HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; MinutesJune 5, 2023 Traffic & Mobility Regular Meeting Page 1 Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 June 5, 2023, 4 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: 4 p.m. ROLL CALL: Coelho, Fowler, Penseyres, Newlands, Garcia, and Kohl. Proulx – Absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Coelho led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 1, 2023 Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Vice-Chair Fowler to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 1, 2023, as presented. Motion carried, 5/0/1/1 (Newlands – Abstain, Proulx – Absent). PUBLIC COMMENT: Jan Neff-Sinclair spoke regarding the Carlsbad budget and shared disappointment at the elimination of some of the TGIF concerts. She also shared concern over raising the sales tax. CONSENT CALENDAR: Motion by Commissioner Newlands, seconded by Commissioner Kohl to approve Consent Item No. 1. Motion carried, 6/0/0/1 (Proulx – Absent). 1.SEMIANNUAL TRANSPORTATION REPORT – Receive the Semiannual Transportation Report. (Staff Contact: Tom Frank, Public Works Department). This item was pulled for discussion by Commissioner Penseyres. 2.2023 SLURRY SEAL PROJECT NO. 6001-23SS – Support staff’s recommendation to the City Council to approve the plans for the 2023 Slurry Seal Project, Capital Improvement Project No. 6001-23SS, as a part of the Pavement Management Program. (Staff Contact: Eric Zielke and Hossein Ajideh, Public Works Department). CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM #2 PULLED FOR DISCUSSION: This item was pulled for discussion by Commissioner Penseyres. 2.2023 SLURRY SEAL PROJECT NO. 6001-23SS – Support staff’s recommendation to the City Council to approve the plans for the 2023 Slurry Seal Project, Capital Improvement Project No. 6001-23SS, as a part of the Pavement Management Program. (Staff Contact: Eric Zielke and Hossein Ajideh, Public Works Department). June 5, 2023 Traffic & Mobility Regular Meeting Page 2 In response to Commissioner Penseyres’ concern about the width of the bike lane being six inches too narrow to provide a minimum two foot door side buffer along with the five foot bike lane to avoid failing the Multimodal Level of Service, City Traffic Engineer Kim responded that the city started practicing a 10.5 width for lanes adjacent to raised medians but considering that Paseo Del Norte is relatively low speed, staff is willing to reduce the vehicle lane width to 10 feet and add the half foot to the bike lane to get the two foot door side buffer and a five foot bike lane. In response to Commissioner Penseyres’ suggestion about extending the bike lane on Paseo Del Norte back another 50 feet to help the cyclists merge before the left-hand curve, City Traffic Engineer Kim responded that they could accommodate a bike lane in the gore area of Cannon Road which would reduce the move to the left that makes cyclists uncomfortable and then the dashed green would not have to be extended. Motion by Commissioner Penseyres, seconded by Commissioner Newlands to recommend to the City Council to approve Consent Item No. 2 with the following amendments: 1) On Paseo Del Norte from Car Country Drive to Cannon Road to change vehicle lane widths to 10-feet to accommodate a five-foot bike lane with a two foot “door side” buffer between the bike lane and parking lane; and 2) Northbound on Paseo Del Norte at Cannon Road, the gore/hatched area between the left-turn lane and right-turn lane will be removed and the bike lane will be extended to the stop bar at the intersection; and 3) Tamarack Avenue from Knollwood Drive to Saddle Drive will be modified to reflect existing conditions with bike lane and door zone buffer. Motion carried, 6/0/0/1 (Proulx – Absent). DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 3. POLICE REPORT REGARDING TRAFFIC & MOBILITY-RELATED MATTERS DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL 2023, INCLUDING NOTABLE NEWS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY – Receive a presentation from a representative of the City of Carlsbad’s Police Department that will provide an overview of traffic and mobility-related police matters during the month of April 2023, including notable news for the month of May. (Staff Contact: Alonso DeVelasco, Police Department). Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the presentation. Lieutenant DeVelasco presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). The Commission received the report. In response to Commissioner Penseyres inquiry about whether the Police Department investigates hit and runs from previous months and whether the Commission can see these June 5, 2023 Traffic & Mobility Regular Meeting Page 3 investigation updates, Lieutenant DeVelasco responded that traffic investigators are tasked with following up with these cases and then he can get the updates and report on the percentages and closures. 