Work, for those Claims remaining in dispute. 2-10.1.1 Initiation of Claim. 1. A Claim is a written demand by the Contractor that seeks an adjustment in the Contract Price, Contract Time, or other relief associated with a dispute arising under or relating to the Contract, including a breach of any provision of the Contract. A voucher, invoice, payment application or other routine request for payment is not a Claim. A Claim shall conform to these specifications and may be considered after the Agency has previously denied a request from the Contractor for a Change Order seeking the demanded relief. The Contractor shall, consistent with 2-10.1.2, give the Agency written notice of Claim prior to commencing any Disputed Work. Failure to give the notice shall constitute a waiver of all Claims in connection with the Disputed Work. If the Contractor and the Agency are unable to reach agreement on Disputed Work, the Agency may direct the Contractor to proceed with the Work and such direction shall not be construed as the Agency directing the Contractor’s mean-and-methods in the execution of the Work. After the Agency has rejected a Change Order request and prior to proceeding with dispute resolution pursuant to the Public Contract Code, applicable provisions of which are specified below, the Contractor shall attempt to resolve all disputes informally through the following dispute resolution chain of command: For claims with a monetary value of $50,000 or less: i. Construction Manager ii. Fleet and Facilities Project Manager iii. Public Works Manager For claims with a monetary value greater than $50,000: i. Construction Manager ii. Fleet and Facilities Project Manager iii. Public Works Manager iv. Engineer v. City Manager or Executive Manager 2. Consistent with Section 2-10.1.2, the Contractor shall submit a complete report within 20 Working Days after completion of the Disputed Work stating its position on the Claim, the contractual basis for the Claim, along with all documentation supporting the costs, Contract Time, and all other evidentiary materials. At each level of Claim or appeal of Claim the Agency will, within 10 Working Days of receipt of the Claim or appeal of Claim, review the Contractor’s report and respond with a position, request additional information or request that the Contractor meet and present its report. When additional information or a meeting 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 81 of 160 is requested the Agency will provide its position within 10 Working Days of receipt of the additional information or Contractor’s presentation of its report. The Contractor may appeal each level’s position up to the Deputy City Engineer/Engineering Manager for claims less than $50,000 and/or up to the City Manager for the City of Carlsbad or Executive Manager for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for claims greater than $50,000 after which the Contractor may proceed under the provisions of the Public Contract Code. The Agency’s failure to state a position or otherwise respond to a Claim within the timeframes set forth above shall be deemed a rejection of the Claim by the Agency. 3. The authority within the dispute resolution chain of command is limited to recommending a resolution to a Claim to the City Manager for the City of Carlsbad or Executive Manager for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Actual approval of the Claim is subject to the Change Order provisions in the Contract. 4. Any remaining Claims not resolved by the informal dispute resolution process described above shall be resolved in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 9204, the relevant portion of which is included below: (d)(1)(A) Upon receipt of a Claim pursuant to this section, the public entity to which the Claim applies shall conduct a reasonable review of the Claim and, within a period not to exceed 45 days, shall provide the Claimant a written statement identifying what portion of the Claim is disputed and what portion is undisputed. Upon receipt of a Claim, a public entity and a Contractor may, by mutual agreement, extend the time period provided in this subdivision. (B) The Claimant shall furnish reasonable documentation to support the Claim. (C) If the public entity needs approval from its governing body to provide the Claimant a written statement identifying the disputed portion and the undisputed portion of the Claim, and the governing body does not meet within the 45 days or within the mutually agreed to extension of time following receipt of a Claim sent by registered mail or certified mail, return receipt requested, the public entity shall have up to three days following the next duly publicly noticed meeting of the governing body after the 45-day period, or extension, expires to provide the Claimant a written statement identifying the disputed portion and the undisputed portion. (D) Any payment due on an undisputed portion of the Claim shall be processed and made within 60 days after the public entity issues its written statement. If the public entity fails to issue a written statement, paragraph (3) shall apply. (2)(A) If the Claimant disputes the public entity's written response, or if the public entity fails to respond to a Claim issued pursuant to this section within the time prescribed, the Claimant may demand in writing an informal conference to meet and confer for settlement of the issues in dispute. Upon receipt of a demand in writing sent by registered mail or certified mail, return receipt requested, the public entity shall schedule a meet and confer conference within 30 days for settlement of the dispute. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 82 of 160 (B) Within 10 business days following the conclusion of the meet and confer conference, if the Claim or any portion of the Claim remains in dispute, the public entity shall provide the Claimant a written statement identifying the portion of the Claim that remains in dispute and the portion that is undisputed. Any payment due on an undisputed portion of the Claim shall be processed and made within 60 days after the public entity issues its written statement. Any disputed portion of the Claim, as identified by the Contractor in writing, shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation, with the public entity and the Claimant sharing the associated costs equally. The public entity and Claimant shall mutually agree to a mediator within 10 business days after the disputed portion of the Claim has been identified in writing. If the parties cannot agree upon a mediator, each party shall select a mediator and those mediators shall select a qualified neutral third party to mediate with regard to the disputed portion of the Claim. Each party shall bear the fees and costs charged by its respective mediator in connection with the selection of the neutral mediator. If mediation is unsuccessful, the parts of the Claim remaining in dispute shall be subject to applicable procedures outside this section. (C) For purposes of this section, mediation includes any nonbinding process, including, but not limited to, neutral evaluation or a dispute review board, in which an independent third party or board assists the parties in dispute resolution through negotiation or by issuance of an evaluation. Any mediation utilized shall conform to the timeframes in this section. (D) Unless otherwise agreed to by the public entity and the Contractor in writing, the mediation conducted pursuant to this section shall excuse any further obligation under Section 20104.4 to mediate after litigation has been commenced. (E) This section does not preclude a public entity from requiring arbitration of disputes under private arbitration or the Public Works Contract Arbitration Program if mediation under this section does not resolve the parties' dispute. (3) Failure by the public entity to respond to a Claim from a Contractor within the time periods described in this subdivision or to otherwise meet the time requirements of this section shall result in the Claim being deemed rejected in its entirety. A Claim that is denied by reason of the public entity's failure to have responded to a Claim, or its failure to otherwise meet the time requirements of this section, shall not constitute an adverse finding with regard to the merits of the Claim or the responsibility or qualifications of the Claimant. (4) Amounts not paid in a timely manner as required by this section shall bear interest at 7 percent per annum. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 83 of 160 (5) If a Subcontractor or a lower tier Subcontractor lacks legal standing to assert a Claim against a public entity because privity of Contract does not exist, the Contractor may present to the public entity a Claim on behalf of a Subcontractor or lower tier Subcontractor. A Subcontractor may request in writing, either on their own behalf or on behalf of a lower tier Subcontractor, that the Contractor present a Claim for work which was performed by the Subcontractor or by a lower tier Subcontractor on behalf of the Subcontractor. The Subcontractor requesting that the Claim be presented to the public entity shall furnish reasonable documentation to support the Claim. Within 45 days of receipt of this written request, the Contractor shall notify the Subcontractor in writing as to whether the Contractor presented the Claim to the public entity and, if the original Contractor did not present the Claim, provide the Subcontractor with a statement of the reasons for not having done so. (e) The text of this section or a summary of it shall be set forth in the Plans or Specifications for any Public Works Project that may give rise to a Claim under this section. (f) A waiver of the rights granted by this section is void and contrary to public policy, provided, however, that (1) upon receipt of a Claim, the parties may mutually agree to waive, in writing, mediation and proceed directly to the commencement of a civil action or binding arbitration, as applicable; and (2) a public entity may prescribe reasonable Change Order, Claim, and dispute resolution procedures and requirements in addition to the provisions of this section, so long as the contractual provisions do not conflict with or otherwise impair the timeframes and procedures set forth in this section. (g) This section applies to contracts entered into on or after January 1, 2017. (h) Nothing in this section shall impose liability upon a public entity that makes loans or grants available through a competitive application process, for the failure of an awardee to meet its contractual obligations. (i) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2027, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted statute that is enacted before January 1, 2027, deletes, or extends that date. In addition, all Claims by Contractor for $375,000 or less shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures in the Public Contract Code Section 20104 et seq., applicable provisions of which are included below: 20104.2 For any Claim subject to this article, the following requirements apply: (a) The Claim shall be in writing and include the documents necessary to substantiate the Claim. Claims must be filed on or before the date of final payment. Nothing in this 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 84 of 160 subdivision is intended to extend the time limit or supersede notice requirements otherwise provided by contract for the filing of Claims. (b)(1) For Claims of less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), the local agency shall respond in writing to any written Claim within 45 days of receipt of the Claim, or may request, in writing, within 30 days of receipt of the Claim, any additional documentation supporting the Claim or relating to defenses to the Claim the local agency may have against the Claimant. (2) If additional information is thereafter required, it shall be requested and provided pursuant to this subdivision, upon mutual agreement of the local agency and the Claimant. (3) The local agency's written response to the Claim, as further documented, shall be submitted to the Claimant within 15 days after receipt of the further documentation or within a period of time no greater than that taken by the Claimant in producing the additional information, whichever is greater. (c)(1) For Claims of over fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) and less than or equal to three hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($375,000), the local agency shall respond in writing to all written Claims within 60 days of receipt of the Claim, or may request, in writing, within 30 days of receipt of the Claim, any additional documentation supporting the Claim or relating to defenses to the Claim the local agency may have against the Claimant. (2) If additional information is thereafter required, it shall be requested and provided pursuant to this subdivision, upon mutual agreement of the local agency and the Claimant. (3) The local agency's written response to the Claim, as further documented, shall be submitted to the Claimant within 30 days after receipt of the further documentation, or within a period of time no greater than that taken by the Claimant in producing the additional information or requested documentation, whichever is greater. (d) If the Claimant disputes the local agency's written response, or the local agency fails to respond within the time prescribed, the Claimant may so notify the local agency, in writing, either within 15 days of receipt of the local agency's response or within 15 days of the local agency's failure to respond within the time prescribed, respectively, and demand an informal conference to meet and confer for settlement of the issues in dispute. Upon a demand, the local agency shall schedule a meet and confer conference within 30 days for settlement of the dispute. (e) Following the meet and confer conference, if the Claim or any portion remains in dispute, the Claimant may file a Claim as provided in Chapter 1 (commencing with 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 85 of 160 Section 900) and Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 910) of Part 3 of Division 3.6 of Title 1 of the Government Code. For purposes of those provisions, the running of the period of time within which a Claim must be filed shall be tolled from the time the Claimant submits his or her written Claim pursuant to subdivision (a) until the time that Claim is denied as a result of the meet and confer process, including any period of time utilized by the meet and confer process. (f) This article does not apply to tort Claims and nothing in this article is intended nor shall be construed to change the time periods for filing tort Claims or actions specified by Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 900) and Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 910) of Part 3 of Division 3.6 of Title 1 of the Government Code. 20104.4 The following procedures are established for all civil actions filed to resolve Claims subject to this article: (a) Within 60 days, but no earlier than 30 days, following the filing or responsive pleadings, the court shall submit the matter to nonbinding mediation unless waived by mutual stipulation of both parties. The mediation process shall provide for the selection within 15 days by both parties of a disinterested third person as mediator, shall be commenced within 30 days of the submittal, and shall be concluded within 15 days from the commencement of the mediation unless a time requirement is extended upon a good cause showing to the court or by stipulation of both parties. If the parties fail to select a mediator within the 15-day period, any party may petition the court to appoint the mediator. (b)(1) If the matter remains in dispute, the case shall be submitted to judicial arbitration pursuant to Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 1141.10) of Title 3 of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure, notwithstanding Section 1141.11 of that code. The Civil Discovery Act (Title 4 (commencing with Section 2016.010) of Part 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure) shall apply to any proceeding brought under this subdivision consistent with the rules pertaining to judicial arbitration. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon stipulation of the parties, arbitrators appointed for purposes of this article shall be experienced in construction law, and, upon stipulation of the parties, mediators and arbitrators shall be paid necessary and reasonable hourly rates of pay not to exceed their customary rate, and such fees and expenses shall be paid equally by the parties, except in the case of arbitration where the arbitrator, for good cause, determines a different division. In no event shall these fees or expenses be paid by state or county funds. (3) In addition to Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 1141.10) of Title 3 of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure, any party who after receiving an arbitration award requests a trial de novo but does not obtain a more favorable judgment shall, in 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 86 of 160 addition to payment of costs and fees under that chapter, pay the attorney's fees of the other party arising out of the trial de novo. (b) The court may, upon request by any party, order any witnesses to participate in the mediation or arbitration process. 20104.6 Payment on undisputed portion of Claim; interest on arbitration awards or judgments: (a) No local agency shall fail to pay money as to any portion of a Claim which is undisputed except as otherwise provided in the Contract. (b) In any suit filed under Section 20104.4, the local agency shall pay interest at the legal rate on any arbitration award or judgment. The interest shall begin to accrue on the date the suit is filed in a court of law. 5. Although not to be construed as proceeding under Extra Work provisions, the Contractor shall keep and furnish records of disputed Work in accordance with Section 2-10. 2-10.1.2 Claim Certification Submittal. 1. If the Contractor’s Claim seeks an increase in the Contract Price, the Contract Time, or both, submit with the Claim an affidavit certifying the following: a. The Claim is made in good faith and covers all costs and delays to which the Contractor is entitled as a result of the event(s) giving rise to the Claim. b. The amount Claimed accurately reflects the adjustments in the Contract Price, the Contract Time, or both to which the Contractor believes the Contractor is entitled. c. All supporting costs and pricing data are current, accurate, and complete to the best of the Contractor’s knowledge. The Contractor shall supply a cost breakdown per item of Work. d. The Contractor shall ensure that the affidavit is executed by an official who has the authority to legally bind the Contractor. 2-10.1.3 Agency’s Final Determination. 1. If the Contractor disagrees with the City Manager or Executive Manager’s final determination, as described in 2-10.1.1(1-2), Contractor must notify the Engineer in writing of the Contractor’s objection within 15 Working Days after receipt of the written determination and file a “Request for Mediation” in accordance with 2-10.2, “Dispute Resolution Process.” 2. Failure to give notice of objection within the 15 Working Days period shall waive the Contractor’s right to pursue the Claim. 2-10.1.6 Mandatory Assistance. 1. If a third-party dispute, litigation, or both, arises out of or relates in any way to the Services provided under the Contract, upon the Agency’s request, the Contractor shall assist in 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 87 of 160 resolving the dispute or litigation. The Contractor’s assistance includes, but is not limited to the following: a. Providing requested documents in a timely manner. b. Providing professional consultations. c. Attending mediations, arbitrations, depositions, trials, or any event related to the dispute resolution and litigation. 2- Compensation for Mandatory Assistance. 1. The Agency will reimburse the Contractor for reasonable fees and expenses incurred by the Contractor for any required assistance rendered in accordance with 2-10.1.6, “Mandatory Assistance” as Extra Work. 2. The Engineer will determine whether these fees and expenses were necessary due to the Contractor’s conduct or failure to act. 3. If the Engineer determines that the basis of the dispute or litigation in which these fees and expenses were incurred were the result of the Contractor’s conduct or the Contractor’s failure to act in part or in whole, the Contractor shall reimburse the Agency for any payments made for these fees and expenses. Reimbursement may be through any legal means necessary, including the Agency’s withholding of the Contractor’s payment. ADD the following: 2-10.2 Dispute Resolution Process 2-10.2.1 Mandatory Non-binding Mediation. 1. If a dispute arises out of or relates to the Contract, or the breach of it, and if the dispute cannot be settled through those procedures described in Section 2-10.1.1, the parties must attempt to settle the dispute in an amicable manner, using mandatory mediation under the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association before having recourse in a court of law. 2. To initiate mediation, the initiating party shall serve a Request for Mediation at the American Arbitration Association (AAA). 2-10.2.2 Mandatory Mediation Costs. 1. The expenses of witnesses for either side shall be paid by the party producing such witnesses. All other expenses of the mediation, including required traveling and other expenses of the mediator and the cost of any proofs or expert advice produced at the direct request of the mediator, shall be borne equally by the parties, unless they agree otherwise. 2-10.2.3 Selection of Mediator. 1. A single mediator, knowledgeable in construction aspects and acceptable to both parties, shall be used to mediate the dispute. 2. If AAA is used, the initiating party shall concurrently file with AAA a “Request for Mediation” along with the appropriate fees, a copy of requested mediators marked in preference order, and a preference for available dates. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 88 of 160 3. If AAA is selected to coordinate the mediation (Administrator), within 10 Working Days from the receipt of the initiating party’s Request for Mediation, the opposing party shall file the following: a. A copy of the list of the preferred mediators listed in preference order after striking any mediators to which they have any objection. b. A preference for available dates. c. Appropriate fees. 4. If the parties cannot agree on a mediator, then each party shall select a mediator and those mediators shall select the neutral third party to mediate the matter. 2-10.2.4 Conduct of Mediation Sessions. 1. Mediation hearings shall be conducted in an informal manner and discovery shall not be allowed. 2. Discussions, statements, or admissions shall be confidential to the proceedings and shall not be used for any other purpose regarding the party’s legal position. The parties may agree to exchange any information they deem necessary. 3. Both parties shall have an authorized representative attend the mediation. Each representative shall have the authority to recommend entering into a settlement. Either party may have attorney(s), witnesses, or expert(s) present. Either party may request a list of witnesses and notifications of whether attorney(s) shall be present. 4. Any resulting agreements from mediation shall be documented in writing. Mediation results and documents, by themselves, shall be “non-binding” and inadmissible for any purpose in any legal proceeding, unless such admission is otherwise agreed upon in writing by both parties. Mediators shall not be subject to any subpoena or liability and their actions shall not be subject to discovery. ADD the following: 2-10.3 Governing Law & Forum for Litigation. 1. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Any lawsuits, at law or in equity, between the parties arising out of this Contract shall be filed in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of San Diego. With respect to venue, the parties agree that this Contract is made in and will be performed in the County of San Diego. The parties waive all provisions of law providing for a change of venue in these proceedings to any other county. ADD the following: 2-10.4 Pre-judgment Interest. 1. The parties stipulate that if a judgment is entered against a party for breaching this Contract, the pre-judgment interest shall be 2% per annum. SECTION 3 – CONTROL OF THE WORK 3-2 SELF-PERFORMANCE ADD the following: 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 89 of 160 1. If Contractor fails to satisfy the provisions requiring the Contractor to complete Work amounting to at least 50 percent of the Contract price with its own organization unless stipulated otherwise in the Contract Documents, the Agency may at its sole discretion elect to cancel the Contract or deduct an amount equal to 10 percent of the value of the Work performed in excess of 50 percent of the Contract Price by other than the Contractor’s own organization. The Board shall be the sole body for determination of a violation of these provisions. In any proceedings under this section, the Contractor, or prime Contractor, shall be entitled to a public hearing before the Board and shall be notified 10 Calendar Days in advance of the time and location of the hearing. The determination of the Board shall be final. 3-3 SUBCONTRACTORS ADD the following: 1. The Contractor shall incorporate these Specifications in the Contractor’s subcontracts for the work being performed by the Contractor’s Subcontractor. 2. The Contractor shall obtain or require that each Subcontractor obtains insurance policies in accordance with 5-4, “INSURANCE” which shall be kept in full force and effect for the duration of the Contract and in any attached supplemental agreements. 3. In any dispute between the Contractor and the Contractor’s Subcontractors, the Agency shall not be made a party to any judicial or administrative proceeding to resolve the dispute. 4. The Contractor shall ensure that the Contractor’s Subcontractors are appropriately licensed for the duration of the work that is performed under the Subcontracts in accordance with 2- 1, “WORK TO BE DONE.” If a Subcontractor is not properly licensed, the Contractor shall cease payment to the Subcontractor for all work performed when the Subcontractor was not properly licensed. The Contractor shall return to the Agency any payment the Contractor made to a Subcontractor for work performed when the Subcontractor was not licensed. 5. Subcontractors shall be considered employees of the Contractor, and the Contractor shall be responsible for their work. 6. Where the Contract Documents require that a particular product be installed or applied by an applicator approved by the manufacturer, ensure the Subcontractor or Supplier employed for such work is approved by the manufacturer. 7. Before the work of any Subcontractor is started, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a written statement showing the Work to be subcontracted giving the name and business of each Subcontractor and description and value of each portion of the Work to be so subcontracted. This submittal will confirm the Subcontractor’s commitments in the Bid. 3-4 AUTHORITY OF THE ENGINEER ADD the following: 1. The Engineer shall be the single point of contact and shall be included in all communications between Contractor and any Agency representative. 3-5 INSPECTION ADD the following: 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 90 of 160 1. Contractor shall make available to the Engineer accurate books and accounting records regarding all its activities. Contractor shall contractually require all Subcontractors to this Contract to do the same. The Engineer shall have access to the Contractor’s, and any Subcontractors documents described in this Section 3-5(1) within San Diego County. The Engineer shall have the right to monitor, assess, and evaluate Contractor’s and its Subcontractor’s performance pursuant to this Contract. The Engineer’s monitoring, assessments, and evaluations will include, but shall not be limited to, audits, inspection of premises, reports, contracts, subcontracts and interviews of Contractor’s staff and the staff of all Subcontractors to this Contract. Upon reasonable advance notice, Contractor shall make available to the Engineer for examination, all of its, and all Subcontractors to this Contract, records with respect to all matters covered by this Contract. Contractor shall also permit the Engineer to audit, examine, copy and make excerpts or transcripts from such data and records, and to make audits of all invoices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, and other data relating to all matters covered by this Contract. Any inspection described in this Section 3-5(1) shall occur as often as the Engineer deems necessary and during normal business hours. However, any such inspection shall not unreasonably interfere with Contractor’s ongoing business operations. Contractor and all Subcontractors to this Contract shall maintain such data and records for as long as may be required by applicable laws and regulations. 2. The Agency may utilize consultants to assist the Engineer during construction in observing the Contractor’s performance. The consultant shall be the Agency’s Representative on the Site assisting the Engineer and must not be confused with a building inspector with the Agency or with a Special Inspector. 3. The Agency may utilize a Special Inspector for inspection of specialty work and materials, whose costs the Agency will pay for unless the Contractor fails inspection. If inspections or tests reveal non-compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall pay for all corrective measures deemed necessary by the Engineer and also pay the cost of the Agency’s subsequent re-inspection and re-testing. 4. Inspections required by codes or ordinances are the Contractor’s responsibility. 5. The Contractor’s quality control testing and inspections are the Contractor’s responsibility. Contractor shall coordinate and schedule all inspections and tests. The Contractor shall give the Engineer notice of tests and inspections made by others. At least 5 Working Days of notice shall be given for offsite inspections. The Contractor shall wait until the Engineer has responded and agreed to Contractor’s schedule before scheduling test or inspections. 6. The Agency shall schedule any inspections and tests as the Agency deems necessary to ensure the Work is accomplished in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents (other than inspections for work performed in accordance with a permit). The Contractor is responsible for the inspection of all Work performed in accordance with the Contract Documents. 7. Contractor shall provide access in accordance with Cal-OSHA Standards as necessary. 8. Contractor shall remove and replace any items of Work performed without the required permit or inspection. For required subsequent inspection, the Contractor shall remove and 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 91 of 160 replace Work at the discretion of Engineer at no additional cost to the Agency. Inspection of the Work does not relieve the Contractor of full compliance with the Contract Documents. 9. Contractor shall not conceal the Work prior to inspection, testing, or approval required by the Contract Documents, the Engineer’s prior written request, or by other agencies. If any item of Work is done prior to obtaining the required approvals when requested by the Engineer, Contractor shall expose the Work for inspection, testing, and/or approval. Upon successful completion of the inspection, testing, or approval, the Contractor shall proceed with the Work. The Contractor shall bear all direct and indirect costs and damages of such uncovering and re-covering and shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Price or the Contract Time, unless the Contractor has given the Engineer and any other affected agencies written notice of the Contractor’s intention to cover the Work and the Engineer has not acted in response to such notice. 10. When specified, Contractor shall make arrangements for tests, inspections, and approvals with an independent testing laboratory or entity acceptable to the Engineer, or with the appropriate public authority. The payment for such tests, inspections, and approvals are included in the Contract Price. 11. Unless specified otherwise, the Contractor shall pay the cost of inspections and tests. If inspections or tests reveal non-compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall bear the cost of corrective measures deemed necessary by the Engineer and the cost of the Agency’s subsequent re-inspection and re-testing. 12. The Contractor shall, at no charge to the Agency, provide copies of all records in the Contractor’s or Subcontractor’s possession pertaining to the Work that the Engineer may request. 13. Contractor agrees to maintain and/or make available, to the Engineer, within San Diego County, accurate books, and accounting records relative to all its activities and to contractually require all Subcontractors to this Contract to do the same. The Engineer shall have the right to monitor, assess, and evaluate Contractor’s and its Subcontractors performance pursuant to this Contract, the monitoring, assessments, and evaluations to include, but not be limited to, audits, inspection of premises, reports, contracts, subcontracts and interviews of Contractor’s staff and the staff of all Subcontractors to this Contract. At any time during normal business hours and as often as the Engineer may deem necessary, upon reasonable advance notice, Contractor shall make available to the Engineer for examination, all of its, and all of its Subcontractors’ records with respect to all matters covered by this Contract and will permit the Engineer to audit, examine, copy and make excerpts or transcripts from such data and records, and to make audits of all invoices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, and other data relating to all matters covered by this Contract. However, any such activities shall be carried out in a manner so as to not unreasonably interfere with Contractor’s ongoing business operations. Contractor and all Subcontractors to this Contract shall maintain such data and records for as long as may be required by applicable laws and regulations. 3-6 THE CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIVE ADD the following: 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 92 of 160 1. Both the representative and alternative representative shall be the Contractor’s employees and shall not be assigned to a Subcontractor unless otherwise approved by the Agency in writing. 2. The Contractor’s Project team shall attend scheduled construction meetings as required by the Engineer. If any of Contractor’s staff cannot attend, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer a minimum of 24 hours in advance, prior to the start of the scheduled meeting. If the Contractor does not provide the required notification, the Contractor shall pay for the costs of the Agency’s staff, consultants, or both that attended. The Contractor shall be charged a minimum of 2 hours of the attendee’s time. 3. The payment for the Contractor’s attendance at Project meetings is included in the Contract Price. The Engineer shall deduct costs assessed to the Contractor for not attending the meetings from the monthly progress payment via Change Order. 3-7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 3-7.1 General. ADD the following: 1. Specifications and Plans are divided into groups by engineering discipline for the Agency’s convenience. These divisions are not for the purpose of apportioning the Work or responsibility for the Work among Subcontractors and Suppliers. 2. The Contractor shall supply any Work that may reasonably be inferred from the Specifications or Plans as being required to produce the intended result whether or not it is specifically called for, at no additional cost to the Agency. 3. If referenced documents have been discontinued or updated by the issuing organization, the replacement documents issued or otherwise identified by that organization shall be used or, if there are no replacement documents, the last version of the document before it was discontinued. 4. Scaled dimensions on Contract Documents are approximate. Before ordering materials or commencing the Work, the Contractor shall measure the Site for proper size and fit and verify dimensions and quantities by taking measurements in the field. The Contractor shall be responsible for their accuracy. 5. The Contractor shall verify any conditions affecting the cost of the Work through a reasonable examination of the Work Site prior to submitting the Bid. 6. Existing improvements visible at the Work Site, for which no specific disposition is made on the Plans, but which interfere with the completion of the Work, shall be removed, and disposed of by the Contractor. 7. The Plans, Specifications, and other Contract Documents shall govern the Work. The Contract Documents are intended to be complementary and cooperative. Anything specified in the Specifications and not shown on the Plans or shown on the Plans and not specified in the Specifications, shall be as though shown on or specified in both. 8. The Plans shall be supplemented by such working drawings and shop drawings as are necessary to adequately control the Work. 9. The Contractor shall ascertain the existence of any conditions affecting the cost of the Work through a reasonable examination of the Work Site prior to submitting the Bid. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 93 of 160 10. Existing improvements visible at the Work Site, for which no specific disposition is made on the Plans, but which interfere with the completion of the Work, shall be removed, and disposed of by the Contractor. 11. The Contractor shall, upon discovering any error or omission in the Plans or Specifications, immediately call it to the attention of the Engineer. 3-7.2 Precedence of the Contract Documents. DELETE in its entirety and REPLACE with the following: 1. If there is a conflict between any of the Contract Documents, the document highest in the order of precedence, and most recent in edition, shall control. The order of precedence, from highest to lowest, shall be as follows: a. Permits (issued by jurisdictional regulatory agencies including environmental documents). b. Change Orders and supplemental agreements; whichever occurs last. c. Contract Addenda, whichever occurs last. d. The signed written Contract. e. Bid/Proposal. f. Project Plans. g. Technical Specifications/Project Manual. h. Agency Supplemental General Provisions (Section 00 73 00). i. Agency Supplemental Technical Provisions (Section 00 74 00). j. Standard Drawings. k. Standard Plans i. City of Carlsbad Standard Drawings. ii. Carlsbad Municipal Water District Standard Drawings. iii. City of Carlsbad modifications to the San Diego Area Regional Standard Drawings. iv. Traffic Signal Design Guidelines and Standards. v. State of California Department of Transportation Standard Plans. vi. California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD). l. “Greenbook” (Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction). m. Reference Specifications. 2. When additional small business/minority/women-owned/veteran or other special requirements by funding sources are included in the Contract Documents, the funding source’s requirements shall govern. a. With reference to the Drawings, the order of precedence shall be as follows: Figures govern over scaled dimensions. b. Detail Drawings govern over general Drawings. c. Addenda and Change Order Drawings govern over Plans. d. Plans govern over Standard Drawings. 3. When a conflict exists between the ADA requirements of Title 24, and the Agency Supplemental Provisions, the most restrictive requirement shall be followed. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 94 of 160 ADD the following: 3-7.3 Red-lines and Record Documents. 3-7.3.1 General. 1. The Contractor shall, at no charge to the Agency, provide copies of all records in the Contractor’s or Subcontractor’s possession pertaining to the Work that the Engineer may request. 2. The Contractor shall keep the Red-lines current with entries checked by the Engineer before the Work is covered. Contractor’s failure to update and deliver Red-lines information monthly to the Engineer for review and approval may result in the withholding of monthly progress payments. 3. The Contractor shall note the source identification, such as RFI numbers and Change Order numbers, as required identifying the source of the change to the Contract Documents. 4. The Contractor shall deliver the Red-lines to the Engineer upon completion of the Construction Work. 5. The Contractor shall legibly annotate a full-size set of Plans daily, in red ink, to record additions, deletions or changes to the Work and changes in location, elevation or character of the Work not otherwise shown or noted in the Contract Documents. This “redline” set of drawings shall be kept on the Job Site, shall be used only as a record set, and shall be delivered to the Engineer within 10 Calendar Days of completion of the Work. Contractor shall immediately give written notice of any conflicts between these documents to the Engineer. 6. As-built information shall represent field measurements, approved Shop Drawings, Working Drawings, samples, product data, and other pertinent data discovered during the performance of the Work. The Contractor shall note the source of the change such as RFI or Change Order numbers, as required. The Contractor shall clearly record additions or changes in the Work and depth of underground facilities by dimensioning from 2, known, fixed points. 7. Payment for Record Drawings and Documents shall be included in the various Bid items and no additional payment will be made therefore. 3-7.3.2 Asset Specific Red-lines. 1. Utility Red-lines: Utility Red-lines shall show any changes from the Plan for the following: a. Horizontal and vertical bends b. Changes in pipe material or pressure class c. Isolation valves d. Insulating joints e. Blow off valves by stationing and offsets. f. Air vacuum valves by stationing and offsets. g. Water and recycled water meter boxes replaced. h. Water sampling stations i. Cathodic test stations j. Locations of all sewer laterals and cleanouts. k. Items abandoned in place following dewatering operation. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 95 of 160 2. Building Red-lines: Building Red-lines shall show any changes from the Plans for the following: a. Location by dimension and the depth by elevation of underground lines, valves, plugged tees, and capped ends. b. By dimension or scale Plans, wiring, conduits, and pull boxes as installed. c. Information necessary to maintain and service concealed items of Work. d. Dimensional changes to the Drawings. e. Revisions to details shown on the Drawings. f. Depths of foundations below the first floor. g. Locations and depths of underground utilities. h. Revisions to the routing of piping and conduits. i. Revisions to electrical circuitry. j. Actual equipment locations. k. Duct size and routing. l. Locations of concealed internal utilities. m. Changes made by Change Orders. n. Details not shown on original Plans. 3. SWPPP: a. Upon completion of construction, the Contractor shall submit the SWPPP and all its appendices, records, reports, maps and records of permanent BMPs to the Engineer with the Red-lines. 3-7.3.3 Payment. 1. The payment for Red-lines Drawings shall be included in the Contract Price. ADD the following: 3-7.4 Measurement and Dimensions. 1. Scaled dimensions are approximate. Before ordering materials or commencing the Work, the Contractor shall measure the Site for proper size and fit and verify dimensions and quantities by taking measurements in the field. Contractor shall be responsible for their accuracy. 3-8 SUBMITTALS 3-8.2 Working Drawings. (This section not used) 3-8.3 Shop Drawings. (This section not used) 3-8.4 Supporting Information. ADD the following: 1. The Contractor shall submit samples of the materials with cut sheets of the products. The Contractor shall organize cut sheets for review and approval by the Engineer prior to use on the Project and identify deviation from any of the specified material clearly, including cut sheets and samples of both the specified material and basis for the substitution. Included should be the Agency’s Project Name, Project Number, and the Engineer’s name, Contractor Name, and Submittal Number and clearly indicate the specific product to be used. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 96 of 160 2. When photos of material are required, they shall be clear in resolution, identify the specific item for review, and shall indicate the name of the item, source, and date taken. The material shown in the photo shall be currently available for use on the Project. 3. Test sections (“Mock ups”) of materials as required in the Special Provisions shall be accepted by the Engineer before proceeding with the Work. 4. The Contractor shall provide and keep up-to-date a complete “As-Built” record set of blue- line prints, which shall be corrected in red daily and show every change from the original Drawings and Specifications and the exact “As-Built” locations, sizes and kinds of equipment, underground piping, valves, and all other Work not visible at surface grade. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the Agency at cost. This set of Drawings shall be kept on the job and shall be used only as a Record Set and shall be delivered to the Engineer within 10 Calendar Days of completion of the Work. Payment for performing the Work required by Section 2-5.4 shall be included in the various Bid items and no additional payment will be made therefore. 3-8.6 Manufacturer’s Operation, Maintenance, and Warranty Instructions. To sentence (1), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: For each pre-manufactured product covered by a manufacturer’s warranty, Contractor shall submit 1 electronic copy and 3 bound original or legal copies prior to acceptance of the Contract. 3-9 SUBSURFACE DATA (This section not used) 3-10 SURVEYING (This section not used) 3-11 CONTRACT INFORMATION SIGNS (This section not used) 3-12 WORK SITE MAINTENANCE 3-12.1 General. ADD the following: 1. Maintain Site improvements including any temporary facilities, equipment, or other materials. Remove graffiti encountered on the Site within 24 hours. See also SECTION 400 - PROTECTION AND RESTORATION. 2. As a condition of Final Payment, the Contractor shall submit a signed and notarized affidavit stating that all brush, trash, debris, and surplus materials resulting from this Project have been disposed of in a legal manner. The cost of disposal is the Contractor’s responsibility. 3. The Contractor shall provide and maintain enclosed toilets for the use of their employees. Toilets must be kept in a neat and sanitary condition and ensure that they comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to public health and sanitation of dwellings and camps. The cost of such is the Contractor’s responsibility. 4. If required in the Special Provisions, the Contractor shall provide and maintain enclosed toilets for the use of the Agency’s and Contractor’s officers, employees, or agents. Toilets must be kept in a neat and sanitary condition and ensure that they comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to public health and sanitation of dwellings and camps. The cost of such is the Contractor’s responsibility. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 97 of 160 5. The Contractor shall maintain drainage within and through the work areas. Earth dams will not be permitted in paved areas. Temporary dams of sandbags, asphaltic concrete, or other acceptable material will be permitted, when necessary, by the SWPPP and/ or BMP plan. Such dams shall be removed from the Site as soon as their use is no longer necessary. 6. Work Site maintenance shall be conducted on non-workdays when increased levels of maintenance are deemed necessary, in the opinion of the Engineer, to preserve the health safety or welfare of the public and or to comply with applicable regulations. 7. Disposal of all rubbish and surplus materials is incidental to Work Site maintenance. Disposal shall be made off the Site and shall be in accordance with: a. Local codes and ordinances that govern locations and methods of disposal. b. All applicable safety laws. c. Requirements of Subpart H, Section 1926.252 of the OSHA Safety and Health Standards for Construction. 8. Work Site maintenance is considered incidental to the items of work that they are associated with and no additional payment will be made. 9. Cleanup and Dust Control. Throughout all phases of construction, including suspension of the Work, and until the final acceptance, the Contractor shall keep the Site clean and free from rubbish and debris. The Contractor shall also abate dust nuisance by cleaning, sweeping, and sprinkling with water, or other means as necessary. The use of water resulting in mud on public streets will not be permitted as a substitute for sweeping or other methods. 3-12.2 Air Pollution Control. ADD the following: 1. Contractor shall carry out effective measures whenever and as often as necessary to prevent Contractor’s operation from producing dust in amounts damaging to property, cultivated vegetation, domestic animals, or causing a nuisance to persons living or occupying buildings in the vicinity. Contractor shall be responsible for any damage resulting from any dust originating from Contractor’s operations. The dust abatement measures shall be continued until Contractor is relieved of further responsibility by the Engineer. 2. Contractor shall adhere to Air Pollution Control District County of San Diego regulations for equipment used on the Job Site. 3-12.3 Noise Control. ADD the following: 1. All internal combustion engines used in the Work shall be equipped with mufflers in good repair and are subject to the City Noise Control Ordinance, Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 8.48. 3-12.4 Storage of Equipment and Materials. 3-12.4.1 General. ADD the following: 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 98 of 160 1. Equipment and material storage shall be confined to areas approved by the Engineer. Disposal of all rubbish and surplus materials shall be at the Contractor’s expense. 2. The Contractor shall order, purchase, transport, coordinate delivery, accept delivery, confirm the quantity and quality received, prepare storage area(s), store, handle, protect, move, relocate, remove and dispose excess of all materials used to accomplish the Work. 3. Materials shall be delivered to the Work Site only during Working Hours, and shall be accompanied by bills of lading that shall clearly state for each delivery: the name of the Contractor as consignee, the Project name and number, address of delivery and name of consignor and a description of the material(s) shipped. 4. Prior to storage of any materials which have been shipped to or by the Contractor to any location within the City’s boundaries the Contractor shall provide the Engineer a copy of lease agreements for each property where such materials are stored. The lease agreement shall clearly state the term of the lease, the description of materials allowed to be stored and shall provide for the removal of the materials and restoration of the storage site within the time allowed for the Work. 5. All such storage shall conform to all laws and ordinances that may pertain to the materials stored and to preparation of the storage site and the location of the site on which the materials are stored. Storage of hazardous wastes, construction equipment material, and parking and fueling of equipment shall not occur in biologically sensitive areas. 6. Loss, damage or deterioration of all stored materials shall be the Contractor’s responsibility. Conformance to the requirements of this section, both within and outside the limits of work is a part of the Work. The Engineer shall have the right to verify the suitability of materials and their proper storage at any time during the Work. 7. The Contractor shall furnish and maintain in good condition all equipment and facilities as required for the proper execution and inspection of the Work. Such equipment and facilities shall meet all requirements of applicable ordinances and laws. 8. Restore the storage area to an equal or better condition as deemed necessary by the Engineer and at no additional cost to the Agency. 10. When required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish and operate a self-loading motor sweeper with spray nozzles at least once each Working Day for the purpose of keeping paved areas acceptably clean wherever construction, including restoration, is incomplete. 11. Materials and equipment shall be removed from the Site as soon as they are no longer necessary. Before the final inspection, the Site shall be cleared of equipment, unused materials, and rubbish so as to present a satisfactory clean and neat appearance. All cleanup costs shall be included in the Contractor’s Bid. 12. Care shall be taken to prevent spillage on haul routes. Any such spillage shall be removed immediately, and the area cleaned. 13. Excess excavation material from catch basins or similar structures shall be removed from the Site immediately. Sufficient material may remain for use as backfill if permitted by the Specifications. Forms and form lumber shall be removed from the Site as soon as practicable after stripping. 14. Failure of the Contractor to comply with the Engineer’s cleanup orders may result in an order to suspend Work until the condition is corrected. No additional compensation will be allowed because of such suspension. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 99 of 160 15. Cleanup and dust control required in the Contract shall also be executed on weekends and other non-Working Days when needed to preserve the health safety or welfare of the public. The Contractor shall conduct effective cleanup and dust control throughout the duration of the Contract. The Engineer may require increased levels of cleanup and dust control that, in his/her sole discretion, are necessary to preserve the health, safety and welfare of the public. Cleanup and dust control shall be considered incidental to the items of Work that they are associated with and no additional payment will be made for them. 16. Vermin Control. At the time of acceptance, structures entirely constructed under the Contract shall be free of rodents, insects, vermin, and pests. Necessary extermination work shall be arranged and paid for by the Contractor as part of the Work within the Contract time and shall be performed by a licensed exterminator in accordance with requirements of governing authorities. The Contractor shall be liable for injury to persons or property and responsible for the elimination of offensive odors resulting from extermination operations. 17. Temporary Light, Power, and Water. The Contractor shall furnish, install, maintain, and remove all temporary light, power, and water at its own expense. These include piping, wiring, lamps, and other equipment necessary for the Work. The Contractor shall not draw water from any fire hydrant (except to extinguish a fire), without obtaining permission from the water agency concerned. The Contractor shall obtain a construction meter for water used for the construction, plant establishment, maintenance, cleanup, testing and all other work requiring water related to this Contract. The Contractor shall contact the appropriate water agency for requirements. The Contractor shall pay all costs of temporary light, power and water including hookup, service, meter and any, and all, other charges, deposits and/or fees for them. These costs shall be considered incidental to the items of Work that they are associated with and no additional payment will be made for them. 3-12.4.2 Storage in Public Streets. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. Construction materials shall not be stored in streets, roads, or highways for more than 5 Calendar Days after unloading. All materials not installed or used in construction within 5 Calendar Days after unloading shall be stored at a location approved by the Engineer. 2. Construction equipment shall not be stored at the Work Site before its actual use nor for more than 5 Calendar Days after it is no longer needed. Time necessary for repair or assembly of equipment may be authorized by the Engineer. 3. Excavated material, except that which is to be used as backfill in the adjacent trench, shall not be stored in public streets unless otherwise permitted. Immediately after placing backfill, all excess material shall be removed. 4. The Contractor shall not store equipment for traffic control in right of way. ADD the following: 3-12.4.3 Storage and Staging Areas. 1. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District has designated a staging location in close proximity to the Project, as shown in Attachment A, that the Contractor may utilize for their use. Additional storage and staging areas are the Contractor’s responsibility. The storage and 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 100 of 160 staging areas shall be as close as possible to the Site. Contractor is responsible for obtaining any permits, leases, or any other items necessary to obtain staging areas. 2. Storage of hazardous wastes, construction equipment material, and parking and fueling of equipment shall not be allowed in the MHPA or other biologically sensitive areas. Ensure the fueling of vehicles occurs only within designated staging areas using appropriate catch basins and devices. 3. Return the storage and staging area and the adjacent area to an equal or better condition as deemed necessary by the Engineer, at no additional cost to the Agency. 4. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer a copy of the lease agreement for any property to be used for the storage of materials or equipment prior to delivery or storage of any materials or equipment. Each lease agreement shall clearly state the term of the lease and a description of the materials or equipment allowed to be stored and shall provide for the removal of the materials or equipment and restoration of the storage site within the time allowed for the Work. 5. Construction equipment shall not be stored at the Work Site before its actual use on the Work nor for more than 5 Calendar Days after it is no longer needed. Time necessary for repair or assembly of equipment may be authorized by the Engineer. 3-12.6 Water Pollution Controls 3-12.6.2 Best Management Practices (BMPs). ADD the following: 1. Contractor shall submit a BMP plan as a submittal to the Agency. 3-12.6.3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). ADD the following: 1. The project is expected to require a Tier 1 SWPPP. The Contractor shall evaluate the requirements for the preparation of a SWPPP for Work within CMWD’s boundary by reviewing the Determination of SWPPP Tier Level and Construction Threat Level (form E-32), attached as Attachment B. 2. The Contractor shall review the criteria requiring the preparation of a SWPPP conforming with the State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2022-0057-DWQ, NPDES General Permit No. CAS000002, Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Storm Water Runoff Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities (the Construction General Permit or CGP). The CGP and other information are available at: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/constpermits.shtml 3. If the Agency has not prepared a SWPPP for the Project and the Project is subject to coverage under the CGP, the Contractor shall prepare and implement the SWPPP conforming with the CGP requirements. 4. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of the approved SWPPP and the CGP including implementation during construction by a QSP, The Contractor shall provide all 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 101 of 160 information necessary for the Agency to obtain coverage under the CGP during the electronic submittal of Permit Registration Documents and supporting data necessary for the filing of the storm water Notice of Intent and Notice of Termination. The Contractor shall be responsible for conducting all monitoring and inspections and filing all reports required by and in accordance with the CGP. 3-12.6.5 Payment. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. Unless otherwise specified, payment for water pollution control, including implementation and maintenance of BMPs, shall be considered as included in the Contract Unit Price for each item in the Bid. Payment for dewatering shall be specified in the Special Provisions. ADD the following: 3-12.7 Vermin Control. 1. The Site and structures constructed under the Contract shall be kept free of rodents, insects, vermin, and pests. Necessary extermination work shall be arranged and paid for by the Contractor as part of the Work within the Contract time and shall be performed by a licensed exterminator in accordance with requirements of governing authorities. The Contractor shall be liable for injury to persons or property and responsible for the elimination of offensive odors resulting from extermination operations. 3-13 COMPLETION, ACCEPTANCE, AND WARRANTY 3-13.1 Completion. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. The Contractor shall comply with the following prior to requesting a Pre-Final inspection of the Work and filing of a written assertion that the Work has been completed: a. Provide completed and signed redline drawings and record documents including installation, maintenance and operation instructions, manuals and/or tools for installed equipment. b. Provide and properly label all keys for existing facilities or new permanent work. c. Provide all items specified to be supplied as extra stock and spare parts. Wrap, seal, or place in a container all items as necessary to allow for storage by the Agency for future use. Verify the specified quantities. d. Provide all final Special Inspection reports and certifications required by equipment manufacturers to demonstrate compliance with applicable codes and standards. e. Obtain any required certifications from the Engineer of Record for permanent BMPs. f. Comply with all requirements of permits issued by jurisdictional agencies. g. Remove temporary facilities from the Site. h. Thoroughly clean the Site and remove all mark-outs and construction staking. 2. The Agency Inspector will schedule the Pre-Final inspection within 5 Working Days of receipt of the Contractor’s request. The Inspector will generate a list of deficiencies (Punchlist) within 5 Working Days after the Pre-Final inspection. 3. The Contractor shall have 30 Working Days to correct the deficiencies and provide a written response to each Punchlist item. The Inspector will review the corrective work within 5 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 102 of 160 Working Days of receipt of the Contractor’s written response to each Punchlist item. Any outstanding deficiencies will be considered incomplete Work and the Punchlist will be returned to Contractor. Full payment will not be made for any Bid item with outstanding deficiencies and a Final Inspection will not be scheduled until all deficiencies are completed to the satisfaction of the Inspector. 4. The Contractor shall submit a request for Final Inspection which shall include a written assertion that the Work has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents and a written response describing the corrective Work completed for all punch list items identified in the Pre-Final inspection(s). The request for Final Inspection will not be considered without the Contractor’s written response to the punch list items. The Inspector will schedule the Final Inspection within 10 Working Days of receipt of the Contractor’s request and invitees will include the Construction Manager, Engineer and representatives from agencies or utility companies having jurisdiction over the Work. The Contractor’s attendance is mandatory. 5. If, in the Engineer’s judgment, the Work has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Engineer will set forth in writing the date the Work was completed. This will be the date when the Contractor is relieved from responsibility to protect and maintain the Work, and to which liquidated damages will be computed. ADD the following: 3-13.1.1 Requirements Before Requesting a Walk-through. 1. The following items are required prior to requesting a Walk-through: a. Remove temporary facilities from the Site. b. Thoroughly cleaning the Site and removing all mark outs and construction staking. c. Provide completed and signed Red-lines in accordance with Contract Document requirements. d. Provide all material and equipment maintenance and operation instructions and/or manuals. e. Provide all tools which are a permanent part of the equipment installed in the Project. f. Provide and properly identify all keys for construction and all keys for permanent work. g. Provide all final Special Inspection reports required by the applicable building code. h. Provide all items specified to be supplied as extra stock. Wrap, seal, or place in a container all items as necessary to allow for storage by the Agency for future use. Verify the specified quantities. i. Ensure that all specified equal opportunity (if applicable) and certified wage rate documentations covering the Contract Time have been submitted. j. Provide the spare parts for the proposed irrigation system as specified in the Special Provisions. 2. Contractor shall notify the Engineer to arrange a final inspection of permanent BMPs installed and shall obtain the completed, signed, and stamped DS-563 Form 30 Calendar Days prior to the issuance of the Notice of Completion. ADD the following: 3-13.1.2 Walk-through and Punchlist Procedure. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 103 of 160 1. When Contractor considers that the Work and Services are complete, notify the Engineer in writing that the Project is complete and request that the Contractor and the Engineer perform a Walk-through for the generation of a Punchlist. Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 7 Working Days in advance of the Walk-through. 2. The Engineer will first determine if the Project is ready for a Walk-through by verifying whether the Contractor have completed all items as required by 3-13.1.1, “Requirements Before Requesting a Walk-through.” 3. The Engineer shall facilitate the Walk-through. 4. Contractor shall make Plans, specifications, and technical data, such as submittals and equipment manuals, available at the Site for the Walk-through attendees. 5. The Engineer will provide the Contractor with the Punchlist within 15 Working Days after the date of the Walk-through and submit it to the Contractor. The Agency shall not provide a preliminary Punchlist. 6. If the Engineer finds that the Project is not substantially complete as defined in the Contract, the Engineer will terminate the Walk-through and notify the Contractor in writing. 7. If, at any time during the Engineer’s evaluation of the corrective Work required by the Punchlist, the Engineer discovers that additional corrective Work is required, the Engineer may include that corrective Work in the Punchlist. Contractor shall remain solely responsible for the Project Site until the Project is completely operational, all Punchlist items have been corrected, and all operation and maintenance manuals have been accepted by the Agency. 8. The Engineer shall meet with the Contractor until all Punchlist items are corrected. If Contractor takes longer than 30 Working Days to complete the corrective Work, the Project shall be subject to re-evaluation. 9. Upon acceptance of the Work, Contractor shall assemble and deliver to the Engineer all records, documents, warranties, material certifications, bonds, guarantees, maintenance and service agreements, and maintenance and operating manuals. Written warranties, except manufacturer’s standard printed warranties, shall be on a letterhead addressed to the Contractor. Warranties shall be submitted in the format described in this section, modified as approved by the Agency, to suit the conditions pertaining to the warranty. 3-13.2 Acceptance DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. Acceptance of the Work will occur after all the requirements of the Contract Documents have been fulfilled. If, in the Engineer’s judgment, the Contractor has fully performed the Contract, the Engineer will recommend to the City Manager for the City of Carlsbad or Executive Manager for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District that the Contractor’s performance of the Contract be accepted. Upon such certification by the Engineer, the City Manager or Executive Manager may accept the Work. Upon the acceptance of the Work by the City Manager or Executive Manager, a “Notice of Completion” will be filed in the office of the San Diego County Recorder. The date of recordation shall be the date of acceptance of the Work. 2. Once the “Notice of Completion” has been recorded, the Engineer will release the retention. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 104 of 160 3-13.3 Warranty. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. Contractor shall warranty and repair all defective materials and workmanship for a period of 2 years. This warranty period shall start on the date the Work was recorded by the “Notice of Completion” unless the Agency has beneficial use of the Project (excluding water, sewer, and storm drain projects). In addition, Contractor shall warranty the Work against all latent and patent defects for a period of 10 years. The Contractor shall warranty metal finishes and joint sealant work for a period of 20 years. The Contractor shall warranty the roof system for a period of 30 years, per the terms, conditions and limitations included in Attachment C – CMWD Roof Warranty and the document shall be signed, notarized and returned to CMWD upon completion of the contract work. 2. The warranty period for specific items covered under manufacturers’ or suppliers’ warranties shall commence on the date they are placed into service at the direction of or as approved by the Engineer in writing. 3. All warranties, express or implied, from Subcontractors, manufacturers, or suppliers, of any tier, for the materials furnished and work performed shall be assigned, in writing, to the Agency, and shall be delivered to the Engineer prior to the acceptance of the Contractor’s performance of the Contract. 4. Replace or repair defective materials and workmanship in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer after notice to do so from the Engineer and within the time specified in the notice. If Contractor fails to make such replacements or repairs within the time specified in the notice, the Agency may perform the replacement or repairs at Contractor’s expense. If Contractor fails to reimburse the Agency for the actual costs, Contractor’s Surety shall be liable for the cost. 5. If, during the warranty period, any item of the Work is found to be Defective Work, Contractor shall correct it promptly after receipt of written notice from the Agency to do so. The warranty period shall be extended with respect to portions of the Work corrected as part of the warranty requirements. ADD the following: 3-13.3.1 Defective Work. 1. If the Engineer finds any part of the Work, to be defective or not in compliance with the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall correct the Defective Work in accordance with the Engineer’s written instructions and within the specified time limits. 2. The Engineer may order Contractor to stop all or part of the Project if, upon notice, Contractor fails to immediately correct the Defective Work in conformance with the Contract Documents. The Contractor bears all direct and indirect costs and damages that result from the Agency’s Stop Work notice. 3. The Engineer may determine in its sole discretion to accept Defective Work instead of having the Contractor correct the Defective Work. However, the Contractor will still be financially responsible for the Defective Work. The Engineer shall issue a deductive Change Order and will incorporate the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents for the Defective Work, the diminished value to the Project, or for the cost to repair the Defective Work. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 105 of 160 4. If the Contractor fails to correct Defective Work within the specified time limits, the Engineer may correct the Contractor’s Defective Work. The Agency has the right to correct any Defective Work without notice in the event of an emergency. Contractor shall bear all direct and indirect costs of the Defective Work that the Agency corrects. 5. When undertaking remedial action under this section, the Agency may exclude Contractor from all or part of the Site, take possession of all or part of the Work and suspend Contractor’s Work and or services, and incorporate into the Project all materials and equipment stored at the Site or for which the Agency has paid but Contractor has stored elsewhere. 6. For Building Projects which require a certificate of occupancy, not including sewer and water facilities, if the Contractor fails to correct the Defective Work listed on the Agency’s Punchlist within 30 Working Days in accordance with 6-1.1, “Construction Schedule,” the Contractor shall reimburse the Agency for all costs to provide inspection services required to monitor the Contractor’s Work beyond the 30 Working Days. The Agency shall bill the Contractor for the additional inspection at the Agency’s established rates. 7. If the Contractor completes the Project or portions of the Project prior to NOC, the Contractor shall preserve equipment by developing and implementing a preventive maintenance program in compliance with manufacturer’s recommendations. ADD the following: 3-13.3.2 Warranty Format Requirements. (This section not used) ADD the following: 3-14 PARTNERING 1. Contractor may request the formation of a formal partnering relationship (Partnering) by submitting a request in writing to the Engineer after approval of the Contract. If Contractor’s request for Partnering is approved by the Engineer, scheduling of a Partnering workshop, selecting the Partnering facilitator and workshop, selecting the Partnering facilitator and workshop site, and other administrative details shall be as agreed to by both Parties. 2. The establishment of a Partnering shall not change or modify the terms and conditions of the Contract and shall not relieve either party of the legal requirements of the Contract. 3. The goals of Partnering include the following: a. The Engineer and Contractor’s representatives, including Contractor’s Subcontractors, actively working together as partners. b. Avoidance of destructive confrontation and litigation among the parties. c. Mutual understanding on how the Work is to be conducted. d. Establishment of mutual key results to facilitate Project success. e. Establishment of an atmosphere of teamwork, trust, and open communication. 3-14.1 Payment. 1. The payment for providing a facilitator and a workshop site shall be borne equally by the Agency and Contractor. Contractor shall pay in advance all compensation for the costs of the facilitator and for the costs of obtaining the workshop site. 2. Unless a Bid item has been provided for “Partnering,” the Agency’s share of such costs shall be reimbursed to Contractor as Extra Work. Markups shall not be added. Other costs associated with the Partnering relationship shall be borne separately by the party incurring the costs. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 106 of 160 ADD the following: 3-15 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE 1. The Contractor shall provide and maintain safe and adequate pedestrian and vehicular access to fire hydrants; hospitals; police and fire stations; commercial and industrial establishments including churches, schools and parking lots; service stations; public transportation; pedestrian crossing; motels and establishments of similar nature. Access shall be continuous and unobstructed unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 2. The Contractor shall provide access for emergency vehicles and mail delivery and trash collection services. The trash hauling schedule can be obtained by contacting Republic Services at Customer Support | Republic Services. 3. The Contractor shall post “No Parking” signs 72 hours in advance of the Work. The signs shall state the date and time of parking restriction for a duration not to exceed the time necessary to complete the Work at that location. If the Work is delayed or rescheduled, the signs shall be removed and re-posted 72 hours in advance of the rescheduled Work. 4. Payment for public convenience shall be considered as included in the Contract Price for each item in the Bid and no additional payment will be made. ADD the following: 3-16 SITE ACTIVITIES BY THE AGENCY OR SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 3-16.1 The Agency’s Right to Award Separate Contracts. 1. The Agency reserves the right to perform work or operations outside the Scope of Work of the Contract related to the Project with Agency Forces, Separate Contractors, or both. If work to be performed by another party was not noted in the Contract, the Agency shall give written notice to Contractor 10 Working Days prior to the start of any Work. If Contractor determines that the work being performed by the Agency or others may interfere with or cause damage to Work being performed by Contractor, notify the Engineer in writing within 3 Working Days of the Engineer’s notice. 3-16.2 Integration of the Work with Separate Contractors. 1. When specified in the Contract Documents, prepare a plan to integrate the work performed by Separate Contractors, Agency Forces, or both with the performance of the Work and submit the plan to the Engineer for approval. The plan shall be fair and reasonable for Contractor and the Separate Contractors. Work with Separate Contractors to reach an agreement for the prepared plan. Arrange the performance of the work so that the Work and the work of the Separate Contractors are, to the extent applicable, properly integrated and jointed in a manner that avoids any damage to the Work or to the work of the Separate Contractors. 3-16.3 Coordination. 1. Coordinate Contractor’s activities and the Schedule with the activities and schedules of the Separate Contractors and make any revisions to the Schedule deemed necessary to avoid any disruption to the Work or to the work of the Separate Contractors. 3-16.4 Use of Site. 1. Provide the Agency and the Separate Contractors reasonable opportunities for the storage of materials and equipment and performance of their work. Connect and coordinate work and 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 107 of 160 operations with the work and operations of the Agency and the Separate Contractors as required by the Contract Documents. 2. Coordinate traffic control with the Separate Contractors for other projects and minimize the impact to the community. Prior to the start of construction, submit Contractor’s plan for coordination. 3-16.5 Deficiency in Work of Separate Contractors. 1. If part of Contractor’s Work depends on proper execution or results upon construction or operations by the Agency or a Separate Contractor, prior to proceeding with that portion of the Work, promptly report to the Separate Contractor and the Engineer any apparent discrepancies or defects in construction that would render it unsuitable for proper execution and results. Use good faith efforts to resolve any such discrepancies or defects or any related disagreements. Contractor’s failure to report constitutes Contractor’s acceptance of the Work of Separate Contractors as fit, proper, and coordinated with the Work. 3-16.6 Payment. 