HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-29; City Council; ; City Council Policy Statement – City Council Proclamations, Certificates of Recognition and Congratulatory LettersCA Review CKM Meeting Date: Aug. 29, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Faviola Medina, City Clerk Services Manager faviola.medina@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5989 Sheila Cobian, Director of Legislative & Constituent Services sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2917 Subject: City Council Policy Statement – City Council Proclamations, Certificates of Recognition and Congratulatory Letters Districts: All Recommended Action Consider options and adopt a resolution approving City Council Policy Statement – City Council Proclamations, Certificates of Recognition and Congratulatory Letters. Executive Summary The City Council, at its special meeting on June 1, 2023, directed staff to return with options for a City Council discussion regarding city proclamations. Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.20, Section 1.20.060, outlines the order of business for all City Council meeting agendas. It lists special presentations as being the item of business immediately following the approval of minutes and before public comment on matters not listed on the agenda. Although the Carlsbad Municipal Code does not currently specify what type of special presentations can take place during this time on the agenda, this category has been routinely used for presenting proclamations. Based on the City Council’s input at that meeting, staff have conducted the requested research about the procedures for proclamations in other cities in the county and drafted the attached City Council policy statement for the City Council’s consideration (Exhibit 1, Attachment A). Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 1 of 42 Explanation & Analysis Survey requested by City Council Staff surveyed the cities in San Diego County to find out which agencies have a formal proclamation policy in place as well as how they conduct the process. The following table shows the survey results: Proclamation policies in other local cities City Written policy Proclamations per meeting Purpose Chula Vista Yes* 5-10 per month Ceremonial Coronado No 3, if any. Mostly in March and April. Most meetings there are none. Issued for special reasons and issues Del Mar Yes* A few times a year. No set limit. Any kind, mainly City Council requests El Cajon No Average of 2 Has to do directly with El Cajon Encinitas Yes Maximum of 2 Issued for special reasons and issues Escondido Yes* Once a month Issued for a holiday or event taking place that month Imperial Beach No 2-5 per month Nothing controversial. Mayor has to approve. La Mesa Yes* Maximum of 2 Local businesses, holidays, events. Mayor approval for most. Lemon Grove Yes* 1-2 per month Public awareness, charitable fundraising campaigns, arts and cultural celebrations, special honors National City Yes* Varies Proclamations are official declarations or announcements Oceanside No 1-3 Special occasions only Poway No Very rare Has to do directly with Poway San Diego No Varies Ceremonial San Marcos No 0-2 Nationally recognized holidays. Something important to the city or a recent accomplishment Santee No Average of 1 Special events, holidays, staff recognition Solana Beach No 1-2 Special occasions Vista Yes* 1-2 Public awareness, charitable fundraising campaigns, arts and cultural celebrations, special honors *Policy attached as Exhibit 2 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 2 of 42 Recommendations Staff are recommending the following: Requests for issuance of a proclamation Requests for City Council proclamations will be processed by the City Manager and require the Mayor’s approval. Requests must be made by a City of Carlsbad resident or employee. Requests should be made at least 30 days before the date the proclamation is needed, and should be in writing and include the following: • A contact person’s name, phone number, home address and email address • A brief summary of the event or organization • A specific name and date for the day, week or month or event to be proclaimed • The exact date the proclamation is needed • A draft text of the proclamation, including four to five “whereas” clauses that provide the basic facts and reasons justifying the proclamation • A mailing address to send the final proclamation, or an indication of whether it will be picked-up Presentation of proclamations The City Council will hold a ceremonial gathering each month for the purpose of presenting proclamations. The City Clerk will establish a schedule for these gatherings to be approved by the City Council when the regular City Council meeting calendar is established each year. The Mayor, in consultation with the City Manager and City Clerk will determine which proclamations will be presented at the gathering. All other proclamations will be mailed to the recipient or made available for pick-up at City Hall. At the ceremonial gathering, the Mayor or a City Council member selected by the Mayor will present the proclamation to the individual or representative of an organization or group receiving the proclamation. Certificates of recognition and congratulatory letters If the criteria for a proclamation are not met, the Mayor may issue a certificate of recognition or a congratulatory letter to an organization or individual to recognize an achievement or significant contribution to the community. Required vote for approving City Council policies Adopting City Council policy statements requires four affirmative votes. Fiscal Analysis This action has no financial impact. Options Staff provide the following options for the City Council’s consideration: Option 1 - Adopt the resolution approving the City Council Policy – City Council Proclamations, Certificates of Recognition and Congratulatory Letters. Option 2 - Do not adopt the City Council Policy – City Council Proclamations, Certificates of Recognition and Congratulatory Letters. Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 3 of 42 Discussion points • Does the City Council wish to present proclamations outside of the regular City Council meeting as a ceremonial gathering? • Does the City Council wish to limit the number of proclamations presented at the ceremonial gathering to be held each month? • Does the City Council wish to set a schedule for the ceremonial gatherings? • How many ceremonial gatherings does the City Council wish to hold a month? • If there is a conflict with a closed session of the City Council, should the ceremonial gathering be rescheduled to the following week, or moved to an earlier time the same day? Next Steps Staff will implement the City Council’s direction. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution 2. Sample policies from other San Diego County cities Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 4 of 42 Exhibit 1 RESOLUTION NO. . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT – CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS, CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION AND CONGRATULATORY LETTERS WHEREAS, Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.20, Section 1.20.060, outlines the order of business for all City Council meeting agendas; and WHEREAS, “Special presentations” is listed immediately following the “Approval of minutes” and before “Public comment on matters not listed on the agenda”; and WHEREAS, “Special presentations” is primarily utilized for City Council proclamations; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish a policy to address City Council proclamations, certificates of recognition and congratulatory letter requests. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves the City Council Policy Statement – City Council Proclamations, Certificates of Recognition and Congratulatory Letters (Attachment A). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the __ day of ________, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ______________________________________ KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor ______________________________________ SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk (SEAL) Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 5 of 42 Policy No. Date Issued Resolution No. Subject: City Council proclamations, certificates of recognition and congratulatory letters Purpose This policy establishes guidelines and procedures for the issuance and presentation of City Council proclamations, certificates of recognition and congratulatory letters. Background Proclamations are ceremonial documents to honor, celebrate or create awareness of an event or significant issue. Certificates of recognition and congratulatory letters are documents that recognize an achievement or significant contribution to the community. Statement of policy It is the policy of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad to issue proclamations for: •Public awareness •Charitable fundraising campaigns •Non-profit organizations •Arts and cultural celebrations •Special honors, as determined by the Mayor City Council proclamations will not be issued for: •Advertisement or promotion of a for-profit business •Matters of a political or religious nature •Events or organizations with no direct relationship to the City of Carlsbad •Campaigns or events contrary to city policies The Mayor may issue a certificate of recognition or congratulatory letter for an event, person or organization that does not meet the requirements of a proclamation. The Mayor may approve or decline any proclamation, certificate of recognition or congratulatory letter and may edit drafted material for final wording. The issuance of a proclamation, certificate of recognition or congratulatory letter does not constitute an endorsement by the City of Carlsbad or its elected or appointed officials. Decisions regarding proclamations, certificates of recognition or congratulatory letters are not appealable under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1.20.310. Attachment A Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 6 of 42 City Council POLICY STATEMENT City Council Policy Statement Aug. 29, 2023 Page 2 Procedure Proclamations will be signed by the Mayor, or in the Mayor’s absence, the Mayor Pro Tempore. Requests for Issuance of a Proclamation Requests for City Council proclamations will be processed by the City Manager and approved by the Mayor. Requests must be made by a City of Carlsbad resident or employee. Requests should be made at least 30 days in advance of the date the proclamation is needed and should be in writing and include the following: •a contact person’s name, phone number, home address and email address •a brief summary of the event or organization •a specific name and date for the day, week or month or event to be proclaimed •the exact date the proclamation is needed •a draft text of the proclamation, including 4-5 “whereas” clauses •a mailing address to send the final proclamation or indication of whether it will be picked up Presentation of Proclamations The City Council will hold a ceremonial gathering each month for the purpose of presenting proclamations. The City Clerk will establish a schedule for these gatherings to be approved by the City Council when the regular City Council meeting calendar is established each year. The Mayor in consultation with the City Manager and the City Clerk will determine which proclamations will be presented at the gathering. All other proclamations will be mailed to the recipient or made available for pickup at City Hall. At the ceremonial gathering, the Mayor or a City Council member selected by the Mayor will present the proclamation to the individual or representative of an organization or group receiving the proclamation. Certificates of Recognition and Congratulatory Letters If the criteria for a proclamation are not met, the Mayor may issue a certificate of recognition or a congratulatory letter to an organization or individual to recognize an achievement or significant contribution to the community. Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 7 of 42 Exhibit 2 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 8 of 42 SUBJECT: COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA PRESENT A TIO NS TO COUNCIL- Special Orders of the Day POLICY NUMBER 111-02 EFFECTIVE DATE 12-06-2022 ADOPTED BY: Minute Action I DATED: 10-09-73 AMENDED BY: Resolution No. 2022-261 BACKGROUND PAGE 1 OF 1 The City Council frequently receives presentations at City Council Meetings under "Special Orders of the Day." It is current practice for the Mayor and City Manager to review and approve requests for placement of items under "Special Orders of the Day." "Special Orders of the Day" are brief ceremonial items, such as the issuance of a proclamation to honor significant achievements by community members, highlight an event, promote awareness of community issues, and recognize City employees. PURPOSE To establish a formal process for placement of items by City Council members under "Special Orders of the Day" that ensures efficient scheduling and distribution of items on City Council Meeting agendas. POLICY Requests by City Council members for items to be placed under "Special Orders of the Day" at an upcoming City Council Meeting must be made in writing to the Mayor by no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day falling six days prior to the requested Council Meeting (e.g., the Wednesday preceding an upcoming Tuesday Council Meeting). Transmission of a request by email will satisfy this requirement. To be considered, requests should include a brief description of the item, the identity of any presenters, an estimate of the duration of any presentation and any timing requirements. Any such request will be subject to approval by the Mayor. Approved items will be scheduled and added to the agenda in consultation with the City Manager and as soon as practical in light of the business demands of upcoming agendas and any identified timing requirements. In addition to the Mayor's authority, the City Manager also may place items under "Special Orders of the Day" as deemed appropriate. CITY OF DEL MAR CITY COUNCIL POLICY BOOK 303 PROCLAMATIONS DATE REVISED: 9-15-2014 BY RESOLUTION: 2014-70 PAGES: 1 OF 1 POLICY: 1.Proclamations are reserved for accomplishments and/or events of significant importanceto the Del Mar community. Proclamations are less formal than official Resolutions of the City Council. Proclamations do not require formal vote or action by the Council at a Council meeting, and are prepared by the City Clerk and are not numbered. Proclamations are used for various forms of recognition, including: 1.Recognition of individuals and organizations whose contributions and achievements have community-wide significance; 2. Recognition of Del Mar residents on the occasion of their 100 th birthday; 3. To call public attention to a significant community event, service, or program; or 4. To highlight a special period of observance, celebration, or recognition for community, regional, state, or national occasions. 2.All requests for Proclamations should be directed to the Mayor’s office for review. Proclamations will be issued at the discretion of the Mayor, but may be requested by individual Councilmembers through the Mayor. A copy of each proclamation is maintained in accordance with the City’s Records Retention Schedule. 3.The Mayor shall determine whether a proclamation is signed only by the Mayor, or by the entire Council, and whether or not it is appropriate to present the proclamation at a Council meeting or other venue. If presented at a Council meeting, the Mayor and/or his/her designee shall make the presentation under “Presentations/Announcements.” Ifno venue is designated, a proclamation may be mailed to the recipient. Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 9 of 42 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING AND READOPTING RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AND CITY COUNCIL POLICIES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Escondido, State of California, has previously adopted resolutions which provide Rules of Order and Procedure for City Council meetings and certain written policies governing Council procedures, methods of operation and ethics which are amended from time to time; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to re-adopt its Rules and Policies for the purpose of including certain amendments and clarifications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Escondido, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true. 2.That the following Rules shall govern the City Council: Section A: Rules of Order and Procedure 1.Time of Regular Meetings. Unless the City Council schedules otherwise or cancels a meeting, the City Council shall hold regular meetings at 4:00 p.m. commencing with closed session items and thereafter at 5:00 p.m. commencing with a public session on each of the first four (4) Wednesdays of each calendar month at the City Hall. 2.Matters Covered. For the purpose of efficiently focusing only on matters affecting the City of Escondido, the Council should consider those resolutions, motions or matters which affect the conduct of the business