HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 90-06; PAVOREAL FENCING PLAN; Site Plan,. ' ,,___ __ ., ! ! ~-_ .... , _ _,,......, - I i ,, I ' I I C □ ts. y' -----r:--------:~-.. -··· ~- ---~---_....-------------------------08Ctf_l D_ ~----------------- --\ \ / N '-1" I rn " 1/ I --q-!1/; I I / ! I I FENCING LEGEND ==-=== -5'-6" HIGH BLOCK WALL I ! i \ \ ~-- ~--~ .................. ,,, 42" HIGH WROUGHT IRON FENCE 5'-6" HIGH LOW WALL W/WROUGHT IRON ABOVE 5'-6" HIGH LOW WALL W/GLASS ABOVE 5'-6" HIGH WROUGHT IRON 5'-6" HIGH WOOD FENCE ■ 6'·0" HIGH PILASTER .A. 3'-0" WIDE WOOD GATE Q' fl) ' NORTH SCALE 1"=30'-0" / OF CAl.l I ! I I ------\ -.....- ' ' ! \ ' ' 0 1i' l C / ' \ ' ! -, ! - i I \ \ LO FENCING PLAN I \ ' l I ' \ \ I ' l I I \ I ' I I /1 1 j \ II I \ I I I I I ~~\ 1 1 I I \ \ \ \ ' I \ ' I I I \ \ ' • \ ' \ \ \ ,_ ...._____, ---. I \ ---\ ------- \ I I I I ' I --- \ 1 A \ 0 0 • n 0 c( AUG071990 I ITf· , 1:· .. >------ q N ' I I ISHEE.TI CITY OF CARLSBAD [SH[4[TSI ,-,--t-----------------+----i---l---l ENGINEER ING DEPART 1111 [NT r-::--1r----1-----------l---+---I---I PAVOREAL FENCING PLAN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 90-6 r----i---i--------------+-l--+---11=-RA-:::-EP_P_R_o_v_E_o_. -------- . CITY ENGINEER DATE DA TE INITIAL ENGIHEE~ OF WQRt( REVISION DESCRIPTION SHT. NO. DATE INltlAL CITY APPROV4L OWN.BY,----< CHKO 8l: ___ 1 FIELO 81<, PROJECT NO. I 260576 _ DRAWING NO. L-1 0,159JPF, 5463 1255 09-~pr·90 03,23 PM/ 546-3·fi5D ., l ,c C: ) a l t / I I ,~11? I I ' I / l I I ' ', \ \ \ I \ \ I • I \ l ,. I \ \ \ \ I ' \ \ \ \ I I I \ * • / / ( ,-.... I 0 Q 9· 82 ~----T --------•"-------• 3 p= --2s·7 '7 r:;:F"" 2.SB 4- ' I I 81 : P=·2s7~, FF~-Z.58.0 FENCING LEGEND • ....... , ....... , .... . 5' -6" HIGH BLOCK WALL 42" HIGH WROUGHT IRON FENCE 5'-6" HIGH LOW WALL W/WROUGHT IRON ABOVE 5'-6" HIGH LOW WALL W/GLASS ABOVE 5'·6" HIGH WROUGHT IRON -----5'-6" HIGH WOOD FENCE ■ ... 6'-0'' HIGH PILASTER 3'-0" WIDE WOOD GATE 8 I J • 3 P= ·2,5'° 5 !=!== '2S7 () 72 78 . ..../ ! • • • • i NORTH SCALE 1"=30'-0" 7 - DATE I I _, ·-'- 74 75 '- :,R FENCING PLAN -- ~--, .... , ~~~----- INITIAL ENGINE'E~ Of WORl'I: REVISION DESCRIPTION . .. --, SHT NO DATE \ I I I I I I I INITIAL CITY APPROV,U \ 2 C<!. . \ I j I . I I -1 I .. , ...... -------- l I I I I r--- AUG 071990 IS14[[T I CITY OF CARLSBAD l'"4TSI ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT . PAVOREAL FENCING PLAN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 90-6 1:;PROVEO. I -CITY ENGINEER DATE OWN 8Y, PROJECT NO l DRAWING NO. l C14K D. 8Y, 260576 L-2 FIELD BK, ::>'-~1 H 16\ H ~ ~ I,. I '? I If! I 2 I -· ------j__ ' 0 I I I I "' It 1 - I I 0 19, ----+ G .':I 0 • 