HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-09-12; City Council; ; Hope Apartments: A Proposed Four-Story, 156-unit Apartment Building at 950 and 1006 Carlsbad Village Dr., 2944 Hope Ave., 945-A, 945-B and 955 Grand Ave. (CT 2022-0001/SDCA Review RK Meeting Date: Sept. 12, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Shannon Harker, Senior Planner shannon.harker@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2621 Subject: Hope Apartments: A Proposed Four-Story, 156-unit Apartment Building at 950 and 1006 Carlsbad Village Dr., 2944 Hope Ave., 945-A, 945-B and 955 Grand Ave. (CT 2022-0001/SDP 2022-0006) District: 1 Recommended Action Hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution (Exhibit 1) approving a Tentative Tract Map (CT 2022-0001) and Site Development Plan (SDP 2022-0006) to consolidate land, demolish an existing hotel and three residential structures and construct a four-story, 156-unit multi-family residential l apartment building with subterranean parking located at 950 and 1006 Carlsbad Village Dr., 2944 Hope Ave., 945-A, 945-B and 955 Grand Ave. and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. Executive Summary The City Council is being asked to approve a tentative tract map and site development plan for the development of a four-story, 45-foot-tall, 156-unit multi-residential rental apartment building with two levels of subterranean parking on five lots on Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue. The developer is seeking the maximum 50% density bonus allowed under state law in return for designating at least 15% of the proposed base dwelling units affordable to very low-income households. A density bonus allows a developer to increase the number of residential units on a property above the maximum limit set by a city’s general plan in exchange for reserving a certain number of the new units as affordable for at least 55 years. The project is also required to comply with the city’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, which requires this developer to make 15% of the project’s total units affordable for lower-income income households. The developer is proposing to provide 20 very low-income affordable rental units, which satisfies both the state’s Density Bonus Law and the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance requirements. When factoring in the density bonus, the developer proposes a project with a density of 52.8 dwelling units per acre. Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 1 of 22 For the reasons explained in the staff report, city staff determined that all required findings can be made to support approval of this request. The Planning Commission has also recommended the City Council approve the tentative tract map and site development plan for the project. The project is in the area covered by the Village & Barrio Master Plan. This request is before the City Council because that plan requires a site development plan for the construction of buildings over 5,000 square feet or projects with more than four dwelling units in the Master Plan, and the City Council is the decision-maker for all site development plans within the master plan area. In addition, Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.54.040.C.3 requires all concurrently processed development permits to be considered and approved by the same decision-maker; so the tentative tract map to consolidate the lots also requires City Council approval. Explanation & Analysis The 2.95-acre site consists of five legal lots, with street frontage on Grand Avenue to the north, Carlsbad Village Drive to the south and the Hope Avenue alley to the west. A location map is included as Exhibit 2. The site is currently developed with a Carl’s Jr. drive-through restaurant, the Carlsbad Village Inn, a 109-room hotel, and three single-family homes. The proposed project consists of the development of a four-story, 156-unit rental apartment building with 277 parking spaces, including a 272-space, two-level subterranean parking garage. It will require the demolition of three homes and the Carlsbad Village Inn. The existing Carl’s Jr. fast-food restaurant, drive-thru and surface parking around its perimeter are proposed to remain. To facilitate the development of the site and achieve the project’s desired number of units, the five existing lots, including the Carl’s Jr. lot, will be consolidated into one lot. As a result of the lot consolidation and mixture of existing and proposed land uses, the project is considered a horizontal mixed-use project, unlike more traditional mixed-use projects, which have businesses on the ground floor and homes above. Vehicle access will be provided by an existing 24-foot-wide shared private driveway on the east side of the proposed apartment building. The shared driveway provides through access from Carlsbad Village Drive to Grand Avenue and currently provides access to the Carlsbad Village Inn, Carl’s Jr., and the 106-unit, four-story Village Lofts apartment building. Proposed street improvements along Carlsbad Village Drive include widening the sidewalk in front of Carl’s Jr. to 10 feet to match the existing, wider sidewalk to the north and to comply with the mobility requirements of the Village & Barrio Master Plan. While an existing grass planter will be removed along the Carl’s Jr. frontage, the developer proposes to plant five trees Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 2 of 22 at the western perimeter of the existing parking lot to soften the interface between the parking lot and the enhanced sidewalk. The existing street trees in the sidewalk will remain. Along Grand Avenue, the project will: •Remove all existing frontage improvements and replace them with a new, six-foot-wide meandering sidewalk •Add a four-foot-wide parkway with street trees and pedestrian-scale street lighting •Provide Americans with Disabilities Act-accessible ramps on both sides of Grand Avenue at the Hope Avenue alley intersection (the northeast and southeast corners) •The dedication of a 30-foot-wide strip of right-of-way to the city The proposed apartment building is 45-feet-tall with allowable architectural projections (i.e., elevator tower, parapets, metal canopy/architectural tower) up to 55 feet in height. The developer’s architect describes the architectural style as “Modern Coastal.” The design incorporates a variety of stucco colors to break up the facades, horizontal wood siding, porcelain tile accents, a large metal trellis over the amenity area on the fourth floor, two metal canopy roofs, and metal sunshades over select units. In addition to the amenity area on the fourth floor, two large common open space courtyards are proposed on ground level. State Density Bonus and Inclusionary Housing Ordinance The project site is in the Freeway Commercial (FC) district of the Village & Barrio Master Plan, which permits a density range of 28 to 35 dwelling units per acre. The developer is seeking the maximum 50% increase in density allowed