HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-29; City Council; ; Accept Bids and Award Contract to Southern Contracting Company for the Street Lighting Replacement Program Phase II ProjectCA Review GH Meeting Date: Aug. 29, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Michael O’Brien, Public Works Superintendent michael.obrien@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2996 Subject: Accept Bids and Award Contract to Southern Contracting Company for the Street Lighting Replacement Program Phase II Project Districts: All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution accepting bids and awarding a contract to Southern Contracting Company for the Street Lighting Replacement Program Phase II, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6062, for an amount not to exceed $767,012. Executive Summary The City Council is being asked to award a contract for the second phase of the city’s Street Lighting Replacement Program to Southern Contracting Company, which staff have determined is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder with a bid in an amount of $767,012. The City Council’s approval is required under Carlsbad Municipal Code sections 3.28.080(C) and 3.28.080(I)(6), which require the City Council’s approval for all formally bid construction contracts when the value exceeds $200,000. Discussion Overview The city converted all high-pressure sodium streetlight fixtures to induction lighting fixtures in 2010. The current induction lighting fixtures are reaching the end of their useful life and must be replaced. The Street Lighting Replacement Program, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6062, was established to fund the needed replacements. •Phase I of the program replaced about 1,500 cobra-head style streetlights with new energy-efficient LED fixtures at signal-controlled intersections, on arterial streets, employment/transit connector streets, arterial connector streets and coastal streets, as identified in the Mobility Element of the city’s General Plan, the section that covers transportation. •Phase II will convert 2,115 aging cobra-head style induction lighting fixtures to LEDs. These fixtures are on all of Carlsbad’s collector streets, all streets within the area west of Interstate-5 and between the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Lagoons, and in each cul- de-sac citywide. The streetlight location map is provided as Exhibit 2. Aug. 29, 2023 Item #1 Page 1 of 8 The new LED fixtures are about 33% more efficient in the amount of light output and energy consumed than the older induction lighting fixtures, which reduces the city’s energy and maintenance costs. Bidding process • The City Council approved the plans and specifications for the project and authorized advertising it for construction bids on July 19, 2022. (Resolution No. 2022-181) • The project was then advertised using the city’s formal bidding procedures. • On Sept. 12, 2022, the advertisement was cancelled because staff time was reprioritized to focus on the local emergency regarding traffic safety.1 No bids had been received. • The advertisement was reposted on May 17, 2023. • Staff received five bids for construction of the project on July 12, 2023. Staff have completed reviewing the bid documents and have determined that Southern Contracting Company was qualified to perform the requested services and offers the best value to the city. Staff recommend accepting the bids and awarding the construction contract to Southern Contracting Company for the project in an amount not to exceed $767,012. Fiscal Analysis Sufficient funds are available to complete the project, with an expected cost of $857,012 including construction contingency, construction management, and inspection and material testing services. The project funding consists of TransNet2 and general capital construction funds. 1 The City of Carlsbad proclaimed a local state of emergency related to traffic safety in August 2022. 