of the City of Escondido or its corporate powers or duties as a municipal corporation, or such resolutions or motions supporting or DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 10 of 42 2 disapproving legislation or actions pending in the Legislature of the State of California, the Congress of the United States or before any officer or agency of said State or nation where such proposed legislation or action, if adopted, will affect the conduct of the municipal business or the powers and duties of the City of Escondido or its officers or employees as such. 3. Order of Business. Regular business of the Council at the 5:00 p.m. public session shall be taken up for consideration in substantially the following order, except as may be otherwise ordered by the Mayor or Council: a. Moment of Reflection b. Flag Salute c. Roll Call d. Closed Session Report e. Proclamations/Presentations f. Oral Communications (up to 15 minutes or as directed by the Mayor) g. Consent Calendar, including Affidavits of Publications, Mailing, Posting, Warrant Register & Minutes Approval h. Public Hearings i. Current Business Matters j. Future Agenda Items k. Council Members Subcommittee Reports l. Council Member Reports m. City Manager’s Weekly Activity Report Highlights n. Oral Communications o. Adjournment 4. Consent Calendar Defined. Those items on the Council agenda which are generally considered routine matter of business such as the approval of minutes, approval of the warrant register, Notices of Project Completion, Treasurer's Quarterly Investment Report, certain contract and grant DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 11 of 42 3 awards, resolutions setting hearings, final maps, and various leases and agreements are listed on the “Consent Calendar" and shall be adopted by one motion unless Council, staff or a member of the public requests specific items to be discussed and/or removed for separate action. Those items so approved under the heading “Consent Calendar" will appear in the Council minutes in their proper form, i.e., resolution accepting grant deed or easement, approval of minutes, award of bid, etc. From time to time, the Council may schedule a “workshop” style meeting. Such workshops shall comply with all applicable noticing laws and shall be dedicated primarily to general information gathering and sharing, discussion and possible direction to staff. Final actions of the Council shall not take place at workshop sessions. 5. Oral Communications. Time has been reserved near the beginning and end of each regular meeting agenda to provide an opportunity for members of the public to directly address the Council on items of interest to the public. The Mayor as the presiding officer may set a limit on the time at the beginning of the meeting devoted to oral communications and may at his or her discretion extend the time for a speaker or speaker representative to address the Council. Comments on an item already appearing on the agenda shall only be taken at the time reserved for discussion of that agenda item. No action will be taken by the Council on items discussed under Oral Communications, except to refer the matter to staff or schedule for future action. 6. Council Member Reports. The Council Member Report agenda item provides members of the Council an opportunity to report matters of general interest to the public and their fellow Council Members. No actions, votes or further discussions shall occur on any such matter(s). 7. Council Action on Agenda Matters. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 12 of 42 4 Prior to any vote or discussion by the Council on a matter to be decided on the agenda, City staff shall provide a presentation and/or answer questions, if requested, and thereafter, any Council member may seek recognition by the presiding officer and make a motion to adopt such item, and thereafter, the presiding officer shall determine if another Council member, including the presiding officer, seconds the motion. If the motion receives a second, the matter may be debated before putting the motion to a vote of the Council. A motion that fails to obtain a second or a majority vote shall die. 8. Manner of Addressing Council - Time Limit. a. Each person addressing the Council shall step up to the microphone, shall state their name and city of residence in an audible tone of voice for the record and, unless further time is granted by the presiding officer, shall limit their address to three (3) minutes. If significant numbers of persons desire to speak on a given item, the presiding officer has the discretion to limit speaking times and/or alter the sequence of hearing matters on the agenda. Longer time limits may be permitted for an applicant, appellant, or spokesperson for a larger group, at the discretion of the presiding officer. b. Whenever any group of persons wishes to address the Council on the same subject matter, it shall be proper for the presiding officer to request that a spokesperson be chosen by the group to address the Council and, in case additional matters are to be presented at the time by any other member of the said group, to limit the number of persons so addressing the Council so as to avoid unnecessary repetitions before the Council. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 13 of 42 5 c. City staff presentations and responses to Council questions are not governed by this time limit. 9. Posting of Agenda. At least 72 hours before a regular meeting, the City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the agenda specifying the time and location of the regular meeting in a place accessible so as to be available for review by members of the public. 10. Content of Agenda. Under state law, the City Council is limited to consideration of items which are on a posted agenda. Items may be placed on an agenda by city staff, by the Mayor, or upon the request of an individual Council member in coordination with the City Manager. The City Manager shall be in charge of preparing the Council agenda and all items shall be coordinated with the City Manager. To the fullest extent practicable, any items placed on the agenda by the Mayor, any Council member or City staff should also be listed under "Future Agenda Items" as early as possible to assure the best possible advance notice of the nature of items and discussion which are upcoming. 11. Proclamations and Presentations. The City of Escondido recognizes members of the public, groups, or other entities in different ways. Individual Councilmembers may request the preparation of a Certificate of Achievement, Acknowledgment, or Recognition (depending on the circumstances) to be presented in their individual capacity as a member of the City Council. Such certificates shall be prepared by the City Manager’s office in a manner such as to preserve consistency in design and form of the City. Such certificates shall be requested directly from the City Manager’s office, with ample advance notice to the City Manager’s office to enable preparation and delivery. Each Council member requesting a certificate shall be solely responsible for providing the content and verifying the accuracy DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 14 of 42 6 of the document. Multiple Councilmembers may sign and present such certificates subject to coordination among themselves. The Mayor and any Councilmember may also recommend the public acknowledgement of any member of the public, group, entity or matter of public interest through the issuance and presentation of a formal proclamation on behalf of the City of Escondido. Such recommendations shall be made in coordination with the City Manager’s office. Upon approval by the Mayor, such proclamations shall then be prepared by the City Manager’s office in a manner such as to preserve consistency in design and form of the City. Proclamations will normally be signed on behalf of the City by the Mayor. However, if some or all City Councilmembers also wish to sign a proclamation, and signatures can be obtained in a timely maner, proclamations may be signed by the full City Council or by those members wishing to sign the document. Proclamations shall normally be presented by the Mayor at the commencement of a meeting of the City Council, unless circumstances dictate the presentation of the proclamation elsewhere. Any disagreement with whether or not such a proclamation shall be issued shall be resolved by a majority vote of the City Council. The Mayor or any Councilmember may request that a presentation to the City Council at a regular meeting be made by members of the public, other public entities, or other groups, on issues of interest to the City Council or members of the public. Such presentations shall be coordinated with the Mayor and the City Manager’s office and shall be subject to scheduling in a manner that does not interfere with the need to conduct normal City business. Any disagreement with whether or not such a presentation is to be scheduled shall be resolved by a majority vote of the City Council. 