under Government Code Section 65915, the state Density Bonus Law. A developer can also request waivers from local development standards if needed to achieve the density allowed under state law. In addition to satisfying the affordable housing requirements of the state Density Bonus Law, the developer is also required to satisfy the requirements of the city’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.85. The developer is proposing to build a total of 20 affordable units, which satisfies both requirements. The units are required to be affordable to households with very low-income units, so it qualifies for a credit reducing the percentage of affordable unit from 15% to 12.5%. Please see the detailed calculation below for reference: Summary Base units 2.95 acres X 35 dwelling units per acre 104 (103.25 rounded up) Density bonus units 104 base units X 50% 52 Maximum no. of units allowed base units + density bonus 156 Total no. of units requested/proposed 156 Density bonus affordable units (very low income) 104 base units x 15% 16 (15.6 rounded up) Inclusionary affordable units (very low income) 156 total units x 12.5% 20 (19.5 rounded up) Total affordable units* 20 *Inclusionary Ordinance units also count as density bonus affordable units. Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 3 of 22 Requested waivers As part of the density bonus request, the developer is seeking three waivers to the development standards of the Freeway Commercial District and Village & Barrio Master Plan. Under the density bonus law, there is no limit to the number of waivers an applicant can request as long as the waiver does not cause a specific adverse impact on public health or safety or on property listed on the California historical register, or would violate state or federal law. A summary of the requested waivers is included below. None of the requested waivers meet these criteria. Please refer to Exhibit 6 (public comments) of the Planning Commission staff report (Exhibit 3) for a more detailed analysis. Waivers to development standards of Freeway Commercial District •Private open space: Under Section 2.7.4 of the Master Plan, a minimum of 80 square feet of private open space (i.e., decks or balconies) shall be provided per unit. In addition, the minimum dimension shall be six feet. The proposed balconies range in size from 38 to 83 square feet. The developer is requesting a reduction in the standard for required area and minimum dimensions for private open space. •Fourth floor square footage: Under the Master Plan, Section 2.7.4 also states the square footage of enclosed fourth floor space shall not exceed 80 percent of the largest enclosed floor space below (floors one, two, or three). However, in no case shall the fourth-floor enclosed space exceed the amount of third floor enclosed space. The proposed fourth floor space covers 95% of the largest floor below it. The developer is requesting a waiver to this standard. •Building massing (the bulk and size of a building), maximum wall plane and roofline variation: Section 2.7.4 states that no building facade visible from any public street or the Interstate5 freeway shall extend more than 50 feet in length without a five-foot minimum variation in the wall plane. The building is designed with a varying amount of architectural relief (i.e., recesses and projections) facing Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue but does not specifically comply with the standard of Section 2.7.4. The developer is requesting a waiver to this standard. State Housing Accountability Act The city's discretionary authority on this project is limited because all such multi-family residential projects are subject to the state Housing Accountability Act, California Government Code Section 65589.5(j)(1), which states when a proposed housing development project complies with the applicable, objective general plan, zoning and subdivision standards and criteria that were in effect at the time that the application was deemed complete, cities cannot disapprove the project or impose a condition requiring lower density unless the city finds based on a preponderance of evidence that the project would have a specific, adverse impact on public health and safety, or there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid such adverse impact. A “specific, adverse impact” means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete; and there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the adverse impact, other than the disapproval of the Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 4 of 22 project or the approval of the project upon the condition that it be developed at a lower density. Planning Commission The Planning Commission considered the proposed project at a public hearing on June 21, 2023. After questions and discussion, the Planning Commission voted 5/1/1 (Lafferty - No, Kamenjarin - Absent), to recommend approval of the project to the City Council. At the hearing, one member of the public representing the community group, Imagine Carlsbad, expressed concerns about the contemporary architectural design, condition of the Carl’s Jr. parking lot and the loss of landscaping along the Carl’s Jr. frontage to accommodate a wider sidewalk. During discussion and deliberation, the Planning Commission also asked questions pertaining to a direct pedestrian connection from the new apartment building to Carlsbad Village Drive. Issues of concern •Architectural design In response to concerns raised regarding the proposed contemporary design and that is not the desired architectural style of the community, staff responded it was the applicant’s choice and the Freeway Commercial District and Village & Barrio Master Plan does not currently require a particular architectural style. •Carl’s Jr. parking lot In response to concerns raised regarding the state of the Carl’s Jr. parking lot, the developer indicated the trash in the parking lot comes from the existing hotel and that the situation would improve with the demolition of the hotel and redevelopment of the site. •Sidewalk versus landscaping In response to concerns raised regarding the proposal to widen the sidewalk and remove landscaping between the sidewalk and the Carl’s Jr. parking lot, staff explained the Village & Barrio Master Plan recommends a wider sidewalk to improve pedestrian mobility in the Village. As a result, the developer will be required to dedicate 10 feet of right-of-way along Carlsbad Village Drive to the city, resulting in a sidewalk that will be 10 feet wide, not including existing tree wells, signage, etc. The sidewalk will provide continuity with the sidewalk on the east side of the shared drive aisle, in front of the Village Lofts building. In addition, the five trees will be planted at the southern edge of the parking lot. •Pedestrian connection to Carlsbad Village Drive In response to concerns raised about the absence of a direct pedestrian connection from the new apartment building to Carlsbad Village Drive, the