4. SOUTH CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CLIMATE ADAPTATION PROJECT, PREFERRED OPTION FOR THE 30% DESIGN – Receive a report on traffic study results for the South Carlsbad Boulevard Climate Adaptation Project and make a recommendation to the City Council on the preferred design option to complete the grant requirements. (Staff Contact: Tom Frank and Katie Hentrich, Public Works Department). Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the report and make a recommendation. The Commission received the report. Kris Wright spoke against reducing Carlsbad Boulevard from Palomar Airport Road south to the border to 10.5-foot vehicle lane in each direction and keeping highway 101 as is, with four lanes. Jan Neff-Sinclair spoke in favor of keeping the coast highway a two-lane road wherever possible. Karen Pearson spoke in favor of the roundabout and option number two, and possible speed limit reduction. Bill Fenner spoke about reducing the speed limit on Carlsbad Boulevard to lower than 50 miles per hour. He spoke in support of the roundabout and lane reduction. Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres to recommend to the City Council to adopt Option 2 - two vehicle lanes with roundabouts, as the preferred design option. Motion carried, 6/0/1 (Proulx – Absent). 5. FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW OF TRANSPORTATION PORJECTS – Receive an informational report on transportation projects included in the proposed fiscal year 2023-24 Capital Improvement Program budget. (Staff Contact: Tom Frank and Craddock Stropes, Public Works Department). Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the report. The Commission received the report. 6. TRAFFIC CALMING PLANS FOR VICTORIA AVENUE, HIGHLAND DRIVE, NUEVA CASTILLA WAY, CIRCULO SEQUOIA AND CELINDA DRIVE – Receive the presentation based on the findings contained in this report and the requirements of the Carlsbad Residential Traffic June 5, 2023 Traffic & Mobility Regular Meeting Page 4 Management Program, and support staff’s recommendation for the proposed traffic calming plans on Victoria Avenue, Highland Drive, Nueva Castilla Way, Circulo Sequoia and Celinda Drive. (Staff Contact: Lindy Pham and Miriam Jim, Public Works Department). Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the presentation and support staff’s recommendation. The Commission received the report. Christine Marshall spoke regarding the survey results for Celinda Drive and stated that the results did not meet the 67% minimum requirement. Gary Nessim spoke in favor of the proposed traffic calming plans. Meghan Novy spoke in support of the speed humps on Celinda Drive. Kevin Valles spoke in support of the speed humps on Celinda Drive. In response to Commissioner Penseyres’ question about the Celinda Drive survey not being valid since the support rate did not meet the 67% requirement and since some surveys were accepted after the due date, City Traffic Engineer Kim responded that all support rates are rounded to nearest whole number and that 66.67% can be considered equivalent to 67%. He further added that the due dates given on the survey are to encourage residents to return the survey in a timely manner and that surveys are accepted in the period between the due date and the scheduled Traffic & Mobility Commission date. Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres to support staff’s recommendation for the proposed traffic calming plans on Victoria Avenue, Highland Drive, Nueva Castilla Way, Circulo Sequoia and Celinda Drive. Motion carried, 6/0/1 (Proulx – Absent). 7. TYLER STREET COMPLETE STREETS STUDY – Receive a presentation and provide input regarding the Tyler Street Complete Streets Study. (Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt and Nick Gorman, Public Works Department). Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the presentation and provide input. The Commission received the report and provided input. Jeanine spoke about the parking and shared her concern about adding bicycle lanes and lack of parking for residents. Jen Neff-Sinclair spoke her concern about the proposed improvements on Tyler Street. June 5, 2023 Traffic & Mobility Regular Meeting Page 5 Gary Nessim spoke about his desire to see wider sidewalks added in the Carlsbad Village. He also shared the need for lighting on Tyler Street. 8. SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN & MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE STUDY: REVIEW OF PRIORITY PROJECTS – Receive an update and provide input on the project prioritization of Sustainable Mobility Plan implementation plan. (Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Public Works Department). Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the update and provide input. The Commission received the report and provided input. In response to Commissioner Penseyres comment on prioritizing the section of Avenida Encinas north of the train station exit that is extremely narrow, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that the section on Avenida Encinas is part of the approved Capital Improvement Program (CIP # 6004 - Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements) and it will be addressed with new bike lanes in both directions of travel on Avenida Encinas. 9. FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 – TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION WORKPLAN – Review and approve the final Fiscal Year 2023-24 Traffic and Mobility Commission Workplan and appoint a commissioner to represent the Traffic and Mobility Commission at the City Council meeting where the Work Plan will be presented for City Council consideration. (Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Public Works Department). Staff’s Recommendation: Approve the Work Plan and appoint one commissioner to represent the Traffic & Mobility Commission at a City Council meeting. The Commission received the report. In response to Commissioner Kohl’s comment that the Commission would like to change the name to Traffic, Mobility and Safety Commission, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that he would make that change in his notes. In response to Chair Coelho’s comment that the minutes reflect the name change request to show as Traffic, Safety and Mobility Commission, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that the Commission could discuss and make a recommendation to change the name at this time. Motion by Vice-Chair Fowler, seconded by Commissioner Newlands to change the name of the Traffic and Mobility Commission to Traffic and Mobility Safety Commission. Motion failed, 3/3/1 (Proulx – Absent). June 5, 2023 Traffic & Mobility Regular Meeting Page 6 In response to Chair Coelho’s request to add the Annual Presentation of the Budget to the Work Plan, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that he would add it to the Traffic & Mobility Commission workplan. Motion by Chair Coelho, seconded by Commissioner Kohl to recommend to the City Council to approve the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Traffic & Mobility Commission Workplan with the addition of the Annual Budget Presentation. Motion carried, 6/0/1 (Proulx – Absent). Motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Vice-Chair Fowler to appoint Commissioner Kohl as representative of the Traffic & Mobility Commission at the July 25, 2023, City Council Meeting. Motion carried, 5/0/1/1 (Kohl – Abstain, Proulx – Absent). Motion by Commissioner Penseyres, seconded by Commissioner Newlands to appoint Chair Coelho as the back-up representative of the Traffic & Mobility Commission at the July 25, 2023, City Council Meeting. Motion carried, 6/0/1 (Proulx – Absent). CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER COMMENTS: City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that staff will bring forward another group of streets for traffic calming at the next meeting in August. COMMISSION COMMENTARY AND REQUESTS FOR CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS: In response to Commissioner Kohl’s question about the red-light time at Fire Station No. 2 and whether they could put some sort of indication that there is a call-in process, and also about using the Opticom to put the intersection into Preempt instead of using the door mechanism, City Traffic Engineer Kim responded that he believes the preemption is not by the door mechanism but by the fire station operators, he further added that staff will take a look at this and see if there is a way to notify the public of a call-in progress and about shortening the red- light delay. Commissioner Penseyres mentioned a Strong Towns grant that a resident of oceanside received to do a study of the intersection of Basswood and Valley where there was a recent fatality. He further added that this person will be using a radar detector to conduct speed surveys on both of those streets and the results showed that the maximum speed measured on Basswood Avenue was between 66 and 67 miles per hour. In response to Vice-Chair Fowler’s question regarding the traffic signal on El Camino Real and Arenal and how it operates with the Fire Station, City Traffic Engineer Kim responded that he would let his traffic signal staff know that it would be helpful to bring this information to the Traffic & Mobility Commission when the agenda is light. June 5, 2023 Traffic & Mobility Regular Meeting Page 7 ADJOURNMENT: Chair Coelho adjourned the Traffic & Mobility Commission Regular Meeting on June 5, 2023, at 7:44 p.m. ___________________________ Eliane Paiva Secretary