3R ' I ! i ' i I I ~-----J -~--+----J_ --~--1----------l. - 11 • MATCHLINE SEE SHEET L~2 ___ ,;. _________ .J ----------~-------~-------~----------PLACE ROSE 0 --· rn ----- " 0 0 '" 0 c· I "' ., S"'-..J 0 ~ 0 0 0 • "' O!: • (1') "' ZD 124.77 I • ~I CL I N l • 2 0 2◊ f "';'t Q ► 3R 62 I 16,50 ooi ► I 61 64 63 C 0 0 .0 N 20 -:::c ~ 0 \ 0 N N • \ I~ \ ~ \ 0 20 52\ 53 \ -----I --' 54 --_ __,_ l t---~L ·--55 56 --...,_ ----"\ 57 ---' I ! I N • .. ., • 2 I \ ) i ,. ) \ ~ N "' • IR I ! I ' ' / ' . 3 2 21 --------~-----... --~----------------------...__ ..... ____ _,_ ! I I ' ' I I I I I ' I ' I -----1.-.. I I I I I I I I l,_ l --- V I I FENCING LEGEND ---............. ----L_ ---- 5'-6" HIGH BLOCK WALL 1"11111 '"""""" 42" HIGH WROUGHT IRON FENCE ,.,,.,.,,.,•"•'•"•'"'"• 5'-6" HIGH LOW WALL W/WROUGHT IRON ABOVE ·-------5'-6" HIGH LOW WALL W/GLASS ABOVE ................... 5'•6" HIGH WROUGHT IRON 5'-6" HIGH WOOD FENCE 6'-0" HIGH PILASTER 3'·0" WIDE WOOD GATE I / 58 I :;J r--J,---'--... 9, I • ' //l 3 -;, I . I I I 'I ' ' Ir 0 ! i 9· 2R ~-11,.,.,, 13 I ' I I I --\! I ' NORTH SCALE 1"=30'-0" C i I I I I ' 59 _j_____ -- - I .19 -··-I \.....-....-----~.:fil".:.::...-"17'i,---· _A 01 -► /.0 GO 0 0 0 0 FENGING Pl-A*-- I 3R -f------·-- \/ I 20 • 8 l Q'. N _j -------------- I I ISHEETI CITY OF CARLSBAD ISHE4ETSI t----+---+--------------+--t-----+-----1 ENG IN EE A ING DEPART II ENT DATE INITIAi. ENGINEER OF WOAk REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INll"IAL SHT, NO, CfTY APPAOV,1,.l PAVOREAL FENCING PLAN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 90-6 {:;PfllOVEO CITY ENGINEER DATE OWN.BY, PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD.BY 260576 L-3 FIELD BK, I I '2.R / I / // ------1----------- 1 I ' I I ' ' I I I I I ' I i ' ' ' ' ! I FENCING LEGEND .,,111111111111111 •••••••••••••••• ■ ... 5'-6" HIGH BLOCK WALL :llf\J !!IQ!! i R i Ii I l!f 511 STHeE S:W1;" H•,J, Wro,..~1 5'-6" HIGH LOW WALL W/WROUGHT IRON ABOVE 5'•6" HIGH LOW WALL W/GLASS ABOVE 5'-6" HIGH WROUGHT IRON 5'-6" HIGH WOOD FENCE 6'-0" HIGH PILASTER 3'-0" WIDE WOOD GATE NORTH SCALE 1"=30'-0'' --- I , I ! I f I ! / ' \ \ I \ '\ --------------\ \ \ ,_ FENCING PLAN / \ I I I I I I SHEET] CITY OF CARLSBAD ISH4£ETSI t----+-------l-------------~--+---t---~ ENGINE [AI NG OE PAR TM ENT DATE INITIAL ENGINEE;;R OF woR,-;: REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE IHfTIAL SHT, NO. CtTY APPROVAL PAVOREAL FENCING PLAN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 90-6 IAPPAOVEO - RE. CITY ENGINEER DATE OWN.8Y-, PROJECT NO ! ORAWING NO. CHKD.8Y, 260576 '-4 FIELD 8K, = , I I - a,'-oi1HlhH ~JZO\X?t-11 1For-+ ~a;. (1 11 'P-bll..-6 1 6/6" fk:,.it:eree 4-y~t Ou) IN 101.,. 