HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-28; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesLIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Minutes June 28, 2023, 4 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Trustees McBride, Moran, Schatt, Sheffler. Absent: Trustee DeForest. Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Trustee McBride led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees regular meeting held May 24, 2023. Motion by Trustee McBride, seconded by Trustee Moran, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried, 3/0/1/1 (DeForest -Absent, Sheffler -Abstain). PUBLIC COMMENT: None. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 1. RALPH M. BROWN ACT AND PUBLIC RECORDS ACT PRESENTATION -Receive a presentation regarding the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. (Staff contact: Sheila Cobian, City Manager's Department) Recommendation: Receive the report. City Attorney Cindie McMahon and Director of Legislative and Constituent Services Sheila Cobian provided a PowerPoint Presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Trustee Sheffler inquired to any recent changes to the Brown Act of which the trustees should be aware. Cindie McMahon explained recent changes pertained to hybrid meetings which the city is currently not offering. Trustee McBride inquired if she should keep emails received from staff separate from her personal emails. Cindie McMahon suggested keeping the emails received from staff separate for ease of locating. Trustee Schatt inquired if he needs to keep an email received from staff, but not responded to. Cindie McMahon explained the difference between administrative correspondence and city business and what correspondence is retained. June 28, 2023 Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Page 2 2. LIBRARY REPORTS FOR MAY 2023 -Receive the Narrative Report and Statistical Report for May 2023. (Staff contact: Sheila Crosby, Library & Cultural Arts) Recommendation: Receive the reports. The board received the report. 3. UPDATE TO LIBRARY COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT POLICY -Receive a report from staff and vote to accept updates to the library's Collection Development Policy. (Staff contacts: Sheila Crosby and Jacqui Petri, Library & Cultural Arts) Recommendation: Receive the report and vote to accept updates to the library's Collection Development Policy. Deputy Library Director Sheila Crosby and Lead Librarian Jacqui Petri presented a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Trustee Moran noted the font on page 23 of 31 needs to be corrected. Sheila Crosby agreed, and the font will be modified. Trustee Moran requested to have the sentence on page 21 of 31 that uses the word "preempt" be restated. Sheila Crosby agreed, and the sentence will be restated. Motion by Trustee McBride, seconded by Trustee Moran to accept the updates to the library's Collection Development Policy as amended. Motion carried, 4/0/1 (DeForest -Absent). 4. NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT -Receive a report from the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. (Staff contact: Sheila Crosby, Library & Cultural Arts) Recommendation: Receive the report. Representative Millet did not have a report for the board. TRUSTEES COMMENTARY AND REQUESTS FOR CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS: This portion of the agenda is for the Board of Trustees to make brief announcements, brief reports of their activities and requests for future agenda items. Trustee McBride reported the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation presented a donation of $105,000 at the City Council meeting on June 20. Trustee Sheffler provided an update on the Growth Management Committee. Trustee Sheffler requested information on recent negative comments seen on social media regarding programming at the library. Director Smithson shared that the topic is included in her Director's June 28, 2023 Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Comments and she would address there. DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS: Director Suzanne Smithson made the following announcements: •Update on full time recruitments Page 3 •Full attendance at author event in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium on June 9 with Lisa See, discussing her book "Lady Tan's Circle of Women" •Pride programming in the library and response from community •Summer Reading Adventure 2023 is going great •TGIF Concerts in the Park begin July 7 •Auto renewals for library materials begin in July •Next steps for the audio, visual and lighting improvements project in the William D. Cannon Gallery and Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium •Friends of the Carlsbad Library elected new officers at their annual meeting on June 15 •Friends of the Carlsbad Library donation of $65,000 to be accepted at the City Council meeting on July 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Vice Chair Schatt adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m.