HomeMy WebLinkAbout1350 OAK AVE; ; CBR2022-0540; PermitBuilding Permit Finaled Residential Permit Print Date: 07/17/2023 Job Address: 1350 OAK AVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1931 Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Work Class: Addition Parcel#: 1561902000 Track#: Valuation: $75,597.00 Lot#: Occupancy Group: Project#: #of Dwelling Units: Plan#: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Occupant Load: Plan Check#: Code Edition: Sprinkled: Project Title: Description: 1350 OAK; (446 SF) ADDITION MASTER SUITE Applicant: Property Owner: STEPHANIE LUPTON PO BOX 2216 PETERSON MARK A TRUST 07-22-19 1350 OAK AVE SAN MARCOS, CA 92079-2216 (760) 224-9704 FEE BUILDING PLAN CHECK CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1931 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW-MINOR PROJECTS (LDE) BUILDING PLAN REVIEW -MINOR PROJECTS (PLN) GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION SB1473-GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE SFD & DUPLEXES STRONG MOTION -RESIDENTIAL (SMIP) SWPPP INSPECTION FEE TIER 1-Medium BLDG SWPPP PLAN REVIEW FEE TIER 1 -Medium Total Fees: $2,733.13 Total Payments To Date: $2,733.13 Permit No: Status: (city of Carlsbad CBR2022-0540 Closed -Finaled Applied: 02/22/2022 Issued: 04/08/2022 Fina led Close Out: 07/17/2023 Final Inspection: 01/19/2023 INSPECTOR: Alvarado, Tony Kersch, Tim Contractor: MORGAN GROUP 1347 OAK AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1932 (760) 717-1354 Balance Due: AMOUNT $755.30 $194.00 $98.00 $175.00 $4.00 $1,162.00 $9.83 $271.00 $64.00 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 / 442-339-2719 / 760-6D2-8560 f / www.carlsbadca.gov JobAddrm 13500akAve RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Clil ft 'l.f) ,<!.-::{) 5'"'i 0 t 1.fi £t1 . ao .. 75"$'. .,fQ CT/Pro,lect#l. _______________ Lot#:, ____ Year8ullt: 1959, 1990, 2014 . master sutte addition II] N-SF: Living SF, 446 Deck SF,. ___ Patio SF,, ____ Garage SF __ _ Is thls to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? O Y o N New Fireplace? O YO N. if yes how many? __ _ □Remodel: SF of affected area fs the area a ronversioo or change of use? O YON □Pool/Spa:. ____ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? __________ _ □Solar: KW, ___ Modules, Mounted:ORoofOGround, Tllt:OVON, RMA:OV ON, Battery:OVO N, Panel Upgrade: 0Y ON Other: Name: S!ephM!e Lupton Addrefi: P08ox 2216 City• San Marcos State:~: 92079 Phone: 760-224-9704 Emaff: sjldrafllng@gmal.com Name: Stephanie LuplOn Address: POBox 2216 City• San Marcos State• CA Zip: 92079 Phone: 780-224-9704 Email: sjldrafting@9mall.com An:hltectStatelkanse: ________ _ Name: Mark Petenion Address: 1350 Oak Ave ~Cartsbad State~Zip:,.;;9200..;...c,;..8 __ Phone: 760-458-1007 £mall: pooll'IIOllllllrk2.0@gmaR.com Busines,i Name: Morgan Group Address: 1347 Oak Avenue City: Carlsbad StateCA Zlp:,.::91.-'2;i.J01.1QB"'----- Phone: 760-717-1354 Email: davidmor9an.mg@gmail.com CSUJl.k:ense II: 594214 Class: 8 Carlsbad Buslness license II (Required): APPUCAHr CERT/FICA TIOH: I wtify lloat I hmm ,-J th, opp/lc4tfon ONistate that th.t obow ~~....,.,,and tiu,1 U., JnJo,,,,oti<lo of • -lo romp/y wllh oilaty--., und Slore lows-Ing IQ wNdJng-. NAME (PRINT): Stephanie Lupton 1635 Fatoday Ave""""'"'• CA 92008 l \ ; --·/ \ SIGN: ___ ..,,_,., ____ _ --Ph; 76i,)-602•2719 Fax: 7W-602-8558 1 Ermil: I THIS PAGE REQUIRED AT PERMIT ISSUANCE lherebya{flrmunderpenaltytJfperJurythatlamllcensedunderprov/slonsofChapter9/commern:lnswlthSectJon of the BustnessandPro{esstons Code, and my license is in full foneand ef feet. I alsuaff/rm um/er penal tyof pitrj [' following dectarations(CHOOSEONE): ' □1 -Olld will -• --of--to self.ln,un, for wori<eo;' -•atlo• provldtd by Section 3700 of Int lM>ot Co<kt, for !ht W<lf'kwhk:htbkpermttis lssutd. Po#cyNu,~--------··-----------------Ofl.. ·-· ~ heve and wm mafntain workt!r's oompeowt:km, as requited by s«:ticn 3700 of the L•bor Code, for the performance of the work for whkh t Mywanw-,' i:ompemadon Insurance carr~~d pohcy number o1re: tnsuranc.Company Nam.-: - l'<llkyNo. ;M'.'3i3Z:-:¾{) -H_ ExpjratlouDaao: ·--+-·-#---i---4- ·0lt-- 0 Certtfka of~: I «ntify that in thw pwtfon:nanc.v of the work fur which thfs permit is ~. 1 shaff not empJoy anv peuon In any ""'Iner "'1 subject to the workers' compensation laws of Cillifomfa. WMtfflffl: Faifflre to ,ec;u,.. wotkers tt'M1,tMU~ cover• ts unSawfuf end lbd <rimilflll ~ Nd dvll flMII Up to $100,000.00,. ht addition the to th4P cost r,f tompenptfon, ~ .n provkfad for In kcttoa ~ QI ---rs- I hereby lffirm that there ts a construction~ -,ency for the pedorm.anc.e of the WOf'k this permit ts ~d (Sec. 3097 (fl ChtH Code), -·-'-------------------'·---------- i: CONTRACTOR CERTIFICA TJON: llw ~ certl6M ht all d~ Ind pi.Ins durly .tnd ~ly mow ad ~ IH1d p(Opci$fl0 b~ stn: '.' ~~ Ml~ Mndifbtkmsn,d/ot ~ ar.ei...riy ~""' thasfk.phm. MypotOntlollyffltm,detallwfthin thes. ~ l«o ........... ,kM, It not~ for~ and MtY bt ~to be aJtared or ttflltllVtd, The-city's~ of too apf:llkatkm b bhf!d on the pfMti!t(f Um Ill~ ~do the «lffffl ~of; ttw ~. ~ 9ueutr• M1d their~ ft'J)M property !Illes and ftOffl OM imothef; ilttes$ rood$/~ and utmHH. wtofCMICttbddlnslls1ttedkttuaMCt~:.l~ancfothtrffl(:OfflbranwM~hnw!Mfn%1m#ittlltvshawnand lobltktd IKwfffi asaflOJMlt• i A11~edstirl1onthepc~wt,ec~111 ~With ,tilregub,donsln~,...,,,.attt. .. tim->ftfthrot,tWimlldm 1fflhl$sotf1eJWttin f!O(ed. I ~~~~~~~.-f«the!GNATURE:_~90~ ~~0~3:.:::;:l~i:,:::c....., .... -I i i I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Low far the following reason: I 0 I, u owner-of the property or my~ with wagea u their sole compem,t1tion, wftl dtl the work and the strudure is not intended Qt sale t4 7044, IMIN!u and PrcfttS!lons COd•: The Contractc(s Uamse law does not apply to an ....., of property who build$ or Improves thereon, who such l, , wo,f( lllmsetf or thfOUlh hfs own emphl'fMS, provtd@d that such lmJJt()VflfMnt$ ;are nm inhmded or offeft!'d for Mkt. tf, hawelHfl', the bulldq or h,.-ol,lf,.,.nt IS l""' -..., year of completion, the DW!lllr-bullder wla h ... the l>Urdon or proving that ho did not buJld M lmprol/e for the""'"""' of safe). I ~ I 0 ~ as owner of the-property, am exd~ oootractlng with lltettsed rontractort to cOMtruct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and~ j\ Contractor's ~ law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or lmproves thereon, 1nd contracts fur :ruch projtcts with f)lnUant to the Cot\tratttJr's Ucense Law). \ 1! ~ Ii 0 I am Mflntpr undtsr Business and Professfoos Code l>Msion 3, ~ 9, Article 3 for this reason: r; AND, 0 FORM B-61 ""Owner Buttder Acknowledpm.nt and Vetffiattion Form'" Is n;qulrad for any permit i>,i;ued to a property owner. $ : By my ~tute below I acknowledge that, exapt for my personal rWdeoc:e lo whk.h I mU1t flml' res/clw fo< at /eatt Ofle vear p(io( to compfeti of 1mpl'O\tamants COVftt'Vd by thk perfffft, I Cilfloot lesaffy sell a structunt t!ut I hiiW' bullt as tin owne,,lxdtdPr H It has not boen constructed In th 'rety contr1ctoo,.lurtd#fffifndrhmOCOWOfthftapptkablwtaw.s«tlonl044oft~andProfrsstomcoae.,$QVOUabtC'U'p(Xtreqt.lfflwlktt1Ch IIIJbmlth>dorattlw /ollowm/l Wobslw: http:/ IWWW,lllf/tlfo.a,,!/fW/-.html, ' " OWNER Cl!R17ROATION: Tilt app11mrt ~ tJMt 1U do&:umMu and pitfis t'.WtHly and IKtUrlil,WV show ~I Mains a11d prupQSed ~ stru«uru, atiMSS ~ AB pfOpCMd ~ and/nt addft1oM .ar.i:le.vlyialteffffl 01\ the-site plan. AA'l"~Mtiftg dlrtall '411dwn thMe p,lans ~ with the fof ~ Md may be: ntqUired tu bit Jitared ot t~. The dty', ~ oftbt appileltien is. basttd on ttie ~ that the subrmtled dot:Uf'fltn1$ ~ of; riut Pf09ifrt\f, ~ sttur:tum a!Kf tfwrirN'tbwcb from prope-~ lnnand &on, o.-.. another; Kffl! ma~ and utlltlr.u. The ewtsttnr buMnr n Jme,d Is we and correct;-, e.tietrlentf abet oth« elKUl'l'lerMl«!'S to~ hew! hHn ~ sht.rwn and i.til!ttld ~ wd 3$C 1111 on-Sile If ~ etdstlt!IJnn 1h41 propwty wer• ~ In acrordllftee With all ~m-woce at die time(l.f thiek' c.oow~tlon, "mess ~e nc.tmf, SIGN: _____ -,--___ DATE: __ 1--_,..._...._ -~"·""~!!!,!'tf<l!:.