HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-25; City Council; ; Payment to Public Provider Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Intergovernmental Transfer ProgramCA Review __AF__ Meeting Date July 25, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Jennie Marinov, Senior Management Analyst jennifer.marinov@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2135 Subject: Payment to Public Provider Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Intergovernmental Transfer Program Districts: All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution authorizing the city’s participation in the Public Provider Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Intergovernmental Transfer Program with the Department of Health Care Services, the City Manager or designee to execute certification forms and related program documents and to make intergovernmental transfers in support of the program and the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services or designee to appropriate $468,000 in program revenue and expenses annually to the General Fund. Executive Summary The state program that reimburses the City of Carlsbad for some of the cost of providing emergency medical transports to Medi-Cal beneficiaries has been changed. As part of establishing this updated reimbursement program, the state Department of Health Care Services is requesting provider agencies to contribute Non-Federal specified amounts that will then be largely matched by federal funds through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The Fire Department is asking the City Council to authorize its participation in the new program and to appropriate $468,000 in program revenue and expenses to the General Fund to be utilized for program participation. The department will then make quarterly payments to support the program, which is expected to bring the city about $883,000 in gross ambulance reimbursement revenue providing a net increase of $415,000. These federal funds partially offset the city’s cost of emergency ambulance transports for Medi-Cal beneficiaries. This is significantly more than the city would receive under the previous programs. The City Council’s approval is required to authorize the city’s participation in the intergovernmental transfer of funds. July 25, 2023 Item #5 Page 1 of 7 Explanation and Analysis The Fire Department provides emergency medical transport services to patients enrolled in Medi-Cal health care plans. In return, the city receives $118 for each transport as reimbursement from the state. These payments do not cover the full cost of providing the emergency medical transport, which is generally around $2,600. A 2019 state law, California Assembly Bill 1705 – Medi-Cal: emergency medical transportation services, was intended to ensure that all public agencies that provide these services would be reimbursed for more of their costs for Medi-Cal transports. In accordance with AB 1705, the Department of Health Care Services developed the Public Provider Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Program, which replaced previous reimbursement programs as of Jan. 1, 2023. The legislation prohibits the use of state funds in this new program and relies on voluntary contributions from participating agencies to secure federal matching funds. •The non-federal share of the Public Provider Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Intergovernmental Transfer Program must be funded through contributions by eligible public providers, as permitted by federal law for federal fund matching. •All such contributions are voluntary. •All public providers will receive these supplemental reimbursements under this program. The voluntary contributions made by intergovernmental transfers allow the state to secure the federal matching funds that are the basis for providing the supplemental payments for Medi- Cal transports. Without these voluntary contributions, the state will not have adequate funds to access the matching federal funds and the program will end. The state would then revert to previous ground emergency medical transportation reimbursement programs, which provide less reimbursement for these transports. These payments support the program’s long-term success, providing increased ambulance reimbursement revenue from the federal government for the Carlsbad Fire Department and other public ambulance providers. The Department of Health Care Services provided local agencies with preliminary estimates of what their voluntary contributions and federal reimbursements would be. The contribution share estimates were based on the initial program participation interest levels and the projected number of transports for each contributing agency and calculated as a percentage of all projected transports across all contributing entities. The estimates also include a 10% percent administrative fee for program administration. Agencies are to make payments on their contributions on a quarterly basis. An agency must submit a certification form before submitting each quarterly contribution, or intergovernmental transfer. This certification form is attached as Exhibit 2 for reference. The form certifies that funds are eligible for use as voluntary contributions to support the non-federal share of Medi- Cal expenditures. Fiscal Analysis The Public