1. Payment for reporting deficiencies, coordinating, and resolving discrepancies shall be included in the Contract Price. SECTION 4 – CONTROL OF MATERIALS 4-1 PROTECTION ADD the following: 1. The Contractor shall repair or replace any equipment and materials in the event of vandalism, damage, or theft at no additional cost to the Agency. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of public and private property adjacent to the Work and shall exercise due caution to avoid damage to such property. 3. All costs to the Contractor for protecting, removing, and restoring existing improvements shall be included in the Bid. 4. The Agency and affected utility companies have, by a search of known records, endeavored to locate and indicate on the Plans, all utilities which exist within the limits of the Work. However, the accuracy and/or completeness of the nature, size and/or location of utilities indicated on the Plans is not guaranteed. 5. The Contractor shall determine the location and depth of all utilities, including service connections, which have been marked by the respective owners and which may affect or be affected by its operations. If no pay item is provided in the Contract for this Work, full compensation for such Work shall be considered as included in the prices Bid for other items of Work. 6. The Contractor shall not interrupt the service function or disturb the support of any utility without authority from the owner or order from the Agency. All valves, switches, vaults, and meters shall be maintained readily accessible for emergency shutoff. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 108 of 160 7. Where protection is required to ensure support of utilities located as shown on the Plans or in accordance with Section 5-1, the Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided, furnish, and place the necessary protection at its expense. 8. Upon learning of the existence and location of any utility omitted from or shown incorrectly on the Plans, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer in writing. When authorized by the Engineer, support or protection of the utility will be paid for. 9. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer and the utility owner if any utility is disturbed or damaged. The Contractor shall bear the costs of repair or replacement of any utility damaged if located. 10. When placing concrete around or contiguous to any non-metallic utility installation, the Contractor shall at its expense: a. Furnish and install a 2-inch cushion of expansion joint material or other similar resilient material; or b. Provide a sleeve or other opening which will result in a 2-inch minimum-clear annular space between the concrete and the utility; or c. Provide other acceptable means to prevent embedment in or bonding to the concrete. 11. Where concrete is used for backfill or for structures which would result in embedment, or partial embedment, of a metallic utility installation; or where the coating, bedding or other cathodic protection system is exposed or damaged by the Contractor’s operations, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and arrange to secure the advice of the affected utility owner regarding the procedures required to maintain or restore the integrity of the system. 12. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall remove all interfering portions of utilities shown on the Plans or indicated in the Bid documents as “abandoned” or “to be abandoned in place.” Before starting removal operations, the Contractor shall ascertain from the Agency whether the abandonment is complete, and the costs involved in the removal and disposal shall be included in the Bid for the items of Work necessitating such removals. 13. When feasible, the owner is responsible for utilities within the area affected by the Work will complete their necessary installations, relocations, repairs, or replacements before commencement of Work by the Contractor. When the Plans or Specifications indicate that a utility installation is to be relocated, altered, or constructed by others, the Agency will conduct all negotiations with the owners and work will be done at no cost to the Contractor, except for manhole frame and cover sets to be brought to grade as provided in the Contract Documents. Utilities which are relocated to avoid interference shall be protected in their position and the cost of such protection shall be included in the Bid for the items of Work necessitating such relocation. 14. After award of the Contract, portions of utilities which are found to interfere with the Work will be relocated, altered, or reconstructed by the owners, or the Engineer may order changes in the Work to avoid interference. Such changes will be paid. 15. When the Plans or Specifications provide for the Contractor to alter, relocate, or reconstruct a utility, all costs for such Work shall be included in the Bid for the items of Work necessitating such Work. Temporary or permanent relocation or alteration of utilities requested by the Contractor for its convenience shall be its responsibility and it shall make all arrangements and bear all costs. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 109 of 160 16. The utility owner will relocate service connections as necessary within the limits of the Work or within temporary construction or slope easements. When directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall arrange for the relocation of service connections as necessary between the meter and property line, or between a meter and the limits of temporary construction or slope easements. The relocation of such service connections will be paid and will include the restoration of all existing improvements which may be affected by the relocation. The Contractor may agree with the owner of any utility to disconnect and reconnect interfering service connections. The Agency will not be involved in any such agreement. 17. Contractor shall coordinate the Work with utility agencies and companies. Prior to the installation of any and all utility structures within the limits of work by any utility agency or company, or its contractor, the Contractor shall place all curb or curb and gutter that is a part of the Work and adjacent to the location where such utility structures are shown on the Plans and are noted as being located, relocated or are otherwise shown as installed by others. In order to minimize delays to the Contractor caused by the failure of other parties to relocate utilities that interfere with the construction, the Contractor, upon the Engineer’s approval, may be permitted to temporarily omit the portion of Work affected by the utility. If such temporary omission is approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall place survey or other physical control markers sufficient to locate the curb or curb and gutter to the satisfaction of the utility agency or company. Such temporary omission shall be for the Contractor’s convenience and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore or for additional work, materials or delay associated with the temporary omission. The portion thus omitted shall be constructed by the Contractor immediately following the relocation of the utility involved unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 18. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of its Construction Schedule insofar as it affects the protection, removal, or relocation of utilities. The notification shall be included as a part of the Construction Schedule. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of any subsequent changes in the Construction Schedule which will affect the time available for protection, removal, or relocation of utilities. 19. The Contractor will not be entitled to damages or additional payment for delays attributable to utility relocations or alterations if correctly located, noted, and completed. 20. The Contractor may be given an extension of time for unforeseen delays attributable to unreasonably protracted interference by utilities in performing the Work correctly shown on the Plans. 21. The Agency will assume responsibility for the timely removal, relocation, or protection of existing main or trunkline utility facilities within the area affected by the Work if such utilities are not identified in the Contract Documents. The Contractor will not be assessed liquidated damages for any delay caused by failure of Agency to provide for the timely removal, relocation, or protection of such existing facilities. 22. The Contractor will be compensated for damages incurred due to delays for which the Agency is responsible or for delays attributable to interferences, relocations, or alterations not covered by the Contract Documents. These damages for delay will be determined by the Engineer. The Agency shall not be liable for damages which could have been avoided by the judicious handling of forces, equipment, or plant. These avoidable damages will be 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 110 of 160 determined by the Engineer. The Engineer may grant Contractor an extension of time for damages due to delay. 23. When necessary, the Contractor shall so conduct its operations as to permit access to the Work Site and provide time for utility work to be accomplished during the progress of the Work. 4-2 INSPECTION 4-2.1 General ADD the following: 1. All costs of inspection at the source, including salaries and mileage costs, shall be paid by the Contractor. 2. Materials typically accepted by Certificate of Compliance shall not require inspection at the source unless specified in the Contract Documents. For a list of these items or materials, Contractor may refer to the Summary of Work. 3. Location changes to the source of materials requiring inspection without the required 24- hour notification may result in non-compliant material subject to rejection. Contractor shall be responsible for staff charges resulting from last minute changes or cancellations once staff has been deployed. The Engineer shall issue a deductive Field Order for a minimum of 2 hours of staff time to reimburse the Agency for misdirected staff charges. The Contractor shall be notified in writing of the additional staff charges incurred. 4. Agency staff or a qualified inspection agency approved by the Engineer shall witness all welding, lining, coating, and testing. Contractor shall incur additional inspection costs outlined in 4-2.3, “Inspection of Items Not Locally Produced.” 5. All parts of production (including but not limited to product fabrication, welding, testing, lining, and coating of straight pieces and specials) shall be performed or produced in the United States. 6. Welding and all testing shall be performed by certified welders and testing staff with credentials traceable in the United States. 7. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer free and safe access to any and all parts of Work at any time. Such free and safe access shall include means of safe access and egress, ventilation, lighting, shoring, dewatering and all elements pertaining to the safety of persons as contained in the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Industrial Relations, Chapter 4, Division of Industrial Safety, Subchapter 4, Construction Safety Orders and such other safety regulations as may apply. Contractor shall furnish Engineer with such information as may be necessary to keep the Engineer fully informed regarding progress and manner of work and character of materials. Inspection or testing of the whole or any portion of the Work or materials incorporated in the Work shall not relieve Contractor from any obligation to fulfill this Contract. 4-2.3 Inspection of Items Not Locally Produced ADD the following: 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 111 of 160 1. The Engineer may elect Agency staff or Consultants to perform inspection of an out-of-town manufacturers. The Contractor shall incur additional inspection costs of the Engineer including lodging, meals, and incidental expenses based on Federal Per Diem Rates, along with travel and car rental expenses. If the manufacturing plant operates a double shift, a double shift shall be figured in the inspection costs. a. At the option of the Engineer, full time inspection shall continue for the length of the manufacturing period. If the manufacturing period will exceed 3 consecutive weeks, Contractor shall incur additional inspection expenses of the Engineer’s supervisor for a trip of 2 Working Days to the site per month. b. When the Engineer elects Agency staff or Consultants to perform out-of-town inspections, the wages of staff employed by the Agency shall not be part of the additional inspection expenses paid by Contractor. c. Federal Per Diem Rates can be determined at the location below: https://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/104877 2. Specialty Testing of Foreign Materials. a. Materials that are manufactured, produced, or fabricated outside of the United States shall be delivered to a distribution point in California, unless otherwise specified. Quality Control and related testing shall be performed to all applicable specified US standards. Manufacturer’s testing and staff certification shall be traceable to a United States regulatory agency. Retain the materials for a sufficient period of time to permit inspection, sampling, and testing. The Contractor shall not be entitled to an extension of time for acts or events occurring outside of, at point of entry, or during transport to the United States, unless the extension is acceptable to the Engineer. ADD the following: 4-2.4 Specialty Inspection Paid for by the Contractor 1. Contractor shall employ and pay for the services of a qualified inspection agency to perform specialty inspection services as required by the Contract Documents. 2. The payment for the specialty inspection service Work shall be included under the Bid item for “Specialty Inspection Paid For By the Contractor.” 3. When an Allowance Bid item for “Specialty Testing Under the Direction of the Engineer” is provided, Contractor shall employ and pay for the services of a qualified third party independent laboratory to perform the required testing. Contractor shall be reimbursed for the cost of testing under this Bid item. 4. Contractor shall be reimbursed for the cost of specialty inspections when an Allowance Bid item is included in the Bid otherwise the cost is the responsibility of the Contractor if the manufacturer requires a specialty inspection service. 4-3 TESTING ADD the following: 1. Except as specified in these Special Provisions, the Agency will bear the cost of testing of locally produced materials and/or on-site workmanship where the results of such tests meet or exceed the requirements indicated in the Standard Specifications, Technical Specification, and any Supplemental Provisions. The cost of all other tests shall be borne by the Contractor. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 112 of 160 2. At the option of the Engineer, the source of supply of each of the materials shall be approved by the Engineer before the delivery is started. All materials proposed for use may be inspected or tested at any time during their preparation and use. If, after incorporating such materials into the Work, it is found that sources of supply that have been approved do not furnish a uniform product, or if the product from any source proves unacceptable at any time, the Contractor shall furnish approved material from other approved sources. If any product proves unacceptable after improper storage, handling or for any other reason it shall be rejected, not incorporated into the Work and shall be removed from the Project Site all at the Contractor’s expense. 4-4 TRADE NAMES ADD the following: 1. Whenever materials or equipment are indicated in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular supplier, the naming of the item is intended to establish the type, function, and quality required. 2. Unless stated otherwise, materials or equipment of other suppliers may be accepted if sufficient information is submitted to the Engineer for review to determine whether the material or equipment proposed is equivalent or equal to that named. 3. For reviews prior to Bid: a. The Engineer shall respond to Contractor’s substitution proposal by the last date for issuing an Addendum for the Contract. If the Engineer fails to respond to Contractor’s substitution proposal before the Bid due date, the substitution proposal shall be deemed denied. b. Contractor may bring forward a substitution proposal after Award that was denied based on the Engineer’s failure to respond by submitting a Cost Reduction Proposal in accordance with 2-6.1, “Cost Reduction Proposal.” 4. Include the following information in the request for substitution: a. Whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the Work shall require a change in any of the Contract Documents to adopt the design to the proposed substitute. b. Whether or not incorporation or use of the substitute in connection with the Work is subject to the payment of any license fee or royalty. c. All variations of the proposed substitute from the items originally specified shall be identified. d. Available maintenance, repair, and replacement service requirements. The manufacturer shall have a local service agency within 50 miles (80.5 km) of the Site which maintains properly trained personnel and adequate spare parts and is able to respond and complete repairs within 24 hours. e. Certifications from the manufacturer or service provider that the proposed substitute shall perform the intended function adequately under the expected service conditions, achieve the results called for by the general design, and be similar and of equal substance to that indicated. 5. There is no guaranteed time frame for the Engineer’s review of the substitution requests. Any lack of action on the Engineer’s side within Contractor’s requested time does not constitute acceptance of the substitution. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 113 of 160 6. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, substitute items are determined to be unsatisfactory in performance, appearance, durability, compatibility with existing equipment or systems, availability of repair parts and suitability of application, the Contractor shall remove the substituted item and replace it with the originally specified item at no cost to the Agency. 7. The burden of proof as to the type, function, and quality of any such substitute product, material or equipment shall be upon Contractor. The Engineer may require at Contractor’s expense additional data about the proposed substitute. 8. Acceptance by the Engineer of a substitute item does not relieve Contractor of the responsibility for full compliance with the Contract Documents. If the Engineer takes no exceptions to the proposed substitution, it shall not relieve Contractor from Contractor’s responsibility to the efficiency, sufficiency, quality, and performance of the substitute material or equipment in the same manner and degree as the material and equipment specified by name. 9. The Bid submittal shall be based on the material and equipment specified by name in the Contract. If the proposal is rejected by the Engineer, Contractor shall not be entitled to either an extension in Contract Time, an increase in the Contract Price, or both. 10. As applicable, no Shop Drawing or Working Drawing submittals shall be made for a substitute item nor shall any substitute item be ordered, installed, or utilized without the Engineer’s prior written approval. 11. The Contractor is responsible for the satisfactory performance of substituted items. If, in the sole opinion of the Engineer, the substitution is determined to be unsatisfactory in performance, appearance, durability, compatibility with associated items, availability of repair parts and suitability of application the Contractor shall remove the substituted item and replace it with the originally specified item at no cost to the Agency. 4-5 WEIGHING AND METERING EQUIPMENT REPLACE the first paragraph with the following: All scales and metering equipment used for proportioning materials shall be inspected for accuracy and certified within the past 12 months by the State of California Bureau of Weights and Measures, by the County Director or Sealer of Weights and Measures, or by a scale mechanic registered with or licensed by the County. SECTION 5 – LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 5-1 LAWS AND REGULATIONS ADD the following: 1. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the provisions of the Labor Code regarding minimum wages; the 8-hour day and 40-hour week; overtime; Saturday, Sunday, and holiday work; and prohibitions against discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. The Contractor shall forfeit to the Agency the penalties prescribed in the Labor Code for violations. 2. Each worker shall be paid subsistence and travel as required by the collective bargaining agreement on file with the State of California Department of Industrial Relations. 3. The Contractor’s attention is directed to Labor Code Section 1776 which imposes responsibility upon the Contractor for the maintenance, certification, and availability for 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 114 of 160 inspection of such records for all persons employed by the Contractor or Subcontractor in connection with the Project. The Contractor shall agree through the Contract to comply with this Section and the remaining provisions of the Labor Code. 4. Municipal ordinances that affect this Work include Chapter 11.06. Excavation and Grading. If this notice specifies locations or possible materials, such as borrow pits or gravel beds, for use in the proposed construction Project which would be subject to Fish and Game Code Section 1601 or 1603, the conditions established in Fish and Game Code Section 1601 et seq. shall become conditions of the Contract. 5-3.3 Payroll Records. ADD the following: 1. The Contractor and its Subcontractors shall maintain and furnish to the Agency, at a designated time, a certified copy of each weekly payroll reflecting the wages containing all of Contractor’s and Subcontractors’ employees engaged in the Work and a statement of compliance signed under penalty of perjury. 5-3.4 Hours of Labor ADD the following: 1. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, the hours of work shall be between the hours of 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Mondays through Fridays, excluding Agency holidays. The Contractor shall obtain the written approval of the Engineer if the Contractor desires to work outside these hours or at any time during weekends and/or holidays. This written permission must be obtained at least 48 hours prior to such work. The Engineer may approve work outside the stated hours and/or days when, in his/her sole opinion, such work conducted by the Contractor is beneficial to the best interests of the Agency. The Contractor shall pay the inspection costs of such work. 2. The Contractor shall incorporate the dates, areas and types of work prohibited in this section in the Construction Schedule. No additional payment, adjustment of bid prices or adjustment of contract time of completion will be allowed as a consequence of the prohibition of work being performed within the dates, areas and/or types of work prohibited in this section. 5-4 INSURANCE 5-4.1 General. ADD the following: 1. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the Work by the Contractor, his or her agents, representatives, employees or Subcontractors. The insurance shall meet the Agency’s policy for insurance as stated in City Council Policy No. 70. a. Coverages and Limits: Contractor shall maintain the types of coverages and minimum limits specified in these Agency Supplemental General Provisions (00 73 00): 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 115 of 160 i. Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance: Insurance written on an “occurrence” basis, including products-completed operations, personal & advertising injury, with limits no less than $2,000,000 per occurrence. If a general aggregate limit applies, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. ii. Business Automobile Liability Insurance: $2,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. In addition, the auto policy must cover any vehicle used in the performance of the Contract, used onsite or offsite, whether owned, non-owned or hired, and whether scheduled or non-scheduled. iii. Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability Insurance: Workers’ compensation limits as required by the Labor Code and Employers’ Liability limits of $1,000,000 per incident. Workers’ compensation offered by the State Compensation Insurance Fund is acceptable to the Agency. b. Additional Provisions: Contractor shall ensure that the policies of insurance required under this Contract with the exception of Workers’ Compensation and Business Automobile Liability Insurance contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions. i. The Agency, its officials, employees and volunteers must be covered as additional insured as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the Agency, its officials, employees or volunteers. All additional insured endorsements must be evidenced using separate documents attached to the certificate of insurance; 1 for each company affording general liability, and employers’ liability coverage. ii. The Contractor’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the Agency, its officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the Agency, its officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. iii. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the Agency, its officials, employees or volunteers. iv. Coverage shall state that the Contractor’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer’s liability. c. Notice of Cancellation. Each insurance policy required by this Contract shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be nonrenewed, suspended, voided, canceled, or reduced in coverage or limits except after 10 Calendar Days’ prior written notice has been sent to the Agency by certified mail, return receipt requested. d. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retention (S.I.R.) Levels. Any deductibles or self- insured retention levels must be declared to and approved by the Agency. At the 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 116 of 160 option of the Agency, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retention levels as respects the Agency, its officials and employees; or the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigation, claim administration and defense expenses. e. Waiver of Subrogation. All policies of insurance required under this Contract shall contain a waiver of all rights of subrogation the insurer may have or may acquire against the Agency or any of its officials or employees. f. Subcontractors. Contractor shall include all Subcontractors as insured under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each Subcontractor. Coverages for Subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated in these Agency Supplemental General Provisions (00 73 00). g. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance must be placed with insurers that have a rating in Best’s Key Rating Guide of at least A-:VII. Insurers must also be authorized to transact the business of insurance by the State of California Insurance Commissioner as admitted carriers as evidenced by a listing in the official publication of the Department of Insurance of the State of California and/or under the standards specified by City Council Policy No. 70. h. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish the Agency with certificates of insurance and original endorsements affecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are to be in forms approved by the Agency and are to be received and approved by the Agency before the Contract is executed by the Agency. i. Coverage and Limits. Contractor will maintain the types of coverage and minimum limits indicated below unless the Risk Manager or City Manager or Executive Manager approves a lower amount. These minimum amounts of coverage will not constitute any limitations or cap on Contractor’s indemnification obligations under this Contract. Agency, its officers, agents, and employees make no representation that the limits of the insurance specified to be carried by Contractor pursuant to this Contract are adequate to protect Contractor. If Contractor believes that any required insurance coverage is inadequate, Contractor will obtain such additional insurance coverage, as Contractor deems adequate, at Contractor’s sole expense. The full limits available to the named insured shall also be available and applicable to the Agency as an additional insured. j. Cost of Insurance. The Cost of all insurance required under this Contract shall be included in the Contractor’s Bid. 5-6 PATENTS FEES AND ROYALTIES. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. Contractor shall pay, at no additional cost to the Agency, all applicable royalties and license fees arising from the Work. Contractor shall indemnify and defend all claims and lawsuits for infringement of patent, trademark, and copyright against the Agency and shall hold the Agency harmless from any loss. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 117 of 160 5-7 SAFETY 5-7.1.1 General. ADD the following: 1. The Contractor shall respond and initiate corrective action in accordance with OSHA and within 24 hours of the notice of the nonconforming Work that poses an imminent threat to person or property. 2. The Contractor shall erect and properly maintain at all times, as required by the conditions and progress of the Work, all necessary safeguards for the protection of workers and public, and shall use danger signs warning against hazards created by such features of construction as protruding nails, hoists, well holes, and falling materials. ADD the following: 5-7.1.3 Health and Safety Plan (HSP). 1. The Contractor is ultimately responsible for the health and safety of Contractor’s employees. These specifications shall not be construed to limit Contractor’s liability nor to assume that the Agency, its employees, or designees shall assume any of Contractor’s liability associated with Site safety considerations. 2. Contractor shall have a HSP in effect at least 1 week prior to the commencement of the Work. The HSP shall comply with all OSHA and other applicable requirements. 3. The HSP shall specifically address procedures and protocols that shall be followed to monitor for or respond to the presence of hazardous atmosphere, possibility for engulfment, gasses due to organic soils or proximity to landfills, exposure to hazardous products such as may be released when grinding, cutting, or torching galvanized or painted surfaces or asbestos containing materials, contaminated soil, and groundwater. Identify response actions that shall be taken when these conditions are encountered. 4. The Agency shall not assume any role in determining the adequacy of the HSP on Contractor’s behalf. 5-7.3 Use of Explosives. (This section not used) 5-7.7 Security and Protective Devices. 5-7.7.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. Security and protective devices shall consist of fencing, railing, steel plates, or other devices for the protection of workers or the public from hazards posed by open excavations or any work in progress. Security and protective devices shall remain in place until the Work is accepted. 2. Unless otherwise specified, no separate or additional payment will be made for security and protective devices. Payment shall be included in the Contract price for the various Bid items requiring such devices. ADD the following: 5-7.7.3 Playground Safety. (This section not used) 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 118 of 160 5-7.7.2 Security Fencing (This section not used) 5-7.8 Steel Plate Covers (This section not used) ADD the following: 5-8 INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT 1. Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Agency, its affiliated and subsidiary entities, and its elected and appointed officials, officers, directors, managers, employees and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) from and against all claims asserted, liability established, or judgments for damages or injuries to any person or property, including to Contractor’s officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors, arising directly or indirectly out of the Work, which arise from, are connected with, or are caused or claimed to be caused by the acts or omissions of Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors. Contractor’s duty to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall not include any claims or liabilities arising from the sole negligence or sole willful misconduct of the Indemnified Parties. Contractor further agrees that its duty to defend includes all attorney fees and costs associated with enforcement of this indemnification provision, defense of any claims arising from this Contract, and, where a conflict of interest exists or may exist between Contractor and Agency, the reasonable value of attorney fees and costs if Agency chooses, at its own election, to conduct its own defense or participate in its own defense of any claim related to this Contract. 2. Contractor shall also defend and indemnify the Indemnified Parties against any challenges to the Award of the Contract to Contractor, and Contractor will pay all costs, including defense costs for the Agency. Defense costs include the cost of separate counsel for the Indemnified Parties, if the Indemnified Parties request separate counsel. 3. Contractor shall also defend and indemnify the Indemnified Parties against any challenges to the Award of the Contract to Contractor, arising in whole or in part from alleged inaccuracies or misrepresentation by the Contractor, whether intentional or otherwise, and Contractor will pay all costs, including defense costs for the Agency. Defense costs include the cost of separate counsel for the Indemnified Parties, if the Indemnified Parties request separate counsel. 4. Contractor shall defend, indemnify, protect and hold the Indemnified Parties harmless from and against any dispute between Contractor and Contractor’s Subcontractors if the Indemnified Parties are made a party to any judicial or administrative proceeding. ADD the following: 5-9 CONFLICT OF INTEREST 1. Establish and make known to Contractor’s employees appropriate safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by desire for private gain for themselves or others and particularly those with whom they have family, business, or other relationships. Project personnel shall not accept gratuities or any other favors from Subcontractors or potential Subcontractors. 2. Contractor is subject to all federal, state, and local conflict of interest laws, regulations, and policies applicable to public contracts and procurement practices (Government Code Sections 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 119 of 160 1090 et. seq. and 81000 et. seq., the Agency’s Ordinances, and the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code). If, in performing the Work, Contractor makes or participates in a “governmental decision” in accordance with Title 2, Section 18701, subdivision (a)(2) of the California Code of Regulations, or performs the same or substantially all the same duties for Agency that would otherwise be performed by an Agency employee holding a position specified in the Agency’s conflict of interest code, Contractor shall be subject to a conflict of interest code requiring the completion of 1 or more statements of economic interests disclosing Contractor’s relevant financial interests. 3. Statements of economic interests shall be made on Fair Political Practices Commission Form 700 and filed with the City of Carlsbad’s City Clerk. Contractor shall file a Form 700 (Assuming Office Statement) within 30 Calendar Days of the Agency’s written determination that Contractor shall be subject to a conflict of interest code and file a Form 700 (Annual Statement) on or before April 1st disclosing any financial interests held during the previous calendar year for which Contractor was subject to a conflict of interest code. 4. If the Agency requires Contractor to file a statement of economic interests as a result of the Work performed, Contractor shall be considered an “Agency Official” for conflict of interest purposes, including the prohibition against lobbying the Agency for 1 year following the expiration or termination of the Contract. 5. Contractor’s personnel employed on the Project shall not accept gratuities or any other favors from any Subcontractors or potential Subcontractors. Contractor shall not recommend or specify any product, supplier, or other Contractor with whom Contractor has a direct or indirect financial or organizational interest or relationship that would violate conflict of interest laws, regulations, or policies. 6. If Contractor violates any conflict of interest laws or any of these conflict of interest provisions, the violation shall be grounds for immediate termination of this Contract. Further, the violation subjects Contractor to liability to the Agency for all damages sustained as a result of the violation. ADD the following: 5-10 ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION 1. When specified in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall post all communications addressed to the Engineer concerning construction including RFIs, submittals, daily logs, and transmittals to the Project management website established for the Project. The Contractor shall maintain a list of scheduled activities including planned and actual execution dates for all major construction activities and milestones defined in the approved Schedule. The Contractor shall review and act on all communications addressed to the Contractor in the Project management website. A user’s guide to the Project management system may be available on the City’s website and shall be provided to Contractor at the Pre-construction Meeting. 2. The payment for electronic communications shall be included in the Contract Price. ADD the following: 5-11 STATUTORY REFERENCES 1. All references in these Agency Supplemental General Provisions (00 73 00) to any statute, rule or regulation are to the statute, rule or regulation as amended, modified, supplemented, or replaced from time to time by the corresponding legislative or regulatory body. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 120 of 160 SECTION 6 – PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS OF THE WORK 6-1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK ADD the following: 1. A Payment for the Construction Schedule shall be included in the Contract Price and no separate payment will be made, therefore. 6-2 PROSECUTION OF WORK ADD the following: 1. As soon as possible under the provisions of the Specifications, the Contractor shall backfill all excavations and restores to usefulness all improvements existing prior to the start of the Work. 2. When a Subcontractor fails to prosecute a portion of the Work in a manner satisfactory to the Agency, Contractor shall remove such Subcontractor immediately upon written request of the Agency, and shall request approval of a replacement Subcontractor to perform the Work in accordance with the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (Pub. Contract Code, § 4100 et seq.) at no added cost to the Agency. ADD the following: 6-2.1 Order of Work. 1. The Contractor shall incorporate the requirements of the city, utility companies or agencies having jurisdiction over the Work in accordance with 2-4 Cooperation and Collateral Work, including any phasing requirements identified on the Plans or Special Provisions. 2. If construction and demolition operations are within an active public space, the Contractor shall submit a phasing plan to the Engineer to accommodate accessibility to the public and Agency staff. Phasing plan must be approved before Work starts. Phasing plan will be considered part of the mobilization Bid item and shall include any revisions or implementation of the Plan. ADD the following: 6-2.2 Moratoriums. (This section not used) 6-3 TIME OF COMPLETION 6-3.1 General. ADD the following: 1. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the time of completion of the Contract shall be expressed in Working Days. 2. The number of Working Days specified for the walk-through, preparation, and the completion of Punchlist items until acceptance shall be included in the stipulated Contract Time. 3. The Contractor shall obtain the written approval of the Engineer to perform any Work outside of normal Work hours. This approval must be obtained at least 48 hours prior to commencement of such Work. The Contractor shall pay any additional costs for inspection or testing of such Work. 4. Work that is required by the Engineer to occur outside of normal Work hours will be identified in the Special Provisions. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 121 of 160 5. The Contractor shall not perform Work during moratoriums per 6-2.2 or during any periods of restriction identified in agency permits or Project environmental documents and shall include all such schedule constraints in the Construction Schedule. 6. No additional payment or adjustment of Bid item prices or adjustment of Contract Time will be made for the Contractor’s inability to work outside of normal Work hours if Contractor’s request is denied by the Engineer or during prohibited periods. 7. Contractor’s schedule shall plan for a minimum of 2 weeks after final walk-through to receive a final punch list from the Agency. Punch list items can be worked on during this 2-week period. 6-4 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME 6-4.1 General. ADD the following: 1. The Agency shall only grant an extension of time if the Extra Work or unforeseen condition impacts the Project’s critical path. All requests for an extension in Contract Time for any Extra Work or unforeseen event shall be demonstrated by using the CPM. No other scheduling method shall be used to calculate the Project’s schedule. 6-4.2 Extensions of Time. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. The Contract Time shall be modified only by Change Order. 2. Contractor shall immediately submit to the Agency a written request for a Change Order to modify the Contract Time, but in no event later than 1 Working Day after the occurrence and discovery of the events giving rise to the request. Contractor shall include in Contractor’s request a general description of the basis for and the estimated length of any extension and submit supporting data, including a time impact analysis setting forth the claimed Critical Path impacts to the Construction Schedule consistent with Section 1.14 (Change Orders, Delays, and Extensions of Time). 3. The Engineer shall not grant an extension of Contract Time unless Contractor demonstrates, through an analysis of the critical path, the following: a. The event causing the delay impacted the activities along the Project’s critical path. b. The increases in the time to perform all or part of the Project beyond the Contract Time arose from unforeseeable causes beyond Contractor’s control and without Contractor’s fault or negligence. c. All Project float has been used. 4. The Engineer shall issue a weekly document that stipulates the Contract Time. If Contractor does not agree with this document, Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for review a written protest supporting Contractor’s objections to the document within 15 Working Days after receipt of the weekly document. Contractor’s failure to file a timely protest shall constitute Contractor’s acceptance of the Engineer’s weekly document. a. Contractor’s protest will be considered a claim for time extension and shall be subject to 2-10.1, “Claims.” 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 122 of 160 6-4.4 Written Notice and Report. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. Contractor’s failure to file with the Engineer a written request and report of cause within 24 hours will be considered grounds for refusal by the Agency to consider such request. 2. The Contractor shall provide written notice to the Engineer within 2 hours after the beginning of the delay, or when the Contractor has placed any workers or equipment on standby for any reason that the Contractor has determined to be caused by the Agency or by any organization that the Agency may otherwise be obligated by. The Contractor shall provide continuing daily written notice to the Engineer, each Working Day, throughout the duration of such period of delay. The initial and continuing written notices shall include the classification of each worker and supervisor and the make and model of all equipment placed on standby, the cumulative duration of the standby, the Contractor’s opinion of the cause of the delay and a cogent explanation of why the Contractor could not avoid the delay by reasonable means. Should the Contractor fail to provide the notice(s) required by this section the Contractor agrees that no delay has occurred and that it will not submit any claim(s) therefore. 3. The request for payment or extension must be made at least 15 Calendar Days prior to the specified completion date. Failure by the Contractor to provide notices and reports as specified in the Contract will be considered grounds for refusal by the Agency to consider such request. 6-6 SUSPENSION OF THE WORK 6-6.1 General. ADD the following: 1. During periods when the Work is suspended, Contractor shall be prepared for any emergency Work that shall be supervised by Contractor’s representative. 6-7 TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT FOR DEFAULT 6-7.1 General. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. Prior to the Acceptance of the Work, Contractor shall be found in default of the Contract if: a. Contractor becomes insolvent, assign Contractor’s assets for the benefit of Contractor’s creditors, are unable to pay Contractor’s debts as they become due, or are otherwise financially unable to complete the Work. b. Contractor abandons the Work by failing to report to the Site and by failing to diligently execute the Work to completion. c. Contractor disregards written instruction from the Engineer or materially violates provisions of the Contract Documents. d. Contractor fails to execute the Work according to the Schedule approved by the Engineer. e. Contractor disregards laws or regulations of any public body having jurisdiction. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 123 of 160 f. Contractor commits continuous or repeated violations of regulatory or statutory safety requirements. g. Contractor fails to notify the Engineer upon discovery of items of Native American, Archaeological, or Paleontological interests. 2. Notices and other written communications regarding default between the Contractor, the Agency, and the Surety shall be transmitted in accordance with 5- 2, “SPECIAL NOTICES.” 6-8 TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONVENIENCE. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. At any time, the Agency may at its sole discretion terminate this Contract in whole or in part. If the Agency decides to terminate this Contract for convenience, the Agency shall issue a written notice of termination for convenience in accordance with 5-2, “SPECIAL NOTICES.” Upon receipt of this notice, Contractor shall immediately proceed as follows: a. Stop Work immediately or in accordance with the Notice of Termination. b. Notify Subcontractors and Suppliers to immediately cease their Work and place no further subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities except as necessary to complete any authorized continued portion of the Contract. c. Terminate all subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the Work terminated. d. With approval by the Engineer, settle all outstanding obligations arising from the termination of subcontracts. This approval shall be final for the purposes of this section. e. As directed by the Engineer, transfer and deliver completed or partially completed drawings, plans, calculations, specifications, and any other documents and records that, if the Contract had been completed, would be required to be furnished to the Agency. f. Complete the performance of the Work not terminated. g. Take all necessary steps and actions to minimize all costs to the Agency as a result of the termination. h. Take any action that may be necessary or that the Engineer may direct for the protection and preservation of the property related to the Contract that is in Contractor’s possession and in which the Agency has or may acquire an interest. 6-8.1 Termination Cost. 1. The Agency shall determine and pay Contractor the fair and reasonable amounts for Contractor’s termination cost as follows: a. The Contract Price for completed services accepted by the Engineer not previously paid or adjusted for any saving of freight and other charges. b. The fair and reasonable cost of settling and paying termination settlements for terminated subcontracts that are chargeable to the terminated portion of the Contract. c. The Agency shall pay Contractor a prorated amount of profit for Work that Contractor performed. The Agency shall not pay for lost profit on Work that was not performed by Contractor. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 124 of 160 6-8.2 Termination Settlement. 1. After termination, Contractor shall submit a final termination settlement proposal to the Engineer no later than 3 months from the effective date of termination, unless extended in writing by the Engineer. 2. If Contractor fails to submit the proposal within the time allowed, the Agency may determine and pay the fair and reasonable amount that may be due Contractor as a result of the termination. If Contractor does not agree that the amount determined by the Engineer is fair and reasonable, Contractor must notify the Engineer within 30 Calendar Days of receipt of payment. 6-8.3 Determination of Amount Due the Contractor. 1. In determining the amount due Contractor, the Agency shall deduct the following: a. The fair value of property destroyed, lost, stolen, or damaged that has become undeliverable to the Agency. b. Any claim which the Agency has against Contractor under the Contract. 6-8.4 Records and Documents Relating to Termination. 1. The Engineer will file an Agreement of Mutual Rescission of Contract with the Board. Once the Agreement is executed and a Notice of Completion is recorded, retention can be released. 2. Unless otherwise specified or required by statute, Contractor shall maintain all records and documents relating to the terminated portion of the Contract for 3 years after final settlement. This includes all books and other evidence bearing on Contractor’s costs, expenses, and settlement under the Contract. Contractor shall make these records and documents available to the Agency, at Contractor’s office, at all reasonable times, without any direct charge. If approved by the Engineer, Contractor may maintain photographs, microphotographs, and other authentic reproductions instead of original records and documents. 6-8.5 The Agency’s Right to Terminate or Suspend for Loss of Project Funds. 1. The Agency may terminate or suspend the Contract at its sole discretion if the State of California or its agents render the funds being used to fund this Project unavailable. If the Agency chooses to suspend the Contract, that suspension shall last until funds are identified and approved by the Board, whichever is appropriate, to be used to complete this Project. If the Agency elects under this provision to terminate the Contract, then neither Party is entitled to compensation from the other Party for any costs arising from such termination. The Agency may also elect to terminate after invoking a suspension under this provision. 6-9 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. Contractor’s failure to complete the Work within the time allowed shall result in damages being sustained by the Agency. Such damages are, and shall continue to be, impracticable and extremely difficult to determine. For each consecutive Working Day in excess of the time specified for the completion of the Work, as adjusted in accordance with 6-4, “DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME,” Contractor shall pay to the Agency, or have withheld from monies 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 125 of 160 due it, the sum described in the table below, along with any other damages that may be sustained by the Agency during the Project, unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions. 2. The execution of the Contract shall constitute agreement between Contractor and the Agency that the liquidated damage amount described in the table below is the value of the damage caused by Contractor’s failure to complete the Work within the allotted time. Such sum shall not be construed as a penalty and may be deducted from Contractor’s payments if such delay occurs. Contract Value Liquidated Damage Daily Amount $100,000 and more $1,000 3. Any progress payments made to Contractor after the specified completion date shall not constitute a waiver of payment for damages sustained by the Agency under this section. ADD the following: 6-10 RIGHT TO AUDIT 6-10.1 General. 1. The Agency retains the right to review, audit, reasonably access Contractor’s and all Contractor’s Subcontractor’s premises to review and audit Contractor’s compliance with the provisions of the Contract. This includes the right to inspect, photocopy, and retain copies, outside of Contractor’s premises, of all records with appropriate safeguards if such retention is deemed necessary by the Agency in its sole discretion. The Agency will keep this information in strictest confidence. 2. Contractor shall include the Agency’s right to audit in its subcontracts and ensure that these specifications are binding upon all Subcontractors. 6-10.2 Audit. 1. The right to audit includes the right to examine any and all books, records, documents, and any other evidence of procedures and practices that the Agency determines is necessary to discover and verify that Contractor are in compliance with all requirements under the Contract. 2. If there is a claim for additional compensation or for changes in Work, the right to audit also includes the right to verify all direct and indirect costs which are claimed to have been incurred, anticipated to be incurred, or for which a claim for additional compensation or for changes in the Work have been submitted. 3. Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices in the construction industry. Contractor shall also make available to the Engineer for review and audit all Project-related accounting records and documents and any other financial data. Upon the Engineer’s request, Contractor shall submit exact duplicates of originals of all requested records to the Engineer. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 126 of 160 6-10.3 Compliance Required Before Mediation and Litigation. 1. As a condition precedent to proceeding with mandatory mediation and further litigation under 2-10.2, “Dispute Resolution Process” Contractor shall comply with the audit specifications within 60 Calendar Days of the Engineer’s notice to review and audit compliance. See 5-2, “SPECIAL NOTICES.” 6-10.4 Access to Records on Federally Funded Projects. 1. Contractor shall retain all records, books, papers, and documents directly pertinent to the Contract for a minimum of 5 years after the Agency makes final payments and all other pending matters are closed and shall allow access to those records to the Agency, the Federal grantor agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any duly authorized representatives. SECTION 7 – MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Units of Measurement. The system of measure for this contract shall be the U.S. Standard Measures. 7-2 LUMP SUM WORK ADD the following: 7-2.1 Schedule of Values (SOV). 1. Submit a SOV for the lump sum Bid items of the Work to the Engineer for review and approval at the pre-construction meeting. 2. The SOV shall: a. Subdivide the Work into its respective parts. b. Include values for all items comprising the Work. c. Serve as the basis for monthly progress payments. 3. The Engineer is the sole judge of acceptable numbers, details, and description of values established. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, a greater number of SOV items than proposed by Contractor is necessary, add the additional items identified by the Engineer. When requested by the Engineer, provide substantiating data in support of the SOV. 4. The Contractor shall develop the SOV independently but simultaneously with the development of the Schedule activities and logic. Incorporate phase funding impacts, if applicable, into the Schedule. 5. The Contractor shall break down the Work not specifically included in the Bid as necessary for establishment of cost and Schedule activity. 6. The Contractor shall update and submit these listings in conjunction with the Schedule monthly submittals. 7. The Contractor shall incorporate issued Change Orders or Field Orders in the Schedule into the SOV as single units identified by the Change Order or Field Order number. 8. Changes to the Schedule which add activities not included in the original Schedule but included in the original Work (schedule omissions) shall have values assigned as accepted by the Engineer. Other activity values shall be reduced to provide equal value adjustment increases for added activities as accepted by the Engineer. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 127 of 160 9. In the event that the Contractor and the Engineer agree to make adjustments to the original SOV because of inequities discovered in the original accepted SOV, increases and equal decreases to values for activities may be made. 10. The payment for the preparation of the SOV shall be included in the Contract Price. 7-3 PAYMENT 7-3.1 General. To paragraph (8), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: If, within the time fixed by law, a properly executed notice to stop payment is filed with the Agency, due to the Contractor’s failure to pay for labor or materials used in the Work, all money plus 25 percent due for such labor or materials will be withheld from payment in accordance with applicable laws. At the expiration of 30 Calendar Days from the date of recording the NOC, the amount deducted from the final estimate and retained by the Agency shall be paid to Contractor except such amounts as are required by law to be withheld by properly executed and filed notices to stop payment. ADD the following: 1. Unless specified otherwise, the Contract Price includes use, consumer, and other taxes mandated by applicable legal requirements. The Contract Price is not subject to adjustment for tax increases. 2. As provided in California Public Contract Code Section 7105, if the Contract is not financed by revenue bonds, Contractor is not responsible for the cost of repairing or restoring damage to the Project when damage was proximately caused by an Act of God, in excess of 5% of the Contract Price, if the following occur: a. The damaged portion of the Project was built in accordance with the Contract requirements. b. There are no insurance requirements in the Contract for the damages. 3. Guarantee periods shall not be affected by any payment but shall commence on the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion. 7-3.2 Partial and Final Payment. To paragraph (5), DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, Contractor shall have the option, at Contractor’s expense, to substitute for any money withheld by the Agency, securities equivalent to the amount being withheld. Securities eligible for such substitution are bank or savings and loans certificates of deposit or such securities which are eligible for investment pursuant to Government Code Section 16430. As to any such security or securities so substituted for monies withheld, Contractor shall be the beneficial owner of same and shall receive any accrued interest. Such security shall, at Contractor’s request and expense, be deposited with the Agency or with a State or Federally Chartered bank as the escrow agent who shall pay such monies to Contractor upon notification by the Engineer that payment can be made. Such notification shall be given at 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 128 of 160 the expiration of 30 Calendar Days from the date of NOC, or as prescribed by law, provided however, that there shall be a continued retention of the necessary securities to cover such amounts as are required by law to be withheld by properly executed and filed notices to stop payment, or as may be authorized by the Contract to be further retained. ADD the following: 1. After final inspection, the Engineer will make a Final Payment Estimate and process a corresponding payment. This estimate will be in writing and shall be for the total amount owed the Contractor as determined by the Engineer and shall be itemized by the Contract Bid item and Change Order item with quantities and payment amounts and shall show all deductions made or to be made for prior payments and amounts to be deducted under provisions of the Contract. All prior estimates and progress payments shall be subject to correction in the Final Payment Estimate. The Contractor shall have 30 Calendar Days from receipt of the Final Payment Estimate to make a written statement disputing any Bid item or Change Order item quantity or payment amount. The Contractor shall provide all documentation at the time of submitting the statement supporting its position. Should the Contractor fail to submit the statement and supporting documentation within the time specified, the Contractor acknowledges that full and final payment has been made for all Contract Bid items and Change Order items. If the Contractor submits a written statement with supporting documents within 30 Calendar Days from receipt of the Final Payment Estimate, the Engineer will review the disputed item within 30 Calendar Days and make any appropriate adjustments on the Final Payment. Remaining disputed quantities or amounts not approved by the Engineer will be subject to resolution as specified in Section 2-10.1.1, Initiation of Claim. The written statement filed by the Contractor shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to ascertain the basis and amount of the disputed items. The Engineer will consider the merits of the Contractor’s claims. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish within a reasonable time such further information and details as may be required by the Engineer to determine the facts or contentions involved in its claims. Failure to submit such information and details will be sufficient cause for denying payment for the disputed items. 2. Final Payment and release of Retention shall be paid after Contractor submits the following: a. An affidavit that payrolls and bills for materials, equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Agency or the Agency’s property might be responsible for or encumbered by. Fewer amounts withheld by the Agency shall have been paid for or otherwise satisfied. b. A certificate evidencing that insurances required by the Contract Documents shall remain in force after Final Payment is currently in effect and shall not be canceled or allowed to expire until at least a 30 Calendar Days prior written notice has been given to the Engineer. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 129 of 160 c. Consent of Surety to Final Payment. d. If required by the Engineer, other data establishing payment or satisfaction of obligations such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens, claims, and security interests or encumbrances arising out of the Contract Documents. If a Subcontractor refuses to furnish a release or waiver required by the Agency, Contractor may furnish a bond satisfactory to the Engineer to indemnify the Agency against such lien. e. If required in the Contract Documents, the successful completion and submittal of the required reports such as construction demolition, waste recycling, and hydrostatic discharge reports. f. Required documentation, record drawings, operations manuals, test reports, warranty documentation, and UL labels shall be submitted before requesting the release of retention. ADD the following: 7-3.2.1 Application for Progress Payment. 1. By the 5th day of each month, sign, fill out, and submit to the Engineer a partial payment estimate that identifies acceptable Work performed during the previous month, or since the last partial payment estimate was submitted. If requested by the Engineer, provide such additional data as may be required to support the payment estimate. Such data may include submission of signed field orders and satisfactory evidence of payment for equipment, materials, and labor, including payments to Subcontractors and Suppliers. 2. For application for progress payments, Contractor shall use the format required by the Agency. An electronic copy of the invoice form is available from the Engineer upon request. Progress payments shall be signed, and the date of the invoice shall be the date that the invoice is submitted. 3. The Agency shall not pay progress or partial payments until Contractor submits to the Engineer an updated Schedule. It is solely the Contractor’s responsibility to prepare and submit the Schedule updates. 4. Disputed or incorrect applications shall be returned to the Contractor within 7 Calendar Days with documentation describing the reason for the rejection of the payment request. ADD the following: 7-3.2.2 Amount of Progress Payments. 1. If an undisputed and properly submitted application for payment is received by the Engineer, the Agency shall pay Contractor within 30 Calendar Days after the Engineer receives the application for Payment consistent with Public Contract Code Section 20104.50. The Agency shall pay Contractor for the Work performed, including the payment for offsite stored materials per section 7-, through the period covered by the application for payment if the payment amount before Retention does not exceed the percentage of completion of the Work as set forth in the SOV. ADD the following: 7- Progress Payment for Pipelines. (This section not used) ADD the following: 7-3.2.3 Waiver of Claims at Final Payment. 1. Contractor’s acceptance of Final Payment constitutes a waiver of affirmative claims by Contractor, except those previously made in writing and identified as unsettled at the time 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 130 of 160 of Final Payment, which are expressly reserved by Contractor from operation of its Release of Claims pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 7100 or other Applicable Law. ADD the following: 7-3.2.4 Withholding of Payment and Back Charge. 1. The Engineer may withhold payment for any of the following reasons: a. Defective or incomplete Work. b. Stop notices, wage orders, or other withholdings required by Applicable Law. c. Contractor’s failure to comply with 5-3.3, “Payroll Records” and the Contractor Registration and Electronic Reporting System requirements of the Contract Documents. d. Failure to submit monthly Construction Schedule updates. 2. The Engineer may back charge the Contractor for any of the following reasons: a. Defective or incorrect Work not remedied. b. Damage to Agency property or a third party’s property that was caused by Contractor. c. Liquidated Damages. d. Non-attendance at meetings without prior cancellation notice. e. Failed inspections or re-inspections paid by the Agency. 7-3.3 Delivered Materials ADD the following: 7-3.3.1 Payment for Stored Materials on Site. ADD the following: 7- General. 1. When authorized, Contractor may request payment for materials and equipment which has not been incorporated into the Work but will be at a later date and will be delivered and stored at the Project Site. 2. The material shall meet the Contract requirements and the material’s required test results and certifications shall be filed with the Engineer. 3. Only non-perishable materials for major items of Work or Materials Subject to Price Adjustment shall be considered for payment for on-site storage. However, each individual item has a value of more than 1% of the Contract Price and shall become a permanent part of the Work. 4. Materials cost shall be evidenced by the manufacturer’s paid invoice bearing the statement that Contractor has paid all invoices in full. 5. The payments for the stored materials shall not exceed the invoice price or 60% of the Bid prices for the pay items into which the materials are to be incorporated, whichever is less, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 6. Apply for the payment for materials stored on a form provided by the Engineer and attach documentation to show the following: a. The amount paid on the invoice (or other record of production cost) for the stored items. b. The dollar amount of the material incorporated into each of the various Work items for the month. c. The amount that should be retained for stored materials. d. That Contractor has received the materials and equipment free and are clear of all liens, charges, secured interests, and encumbrances. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 131 of 160 e. That the materials and equipment are covered by the appropriate property insurance in accordance with the insurance provisions and other arrangements that protect the Agency’s interest. 7. Contractor shall provide the Engineer, upon request and prior to any partial payment, documentation which transfers full legal title to such materials to the Agency conditional only upon receipt of the Final Payment. Such transfer of title or any partial payment shall not constitute acceptance by the Agency of the materials nor shall it void the right to reject materials subsequently found to be unsatisfactory in accordance with SECTION 4 – CONTROL OF MATERIALS. This shall also not relieve Contractor of any obligation arising under the Contract Documents. 8. The payments for materials on-site are subject to retention as set forth in 7-3.2, “Partial and Final Payment.” 9. Contractor shall assume all risks associated with the loss or damage to the stored products for which payment has or has not been received. 10. Equipment and materials shall be stored in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. The stored products shall be in a form ready for installation. The Agency shall not pay for raw materials or parts and pieces of equipment. 11. Any and all surplus materials that are not incorporated in the Work shall become Contractor’s property at no additional cost to the Agency. 12. Unless specifically provided in the Contract, payment for the materials on hand shall not be included when determining the percentage of Work completed. 13. The cost of materials reported shall be at invoice or lowest current price at which such materials are locally available and delivered to the job site in the quantities involved, plus sales tax, freight, and delivery. The Agency reserves the right to approve materials and sources of supply, or to supply materials to the Contractor if necessary, for the progress of the Work. No markup shall be applied to any material provided by the Agency. ADD the following: 7- Payment for Stored Materials Offsite. 1. The payment of materials and equipment delivered and stored offsite shall be contingent upon Contractor’s compliance with the storage and protective maintenance requirements set forth in the Contract Documents and all other requirements necessary to preserve equipment warranties for the benefit of the Agency. 2. The Agency reserves the right to refuse approval for the payment of any equipment or materials suitably stored offsite in its sole discretion, regardless of whether all conditions in the Contract Documents have been met. 3. Partial payment may be made for products eligible for offsite delivery and storage only upon Contractor’s presentation of a bill of sale, a paid invoice, or an affidavit certifying that the material is received by the Contractor free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, and secured interest of any kind including offsite delivery. 4. Partial payment for products delivered and stored offsite shall be contingent upon Contractor’s compliance with the storage and protective maintenance requirements set forth in the Contract Documents and all other requirements necessary to preserve equipment warranties for the benefit of the Agency. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 132 of 160 5. The cost of materials and equipment delivered but not incorporated into the Work will not be included in the progress estimate. 6. Costs associated with the delivery to and storage at an offsite facility shall be at Contractor’s expense regardless of the Engineer’s approval to deliver and store the materials. 7. Contractor shall provide written evidence to the Engineer of having made arrangements for unrestricted access by the Agency and the Agency’s authorized representatives to the materials wherever stored, including provisions for the Agency to take control and possession of such materials at any time and without restriction. Contractor shall furnish the Engineer a permit of entry, from the owner of the property, for at least 6 months after the NOC has been filed. The permit of entry shall contain information similar to the following: PERMIT OF ENTRY: Permission is granted to the Agency and its designated employees or agents to enter upon the property described in this permit for a period of not less than 6 months after the NOC has been filed for Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement for the purpose of removing materials for which advance materials on hand payment has been made to (Contractor’s Name). The property is owned by (Owner’s Name) and is described as follows: (Address and Description of Property). (Include signature(s) and date(s) for owner and lessee or purchaser, and, if appropriate, attach a copy of a warehouse receipt or contract for storage. 8. The material shall be clearly marked and identified as being specifically fabricated, produced, and reserved for use on the Project. The Contractor shall provide payment documentation for the materials. 7-3.4 Mobilization. ADD the following: 1. Mobilization consists of Work necessary for the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to and from the Site; for establishment of all offices, buildings, storage yards, and other facilities necessary for the Work; and for all other Work and operations which shall be performed prior to beginning the Work and after completion of the Work on the various Contract items on the Site. 2. Contractor shall properly design the Project parameters to incorporate construction mobility for moving on and off the Site in a manner that limits disturbance to the surrounding residences, businesses, and any other citizens. This includes the designated staging areas, loading areas, and assemblage areas. Contractor shall consider and address access rights of the public at all times. Prepare a mobilization plan that shall describe and govern Contractor’s mobilization activities. 3. When a Bid item has been provided for “Mobilization,” payment for mobilization Work shall be distributed equally over the first 2 progress payments up to the Bid amount of the “Mobilization” Bid item but shall not exceed 3% of the Contract Price. If Contractor’s Bid item for “Mobilization” exceeds 3% of the Contract Price, then anything above 3% of the Contract Price shall be paid as a part of the Final Payment. 4. The complete dismantling and removal of all of Contractor’s properties, temporary facilities, equipment, materials, construction wastes, and personnel at the Site referred to as 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 133 of 160 demobilization is included in the payment for mobilization, unless there is a Bid item for demobilization. 5. If a separate Bid item has not been provided for mobilization, the payment for mobilization is included in the Contract Price. 7-3.5 Contract Unit Prices (This section not used) ADD the following: 7-3.9 Field Orders. 1. The Agency shall pay Field Order items of the Work in accordance with the limits below if the cumulative total of Field Orders does not exceed the “Field Orders” Bid Item: Contract Price Maximum Field Order Amount $100,001 to $1,000,000 $5,000 ADD the following: 7-3.10 Compensation Adjustments for Price Index Fluctuations. (This section not used) 7-4 PAYMENT FOR EXTRA WORK 7-4.1 General. ADD the following: 1. With every request for payment, Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a breakdown showing monthly and cumulative amounts of the Work performed under the Change Order by Contractor and Contractor’s Subcontractors. The reporting format shall be approved by the Engineer. 2. When the price for the Extra Work cannot be agreed upon, the Agency will pay for the Extra Work based on the accumulation of costs. 7-4.2 Basis for Establishing Costs. 7-4.2.1 Labor. ADD the following: 1. The costs of labor will be the actual cost for wages of workers performing the Extra Work at the time the Extra Work is done, plus employer payments of payroll taxes, workers compensation insurance, liability insurance, health and welfare, pension, vacation, apprenticeship funds, and other direct costs, resulting from federal, state, or local laws, as well as assessments or benefits required by lawful collective bargaining agreements. 2. The use of a labor classification which would increase the Extra Work cost will not be permitted unless the Contractor establishes the necessity for such additional costs. Labor costs for equipment operators and helpers shall be reported only when such costs are not included in the invoice for equipment rental. The labor cost for foremen shall be proportionate to all their assigned work and only that applicable to Extra Work will be paid. 3. Nondirect labor costs, including superintendence, shall be considered part of the markup of Section 7-4.2.1(1). 4. The Agency reserves the right to request the following: a. Financial records of salaries for an employee. b. Wage rates/Certified Payroll. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 134 of 160 c. Bonuses and deductions. 5. Contractor shall list the labor rates of its personnel and Subcontractors who work on the Project. The payment for payroll records is included in the Contract Price. 6. If Contractor’s proposal for Extra Work is based upon services and Work to be performed outside Normal Working Hours, the labor charges associated with the Extra Work shall consist of straight time wages and burdens plus the appropriate overtime or shift premium with no additional burdens, such as fringe benefits, on the premium portion. 7-4.2.2 Tool and Equipment Rental. DELETE in its entirety and SUBSTITUTE with the following: 1. No payment shall be made for the use of tools which have a replacement value of $200 or less. 2. Regardless of ownership, the rates and delay factors to be used in determining equipment rental costs shall not exceed those listed in the latest edition of the Caltrans publication entitled “Labor Surcharge and Equipment Rental Rates” preceding the date the Work is accomplished. The latest edition of the Caltrans publication is available at www.dot.ca.gov. The delay factors therein shall be used as multipliers of the rental rates for determining the value of costs for delay to the Contractor and Subcontractors, if any. The labor surcharge rates published therein are not a part of this Contract. 