applicant indicated a pedestrian connection was proposed to the east, across the drive aisle that leads to the Village Lofts building and Carlsbad Village Drive to the south. However, the developer acknowledged some modifications could be made to the site design to provide a more direct connection. Since the Planning Commission hearing, staff have worked with the applicant to revise the project design to add a more direct pedestrian connection to Carlsbad Village Drive. The modifications include the removal of some landscaping and the conversion of parking stalls adjacent to the drive aisle from standard to compact to Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 5 of 22 create additional width for the new four-foot-wide pedestrian walkway, which includes enhanced paving. The project plans have been updated to reflect the new design. A complete description of the project and staff analysis that supports the requested permit approvals is included in the Planning Commission staff report (Exhibit 3). The Planning Commission’s actions and decisions are included in the attached minutes (Exhibit 4) and resolution (Exhibit 5). Community Engagement A public notice of this meeting, as well as for the Planning Commission hearing, was mailed to property owners within 600 feet of the project site and posted consistent with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act. Information regarding public notification of this item such as mailings, public hearing notices posted in a newspaper of general circulation and on the city’s website are available in the Office of the City Clerk. The developer completed the early public notice procedures and the Enhanced Stakeholder Outreach Program required by under City Council Policy No. 84 -Development Project Public Involvement Policy. A public meeting was held on Aug. 29, 2022, at the Village Lofts retail space, at 1040 Carlsbad Village Drive and s even neighbors/stakeholders attended. A summary of the questions raised by attendees at the meeting and the developer’s answers, as well as the developer’s correspondence with the public before and after the outreach meeting, is included in the Planning Commission staff report. The full enhanced stakeholder outreach report is included as Exhibit 8 of the Planning Commission staff report, with public comment letters included as an Exhibit. Any comment letters received since the Planning Commission staff report was posted are included as Exhibit 6 of this report. Fiscal Analysis All required improvements needed to serve this project will be funded by the property owner, so there is no cost to the city from this action. Options The following options are available to the City Council: 1.Approve the proposed tentative tract map and site development plan as recommended by staff and the Planning Commission Pros •Provides 156 rental units in close proximity to a mass transit station and neighborhood-businesses, promoting walkability and mobility and supporting the Village’s businesses •Provides 20 very low-income affordable housing units, helping the city satisfy state-mandated requirements to provide low-income affordable housing •Improves vehicle and pedestrian travel along Grand Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive Cons •None Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 6 of 22 2.Remand the project back to the Planning Commission for additional review Pros •The Planning Commission could resolve any issues or concerns the City Council might have about design or compliance with standards. The City Council should provide clear direction why the project is being remanded and what is expected from the Planning Commission Cons •Delays the approval of the project •The City Council and Planning Commission should be aware that under the state’s Housing Accountability Act, a project cannot be denied and the density cannot be reduced unless the project is found to have a specific adverse impact on public health or safety 2.Deny the project Pros •If the project is found to have a specific, adverse impact on public health or safety, another project that achieves the goals and policies of the Village & Barrio Master Plan may be approved Cons •The city would not benefit from the addition of 156 rental apartment units, which would support the surrounding businesses in the Village by adding more residential units within walking distance •The city (and state) would not benefit from the addition of 20 very low-income affordable rental housing units •Vehicle and pedestrian travel will not be improved along Grand Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive The City Council should be aware that under the state’s Housing Accountability Act, a project cannot be denied and the density cannot be reduced unless the project is found to have a specific adverse impact on public health or safety. The City Council would need to cite specific findings as its reason for denial and must comply with the terms of the state’s Housing Accountability Act. Next Steps If Option 1 is selected, staff will ensure that all project conditions are satisfied and that the project complies with all applicable regulations and laws prior to issuing permits Environmental Evaluation The City Planner has determined that the project qualified for an exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act, Guidelines Section 15332 – In-Fill Development Projects. Section 15332 is an exemption for projects under five acres, located within urban areas, and consistent with the general plan and zoning regulations for the site. A notice of intended decision regarding the environmental determination was advertised on April 10, 2023, and posted on the city’s website. No comment letters or appeals were received. Consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.54- Procedures, Hearings, Notices, and Fees, the City Planner’s written decision is final. Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 7 of 22 Exhibits 1.City Council resolution 2.Location map 3.Planning Commission staff report dated June 21, 2023 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) 4.Planning Commission minutes dated June 21, 2023 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) 5.Planning Commission Resolution No. 7486 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) 6.Public comments Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 8 of 22 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-236 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (CT 2022-0001) AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN {SDP 2022-0006) TO CONSOLIDATE LAND, DEMOLISH AN EXISTING HOTEL AND THREE RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES AND CONSTRUCT A FOUR-STORY, 156-UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT BUILDING WITH SUBTERRANEAN PARKING LOCATED AT 950 AND 1006 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE, 2944 HOPE AVE., 945-A, 945-B AND 955 GRAND AVE. AND WITHIN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 1 CASE