2 TransNet is a countywide sales tax collected to fund regional transportation projects. Street Lighting Replacement Program Phase II Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6062 Costs and available funds Total appropriation to date $3,644,269 Total expenditures/encumbrances to date -$1,314,640 Total available funding $2,329,629 Construction contract – Southern Contracting Company -$767,012 Construction contingency (estimated) -$40,000 Construction management, inspection and material testing (estimated) -$50,000 Total estimated project costs -$857,012 Remaining balance $1,472,617 Additional appropriation needed $0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #1 Page 2 of 8 Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections 3.28.040(C)(5) and 3.28.090(B) allow for the City Council to authorize the City Manager or designee to approve change orders in an amount equal to the contingency set at the time of project award, which for this project is $40,000. Next Steps With the City Council’s approval, staff will award the construction contract to Southern Contracting Company. Work to replace the existing streetlights with new energy-efficient LED lights is anticipated to start this summer and complete prior to the end of December 2023. Future phases of the LED conversion program will include larger sections of residential streets. This includes replacing the post-top style lights that are primarily in the downtown Village and La Costa areas, which have the light atop the pole without an extending arm, and the mission- bell style lights found citywide. Staff plan to return to the City Council to request approval for those project phases by early 2024. Environmental Evaluation The City Planner has determined that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act according to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(d) – which applies to the restoration or rehabilitation of existing deteriorated or damaged structures to meet current standards of public health and safety that involve negligible or no expansion of use. None of the exceptions to the exemptions provided in Guidelines Section 15300.2 apply. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution 2. Location map Aug. 29, 2023 Item #1 Page 3 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-22_6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AyVARDING A CONTRACT TO SOUTHERN CONTRACTING COMPANY FOR THE STREET LIGHTING REPLACEMENT PROGRAM PHASE II, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 6062, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $767,012 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it necessary, desirable and in the public interest to upgrade the citywide street lighting system by replacing certain existing street lighting fixtures; and WHEREAS, Phase II of the Street Lighting Replacement Program, Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, Project No. 6062, includes continued replacement of streetlights on connector streets, completing all lights west of lnterstate-5 and between the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Lagoons, and in each cul­ de-sac citywide; and WHEREAS, on July 19, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-181, approving the plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement of the project for construction bids; and WHEREAS, on July 12, 2023, staff received five bids for construction of the project; and WHEREAS, Southern Contracting Company submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid to construct the project in an amount of $767,012; and WHEREAS, sufficient funding consisting of TransNet and General Capital Construction funds are available in CIP Project No. 6062 to complete Phase II; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad Municipal Code sections 3.28.080{() and 3.28.080(1)(6), which govern purchasing in construction contracts, require the City Council to award all formally bid contracts when the value exceeds $200,000; therefore, the