3. Contractor shall be entitled to a rental rate adjustment when Contractor can substantiate that the rental rates prevailing locally exceed the published rates by more than 15%. For equipment not listed in the Caltrans publication, rental rates shall not exceed listed rates prevailing locally at equipment rental agencies or distributors at the time the Work is performed. 4. Whenever possible, Extra Work shall be accomplished using equipment available on Site or owned by Contractor. If a specific piece of equipment shall be rented to be used exclusively for the Extra Work, the rental rate shall be the invoiced rate. The rental rates paid shall include the cost of fuel, oil, lubrication, supplies, small tools, necessary attachments, repairs and maintenance of any kind, depreciation, storage, insurance, and all incidentals. Necessary loading and transportation costs for equipment used on the Extra Work shall be included. 5. If rental equipment is not being used or used intermittently and could be returned to its rental source rather than holding it at the Work Site, the Contractor shall return the equipment at no expense to the Agency unless Contractor elects to keep it at the Work Site at Contractor’s expense. 6. The reported rental time for equipment already at the Work Site shall be the duration of its use on the Extra Work. This time shall begin when equipment is first used on Extra Work, plus the time required to move it from its previous site and back or from its previous site to a closer site. 7. All equipment shall be acceptable to the Engineer, in good working condition, and suitable for the purpose for which it is to be used. 7-4.2.3 Materials. (This section not used) 7-4.2.4 Invoices. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 135 of 160 Vendors’ invoices for material, equipment rental and other expenditures shall be submitted with the request for payment. If the request for payment is not substantiated by invoices or other documentation, the Agency may establish the cost of the item involved at the lowest price which was current at the time of the report. 7-4.3 Markup. 7-4.3.1 Work by the Contractor. DELETE in its entirety and REPLACE with the following: The following percentages shall be added to the Contractor’s costs and shall constitute the markup for all overhead and profits: Labor 20 Materials 15 Equipment Rental 15 Other Items and Expenditures 15 To the sum of the costs and markups provided for in this section, 1% shall be added as compensation for bonding. 7-4.3.2 Work by a Subcontractor. DELETE in its entirety and REPLACE with the following: When all or any part of the Extra Work is performed by a Subcontractor, the markup established in 7-4.3.1 shall be applied to the Subcontractor’s actual cost of such Work. A markup of 10 percent on the first $5,000 of the subcontracted portion of the Extra Work and a markup of 5 percent on Work added in excess of $5,000 of the subcontracted portion of the Extra Work may be added by the Contractor. 7-4.4 Daily Reports. ADD the following: Payment for Extra Work will not be made until such time that the Contractor submits completed daily reports and all supporting documents to the Engineer. When the price for the Extra Work cannot be agreed upon, the Contractor shall submit a daily report to the Engineer on forms approved by the Agency. Included are applicable delivery tickets, listing all labor, materials, and equipment involved for that day, and other services and expenditures when authorized. Payment for Extra Work will not be made until such time that the Contractor submits completed daily reports and all supporting documents to the Engineer. Failure to submit the daily report by the close of the next Working Day may waive any rights for that day. An attempt shall be made to reconcile the report daily, and it shall be signed by the Engineer and the Contractor. In the event of disagreement, pertinent notes shall be entered by each party to explain points which cannot be resolved immediately. Each party shall retain a signed copy of the report. Reports by Subcontractors or others shall be submitted through the Contractor. 00 73 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 136 of 160 The report shall: 1. Show names of workers, classifications, and hours worked. 2. Describe and list quantities of materials used. 3. Show type of equipment, size, identification number, and hours of operation, including loading and transportation, if applicable. 4. Describe other services and expenditures in such detail as the Agency may require. SECTION 8 – FACILITIES FOR AGENCY PERSONNEL (This section not used) END OF SECTION 00 74 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNICAL PROVISIONS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 137 of160 00 74 00 AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNICAL PROVISIONS (This section not used) END OF SECTION 01 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 138 of 160 SECTION 2 01 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 GENERAL (NOT USED) PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 01 11 20 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 139 of 160 01 11 20 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE a. The Contract Price shall cover all Work required by the Contract Documents. All costs in connection with the proper and successful completion of the Work, including furnishing all materials, equipment, supplies, and appurtenances; providing all construction plant, equipment, and tools; and performing all necessary labor and supervision to fully complete the Work, shall be included in the unit and lump sum Bid prices. All Work not specifically set forth as a pay item in the Bid Form shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of Contractor and all costs in connection the Work shall be included in the Bid prices. b. All estimated quantities stipulated in the Bid Form or other Contract Documents are approximate and are to be used only (a) as a basis for estimating the probable cost of the Work and (b) for the purpose of comparing the Bids submitted for the Work. The actual amounts of Work done and materials furnished under unit price items may differ from the estimated quantities. The basis of payment for Work and materials will be the actual amount of Work done and materials furnished. Contractor agrees that it will make no claim for damages, anticipated profits, or otherwise on account of any difference between the amounts of Work actually performed and materials actually furnished and the estimated amounts therefor. c. Payment for each Bid Item shall be made in accordance with Sections 7-2 and 7-3 of the Agency Supplemental General Provisions and the Bid. All Work shown or described in the Contract Documents and necessary for the functioning of installed equipment or constructed facilities and the repair or replacement of damaged existing improvements in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be considered as included in the Bid Items. 1.02 BID ITEMS (This section not used) 1.03 SUBMITTALS a. Informational Submittals: 1. Schedule of Values: Submit on Agency’s form. 2. Schedule of Estimated Progress Payments: i. Submit with initially acceptable Schedule of Values. ii. Submit adjustments thereto with Application for Payment. 3. Application for Payment. 4. Final Application for Payment. 1.04 CASH ALLOWANCES (This section not used) 1.05 SCHEDULE OF VALUES (SOV) a. The Contractor shall prepare a separate SOV for each schedule of the Work under the Contract. b. Upon request of the Construction Manager, the Contractor shall provide documentation to support the accuracy of the SOV. 01 11 20 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 140 of 160 c. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer for review a SOV within the time specified in the Contract Documents. d. When requested by the Engineer, the SOV shall divide each lump sum Bid item into its respective activities as listed in the Construction Schedule, and the sum of the costs apportioned to the activities comprising the Bid item shall equal the Bid item price. The Contractor shall add additional detail to the SOV when, in the opinion of the Engineer, such detail is necessary to represent the basis for payment. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a corrected Schedule of Values within 10 Calendar Days of the Engineer’s request. e. The Contractor shall make adjustments to the approved SOV to account for Change Orders or Extra Work. The SOV entries for adjustments so made shall be approved by the Engineer. f. The Contractor shall submit a revised SOV with each payment request. g. Payment for the preparation of or revisions to the SOV shall be included in the Contract Price and no additional payment will be made therefor. h. Unit Price Work: Must reflect unit price quantity and price breakdown from conformed Bid Form. i. Lump Sum Work: 1. Must reflect specified cash and contingency allowances and alternates, as applicable. 2. List bonds and insurance premiums, mobilization, demobilization, preliminary and detailed progress schedule preparation, equipment testing, facility startup, and Contract closeout separately. i. Mobilization includes, at minimum, items identified in Section 01 50 00, Temporary Facilities and Controls. ii. Include item(s) for monthly progress schedule update and maintenance of Construction Manager’s trailer. 3. Break down by Division 02 through 49 with appropriate subdivision of each specification for each Project facility. j. An unbalanced or front-end loaded schedule will not be acceptable. k. Summation of the complete SOV representing all the Work shall equal the Contract Price. l. The Contractor shall submit SOV electronically in a spreadsheet format compatible with latest version of MS Excel. 1.06 SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED PROGRESS PAYMENTS a. Show estimated payment requests throughout Contract Times aggregating initial Contract Price. 01 11 20 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 141 of 160 b. Base estimated progress payments on initially acceptable progress schedule. Adjust to reflect subsequent adjustments in progress schedule and Contract Price as reflected by modifications to the Contract Documents. 1.07 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT a. Transmittal Summary Form: Attach 1 Summary Form with each detailed Application for Payment for each schedule and include Request for Payment of Materials and Equipment on Hand as applicable. Execute certification by authorized officer of Contractor. b. Use detailed Application for Payment Form provided by Construction Manager. c. Provide separate form for each schedule as applicable. d. Include accepted Schedule of Values for each schedule or portion of lump sum Work and the unit price breakdown for the Work to be paid on a unit priced basis. e. Include separate line item for each Change Order and Work Change Directive executed prior to date of submission. Provide further breakdown of such as requested by Construction Manager. f. Preparation: 1. Round values to nearest dollar. 2. Submit Application for Payment, including a Transmittal Summary Form and detailed Application for Payment Form(s) for each schedule as applicable, a listing of materials on hand for each schedule as applicable, and such supporting data as may be requested by Construction Manager. 1.08 PAYMENT a. Each month, the Engineer will make an approximate measurement of the Work performed to the closure date as basis for making monthly progress payments. The estimated value will be based on Contract Unit Prices, completed Change Order Work. Progress payments shall be made no later than 30 Calendar Days after the closure date. Five Working Days following the closure date, the Engineer shall complete the detailed progress pay estimate and submit it to the Contractor for the Contractor’s information. Should the Contractor assert that additional payment is due, the Contractor shall within 10 Calendar Days of receipt of the progress estimate, submit a supplemental payment request to the Engineer with adequate justification supporting the amount of supplemental payment request. Upon receipt of the supplemental payment request, the Engineer shall, as soon as practicable after receipt, determine whether the supplemental payment request is a proper payment request. If the Engineer determines that the supplemental payment request is not proper, then the request shall be returned to the Contractor as soon as practicable, but not later than 7 Calendar Days after receipt. The returned request shall be accompanied by a document setting forth in writing the reasons why the supplemental payment request was not proper. Consistent with Public Contract Code Section 20104.50, the Agency shall make payments within 30 Calendar Days after receipt of an undisputed and properly submitted supplemental payment request from the Contractor. If payment of the undisputed supplemental payment request is not made 01 11 20 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 142 of 160 within 30 Calendar Days after receipt by the Engineer, then the Agency shall pay interest to the Contractor equivalent to the legal rate set forth in subdivision (a) of Code of Civil Procedure Code Section 685.010. b. After final inspection, the Engineer will make a Final Payment Estimate and process a corresponding payment. This estimate will be in writing and shall be for the total amount owed the Contractor as determined by the Engineer and shall be itemized by the Contract Bid item and Change Order item with quantities and payment amounts and shall show all deductions made or to be made for prior payments and amounts to be deducted under provisions of the Contract. All prior estimates and progress payments shall be subject to correction in the Final Payment Estimate. c. The Contractor shall have 30 Calendar Days from receipt of the Final Payment Estimate to make a written statement disputing any Bid item or Change Order item quantity or payment amount. The Contractor shall provide all documentation at the time of submitting the statement supporting its position. Should the Contractor fail to submit the statement and supporting documentation within the time specified, the Contractor acknowledges that full and final payment has been made for all Contract Bid items and Change Order items. d. If the Contractor submits a written statement with documentation in the aforementioned time, the Engineer will review the disputed item within 30 Calendar Days and make any appropriate adjustments on the Final Payment. Remaining disputed quantities or amounts not approved by the Engineer will be subject to resolution as specified in Section 2-10, Disputed Work. e. The written statement filed by the Contractor shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to ascertain the basis and amount of the disputed items. The Engineer will consider the merits of the Contractor’s claims. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish within a reasonable time such further information and details as may be required by the Engineer to determine the facts or contentions involved in its claims. Failure to submit such information and details will be sufficient cause for denying payment for the disputed items. 1.09 MOBILIZATION a. Payment for mobilization and preparatory Work will be made at the stipulated lump-sum price Bid therefore in the Bid Schedule, and includes full compensation for furnishing all insurance, bonds, licenses, labor, materials, utilities, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all the Work involved in mobilization and preparatory Work and operations, including, but not limited to, those necessary for the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidental to preparing to conduct Work on and off the Project Site and other offsite facilities necessary for Work on the Project; for all other facilities, sureties, Work and operations which must be performed or costs incurred prior to beginning Work on various Contract items on or off the Project Site, excepting those specifically paid for under separate sections of these Specifications. The Contractor agrees that the stipulated lump sum amount is sufficient for Mobilization and Preparatory Work, as described in this 01 11 20 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 143 of 160 section, and that the Contractor shall have no right to additional compensation for Mobilization and Preparatory Work. b. Progress payments for mobilization and preparatory Work will be made as follows: For the first progress payment (after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed), 40% of the amount Bid for mobilization and preparatory Work will be allowed. For the second progress payment, an additional 60% of the amount Bid for mobilization and preparatory Work will be allowed. Mobilization shall include preparatory Work and operations, including, but not limited to, those necessary for the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies and incidentals to the Project Site, for the establishment of all offices, buildings and other facilities necessary for the Work, sureties and for all other Work and operations which must be performed or costs incurred prior to beginning and after completion of the Work excepting those specifically paid for under a separate Bid item. The dismantling and removal of temporary facilities, equipment, materials, construction waste and personnel shall be included in the payment for mobilization. c. When a Bid item has been provided for “Mobilization,” payment shall be distributed equally over the first 2 progress payments up to the amount of the Bid item price but shall not exceed 3% of the Contract Price. If the Bid item for “Mobilization” exceeds 3% of the Contract Price, the portion above 3% of the Contract Price shall be paid as a part of the Final Payment. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 01 31 00 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 144 of 160 01 31 00 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION PART 1 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 01 32 00 SUBMITTALS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 145 of 160 01 32 00 SUBMITTALS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL a. Each submittal shall be consecutively numbered. Resubmittals shall be labeled with the original submittal number followed by an ascending alphabetical designation (e.g., ‘4-A’ would indicate the first resubmittal of the fourth submittal). Each submittal shall be accompanied by a letter of transmittal on the Contractor’s letterhead which shall contain the following: 1. Agency Project title and Contract number. 2. Specification section number(s) pertaining to material submitted for review. 3. Submittal number. 4. Description of the contents of the submittal. 5. Identification of any deviation from the Contract Documents on the transmittal and by redline on the shop or working Drawings. 6. Contractor’s certification statement. 7. Printed name and signature of submitter, title and date. b. The Contractor shall place the following certification statements on all submittals and shall subscribe to one of the following: "I certify that the materials, equipment or construction procedure(s) contained in this submittal meet all requirements shown or specified in the Contract Documents with no exceptions.” Or "I certify that the materials, equipment or construction procedure(s) contained in this submittal meet all requirements shown or specified in the Contract Documents, except for the following deviation(s):” c. Shop Drawings and engineering data (submittals) covering all equipment and all fabricated components and building materials which will become a permanent part of the Goods and Special Services under this Contract shall be submitted to Engineer for review, as required. Submittals shall verify compliance with the Contract Documents, and shall include Drawings and descriptive information in sufficient detail to show the kind, size, arrangement, and the operation of component materials and devices; the external connections, anchorages, and supports required; the performance characteristics; and dimensions needed for installation and correlation with other materials and equipment. d. Each submittal shall cover items from only one section of the specification unless the item consists of components from several sources. Contractor shall submit a complete initial submittal including all components. When an item consists of components from several sources, Contractor's initial submittal shall be complete including all components. e. All submittals, regardless of origin, shall be approved by Contractor and clearly identified with the name and number of this Contract, Contractor's name, and references to 01 32 00 SUBMITTALS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 146 of 160 applicable specification paragraphs and Contract Drawings. Each copy of all submittals, regardless of origin, shall be stamped or affixed with an approval statement of Contractor. Each submittal shall indicate the intended use of the item in the Goods and Special Services. When catalog pages are submitted, applicable items shall be clearly identified and inapplicable data crossed out. The current revision, issue number, and date shall be indicated on all Drawings and other descriptive data. f. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the completeness of each submittal. Contractor's stamp or affixed approval statement of a submittal, is a representation to Engineer that Contractor accepts sole responsibility for determining and verifying all quantities, dimensions, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data, and that Contractor has reviewed and coordinated each submittal with the requirements of the Goods and Special Services and the Contract Documents. g. All deviations from the Contract Documents shall be identified as deviations on each submittal and shall be tabulated in Contractor's letter of transmittal. Such submittals shall, as pertinent to the deviation, indicate essential details of all changes proposed by Contractor (including modifications to other facilities that may be a result of the deviation) and all required piping and wiring diagrams. h. For electronic submittals, drawings and the necessary data shall be submitted electronically to Engineer as specified below. Submittal documents shall be in black and white unless color is required for the review of the submittal. All electronic files shall be in PDF as generated by Adobe Acrobat Professional latest version. The PDF file(s) shall be fully indexed using the Table of Contents, searchable with thumbnails generated. PDF images must be at a readable resolution. For most documents, they should be scanned or generated at 300 dots per inch (dpi). Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capture must be performed on these images so that text can be searched, selected and copied from the generated PDF file. The PDF documents shall have a bookmark created in the navigation frame for each major entry (“Section” or “Chapter”) in the Table of Contents. Thumbnails shall be generated for each page or graphic in the PDF file. The opening view for each PDF document shall be as follows: 1. Initial View: Bookmarks and Page 2. Magnification: Fit In Window 3. The file shall open to the Contractor’s transmittal letter, with bookmarks to the left. The first bookmark shall be linked to the Table of Contents. PDF document properties shall include the submittal number for the document title and the Contractor’s name for the author. i. Electronic submittal file sizes shall be limited to 10 MB. When multiple files are required for a submittal the least number of files possible shall be created. j. The Contractor shall post submittals and retrieve the Engineer’s submittal review comments through the Engineer’s (Consulting Engineer’s) Project website accessible 01 32 00 SUBMITTALS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 147 of 160 through the Internet. Instruction on procedures for posting and retrieving submittals will be provided after award of the Contract. k. Facsimiles (fax) will not be acceptable. Engineer will not accept submittals from anyone but Contractor. Submittals shall be consecutively numbered in direct sequence of submittal and without division by subcontracts or trades. 1.02 ENGINEER’S REVIEW OF SUBMITTALS a. Engineer's review of submittals covers only general conformity to the Drawings and Specifications, external connections, and dimensions that affect the layout; it does not indicate thorough review of all dimensions, quantities, and details of the material, equipment, device, or item covered. Engineer's review shall not relieve Contractor of sole responsibility for errors, omissions, or deviations in the Drawings and data, nor of Contractor's sole responsibility for compliance with the Contract Documents. b. Engineer's submittal review period shall be 21 consecutive Calendar Days and shall commence on the first Calendar Day following receipt of the submittal or resubmittal in Engineer's office. The time required to mail the submittal or resubmittal back to Contractor shall not be considered a part of the submittal review period. c. When the Drawings and data are returned with review status "NOT ACCEPTABLE" or "RETURNED FOR CORRECTION," the corrections shall be made as instructed by Engineer. If submittals are made electronically, the corrected Drawings and data shall be resubmitted through the Project website. Resubmittals by facsimile or e-mail will not be accepted. When the Drawings and data are returned with review status "EXCEPTIONS NOTED," "NO EXCEPTIONS NOTED," or "RECORD COPY," no additional copies need be furnished unless specifically requested by Engineer. 1.03 RESUBMITTAL OF DRAWINGS AND DATA a. Contractor shall accept full responsibility for the completeness of each resubmittal. Contractor shall verify that all corrected data and additional information previously requested by Engineer are provided on the resubmittal. b. When corrected copies are resubmitted, Contractor shall direct specific attention to all revisions in writing and shall list separately any revisions made other than those called for by Engineer on previous submittals. Requirements specified for initial submittals shall also apply to resubmittals. Resubmittals shall bear the number of the first submittal followed by a letter (A, B, etc.) or a unique identification that indicates the initial submittal and correct sequence of each resubmittal. c. If more than 1 resubmittal is required because of failure of Contractor to provide all previously requested corrected data or additional information, Contractor shall reimburse Agency for the charges of Engineer for review of the additional resubmittals. This does not include initial submittal data such as shop tests and field tests that are submitted after initial submittal. 01 32 00 SUBMITTALS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 148 of 160 d. Resubmittals shall be made within 30 Calendar Days of the date of the letter returning the material to be modified or corrected, unless within 14 Calendar Days Contractor submits an acceptable request for an extension of the stipulated time period, listing the reasons the resubmittal cannot be completed within that time. e. The need for more than 1 resubmittal, or any other delay in obtaining Engineer's review of submittals, will not entitle Contractor to extension of the Contract Times unless delay of the Work is the direct result of a change in the Work authorized by a Change Order or failure of Engineer to review and return any submittal to Contractor within the specified review period. 1.04 COLOR SELECTION a. Contractor shall submit samples of colors and finishes for all accepted products before Engineer will coordinate the selection of colors and finishes with Agency. Engineer will prepare a schedule of finishes that include the colors and finishes selected for both manufactured products and for surfaces to be field painted or finished and will furnish this schedule to Contractor within 60 Calendar Days after the date of acceptance of the last color or finish sample. 1.05 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA AND MANUALS a. Adequate operation and maintenance information shall be supplied for all equipment requiring maintenance or other attention. The equipment supplier shall prepare a Project specific operation and maintenance manual for each type of equipment indicated in the individual equipment sections or the equipment schedule. b. Parts lists and operating and maintenance instructions shall be furnished for other equipment not listed in the individual equipment sections or the equipment schedule. c. Operation and maintenance manuals shall include the following: 1. Equipment function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. 2. Assembly, installation, alignment, adjustment, and checking instructions. 3. Operating instructions for startup, routine and normal operation, regulation and control, shutdown, and emergency conditions. 4. Lubrication and maintenance instructions. 5. Guide to troubleshooting. 6. Parts lists and predicted life of parts subject to wear. 7. Outline, cross section, and assembly drawings; engineering data; and wiring diagrams. 8. Test data and performance curves, where applicable. d. The operation and maintenance manuals shall be in addition to any instructions or parts lists packed with or attached to the equipment when delivered, or which may be required by Contractor. e. Manuals shall be submitted in electronic format to the Engineer prior to the date of shipment of the equipment. The manuals shall be submitted and the Engineer’s review comments retrieved, through the Project website accessible through the Internet. 01 32 00 SUBMITTALS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 149 of 160 Instruction on procedures for posting and retrieving O&M submittals and review comments will be provided after award of the Contract. When the O&M manuals are reviewed "RETURNED FOR CORRECTION,” the corrections shall be made as instructed by the Engineer or Consulting Engineer, and corrected manuals resubmitted to the Engineer or Consulting Engineer. When review by the Engineer is complete, 3 copies of each electronic O&M manual shall be delivered on CD-ROM to the Engineer. Each CD shall contain only 1 copy of 1 manual. Delivery of the final O&M shall be made 30 Calendar Days prior to placing the equipment in operation. f. All material shall be marked with Project identification, and inapplicable information shall be marked out or deleted. g. Shipment of equipment will not be considered complete until all required manuals and data have been received. 1.06 HARD COPY OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS (This section not used) 1.07 ELECTRONIC OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS a. Electronic manuals shall be in Adobe Acrobat’s PDF, and shall be prepared at a resolution between 300 and 600 dpi, depending on document type. OCR capture shall be performed on these documents. OCR settings shall be performed with the “original image with hidden text” option in Adobe Acrobat Exchange. b. File size shall be limited to 10 MB. When multiple files are required the least number of files possible shall be created. File names shall be in the format OMXXXXX-YYYZ-V.pdf, where XXXXX is the 5-digit number corresponding to the specification section, YYY is a 3- digit O&M manual number, e.g., 001, Z is the letter signifying a resubmittal, A, B, C, etc, and V is a number used only when more than one 10 MB file is required for an O&M manual. c. Documents prepared in PDF format shall be processed as follows: d. Pages shall be searchable (processed for optical character recognition) and indexed when multiple files are required. 1. Of material to update the manual provided by the manufacturer. Pages shall be rotated for viewing in proper orientation. 2. A bookmark shall be provided in the navigation frame for each entry in the Table of Contents. 3. Embedded thumbnails shall be generated for each completed PDF file. 4. The opening view for PDF files shall be as follows: 5. Initial View: Bookmarks and Page 6. Page Number: Title Page (usually Page 1) 7. Magnification: Set to Fit in Window 8. Page: Single Page 9. Where the bookmark structure is longer than 1 page, the bookmarks shall be collapsed to show the chapter headings only. 01 32 00 SUBMITTALS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 150 of 160 10. When multiple files are required the first file of the series (the parent file) shall list every major topic in the Table of Contents. The parent file shall also include minor headings bookmarked based on the Table of Contents. Major headings, whose content is contained in subsequent files (children) shall be linked to be called from the parent to the specific location in the child file. The child file shall contain bookmark entries for both major and minor headings contained in the child file. The first bookmark of any child file shall link back to the parent file and shall read as follows "Return to the Equipment Name Table of Contents," e.g., Return to the Polymer Feed System Table of Contents. 11. Drawings shall be bookmarked individually. 12. Files shall be delivered without security settings to permit editing, insertion and deletion 1.08 LABELING a. As a minimum, the following information shall be included on all final O&M manual materials, including CD-ROM disks, jewel cases, and hard copy manuals: Equipment name and/or O&M title spelled out in complete words. Project Name. Agency Project/Contract Number. Specification Section Number. Example: “Section 15 55 00” Manufacturer’s name. File Name and Date. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 01 33 00 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 151 of 160 01 33 00 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE PART 1 GENERAL (NOT USED) PART 2 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 01 41 26 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 152 of 160 01 41 26 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS a. The Contractor is responsible to obtain all local, state and federal permits and licenses required to perform the Work. Payment for obtaining and complying with permits and licenses including, but not limited to, general construction permits, building permits, grading permits, encroachment permits, haul route permits, excavation permits, drilling permits, water discharge permits, temporary easements, licenses, inspection fees, and Federal, State and local taxes shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be included in prices Bid for Work for which such costs are appurtenant. b. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all costs incurred for permits necessitated by its operations such as, but not limited to, permits required for sewage bypass pumping or discharge; Night Work; overload; blasting or demolition or for any permit related to the operation of equipment used in such Work. c. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits for the disposal of all waste or surplus materials removed from the Project. The cost of the permit(s) shall be included in the price for the Bid items requiring the permits and no additional compensation will be allowed for them. d. The Contractor shall provide a copy of the permit or license to the Agency prior to performing the Work requiring the permit or license. e. Contractor shall pay for all fees applicable to Contractor’s operations. f. Contractor shall not begin Work until all permits applicable to the Work are obtained. Permits shall be maintained in valid status until acceptance of the Work by the Agency. g. The Contractor shall pay all business taxes or license fees that are required for the Work. 1. To the extent that there is a change in the type or cost of any permits, fees, licenses, or inspections after Contract award, there shall be an equitable adjustment in the Contract Price on account of such change under the Extra Work provisions. 2. The Contractor shall comply with and give notices required by Applicable Laws. The Contractor is not entitled to damages or additional payment for delays attributable to the acquisition of permits. 3. The Contractor shall pay the Agency for regulatory fees, fines, or penalties imposed on the Agency arising from the Contractor’s failure to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. h. The Contractor shall obtain, pay for, and comply with required permits, licenses, work permits, and authorizations from appropriate agencies, including the following: 1. Licenses i. Before submitting Bids, Contractors shall be licensed in accordance with provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3, of the Business and Professions Code. 01 41 26 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 153 of 160 ii. City of Carlsbad Business License. i. The Agency will obtain approval for the Contractor, the following: 1. CEQA Notice of Exemption 2. NEPA documents 3. City of Carlsbad Building Permit 1.02 HAUL ROUTE PERMIT (This section not used) 1.03 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS (This section not used) 1.04 RAILROAD (This section not used) 1.05 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP)/ GENERAL PERMIT (This section not used) 1.06 OTHER PERMIT (This section not used) PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 01 50 00 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 154 of 160 01 50 00 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 PAYMENT (This section not used) 1.02 FIELD OFFICE (This section not used) 1.03 WATER a. Water in reasonable amounts required for and in connection with the Work to be performed will be furnished at existing fire hydrants by Agency without charge to Contractor. Contractor shall furnish necessary pipe, hose, nozzles, and tools and shall perform all necessary labor. Contractor shall make arrangements with the appropriate water department (who will fix the time, rate, and duration of each withdrawal from the distribution system) as to the amount of water required and the time when the water will be needed. Unnecessary waste of water will not be tolerated. Special hydrant wrenches shall be used for opening and closing fire hydrants. In no case shall pipe wrenches be used for this purpose. b. All water required for and in connection with the Work to be performed will be furnished by Agency in the vicinity of the Site without charge to Contractor, provided: a. Contractor shall procure such water in the location and in the manner designated by Engineer. b. Contractor at its own expense shall make authorized connections and provide means for delivering the water to the Site. c. Contractor shall provide adequately against waste and needless use of water. 1.04 POWER a. All enclosed areas shall be ventilated (using forced-draft equipment when necessary) as required to maintain proper conditions for workers and the Work and to avoid any accumulation of hazardous dust or fumes. b. Power for heating, lighting, and operation of Contractor's plant and equipment in connection with the Work to be done under this Contract shall be provided by Agency without charge to Contractor, subject to the following conditions: 1. The existing heating system at each location will remain in operation and may be utilized by Contractor to the extent available. 2. Existing lighting systems at each location may be utilized by Contractor to the extent available. Any necessary additional or temporary lighting systems shall be provided by Contractor at no additional cost to Owner. 3. Contractor at its own expense shall make authorized connections to the existing power sources and shall extend temporary service lines to the required areas. Temporary wiring shall conform to Article 305 of the NEC. 4. Contractor shall at all times provide adequately against waste and needless use of power. Electrical power shall be used only in such quantities as will not interfere with Owner's requirements, and care shall be taken not to overload the existing facilities. Contractor shall provide any additional or temporary electrical power or power of other voltages it may require for prosecution of the Work. 01 50 00 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 155 of 160 c. These provisions shall not be construed as a guarantee by Agency of the uninterrupted continuation of power, and interruptions beyond the control of Agency shall not be reason for claims for additional costs nor for extensions of time. Contractor shall provide, at no additional cost to Agency, any necessary power required for prosecution of the Work during such interruptions. 1.05 SANITARY FACILITIES a. Contractor shall furnish temporary sanitary facilities at the Site, as provided in the Contract, for the needs of all construction workers and others performing Work or furnishing services on the Project. b. Sanitary facilities shall be of reasonable capacity, properly maintained throughout the construction period, and obscured from public view to the greatest practical extent. If toilets of the chemically treated type are used, at least 1 toilet will be furnished for each 20 persons. Contractor shall enforce the use of such sanitary facilities by all personnel at the Site. 1.06 VOICE AND DATA SERVICES (This section not used) 1.07 CONSTRUCTION AIDS a. Contractor shall furnish, install, maintain, and operate all construction aids required by it and its Subcontractors in the performance of the Work, except as otherwise provided in the Contract. b. Contractor under Contract shall provide construction aids necessary for the performance of Work by other Contractors on the Project. Such construction aids shall be suitable for conditions encountered and shall include: 1. Elevators and hoists 2. Cranes 3. Temporary enclosures 4. Swing staging 5. Scaffolding 6. Temporary stairs c. Construction aids shall be furnished without charge to the other Contractors, and all necessary erection, maintenance, and operating personnel shall be included. In the event of conflict, the Contractor furnishing the equipment shall determine priorities in the best interest of the Project. d. The use of any plant equipment, whether furnished and installed under this Contract or not, including elevators, shop cranes, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and plumbing fixtures, shall be only with Agency's written permission. 1.08 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC a. Contractor shall conduct its Work to interfere as little as possible with public travel, whether vehicular or pedestrian. Whenever it is necessary to cross, obstruct, or close roads, driveways, and walks, whether public or private, Contractor shall provide and 01 50 00 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 156 of 160 maintain suitable and safe bridges, detours, or other temporary expedients for the accommodation of public and private travel, and shall give reasonable notice to owners of private drives before interfering with them. Such maintenance of traffic will not be required when Contractor has obtained permission from the Agency and tenant of private property, or from the authority having jurisdiction over public property involved, to obstruct traffic at the designated point. b. Detours. Where required by the authority having jurisdiction thereover that traffic be maintained over any Construction Work in a public street, road, or highway, and the traffic cannot be maintained on the alignment of the original roadbed or pavement, Contractor shall, at its own expense, construct and maintain a detour around the Construction Work. Each detour shall include a bridge across the pipe trench and all necessary barricades, guardrails, approaches, lights, signals, signs, and other devices and precautions necessary for protection of the Work and safety of the public. 1.09 BARRICADES AND LIGHTS a. All streets, roads, highways, and other public thoroughfares which are closed to traffic shall be protected by effective barricades on which shall be placed acceptable warning signs. Barricades shall be located at the nearest intersecting public highway or street on each side of the blocked section. b. All open trenches and other excavations shall have suitable barricades, signs, and lights to provide adequate protection to the public. Obstructions, such as material piles and equipment, shall be provided with similar warning signs and lights. c. All barricades and obstructions shall be illuminated with warning lights from sunset to sunrise. Material storage and conduct of the Work on or alongside public streets and highways shall cause the minimum obstruction and inconvenience to the traveling public. d. All barricades, signs, lights, and other protective devices shall be installed and maintained in conformity with applicable statutory requirements and, where within railroad and highway rights-of-way, as required by the authority having jurisdiction thereover. 1.10 FENCES a. All existing fences affected by the Work shall be maintained by Contractor until completion of the Work. Fences which interfere with construction operations shall not be relocated or dismantled until written permission is obtained from the owner of the fence, and the period the fence may be left relocated or dismantled has been agreed upon. Where fences must be maintained across the construction easement, adequate gates shall be installed. Gates shall be kept closed and locked at all times when not in use. b. On completion of the Work across any tract of land, Contractor shall restore all fences to their original or to a better condition and to their original locations. 01 50 00 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 157 of 160 1.11 PROTECTION OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY a. Contractor shall protect, shore, brace, support, and maintain all underground pipes, conduits, drains, and other underground construction uncovered or otherwise affected by its construction operations. All pavement, surfacing, driveways, curbs, walks, buildings, utility poles, guy wires, fences, and other surface structures affected by construction operations, together with all sod and shrubs in yards, parkways, and medians, shall be restored to their original condition, whether within or outside the easement. All replacements shall be made with new materials. b. No trees shall be removed outside the permanent easement, except where authorized by the Engineer or Consulting Engineer. Whenever practicable, Contractor shall tunnel beneath trees in yards and parking lots when on or near the line of trench. Hand excavation shall be employed as necessary to prevent injury to trees. Trees left standing shall be adequately protected against damage from construction operations. c. Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to streets, roads, highways, shoulders, ditches, embankments, culverts, bridges, and other public or private property, regardless of location or character, which may be caused by transporting equipment, materials, or workers to or from the Work Site or any part of it, whether by Contractor or its Subcontractors. Contractor shall make satisfactory and acceptable arrangements with the owner of, or the agency or authority having jurisdiction over, the damaged property concerning its repair or replacement or payment of costs incurred in connection with the damage. d. All fire hydrants and water control valves shall be kept free from obstruction and available for use at all times. 1.12 DAMAGE TO EXISTING PROPERTY a. Contractor will be held responsible for any damage to existing structures, Work, materials, or equipment because of its operations and shall repair or replace any damaged structures, Work, materials, or equipment to the satisfaction of, and at no additional cost to, Agency. b. Contractor shall protect all existing structures and property from damage and shall provide bracing, shoring, or other work necessary for such protection. c. Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to streets, roads, curbs, sidewalks, highways, shoulders, ditches, embankments, culverts, bridges, or other public or private property, which may be caused by transporting equipment, materials, or workers to or from the Work Site. Contractor shall make satisfactory and acceptable arrangements with the agency having jurisdiction over the damaged property concerning its repair or replacement. 1.13 TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION a. All trees and other vegetation which must be removed to perform the Work shall be removed and disposed of by Contractor; however, no trees or cultured plants shall be 01 50 00 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 158 of 160 unnecessarily removed unless their removal is indicated on the Drawings. All trees and plants not removed shall be protected against injury from construction operations. b. Trees considered by Engineer to have any significant effect on construction operations are indicated on the Drawings and those which are to be preserved are so indicated. c. Contractor shall take extra measures to protect trees designated to be preserved, such as erecting barricades, trimming to prevent damage from construction equipment, and installing pipe and other Work by means of hand excavation or tunneling methods. Such trees shall not be endangered by stockpiling excavated material or storing equipment against their trunks. d. When injuring or removal of trees designated to be preserved cannot be avoided, or when removal and replacement is indicated on the Drawings, each tree injured beyond repair or removed shall be replaced with a similar tree of the nearest size possible. e. All trimming, repair, and replacement of trees and plants shall be performed by qualified nursery workers or horticulturists. 1.14 SECURITY a. Contractor shall be responsible for protection of the Site, and all Work, materials, equipment, and existing facilities thereon, against vandals and other unauthorized persons. b. No claim shall be made against Agency by reason of any act of an employee or trespasser, and Contractor shall make good all damage to Agency’s property resulting from Contractor's failure to provide security measures as specified. c. Security measures shall be at least equal to those usually provided by Agency’s to protect Agency’s existing facilities during normal operation, but shall also include such additional security fencing, barricades, lighting, watchman services, and other measures as required to protect the Site. 1.15 ACCESS ROADS (This section not used) 1.16 PARKING a. Contractor shall provide and maintain suitable parking areas for the use of all workers and others performing Work or furnishing services in connection with the Project, as required to avoid any need for parking personal vehicles where they may interfere with public traffic, Agency’s operations, or construction activities. 1.17 NOISE CONTROL a. Contractor shall take reasonable measures to avoid unnecessary noise. Such measures shall be appropriate for the normal ambient sound levels in the area during working hours. All construction machinery and vehicles shall be equipped with practical sound- muffling devices, and operated in a manner to cause the least noise consistent with efficient performance of the Work. 01 50 00 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 159 of 160 b. During construction activities on or adjacent to occupied buildings, and when appropriate, Contractor shall erect screens or barriers effective in reducing noise in the building and shall conduct its operations to avoid unnecessary noise which might interfere with the activities of building occupants. 1.18 DUST CONTROL a. Contractor shall take reasonable measures to prevent unnecessary dust. Earth surfaces subject to dusting shall be kept moist with water or by application of a chemical dust suppressant. When practicable, dusty materials in piles or in transit shall be covered to prevent blowing dust. b. Buildings or operating facilities which may be affected adversely by dust shall be adequately protected from dust. Existing or new machinery, motors, instrument panels, or similar equipment shall be protected by suitable dust screens. Proper ventilation shall be included with dust screens. 1.19 TEMPORARY DRAINAGE PROVISIONS a. Contractor shall provide for the drainage of storm water and such water as may be applied or discharged on the Site in performance of the Work. Drainage facilities shall be adequate to prevent damage to the Work, the Site, and adjacent property. b. Existing drainage channels and conduits shall be cleaned, enlarged, or supplemented as necessary to carry all increased runoff attributable to Contractor's operations. Dikes shall be constructed as necessary to divert increased runoff from entering adjacent property (except in natural channels), to protect Agency’s facilities and the Work, and to direct water to drainage channels or conduits. Ponding shall be provided as necessary to prevent downstream flooding. 1.20 EROSION CONTROL a. Contractor shall prevent erosion of soil on the Site and adjacent property resulting from its construction activities. Effective measures shall be initiated prior to the commencement of clearing, grading, excavation, or other operation that will disturb the natural protection. b. Work shall be scheduled to expose areas subject to erosion for the shortest possible time, and natural vegetation shall be preserved to the greatest extent practicable. Temporary storage and construction buildings shall be located, and construction traffic routed, to minimize erosion. Temporary fast-growing vegetation or other suitable ground cover shall be provided as necessary to control runoff. 1.21 POLLUTION CONTROL a. Contractor shall prevent the pollution of drains and watercourses by sanitary wastes, sediment, debris, and other substances resulting from construction activities. No sanitary wastes shall be permitted to enter any drain or watercourse other than sanitary sewers. No sediment, debris, or other substance shall be permitted to enter sanitary sewers, and reasonable measures shall be taken to prevent such materials from entering any drain or watercourse. 01 50 00 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Date Printed: June 29, 2023 Document Version: 1.0 Current Update: May 2023 Page 160 of 160 1.22 PEST CONTROL (This section not used) 1.23 RODENT CONTROL (This section not used) PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION AGENCY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS/ PROJECT MANUAL project manual | Carlsbad Water Recylcing Facility Roofing domus #2307 May 31, 2023 2800 Third Avenue San Diego, California 92103 619.692.9393 domusstudio.com 1 PROJECT MANUAL Shading shows AIA Inserts or Consultant Sections TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 11 00 Summary of the Work 01 25 00 Products and Substitutions 01 26 00 Contract Modifications 01 31 00 Project Coordination 01 31 19 Project Meetings 01 32 00 Schedules, Reports and Payments 01 33 00 Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples 01 33 01 Submittal Schedule 01 40 00 Definitions & Standards 01 45 00 Quality Control Services 01 73 29 Cutting and Patching 01 74 00 Cleaning 01 74 19 Construction and Demolition Waste Management 01 77 00 Project Closeout 01 78 39 Record documents DIVISION 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS 02 41 19 Selective Demolition DIVISION 6 WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES 06 10 00 Rough Carpentry DIVISION 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07 41 13 Metal Standing Seam Roofing 07 54 16 Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing 07 62 00 Sheet Metal 07 72 00 Roof Accessories 07 92 00 Joint Sealers DIVISION 9 FINISHES 09 24 00 Lath and Plaster 09 91 00 Painting DIVISION 23 HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING 23 00 00 Mechanical General Provisions 23 07 00 Mechanical Insulation 23 31 13 Metal Ducts 01 11 00-1 SECTION 01 11 00 - SUMMARY OF THE WORK 1.1 DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY OF THE WORK: 1.1.1 Identification: Refer to the Contract (Owner-Contractor Agreement) for name location, project number and abbreviated identification of the work of the project. 1.1.2 Contract Documents: Requirements of the work are contained in the contract documents, and include cross-references herein to published information, which is not necessarily bound therewith. The misplacement addition or omission of any letter, work or punctuation mark shall in no way damage the true spirit, intent or meaning in these specifications. 1.1.3 Narrative Summary: Without force and effect on requirements of contract documents, the description of the work of the Contract can be summarized as follows: Work included in this contract is for the complete removal of existing standing-seam and single-ply roofing and replacement with new standing-seam and single-ply roofing, corresponding detailing, and replacement of existing ductwork on rooftop. Work also includes repair of any damaged or deteriorated substrate, and resloping of low slope roof areas as required to eliminate ponding. All work shall be in accordance with drawings and specifications prepared by domusstudio architecture. Work includes but is not limited to demolition, general construction, air conditioning, and electrical work.. Work not included in contract: Any equipment, work, or item indicated on the drawings to be N.I.C. (Not In Contract) shall be provided under some other contract or arrangements of the owner or others. If any equipment or item noted N.I.C. is to be by contractor, it will be so noted on drawings and/or specified in appropriate section of the specifications. 1.1.4 Contractor Use of Premises: General: During the entire construction period, the Contractor shall keep the premises available for the Owner and existing site/facility operation. Keep driveways and entrances serving the premises clear and available at all times. Do not use for parking or storage of materials. Do not encumber the site with materials or equipment. Lock automotive type vehicles and other mechanized or motorized construction equipment, when parked and unattended. Do not leave vehicles or equipment unattended with the motor running or ignition key in place. Allow continued operations of the existing site/facility. 1.1.5 Compliance with Regulations: It is the intent of these contract documents that the project, when completed, shall conform to regulations of the "California Building Code, 2022 (CBC)”, California Administrative Code Title l9 Public Safety, California Administrative Code Title 24 Accessibility Standards and Energy Standards, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electrical Code, NBFU, CAL/OSHA, and other applicable codes. All publications shall be of the latest edition in force at the time of building permit date. Anything in the Contract Documents not withstanding, the Contractor accepts the responsibility of constructing a watertight, weather tight project. 1.1.6 Owner shall have access to the Work site at all reasonable times. 1.1.7 Scheduling and reasonable security measures are the responsibility of the Contractor. 1.1.8 Approved Applicators: Where specific instructions in these specifications require that a particular product and/or material(s) be installed and/or applied by an "approving applicator” of the manufacturer. It shall be the Contractor responsibility to insure that any subcontractors used for such work be approved applicators. 1.1.9 ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES: It is understood that normal Architectural and Engineering liaison for the purpose of interpretation of the Drawings and Specifications is provided for the Owner. Should any services of the Architect be required to assist in the corrections of error or omissions in construction by the Contractor, or services of the Architect be required because of changes in structure or equipment where the Contractor has requested approval of substitute methods of material these services will be provided by the Architect at their standard hourly rates and shall be paid for by the Contractor. 1.1.10 SCAFFOLD, STAGING, PROTECTION ETC: The work under each Section of these specifications shall include providing, installing and maintaining all scaffold, staging, testles, and planking necessary for the work under each Section in strict conformity with applicable laws and ordinances and maintenance of same so as not to interfere with or obstruct the work of other trades. Additionally, the work under each Section of these specifications shall include providing all forms of protection as necessary to preserve the work of other trades free from damage. These provisions shall be considered as though repeated under each Separate Section of these specifications. END OF SECTION 01 11 00 01 25 00-1 SECTION 01 25 00 - PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS PART 1 - PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS 1.1 GENERAL LIMITATIONS: Where possible, provide entire required quantity of each generic product, material or equipment from a single source; and, where not possible to do so, match separate procurement as closely as possible. To extent selection process is under Contractor's control, provide compatible products, material and equipment. Where available and complying with requirements, provide standard products which have been used previously and successfully in similar applications, and which are recommended by manufacturers for applications indicated. 1.2 PRODUCT SELECTION LIMITATIONS: 1.2.1 Product Selections: Comply with the following for selection of products, materials and equipment: Single Product Named: Provide only that product, unless determined to be unavailable, non-compatible with the work, or non-complying with requirements or governing regulations. Two or More Products Named: Selection from named products is Contractor's option, provided selection complies with requirements. "Or Equal" Clause: Provide named product which complies with requirements, or comply with requirements for gaining approval on "substitution" to select and use an unnamed product. "Or Prior Approved Equal" Clause: Provide named product which was prior approved as a substitution through proper process at time of bid as described in this section as identified in Addenda. 1.2.2 Compliance with Standards: Selection of product which complies with requirements, including applicable standards, is Contractor's option where no product names are indicated. 1.2.3 Performance Requirements: Selection of product which has been tested to show compliance with requirements, including indicated performances, is Contractor's option where no product names are indicated. 1.2.4 Prescriptive Requirements: Selection of product which has been certified by manufacturer to comply with requirements, including prescriptive requirements, is Contractor's option where no product names are indicated. 1.2.5 Visual Requirements: Where indicated to be selected from manufacturer's standard options, selection is Architect's option, subsequent to determination or selection of manufacturer (Contractor' option). Where indicated to be selected from among standard options available within industry, selection is Architect's/Engineer's option prior to determination or selection of manufacturer. 1.2.6 Nameplates: Where indicated or needed for operation and maintenance, provide permanent nameplates on equipment, located in inconspicuous but accessible places, and containing suitable information and operational data. Otherwise, do not allow manufacturer's trademarks or similar labels or nameplates to be placed on products in locations where exposed to view after installation. 1.3 SUBSTITUTIONS: 1.3.1 Conditions: All proposals shall be considered only when submitted in strict compliance with Drawings and Specifications. Except where expressly provided for in Specifications and defined in Supplementary Instruction to bidders, request for substitutions will not be considered. If Contractor determines that systems or products, to his knowledge and experience, will provide same function, design and value as those materials and methods specified herein, he may submit, with his proposal for work, on the attached Substitution Request Form stating difference in cost and reason(s) for such a proposal. Each attachment shall be reviewed by Owner and Architect prior to execution of work. In any case, requests for substitutions will not be considered after award of Contract unless for cost savings or unavailability. All proposals for substitutions shall comply with the following: Substitutions shall, without exception, be manufactured of same basic materials, and comply with or exceed all specification requirements of dimension, function, structure and appearance, without deviation. Use of approved substitutions shall in no way relieve Contractor from responsibility for compliance, after installation. It shall be incumbent upon Contractor using approved substitutions to assume all extra costs caused by use of approved substitute materials, where affecting other work or trades. Under no circumstances shall Owner or Architect be required to pay for material or labor as a result of substitutions granted General Contractor. Submittal of proposed substitutions under the "prior approved equal" clause shall be made only by the General Contractor (Prime Bidder). The Architect will not entertain direct submittals by manufacturers, suppliers or subcontractors. The Architect/Engineer will consider written request(s) by a Prime Bidder only, for substitutions(s) which is/are considered equivalent to the item(s) specified. The written request will be considered only if it is received at least 12 (twelve) consecutive calendar days prior to the current established bid due date. The prime bidder shall furnish at his own expense and on their own letterhead the necessary data per the substitution request form to substantiate and validate that the physical, chemical and operational qualities of each substitute item is such that this item will fulfill its required function. The substitution if approved, will be authorized by a written addendum under "prior approved" items to the contract documents and made available to all prime bidders. Substitutions for the specified product, brand or manufacturer that have been submitted for this project and disapproved by the Architect shall not be re-submitted in any modified form for this particular project, and the 01 25 00-2 General Contractor will be required to furnish the specified materials at no extra cost to the Owner. In the event materials are substituted and installed without proper authorization, the Contractor shall remove all materials and install those specified at his own expense. It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor using approved substitutions to determine the effect said substitution may have on other portions of the Work and so inform his subcontractors and employees of these effects. The Owner and Architect shall not be responsible for any effects to other portions of the Work caused by the use of approved substitutions. Related to an "or equal" or similar provision in contract documents. Required product cannot be supplied in time for compliance with Contract Time requirements. Required product is not acceptable to governing authority, or determined to be non-compatible, or cannot be properly coordinated, warrantied or insured, or has other recognized disability as certified by Contractor. Substantial advantage is offered Owner after deducting offsetting disadvantages including delays, additional compensation to Architect/Engineer for redesign, investigation, evaluation and other necessary services, and similar considerations. 1.4 SUBMITTALS: Include full documentation, including product data, samples where appropriate, detailed performance comparisons and evaluations, testing laboratory reports where applicable, coordination information for effect on other work and time schedule, cost information for proposed change order, Contractor's general certification of recommended substitution, and similar information germane to circumstance. The Substitution Request Form provided at the end of this Section shall be filled in and accompany submittal package. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: Receive, store and handle products, materials and equipment in a manner which will prevent loss, deterioration and damage. Schedule deliveries to minimize long-term storage at project site. 1.6 WARRANTIES (GUARANTEES): 1.6.1 Categories of warranties required for the work include: 1) Special project warranty issued by Contractor and, where required, countersigned by Installer or other recognized entity involved in performance of the work; 2) Specified product warranty issued by a manufacturer or fabricator, for compliance with requirements in contract documents; and 3) Coincidental product warranty available on a product incorporated into the work, by virtue of manufacturer's publication of warranty without regard for application requirements (non-specified warranty). Refer to sections of Divisions 2 through 16 for requirements of specified warranties. 1.6.2 Warranty Obligations: Restore or remove-and-replace warranted work to its originally specified condition, at such time during warranty as it does not comply with or fulfill terms of warranty. Restore or remove-and-replace other work which has been damaged by failure of warranted work, or which must be removed and replaced to gain access to warranted work. Except as otherwise indicated or required by governing regulations, warranties do not cover consequential damages to property other than work of the Contract (e.g., building contents). Cost of restoration or removal-and-replacement is Contractor's obligation, without regard to whether Owner has already benefited from use of failing work. Reinstatement of Warranty: Upon restoration or removal-and-replacement of warranted work which has failed, reinstate the warranty by issuing newly executed form, for at least the remaining period of time of the original warranty, but for not less than half of the original warranty period. 1.6.3 Owner's Recourse: Warranties and warranty periods do not diminish implied warranties, and do not deprive Owner of actions, rights and remedies otherwise available for Contractor's failure to fulfill requirements to reject coincidental produce warranties considered to be conflicting with or detracting from requirements of the contract documents. 01 25 00-3 SUBSTITUTION REQUEST FORM DATE: ______________________________________________ TO: ______________________________________________ PROJECT: ______________________________________________ SPECIFIED ITEM: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section Page Paragraph Description The undersigned requests consideration of the following: PROPOSED SUBSTITUTION: ____________________________________ PROPOSED MANUFACTURER: ____________________________________ REASON FOR SUBSTITUTION: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attached data includes product description, specification information, drawings, photographs, performance and test data for evaluation of request applicable portions of the data are clearly identified. Attached data also includes description of changes to the Contract Documents which proposed substitution requires for its proper installation. The undersigned states that the following paragraphs, unless modified on attachments, are correct: 1. The proposed substitution will not affect dimensions shown on the Drawings. 2. The undersigned will pay for changes to building design, including engineering design, detailing and construction costs caused by the requested substitution. 3. The proposed substitution will have no adverse affect on other trades, the construction schedule, or the specified warranty/guarantee requirements. 4. Maintenance and service parts will be locally available for the proposed substitution. The undersigned further states that the function, appearance and quality of the Proposed Substitution are equivalent or superior to the Specified Item. The difference in cost shall reflect a savings/increase (circle one) to the Owner $__________. Submitted By: Signature: ____________________________ Firm: ____________________________ Address: ____________________________ ____________________________________ Date: Telephone: __________________________ Reviewed for General Contractor by: ____________________________________ Accepted Accepted as Noted Rejected Received too Late By: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ Remarks: ____________________________ ____________________________________ END OF SECTION 01 25 00 01 26 00-1 SECTION 01 26 00 – CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL: 1.1 Sections Include: 1.1.1 Change Procedures. 1.1.2 Request for Information Procedures 1.2 Related Documents or Sections: 1.2.1 Document - Contract 1.2.2 Document – General Conditions 1.2.3 Section 01 33 00 - Submittals 1.3 Change Procedures: 1.3.1 Contractor shall establish measures as needed to assure familiarity of the Contractor’s staff and employees with procedures for processing changes in Contract Documents. 1.3.2 The Contractor shall maintain and coordinate a Register of Requests for Information, Architects Supplemental Instructions, Contractor Change Order Requests, Construction Change Directives, Field Change Orders and Change Orders at the job site, accurately reflecting current status of all pertinent data as submitted by the Contractor. 1.3.3 Per Paragraph 7.1.3, General Conditions, Contractor is not authorized to make changes to the Work described by any of the Contract modification documents specified in this Section, until said documents are signed by the Owner. 1.3.4 Architect’s Supplemental Instruction (ASI): The Architect will advise of minor changes in the Work that do not involve an adjustment to Contract Price or Contract Time by issuing supplemental instructions on form provided by the Owner. 1.3.5 If Contractor considers the minor change does represent a change in the contract, Contractor shall immediately notify the Architect of Contractors intention to make a claim. 1.3.6 Proposal Request (PR): The Architect may issue a Proposal Request, which includes a detailed description of a proposed change with supplementary or revised Drawings and specifications. Analyze the change and its impact on costs and time. Submit response within 10 days. If accepted by Owner, Architect will prepare Change Order. When requested, meet with the Architect as required explaining costs and, when appropriate, determining other acceptable ways to achieve the desired objective. Alert pertinent personnel and subcontractors as to the impending change and, to the maximum extent possible, avoid such work as would increase the Owner’s cost for making the change, advising the Architect in writing when such avoidance no longer is practicable. Following review, and if accepted by Owner, Architect or Contractor will prepare Change Order. 1.3.7 Change Order Request (COR): Contractor may submit a COR to the Architect for changes in conditions, Owner changes, or other direction from the Architect, jurisdictional authority or Owners inspector. Document the proposed change and its complete impact, including its effect on the cost and schedule of the work. Present total cost and schedule impacts in documentation, including all mark-ups permitted by General Conditions. Provide detailed back-up as required by Architect, including supplier costs, sub-contractor labor time and rates, and all other data deemed necessary by Architects. Following final review by Architect of original and supplemental information, and if COR is accepted, no additional cost or schedule adjustments will be included. Architect will review COR. If accepted, Architect will prepare a Change Order or Construction Change Directive, as directed by Owner. 1.3.8 Field Change Order (FCO): Field Change Order will be issued by the Architect in accordance with procedures established in General Conditions. Field Change Order Forms: Architect issued document, form provided by Owner. Execution of Field Change Orders: Architect will issue Change Orders for signatures of parties as provided in the General Conditions of the Contract 01 26 00-2 1.3.9 Change Order (CO): Change Orders will be issued by the Architect or Contractor in accordance with procedures established in General Conditions. Change Order Forms: Architect or Contractor issued document, form provided by Owner. Execution of Change Orders: Architect or Contractor will issue Change Orders for signatures of all parties as provided in the General Conditions of the Contract. 1.3.10 Construction Change Directives (CCD): Construction Change Directives (CCD) will be issued by the Architect. Construction Change Directive Forms: Architect issued document, form provided by Owner Execution of Construction Change Directive: Architect will issue CCD with Owners signature. Proceed with work as defined by CCD. Unless otherwise agreed, maintain detailed records of work done under the direction of a CCD on Time and Material basis. Provide full information required to substantiate costs for changes in the Work. Following agreement on cost of the work, a Change Order will be prepared. 1.3.11 Architect will provide a single copy of all documents issued under this Article for transmission to Contractor. Contractor shall prepare copies as required for distribution to subcontractors, suppliers and others at no cost to Owner. 1.4 Payment For Contract Modifications: 1.4.1 The Contractor shall compensate the Owner, by Owner-Contractor Contract adjustment, for the Architect reasonable costs to modify Contract Documents required by work not performed in accordance with approved Contract Documents. 1.5 Request For Information: 1.5.1 The Architect will respond to legitimate and bonafide Requests for Information (RFI) initiated by Contractor. 1.5.2 Submit all RFI’s on the attached form OR Contractors standard form. Contractor shall sequentially number the issued documents and maintain a RFI log on site indicating summary, date issued, date information required, and date information received. Use of Contractors form will not be accepted. RFI’s submitted by subcontractors or supplier will not be reviewed. 1.5.3 The Contractor shall compensate the Architect, by Owner-Contractor Contract adjustment, for the Architects reasonable costs to respond to RFI’s if the Architect determines: The RFI does not reflect careful study and review of the documents, or; Demonstrates a lack of knowledge or construction competency reasonably expected of a Contractor performing the work. 1.5.4 The Architect’s action will be taken with such reasonable promptness (generally within 10 working days) while allowing sufficient time in the Architect’s professional judgment to permit adequate review. 