~~v.~~~~~.~.J/:l!l!ld bvJll'."l""lY-· NAME (PRINT): 1635 for"'"'V Aw Carllllad,CA92008 Ph, 760-60.1•2719 F•x: 760-GOHSSS Email, 2 PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2022-0540) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 02/22/2022 Owner: TRUST PETERSON MARK A TRUST 07-22-19 Work Class: Addition Issue Date: 04/08/2022 Subdivision: CARLSBAD LANDS Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 05/22/2023 Address: 1350 OAK AVE IVR Number: 38842 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1931 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Status 10/21/2022 10/21/2022 BLDG-16 Insulation 194696-2022 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete 10/26/2022 10/26/2022 BLDG-17 Interior 195018-2022 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete Lath/Drywall Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Drywall nailing, per plans -approved. Yes 11/22/2022 11/22/2022 BLDG-23 197210-2022 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete Gas/Test/Repairs BLDG-31 197211-2022 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete Underground/Conduit. Wiring 01/19/2023 01/19/2023 BLOG-Final Inspection 200993-2023 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes Monday, July 17, 2023 Paae 2 of 2 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled (city of Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2022-0540) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 02/22/2022 Owner: TRUST PETERSON MARK A TRUST 07-22-19 Work Class: Addition Issue Date: 04/08/2022 Subdivision: CARLSBAD LANDS Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 05/22/2023 Address: 1350 OAK AVE IVR Number: 38842 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1931 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Status 04/21/2022 04/21/2022 BLDG-SW-Pre-Con 181050-2022 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 08/05/2022 08/05/2022 BLDG-22 Sewer/Water 188580-2022 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Service Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 08/11/2022 08/11/2022 BLDG-11 188943-2022 Passed Tim Kersch Complete Foundation/Ftg/Piers (Rebar) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 09/08/2022 09/08/2022 BLDG-13 Shear 191049-2022 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete Panels/HD (ok to wrap) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-15 Roof/ReRoof 191048-2022 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete (Patio) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 10/17/2022 10/17/2022 BLDG-18 Exterior 194327-2022 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete Lath/Drywall BLDG-27 Shower 194328-2022 Passed Tony Alvarado Complete PanfTubs BLDG-84 Rough 194284-2022 Passed Tony _Alvarado Complete Combo(14,24,34,44) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-14 Yes Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-24 Rough-Topout Yes BLDG-34 Rough Electrical Yes BLDG-44 Yes Rough-Ducts-Dampers Monday, July 17, 2023 Page 1 of 2 Carlsbad CB-CBR2022-0540 3/7/2022 {_ City of Carlsbad SPECIAL INSPECTION AGREEMENT B-45 Development Services Bultdin, Division 1535 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov In accordance with Chapter 17 of the C-alifom!a Building Code the following must be completed when work being performed requires special inspection, struetural ob.ervatton and construction material testing. PmjecUPermit: CB-CBR2022-0540 Project Address· 1350 Oak Avenu=e~------ A. THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PROPE:RTY OWNER/AUTHORilZED AGENT. Ptecise check ff you arg Owner-Build&r Q. (If you cilecked as owner-builder ycu must also complete Section B of thit; agreement) Name: (Please pr1n1L-.Ma=rk~~---------=~--------'P_e=te=-r~so=n'-'--------- ;!"·r.it) (1'<.!) il~ot/ Mamng Address· 1350 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 Ema;, petersonmark2.0@gmail.com Phone 760-458-1007 ___ _ I am: )(?roperty Owner □Property Owner's Agent of Record 0Archft8ct of Record □Engineer of Record State of California Registration Numb-____________ Expiration Oat.~-------- AGREEMENT: I, th& undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under t!1e laws of the State of Cafrtomia, that l have read, understand, acknowledge and promise to comply with the City of Carlsbad requirements for special inspections, structural observatkins, construction materials testing and off.site fabrication of building components, a~ prescribed in the statement of special inspections n2_t~d 3n the 1fpro ns and required by the Caf1fomia Buifding Code. s;gnatur · f i"V\I\N{_ Oale: "3 J q } '2-I? :2-~ B. CONTRACTOR"$ STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILrfY (07 CBC. Ch 17, Section 1706). This section must be completed by the contractor/ builder/ owner-builder Contractor'!i Company Name: Morgan Grau,~----------Please check if you are Owner-&iilder n Name: {P!easeprir.t)__.D~a~v~e~--=-..,..------~J":7',----------M_o,,rg=-a_n _____ _ "'''~t: (l.!L) jL"11.' Mamng Address:...1..3:4.7 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 EmaH: davidmorgan.mg@gmail.com Phone· 760-717-1354 State ofCafttomia Contractor's License Number 594214 Expiration Date: 5/31/22 I acknowledge and, am aware, of special requirements contained in the statement of special inspections noted on the approved plans; I acknowledge that control will be exercised to obtaff'l conformance with the construction documents approved by the building official; l will have in-place procedures tor exercising control withm our (the contractor's) organization, for the method and frequency of reporting and the distribution of the reports; and I certlfy that I will have a qualified person within our (the contractor's) organization to exercise ~uch control. I will prqyfda I final (Elpgrt / fetter in compliance with pBC Sgcffon 1704.j 2 PrioT tp reguestipq final imspecU~ ·O /}. S~nature ~yj:ll_~ ________ Oate: _Q9{Q§/2022 ____ _ Page 1 of 1 Rev.08111 CBR2022-0540 1350 OAK AVE MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS Project: Peterson Addition 1350 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Prepared for: Mark Peterson 1350 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project No.: 22004 Date: January 21, 2022 1350 OAK; (446 SF) ADDITION MASTER SUITE 1561902000 3/14/2022 CBR2022-0540 ua 9213 l TeL (8158) 693.<)7157 • Fax. (858) 693.0758 L 2. 4. 6. JOB P£f£f:'.SON 22 DO"'! MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES SHEET NO ____ ! _____ OF __ [,,=-'-· ____ _ Consulting Structural Ent,tineers CAlCUlATFDBY ____ ,_9~---DATE O I. i,. 