project is subject to this requirement; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301{d), for restoration or rehabilitation of existing deteriorated or damaged structures to meet current standards of public health and safety that involve negligible or no expansion, and that none of the exceptions to the exemptions provided in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 apply. follows: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. Exhibit 1 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #1 Page 4 of 8 2.That the bid of $767,012 submitted by Southern Contracting Company for Street Lighting Replacement Project, Phase II, CIP Project No. 6062, is accepted, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the contract for the project. 3.That the City Manager or designee is hereby authorized to approve construction change orders up to $40,000 for the project. 4.That the award of this contract is contingent upon Southern Contracting Company executing the required contract and submitting the required bonds and insurance policies, as described in the contract, within 20 calendar days after adoption of this Resolution. The City Manager may grant reasonable extensions of time to execute the contract and assemble the required bonds and insurance policies. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 29th day of August, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. 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Author: Madison PowerDate: 4/20/2023 Document Path: \\files01v\Community\AC_Customers\Eddie_Wills\Phase2_Streetlights\PhaseII\PhaseII.mxd Exhibit 2 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #1 Page 6 of 8 {city of Carlsbad SL2 SL32 SL44 SL47 SL65 SL67 SL123 SL126 SL130 SL153 SL170 SL171 SL174 SL185 SL206 SL221 SL229 SL234 SL235 SL258 SL271 SL274 SL282 SL324 SL336 SL345 SL351 SL354 SL375 SL408 SL662 SL664 SL771 SL786 SL789 SL799 SL949 SL953 SL965 SL969 SL1009 SL1027 SL1041 SL1043 SL1047 SL1125 SL1130 SL1138 SL1149SL1150 SL1162 SL1163 SL1171SL1177 SL1227SL1228 SL1263 SL1267 SL1269SL1272 SL1276 SL1284 SL1290 SL1329 SL1352 SL1355SL1356 SL1384 SL1385 SL1895 SL1906 SL1737 SL1745 SL1767 SL1773 SL1783 SL1826 SL1831 SL1842 SL1887 SL1980 SL2014 SL2036 SL2039 SL2046 SL2047 SL2073 SL2082 SL2172 SL2182 SL2239 SL2245 SL2247 SL2250 SL2255 SL2257SL2264 SL2385 SL2386 SL2389 SL2390SL2392 SL2394 SL2397 SL2398 SL2401 SL2404 SL2406 SL2422 SL2427 SL2429 SL2438 SL2439 SL2441 SL2443 SL2446 SL2447SL2448SL2449 SL2450 SL2452 SL2455SL2456 SL2458 SL2459 SL2460SL2462 SL2466 SL2469 SL2471 SL2473 SL2475 SL2476 SL2499 SL2518 SL2523 SL2527 SL2529 SL2564 SL2577 SL2582 SL2589 SL2604 SL2625 SL2875 SL2917 SL2919 SL2933 SL2934 SL2979 SL2988 SL2989 SL3002 SL3006 SL3029 SL3033 SL3072 SL3084 SL3086 SL3098 SL3127 SL3139 SL3141 SL3144 SL3147 SL3155 SL3187 SL3195 SL3197 SL3199 SL3202 SL3209 SL3210 SL3214 SL3226 SL3228SL3231 SL3237 SL3250 SL3281 SL3316 SL3319 SL3345 SL3358 SL3361 SL3373 SL3396 SL3400 SL3403 SL3436 SL3471 SL3482 SL3586 SL3594 SL3607SL3608 SL3610 SL3615 SL3629 SL3631SL3634 SL3637SL3638 SL3639 SL4062 SL4063 SL4071 SL4074 SL3652 SL3672 SL3682 SL3719SL3722 SL3734 SL3749SL3754 SL3756 SL3757 SL3762 SL3763 SL3780 SL3802 SL3820 SL3824 SL3825 SL3827 SL3858 SL3903 SL3906 SL3908 SL3954 SL3956 SL3963SL3964 SL3971 SL3984 SL4017 SL4023 SL4096 SL4131 SL4138 SL4155 SL4160 SL4249 SL4256 SL4258 SL4302 SL4304 SL4306 SL4316 SL4322 SL4324 SL4326 SL4345SL4346 SL4404 SL4464 SL4579 SL4585 SL4588 SL4592 SL4593 SL4614 SL4620 SL4671 SL4681 SL4685SL4704 SL4714 SL4734 SL4737 SL4742 SL4743 SL4744 SL4746 SL4747 SL4754 SL4760 SL4762 SL4765 SL4766 SL4767SL4768 SL4771 SL4775 SL4797 SL4798 SL4801 SL4837 SL4845 SL4850 SL4853 SL4855 SL4856 SL4857 SL4858 SL4861 SL4862 SL4863 SL4873 SL4885 SL4894 SL4895SL4896 SL4897 SL4906 SL4908 SL4915 SL4916 SL4918 SL4919 SL4921 SL4931 SL4960 SL4961 SL4962 SL4963 SL4965 SL4971 SL4973 SL4985 SL4992 SL4996 SL4999 SL5094 SL5099SL5100 SL5128 SL5132 SL5136 SL5172 SL5180 SL5183 SL5207 SL5210 SL5216 SL5218 SL5219 SL5221 