0 11 f'AMlE:-l..x, , ,_ ;01. .. otl L, ' , _, " -. . . ~ . ' . . ' . I . ' - J . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . ri ('I . . ... . . . . . • . . ., -. ----~-. -l - • . . ' . -. ,, • • • V • .. I e&'-otl rtl&H ~l201J&Hf lfOM ~ ~AU=--: 111 ::;:l'-011 - r 1'-o1 Ht1H ~fZOtJ6Hf l(Zq-j pi,-tja,, ,-f2p.1L.-b. ~/Jfl&~'O~ 4YJ.~ O.l,) IH 10'..:011 fAHG.L--6. ~~o fo-&T it+ro IY~'1&fo'JT-fl!.--l...-e-O <61A=--~e.. e 10~~0. I, 101-011 ' - I , ' ' . . . . . I I ' . -. ' , ••... , ... , ... ,., .. _ •... ,.,. ' ' I II . ' I I • . . . . ~ . ~ (\ ~ l . -.::; I ~ I -. -+ . - ' I \') i ' I I -~ ' ' I . I t ~. , . ' . ' ' ', .. I I . I I . ' . . . , -.. . . . \ -= )J J . . . ~ . .I ' . --. .. -' . . .. ' . ' • -' ... " I ' ~ I 41 11 ,.-..,.Lkz-0 · -O C-:? I ~~L.-L- wrJ ~A~t..-NI_ v--1f0\.XJ/Hf 1PoH t:,..?;;ov~ ~~: 111 :s I' -c) ,----~----- REVISION OESCRIPt!ON I •• '• • • ' .,., ' • AUG071990 --------- ,~£[' CITY OF CARLSBAD S!sll \ PAVOREAL FENCING PLAN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 90-6 -··-' . I :_-'WIii., 8' ,::. ~ :~· ·-· £ C,.. 'iC :,...,:.w•t..i(, ~ (i,,,t1t::!:1r '[,'.'!I~ -260576 .L I -6 I ' ' I ; ~ !' t i ., I l "Iii I c:i ~ Ill t ) I ,. • ' i I 1 ~ t t ' " i. ! I. CONSTRUCTION NQTES GENERAL A. ConlrectuaJ f11t1Uonablp In the p,rrorm■nc• or thf1 conlr•ct, Corttraetor 1hell hold LendffllllM' ArchHecl an4 O'l'Vtler htrmleH from 11:ny tnd afl HabUlty. coats and charae-s .,,1e1110 out of, or 1n connection wUh eon1r•etor1,.1mp!oye••• or HI' lgfnlt ne-gll,gence, om:tt.lotlt, er error•. b. Enon or CnnUlct, If tmy ertott or con,ileti •r• dl11covared In lhe pltn.t or no1et, thty •hall be h1terpreled 10 n ti, .eeQmpll•h lhtt ruJ purpou at thoH pt■n• and not,a, No devb1llon or elteratkl-n• l1om the p1e:nw and •pt1clllcallan11 w111 btll pummtd unleH 11:uthoflzed by the Owner, or IM Landscape Architect. Stio-,il(I (11\1/Vf,atlan from plan• and notttt becotne raecesury due to confllcUng ■U• comf111ant, Owner a11d Lend.e•pe Architect sha!I approve- In advance-•11r !lueh dtvlt\tlOfl. No t1dd1tlon•I wctk wlll be 11u!h-orli:.d wlthou1 1h6 e.-pret.t: wrltltn eu1hotlutlon from the Owner. o. lntupreletlon The contr.c:tor •h■n eomp1J wllh ,ho cibvlou• lt'llent find MHl"tlnc, of 1htte plans and ai:,eemeaUon1 wMch -at;eJt be construed to lnQh.td& all leibor, m■ter1al, equlpm1J1nt ■nd toole n~eHtriry to eomplale the wartc apeeHlad tumtli1 1n I worliillllt,lil:e m1rnnt-r In slrtc-t act:1ord■nce with plans and nolH. Shc:,tlld any quettiohl etlH es to t'1e Intent ,nd interor~t11Uon ol theu plans •~ noln, Contractor thMll rtf!t to O•ner and L■nd!J-CBl)ft Architect whose dei:ltlo.n thertoon 1hell b• llnflL E. ObMFYOUC>tt and lletectlon