NAME: HOPE APARTMENTS CASE NO.: CT2022-0001/SDP 2022-0006{DEV2022-0030) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did, on June 21, 2023, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider Tentative Tract Map CT 2022-0001 and Site Development Plan SDP 2022-0006, as referenced in Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 7486 recommending to the City Council that they be approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held a duly noticed public hearing to consider said site development plan and coastal development permit; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council considered all factors relating to the site development plan and coastal development permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the approval of Tentative Tract Map CT 2022-0001 and Site Development Plan SDP 2022-0006, are adopted and approved, and that the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission contained in the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 7486 on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, are the findings and conditions of the City Council, except as modified with the following additional condition of approval: a.A direct pedestrian connection from the public entry of the apartment building to Carlsbad Village Drive shall be incorporated into the final design of the project, to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Exhibit 1 Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 9 of 22 3.This action is final the date this resolution is adopted by the City Council. The provisions of Chapter 1.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code -Time Limits for Judicial Review shall apply: "NOTICE" The time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.16. Any petition or other paper seeking review must be filed in the appropriate court not later than the ninetieth day following the date on which this decision becomes final; however, if within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record is filed with a deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost or preparation of such record, the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attorney of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings shall be filed with the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of September, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. i� KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor -i}r SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk (SEAL) \,,1111111111111,11, #'�o•''� -�l�� �� .•· ... ud>� l,-.....-�·· •. � l()(�lf�) J � '··.�::%u•� .... • .;:: � ,.., •••. t .•·· .. � � '-� ............ --',.,'r� ��111, l..lFOf\"",,,� 1111,111111111111\\'� Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 10 of 22 GRAN D A V H O P E A V H A R D I N G S T H O P E A V A L L E Y CARL S B A D V I L L A G E D R HOM E A V I - 5 C V D S B O F F R A M P J E F F E R S O N S T A L L E Y J E F F E R S O N S T E L C AMINO R E A L LA COSTA AV A L G A R D C A R L S B A D B L CT 2022-0001/SDP 2022-0006 (DEV2022-0030) Hope Apartments SITE MAP J SITE!"^ Map generated on: 5/11/2023 Exhibit 2 Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 11 of 22 Exhibit 3 Planning Commission staff report dated June 21, 2023 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 12 of 22 Exhibit 4 Planning Commission minutes dated June 21, 2023 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 13 of 22 Exhibit 5 Planning Commission Resolution No. 7486 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 14 of 22 Exhibit 6 Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 15 of 22 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: £1fillD.i.og Shannon Harker . Eric Lardy; Cynthia Vigeland FW: Hope Apartments Wednesday, June 21, 2023 1:05:24 PM -----Original Message----- From: Jimmy Ukegawa <jimmy@aviarafarmsinc.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2023 11:07 PM To: Planning <Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Hope Apartments Dear Planning Commissioners, My name is James Ukegawa. I live at 1270 Plum Tree Rd, Carlsbad CA 92011 and have been a resident of Carlsbad for 63 years. I'm writing to you today to voice my support of the Hope Apartment project. I favor additional affordable housing in Carlsbad for the following reasons: More affordable housing in our community gives young families a place to start their lives. It gives homes close to where people work which cuts down on commuter traffic. And anytime we can knock down older buildings for newer more aesthetic projects only can add to Carlsbads appeal. Thank you for your service to our city, Sincerely James (Jimmy) Ukegawa Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 16 of 22 fl':l lmagine ma1fl Carlsbad June 2023 Imagine Carlsbad is a community group active in pursuing meaningful and creative planning and design for our "Downtown Village". With that said, we are requesting that you, our Planning Commission, ask a few things of the Hope Ave Apartment applicant, Wermers Company and also of staff. I.C. has met with Wermers in their San Diego office and we made them aware we felt the design / appearance of their proposed development was off target and would not be a positive for the Village as proposed. The head of the company is a long time citizen of Carlsbad. With that background we assumed Mr. Wermers and company would be aware of the documented goals in the "Community Vision" statement made some years back via the City's "Envision Carlsbad program. Two of those goals are, 1-"Small Town Feel" & 2 -"Neighborhood revitalization -revitalizing the downtown Village as a Community Focal Point". We request the PC ask the applicant how these two goals and the term/title Village influenced the look/ appearance they gave their building? The VBMP states that street frontages shall provide a consistent store front along major streets. Leaving the 70s Carl's Jr as is does not comply with the VBMP, please ask the planning staff to explain this. Also it is our understanding the city will take an additional 1 Oft of ROW along CVD, if so how will the project comply with the City's landscape standards requiring all parking must have a 4ft landscape screen at the street? PC, please also ask the Engineering dept to clarify when and how did it start allowing alleys in the Village to take on the title of Avenue? Lastly, we ask that the PC make a request, just a request, that the Wermers Company once again use planning dept Policy 35 (as they did on their first project "The Lofts") to make changes to the look of their project after it has received discretionary approval as is. As we all know the City is having "Objective Design Standards" drafted with one set specific to the Village. Please make the request that Wermers review these new standards once finalized and adjust their structure to better comply with the standard's desired look. Specifically section 4.2-D, this would mean dividing the proposed structure's 300+/-ft wide north and south elevations. The draft would give a 150ft max width but I.C. believes a 100ft max is more appropriate. Each segment would have a separate building style. Same general structure, same height, same overall width, same density just an appearance better suited for the Carlsbad neighborhood we all call our "Village". Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 17 of 22 June 11, 2023 Hello Planning Commissioners and City Staff, My name is Michael Weingarten, and I have lived in Carlsbad for twenty plus years, raised my two daughters here in the Carlsbad public school district and am proud to be a LONG-TIME Carlsbad resident. For both work and pleasure, I have traveled both in the US and abroad, and truly appreciate what a great city Carlsbad is and proud to call it home. I wanted to share with you my letter supporting the Hope Apartments project. I have seen the renderings and believe it will be a great addition to the downtown Carlsbad area. As we all know, Carlsbad and all of San Diego County desperately needs housing in all shapes and sizes and this project offers a great rental opportunity for people in the Village. Plus, it will help the City meet its housing requirements from the State and bring some relief to the huge housing demand for our region. This project seems to check all the boxes when it comes to development in a denser area like the Village. • It provides parking, so that residents don't park on the surface streets • It is close to all the great new restaurants and retail in the Village area.· • It has nice amenities for the residents. • The architectural design looks excellent and seems to complement the styles of other new developments in the area. • It will be great to have a new residential building replace the old and run down Motel 6. • I support smart well-planned growth in Carlsbad, a great City that I live in, and I do believe that this project is an example of this. So as you consider your vote for this project I request that you approve the Hope Apartments project. Thank you, Michael Weingarten La Costa Valley resident on Camino Robledo Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 18 of 22 City of Carlsbad Dear Planning Commissioners and City Staff, Planning Division June 13, 2023 As a resident of Carlsbad, CA I am writing you to share my support for, and recommend you approve, the Hope Apartments project located at 1006 Carlsbad Village Drive . This project is easy to support because it checks the box for all the things we look for in a new development in the Village. The density, height, parking, affordable units, and the architecture are all in line with what is intended for this area by the Village and Barrio Master Plan and the City development code. The redevelopment of the motel and vacant lot will only be a positive for the neighborhood and the new apartment building will be a compliment to the adjacent Lofts apartments, which is owned and operated by the Applicant. They have a proven track record of building and staying to operate their projects long term, which is a great bonus for the community. Also, with the demand for housing only increasing, this project will provide some relief to the City's housing needs and do so in a way that has been planned for by the City. As you consider your vote for this p-roject, I recommend that you vote to approve it as it will be a positive development for the Village and the City of Carlsbad. Sincerely, Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 19 of 22 .. •. Dear Planning Commissioners and City Staff, June 13, 2023 I am writing you to share my support for, and recommend you approve, the HbpeApartments project located at 1006 Carlsbad Village Drlv.e. This project is easy to support because it checks the box for all the things we lookfo.r ih a new development in the Village. The density, height, parking, affordable unhs, and the architecture are all in line with what is intended for this area by the ViHage and Barrio Master Plan and the City development code. The redevelopment of the motel and vacant lot will only be a positive for the neighborhood arid the new apartment building will be a compliment to the adjacent Lofts ap·artments., whkh is own~d and operated by the Applicant. They have a proven track record of building and staying to operate. their proJects long term, which is a great bonus for the community~ Also, with the demand for housing only increasing, this project will provide some re11ef to the City's housing needs and do so in a w-ay that has been planned for by the City. As a renter I wholly endorse this project. As you consider your vote for this project, I recommend that you vote to approve it as itwil-I be a positive development for the Village and the City of Carlsbad. Sincerely, £. -=:£tc,<.J-"~ rY~~l . nne Flowers Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 20 of 22 Dear Planning Commissioners and City Staff, JLlne.13, 2023 I am writing you to share my support for-, .and recommend -you -apprrnte, the Hope ApartmEtnts project located -;rt 1006 Carl·sbad Village Drive. This-project is easy to support because it Ghecks-the box foT all the thJngs we look for1n a new development ln the Vrllage. The density, height, parking, affordable units,, and the archite.cture .are an in line with what i.s intended for thls area by the Village :and Barrio Master Plan and the City develop:ment . . ' • code. The redeveiopment of the motel and vacant lot will only be a p.ositive for the neighborhood and the new apartment building wrn b:e a compHmentto the adjacent lofts apartments, which is owned and operated by the A~plitant, They have a proven track record of building and staying to operate their projects long term, which is a great bonus for the community. Also, wlth the demand for housing only mcreasing, this proJect will provide some relief to the City1s housing needs and do so Jn a way that has been pfainned for by the City. As you conslder your vote for thrs project, l recommend that you vot-e to approve it as it will 13e a positive development for th€ Village and the City of Carlsbad. • Sincereiy, /unc?