12. Closing Time of Council Meetings. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 15 of 42 7 No agenda item may be introduced after the hour of 10:00 p.m.; however, the meeting may be extended beyond 10:00 p.m. upon a majority vote of the Council members. 13. Processing of Motions. a. When a motion is made, it shall be stated clearly and concisely by its mover. After a motion is made and seconded, it may be stated by the presiding officer before debate. A motion may be withdrawn by the mover without consent of the Council members. b. The presiding officer shall at any time by majority consent of the Council members, permit a Council member to propose the reordering of agenda items. c. If a question contains two or more divisible propositions, the presiding officer may, and upon request of a Council member shall, divide the same. 14. Precedence of Motions. a. When a motion is before the Council, no motion shall be entertained except (precedence in order indicated): (1) To adjourn (2) To fix hour of adjournment (3) To lay on the table (4) For the previous question (5) To postpone to a certain day (6) To refer (7) To amend (8) To postpone indefinitely b. A motion to adjourn shall be in order any time, except as follows: DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 16 of 42 8 (1) When repeated without intervening business or discussion (2) When made as an interruption of a Council member while speaking (3) When the previous question has been ordered (4) While a vote is being taken c. A motion to adjourn “to another time" is debatable only as to the time to which the meeting is adjourned. d. A motion to table or lay on the table is not debatable and shall preclude all amendments or debate of the subject under consideration. If the motion shall prevail, the matter may be “taken from the table" only by adding it to the agenda of the next regular meeting, to be discussed at the following regular meeting. e. A motion for previous question shall close debate on the main motion and shall be undebatable. The statement by a Council member of “question" does not accomplish the same purpose. If a motion fails, debate is reopened; if motion passes, then vote shall be taken on the main motion. f. A motion to amend shall be in order and is debatable only as to amendment. A motion to amend an amendment shall not be in order. An amendment modifying the intention of a motion shall be in order but an amendment relating to a different matter shall not be in order. A substitute motion on the same subject shall be acceptable and amendments are to be voted first, then the main motion is amended. g. A motion to postpone indefinitely shall be fully debatable and if the same is adopted, the principal motion shall be declared lost. A motion to DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 17 of 42 9 postpone to a definite time shall be amendable and debatable as to propriety of postponement and time set. h. A motion to refer shall not be debatable except for the propriety of referring. 15. Administrative Mandamus. Persons who are dissatisfied with a decision of the City Council may have the right to seek review of that decision by a court. In addition, the City has adopted Section 1094.6 of the Code of Civil Procedure which generally limits to ninety (90) days the time within which the decision of City boards and agencies may be judicially challenged. 16. Appeals; Continuances. Any person appealing an action of a City Board or Commission or City Staff to the City Council has a right to two two-week postponements of the initial hearing scheduled on the appeal. After exhaustion of this right, the appeal shall be considered withdrawn. This procedure shall not limit the ability of the City Council to continue a hearing which has commenced to a subsequent meeting to receive additional public testimony or information from City Staff. 17. Reconsideration. Any member of the Council, voting in the majority on any action of the Council, may at the same meeting, or at a subsequent time, request the Council reconsider an action. A reconsideration request made by a member of the Council voting in the minority shall not be allowed, except when made more than one (1) year after the date of the original action. All requests for reconsideration of a Council action shall be provided to each Council member, and the City Manager in writing or via electronic mail, and the request shall be placed on the next available agenda. In the event an item to be reconsidered DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 18 of 42 10 requires public notice, it shall be calendared and noticed after Council determines when reconsideration shall occur. 18. Personal Privilege. The right of any Council member to address the Council on a question of personal privilege shall be limited to cases in which his/her integrity, character or motives are questioned. 19. Council Conduct. Each member of the Council shall act in a courteous and respectful manner to all members of the Council, including providing each member the full opportunity to ask questions, voice opinions and make statements without interruption during closed and open sessions of the Council. 20. Parliamentarian. A majority vote of the Council shall generally control matters of procedure not addressed by this Resolution. The City Attorney shall decide all other questions of interpretations of these rules and any other questions of a parliamentary nature which may arise at a City Council meeting. 21. Voting and Non-Profit Entity Membership. It shall be the policy of this Council that a council member who serves on the governing board of a private non-profit entity shall not participate in the discussion or voting process to determine whether or not that entity receives City funds. In the event the request of a non-profit entity with a council member on its governing board is part of a larger request involving several items, or is part of the budget process, a separate vote shall be taken to allow the necessary abstention. 22. Selection of Chairperson. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 19 of 42 11 In the event that the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor are absent from a City Council meeting, the three remaining Council members present shall promptly determine which Council member will conduct and serve as the chairperson of the meeting. 23. Decorum and Security. a. While the City Council is in session, the Council members, staff, and members of the public are expected to act in a manner to preserve order and decorum for the meeting. No person shall engage in disorderly or disruptive behavior during the meeting. No person shall, either by conversation, applause, shouting, or any other conduct, interrupt or delay the proceedings. b. The City Manager, in coordination with the Mayor and/or Deputy Mayor, are authorized to and shall designate and post signs specifying those areas of the Chamber for the media wishing to record the meeting, areas for staff presentations, and areas which are restricted to City employees and elected officials. c. Signs, placards, posters, or similar objects which are larger than 8.5 by 11 inches and which disrupt the proceedings shall not be displayed during Council proceedings by members of the public. Section B: City Council Policies. 1. Correspondence with Members of the City Council. The purpose of this policy is to provide for a coordinated response to correspondence (i.e. letters, emails, and similar items) which is sent to the City generally, or in which the same correspondence is sent in identical fashion to all Council members. In such circumstances, the Council directs that the Mayor (or as appropriate the City Manager or City Attorney) shall answer such correspondence on behalf of the City, according to the procedure set forth below. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 20 of 42 12 In addition to individual e-mail addresses, the City Manager’s Office shall also establish a shared email address by which citizens may direct emails to all Council members at the same time. The shared email address shall be featured on the City’s website and in other publications in such a manner as to allow citizens to use the address and thereby communicate with all Council members at the same time. All Council members shall have access to review items in the mailbox at all times. All responses to such emails shall also be sent from the shared mailbox, such that all Council members may review such responses. With respect to other communications, such as those involving other governmental entities, organizations, and related entities where such communication occurs between the entities rather than specific individuals, the Mayor shall respond on behalf of the City, with copies to all Council members. Matters involving routine city administrative issues shall generally be responded to by either the City Manager or City Attorney, as appropriate, on behalf of the City. With respect to correspondence that consists of invitations to events, the Mayor and Council shall coordinate such invitations with the City Manager's support staff. Because substantial portions of City Council communication, whether electronic or written, is subject to California's Public Records laws, all City Council communications shall be coordinated with the City Manager for the purpose of compliance with various laws governing public records. All Council members using city computers shall be subject to the City's Administrative Directives regarding computer use. 2. Press Releases. All press releases on behalf of the City shall be issued on City letterhead and only on behalf of the City generally or the entire City Council. Press releases shall be prepared and coordinated by the City Manager’s Office. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 21 of 42 13 3. Council Calendar. The responsibility for managing the calendars of the City Council and the City Council members shall be delegated to the City Manager's secretary. 4. Audits. Staff shall informally assist the City Council in a periodic accounting of individual expenditures for travel, phone use, etc. 5. Council Travel Policy. Council members shall be bound by all City policies, as expressed in Administrative Directives or otherwise, regarding travel on City business. The City Council shall fix an amount in the City Council budget which each Council member may use for business-related education and travel expenses, including attendance at seminars, conferences and other related educational opportunities. These funds will be separate from any budget established for Council member participation in committees associated with other public agencies and entities. If these funds are not used during the fiscal year appropriated, they shall be returned to the General Fund. Elected officials shall provide brief reports on meetings attended at the City’s expense at the next regular City Council meeting. If multiple elected officials attended, a joint report may be made. Reports may be provided in writing as part of the Agenda packet distribution. 6. Council Communication with Staff. The Council members shall request information or give direction only to the City Manager or City Attorney, or those persons designated by the City Manager or City Attorney to assist the Council members in such inquiries or requests. Requests for information should be directed to the City Manager, although incidental or minor requests (not involving analysis or significant time) may be requested directly from DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 22 of 42 14 department heads, with a copy to the City Manager. Requests which involve change of policy, expenditure of funds, or use of significant staff time shall be submitted to the full Council for approval. 7. Review of Reimbursements. The Director of Finance or a designee shall review all City Council requests for reimbursement of expenses for consistency with City policy on such expenses. In all cases, Council members shall be bound by the same policies and procedures adopted and applicable for all City employees on a citywide basis. To the extent such policies provide for per diem reimbursements, auto allowances, and related forms of reimbursement rather than receipt-specific reimbursement, it is hereby determined that such per diem or fixed amount reimbursements, so long as applicable to all city employees, are the best and most efficient method of reimbursing expenses on an actual and necessary basis. 9. Council Salary. To assure attention to the Council compensation allowable under state law, the City Council shall have an agenda item during a meeting in December of odd numbered years for the purpose of determining whether or not to take action regarding Council compensation. 10. Campaign Activity Funding. The City Council shall not direct or authorize the expenditure of public funds to prepare or distribute a publication or communication when the style, tenor, and timing of the publication or communication demonstrates that it constitutes traditional campaign activity or that it supports or opposes the approval or rejection of a ballot measure. 11. Council Use of City Staff for Public Events. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 23 of 42 15 The Council believes that making opportunities available for Council members to interact with the public outside of regular public meetings is a benefit to the Council and residents of the City. The ability to communicate to the public the availability of the Councilmembers for such events is critical to their success. Council members may request through the City Manager’s Office the services of City staff to assist in the hosting of public events related to City business including, but not limited to, the electronic posting of notices of public events involving the Council members on the City’s social media platforms. To the greatest extent possible, the amount of staff resources devoted to such efforts shall be equal among all Council members. To the extent any such staff efforts require time beyond the posting of notices on the City’s or related website, the City Manager shall be responsible for determining whether such personnel resources are available, whether there is a sufficient budget to cover the costs related to such efforts, and ensuring that all council members may obtain like and equal services during the course of any fiscal year. Council members shall not use any city staff or resources as part of, or in coordination with, any campaign for public office. Section C: City Council Ethics Policy. 1. Declaration of Policy. The respected operation of democratic government emphasizes that elected officials be independent, impartial, and responsible to the people. It requires that they conduct themselves in a manner above reproach. This Ethics Policy provides the following general guidelines and specific prohibitions to which elected Escondido City Officials must conform in pursuit of their assigned duties and responsibilities. This policy is in addition to all applicable provisions DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 24 of 42 16 of state law, including the Brown Act, the Political Reform Act and implementing regulations, and all other laws governing the conduct of elected officials. 2. Disclosure of Closed Session Matter. No member of the City Council shall disclose to any person, other than members of the Council, the City Attorney, the City Manager, or other City staff designated by the City Manager to handle such matters of confidential City business, the content or substance of any information presented or discussed during a closed session meeting unless the City Council first authorizes such disclosure by the affirmative vote of three members. 3. Disclosure of Confidential Communications. Except when disclosure is mandated by state or federal law, no member of the City Council shall disclose to any person, other than members of the Council, the City Attorney, or the City Manager, or other City staff designated by the City Manager to handle such matters of confidential City business, the content or substance of any confidential or privileged communication relating to matters of City business, received under circumstances where the confidential or privileged nature of the communication is reasonably conveyed, unless the City Council first authorizes such disclosure by the affirmative vote of three members of the City Council. 4. Conduct During Negotiations/Litigation. The City Council is authorized to provide direction to specifically identified negotiators in a legally constituted closed session on matters involving pending litigation, real estate negotiations, and labor negotiations. If the City Council in closed session provides such direction to its negotiators, all contact with the negotiating party or the party's representative, shall be limited to, and made by, those individuals designated to handle the negotiations. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 25 of 42 17 During a pending labor negotiation, no member of the City Council shall communicate any negotiating position on behalf of the City or engage in any negotiations for employee salary, benefits or working conditions. In addition, during pending litigation or real estate negotiations, no member of the City Council (unless they have been designated as a negotiator) shall have any contact or discussion with the litigating or negotiating party or the party's representative regarding the subject matter of the pending litigation or real estate negotiations. No member of the City Council shall communicate or disclose to any person, other than members of the Council, the City Attorney, the City Manager, or other City staff designated by the City Manager to handle such matters of confidential City business, any discussion or information received in closed session regarding the negotiation or litigation. Nothing in this section shall prohibit Council members from receiving written communications provided they are made available to all Council members, the City Manager, the City Attorney, and the City's designated negotiators on an equal basis. 5. Ex Parte Communications. The purpose of this provision is to guarantee that all interested parties to any adjudicatory matter before the City Council have equal opportunity to express and represent their interests. Ex parte communications are those communications members of the City Council have with representatives of only one side of a matter outside the presence of other interested parties on a matter relevant to an adjudicatory proceeding. A communication concerning only the status of a pending matter shall not be regarded as an ex parte communication. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 26 of 42 18 Any written or oral ex parte communication received by a member of the City Council in matters where all interested parties are entitled to an equal opportunity for a hearing shall be made a part of the record by the recipient. 6. Violations and Penalties. Any violation of this Ethics Policy by a member of the City Council shall constitute official misconduct if determined by an affirmative vote of three members of the City Council in an open and public meeting. In addition to any criminal or civil penalties provided for by federal, state or other local law, any violation of this Ethics Policy shall constitute a cause for censure by City Council adoption of a Resolution of Censure. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 27 of 42 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Escondido at a regular meeting thereof the 8th day of FEBRUARY, 2023 by the following vote to wit: AYE : Councilmembers: GARCIA, GARCIA, MARTINEZ, MORASCO, WHITE NOES : Councilmembers: NONE ABSENT : Councilmembers: NONE APPROVED: DANE WHITE, Mayor of the City of Escondido, California ATTEST: ZACK BECK, City Clerk of the City of Escondido, California RESOLUTION NO. 2023-19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5FF2A01B-AC6F-4EC0-B5FA-5F2BC25B42A0 Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 28 of 42 ~ DocuSigned by: '1),-,,e, 1A//wte, 19FFE5D88C38409 ... Request for Proclamation or Certificate of Recognition Before submitting your request, please review these Guidelines Requests for proclamations or certificates of recognition to be presented at an event or Council meeting are provided to the Mayor for approval. All requests should be sent four to three weeks in advance of the event. Please provide the following information to the City Clerk’s Office: •Contact information (name, email, phone, mailing address) of the person submitting the request •Date of the event •Name and title of the person accepting the proclamation •Proclamation verbiage* *We reserve the right to edit for content and length. When Choosing Between a Proclamation and Certificate of Recognition: A Proclamation is a document that dedicates a day, week or month in the City of La Mesa to honor a special event, cause or purpose •Requests must include several (6-8) one sentence factual statements about important things the organization/individual has done throughout its history, highlights, facts, etc. and why this day, week or month should be proclaimed A Certificate of Recognition is a certificate used for events such as grand openings, ribbon cuttings, retirements, special birthdays, anniversaries, general recognition earned by a citizen of the City of La Mesa (such as graduations, Eagle Scout, championships, volunteerism, etc.) •Birthday Recognition – recipient must be celebrating +80 years and be a resident of La Mesa •Wedding Anniversaries – the recipients must be celebrating 50 or more years and residents of La Mesa Submitting a Request All requests should be addressed to: City Clerk’s Office 8130 Allison Avenue La Mesa, CA 91942 cityclrk@cityoflamesa.us •Please allow up to 10 business days for consideration and processing of your proclamation or certificate of recognition Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 29 of 42 :/7l: '\ CITY OF --·-, LAMESA JEWEL of the HILLS •If the proclamation or certificate of recognition is not being presented at a Council meeting or at an event by the Mayor or a Councilmember then you will be able to pick up the finished proclamation or certificate of recognition at La Mesa City Hall (8130 Allison Ave., La Mesa 91942) The Mayor reserves the right to decline any request for proclamation or certificate of recognition, as well as the right to make exceptions to the guideline procedures. Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 30 of 42 -- Proclamation and Certificate of Recognition Guidelines Pursuant to LMCC § 2.12.065, Proclamations shall be reserved for those activities, events or declarations which are made on behalf of the citizens of the city. Proclamations and Certificates of Recognition may be issued for: •Public awareness •Charitable fundraising campaigns •Non-profit organizations •Arts and cultural celebrations •Celebrating anniversaries of longtime businesses •Special honors, determined by Mayor Proclamations and Certificates of Recognition will not be issued for: •Matters of political or religious nature •Events or organizations with no direct relationship to the City of La Mesa •Campaigns or events contrary to City policies Additionally: •The Mayor reserves the right to approve or decline any proclamation or certificate of recognition request and to edit the drafted material for final wording. •A certificate of recognition is an alternative where the criteria for a proclamation are not met. Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 31 of 42 ,q7~ ~ CITYOF ·~ LAMESA JEWEL of the HILLS WHEREAS, May 11th, 2017 is observed as National Twilight Zone Day, that mysterious day highlighted with eerie background music and unexplainable occurrences; and WHEREAS, the television show The Twilight Zone was created, written and narrated by Rod Sterling; and WHEREAS, The Twilight Zone premiered on October 1, 1959 and ran for five seasons with its last episode airing in 1964; and WHEREAS, in the show ordinary people find themselves in extraordinarily astounding situations, which they each try to solve in a remarkable manner; and WHEREAS, The Twilight Zone introduced many Americans to common science fiction and fantasy tropes; WHEREAS, the success of The Twilight Zone series led to a Disneyland attraction, feature film, a radio series, a comic book, a magazine, and various other spin-offs that spanned five decades, including two revival televisions series; and NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mayor of the City of La Mesa, and the entire City Council, do hereby proclaim the 11th day of May, 2017 as NATIONAL TWILIGHT ZONE DAY in the City of La Mesa and call upon all citizens to watch The Twilight Zone, a show that crafted stories that, at their core, spread ideas which resonate with any person of any generation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and caused the official seal of the City of La Mesa to be affixed this 11th day of May 2017. ______________________________ Mayor ______________________________ Vice Mayor ______________________________ Councilmember ______________________________ Councilmember ______________________________ Councilmember Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 32 of 42 Ci t y o f L a M e s a Ce r t i f i c a t e o f R e c o g n i t i o n Pr e s e n t e d t o Ci t y H a l l In h o n o r of i t s n e w s t o r e a n d r i b b o n c u t t i n g e v e n t , a n d wi t h si n c e r e co n g r a t u l a t i o n s a n d b e s t w i s h e s f o r m a n y y e a r s o f s u c c e s s . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ma y o r Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 33 of 42 CITY OF LA MESA CERTIFICATE OF CONGRATULATIONS to JOHN DOE on the occasion of his 90th Birthday It is a great mark of distinction to reach this milestone in your life. May you see many more years of happiness and joy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and caused the official seal of the City of La Mesa to be affixed this 18th day of September 2017. _____________________________ Mayor _____________________________ Vice Mayor _____________________________ Councilmember _____________________________ Councilmember _____________________________ Councilmember Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 34 of 42 “Best Climate On Earth” Proclamation Request & Recognition Information sheet The Mayor and City Council are pleased to issue officiation proclamations/recognitions from the City of Lemon Grove to honor or recognize a person or an event that reflects special occasions or outstanding accomplishments in the lives of Lemon Grove residents. The Mayor and City Council's issuance of a proclamation/recognition does not constitute an endorsement. Before submitting your request, please review the guidelines following this information sheet. To Request a City Proclamation 1. Please send your desired wording highlighting the special occasion or outstanding accomplishment that you would like the Mayor to recognize. 2. Mail (3232 Main St. Lemon Grove, CA 91945) or e-mail the wording to Cassandra Mendenhall at cmendenenhall@lemongrove.ca.gov. All proclamations/recognitions are subject to editing. 3. Please note, all proclamations must fit on one page. 4. Proclamation request must be submitted 10 days prior to the event/celebration. To Request a Certificate of Recognition 1. Please provide Certificate of Recognition information, for example: what the awardee is being honored for (provide additional information highlighting the special occasion or outstanding accomplishment that you would like the Mayor to recognize.) 2. Mail (3232 Main St. Lemon Grove, CA 91945) or e-mail the wording to Cassandra Mendenhall at cmendenenhall@lemongrove.ca.gov. All recognitions are subject to editing. 3. Please note, all recognitions must fit on one page. 4. Recognitions request must be submitted 10 days prior to the event/celebration. What to Expect  We will use your suggested wording to prepare the proclamation/recognition.  Please allow up to 10 business days for consideration and processing of your proclamation/recognition request.  You will be able to pick up the finished proclamation/recognition at Lemon Grove City Hall.  If your request does not meet the guidelines or we are unable to provide a proclamation/recognition, the City Council's Office can provide a congratulatory letter as an alternative. The City Council’s Office reserves the right to decline any request for a proclamation/recognition, as well as the right to make exceptions to the guideline procedures. Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 35 of 42 “Best Climate On Earth” City of Lemon Grove Proclamation & Recognition Guidelines Proclamations/recognitions are official ceremonial documents signed by the Mayor and issued for:  Public Awareness.  Charitable fundraising campaigns.  Arts and Cultural celebrants.  Special Honors. Proclamations/recognitions will NOT be issued for:  Matters of political controversy, ideological or religious beliefs, or individual conviction.  Events or organizations with no direct relationship to the City of Lemon Grove.  Campaigns or events contrary to City of Lemon Grove. Other:  The City Council’s Office reserves the right to modify or deny any proclamation.  Events or organizations with no direct relationship to the City of Lemon Grove.  Request must be submitted at least 10 working days prior to event/celebration. Contact: Cassandra Mendenhall City Manager’s Department P. 619-825-3819 E. cmendenhall@lemongrove.ca.gov Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 36 of 42 CITY COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF NATIONAL CITY AMENDED: October 5, 2021 ADOPTED: December 13, 1983 POLICY #104 TITLE: Rules of Procedure and Order for City Council Meetings pursuant to Section 54957.9. 4.Violation of California State Law: A person or persons who willfully and intentionally impair or impede the conduct of a City Council meeting by violatingthese Rules of Procedure and Order may be prosecuted under California Penal Code section 403, California Elections Code section 18340, or any other applicableState law for disturbing a public meeting. XIV.PROCEDURAL MATTERS A.City Council Seating Arrangement: The seating arrangement of Councilmembers on the dais is at the prerogative of the Mayor. · B.Signing of Meeting Documents: The Presiding Officer shall sign all ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and other documents necessitating official signature whichwere adopted in their presence, unless unavailable, in which case the signature of the Vice-Mayor may be used. C.Copy of Recordings: The public may obtain from the City Clerk a copy, at cost, of an existing recording made by the legislative body of its public sessions. D.Ceremonial Matters: There are several different types of action the City Council may take to provide recognition or express appreciation: 1.Certifications of Appreciation or Recognition: Commendations are typically issued to acknowledge the activities of a person or organization. 2.Proclamations: Public announcements directing attention to a person, organization, event, or cause. Proclamations will be issued subject to the policy described below. E.Proclamations: It is the policy of the City Council to issue proclamations for certainindividuals, organizations, events, or causes, when such a proclamation positivelyimpacts the community and conveys an affirmative message to residents. 1.Discretion should be used in determining whether or not to issue a proclamation. Proclamations that are political in nature, are controversial, or that likely would not enjoy a high level of community interest and support, are discouraged. 2.It is the policy of the City Council to process requests for proclamations in the following manner: Page 21 of 26Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 37 of 42 CITY COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF NATIONAL CITY AMENDED: October 5, 2021 ADOPTED: December 13, 1983 POLICY #104 TITLE: Rules of Procedure and Order for City Council Meetings a. Requests for proclamations will be made through the Mayor's Office; b. If the Mayor determines that the proclamation request is consistent with the policy stated above, the Mayor will direct his or her staff member to prepare the proclamation and the proclamation will be issued. c. Upon receipt of the draft proclamation language, the Mayor will direct the City Manager to place the item on a meeting agenda depending on the nature and time-sensitive nature of the request. XV. SOCIAL MEDIA With the ever-growing use of social media, the City Council and City staff should be aware that comments, statements, opinions, etc. are still subject to the same restrictions identified in the California Government Code, including but not limited to (the Brown Act and the Public Records Act). While the City of National City strives to maintain community involvement and transparency in its government functions, certain State and local laws must be considered and kept in mind while using social media platforms. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and· others can be viewed by other people including other Councilmembers. Councilmembers are encouraged to check the information they provide for accuracy. Multiple Councilmembers cannot comment on the same conversation, as that can create a "serial meeting" of the City Council and is a direct violation of the Brown Act. If Councilmembers communicate on social media about "City business", as defined in City Administrative Policy No. 02.06, any such communication may be released to the public upon request. Councilmembers should refrain from stating personal opinions on matters being brought before the City Council including, but not limited to: personal opinions on topics, declarations on how an official intends to vote for an item, debating with citizens on items, or presentation of the Councilmember's argument in support or opposition of an item, as those could be considered violations of the Brown Act, which can result in criminal and civil liabilities for the official. Councilmembers should always maintain professionalism and common courtesy in posts and comments when commenting in their official capacity and should remain neutral in postings to prevent the interpretation that a decision has already been made outside of an open meeting, in violation of the Brown Act. Councilmembers should also be aware that there is inherent personal civil liability risk on all comments they make outside of official meetings. For example, if a Councilmember "blocks" a social media user, or deletes a comment from a Page 22 of 26Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 38 of 42 8/4/23, 3:58 PM Proclamation Request & Recognition | City of Vista https://www.cityofvista.com/city-hall/city-council/proclamation-request 1/1 PROCLAMATION REQUEST & RECOGNITION The Mayor and City Council are pleased to issue officiation proclamations from the City of Vista to honor or recognize a person or an event that reflects special occasions or outstanding accomplishments in the lives of Vista residents per the Vista City Council Policy. The Mayor and City Council's issuance of a proclamation does not constitute an endorsement. Before submitting your request, please review these Guidelines. To Request A City Proclamation 1. Please send your desired wording highlighting the special occasion or outstanding accomplishment that you would like the Mayor to recognize. (View a sample proclamation -Individual or sample proclamation - Organization, to get a sense of the language you might use). 2. Mail (200 Civic Center Drive, Vista, CA 92084) or e-mail the wording (you can use this fillable form) to Doris Calvo at dcalvo@cityofvista.com. All proclamations are subject to editing. 3. Please note, all proclamations must fit on one page. What To Expect We will use your suggested wording to prepare the proclamation. Please allow up to 10 business days for consideration and processing of your proclamation request. You will be able to pick up the finished proclamation at the Vista Civic Center. If your request does not meet the guidelines or we are unable to provide a proclamation, the City Council's Office can provide a congratulatory letter as an alternative. The City Council’s Office reserves the right to decline any request for a proclamation, as well as the right to make exceptions to the guideline procedures. Contact City Council Office P: 760.639.6130 E: dcalvo@cityofvista.com Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 39 of 42 ---------- Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 40 of 42 200-02 PURPOSE Vista City Council Policy RECOGNITION PROTOCOL To establish standards for the use and distribution of recognition items (resolutions, proclamations, letters of appreciation, and other official memorabilia). POLICY 1. Informal Letters of Appreciation: This is a letter on City letterhead signed by the Mayor or an individual Councilmember in appreciation of a person's or company's efforts. 2. Formal Letters of Appreciation: This document enables the City Council to thank the recipient for a specific act such as chairing a special event, making a significant contribution, donating something of value to the community, or a retiring or leaving employee of the City. These letters may be signed in advance by all Councilmembers. 3. Proclamations: These documents should be reserved for those whose service is well known in the community over a period of time, and shall also be signed by all Councilmembers. Examples include recognizing the president of a civic or charitable organization or an Eagle Scout recipient. 4. Resolutions: This form is signed by all of the Councilmembers . Among other official uses, resolutions may be used to relay official positions on legislative issues, to honor a local recipient of a prestigious award , and to show support or opposition on an issue or to provide the highest recognition to an individual. 5. City Memorabilia: Presentation of City Memorabilia containing the City seal is the highest award or gift the City can present to someone. The determination on whether or not to issue memorabilia rests jointly with the Mayor and City Manager, and should be made in anticipation of the whole City Council's full support, the exception being retiring City employees, for which this is a standard practice. The presentation of any of these items will be made primarily by the Mayor. If the Mayor is unavailable, the responsibility will fall to the Deputy Mayor, then to the other Councilmembers by seniority. 200-02 (1) Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 41 of 42 Vista City Council Policy HISTORY Adopted May 23, 1983. Amended December 12, 1983. Amended February 12, 2002, City Council Resolution No . 2002-37. Amended August 25, 2015. 200-02 (2) City of Vista Proclamation Guidelines Proclamations are ceremonial documents signed by the Mayor and City Council and issued for:  Public Awareness.  Charitable fundraising campaigns.  Arts and cultural celebrations.  Special honors. Proclamations will not be issued for:  Matters of political controversy, ideological or religious beliefs, or individual conviction.  Events or organizations with no direct relationship to the City of Vista.  Campaigns or events contrary to Vista policies. Other:  The City Council’s Office reserves the right to modify or deny any proclamation  Events or organizations with no direct relationship to the City of Vista. Contact:  The City Council’s Office P: 760.639.6130 E: Dcalvo@cityofvista.com Aug. 29, 2023 Item #8 Page 42 of 42 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear Mayor and City Council,· Stephanie Wells <ms.sicily@gmail.com> Tuesday, August 29, 2023 11 :05 AM City Clerk All Receive -Agenda Item# & For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Datef/m/~ CA v CC ...::_ CM ✓ACM /' DCM (3) _t::::. Keith Blackburn; Priya Bhat-Patel; Teresa Acosta; Carolyn Luna; Melanie Burkholder 8. CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT -CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS I am writing to advocate for retaining proclamation presentations at the start of every council meeting. These ceremonies serve as a platform for residents to raise public awareness, endorse arts and cultural festivities, and shine a light on the special causes of our city. Consolidating these moments into a separate event would diminish their significance and potentially undermine the value this advocacy brings to our community. I concur with the notion of restricting the quantity and length of repetitive proclamations, aiming instead to accentuate new voices and issues that are pertinent concerns within our city and constituents. Sincerely, Stephanie Wells 92008, D1 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you reco nize the sender and know the content i 1 Sheila Cobian, Legislative & Constituent Services Director Aug. 29, 2023 City Council Policy Statement: City Council Proclamations 1 { City of Carlsbad PROPOSED ACTION •Consider options •Adopt a resolution approving City Council Policy Statement –City Council Proclamations, Certificates of Recognition and Congratulatory Letters ITEM 8: CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS 2 { City of Carlsbad BACKGROUND Minute Motion: •June 1, 2023 •Directed staff to return with options for a City Council discussion regarding city proclamations ITEM 8: CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS 3 { City of Carlsbad RECOMMENDATIONS Requests for Issuance of a Proclamation Presentation of Proclamations Certificates of Recognition and Congratulatory Letters ITEM 8: CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS 4 ( City of Carlsbad DISCUSSION Does the City Council wish to: •Present proclamations outside of the regular City Council meeting as a ceremonial gathering? •Limit the number of proclamations presented at the ceremonial gathering to be held each month? •Set a schedule for the ceremonial gatherings? ITEM 8: CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS 5 { City of Carlsbad DISCUSSION •How many ceremonial gatherings does the City Council wish to hold a month? •If there is a conflict with a closed session of the City Council, should the ceremonial gathering be rescheduled to the following week, or moved to an earlier time the same day? ITEM 8: CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS 6 { City of Carlsbad PROPOSED ACTION •Consider options •Adopt a resolution approving City Council Policy Statement –City Council Proclamations, Certificates of Recognition and Congratulatory Letters ITEM 8: CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS 7 { City of Carlsbad QUESTIONS? ITEM 8: CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATIONS 8 { City of Carlsbad