of Malerl1t1 and WmtlmnMblQ; AU 1nalttlala an!.I wo1km11nship furnished or performed by Conhaetof 1hall Mi tubJ@ct lo final obsernllon anti i<:cCj:tU1~~e by o,...titr ,11d l.trt'ldt<:IIM! Architect upon Ctlm~letkm of eiJf C:Qlllftct Wt;rk wh,HhH pr@Vl6UA.ly ~Id lot or not. At any end •II Hme-a d~tlng the pe-rf(lrmanc• or this contract, Co11tr1elor that! m,ih 11vtlh1bl6 fllr obl!luvatlon1 lut and approval, malerlals end w-otkmane:hlp, Fallura ol such cb:!Mlrv1M11 to mnkl!t ObHrvatlon, tuts o,: approvals shalt not prejudice !he tlght of Lend!!lct1pe Atchl1eel or Owner on tlnel obtervallon. Contractor ahnlt promptty reptac,e any "nd tit n;.e.titrlal, •~•pm•nt and workmanship whkh don not conform la the pl6nt •nd note:e:. All malerlalm used ~n lhlt eonhl!liet thel1 be t1ewr and the be.I marked quamy untnl!I lllpeclfltld i:,IMrwhte. t. S1mpl11 When 10 requlf'ed by the Owner or t.andt.cepe Arehlte<:t, Contractor ehall 11ubntl1 fot tpprov,1 aemples or th• varlout m&itHlels, end IJJHtelfy tl"lsh thtrt<.rn. AU <::onstructlon •l1•U rionfoml lo •II local building codH eind ordinance•. II It Contr■iciort tHpDnA1blllly to v11rtry 11t eodH prior to oommtfl.Clng- wotk. lt. \UIIUIH Conlrl!llctor 11haH bt rnPcnalble tor vTrHyln9 U1t looalfon of •U underground ulllltiH, t1lflelr1c eablH, condullt, apt!nkl•r llnH and alt u1mtles llnH prlct to •ny etatu,t,ueUon, I. Rf':fflQVII Al Pthtll 1ot-1 Cleln·UP Ci,ntr•cte:r •h•II thorOi,,ohty e!Hn and kHp.fr•• of d•brl• and waat• matetl•f anUt• coriatrVetlon •r•• lo th• ••U•f-.c:Uon of HM owner, J. Gtnttal Th• 1•nor•I condlU<rns and •ny 1peet•l t:ondlllon, thillt 01V~er mty rtquJrtt ~he,11 e,pply wlih tht ••m• fore(' and ,tteet H t:.outh wrlttfln In fi,llf ntreiri for alt conalrueUon ucllons. VIII Molal Work Scope ol Work ProvhH all labor, m,11rh1l1, loole, ,qulpment, tr•n■port ■Uon and ntc••••ry lncldtntal• for complellon or tU molal work ■■ 1hown on u,. drawing• lnctudlnQ ti:ul not Utnhed Co the toUowlr,:g: A. 8. C. D. Maltrllll 1. St•el lubJno In altH tllown on -the drawlng1 •STIii dH~9n■tlon 500 ■ndto, htnd fOfQtd, cold roU1d wrought Iron If\ aln■ •• ahawn on the • dttt.Wlngs. 2, tt■rdwirt A MnQH, 1a1cht1, ton,, wathar,, sc,-wa, •tc. 10 be hHvy duty. 3. Conc,.t• • Cta■-A eoncnita minimum 2,000:,.PSI at H day• and/or 'Por,Rock' •• •hown on th• drtwlno:1, ' ' •· Palnl ~ Zinc Chromate primer, 'Autloleum' Hnl$h •urlece coat■ or equal, "lhtallzlng' ar a•lvtht.dflQ Ot powder <:oetlng If shown on th• drawing•. flbrls■Uon *nd u,111111ra11on 1 . CDntraclor ahafl mah all mH■ut•m•nlt 1or febdc:•-t•on In t1,1c,1 poor to :tttrllnt work. 2. Horlzon1al bars to taper wlttl on•d• or 1tep wHh grade H thown on , ... dr■wlngl. V•rUc•I b•f• to bl plumb. Wtldtne ,1 • WaldlnO to comply wHh th• t9qulremehtt ot ttt;ndtird coda for ARC and OH '#eldtng. 