~ T-0m Browne Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 21 of 22 Dear Planning Commissioners and City $taff, June 13, 2023 ,/· As a resident of Carisbad, CA I a~ w~iting you to .share my{upport for, ;nd r~commend ~ou approve, the Hope Apartments project located at 1006 Carlsbad Village Drive. This project is easy to support be-cause it checks the box for all the things we look for in a new development in the Village. The density, height, parking, affordable units, and the architecture are all in • line with what is intended for this .area by the Village and Barrio Master Plan and the City development c.ode. The redevelopment of the motel and vacant .lot will only be .a positive for the neighborhood and the new apartment building will be a compliment to the adJ9cent Lefts apartments, which is owned and operated by the Applka.nt They have· a proven track record of building and staying to operate their projects long term, which is a great bonus for the community. Also, With the demand for housing only increasing, this project Will provide some relief to the City's housing needs and do so in a way that has been planned for by the City. As you consider your vote forth is project, I recommend that you vote to approve it as it will he a positive development for the Village and the City of Carlsbad. Sincerely, Cadie Browne-lee Sept. 12, 2023 Item #9 Page 22 of 22 .JUN l G 2023 Plamning Division Dear Plannflig Cdrnmtss.ioners and City Staff, June 137 2023 I am writing-you t{? share my support for, and recommend you approve, th.e Hope Apartments project 1-ocated at 1006 Carfshad Village Drive. This project'is ea~y to su,ppo.rt because it checks the box for all the things we look for ih a new development in the ViJlage. The densTty, height, parking, affordabfe units, and the architecture are all in line with what is inten(;led fo·r this area by the VH lage and Barrio Master Plan and the City development code. The rndevelop:ment of tbe mote'I and vacant lot wiU onty b:e a positive for the neighborhood and the new apartment building wm be a tompliment t:o the adjacent Lofts apartments, which is owned and operat ed by the Applicant. They have a proven track reeord of build1ng and stayrng to operate thef:r projects long term, which is a great bonus for the· community. Also, wfth the demand for housing only increasing, this project will provide some rellef to the City's ho us'f.ng needs :and do so in a way that ha-s been planned for by the City. As you coi'lsi:der your vote for this project, I recommend that yo,u vote to approve it as lt wfJI be a positive development for the Village and the City ofCarlsbad. Sincerely, Ken Lee AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO: CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: SUBJECT: Jj°{JR-~.._J-mur&.J ?t/L1lJoc:;13 LOCATION: WJ.200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 D Other: ----------------- DATE POSTED TO CITY WEBSITE g/;J.9/~;3 DATE NOTICES MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS: 8 / 31 /d,.oQ,,. J., , NUMBER MAILED: L3o I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws.of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad and the foregoing is true and correct. DEPARTMENT: [0'ci.TY CLERK'S OFFICE □OTHER-------- , J. 1l1c ~, s/d'ZfonoQ;. Signature Date ------------------------------------------------------------ SENT TO FOR PUBLICATION VIA E-MAIL TO: □ Union Tribune on ---- ~ Coast News on 9?/:).__9 /:2.3 PUBLICATION DATE: Union Tribune --------------- Coast News 1 u/ 2,o23 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad and the foregoing is true and correct. DEPARTME~T: [B't1TY CLERK'S OFFICE □ OTHER _______ _ !J. We~ sl;;nl2o~ ' Signature Date Attachments: 1) Mailing Labels 2) Notice w/ attachments NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your interest may be affected, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chamber, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2023, to consider approving a Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan to consolidate land, demolish an existing hotel and residential structures and construct a four-story, 156-unit multiple-family residential apartment building with subterranean parking. The subject site consists of five parcels totaling 2.95 acres, located at 950 and 1006 Carlsbad Village Drive, 2944 Hope Avenue, 945-A, 945-B and 955 Grand Avenue and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1, and more particularly described as: PARCEL 1, APN 203-320-20-00: THAT PORTION OF TRACT 117 OF CARLSBAD LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 1661, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MARCH 1, 1915, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE REPORTS ATTACHED TO THE SUBJECT APPLICATIONS ON FILE. PARCEL 2. APN 203-320-02-00 : ALL THAT PORTION OF TRACT 117 OF CARLSBAD LANDS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 1661, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MARCH 1, 1915, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE REPORTS ATTACHED TO THE SUBJECT APPLICATIONS ON FILE. PARCEL 3. APNs 203-320-41-00 and -40-00 PARCELS 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL MAP 2868 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 22, 1974. EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL THAT PORTION OF PARCEL 1 AND 2 OF PARCEL MAP 2868 THAT WAS GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BY FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION RECORDED JUNE 2, 1994, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 1994-0376671 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. PARCEL 4, APN 203-320-51-00 A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS-EGRESS AND DRIVEWAY PURPOSES OVER THAT PORTION OF TRACT NO. 117 OF CARLSBAD LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP NO. 1661, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MARCH 01, 1915, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE REPORTS ATTACHED TO THE SUBJECT APPLICATIONS ON FILE. PARCELS. APN 203-320-48-00: PARCEL B OF PARCEL MAP NO. 21619, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 AS FILE NO. 2018-7000347 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SAID PARCEL B BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED IN THE TITLE REPORTS ATTACHED TO THE SUBJECT APPLICATIONS ON FILE. Whereas, on June 21, 2023, the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission voted 5/1/1 (Lafferty -No; Kamenjarin -Absent) to recommend approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Site Development Plan to consolidate land, demolish an existing hotel and residential structures and construct a four-story, 156-unit multiple-family residential apartment building with subterranean parking. The subject site consists of five parcels totaling 2.9S acres, located at 950 and 1006 Carlsbad Village Drive, 2944 Hope Avenue, 945-A, 945-B and 955 Grand Avenue and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines, the City Planner has determined that the project qualified for an exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, In-fill Development Projects. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the staff report will be available on and after Sept. 8, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact Senior Planner Shannon Harker in the Planning Division at (442) 339-2621 or Shannon.Harker@carlsbadca.gov. The meeting can be viewed online at https://www.carlsbadca.gov/city-hall/meetings-agendas or on the City's cable channel. In addition, written comments may be submitted to the City Council at or prior to the hearing via U.S. Mail to the attention of Office of the City Clerk, 1200 Ca rlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, or via email to clerk@carlsbadca.gov. If you challenge these in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: CASE NAME: PUBLISH: CT 2022-0001/SDP 2022-0006 HOPE APARTMENTS SEPT. 1,2023 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL -<J\ ~ 0 ~ ~ '!