'l,.Ol,Z--- CHECKED8Y _________ OAT!:: ____ _ SCALE _______________ _ TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT SCOPE DESIGN CRITERIA SUMMARY ........... . DESIGN LOADS ......................................................................... . VERTICAL ANALYSIS: A. HORIZONTAL MEMBER DESKiN (BEAMS, HEADERS, JOISTS, ETC.). B. VERTICAL MEMBER DESIGN (COLUMNS, STUDS. ETC.) ......... LATERAL ANALYSIS: A. SEISMIC I WIND COEFFICIENTS . B. W,, (DEAD LOADS) .............................. . C. LATERAL LOAD DISTRIBUTION .................................... . D. LATERAL LOAD-RESISTING DESIGN: I. SHEARWALL DESIGN ...................... . IL CANTILEVERED STEEL COLUMN ELEMENTS .... Ill. STEEL MOMENT FRAMES .... FOUNDATION DFSIGNc A. CONTINUOUS FOOTINGS B. SPREAD FOOTINGS .............. .. C. RETAINING WALLS .... . D. SPECIAL SYSTEMS .... .. !. GRADE BEAMS II. DEEPENED PIERS PAGE z. 3 4 5 I ► __ D__ ······ 'y 7. SCHEDULES ............. .. __ f.'L_ lc!L A. SHEAR WALL SCHEDllLE. B. HOLD DOWN SCHEDULE. C. SPREAD FOOTING SCHEDULE. -zr Mike Surprenant & Associates Consulting Structural Engineers Joh _______ 2._2_0_cO_1.,__ Sheet No. _____ 2 ______ of __ J,,_( ___ _ Cakufarcd by . _______ Date ____ _ Checked by----·------Date ____ _ Scale _________________ _ PROJECT SCOPE □ Provide vt,rtical & lateral load calculations for a proposed one-story Master Suite addition to an existing two-story single-family residence located at 1350 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, Califomia 92008. Residence to be constructed utilizing primarily wood-frame construction. Roof framing to consist of conventional stick-frame, and the foundation system to consist of a concrete slab-on-grade with shallow perimeter footings. A soils report was not provided for tl:tis project. Therefore, the foundation design will be based on the minimum soil bearing capacity as specified in the current version of the Governing Code -2019 California Building Code. Mike Surprenant & Associates makes no representations concerning the suitability of the soils and/ or minimum soil values allowed by the CBC These calculations have been prepared for the exclusive use of lvfark Peterson and their desi6>n consultants for the specific site listed above. Should modifications be made to the project subsequent to the preparation of these calculations, Mike Surprenant & Associates should be notified to review the modifications with respect to the recommendations/ conclusions provided herein, to determine if any additional calculations and/ or recommendations arc necessary. Our professional sen,iccs have been performed, our findings obtained, and our recommendations prepared in accordance wirh generally accepted engineering principles and practices. GOVERNING CODE: CONCRETE: MASONRY: MORTAR: GROUT: 2200'1 JOS-------------------''-----'--- OF 'z_,,\ MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES Consulting Strucniral Engineers C~tCUlATEOBY ________ OATE ______ _ CHECKEDBY _________ DATE ______ _ SCALE _________________ _ DESIGN CRITERIA SUMMARY 2019 C.8.C. fc ~ 2500 PSI. NO SPECIAL INSPECTION REQ'D, (U.N.O.) ASTM C90, fm = 1500 PSI, SPECIAL INSPECTION REQ'[) (U.N.O,) ASTM C270, fc = 1900 PSI, TYPES ASlM CI0l9; fc = 2000 PSI REINFORCING STEEL: ASTM A6 I 5, Fy = 40 KSI FOR #3 AND SMALLER STRUCTURAL STEEL: WELDING: SAWN LUMBER: I-JOISTS: MICRO LLAMS/ PARA LLAMS/ TIMBERSTRAND GLULAMS: SOIL: ASTM A615. F, = 60 KSJ FOR #4 AND LARGER (U,N.O,) ASTM A992, F, = 50 KS! (ALL 'W' SHAPES, ONLY) ASTM A36, Fy = 36 KS! (STRUCTURAL PLATES, ANGLES, CHANNELS) ASTM A500, GRADE B, F, = 46 KS! (STRUCTURAL TUBES-HSS) ASTM A53, GRADE B, F, = 35 KS! (STRUCTURAL PIPES) E70-T6,TYP. FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL E90 SERIES FOR A6l 5 GRADE 60 REINFORCING BARS DOUG FIR LARCH, ALLOWABLE UNIT STRESSES PER THE NDS. BOISE CASCADE -ICC ESR-1336 -(BC! JOIST) BOISE CASCADE· ICC ESR-1040 -(VERSA-LAM) DOUGLAS HR OR DOUGLAS FIR/HEM GRADE 24P-V4 (SIMPLE SPANS) GRADE 24F-V8 (CANTILEVERS) [ffEXIST!NG NATURAL SOIL V ALlJES PER CBC TABLE I 806.2 SOIL CLASS!FJCATION -l/NCI-AS:SfflE./:> 0 SOILS REPORT BY: ______________ _ DATED: ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE ACTIVE SOIL PRESSURE (CANTILEVER) ACTIVE SOIL PRESSURE (RESTRAINED) PASSIVE SOIL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION _l!,.-CO=O=O_PSF _____ PCF _____ ,PCF _____ PCF 22-004 MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES SHElTN0,, _______ 1c_ __ _ ConsuJcing Structural Engineers CA!.CUI.ATEOBY~--~ ... J § CHECKED BY _________ OATE-...... ~ SCALE __ _ DESIGN LOADS MATERIAL: ROOF SLOPE: Di~i~~i:iATERIAL ........ (1.,Qp..S-.fJ.(13 ·:. 1?:!2:) .. ~ .. J.'.(:) .. ~ .................. . SHEATHING ..................................................................... . RAFTERS/CJ. (or) TRUSSES ....................... "·····•• .................... . INSULATION ................................................................................................................... . DRYWALL .............................................................. . OTHER (ELEC.. MECH .• MISC.) ............. . TOTAL DEAD LOAD: LIVE LOAD: TOT AL LOAD: %.0 PSF 1.5 4.0 1.5 2.5 0.5 I'% .0 PSF 20 .0 PSF ~<i; .0 PSF CASE II 1.5 4.0 1.5 2.5 0.5 PSF .0 PSF .O PSF .0 PSF FLOOR DECK FLOOR MATERIAL: WMP/lJ\ePer ___ _ DEAD LOAD: FLOORING FINISH ........................................... . LT. WEIGHT CONCRETE ( __ _in.) ........................... . SHEATHING ......................................................... . JOISTS ................................................................................................. . DRYWALL ........................................... "············· OTHER (ELEC., MECH., MISC.) ......................................................................... . TOTAL DEAD LOAD: LIVE LOAD: TOTAL LOAD: EXTERIOR WALL FINISH: STUDS ........................................................................................... . DRYWALL ............................................................................................... . INSULATJON .............. . EXTERJOR FINISH ...... . OTHER ......... . TOTAL LOAD: INTERIOR WALL STUDS ............ . DRYWALL ............. .. OTHER .. TOTAL LOAD: 1.0 PSF 2.0 3.5 2.5 3.0 15 .0 PSF 4n .0 PSF 55 .0 PSF srucco 1.0 PSF 2.5 1.5 10 .o 1.0 lb .o PSF PSF 2.0 3.5 2.5 3.0 .o PSF .0 PSF .o PSF J.0 PSF 2,5 l.5 .o J.0 .0 PSF 1.0 PSF 5.0 ....... __LQ -:j.0 PSF JOB ____ _ MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES Consuldng Structural Engineers SHEET NO ____ Sc_ ____ 0'-'4------ CALCULATEO BY ____ T-'--§+----DATE ______ _ CHECKED BY _______ _ DATf __ _ SCALE ____________ _ HORIZONTAL MEMBER DESIGN LEVEL: \q)Qf- MEMBERS: ________ _ LABEL: g,?-! ✓ UNff"ORM LOAD 0 POINT LO,ill (CLNTERED) 0 CUSTOM L0ADJNG (SEE DIAGRAM) W1 ~ (3'6 p_sf 0 lb' o.c.) w,- P1 '·' P, ~ ., USE: l.J.7> @ II, O.C. GRADE: ~l C: ----ALT: ______ GRADE: _____ C: __ _ LABEL: \2B-! SPAN= 14 FT, !ff' lJNlfORM LOAD 0 POINT LOAD (CENTERED) 0 CUSTOM LOADfNG !SEE DIAGRAM) w, = (to.½ 1-10•½.X 343 psf) "' 3'f 1 plf (l<i!tJ D /t t0 t-.-) w,- P, = P, - USE: b >< 14 GRADE: #I C: ALT: GRADE: C: LABEL: !<!H-I SPAN= 5.5 FT. I!r !JNIF0RM LOAD 0 POINT LOAD (CENTERED) 0 CUSTOM LOADING !SEE D!AGRAMl w,-('0·3/'z+l 1)(3'bp.sf)-=-,2..3'6 plf (ll;O/t:z5u) w, = P, = P, . usE: __ 4..;_..x _'n ___ GRADE: __ tt_l __ c, __ _ ALT: GRADE: C: __ _ Rr,= 2-?'{, lbs DL-___ lbs LLR-___ lbs LL-___ lbs 1 Rt= 2 ?"f3 lbs DL-___ .lbs ~ 1 R1,'" 614 lbs DL 0 , lbs --·---------· LLR-lbs LL= lbs R -;2. '?(; lbs R ------•---DL = ___ lbs RR -2 7'1"3 lbs DL= ___ l.bs LL•= -lbs LL --c-_______ lbs k 1 R•= f;.":?,q lbs DL= lbs LL•= lbs LL= lbs Project Title: Peterson Add1t1on Engineer: TG ProJecl ID: 22004 f Project Oesa Sheet No If.. of .. 1 .... Wood Beam DESCRIPTION: RR-1 CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NOS 2018, IBC 2018. CBC 2019, ASCE 7·16 Load Combination Set. ASCE 7-16 Material Properties ,I Softwa.re t EN£RCALC. !NC. 1983-,202: , . . . Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Load Combina:,on ASCE ?·16 Fb + Fb- 1.000 O psi 1,000 0 ps, 1.500.0 ps E . Modulus of Etasfo::ity Wood Species VVood Grade Beam Bracing ~---· I Douglas Fir-Larch No.1 r:c Prl! Fe Perp Fv Fl Beam is Fui1y Braced a9airist !ateraHorsionai buckling 2"6 Span= 10.50 ft 625 Ops: 180.0 PSI 675.0 ps, Ebend• xx 1, 700.0ks, Emhberd x.x 620.0k$! Dens1!y 31.210pcf 1 Applied Loads Serv1ce loads entered Load r actors wi!! be applied fo1 ca!culatlons. Beam seff weight calculated and added to 1oads Uniform Loa,-:j . D O O 1130. Lr ::: 0 020 ksf T rib-utsry Widih ~--1. 333 tt, (W 1 J __ DESIGN _SUMMARY __ . Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb: Actual 0.44ft 1 2x8 667.14psi 1.500 OOpsi Maximum Shear Fb Allowable Load Combination Location d maxrmum on spa11 Span# 'Where maximum occurs 1 MBximurn Deflection Max Downward Trans\ent Deflectton Max Upward Transient Defteclioo Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward T olal Defiecl!on +:J+Lr 5250ft Span# 1 0.091 :o Ratio" 0. 