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PS 2020-0170; AVALON LASER MEDICAL SPA; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
(ci~of Carlsbad REVIEW FOR SIGN PERMIT P-11 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov 'DE,v 201.0 -02q</ PLANNING A P ATION# PS°2 020 -011 0 REC'DBY , OU DATE SIGN F~E~E~,-..~~. ::-::0~~----- SIGN PROGRAM FEE _______ _ RECEIPT NO. __________ _ All plans submitted for sign pennits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing the following infonnation: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. The application must be aubmltted prior to 4:00 p.m. Average processing time: 2 weeks Name of Project: Avalon'--Mec11ca15p11 Addreu of Project: 3421 v. Monlebello t11s. Cerllbad. CA 92006 Assessor Parcel Number: . z z ~ -io5 '3 -I '3 0 0 Related Planning Case Number(S): _________________ _ TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: (a) Residential (d) HoteVMotel (g) Theater (j) Produce Stand (b) Commercial (e) Service Station (h) Gov't/Church/School (k) Nursery (c) Officenndustrial (f) Prof. Care (i) Public Park (I) P-U/OS Zone SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITE,ijl~ Yesig) NolJ Lbw ( t,S+-,. \Dwf\ S'bu.ar-t 'PS 14"' t5i { A) Specific Plan Number sDP01-01 VILLAGE REVIEW AREA (If yes. please complete information on oaae 3) YesB SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL REVIEW AREA Yes SIGNORDINANCE: Yes □ No@ COASTALZONE: Yes □ No@ P-11 Page 1 of4 No(2] No[l) Rev. 10,13 EXISTING SIGNS: TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT Pole Monument Wall Suspended/Projecting Directional Canopy Freestanding (Project Identity) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: Yes O No O Date _____ _ PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER SIGN SIGN SIGN ALLOWED PROPOSED AREA SIGN AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Pole .. Monument .. wan 1 42.55 42.21sf 2a· 21.2· Suspended/Projecting Directional Canopy Freestanding** (Project Identity) Digital Display PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED NUMBER PROPOSED SIGN SIGN SIGN ALLOWED AREA SIGN AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Construction .. For Sale .. Banner Interim .. Prior to approval, all propoaed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential eight distance and vlalblltty laauea. Additional Information must supplement this application showing how the proposed algnage wlll not encroach Into the public right- of-way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 Hluatratn an example for what would be required for such proposed signs. P-11 P1ge2of.4 Rev 10/13 ---------------------------------------- SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates the information that is required for all pole, monument, and freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Transportation Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection. PIL / SifJ4 :• a...--• ~---l , I Suwd,...,atJliM• PIL I _.. .. I I I I S.,,,ncncbfnad_.. -------------- Sipt Vbiliili&y 21.41.080 Sign design standards SlnetN-■(1) I (i) Narda Relationship to Streets: Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstruded clear view of the public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver. Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or construded so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS QR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA Total Building Square Footage: _2_450 _______ sq. ft. Total Building Street Frontage: 37 linear ft. Total Signage Allowance: sq. ft. Existing Signage (sq. ft.): o sq. ft. Remaining Sign Allowance at Present: sq. ft. Proposed Signage (sq. ft.): 42.21 sq. ft. Remaining Sign Allowance After Proposed Sign: sq. ft. VILLAGE REVIEW AREA Total Signable Area: ________ sq. ft. Total SignableArea Length: sq. ft. Total Signable Area Height: sq. ft. Total Projection from Wall Face: inches P-11 Rev 10/13 PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) NAME {PRINT OR TYPE) TRC Retail North Coast Signs IWLING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 4695 MacArthur Court, Suite 700 2875 Scott Street # 104 CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Newport Beach, CA 92660 949.612.2523 Vista, CA 92081 760-536-5454 I CERTIFY THAT I MA THE LEGAL OWNER I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE AND THAT All THE ABOVE INFORMATION OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT MY KNOWLEDGE. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. /JJ..L.~ ~~ 11-1?---l,OW SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area. 3.. .Style consistent.withSign.Progranund/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. location: ♦ lmight--of-way ❖ In visibility triangle at comer 5. Pote and monument.signs tobe checked by Transportation Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. When approved TOUte ~COfJJ to Data:Entry APPROVED: Plamer: b ~ Date: It /;).r /;;)o:J l> Page4 of4 Rev, 10113 November 23, 2020L City of Carlsbad Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 4695 MacArthur Court Suite 700 Newport Beach, CA 92660 RE: La Costa Town Center I 3427 Via Montebello, Suite 176 I Avalon Laser Signage Approval To whom it may conce rn : P 949.662.2100 www.trcretail.com This letter grants permission for North Coast Sign to fabricate and install the signage in the proposed permit documents for Avalon Laser, located at: 3427 Vi M ontebello #176 Ca rlsbad, CA 92009 Please let me know should there be any quest ions. Kindly Sincerely, Terramar Retail Centers, LLC as agent for La Cost a Town Center, LLC ~ Jennifer H. Greene Director Tenant Coordination Everyday Destinations. Extraordinary Locations. Site Plan N <b APPROVED BY _DATE PIANNINGI '1-· 0 ~ lf\/~/2011 BUILDING I i Rancho Santa Fe Rd. N A · · ----· Property Line Y--J<. -Sign Location ~m---~ . .... ,,;{ .... NORTH COAST SIGNS CSLB #1017276 p: 760.536.5454 f: 760.598. 1100 www.northcoastsigns.net 2875 Scott Street, Suite 104 Vista, CA 92081 Avalon Laser 3427 Via Montebello Suite 176 Carlsbad, California 92009 223-053-17-00 [t):11)$-1!1:U:lj[t Illuminated Channel letters C-Tf!lfi:Ii: 42.21 Square Feet ~:(!'-of"•' 2,450 Square Feet -Installation of Reverse Pan, Halo-Lit in Green, lluminated Channel letters. Returns Painted White. Lee Weeks ~ Carrie Havens Date: 11 /17 /20 I Page 1 of 3 All artwork created and represented here is the sole property of North Coast Signs. It may not be reproduced in whole or part without North Coast Signs'written consent. CSLB #1017276 p: 760.S36.5454 f: 760.598. 1100 www.northcoastsigns.net 2875 Scott Street, Suite 104 Vista, CA 92081 ~Tifill11 W!lfil Avalon Laser 3427 Via Montebello Suite 176 Carlsbad, California 92009 223-053-17-00 37 Linear Feet [jH• 42.21 Square Feet 2,450 Square Feet -Installation of Reverse Pan, Halo-Lit in Green, lluminated Channel Letters. Returns Painted White. Lee Weeks llrnffl Carrie Havens Date: 11 /17 /20 I Page 2 of 3 All artwork created and represented here is the sole property of North Coast Signs. It may not be reproduced in whole or part without North Coast Signs' written consent. +-----------------------· 223'------------------------+ '~\W!l\00~ IIBI~~ ME~~C~i SP!~ +----------99"----------.1-+---+--------80'--------+ LETTER SECTION L.E.D. RPCL HALO LIT ~ HALO ILLUMINATED LITTER 0 .063 AWM. RETURN (2) .125 AWM. FACE (D LEXAN BACK © 1/4"DIA. UP TO 36" LETTER 3/8" DIA. OVER 36" LETTER FASTENER TYPE PER WALL CONDmON-SEE RELD CHECK 0) LOWVOLTAGECABLEW/1/2" DIA. FLEXIBLE SEALTIGHT CONDUIT © DISCONNECT SWITCH G) LE.D. © RACEWAY WITH GROUNDED 12V POWER SUPPLY ® PRIMARY PACIFIC NEON CO. 02011 3" -----©-----, ' r~GLER ' ,"a I : WEDGE ANCHOR : ',~ ,' ... ___________ , ®-10-~ TO IU.. IKClflCATIONS ANO WIU. IUII THI! u.L LMft.111. tNITAU. • ACCOMllNICE wmt MTICIIW. B.ECTNCM. coon, r-• ~1 NORTH COAST SIGNS CSLB #1017276 p: 760.536.5454 f: 760.598.1100 ww w.northcoastsigns.net 2875 Scott Street, Suite 104 Vista, CA 92081 Avalon Laser 3427 Via Montebello Suite 176 Carlsbad, California 92009 223-053-17-00 37 Linear Feet t•Jt31fd3W 42.21 Square Feet 00:ffll:Il:(t.'-1'1, 2,450 Square Feet -Installation of Reverse Pan, Halo-Lit in Green, lluminated Channel Letters. Returns Painted White. Lee Weeks llrnffi: Carrie Havens Date: 11 /17 /20 I Page 3 of 3 All artwork created and represented here is the sole property of North Coast Signs. It may not be reproduced in whole or part without North Coast Signs'written consent.