HomeMy WebLinkAbout1274 CHESTNUT AVE; ; CBR2023-1592; PermitBuilding Permit Finaled Residential Permit Print Date: 08/22/2023 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel#: Valuation: Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Occupant Load : Code Edition: Sprinkled: Project Title: 1274 CHESTNUT AVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-2515 BLDG-Residential Work Class: 2051203100 Track#: $8,000.00 Lot#: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Cogen Permit No: Status: (Cityof Carlsbad CBR2023-1592 Closed -Finaled Applied: 04/03/2023 Issued: 04/13/2023 Finaled Close Out: 08/22/2023 Final Inspection: 05/02/2023 INSPECTOR: de Roggenbuke, Dirk Description: STUDER; ADD 8KW SOLAR ROOFTOP SYSTEM TO MAIN RESIDENCE, 20 MODULES (E-REVIEW) FEE Property Owner: CO-OWNERS STUDER MARIE C AND NICHOLS CHARLES L 1274 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (619) 224-6075 SB1473 -GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE SOLAR-RESIDENTIAL: per kW STRONG MOTION -RESIDENTIAL (SMIP) Total Fees: $291.04 Total Payments To Date: $291.04 Contractor: FRIARS HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING INC 5555 MAGNATRON BLVD, # G SAN DIEGO, CA 92111-1306 (619) 431-1811 Balance Due: AMOUNT $1.00 $289.00 $1.04 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov (_ Cicyof Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Plan Check _______ _ Est. Value PC Deposit Date I ~~6 JobAddre$S / 2..7 Y l1:1e..S:h:w:f r\( ,{tul;&"rJ,{~ Unlt:. ____ APN: 26S , 2 C, '3160 CT/Project #:. ________________ .lot #:, ____ Year Built l'J0) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: -fr'SkD j'/4u -OC Pbatavd kic. L 5c4 a,) :5t4 ')f.ut'\ Of) 12 2':1 01~Jlt"v+-lhe ,Cads-/,oJ I cA-1zcc,8. 0 New SF: Living SF,, ____ Deck SF, ___ Patio Sf,, ____ Garage SF __ _ Is this to create an Accessory Dwelllng Unit? O Y o N New Flreplace? O YO N, if yes how manyi' __ _ D Remodel: SF of affected area Is the area a conversion or change of use? O Y O N □ Pool/Spa: SF Additional Gt1s or Electrical feature$? __________ _ (!(s';;lar. g' kW, 20 Modules, Mounted:~f O Ground, TIit. 0 Yc:,-1f,RMA: O Y e-,cr,- Battery:0~ Panel Upgrade: O Y ~lectrlc Meter number: __ .~;:;,_7_1i-'---'-f:...'1 __ 2~8;__ __ _ Other: APPLICANT (PRIMARY CONTACT) PROPERTY OWNER Name: 12-.~ <-K. •V\~ Name: M tA.( i C: S tuJ~r-- Addreu: .SS"S'S' ,..,,,.')>,.,.1YO'n OJ-,) ,Jk 6, fp ,.'9,~d1:t;! 12..7'{ d1tst,wr /tv(., Clty:$gn VW$¢ Statec.A 1 Zip: q2,,i City: c~~,s~ State:l-+ ZJp: 12..008 Phone: (t,'" ) 4 3 I -\ g, II Phone:,_( ~T'l_'i )'-1'1~0_-_ll';;...0;;..7;..::S;_.. __ ~----- £mall: y,·c~@-6:;-a.rs6 1ir.coM EmaJI: cll"\i',h6t S'-11 @,Mail~ C.Of'V\ DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR OF-RECORD Name:. _________________ Business Name: bi(l(5 lJt:gf,!:S aoJ ,4<,...