000 in Ratio 0.180 in Ratio:::: 0 .000 in Raf10 ·::.. Maximum Forces & Stresses fur Load Combinations Load Comhmatiori Max Stress R.atios Segment Leng!!'! Span tf M V Cd C ;;._:\' C; Cr I' "tn DOnly Length;;; 10 .% J\ 0.307 0, !05 C 90 1200 1 00 I DO DD i.l) ~Lr 1 200 100 1 DD :)(J length:::: 10.50 ft 0.445 (),152 1 25 t 200 1 00 1 00 JO .[}+() 750i.J 1100 1.00 1 00 00 Length::: 10 SD n 0 309 01'.B 1 25 1 200 I QQ 1 00 00 t-0600 LWO : 00 1.0() DO ! e,igth'" 10.bO tt 1 0.\(.)4 0 035 1.60 "1 20D "L◊D 1 00 DO Overall Maximum Deflections Load Cnmbhm1011 Span Max "." Defi Location in Sp;,r ... D~Lr 0.1801 5 238 Section used for this span fv; Actual Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span# where maximum occurs 1391 >0 360 C<360 699>::::240 {}<240 C ' Cl i_OO 1.00 1 00 100 1 00 100 1.00 1 00 1 GD 1.0J j_l\/\ 100 1.00 DO l .. o:'ld Cornbinotion Moment Vwues M fb a Jti ZZ'i 53 0 73 667 14 0 64 583.27 0.22 193 95 F'b COD 1080.0f.J DOU 1500 DO 0.00 1500 00 0 00 1)20 00 t>/ax Des· nOK V Q 00 0 12 (1.00 G 25 C OC G 22 () oc O.Cl '+'"Deft D OOOC· 0.152:1 2x8 34.18psi 225 oo psi +{)+Lr oooon Span# 1 Shear Vc.i!;es ,, OM F\, C 00 15.91 162 00 G 00 000 34 1e 22500 ODO 0 QO 29.89 2?5.00 D DO 0.00 10 20 28B.OO 1.ocallcm in Spar 0 000 Wood Beam DESCRIPTION: RR,1 Vertical Reactions Load Combination 11erar AA ,1rnur-, Overall M!Nirnum C Only 0D<_r ~.[).,;J 750l.r .060D L' Ooiy 0 140 0 l'\1\ 0 278 0 243 0083 0.140 Project Tlt1e: Peterson Addil!on Engineer: TG ~;~/:~; ~esc,jt:; No _'!_ of _7, L Support rm!ati0,1. Far idt 1s P.f Vatues !11 KIPS 0 140 () 1'.IB 0.278 D.243 0.063 0 140 Wood Beam DESCRIPTION: RB-1 CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NOS 2018, IBC 2018, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set :ASCE 7-16 Material Properties ;.,ria!ysis Method. Allowable Stress Design Load Combination ASCE 7-16 Wood Species Wood Grade Douglas Fir-Larch No.1 Project T1t1e: Peterson Addition Engineer: TG Pro,ect ID 22004 (/ Project Descr: Sneet No. __ ,-R_ of )'.-/ Fe• Pr!i Fe -Pe:p Fv ENERCALC. iNC. ~.9B:3- E · Modulus of Eiasficity Etiend, ~x Eminbend -xx Bearri Bracing H BBam is F uily Braced agmnst fateraHorsiona! buck!mg 1350 psi 1350 psi 925 psi 625r~, 170 ps! 675 psi Span= 14.0 fi 1600ksi 580ksi 3121pcl Applied Loads Service !oa<ls entered. Load ~·actors will be ap;:i:ied tor calculations Unrlorm Load D;;: 0. 1890, l.r ::. O 2-10 1:ibutary Width,:· 1.0 ft, (W1) 0£$.IGN §1,!J'v1MABY · Maxirnurn Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this sptm lb: Actual Fb: Allowable Load Combination Locahon of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs tAaximum Defiecflon Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Defiectio1'1 Max Upward Tota! Deflectior• OA16 1 6x14 702.17psi i,68750osi +C1+Lr 7.000ft Span# 1 Maxirn1..1rr1 Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv· Actu,1! O.~ O"i ir-, H.atlo;;.; 0.000 ,,, Ralio" 0.192 in Ra-tic';.· 0.000 in Ralio • Fv· Allowable Load Combination location or rnaxirwm on span Spari # whom max\mu11 occurs ') <360 873>::;240 fJ <7<!0 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combmation Max Stress Ratios Momer.t Voiues Segmen! length Spor.# M \j Cd C r::v Ci c, Cn C I C-L M tb DOnly Lfflglll-" 140ft 0 274 0.147 0 90 C 98? 100 100 1 00 100 \ 00 t &3 317, B1 -1-(>t1 0.987 1.0D 1 00 'oc I 00 ', 00 l en.gth:.:. 14.0 ft G 4 H} C 223 1 25 C 907 100 ! 00 I 00 l 00 1 OD 9.?8 70:117 •D+C.75{}U 0.987 1 00 1 00 I 00 1-00 l DU L.t>fl!J!h"" 14.0 tt 0 3:'1 0194 1 25 0 987 I 00 !.00 1 00 1 DO 1(){) 8 49 609 if ..... :, OOD [1%7 100 1 00 1 00 11}!} ', 00 L<'ngth :, 14.0 It 0 092 0 049 160 09Bi' I 00 1 GO 1.00 H:C l.JO ?.lf 1%56 Overall Maximum Deflections Spar, Load Cornbrnatori r't 0 00 121s :n 000 1$87.50 0 OD 1~h7 50 0 00 2v~c no Oest n OK V 0 00 I 11 f.>0\J 2.~4 O.CC 2 t4 o nn 0 fi'? 0.223 : 1 6x14 47.36psi 212.50 psi ➔D..-Lr 12,876/i Span# 1 Shear Valwes t, 0 00 C'y () 00 22.44 1$3 0t C "" 'vv 0 0C &.7 3G ?'\?.51 0 00 0 00 " n 2'.2 fl,:) OOD 0 [)Q 1H6 2i2 00 Wood Beam DESCRIPTION: Vertical Reactions Load Comb111at1on , era\l .A, ,imum O>:era:1 M!Nimum DOn!y +D+V ·~D+O 750lr +,J &DD ~1 Only 1470 1 323 2793 ?42& D.794 1.4?0 1 470 1 3'.>3 2 783 2.426 C.794 1470 Project Title: Pe1erson Addition Engineer TG Pro;ect ID: 22004 IA Z Project Descr.·Sheet No. ___ :,.L_-of __ {_ Values m KPS Wood Beam DESCRIPTION; RH 1 CODE REFERENCES Project Title: Peterson Adrii\101 Engineer: TG Project ID: 22004 Project Descr Sheet No LQ __ of _,11_ P(nteJ i 1 JAN 2022, 10·3/AM ·1 e: e-ersorte-c Sof!watie co 1! ENERCALG. INC 19F,J--2020, 8ui-O:f2-?0 B 24 Calculations per NOS 2018, IBC 2018, CBC 2019. ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set: ASCF 7-16 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Load Combinat,on ASCE 7-16 vvood Sper;1e5 WctOO Grade : Douglas F1n __ arcr, No 1 Fb + Fb "c-Pcl! Fe -Perp Fv Ft Beam Bracmg Beam is Fuily Braced agamst !aternH01sional buckEng 4x8 Span• 5.50 ft 1.350.0µs, 1,350 Ops, 925.0 ps, 625 0 psi 1700psi 675.0 ps, E · A.1odulus of Eiast1c1ty Ebend· xx 1,600,0ksi Erniribend, xx 580.0ksi 31 210pcf Applied Loads Service loads entered. Load factors wiU be applied for calcu!at,uns Bean-, self we:ghl. calcuia1eci and added to toads lirdonnload D::.0.1130. Lr" 01250 l'nx1ary'Widtr1 :-.1 Cft 081) QE$1,()N $!JMMAR'!' Maximum Benrllnq Stress Ratio Section used for this span ft;: Actual Fb: A:iowable Load Comtxnation Loeation of maximum on span Span tt where ma,;irnu.11 occurs Maximum Denection Max Downward Trn!'151en! Def!eciion Max Upward Transien! Deflection Max Dmvnward Tota! Deflection Max Upward Tota! Deflection 0.164: 1 4x8 360 35psi 2, 1937oosi Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv: Actual -~D+Lr 2.,son Spar. tt 1 0.015 m Ratio;·.- 0.000 jr, Ratio~ G.028 in Ratio"' 0 .000 \n R~ho c.. Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on soar Span # whee maximuri occurs 4534 ,,,350 . <360 :?327 ,,,240 :,<240 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load CombinaliY.'1 Segrneni Length DOn!y Ler.gJI" ,·. 5 50 ft +O+Lr Len,;th ~ 5 .SG fl +D4>!.!~0U lMgth ,:. 5 50 ft Mai.: Stress Raters M V i} 164 () 145 LFig{h •, 5.50 j\ 1 {; S,v·/ 0 033 Overall Maximum Deflections load Corrsbinabr C.9\J 1 300 i 3()0 115 1)(li) 1-300 125 1300 1 30(1 1$0 1300 !.00 1 00 1 00 1 GO 100 100 1 00 1 ()() 1 00 1 00 ~ OG i 00 '. 00 1 00 M fo 100 100 100 100 1.DO 100 1.00 1 00 1.CO 1.C◊ 100 1Gt 1.00 , oc 1.cc 100 1.(;Q 100 100 ;oc 100 o.n 10s 22 !.cad Combwaf101, Fb 0.00 1579 50 0 00 (}.0() /193 ;'5 0 00 28G8 DG {)0000 Desi nOK 0.145: 1 4x8 30.92 ps1 21250psi ~D.-.Lr 4 898ft. Span# 1 Shear Values ODO 0.00 0 00 0.25 lS 05 153 00 ooo ooo one 052 3092 2~250 000 000 DOC 046 :es[) 21;:so ooo ooc cnn ()15 903 27200 t: 000 Wood Beam DESCRIPTION: RH-1 Vertical Reactions Loa.rt Combination vera:1 1rnurn Overail MINimurn D Only -i-D+!.f +D+DJ50lr «') 600 Lr Ody 0 344 D.326 0 670 0 584 0 1% G.344 Pro1ect Tlt!e· Pelerson Add1t1on Engineer: TG Project ID: 22004 Project Descr Shcel No .. IL of . ?l 1 e: ~eterson. ! tr,rqcA.LC. :NC. 1983.2020. 8wit12.2C.8.24 SuppC'fl notaiion far letl is #i 0 344 0-326 0.670 0.584 ft196 0.344 !vfike Surprenant Job ______ 2_2--'0'----O'--4_.___ & Associates Consulting Structural Engineers Sheet No. ___ ___,li,_of_v_l __ _ Calculated by Date --------- Checked by _____ Date __ _ WIND DESIGN Main Wind Force Resisting System: Method Used ,. Analytical Procedure Maximum Building Height (z) =c:::::]filfeet Design Wind Speed =c=JQQ)mph (100 mph for California) K0 ::: 0.85 I::: 1.00 Exposure Category :I Bl (per ASCE-7, 26.7.3) K,= 0.70 K21 = 1.00 G = 0.85 G cp;::: -0.18 Cp = 0.80 and •0.5 (windward and leeward walls) qh::: 15.24 psi P -I 10.53ipsf (Note: Reduced by factor of 1.6 for ASD Design) E)(p0SUl'.E 0 . 4g a " t1'.