2, W•ld lQ only ele■n, f\191 fra• aurf■c,, 3., "n W4ild4' to b6 contlnvou1 ,nd trH of cr.teka, crater• and porc•R!f, Tack weld• not acc♦pteible. ' 4. Grind ■moolh all ♦itpoaed wtldt, ma.tc:h .«IJolnl'"g turl0<:n. I. Plue 1tf open endt and top.t 1nd wekfT PelnUoe ,-. Prime aH niet•I work wlt1' QH coa1 Zinc Chrom••• prlm•r. 2. Paint ,n metal wan with t ~•'* 'AutColtum· ln Hml OIOH or flat ti thown on the dt11wlnge. Paint to bt 4 mil• minimum dry thkkn••• tt;c:,h. E. Prottctlan ■nd CltanYP 1. Ptoteet all e:rltitlng work from paint onrspray. 2. Obtain Fi,e pwrmlt wh•r• requlr.cf tor on alt• VN1otding_ 3. Upon compltUt;m Qf wo'1t, ftft'IQVt ,it tcrtp Iron. d•brlii, m•t•rlal• . tand loala from alt•. VII. CHlfJ;tURY ScOf!• ot work Pravldt •II l41ibo.r,-m•li,rlf.1-. tool1, equlpm1nt, lren1p<aU1llon .anq. nect*■dry lnoldenl•l• for compleUon of all carpenlJJ H 1hown~on th9 drawing■ lncludlng but not Hmlted \o tht fcttowlno: A. M1t1rl1Ji 1. Wood • rou9h sawn, reuwn1 wrfK•d 4 :sides •• ahown on the drawing•. ■tr•lght, aound. 1rH from mark■, pin h•ad knola, epa poekela, afh;itra, check&. Conatruc11an Qrtlde or btlttter •• •how" on th• flr1wlng1, 2. 3. Dougl~• Fir, Redwood, Western Rad C•d•r Of •• ahown on the drawlnga. Post•. platu and other at gr111d6 conneeUon• to b• Rodwood, W•tt$1'ft Rtct Ced,1u t)I pl' .. tt.1t• tl'ffl•d D01.1~IH fir H •tsown Oft lh• dff.w~ng ,, C. Hardwar• • column bases ~ 'Simp1on Sttong Tl•' or •qu11I. Pott cap■ and alrap ties • 'Slmpaon Strong Tie' or equal. Joist hanger, and heavy angles • HSimpson Strong Tie" or equal. Screws, hinge■, naifs, bol1s, w•shers. AU hardwar• malet"t1I to be aatvanlnd. $. Slain and palnl ~ H salacf,ad and shown on drawings. 6. Cr,ru:re,la • ClaH A minimum 2,000 PSI al 28 days, B. nougb Cacptnlc,: 1. ~• all pott,,.bHms, rails and framing pl4fflb and iru• lo tine aa •hown on th• drawing~. 2. ConnRtlon• , tm:,k• •n connt¢f!Ont H lhown on 1h• ,Or&wlrag1. Splln lumbet et po•t• oniy. UUllze •II AllU Jr,,(;IJQr bott holo for alt hardw111r-.. :1. EHo •tf top •dgn of ez:posad lumbar for b&nfh topa, low walls ti¢., whtrt turf•c• eonlacl J• prcvi~:td, 4. Poat baH ~ Ht post cofw:mn b0H t, r.Jlown or'! drtiVflngt, prOVictlng minimum 1" clear all tlde111 fr0"1 1•rih)httd poa1 ptriet to top of pavl.na. 5. Coul'lter:1lnk nalJ1 .and boH1 In •II lacallona when •urftct contt1¢t t• provided. t•-• hflnch top, ah:. C. Pllnllng ■nd Stain 1, Fill ,u lettm1 •M cr■ckl with Ltt11t cau1k andtor wood douoh to ln1ur1 •n ev111 1urface. 2. S-eu~1' tmooth all eKpo1ed ■urtaca, II epeelfled u S-4.S. 3-Prim• •II p■lnl.ed ■urfac•• 'ii111th on• coat primer. 