- Adclre-ss: Addre,ss: S'SSS 1V\~po "'\+'.;:?,qf vc) , ~-f-, t':.io Cl1y: ______ State: _ _,Zlp;____ CJty:S:.t,.Qt~~ State: CA Zlp:_'1.._2_1...,.IJ __ _ Phone: Phone: _(4tG\) '-{31 -\$'If Emalt: Emall: r iC'it:(?f!-r,ors-o.. -r C~ ArchJtect State lk,ense: CSLB Ucense #: 1 0 SJ.-/ 'f3 S aass: C -IO Carlsbad Business Ucens.e fl (Required): ______ _ APPLICAl'IT CERT/FICA TION: I Cfrtj/y I/lot / ltaw, fl!ad tM app,Llca_r,or, a11d "M# that~ ooow />ttf,,,rm:,t,'off ,s ~ ar,d 11\ot r1'e 11\fom,,,l,on of thr p!t:vu Ii «{l.rOrt I 11f/lll! 10 ro.~ ""'11 all G't), orotnO'IKn aftd Sratt laws rt'kllhng ID ~"rig t'OflSmlC'tlO~ NAME (PRINT): _..,.~...,.\',lliiC .... ~ __ ,_4 __ 0_"'°'-__ _ Ph 442-33,-2719 RFV04122 THIS PAGE REQUIRED AT PERMIT ISSUANCE PlAN CHECK NUMBER: ______ _ A BUILDING PERMIT CAN 8£ ts.SUED TO EITHER A STATE LtaNSED CONTRACTOR OR A PROPERTY OW~ER. IF THE PERSON SIGNING TtilS FORM IS AN AGENT FOR EITHER EHTm AN AUTHORIZATION FORM OR t.ETT!R IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE. (OPTION A): LICENSED CONTRACTOR 0ECLA~TlON. I hereby of firm vnder penal tyof p~ Jury that I am I icemedunder provisions of Chapter'} ( commtndng with Sect fon lOOO)of Oiv1sion3 of the BusJntss and Prof ernoru Code, and mv license fs In {T.Jrtf oruand tff ttL I also a/firm under penoltyof perjury one of tht> following dtclaratloru (CHOOSE ONE): O• l'la-'t .od 1/11111 "1l-1 • crrtiric~Le of ccrul!nt 10 self-tnwr. for \WO~ COl'llf)ens.,,on l)l'O>"ded by Section 3700 of lhe Labor Cod,, for thll l)i'rto,mence ol t~e I/IIOfk wlwch thb permit h iuued.. PollcyNQ.. ________________ _ -~ ~-anc will ma.ntYI worbr'i r;o1T1Pet>Sat10r1, as ~uirtd bv Section 3700 of the ~01' c*, f~ i(..rfor~ or tht work lo, which thllS 1ierm.1t Is Issued. My...arke~'comPi''l.ifllOtl 'll..,af'ttGllrr'S,!~ pokvnumbonr■: il'mlnflQIComp.inyHim@: ~ () tf\~ ron~~ loM en. l,/ Polkv No. w ~ C a s:9 Q lS 5 3 bpimlon Date: oeo /CJ_L@2-3 I -OR. 1 0 C.rt,fl'-11-' ol f~@m11don· I «:rtify 1~ , Ir the 11•rlarm;anm of the ... -art •or wh<h thl5 per tr\>\ i~ l~u•d,. I shall not os:nploy ~nr por$0'1 Ill ~"-'f fl'li'ln.f so as to~ WbJect 101'le w<Kleers· COIT'llleMat.on t;,;,,s of C~llfornla. WAR.t.llNQ: Fell~ to JNlln wo111a's compc.ns.atlon c.O'H-r• ls IA'liawfull .-id h M1bject • ., empl~ to criminal ~•ltle and d vll finu up to SlDD.000..00, In adeliUot\ die 10 lM a ,sl o4 CDffllP•ns:1.don. cbnwpi ,u pf'Oll1died for In $e(:ltlon 3706 o4 the Labor Code, lntecrt :il'ld :1t10fMV's, feos.. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: I hcrc:ry affirm tlw th Ii a C.OnstNall>'I lend:ns ••ncy for the porfor~nat af th• l/llo,11 tM perll'i\ I~ ISS\Jed (Sec. 3097 (Q CMI Code). ~nokr's Name,.