1.5.5 RFI’s received in Architects office after 9:00 AM Friday will be logged in as received by Architect on Monday, 8:00 AM. This applies to all forms of communication. PART 2 – PRODUCTS: Not Used PART 3 – EXECUTION: Not used 01 26 00-3 CONTRACTORS REQUEST FOR INFORMATION RFI # From: domusstudio Project # Date: To: domusstudio Project: Disciplines Impacted: [] Structural [] Mechanical [] Electrical [] Architectural [] Civil [] Landscape [] Kitchen [] Reference: Drawing(s) Spec Section(s) Other Please clarify or provide the following information: Possible Cost Impact [] Increase [] Decrease [] No Change [] Unknown Possible Time Impact [] Increase [] Decrease [] No Change [] Unknown This information is required as soon as possible, [ ] PRIORITY ATTENTION but no later than REQUIRED Copies to: Contractors Representative Architects Response: Date: Copies to: domusstudio architecture Representative END OF SECTION 01 26 00 01 31 00-1 SECTION 01 31 00 - PROJECT COORDINATION 1.1 ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION: 1.1.1 Coordination: The Contractor shall consult the contract documents, the field layouts of the various trades, their shop drawings and applicable manufacturer's brochures and instructions, and he shall coordinate all phases of the work described and affected by these documents. He shall be responsible for the accurate location and layout of all chases, pipe sleeves and openings in the construction required to accommodate the work of all the trades, and with work by separate contractors (if any) and by Owner. Divisions of the Specifications: These specifications are divided for convenience into sections as set forth in the index of the specifications. Schedules of work included in these sections are given for convenience and shall not be considered as a comprehensive list of items necessary to complete the work of any section. Where devices or items, or parts thereof are referred to in the singular, it is intended that such reference shall apply to as many such devices, items or parts as are required to properly complete the work. Where the specifications are divided into two or more sections, the Contractor shall coordinate the work covered in each section with the work of other sections. The necessary information and the items, accessories, anchors, connections, patterns, templates, etc., shall be delivered when required, in order to prevent any delay in the progress and completion of the work. Items or parts of work specified shall constitute a responsibility of the Contractor, regardless of where they are located in the specifications. The Architect will not make decisions on jurisdiction or responsibilities of subcontractors. Errors and Omissions: Should there be omissions or discrepancies found to exist between the drawings and specifications or any parts of either, or should language of any part of the contract prove to be ambiguous or doubtful, the Contractor shall notify the Architect, who will decide as to the true intent and meaning. Should the Contractor fail to give such notification in writing and proceed with the work so affected without receiving proper instructions from the Architect, he shall do so at his own risk, and he shall remove and replace the work so as to be in compliance with the Architect's instructions. The costs of replacing said work and of any damages or defects which result shall be paid by the Contractor. Oral Modifications: It shall be distinctly understood that no oral statement of any person shall be allowed in any manner to modify any of the contract provisions. Changes shall be made only on written authorization of the Architect except in an emergency endangering life or property. Transmittal: Any notice from one party to the other under the contract shall be in writing, and shall be dated and signed by the party giving such notice, or by duly authorized representative of such party. 1.1.2 Preparation for Installation: Installer Inspections: Require installer of each major unit of work to inspect substrate and conditions for installation, and to report (in writing) unsatisfactory conditions. Subcontractor's should notify Contractor in writing of unacceptable substrate conditions to correct unsatisfactory conditions before proceeding. Inspect each product immediately before installation. Once a contractor or subcontractor proceeds or installs over defective or nonsuitable substrate conditions it is now the responsibility of the Contractor and latest trade subcontractor involved to correct all work. Do not install and/or install over damaged or defective products, materials or equipment. Pre-Installation Conference: Prior to starting installation of each major component of the work, hold a pre- installation conference, attended by each entity involved or affected by planned installation. Include technical representatives of product manufacturers and others recognized as expert or otherwise capable of influencing success of the installation. The Contractor to provide 7-day notification of the date and time of each meeting to the Owner’s representative and the Architect so they can attend if they desire. In any event, the Contractor shall document minutes of the meetings and provide copies to the Owner’s representative and the Architect Review significant aspects of requirements for the work. Record discussion and distribute as plan of action. Installation, General: Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations to extent printed information is more detailed or stringent than requirements contained directly in contract documents. 01 31 00-2 Timing: Install work during time and under conditions which will ensure best possible results, coordinated with required inspection and testing. Anchor work securely in place, properly located by measured line and level, organized for best possible uniformity, visual effect, operational efficiency, durability, and similar benefit to Owner's use. Isolate non- compatible materials from contact, sufficiently to prevent deterioration. Mount individual units of work at industry-recognized mounting heights, if not otherwise indicated; refer uncertainties to Architect/Engineer before proceeding. Contractor shall coordinate and provide protection of dissimilar metals coming in contact with one another. Contractor shall provide adequate barriers (size, type and method prior approved by Architect prior to installation) to prevent electrolysis and/or breakdown of adjacent metals. Contractor shall notify the architect and coordinate for an opportunity to review the site installation of fixtures, boxes, controls, etc. for electrical, tel/com, a/v, and sprinkler piping/heads prior to close up within the finish wall and ceiling/floor assemblies. 1.1.4 Cleaning and Protection: General: For each element of work, provide sufficient maintenance and protection during construction to ensure freedom from damage and deterioration and clean each element of work thoroughly at time of substantial completion. END OF SECTION 01 31 00 01 31 19-1 SECTION 01 31 19 - PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS AND DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work includes scheduling and administering project progress meetings as specified herein. The Conditions of the Contract and other sections of Division 1 apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. 1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1.2.1 Contractor: Schedule and administer progress meetings. Prepare agendas, and make arrangements for meetings. Make advance notices of regular and special meetings at least four working days prior to meeting. Preside at meetings. 1.2.2 The Architect and Owner will attend meetings to ascertain that the project is expedited consistent with construction schedule and with Contract Documents. The Architect will record minutes including all significant proceeding and decisions and will distribute copies to all participants no later than four working days after the meeting. Unless advised expeditiously in writing otherwise the Contractor and the team members will assume that the minutes accurately record the events discussed and agreements reached at the meeting. 1.3 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING: 1.3.1 Schedule within seven days after date of Notice to Proceed. 1.3.2 Attendance: Owner, Architect and his Consultants, Contractor, major subcontractors of the Contractor. 1.3.3 Minimum Agenda: Distribute and discuss list of major subcontractors, tentative construction schedule. Critical work sequencing. Relation and coordination of major subcontractors. Designation of responsible personnel. Processing of field decisions and Change Orders. Submittal of shop drawings, project data and samples. Procedures for maintaining record documents. Use of Premises: Office and storage areas, Owner's requirements. Major equipment deliveries and priorities. Housekeeping procedures. Temporary utilities. Restriction of access and temporary parking. Schedule regular progress meetings. 1.4 PROGRESS MEETINGS: 1.4.1 Schedule regular meetings at a time and date to be established at the pre-construction meeting. 1.4.2 Hold special meetings as progress of work dictates. 1.4.3 Attendance: Owner, Architect, and his consultants, Contractor, subcontractors as pertinent to agenda. 1.4.4 Minimum Agenda: Review work progress since last meeting. Note field observations, problems and decisions. Identify problems which impede planned progress. Develop corrective measures and procedures to regain planned schedule. 01 31 19-2 Revise construction schedule as required. Plan progress during next work period (three week look-ahead schedule). Review changes proposed by the Owner for effect on construction costs schedule and completion date. RFI Log Submittal Log Change Order Log Payment Requests New Business PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not applicable) END OF SECTION 01 31 19 01 32 00-1 SECTION 01 32 00 - SCHEDULES, REPORTS and PAYMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 PROGRESS SCHEDULE AND REPORTS: 1.1.1 General: Within 15 days of date established for notice to proceed, submit a comprehensive bar-chart type progress schedule indicating a time bar for each significant category or unit of work to be performed at the site. Arrange schedule to indicate required sequencing of units, and to show time allowances for submittals, inspections and similar time margins. Show critical submittal dates related to each time bar, or prepare separate coordinated listing of critical submittal dates. Submittal Schedule: The Contractor shall also furnish a separate schedule along with the Construction Schedule specified above, showing the proposed dates for submittal of all samples, shop drawings, and product data. Show double cost line immediately below date line in heading, showing precalculated dollar-volume and space for recording actual dollar-volume of completed work at end of each period scheduled. Show schedule of work and its relation to keeping the church functional. 1.2 SUBMITTAL: Following initial revision of schedule after Architect's review, print and distribute schedule to entities with a need-to-know responsibility, including three copies to Architect. Revise at intervals matching payment requests, work accomplished, and redistribute/repost. Provide copies required with payment requests. 1.2.1 A copy of the most recent updated Construction Schedule shall be posted in the Contractor's job office, and copies of all out- of-date schedules shall be kept at the job office at all times for perusal by the Owner. PART 2 - MATERIAL ((Not applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not applicable) END OF SECTION 01 32 00 01 33 00-1 SECTION 01 33 00 - SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA and SAMPLES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: The work includes the preparation and submission of samples, shop drawings and product data as specified herein and in the various sections of these specifications. The requirements specified herein are in addition to any requirements for samples and shop drawings, product data materials lists, substitutions of materials, or other submittals specified elsewhere in these specifications. The Conditions of the Contract and the other sections of Division 1 apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. PART 2 - DEFINITIONS: 2.1 As used herein, the term "manufactured" applies to standard units usually mass-produced; and "fabricated" means items specifically assembled or made out to selected materials to meet individual design requirements. PART 3 - GENERAL SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 3.1 SCHEDULING: Submit samples, shop drawings, and product data in accordance with the schedule specified in Section 01 32 00 but in no event later than 10 days after Notice to Proceed. Extension of Contract time will not be granted because of the Contractor's failure to make timely submittals. Do not purchase materials or equipment or begin work covered by the required submittals until submittals have been reviewed and returned. 3.2 TRANSMITTAL: Accompany each submittal with a dated, signed and sequence numbered transmittal on forms prescribed by the Architect. Include all information required by this form including project identification, name and address of Contractor and of subcontractor or supplier, a list of items included in the submittal, and identification of drawing numbers, specification section and paragraph numbers to which the submittal pertains, and space for Contractor's review and approval stamp. 3.3 CHECK OF RETURNED SUBMITTALS: Check the submittals returned for correction and ascertain if the corrections result in extra cost above the included under the Contract Documents, and give written notice within five days if, in Contractor's opinion, such extra cost results from corrections. By failing to so notify or by starting any Work covered by a submittal, Contractor waives all claims for extra costs resulting from required corrections. PART 4 - SAMPLES 4.1 Furnish for review, samples of the various materials, together with the finish thereon, as specified for and intended to be used on or in the work. Samples shall be sent to the office of the Architect, carriage prepaid. The Architect will distribute the samples, when approved. 4.2 Submit all samples to the Architect for review before purchasing, fabricating, applying or installing such materials and finishes. The Architect will review and take action on samples within ten working days of the Contractor's submission. All actions will be by the Architect in writing. 4.3 Submit all samples, other than field samples, in sets of three. A covering letter shall accompany the sample and shall list all items being transmitted, designating their particular usage and location in the project and shall be identified as to manufacturer, trade name, style, model, etc. Two approved samples shall be returned to the Contractor with one returned set to maintain at the project site for purposes of quality control comparisons. Provide sample cabinet at job site for storage of returned samples. Owner and Architect each will retain one set of samples. 4.4 Approval of a sample shall not be taken in itself to change or modify any contract requirement. All materials, finishes, and workmanship in the completed building shall be equal in every respect to that of the approved sample. 4.5 Unless otherwise specified, samples shall be 8"x10" in size and shall be limited in thickness to a minimum consistent with sample analysis. In lieu thereof, the actual full size item may be submitted. 4.6 Samples of value may be returned to the Contractor for use in the project after review, analysis, comparison and/or testing as may be required by the Architect, provided that the location is recorded and the samples bear temporary identification as samples. 4.7 Field samples shall be prepared at the site by the Contractor as specified in the various sections of these Specifications. Affected finished work shall not be commenced until the Architect has given written approval for the field samples. PART 5 - SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA 5.1 SHOP DRAWINGS: The term "shop drawings" as used herein includes fabrication and installation, layout and setting drawings; wiring and control diagrams; and other drawings as defined in the applicable Section(s) of the General Conditions, Current Edition, as referenced herein. 5.1.1 The Contractor shall check and verify all field measurements and shall submit for review, with such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or in that of any other contractor or subcontractor, all shop or setting drawings and schedules required for the work of the various trades. Shop drawings shall be prepared at the Contractor's expense and shall be sent to the office of the Architect, 01 33 00-2 carriage prepaid if applicable. 5.1.2 Drawings shall show all information required by the applicable Technical Section and shall be in sufficient detail as may be required to show that fabricated materials, equipment or systems, and the positions thereof conform to the Contract Documents. 5.1.3 Shop drawings shall establish the actual detail of all fabricated items, indicate proper relation of adjoining work, amplify design details of mechanical and electrical equipment in proper relation to physical spaces in the structure, and incorporate minor changes of design or construction to suit actual conditions. Shop drawings shall be drawn to scale and shall be completely dimensioned. 5.1.4 Composite Shop Drawings and Field Layouts: Prepare and submit composite Shop Drawings and field layouts as required to solve tight field conditions and when required to coordinate the Work of several trades. Include dimensioned plans, elevations, sections, and details and give complete information particularly as to kinds and types of materials and equipment, size and location of sleeves, inserts, attachments, chases, openings, conduits, ducts, boxes, and structural interferences. Coordinate these composite Shop Drawings and field layouts in the field for proper relationship to Work of applicable trades based on field conditions. Contractor shall have competent personnel readily available for coordinating, checking, and supervision of field layouts. The procedures for submittals and resubmittals, and final distribution shall be as specified for Shop Drawings. 5.1.5 Prepare shop drawings on sheet of same size as project drawings or on 8-1/2" x 11" document/files. 5.1.6 Each shop drawing shall have a title block containing the following information: Name and location of the project. Name and address of the Contractor. Name and address of the subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor as applicable. Name and address of Owner. Date, scale of drawings and identification number. Space for the Contractor's review and approval stamp. 5.1.7 Grouping of Submittals Unless otherwise specifically permitted by the Architect, make all submittals in groups containing all associated items. Architect may reject partial submittals as not complying with the provisions of the contract documents. 5.1.8 Submit one electronic file set of each shop drawing only for Architect’s action. Architect will distribute as required for Consultant review/comment. 5.1.9 The Architect will review and take action on shop drawings within ten working days of the Contractor's submission. All actions will be by the Architect in writing. 5.2 PRODUCT DATA: The terms "product data" as used herein includes manufacturer's standard drawings, certificates of conformance, substantiating calculations and other data as defined in the General Conditions. 5.2.1 The data shall include all information required by the applicable technical section and shall be in sufficient detail to show that manufactured materials and equipment conform to the Contract Documents. 5.2.2 Catalog Cuts: Clearly mark each copy to indicate the product or model as well as all optional sizes, finishes or other features proposed for use. Delete all inapplicable data. 5.2.3 Submittal Preparation: Submit one electronic file set of each product data for Architect’s action. Architect will distribute as required for Consultant review/comment. Group product data with labeled cover sheets with an index listing the contents. Undocumented product data submittals will be returned without review. 5.2.4 The Architect will review and take action on product data within ten working days of the Contractor's submission. All actions will be by the Architect in writing. 5.3 ARCHITECT'S ACTION: The Architect will review the submittals with reasonable promptness (generally ten working days) and will affix the Architect's initials or signature as follows: 5.3.1 Submittals stamped "REVIEWED" require no further action and fabrication and/or construction may proceed. The Architect will stamp and return to the Contractor, the transparency and one copy of shop drawings and one marked copy and four unmarked copies of brochures, schedules, materials lists, and other product data, except where required otherwise. 5.3.2 Submittals stamped "FURNISH AS CORRECTED" require no further action and fabrication and/or construction may proceed contingent upon all corrections being made as noted. Quantities returned to be as specified in paragraph 5.3.1. 5.3.3 Submittals stamped "REJECTED" or "REVISE AND RESUBMIT" or “SUBMIT SPECIFIED ITEM” require the Contractor to 01 33 00-3 resubmit them with reasonable promptness and no fabrication or construction may begin. The Architect will stamp and return to the Contractor; the transparency of shop drawings and one marked copy and four unmarked copies, of brochures, schedules, materials lists, and other product data. 5.3.4 Resubmittals: If first or subsequent submittal is stamped "REJECTED" or "REVISE AND RESUBMIT", corrective action shall be taken and resubmittal procedure shall be same as for first submittal. The Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing, by highlighting, by clouding, or in some matter clearly noting on resubmitted shop drawing corrections as to revisions requested and also revisions other than the correction requested by the Architect on previous submissions. 5.3.5 Distribution Copies: The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining required reviewed electronic files & samples and for distribution to Subcontractors. All distribution files of shop drawings and product data and physical copies of samples shall bear the Architect's review stamp. Maintain one copy of all submittals at the project site. 5.4 The Architect will check and take action on such drawings and schedules only for conformance with the design concept of the project and compliance with information given in the contract documents. When so directed by the Architect, the Contractor shall make any and all corrections required by the Architect. 5.5 The shop drawings, product data and supporting data shall be prepared by the Contractor or his suppliers and subcontractors, but shall be submitted as the instruments of the Contractor. 5.6 The Contractor shall check the drawings of his suppliers and subcontractors as well as his own drawings before submitting them. In particular, the Contractor shall ascertain that the drawings meet all requirements of the contract drawings and specifications, and conform to the structural and space conditions. If such shop drawings show variations from contract documents, whether because of standard shop practice or other reasons, the Contractor shall clearly describe such variations including other changes required to correlate the work in his letter of transmittal. 5.7 Shop drawings, product data and samples, when submitted to the Architect for review, shall be accompanied by a written statement signed by the Contractor, that the shop drawings, product data, and samples have been checked by him and found to be in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications, and that proper provision has been made to accommodate all abutting work. This statement may be in the form of an approval stamp bearing the Contractor's (superintendent) signature. Submittals shall be rejected if Contractor fails to take appropriate action prior to submission. 5.8 Substantiating calculations, when specified, shall be prepared and signed by a California registered civil or structural engineer, employed by the Contractor. 5.9 The Architect's review of submittals will be general only and shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors of any sort, for deviations from drawings or specifications, or for conflict with the work of others that may result from such deviations. Architect's review of a separate item does not indicate a review of an assembly in which the item functions. Refer to General Conditions of the Contract A201, Current Edition as referenced herein, for other pertinent information. END OF SECTION 01 33 00 01 32 00-1 SECTION 01 33 01 - SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS SCHEDULE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: The work includes the preparation and submission of samples, shop drawings and product data as specified herein and in the various sections of these specifications. The requirements specified herein are in addition to any requirements for samples and shop drawings, product data materials lists, substitutions of materials, or other submittals specified elsewhere in these specifications. The Conditions of the Contract and the other sections of Division 1 apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. PART 2 - DEFINITIONS: 2.1 As used herein, the term "manufactured" applies to standard units usually mass-produced; and "fabricated" means items specifically assembled or made out to selected materials to meet individual design requirements. PART 3 - SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE 01 32 00 Schedules, Reports and Payments 1.2.1 Construction Schedule 01 74 19 Construction and Demolition Waste 1.3.1 C&D Waste Management Plan 1.3.2 C&D Waste Management Summary Reports 01 78 39 Project Record Documents 1.3 Closeout Submittals 02 41 19 Selective Demolition 1.4.1 Proposed Control Measures 1.4.2 Schedule of Selective Demolition Activities 1.4.3 Predemolition Photographs 06 10 00 Rough Carpentry 1.4.1 Wood treatment data 1.4.2 Calculations and Drawings 07 41 13 Metal Roof Panels, Standing Seam 1.5.1 Product Data 1.5.2 Shop Drawings 1.5.3 Accessory Details 1.5.4 Delegated-Design Submittal 1.5.5 Samples for Initial Selection 1.5.6 Samples for Verification 1.6.1 Qualification Data 1.6.2 Material Certificates 1.6.3 Product Test Reports 1.6.4 Field Quality Control Reports 1.6.5 Sample Warranties 1.7.1 Maintenance Data 07 54 16 Ketone Eythylene Ester (KEE) Roofing 1.4.1 Product Data 1.4.2 Shop Drawings 1.4.3 Samples for Verification 1.5.1 Contractor’s Product Certificate 1.5.2 Qualification Data 1.5.3 Manufacturer Certificates 1.5.4 Product Test Reports 1.5.5 Warranties 1.5.6 Inspection Reports 1.6.1 Executed Copies of Warranties 1.6.2 Maintenance Data 07 62 00 Sheet Metal 1.3.1 Shop Drawings 07 72 00 Roof Accessories 1.3.2. Product Data 1.3.3 Shop Drawings 07 92 00 Joint Sealers 1.5.2 Product Data 1.5.3 Samples for Initial Selection Purposes 1.5.4 Samples for Verification Purposes 1.5.5 Certificates 09 24 00 Lath and Plaster 1.04 A. Product Data 1.04 B. Samples 09 91 00 Painting 1.4.1 Product Data 1.4.2 Samples 1.4.3 Coating Maintenance Manual 3.1 Submit samples, shop drawings, and product data in accordance with the individual specification sections and submitted no later than 01 32 00-2 10 days after Notice to Proceed. Extension of Contract time will not be granted because of the Contractor's failure to make timely submittals. Do not purchase materials or equipment or begin work covered by the required submittals until submittals have been reviewed and returned per Section 01 30 00. END OF SECTION 01 33 01 01 40 00-1 SECTION 01 40 00 - DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PART 1 - DEFINITIONS: 1.1 General: Except as specifically defined otherwise, the following definitions supplement definitions of the Contract, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and other general contract documents, and apply generally to the work. 1.1.1 General Requirements: The provisions of Division 1 sections, General Requirements, apply to the entire work of the Contract. 1.1.2 Indicated: Shown on drawings by notes, graphics or schedules, or written into other portions of contract documents. Terms such as "shown", "noted", "scheduled", and "specified" have same meaning as "indicated", and are used to assist the reader in locating particular information. 1.1.3 Directed, Requested, Approved, Accepted, etc.: These terms imply "by the Architect/Engineer", unless otherwise indicated. 1.1.4 Reviewed/Approved by Architect/Engineer: In no case releases Contractor from responsibility to fulfill requirements of contract documents. Architect/Engineer is typically reviewing for general conformance and compliance of the Contract Documents. 1.1.5 Project Site: Space available to Contractor at location of project, either exclusively or to be shared with separate contractors, for performance of the work. 1.1.6 Furnish: To supply and deliver to the project site, ready for installation. 1.1.7 Install: To place in position for service or use. 1.1.8 Provide: Furnish and install, complete and ready for intended use. 1.1.9 Demolish: to remove. 1.1.10 Salvage: to remove or deconstruct in a manner to prevent damage and safely store for reuse. 1.1.11 Restore: to rehabilitate to the original, or new condition and reinstall. 1.1.12 Installer: Entity (firm or person) engaged to install work, by Contractor, subcontractor or sub-subcontractor. Installers are required to be skilled in work they are engaged to install. 1.1.13 Specification Text Format: Underscoring facilitates scan reading, no other meaning. Imperative language is directed at Contractor, unless otherwise noted. 1.1.14 Overlapping/Conflicting Requirements: Most stringent (generally) requirement written directly into the contract documents is intended and will be enforced, unless specifically detailed language written into the contract documents clearly indicates that a less stringent requirement is acceptable. Refer uncertainties to the Architect/Engineer for a decision before proceeding. 1.1.15 Minimum Requirements: Indicated requirements are for a specific minimum acceptable level of quality/quantity, as recognized in the industry. Actual work must comply (within specified tolerances), or may exceed minimums within reasonable limits. Refer uncertainties to Architect/Engineer before proceeding. 1.1.16 Abbreviations, Plural Words: Abbreviations, where not defined in contract documents, will be interpreted to mean the normal construction industry terminology, determined by recognized grammatical rules, by the Architect/Engineer. Plural words will be interpreted as singular and singular words will be interpreted as plural where applicable for context of contract documents. 1.1.17 Testing Laboratory: An independent entity engaged for the project to provide inspections, tests, interpretations, reports and similar services. 1.2 Standards and Regulations: 1.2.1 Industry Standards: Applicable standards of construction industry have same force and effect on performance of the work as if copied directly into contract documents or bound and published therewith. Standards referenced in contract documents or in governing regulations have precedence over non-referenced standards, insofar as different standards may contain overlapping or conflicting requirements. Comply with standards in effect as of date of contract documents, unless otherwise indicated. Abbreviations: Where abbreviations or acronyms are used in contract documents, they mean the well recognized name of entity in building construction industry; refer uncertainties to Architect/Engineer before proceeding, or consult "Encyclopedia of Associations" by Gale Research Co. 1.2.2 Trade Union Jurisdictions: Maintain current information on jurisdictional matters, regulations, actions and pending actions; and administer/supervise performance of work in a manner which will minimize possibility of disputes, conflicts, delays, claims or losses. END OF SECTION 01 40 00 01 45 00-1 SECTION 01 45 00 - QUALITY CONTROL SERVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS & DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes testing laboratory services and inspections required during the course of construction, as specified herein and in other sections of this specification. The Conditions of the Contract and the other sections of Division 1 apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. 1.2 TESTING LABORATORY: 1.2.1 Required testing and inspections will be performed by an independent testing laboratory selected by the Owner. 1.2.2 Testing and inspection services which are performed shall be in accordance with requirements of the "California Building Code, 2022 (CBC)” and as specified herein. Testing and inspection services shall verify that work meets the requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.2.3 Test reports shall be performed by a registered deputy inspector and signed by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed in the State of California. 1.3 PAYMENTS: 1.3.1 Costs of initial testing and inspection, except as specifically modified hereinafter, or specified otherwise in technical sections, will be paid for by the Owner, providing such testing and inspection indicates compliance with Contract Documents. Initial tests and inspections are defined as the first tests and inspections as hereinafter specified. 1.3.2 In the event a test or inspection indicates failure of a material or procedure to meet requirements of Contract Documents, costs for retesting and reinspection will be paid by the Owner and backcharged to the Contractor. 1.3.3 Additional tests and inspections not herein specified but requested by Owner or Architect, will be paid for by Owner, unless results of such tests and inspections are found to be not in compliance with Contract Documents, in which case the Owner will pay all costs for initial testing as well as retesting and reinspection and backcharge the Contractor. 1.3.4 Costs for additional tests or inspections required because of change in materials being provided or change of source or supply shall be paid by Contractor direct to testing laboratory. 1.3.5 Costs for work which is required to correct deficiencies shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.3.6 Cost of testing which is required solely for the convenience of Contractor in his scheduling and performance of work shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.3.7 Testing laboratory will separate and identify on the invoices, the costs covering all testing and inspections which are to be backcharged to the Contractor as specified above. 1.3.8 Testing laboratory will furnish to Owner a cost estimate breakdown covering initial tests and inspections required by Contract Documents. Estimate will include number of tests, man-hours required for tests, field and plant inspections, travel time, and costs. 1.4 TEST AND INSPECTION REPORTS: 1.4.1 Testing laboratory will certify in writing that all work specified or required to be tested and inspected conforms to or does not conform to drawings, specifications and applicable building codes. 1.4.2 The testing laboratory will make the following distribution of all test and inspection reports: Architect: 2 Structural Engineer: 1 Contractor: 1 Owner: 1 Governing Building Dept.: 1 1.5 REPORTING TEST FAILURES: Immediately upon testing laboratory determination of a test failure, the laboratory will telephone the results of test to Architect. On the same day, laboratory will send written test results to those named on above distribution list. 1.6 AVAILABILITY OF SAMPLES: 1.6.1 Contractor shall make materials required for testing available to laboratory and assist in acquiring these materials as directed by Architect. The samples shall be taken under the immediate direction and supervision of the testing laboratory. 1.6.2 If work which is required to be tested or inspected is covered up without prior notice or approval, such work, may be uncovered at the discretion of Architect. 01 45 00-2 1.6.3 Unless otherwise specified, Contractor shall notify testing laboratory a minimum of ten (10) working days in advance of all required tests, and a minimum of two (2) working days in advance of all required inspections. Extra work resulting from a failure to notify the laboratory shall be paid for by the Contractor. 1.6.4 Contractor shall give sufficient advance notice to testing laboratory in the event of cancellation or time extension of a scheduled test or inspection. Charges due to insufficient advance notice of cancellations or time extension shall be paid for by the Contractor. 1.7 REMOVAL OF MATERIALS: Unless otherwise directed, materials not conforming to the requirements of Contract Documents shall be promptly removed from the job site. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not applicable) PART 3 – EXECUTION (Not applicable) END OF SECTION 01 45 00 01 73 29-1 SECTION 01 73 29 - CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Definition: "Cutting and patching" includes cutting into existing construction to provide for the installation or performance of other work and subsequent fitting and patching required to restore surfaces to their original condition. 1.2 Refer to other sections of these specifications for specific cutting and patching requirements and limitations applicable to individual units of work. 1.3 Structural Work: Submit proposal and request and obtain Architect's/Engineer's approval before proceeding with cut and patch of any structural work. Do not cut and patch structural work in a manner resulting in a reduction of load-carrying capacity or load/deflection ratio. 1.4 Visual/Quality Limitations: Submit proposal and request and obtain Architects/Engineers approval before proceeding with cut and patch of work. Do not cut and patch work exposed to view (exterior and interior) in a manner resulting in noticeable reduction of aesthetic qualities and similar qualities, as judged by Architect/Engineer. 1.4.1 Engage the original Installer/Fabricator, or (if not available) an acceptable equivalent entity, to cut and patch the exposed work. 1.5 Limitation on Approvals: Architect's/Engineer's approval to proceed with cutting and patching does not waive right to later require removal/replacement of work found to be cut and patched in an unsatisfactory manner, as judged by Architect/Engineer. PART 2 - MATERIALS: 2.l General: Use materials for cutting and patching that are identical to existing materials. If identical materials are not available, use materials that match existing adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible with regard to visual effect. Use materials for cutting and patching that will result in equal or better performance characteristics. Repaint enough of existing surface to allow unnoticeable transition or locate logical terminating point as directed by Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION: 3.1 Inspection: Before cutting, examine surfaces to be cut and patched and conditions under which the work is to be performed. If unsafe or otherwise unsatisfactory conditions are encountered, take corrective action before proceeding with the work. 3.2 Temporary Support: To prevent failure, provide temporary support of work to be cut. 3.3 Protection: Protect other work during cutting and patching to prevent damage. Provide protection from adverse weather conditions for that part of the project that may be exposed during cutting and patching operations. 3.3.1 Avoid interruption of free passage to adjoining areas. 3.4 Cutting: Cut the work using methods that are least likely to damage work to be retained or adjoining work. Where possible review proposed procedures with the original installer; comply with original installer's recommendations. 3.4.1 Where cutting is required, use hand or small power tools designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering and chopping. Cut through concrete and masonry using a cutting machine such as a carborundum saw or core drill. Cut holes and slots neatly to size required with minimum disturbance of adjacent work. To avoid marring existing finished surfaces, cut and drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces. Temporarily cover openings when not in use. 3.5 Patching: Patch with seams which are durable and as invisible as possible. Comply with specified tolerances for the work. 3.5.1 Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and where necessary extend finish restoration into retained adjoining work in a manner which will eliminate evidence of patching and refinishing. END OF SECTION 01 73 29 01 74 00-1 SECTION 01 74 00 - CLEANING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS & DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and services, and performing all operations necessary for, and properly incidental to, clean up during construction and final cleaning of the building prior to acceptance by the Owner, including waxing and polishing as specified herein and in other sections when specified. The Conditions of the Contract and the other sections of Division 1 apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. 1.2 CLEAN UP DURING CONSTRUCTION: 1.2.1 It is required that the entire site be kept in a neat and orderly condition, especially near existing buildings in operation during construction, and the Architect may, at any time during construction, order a general clean up of the site as a part of the work under this section. 1.2.2 Dispose of waste, trash, and debris in a safe, acceptable manner, in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances and as prescribed by authorities having jurisdiction. Bury no such waste material and debris on the site. Burning of trash and debris on the site will not be permitted. 1.2.3 Location of dump for trash and debris and length of haul is the Contractor's responsibility. 1.3 FINAL CLEANING OF BUILDING: Prior to final inspection by the Architect, and after all construction work is essentially complete, thoroughly clean the building, utilizing professional building cleaners. Items to be cleaned include, but are not limited to: all glass, plastic, doors, opening frames, grilles, trim, exposed non-ferrous metal surfaces, floor covering, light fixtures and plates, plumbing fixtures and trim, and all finish surfaces throughout the construction. Thoroughly remove ink trademarks from laminated plastic surfaces. Vacuum-clean the building and remove all spots, smears, dust, debris, hand prints and defacements of every sort, including those of vandals. Follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of the materials and items to be cleaned for all cleaning, polishing and treatment such as waxing. 1.4 FINAL SITE CLEAN UP: Also prior to final inspection, thoroughly clean the entire construction site and put it into a neat, acceptable condition. Remove from the entire site all construction waste and unused materials, dunnage, loose rock and stones, excess earth, roots, weeds, and all debris of any description resulting from the work. Hose down and scrub where necessary all new and existing concrete and asphalt pavement and walks dirtied as a result of the work. Thoroughly remove mortar droppings from concrete walks and other pavements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not applicable) END OF SECTION 01 74 00 01 74 19-1 SECTION 01 74 19 – CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE MANAGEMEMT PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: 1.1.1 This section specifies diversion of Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste from the landfill. Waste Management Goals: a minimum of 75% of the total project waste should be diverted from landfill, in order of preference 1) weight, 2) volume, whichever is most feasible to measure. Provide contract documents, including a waste management plan, to show evidence of recycling, and reuse of recovered materials. Inform Owner and architect where Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Management requirements could detrimentally impact C&D schedule. Provide separate itemization of cost related to C&D Waste Management. Effect optimum management of solid wastes via a materials management hierarchy. The materials management hierarchy shall be: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Prevent environmental pollution and damage. 1.1.2 Related Documents: 00 22 13 - Supplementary Instruction to Bidder-. 00 73 00 - Supplementary General Condition. 01 11 00 - Summary of the Work. 01 40 00 - Definitions and Standards 01 31 19 - Project Meetings. 01 33 01 - Submittal Schedule 01 45 00 - Quality Control Services 01 25 00 - Products and Substitutions. 01 77 00 - Project Close-out. 1.2 DEFINITIONS: 1.2.1 Inert Fill – A permitted facility that accepts inert waste such as asphalt and concrete exclusively. 1.2.2 Class III Landfill - A landfill that accepts non-hazardous waste such as household, commercial, and industrial waste, including construction, remodeling, repair, and demolition operations. 1.2.3 Construction and Demolition Waste – Including solid wastes, such as building materials, packaging, rubbish, debris, and rubble resulting form construction, remodeling, repair, and demolition operations. Rubbish: Including both combustible and noncombustible wastes, such as paper, boxes, glass, crockery, metal and lumber scrap, tin cans, and bones. Debris: Including both combustible and noncombustible wastes, such as leaves and tree trimmings that result from construction or maintenance and repair work. 1.2.4 Deconstruction - The process of removing existing building materials from renovation and demolition projects for the purposes of reuse, and recycling, in an efficient and safe manner possible. 1.2.5 Divert – Using material for any purpose other than disposal in a landfill. 1.2.6 Waste Materials – Large and small pieces of listed materials which are excess to contract requirements and generally include materials to be recycled and/or recovered from existing construction and items of trimmings, cuttings, and damaged goods resulting from new installations, which can be effectively used in the Work. 1.2.7 Reuse – Using a material or product that is recovered from construction, renovation, or demolition activities. 1.2.8 Recycling – The process of collecting and preparing recyclable materials in their original form or in manufacturing processes that do not cause the destruction/contamination of recyclable materials in a manner that precludes further use. 1.2.9 Recovery – Any process that reclaims materials, substances, energy, or other products contained within or derived from waste on-site. It includes waste-to-energy, composting, and other processes. 1.2.10 Sources Separation – Sorting the recovered materials into specific material types with no or a minimum amount of contamination on site. 01 74 19-2 1.2.11 Time-Based Separation – Collecting waste during each phase of construction or deconstruction which results in primarily one major type of recovered material. The material is removed before it becomes mixed with the material from the next phase of construction. 1.2.12 Commingled or Off-site Separation – Collecting all material types into a single bin or mixed collection system and separating the waste materials into recyclable material types in an off-site facility. 1.3 SUBMITTALS: 1.3.1 C&D Waste Management Plan Before the start of demolition, submit a C&D waste management plan to the Owner and the architect for approval and it shall include the following: Indicate how the Contractor proposes to recover at least 75% of the C&D wastes for reuse and recycling. The C&D Waste Management Plan should coordinate the recovery effort with the construction, and renovation / demolition schedule. Indicate compliance with section 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE. Include a list of reuse facilities, recycling facilities and processing facilities that will be receiving the recovered materials (including take back by Owner or on-site auctions.) If some of the materials will be donated or sold on-site auctions, describe the process and identify the organizations that may receive the materials. Identify materials that are not recyclable or not recovered which will be disposed of in a landfill (or other means acceptable by the State of California and local ordinance and regulations) and explain why the materials are not recovered. List the permitted landfill, or other permitted disposal facilities, that will be accepting the disposed waste materials. Indicate instances or situations where compliance with the requirements of this specification do not apply or do not appear to be possible. Identify each type of waste material to be reused or recycled and estimate the amount, by weight. Provide estimate of time requirements for demolition and for the removal of valuable reusable items and materials. Prepare building engineering survey and worker safety plan, assessment of building condition and all potential hazards. Provide a C&D site management plan. Provide final accounting of disposition of recovered materials upon completion of project for final payments. 1.3.2 C&D Waste Management Summary Reports Provide the C&D Quality Manager with delivery receipts for the recovered materials and waste materials sent to the permitted recycling facilities, processing facilities, or landfill with the following information: Name of firm accepting the recovered materials or waste materials Specify type of facility (e.g. retail facility, recycler, processor, Class III landfill, MRF) Location of the facility Type of materials Net weights (or volume) of each type of material Date of delivery Value of the materials or tipping fee paid 1.4 RECYCLING PROGRAM: 1.4.1 The recycling program could utilize one or a combination of any of the following common waste diversion strategies: Sources Separation Time-Based Separation Commingled or Off-site Separation 01 74 19-3 Back haul of packaging On-site sales auctions and removal 1.4.2 Waste Material management hierarchy can be viewed as: reuse on-site, recycle on-site, reuse off-site, and recycle off-site. 1.4.3 Other innovative approaches to achieve the minimum diversion rate are encouraged and should be specified and described in the C&D Waste Management Plan. 1.4.4 Minimum diversion rate may be achieved by recovering and recycling the following materials: Ferrous metal Non-ferrous metals: copper, aluminum … etc Untreated lumber Plywood, OSB and particle board Gypsum wallboard scrap Paper and cardboard Beverage containers Insulation Rigid foam Electric fixtures, motors, switch gear and other similar equipment HVAC equipment, duck work, control systems, switches and other similar equipment Others as appropriate 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE: 1.5.1 Regulatory Requirements Comply with applicable requirements of the State of California, local ordinances and regulations concerning management of construction, clearing, and inert materials. 1.5.2 Disposal Site, Recyclers and Waste Materials Processors Use only facilities properly permitted by the State of California, and/or by local authorities where applicable. 1.5.3 Pre-C&D Waste Management Meeting Prior to beginning work at the site, schedule and conduct a meeting to review the C&D Waste Management Plan and discuss procedures, schedules, coordination and specific requirements for waste materials recycling and disposal. Discuss coordination and interface between Contractor, sub-contractors, architect, engineers, project manager, Owner, and other C&D activities. Identify and resolve problems of compliance with requirements. Record minutes of the meeting, identifying conclusions reached and matters requiring further resolution. Maintain waste management as an agenda item at future construction meetings. Attendees: Contractor and related contractor personnel associated with work of this section, including personnel in charge of the waste management program; C&D Quality Manager; architect; engineers; material and equipment suppliers where appropriate; and such additional Owner personnel as Owner deems appropriate. Plan Revision: Make revisions to C&D Waste Management Plan agreed upon during the meeting and incorporate resolutions agreed to be made subsequent to the meeting. Submit revised plan to architect or the Owner personnel as Owner deems appropriate for approval. 1.5.4 Implementation Designate an on-site party responsible for instructing workers and implementing the C&D Waste Management Plan. Distribute copies of C&D Waste Management Plan to job site foreman and each subcontractor. Include waste management and recycling in worker orientation. Provide on-site instruction on appropriate separation, handling, recycling, and recovery methods to be used by all parties at the appropriate stages of the work at the site. 01 74 19-4 Also include discussion of waste management and recycling in regular job meeting and job safety meetings conducted during the course of work at the site. 1.5.5 The Contractor will be responsible for ensuring that the appropriate governmental entities are notified of the work. 1.5.6 Remove and relocate reusable materials to be reinstalled or retained in a manner to prevent damage or contamination. 1.5.7 Conduct construction and demolition in such a manner to minimize damage to trees, plants and natural landscape environment. 1.5.8 Arrange for adequate collection, and transportation to deliver the recovered materials to the approved recycling center or processing facility. Maintain records accessible to the architect or C&D Quality Manager for verification of diversion of recovered waste materials. 1.6 STORAGE AND HANDLING: 1.6.1 Site Storage Remove materials for recycling and recovery from the work locations to approved containers or storage area as required. Failure to remove waste or recovered materials will be considered cause for withholding payment and termination of Contract. Position containers for recyclable and recoverable waste materials at a designated location on the Project Site. If materials are sorted on site, also provide a sorting area and necessary storage containers. Change-out loaded containers for empty containers, as demand requires. If recovered materials are stored on-site for project duration provide adequate security from pilferage. 1.6.2 Handling Deposit indicated recyclable, and recoverable materials in storage areas or containers in a clean (no mud, adhesive, solvents, petroleum contamination), debris-free condition. Do not deposit contaminated materials into the containers until such time as such materials have been cleaned. Insure all recovered materials are made safe for handling and storage. If the contamination chemically combines with the material so that it cannot be cleaned, do not deposit into the recycle containers. In such case, request resolution by the C&D Quality Manager for disposal of the contaminated material. Directions from the C&D Quality Manager do not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements for disposal, nor shall such directions cause a request for modification of the Contract. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS: 1.7.1 Environmental Requirements: Transport recyclable and recoverable waste materials from the Work Area to containers and carefully deposit in the containers without excess noise and interference with other activities, to minimize noise and dust. The Contractor shall ensure adequate erosion control and storm water control, if required, to prevent or minimize the negative impact to its surrounding environment. Provide measures to insure the containment of lead-based paint and dust, nails, asbestos-based products and any biological contaminants that may affect environmental health and safety conditions. 1.7.2 Site Condition: Signs and instructions should be clear, and easy to understand. All recycling containers should be clearly labeled and lists of acceptable and unacceptable materials will be posted throughout the site. Whenever possible, they should be in multiple-languages, especially in Spanish, and in graphic symbols. The Contractor shall ensure the safety of all personnel involved in the C&D process. A C&D site management plan shall be created including: work areas, materials processing areas, materials storage and disposal areas, worker hand-washing and changing stations, first aid and medical information. Part 2 – PRODUCTS 2.2 RECYCLED MATERIALS: 2.2.1 The following materials are collected for recycling: 01 74 19-5 Ferrous metal Non-ferrous metals: copper, aluminum … etc Untreated lumber Plywood, OSB and particle board Gypsum wallboard scrap Paper and cardboard Beverage containers Insulation Rigid foam Part 3 – EXECUTION N/A END OF SECTION 01 74 19 01 77 00-1 SECTION 01 77 00 - PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 - GENERAL DEFINITIONS The provisions of this section apply primarily to close out of actual physical work, not to administrative matters such as final payment and change- over of insurances. Closeout requirements relate to both final completion and substantial completion of work, and apply to individual portions of completed work as well as the total work. Specific requirements in other sections have precedence over general requirements of this section. PART 2 - PROCEDURES AT SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 2.1 PREREQUISITES: Comply with General Conditions and complete the following before requesting Architect's inspection of the work, or designated portion thereof, for substantial completion: 2.1.1 Submit executed warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance agreements, inspection certificates and similar required documentation for specific units of work, enabling Owner's unrestricted occupancy and use. 2.1.2 All plumbing and mechanical equipment shall operate quietly and free from vibration. Properly adjust, repair, balance, or replace equipment producing objectionable noise or vibration. All systems shall operate without humming, surging, or rapid cycling. 2.1.3 All operating instructions for equipment shall be properly mounted and posted as specified in their respective sections. 2.1.4 Submit record documentation, maintenance manuals, tools, spare parts, keys and similar operational items. 2.1.5 Complete instruction of Owner's operating personnel, and start-up of systems. 2.1.6 Complete final cleaning, and remove temporary facilities and tools. 2.2 INSPECTION PROCEDURES: Upon receipt of Contractor's request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or advise Contractor of prerequisites not fulfilled. Following initial inspection, Architect will either prepare Certificate of Substantial Completion, or advise Contractor of work which must be performed prior to issuance of certificate; and repeat inspection when requested and assured that work has been substantially completed. Results of completed inspection will form initial "punch list" for final acceptance. 2.3 PROCEDURES AT FINAL ACCEPTANCE: 2.3.1 Reinspection Procedure: Upon receipt of Contractor's notice that work has been completed, including punch list items resulting from earlier inspections, and excepting incomplete items delayed because of acceptable circumstances, Architect will reinspect work. Upon completion of reinspection, Architect will either recommend final acceptance and final payment, or advise Contractor of work not completed or obligations not fulfilled as required for final acceptance. If necessary, procedure will be repeated. 2.3.2 Record Documentation: Record Drawings: The Contractor shall maintain at the job site, accessible to the Architect: One set of black line prints of the site work on which shall be indicated complete "as installed" layouts of all underground utilities up to the building connections. (1) Included hereunder are all water, gas, sewer, site grading and drainage and electrical systems. (2) Dimension all systems to the nearest 0.1 foot from adjacent buildings by means of perpendicular offsets. Show all elevations for lines and structures to the nearest 0.1 foot from the tops thereof, except at sewer and drains use invert elevations. One set of dimensioned black line prints showing "as installed" work inside building and extending out to a point of connection to site utilities. (1) Show all not readily visible lines and items of equipment of the electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating and air conditions systems. (2) Where deviations from the original drawings occur in the layout of ducts or equipment connected thereto, show "as installed" locations and sizes including locations of access doors, dampers and control equipment and wiring. Show all changes in the Work. Make all entries within 24 hours after installing any part of the Work. Progress payments will not be certified unless this is complied with, and the Job Inspector has signed (monthly) the record set of prints. Measurements and drawings for exterior work shall be made by the California Registered Civil Engineer or a California Licensed Land Surveyor and the drawings certifying to their accuracy. Immediately upon completion of the portion of the installation involved and the certification by parties as 01 77 00-2 required herein above, the drawings shall be submitted to the Architect for approval. Reproducible "Record" Drawings: Upon completion of the work and before final inspection, a completely updated record set used during construction, shall be submitted to the Architect. Architect shall select a competent draftsman to make changes on the original project files. After original drawings are corrected, one set of electronic files will be made. Record Civil documentation shall be provided separately and shall not be part of this allowance. 2.3.3 Record Specifications: Maintain a complete set of specifications for record mark-up purposes. Mark-up during course of work to show changes sufficient to form a complete record for Owner's purposes and Architect's review. Date and sign each mark-up. 2.3.4 Maintenance Manuals: Maintenance manual requirements are covered in Section 2, 01 32 00 Submittals, 1.05. 2.3.6 Extra Materials: Extra materials as required by other Sections of the Document, shall be properly packaged and labeled, then delivered to the Owner. 2.3.7 Systems Manual: a manual that documents the operational aspects of the building systems shall be provided to the building owner or facilities operator. 2.4 GENERAL CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS: Operator Instructions: Require each installer of systems requiring continued operation/maintenance by Owner's operating personnel, to provide on-location instruction to Owner's personnel, sufficient to ensure safe, secure, efficient, non-failing utilization and operation of systems. Provide instructions for the following categories of work: 2.4.1 Roofing, flashing, joint sealers. 2.6 FINAL CLEANING: Clean up as specified in section 01 74 00. END OF SECTION 01 77 00 01 78 39 - 1 SECTION 01 78 39 - PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for project record documents. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 01 77 00 - Closeout Procedures. 2. Divisions 2 through 33 Sections for specific requirements for project record documents of the Work in those Sections. 1.3 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Record Drawings: Submit set of marked-up record prints for each project. Provide one (1) paper copy and one (1) digital copy in PDF format on compact disc. B. Record Specifications: Submit set of marked-up Project's Specifications, for each project, including addenda and contract modifications. Provide one (1) paper copy and one (1) digital copy in PDF format on compact disc. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 RECORD DRAWINGS A. Record Prints: Maintain one (1) full size set of marked-up paper copies of the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings, for each project, depicting the current status of the Work. 1. Preparation: Mark record prints to show the actual installation where installation varies from that shown originally. Require individual or entity who obtained record data, whether individual or entity is installer, subcontractor, or similar entity, to provide information for preparation of corresponding marked-up record prints. a. Give particular attention to information on concealed elements that would be difficult to identify or measure and record later. b. Accurately record information in an acceptable drawing technique. c. Record data as soon as possible after obtaining it. d. Record and check the markup before enclosing concealed installations. 2. Content: Types of items requiring marking include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Dimensional changes to Drawings. b. Revisions to details shown on Drawings. c. Changes made by Change Order or Construction Change Directive or Architect’s Supplemental Instructions. d. Changes made following Architect's written orders e. Details not on the original Contract Drawings. f. Field records for variable and concealed conditions. g. Record information on the Work that is shown only schematically. h. Changes made by requests for information (RFI’s). 3. Mark the Contract Drawings completely and accurately. Utilize personnel proficient at recording graphic information in production of marked-up record prints. 4. Mark record sets with erasable, red-colored pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between changes for different categories of the Work at same location. 01 78 39 - 2 5. Mark important additional information that was either shown schematically or omitted from original Drawings. 6. Note Construction Change Directive or Architect's Supplemental Instructions, numbers, alternate numbers, Change Order numbers, Request for Information numbers, Submittal numbers, and similar identification, where applicable. B. Immediately before inspection for Certificate of Substantial Completion, review marked-up record prints with Project Architect. C. Format: Identify and date each record Drawing; include the designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWING" in a prominent location for each project. 2.2 RECORD SPECIFICATIONS A. Preparation: Mark Specifications to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies from that indicated in Specifications, addenda, and contract modifications. 1. Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. B. Format: Submit Record Specifications as paper copy and electronic files. 2.3 OTHER RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Maintain the following items: 1. Change Orders and Field Work Orders approved by the Client and all other modifications to the Contract Documents, for each project. 2. Submittals reviewed by the Architect, for each project. 3. Material Safety Data Sheets (“MSDS”) accompanying any materials, equipment or products delivered or stored at the Site or incorporated into the Work and applicable parts of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. Provide for each project. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 RECORDING AND MAINTENANCE A. Upon completion of the Work, all documents maintained at the Site by the Contractor pursuant to the foregoing shall be assembled and promptly transmitted to the Architect for delivery to the Client. B. The failure or refusal of the Contractor to continuously maintain complete and accurate Record Drawings for each separate project, or to make available the Record Drawings for inspection and review by the Client, may be deemed by the Client to be Contractor’s default of a material obligation in which event all fees and costs incurred or associated with such action shall be charged to the Contractor and deducted from any portion of the Contract Price due. C. The Record Drawings shall conform with the following standards: 1. Dimensions shall be given from easily identifiable permanent reference points. D. Recording: Maintain one (1) copy of each submittal, for each project, during the Construction period for project record document purposes. Post changes and modifications to project record documents as they occur; do not wait until the end of Project. E. Maintenance of Record Documents: Store record documents in the field office apart from the Contract Documents used for construction. Do not use project record documents for construction purposes. Maintain record documents in good order and in a clean, dry, legible condition, protected from deterioration and loss. Separate documents for each project. Provide access to project record documents for Client’s, Project Manager’s, or Architect’s reference during normal working hours. 01 78 39 - 3 F. The Contractor shall incorporate an index into the Record Drawing sets, for each project. The index shall reflect the following information obtained from the drawing title block: drawing number, drawing date of issue and drawing last date of revision. G. Review Record Documents for each project weekly with Project Architect. Indicate to Project Architect the items incorporated in Project Record Documents concurrent with progress of the Work, including modifications, concealed conditions, field changes, product selections, and other notations incorporated. END OF SECTION 01 78 39 02 41 19 - 1 SECTION 02 41 19 - SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: 1.1.1 This Section includes demolition and removal of the following: Selected portions of a building or structure. Repair procedures for selective demolition operations. 1.1.2 See individual Sections for demolishing, cutting, patching, or relocating items. 1.2 DEFINITIONS: 1.2.1 Remove: Detach items from existing construction and legally dispose of them off-site, unless indicated to be removed and salvaged or removed and reinstalled. 1.2.2 Remove and Salvage: Detach items from existing construction and submit them to the Owner ready for reuse. 1.2.3 Remove and Reinstall: Detach items from existing construction, prepare them for reuse, and reinstall them where indicated. 1.2.4 Existing to Remain: Existing items of construction that are not to be removed and that are not otherwise indicated to be removed, removed and salvaged, or removed and reinstalled. 1.3 MATERIALS OWNERSHIP: 1.3.1 Except for items or materials indicated to be reused, salvaged, reinstalled, or otherwise indicated to remain Owner’s property, demolished materials shall become Contractor's property and shall be removed from Project site. 1.4 SUBMITTALS: 1.4.1 Submit the following as per Section 01 33 00, Submittals: Proposed Control Measures: Submit statement or drawing that indicates the measures proposed for use, proposed locations, and proposed time frame for their operation. Identify options if proposed measures are later determined to be inadequate. Include measures for the following: Dust control. Noise control. 1.4.2 Schedule of Selective Demolition Activities: Indicate detailed sequence of selective demolition and removal Work, with starting and ending dates for each activity, interruption of utility services, use of elevator and stairs, and locations of temporary partitions and means of egress. 1.4.3 Predemolition Photographs: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction and site improvements that might be misconstrued as damage caused by selective demolition operations. Submit before Work begins. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE: 1.5.1 Demolition Firm Qualifications: An experienced firm that has specialized in demolition work similar in material and extent to that indicated for this Project. 1.5.2 Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning selective demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. 1.5.3 Standards: Comply with the latest edition of the following: ANSI / ASSE A10.6 - American National Standards Institute / American Society of Safety Engineers, “Safety Requirements for Demolition Operations” NFPA 241 - National Fire Protection Association, “Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations” 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS: 1.6.1 Owner will occupy portions of building immediately adjacent to selective demolition area. Conduct selective demolition so that Owner operations will not be disrupted. Submit no less than 72 hours' notice to Owner of activities that will affect Owner operations. 1.6.2 Owner assumes no responsibility for condition of areas to be selectively demolished. Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purpose will be maintained by the Owner as far as practical. 02 41 19 - 2 1.6.3 Hazardous Materials: It is not expected that hazardous materials will be encountered in the Work. If materials suspected of containing hazardous materials are encountered, do not disturb; immediately notify Architect and the Owner. 1.6.4 Storage or sale of removed items or materials on-site will not be permitted. 1.6.5 Utility Service: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain in service and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. Maintain fire-protection facilities in service during selective demolition operations. 1.7 WARRANTY: 1.7.1 Existing Warranties: Remove, replace, patch, and repair materials and surfaces cut or damaged during selective demolition, by methods and with materials so as not to void existing warranties. If possible, retain original Installer or fabricator to patch the exposed Work listed below that is damaged during selective demolition. If it is impossible to engage original Installer or fabricator, engage another recognized experienced and specialized firm. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 REPAIR MATERIALS: 2.1.1 Use repair materials identical to existing materials. If identical materials are unavailable or cannot be used for exposed surfaces, use materials that visually match existing adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible. Use materials whose installed performance equals or surpasses that of existing materials. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION: 3.1.1 Verify that utilities have been disconnected and capped. 3.1.2 Survey existing conditions and correlate with requirements indicated to determine extent of selective demolition required. 3.1.3 Inventory and record the condition of items to be removed and reinstalled and items to be removed and salvaged. 3.1.4 When unanticipated mechanical, electrical, or structural elements that conflict with intended function or design are encountered, investigate and measure the nature and extent of conflict. Promptly submit a written report to the Architect. 3.1.5 Engage a professional engineer to survey condition of building to determine whether removing any element might result in structural deficiency or unplanned collapse of any portion of structure or adjacent structures during selective demolition operations. 3.2 UTILITY SERVICES: 3.2.1 Existing Utilities: Maintain services indicated to remain and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. 3.2.2 Do not interrupt existing utilities serving occupied or operating facilities unless authorized in writing by the Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide temporary services during interruptions to existing utilities, as acceptable to the Owner and the authorities having jurisdiction. Submit at least 72 hours' notice to the Owner if shutdown of service is required during changeover. 3.2.3 Utility Requirements: Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off indicated utilities serving areas to be selectively demolished. Arrange to shut off indicated utilities with utility companies. If utility services are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, provide temporary utilities before proceeding with selective demolition that bypass area of selective demolition and that maintain continuity of service to other parts of building. Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit after bypassing. 3.3 PREPARATION: 3.3.1 Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct selective demolition and debris-removal operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 02 41 19 - 3 Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, walkways, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from the Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by governing regulations. Erect temporary protection, such as walks, fences, railings, canopies, and covered passageways, where required by authorities having jurisdiction. Protect existing site improvements, appurtenances, and landscaping to remain. 3.3.2 Temporary Facilities: Provide temporary barricades and other protection required to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain. 3.3.3 Temporary Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosures for protection of existing building and construction, in progress and completed, from exposure, foul weather, other construction operations, and similar activities. Provide temporary weather-tight enclosure for building exterior. 3.3.4 Temporary Partitions: Erect and maintain dustproof partitions and temporary enclosures to limit dust and dirt migration and to separate areas from fumes and noise. 3.4 POLLUTION CONTROLS: 3.4.1 Dust Control: Use water mist or sprinkling, temporary enclosures, and other suitable methods to limit spread of dust and dirt. Comply with governing environmental-protection regulations. Wet mop floors to eliminate trackable dirt and wipe down walls and doors of demolition enclosure. Vacuum carpeted areas. 3.4.2 Disposal: Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. Remove debris from elevated portions of building by chute, hoist, or other device that will convey debris to grade level in a controlled descent. 3.4.3 Cleaning: Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by selective demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing before selective demolition operations began. 3.5 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION: 3.5.1 General: Demolish and remove existing construction only to the extent required by new construction and as indicated. Use methods required to complete the Work within limitations of governing regulations. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square, and true to dimensions required. Use cutting methods least likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining construction. Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces to avoid marring existing finished surfaces. Do not use cutting torches until work area is cleared of flammable materials. At concealed spaces, such as duct and pipe interiors, verify condition and contents of hidden space before starting flame-cutting operations. Maintain portable fire-suppression devices during flame-cutting operations. Locate selective demolition equipment and remove debris and materials so as not to impose excessive loads on supporting walls, floors, or framing. 3.5.2 Existing Facilities: Comply with Owner's requirements for using and protecting elevators, stairs, walkways, loading docks, building entries, and other building facilities during selective demolition operations. 3.5.3 Existing Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during selective demolition. When permitted by the Architect, items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during selective demolition and cleaned and reinstalled in their original locations after selective demolition operations are complete. 3.6 PATCHING AND REPAIRS: 3.6.1 General: Promptly repair damage to adjacent construction caused by selective demolition operations. 3.6.2 Repairs: Where repairs to existing surfaces are required, patch to produce surfaces suitable for new materials. Completely fill holes and depressions in existing masonry walls that are to remain with an approved masonry patching material applied according to manufacturer's written recommendations. 3.6.3 Finishes: Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend restoration into adjoining construction in a manner that eliminates evidence of patching and refinishing. 02 41 19 - 4 3.6.4 Floors and Walls: Where walls or partitions that are demolished extend one finished area into another, patch and repair floor and wall surfaces in the new space. Provide an even surface of uniform finish color, texture, and appearance. Remove existing floor and wall coverings and replace with new materials, if necessary, to achieve uniform color and appearance. 3.6.5 Ceilings: Patch or repair existing ceilings as necessary to provide an even-plane surface of uniform appearance. 3.6.6 Grind concrete floor at thresholds, as required to comply with ADA maximum heights. 3.7 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS: 3.7.1 General: Promptly dispose of demolished materials. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate on-site. 3.7.2 Burning: Do not burn demolished materials. 