\ \ -0 ~ NOT TO SCALE SITE MAP Hope Apartments CT 2022-0001/SDP 2022-0006 (DEV2022-0030) .--, I AVERY 6240 : CARLSBAD VILLAGE 11 LLC UNIT 202 3444 CAMINO DEL RION SAN DIEGO CA 92108 VS CR E HOLDINGS LL C PO BOX 71970 PHOENIX AZ 85050 VINCENT & SAMANTHA GALER 1025 LAGUNA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JASON AMUNDSON 1055 LAGUNA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 WATSON CAROLYN S LIVING TRUST 03-19-19 984 HOME AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CALABRESE DALE C TRUST 03- 19-15 1012 HOME AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 E SA P PORTFOLIO LLC PO BOX 49550 CHARLOTTE NC 28277 JACK B MILLS PO BOX 991 CARLSBAD CA 92018 SUSAN G LAMPE UNIT8 3609 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 BROTZMAN STEPHANIE L LIVING TRUST 05-15-13 5242 SAPPHIRE ST ALTA LOMA CA 91701 Easy Peel Address Labels : l,end illo11g lir,e to expose Pop-up Ed,;c I CARLSBAD VILLAGE II LLC UNIT 1000 6700 TOWER CIR FRANKLIN TN 37067 MATSUI RICHARD K & VERA B TRUST 06-10-04 1005 LAGUNA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANAAM MARUKI 1035 LAGUNA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ROBERT & ROSENDA P PIERGEORGE 1312 TORCH KEY WAY JUPITER FL 33458 SCHAEFFER FAMILY TRUST 02- 05-04 994 HOME AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 PATRICK DAILEY 1011 HOMEAVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 AB 3 LLC UNIT 9V 20 W 64TH ST NEW YORK NY 10023 AMAPOLO LL C 3117 WILDFLOWER SMT ENCINITAS CA 92024 ROBERT & LINDA BURTON 840 GROVE VIEW RD OCEANSIDE CA 92057 ROEi & ZIV NETTA MAIMON UNITA 2820 HOPE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel : I Go to avery.com/templates : Use Avery Template 5160 1 CARLSBAD VILLAGE II LLC UNIT 150 5120 SHOREHAM PL SAN DIEGO CA 92122 THOMAS A & KELLY K MATYN 1015 LAGUNA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 KRISTINA DELAROSA 1045 LAGUNA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 ALLAN S & TANYA K PHILLIPS 974 HOME AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 MICHAEL J LOUGH 1010 HOME AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BLAKE BALDWIN & ARTI THUMAR 965 HOME AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 RODRIQUEZ FAMILY TRUST 1010 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 AIMS 2860 HOPE 2021 LLC 7074 CRYSTALLINE DR CARLSBAD CA 92011 KARL E STEINBERG 2044 S HORNE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92054 NICOLE L GAUTREAU 773 WILLARD ST LEOMINSTER MA 1453 Allez a avery.ca/gabarits : r--. I AVERY 6240 : Easy Peel Address Labels : Bend ,1lonq lir1c to e>..posc Pop-up EcJ~ic I Go to avery.com/templates : Use Av,'ry krnpl;itc 5160 I BRISCOE SUSAN FAMILY TRUST NORA RAVECA LIVING TRUST 01-RICHARD ASHTON 05-01-15 16-09 UNITE UNITC UNITD 2820 HOPE AVE 2820 HOPE AVE 2820 HOPE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CA 92008 KURISU FAMILY TRUST 01-06-09 KRICHBAUM SCOTT & DEBORAH WHEELER FAMILY LIVING TRUST UNIT F REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 09-08-12 2820 HOPE AVE UNITG UNIT H CARLSBAD CA 92008 2820 HOPEAVE 2820 HOPE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CA 92008 PRIVATE PROPERTIES L LC P G P CARLSBAD L L C LOPEZ DANIEL & IRENE PO BOX 669 UNIT 2A REVOCABLE TRUST 11-08-07 POWAY CA 92074 10951 SORRENTO VALLEY RD 928 HOME AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92121 CARLSBAD CA 92008 WITTENBERG STEVEN & VANWIEREN WOOD J TRUST 10-GOLDMAN GLENN L TRUST 08- RHONDA 1996 LIVING TRUST I 24-12 10-01 2259 MONTGOMERY AVE PO BOX 232134 UNITD CARDIFF CA 92007 ENCINITAS CA 92023 2653 ROOSEVELT ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 BRUCE E/SCOTT G MORTLAND HILARY M HOGAN EMILIO C & MARYELLEN ADAN 2297 DUNSTAN ST I PO BOX 1065 UNITB OCEANSIDE CA 92054 CARLSBAD CA 92018 880 HOME AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 LANPHEAR WILLIAM P IV i GREGORY & CHARMAINE DILL FAMILY TRUST 07-26-04 REVOCABLE TRUST 06-20-95 I LILLESTRAND UNITE PO BOX 817 UNITD 880 HOME AVE CARLSBAD CA 92018 880 HOME AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CA 92008 JASON & TINA M BURKE ERICA&AYDEE B ZIELKE STEPHANIE CONDE UNITF UNITG UNIT 349B 880 HOME AVE 880·HOME AVE 703 PIER AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 I CARLSBAD CA 92008 HERMOSA BEACH CA 90254 HEIDRICH LIVING TRUST 02-24-I GB-LDC FAMILY TRUST 07-31-20 STAYNER FAMILY TRUST 12-30-99 16 I UNIT 513 857 HOME AVE UNITB 603 SEAGAZE DR I CARLSBAD CA 92008 882 HOME AVE OCEANSIDE CA 92054 CARLSBAD CA 92008 I MICHAEL P & LIZANNE V JAMES & TISHA MARKHAM I FORBES-HAGAN TRUST 12-03-21 HACKETT 853 HOME AVE ' 1187 HUMMINGBIRD CIR 855 HOME AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 LONGMONT CO 80501 CARLSBAD CA 92008 I I FIVE COASTAL GEM SOOHOO GEORGE MANE PEEWEE BEACHHOUSE LLC PROPERTIES LL C REVOCABLE TRUST 10-29-16 1915 ANDREWS CT 158 CAVE 2506 LIGHTHOUSE LN I OCEANSIDE CA 92054 CORONADO CA 92118 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel· : Allez a avery.ca/gabarits : r----i I AVERY 6240 : TURNER TERESAM TRUST 11-10- 03 26803 WESTVALE RD PALOS VERDES PENINSULA CA 90274 HAVILUK BARBARA D REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST UNIT 103 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BURNETT JAMES D & KIMBERLY REVOCABLE TRUST 02-06-06 208 GIBSON PT SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 GARCIA-ROSS FAITH M 2019 TRUST 05-20-19 UNIT 109 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BUCKMASTER CHAD & AMANDA FAMILY TRUST 02-01-12 3119 CIRCA DE TIERRA ENCINITAS CA 92024 REED CALVIN L & LINDA E REVOCABLE LIVING SURVIVORS UNIT 204 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 THUM FAMILY TRUST 07-18-12 UNIT 207 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 SUSAN M BERGER 22506 SE 45TH LN ISSAQUAH WA 98029 HAVER FAMILY 2011 TRUST 05- 18-11 16520 SENTERRA DR DELRAY BEACH FL 33484 STADNICK FAMILY TRUST 07-03- 00 27684 N 71 ST WAY SCOTTSDALE AZ 85266 Ea5y Peel Address L;ibels : Bend ,1long lir1e tc, expose Pop-up Ed,ic 1 HEKMAT FAMILY TRUST 02-24-06 17234 SILVER GUM WAY SAN DIEGO CA 92127 KROENER REVOCABLE TRUST 11-30-83 2516 MONTGOMERY AVE CARDI FF CA 92007 BLACKWOODS LLC UNIT 107 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 MIGUEL A & MARIVIC T LOPEZ- PANAMA 2308 MENDOTA WAY ROSEVILLE CA 95747 DAVID R WILLIAMS 5041 N CAMINO SUMO TUCSON AZ 85718 MAKATURA FAMILY TRUST 10-25-1 01 2052 KIRKLAND CIR THOUSAND OAKS CA 91360 JOSEPH S & JOYCE M QUINCE UNIT 208 800 GRAND AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92109 ZARNOW FAMILY TRUST 02-14-03 UNIT 211 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 STIDMAN VALERIE H REVOCABLE TRUST 07-25-16 6504 CHEROKEE TRL MINNEAPOLIS MN 55439 KUBAT FRANK J JR TRUST 12-08- 06 UNIT 306 800 S GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel' : Go to ,wc,ycom/template5 : Use Avery Templ,11e 5160 I UCKER FAMILY LIVING TRUST 11- 01-02 UNIT 102 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 MICHAEL & DAWN B OBRIEN UNIT 105 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BROSNAN JAMES J & PAMELAA BROSNAN TRUST 03-03-20 UNIT 108 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHNSON LISA K FAMILY TRUST 01-10-03 3306 E KACHINA DR PHOENIX AZ 85044 MELANIE MAURO UNIT 203 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BERGAMASCHI RICHARD J & MARCHELE A FAMILY TRUST UNIT 206 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 BUBB FAMILY 2012 TRUST 04-23- 12 UNIT 209 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 MARK A & JULIA G BUTCHKO 7534 SEDGE MEADOW DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46278 JAN E & MARGARETA JANSSON UNIT 304 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 HERBERT LEE & BEVERLY ANN JONES UNIT 307 800 GRAND AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Allez a avery.ca/gabarits : • C:,1(" r--i I AVERY 6240 1 l.