\k '>Oi 6 CHOSEN EXPOSURE = B 7.0 1200 0.14 0.84 0.25 0.45 C 9.5 900 0.11 1.00 0.15 0.65 D 11.5 700 0.09 1.07 0.11 0.80 SEISMIC DESIGN "C I E 0.30 320 0.33 0.20 500 0.20 0.15 650 0.13 ~ 30 15 7 v11ev1 •->•=U.l ",=v . ..i ",=u,-, v 1--'VA .:>1..::u.o Method used = Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Occupancy Category= ,..2 __ __ R=l6.5 I= 1.0 Site Class = D ---Ss = 1.046 S1 = 0.380 Seismic Design Category (SOS)"' D Seismic Design Category (SOT} =l'!!D---t r. = 0.26 Cs::: 0.13 Csmax = 0.29 Cs"""= 0.04 Csact "',..I0-.1-29--. g g sec (1 ,2,3,4) (Residential= 2) (6.5 for wood shear walls) (Residential= 1.0) B C D E (A,B,C,D,E) (0.2 sec) (1 sec) F. = ,1 .200 I F,= 1.920 0.8 1.5 2.4 4.2 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.0 3.3 2.8 Sos = 0.837 g So,= 0.486 g (Use the worst case seismic design category) 0.8 1.5 1.9 2.4 p = ... 1 __ 1 ..... 31 c:::> v =I o.12ofwx (Csaci'P)"W,/1 .4 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.8 2.2 JQB ____________ 2_2_0_0_<3~_ SHEETNO., ______ _.,_.r...._ OF -i,'\ M.lK.E SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES Consulting Struc:tural Engineers CALCULATEDSY ___ _.:,T_,(i=r----DATE _____ _ CHECKEOBY ________ DAl'E _____ _ SCALE ________________ _ Wt (DEAD LOA])S) · (SEISMIC) . (N) , ' I~ ~1 o g Y A t7 D t Tl O tv ROO}"' WEIGHT: Diaphragm =' ··· ( 541 . 5 F)( J<i p£fil == ···· • ······· ' I ' ExteriorWallWdght =. ( ~5 ')( i~)(lb ps.f)::. Interior Wall Weight = ( ~ 5 · 1 ) ( ~/2) C 1 p-i·f) = -'Fr3i LBS ,5440 LBS lZbO LBS TotaJ Weight;,(Tributary toDiaphragm).:: _ .. _. ---------------...c,..;;.-__;,._ FLOOR WEIGHT: -- ... / b 43'6 LBS Diaphragm=·------------'--'-----------------LBS Exterior WaU·Weighr == _ __, ________________________ LBS Interior Wall Weight = _________________________ LBS Total Weighf(Tributary to 01nphragm) =--'-------,----------...;;;_--'---LBS · FLOOR WEIGHT: -- Diaphragm =.----,-~--:---:-----,,-----~-------------LBS Exterior Wall Weight= ________________________ _ LBS Tnter'ior Wall Weight = ________________________ _ LBS Total Weight (Tributary to Diaphragm)= ___________________ _ LBS !b43Z TOTAL DEAD LOAD, Wt ==,,.,__----.....----------------'-"'----''-"--'---LBS BASE SHEAR, V = (O.,izo) +{20%Addn'IF.0 .S.) Wt = (0.1 cq4o)(l643~)::: 236=! LBS UNIT SHEAR, v =VI Area (Applies to single level structures only)= (2 36::/-)/ {54t) = 4,j'3 PSF JOS __________ -=--2.....!!z=-o=-o=-·_!4_ MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES Sl1EElNO. _______ ......;:~~i.1.. OF--"11+------- Consulting Structur.tl Engineers CALCULATEDBY ____ T_9 ___ _ DATE ______ _ CHECKED liY _________ DATE ______ _ SCALE __________________ _ SHEARW ALL DESIGN lst ___ Story Shearwalls Direction . Unit Lateral Load, v = L/ • 3 3 psf Gridline . 3 S: 1 ) Tributary Area (This Level): ~{_J.~·~:¾-""':?'-"~{J.~3::..._l,:_)_=-_______________ _.::...2_,_-7'_,_/_sq. ft. Lateral Load (This Level): (i-f I) ( _.,. ~ ~) =-. I I 'S ~ Lbs Lateral Load (Level Above): Lbs Total Load (All Levels), Fx = ----~I lw,g,!..."f.t...· ·-Lbs Shearwall(s) Length, L = ---:-----"2-~0 ____ ft. Unit Wall Shear, v;: F.IL = _ __;5::;..'1..,___ plf Shearwall Type: Overturning: L = ____ ft Vokay by Inspection Uplift= _________________________ Lbs Holdown Anchor Type: □ Gridline l · (2 1 51 ~ ') ,2.35~) ) Tributary Area (This Level): . · '/z., (lq, · S + ( '1/,2. {1-3' = 41Q sq. ft. Lateral Load (This Level): _.....(4......,_:?"'D .... lC .... 4L.:. . .:.<.J.L.<.l)_:: _________________ );..,6....,s:::..4_,__Lbs Lateral Load (Level Above): Lbs I 0 , ..s.41 := I .:f Total Load (All Levels), Fx"" ____ ..,.2-:::;,Q,£.;5~'f_Lbs Shearwall(s) Length, L = ---=-=------:1 ____ ft. Unit WaH Shear, v = F/L = I 4 3:: plf Shearwall Type: (I} Overturning: L = ____ ft. ✓Okay by Inspection Uplift= _________________________ Lbs Holdown Anchor Type: □ --------------------- Gridline _____ _ Tributary Area (This Level): ___________________________ sq. ft. Lateral Load (This Level): Lbs Lateral Load (Level Above): Lbs Total Load (All Levels), F, = ________ Lbs Shearwall(s) Length, L = __________ ft. Unit Wall Shear, v=F/L = _____ plf Shearwall Type: Q Overturning: L = ____ ft. __ Okay by Inspection Uplift = _________________________ Lbs Holdown Anchor Type: □ MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES Consulting Strm.'tUral Engineers Joo ______ ~_----=2_2_D_O"'"'"<:(...,__ SMEETN0. ________ ~(~6' OF_V"-'-{ _____ _ CALCV!.AH:'O BY ____ !-'--~=+----DATE ______ _ CHECKED BY _________ DATE ______ _ SCALE ___________________ _ 15-t' Stpry Shearwalls t ✓w Direction • Unit Lateral Load, v = 4. :S S psf Gridline :D · / Tributary Area (This Level): ~(_2,_..,,3_,. 5,_')~{_2~½.::;.t.-.L,)_= _______________ __,...,.2--=1..,,.....f.__ sq. ft . Lateral Load (This Level): (Z.? l) (:'{. 3'b} :; /1 <or Lbs Lateral Loa<;! (Level Above): Lbs Total Load (All Levels), P~ = ____ __._l..._/ $..,__=?-'--_ Lbs -,--..,,..._-· _l"--1' ____ ft. Io 'P: pif Shearwall(s) Length, 'L Unit Wall shear, V = Fxn~ = Shearwall Type: (]} Oy~,rturning; L = ____ ft. ~lcay ;by lnspe~tiQ!l Uplift= _______________ _,_ __________ Lbs Holdown Anchor Type: D Gridline __ ..;;.F ___ _ Tributary Afea (This Level): ' ( ~'3 · 51{.t..V,?.-,..,.)'-~------------------.,..,--c-:r-- Lateral Load (This Level): __ f 2~9-/)__,._(~~-=3 __ <g~Q_-:: __________________ _ 2:, I sq. f1. 11i1 Lbs Lateral Load (Level Above): _, ----------------------~--,-:-::--,--- Total Load (All Levels), F, = -------'---4---' Shearwall(s) Length, L ~. _____ J_b _____ ft. Lbs I 1$1-Lbs Unit Wall Shear, v = F,/L = ,---=1 .... 1....___ plf Shearwall Type: ([) Overturning: L = ____ ft. ~ay by Inspection Uplift= _________________________ Lbs Holdown Anchor Type: D Gridline ______ _ Tributary Area (This Level): ____________________________ sq. ft. Lateral Load (This Level): Lbs Lateral Load (Level Above): Lbs Total Load (All Levels), F, = ________ Lbs Shearwall(s) Length, L = __________ ft. Unit Wall Shear, v = F~/L = _____ plf Shearwall Type: Q Overturning: L = ____ ft . ___ Okay by Inspection Uplift= __________________________ Lbs Holdown Anchor Type: D JOf.l _________ -=-2 -=--2 -=-o-=-o_"lc___ MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers SHEET NO. ______ __,_,,((.,_, OF_Y-{~-----\ CALCUlATEOSY ___ T~~--1----OATE _____ _ CHECKEOBY ________ OATE _____ _ SCALE _______________ _ FOUNDATION DESIGN ALLOWABLE APPLIED LOADS Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure (ASBP) = _I o_o_o_ psf (Per Design Criteria) CONTINUOUS FOOTINGS i Wn~x t t / LJ , h . . / / L, k 1 b 71 Ftg. Width (b) = I .o ft. Depth of Ftg. (h) = 1. 0 ft. w AIJ.OW = ASBP (b) -( l 00 0) (,. o.) ::::-I DOD plf I USE: 1-Z... "WIDE x 12-"DEEP. WITH 2-#~TOP & BOTTOM MARK: CF-2 Ftg. Width (b) = ___ ft. Depth of Ftg. (h) = _____ ft. W ,ill,QW = ASBP (b) --______________ _,.nlf I USE: ,, WIDE X WMAX @ Gridline D/F = WMAX@ Gridline __ = WMAX @ Gridline __ = W w,x @ Gridline __ = "DEEP. w ·rrH # 5b5 plf plf plf plf TOP&BOTl'OM USE: CF-_I_ USE: CF- USE: CF- USE: CF- 0 PR!lOI Jf:1 ,07 MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES (',onsulting Structural Engineers JQB ________ ...:::_:Z_.:2::_:0:::..;D~tf-1--_ SHEETN0. ____ ~ ___ 11-.:....-OF ¼ CALCULATEOBV ___ l_,_9 ___ DATE _____ _ CHECKE"08V ________ OAfE _____ _ SCALE----------------- CONTINUOUS FOOTINGS -MAX POST LOADS lPm / / h (ft.) , 2h (ft.) MARK: CF-1 PMAX = ASBP(b)(2h).= (lOOO)(t .o) (txJ.O):: 2000 LBS. MARK: CF-2 PMAX = ASBP(b)(2h) --_________________ L.BS. ; •. ' ,,, . ' ' . ., ✓ . - . •· " . , . ., ., . V < . . , MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES J , L.w,. _ "'""' .,,,._ Consulting Structural Engineers ~.'.J" \ ; . ' JOB __________ __:_z,,_::2,,,_::0~O::::...-.1:Ii..,__ SHEETNO. _____ --'-Jft"'-OF ...,._Z,_.._i. ___ _ CALCULATEOBY ___ \~9~--OAT!; ____ _ CHECKEDllV _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE _____________ _ . .. l .: , . ' SPREAD FOOTINGS -MAX. ALLOWABLE CONCENTRATED LOADS ; PMAX /I , =j(ft) ' -·-- ! l . l . ; , h(ft.) MARK:P-1 1 1 . = ASBP (b)2 = ( l 000}(1-J2 :: 4000 ' pl\fAX LBS. ' I USE: 24" SQUARE x It "DEEP WITH (2) # 4 EACH WAY @ BOTTOM I : MARK:P-2 . l I 000).