3.7.3 Disposal: Transport demolished materials off Owner’s property and legally dispose of them. END OF SECTION 02 41 19 06 10 00-1 SECTION 06 10 00 - ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 1.2.1 Provide framing lumber, plywood sheathing, blocking, plates, curbs, etc. and incidental carpentry work supporting other work. Furnish and install standard product rough hardware and specially fabricated rough hardware in connection with work of this section. 1.2.2 The following categories of work are included under other sections of these specifications: Fabrication of special rough hardware that are in connection with work of this section. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE: 1.3.1 Grading Standards: "Grading Rules for Western Lumber." "Product Standard PS 1-07 for Softwood Plywood/Construction and Industrial." All lumber and plywood shall be grade-marked. All lumber and plywood shall be grade-stamped. Do not mark lumber in an area where it is scheduled to be exposed. 1.3.2 Codes: All work shall be executed in accordance with Chapter 23 of the "California Building Code, 2022 (CBC)”. 1.4 SUBMITTALS: Submit the following: quantities and procedures are as specified in Section 01 33 00. 1.4.1 Wood treatment data including treatment plant's certificate of compliance with indicated requirements. 1.4.2 Calculations and drawings of pre-fabricated wood components and their respective hangers/connections, signed by a California registered civil engineer. 1.5 DELIVERIES AND STORAGE: 1.5.1 Lumber shall be piled and protected to ensure proper protection. Material having warps, crooks, and other defects shall not be incorporated into the work, even though such defects may develop after material is delivered to site. 1.6 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETING: 1.6.1 Prior to commencing the work of this section, the contractor shall schedule and attend a meeting at the job site to discuss conformance with requirements of the Contract Documents. Request attendance of representative from Architect, Contractor, subcontractors, and other parties who are involved. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FRAMING LUMBER: Unless otherwise noted on Structural Drawings and Structural Notes concealed framing lumber shall be Douglas Fir – Larch No. 2 900fb and 19% or less moisture content. Provide lumber species and grade as noted on structural notes in structural drawings. 2.2 SHEATHING: Unless otherwise noted on Structural drawings and Structural Notes plywood shall be 5/8" C-D with exterior glue with Identification Index of 40/20. Provide APA rated sheathing as noted on structural notes on structural drawings. Provide fire-retardant treated plywood sheathing where indicated. Note: Approved equal for plywood to be OSB Board (per ICC Report ESR-2586) as dimensioned to match plywood on plans for thickness, structural rating, and span rating. 2.3 PLYWOOD BACKING FOR ELECTRICAL AND TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT: APA C-D Plugged Int. with exterior glue, fire-retardant treated, 3/4" thick except as otherwise indicated. 2.4 LUMBER FOR MISCELLANEOUS USES: 2.4.1 Unless otherwise indicated, provide standard grade lumber of other works, including cant strips, nailers, blocking, and other similar members. 2.4.2 Lumber used for exposed rafters, trellis, covered walkways and fascias shall be Douglas Fir, free of heart center and resawn. Coordinate finish and backpriming as required with Section 09 91 00. 2.5 Preservative pressure-treated lumber and plywood with water-borne preservatives to comply with AWPA C2 and C9, respectively, and with requirements indicated below: 06 10 00-2 2.5.1 Wood for Above-Ground Use: AWPB LP-2. 2.5.2 Treat cants, nailers, blocking, curbs, stripping and similar items in conjunction with roofing, flashing, and vapor barrier. 2.5.3 Treat blocking, sleepers, and similar items in direct contact with concrete. 2.6 STANDARD PRODUCT ROUGH HARDWARE: Simpson "Strong-Tie Connectors", unless otherwise specified, of size, type, material, suited to application shown. Prior approved substitution shall have an equal or better rating acceptable to ICC and meet requirements of the CBC. All hardware to be painted finish or hot-dip galvanized. 2.7 OTHER ROUGH HARDWARE: 2.7.1 Common Nails: Conform to ASTM F1667 and CBC Section 2306.6 unless otherwise noted on drawings. Contractor shall use galvanized or aluminum on exterior where exposed to weather and exterior covered only by paint. 2.7.2 Screws: Conform to ANSI/ASME B18.6.1, unless otherwise noted on drawings Contractor shall use galvanized on where exposed to weather and exterior covered only by paint. 2.7.3 Bolts and Nuts: Unless otherwise noted or specified, use unfinished American Standard. Unless otherwise noted on drawings, Contractor shall use galvanized at exterior where exposed to weather and exterior covered only by paint. Provide with matching cut or pressed steel washers for both bolts and nuts where bearing on wood, unless otherwise shown. 2.7.4 Connectors Into Concrete or Masonry: Powder-activated fastening system prior approved equal to "Ramset" or "Hilti". Anchor shall be installed to depth of embedment recommended by manufacturer. Anchors shall be galvanized where exposed to weather. Concrete nails are not acceptable. 2.7.5 Construction Adhesive: Adhesive shall conform to APA Specification AFG-01. 2.7.6 Mastic: As specified in Division 07 11 00. 2.7.7 Connector Plates: Contractor shall use galvanized at exterior where exposed to weather and covered only by paint. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FRAMING: Verify all measurements and dimensions at the job. Set framing members and assemblies accurately to required lines and levels, and to arrangements shown. Accurately and neatly cut and fit work, and strongly nail, spike, bolt or otherwise secure in place, in workmanlike manner. Erect roofs level or sloped as noted, aligned in planes except where "warping" is specifically noted. Do not splice structural wood framing members between bearing points or supports. Have capable mechanics do cutting, assembling, and erecting of wood members. Secure approval before cutting any wood members that may weaken structure. Do all cutting, framing and fitting necessary for accommodation of work of other trades. All blocking for structural member shall be as detailed and noted in structural drawings. Exercise due care in placing framing so that structural and other important members do not require cutting for openings, pipes, vents, conduits, ducts, or like work. Finish bearing surfaces on which wood structural members are to rest to give full, true, and even support. Do not use wedges or shims to overcome faulty work. Remove and replace wood members, which have been split or otherwise damaged to such an extent as to materially impair their strength, as directed at no extra cost to Owner. Provide wood grounds, strips and blocking, indicated or required by conditions, of thickness and shape required to receive finish materials. Provide all blocking necessary for toilet accessories. Provide wood framing for air conditioning curbs as detailed or by manufacturers standard literature. 3.2 CONNECTIONS: Term "rough hardware" includes bolts, nails, lag screws, washers, plates, and similar items employed in erection and construction of rough work, bolt anchorages embedded in concrete to concrete trade prior to erection of forms. Provide rough hardware as shown and required to complete work, including installation of such items furnished under other sections. 3.3 NAILING: Drive nails not closer together than 1/2 their length unless driven in drilled holes, nor closer to edge of member than 1/4 its length; drill holes slightly smaller than nail diameters when necessary to prevent splitting. Penetrate second or farther member not less than 1/2 length of nail. Use common nails except where other nails are shown or specified. Refer to Nailing schedule in UBC unless otherwise noted in Structural Notes or Structural Drawings. 3.4 BOLTS AND NUTS: Provide malleable or cut steel washers under heads and nuts except where bearing on steel plates or other steel attachments, or where flat-head countersunk bolts are shown. Clamp members together and bore holes of same diameter as bolts, true to line; drive bolts in place, and draw nuts up tight. Immediately prior to enclosing bolts with finish or, if left exposed, upon completion of other work, draw bolts tight again. Holes at anchor bolts embedded in concrete may be 1/16" larger than bolt diameter. 06 10 00-3 3.5 SCREWS: Screw (do not drive) lag and wood screws into place. Bore hole to receive lag screw, first of same diameter and depth as shank, and then continue to depth equal to length of screw with diameter equal to base of thread. Screw shall penetrate a distance equal to at least 7 times diameter of screw shank into far member. Install washer under each lag screw head bearing on wood. 3.6 PLYWOOD SHEATHING: 3.6.1 Arrange so that no piece is less than 12" wide in either face dimension. Install with face grain across supports, end joints over joists and staggered, and provide blocking at unsupported edges as noted. Nail as noted using specified nails. 3.6.2 Plywood sheathing to receive traffic-bearing roof deck surfacing shall have all edges supported and have sheets staggered so that no four corners adjoin and must be well secured with screw or ring-shank type nails. All plywood floor sheating shall be glued and ring-shank nailed to structure below. 3.6.3 Provide continuous bead of construction adhesive between wood sheathing and wood supporting member at all locations concurrent with nailing. 3.7 STRIPPING: Provide as shown and required. 3.8 GROUNDS: Install over lath, sizes as shown or required, secured at maximum 16" intervals, accurately set to required finish lines and planes. 3.9 TREATED LUMBER: Contractor shall install pre-treated lumber at all locations of foundation attachment where concrete and/or masonry contacts plates or ledgers. Wherever necessary to cut, notch, dap, drill or frame treated lumber, treat newly cut or bored surfaces with two heavy coats of same preservative used in original treatment, minimum 1/4" depth of penetration. 3.9.1 Contractor shall place all exterior wall sill plates in mastic. 3.9.2 Contractor shall place all interior wall sill plates in mastic where interior finish floor slab is installed or called to be less than 1 1/2" above adjacent room depressed finish floor slab. 3.10 CLEAN-UP: During progress of work, remove from site discarded wood scrap daily. END OF SECTION 06 10 00 07 41 13 -1 SECTION 07 41 13 - METAL ROOF PANELS, STANDING SEAM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.1.1 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY 1.2.1 Section Includes: Architectural standing-seam metal roof panels. Metal roof accessories. Roof insulation. Miscellaneous metal framing. 1.3 DEFINITIONS 1.3.1 Metal Roof Panel Assembly: Metal roof panels, attachment system components, miscellaneous metal framing, thermal insulation, and accessories necessary for a complete weathertight roofing system. 1.4 PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS 1.4.1 Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. Meet with Owner, Architect, Owner's insurer if applicable, testing and inspecting agency representative, metal roof panel Installer, metal roof panel manufacturer's representative, substrate Installer, and installers whose work interfaces with or affects metal roof panels including installers of roof accessories and roof-mounted equipment. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials, Installer's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. Review methods and procedures related to metal roof panel installation, including manufacturer's written instructions. Examine substrate conditions for compliance with requirements, including flatness and attachment to structural members. Review structural loading limitations of substrate during and after roofing. Review flashings, special roof details, roof drainage, roof penetrations, equipment curbs, and condition of other construction that will affect metal roof panels. Review governing regulations and requirements for insurance, certificates, and testing and inspecting if applicable. Review temporary protection requirements for metal roof panel assembly during and after installation. Review roof observation and repair procedures after metal roof panel installation. Document proceedings, including corrective measures and actions required, and furnish copy of record to each participant. 1.5 ACTION SUBMITTALS 1.5.1 Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for each type of roof panel and accessory. 1.5.2 Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation layouts of metal roof panels; details of edge conditions, side-seam and endlap joints, panel profiles, corners, anchorages, trim, flashings, closures, and accessories; and special details specific to project, signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. Indicate point of fixity of metal panels. Distinguish between factory- and field-assembled work. 1.5.3 Accessory Details: Include details of the following items: Flashing and trim. Pipe penetration flashings. Roof curbs. Gutters. Downspouts. 1.5.4 Delegated-Design Submittal: For metal roof panel assembly indicated to comply with performance requirements and design criteria, including analysis data signed and sealed by the metal roof panel manufacturer's qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. Include the following: Structural analysis data indicating compliance with Performance Requirements Article. 1.5.5 Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of metal roof panel indicated with factory-applied color finishes. Include similar Samples of trim and accessories involving color selection. 1.5.6 Samples for Verification: For each type of exposed finish required, prepared on Samples of size indicated below: Metal Roof Panels: 12 inches (300 mm) long by actual panel width. Include fasteners, clips, closures, and other metal roof panel accessories. Trim and Closures: 12 inches (300 mm) long. Include fasteners and other exposed accessories. 07 41 13 -2 Accessories: 12-inch- (300-mm-) long Samples for each type of accessory. 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 1.6.1 Qualification Data: For manufacturer, Installer, professional engineer, and manufacturer's technical representative. Submit Installer qualifications in the form of an original letter on manufacturer's letterhead signed by authorized manufacturer representative. 1.6.2 Material Certificates: For thermal insulation, from manufacturer. 1.6.3 Product Test Reports: Based on evaluation of comprehensive tests performed by a qualified testing agency, for each product. Indicate compliance with requirements in Performance Requirements Article: Air Infiltration. Water Penetration. Hydrostatic-Head Resistance. Wind-Uplift Resistance. FM Approvals Listing. Solar Reflectance. Minimum Emissivity Rating. 1.6.4 Field Quality Control Reports. 1.6.5 Sample Warranties: For special warranties. 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS 1.7.1 Maintenance Data: For metal roof panels to include in maintenance manuals. 1.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.8.1 Manufacturer Qualifications: A manufacturer of plant-fabricated metal roof panel systems listed in this Section and meeting performance requirements, with a minimum of five years' experience providing metal roof panel systems for projects of similar type and scope, offering engineering, warranty, technical inspection, and maintenance inspection services specified. 1.8.2 Installer Qualifications: An employer of workers trained and certified by manufacturer, including a full-time on-site supervisor with a minimum of five years' experience installing similar work, able to communicate verbally with Contractor, Architect, and employees, and qualified by the manufacturer to furnish warranty of type specified. 1.8.3 Manufacturer's On-Site Roll Former Operators: Experienced full-time employees of metal roof panel manufacturer. 1.8.4 Professional Engineer Qualification: A qualified professional engineer licensed in the project state, and experienced in metal roof panel system design similar to that required for Project. 1.8.5 UL-Certified, Portable Roll-Forming Equipment: UL-certified, portable roll-forming equipment capable of producing metal panels warranted by manufacturer to be the same as factory-formed products. Maintain UL certification of portable roll-forming equipment for duration of work. 1.8.6 Manufacturer's Technical Representative Qualifications: An authorized full-time employee representative of manufacturer, certified as a Registered Roof Observer by the Roof Consultants Institute, and experienced in the installation and maintenance of the specified roof panel system and qualified to determine Installer's compliance with the requirements of this Project. 1.8.7 Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent testing agency with the experience and capability to conduct the testing and inspection indicated. Inspection personnel shall be certified as a Registered Roof Observer by the Roof Consultants Institute, and shall be experienced in the installation and maintenance of the specified roofing system and qualified to determine Installer's compliance with the requirements of this Project. 1.8.8 Source Limitations: Obtain metal roof panels and accessories and related engineered structural support members from a single source supplied or approved by metal roof panel manufacturer. 1.9 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.9.1 Deliver components, sheets, metal roof panels, and other manufactured items so as not to be damaged or deformed. Package metal roof panels for protection during transportation and handling. 1.9.2 Unload, store, and erect metal roof panels in a manner to prevent bending, warping, twisting, and surface damage. 1.9.3 Stack metal roof panels on platforms or pallets, covered with suitable weathertight and ventilated covering. Store metal roof panels to ensure dryness. Do not store metal roof panels in contact with other materials that might cause staining, denting, or other surface damage. 1.9.4 Protect strippable protective covering on metal roof panels from exposure to sunlight and high humidity, except to extent necessary for period of metal roof panel installation. 1.9.5 Protect foam-plastic insulation as follows: 07 41 13 -3 Do not expose to sunlight, except to extent necessary for period of installation and concealment. Protect against ignition at all times. Do not deliver foam-plastic insulation materials to Project site before installation time. Complete installation and concealment of plastic materials as rapidly as possible in each area of construction. 1.10 PROJECT CONDITIONS 1.10.1 Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit metal roof panel work to be performed according to manufacturer's written instructions and warranty requirements. Field Measurements: Verify actual dimensions of construction contiguous with metal roof panels by field measurements before fabrication. 1.11 COORDINATION 1.11.1 Coordinate sizes and locations of roof curbs, equipment supports, and roof penetrations with actual equipment provided. Coordinate metal roof panels with rain drainage work, flashing, trim, and construction of substrate, parapets, walls, and other adjoining work to provide a leakproof, secure, and noncorrosive installation. Air Barrier Coordination: Coordinate installation of roofing insulation with installation of wall air barrier system wall-to-roof transition material specified in Division 07 Section air barrier section to provide a continuous air barrier across roofing and adjacent assemblies. 1.12 WARRANTY 1.12.1 Manufacturer's Warranty: Roof System Manufacturer's standard form in which Manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of roofing system that fail in materials or workmanship within warranty period, as follows. Form of Warranty: Manufacturer's standard warranty form. Scope of Warranty: Work of this Section and including sheet metal details and termination details installed by the roof system Installer and approved by the Roof System Manufacturer. Warranty Period: 30 years from date of completion. 1.12.2 Extended Roof System Components: Warranties specified in this roofing Section include the following components and systems specified in other sections supplied by the roofing system Manufacturer, and installed by the roofing system Installer, except where separate warranty terms and conditions appear in the referenced section. Section 076200 "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim": Shop formed sheet metal flashing items including roof penetration flashings. 1.12.3 Installer Warranty: Installer's warranty signed by Installer, as follows. Form of Warranty: Form acceptable to Roofing Manufacturer and Owner. Scope of Warranty: Work of this Section. Warranty Period: 2 years from date of completion. 1.12.4 Manufacturer Inspection and Preventive Maintenance Service: To report maintenance responsibilities necessary for preservation of Owner's warranty rights and to perform periodic routine maintenance required, as described in Manufacturer's standard form. The cost of manufacturer's inspections and preventive maintenance is included in the Contract Sum. Scope of Service: Manufacturer's standard form. Inspections to occur in following years: 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 following completion. 1.12.5 Metal Finishes: Written warranty in which Manufacturer agrees to repair finish or replace factory-finished components that show evidence of deterioration of factory-applied finishes under normal atmospheric conditions within specified warranty period. Color fading, ASTM D 2244: Greater than 5 Hunter units. Chalking, ASTM D 4214: Greater than a No. 8 rating. Finish breakdown: Cracking, checking, peeling, or adhesive failure. Finish Warranty Period: 20 years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS 2.2 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 2.2.1 General Performance: Metal roof panels shall comply with performance requirements without failure due to defective manufacture, fabrication, installation, or other defects in construction. 2.2.2 Delegated Design: Design metal roof panel assembly, including comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified professional engineer, using performance requirements and design criteria indicated. 2.2.3 Recycled Content of Steel Products: Postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of preconsumer recycled content not less than 25 percent. 2.2.4 Structural Performance: Provide metal roof panel assemblies and related engineered structural support members specified in Division 05 Section "Cold-Formed Metal Framing" withstanding the effects of the following loads, based on testing according to ASTM E 1592: Wind Loads: As indicated on Drawings. Other Design Loads: As indicated on Drawings. 07 41 13 -4 2.2.5 Hail Resistance: Provide metal roof panel assemblies listed with UL as Class 4 hail resistant panels. 2.2.6 Air Infiltration: Air leakage through assembly of not more than the following when tested according to ASTM E 1680, based upon 16 inch (406 mm) wide panel: Maximum 0.0001 cfm/sq. ft. (0.001 L/s x sq. m) of roof area at test-pressure difference of - 1.57 lbf/sq. ft.(-75.2 Pa). Maximum 0.0028 cfm/sq. ft. (0.0028 L/s x sq. m) of roof area at test-pressure difference of - 20.00 lbf/sq. ft.(- 958 Pa). 2.2.7 Water Penetration under Static Pressure: No water penetration when tested according to ASTM E 1646 at the following test- pressure difference: Test-Pressure Difference: 20.00 lbf/sq. ft. (958 Pa). 2.2.8 Hydrostatic-Head Resistance: No water penetration when tested according to ASTM E 2140. 2.2.9 Thermal Movements: Allow for thermal movements resulting from ambient and surface temperature changes. Base calculations on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. Temperature Change (Range): [120 deg F (67 deg C), ambient; 180 deg F (100 deg C)], material surfaces. 2.3 ARCHITECTURAL STANDING-SEAM METAL ROOF PANELS 2.3.1 General: Provide factory-formed metal roof panels designed to be installed by lapping and interconnecting raised side edges of adjacent panels with joint type indicated and mechanically attaching panels to supports using concealed clips in side laps. Include clips, cleats, pressure plates, and accessories required for weathertight installation. Steel Panel Systems: Unless more stringent requirements are indicated, comply with ASTM E 1514. 2.3.2 Vertical-Rib, Seamed-Joint, Standing-Seam Metal Roof Panels: Factory-formed symmetrical panels with vertical ribs at panel edges and flat pan between ribs; designed for sequential installation in either direction by mechanically attaching panels to supports using concealed clips located under one side of panels and engaging opposite edge of adjacent panels, and mechanically seaming panels together utilizing a seam cap, and configured to enable future replacement of individual panels without disturbing adjacent panels. Basis-of-Design Product: Tremco, Inc., TremLock T-138 (UL Listing TGFU.R6692). Aluminum-Zinc Alloy-Coated Steel Sheet: ASTM A 792/A 792M, Class AZ50 coating designation, Grade 50 (Class AZM150 coating designation, Grade 340), prepainted by the coil-coating process to comply with ASTM A 755/A 755M; structural quality. Thickness: 0.0236-inch/24 ga. (0.71-mm) minimum thickness. Surface: Smooth, flat finish. Exposed Coil-Coated Finish: 2-Coat Fluorothane Coastal Paint. Exposed Finish: Exposed metallic coating. Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard colors meeting energy performance requirements. Clips: Low-movement floating clips to accommodate thermal movement; fixed clips where design permits; intermittent or continuous clips as required to meet performance requirements; and with clip bearing plate where required. Material: 0.064-inch- (1.63-mm-) nominal thickness, zinc-coated (galvanized) or aluminum-zinc alloy- coated steel sheet. Joint Type: Field mechanically seamed, with continuous factory-applied sealant. Seam Cap: Match panel material and finish; provide with two rows of integral factory hot-applied sealant. Panel Pan Configuration: Striated. Panel Seam Height: Not less than 2-3/8 inch (60.3 mm). Panel Coverage: 18 inches (457 mm). 2.4 METAL ROOF ACCESSORIES 2.4.1 Metal Roof Accessories, General: Provide components approved by roof panel manufacturer and as required for a complete metal roof panel assembly including trim, copings, fasciae, corner units, ridge closures, clips, flashings, sealants, gaskets, fillers, closure strips, and similar items. Match material and finish of metal roof panels unless otherwise indicated. Closures: Provide closures at eaves and ridges, fabricated of same metal as metal roof panels. Backing Plates: Provide metal backing plates at panel end splices, fabricated from material recommended by manufacturer. 2.4.2 Flashing and Trim: Formed from same material as roof panels, prepainted with coil coating, minimum 0.028 inch (0.71 mm) thick. Provide flashing and trim as required to seal against weather and to provide finished appearance. Locations include, but are not limited to, eaves, rakes, corners, bases, framed openings, ridges, fasciae, and fillers. Finish flashing and trim with same finish system as adjacent metal roof panels. 2.4.3 Pipe Penetration Flashings: Flexible boot type, with stainless steel compression ring, and stainless steel pipe strap. Use silicone-type boot at hot pipes. 2.4.4 Gutters: Formed from same material roof panels. Match profile of gable trim, complete with end pieces, outlet tubes, and other special pieces as required. Fabricate in minimum 96-inch- (2400-mm-) long sections, of size and metal thickness according to 07 41 13 -5 SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual." Furnish gutter supports spaced a maximum of 36 inches (900 mm) o.c., fabricated from same metal as gutters. Provide wire ball strainers of compatible metal at outlets. Finish gutters to match metal roof panels. 2.4.5 Downspouts: Formed from same material as roof panels. Fabricate in 10-foot- (3-m-) long sections, complete with formed elbows and offsets, of size and metal thickness according to SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual." Finish downspouts to match gutters. 2.4.6 Pipe Penetration Flashing: Premolded EPDM pipe collar with flexible aluminum ring bonded to base and stainless steel pipe clamp to secure collar to pipe. 2.4.7 Roof Curbs: Fabricated from aluminum sheet, minimum 0.080 inch (1.2 mm) thick; with bottom of skirt profiled to match roof panel profiles, and welded top box, integral internal fastener flange, and water diverter. Fabricate curb subframing of minimum 0.0598- inch- (1.5-mm-) thick, angle-, C-, or Z-shaped galvanized steel sheet. Fabricate curb and subframing to withstand indicated loads, of size and height indicated. Finish roof curbs to match metal roof panels. Insulate roof curb with 1-inch- (25-mm-) thick, rigid insulation. 2.5 SUBSTRATE BOARDS 2.5.1 Glass-Mat Gypsum Sheathing Board: ASTM C 1177/C 1177M. Type and Thickness: Regular, 1/2 inch (13 mm). Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide DensDeck Prime by Georgia-Pacific Corporation. 2.5.2 Substrate-Board Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates complying with corrosion-resistance provisions in FMG 4470, designed for fastening substrate board to substrate. 2.6 UNDERLAYMENT MATERIALS 2.6.1 Self-Adhering, High-Temperature Sheet: 30 to 40 mils (0.76 to 1.0 mm) thick minimum, consisting of slip-resisting, polyethylene-film top surface laminated to layer of butyl or SBS-modified asphalt adhesive, with release-paper backing; cold applied. Provide primer when recommended by underlayment manufacturer. Underlayment shall be approved by metal roof system manufacturer. Thermal Stability: Stable after testing at 240 deg F (116 deg C); ASTM D 1970. Low-Temperature Flexibility: Passes after testing at minus 20 deg F (29 deg C); ASTM D 1970. 2.6.2 Slip Sheet: Manufacturer's recommended slip sheet, of type required for application. 2.7 MISCELLANEOUS METAL FRAMING 2.7.1 Zee Clips: 0.079-inch (2.01-mm) nominal thickness. 2.7.2 Base or Sill Channels: (2.01-mm) 0.079-inch nominal thickness. 2.7.3 Z-Shaped Furring: With slotted or nonslotted web, face flange of 1-1/4 inches (32 mm), wall attachment flange of 7/8 inch (22 mm), and depth required to fit insulation thickness indicated. Nominal Thickness: As required to meet performance requirements. 2.7.4 Fasteners for Miscellaneous Metal Framing: Of type, material, size, corrosion resistance, holding power, and other properties required to fasten miscellaneous metal framing members to substrates. 2.8 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS 2.8.1 Panel Fasteners: Self-tapping screws, bolts, nuts, self-locking rivets and bolts, end-welded studs, and other suitable fasteners designed to withstand design loads. Provide exposed fasteners with heads matching color of metal roof panels by means of plastic caps or factory-applied coating. Provide EPDM, PVC, or neoprene sealing washers. 2.9 FABRICATION 2.9.1 Fabricate and finish metal roof panels and accessories at the factory to greatest extent possible, by manufacturer's standard procedures and processes and as necessary to fulfill indicated performance requirements. Comply with indicated profiles and with dimensional and structural requirements. 2.9.2 On-Site Fabrication: Subject to compliance with requirements of this Section, metal panels may be fabricated on-site using UL-certified, portable roll-forming equipment if panels are of same profile and warranted by manufacturer to be equal to factory-formed panels. Fabricate according to equipment manufacturer's written instructions and to comply with details shown. 2.9.3 Provide panel profile, including major ribs and intermediate stiffening ribs, if any, for full length of panel. 2.9.4 Fabricate metal roof panel side laps with factory-installed captive gaskets or separator strips that provide a tight seal and prevent metal-to-metal contact, in a manner that will seal weathertight and minimize noise from movements within panel assembly. 2.9.5 Sheet Metal Accessories: Fabricate flashing and trim to comply with recommendations in SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" that apply to the design, dimensions, metal, and other characteristics of item indicated. Form exposed sheet metal accessories that are without excessive oil canning, buckling, and tool marks and that are true to line and levels indicated, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. 07 41 13 -6 Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible. Exposed fasteners are not allowed on faces of accessories exposed to view. Fabricate cleats and attachment devices of size and metal thickness recommended by SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" or by metal roof panel manufacturer for application, but not less than thickness of metal being secured. 2.10 FINISHES 2.10.1 Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. 2.10.2 Protect mechanical and painted finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. 2.10.3 Appearance of Finished Work: Noticeable variations in same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of adjoining components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. 2.10.4 Steel Panels and Accessories: Two-Coat Fluoropolymer: AAMA 621. Fluoropolymer finish containing not less than 70 percent PVDF resin by weight in both color coat and clear topcoat. Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed metal surfaces to comply with coating and resin manufacturers' written instructions. Concealed Finish: Apply pretreatment and manufacturer's standard white or light-colored acrylic or polyester backer finish, consisting of prime coat and wash coat with a minimum total dry film thickness of 0.5 mil (0.013 mm). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION 3.1.1 Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, metal roof panel supports, and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. Examine solid roof substrate to verify that substrate joints are supported by framing or blocking and that installation is within flatness tolerances required by metal roof panel manufacturer. Examine roughing-in for components and systems penetrating metal roof panels to verify actual locations of penetrations relative to seam locations of metal roof panels before metal roof panel installation. For the record, prepare written report, endorsed by Installer, listing conditions detrimental to performance of the Work. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION 3.2.1 Clean substrates of substances harmful to insulation, including removing projections capable of interfering with insulation attachment. 3.2.2 Properly remove and dispose of existing roof system down to wood deck. 3.3.3 Substrate Board: Install substrate boards over roof substrate on entire roof surface. Attach with substrate-board fasteners. Install substrate board with long joints in continuous straight lines, perpendicular to roof slopes with end joints staggered between rows. Tightly butt substrate boards together. Comply with requirements for fire-rated construction. 3.3.4 Miscellaneous Framing: Install subpurlins, eave angles, furring, and other miscellaneous roof panel support members and anchorage according to metal roof panel manufacturer's written instructions. 3.3 UNDERLAYMENT INSTALLATION 3.3.1 Self-Adhering Sheet Underlayment: Apply primer if required by manufacturer. Comply with temperature restrictions of underlayment manufacturer for installation. Apply at locations indicated below, wrinkle free, in shingle fashion to shed water, and with end laps of not less than 6 inches (150 mm) staggered 24 inches (600 mm) between courses. Overlap side edges not less than 3-1/2 inches (90 mm). Extend underlayment into gutter trough. Roll laps with roller. Cover underlayment within 14 days. Apply over entire roof surface. 3.3.2 Apply slip sheet over underlayment before installing metal roof panels. 3.3.3 Install flashings to cover underlayment to comply with requirements specified in Division 07 Section "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim." 3.4 METAL ROOF PANEL INSTALLATION, GENERAL 3.4.1 Provide metal roof panels of full length from eave to ridge unless otherwise indicated or restricted by shipping limitations. 3.4.2 Thermal Movement. Rigidly fasten metal roof panels to structure at one and only one location for each panel. Allow remainder of panel to move freely for thermal expansion and contraction. Predrill panels for fasteners. Point of Fixity: Fasten each panel along a single line of fixing located at ridge. Avoid attaching accessories through roof panels in a manner that will inhibit thermal movement. 07 41 13 -7 3.4.3 Install metal roof panels as follows: Commence metal roof panel installation and install minimum of 300 sq. ft. (27.8 sq. m) in presence of factory- authorized representative. Field cutting of metal panels by torch or abrasive saw is not permitted. Install panels perpendicular to supporting purlins. Locate and space fastenings in uniform vertical and horizontal alignment. Provide metal closures at rake edges, rake walls, and each side of ridge and hip caps. Flash and seal metal roof panels with weather closures at eaves, rakes, and perimeter of all openings. Install ridge and hip caps as metal roof panel work proceeds. End Splices: Locate panel end splices over, but not attached to, structural supports. Stagger panel end splices to avoid a four-panel splice condition. Install metal flashing to allow moisture to run over and off metal roof panels. 3.4.4 Fasteners: Steel Roof Panels: Use stainless-steel fasteners for surfaces exposed to the exterior and galvanized-steel fasteners for surfaces exposed to the interior. 3.4.5 Anchor Clips: Anchor metal roof panels and other components of the Work securely in place, using manufacturer's approved fasteners according to manufacturers' written instructions. 3.4.6 Metal Protection: Where dissimilar metals will contact each other or corrosive substrates, protect against galvanic action by painting contact surfaces with bituminous coating, by applying rubberized-asphalt underlayment to each contact surface, or by other permanent separation as recommended by metal roof panel manufacturer. Use slip sheet where roof panels will contact wood, ferrous metal, or cementitious construction. 3.4.7 Joint Sealers: Install gaskets, joint fillers, and sealants where indicated and where required for weatherproof performance of metal roof panel assemblies. Provide types of gaskets, fillers, and sealants indicated or, if not indicated, types recommended by metal roof panel manufacturer. Seal metal roof panel end laps with double beads of tape or sealant, full width of panel. Seal side joints where recommended by metal roof panel manufacturer. Prepare joints and apply sealants to comply with requirements in Division 07 Section "Joint Sealants." 3.5 METAL ROOF PANEL INSTALLATION 3.5.1 Standing-Seam Metal Roof Panels: Fasten metal roof panels to supports with concealed clips at each standing-seam joint at location, spacing, and with fasteners recommended by manufacturer. Install clips to supports with self-tapping fasteners. Install pressure plates at locations indicated in manufacturer's written installation instructions. Erection Tolerances: Shim and align metal roof panel units within installed tolerance of 1/4 inch in 20 feet (1:960) on slope and location lines as indicated and within 1/8 inch (3 mm) offset of splices and alignment of matching profiles. Seamed Joint: Crimp standing seams with manufacturer-approved, motorized seamer tool so clip, metal roof panel, and factory-applied sealant are completely engaged. Watertight Installation: Apply a continuous ribbon of sealant or tape to seal joints of metal panels, using sealant or tape as recommend in writing by manufacturer as needed to make panels watertight. Provide sealant or tape between panels and protruding equipment, vents, and accessories. 3.6 ACCESSORY INSTALLATION 3.6.1 General: Install accessories with positive anchorage to building and weathertight mounting Install components required for a complete metal roof panel assembly including trim, copings, ridge closures, seam covers, flashings, sealants, gaskets, fillers, closure strips, and similar items. 3.6.2 Flashing and Trim: Comply with performance requirements and manufacturer's written installation instructions. Provide concealed fasteners where possible, and set units true to line and level as indicated. Install work with laps, joints, and seams that will be permanently watertight and weather resistant. Form trim and transition joints using compressed joints with captive butyl sealant capable of resisting static water pressure. Cleated joints and exposed joint sealants do not meet this requirement. Install exposed flashing and trim that is without excessive oil canning, buckling, and tool marks and that is true to line and levels indicated, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. Install sheet metal flashing and trim to fit substrates and to result in waterproof and weather-resistant performance. Expansion Provisions: Provide for thermal expansion of exposed flashing and trim. Space movement joints at a maximum of 10 feet (3 m) with no joints allowed within 24 inches (600 mm) of corner or intersection. Where lapped expansion provisions cannot be used or would not be sufficiently weather resistant and waterproof, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than 1 inch (25 mm) deep, filled with mastic sealant (concealed within joints). 3.6.3 Gutters: Join sections with riveted and soldered or lapped, riveted, and sealed joints. Attach gutters to eave with gutter hangers spaced not more than 36 inches (914 mm) o.c. using manufacturer's standard fasteners. Provide end closures and seal watertight with sealant. Provide for thermal expansion. 07 41 13 -8 3.6.4 Downspouts: Join sections with telescoping joints. Provide fasteners designed to hold downspouts securely 1 inch (25 mm) away from walls; locate fasteners at top and bottom and at approximately 60 inches (1500 mm) o.c. in between. Provide elbows at base of downspouts to direct water away from building. Connect downspouts to underground drainage system indicated. 3.6.5 Roof Curbs: Install curbs at locations indicated on Drawings. Install flashing around bases where they meet metal roof panels. 3.6.6 Pipe Flashing: Form flashing around pipe penetration and metal roof panels. Fasten and seal to metal roof panels as recommended by manufacturer. 3.6.7 Bar-Type Snow Guards: Attach bar supports to vertical ribs of standing-seam metal roof panels with clamps or set screws in array recommended by snow guard manufacturer. Do not use fasteners that will penetrate metal roof panels. 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 3.7.1 Manufacturer’s Technical Representative: Engage a qualified manufacturer’s technical representative acceptable to Owner for a minimum of 7 full-time days on site to perform substrate examination, interim observations, and final roof inspections, and to prepare reports. 3.7.2 Remove and replace applications of metal roof panels where inspections indicate that they do not comply with specified requirements. 3.7.3 Additional inspections, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements. 3.8 CLEANING 3.8.1 Remove temporary protective coverings and strippable films, if any, as metal roof panels are installed unless otherwise indicated in manufacturer's written installation instructions. On completion of metal roof panel installation, clean finished surfaces as recommended by metal roof panel manufacturer. Maintain in a clean condition during construction. 3.8.2 Replace metal roof panels that have been damaged or have deteriorated beyond successful repair by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures. END OF SECTION 07 41 13 07 54 16-1 SECTION 07 54 16 - KETONE ETHYLENE ESTER (KEE) ROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY 1.1.1 Section Includes: Adhered thermoplastic KEE roofing system on a prepared existing roof substrate, including: Roof insulation. Roof insulation cover board. Walkway material. 1.1.2 Related Sections: 07 62 00 “Sheet Metal” for shop-formed sheet metal items including roof drainage system items, roof penetration flashings, base and counterflashings and reglets, and formed copings and roof edge metal items. 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Roofing Terminology: Refer to ASTM D1079 "Standard Terminology Relating to Roofing and Waterproofing" and glossary in applicable edition of NRCA's "The NRCA Roofing Manual: Membrane Roof Systems" for definition of terms related to roofing work in this Section. 1.3 PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS 1.3.1 Preinstallation Roofing Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. Meet with Owner, Architect, roofing Installer, roofing system manufacturer's representative, and installers whose work interfaces with or affects roofing, including installers of roof accessories and roof-mounted equipment. Review drawings and specifications. Review methods and procedures related to roofing installation, including manufacturer's written instructions. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials, Installer's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. Examine substrate conditions and finishes for compliance with requirements, including flatness and fastening. Review structural loading limitations of roof deck during and after roofing. Review base flashings, special roofing details, roof drainage, roof penetrations, equipment curbs, and condition of other construction that will affect roofing system. Review governing regulations and requirements for insurance and certificates if applicable. Review temporary protection requirements for roofing system during and after installation. Review roof observation and repair procedures after roofing installation. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS 1.4.1 Product Data: For each type of product indicated. 1.4.2 Shop Drawings: For roofing system. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. Base flashings and membrane terminations. Indicate details meet requirements of NRCA and FMG required by this Section. Tapered insulation for crickets. Roof plan showing types and orientation of roof deck and orientation of membrane roofing and fastening spacings and patterns for mechanically fastened membrane roofing if applicable. 1.4.3. Samples for Verification: For the following products: Sheet roofing, of color specified, including T-shaped side and end lap seam. Walkway pads or rolls. 1.5 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 1.5.1 Contractor's Product Certificate: Submit certificate, indicating products intended for Work of this Section, including product names and numbers and manufacturers' names, with statement indicating that products to be provided meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. 07 54 16-2 1.5.2 Qualification Data: For Installer, Manufacturer and Roofing Inspector. Include letter from Manufacturer written for this Project indicating approval of Installer. 1.5.3 Manufacturer Certificates: Signed by roofing manufacturer certifying that roofing system complies with requirements specified in "Performance Requirements" Article. Submit evidence of compliance with performance requirements. Include: UL listing certificate. Product Compatibility: Indicate manufacturer has verified compatibility of roofing system components, including but not limited to: Roofing membrane, flashing sheets, adhesives, and sealants. 1.5.4 Product Test Reports: Based on evaluation of comprehensive tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency, for components of membrane roofing system. 1.5.5 Warranties: Unexecuted sample copies of special warranties. 1.5.6 Inspection Reports: Reports of Roofing Inspector. Include weather conditions, description of work performed, tests performed, defective work observed, and corrective actions taken to correct defective work. Submit reports within 48 hours after inspection. 1.6 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS 1.6.1 Executed copies of warranties. 1.6.2 Maintenance Data: To include in maintenance manuals. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.7.1 Installer Qualifications: An employer of workers trained and certified by manufacturer, including a full-time on-site supervisor with a minimum of five years' experience installing products comparable to those specified, able to communicate verbally with Contractor, Architect, and employees, and qualified by the manufacturer to install manufacturer's product and furnish warranty of type specified. 1.7.2 Manufacturer Qualifications: Approved manufacturer listed in this Section, UL listed for roofing systems comparable to that specified for this Project, with minimum five years' experience in manufacture of thermoplastic roof membrane products in successful use in similar applications. 1.7.3 Roofing Inspector Qualifications: A technical representative of manufacturer not engaged in the sale of products and experienced in the installation and maintenance of the specified roofing system, qualified to perform roofing observation and inspection specified in Field Quality Control Article, to determine Installer's compliance with the requirements of this Project, and approved by the manufacturer to issue warranty certification. The Roofing Inspector shall be one of the following: An authorized full-time technical employee of the manufacturer. An independent party certified as a Registered Roof Observer by the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (formerly the Roof Consultants Institute) retained by the Contractor or the Manufacturer and approved by the Manufacturer. 1.7.4 Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Obtain and maintain on-site access to manufacturer's written recommendations and instructions for installation of products. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.8.1 Deliver roofing materials to Project site in original containers with seals unbroken and labeled with manufacturer's name, product brand name and type, date of manufacture, approval or listing agency markings, and directions for storing and mixing with other components. 1.8.2 Store liquid materials in their original undamaged containers in a clean, dry, protected location and within the temperature range required by roofing system manufacturer. Protect stored liquid material from direct sunlight. Discard and legally dispose of liquid material that cannot be applied within its stated shelf life. 1.8.3 Protect roof insulation materials from physical damage and from deterioration by sunlight, moisture, soiling, and other sources. Store in a dry location. Comply with insulation manufacturer's written instructions for handling, storing, and protecting during installation. 1.8.4 Handle and store roofing materials and place equipment in a manner to avoid permanent deflection of deck. 1.9 PROJECT / FIELD CONDITIONS 1.9.1 Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit roofing system to be installed according to manufacturer's written instructions and warranty requirements. 1.9.2 Daily Protection: Coordinate installation of roofing so insulation and other components of roofing system not permanently exposed are not subjected to precipitation or left uncovered at the end of the workday or when rain is forecast. 07 54 16-3 Provide tie-offs at end of each day's work to cover exposed roofing and insulation with a course of roofing sheet securely in place with joints and edges sealed. Complete terminations and base flashings and provide temporary seals to prevent water from entering completed sections of roofing. 1.9.3 Remove temporary plugs from roof drains at end of each day. 1.9.4 Remove and discard temporary seals before beginning work on adjoining roofing. 1.10 WARRANTY 1.10.1 Manufacturer's Warranty: Roof System Manufacturer's standard form in which Manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of roofing system that fail in materials or workmanship within warranty period, as follows. Form of Warranty: Manufacturer's standard warranty form. Scope of Warranty: Work of this Section and including sheet metal details and termination details installed by the roof system Installer and approved by the Roof System Manufacturer. Warranty Period: 30 years from date of completion. Manufacturer shall provide sole source warranty for low slope (KEE Membrane ) and Steep Slope (Standing Seam Metal - Section 07 41 13) roof areas. 1.10.2 Manufacturer Inspection Services: By manufacturer's technical representative, to report maintenance responsibilities to Owner necessary for preservation of Owner's warranty rights. The cost of manufacturer's inspections is included in the Contract Sum. Inspections to occur in following years: 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 following completion. 1.10.3 Installer Warranty: Installer's warranty signed by Installer, as follows. Form of Warranty: Form acceptable to Roofing Manufacturer and Owner. Scope of Warranty: Work of this Section. Warranty Period: 2 years from date of completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS 2.1.1 Basis of Design: The roof system specified in this Section is based upon products of Tremco CPG, Inc., Beachwood, OH, (800) 562-2728, www.tremcoroofing.com that are named in other Part 2 articles, or architects approved equal. 2.2.2 Source Limitations: Obtain components for roofing system from same manufacturer as membrane roofing or manufacturer approved by membrane roofing manufacturer. 2.2 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 2.2.1 General Performance: Installed membrane roofing and base flashings shall withstand specified uplift pressures, thermally induced movement, and exposure to weather without failure due to defective manufacture, fabrication, installation, or other defects in construction. Membrane roofing and base flashings shall remain watertight. Accelerated Weathering: Roofing system shall withstand 10,000 hours of exposure when tested according to ASTM G152, ASTM G154, or ASTM G155. Impact Resistance: Roof membrane shall resist impact damage when tested according to ASTM D3746/D3746M, ASTM D4272/D4272M, or the "Resistance to Foot Traffic Test" in FM Approvals 4470. 2.2.2 Roofing System Design: Provide membrane roofing system that is identical to systems that have been successfully tested by a qualified testing and inspecting agency in accordance with ANSI/FM 4474, UL 580, or UL 1897, and to resist uplift pressures calculated in accordance with ASCE-7 and applicable code. 2.2.3 Exterior Fire-Test Exposure: ASTM E108, Class A; for application and roof slopes indicated, as determined by testing identical membrane roofing materials by a qualified testing agency. Materials shall be identified with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. 2.2.4 Fire-Resistance Ratings: Comply with fire-resistance-rated assembly designs indicated. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. 2.2.5 Energy Performance: Roofing system shall have an initial solar reflectance index of not less than 0.70 and an emissivity of not less than 0.75 when tested according to CRRC-1. 2.3 MATERIALS, GENERAL 2.3.1 Material Compatibility: Roofing materials shall be compatible with one another and adjacent materials under conditions of service and application required, as demonstrated by roof membrane manufacturer based on testing and field experience. 2.4 BASE SHEET 07 54 16-4 2.4.1 Nailed G2 Base sheet over wood deck. Burmastic Glass Ply 33# by Tremco. 2.5 THERMOPLASTIC MEMBRANE MATERIALS 2.5.1 KEE Roof Membrane: Thermoplastic Ketone Ethylene Ester (KEE) coated polyester fabric-reinforced sheet, ASTM D6754. Basis of design product: Tremco, TremPly KEE FB Single Ply Roof Membrane (UL System TGFU.R6692) . Breaking Strength, minimum, ASTM D751: Machine direction, 500 lbf (87 kN/m); Cross machine direction, 400 lbf (70 kN/m). Tear Strength, minimum, ASTM D751: Machine direction,125 lbf (21 kN/m); Cross machine direction, 145 lbf (25 kN/m). Elongation at Break, ASTM D751: 20 percent. Dynamic Impact/Puncture Resistance, ASTM D5635: Pass. Minimum Membrane Thickness, nominal, less backing, ASTM D751: 60 mils (1.5 mm). Thickness over fiber, optical method: 0.014 inches. Accelerated Weathering, ASTM G155 and ASTM G154: Not greater than 5,000 hr., no cracking or crazing. Abrasion Resistance, ASTM D3389: Not greater than 2,000 cycles, H-18 wheel, 1,000 g load. Color: White. Solar Reflectance Index (SRI), ASTM E1980: 110 (White, initial), 86 (White, 3-yr aged). 2.5.2 Sheet Flashing: Manufacturer's standard, smooth-backed, sheet flashing of same material, type, reinforcement, thickness and color as KEE roof membrane. 2.6 AUXILIARY ROOFING MATERIALS 2.6.1 General: Auxiliary membrane roofing materials recommended by roofing system manufacturer for intended use, and compatible with membrane roofing. Liquid-type auxiliary materials shall comply with VOC limits of authorities having jurisdiction. 2.6.2 Membrane Bonding Adhesive: Bonding adhesive, solvent based fast drying, VOC-compliant, for bonding KEE fleece back single ply membranes and flashings to substrates. Basis of design product: Tremco, TremPly KEE FBII Bonding Adhesive. 2.6.3 Flashing Membrane Adhesive: Bonding adhesive, solvent based fast drying, VOC-compliant, for bonding KEE smooth-backed single ply membranes and flashings to substrates. Basis of design product: Tremco, TremPly KEE LV Bonding Adhesive. VOC, maximum, ASTM D 3960: 200 g/L. 2.6.4 Metal Termination Bars: Manufacturer's standard, predrilled stainless-steel or aluminum bars, approximately 1 by 1/8 inch (25 mm by 3 mm) thick; with anchors. 2.6.5 Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates complying with corrosion-resistance provisions in FM Approvals 4470, designed for fastening components to substrate, and acceptable to membrane roofing system manufacturer. 2.6.6 Joint Sealant: Elastomeric joint sealant compatible with roofing materials, with movement capability appropriate for application. Joint Sealant, Polyurethane: ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 50 single-component moisture curing sealant, formulated for compatibility and use in dynamic and static joints; paintable. Basis of design product: Tremco, TremSEAL Pro. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), maximum, ASTM D3960: 40 g/L. Hardness, Shore A, ASTM C661: 40. Adhesion to Concrete, ASTM C794: 35 pli. 07 54 16-5 Tensile Strength, ASTM D412: 350 psi (2410 kPa). Color: White. 2.6.7 Prefabricated Pipe Flashings: As recommended by roof membrane manufacturer. 2.6.8 Miscellaneous Accessories: Provide pourable sealers, preformed cone and vent sheet flashings, preformed inside and outside corner sheet flashings, T-joint covers, lap sealants, termination reglets, and other accessories. 2.7 ROOF INSULATION MATERIALS 2.7.1 General: Preformed roof insulation boards manufactured or approved by roofing manufacturer, selected from insulation manufacturer's standard sizes, suitable for application, and of thicknesses indicated. Provide preformed saddles, crickets, tapered edge strips, and other insulation shapes where indicated for sloping to drain. Fabricate to slopes indicated, not less than two times the roof slope. 2.7.2 Roof Insulation: Provide roof insulation product in thicknesses indicated in Part 3 as follows: Board Insulation, Polyisocyanurate: CFC- and HCFC- free, with recycled content glass-fiber mat facer on both major surfaces, ASTM C1289 Type II Class 1. Compressive Strength, ASTM D1621: Grade 2: 20 psi (138 kPa). Conditioned Thermal Resistance at 75 deg. F (24 deg. C): 14.4 at 2.5 inches (50.8 mm) thick. 2.8 ROOF INSULATION ACCESSORIES 2.8.1 Cover Board: Gypsum panel, glass-mat-faced, primed, ASTM C1177/C1177M. Basis of design product: GP Gypsum DensDeck Prime. Thickness: 1/4 inch (6 mm). 2.8.2 Roof Insulation Adhesive: Urethane adhesive, bead-applied, low-rise two-component solvent-free low odor, formulated to adhere roof insulation to substrate. Basis of design product: Tremco, Low Rise Foam Insulation Adhesive. Flame Spread Index, ASTM E84: 10. Smoke Developed Index, ASTM E84: 30. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), maximum, ASTM D3960: 0 g/L. Tensile Strength, minimum, ASTM D412: 250 psi (1720 kPa). Peel Adhesion, minimum, ASTM D903: 17 lbf/in (2.50 kN/m). Flexibility, 70 deg. F (39 deg. C), ASTM D816: Pass. 2.8.3 Insulation Cant Strips: ASTM C 208, Type II, Grade 1, cellulosic-fiber insulation board. 2.9 WALKWAY MATERIALS 2.9.1 Walkway / Protection Mat Material: Walkway roll, reinforced KEE membrane roll with serrated slip-resistant surface, fabricated for heat welding to compatible KEE membrane surface. Basis of design product: Tremco, TremPly KEE Walkway Roll. Roll Size: 30 inches by 50 ft (760 mm by 15.2 m). Thickness: 0.047 inch (0.6 mm). Breaking strength: 56 lbs (9.8 kN/m). Color: Light yellow. Protection mat, reinforced KEE membrane mat with serrated slip-resistant surface and enhanced puncture resistance, fabricated for heat welding to compatible KEE membrane surface. Basis of design product: Tremco, TremPly KEE Protection Mat. Mat Size: 28 inches by 48 feet (710 mm by 13.1 m). 07 54 16-6 Thickness: 0.234 inch (5.9 mm). Puncture resistance: 850 lbs (148 kN/m). Tear strength: 350 lbs (60 kN/m). Color: Yellow. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION 3.1.1 Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with the following requirements and other conditions affecting performance of roofing system: 3.1.1 Verify that roof openings and penetrations are in place and curbs are set and braced and that roof drain bodies are securely clamped in place. 3.1.2 Verify that existing substrate is sound and dry. 3.1.2 Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION 3.2.1 Clean substrate of dust, debris, moisture, and other substances detrimental to roofing installation according to roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. Remove sharp projections. 3.2.2 Prevent materials from entering and clogging roof drains and conductors and from spilling or migrating onto surfaces of other construction. Remove roof-drain plugs when no work is taking place or when rain is forecast. 3.3.3 Complete terminations and base flashings and provide temporary seals to prevent water from entering completed sections of roofing system at the end of the workday or when rain is forecast. Remove and discard temporary seals before beginning work on adjoining roofing. 3.3 INSTALLATION, GENERAL 3.3.1 Install roofing system in accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions and approved details. 3.3.2 NRCA Installation Details: Install roofing system in accordance with applicable NRCA Manual Plates and NRCA recommendations; modify as required to comply with manufacturer's approved details and perimeter fastening requirements of FM Global references if applicable. 3.4 BASE SHEET 3.4.1 Properly Relax 33# Base sheet before installation per manufacturer requirements, nail with approved base sheet Cap nails with 1" integral cap, lap base sheet 4" on side laps and 6" on end laps, nail 9" on laps and 18" on center staggered 12". 3.5 INSULATION INSTALLATION 3.5.1 Coordinate installing membrane roofing system components so insulation is not exposed to precipitation or left exposed at the end of the workday. 3.5.2 Comply with membrane roofing system and insulation manufacturer's written instructions for installing roof insulation. 3.5.3 Tapered Crickets: Install tapered insulation in waterways and behind curbs to provide crickets to ensure positive slope to drain. Where crickets are indicated or required to provide positive slope to drain, make slope of crickets minimum of two times the roof slope, not less than 1/4 inch in 12 inches (1:48). 3.5.4 Install insulation under area of roofing to achieve required thickness. Flat Insulation System on Sloped Roof Deck: Install insulation at minimum thickness as follows: Minimum total thickness of Continuous Insulation: 1.8 inches. Insulation Drain Sumps: Tapered insulation sumps, not less than 2 by 2 ft. (600 by 600 mm), sloped to roof drain; sump to maximum depth of not more than 1 inch (25 mm) less than the Project-stipulated continuous insulation thickness based upon code requirements. 3.5.5 Trim surface of insulation where necessary at roof drains so completed surface is flush and does not restrict flow of water. 3.5.6 Install insulation with long joints of insulation in a continuous straight line with end joints staggered between rows, abutting edges and ends between boards. Fill gaps exceeding 1/4 inch (6 mm) with insulation. Cut and fit insulation within 1/4 inch (6 mm) of nailers, projections, and penetrations. 3.5.7 Adhered Insulation: Install each layer of insulation and adhere to substrate as follows: 07 54 16-7 Set each layer of insulation in ribbons of bead-applied insulation adhesive, firmly pressing and maintaining insulation in place. 3.5.8 Cover Boards: Install cover boards over insulation with long joints in continuous straight lines with end joints staggered between rows. Offset joints of insulation below a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm) in each direction. Loosely butt cover boards together. Secure cover boards to resist uplift pressure at corners, perimeter, and field of roof. Adhere cover boards by setting in ribbons of bead-applied insulation adhesive, firmly pressing and maintaining cover board in place. 3.6 ADHERED MEMBRANE ROOFING INSTALLATION 3.6.1 Adhere membrane roofing over area to receive roofing and install according to membrane roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. 3.6.2 Start installation of membrane roofing in presence of membrane roofing system manufacturer's technical personnel. 3.6.3 Accurately align membrane roofing and maintain uniform side and end laps of minimum dimensions required by manufacturer. Stagger end laps. 3.6.4 Bonding Adhesive: Apply fleece back bonding adhesive per manufacturer warranty detail requirements. Broom or roll membrane into place. 3.6.5 In addition to adhering, mechanically fasten membrane roofing securely at terminations, penetrations, and perimeter of roofing. 3.6.6 Apply membrane roofing with side laps shingled with slope of roof deck where possible. 3.6.7 Welded Seams: Clean seam areas, overlap membrane roofing, and hot-air weld side and end laps of membrane roofing and sheet flashings according to manufacturer's written instructions to ensure a watertight seam installation. Test lap edges with probe to verify seam weld continuity. Apply lap sealant to seal cut edges of sheet membrane. Verify field strength of seams a minimum of twice daily and repair seam sample areas. Repair tears, voids, and lapped seams in roofing that does not comply with requirements. 3.6.8 Spread sealant bed over deck drain flange at roof drains and securely seal membrane roofing in place with clamping ring. 3.7 BASE FLASHING INSTALLATION 3.7.1 Install sheet flashings and preformed flashing accessories and adhere to substrates according to membrane roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. 3.7.2 Apply bonding adhesive to substrate and underside of sheet flashing at required rate and allow to partially dry. Do not apply to seam area of flashing. 3.7.3 Flash penetrations and field-formed inside and outside corners with cured or uncured sheet flashing. 3.7.4 Clean seam areas, overlap, and firmly roll sheet flashings into the adhesive. Hot-air weld side and end laps to ensure a watertight seam installation. 3.7.5 Seal top termination of base flashing with a metal termination bar and a continuous bead of joint sealant. 3.8 WALKWAY INSTALLATION 3.8.1 Flexible Walkways: Install walkway from roof access ladder leading to and around all roof top service units and to provide a safe path of travel to all roof drains for maintenance cleaning. Heat weld to substrate. 3.9 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 3.9.1 Roofing Inspector: Manufacturer to provide daily site visits by manufacturer field inspector and provide daily field reports including progress photos. 3.9.2 Final Roof Inspection: Arrange for roofing system manufacturer's technical personnel to inspect roofing installation on completion. 3.9.3 Repair or remove and replace components of membrane roofing system where inspections indicate that they do not comply with specified requirements. 3.9.4 Additional inspections, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements. 3.10 PROTECTING AND CLEANING 3/10.1 Correct deficiencies in or remove membrane roofing system that does not comply with requirements; repair substrates; and repair or reinstall membrane roofing system to a condition free of damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion and according to warranty requirements. 07 54 16-8 3.10.2 Clean overspray and spillage from adjacent construction using cleaning agents and procedures recommended by manufacturer of affected construction. END OF SECTION 07 54 16 07 62 00-1 SECTION 07 62 00 - SHEET METAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS AND DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes the furnishing and installing of all flashing and sheet metal work for the building complete, including reglets and counterflashings as shown and noted on the drawings and specified herein. The Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. 1.2 REFERENCES AND STANDARDS: Sheet metal and copper work shall be fabricated and installed in accordance with the "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual", most current edition, of the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc. (SMACNA), unless detailed otherwise. Materials shall be in accordance with the specifications and standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) as hereinafter referred to. 1.3 SUBMITTALS: 1.3.1 Shop Drawings: Submit fully detailed shop drawings of all fabricated items, including all gutters, downspouts, scuppers, reglets and counterflashings for review. No fabrication of sheet metal shall be commenced until the shop drawings have been reviewed and returned to the Contractor. 1.3.2 See Section 013300 for number and manner of submittals. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: Do not expose sheet metal to excessive moisture, humidity or other conditions that would cause corrosion or wet storage stains. Protect surfaces, edges and ends from damage due to physical abuse. 1.5 COORDINATION: Coordinate the work of this section with the roofing work and the work of other trades whose work requires flashing. Consult with others and expedite and coordinate the labor and materials involved. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: 2.1.1a Galvanized Sheet Metal: Galvanized iron or steel sheet, conforming to ASTM A 525-83 or A 446-76, as required, with minimum zinc coating of 2 oz./sq.ft. and 0.2% copper bearing. Sheet metal shall be 24 gauged galvanized iron unless otherwise noted from a stand brand such as Armco, Toncan or prior approved equal. 2.1.2 Solder: Solder for sheet metal shall be Grade A conforming to ASTM B 32-83. Remelted or reworked solder shall not be used. 2.1.3 Flux: Flux shall be muriatic acid killed with zinc or an approved brand of soldering flux. Flux shall be thoroughly washed off after soldering is completed and shall not be injurious to metal surfaces. 2.1.4 Butyl Sealer: Where it is impracticable to use a solder at joints or corners, seal with one of the following butyl sealants (per SMACNA manual), or prior approved equal approved in accordance with Section 00160: Adco Seal No. B-100 PTI Sealants No. 707; Protective Treatments, Inc. Tremco Butyl Sealant; Tremco, Inc. 2.1.5 Fasteners: Fasteners shall be the same metal or a metal compatible with the items it contacts. Stainless steel fasteners shall be used to fasten dissimilar materials. Provide compatible washers where required to protect surface of sheet metals and to provide a watertight connection. 2.1.6 Nails, Rivets, and Fastenings: Nails shall be case-hardened concrete nails over concrete and roofing nails over wood, of required lengths. Where sheet metal is built in over roofing materials or other sheet metal, use nails with 1" tinned discs. Rivets shall be tinned soft iron rivets. Sheet metal screws shall be Parker Kalon type, or equal, of proper size and material to suit conditions. Where wood nailers are provided, use galvanized or stainless steel wood screws as applicable. 2.1.7 Reglet and Counterflashing Assembly: by Fry Reglet Corp. The assembly shall be made of 24 gauge galvanized steel. Flashing at masonry walls shall be Fry type MA or Keystone. Flashing at stud/plaster walls shall be Fry type ST. Flashing at masonry/plaster walls shall be Fry Type SM. 2.1.8 Base Covers Roof Mounted Equipment: Shall be 20 gauge galvanized steel. 2.1.9 Scuppers and Scupper Box: Shall be 20 gauge galvanized steel unless otherwise noted on drawings. Flashing at scuppers 07 62 00-2 shall be galvanized iron (paint-lock). 2.1.10 Plaster Stops: Which capture and terminate waterproofing at lower/bottom end of wall or soffit shall have weep holes to allow water to escape preventing puddle or stain marks on plaster (see section 09 24 00). 2.1.11 Gravel Stops: shall be of 20 gauge galvanized steel. 2.1.12 Fascias, Fascia covers, Parapet Caps/Copings: shall be of 20 gauge galvanized steel. 2.1.13 Leaders, Downspouts and Gutters: shall be of 22 gauge galvanized steel. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND TEMPLATES: Secure field measurements required for proper and adequate fabrication and installation of the work. Exact measurements are the Contractor's responsibility. 3.2 FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION: 3.2.1 General: Surfaces against which sheet metal is to be placed shall be clean, smooth and free from defects. All surfaces shall be inspected and corrected before starting work. Sheet metal work related to roofing work shall be coordinated with the roofing work. Flanges of sheet metal items shall be installed on top of last roofing ply in full bed of asphaltic plastic cement 1/8" thick. 3.2.2 Workmanship: Sheet metal shall be finished straight and true, with miters and joints accurately fitted. Exposed work shall be free of dents. Corners shall be reinforced and seams made waterproof. Ample provisions shall be made for expansion and contraction in sheet metal assemblies. 3.2.3 Soldering: Edges of sheet metal shall be pretinned before soldering is begun. Soldering shall be done slowly with heavy, well heated, properly tinned coppers, to heat thoroughly the seam and completely sweat the solder through the full width of the seam. Ample solder shall be used and the seam shall show not less than one full inch of evenly flowed solder. Soldering shall follow immediately after application of flux. Upon completion of soldering, acid shall be neutralized and surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned. Clean work of all excess putty, caulking compounds, stain grease which has been caused by work under this Section. 3.2.4 Gravel Stops: Provide prefabricated mitered and soldered internal and external corners. Joints between sections shall be left open 1/4" and backed with formed back-up plates lapping each section end a minimum of 3". Seal laps with butyl sealer. Exposed edges of gravel stops shall be folded back 1/2" on the underside. Place gravel stops on roofs after all roofing felts have been laid. Place in position on a 1/8" thick bed of black plastic cement the full width of the flange and nailed not to exceed 12" on centers. 3.2.5 Parapet Caps: Provide prefabricated mitered internal and external corners. Joints between sections shall have hooked seam per SMACNA. Seal laps with sealer. 3.2.6 Edge Strips: Fabricate strips of galvanized steel of the same thickness as metal to be fastened. Secure edge strips in place at not more than 6" on centers. 3.2.7 Reglets and Counterflashings: Reglets and counterflashings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's printed installation drawings and instructions and as otherwise detailed on the drawings. 3.2.8 Gutters: The hung type of shape indicated and supported on underside by brackets that permit free thermal movement of the gutter. Provide gutters in sizes indicated, complete with mitered corners, end caps, outlets, brackets, and other accessories from the same material as the gutter necessary for installation. Bead or reinforce the outer edge of gutter with a stiffening bar not less than 3/4 by 3/16 inch of material compatible with gutter. Fabricate gutters in sections not less than eight feet long. Lap the sections a minimum of one inch in the direction of flow or provide with concealed splice plate six inches minimum. Join the gutters, other than aluminum and copper, by riveted and soldered joints. Aluminum gutters shall be joined with riveted sealed joints. Provide expansion-type slip joints midway between outlets. Support gutters on adjustable hangers spaced not more than 30 inches on centers or as recommended by the manufacturer. Adjust gutters to slope uniformly to outlets, with high points occurring midway between outlets. Fabricate hangers and fastenings from metals compatible with the gutters. Install gutters, downspout, and accessories as directed by Architect and manufacturer's literature. 3.2.9 Leaders and Downspouts: Types, shapes, and sizes indicated. Provide end joints to telescope not less than 1/2 inch and lock longitudinal joints. Provide gutter outlets with wire ball strainers for each outlet. Provide strainers to fit tightly into outlets and be of the same material used for gutters. Keep downspouts not less than one inch away from walls. Fasten to the walls at top, bottom, and at an intermediate point not to exceed five feet on centers with leader straps or concealed rack-and-pin type fasteners. Form straps and fasteners of metal compatible with the downspouts. Terminations: Neatly fit into the drainage connection the downspouts terminating in drainage lines and fill the joints with a Portland Cement mortar cap sloped away from the downspout. Miscellaneous Flashings and Metal Trim: Miscellaneous flashings, metal trim, and their related components are not necessarily individually described. Miscellaneous items and trim not mentioned or described shall be furnished and installed (soldered) in accordance with the intent of the drawings, specifications, and SMACNA as required to complete the work. Scuppers will be fabricated and installed as shown on pages 54-55 of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association Inc. June 1972 Edition. (Provide Paint-Lock Material) See architectural drawings for modifications. 07 62 00-3 3.3 SHOP PAINTING: Sheet metal surfaces which will be concealed in the finished work shall be treated with an approved acid wash and then shop painted with one coat of an approved galvanized primer such as zinc dust-zinc oxide primer. Sheet metal surfaces which will be exposed in the finished work are specified to be treated and prime-painted under Section 09 91 00. END OF SECTION 07 62 00 07 72 00-1 SECTION 07 72 00 - ROOF ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS AND DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes the furnishing, delivery and installing of roof accessories complete as indicated on drawings and as specified. The Conditions of Contract and Division 1 apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. 1.2 STANDARDS: Comply with SMACNA "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" details for fabrication of units, including flanges and cap-flashing to coordinate with type of roofing indicated. Comply with "NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual" details for installation of units. 1.3 SUBMITTAL: 1.3.1 Submittal procedures and quantities are as specified in Section 01 33 00. 1.3.2 Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data and installation instructions. 1.3.3 Shop Drawings: Submit fully detailed shop drawings showing size, location and details of roof accessories. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: 2.1.1 Sheet Metal: Except as otherwise indicated, 20-gauge, copper-bearing zinc-coated steel, ASTM A526, G90 hot-dip galvanized, mill phosphatized. 2.1.2 Fasteners: Match metal and finish of metal work, or provide non-magnetic stainless steel, unless another type fastener is recommended by manufacturer of accessory unit. 2.1.3 Roofing Cement: FS SS-C-153, type which is compatible with roofing, and nominally free of sulfur. 2.1.4 Bituminous Coating: 15 mil bituminous mastic coating, FS TT-C-494 or SSPC-Paint 12, nominally free of sulfur. 2.1.5 Mastic Sealant: Manville MBR Flashing Cement. 2.1.6 Rooftop Duct Support: Eaton B-Line series Dura-Blok support base with B22SH or equal 2.2 ROOF WALKWAYS: SEE SECTION 07 54 16 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION: 3.1.1 Seal waterproof expansion joints between roof accessory units with concealed pockets of mastic sealant. 3.1.2 Where flanges and base of units set directly on roof or deck construction, set in a bed of roofing cement or mastic sealant. 3.1.3 Anchor units securely to supporting structure, except for small accessory items which are bedded and stripped into roofing for support. 3.1.4 Install prefabricated roof scuttle and safety post in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.1.5 Coordinate installation with deck construction, roofing and flashing work, to provide waterproof and weatherproof installations, in accordance with Construction Details of NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual. 3.1.6 Separate dissimilar metals by coating surfaces with bituminous coating or other permanent separation. END OF SECTION 07 72 00 07 92 00-1 SECTION 07 92 00 - JOINT SEALERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents: Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 Description of Work: 1.2.1 The work includes the furnishing and installing of all sealant work, except glazing sealants, required to weatherproof the structure, including interior sealant work, as shown and noted on the drawings and as specified. Sealants for glazing work are specified in Section 08 81 00. Sealants for tile work are specified in Section 09 30 00. Sealant for preformed roof and wall panels are specified in Section 07 41 00. 1.2.2 This section contains requirements pertaining to all weather sealing and caulking throughout the project and becomes a part of each and every section calling for caulking and sealing, unless otherwise specified, as though written in full in each section. 1.3 System Performances: Provide joints sealers that have been produced and installed to establish and maintain watertight and airtight continuous seals. 1.4 Quality Assurance: 1.4.1 Installer Qualifications: Engage an Installer who has, within the last 3 years, successfully completed at least 3 joint sealer applications similar in type and size to that of this project and who will assign mechanics from these earlier applications to this project, of which one will serve as lead mechanic. 1.4.2 Single Source Responsibility for Joint Sealer Materials: Obtain joint sealer materials from a single manufacturer for each different product required. 1.5 Submittals: 1.5.1 Submittal procedures and quantities as specified in Section 01 33 00. 1.5.2 Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical data for each joint sealer product required, including instructions for joint preparation and joint sealer application. 1.5.3 Samples for Initial Selection Purposes: Submit manufacturer's bead samples consisting of strips of actual products showing full range of colors available, including special colors provided by manufacturer for each product exposed to view. 1.5.4 Samples for Verification Purposes: Submit samples of each type and color of joint sealer required. Install joint sealer samples in 1/2" wide joints formed between two 6" long strips of material matching the appearance of exposed surfaces adjacent to joint sealers in the work. The workmanship, bond and color of sealant work throughout the project shall match that of the approved sample. 1.5.5 Certificates: Submit certificates from manufacturers of joint sealers attesting that their products comply with specification requirements and are suitable for the use indicated. 1.6 Delivery, Storage, and Handling: 1.6.1 Deliver materials to project site in original unopened containers or bundles with labels informing about manufacturer, product name and designation, color, expiration period for use, pot life, curing time and mixing instructions for multicomponent materials. 1.6.2 Store and handle materials to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, contaminants or other causes. Store sealants in an area where they will not be subject to temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not store materials that have exceeded the manufacturer's recommended shelf life. 1.7 Project Conditions: 1.7.1 Do not proceed with installation of joint sealers when ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside the limits permitted by joint sealer manufacturers, or when joint substrates are wet due to rain, fog, frost, condensation or other causes. 1.7.2 Do not proceed with installation of joint sealers when joint widths are less than allowed by joint sealer manufacturer for application indicated. 1.8 Warranty: In addition to the warranty and correction of work requirements of the General Conditions, work under this section shall be warranted against moisture penetration for a period of 20 years from the date of "Substantial Completion". The written warranty shall include materials and labor required to repair leaks that develop. The warranty shall be signed by the sealant manufacturer, the sealant installer and the Contractor and shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 77 00. 1.8.1 20 year limited warranty for Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant. 1.8.2 20 Year non-staining Warranty for Dow Corning 795 Silicone Building Sealant 07 92 00-2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials: Products shall conform to the reference documents listed for each use. Color of sealant and caulking shall match adjacent surface color, unless specified otherwise. In concealed installation, use standard gray or black sealant. For ASTM C 920 sealants, use a sealant that has been tested on the type(s) of substrate to which it will be applied. 2.1.1 Silicone Rubber One Component – (SLNT-1) Dow Corning 790 or 795 silicone construction sealant. 2.1.2 Self-Level Polyurethane Two-Part (SLNT-2): Two-part self-leveling polyurethane sealant, Sonneborn SL-2 Paving JT sealant or prior approved equal. 2.1.3 Urethane Sealant (SLNT-3): One-part polyurethane sealant, Vulkem 116 or prior approved equal. 2.1.4 Silicone Sanitary (SLNT-4): Silicone rubber base sanitary sealant, Dow Corning 786. 2.1.5 Concealed Acoustical Sealant (SLNT.5): Non-drying, nonhardening, nonskinning, nonstaining, nonbleeding, gunnable sealant for concealed applications per ASTM C 919. 2.1.6 Latex Acrylic Sealant (SLNT-6): ASTM C834-81, latex acrylic sealant, Sonneborn Sonolac or prior approved equal. Also used for Exposed Acoustical Sealant. 2.1.7 Primer for Sealant: Use a non-staining, quick-drying type and consistency recommended by the sealant manufacturer for the particular application that has been tested for durability on the surfaces to be sealed. 2.1.8 Bond Breakers: Use the type and consistency recommended by the sealant manufacturer for the particular application. 2.1.9 Joint Backings: Use polyurethane or polyethylene foams free from oil or other staining elements as recommended by the sealant manufacturer. Backing material shall be compatible with the sealant. Do not use oakum and other types of absorptive materials as joint backings. 2.1.10 Masking Tape: For masking around joint, provide an appropriate masking tape which will effectively prevent application of sealant on surfaces not scheduled to receive it and which is removable without damage to substrate. 2.1.11 Color of sealants to match adjacent surfaces which may require a special color normally produced by manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Surface Preparation: Surfaces shall be clean, dry to the touch, and free from moisture, grease, oil, wax, lacquer, paint, or other foreign matter that would tend to destroy or impair adhesion. Where adequate grooves have not been provided, clean out grooves to a depth of 1/2 inch and grind to a minimum width of 1/4 inch without damage to the adjoining work. No grinding shall be required on metal surfaces. 3.1.1 Concrete Surfaces: Install only on surfaces which are dry, sound, well-brushed and wiped free from dust. At all open joints, remove dust by mechanically blown compressed air if so required. To remove oil and grease, use sandblasting or wire brushing. Where surfaces have been treated, remove the surface treatment by sandblasting or wire brushing. Remove laitance and mortar from joint cavities. 3.1.2 Steel Surfaces: Unprimed or Unfinished Steel Surfaces in Contact with Sealant: Sandblast as required to achieve acceptable surface bond. If sandblasting is not practical, or would damage adjacent finish, scrape the metal or wire brush to remove mill scale and rust. Use solvent to remove oil and grease, wiping the surfaces with clean white rags only. Remove protective coatings on steel by sandblasting or by using a solvent which leaves no residue. 3.2 Sealant Preparation: Do not modify the sealant by addition of liquids, solvents, or powders. Mix multicomponent elastomeric sealants in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. 3.3 Application: 07 92 00-3 3.3.1 Backstops: Where joint cavities are constructed deeper than indicated, tightly pack the back or bottom with backstop material to provide a joint of the depth indicated. Install backstops dry and free of tears or holes. 3.3.2 Primer: Just prior to application of the sealant or caulking compound, clean out all loose particles from joints. Apply primer in accordance with compound manufacturer's directions. Do not apply primer to exposed finish surface. 3.3.3 Bond Breaker: Provide bond breakers, as recommended by the sealant manufacturer, for each type of joint and sealant used. 3.3.4 Sealant and Caulking Compounds: Use a compound that is compatible with the material to and against which it is applied. Do not use a compound that has exceeded its shelf life or has become too jelled to be discharged in a continuous flow from the gun. Apply the compound in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. Force the compound into joints with sufficient pressure to fill the joints solidly. Compound shall be uniformly smooth and free of wrinkles. Installation of SLNT-1: Use SLNT-1 where indicated on drawings, and for other sealant work subject to movement not otherwise indicated on drawings or specified herein. Use for non-sleeved mechanical and electrical penetrations in interior or exterior walls above grade and other exterior applications, including vertical surfaces. Joints to receive SLNT-1 shall be not less than 1/4 inch and not exceed two inches in width. Depth of sealant shall be as follows: Joint Width Min. Depth Max. Depth 1/4" to 1/2" 1/4" Equal to width 1/2" to 1" 1/2" 5/8" Installation of SLNT-2: Use SLNT-2 for horizontal surface joints subject to foot or vehicular traffic where indicated on drawings and as specified. Install in joints of exterior sidewalks adjacent to building, interior exposed joints in slabs where subject to foot or vehicular traffic, and interior exposed perimeter joints in slabs abutting walls and other vertical surfaces. Installation of SLNT-3: Use SLNT-3 where indicated on drawings, and for joints not subject to movement between windows, door frames, sidelights, louvers, other frames, and similar conditions in interior or exterior walls. Joints to receive SLNT-3 shall be not less than 1/4 inch and not exceed 3/4 inch in width. Depth of sealant shall be as follows: Joint Width Min. Depth Max. Depth 1/4" to 1/2" 1/4" Equal to width 1/2" to 3/4" 1/4" 1/2 of width Installation of SLNT-4: Use SLNT-4 where indicated on drawings, and for joints around counters, fixtures, and walls in toilet rooms and area requiring sanitary sealant. Installation of SLNT-5: Use SLNT-5 where indicated on drawings and for concealed application of acoustical sealants. Installation of SLNT-6: Use SLNT-6 where indicated on drawings and for exposed application of acoustical sealant. Installation of SLNT-6: Use SLNT-6 for interior wall penetrations that will be exposed to view and require painting and for interior wall penetrations that will not be exposed to view. 3.3.5 Sealed joints shall be neatly pointed on flush surfaces with beading tool, and internal corners with eaving tool. Excess material shall be cleanly removed. Sealant, where exposed, shall be free of wrinkles and uniformly smooth. Sealing shall be complete before final coats of paint are applied. 3.3.6 Miscellaneous Caulking and Sealing Work: The entire extent of sealing work is not necessarily fully or individually described herein. Sealing shall be provided wherever required to prevent light leakage as well as moisture leakage. Refer to drawings and other sections of these specifications for conditions and related parts of the work. 3.4 Protection and Cleaning: 3.4.1 Protection: Protect areas adjacent to joints from compound smears. Masking tape may be used for this purpose if removed five to ten minutes after the joint is filled. 3.4.2 Cleaning: Immediately scrape off fresh compound that has been smeared on masonry and rub clean with a solvent as recommended by the compound manufacturer. Upon completion of compound application, remove all remaining smears and stains resulting therefrom and leave the work in a clean and neat condition. END OF SECTION 07 92 00 09 24 00-1 SECTION 09 24 00 - LATH AND PLASTER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Work includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to install all aspects of portland cement plaster. B. Related Sections 1. 07 92 00 – Joint Sealers 1.02 REFERENCES A. ASTM C150 – Portland Cement B. ASTM C847 – Standard Specification for Metal Lath C. ASTM C1032 - Woven Wire Plaster Base D. ASTM C933 - Welded Wire Lath E. ASTM C144/C897 – Aggregate for Job-Mixed Portland Cement-Based Plaster F. ASTM C926 – Application of Portland Cement-Based Plaster G. ASTM C1063 – Installation of Lathing and Furring for Portland Cement Based Plaster H. PCA (Portland Cement Association) – Plaster (Stucco) Manual I. Plaster and Drywall Systems Manual, Third Edition J. ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Weather-resistive Barriers (AC38) K. Omega Three Coat Systems Details (TCS) 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. General: Portland cement plaster is comprised of a water-resistive barrier, optional sheathing, metal lath, scratch and brown coats, and a finish coat. B. Application Methods: The plaster is applied directly to a structure at the construction site. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: All product data sheets, evaluation reports, details, and warranty information that pertain to the project in accordance with Section 01 30 00 Submittal Procedures. Product shall be single sourced - from one manufacturer. B. Samples: Submit 12" square samples showing colors and finish produced using the same techniques and tools required to complete the project. Contractor shall construct a 48"x48" field samples of each color and/or texture with control joint incorporated to be approved by Architect. Allow for 1 additional sample of each initial color and/or texture. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: 1. Manufacturer: System component materials shall be a sole manufacturer and shall be distributed by the same or its authorized dealers. B. Plastering Contractor: 1. Shall specialize in cement plasterwork with documented experience. 2. Shall provide proof of current contractor’s license and bond where required. C. On-Site Mock-Ups: Produced upon request. 1. Prior to commencement of work, provide a mock-up for approval. 2. Mock-up suitable to represent the products to be installed for each color and texture constructed using the same tools and techniques to be utilized on the project. 3. Retain approved mock-up at job site throughout the application process. a. Where acceptable to the Architect, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. 4. Pre-Installation Meeting: Prior to commencing the work of this section, the contractor shall schedule and attend a meeting at the job site to discuss conformance with requirements of the Contract Documents. Request attendance of representatives from Architect, Contractor, subcontractors, and other parties who are involved. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Delivery: Deliver all materials to the construction site in their original, unopened packaging with labels intact. B. Inspection: Inspect the materials upon delivery to assure that specified products have been received. Report defects or discrepancies to the responsible party according to the construction documents; do not use reported material for application. C. Storage: Store all products per manufacturer’s recommendations. Generally, store materials in a cool, dry location; away from direct 09 24 00-2 contact with the ground and/or concrete; out of direct sunlight; and protect from weather and other damage. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: Follow product manufacturer's recommendations for environmental conditions and surface preparation. 1. Temperatures: Before, during and following the application of the portland cement plaster, the ambient and surface temperatures must remain above 40°F (4°C) for a minimum period of 24 hours. Protect stucco from uneven and excessive evaporation, especially during hot, dry and/or windy weather. Protect the portland cement plaster from freezing for a period of not less than 24-hours after set has occurred. 2. Substrates: Prior to installation, inspect the wall for surface contamination or other defects that may adversely affect the performance of the materials, and shall be free of residual moisture. Do not apply the portland cement plaster to substrates whose temperature are less than 40°F (4°C) or contain frost or ice. 3. Inclement Weather: Protect applied material from inclement weather until dry. B. Existing Conditions: 1. Jobsite Resources: Provide access to electrical outlets, clean, potable water, and a suitable work area at the construction site throughout the application of the portland cement plaster. 1.08 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Sequencing: Coordinate the installation of the portland cement plaster with all other construction trades. To reduce the likelihood of the stucco cracking, it is recommended the building carry a minimum of 90 percent of the dead building load and the interior gypsum be installed prior to installation of the stucco. B. Staffing: Provide sufficient manpower to ensure continuous operation, free of cold joints, scaffolding lines, variations in texture, etc. 1.09 WARRANTY A. System Warranty: Submit documentation on standard warranties. At completion of work, provide written system warranty documentation. B. Warranty Length: (1) years commencing at the time of substantial completion. 1.10 MAINTENANCE A. The following materials shall be presented to the owner following the application of the work: 1. One container of finish for each color and texture utilized on the project. 2. A maintenance program for finishes as required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Omega Products International, Inc. or prior approved equal. Expo Stucco and La Habra Stucco are approved equal manufacturers. Submit product data that equals Omega products outlined in this specification. 2.02 SCRATCH AND BROWN COAT A. Cement: A low alkali portland cement-based stucco complying with ASTM C150. B. Sand: 1. Sand must be clean and free from deleterious amounts of loam, clay, silt, soluble salts and organic matter. 2. Sampling and testing must comply with ASTM C144 or C897. C. Water: Clean and potable without foreign matter. 2.03 WATER-RESISTIVE BARRIER See section 07 27 00 Air Barriers 2.04 LATH A. Structa Mega Lath (walls) 1. Weight 1.95 lb/yd2 2. Finish – Class 1 Galvanized Coating complying with ASTM A641 3. Alternate lath to 3.4 lb/yd2 diamond mesh metal lath specified in ASTM C847 4. As per ICC ESR-2017 3. As per ICC ESR-2017 Sheathing A. Inspect weatherproof membrane and plywood. Replace as needed. Wood-based Structural Panels 3/4" plywood. Plywood must be exterior or Exposure 1 and comply with CBC Standard 23-2, as applicable. 09 24 00-3 2.05 ACCESSORIES A. Caulking: Acrylic latex complying with ASTM C834 B. Vapor Retarder: A vapor retarder complying with the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) Section 402.5 or 502.5 must be provided. C. Flashing: Flashing complying with UBC Section 1404.2, IBC Section 1405.3 or IRC Section R703.8, as applicable, must be provided. D. Fasteners: Nails, staples, or screws used to rigidly secure lath and associated accessories shall be corrosion-resistant and meet the minimum requirements of ASTM C1063. E. Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Accessories: The following accessories shall be fabricated from zinc-coated (galvanized) steel. 1. Corner Aid: Minimum 26-gauge thick; expanded flanges shaped to permit complete embedding in plaster; minimum 2 in. wide; Square-edge style; use unless otherwise indicated. 2. Strip Mesh: Metal Lath, 3.4 lb/yd2 expanded metal; 6 in. wide x 18 in. long. 3. Vent Screed: Minimum 26-gauge thick; thickness governed by plaster thickness; minimum 4-inch (102 mm) width, double “V” profile, with perforated expanse between “V’s” of longest possible lengths. 4. Casing Bead: Minimum 26-gauge thick; thickness governed by plaster thickness; maximum possible lengths; expanded metal flanges, with square edges. 5. Drip Screed: Minimum 26-gauge thick, depth governed by plaster thickness, minimum 3-1/2 in. high flange, maximum possible lengths. 6. Control and Expansion Joints: Depth to conform to plaster thickness; use maximum practical lengths. a. Control Joints: One-piece-type, folded pair of unperforated screeds in M-shaped configuration; removable protective tape on plaster face of control joint. b. Expansion Joints: Two-piece-type formed to produce a slip-joint. 2.06 FINISHES A. Color and finish to match existing color and finish. Mixes B. Portland Cement Plaster: Mix and proportion cement plaster in accordance with ASTM C926. C. Finishes: Mixing and tinting instructions are contained in the appropriate product data sheets by Omega Products International, Inc. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Prior to the application of the portland cement plaster the plastering contractor shall ensure that: 1. Surface and site conditions are ready to receive work. 2. Grounds and Blocking: Verify that the items within the walls for other sections of work have been installed. B. Substrates: 1. Acceptable substrates must be securely fastened per applicable building code requirements. 2. Acceptable substrates and adjacent materials must be dry, clean, and sound. Substrate surface must be flat, free of fins or planar irregularities greater than ¼-nch in 10-feet (6mm in 3m). C. Flashings: All flashing around windows, at deck attachments, utility penetrations, roof lines, etc. and all kick-out flashing must be properly installed prior to application of portland cement plaster. D. Unsatisfactory conditions shall be reported to the general contractor and/or builder and/or architect and/or owner. Do not proceed until all unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions. 3.02 PREPERATION A. Substrate: Clean the substrate to which the plaster is to be applied, ensuring that there are no foreign materials present; including, but are not limited to, oil, dirt, dust form release agents, efflorescence, paint, wax, water repellants, moisture, frost, and or extended nails that may rupture the water-resistive barrier. B. Surrounding Areas: Protect surfaces near the work of this section from damage, disfiguration, and overspray. Mask off all dissimilar materials. 3.03 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. General Installation: Refer to C.B.C., ASTM C926, ASTM C1063, and/or the appropriate manufacturer’s product data sheet for additional installation requirements and recommendations. 3.04 INSTALLING WEATHER PROTECTION A. Water-Resistive Barrier: Apply water-resistive barrier complying with Section 1404.2 of the IBC, Section R703.2 of the IRC or Section 1402.1 of the UBC. B. Flashing: Install flashing and trim per CBC requirements. 09 24 00-4 3.05 CONTROL JOINTS A. Install control joints at locations indicated, or if not indicated, at locations where an expansion or control joint occurs in surface of construction directly behind plaster membrane. Additional control joints shall be required so as surface square footage shall not exceed more than approximately 144 square feet and no dimension exceeding 18 feet or a length to width ratio of 2 1/2 to 1. Locations shall be verified with Architect prior to installation. Where expansion control joints are placed parallel to framing members, install joints so that none is more than 4" away from a framing member. 3.06 INSTALLING LATH A. Attach lath to sheathing with minimum 1 ¼” staples (unless other specification required by local municipal code) at each stud. Apply with long dimension at right angles to the supports. Extend both horizontal and vertical factory laps. On walls install first course at bottom and work up. Work right to left. Stagger all vertical laps. Install lathing and furring materials indicated for Portland cement plaster to comply with ASTM C 926 and ASTM C 1063. 1. Structa Mega Lath: Installation per ESR 2017 – Fastener type and spacing per ASTM C 1063 except that the fasteners may attach the lath to the framing supports either at the furring crimps on the vertical cross wire, at the intersection of the longitudinal wire and cross wire or any point along the longitudinal wires, Mega Lath is designed for nail or screw or staple fastening points to coincide with the longitudinal Twin Trac wires. For alternative installations for 1.4 lb/yd2 woven wire or to 3.4 lb/yd2 diamond mesh metal lath the maximum spacing must be in accordance with Table 3 of ASTM C 1063. Mega Lath is approved for 24” OC and is to be lapped one mesh. Refer to current manufacturers’ instruction posted http://www.structawire.com 2. V Truss Rib Lath (horizontal soffits): Installation per ESR 2017 – Fastener type and spacing per ASTM C 1063 except that the fasteners must attach to the lath at the framing supports at every 2nd rib either at the furring crimps on the vertical cross wire, at the intersection of the longitudinal wire and cross wire or at any point along the longitudinal wire that is welded to the furring crimp. When using screws – deformation of the rib is preferable. The maximum fasteners spacing for alternative installation to either 1.4 lb/yd2 woven wire or to 3.4 lb/yd2 diamond mesh metal lath must be in accordance with ASTM C 1063. Mega Lath is approved for 24” OC and is to be lapped one mesh. Refer to current manufacturers’ instruction posted @ http://www.structawire.com 3.07 INSTALLING PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER A. Application Over Metal Lath: Apply per ASTM C926 and C1063. Apply portland cement plaster by hand-troweling or machine- spraying to a nominal thickness of 3/8 inch scratch coat and to a nominal thickness of 3/8-inch brown coat. B. Moist Curing: Provide sufficient moisture by fog or moist curing to permit proper hydration of the cementitious materials. The length of time and most effective procedure for curing will depend on climatic and job conditions. Moist cure for 48 hours minimum when temperature exceeds 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) and/or weather is windy and/or dry. 3.08 INSTALLING FINISH COAT A. General: Apply 1/8" thick finish coat per manufacturer’s product data sheet. B. Verification: Verify the desired color and texture match the approved sample and/or mock-up prior to installation. C. Do not apply finish coat until brown coat has cured a minimum of 3 weeks. D. Contractor shall insure enough scaffolding to allow applicator to achieve consistent 90 degree texture to building plane. Wide spray application shall be rejected. 3.09 CLEANING A. Cleaning: Remove temporary protection and enclosure of other work. Promptly remove plaster from door frames, windows, and other surfaces, which are not to be plastered. Repair floors, walls, and other surfaces, which have been stained, marred or otherwise damaged during the plastering work. When plastering work is completed, remove unused materials, containers and equipment and clean floors of plaster debris. 3.10 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cut, patch, point-up and repair plaster as necessary to accommodate other work and to restore cracks, dents and imperfections. Repair or replace work to eliminate blisters, buckles, excessive crazing and check cracking, dry-outs, efflorescence, sweat-outs and similar defects, and where bond to the substrate has failed. 3.11 PROTECTION A. Protection: Protect applied material from inclement weather until dry and prevent it from freezing for a minimum of 24-hours after set and/or until dry. Refer to manufacturer’s product data sheet for additional requirements. B. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner suitable to installer, which ensures plaster work being without damage or deterioration at time of substantial completion. END OF SECTION 09 24 00 (updated 01/2015 dk) 09 91 00-1 SECTION 09 91 00 - PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 1.2.1 Extent of painting work is indicated on schedules, and as herein specified. 1.2.2 Work includes painting and finishing of interior and exterior exposed items and surfaces throughout project, except as otherwise indicated. Surface preparation, priming and coats of paint specified are in addition to shop-priming and surface treatment specified under other sections of work. 1.2.3 Work includes field painting of exposed bare and covered pipes and ducts (including color coding), and of hangers, exposed steel and iron work, and primed metal surfaces of equipment installed under mechanical, electrical work, sealants and caulking, except as otherwise indicated. Upon final completion Contractor shall provide the Owner with properly labeled new sealable containers of mixed paint which were utilized on the project in the following quantities. Two (2) - five (5) gallon containers of each color mix which was applied to a surface area totaling greater than 15,000 s.f. One (1) - one (1) gallon container of each color mix which was applied to a surface area totaling less than 15,000 s.f. 1.2.4 "Paint" as used herein means all coating systems materials, including primers, emulsions, enamels, stains, sealers and fillers, and other applied materials whether used as prime, intermediate or finish coats. 1.2.5 Surfaces to be painted: Except where natural finish of material is specifically noted as a surface not to be painted or where natural finish of material matches adjacent material color, paint exposed surfaces whether or not colors are designated in "schedules". Where items or surfaces are not specifically mentioned, paint the same as similar adjacent materials or areas. Note: Contractor shall paint all sprinkler piping, supply and return mechanical grille registers and/or ductwork, speaker grilles, louvers, etc. to match adjacent wall surfaces even if grilles are pre-finished. Contractor shall paint all electrical light fixture trim in contact with adjacent wall or ceiling surface even if fixture trims are pre-finished. Exact color of paint to be selected by Architect in field at time of field samples. If color or finish is not designated, Architect will select these from standard colors or finishes available. 1.2.6 Following categories of work are not included as part of field-applied finish work. Pre-Finished Items: Unless otherwise indicated, do not include painting when factory-finishing or installer- finishing is specified for such items as (but not limited to) pre-finished partition systems, acoustic materials, ceramic tile, pre-formed roof and wall panels, elevator entrance doors and frames, elevator equipment, and mechanical and electrical equipment, including switchgear and distribution cabinets. Concealed Surfaces: Unless otherwise indicated, painting is not required on surfaces such as walls or ceilings in concealed areas and generally inaccessible areas, foundation spaces, furred areas, pipe spaces, duct shafts and elevator shafts. Finished Metal Surfaces: Unless otherwise indicated, metal surfaces of anodized aluminum, stainless steel, chromium plate, copper, bronze and similar finished materials will not require finish painting. (Galvanized metal is not a finished metal surface). Operating Parts: Unless otherwise indicated, moving parts of operating units, mechanical and electrical parts, such as valve and damper operators, linkages, sinkages, sensing devices, motor and fan shafts will not require finish painting. 1.2.7 Following categories of work are included under other sections of these specifications. Shop Priming: Unless otherwise specified, shop priming of ferrous metal items is included under various sections for structural steel, metal fabrications, hollow metal work and similar items. Contractor to coordinate for exposure – that finish coat is compatible with shop prime. Provide certificate of primer specification and paint compatibility. Shop primers are used specifically to avoid flash rusting on the jobsite while waiting to be painted. Where exposure has compromised the shop prime, a “high performance epoxy-based primer” or “inorganic zinc-rich primer” should be used. Unless otherwise specified, shop priming of fabricated components such as architectural woodwork, and shop-fabricated or factory-built mechanical and electrical equipment or accessories is included under other sections of these specifications. Contractor to coordinate for exposure – that finish coat is compatible with shop prime. Shop primers are used specifically to avoid flash rusting on the jobsite while waiting to be painted. Where exposure has compromised the shop prime, a “high performance epoxy-based primer” or “inorganic zinc-rich primer” should be used. 09 91 00-2 Painting to separate dissimilar metals are specified under other sections. 1.2.8 Do not paint over any code-required labels, such as Underwriters' Laboratories and Factory Mutual, or any equipment identification, performance rating, name, or nomenclature plates. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE: 1.3.1 Single Source Responsibility: Provide primers and other undercoat paint produced by same manufacturer as finish coats. Use only thinners approved by paint manufacturer, and use only within recommended limits. 1.3.2 Coordination of Work: Review other sections of these specifications in which prime paints are to be provided to ensure compatibility of total coatings system for various substrates. Upon request from other trades, furnish information or characteristics of finish materials provided for use, to ensure compatible prime coats are used. 1.4 SUBMITTALS: 1.4.1 Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical information including paint label analysis and application instructions for each material proposed for use. 1.4.2 Samples: Prior to beginning work, Architect will furnish color chips for surfaces to be painted. Use representative colors when preparing samples for review. Submit samples for Architect's review of color and texture only. Provide a listing of material and application for each coat of each finish sample. On actual wall surfaces and other exterior and interior building components, duplicate painted finishes of prepared samples. Provide full-coat finish samples on at least 100 sq. ft. of surface, as directed, until required sheen, color, cover and texture is obtained. Simulate finished lighting conditions for review of in-place work. Final acceptance of colors will be from samples applied on the job. 1.4.3 Coating Maintenance Manual: Upon conclusion of the project, the Contractor or paint manufacturer/supplier shall furnish a coating maintenance manual, such as Sherwin-Williams “Custodian Project Color and Product Information” report or equal. Manual shall include an Area Summary with finish schedule, Area Detail designating where each product/color/finish was used, product data pages, Material Safety Data Sheets, care and cleaning instructions, touch-up procedures, and color samples of each color and finish used. 1.5 DELIVERY AND STORAGE: 1.5.1 Deliver materials to job site in original, new and unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label, and following information: Name or title of material. Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacturer. Manufacturer's name. Contents by volume, for major pigment and vehicle constituents. Thinning instructions. Application instructions. Color name and number. 1.5.2 Store materials not in actual use in tightly covered containers. Maintain containers used in storage of paint in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. Protect from freezing and excessive heat where necessary. Keep storage area neat and orderly. Remove oily rags and waste daily. Take all precautions to ensure that workmen and work areas are adequately protected from fire hazards and health hazards resulting from handling, mixing and application of paints. 1.5.3 Job Conditions: Apply water-base paints only when temperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 50 degrees F. (10 degrees C.) and 90 degrees F. (32 degrees C.), unless otherwise permitted by paint manufacturer's printed instructions. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when temperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 45 degrees F. (7 degrees C.) and 95 degrees F. (35 degrees C.), unless otherwise permitted by paint manufacturer's printed instructions. Do not apply paint in high winds, rain, fog, or mist, or when relative humidity exceeds 85%, or to damp or wet surfaces, unless otherwise permitted by paint manufacturer's printed instructions. Painting may be continued during inclement weather if areas and surfaces to be painted are enclosed and heated within temperature limits specified by paint manufacturer during application and drying periods. 09 91 00-3 1.6 WARRANTY: 1.6.1 Guarantee painting and finishing against peeling, fading, cracking, blistering, or crazing for a period of 2 years from the date of "Notice of Completion". The written warranty shall include materials and labor. The warranty shall be signed by the paint manufacturer, the painter and the Contractor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: 2.1.1 Basis of Design Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products of Sherwin-Williams; local contact: John Dumesnil, 619-665-9341 or john.t.dumesnil@sherwin.com. 2.1.2 Requests for Substitutions: will only be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. 2.2 MATERIALS: 2.2.1 Material Quality: Provide best quality grade of various types of coatings as regularly manufactured by acceptable paint materials manufacturers. Materials not displaying manufacturer's identification as a standard, best-grade product will not be acceptable. 2.2.2 VOC Content: Products shall comply with VOC limits of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), or authorities having jurisdiction. 2.2.3 Proprietary names used to designate colors or materials are not intended to imply that products of named manufacturers are required to the exclusion of equivalent products of other manufacturers. Color Pigments: Pure, non-fading, applicable types to suit substrates and service indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION: 3.1.1 Applicator must examine areas and conditions under which painting work is to be applied and notify Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to Applicator to produce the results called for herein. 3.1.2 Starting of painting work will be construed as Applicator's acceptance of surfaces and conditions within any particular area. 3.1.3 Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, welding slag and burrs, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions otherwise detrimental to formation and adhesive bond of a durable paint film. 3.2 SURFACE PREPARATION: 3.2.1 General: Perform preparation and cleaning procedures in accordance with paint manufacturer's instructions and as herein specified, for each particular substrate condition. Provide barrier coats over incompatible primers or remove and reprime as required. Notify Architect in writing of any anticipated problems in using the specified coating systems with substrates primed by others. Remove hardware, hardware accessories, machined surfaces, plates, lighting fixtures, and similar items in place and not to be finish-painted or provide surface-applied protection prior to surface preparation and painting operations. Remove, if necessary, for complete painting of items and adjacent surfaces. Following completion of painting of each space or area, reinstall removed items. Clean surfaces to be painted before applying paint or surface treatments. Fill cracks, holes and imperfections. Remove oil and grease prior to mechanical cleaning. Remove mill scale and welding slag, grind welding joints and burrs smooth. Program cleaning and painting so that contaminants from cleaning process will not fall onto wet, newly-painted surfaces. Remove mildew from exterior impervious surfaces by scrubbing with a solution of trisodium phosphate and bleach. Power wash with a minimum of 3500psi clean water and allow substrate to dry. 3.2.2 Cementitious Materials: Prepare cementitious surfaces of concrete, concrete block, cement plaster and cement-asbestos board to be painted by removing efflorescence, chalk, dust, dirt, grease, oils and by roughening as required to remove glaze. Determine alkalinity and moisture content of surfaces to be painted by performing appropriate tests. If surfaces are found to be sufficiently alkaline to cause blistering and burning of finish paint, correct this condition before application of paint. Do not paint over surfaces where moisture content exceeds that permitted in manufacturer's printed directions. 09 91 00-4 Clean concrete floor surfaces scheduled to be painted with a commercial etching cleaner. Flush floor with clean water to neutralize acid, and allow to dry before painting. 3.2.3 Wood: Clean wood surfaces to be painted of dirt, oil or other foreign substances with scrapers, mineral spirits, and sandpaper, as required. Sandpaper smooth those finished surfaces exposed to view, and dust off. Scrape and clean small, dry, seasoned knots and apply a thin coat of white shellac or other recommended knot sealer, before application of priming coat. After priming, fill holes and imperfections in finish surfaces with putty or plastic wood-filler. Sandpaper smooth when dried. Prime, stain, or seal wood required to be job-painted immediately upon delivery to job. Prime edges, ends, faces, undersides, and backsides of such wood, including cabinets, counters, cases, paneling. When transparent finish is required, use spar varnish for backpriming. Seal tops, bottoms and cut-outs of unprimed wood doors with a heavy coat of varnish or equivalent sealer immediately upon delivery to job or immediately after machining by Contractor on site. 3.2.4 Ferrous Metals: Clean ferrous surfaces, which are not galvanized or shop-coated, of oil, grease, dirt, loose mill scale and other foreign substances by solvent or mechanical cleaning. Repaint shop-applied prime coats as required by other sections of these specifications. Clean and paint with same type or compatible primer. 3.2.5 Galvanized Surfaces: Clean free of oil and surface contaminants with non-petroleum based solvent, per SSPC-SP1. Apply a test coat of primer and allow the coating to dry for one week. In the presence of the Architect, perform an adhesion test per ASTM D-3359 before proceeding with painting. If coating does not adhere per test method, Hand Tool Clean per SSPC-SP2 or Power Tool Clean per SSPC-SP3 all galvanized or non-ferrous metal. Apply a test coat of primer and test for adhesion per ASTM D-3359 in the presence of the Architect. 3.3 MATERIALS PREPARATION: 3.3.1 Mix and prepare painting materials in accordance with manufacturer's directions. 3.3.2 Maintain containers used in mixing and application of paint in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 3.3.3 Stir materials before application to produce a mixture of uniform density, and stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into material. Remove film and, if necessary, strain material before using. 3.4 APPLICATION: 3.4.1 General: Apply paint in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of material being applied. Paint colors, surface treatments, and finishes are indicated in Section 09 06 00: Interior + Exterior Color and Material Schedule. For the purposes of bidding, the Contractor shall assume that a minimum of 4 trips will be required for brush-outs as required per and Provide finish coats which are compatible with prime paints used. Where a deep color finish color is chosen, primer must be tinted to the appropriate monochromatic gray tone for a two coat coverage. Provide the monochromatic primer only on the walls to receive the deep chromatic color. Apply additional coats when undercoats, stains or other conditions show through final coat of paint, until paint film is of uniform finish, color and appearance. Give special attention to insure that surfaces, including edges, corners, crevices, welds, and exposed fasteners receive a dry film thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture same as similar exposed surfaces. Paint surfaces behind permanently-fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only before final installation of equipment. Paint interior surfaces of ducts, where visible through registers or grilles, with a flat, non-specular black paint. Paint back sides of access panels, and removable or hinged covers to match exposed surfaces. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms and side edges same as exterior faces, unless otherwise indicated. Sand lightly between each succeeding enamel or varnish coat. Repaint first coat (primer) on metal surfaces which have been shop-primed and touch-up painted, unless otherwise indicated. 3.4.2 Scheduling Painting: Apply first-coat material to surfaces that have been cleaned, pretreated or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration. As recommended by coating manufacturer, allow sufficient time between successive coatings to permit proper drying. Do not recoat until paint has dried to where it feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate 09 91 00-5 thumb pressure, and application of another coat of paint does not cause lifting or loss of adhesion of the undercoat. 3.4.3 Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply materials at not less than manufacturer's recommended spreading rate, to establish a total dry film thickness as indicated or, if not indicated, as recommended by coating manufacturer. 3.4.4 Mechanical and Electrical Work: Painting of mechanical and electrical work is limited to those items exposed in mechanical equipment rooms and in occupied spaces. 3.4.5 Mechanical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following: Grilles, registers, louvers, trim (to match adjacent surface), Sprinkler Piping, Piping, pipe hangers and supports, Heat exchangers, Tanks, Ductwork, insulation, Motor, mechanical equipment and supports, Accessory items. 3.4.6 Electrical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following: Light fixtures - see fixture schedule for types (including trim rings, pendants, and plates/boxes), Conduit and fittings, Switchgear. 3.4.7 Prime Coats: Apply prime coat of material which is required to be painted or finished, and which has not been prime coated by others. See for additional information. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where there is evidence of suction spots or unsealed areas in first coat, to assure a finish coat with no burn-through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. 3.4.8 Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Two coats are specified. However, apply as many coats as necessary to completely cover to produce an opaque, smooth surface of uniform finish, color, appearance and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. 3.4.9 Transparent (Clear) Finishes: Use multiple coats to produce glass-smooth surface film of even luster. Provide a finish free of laps, cloudiness, color irregularity, runs, brush marks, orange peel, nail holes, or other surface imperfections. Provide satin finish for final coats, unless otherwise indicated. 3.4.10 Completed Work: Match approved samples for color, texture and coverage. Remove, refinish or repaint work not in compliance with specified requirements at a time suitable to the project schedule and at Contractor's expense and at no cost to the Owner. The requirements of this specification are to produce work of excellent quality in complete conformance with the best practice of the trade and these specifications. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: 3.5.1 The right is reserved by Owner to invoke the following material testing procedure at any time, and any number of times during period of field painting: Engage services of an independent testing laboratory to sample paint being used. Samples of materials delivered to project site will be taken, identified and sealed, and certified in presence of Contractor. Testing laboratory will perform appropriate tests for any or all of following characteristics: Abrasion resistance, apparent reflectivity, flexibility, washability, absorption, accelerated weathering, dry opacity, accelerated yellowness, recoating, skinning, color retention, alkali resistance and quantitative materials analysis. 3.5.2 If test results show that material being used does not comply with specified requirements, Contractor may be directed to stop painting work, and remove non-complying paint; pay for testing; repaint surfaces coated with rejected paint; remove rejected paint from previously painted surfaces if, upon repainting with specified paint, the two coatings are non-compatible. 3.6 CLEAN UP AND PROTECTION: 3.6.1 Clean-Up: During progress of work, remove from site discarded paint materials, rubbish, cans and rags at end of each work day. 3.6.2 Protection: Protect work of other trades, whether to be painted or not, against damage by painting and finishing work. Immediately remove paint that falls on finished surfaces not scheduled to be painted, using materials and techniques that will not damage the affected surface. Correct any damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting as acceptable to Architect. Provide "Wet Paint" signs as required to protect newly-painted finishes. Remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others for protection of their work, after completion of painting operations. At completion of work of other trades, touch-up and restore all damaged or defaced painted surfaces. 3.7 EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE: 3.7.1 General: Provide the following paint systems for the various substrates, as indicated. Galvanized/Aluminum Metal: Provide pretreatment of surface as required per Section 3.2. High Performance Gloss Finish: This section covers metals which are subjected to frequent use/abuse, including all: Trellises, Exposed Structural Metal, Bollards, Handrails, Guardrails, Metal Screens or Grids, Fencing, Gates, Trash enclosure gates and hardware, etc. 09 91 00-6 Epoxy Prime Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Macropoxy 646 B58 Series (5-10 mils DFT) Second Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Sher-Loxane Polysiloxane Gloss, B80 Series (4-6 mils DFT) High Performance Metallic Finish: This section covers metals which are subjected to frequent use/abuse, including all: Trellises, Exposed Structural Metal, Bollards, Handrails, Guardrails, Metal Screens or Grids, Fencing, Gates, Trash enclosure gates and hardware, etc. Epoxy Prime Coat: Precision Coatings: DTM1300v100 Epoxy Primer (distributed by Sherwin-Williams) Second and Third Coat: Precision Coatings: PC3v100 Acrylic Polyurethane (distributed by Sherwin-Williams) Acrylic Gloss Finish: This section covers metals which are not subjected to frequent use/abuse, including all: Parapet caps, Flashings, Covers, Reglet reveals, Gutters/Downspouts (when not pre- finished) and miscellaneous metal. Pre-Treatment: Sherwin-Williams: GLL Clean n Etch Prime Coat: Sherwin-Williams: ProIndustrial ProCryl Acrylic Metal Primer B66-310 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: ProIndustrial Acrylic Gloss B66-600 Ferrous Metal: Provide pretreatment of surface as required per Section 3.2. For shop primed material, provide certificate of primer specification and what compatibility for the following coats High Performance Gloss Finish: This section covers metals which are subjected to frequent use/abuse, including all: Trellises, Exposed Structural Metal, Bollards, Handrails, Guardrails, Metal Screens or Grids, Fencing, Gates, Trash enclosure gates and hardware, etc. Epoxy Prime Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Macropoxy 646, B58 Series (5-10 mils DFT) Second Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Sher-Loxane Polysiloxane Gloss, B80 Series (4-6 mils DFT) High Performance Metallic Finish: This section covers metals which are subjected to frequent use/abuse, including all: Trellises, Exposed Structural Metal, Bollards, Handrails, Guardrails, Metal Screens or Grids, Fencing, Gates, Trash enclosure gates and hardware, etc. Epoxy Prime Coat: Precision Coatings: DTM1300v100 Epoxy Primer (distributed by Sherwin-Williams) Second and Third Coat: Precision Coatings: PC3v100 Acrylic Polyurethane (distributed by Sherwin-Williams) Acrylic Gloss Finish: This section covers metals which are not subjected to frequent use/abuse, including all: Parapet caps, Flashings, Covers, Reglet reveals, Gutters/Downspouts (when not pre- finished) and miscellaneous metal. Pre-Treatment: Sherwin-Williams: GLL Clean n Etch Prime Coat: Sherwin-Williams: ProIndustrial ProCryl Acrylic Metal Primer B66-310 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: ProIndustrial Acrylic Gloss B66-600 Painted or Stained Woodwork: 1 Gloss Finish: 3 coats. Prime Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Preprite ProBlock Primer B51-600 09 91 00-7 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: ProIndustrial Acrylic Gloss B66-600 Heavy Bodied Stain: 2 coats Sherwin-Williams: Woodscapes Solid Color Stain, A15 Series Semi-transparent Finish: 2 coats Sherwin-Williams: Woodscapes S/T Stain A15T5 Semi-transparent Finish for Tropical Hardwood: 2 coats Sherwin-Williams: Superdeck Exotic Hardwood Stain Exposed Glu-Lam Beams: (See Section 06 18 00 for sandblasting requirement) Semi-Transparent Finish: 2 coats. Sherwin-Williams: Woodscapes S/T Stain A15T5 CMU: Flat Finish: 3 Coats Block Filler: Sherwin-Williams: PrepRite Block Filler B25W25 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: A100 100% Acrylic Flat A6 Series Self-Cleaning Flat Finish: 2 Coats Block Filler: Sherwin-Williams: PrepRite Block Filler B25W25 Second Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Loxon Self-cleaning Acrylic Coating, LX13-50 (2.9 mils DFT) Clear Sealer: For Clear Sealer specification see Section 07 11 00, part 2.1.5. Cement Plaster/Concrete: Flat Finish Primer: Sherwin-Williams: Loxon Primer LX2W50 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: A-100 100% Acrylic Flat A6 Series Self-Cleaning Flat Finish: 2 Coats Block Filler: Sherwin-Williams: Loxon Primer LX2W50 Second Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Loxon Self-cleaning Acrylic Coating, LX13-50 (2.9 mils DFT) Clear Sealer: For Clear Sealer specification see Section 07 11 00, part 2.1.5. Fiber Cement Siding or Soffit: Low Lustre Prime Coat: Alkali Resistant Primer Sherwin-Williams: Loxon Primer LX2W50 Second and Third Coat:: Sherwin-Williams: A-100 Low Sheen A12 Self-Cleaning Flat Finish: 2 Coats Prime Coat: 09 91 00-8 Sherwin-Williams: Loxon Primer LX2W50 Second Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Loxon Self-cleaning Acrylic Coating, LX13-50 (2.9 mils DFT) Gypsum Soffit Board: Low Lustre Prime Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Preprite ProBlock Primer B51-600 Second and Third Coat:: Sherwin-Williams: A-100 Low Sheen A12 3.8 INTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE: 3.8.1 General: Provide the following premium Low-Odor/Zero VOC paint systems for the various substrates, as indicated. Gypsum Drywall Systems: Below is 3-coat system. Paint finish reduces odor and formaldehyde levels from other sources. Flat Finish: Prime Coat: Acrylic Flat Finish; 3 coats with total dry film thickness not less than 3.6 mils. Sherwin-Williams: ProMar 200 Zero VOC Primer B28W2600 Second and Third Coat: Interior flat latex base paint. Sherwin-Williams: Superpaint Air Purifying Zero VOC Flat A86 Series Egg Shell Finish: Acrylic Enamel Finish; 3 coats with total dry film thickness not less than 3.6 mils. Prime Coat: Interior latex base primer coat. Sherwin-Williams: ProMar 200 Zero VOC Primer B28W2600 Second and Third Coat: Interior Acrylic Egg Shell Enamel Sherwin-Williams: Superpaint Air Purifying Zero VOC Satin A87 Series Semi-Gloss Finish: Acrylic Finish, 3 coats with total dry film thickness not less than 4.0 mils. Prime Coat: Interior latex base primer coat. Sherwin-Williams: ProMar 200 Zero VOC Primer B28W2600 Second and Third Coat: Interior Acrylic Semi Gloss Enamel Sherwin-Williams: Superpaint Air Purifying Zero VOC Semigloss A88 Series Epoxy Semi-Gloss Finish: 3 coats with total dry film thickness not less than 4.0 mils. Prime Coat: Interior latex base primer coat. Sherwin-Williams: ProMar 200 Zero VOC Primer B28W2600 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: ProIndustrial Pre-catalyzed WB Epoxy K46-1150 Clear Dry Erase Coating Gloss Finish: 4 coats with total dry film thickness not less than 6.0 mils. Prime Coat: Interior latex base primer coat. Sherwin-Williams: ProMar 200 Zero VOC Primer B28W2600 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: ProMar 200 Zero VOC Eg-shel, B20-2600 Fourth Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Dry Erase Coating, Clear KB65C2000 (2-4 mils DFT) Ferrous Metal: Provide pretreatment of surface as required. Non-blocking Semi-gloss acrylic finish: Prime Coat: Sherwin-Williams: ProIndustrial ProCryl Acrylic Metal Primer B66-310 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: ProIndustrial Acrylic Semigloss B66-650 09 91 00-9 Painted Woodwork: Non-blocking Semi-Gloss Acrylic Enamel Finish: 3 coats. Prime Coat: Interior undercoat Sherwin-Williams: Preprite ProBlock Primer B51-600 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: ProIndustrial Acrylic Semigloss B66-650 Stained Woodwork: Stained, Polyurethane Satin Finish: 3 finish coats over stain plus filler on open grain wood. Stain Coat: Interior oil stain Sherwin-Williams: Minwax Performance Series 250 VOC Oil Stain Three Coats: Sherwin-Williams: Minwax Oil-modified WB Polyurethane Satin Exposed Glu-Lam, Semi-Transparent Finish: 3 coats (Note: For sandblasting see Section 06 18 00) Stain Coat: Interior oil stain Sherwin-Williams: Minwax Performance Series 250 VOC Oil Stain Two Coats: Sherwin-Williams: Minwax Oil-modified WB Polyurethane Satin CMU: Eggshell Enamel Finish: 3 coats Block Filler: Sherwin-Williams: PrepRite Block Filler B25W25 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Superpaint Air Purifying Zero VOC Satin A87 Series Clear Sealer: For Clear Sealer specification see Section 07 11 00, part 2.1.5. Cement Plaster/Concrete: Eggshell Enamel Finish: 3 coats Primer: Sherwin-Williams: Loxon Primer LX2W50 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Superpaint Air Purifying Zero VOC Satin A87 Series Concrete Floors – Painted, Satin Finish: Primer: Sherwin-Williams: Armorseal 8100 Water-based Epoxy, B70-8160 Second and Third Coat: Sherwin-Williams: Armorseal 8100 Water-based Epoxy, B70-8160 (total dry film thickness of 6-10 mils) Clear Sealer: For Clear Sealer specification see Section 07 11 00, part 2.1. END OF SECTION 09 91 00 Reviewed: Sherwin Williams August 2021 John Dumesnil Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Issue Date: May 9, 2023 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 23 00 00 - 1 SECTION 23 00 00 - MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.1 GENERAL CONDITIONS: The general conditions and Division 1 are a part of this section and the contract for this work and apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. This section, 230000, applies to all Division 23 categories, including but not limited to: Section 23 08 00 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning A. Reference to Other Sections: The applicable requirements from the above sections shall form a part of the mechanical work and each section shall consult the other sections in detail for general and specific requirements. 1.2 SCOPE: These Division 23 specifications and the accompanying drawings are intended to comprise the furnishing of all labor, and the furnishing and installing of all materials, equipment and supplies as specified herein and required for the satisfactory completion by the Contractor of all work pertaining to mechanical trades. 1.3 EXPLANATION OF DRAWINGS AND REFERENCE TO SCHEDULES: B. The drawings and these specifications are complementary to each other in that all apparatus, materials and equipment outlined in the drawings and/or specified herein shall be considered essential to the contract. C. The specifications are intended to describe the quality and character of the materials and equipment and methods of installation. All miscellaneous items of work and materials necessary for the completion of the installation shall be provided, whether or not mentioned in the specifications or shown on the drawings. D. Space allotted, clearances, access, electrical data, structural supports, etc., on drawings, is for equipment models and sizes as listed in schedules on plans. The Contractor shall assume the responsibility for the coordination with other trades required in the use of equal or substitute equipment or materials and pay all difference in cost arising from such substitutions, regardless of approval. E. Separate Sections cover the Site Work, Architectural Work and the Electrical Work. The Contractor shall familiarize themselves with the entire specification. F. Should there be any question as to the scope of the work for which the Contractor is responsible, or in the event the Contractor finds discrepancies or omissions, or is in doubt as the exact meaning of the plans and/or specifications, they shall, before submitting their bid submit questions to the City via the Bidding Portal. G. For purposes of clearness and legibility, drawings are diagrammatic and, although size and location of equipment are drawn to scale wherever possible, the Contractor shall make use of all data in all the contract documents and shall verify this information at building site. H. The drawings indicate required size and points of termination of pipes, and suggest proper routes to conform to structure, avoid obstructions and preserve clearances. However, it is not intended that drawings indicate all necessary offsets and beam cans, and it shall be the work of the Contractor to make the installation in such a manner as to conform to structure, avoid obstruction, preserve headroom and keep openings and passageways clear. I. It is intended that all apparatus be located symmetrical with architectural elements. Refer to architectural details in completing the correlating work. J. The Contractor shall fully inform themselves regarding any and all peculiarities and limitations of the spaces available for the installation of all work and materials furnished and installed under the contract. They shall exercise due and particular caution to determine that all parts of their work are made quickly and easily accessible. K. The Contractor shall study all drawings and specifications to determine any conflict with ordinances and statutes. Any errors or omissions shall be reported, and any changes shall be shown in the as-built drawings and the additional work performed at no cost to the Owner. L. The submittal of bid shall indicate that the Contractor has examined the site and the drawings and has included all required allowances in their bid. They shall also determine in advance and make allowances for the methods of installing and connecting the equipment, the means of getting equipment in to place and they shall make themselves familiar with all the requirements of the contract. No allowance will be made for any error resulting from the Contractor's failure to visit job site and to review drawings, and bid shall include costs for all required drawings and changes as outlined above. M. The Contract Drawings indicate the extent, the general location and arrangement of equipment, piping, ductwork, etc. Equipment, piping and ductwork shall be located to avoid interference with electrical, plumbing and structural features. All locations for mechanical work shall be checked and coordinated with the building, structural, electrical work. N. If any conflicts occur necessitating departures from the Contract Drawings, details of departures and reasons therefore shall be submitted as soon as practical for written approval, and the piping, ductwork, fixtures or equipment affected shall not be installed until approval is received. O. Reference to Drawing Schedules: 1. Refer to equipment schedule for unit identification number and corresponding capacity and design requirements. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Issue Date: May 9, 2023 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 23 00 00 - 2 2. Wherever schedules or notes appear on the Drawings or in the specifications in which sizes and capacities of equipment are indicated, the equipment furnished and installed under this contract shall meet the following requirements under operating conditions. 1.4 DEFINITIONS: A. "Provide" shall mean "provide complete in place," that is, "furnish and install." B. "Piping" shall mean pipes, fittings, valves and all like pipe accessories connected thereto. C. Pressure ratings specified, such as for valves and the like, is the design working pressure and is for and with reference to the fluid which the device will serve. D. "Ductwork" shall mean ducts, plenums, compartments, casings or any like devices, including the building structure, which is used to convey or contain air. E. "Building Boundary" shall mean exterior building walls. F. "Mechanical Work" shall mean all work specified and shown in the Division 23, "Mechanical," categories. Mechanical Work generally includes: Plumbing, a n d Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning. 1.5 CODES AND STANDARDS: A. All work, material or equipment shall comply with the requirements of codes, ordinances and regulations of the local Government having jurisdiction at the location of the work, including the regulations of serving utilities, and any participating Government agencies having jurisdiction. B. The latest editions of the following Specifications, Codes and Standards shall form a part of these specifications, the same as if herein written out in full, and all materials and installations include but not be limited to: 1. CMC (California Mechanical Code) 2. ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning) 3. AMCA (Air Moving and Conditioning Associates) 4. California State Division of Industrial Safety 5. SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards 6. CBC (California Building Code) 7. NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 8. San Diego County Codes 9. California Administrative Code, Title 24 10. Requirements of the State Fire Marshall 11. National Electrical Code 12. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) 13. AGA (American Gas Association) 14. OSHA 15. CEC (California Energy Code) C. No requirement of these drawings and specifications shall be construed to void any of the provisions of the above standards. No apparatus, equipment, device or construction shall be installed which will provide a cross connection permitting any backflow or siphonage from any source into the domestic water supply system. 1.6 PERMITS AND FEES: Obtain all permits, patent rights, and licenses that are required for the performing of the work by all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, or orders of any officer and/or body, give all notices necessary in connection therewith, and pay all fees relating thereto and all costs and expenses incurred on account thereof. No work shall be covered before inspection by the jurisdictional authority and the Architect. 1.7 SUPERVISION AND COOPERATION: A. The Contractor shall include the services of experienced superintendents for each sub- section who shall be constantly in charge of the work, together with the qualified journeymen, helpers, and laborers, required to properly unload, install, connect, adjust, start, operate and test the work involved, including equipment and materials furnished by others. B. The work under this section shall be in cooperation with the work of other trades to prevent conflict or interference and to aid rapid completion of the overall project. 1.8 PROJECT SITE VISIT: Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Issue Date: May 9, 2023 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 23 00 00 - 3 Periodic visits to the project site by the Engineer are for the expressed purpose of verifying compliance with the contract documents. Such site visits shall not be construed as inspections, construction supervision, i.e., the Engineer assumes no responsibility for providing a safe place for the performance of the work by the Contractor or the Contractor's employees or the safety of the supplies of the Contractor. Neither shall such site visits relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the discovery of their own errors and the correction of them, nor of the responsibility of properly performing the work. 1.9 COORDINATION: A. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all information, drawings or layouts of equipment or work under this section which affect the work of the other trades. B. In case changes in the indicated locations or arrangements are necessary due to developed conditions in the construction, or rearrangement of furnishings, or equipment, these changes shall be made without extra cost to the Owner, provided the change is ordered before work directly connected is installed, and no extra materials are required. 1.10 EXISTING UTILITIES: A. The location of utilities shown on the plans is the best-known information available at time of design. The Contractor shall contact the appropriate agencies and confirm the information and make arrangements for connection thereto, prior to excavation and installation of any piping or systems. B. Prior to installation of any waste and soil lines the Contractor shall physically verify whether the building sewer can be installed and properly connected to the sewer main. Any work requiring added expense which is caused by the Contractor to make such physical verification shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.11 UTILITY SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION: All water and electric power used for construction shall be paid for by the Contractor. 1.12 SUBMITTALS AND SHOP DRAWINGS: A. Equipment and materials shall be submitted to the Architect for approval within 10 days after award of Contract and prior to fabrication or purchase of equipment and materials. B. Installation of materials or ordering of equipment prior to approval of submittals is done entirely at the risk of the Contractor. C. Unless otherwise specifically directed in the following specifications, the submittals by the Contractor to the Architect shall be as follows: 1. Submit all items at one time in a neat and orderly manner as individual electronic, Portable Document Format (PDF) indexed files. A partial submittal will not be acceptable. 2. Reference catalog cuts and brochures of products to proper paragraph in specifications. Furnish numerical index by specification article number, listing product name, catalog number and reference to page number of submittal brochure. 3. Cross reference individual catalog numbers of substitute products to number of specified materials. 4. Submit manufacturers' certification that equipment meets or exceeds the minimum requirements as specified. 5. Where materials, equipment and installations are specified to conform with societies or agencies such as ANSI, ASHRAE, SMACNA, etc., submit certification of such compliance. 6. The submittal shall be complete and with manufacturer’s selection data and information properly tagged to match equipment schedules and marked to show, among other things, material capacity and performance to meet capacities or performance as specified or indicated. Arrange the submittals in the same sequence as the specifications and reference in the upper right-hand corner, the particular specification provision for which each submittal is intended. Incomplete submittals will be rejected. 7. If the Contractor submits a product that is specified, a complete set of brochures, rating tables, etc., is still required for future reference. 8. Review of the submittal is only for general conformance with design concept of project and general compliance with information given in the contract documents. The Contractor is responsible for confirmation and correlation of the dimensions, quantities and sizes, for information that pertains to fabrication methods or construction techniques, and for coordination of work of all trades. Deviations from drawings and specifications shall be clearly and completely indicated (by a separate letter) in the submittal. 9. For items, which are not manufactured, and which have to be specifically fabricated, including drawings and typical duct construction and complicated portions of ductwork as electronic, Portable Document Format (PDF) files and detail description shall be submitted. Shop drawings shall be submitted with such promptness as to allow ample time for examination and any re-submittal. D. For duct and piping shop drawing development, the contractor shall obtain the most current architectural, structural and electrical CAD/Revit files. Files shall be overlaid on to mechanical duct and piping shop drawings files using Navisworks by Autodesk for clash detection by the contractor’s BIM Coordinator. 1.13 GUARANTEE: Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Issue Date: May 9, 2023 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 23 00 00 - 4 A. In addition to the guarantees required elsewhere, all work, materials and equipment provided under the mechanical sections shall be guaranteed for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the work by the Owner. Should any trouble develop during this period due to defective materials or faulty workmanship, the Contractor shall immediately furnish all necessary labor and materials to correct the trouble without cost to the Owner. The Contractor, under this guarantee, shall be responsible for all damages to any part of the premises caused by equipment furnished under this section. B. Furnish written certified guarantee, in acceptable form, to the Owner, against defective workmanship, materials and operating equipment. Further guarantee to rebalance and adjust entire system, or any part thereof as required for perfect operation for a period of at least one year after acceptance. Compressors shall have five-year warranty. Repair, replace and make satisfactorily operative any and all defective items and work, holding the Owner free from any cost and liability in connection therewith, for the term of the guarantee. 1.14 INTERRUPTION OF SERVICES: A. Existing services required to stay in operation in areas not remodeled shall be maintained rerouted or otherwise provided with temporary connection to prevent interruptions. B. If impossible to prevent interruptions, they shall be performed during "off-hours" and coordinated with the Owner's Representative. C. Provide a minimum of seven (7) days written notice of interruption. Do not interrupt services without written consent of the Owner. 1.15 DAMAGE BY LEAKS: The Contractor shall be responsible for damage to the grounds, walks, roads, buildings, furnishings, piping systems, electrical systems and their equipment and contents, caused by leaks in the piping systems being installed or having been installed herein. They shall repair at their expense all damage so caused. 1.16 EMERGENCY REPAIRS: The Owner reserves the right to make emergency repairs as required to keep equipment in operation without voiding the Contractor's guarantee bond nor relieving the Contractor of his responsibilities. 1.17 DEMOLITION: A. Demolition, capping and rerouting shall be performed as shown and as required to accommodate new construction. PART 2 – PRODUCTS The specification of the mechanical products is detailed in the individual specification sections of Division 23. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: A. The requirements of "mechanical" installation is detailed in the individual specification sections of Division 23. In addition, the following general requirements shall apply: 1. Obtain Manufacturer's printed installation instruction to aid in properly executing work of installing equipment whenever such instructions are available. Submit three copies of such instructions to the Architect prior to time of installation for use of supervising the work. 2. Erect equipment in a neat and workmanlike manner. Align, level and adjust for satisfactory operation. Install so that connecting and disconnecting of piping and accessories can be made readily, and so that all parts are easily accessible for inspection, operation, maintenance and repair. Minor deviation from arrangements shown on drawings may be made, as approved by the Architect. 3.2 PROTECTION OF PIPING SYSTEMS: A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to install and maintain pipe and equipment which is reasonably clean and free from rust, dirt, scale, etc. Where necessary, the Contractor shall provide temporary airtight covers at all pipe and equipment openings. B. Before turning the systems over to the Owner, all piping systems shall be thoroughly flushed of all scale and dirt. Drains shall be installed at the low points to facilitate flushing of the piping systems. 3.3 PROTECTION OF AIR HANDLING SYSTEMS: A. The Contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection to keep dirt and foreign matter from getting into the air handling system. B. Ductwork and equipment shall not be left open for any extended period of time. Open section and open fittings shall be capped wherever they occur until such time as final connections are made to equipment, grilles, register, etc. as required by SMACNA IAQ Guidelines. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Issue Date: May 9, 2023 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 23 00 00 - 5 3.4 PROTECTION OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Do not route liquid filled pressure and drain piping over electrical equipment, switchboards motor control centers and the like. When unavoidable, install galvanized drain pans to prevent liquid from dripping or squirting onto such equipment. 