__________________ l.l!fld'e's Address: ___________ _ CONTRACTOR CERTtFfCATION. ,,_ •o.;,lkant cnlio 1h111 i dot1t'TlCnts :ind J)(.ml c;out, IN! •=•••••1 .,_, all nJtJnc and p~ buldl'"Cs, nr .. m,rH • .u. .. roar" •Old oltllt~t\11!.Uemcnts. All p(c,r,oHd mo llufl\ ~or Mltlom.., dceart1 I-ltd oa 1M Ubl Ill Altf f'O"'ntl 1, ~•nh"I dt(,II ,..tt,,n 1hee i:f,r,s .-c.onsl1u11t 1Ml'I Iha~•-,I■ ~ ro1 aplll'l'\ltd far ccmtruc:tlon and-~ h •~r.4 10 b• •ii•~ o, ~,..-.,d. The dl'(s :tl)!nl>.ll ar dlil ~~iui:11n b...-d c,, ttw: prcm~ tl,Jt th: Slbrlttc-cl docu.,,,nr, atl!S p~u 1'1Qw ttu, ao<rffl dlMMi~ of: lht p,op,,tv, b ldi-p stnictl.n:s r.d ll'elrHdllldc:I from p,~rlv lnu 8nrl f·om vie -,otllcr; acccs ro.aB/uo~ Md uh~I Tt.. ~-••nd ~~ -d Nth buildl~,11 ll•ll'd it truund ti:~ all e.ne.'Tlfflts~nd aduir eno.mbr.iroc.K UI d""""",,_ ~-Ottn ar:curr.c'.y sl'IOWII lllld lat.lid is we Mas _.i. g,4drc/,te P'l!P'1r.tdon lit IPl!<V.calflU t:ul.118 "" tit. poq,ett,•e-e ~pitted IE aooonlana .. bh ~. ,. al.n"-Ill~· """ 4l t~ Umr ot th!!r ~•tnKdon.. unle« Clhw.ke t>aTM<l (2_/Ck:-~. SIGNATURE : ;;z,,~ r~-~ DATE: 3 /3 / pb~ 3 Hate: If the pcnon slanl,. ~"-ts lrl iMlthorlrtoa a,el\1 for the mnlnlctor de • i.-tte, OI IIUIIWlfltHIOl\ OIi oon&nlctcw lll!ttl!ffw,•11. NAME (PRJNT}: (OPTION B): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hert>by offlrm that I am ex.empt from Contractor's Llct111se Low for the f otlotlfing reason; 0 I, n owner or tho property or rrv tfflp/O')ffJ wltn 111-uu u U1iri>lr sal1 compunQtoon. will do the _,k a,d th• muctunt 15 not lnronded 01 orte,ed for !.tle (Stt. 70.U, BuslnC$.1 •nd i'ro1en10t11 COd~ lJle ContraC1D(1 lJcenv law cou not ilPP"I to an O'Wl\i!r Of prc,perty w+,o bulld1 or lmpfQ'l'eS ltlertM. ~d .,.t,o aoc.s such work ltimuill or 1 ~ro~ hlJ ~ erT'pl0'/tt5. an;,,lced tn•t such iMpr~em@MS il'"C! not intended or of'uea fDf' QI f, 1'owever, lhe bu.idlnc o, ir'!lpn:M!fflervi 1, $Old Wittlin Otle ye.ir or coml)ll!tiort, t~e 17-«!r-buJldor wtll ~~9 the bu•dtll ol pro-.lrc lt-.st he: did not build or "rTl~<J1oe fo, tt-i@p1><pu~ of c) . .OR.- 01, ~s owner ot the ~perty, am e,iduslv•lv ccntrxtlng with llot!lSed <onltidet» to construct the project 4Ser 1G44. Sus ei.S il'IO Prol~ions Coda: T'lc tantrxi:or's UCR11se \.ilw d0ot1 ••~ ~PSJly ttJ., ~• of propenv who bwlm or ln-.:,roYU lhfor°t'On,. md cont~ra for such pro,.«ts will\ oontr11cior4,) .censed l)lnllnm to the Con1F:tctor's l,..,c~ u...,J, .OR. 01 am eirempt undM BU5lftelS and Profaslons Code Dtvulon J, Ch,,pter 9. Article 3 for t.ni.s ruson • . ,o, 0 FORM 6--1>! "Ownff lullder Adtnowledpme.nl al'MI V•rlec.clon '°""w u req...