(2 .5'f ~ bi6o • PMAx =ASBP(b)2 = LBS I USE: 30" SQUARE x Ii " DEEP WITH (3) # 4 EACH WAY @ BOTTOM I . ' • MARK: P-3 ; (I 0002(3?,:; 1000 '· PMA:X =ASBP(b)2 = LBS. . ' I USE: 36" SQUARE x 12 '' DEEP WITH (4) # 4 EACH WAY @ BOTTOM I ' MARKP-4 PMAx = ASBP(b)2 = ( l Oo O)(~.s.)2·~ lz.2-50 LBS. jUSE: 42" SQUARE x 12 "DEEP WITH (5) # 4 EACH WAY @ BOTTOM I . MARK: P-5 PMAx = ASBP (b)2 = ( I QOD}(1f·~ lbDOD LBS. I USE: 48" SQUARE x l'l " DEEP WITH (6) # 4 EACH WAY @ BOTTOM I 0 PR()fltlf'T ?ft? MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES Consulting Sr.mctural Engineers ZZ-001 Joe ______________________ _;,_ __ SHEH N◊-----------;l-"l+,-" OF 1.1.,:.-4-______ _ CALCULATE08Y __________ _ OATE _________ _ CHECKEOSV ___________ _ SCALE _________________________ _ SCHEDULES n PA(YltlM?m FIE¥ . .All.. 2016 SHEARWALLSCHEDULE DESCRIPTION 514EARWALL NAILi~ ®@ Sl4EAR TRAN5fER SPEC.@ G)@@@ 3x@ NAIL SILL ATTACI-NENT(D(D(! eorrc,,i PLATE@ TOP PLATE 5'11100L VALUE INSP. HATERIAL FRAMING 6N, EN. I'll (PI..F) &IZE &18'♦ AB. SPAC~ @© F<EQ'O FIEQ'O NAILS, LAGS a.IP& 0 2E>0 NO 3/81 APA AAlED eHEAT!-411,t:; NO !ld b' 12' 48' OC, 16d • b' OC. ~•lb' OC. 0 ~ NO l&/3l' sn;u:;T\RAL I NO ll'd f,' 12' 32'O.C. lbd • t,' OC, ~ • 12'0C. AAlED 6HEAT141NG 0 ~ YES 31&' APA AAlED SHEATH!t(; NO !ld 4' 12' 32'0C, l&d • -4' OC A3:, • 12' oc. 0 ;&e YES 3/8'5T~I YES !ld 3' 12' 2-4' oc. ¼'♦ X b' 505 • 4' OJ;. A3:, • 8' oc. RA TED SI-IEATf.l!NG <ST~D TO -4x 61.1<'6J 0 13" 1ES 318' STl<UCT\JRAL I T'ES !ld 2' ti' lh' OC. '4'♦ X f>' 50& • 3' OC. LW4•8'OC. RATED MATf.ltt«; (ST~ TO -4x 61.J('GJ 0 810 Yl:5 &/32' STRJCT\RAL. I YES leld 2' 11' 16' oc. v4'♦ X f>' 505 • 2\)' OC. LW-4 • 8' O.C. RATED 51-lEAT!-4~ <STAOOE!-ED TO 4x 61.i<'G) 0 f>/32' 5TRJCT\RAL I RATED 5/8'♦ X 8' U6S • 8' OC. 1340 YES S!-4:ATM~(APF'LlED to @ Ye:5 10d 2' 12' e•oc, (ST~ TO 4x 61.K.'61 LlP-' • ,•oc. BOTM SIDE& Cf UJALLJ 514EARWALL SCl-lEDULE FOOTNOTES, CD ~Ba.ff> 11J5T !!£ et!!EOOED,. MNIU1 tlTO!EIICOQIEfE. Iott.Ee&~ tmfiJlilWIE. UQE ~ -TO eE AtTAOEP TO EX1$mli coalEll; M'♦ nRA0ED Ilia)~ eMNJ. eE El'QXIEO ~ ,. t11HtlN ~ Nto Tl£ EXlSOO l'OOm,& AT M!! &PAClola IIOICAT!D IN AeOVE $OEl\l.E. uee l!tFSON 'eET .)(!/" l:f'O)O', ICC-E9!1t-2!lft. lftCIAL Ml'l!~ te'.CU!IIW! (D 511.L PI.AlES TO eE ATTACl£D u&INa A l1M'U'1 O' (2) ~ea.rs~ F'tECE llTll ~ eolT& LOC41£D 4-318' l1INl1J1 I o· HAXt1J1 PR::lt1 E..al et>. @ ~ !:!Ot.l llOI.E& TO !lE ~ 1131' l1AXtu'I ovat51.!ED, @ FGUCATIGW ~ 60Ll$ IN AU.~ 9IWl. IICLL[)£ &lEEL Pl.All: 11.451EA&, A l'ff1tl Cf' em~ 8T 3 ~ Bl' l I08 Ill $1ZJ\, 1!!£t'U;Bj nE &11.1. 1"1.AU: JH:J NIT. Ml: MCllE H "M! FI.AlE ~I! f'£lf1ITTEt> TOllEDIK.OHALLl' eLOTTED lllTM A!IIDTIHP TOW IIOIURiEJII 1WAN H l!lOLTDW"ElE!I! NC> AS.Of l&ti'!!INOTTOE>al:J) l•J/4 IIOEII,~ A IITAICAIIO CUT~Rl& Pi.ACED l!5£TIEEN 114: PLATE IIIAM:lt IK> 1\£ JollT. 1511"901 ~·)' ACCEPTA!Ul nE ~ SMAU. l!lE ~ .ll8T PlllO!t TO CClelks Ill.ALL~ 9EE Al.$() lll?OO NOTE -,i_ @ U!!E IXU:a.4.! FIR NO. 2 F'!'El!e!R ffl:ATED &Ill. 1'1.ATE&, e«.HEER TO eE NOTFEO""" l'<E-OE!llGH F CTIER ffCIEll OF 511.1. PLATE& "11E. U5EI) Oil ME PARr Cl' n£ l:Xlllltti eull.DKs. @ HlllE NOTEJ:), ~ AT FO.N:>ATlC'I SU f"I.AtE&. MO PI.L ~ l'1HlE1I! IIE(%l'vk, ElX,E NAILtti FIIICtl Al!UTTk, P.AIEl.5, &MALL l!lE 3x Ntll114AL Oil TllfCIC:ER ALL H.1. !"I.All: Mt> !IEATlltc. JOINT IIAlltc.-~ eE &TAGC.ERE"D, G) &I-EAR PAIEI.& SHALi. eE Al'Pt.11:1:> DIRECtL Y 10 &!ID~ AT 16' ON aNlElllHAXntt @ III-E!i£ ~lliki PAI£!.$ ARE APP..IW ON ec!II MCES Cl' n.te ~ S!EAMt. PAie. ~ &MAI..!. QCOIR AT 31 NCHW. OIi! n«:ICER FIWll«, 11:l'ef:RII. P~ JOINT& OI FiAOl 8101!. OF IIW.I. &I-IAI.L BE !T A6CtEJiEP, @ AU. .::ico &IEATIKs P,IIE. £06E! 6MAl..l. l!lE eLOCICEP UTll HlMN Jx aoc:!CK,.IN.E&& NOlEt) ~ @) ~ IIMTM l10ll£ llWl G)I: VERTICAl. PANS. IN IEt:.HT 6MAI.L Mo!.\'£ Em£!t YDITICAL Oil MOIIIUOITAI. &T~ !l'I.JCEP JOINT&, @ at.'!' a:ttQl NAU Al,£ TO eE U&ED fQR AU. $-£AM-ti ATTACH-eir. MAI. GIM UM(; 'ClFPEt> IE.AO' OIII '&N<l:R' NAA.& ARE NOT ACC£Pl'Ael.£. @ ~ ll&' IVt.t1 EDGE DIST.Ala& t<ll'I ,ALL $EA!WMi M? FR.llfii l'E!'fi1l EDGE HA!I.H:i. @ tl'!liXO JH:J/OR. EXl'El'<IOR "9e:R O'w£II! A WOP $£All™, ~ 6M.AL1. l!lE 1114~1) dTl-1 A MM1.l1 Cl' /2J LAl'El'I& c:f' I!; b. R;l. l f'Al'ER @ PERiCOIC ~CIAI. INSl'ECT!CH i, ~!IS> l'£lt cec SECT!al l'lf$J2J MRFT fll LOCAL l!llfU)K, ~ I!' E><!l'f'Tla.s R'!"l.l'l n t 0 C, -;~~ s: e; Jg rn ~ rn C:: 2 0 ::0 ~n~ c-~ i-> l}1 .., 11'1 t:r1 z ~-rn ~ ;: .., V, (') ~ V, () :r :r > ... s ... () n "' :,,: c; M s; z 0 .... ~ ~ "' 0 a, -< ~ "' 0 ~ ,._ 0 a, ;N -~ I~ .. .. JOB ___________ ?_z,--=o--=o=-1~_ MIKE SURPRENANT & ASSOCIATES SHEETN0. _______ 1,u,.U.._ OF it Consulting Structural Engineers CALCULAT€08V, _______ OATE _____ _ CHECKED BY _______ _ DATE _____ _ SCALE ________________ _ SPREAD FOOTING SCHEDULE SYMBOL SIZE AND REINFORCEMENT <F'c•2;,(/)0 r,-1 , f!j•61Zbl) <8> 24' SQUARE X 12} DEEP WI (2) # 4 EACM WAY <8> 301 SQUARE X {2 1 DEEP WI (3) # 4 EACH WAY ~ 3f>1 SQUARE X /1.. 1 DEEP WI (4) # 4 EACM WAY <e> 421 SQUARE X l'Z-' DEEP WI (S) # 4 EAC!-1 I-IAY ~ 481 SQUI\RE X j-Z..,• DEEP WI (f>) # 4 EAC!-1 WAY l>TOR~ WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES 1. All NECESSARY EOUIPMENT 1,NO MA 1IRIAlS SHALL BE AVA!lA8LE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID !NSTALl.ATlo,.,; Of EROSION AND SflllMENT cc,, TROl BMP, v.\iEN RAIN IS EMINENT 2 THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTOOE ALC EROSION CONTROL OCVJCES IO W!JRl<JNG ORDER TO TH[ SATISfACTict. Of IBE CITY !NSPECTOO AfTfR EACH RUN-OfF PROOUC!NC RA¾NFAlL 3. THE Ollt<ER/CONTRACTOO SHALL INSTALL ADDITIOOAL ERCS!ON CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED SY THE CITY INSPECTOR DUE TO INCOMPL£TE GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN ORCUMSTANC£S w-i1CH MAY ARISE, -4, All R£MOVABLE PROTECTIVE DE'w1C£S SHAil BE lN PLAC£ AT THE END OE F.ACH \lllRKJNG DAY ""Eli JHE Fil{ (5) DAY RAIN PROBABIUTY fORtCAST £X.CE£0S rORTY PECO.U ( 40%). S!Lf ANO OTHER 0£:SRIS SHAU 6E REMOVED AFTER FACH RAJNF Ail. 5 All GRAVEL SAGS SHALL CONTM-i 3/4 INCH M!Nl~UM AGGREGATE. 6. AOEOUA TE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ANO PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST Bf INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED. ?, T}<,£ CHY INSPfCTOO SHALL HAVE THE AlHHORlfY TO AiJffi THIS PLAN DURING OR BffOR£ CONSffiUCT<ON AS NEEDED TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ClTY STORM WATER QUALJfV REGULATIONS. OWNERS CERTIFICAIB: I LINOERST.IJID ANO ACl<NOWt.El'JGE THAT ! MUST; (1) lilPl...£MEHT BEST WANAOEMM PflAC1JC£5 (lllo>s) llVRflG CO<SlRUCllON 4CTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICN3LE TO AYQD THE MCelllATl(}fr,j Of POLLUTANTS SUCH AS SEOAIENT ANO TO AVl'.XO 1Hf EXP0SUF£ Of ST<RM WA1ER TO CONSTRUCTION REI..ATEO PQ.I.UTAN1S; AN'.) (2) ADHERE TO, ANO AT All 1IME5, CCMPLY NTH 1HIS CHY APPROVED l1£R 1 COHS1RUCTION SWPP T'HRCUQ10UT THE DURATION Cf THE CCWSTRUCru»i ACTIIATIES STORM WATER COMPLIANCE FORM TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP CM1t>'IZ.. -o~ -- BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTJCES (BM?) SELECTION TABLE ,_c.,,,,, "'-""""""" ~""':?.,, --w.ae~mi~ ---~Cootru!BIK'a ~ ! .. 2 l ~ l j i ~ -~ 1 j ; 6 " • f 1 " ~ l! ~ & ~n ... i j ll<!sl Mar,,gemenl "'1lcli:e' ... fl' ;i Ir , lr 3~ J ; ~-• w ] I = :!i i "' § • Ji j,g l1 1. i jJ (llMP) Desc,i-➔ ~ i 11 Ii ~j; •j !!' :i :~ 0 o I it i .. I~ J J : i f E" :i ii" ! I~ !.!t tni ii:,fj 0 i* .. j J] -~. ~,,, .,_. " " :i!h " ~ Ji,, """""-➔ i ~ ~ 7 -~ ~: ~ ~ ~ 0 N -1~ ~ ~ ' N n ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' ' T ' ' ' ' ' I i i ' ' """""""'·~· w i;l u f;l :,; :,; I> "' il! ~ ~ ~ ~ i i i w z z z 2 Offlturtonu --XCOYOtion -Stocli:"ilin;,_ Drlfi t· ' ' Concrete n t So#CUt ,,,,,. v ,... ' Conentte Fl~ ·-y -i" -CMdult 6 lnstaliotion ' ' °''"' I< ~ ' -· I , --,. l -°""'"'"' ' ' ·-E IC'!t Malnler!-ance ond fuei ' Ho dous Si.ibs~s llff ' '· Dewater . Sile Acea• Aa ""' 00i .. (jist'\: I !nslNtikm.: !. Chaclc the boit ta the left of Ill! applieobla COMtruction oetwity {iir1t cdumn) eicpected to l)CClJr dumg coostroctioo. 