3.5 CUTTING AND PATCHING: A. Perform all cutting and fitting required for work of this Section in rough construction of the building. B. All patching of finished construction of building shall be performed under the section of specification covering these materials. C. All cutting of concrete work by this Contractor shall be by core drilling or concrete sawing. No cutting or coring shall be done without first obtaining the permission of the Architect. D. Information regarding requirements for openings, recesses, chases in the walls, partitions, framing or openings shall be provided for work under the appropriate sections of the specifications in advance of the work. Should this be neglected, delayed or incorrect and additional cutting is found to be required, this work shall be accomplished at no additional cost to the Owner. E. All access panels shall be approved by the Architect as to location, appearance, and finish. 3.6 VIBRATION ELIMINATION AND CONNECTORS: Rotating or reciprocating mechanical equipment shall be mounted on or suspended from vibration isolators to prevent vibration and structural borne noise transmission to the building. Refer to each mechanical trade section of these specifications for specific details. Flexible duct connection shall be used between all fan openings and sheet metal work. Flexible connectors shall be used in piping connections to rotating or reciprocating equipment. See individual mechanical sections for specifications. 3.7 REQUIREMENTS FOR FINAL INSPECTION: A. All of the following items must be completed prior to final inspections. No exception and no final payment will be made until all items are completed and approved. For specific requirements see the individual section in the Division 23 Category. 1. Cleaning equipment and premises 2. Test and balance of systems 3. Test and balance reports are reviewed by the Engineer 4. Service manual 5. Operation tests 6. Operating instructions 7. As-built drawings 8. CALGreen and Title-24 Acceptance forms 3.8 EARTHQUAKE RESTRAINT: A. General: 1. All earthquake resistant designs for mechanical equipment, such as air handling units, water heaters, blowers, motors, ductwork, mechanical and plumbing piping, shall conform to the regulations of the California Building Code. 2. The restraints which are used to prevent disruption of the function of the piece of equipment because of the application of the horizontal force shall be such that the forces are carried to the frame of the structure in such a way that the frame will not be deflected when the apparatus is attached to a mounting base and equipment pad, or to the structure in the normal way, utilizing the attachments provided. Equipment, piping, ductwork, etc. shall be secured to withstand a force in any direction equal to the value stated in the CBC for Commercial Buildings and the CAC for Healthcare Facilities, Schools, and Public Buildings. B. Piping: 1. All HVAC and Plumbing piping shall be secured by bracing at every fourth hanger transversely and every eighth hanger longitudinally. Bracing shall be done in accordance with the NFPA Code, and as described in paragraph "Sway Bracing for Protection against Earthquakes," of that code. 2. As approved by code authority, the SMACNA "Guidelines for Seismic Restraints of Mechanical Systems" may be used as a guide. C. No sway bracing is required for pipes that are installed on very short hangers (12-inches or less). D. As approved by the code authority a bracing system as manufactured by "Superstrut" or "Pipe Shields Inc." may be used. 3.9 ADJUSTMENTS OF SYSTEMS AND OPERATION TESTS: A. When the work included in these specifications is complete, and at such time as directed by the Architect, the Contractor Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Issue Date: May 9, 2023 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 23 00 00 - 6 shall adjust all parts of the systems, advising the Architect when this has been done and the work is ready for their final tests. Refer to "Balancing and Testing Procedures" in Section 23 00 00. B. The Owner may require operation of parts or all of the systems prior to final acceptance. If it becomes necessary for temporary use of the systems before all parts are complete, the Contractor shall adjust all parts as far as possible in order to make such temporary use as effective as possible. After temporary use and before acceptance tests, all systems shall be readjusted to meet permanent operational requirements. This occupancy shall not be construed as final acceptance cost of utilities for such operation will be paid by the Owner. C. Operation Test and Instruction: 1. After final acceptance, the Contractor shall operate all mechanical systems and provide operational instructions for a period of at least one 2. Eight-hour day(s) to demonstrate fulfillment of the requirements of the contract. During this time, all adjustments shall be made to the equipment until the entire system is in satisfactory operating condition acceptable to the Architect 3. Final Operation Instructions: Contractor shall place a competent person at the building who shall operate the systems instructing the Owner's Representatives in all details of operation and maintenance. 4. Any required instructions from manufacturer's representatives shall be given during this period. 5. All arrangements for operation and instruction periods shall be made through the Architect D. For specific requirements see individual Mechanical Sections. 3.10 RUBBISH REMOVAL AND CLEANING: Upon completion of the work under this section, the Contractor shall remove all surplus materials, equipment and debris incidental to their work, and leave the premises clean and orderly. 3.11 SERVICE: Ninety (90) days free service shall be provided after completion of the job including changing of filters. Replacement filters shall be provided by the Owner and shall be on the job site. 3.12 PAINTING: A. Excepting piping identification specified in the specific section all painting is specified in the Painting Section of the Specifications. B. Surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned of cement, plaster and other spills. C. Factory finishes shall be repaired to original condition when scratched or dented. END OF SECTION Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 1 SECTION 23 07 00 - MECHANICAL INSULATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes mechanical insulation for duct 1. Insulation Materials: a. Calcium silicate. b. Cellular glass. c. Flexible elastomeric. d. Mineral fiber. e. Phenolic foam. f. Polyisocyanurate. g. Polyolefin. 2. Adhesives. 3. Mastics. 4. Lagging adhesives. 5. Sealants. 6. Factory-applied jackets. 7. Field-applied fabric-reinforcing mesh. 8. Field-applied cloths. 9. Field-applied jackets. 10. Tapes. 11. Securements. 12. Corner angles. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. ASJ: All-service jacket. B. FSK: Foil, scrim, kraft paper. C. FSP: Foil, scrim, polyethylene. D. PVDC: Polyvinylidene chloride. E. SSL: Self-sealing lap. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated, identify thermal conductivity, thickness, and factory or field-installed jackets. B. Shop Drawings: Show details for the following: 1. Application of protective shields, saddles, and inserts at hangers for each type of insulation and hanger. 2. Insulation application at pipe expansion joints for each type of insulation. 3. Insulation application at elbows, fittings, flanges, valves, and specialties for each type of insulation. 4. Removable insulation at piping specialties, equipment connections, and access panels. 5. Application of field-applied jackets. 6. Application at linkages of control devices. 7. Field application for each equipment type. C. Installer Certificates: Signed by Contractor certifying that installers comply with requirements. D. Material Test Reports: From a qualified testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction indicating, interpreting, and certifying test results for compliance of insulation materials, sealers, attachments, cements, and jackets, with requirements indicated. Include dates of tests and test methods employed. E. Field quality-control inspection reports. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 2 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Insulation and related materials shall have fire-test-response characteristics indicated, as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84, by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Factory label insulation and jacket materials and adhesive, mastic, and cement material containers, with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. 1. Insulation Installed Indoors: Flame-spread index of 25 or less, and smoke-developed index of 50 or less. 2. Insulation Installed Outdoors: Flame-spread index of 75 or less, and smoke-developed index of 150 or less. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Packaging: Insulation material containers shall be marked by manufacturer with appropriate ASTM standard designation, type and grade, and maximum use temperature. 1.06 COORDINATION A. Coordinate clearance requirements with piping Installer for piping insulation application, duct Installer for duct insulation application, and equipment Installer for equipment insulation application. Before preparing piping and ductwork Shop Drawings, establish and maintain clearance requirements for installation of insulation and field-applied jackets and finishes and for space required for maintenance. B. Coordinate installation and testing of heat tracing. 1.07 SCHEDULING A. Schedule insulation application after pressure testing systems and, where required, after installing and testing heat tracing. Insulation application may begin on segments that have satisfactory test results. B. Complete installation and concealment of plastic materials as rapidly as possible in each area of construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 INSULATION MATERIALS A. Refer to Part 3 schedule articles for requirements about where insulating materials shall be applied. B. Products shall not contain asbestos, lead, mercury, or mercury compounds. C. Products that come in contact with stainless steel shall have a leachable chloride content of less than 50 ppm when tested according to ASTM C 871. D. Insulation materials for use on austenitic stainless steel shall be qualified as acceptable according to ASTM C 795. E. Foam insulation materials shall not use CFC or HCFC blowing agents in the manufacturing process. F. Calcium Silicate: 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: a. Industrial Insulation Group (The); Thermo-12 Gold. 2. Preformed Pipe Sections: Flat-, curved-, and grooved-block sections of noncombustible, inorganic, hydrous calcium silicate with a non-asbestos fibrous reinforcement. Comply with ASTM C 533, Type I. 3. Flat-, curved-, and grooved-block sections of noncombustible, inorganic, hydrous calcium silicate with a non-asbestos fibrous reinforcement. Comply with ASTM C 533, Type I. 4. Prefabricated Fitting Covers: Comply with ASTM C 450 and ASTM C 585 for dimensions used in preforming insulation to cover valves, elbows, tees, and flanges. G. Cellular Glass: Inorganic, incombustible, foamed or cellulated glass with annealed, rigid, hermetically sealed cells. Factory-applied jacket requirements are specified in Part 2 "Factory-Applied Jackets" Article. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following, or equal: Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 3 a. Cell-U-Foam Corporation; Ultra-CUF. b. Pittsburgh Corning Corporation; Foamglas Super K. 2. Block Insulation: ASTM C 552, Type I. 3. Special-Shaped Insulation: ASTM C 552, Type III. 4. Board Insulation: ASTM C 552, Type IV. 5. Preformed Pipe Insulation without Jacket: Comply with ASTM C 552, Type II, Class 1. 6. Preformed Pipe Insulation with Factory-Applied ASJ-SSL: Comply with ASTM C 552, Type II, Class 2. 7. Factory fabricate shapes according to ASTM C 450 and ASTM C 585. H. Flexible Elastomeric: Closed-cell, sponge- or expanded-rubber materials. Comply with ASTM C 534, Type I for tubular materials and Type II for sheet materials. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Armacell LLC; AP Armaflex FS b. Aeroflex USA Inc. c. RBX Corporation. I. Mineral-Fiber Blanket Insulation: Mineral or glass fibers bonded with a thermosetting resin. Comply with ASTM C 553, Type II and ASTM C 1290, Type III with factory-applied FSK jacket. Factory-applied jacket requirements are specified in Part 2 "Factory-Applied Jackets" Article. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. CertainTeed Corp.; Duct Wrap. b. Johns Manville; Microlite. c. Knauf Insulation; Duct Wrap. d. Manson Insulation Inc.; Alley Wrap. e. Owens Corning; All-Service Duct Wrap. J. Phenolic Foam: 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: a. Kingspan Corp.; Koolphen K. 2. Preformed pipe insulation of rigid, expanded, closed-cell structure. Comply with ASTM C 1126, Type III, Grade 1. 3. Block insulation of rigid, expanded, closed-cell structure. Comply with ASTM C 1126, Type II, Grade 1. 4. Factory fabricate shapes according to ASTM C 450 and ASTM C 585. 5. Factory-Applied Jacket: Requirements are specified in Part 2 "Factory-Applied Jackets" Article. a. Preformed Pipe Insulation: ASJ. b. Board for Duct and Plenum Applications: ASJ. c. Board for Equipment Applications: ASJ. K. Polyolefin: Unicellular, polyethylene thermal plastic insulation. Comply with ASTM C 534 or ASTM C 1427, Type I, Grade 1 for tubular materials and Type II, Grade 1 for sheet materials. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Armacell LLC; Tubolit. b. Nomaco Inc.; IMCOLOCK, IMCOSHEET, NOMALOCK, and NOMAPLY. c. RBX Corporation; Therma-cell. 2.02 INSULATING CEMENTS A. Mineral-Fiber Insulating Cement: Comply with ASTM C 195. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following, or equal: a. Insulco, Division of MFS, Inc.; Triple I. b. P. K. Insulation Mfg. Co., Inc.; Super-Stik. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 4 B. Mineral-Fiber, Hydraulic-Setting Insulating and Finishing Cement: Comply with ASTM C 449/C 449M. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Insulco, Division of MFS, Inc.; SmoothKote. b. P. K. Insulation Mfg. Co., Inc.; PK No. 127, and Quik-Cote. c. Rock Wool Manufacturing Company; Delta One Shot. 2.03 ADHESIVES A. Materials shall be compatible with insulation materials, jackets, and substrates and for bonding insulation to itself and to surfaces to be insulated, unless otherwise indicated. B. Calcium Silicate Adhesive: Fibrous, sodium-silicate-based adhesive with a service temperature range of 50 to 800 deg F. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-97. b. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 81-27/81-93. c. Marathon Industries, Inc.; 290. d. Mon-Eco Industries, Inc.; 22-30. e. Vimasco Corporation; 760. C. Cellular-Glass, Phenolic-Foam, and Polyisocyanurate Adhesive: Solvent-based resin adhesive, with a service temperature range of minus 75 to plus 300 deg F. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following, or equal: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-96. b. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 81-33. D. Flexible Elastomeric and Polyolefin Adhesive: Comply with MIL-A-24179A, Type II, Class I. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Aeroflex USA Inc.; Aeroseal. b. Armacell LCC; 520 Adhesive. c. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 85-75. d. RBX Corporation; Rubatex Contact Adhesive. E. Mineral-Fiber Adhesive: Comply with MIL-A-3316C, Class 2, Grade A. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-82. b. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 85-20. c. ITW TACC, Division of Illinois Tool Works; S-90/80. d. Marathon Industries, Inc.; 225. e. Mon-Eco Industries, Inc.; 22-25. F. ASJ Adhesive, and FSK and PVDC Jacket Adhesive: Comply with MIL-A-3316C, Class 2, Grade A for bonding insulation jacket lap seams and joints. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-82. b. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 85-20. c. ITW TACC, Division of Illinois Tool Works; S-90/80. d. Marathon Industries, Inc.; 225. e. Mon-Eco Industries, Inc.; 22-25. G. PVC Jacket Adhesive: Compatible with PVC jacket. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 5 a. Dow Chemical Company (The); 739, Dow Silicone. b. Johns-Manville; Zeston Perma-Weld, CEEL-TITE Solvent Welding Adhesive. c. P.I.C. Plastics, Inc.; Welding Adhesive. d. Red Devil, Inc.; Celulon Ultra Clear. e. Speedline Corporation; Speedline Vinyl Adhesive. 2.04 MASTICS A. Materials shall be compatible with insulation materials, jackets, and substrates; comply with MIL-C-19565C, Type II. B. Vapor-Barrier Mastic: Water based; suitable for indoor and outdoor use on below ambient services. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-35. b. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 30-90. c. ITW TACC, Division of Illinois Tool Works; CB-50. d. Marathon Industries, Inc.; 590. e. Mon-Eco Industries, Inc.; 55-40. f. Vimasco Corporation; 749. 2. Water-Vapor Permeance: ASTM E 96, Procedure B, 0.013 perm at 43-mil dry film thickness. 3. Service Temperature Range: Minus 20 to plus 180 deg F. 4. Solids Content: ASTM D 1644, 59 percent by volume and 71 percent by weight. 5. Color: White. C. Breather Mastic: Water based; suitable for indoor and outdoor use on above ambient services. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-10. b. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 35-00. c. ITW TACC, Division of Illinois Tool Works; CB-05/15. d. Marathon Industries, Inc.; 550. e. Mon-Eco Industries, Inc.; 55-50. f. Vimasco Corporation; WC-1/WC-5. 2. Water-Vapor Permeance: ASTM F 1249, 3 perms at 0.0625-inch dry film thickness. 3. Service Temperature Range: Minus 20 to plus 200 deg F. 4. Solids Content: 63 percent by volume and 73 percent by weight. 5. Color: White. 2.05 LAGGING ADHESIVES A. Description: Comply with MIL-A-3316C Class I, Grade A and shall be compatible with insulation materials, jackets, and substrates. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-52. b. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 81-42. c. Marathon Industries, Inc.; 130. d. Mon-Eco Industries, Inc.; 11-30. e. Vimasco Corporation; 136. 2. Fire-resistant, water-based lagging adhesive and coating for use indoors to adhere fire-resistant lagging cloths over duct, equipment, and pipe insulation. 3. Service Temperature Range: Minus 50 to plus 180 deg F. 4. Color: White. 2.06 SEALANTS A. Joint Sealants: Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 6 1. Joint Sealants for Cellular-Glass, Phenolic-Foam, and Polyisocyanurate Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-76. b. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 30-45. c. Marathon Industries, Inc.; 405. d. Mon-Eco Industries, Inc.; 44-05. e. Pittsburgh Corning Corporation; Pittseal 444. f. Vimasco Corporation; 750. 2. Materials shall be compatible with insulation materials, jackets, and substrates. 3. Permanently flexible, elastomeric sealant. 4. Service Temperature Range: Minus 100 to plus 300 deg F. 5. Color: White or gray. B. FSK and Metal Jacket Flashing Sealants: 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-76-8. b. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; 95-44. c. Marathon Industries, Inc.; 405. d. Mon-Eco Industries, Inc.; 44-05. e. Vimasco Corporation; 750. 2. Materials shall be compatible with insulation materials, jackets, and substrates. 3. Fire- and water-resistant, flexible, elastomeric sealant. 4. Service Temperature Range: Minus 40 to plus 250 deg F. 5. Color: Aluminum. C. ASJ Flashing Sealants, and Vinyl, PVDC, and PVC Jacket Flashing Sealants: 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; CP-76. 2. Materials shall be compatible with insulation materials, jackets, and substrates. 3. Fire- and water-resistant, flexible, elastomeric sealant. 4. Service Temperature Range: Minus 40 to plus 250 deg F. 5. Color: White. 2.07 FACTORY-APPLIED JACKETS A. Insulation system schedules indicate factory-applied jackets on various applications. When factory-applied jackets are indicated, comply with the following: 1. ASJ: White, kraft-paper, fiberglass-reinforced scrim with aluminum-foil backing; complying with ASTM C 1136, Type I. 2. ASJ-SSL: ASJ with self-sealing, pressure-sensitive, acrylic-based adhesive covered by a removable protective strip; complying with ASTM C 1136, Type I. 3. FSK Jacket: Aluminum-foil, fiberglass-reinforced scrim with kraft-paper backing; complying with ASTM C 1136, Type II. 4. FSP Jacket: Aluminum-foil, fiberglass-reinforced scrim with polyethylene backing; complying with ASTM C 1136, Type II. 5. PVDC Jacket for Indoor Applications: 4-mil- thick, white PVDC biaxially oriented barrier film with a permeance at 0.02 perms when tested according to ASTM E 96 and with a flame-spread index of 5 and a smoke-developed index of 20 when tested according to ASTM E 84. 6. PVDC Jacket for Outdoor Applications: 6-mil- thick, white PVDC biaxially oriented barrier film with a permeance at 0.01 perms when tested according to ASTM E 96 and with a flame-spread index of 5 and a smoke-developed index of 25 when tested according to ASTM E 84. 7. PVDC-SSL Jacket: PVDC jacket with a self-sealing, pressure-sensitive, acrylic-based adhesive covered by a removable protective strip. a. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 7 i. Dow Chemical Company (The); Saran 540 Vapor Retarder Film and Saran 560 Vapor Retarder Film. 8. Vinyl Jacket: UL-rated white vinyl with a permeance of 1.3 perms when tested according to ASTM E 96, Procedure A, and complying with NFPA 90A and NFPA 90B. 2.08 FIELD-APPLIED FABRIC-REINFORCING MESH A. Woven Glass-Fiber Fabric for Pipe Insulation: Approximately 2 oz./sq. yd. with a thread count of 10 strands by 10 strands/sq. inch for covering pipe and pipe fittings. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: a. Vimasco Corporation; Elastafab 894. B. Woven Glass-Fiber Fabric for Duct and Equipment Insulation: Approximately 6 oz./sq. yd. with a thread count of 5 strands by 5 strands/sq. inch for covering equipment. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: a. Childers Products, Division of ITW; Chil-Glas No. 5. C. Woven Polyester Fabric: Approximately 1 oz./sq. yd. with a thread count of 10 strands by 10 strands/sq. inch, in a Leno weave, for duct, equipment, and pipe. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following, or equal: a. Foster Products Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company; Mast-A-Fab. b. Vimasco Corporation; Elastafab 894. 2.09 FIELD-APPLIED CLOTHS A. Woven Glass-Fiber Fabric: Comply with MIL-C-20079H, Type I, plain weave, and presized a minimum of 8 oz./sq. yd.. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: a. Alpha Associates, Inc.; Alpha-Maritex 84215 and 84217/9485RW, Luben 59. 2.10 TAPES A. ASJ Tape: White vapor-retarder tape matching factory-applied jacket with acrylic adhesive, complying with ASTM C 1136 and UL listed. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Avery Dennison Corporation, Specialty Tapes Division; Fasson 0835. b. Compac Corp.; 104 and 105. c. Ideal Tape Co., Inc., an American Biltrite Company; 428 AWF ASJ. d. Venture Tape; 1540 CW Plus, 1542 CW Plus, and 1542 CW Plus/SQ. 2. Width: 3 inches. 3. Thickness: 11.5 mils. 4. Adhesion: 90 ounces force/inch in width. 5. Elongation: 2 percent. 6. Tensile Strength: 40 lbf/inch in width. 7. ASJ Tape Disks and Squares: Precut disks or squares of ASJ tape. B. FSK Tape: Foil-face, vapor-retarder tape matching factory-applied jacket with acrylic adhesive; complying with ASTM C 1136 and UL listed. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Avery Dennison Corporation, Specialty Tapes Division; Fasson 0827. b. Compac Corp.; 110 and 111. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 8 c. Ideal Tape Co., Inc., an American Biltrite Company; 491 AWF FSK. d. Venture Tape; 1525 CW, 1528 CW, and 1528 CW/SQ. 2. Width: 3 inches. 3. Thickness: 6.5 mils. 4. Adhesion: 90 ounces force/inch in width. 5. Elongation: 2 percent. 6. Tensile Strength: 40 lbf/inch in width. 7. FSK Tape Disks and Squares: Precut disks or squares of FSK tape. C. PVC Tape: White vapor-retarder tape matching field-applied PVC jacket with acrylic adhesive. Suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Avery Dennison Corporation, Specialty Tapes Division; Fasson 0555. b. Compac Corp.; 130. c. Ideal Tape Co., Inc., an American Biltrite Company; 370 White PVC tape. d. Venture Tape; 1506 CW NS. 2. Width: 2 inches. 3. Thickness: 6 mils. 4. Adhesion: 64 ounces force/inch in width. 5. Elongation: 500 percent. 6. Tensile Strength: 18 lbf/inch in width. D. Aluminum-Foil Tape: Vapor-retarder tape with acrylic adhesive and UL listed. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Avery Dennison Corporation, Specialty Tapes Division; Fasson 0800. b. Compac Corp.; 120. c. Ideal Tape Co., Inc., an American Biltrite Company; 488 AWF. d. Venture Tape; 3520 CW. 2. Width: 2 inches. 3. Thickness: 3.7 mils. 4. Adhesion: 100 ounces force/inch in width. 5. Elongation: 5 percent. 6. Tensile Strength: 34 lbf/inch in width. E. PVDC Tape for Indoor Applications: White vapor-retarder PVDC tape with acrylic adhesive. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: a. Dow Chemical Company (The); Saran 540 Vapor Retarder Tape. 2. Width: 3 inches. 3. Film Thickness: 4 mils. 4. Adhesive Thickness: 1.5 mils. 5. Elongation at Break: 145 percent. 6. Tensile Strength: 55 lbf/inch in width. F. PVDC Tape for Outdoor Applications: White vapor-retarder PVDC tape with acrylic adhesive. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: a. Dow Chemical Company (The); Saran 560 Vapor Retarder Tape. 2. Width: 3 inches. 3. Film Thickness: 6 mils. 4. Adhesive Thickness: 1.5 mils. 5. Elongation at Break: 145 percent. 6. Tensile Strength: 55 lbf/inch in width. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 9 2.11 SECUREMENTS A. Bands: 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Childers Products; Bands. b. PABCO Metals Corporation; Bands. c. RPR Products, Inc.; Bands. 2. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 167 or ASTM A 240/A 240M, Type 304 or Type 316; 0.015-inch-thick, 1/2-inch 3/4-inch- wide with wing or closed seal. 3. Aluminum: ASTM B 209, Alloy 3003, 3005, 3105, or 5005; Temper H-14, 0.020-inch-thick, 1/2-inch 3/4-inch-wide with wing or closed seal. 4. Springs: Twin spring set constructed of stainless steel with ends flat and slotted to accept metal bands. Spring size determined by manufacturer for application. B. Insulation Pins and Hangers: 1. Capacitor-Discharge-Weld Pins: Copper- or zinc-coated steel pin, fully annealed for capacitor-discharge welding, 0.135-inch- diameter shank, length to suit depth of insulation indicated. a. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: i. AGM Industries, Inc.; CWP-1. ii. GEMCO; CD. iii. Midwest Fasteners, Inc.; CD. iv. Nelson Stud Welding; TPA, TPC, and TPS. 2. Cupped-Head, Capacitor-Discharge-Weld Pins: Copper- or zinc-coated steel pin, fully annealed for capacitor- discharge welding, 0.135-inch- diameter shank, length to suit depth of insulation indicated with integral 1-1/2-inch galvanized carbon-steel washer. a. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: i. AGM Industries, Inc.; CWP-1. ii. GEMCO; Cupped Head Weld Pin. iii. Midwest Fasteners, Inc.; Cupped Head. iv. Nelson Stud Welding; CHP. 3. Metal, Adhesively Attached, Perforated-Base Insulation Hangers: Baseplate welded to projecting spindle that is capable of holding insulation, of thickness indicated, securely in position indicated when self-locking washer is in place. Comply with the following requirements: a. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: i. AGM Industries, Inc.; Tactoo Insul-Hangers, Series T. ii. GEMCO; Perforated Base. iii. Midwest Fasteners, Inc.; Spindle. b. Baseplate: Perforated, galvanized carbon-steel sheet, 0.030 inch thick by 2 inches square. c. Spindle: Stainless steel, fully annealed, 0.106-inch- diameter shank, length to suit depth of insulation indicated. d. Adhesive: Recommended by hanger manufacturer. Product with demonstrated capability to bond insulation hanger securely to substrates indicated without damaging insulation, hangers, and substrates. 4. Nonmetal, Adhesively Attached, Perforated-Base Insulation Hangers: Baseplate fastened to projecting spindle that is capable of holding insulation, of thickness indicated, securely in position indicated when self-locking washer is in place. Comply with the following requirements: a. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following, or equal: Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 10 i. GEMCO; Nylon Hangers. ii. Midwest Fasteners, Inc.; Nylon Insulation Hangers. b. Baseplate: Perforated, nylon sheet, 0.030 inch thick by 1-1/2 inches in diameter. c. Spindle: Nylon, 0.106-inch- diameter shank, length to suit depth of insulation indicated, up to 2-1/2 inches. d. Adhesive: Recommended by hanger manufacturer. Product with demonstrated capability to bond insulation hanger securely to substrates indicated without damaging insulation, hangers, and substrates. 5. Self-Sticking-Base Insulation Hangers: Baseplate welded to projecting spindle that is capable of holding insulation, of thickness indicated, securely in position indicated when self-locking washer is in place. Comply with the following requirements: a. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: i. AGM Industries, Inc.; Tactoo Insul-Hangers, Series TSA. ii. GEMCO; Press and Peel. iii. Midwest Fasteners, Inc.; Self Stick. b. Baseplate: Galvanized carbon-steel sheet, 0.030 inch thick by 2 inches square. c. Spindle: Stainless steel, fully annealed, 0.106-inch- diameter shank, length to suit depth of insulation indicated. d. Adhesive-backed base with a peel-off protective cover. 6. Insulation-Retaining Washers: Self-locking washers formed from 0.016-inch- thick, stainless-steel sheet, with beveled edge sized as required to hold insulation securely in place but not less than 1-1/2 inches in diameter. a. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: i. AGM Industries, Inc.; RC-150. ii. GEMCO; R-150. iii. Midwest Fasteners, Inc.; WA-150. iv. Nelson Stud Welding; Speed Clips. b. Protect ends with capped self-locking washers incorporating a spring steel insert to ensure permanent retention of cap in exposed locations. 7. Nonmetal Insulation-Retaining Washers: Self-locking washers formed from 0.016-inch- thick nylon sheet, with beveled edge sized as required to hold insulation securely in place but not less than 1-1/2 inches in diameter. a. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following, or equal: i. GEMCO. ii. Midwest Fasteners, Inc. C. Staples: Outward-clinching insulation staples, nominal 3/4-inch- wide, stainless steel or Monel. D. Wire: 0.062-inch soft-annealed, stainless steel. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. ACS Industries, Inc. b. C & F Wire. c. Childers Products. d. PABCO Metals Corporation. e. RPR Products, Inc. 2.12 CORNER ANGLES A. Aluminum Corner Angles: 0.040 inch thick, minimum 1 by 1 inch, aluminum according to ASTM B 209, Alloy 3003, 3005, 3105 or 5005; Temper H-14. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 11 B. Stainless-Steel Corner Angles: 0.024-inch-thick, minimum 1 by 1 inch, stainless steel according to ASTM A 167 or ASTM A 240/A 240M, Type 304 or 316. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and conditions for compliance with requirements for installation and other conditions affecting performance of insulation application. 1. Verify that systems and equipment to be insulated have been tested and are free of defects. 2. Verify that surfaces to be insulated are clean and dry. 3. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Surface Preparation: Clean and dry surfaces to receive insulation. Remove materials that will adversely affect insulation application. B. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be insulated. Before insulating, apply a corrosion coating to insulated surfaces as follows: 1. Stainless Steel: Coat 300 series stainless steel with an epoxy primer 5 mils thick and an epoxy finish 5 mils thick if operating in a temperature range between 140 and 300 deg F. Consult coating manufacturer for appropriate coating materials and application methods for operating temperature range. 2. Carbon Steel: Coat carbon steel operating at a service temperature between 32 and 300 deg F with an epoxy coating. Consult coating manufacturer for appropriate coating materials and application methods for operating temperature range. 3.03 COMMON INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Install insulation materials, accessories, and finishes with smooth, straight, and even surfaces; free of voids throughout the length of equipment, ducts and fittings, and piping including fittings, valves, flanges, pumps and specialties. B. Install insulation materials, forms, vapor barriers or retarders, jackets, and thicknesses required for each item of equipment, duct system, and pipe system as specified in insulation system schedules. C. Install accessories compatible with insulation materials and suitable for the service. Install accessories that do not corrode, soften, or otherwise attack insulation or jacket in either wet or dry state. D. Install insulation with longitudinal seams at top and bottom of horizontal runs. E. Install multiple layers of insulation with longitudinal and end seams staggered. F. Do not weld brackets, clips, or other attachment devices to piping, fittings, and specialties. G. Keep insulation materials dry during application and finishing. H. Install insulation with tight longitudinal seams and end joints. Bond seams and joints with adhesive recommended by insulation material manufacturer. I. Install insulation with least number of joints practical. J. Where vapor barrier is indicated, seal joints, seams, and penetrations in insulation at hangers, supports, anchors, and other projections with vapor-barrier mastic. 1. Install insulation continuously through hangers and around anchor attachments. 2. For insulation application where vapor barriers are indicated, extend insulation on anchor legs from point of attachment to supported item to point of attachment to structure. Taper and seal ends at attachment to structure with vapor-barrier mastic. 3. Install insert materials and install insulation to tightly join the insert. Seal insulation to insulation inserts with adhesive or sealing compound recommended by insulation material manufacturer. 4. Cover inserts with jacket material matching adjacent pipe insulation. Install shields over jacket, arranged to protect jacket from tear or puncture by hanger, support, and shield. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 12 K. Apply adhesives, mastics, and sealants at manufacturer's recommended coverage rate and wet and dry film thicknesses. L. Install insulation with factory-applied jackets as follows: 1. Draw jacket tight and smooth. 2. Cover circumferential joints with 3-inch- wide strips, of same material as insulation jacket. Secure strips with adhesive and outward clinching staples along both edges of strip, spaced 4 inches O.C. 3. Overlap jacket longitudinal seams at least 1-1/2 inches. Install insulation with longitudinal seams at bottom of pipe. Clean and dry surface to receive self-sealing lap. Staple laps with outward clinching staples along edge at 4 inches O.C. a. For below ambient services, apply vapor-barrier mastic over staples. 4. Cover joints and seams with tape as recommended by insulation material manufacturer to maintain vapor seal. 5. Where vapor barriers are indicated, apply vapor-barrier mastic on seams and joints and at ends adjacent to duct and pipe flanges and fittings. M. Cut insulation in a manner to avoid compressing insulation more than 75 percent of its nominal thickness. N. Finish installation with systems at operating conditions. Repair joint separations and cracking due to thermal movement. O. Repair damaged insulation facings by applying same facing material over damaged areas. Extend patches at least 4 inches beyond damaged areas. Adhere, staple, and seal patches similar to butt joints. P. For above ambient services, do not install insulation to the following: 1. Vibration-control devices. 2. Testing agency labels and stamps. 3. Nameplates and data plates. 4. Manholes. 5. Handholes. 6. Cleanouts. 3.04 PENETRATIONS A. Insulation Installation at Roof Penetrations: Install insulation continuously through roof penetrations. 1. Seal penetrations with flashing sealant. 2. For applications requiring only indoor insulation, terminate insulation above roof surface and seal with joint sealant. For applications requiring indoor and outdoor insulation, install insulation for outdoor applications tightly joined to indoor insulation ends. Seal joint with joint sealant. 3. Extend jacket of outdoor insulation outside roof flashing at least 2 inches below top of roof flashing. 4. Seal jacket to roof flashing with flashing sealant. B. Insulation Installation at Below-Grade Exterior Wall Penetrations: Terminate insulation flush with sleeve seal. Seal terminations with flashing sealant. C. Insulation Installation at Aboveground Exterior Wall Penetrations: Install insulation continuously through wall penetrations. 1. Seal penetrations with flashing sealant. 2. For applications requiring only indoor insulation, terminate insulation inside wall surface and seal with joint sealant. For applications requiring indoor and outdoor insulation, install insulation for outdoor applications tightly joined to indoor insulation ends. Seal joint with joint sealant. 3. Extend jacket of outdoor insulation outside wall flashing and overlap wall flashing at least 2 inches. 4. Seal jacket to wall flashing with flashing sealant. D. Insulation Installation at Interior Wall and Partition Penetrations (That Are Not Fire Rated): Install insulation continuously through walls and partitions. E. Insulation Installation at Fire-Rated Wall and Partition Penetrations: Install insulation continuously through penetrations of fire-rated walls and partitions. Terminate insulation at fire damper sleeves for fire-rated wall and partition penetrations. Externally insulate damper sleeves to match adjacent insulation and overlap duct insulation at least 2 inches. 1. Firestopping and fire-resistive joint sealers are specified in Division 07 Section "Penetration Firestopping." Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 13 F. Insulation Installation at Floor Penetrations: 1. Duct: Install insulation continuously through floor penetrations that are not fire rated. For penetrations through fire- rated assemblies, terminate insulation at fire damper sleeves and externally insulate damper sleeve beyond floor to match adjacent duct insulation. Overlap damper sleeve and duct insulation at least 2 inches. 2. Pipe: Install insulation continuously through floor penetrations. 3. Seal penetrations through fire-rated assemblies according to Division 07 Section "Penetration Firestopping." 3.05 DUCT AND PLENUM INSULATION INSTALLATION A. Blanket Insulation Installation on Ducts and Plenums: Secure with adhesive and insulation pins. 1. Apply adhesives according to manufacturer's recommended coverage rates per unit area, for 100 percent coverage of duct and plenum surfaces. 2. Apply adhesive to entire circumference of ducts and to all surfaces of fittings and transitions. 3. The portions of the VAV reheat coils that are outside of the VAV box (headers, return bends) are to be covered and taped with the same insulation as the ductwork. 4. Install either capacitor-discharge-weld pins and speed washers or cupped-head, capacitor-discharge-weld pins on sides and bottom of horizontal ducts and sides of vertical ducts as follows: a. On duct sides with dimensions 18 inches and smaller, place pins along longitudinal centerline of duct. Space 3 inches maximum from insulation end joints, and 16 inches O.C. b. On duct sides with dimensions larger than 18 inches, place pins 16 inches O.C. each way, and 3 inches maximum from insulation joints. Install additional pins to hold insulation tightly against surface at cross bracing. 3.06 FINISHES A. Duct, Equipment, and Pipe Insulation with ASJ, Glass-Cloth, or Other Paintable Jacket Material: Paint jacket with paint system identified below and as specified in Division 09 painting Sections. 1. Flat Acrylic Finish: Two finish coats over a primer that is compatible with jacket material and finish coat paint. Add fungicidal agent to render fabric mildew proof. a. Finish Coat Material: Interior, flat, latex-emulsion size. B. Flexible Elastomeric Thermal Insulation: After adhesive has fully cured, apply two coats of insulation manufacturer's recommended protective coating. C. Color: Final color as selected by University’s Representative. Vary first and second coats to allow visual inspection of the completed Work. D. Do not field paint aluminum or stainless-steel jackets. 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: Owner’s will engage a qualified independent inspecting agency to perform field inspections and prepare inspection reports. B. Perform the following field tests and inspections and prepare test reports: 1. Inspect ductwork, randomly selected by Owner’s Representative, by removing field-applied jacket and insulation in layers in reverse order of their installation. Extent of inspection shall be limited to one location(s) for each duct system defined in the "Duct Insulation Schedule, General" Article. 2. Inspect field-insulated equipment, randomly selected by Owner’s Representative, by removing field-applied jacket and insulation in layers in reverse order of their installation. Extent of inspection shall be limited to one location(s) for each type of equipment defined in the "Equipment Insulation Schedule" Article. For large equipment, remove only a portion adequate to determine compliance. 3. Inspect pipe, fittings, strainers, and valves, randomly selected by Owner’s Representative, by removing field-applied jacket and insulation in layers in reverse order of their installation. Extent of inspection shall be limited to three locations of straight pipe, three locations of threaded fittings, three locations of welded fittings, two locations of threaded strainers, two locations of welded strainers, three locations of threaded valves, and three locations of flanged valves for each pipe service defined in the "Piping Insulation Schedule, General" Article. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 14 C. All insulation applications will be considered defective Work if sample inspection reveals noncompliance with requirements. Remove defective Work. D. Install new insulation and jackets to replace insulation and jackets removed for inspection. Repeat inspection procedures after new materials are installed. 3.08 DUCT INSULATION SCHEDULE, GENERAL A. Plenums and Ducts Requiring Insulation: 1. Indoor, concealed supply and outdoor air. 2. Indoor, exposed supply and outdoor air. 3. Indoor, concealed return located in nonconditioned space. 4. Indoor, exposed return located in nonconditioned space. 5. Indoor, concealed, Type I, commercial, kitchen hood exhaust. 6. Indoor, exposed, Type I, commercial, kitchen hood exhaust. 7. Indoor, concealed oven and warewash exhaust. 8. Indoor, exposed oven and warewash exhaust. 9. Outdoor, concealed supply and return. 10. Outdoor, exposed supply and return. 11. Indoor, reheat coils installed in ductwork. Insulation to cover all exposed portions of the coil (end bends and header). B. Items Not Insulated: 1. Fibrous-glass ducts. 2. Metal ducts with duct liner of sufficient thickness to comply with energy code and ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1. 3. Factory-insulated flexible ducts. 4. Factory-insulated plenums and casings. 5. Flexible connectors. 6. Vibration-control devices. 7. Factory-insulated access panels and doors. 3.09 DUCT AND PIPING INSULATION THICKNESS REQUIREMENTS A. Ductwork General Insulation Thickness Requirements: Insulation thicknesses shall be determined using the following criteria for the fluids being conveyed and the type of insulation material being selected. 1. Portions of supply-air and return-air ducts conveying heated or cooled air located in one or more of the following spaces shall be insulated to a minimum installed level of R-8: a. Outdoors; or b. Ina space between the roof and an insulated ceiling; or c. In a space directly under a roof with fixed vents or openings to the outside or unconditioned spaces; or d. In an unconditioned crawlspace; or e. In other unconditioned spaces. 2. Portions of supply-air ducts that are not in one of these spaces, including ducts buried in concrete slab, shall be insulated to a minimum installed level of R-4.2 (or any higher level required by CMC or be enclosed in directly conditioned space. 3. All duct insulation product R-values shall be based on insulation only (excluding air films, vapor retarders, or other duct components) and tested C-values at 75°F mean temperature at the installed thickness, in accordance with ASTM C5 l 8 or ASTM C 177. 4. The installed thickness of duct insulation used to determine its R-value shall be determined as follows: a. For duct board, and factory-made rigid ducts not normally subjected to compression, the nominal insulation thickness shall be used. b. For duct wrap installed thickness shall be assumed to be 75 percent (25 percent compression) of nominal thickness. c. For factory-made flexible air ducts, the installed thickness shall be determined by dividing the difference between the actual outside diameter and nominal inside diameter by two. 5. Insulated flexible duct products installed to meet this requirement must include labels, in maximum intervals of 3 feet, showing the thermal performance R-value for the duct insulation itself (excluding air films, vapor retarder, or other duct components), based on CMC testing requirements. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 15 3.10 ABOVEGROUND, OUTDOOR DUCT AND PLENUM INSULATION SCHEDULE A. Insulation materials and thicknesses are identified below. If more than one material is listed for a duct system, selection from materials listed is Contractor's option. B. Concealed, round and flat-oval, supply-air duct insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. C. Concealed, round and flat-oval, return-air duct insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. D. Concealed, round and flat-oval, outdoor-air duct insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. E. Concealed, rectangular, supply-air duct insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. F. Concealed, rectangular, return-air duct insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. G. Concealed, supply-air plenum insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. H. Concealed, return-air plenum insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. I. Exposed, round and flat-oval, supply-air duct insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. J. Exposed, round and flat-oval, return-air duct insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. K. Exposed, rectangular, supply-air duct insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Mechanical Insulation Date: May 9, 2023 23 07 00 - 16 L. Exposed, rectangular, return-air duct insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. M. Exposed, supply-air plenum insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. N. Exposed, return-air plenum insulation shall be any of the following: 1. Mineral-Fiber Blanket: 3 inches thick and 3-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 2. Mineral-Fiber Board: 3 inches thick and 6-lb/cu. ft. nominal density. 3. Phenolic: 2 inches thick. END OF SECTION Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Metal Ducts Date: May 9, 2023 23 3113- 1 SECTION 23 3113 - METAL DUCTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes metal ducts for supply & return air-distribution systems in pressure classes from minus -2 to plus 10-inch wg. Metal ducts include the following: 1. Rectangular ducts and fittings. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. FRP: Fiberglass-reinforced plastic. B. NUSIG: National Uniform Seismic Installation Guidelines. 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Duct system design, as indicated, has been used to select size and type of air-moving and -distribution equipment and other air system components. Changes to layout or configuration of duct system must be specifically approved in writing by Owner’s Representative. Accompany requests for layout modifications with calculations showing that proposed layout will provide original design results without increasing system total pressure. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: CAD-generated and drawn to 1/4-inch equals 1 foot scale. Show fabrication and installation details for metal ducts. 1. Identify and provide list of areas of systems requiring shop drawings. 2. Fabrication, assembly, and installation, including plans, elevations, sections, components, and attachments to other work. 3. Duct layout indicating sizes and pressure classes and liner material. 4. Elevations of top and bottom of ducts. 5. Dimensions of main duct runs from building grid lines. 6. Fittings. 7. Reinforcement and spacing. 8. Seam and joint construction. 9. Penetrations through fire-rated and other partitions. 10. Equipment installation based on equipment being used on Project. 11. Duct accessories, including access doors, panels, dampers, turning vanes. 12. Hangers and supports, including methods for duct and building attachment, vibration isolation, and seismic restraints. 13. If any items shown on the shop drawings are known to deviate from the design documents or SMACNA requirements, they must be clearly identified on an 8 ½ by 11 written list that is to be submitted with the shop drawings. B. Welding certificates. C. Field quality-control test reports. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. NFPA Compliance: 1. NFPA 90A, "Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems." 2. NFPA 90B, "Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems." B. Comply with NFPA 96, "Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations," Ch. 3, "Duct System," for range hood ducts, unless otherwise indicated. C. ASHRAE Compliance: Applicable requirements in ASHRAE 62.1, Section 5 – “Systems and Equipment” and Section 7 – “Construction and System Start-up.” Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Metal Ducts Date: May 9, 2023 23 3113- 2 D. ASHRAE/IESNA Compliance: Applicable requirements in ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1, Section 6.4.4 – “HVAC System Construction and Insulation.” PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply to product selection: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the manufacturers specified. 2.02 SHEET METAL MATERIALS A. Comply with SMACNA's "HVAC Duct Construction Standards--Metal and Flexible" for acceptable materials, material thicknesses, and duct construction methods, unless otherwise indicated. Sheet metal materials shall be free of pitting, seam marks, roller marks, stains, discolorations, and other imperfections. B. Comply with the more restrictive requirements of these specifications and the project design drawings or SMACNA requirements. C. Galvanized Sheet Steel: Lock-forming quality; complying with ASTM A 653/A 653M and having G90 coating designation; ducts shall have mill-phosphatized finish for surfaces exposed to view. D. Carbon-Steel Sheets: ASTM A 366/A 366M, cold-rolled sheets; commercial quality; with oiled, matte finish for exposed ducts. E. Aluminum Sheets: ASTM B 209, alloy 3003, temper H14; with mill finish for concealed ducts and standard, 1-side bright finish for exposed ducts. F. Reinforcement Shapes and Plates: Galvanized-steel reinforcement where installed on galvanized sheet metal ducts. G. Tie Rods: Galvanized steel, 1/4-inch minimum diameter for lengths 36 inches or less; 3/8-inch minimum diameter for lengths longer than 36 inches. 2.03 SEALANT MATERIALS A. Water-Based Joint and Seam Sealant: Flexible, adhesive sealant, resistant to UV light when cured, UL 723 listed, and complying with NFPA requirements for Class 1 ducts. B. Solvent-Based Joint and Seam Sealant: One-part, nonsag, solvent-release-curing, polymerized butyl sealant formulated with a minimum of 75 percent solids. C. Flanged Joint Mastic: One-part, acid-curing, silicone, elastomeric joint sealant complying with ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, Use O. D. Flange Gaskets: Butyl rubber or EPDM polymer with polyisobutylene plasticizer. 2.04 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Building Attachments: Concrete inserts, or structural-steel fasteners appropriate for construction materials to which hangers are being attached. B. Duct Attachments: Sheet metal screws, blind rivets, or self-tapping metal screws; compatible with duct materials. C. Trapeze and Riser Supports: Steel shapes complying with ASTM A 36/A 36M. 1. Supports for Galvanized-Steel Ducts: Galvanized-steel shapes and plates. 2. Supports for Aluminum Ducts: Aluminum support materials unless materials are electrolytically separated from ducts. 2.05 RECTANGULAR DUCT FABRICATION A. Fabricate ducts, elbows, transitions, offsets, branch connections, and other ductwork constru-tion except turning vanes which are not acceptable by Owner, according to SMACNA's "HVAC Duct Construction Standards--Metal and Flexible" Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Metal Ducts Date: May 9, 2023 23 3113- 3 and complying with requirements for metal thickness, reinforcing types and intervals, tie-rod applications, and joint types and intervals. 1. Lengths: Fabricate rectangular ducts in lengths appropriate to reinforcement and rigidity class required for pressure class. 2. Deflection: Duct systems shall not exceed deflection limits according to SMACNA's "HVAC Duct Construction Standards--Metal and Flexible." B. Transverse Joints: Prefabricated slide-on joints and components constructed using manufacturer's guidelines for material thickness, reinforcement size and spacing, and joint reinforcement. 1. Manufacturers: a. Ductmate Industries, Inc. b. Nexus, Inc. c. Ward Industries, Inc. d. Or equal C. Formed-On Flanges: Construct according to SMACNA's "HVAC Duct Construction Standards--Metal and Flexible," Figure 1-4, using corner, bolt, cleat, and gasket details. 1. Manufacturers: a. Ductmate Industries, Inc. b. Lockformer. c. Or equal. 2. Duct Size: Maximum 30 inches wide and up to 2-inch wg pressure class. 3. Longitudinal Seams: Pittsburgh lock sealed with noncuring polymer sealant. D. Cross Breaking or Cross Beading: Cross break or cross bead duct sides 19 inches and larger and 0.0359 inch thick or less, with more than 10 sq. ft. of nonbraced panel area unless ducts are lined. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 DUCT APPLICATIONS A. Static-Pressure Classes: Unless otherwise indicated, construct ducts according to the following: 1. Supply Ducts: 2-inch wg. 2. Supply Ducts (before Air Terminal Units): 2-inch wg. 3. Supply Ducts (after Air Terminal Units): 1-inch wg. 4. Supply Ducts (in Mechanical Equipment Rooms): 2-inch wg. 5. Return Ducts (Negative Pressure): 1-inch wg. B. All ducts shall be galvanized steel. 3.02 DUCT INSTALLATION A. Construct and install ducts according to SMACNA's "HVAC Duct Construction Standards--Metal and Flexible," unless otherwise indicated. B. The maximum change in direction allowed for a duct offset is 15 degrees unless specifically approved in writing by the Owner’s Representative. C. Install round and flat-oval ducts in lengths not less than 12 feet unless interrupted by fittings. D. Install ducts with fewest possible joints. E. Install fabricated fittings for changes in directions, size, and shape and for connections. F. Install couplings tight to duct wall surface with a minimum of projections into duct. Secure couplings with sheet metal screws. Install screws at intervals of 12 inches, with a minimum of 3 screws in each coupling. Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Metal Ducts Date: May 9, 2023 23 3113- 4 G. Install ducts, unless otherwise indicated, vertically and horizontally and parallel and perpendicular to building lines; avoid diagonal runs. H. Install ducts close to walls, overhead construction, columns, and other structural and permanent enclosure elements of building. I. Install ducts with a clearance of 1 inch, plus allowance for insulation thickness. J. Conceal ducts from view in finished spaces. Do not encase horizontal runs in solid partitions unless specifically indicated. K. Coordinate layout with suspended ceiling, fire- and smoke-control dampers, lighting layouts, and similar finished work. L. Seal all joints and seams. Apply sealant to male end connectors before insertion, and afterward to cover entire joint and sheet metal screws. M. Electrical Equipment Spaces: Route ducts to avoid passing through transformer vaults and electrical equipment spaces and enclosures. N. Non-Fire-Rated Partition Penetrations: Where ducts pass through interior partitions and exterior walls and are exposed to view, conceal spaces between construction openings and ducts or duct insulation with sheet metal flanges of same metal thickness as ducts. Overlap openings on 4 sides by at least 1-1/2 inches. O. Fire-Rated Partition Penetrations: Where ducts pass through interior partitions and exterior walls, install appropriately rated fire dampers, sleeves, and firestopping sealant. Fire and smoke dampers are specified in Division 23 Section "Air Duct Accessories." Firestopping materials and installation methods are specified in Division 07 Section "Penetration Firestopping." P. Install ducts with hangers and braces designed to withstand, without damage to equipment, seismic force required by applicable building codes. Refer to SMACNA's "Seismic Restraint Manual: Guidelines for Mechanical Systems." Q. Protect duct interiors from the elements and foreign materials until building is enclosed. Follow SMACNA's "Duct Cleanliness for New Construction." R. Paint interiors of metal ducts for 24 inches upstream of registers and grilles. Apply one coat of flat, black, latex finish coat over a compatible galvanized-steel primer. Paint materials and application requirements are specified in Division 09 painting Sections. 3.03 SEAM AND JOINT SEALING A. Seal duct seams and joints according to SMACNA's "HVAC Duct Construction Standards--Metal and Flexible" for duct pressure class indicated. 1. For pressure classes lower than 2-inch wg, seal transverse joints. B. Seal ducts before external insulation is applied. 3.04 HANGING AND SUPPORTING A. Support horizontal ducts within 24 inches of each elbow and within 48 inches of each branch in-tersection. B. Support vertical ducts at maximum intervals of 16 feet and at each floor. C. Install upper attachments to structures with an allowable load not exceeding one-fourth of failure (proof-test) load. D. Install concrete inserts before placing concrete. E. For flexible duct, install mechanical-expansion anchors after concrete is placed and completely cured. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform the following field tests and inspections according to SMACNA's "HVAC Air Duct Leak-age Test Manual" and prepare test reports: Carlsbad Water Recycling Roof Replacement Metal Ducts Date: May 9, 2023 23 3113- 5 1. Disassemble, reassemble, and seal segments of systems to accommodate leakage testing and for compliance with test requirements. 2. Conduct tests at static pressures equal to maximum design pressure of system or section being tested. If pressure classes are not indicated, test entire system at maximum system design pressure. Do not pressurize systems above maximum design operating pressure. Give seven days' advance notice for testing. 3. Maximum Allowable Leakage: Comply with requirements for Leakage Class 3 for round and flat-oval ducts, Leakage Class 12 for rectangular ducts in pressure classes lower than and equal to 2-inch wg (both positive and negative pressures), and Leakage Class 6 for pressure classes from 2- to 10-inch wg. 4. Remake leaking joints and retest until leakage is equal to or less than maximum allowable. 3.06 CLEANING NEW SYSTEMS A. Mark position of dampers and air-directional mechanical devices before cleaning, and perform cleaning before air balancing. B. Use service openings, as required, for physical and mechanical entry and for inspection. 1. Create other openings to comply with duct standards. 2. Disconnect flexible ducts as needed for cleaning and inspection. 3. Remove and reinstall ceiling sections to gain access during the cleaning process. C. Vent vacuuming system to the outside. Include filtration to contain debris removed from HVAC systems, and locate exhaust down wind and away from air intakes and other points of entry into building. D. Clean the following metal duct systems by removing surface contaminants and deposits: 1. Air outlets and inlets (registers, grilles, and diffusers). 2. Supply, return, and exhaust fans including fan housings, plenums (except ceiling supply and re-turn plenums), scrolls, blades or vanes, shafts, baffles, dampers, and drive assemblies. 3. Air-handling unit internal surfaces and components including mixing box, coil section, air wash systems, spray eliminators, condensate drain pans, humidifiers and dehumidifiers, filters and filter sections, and condensate collectors and drains. 4. Coils and related components. 5. Return-air ducts, dampers, and actuators except in ceiling plenums and mechanical equipment rooms. 6. Supply-air ducts, dampers, actuators, and turning vanes. E. Mechanical Cleaning Methodology: 1. Clean metal duct systems using mechanical cleaning methods that extract contaminants from within duct systems and remove contaminants from building. 2. Use vacuum-collection devices that are operated continuously during cleaning. Connect vacuum device to downstream end of duct sections so areas being cleaned are under negative pressure. 3. Use mechanical agitation to dislodge debris adhered to interior duct surfaces without damaging integrity of metal ducts, or duct accessories. 4. Clean coils and coil drain pans according to NADCA 1992. Keep drain pan operational. Rinse coils with clean water to remove latent residues and cleaning materials; comb and straighten fins. F. Cleanliness Verification: 1. Visually inspect metal ducts for contaminants. 2. Where contaminants are discovered, re-clean and re-inspect ducts. END OF SECTION ATTACHMENT A CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA A V E N I D A E N C I N A S 6220 AVENIDAENCINAS Copyright nearmap LOCATION MAP PROJECT NAME EXHIBIT1CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLINGFACILITY ROOF REPLACEMENT $!Å **#5$ **#5$·|}þ78 VISTA ENCINITAS SAN MARCOS S.D.COUNTYOCEANSIDE PACIFICOCEAN PAL OMARAIRPO R T R D T AMARA C KAV LA COSTA AV P OINS ETTIA LN MELROS E D R C A R L S B A D B L ELCAMI N O REAL C A RLS B A D VILLAGEDR RA N CHOSANT A FERD FARAD A YAV C O LLEG E BL AL G A R D CAN N ON R D Created By: Sara Jadhav 4/3/2023 J:\SaraJadhav_Customers\MollyAmendt\FacilitiesProjects\StagingArea-4749.mxd STAGING AREA $!Å PROJECTNUMBER4749 Attachment "A" ATTACHMENT B CITY FORM E-32, PROJECT SWPPP TIER LEVEL E-32 Page 1 of 2 REV. 02/22 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 442-339-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov DETERMINATION OF PROJECT’S SWPPP TIER LEVEL AND CONSTRUCTION THREAT LEVEL E-32 I’m applying for: Grading Permit Building Permit Right-of-way permit Other Project Name: Project ID: Address: APN Disturbed Area: Ac Section 1: Determination of Project’s SWPPP Tier Level (Check applicable criteria and check the corresponding SWPPP Tier Level, then go to section 2) SWPPP Tier Level Exempt – No Threat Project Assessment Criteria My project is in a category of permit types exempt from City Construction SWPPP requirements. Provided no significant grading proposed, pursuant to Table1, section 3.2.2 of Storm Water Standards, the following permits are exempt from SWPPP requirements: Electrical Patio Mobile Home Plumbing Spa (Factory-Made) Fire Sprinkler Mechanical Re-Roofing Sign Roof-Mounted Solar Array Exempt Tier 3 – Significant Threat Assessment Criteria – (See Construction General Permit (CGP) Section I.B)* My project includes construction or demolition activity that results in a land disturbance of equal to or greater than one acre including but not limited to clearing, grading, grubbing or excavation; or, My project includes construction activity that results in land disturbance of less than one acre but the construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development or the sale of one or more acres of disturbed land surface; or, My Project is associated with construction activity related to residential, commercial, or industrial development on lands currently used for agriculture; or My project is associated with construction activity associated with Linear Underground/Overhead Projects (LUP) including but not limited to those activities necessary for installation of underground and overhead linear facilities (e.g. conduits, substructures, pipelines, towers, poles, cables, wire, towers, poles, cables, wires, connectors, switching, regulating and transforming equipment and associated ancillary facilities) and include but not limited to underground utility mark out, potholing, concrete and asphalt cutting and removal, trenching, excavation, boring and drilling, access road, tower footings/foundation, pavement repair or replacement, stockpile/borrow locations. Other per CGP_____________________________________________________ Tier 3 Tier 2 – Moderate Threat Assessment Criteria: My project does not meet any of the Significant Threat Assessment Criteria described above and meets one or more of the following criteria: Project requires a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); or, Project will result in 2,500 sq. ft. or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas and project meets one or more of the additional following criteria: •located within 200 ft. of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean; and/or, •disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical; and/or •disturbed area is located along or within 30 ft. of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse; and/or •construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 – Apr. 30) Tier 2 Tier 1 – Low Threat Assessment Criteria My project does not meet any of the Significant or Moderate Threat criteria above, is not an exempt permit type per above and the project meets one or more of the following criteria: •results in some soil disturbance; and/or •includes outdoor construction activities (such as roof framing, saw cutting, equipment washing, material stockpiling, vehicle fueling, waste stockpiling) Tier 1 * Items listed are excerpt from CGP. CGP governs criteria for triggers for Tier 3 SWPPP. Developer/owner shall confirm coverage under the current CGP and any amendments, revisions and reissuance thereof. Attachment "B" E-32 Page 2 of 2 REV. 02/22 SWPPP Tier Level Section 2: Determination of Project’s Construction Threat Level (Check applicable criteria under the Tier Level as determined in section 1, check the corresponding Construction Threat Level, then complete the emergency contact and signature block below) Construction Threat Level Exempt - Not Applicable - Exempt Tier 3 Tier 3 – High Construction Threat Assessment Criteria: My Project meets one or more of the following: Project site is 50 acres or more and grading will occur during the rainy season Project site is located within the Buena Vista or Agua Hedionda Lagoon watershed, inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area (ESA) or discharges directly to an ESA Soil at site is moderately to highly erosive (defined as having a predominance of soils with USDA-NRCS Erosion factors kf greater than or equal to 0.4) Site slope is 5 to 1 or steeper Construction is initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 – April 30) Owner/contractor received a Storm Water Notice of Violation within past two years High Tier 3 – Medium Construction Threat Assessment Criteria All projects not meeting Tier 3 High Construction Threat Assessment Criteria Medium Tier 2 Tier 2 – High Construction Threat Assessment Criteria: My Project meets one or more of the following: Project is located within the Buena Vista or Agua Hedionda Lagoon watershed, inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area (ESA) or discharges directly to an ESA Soil at site is moderately to highly erosive (defined as having a predominance of soils with USDA-NRCS Erosion factors kf greater than or equal to 0.4) Site slope is 5 to 1 or steeper Construction is initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 – Apr. 30) Owner/contractor received a Storm Water Notice of Violation within past two years Site results in 10,000 sq. ft. or more of soil disturbance High Tier 2 – Medium Construction Threat Assessment Criteria My project does not meet Tier 2 High Threat Assessment Criteria listed above Medium Tier 1 Tier 1 – Medium Construction Threat Assessment Criteria: My Project meets one or more of the following: Owner/contractor received a Storm Water Notice of Violation within past two years Site results in 500 sq. ft. or more of soil disturbance Construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct.1 – April 30) Medium Tier 1 – Low Construction Threat Assessment Criteria My project does not meet Tier 1 Medium Threat Assessment Criteria listed above Low I certify to the best of my knowledge that the above statements are true and correct. I will prepare and submit an appropriate tier level SWPPP as determined above prepared in accordance with the City SWPPP Manual. I understand and acknowledge that I must adhere to and comply with the storm water best management practices pursuant to Title 15 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to City Standards at all times during construction activities for the permit type(s) checked above. The City Engineer/Building Official may authorize minor variances from the Construction Threat Assessment Criteria in special circumstances where it can be shown that a lesser or higher SWPPP Tier Level is warranted. FOR CITY USE ONLY Emergency Contact Name: Telephone No: Owner/Owner’s Authorized Agent Name: Title: Owner/Owner’s Authorized Agent Signature: Date: City Concurrence: Yes No By: Date: DWG #/CB#: Attachment "B" ATTACHMENT C ROOF WARRANTY FORM Attachment “C” CMWD WARRANTY FORM FOR EXECUTION BY MANUFACTURER AND CONTRACTOR CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY ROOF WARRANTY CONTRACT NO. 4749 Separate from the Contractor’s Guarantee Form, CMWD has developed a Warranty Form for execution and submission by the Roofing Materials Manufacturer and the Roofing Contractor. This document is to be signed, notarized and returned to CMWD upon completion of the contract work. The contract work will not be determined “Complete” until this form has been executed and accepted by CMWD. An alternate version of this form may be submitted providing that the language on this CMWD Form is replicated in its entirety and not contradicted on such alternate form. Warranty No: _________________ Building Owner: Carlsbad Municipal Water District Building Name: CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY Address: 6220 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Contractor: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Date of Project Substantial Completion (SC): ________ Date of Final Roof Inspection: ________ Roof Area Warranted ____________ square feet This Warranty is effective for thirty (30) years; from ______________ through ______________ (SC Date) Manufacturer and Type of Roofing System Installed: ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________,(“Manufacturer”) warrants to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (“CMWD"), that subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations stated herein, Manufacturer will cause to be repaired, any leaks originating in the roof system (the “System”) indicated above as applied to the building which are caused by defects in the materials supplied by Manufacturer or defects in workmanship by a Manufacturer’s Authorized Applicator for a period of thirty (30) years commencing with the date of Substantial Completion provided by CMWD for the installation of the System with no monetary limit with respect to System repair costs. TERMS, CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS 1. CMWD is required to notify Manufacturer on the first business day immediately following the discovery of each leak in the System and confirm in writing within one (1) week. 2. If on Manufacturer’s inspection, Manufacturer determines that the leak is caused by a defect in the Manufacturer’s material supplied by Manufacturer to the Manufacturer’s Authorized Applicator for this building or the workmanship of the Manufacturer’s Authorized Applicator, Attachment “C” except as provided in the following paragraph four (4) below, Manufacturer’s liability shall be limited to Manufacturer’s repair of the System, including membrane, insulation and cover board, and the replacement of materials in the System or the substrate under the system, which are determined by Manufacturer and CMWD to be damaged by the leak. 3. Manufacturer shall not be responsible for the removal or cost of removal and/or reinstallation of any components/ materials installed over the Manufacturer’s System, including but not limited to, insulation, drainage mat, filter fabric, growing medium, plant life, pavers, gravel, concrete or walkways. 4. This warranty does not apply and may be null and void if any of the following occur: a. The System is damaged by a natural disaster, including without limitation, earthquake, lightning, hail, windstorm, hurricane, tornado, winds in excess of 60 mph or flood; or b. The System is damaged by any act of negligence, accident, or misuse including but not limited to, vandalism, falling objects, civil disobedience, or act of war; or c. The System is damaged by the use of materials not supplied by or approved of in writing by Manufacturer; or d. A deficient pre-existing condition or equipment is causing water entry; or e. There are any alterations or repairs made on or through the completed System, or objects such as but not limited to fixtures, equipment or structures are placed on or attached to the completed System without first obtaining written authorization from Manufacturer; or f. Failure by CMWD to use reasonable care in maintaining the System; or g. Loss of integrity of the building envelope and/or structure including, but not limited to, partial or complete loss of decking, wall siding, windows, doors or other envelope components, or from damage by windblown objects; or h. The System is damaged by structural failures, including without limitation, settling or shifting of the building or movement or cracking or deflection of the roof deck and/or roof structure; or i. The System is damaged by chemical conditions, animals, insects, or other conditions not disclosed in writing to Manufacturer prior to the date of this Warranty; or j. Deficient design applied to the System such as contact with incompatible materials and/or substrates. 5. During the period of the Warranty, Manufacturer, its agents and employees, agree to request and coordinate escorted building access through the City Facilities Maintenance Department during regular business hours. Inspections and maintenance (including removal of debris from roof membranes and cleaning of drains and scuppers) will be performed at years 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 of the thirty (30) year warranty period. 6. Should the System be concealed, the cost of exposure of the System for purposes of Manufacturer’s investigation and/or repair, shall be CMWD’s responsibility. Attachment “C” 7. CMWD’s failure at any time to enforce any of the terms or conditions stated herein shall not be construed to be a waiver of such provision. 8. CMWD is responsible to Manufacturer for all costs attributed to work performed as the result of service calls for items not covered under this Warranty. 9. This Warranty may only be transferred to a subsequent owner of the building within the applicable original warranty period. Under no circumstances, including but not limited to a warranty transfer, shall the original warranty period be deemed extended for any reason. 10. This Warranty shall not become effective unless and until signed by ____________________ (Manufacturer’s Authorized Applicator) and Manufacturer ___________________________. 11. Manufacturer shall not be responsible or liable for any consequential or incidental damages caused as a result an any leaks to areas below the roof substrate and its support framing, including other elements of the building structure or contents, loss of use of the structure or any component thereof, or damage to any personal property or persons. 12. This Warranty shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Manufacturer: ___________________ __________________________________ ____________________ (Company name) Authorized Representative of Manufacturer Contact Phone Number Contractor: ___________________ __________________________________ ____________________ (Company name) Authorized Representative of Manufacturer Contact Phone Number ATTACHMENT D SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIAL QUESTIONNAIRE HM-9171 (9/18) County of San Diego - DEH - Hazardous Materials Division OFFICE USE ONLY RECORD ID # PLAN CHECK # BP DATE / / SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE Business Name Business Contact Telephone # Project Address (include suite) City State Zip Code APN# Mailing Address (include suite) City State Zip Code Plan File# Project Contact Applicant E-mail Telephone # The following questions represent the facility’s activities, NOT the specific project description. PART I: FIRE DEPARTMENT – HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: (not required for projects within the City of San Diego): Indicate by circling the item, whether your business will use, process, or store any of the following hazardous materials. If any of the items are circled, applicant must contact the Fire Protection Agency with jurisdiction prior to plan submittal. Occupancy Rating: Facility’s Square Footage (including proposed project): 1. Explosive or Blasting Agents 5.Organic Peroxides 9.Water Reactives 13.Corrosives 2.Compressed Gases 6.Oxidizers 10.Cryogenics 14.Other Health Hazards 3.Flammable/Combustible Liquids 7. Pyrophorics 11.Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials 15. None of These. 4.Flammable Solids 8.Unstable Reactives 12.Radioactives PART II: SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH – HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION (HMD): If the answer to any of the questions is yes, applicant must contact the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division, 5500 Overland Avenue, Suite 170, San Diego, CA 92123. Call (858) 505-6700 prior to the issuance of a building permit. FEES ARE REQUIRED Project Completion Date: Expected Date of Occupancy: YES NO (for new construction or remodeling projects) 1. Is your business listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). 2. Will your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste in any amount? 3. Will your business store or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities greater than or equal to 55 gallons, 500 pounds and/or 200 cubic feet? 4. Will your business store or handle carcinogens/reproductive toxins in any quantity? 5. Will your business use an existing or install an underground storage tank? 6. Will your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CalARP)? 7. Will your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (Title 22, Article 10)? 