4. PJlnt with tnlnlmum two flnl1~ coat, for pe!nted ■urraceti. 5. Stein with mlnlmum two finish ~t• for t1a!n ,u,faces YI l\J OCK MASONRY Scope at Work Pn)vld• •H lAbor, malert■l■, tools, •qulpm•nl, tl'tnapo.-'-tlon •nd neceH■ry lnctdem,11 tor lht comp~Uon ,oJ •II block masonry H thown (lfl tt1.e dn•wtngt lneludlng bul nol !United lo 1h11 IQl1Qi11ilt1Q:-... Mllttltlt 1. Slump block unlt1 me-cu.no Orndo A, ASTM ~-90. ;1onor••• block unn, Gr'•~• A, ASTM C-90. 1. Cemeul • Slftm.l•rd l'ortland eem4n.! A!3'tM Jetlonatlon_ t:·150 Trp• I ar Ht IOW t'k-u!i. 3. Sand • Clft11n WIU grndtd Asru JHlg11at10n C-14-4. ~-W•ler -W•ler utad shall bfl-of pO:hablo quamy. IS. Sh1al -R•lnlorcOII atul frn w.-11 l~ l;tt Grat.lo 4-() Hlom,•d b■rl ASTM dn1ari1uon -A·1t!5-· ,. Concrt11·. CJHI A, (O!)Cf'tlft mlnltnum 21000 PSI al 2:1) d•V•• 7. Mc:,rt,r -b~ ll'Olultle, ftnhly prepared, unlformly ml•ed h'I r•11o 1 part cv,ent, 1/t p111 llmo putty , •·11-4 part• und, confqrmt.na to AGTM C•t70. Om1t llme IJuHy U pl■tsUc cem•nt 1, u•ed. •· Grout • by valum• freshly prepa,.d, unltormJt ml.:•d 1 ~rt tt,mon1, 3 P•rl• Hhd, 2 j:>Bl'b pH gravel. 'f, l-tl)' •t{ ma.onl')r alrllght t1nd true to-llnt, with vel11UI jQiQII plulmt OV6t uch oth•r. Horlion1a1 Jaln1■ ■h■U ff l•v•J tlHd•rt 1;nd corner unlt1 -ta .itvw flnl•had facee wherti e.-pand. Joint• ,.,_c, bond 01tt1rn to be •• •hown on the dr■wlnt•· c. n,infcr;.;:,1, D. E. 1. AU b,111 in mHon,y ahtH bt lappi-d • minimum of 40 bar dJam•t•,t. Dowel• tor ••II• and colllmna to be tame sf1e •• well rtlnto,clno, Refu to lhuctur•I Engln&trs •pec:Ulc•t1ons for all .. ,,1 •ittl tnd ionUan■, CUIUOf Of M!IAPQr 1. No cutting or m•to11,y Mtllll lhlll H anaw.d ~n~H thown on the drawing a. Ql'.QuUna QJ Ml&oD,Y 2. Grout all cell• b•low 9,ad• aolld. 3. Provide mlnJmum 31-C'" be1'1fHn atul nlntorefnt •n_cl b!ocka. e. 1. NOTES I . . ' . t" \.~1'llSlllpt . . ;,. ... ~ ,,,f! J! ,...\\ $\llil,Wf',f ~~ . . . . 'Ii ~ '# ~ l ... . . . . ....... .. . . ,ft \ . • • ... + : .:. '! , .. ,, ,. Open talnl....., tlGIH •• sttr o.a. mHlmum on bottoni 0041rM Of rectt,lntno w1H1 with 1 eubte foot 9rav•1 If •hown on.drewan11 or lf)proved df•Jn•a• •r•tam p•r &tructur■I Eng!if1Hf'9 •,-df~li:;,n•. iEMUOllo:D Jolol■ 1. Prov~ v1rUcaJ np1n1lon ,Lolnt1 In wait ,-, loc:•I cON •nd S:tn,clur■I 'ioolnM.-1 1pu:Ulc1UQftt. AUG071990 r-· , ---, ---· -·· -·- S ><EE T CITY OF CARLSBAD . . + . ' . + • • • + [lljG1"[[R1"G DEPARTME114l L._.. ·-. ,__. .___ ---- PAVOREAL FENCING PLAN ISMEETSI I I i . • + -· ·+ . -~ ! SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 90-6 ......_, • + APPROVED + --+----+----.-~ ~ ~ ">rof CAL.1 . . -·-~ REVISION DESCRIPTION f ~', N! f '-< f Wt""!RII