2, Localed alOOQ tM top of till'! 8'F Table ia o ii,t of BMP's with it'• Co«eipOl'llfflg Coriklmio Sformwater Ou<llity .A.Qc-cict~ (CASQA) ddignabotl /'IW'l'jbe, Choose tne or man 8MPi )OJ lrtl.and la use dlrlnf eonstnictlon from tn. list. Ched<. the bo1 #here the ehOSl!ll? ~ti\lity ro• !ntenecb with the 0MP edumn. J. Ref• to th« CASQA con&truction hoodb<d fuf inform<Jbcn and details of U;e ch<i3en BMPs and I\Qw to oppiy them fo th. project PROJECT INFORMATION Sle M:lre$$'. t3"?4\k=-ANL Asseacr'-1 Pnrc:el Number: cSJ>-l'W-?D-«J Emerg.iicy Contocl: .. j_ i-if !ti li li w ~ ' ' i i , __ - - - - - 1-~~ .. u_ I E-29 \,' Page 1 of 1 -#\II;'.. MX>.GMi "Heu, """"" W • 1:l/:-1'3RI Construction Threat UI St«m Weter QuGlity ("""" 8o,) D MO>UM !,"!'.cow REV '1/17 ,. (_ City of Carlsbad PURPOSE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST B-50 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov This checklist is intended to help building permit applicants identify which Climate Action Pian (CAP) ordinance requirements apply to their project. This completed checklist (B-50) and summary (B-55) must be included with the building permit application. The Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) can be referenced during completion of this document by clicking on the provided links to each municipal code section. NOTE: The following type of permits are not required to fill out this form ❖ Patio I ❖ Decks I ❖ PME (w/o panel upgrade) I ❖ Pool Consultation wtth a certified Energy Consultant is encouraged to assist in filling out this document. Appropriate certification includes, but is not limited to: Licensed, practicing Architect, Engineer, or Contractor familiar with Energy compliance, IECC/HERS Compliance Specialist, ICC GS Energy Code Specialist, RESNET HERS rater certified, certified ICC Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner, ICC Commercial Energy Inspector and/or Plans Examiner, ICC CALgreen Inspector/Plans Examiner, or Green Building Residential Plan Examiner. If an item in the checklist is deemed to be not applicable to a project, or is less than the minimum required by ordinance, check N/A and provide an explanation or code section describing the exception. Details on CAP ordinance requirements are available at each section by clicking on the municipal code link provided. The project plans must show all details as stated in the applicable Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) and/or Energy Code and Green Code sections. Project Name/Building Permil No.: Peterson Addition Property Address/APN: 1350 Oak Ave/ 156-190-20-00 Applicant Name/Co.: Stephanie Lupton BP No.: CB-2022-0540 Applicant Address: POBox 2216, San Marcos, CA 92079 Contacl Phone: 760-224-9704 Contact Email: sjldrafting@gmail.com Contact information of person completing this checklist (if different than above): Name: Company name/address: Contact Phone: 760-224-9704 Contact Email: Applicant Signature:_51_•,_h,_,,_._,,_,,0_, __ ~...,,.._-_::-._·;_::;:_:_:,·:-_,,_·.~ ____ Date: 3/9/22 B-50 Page 1 of7 Revised 04/21 Use the table below to determine which sections of the Ordinance checklist are applicable to your project. For alterations and additions to existing buildings, attach a Penni! Valuation breakdown on a separate sheet. Building Permit Valuation (BPV) $ breakdown _______ _ ~Typ.t D New construction □ Additions and alleratlons: □ BPV < $60,000 !!I BPV 2: $60,000 □ Electrical service panel upgrade only □ BPV 2: $200,000 0 No1n11slde11tlal □ New constructfon □ BPV 2: $200,000 or additions ;, 1,000 square feet □ BPV 2: $1,000,000 □ 2: 2,000 sq. ft. new roof addition 1. Energy Efficiency A high-rise residential building is 4 or more stories, Including a Low-rise High-rise mixed-use building in which at least 20% of its conditioned floor area is residential use 2A•, 3A', 18, 28, •includes detached, newly constructed ADU 4A•, 38,4A N/A N/A All residential additions and alterations 1A,4A 4A 1-2 family dwellings and townhouses with attached garages only. •Multi-family dwellings only where interior finishes are removed 1A, 4A• 18, 4A' and significant site work and upgrades to structural and mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed 18, 28, 38, 48 and 5 / 18,5 18,28,5 Building alterations of 2: 75% existing gross floor area 28,5 1 B also applies if BPV 2: $200,000 Please refer to Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) 18.21.155 and 18.30.190,and the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) for more information. Appropriate details and notes must be placed on the plans according to selections chosen in the design. A Ii] Residentialadditionoralteration~$60,000bulldingperrnitvaluation. D NIA _________ _ DetailsofsalectionchosenbelowmustbeplacedontheplansreferencingCMC □ Exceplion: Homeenergyscore2 7 18.30.190. (attach certification) Year Built Single-family Requirements Multi-family Requirements I Before 1978 Select one oplion: D Ductsealing □ Altic insulation !!I Cool roof D Altic insulation D 1978 and later Select one option: I Lightingpackage D \>Valer heating Package D Between1978and1991 Select one oplion: D Ductsealing □ Attic insulation □Cooiroof D 1992 andlater Select one option: D Lightingpackage D \>Valer heating package Updated 4/16/2021 3 B. D Nonresidential' new construction or al1erations ~ $200,000 building permit valuation, or additions~ 1,000squarefeetSee CMC 18.21.15aand CAL Green Appendix AS D N/A AS.203.1.1 Choose one:□. 1 Outdoor lighting □ .2 Restaurant service water heating (CEC 140.5) □ .3Warehousedocksealdoors. D.4DaylightdesignPAFs O.5Exhaustairheatrecovery □ N/A AS. Choose one: □ .95 Energy budget (Projects with indoor lighting OR mechanical) □ .90 Energy budget (PrtjectswilhindoorlightingANDmechanical) □ N/A AS.211.1" □ On-site renewable energy: D N/A AS.211.3" □Green powe~ (~ offered by local utility provider, 50% minimum renewable scurces) D NIA AS.212.1 □ Elevators and escalators: (Project with more than oneelevatorortwcescalators) D N/A AS.213.1 □Steelframing: (Provide details on plans for options 1-4 chosen) □ N/A • Includes hotels/motels and high-rise residential buildings --------- "For alterations 2: $1,000, OOOBPV and affecting> 75%existinggrossfloorarea, ORalterationsthatadd2,000squarefeetof newroofaddrtion:comply with CMC 18.30.130 (section 28 below) instead. 2. Ph otovoltalc Systems A. D Residential new construction (for low-rise residential building permit applicatiOns submitted after 1/1/20). Refer to 2019 California Energy Code section 150.1(c)14 for n,quiremems. If project Includes ins1allation of an electric heal pump water heater pursuant to CAP section 3B below(low-rise residential Water Heating), increasesystemsize by .3kWdc if PV offset option is selected. Floor Plan ID (use additional CFA #d.u. Calculated kWdc' sheets if necessary) Total System Size: kWdc = (CFAx.572) / 1,000 + (1.15 x #d.u.) "Formula calculation where CFA = conditional floor area, #du= number of dweHings per plan type If proposed system size is less than calculated size, please explain. kWd~ Exception □ D D □ B. 0 Nonresidential new construction or alterations ~1,000,000 BPV AND affecting ~75% existing floor area, OR addttion that increases roofarea by ~.ooo square feet Please refer to ClolC 18.30.130 when completing this section. 'Note: This section also applies to high-rise residential and hoteVmotel buildings. Choose one of the following methods: □ Gross Floor Area (GFA)Method GFA: D If< 10,000s.f. Enter.5kWdc Min. System Size: □ If 2: 10,000s.f. calculate: 15 kWdc x (GFA/10,000) .. kWdc -Round building size factor to nearest tenth, and round system size to nearest whole number. Updated 4/16/2021 4 □ Time-Dependent Valuation Method AnnualTDVEnergy use: ... _____ __,x .80= Min. system size: ______ kWdc ... Attach calculation documentation using modeling software approved by the California Energy Commission. 