8. Will your business store petroleum in tanks or containers at your facility with a total facility storage capacity equal to or greater than 1,320 gallons? (California’s Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act). CalARP Exempt / Date Initials CalARP Required / Date Initials CalARP Complete / Date Initials PART III: SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT (APCD): The following questions are intended to identify the majority of air pollution issues at the planning stage. Your project may require additional measures not identified by these questions. Some residential projects may be exempt from APCD requirements. If yes is answered for either questions 1, 2 or 5 or for more comprehensive requirements, please contact APCD at apcdcomp@sdcounty.ca.gov; (858)586-2650; or 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131.YES NO 1. Will the project disturb 100 square feet or more of existing building materials? 2. Will any load supporting structural members be removed? 3. (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 or 2 IS YES) Has an asbestos survey been performed by an individual that has passed an EPA-approved building inspector course? 4. (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 or 2 IS YES) Based on the survey results, will the project disturb any asbestos containing material? If yes, a notification may be required at least 10 working days prior to commencing asbestos removal. Additionally, a notification may be required prior to the removal of a load supporting structural member(s) regardless of the presence of asbestos. 5. Will the project or associated construction equipment emit air contaminants? See the reverse side of this form for typical equipment requiring an APCD permit. If yes, contact APCD prior to the issuance of a building permit. 6. (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 5 IS YES) Will the project or associated construction equipment be located within 1,000 feet of a school boundary? Briefly describe business activities: Briefly describe proposed project: I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge and belief the responses made herein are true and correct. / / Name of Owner or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner or Authorized Agent Date FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY: FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: BY: DATE: / / EXEMPT OR NO FURTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED RELEASED FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMD* APCD COUNTY-HMD APCD COUNTY-HMD APCD *A stamp in this box only exempts businesses from completing or updating a Hazardous Materials Business Plan. Other permitting requirements may still apply Attachment "D" HM-9171 (9/18) County of San Diego - DEH - Hazardous Materials Division LIST OF BUSINESSES WHICH REQUIRE REVIEW AND APPROVAL FROM THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH – HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Check all that apply: AUTOMOTIVE CHEMICAL HANDLING MISCELLANEOUS Battery Manufacturing/Recycling Boat Yard Car Wash Dealership Maintenance/Painting Machine Shop Painting Radiator Shop Rental Yard Equipment Repair/Preventive Maintenance Spray Booth Transportation Services Wrecking/Recycling Photographic Processing Pool Supplies/Maintenance Printing/Blue Printing Road Coatings Swimming Pool Toxic Gas Handler Toxic Gas Manufacturer Asphalt Plant Biotechnology/Research Cannabis-related Manufacturing Dispensary Other Co-Generation Plant Dental Clinic/Office Dialysis Center Emergency Generator Frozen Food Processing Facility Hazardous Waste Hauler Hospital/Convalescent Home Laboratory/Biological Lab Medical Clinic/Office Nitrous Oxide (NOx) Control System Pharmaceuticals Public Utility Refrigeration System Rock Quarry Ship Repair/Construction Telecommunications Cell Site Veterinary Clinic/Hospital Wood/Furniture Manufacturing/Refinishing Brewery/Winery/Distillery METAL WORKING Anodizing Chemical Milling/Etching Finish-Coating/Painting Flame Spraying Foundry Machine Shop-Drilling/Lathes/Mills Metal Plating Metal Prepping/Chemical Coating Precious Metal Recovery Sand Blasting/Grinding Steel Fabricator Wrought Iron Manufacturing CHEMICAL HANDLING Agricultural supplier/distributor Chemical Manufacturer Chemical Supplier/Distributor Coatings/Adhesive Compressed Gas Supplier/Distributor Dry Cleaning Fiberglass/Resin Application Gas Station Industrial Laundry Laboratory Laboratory Supplier/Distributor Oil and Fuel Bulk Supply Pesticide Operator/Distributor AEROSPACE Aerospace Industry Aircraft Maintenance Aircraft Manufacturing ELECTRONICS Electronic Assembly/Sub-Assembly Electronic Components Manufacturing Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing NOTE: THE ABOVE LIST INCLUDES BUSINESSES, WHICH TYPICALLY USE, STORE, HANDLE, AND DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. ANY BUSINESS NOT INCLUDED ON THIS LIST, WHICH HANDLES, USES OR DISPOSES OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES MAY STILL REQUIRE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION (HMD) REVIEW OF BUSINESS PLANS. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (858) 505-6880. LIST OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PERMIT CATEGORIES Businesses, which include any of the following operations or equipment, will require clearance from the Air Pollution Control District. CHEMICAL 47 – Organic Gas Sterilizers 32 – Acid Chemical Milling 33 – Can & Coil Manufacturing 44 – Evaporators, Dryers & Stills Processing Organic Materials 24 – Dry Chemical Mixing & Detergent Spray Towers 35 – Bulk Dry Chemicals Storage 55 – Chrome Electroplating Tanks COATINGS & ORGANIC SOLVENTS 27 – Coating & Painting 37 – Plasma Arc & Ceramic Deposition Spray Booths 38 – Paint, Stain & Ink Mfg 27 – Printing 27 – Polyester Resin/Fiberglass Operations METALS 18 – Metal Melting Devices 19 – Oil Quenching & Salt Baths 32 – Hot Dip Galvanizing 39 – Precious Metals Refining ORGANIC COMPOUND MARKETING (GASOLINE, ETC) 25 – Gasoline & Alcohol Bulk Plants & Terminals 25 – Intermediate Refuelers 26 – Gasoline & Alcohol Fuel Dispensing COMBUSTION 34 – Piston Internal – Combustion Engines 13 – Boilers & Heaters (1 million BTU/hr or larger) 14 – Incinerators & Crematories 15 – Burn Out Ovens 16 – Core Ovens 20 – Gas Turbines, and Turbine Test Cells & Stands 48 – Landfill and/or Digester Gas Flares ELECTRONICS 29 – Automated Soldering 42 – Electronic Component Mfg FOOD 12 – Fish Canneries 12 – Smoke Houses 50 – Coffee Roasters 35 – Bulk Flour & Powered Sugar Storage SOLVENT USE 28 – Vapor & Cold Degreasing 30 – Solvent & Extract Driers 31 – Dry Cleaning ROCK AND MINERAL 04 – Hot Asphalt Batch Plants 05 – Rock Drills 06 – Screening Operations 07 – Sand Rock & Aggregate Plants 08 – Concrete Batch, CTB, Concrete Mixers, Mixers & Silos 10 – Brick Manufacturing OTHER 01 – Abrasive Blasting Equipment 03 – Asphalt Roofing Kettles & Tankers 46 – Reverse Osmosis Membrane Mfg 51 – Aqueous Waste Neutralization 11 – Tire Buffers 17 – Brake Debonders 23 – Bulk Grain & Dry Chemical Transfer & Storage 45 – Rubber Mixers 21 – Waste Disposal & Reclamation Units 36 – Grinding Booths & Rooms 40 – Asphalt Pavement Heaters 43 – Ceramic Slip Casting 41 – Perlite Processing 40 – Cooling Towers – Registration Only 91 – Fumigation Operations 56 – WWTP (1 million gal/day or larger) & Pump Station NOTE: OTHER EQUIPMENT NOT LISTED HERE THAT IS CAPABLE OF EMITTING AIR CONTAMINANTS MAY REQUIRE AN AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PERMIT. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, CONTACT THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT AT (858) 586-2600. Attachment "D" ATTACHMENT E CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN, B-59 Rev. 2.10.21 PART 1 Complete and submit this form when applying for a Building Permit. Note: Permits will not be issued without a completed Construction Waste Management Plan. Page 1 of 3 Many of the materials generated from your project can be recycled. You are required to list materials that will be reused, recycled or disposed from your project. If you have questions about the recycling requirement or completing this form, please contact Waste Management at (760) 929-9400, a certified C&D recycler, or the Carlsbad Building Division at (760) 602-2700. Please note: Unless you are self-hauling, Waste Management or approved haulers must be used for all construction projects within the City of Carlsbad. Applicant Information Permit No. Project Title Project Address APN Owner Contractor Architect Other Applicant Name Last First Applicant Address Phone ( ) E-mail Address Applicant Mailing Address (if different than project address) Project Type (check all that apply): Residential Commercial Public Building Industrial Brief Description Project Size Estimated Cost of Project $ (square footage) Please check the appropriate box: I plan on using WASTE MANAGEMENT roll-off bin(s) for all materials and will provide all receipts after construction. I plan on self-hauling to a certified recycling facility and will provide all receipts after construction. This is a proposed LEED certified project and I plan on separating materials on site in conjunction with WASTE MANAGEMENT. Acknowledgement: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information provided in and with this form pertains to construction and demolition debris generated only from the project listed in PART 1, that I have reviewed the accuracy of the information, and that the information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Print Name ___Signature _____Date CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN B-59 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Attachment "E" DEBRIS RECYCLING ESTIMATE: SECTION A Permit No. Project Title Project Address APN Applicant Name Phone ( ) Last First SECTION B Complete the following table with estimated waste tonnage to be generated by your project. This is your plan for construction waste management. Changes can be made on the final recycle report. Goal: the diversion rate shall be 65% by weights of debris. Material Type Estimated Waste Quantity (tons) A Place a (ü) check next to items to be reused or salvaged B Place a (ü) check next to items to be recycled C Place a (ü) check next to items to be disposed at landfill Complete this line of the table only if only using WASTE MANAGEMENT roll-off bins. Mixed C&D Debris Asphalt & Concrete Brick / Masonry / Tile Mixed Inert Debris Cabinets, Doors, Fixtures, Windows (circle all that apply) Carpet Carpet Padding / Foam Cardboard Ceiling Tile (acoustic) Drywall (used, new, scrap) Landscape Debris (brush, trees, stumps, etc.) No dirt. Unpainted Wood & Pallets Roofing Materials Scrap Metal Stucco Other: TOTAL = SECTION C To meet 65% Diversion Requirement (estimate) x 0.65 = tons Total Estimated Waste from above Minimum Required Diversion Contractor/Owner Signature Date PART 1 Complete, obtain signature, and submit this form when applying for a Building Permit. Note: Permits will (cont’d) not be issued without a completed Construction Waste Management Plan. Page 2 of 4 Rev. 11/12/18 Attachment "E" Rev. 2.10.21 Page 3 of 3 Category Material Mixed Debris Construction Demolition Asphalt/Concrete Asphalt (broken) Concrete (broken) Concrete (solid slab) Brick/Masonry/Tile Brick (broken) Brick (whole, palletized) Masonry brick (broken) Tile Building Materials (cabinets, doors, windows, etc.) Cardboard (flat) Carpet By square foot By cubic yard Carpet Padding/Foam Ceiling Tiles Whole (palletized) Loose Drywall (new or used) 1/2” (by square foot) 5/8” (by square foot) Demo/used (by cu. yd.) Landscape Debris (brush, trees, etc.) Asphalt Composition Shingles, asphalt Shingle Unpainted Wood/Pallets By board foot By cubic yard Trash/Garbage Other (estimated weight) Column A Volume cy cy cy cy cy cy cy cy sq ft cy cy sq ft cy sq ft cy cy sq ft sq ft cy cy cy bd ft cy cy cy cy cy cy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Column B Tons/Unit 0.18 1.19 0.70 1.20 1.30 0.70 1.51 0.60 0.00175 0.15 0.05 0.0005 0.30 0.000125 0.0003 0.09 0.0008 0.00105 0.25 0.15 0.22 0.001375 0.15 0.18 estimate estimate estimate estimate Total all = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Column C Tons Conversion Table for Common Construction Waste This document is informational only. It is here to help you convert truckload quantities to tons, if necessary. Attachment "E" PLANS – BID SET ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CRADES No. C12113 YA S E A T T L W NECI A O R CFO FILA IN N A IHHENTLO T C E T REN 9.30.23 Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p r o t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m a t e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ t o m m y . r o s s \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 7 C a r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g R o o f - A r c h ( 2 0 2 2 ) _ t o m m y . r o s s @ d o m u s s t u d i o . c o m . r v t 5/ 2 2 / 2 0 2 3 9 : 2 6 : 3 9 A M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 Ti t l e S h e e t TS101 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility 6220 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92011 Remove and Replace Existing Roof 1 - Title Sheets TS101 Title Sheet 2 - Architecture A101a Roof Plan - Demolition A101b Roof Plan - New A201a Building Elevations - Demolition A201b Building Elevations - New A301a Building Sections - Demolition A301b Building Sections - New A501 Roof Details A502 Roof Details 3 - Structural S0.1 Structural Notes and Typical Details 4 - Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing M0.1 Mechanical General Notes, Legends, and Schedules M0.2 Mechanical Schedules M1.1 Mechanical Roof Demolition Plan M2.1 Mechanical Roof Construction Plan M3.1 Mechanical Details M4.1 T24 Documentation Total Sheets: 16 Project Team Owner:City of Carlsbad Contact: Molly Amendt, P.E. Senior Engineer Molly.Amendt@carlsbadca.gov 760-573-3368 (mobile) Architect:domusstudio architecture 2800 Third Avenue San Diego, CA 92103 619.692.9393 x15 Contact: Wayne Holtan Structural Engineer:BWE 9449 Balboa Ave, Suite 270 San Diego, CA 92123 619.299.5550 Contact:Dave Adams Mechanical Engineer: McParlane & Associates 9449 Balboa Ave, Suite 270 San Diego, CA 92123 949.296.3136 Contact: Steve Franks Electrical Engineer:Syska Hennessy 401 West A Street Suite 1850 San Diego, CA 92109 858.244.0876 Contact: Garrett Maxon Sheet Index Project Data Project Description:Remove existing standing-seam, and single-ply roofing (approx. 4500 sf) and replace with new standing-seam, and single-ply roofing.Replace existing ductwork on rooftop. Owner:City of Carlsbad Contact: Molly Amendt, P.E. Senior Engineer Molly.Amendt@carlsbadca.gov 760-573-3368 (mobile) Project Address:6220 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92011 Historic:No Assessor's Parcel No.:214-033-01-00 Legal Description:BLK 20* Existing Use:Communications & Utilities (Water Recycling Facility) Proposed Use:Communications & Utilities (Water Recycling Facility)(no change) Occupancy and Building Summary: Occupancy Group:B Type of Construction:V-B Sprinklers:Yes Stories:1 Area of Work:4,500 sf NVicinity Map Project Site Level 0' - 0" Architectural Legend 101 1 Building Assembly Tag - see Schedule Room Tag Building Level Building Section Wall Section Elevation Keynote Door Tag - see Schedule Grid Line Window /Storefront / Curtainwall Tag - see Schedule +/- 0 - 0" Detail CalloutEquipment Tag - see Schedule Ceiling Height - from F.F. Elevation Dimension 01.101 101 X01 X1.00 101 Room Name S.F. 0' - 0" 0 A000 Slope Arrow 0" / 12" Centerline Dim.0' - 0" Finish Tag - see Schedule XX-1 0' - 0" 0 A000 0 A000 00 0 0 T.O.P. 0 A000 General Notes 1. The Contractor shall reference the latest edition of AIA Document A201 as amended by Supplementary Conditions for the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. 2. Do not scale drawings, dimensions prevail. 3. Contractor shall field verify all existing conditions prior to bidding and construction. 4. Contractor shall report in writing all conflicts, discrepancies, and defects promptly to the Architect and prior to proceeding with any subsequent work. 5. Where details are not shown or referenced for part of the work, the details shall be the same as for other similar areas of work and the Architect shall be promptly notified of all such discrepancies. 6. All products purchased for incorporation into the Work shall consist of items that have not previously been incorporated into another project or facility, or otherwise recycled, except that products consisting of recycled-content materials are allowed. All products shall be new at the time of construction unless explicitly stated otherwise. 7. To prevent galvanic corrosion, provide separation between all items made of dissimilar metals and between metals and corrosive substrates, substances, or adhesives. 8. The location of all devices installed in floor, on walls and ceilings, associated with mechanical electrical, fire protection, security and other such systems, including access panels, not specifically indicated on the drawings but part of the construction contract, shall be approved by the Architect. Failure to receive approval shall be cause for removal and relocation at no cost to the owner. 9. Waste Management Plan Required. (CGBSC 5.408.1) A minimum of 65 percent of the non-hazardous construction and demolition waste shall be recycled and/or salvaged for reuse. Contractor shall provide and coordinate a "Waste Management Plan" on site in accordance with the local jurisdiction's requirements and/or applicable building codes. 10. Systems Manual Required. (CGBSC 5.410.2.5.1) A "Systems Manual" that documents the operational aspects of the building systems shall be provided to the building owner or facilities operator 11. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual Required. (CGBSC 5.410.4.5) An "O&M Manual" that contains detailed operating and maintenance instructions to the owner, copies of warranties for each system, and copies of all inspection reports shall be provided to the building owner. Special General Notes 1. To promote clear communication in the field, all questions and clarifications shall be submitted, in writing, to the Architect in a timely manner. Official resolutions to these issues shall be issued in writing only. 2. All work shall be performed in strict accordance with the highest standards of practice related to the trades involved, and shall be complete and properly coordinated with all adjacent or related work. 3. The Contractor shall coordinate, anticipate the locations of, accommodate, and remedy conflicts between the framing and all lighting, mechanical registers, and all other recessed or surface-mounted fixtures prior to proceeding with subsequent work. The Contractor shall bear all cost associated with correcting all such conflicts. 4. Per city policy, wiring is not permitted on the roof of a building and wiring on the exterior of a buidling requires approval by the Building Official. Any required disconnect/reinstallation of electrical is to utilize the same conduit pathways as existing conditions. California Green Building Standards Code New construction, nonresidential mandatory measures: 1. Exterior light pollution shall comply with CGBSC Section 5.106.8. 2. Contractor shall prepare and submit to the regulating agency a "Waste Management Plan" that outlines the items listed in CGBSC Section 5.408.1. The waste management plan shall be updated as necessary and shall be accessible during construction for examination by the enforcing agency. (CGBSC sec. 5.408.1.4) 3. A minimum of 50% of the non-hazardous construction waste is to be recycled and / or salvaged for reuse per CGBSC Section 5.408.1. 4. 100% of trees, stumps, rocks, vegetation and associated soils resulting primarily from land clearing shall be reused or recycled per CGBSC Section 5.408.3. 5. Contractor to provide a building "Systems Manual" as listed in CGBSC Section 5.410.2.5. and deliver to the building owner or representative and the facilities operator. The "Systems Manual" shall contain the required features listed in CGBSC Section 5.410.2.5.1. 6. During storage and rough installation, the ends of duct openings are to be sealed and mechanical equipment is to be covered to prevent dust, water and debris from entering the system per CGBSC Section 5.504.3 7. The installations of HVAC, refrigeration and fire suppression systems will not contain CFC's or halons, per CGBSC Sections 5.508.1 and 5.508.1.2. 8. Landscape irrigation system controllers shall have weather based controllers per CGBSC Section 5.304.3.1. 9. Prior to the final approval of the building, the licensed contractor, architect or engineer in responsible charge for the overall construction must complete and sign the green building standard certification form which shall be given to the building department official to be filed with the approved plans. 10. Adhesives, sealants, caulks: Adhesive and sealants used on the project shall meet the requirements of the following standards. (Section 5.504.4.1 of CALGREEN) Adhesives, adhesive bonding primers, adhesive primers, sealants, sealant primers, and caulks shall comply with local or regional air pollution control or air quality management district rules where applicable, or SCAQMD Rule 1168 VOC limits, as shown in Tables 5.504.4.1 and 5.504.4.2 of CALGREEN. (Sec. 5.504.4.1) 11. A letter from the contractor and or the building owner certifying what material has been used and its compliance with the Code must be submitted to the building inspector. 12. Aerosol adhesives, and smaller unit sizes of adhesives, and sealant or caulking compounds (in units of product, less packaging, which do not weigh more than one pound and do not consist of more than 16 fluid ounces) shall comply with statewide VOC standards and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds, of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, commencing with Section 94507. 13. Architectural paints and coatings shall comply with Table 5.504.2 unless more stringent local limits apply (Section 5.504.3 of CALGREEN) 14. Aerosol Paints and Coatings: Aerosol paints and coatings shall meet the Product-Weighted MIR Limits for ROC in section 94522(a)(3) and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds and ozone depleting substances (CCR, Title 17, Section 94520 et seq.). (Section 5.504.4.3.1) 15. Carpet Systems: All carpet installed in the building interior shall meet at least one of the following testing and product requirements which are listed in Section 5.504.4.4 of CALGREEN. a. Carpet and Rug Institutes' Green Label Plus Program b. Compliant with the VOC-emission limits and testing requirements specified in the California Department of Public health Standard Method for Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers, Version 1.1, February 2010 (also known as CDPH Standard Method V1.1 or Specifications 01350) c. NSF/ANSI 140 at the Gold level or higher. d. Scientific Certification Systems Sustainable Choice e. Compliance with the California Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CA-CHPS) Criteria Interpretation for EQ 2.2 dated July 2012 and listed in the CHPS High Performance Product Database. 16. All Carpet cushion installed in the building interior shall meet the requirements of the Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label program. All carpet adhesive shall meet the requirements of Table 804.4.1. A letter from the installer certifying compliance must be submitted to the building inspector. 17. Resilient Flooring Systems: At least 80% of the floor area receiving resilient flooring shall meet one of the following criteria: a. Certified under the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) FloorScore program. b. Compliant with VOC-emission limits and testing requirements specified in the California Department of Public Health's 2010 Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation Chambers,Version 1.1., February 2010. c. Compliant with the California Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CA-CHPS) Criteria Interpretation for EQ 2.2 dated July 2012 and listed in the CHPS High Performance Product Database. d. Compliant with CDPH criteria as certified under the Greenguard Children's & School Program N.T.S. Governing Codes It is the intent of these contract documents that the new construction of the project when completed shall conform to regulations at the time of plan check, of the following governing codes; perform all work in accordance with the latest edition of California administrative codes and the following adopted codes and regulations, and standards: - California And Federal Occupational Health And Safety Act (OSHA) - California Green Building Standards Code 2022 - California Building Code 2022 (CBC) - California Mechanical Code 2022 (which Adopts The 2021 UMC) (CMC) - California Plumbing Code 2022 (which Adopts The 2021 UPC) (CPC) - California Electrical Code 2022 (which Adopts The 2020 NEC) (CEC) - California Title 24 2022 - California Fire Code 2022 (which Adopts The 2021 IFC) - National Fire Protection Assoc. - American Concrete Code - Americans with Disabilities Act - TCNA Ceramic Tile Installation 2022 - Masonry Association - California Energy Efficiency Standards 2022 2 1 4 3 1 1 2 2 A A B B 6 6 5 5 D D C C 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 TYP 02.401 TYP 02.402 02.203 TYP 02.402 TYP 02.401 TYP 02.402 TYP 02.209 TYP 02.215 TYP 02.402 02.215 02.209 02.204 TYP 02.401 TYP 02.402 TYP 02.401 TYP 02.401 02.203 TYP 02.401 TYP 02.401 02.216 02.216 02.216 02.215 02.209 02.204 02.204 02.204 02.204 02.204 02.418 TYP 02.414 02.215 02.209 02.209 02.215 02.209 02.209 02.218 02.209 02.415 TYP 02.415 02.218 02.209 02.209 02.402 TYP 02.414 2 2 2 02.416 TYP 02.417 TYP 02.417 02.417 02.219 02.219 open to below 02.204 02.218 02.209 02.416 2 A301a 2 A301a 1 A301a 1 A301a 02.418 02.418 02.419 02.420 TYP 02.420 A201a2 A201a A201a 3 A201a 4 TYP 02.401 02.420 TYP 02.420 02.418 02.418 02.416 02.416 02.416 02.416 CRADES No. C12113 YA S E A T T L W NECI A O R CFO FILA IN N A IHHENTLO T C E T REN 9.30.23 Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p r o t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m a t e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ t o m m y . r o s s \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 7 C a r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g R o o f - A r c h ( 2 0 2 2 ) _ t o m m y . r o s s @ d o m u s s t u d i o . c o m . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 2 : 0 6 : 3 5 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 Ro o f P l a n - D e m o l i t i o n A101a 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Roof - Demo Demolition Notes 1.1 The word "Demolish" shall mean to remove. Make good existing any surface damaged during demolition and disposal of the demolished materials off site entirely at the general contractors expense. 1.2 Extent of demolition work is only graphically shown, full scope of demolition work shall be determined by the general contractor to accommodate new construction. 1.3 Refer to consultants plans for additional demolition notes. 1.4 Refer to plans and details for the interface between new and existing construction, in order to determine the full scope of demolition. 2.0 Verify Existing Conditions 2.1 The drawings reflect general information only. Examine the site to determine the exact existing conditions, character and extent of the work to be performed and operations required. Verify the location of existing utilities prior to demolition and start of work. 2.2 Verify existing dimensions before proceeding with the work. Obtain field measurements for work required to be accurately fitted to other construction. Contractor's responsible for the accuracy of such measurements and precise fitting and assembly of finished work. 2.3 Verify that items to be recessed or semi-recessed in existing walls can be installed properly prior to ordering such items. 2.4 Notify the architect in writing of any discrepancies prior to proceeding with any work. 2.5 All existing plywood decking is to be inspected. Any damaged/defective plywood is to be replaced. 3.0 Protection 3.1 Protect all existing and new construction especially finishes, equipment and adjacent work which is to remain or to be reused from damage. 3.2 Provide weather protection and waterproofing as needed to prevent damage to remaining existing work and to new work. 3.3 Erect and maintain temporary partitions as required to separate work areas from existing building. To prevent the spread of dust, debris, odors and noise. 3.4 Protect all active utilities, fixtures, pipes and other appurtenances within building and site. Disconnect and cap pipes and services as required by company, utility, or local authority having jurisdiction, and as required for demolition work. Bypass utility services such as pipe and conduit before cutting, where such utility services are shown or required to be removed. After bypass and cutting, cap valve or plug and seal tight remaining portion of pipe and conduit to prevent entrance of moisture or other foreign matter. 3.5 Provide barricades, maintenance and supervision thereof, in accordance with applicable federal, state and local codes and their respective requirements. Install temporary barricades, enclosures and protections before demolition work is started. 3.6 If hazardous materials are encountered during demolition operations, comply with applicable regulations, laws and ordinances concerning removal, handling and protection against exposure or environmental pollution. 3.7 Protect adjoining property from damage during construction and demolition work. Provide protection for footings, foundations, walls, chimneys, skylights, and roofs. Control water runoff and erosion during construction or demolition activities. 3.8 The person making or causing an excavation to be made shall provide written notice to the owners of adjoining buildings advising them that the excavation is to be made and that the adjoining buildings should be protected, delivered not less than 10 days prior to the scheduled excavation starting date 4.0 Removal of Material 4.1 Provide all demolition as shown on these drawings and as required for a complete and proper installation of new work. 4.2 Remove debris and abandoned items from area and from concealed spaces. Remove rubbish and debris from project site and dispose of in a legal disposal site. Upon completion of work, leave area in clean condition. 4.3 Items that shall be removed and later reinstalled as indicated on the drawings, remove such items with care, protect and store to prevent damage. Replace material or items damaged in its removal with similar new material as required. Other materials and equipment removed from existing building or site shall not be reused in this project except with specific written approval by architect in each case. 4.4 Remove existing work items which are required to be removed in such a manner that minimum damage and disturbance is caused to adjacent and connection work scheduled to remain. Repair or replace, at the discretion of the architect, existing work scheduled to remain which is damaged by these operations. 4.5 Perform the removal, cutting, drilling of existing work with extreme care, in order not to jeopardize the structural integrity of the building. For interior slabs on grade, use removal methods that will not crack or structurally disturb adjacent slabs or partitions. Prevent movement of structure; provide bracing and shoring as required if structure appears to be in danger, cease work at once and notify the architect. 4.6 Drilling or cutting of columns, beams, joists, girders, elevated floor/roof slab, or other structural supporting elements will not be permitted, unless specifically approved by the architect. 4.7 Remove anchorage's to at least 1/2 inch below the surface of concrete or masonry and patch depressions to provide a flush surface. 4.8 Maintain protected egress and access to the work at all times, 5.0 Patching and Replacing 5.1 Patch areas requiring patching, including damage caused by removing, relocating or adding fixtures and equipment, and damages caused by demolition of adjacent materials. 5.2 Replace and restore existing items which have been removed to allow the installation of new work. Restore exposed finishes to patched areas, U.N.O. 5.3 Match existing products, finishes, textures and work for patching and extending work, U.N.O. provide same products or types of construction as that in existing structure, as needed to patch, extend or match existing work. 5.4 Where removal of partitions or wall results in adjacent spaces becoming one, rework floors, walls, and ceiling to a smooth plane without breaks, steps or bulkheads, unless specifically shown in the drawings. Patch and repair floor and wall surfaces in the new space to provide an even surface of uniform color and appearance. If necessary to achieve uniform color and appearance, remove existing floor and wall coverings and replace with new materials. 5.5 Where new work abuts or aligns with existing, perform a smooth and even transition, U.N.O. patched work to match existing adjacent work in texture, color and appearance. Repaint entire plane to achieve even uniform appearance. 5.6 When finished surfaces are cut so that a smooth transition with new work is not possible, terminate existing surface along a straight line at a natural line of division and provide trim appropriate to the finished surface. Finish patches to produce uniform finish and texture over entire area. When finish cannot be matched, refinish entire surface to nearest intersections. 5.7 Where a 1/4 inch or more change in surface occurs, submit recommendations for providing smooth transition for architects review. Keynotes 02.203 Existing Ladder to remain 02.204 Existing Vent to remain 02.209 Existing Conduit, and Roof Penetration to remain 02.215 Existing Exhaust Fan to remain 02.216 Existing Mechanical unit to remain 02.218 Existing Condensate line to remain 02.219 Existing Capped gas line to remain 02.401 Existing Single-Ply Roofing, and wood fiber insulation to be demolished 02.402 Existing Drain to be removed 02.414 Existing Walk Pads to be demolished 02.415 Existing Standing Seam roof to be demolished 02.416 Existing Parapet Cap to be demolished 02.417 Demolish existing Stucco at roof edge condition, inspect substrate for damage and repair as needed 02.418 Existing ductwork to be demolished, see mechanical 02.419 Existing Shutoff housing and switch to be removed and replaced, see mechanical 02.420 Existing wood sheathing to be inspected, and replace any defective pieces N A201b2 A201b A201b A201b 1 4 3 1 1 2 2 A A B B 1 A301b 1 A301b 2 A301b 2 A301b +/ - 1 2 ' - 0 " +/ - 4 2 ' - 0 " +/ - 1 2 ' - 0 " 6 6 5 5 D D C C 4 4 3 3 1/4" / 1'-0" 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " 1/4" / 1'-0" 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " 1/4" / 1'-0" 1/4" / 1'-0" 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " 1/4" / 1'-0"1/4" / 1'-0" 1/ 4 " / 1 ' - 0 " open to below TYP 07.504 TYP 07.504 07.506 TYP 07.502 07.506 07.506 TYP 07.502 07.506 07.506 07.506 23.702 TYP 07.507 07.507 07.507 07.507 07.507 23.70223.702 TYP 07.507 07.507 07.507 TYP 07.507 07.507 23.702 07.507 23.702 07.507 07.507 07.507 07.507 TYP 07.507 07.507 07.507 23.702 07.507 07.507 07.507 23.702 23.702 07.507 07.507 TYP 07.501 07.501 09.201 TYP 09.201 TYP 09.201 TYP 07.502 TYP 07.502 07.502 07.502 +/- 16' - 4"+/- 17' - 2"+/- 13' - 0"+/- 17' - 2"+/- 16' - 4" A501 12 A501 12 A501 12 A501 12 A501 12 A501 12 A501 12 A501 12 A501 12 A501 12 A501 12 A501 12 26.204 3 A502 TYP. 3 A502 TYP.3 A502 TYP. 3 A502 TYP.3 A502 TYP. 4 A5023 A502 TYP. 3 A502 TYP. 3 A502 TYP. 3 A502 TYP.3 A502 TYP. 3 A502 TYP. 3 A502 TYP.4 A502 4 A502 4 A502 A501 10 17 A501 17 A501 15 A501 TYP. 15 A501 TYP. 15 A501 TYP. 15 A501 TYP. 15 A501 TYP. 2 1 3 4 +/- 80' - 0" +/ - 6 6 ' - 0 " TYP 07.609 TYP 07.609 9 A501 9 A501 11 A501 11 A501 11 A501 9 A501 11 A501 TYP 07.609 TYP 07.609 13 A501 15 A501 TYP. 9 A501 9 A501 9 A501 11 A501 13 A501 4 A501 4 A501 9 A501 TYP 23.301 9 A501 11 A501 4 A502 23.302 23.302 CRADES No. C12113 YA S E A T T L W NECI A O R CFO FILA IN N A IHHENTLO T C E T REN 9.30.23 Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p r o t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m a t e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ t o m m y . r o s s \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 7 C a r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g R o o f - A r c h ( 2 0 2 2 ) _ t o m m y . r o s s @ d o m u s s t u d i o . c o m . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 2 : 0 6 : 3 7 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 Ro o f P l a n - N e w A101b 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Roof General Roof Plan Notes 1. All curbs that obstruct the flow of water to drains shall have built-up crickets with a minimum slope of 1/4" per foot. 2. All reinstalled piping, electrical conduit, and roof top ductwork shall be run in a neat and orderly manner. 3. To the extents permissible with existing conditions, for proper flashing allow a minimum of 12 inches between pipe penetrations and between pipes and curbs, walls, or parapets; Allow a minimum of 24 inches between walls and curbs. At gabled roofs, Allow a minimum 18 inches from ridges and fascias. 4. All roof pentrations, including structural supports shall be square or round to allow for proper flashing. Keynotes 07.501 New Standing Seam Class A metal roof, (Basis of Design: Tremco TremLock T-138 UL System TGFU.R6692) see specifications for additional informtion 07.502 New Single Ply Class A roofing membrane (Basis of Design: Tremco TremPly KEE FB UL System TGFU.R6692), see specifications for additional information 07.504 Walk pads, exact location to be coordinated with location of mechanical access panels 07.506 New roof drain and overflow drain 07.507 New pre-formed pipe flashing, per specification 07.609 New Parapet flashing cap, finished White to match existing 09.201 Repair Exterior plaster system per specifications 23.301 New mechanical duct, see Mechanical for additional information, modify transitions to avoid window sightlines 23.302 New Exhaust Duct 23.702 Existing mechanical equipment, remove and reinstall, and/or flash as required for roofing activities, see details sheet A501. Coordinate with owner prior to shutting off in order to ensure systems are not compromised per the Notification and Protection Requirements. Contractor to ensure that protections are in place prior to work in so that no debris, dust, or contaminant is introduced into system. 26.204 New Shutoff switch, components and housing N Level 10.00 Roof 12.50 126543 Upper Roof18.00 1 A301a 02.203 02.203 TYP 02.416 02.415 No Work in Hatched Area Level 1 0.00 Roof 12.50 ABDC Upper Roof 18.00 2 A301a 02.421 02.421 TYP 02.421 TYP 02.416 02.415 No Work in Hatched Area 02.203 Level 10.00 Roof 12.50 1 2 6543 Upper Roof18.00 1 A301a TYP 02.416 02.415 No Work in Hatched Area Level 1 0.00 Roof 12.50 A B DC Upper Roof 18.00 2 A301a TYP 02.421 TYP 02.421 02.416 02.415 02.203 No Work in Hatched Area CRADES No. C12113 YA S E A T T L W NECI A O R CFO FILA IN N A IHHENTLO T C E T REN 9.30.23 Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p r o t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m a t e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ t o m m y . r o s s \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 7 C a r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g R o o f - A r c h ( 2 0 2 2 ) _ t o m m y . r o s s @ d o m u s s t u d i o . c o m . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 2 : 0 6 : 4 0 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 Bu i l d i n g E l e v a t i o n s - D e m o l i t i o n A201a 1/8" = 1'-0"1 North - Demolition 1/8" = 1'-0"2 East - Demolition 1/8" = 1'-0"3 South - Demolition 1/8" = 1'-0"4 West - Demolition Keynotes 02.203 Existing Ladder to remain 02.415 Existing Standing Seam roof to be demolished 02.416 Existing Parapet Cap to be demolished 02.421 Demolish existing stucco as needed for replacement of roof membrane and stucco screed. Note: demolish full panel to control joints if necessary for acceptable patch repair. Level 10.00 Roof 12.50 12 1 A301b 6 5 4 3 Upper Roof18.00 TYP 07.609 07.501 07.501 No Work in Hatched Area Level 1 0.00 Roof 12.50 A B 2 A301b DC Upper Roof 18.00 07.609 TYP 07.501 07.501 TYP 07.609 07.609 No Work in Hatched Area A501 12 15 A501 TYP.09.201 TYP 09.201 Level 10.00 Roof 12.50 1 2 1 A301b 6543 Upper Roof18.00 TYP 07.60907.60907.609 No Work in Hatched Area Level 1 0.00 Roof 12.50 AB 2 A301b D C Upper Roof 18.00 TYP 07.609 TYP 07.501 07.501 15 A501 TYP. 15 A501 TYP. No Work in Hatched Area 09.201 TYP 09.201 12 A501 1/4" / 1'-0"1/4" / 1'-0" TYP 07.609 TYP 07.501 TYP 07.502 TYP 07.506 23.301 TYP 07.504 TYP 07.701 TYP 07.502 CRADES No. C12113 YA S E A T T L W NECI A O R CFO FILA IN N A IHHENTLO T C E T REN 9.30.23 Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p r o t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m a t e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ t o m m y . r o s s \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 7 C a r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g R o o f - A r c h ( 2 0 2 2 ) _ t o m m y . r o s s @ d o m u s s t u d i o . c o m . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 2 : 0 6 : 4 4 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 Bu i l d i n g E l e v a t i o n s - N e w A201b 1/8" = 1'-0"1 North 1/8" = 1'-0"4 West 1/8" = 1'-0"3 South 1/8" = 1'-0"2 East Keynotes 07.501 New Standing Seam Class A metal roof, (Basis of Design: Tremco TremLock T-138 UL System TGFU.R6692) see specifications for additional informtion 07.502 New Single Ply Class A roofing membrane (Basis of Design: Tremco TremPly KEE FB UL System TGFU.R6692), see specifications for additional information 07.504 Walk pads, exact location to be coordinated with location of mechanical access panels 07.506 New roof drain and overflow drain 07.609 New Parapet flashing cap, finished White to match existing 07.701 New flashing and water proofing for pipe/duct, see details 09.201 Repair Exterior plaster system per specifications 23.301 New mechanical duct, see Mechanical for additional information, modify transitions to avoid window sightlines 5 Isometric - Routing of Replacement Ductwork Level 10.00 Roof 12.50 126543 Upper Roof18.00 02.216 02.418 02.216 1 A301a 02.204 02.416 02.401 02.415 02.418 02.416 02.401 02.416 no work in hatched area 02.421 02.421 Level 1 0.00 Roof 12.50 A B DC Upper Roof 18.00 2 A301a 02.415 02.415 02.416 02.401 02.416 02.401 02.416 02.204 02.204 02.416 TYP 02.421 no work in hatched area TYP 02.421 CRADES No. C12113 YA S E A T T L W NECI A O R CFO FILA IN N A IHHENTLO T C E T REN 9.30.23 Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p r o t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m a t e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ t o m m y . r o s s \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 7 C a r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g R o o f - A r c h ( 2 0 2 2 ) _ t o m m y . r o s s @ d o m u s s t u d i o . c o m . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 2 : 0 6 : 4 4 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 Bu i l d i n g S e c t i o n s - D e m o l i t i o n A301a 1/4" = 1'-0"2 Building Section - East / West Demolition 1/4" = 1'-0"1 BuildingSection - North / South Demolition Keynotes 02.204 Existing Vent to remain 02.216 Existing Mechanical unit to remain 02.401 Existing Single-Ply Roofing, and wood fiber insulation to be demolished 02.415 Existing Standing Seam roof to be demolished 02.416 Existing Parapet Cap to be demolished 02.418 Existing ductwork to be demolished, see mechanical 02.421 Demolish existing stucco as needed for replacement of roof membrane and stucco screed. Note: demolish full panel to control joints if necessary for acceptable patch repair. Level 1 0.00 Roof 12.50 A B 2 A301b DC Upper Roof 18.00 no work in hatched area A501 15 TYP. A501 15 TYP. A502 3 TYP.A502 3 TYP. A501 9 TYP. 15 A501 TYP. 17 A501 16 A501 16 A501 16 A501 A502 3 TYP. A502 3 TYP. Level 10.00 Roof 12.50 12 1 A301b 6 5 4 3 Upper Roof18.00 07.502 07.501 02.216 07.507 02.216A501 17 A502 3 TYP. A502 3 TYP. A501 9 TYP. A501 15 TYP.A501 15 TYP. A502 4 A502 4 no work in hatched area A501 17 CRADES No. C12113 YA S E A T T L W NECI A O R CFO FILA IN N A IHHENTLO T C E T REN 9.30.23 Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p r o t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m a t e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ t o m m y . r o s s \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 7 C a r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g R o o f - A r c h ( 2 0 2 2 ) _ t o m m y . r o s s @ d o m u s s t u d i o . c o m . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 2 : 0 6 : 4 5 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 Bu i l d i n g S e c t i o n s - N e w A301b 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Building Section - North / South New 1/4" = 1'-0"2 Building Section - East / West New Keynotes 02.216 Existing Mechanical unit to remain 07.501 New Standing Seam Class A metal roof, (Basis of Design: Tremco TremLock T-138 UL System TGFU.R6692) see specifications for additional informtion 07.502 New Single Ply Class A roofing membrane (Basis of Design: Tremco TremPly KEE FB UL System TGFU.R6692), see specifications for additional information 07.507 New pre-formed pipe flashing, per specification Roofing system membrane, adhered Durablock synthetic sleeper, Manufacturer#: DB4148DS or approved equal Sacrificial membrane per roofing manufacturer Sheathing Hot-air weld NOTE: 1.For general configuration only. Verify install requirements with manufacturer 2.Weight of unit to be evenly distributed over cross- sectional area sleeper. 3.Sleeper to be spaced per manufacturer's specifications. Roof compatible cement between pad and block unistrut mechanical support approved sealant stainless steel worm gear clamp kee "pre-molded boot" flashing hot air weld kee membrane Notes: 1.For general configuration only. Verify install requirements with manufacturer 2.Do not split the boot; Where boot installation cannot occur without splitting, detail per 18 A501 1 2 3 existing framing existing sheathing existing framing existing sheathing existing WRB new self-adhering waterproof membrane mesh per specification new sheet metal flashing new self-adhering waterproof membrane 8 " 6" min.6" min. Note: Finish plaster repair over flashing as shown sim. on details Exterior plaster basis of design: Omega Products International per ESR-1194, or approved equal, see specifications for additional information 16 A501 17 A501 new metal standing seam roof, see specifications locate 1st clip 12" maximum from eave high temperature peel-and-stick underlayment existing roof framing existing wood stud wall existing lath and plaster over plywood angle cleat fastened at 12" o.c. maximum modified panel to hook around offset cleat allowing for expansion and contraction offset cleat -apply continuous sealant between eave and offset cleat. Fasten through point of sealant at 12" o.c. and not more than 2" uphill from end of panel repair damaged stucco and replace existing stucco as required to access waterproof membrane below existing roof sheathing cleanly cut stucco as required 1/2" Gap, Typ. Coping Sheet metal concealed plate below, set each coping piece in sealant on each side, opposite face with similar detailing 6" Min. CORNER PERIMETER CORNER PERIMETER FIELD PE R I M E T E R PE R I M E T E R CORNERCORNER perimeter and corner width dimensions are determined based on the lesser product derived by multiplying the building height by .4 (40%) or the lesser building dimension by .1 (10%). approved insulation installed in the field of the roof is secured in accordance with the applicable code rating requirements and enhanced in the perimeter and corner areas of the roof by the following factors: perimeter -50% increase over the field securement rate corner -100% increase over the field securement rate Notes 1.Refer to details for typical induction weld attachment methods. When installing multiple layers of insulation, all end joints shall be staggered 6" 6" 4' - 0 " 6" x 6" Kee membrane welded to back of protection pad, and tremply kee field membrane (typical 4 corners) hot air weld (typical) 28" 50 " 2' - 6" leave 6" min, un-welded at drainage side of walkway 28in x 50ft x 90-mil protection pad osha yellow w/ diamond plate tread pattern 30in x 50ft x 5-32 in kee walkway pad mellow yellow w/ deep herring bone tread pattern 18 " m a x . 8 " O .C . Acceptable substrate Hot air weld per Specifications Roofing system fasteners and discs at 8" O.C. Roofing system membrane, mechanically attached Fiberglass-mat faced gypsum roof board securely fastened existing deck FOR WALL FLASHING GREATER THAN 8" IN HEIGHT Provide horizontal bars and fasteners as required and recommended NOTE: For general configuration only. Verify install requirement per manufacturer Adhere in flashing bonding adhesive NOTE: For general configuration only. Verify install requirements with manufacturer Pipe penetration Aluminum tape, required if existing penetration is contaminated Malleable flashing with band clamp Hot-air weld Roofing system flashing membrane Roofing system fastener and disc Roofing system membrane, mechanically attached existing sheathing 1.8" isocyanurate 1/4" densdeck or similar Roofing membrane per plan and specifications Sheathing per Structural Tapered 2x cricket framing Waterproofing membrane per Specifications Tapered plywood (shown dashed) or provide continuous 20 ga galvanized metal valley flashing to attain smooth slope transition NOTE: For general configuration only. Verify install requirements with manufacturer Existing plaster and lath over plywood Existing 2x blocking Existing vent screed (fry reglet ds-875- v-300) to remain New angle cleat fastened at 12" o.c. maximum -color to match standing seam roof New panel to hook around offset cleat allowing for expansion and contraction New offset cleat -apply continuous sealant between eave and offset cleat. fasten through point of sealant at 12" o.c. and not more than 2" uphill from end of panel Existing roof framing and sheathing to remain New underlayment New clips; locate 1st clip 12" maximum from eave New metal standing seam roof, see specifications Existing wood stud wall New lath and plaster over waterproof membrane and plywood kee membrane (adhered per specification) hot air weld 1/4" Dens deck or equal, per specifications Existing plywood deck (as specified) NOTES:Bottom layer of insulation shall be laid down in a staggered profile. stagger and offset top layer of insulation from bottom layer to prevent aligned edges. 1.8" Isocyanurate, mechanically fastened, per specifications low-rise foam low VOC adhesive Fastener per roofing manufacturer Roofing membrane per Specifications, flash over drain flange Hot air weld Substrate as required per manufacturer Roof drain and overflow - Install new drains to existing piping - Set overflow to drain 2" higher than roof drain Wall as occurs Cant strip 2x framing, typical Deck clamp Notes: 1.Drain bowl, clamping ring and drain accessories are to be cleaned free of all contaminates. 2.Drain area (includes drain and overflow) shall be maintained to existing size Cut back exterior stucco in order to replace weep screed 'Fry Springlock' counter flashing. Verify per Specifications Roof membrane and flashing strip per Specifications dens deck or equal per specifications Note: For general configuration only. Verify install requirements with manufacturer Weather barrier per Specs, lap over drip screed flange 'Fry STX' reglet. Verify per Specifications existing sloped plywood deck New Stucco to match existing 1.8" isocyanurate 6" MIN. Kee Membrane Galv. Annular Ring Shank Nails @ 6" O.C. Insulation attached per spec. requirements Wood Blocking curb construction attached Galv. Annular Ring Shank Nails @ 6" O.C. Roof Top Unit EPDM washered fastener as req'd KEE membrane flashing adhered in acceptable KEE LV Bonding Adhesive Premolded Corner Hot Air Weld non-liftable mechanical unit metal counterflashing, fasten w/ epdm washered fasteners (12" O.C.) kee flashing (fully adhered) approved sealant behind top of flashing field membrane lap field membrane lap hot air weld 4" x 4" covers at all T-Laps hot air weld 4" x 4" covers at all T-Laps field membrane lap field membrane lap 4 ' 4'4' 4 ' 6 " 6 " 12 " 24 " 1 2 " 6 " 1 8 " 1 8 " 6 " 6"6" 24"12"12"12"12" 4'4' 4 ' 4 ' 12 " 24 " 2 4 " 24 " 1 2 " 12 " 24 " 2 4 " 2 4 " 12 " 24 " 24 " 24 " 24 " 6"18"18"6"6"12"12"12"6" field pattern 1-90 4x8 = 11 per board 4x4 = 6 per board perimeter patter 1-90 non-huricane zone 4x8 = 16 per board 4x4 = 9 per board 1.5-1.9" thickness Pipe penetration Stainless steel hose clamp Hot-air weld Roofing system membrane, attached 1.8" isocyancurate Roofing system flashing membrane Aluminum tape, required if existing penetration is contaminated NOTE: 1.For general configuration only. Verify install requirements with manufacturer Sealant existing substrate 1/4" densdeck or similar CRADES No. C12113 YA S E A T T L W NECI A O R CFO FILA IN N A IHHENTLO T C E T REN 9.30.23 Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p r o t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m a t e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ t o m m y . r o s s \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 7 C a r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g R o o f - A r c h ( 2 0 2 2 ) _ t o m m y . r o s s @ d o m u s s t u d i o . c o m . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 2 : 0 6 : 4 7 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 Ro o f D e t a i l s A501 3" = 1'-0"10 Stanchion 1 1/2" = 1'-0"9 Pipe Boot at Penetration 1 1/2" = 1'-0"12 Saddle Flashing 1 1/2" = 1'-0"16 Standing Seam Lower Eave 1 1/2" = 1'-0"14 Coping with Concealed Plate 1 1/2" = 1'-0"8 Insulation Installation 1" = 1'-0"4 Walk-Pad 3" = 1'-0"7 Mechanically Attached Roof-Wall Flashing 3" = 1'-0"13 Typical Vent Stack Flashing 3" = 1'-0"6 Typical Roof Cricket 1 1/2" = 1'-0"17 Standing Seam Eave 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 Kee Roofing Cross Section 1 1/2" = 1'-0"11 Roof Drain / Overflow 3" = 1'-0"15 Roof to Wall Flashing with Plaster Finish 1 1/2" = 1'-0"5 Curb Flashing - Non-Liftable 1 1/2" = 1'-0"2 Typical Covers at Membrane - T Laps 1 1/2" = 1'-0"3 Mechanically Attached Insulation 3" = 1'-0"18 Pipe Flashing Multi-purpose tape J-mold Continuous cleat Exterior plaster over expanded metal lath NOTE: 1.Nailers, where occur, shall be securely anchored to the deck to resist a force of 300 pounds per linear foot in any direction. 2.Metal extender piece is required if counterflashing is contaminated and/or counterflashing fascia is less than 4" wide. 3.Weather barrier shall be sealed at edges. Metal coping cap with watertight joints per Specifications, finished white, for joinery, see Roofing clad flashing to acceptable substrate (Fiberglass-mat faced gypsum roof board), typical 2x treated shaped wood nailer Grommetted fastener 12" O.C. Metal extender piece as required Flashing per manufacturer's requirements existing sloped sheathing Slope per roof plan T.O. Parapet Per Plan 4" 4" Weather barrier per Specifications 1/4" 14 A501 NOTE: 1.For general configuration only. Verify install requirements with manufacturer 2.Other roof membrane requirement per 2"min. 2 " m i n . Conduit or condensate line Galvanized metal strap with lag screws Premanufactured synthetic blocking (or approved alternate) at 4'-0" to 10'-0" O.C. Sacrificial membrane under block per roofing manufacturer Roof compatible cement between pad and block Notes: 1.Install manufactured coping system per specifications 2.Refer to detail for concealed coping plate14 A501 wood blocking Coping cover (12' lengths), finished white to match existing Multi-purpose tape Continuous cleat Metal coping cap with watertight joints per Specifications 2x treated shaped wood nailer Grommetted fastener 12" O.C. 4 ' 4' bead of low rise foam insulation adhesive 6 " 6 " 3 s p a c e s a t 1 2 " o . c . 8 s p a c e s a t 6 " o . c . 16 s p a c e s a t 3 " o . c . 4 ' 4' 4 ' 4' PERIMETERS -APPLICATION RATE CORNERS -APPLICATION RATE FIELD -APPLICATION RATE 4 x 4 insulation board 4 x 4 insulation board 4 x 4 insulation board CRADES No. C12113 YA S E A T T L W NECI A O R CFO FILA IN N A IHHENTLO T C E T REN 9.30.23 Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p r o t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m a t e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ t o m m y . r o s s \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 7 C a r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g R o o f - A r c h ( 2 0 2 2 ) _ t o m m y . r o s s @ d o m u s s t u d i o . c o m . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 2 : 0 6 : 4 8 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 Ro o f D e t a i l s A502 3" = 1'-0"3 Parapet Cap 3" = 1'-0"2 Typical Pipe Support 3" = 1'-0"4 Parapet Cap Coping - Stucco 2-Sides 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 Adhesive Attached Insulation Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p ro t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m at e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s st u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T Construction Documents 28 April 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date\\ b w e - s v - t e n \ S t r u c t u r a l \ P R O J E C T \ D o m u s s t u d i o \ 1 4 0 5 8 A R e r o o f f o r C a r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g O p e r a t i o n s \ S T R UC T \ 2 3 0 7 C a r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g R o o f - S t r u c t _ R 2 2 .r v t 4 / 2 7 / 2 0 2 3 2 : 0 6 : 1 9 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 0 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 ST R U C T U R A L N O T E S A N D T Y P I C A L D E T A I L S S0.1 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND EXISTING CONDITIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK AND NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES THAT ARE FOUND. 2. DO NOT SCALE DETAILS OR DRAWINGS. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL DIMENSIONS WHERE REQUIRED. 3. SPECIFIC NOTES AND DETAILS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER GENERAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS. 4. WHERE NO CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ARE SHOWN OR NOTED FOR ANY PART OF THE WORK, THE DETAILS USED SHALL BE THE SAME AS FOR OTHER SIMILAR WORK. 5. WHEN A DETAIL IS IDENTIFIED AS TYPICAL, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO APPLY THIS DETAIL IN ESTIMATION AND CONSTRUCTION TO EVERY LIKE CONDITION WHETHER OR NOT THE REFERENCE IS REPEATED IN EVERY INSTANCE. 6. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2022 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC) AND OTHER REGULATORY AGENCIES WHO MAY HAVE AUTHORITY OVER THE WORK. 7. THESE DRAWINGS REPRESENT THE STRUCTURE IN ITS FINAL CONFIGURATION. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR FOR ALL MEANS AND METHODS ASSOCIATED WITH ACHIEVING THIS FINAL CONFIGURATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SHORING, BRACING OR SOILS EXCAVATIONS. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL TRADES ANY ITEMS THAT ARE TO BE INTEGRATED INTO THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM SUCH AS OPENINGS, PENETRATIONS, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, ETC. SIZES AND LOCATIONS OF MECHANICAL AND OTHER EQUIPMENT THAT DIFFERS FROM THOSE SHOWN ON THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE MEASURES AS REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT CONSTRUCTION LOADS SHALL NOT EXCEED DESIGN LOADS FOR THE STRUCTURE. 9. ALL REFERENCED CODES AND STANDARDS SHALL BE THE LATEST APPROVED EDITION, U.O.N. 10. IN THE CASE OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHALL GOVERN. 1. APPLICABLE CODES: CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 2022 EDITION 2. LIVE LOADS, UNIFORM AS FOLLOWS (REDUCIBLE U.O.N.): a. ROOF .............................................................. 20psf 3. SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA: SITE CLASS D SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D RISK CATEGORY II SS = 0.981 I = 1.00 S1 = 0.358 SDS = 0.785 SD1 = 0.466 (EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE) 4. WIND DESIGN CRITERIA: WIND EXPOSURE C V = 96mph RISK CATEGORY II Kd = 0.85 GCpi = ± 0.18 Kzt = 1.0 P = qh (GCp - GCpi) Ke = 1.0 GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA COPYRIGHT © BWE BY USING THIS PERMITTED SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND/OR INSTALLATION OF THE WORK SPECIFIED HEREIN, YOU AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OR JURISDICTION HAVING AUTHORITY OVER THE WORK FOR SPECIAL INSPECTIONS, STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING AND OFF-SITE FABRICATION OF BUILDING COMPONENTS CONTAINED IN THE STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION CODES. BY USING THIS PERMITTED SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND/OR INSTALLATION OF THE WORK SPECIFIED HEREIN, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND ARE AWARE OF THE REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THE STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS. YOU AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OR JURISDICTION HAVING AUTHORITY OVER THE WORK FOR SPECIAL INSPECTIONS, STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING AND OFF-SITE FABRICATION OF BUILDING COMPONENTS CONTAINED IN THE STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION CODES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR NOTICE TO OWNER / OWNER'S AGENT EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENT NOTES 1. THE STRUCTURAL PLANS INDICATE THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT, AS WELL AS RATED FRAMING NECESSARY TO SUPPORT SUCH EQUIPMENT. THE FINAL POSITION OF THESE ITEMS IS DEPENDENT ON THE SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT PROVIDED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING WORK BETWEEN SUBCONTRACTORS AND MANUFACTURERS. 2. ALL MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, AND ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS SHALL BE ANCHORED AND INSTALLED PER THE DETAILS ON THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. WHERE NO DETAIL IS INDICATED, THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS SHALL BE ANCHORED OR BRACED TO MEET THE FORCE AND DISPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS PRESCRIBED IN THE [IBC/CBC] CHAPTER 16 AND ASCE [7-16] CHAPTER 13, 15, 26, AND 30. A. ALL PERMANENT EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS. B. TEMPORARY OR MOVABLE EQUIPMENT THAT IS PERMANENTLY ATTACHED (E.G. HARD WIRED) TO THE BUILDING UTILITY SERVICES SUCH AS ELECTRICITY, GAS OR WATER. C. MOVABLE EQUIPMENT WHICH IS STATIONED IN ONE PLACE FOR MORE THAN 8 HOURS AND HEAVIER THAN 400 POUNDS ARE REQUIRED TO BE ANCHORED WITH TEMPORARY ATTACHMENTS. 3. THE FOLLOWING MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS SHALL BE POSITIVELY ATTACHED TO THE STRUCTURE, BUT THE ATTACHMENT NEED NOT BE DETAILED ON THE PLANS. THESE COMPONENTS SHALL HAVE FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS PROVIDED BETWEEN THE COMPONENT AND ASSOCIATED DUCTWORK, PIPING, AND CONDUIT. A. COMPONENTS WEIGHING LESS THAN 40O POUNDS AND HAVE A CENTER OF MASS LOCATED 4 FEET OR LESS ABOVE THE ADJACENT FLOOR OR ROOF LEVEL THAT DIRECTLY SUPPORT THE COMPONENT. B. COMPONENTS WEIGHING LESS THAN 20 POUNDS, OR IN THE CASE OF DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, LESS THAN 5 POUNDS PER FOOT, WHICH ARE SUSPENDED FROM A ROOF OR FLOOR OR HUNG FROM A WALL. 4. FOR THOSE ELEMENTS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE DETAILS ON THE APPROVED DRAWINGS, THE INSTALLATION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN GENERAL RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER DELEGATED RESPONSIBILITY. 5. THE PROJECT INSPECTOR WILL VERIFY THAT ALL COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENT HAVE BEEN ANCHORED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ABOVE REQUIREMENTS. Revision Schedule No. Revision Issue Date May 18, 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 MECHANICAL LEGEND SYMBOL ABBREVIATION DESCRIPTION 18"x12" 18"ø MECHANICAL LEGEND (CONTINUED) SYMBOL ABBREVIATION DESCRIPTION AFF AMB CFM DB DIA (E) EF ESP °F FLA FPM GAL GPM H2O HP KW LBS MAX MBH MIN OA OBD OV PD RPM SQ. FT. TONS TSP VEL WB ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AMBIENT CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE DRY BULB DIAMETER EXISTING EXHAUST FAN EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (INCHES OF WATER) DEGREES FAHRENHEIT FULL LOAD AMPERES FEET PER MINUTE GALLON GALLONS PER MINUTE WATER HORSE POWER KILOWATTS POUNDS (WEIGHT) MAXIMUM CAPACITY EXPRESSED IN THOUSANDS OF BTU/HR MINIMUM OUTSIDE AIR OPPOSED BLADE DAMPER OUTLET VELOCITY PRESSURE DROP (FEET OF WATER) REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE SQUARE FEET CAPACITY IN TONS OF REFRIGERATION TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE (INCHES OF WATER) VELOCITY WET BULB POC EXISTING DUCTWORK (SINGLE LINE) EXISITING TO BE DEMOLISHED (SINGLE LINE) DUCTWORK (SINGLE LINE) EXISTING DUCTWORK EXISTING TO BE DEMOLISHED DUCTWORK LINED DUCTWORK SUPPLY DUCT SECTION RETURN DUCT SECTION EXHAUST DUCT SECTION ROUND DUCT SECTION RECTANGULAR DUCTWORK (DOUBLE LINE) FIRST NUMBER INDICATES SIDE SHOWN ROUND DUCTWORK (DOUBLE LINE) SMOOTH RADIUS DUCT ELBOW WITHOUT TURNING VANES RECTANGULAR 90° ELBOW WITH AIRFOIL TURNING VANES TYPE/MARK EQUIPMENT NUMBER EQUIPMENT TAG GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE COMPLEMENTARY TO EACH OTHER IN THAT ALL APPARATUS, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, AND METHOD OF INSTALLATION OUTLINED IN THE DRAWINGS AND / OR SPECIFIED HEREIN SHALL BE CONSIDERED ESSENTIAL TO THE CONTRACT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REVIEW AND COORDINATION OF ALL DRAWINGS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. 2. NEW AND / OR EXISTING EQUIPMENT INDICATED ON THIS DRAWING IS SHOWN IN APPROXIMATE POSITION(S). THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS, INCLUDING EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS, POINTS OF CONNECTION, AND STRUCTURAL MEMBERS, PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. NOTIFY THE CONSTRUCTION COORDINATOR OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONFLICTS PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK. DO NOT PROCEED WITHOUT CONSTRUCTION COORDINATOR APPROVAL FOR ANY CHANGES REQUIRED. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL DUCT, PIPE, AND EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS WITH ELECTRICAL, STRUCTURAL, PLUMBING, AND ALL OTHER TRADES. 4. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY CODES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENERGY CONSERVATION STANDARDS, AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CODES. 5. ALL DUCTWORK SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED, ERECTED, AND TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RESTRICTIVE OF LOCAL REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES DETAILED IN THE A.S.H.R.A.E. HANDBOOK OF FUNDAMENTALS, OR THE APPLICABLE STANDARDS ADOPTED BY S.M.A.C.N.A.. PROVIDE RECTANGULAR DUCT OF GALVANIZED STEEL AND PREFABRICATED SPIRAL LOCK-SEAM DUCTS AND FITTINGS. ALL DUCT SIZES SHOWN ARE NET INSIDE CLEAR DIMENSIONS (I.E. AFTER INSULATION HAS BEEN INSTALLED, REVIEW PLANS CLOSELY FOR LINED DUCTWORK.) 6. ALL H.V.A.C. SYSTEMS SHALL MEET THE CONTROL REQUIREMENTS PER SECTIONS 110.12 AND 120.2 C.E.C. 7. ALL H.V.A.C. EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS PER SECTIONS 110.0-110.3, 120.0-120.1, 120.4, AND 120.6 C.E.C. 8. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS - ALL DIMENSIONS AND JOB CONDITIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THE JOB SITE TO BID SUBMITTAL, START OF CONSTRUCT AND / OR FABRICATION OF MATERIALS. IF DISCREPANCIES ARE ENCOUNTERED, THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED FOR CLARIFICATION. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTION AND REPAIR OF ADJACENT EXISTING SURFACES, EQUIPMENT, AREAS, AND PROPERTY THAT MAY BE DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF ANY DEMOLITION AND / OR NEW WORK. 10. SEE ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN FOR EXACT LOCATION OF THE CEILING DIFFUSERS AND GRILLES. 11. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ROOF ACCESS AND ADDITIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION NOTES. 12. PROVIDE SEISMIC RESTRAINTS FOR ALL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS PER CODE. 13. ALL DUCTWORK SHALL BE INSULATED CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTIONS 120.3 AND 120.4, TITLE 24 ENERGY STANDARDS, AND TABLE 6-6A AND 6-6B OR C.M.C. 14. INSULATION, ADHESIVES, VAPOR-BARRIER MATERIALS, AND OTHER ACCESSORIES SHALL BE NON-COMBUSTIBLE. THE MATERIALS SHALL HAVE U.L. FLAMESPREAD RATING NOT MORE THAN 25 AND A SMOKE DENSITY NOT MORE THAT 50. 15. PROVIDE FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS AT THE INLET AND OUTLET OF ALL FANS. 16. ALL RELATED ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE FIELD INSPECTOR DURING CONSTRUCTION. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THESE FORMS ARE REVIEWED AND APPROVED. CONTRACTOR SHOP DRAWINGS 1. FOR DUCT AND PIPING SHOP DRAWING DEVELOPMENT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE MOST CURRENT ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, AND ELECTRICAL CAD AND/OR REVIT FILES TO BE OVERLAID ONTO THE MECHANICAL DUCT SHOP DRAWINGS. 2. REFERENCE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS FOR SHOP DRAWING REQUIREMENTS. ENERGY CONSERVATION NOTES 1. INSULATION MATERIAL SHALL MEET THE CALIFORNIA QUALITY STANDARD PER SECTION 110.8 OF THE 2022 BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS. 2. ALL PIPING AND DUCTWORK SHALL BE INSULATED CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTIONS 120.3 AND 120.4 OF THE 2022 BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS. ALL MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE BRACED OR ANCHORED TO RESIST A HORIZONTAL FORCE ACTING IN ANY DIRECTION USING THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: EQUIPMENT ON STRUCTURE: 30% OF OPERATING WEIGHT EQUIPMENT ON GRADE: 20% OF OPERATING WEIGHT FOR FLEXIBLE MOUNTING EQUIPMENT, USE 2 X THE ABOVE RULES, AND FOR SIMULTANEOUS VERTICAL USE ø X THE HORIZONTAL FORCE. THE ABOVE VALUES ARE FOR AN IMPORTANCE FACTOR, "I" = 1.10 AND SEISMIC ZONE, "Z" = 0.4. WHERE ANCHORAGE DETAILS ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS, THE FIELD INSTALLATION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. SEISMIC REQUIREMENTS 2022 CAL GREEN NOTES 1. 5.201.1 SCOPE. THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISION WILL CONTINUE TO ADOPT MANDATORY BUILDING STANDARDS. 2. 5.504.3 COVERING OF DUCT OPENINGS AND PROTECTION OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION. AT THE TIME OF ROUGH INSTALLATION OR DURING STORAGE ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND UNTIL FINAL STARTUP OF THE HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT, ALL DUCT AND OTHER RELATED AIR DISTRIBUTION COMPONENT OPENINGS SHALL BE COVERED WITH TAPE, PLASTIC, SHEET METAL, OR OTHER METHODS ACCEPTABLE TO ENFORCING AGENCY TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF DUST OR DEBRIS WHICH WAY COLLECT IN THE SYSTEM. No. 30090 O A O C LER ETSEMAT E ETSGI GGDUUOORPD N ESIRS FICLFA GI AACANHIINL O R AA S K EE N OIFESSNAL R R Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p ro t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m at e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s st u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date PROJECT No.: 23010OC 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ c p e l a y o . M P A \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 1 0 O C R 2 2 M e c h _ c p e la y o M P A . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 1 9 : 4 3 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 ME C H A N I C A L G E N E R A L N O T E S , L E G E N D S , & SC H E D U L E S M0.1 Revision Schedule No. Revision Issue Date EXISTING PACKAGE ROOFTOP GAS/ELECTRIC UNIT SCHEDULE ELECTRICAL HEATING COOLING OPERATING MODEL AREA MIN EXT. SP COMP COND EVAP EVAP FAN MAX CAP. CAP. CAP CAP. ENT.DB ENT.WB AMB WEIGHT NUMBER MANUFACTURER NUMBER LOCATION SERVED TONS CFM O.A. (IN. H2O) FLA FAN FLA FAN FLA FAN HP HP VOLT PHASE CYCLE MCA FUSE (MBH) INPUT (MBH) OUTPUT % EFF. (MBH) SENS. (°F) (°F) (°F) E.E.R. (LBS)REMARKS (E)RTU-1 CARRIER 48TCDD08A2A5A0A0G0 ROOF EXISTING OFFICE 7.5 3000 900 - - - - - - 208/230 3 60 42.6 50 120 103 85.8 83 58.1 80 67 95 11 780 EXISTING TO REMAIN EXISTING PACKAGE ROOFTOP HEAT PUMP SCHEDULE ELECTRICAL HEATING COOLING OPERATING MODEL AREA MIN EXT. SP COMP COND EVAP EVAP FAN MAX CAP CAP CAP. ENT.DB ENT.WB AMB WEIGHT NUMBER MANUFACTURER NUMBER LOCATION SERVED CFM TON O.A.(IN. H2O) FLA FAN FLA FAN FLA FAN HP HP VOLT PHASE CYCLE MCA FUSE (MBH) HSPF (MBH) SENS. (°F) (°F) (°F) S.E.E.R. (LBS) REMARKS (E)RTU-2 CARRIER 50VT-C24---30TP ROOF EXISTING OFFICE 800 2 400 - - - - - - 208/230 1 60 21.7 30 11.4 8 23 16.1 80 67 95 14.2 360 EXISTING TO REMAIN (E)RTU-3 CARRIER 50VT-C30---30TP ROOF EXISTING OFFICE 1000 2.5 105 - - - - - - 208/230 1 60 22.9 35 15.4 8 28.6 20.1 80 67 95 14.2 360 EXISTING TO REMAIN No. 30090 O A O C LER ETSEMAT E ETSGI GGDUUOORPD N ESIRS FICLFA GI AACANHIINL O R AA S K EE N OIFESSNAL R R Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p ro t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m at e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s st u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date PROJECT No.: 23010OC 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ c p e l a y o . M P A \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 1 0 O C R 2 2 M e c h _ c p e la y o M P A . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 1 9 : 4 3 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 ME C H A N I C A L S C H E D U L E S M0.2 Revision Schedule No. Revision Issue Date 1 1 2 2 A A B B 6 6 5 5 D D C C 4 4 3 3 (E) EXHAUST FAN TO REMAIN (E) MAKEUP AIR FAN TO REMAIN (E) EXHAUST FAN TO REMAIN (E) EXHAUST FAN TO REMAIN UNIT SITS ON 8" HIGH ROOF CURB UNIT SITS ON 8" HIGH ROOF CURB (E)RTU-2 (E)RTU-3 (E)RTU-1(E) EXHAUST FAN TO REMAIN (E ) 1 0 " x 1 0 " (E)16"x10" (E ) 2 8 " x 1 4 " (E)14"x28" (E ) 3 0 " x 1 4 " 1 (E)28"x14" (E)14"x28" (E)10"x10"SA (E)10"x10"SA 2 3 No. 30090 O A O C LER ETSEMAT E ETSGI GGDUUOORPD N ESIRS FICLFA GI AACANHIINL O R AA S K EE N OIFESSNAL R R Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p ro t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m at e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s st u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date PROJECT No.: 23010OC 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ c p e l a y o . M P A \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 1 0 O C R 2 2 M e c h _ c p e la y o M P A . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 1 9 : 4 4 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 ME C H A N I C A L R O O F D E M O L I T I O N P L A N M1.1 M1.11/4" = 1'-0" MECHANICAL ROOF DEMOLITION PLAN 1 N 0 1'2'4'8' Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXACT LAYOUT IN FIELD. KEYNOTES 1 EXISTING FUSED DISCONNECT TO BE DEMOLISHED. EXISTING PACKAGE ROOFTOP UNIT TO REMIAN FOR REUSE. ALL WIRING FEEDING DISCONNECT TO BE PROTECTED AND REUSED. 2 DEMOLISH EXISTING ROOFTOP DUCTWORK AS SHOWN. 3 DEMOLISH EXISTING 10"X4" GOOSENECK DUCT ABOVE ROOF. Revision Schedule No. Revision Issue Date 1 1 2 2 A A B B 6 6 5 5 D D C C 4 4 3 3 (E)10"x10"SA (E)10"x10"SA (E)RTU-1 (E)RTU-2 (E)RTU-3 1 10 " x 1 0 " (E)10"x10"SA 16"x10" 28 " x 1 4 " 14"x28" 30 " x 1 4 " 28"x14"SA, DN 16"x10"SA, DN 14"x28"RA, DN (E)10"x10"SA 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 66 No. 30090 O A O C LER ETSEMAT E ETSGI GGDUUOORPD N ESIRS FICLFA GI AACANHIINL O R AA S K EE N OIFESSNAL R R Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p ro t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m at e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s st u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date PROJECT No.: 23010OC 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ c p e l a y o . M P A \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 1 0 O C R 2 2 M e c h _ c p e la y o M P A . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 1 9 : 4 4 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 ME C H A N I C A L R O O F C O N S T R U C T I O N P L A N M2.1 M2.11/4" = 1'-0" MECHANICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION PLAN 1 N 0 1'2'4'8' Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" GENERAL NOTES: 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXACT LAYOUT IN FIELD. KEYNOTES 1 FUSED DISCONNECT TO BE REPLACED IN KIND WITH HEAVY DUTY NEMA 4X EQUIVALENT. CONTRACTOR TO MATCH TYPE, SIZE, AND RATING OF THE FUSES CURRENTLY LOCATED WITHIN EXISTING DISCONNECT. DISCONNECT HOUSING TO BE CORROSION RESISTANT NEMA 4X TYPE. ALL WIRING FEEDING DISCONNECT TO BE PROTECTED AND REUSED. SUBMIT THE INTENDED PRODUCT TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO PURCHASE. 2 CONNECT NEW DUCTWORK TO EXISTING UNIT AS SHOWN. 3 PROVIDE NEW DUCTWORK AS SHOWN. 4 CONNECT NEW 10"X10" DUCTWORK TO EXISTING 10"X10" DUCT. 5 NEW 10"X4" GOOSENECK DUCTWORK. 6 CONNECT NEW 10"X4" DUCTWORK TO EXISTING 10"X4" DUCT RISER. Revision Schedule No. Revision Issue Date RECTANGULAR BRANCH DUCT NO SCALE 10"x10" BRANCH DUCT 16"x10" DUCT INNER DUCT LINER ROOFING ROOF DECK 4"x4"x1/8" STEEL PLATE WELDED TO LEG AND SET IN PLASTIC CEMENT 3/16" BOLT, 2 MIN DIAGONALLY PITCH POCKET FILL WITH MASTIC DUCT 1 1/4"x1/8" GALVANIZED ANGLE IRON OR UNISTRUT LEGS EACH SIDE AT 4'-0" O.C. SELF TAPPING SCREWS (MIN. 2 PER LEG 6: APART) SLOPE TOP OF DUCT EACH WAY FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE No. 30090 O A O C LER ETSEMAT E ETSGI GGDUUOORPD N ESIRS FICLFA GI AACANHIINL O R AA S K EE N OIFESSNAL R R Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p ro t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m at e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s st u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date PROJECT No.: 23010OC 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ c p e l a y o . M P A \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 1 0 O C R 2 2 M e c h _ c p e la y o M P A . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 1 9 : 4 4 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 ME C H A N I C A L D E T A I L S M3.1 NO SCALE M3.1 DUCT TAKEOFF DETAIL 1 NO SCALE M3.1 DUCT ON ROOF DETAIL 2 Revision Schedule No. Revision Issue Date No. 30090 O A O C LER ETSEMAT E ETSGI GGDUUOORPD N ESIRS FICLFA GI AACANHIINL O R AA S K EE N OIFESSNAL R R Pr o p r i e t a r y d e s i g n : T h e s e d r a w i n g s a n d d e s i g n a r e p ro t e c t e d b y c o m m o n l a w c o p y r i g h t . A l l p a t e n t a b l e m at e r i a l c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n a n d o r i g i n a t i n g w i t h d o m u s st u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e s h a l l b e p r o p e r t y o f d o m u s s t u d i o a r c h i t e c t u r e . © C O P Y R I G H T 50% CD 06 Apr 2023 Drawing Set Issue Schedule Description Issue Date PROJECT No.: 23010OC 90% CD 01 May 2023 100% CD 19 May 2023 C: \ U s e r s \ c p e l a y o . M P A \ D o c u m e n t s \ 2 3 0 1 0 O C R 2 2 M e c h _ c p e la y o M P A . r v t 5/ 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 4 : 1 9 : 4 5 P M Pr o j e c t N o . : Pr o j e c t N u m b e r Ca r l s b a d W a t e r R e c y c l i n g F a c i l i t y 62 2 0 A v e n i d a E n c i n a s , C a r l s b a d C A , 9 2 0 1 1 T2 4 D O C U M E N T A T I O N M4.1 Revision Schedule No. Revision Issue Date