-e.d for .-ry permit li:iijqd 10 • proP'l'rt'( a.-ner. By my "llfWJl\lre bclO'IW I ijCQl~8 l~Bl. e11<:ep1 lor my pcuon:tl rcsldftK» 11'1 'olfllch I mun fldY~ rulaord for .at h,.is-t ""'" Yll~r p,10, to completion of the .mpnn..,rnenu CDIH't•d blfthi~perM. I ca"r,otlepll>, sell :t sm,,aurQ lh~t I hij'ft bu d> an OYmC:J·bulldcr II It h~inot bNfl<O~itrlKlcd In ,t,mttrrty btt llctnSed cor1.1r~ors I vndmcandtltatacC¥')' o/ lheOi!Jpjlc!Jblrlaw. Se-ctro1t 7044 of tM&rsll!ffl oitd Pttif mfOfls Ccctt, Is tffllilable upoi,reql'..lr.stwhrn this OAl)(lcot1an #5 .rubnnttf'd « at the foria ... rng Web 5fce: http://www,tetinfo.ca.gC1,1/CJJlow.lltml. 01\f,~ CERJIRCI. no11 The ~plam tcn.'--iH th Oil.,, <fcwm..,,, ,nd "'-deanv ~,wj ~CQlm.tt, ,t_ ,11 '''"' ... ..,d P'VPGHd bllld Wua..tn, --rwd~ i,,w:: ulllltlHJutllr; e.as n~ N1 ptt,-d mod'"abons :rd/rH aosc.cni ~r~ c art, b-11!'11 on t~ ,i:e plin. ~Y potantlaltr ""'""' ~I ....«-.n thee r:br.s t,,,,:aulsla_-,r Wfll ltw> • pbn ,~ 11011 apl)'OWd lllf«-Ullu.on -"'"' i,. rt'llllf"1 IO i,. a~<Od or ,-d. D,o dty', IPP'-lol ~ ""'Uc.all.oo ~ bii~cnli..prtf"ltt due Ult w:iml!Ud dilcume,,u ~ntl p "' ,1,o,,,, the<O'TK': d~.clllloru cl, the 1ucpa.ty, IM,il,jl,.,. s;n,m;roJ .>nd thdr 1c1badt.l lrorn Ol'Ollfrtv I~ ,nd 'rom _ ,nOCNr, ~ ••~"''"""""" ¥-.I u!I o:s Ttc Cllls1>n1 ;oed p,opo1.o u~ of t1trh bw:tn1 u IUCed Is truo and to«Qa, iii ••mtr41 r,o oc:toet er-.a.mbr~nu::,.10 d.., ojm,.-,i h,,,e b.etr aau~W, sho.n IINI ltt •• .. ,.l 1 •l o,..,111! .,-ldllll/•l:• prap,ru.on All ~•l'l"o:nb~st>n, on w PfCll.,ll ,.. .. • """'P~ r ICIQQf1iM,ce .,.~h ~, rep.J111i::r4 • I!':&-"' ~l the umc of Illar eonmucbon, uni.., Qllliff91ff IIClled. NAME f PRINT); Nata: It 111$ eno~ OWNr. 161S F~111~ AW Carllbad. CA 9201)8 HEV. 04/21 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled {city of Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2023-1592) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 04/03/2023 Owner: CO-OWNERS STUDER MARIE C AND NICHOLS CHARLES L Work Class: Cogen Issue Date: 04/13/2023 Subdivision: THUM LANDS Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 10/30/2023 Address: 1274 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-2515 IVR Number: 47928 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Date Start Date Status 05/02/2023 05/02/2023 BLDG-35 Solar Panel 209687-2023 Passed Dirk de Roggenbuke Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Electric Meter 209845-2023 Passed Dirk de Roggenbuke Release Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Final Inspection 209688-2023 Passed Dirk de Roggenbuke Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Inspection Complete Complete Complete Page 1 of 1