3. Water Heating A D Residential and hotel/motel new construction. Refer to CMC 18.30.170 when completing this section. Provide complete details on the plans. D For systems serving individual dwelling units choose one system: □ Heat pump water heater AND Compact hot water distribution AND Drain water heat recovery (low-rise residential only) D Heat pump water heater AND PV system .3 kWdc larger than required in CMC 18.30.130 (high rise residential hotel/motel) or CA Energy Code section 150.1 (c) 14 (low-rise residential) D Heat pump water heater meeting NEEA Advanced Water Heating Specification Tier 3 or higher D Solar water heating system that is either .60 solar savings fraction or 40 s.f. solar collectors D Exception: D For systems serving multiple dwelling units. install a central water-heating system with ALL of the following: D Gas or propane water heating system D Recirculation system per CMC 18.30.150(8) (high-rise residential, hotel/motel) or CMC 18.30.170(0) (low- rise residential) D Solar water heeling system that is either: D .20 solar savings fraction D .15 solar savings fraction, plus drain water heat recovery D Exception: B. D Nonresidential new construction. Refer to CMC 18.30.150 when completing this section. Provide complete details on the plans. D Water heating system derives at least 40% of its energy from one of the following (attach documentation): □ Solar-thermal D Photovoltaics D Recovered energy D Water heating system is (choose one): D Heat pump water heater D Electric resistance water heater(s) □Solar water heating system with .40 solar savings fraction D Exception: It may be necessary to supplement the completed checklist with supporting materials, calculations or certifications, to demonstrate full compliance with CAP ordinance requirements. For example, projects that propose or require a perfonnance approach to comply with energy-related measures will need to attach to this checklist separate calculations and documentation as specified by the ordinances. Updated 4116/21 5 4. Electric Vehicle Charging A [ii Residential New construction and major alterations• Please refer to CMC 18.21.140 when completing this section. l!l One and two-family residential dwelling or townhouse with attached garage: □ One EVSE Ready parking space required l!l Exception: 3. service panel upgrade not included □ Multi-family residential· □ Exception · Total Parking Spaces EVSE Spaces Proposed EVSE (10% of total) Installed (50% of EVSE) Other "Ready" Other "Capable" Calculations: Total EVSEspaces= .10x Total parking spaces proposed(roundeduptonearestwholenumber) EVSE Installed= Total EVSE Spaces x .50 (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE other may be "Ready' or "Capable" 'Majoralterations are: (1) foroneandtwo-farnilydwellingsandtownhouseswithattachedgarages, alterations have a building permit valuation:?$60,000 or include an electrical service panel upgrade; (2) for multifamily dwellings (three units or more without attached garages), alterations have a building penn~ valuation 2: $200,000, interiorfinishesareremoved and signlficantsiteworkandupgrades to structural and mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed. 'ADU exceptions for 8/ Ready space (no 8/ ready space required when): (1) The accessory dwelling unit is located within one-half mile of public transit. (2) The accessory dwelling unit is located within an architecturally and historically significant historic district. (3) The accessory dwelling unit is part of the proposed or existing primary residence or an accessory structure. (4) When on-street parking permits are required but not offered to the occupant of the accessory dwelling unit. (5) When there is a car share vehicle located within one block of the accessory dwelling unit. B. D Nonresidential new construction (Includes holels/motels) □ Exception: ____________ _ Please refer to CMC 18.21.150 when completing this section Total Parking Spaces Pro=ed EVSE (10% of total) I Installed (50% of EVSE) I Other "Ready" I Other "Capable" I I I Calculation· Refer to the table below: Total Number of Parking Spaces provided Number of required 8/ Spaces Number of required EVSE Installed Spaces □ 0-9 1 1 □ 10-25 2 1 □ 26-50 4 2 □ 51-75 6 3 □ 76-100 9 5 □ 101-150 12 6 □ 151-200 17 9 □ 201 andover 10 percent of total 50 percent of Required 8/ Spaces Calculations: Total EVSEspaces = .10x Total parking spaces proposed (rounded upto nearest whole number) EVSE Installed= Total EVSE Spaces x .50 (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE other may be "Ready" or "Capable" Updated 4/16/2021 6 5. OTranspo,tatlon Demand Management (TOM): Nonreeklential 0NL. Y An approved T ransportalion Demand Management (TDM) Plan is required for all nonresidential projects that meet a threshold of emp/oyee-,Jenerated ADT. City staff will usethetablebelowbasedon yoursubmittedplanstodeterminewhetherornoryourpenmtt requires a TDMp/an. lfTDM is applicable to your penntt, staff will contact the applicantto develop a sne-specific TOM plan based on the permit details. Acknowledgment: Employee ADT Estimation for Various Commercial Uses Office (all), 20 Restaurant 11 Retail, 8 Industrial 4 Manufacturing 4 Warehousing 4 1 Unless otherwise noted, rates estimated from /TE Trip Generation Manual, 1 ()'•Edition 13 11 4.5 3.5 3 1 , For all office uses, use SANDAG rate of 20 ADT/1,000 sf to calculate employee ADT , Retail uses include shopping center, variety store, supermarket, gyms, pharmacy, etc. Other commercial uses may be subject to special consideration Samnl@ calculati2ns: Office: 20,450 sf 1. 20,450 sf/ 1000 x 20 = 409 Employee ADT Retail: 9,334 sf 1. First 1,000 sf= 8 ADT 2. 9,334 sf -1,000 sf= 8,334 sf 3. (8,334 sf/ 1,000 x 4.5) + 8 = 46 Employee ADT I acknowledge that the plans submitted may be subject to the City of Ga~sbad's Transportation Demand Management Oldinance. I agree to be contacted should my permtt require a TOM plan and understan that an approved TOM plan is a condttion of penntt issuance. Date: 3/9/22 Person other than Applicant to be contacted for TDM compliance (if applicable): Name(Printed): _________________ _ Phone Number. _____ _ Email Address: __________________ _ Updated 4/J 612021 7 (city of Carlsbad CLIMATE ACTION PLAN (CAP) COMPLIANCE CAP Building Plan Template B-55 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov The following summarizes project compliance with the applicable Climate Action Plan ordinances of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen), current version. Use this forrn to summarize all applicable CAP measures for your proJect. IF CAP MEASURES ARE APPLICABLE, IMPRINT THIS COMPLETED FORM ONTO PROJECT PLANS. 1. ENERGY EFFICIENCY APPLICABLE: (i]YES □ NO Complies with CMC 18.30.190 & 18.21.155 [i]ves ON/A Existing Structure, year built: _19_59 ___ _ Prepared Energy Audit? Oves [{] No Energy Score: _____ _ Efficiency Measures included in scope: cool roof lighting package 2. PHOTOVOLTA1csYsTEMAPPL1CABLE: DYES [ZINo Complies with CMC section 18.30.130 and 2019 California Energy Code section 150.l(c)14 Oves ON/A Required Prqvided Size of PV system (kWdc): Sizing PV by load calculations Oves QNo If by Load Calculations: Total calculated electrical load: 80%of load: Hardship Requested Hardship Approved Oves o-;;;;- oves □No 3. ALTERNATIVE WATER HEATING SYSTEM APPLICABLE: □ YES [ZjNO 4. Complies with CMC sections 18.30.150 and 18.30.170? Alternative Source: □ Electric □ Passive Solar Hardship Requested Hardship Approved Oves ON/A Oves oves □No □No ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) CHARGING APPLICABLE: □ YES [Z]No Complies with CMC section 18.21.140? Panel Upgrade? Total EV Parking Spaces: No. of EV Capable Spaces: No. of EV Ready Spaces: No. of EV Installed Spaces: Hardship Requested Hardship Approved Oves ON/A Oves 0No Required provided 5. TRAFFIC DEMAND MANAGEMENT APPLICABLE: □ YES [ZJNO Compliant? D Yes 0No TOM Report on file with city? 0 Yes □No