Provider Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Intergovernmental Transfer Program will generate more reimbursement than previous reimbursements programs. The new program provides higher supplemental reimbursements and applies to more transport types July 25, 2023 Item #5 Page 2 of 7 including Medi-Cal Fee-For-Service, Medi-Cal Managed Care, and dual benefit transports covered by both Medi-Cal and Medicare. Annual program costs and benefits will fluctuate based on the number of Medi-Cal transports provided by the city from year to year. The number of agencies contributing to the program’s funding will also affect how much agencies will be asked to voluntarily contribute, the greater the participation, the lower the individual contributions. Based on these initial factors, the Department of Health Care Services estimated the city’s annual voluntary contribution to be $468,000, with the city receiving $883,000 in gross ambulance reimbursement revenue. This results in a $415,000 gain, roughly $200,000 more than the city would receive under the previous reimbursement programs. No additional funding is needed to participate in the reimbursement program, the intake and outtake of funds nets to an overall increase to ambulance revenue. Net ambulance revenue of $415,000 was included in the city’s adopted fiscal year 2023-24 budget. In future years, staff would like to record the full revenue and expense of this reimbursement program separately, rather than as a net increase to ambulance revenue. To accomplish this, staff are requesting an ongoing appropriation of $468,000 in both revenue and expense to the General Fund starting in fiscal year 2023-24. Next Steps With City Council approval, the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services will appropriate $468,000 for the reimbursement program’s revenue and expenses. The City Manager or designee will execute certification forms and remit payment to the Department of Health Care Services on a quarterly basis. The city will continue to receive supplemental reimbursements for eligible Medi-Cal transports. Environmental Evaluation This action does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibit 1.City Council resolution 2.Certification form example July 25, 2023 Item #5 Page 3 of 7 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-211 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE PUBLIC PROVIDER GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFER PROGRAM WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES, THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE CERTIFICATION FORMS AND RELATED PROGRAM DOCUMENTS AND MAKE INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS IN SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM AND THE DEPUTY CITY MANAGER, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OR DESIGNEE TO APPROPRIATE $468,000 IN PROGRAM REVENUE AND EXPENSES ANNUALLY TO THE GENERAL FUND WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Fire Department provides emergency medical transport services to patients enrolled in Medi-Cal health care insurance plans; and WHEREAS, the City participates in various governmental programs that provide reimbursement to help offset uncompensated costs for Medi-Cal transports; and WHEREAS, pursuant to California Assembly Bill 1705 (Chapter 544, Statues of 2019), the Department of Health Care Services developed the Public Provider Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Intergovernmental Transfer Program to provide increased add-on supplemental reimbursements for emergency medical transports provided by eligible providers; and WHEREAS, by participating in the new program, the City will receive reimbursements covering a larger proportion of its actual costs for providing emergency medical transport services to Medi-Cal patients; and WHEREAS, under the Department of Health Care Services Public Provider Intergovernmental Transfer Program for Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Services Certification Form, the funds shall be transferred in accordance with a mutually agreed-upon schedule between the City of Carlsbad and Department of Health Care Services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the City of Carlsbad Fire Department is hereby authorized to participate in the Public Provider Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Intergovernmental Transfer Program with the Department of Health Care Services. Exhibit 1 July 25, 2023 Item #5 Page 4 of 7 3.That the City Manager or designee is hereby authorized to execute the Department of Health Care Services Public Provider Intergovernmental Transfer Program for Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Services Certification Forms. 4.That the City Manager or designee is hereby authorized to make quarterly intergovernmental transfers to the Department of Health Care Services to fund the non­ federal expenditure portion of the reimbursement program. 5.That the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services or designee is hereby authorized to appropriate annual ongoing funding of $468,000 in program revenue and expenses to the General Fund starting in fiscal year 2023-24. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of JJ:!.!y, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor � L SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerkv-(SEAL) ,,,,,,,Hllllltl/f/ '"'' � CA 111111 �' O·l' h l11 #4,. .... W: ...... rf_(. ,'l'l fl-../ .... IS'� .:::--.. ... � ··.'