SL5234SL5235 SL5246 SL5248 SL5251 SL5258 SL5271SL5272 SL5273 SL5281 SL5293 SL5294 SL5295 SL5307 SL5324 SL5342 SL5354 SL5355 SL5374 SL5382SL5383 SL5430 SL5431 SL5434 SL5435 SL5437 SL5438 SL5485 SL5493 SL5498 SL5502 SL5506 SL5517 SL5518 SL5524SL5543 SL5546 SL5561 SL5564 SL5569 SL5574 SL5575 SL5576 SL5582 SL5589 SL5598 SL5600 SL5605 SL5624 SL5635 SL5653 SL5691 SL5713 SL5718 SL5731 SL5735 SL5745 SL5746 SL5750 SL5753 SL5755 SL5759 SL5765 SL5784 SL5785 SL5786 SL5792 SL5794 SL5803SL5805SL5806SL5808 SL5820 SL5822SL5826 SL5833 SL5835 SL5840SL5846 SL5848 SL5858 SL5864 SL5887SL5896 SL5900 SL5904 SL5924 SL5925SL5926 SL5929 SL5932 SL5941 SL5947SL5949SL5952SL5953 SL5955 SL5957 SL5958SL5961 SL5967SL5968 SL5974 SL5986 SL5995 SL6022 SL6024 SL6032 SL6046 SL6048 SL6050 SL6073SL6074 SL6076 SL6079SL6081 SL6107 SL6110 SL6117SL6118SL6119 SL6129 SL6131 SL6132 SL6133 SL6137 SL6144 SL6156 SL6161 SL6163 SL6170 SL6173 SL6177SL6178 SL6182 SL6185 SL6187 SL6189 SL6190 SL6205 SL6210 SL6211 SL6218SL6219 SL6226 SL6252 SL6255 SL6260 SL6304 SL6311 SL6315 SL6316 SL6331SL6332 SL6334 SL6342 SL6368 SL6407 SL6425SL6427 SL6429 SL6611 SL7451 SL7624 SL7636 SL7658 SL23 SL7902 SL7907 SL3479 SL7926 SL7928 SL5460 SL8032 SL6930 SL7819 SL3010 SL8059 SL793 SL2440 SL8108 SL8149 TAMARA C K A V ISLANDWY C A R L S B A D B L LA COST A A V M E L R O S E D R OLIVENHAIN RD AVIARA P Y TAMARA C K A V OLIVENHAINRD RANCHO S A N T A F E R D CAR L S B A D V I L L A G E D R ALG A R D P A L O M A R A I R P O R T R D COL L E G E B L PALOM A R A I R P O R T R D FARADAY AV POI N S E T T I A L N CAN N O N R D C A R L S B A D B L EL C A M I N O R E A L ¯ LED Streetlights- Yellow Aug. 29, 2023 Item #1 Page 7 of 8 * * * * * * * * * \ *• \ * * * * * * * * * * ;. 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SL2528 SL5998 Streetlight - Green Local . Author: Andy Chang Date: 4/20/2023 Document Path: Z:\Eddie_Wills\Phase2_Streetlights\PhaseII\PhaseII.mxd Aug. 29, 2023 Item #1 Page 8 of 8 {city of Carlsbad Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Friday, August 25, 2023 8:30 AM City Clerk FW: LED Street lights Please distribute regarding Agenda Item #1 for Aug. 29, 2023 -----Original Message----- From: Robert Leider <robertleider@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2023 8:21 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: LED Street lights Dear Mayor and Council: All Receive -Agenda Item # J_ For the Information of the: . _fl~ COUNCIL Date~CA v-cc v CM ..J:C'"ACM V""'""DCM (3) i:::::: I understand the City is looking to install more LED street lights. I have nothing in general against LED lights, but I have found the type of LED street lights installed so far by the City to be annoying. They are brighter and often put out more light sideways into drivers faces with a lot of glare. Driving around town there are locations where I have to shield my eyes or drop my visor because they are so bright. One would think a bright light at night would be a good thing, but these are too bright. When one drives from where they are bright to an area that has no lights or less light our eyes don't react fast enough and that is dangerous. It is more relaxing and easier to see with the older non-LED lights. There are probably parts of downtown where brighter lights make sense, but I don't believe this is true for the rest of the City. I am simply asking that any new LED lights put the light down and not sideways, and pull back on the brightness some. Maybe look into the color temperature used for these lights to reduce the glare. The city of Flagstaff put a lot of work into LED lights to get a dark sky designation, and perhaps our staff could check into what they learned about LED lights. Not necessarily to use the same lights they use but they may have information useful in our choices. Appreciate the efforts to keep Carlsbad running great as a city. Thanks, Robert Leider 4499 Salisbury Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92010 760-720-0485 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1