-Y � = (..): "�-� ... 17� % \�h�'�;1i Cl\\, �7_:f .�· ' ... './ J ',(,4l.. .......... ···,� � ,,,,,,,,, I FO?-� ,,,,,� ,,,,,11111'\\\\'''' July 25, 2023 Item #5 Page 5 of 7 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES PUBLIC PROVIDER INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFER PROGRAM FOR GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES CERTIFICATION FORM FOR STATE CALENDAR YEAR 2023 I, the undersigned, hereby declare and certify on behalf of ______________________ (the “Public Entity”) as follows: 1.As a public administrator, a public officer, or other public individual, I am duly au- thorized to make this certification. 2.The Public Entity elects to make this intergovernmental transfer (IGT) to the De-partment of Health Care Service (DHCS) as a voluntary contribution to the non-federal share of Medi-Cal expenditures for purposes of Assembly Bill 1705 (2019) pursuant to Sections 14105.94, 14105.945, 14129, 14129.3, and 14164 of the Wel- fare and Institutions (W&I) Code. All funds transferred pursuant to this certificationqualify for federal financial participation (FFP) pursuant to Section 1903(w) of theSocial Security Act and Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 433Subpart B, and are not derived from impermissible sources such as recycled Med- icaid payments, federal money excluded from use as the non-federal share, im- permissible health care-related taxes, or non-bona fide provider-related donations. 3.Voluntary contributions attributable to the period of January 1, 2023, through De-cember 31, 2023, will be made via recurring transfers as indicated on the invoices provided to the Public Entity by DHCS. The Public Entity acknowledges that any transfers made pursuant to this certification during this time period are consideredan elective IGT made pursuant to W&I Code sections 14105.945 and 14164, to beused by DHCS, subject to paragraph four herein, exclusively as the source for thenon-federal share of ground emergency medical transport public provider supple- mental payments in both Medi-Cal fee-for-service payments and the portion of the risk-based capitation rate to Medi-Cal managed care health plans associated withreimbursement made in accordance with Section 14105.945, subdivision (h)(1)(hereafter, the AB 1705 Public Provider (PP) Ground Emergency Medical Trans-portation (GEMT) Intergovernmental Transfer (IGT) Program, or the PP-GEMT IGT Program), and DHCS costs associated with administering the PP-GEMT IGT Program. 4.DHCS may accept this voluntary contribution to the extent it is able to obtain FFPfor the PP-GEMT IGT Program as permitted by federal law. In the event DHCS isunable to obtain FFP for the PP-GEMT IGT Program, or the full payments cannot otherwise be made to and retained by eligible public providers, and, therefore, all or a portion of the transferred amount cannot be used as the non-federal share ofpayments, DHCS will notify the Public Entity via e-mail and return the applicableportion of the unused IGT amount, no later than 90 days after such notification. 5.The Public Entity acknowledges that, in accordance with W&I Code section 14105.945, subdivision (h)(2), upon CMS approval, DHCS shall assess a ten per- cent (10%) fee on each transfer of public funds to the state to pay for health care Exhibit 2 July 25, 2023 Item #5 Page 6 of 7 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES PUBLIC PROVIDER INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFER PROGRAM FOR GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES CERTIFICATION FORM FOR STATE CALENDAR YEAR 2023 coverage and to reimburse DHCS its costs associated with administering the PP-GEMT IGT Program. 6.The Public Entity acknowledges that the IGT is to be used by DHCS for the filing of a claim with the federal government for federal funds and understands that any misrepresentation regarding the IGT may violate federal and state law. 7. The Public Entity acknowledges that all records of funds transferred are subjectto review and audit upon DHCS’ request. The Public Entity will maintain docu- mentation supporting the allowable funding source of the IGTs. 8.Upon notice from the federal government of a disallowance or deferral related tothis IGT, the Public Entity responsible for this IGT shall be the entity responsiblefor the federal portion of that expenditure. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the law of the United States that the fore- going is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I further understand that the known filing of a false or fraudulent claim, or making false statements in support of a claim, may violate the Federal False Claims Act or other applicable statute and federal law and may be punishable thereunder. Executed on this ______ day of _________, 20XX at __________________, California. Signature of Authorized Person: __________________________________________ Name of Authorized Person: _____________________________________________ Title of Authorized Person: ______________________________________________ Name of Public Entity: _______________________________________________ NPI of Public Entity: _______________________________________________ Amount of IGT: $X.XX July 25, 2023 Item #5 Page 7 of 7