---' I Easy Peel Address Labels : Bend c1long lir,e to expose Pop-up Edge I Go to avery.com/templates : LJ•c AvcryTempl,1tc 5160 I WARWICK S & NOLA M FORD I SHEW STEVEN & TIFFANY GABRIELE COURT LLC UNIT 26N FAMILY TRUST 04-04-20 UNIT D 142 WEND AVE UNIT 309 328 VISTA VILLAGE DR NEW YORK NY 10023 800 GRAND AVE VISTA CA 92083 CARLSBAD CA 92008 WILSON CORY A& SUSAN J PGP CARLSBAD SENIORS LTD 11 CARLYLE RESIDENCES TRUST 12-06-18 UNIT 2A COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 1330 LONG LAKE RD 10951 SORRENTO VALLEY RD UNIT 280 FLORENCE WI 54121 SAN DIEGO CA92121 5075 SHOREHAM PL SAN DIEGO CA 92122 CARLYLE TOWNHOMES ALLAHYARI FAMILY TRUST 07-17-DENNYS INC/CARLSBAD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 02 VILLAGE LLC U"'IT 280 19 TIERRA VISTA PO BOX 260888 5075 SHOREHAM PL LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653 PLANO TX 75026 SAN DIEGO CA 92122 CARLSBAD VILLAGE LLC G6 HOSPITALITY PROPERTY G RT CARLSBAD VILLAGE LLC UNIT 202 LLC/CARLSBAD VILLAGE LLC UNIT 420 3444 CAMINO DEL RION UNIT 200 2001 WILSHIRE BLVD SAN DIEGO CA 92108 3444 CAMINO DEL RION SANTA MONICA CA 90403 SAN DIEGO CA92108 CAVALEA TRUST 06-05-95 3095 HARDING L L C CITY OF CARLSBAD 3640 FELIZ CREEK RD UNIT 2A 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE HOPLAND CA 95449 10951 SORRENTO VALLEY RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAN DIEGO CA 92121 GASTELUM FAMILY SURVIVORS ZMACK LLC \ EZRA MINISTRIES INC TRUST 11-16-94 1868 CREST DR 825 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR 323 HILL DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 CARLSBAD CA 92008 VISTA CA 92083 EZRA MINISTRIES INC <OBA PG P CARLSBAD SENIORS LTD BUCCHARE ERIC T & TRACY L MISSION CHURCH> UNIT 2A TRUST 03-22-12 825 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR 10951 SORRENTO VALLEY RD 275 VILLAGE RUN W CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAN DIEGO CA 92121 I ENCINITAS CA 92024 JACK IN THE BOX INC/PACIFIC KENNETH J DAVIES l 3740 LP COAST INVESTMENTS GP 1576 PRIMERA ST PO BOX 33628 PO BOX 7099 LEMON GROVE CA 91945 SAN DIEGO CA 92163 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658 NORMAN SURVIVORS TRUST 06-SCANLON FAMILY TRUST 05-16-I ORANGE LAND HOLDINGS LLC I 06-86 16 I 264 PACIFIC AVE 2615 VIA MASADA 3410 CAMINO ALEGRE SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 CARLSBAD CA 92010 CARLSBAD CA 92009 BANK OF CALIFORNIA/LARSEN HELIX REAL ESTATE UEBER HAUN I LLC/GRANT GORGON A CHARITABLE INVESTMENT TRUST HOLDINGS LLC REMAINDER UNITRUST PO BOX 15453 43650 LA CRUZ DR PO BOX 12734 SAN DIEGO CA 92175 TEMECULA CA 92590 LA JOLLA CA 92039 Etiquettes d'adresse Easy Peel : Allez a avery.ca/gabarits : . , . .-. I AVERY 6240 : STARDWST HOMES L L C PO BOX 2100 COL TON CA 92324 G & M GAPCO LLC 16868A LN HUNTINGTN BEACH CA 92647 OAK 51 APARTMENTS LLC 14336 OLDE HIGHWAY 80 EL CAJON CA 92021 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CHURCH 3175 HARDING ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 Stan Katz P.O. Box 235481 Encinitas, CA 92023-5481 Gary Nessin 2987 Highland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Easy Peel Address Labels : Bend ,1long lit:f: to t..':i..pose Pop·up Ed~J(' I JACKSON FAMILY TRUST 09-14- 05 2504 MANCHESTER AVE CARDIFF CA 92007 DARCUIEL FAMILY TRUST 04-15- 15 UNIT 243 601 E PALOMAR ST CHULA VISTA CA 91911 OAK47APARTMENTSLLC PO BOX 21010 EL CAJON CA 92021 Shane Rogers 1040 Carlsbad Village Drive Apt 419 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Sam Wright 1287 Buena Vista Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Etiquettes d' adresse Easy Peel· : Go to r1very.co111/templates : U,,, AvPry Tcmphtc 51 GO 1 2952 HARDING LLC 4899 CASALS PL SAN DIEGO CA 92124 LAEL B LEONE 985 OAK AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 RACHEL 2015 TRUST 04-02-15 931 OAKAVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 TJ Childs 3331 Madison Street Carlsba9, CA 92008 Allez a avery.ca/gab~rits : HOPE APARTMENTS CT 2022-0001/SDP 2022-0006 (DEV2022-0030) SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 CITY COUNCIL HEARING PRE SE NTE D B Y WERMERS PROPERTIES Local developer from Carlsbad that is family-owned and operated since 1957. HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Unique from other developers. We buy, build, and operate long-term. Our projects are investments in the community. Majority of properties are in San Diego with other projects in Southern California. We are dedicated to Carlsbad. •Lofts Apartments: Own and operate. •Aviara Apartments: Under construction. Aviara Apartments Lofts Apartments Project Site -Location •City Region: •District 1 •Village-Barrio •Location: •1006 Carlsbad Village Drive •Next to 5 Freeway •Adjacent to shopping center •Walkable to Village retail, restaurants, beach, etc. •At the heart of the Village HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Existing Project Site HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Hotel3 Units Vacant Carl’s Jr. Proposed Project -Permits Tentative Tract Map (CT) For consolidation of 5 lots into 1 lot Site Development Plan (SDP) For development of the mixed-use project TWO PERMITS HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 CT 2022-0001 I SOP 2022-0006 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP! SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT HCPE AVENUE APAR1'MENTS -. Q ;: ~ G ~-----' ; Q _________ J __ ...,... __ -----, Proposed Project –Residential Building •Total Units: 156 •Affordable/Inclusionary Units: 20 •Height: 45 ft •Residential Area: 144,976 sf •Landscaped Area: 12,000 sf •Common Open Space: 16,000 sf •Unit Variety: Studio, 1-, 2-and 3- Bedrooms HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 •Pedestrian Improvements: •Widening Carlsbad Village Drive sidewalk •Renovating Grand Avenue sidewalk from Hope Avenue to Project Driveway •Per Planning Commission Request: •Collaborated with City staff to include new path from Leasing Center courtyard DIRECTLY to Carlsbad Village Drive. Proposed Project - Compliant •Land Use/Zoning: •Village Barrio (VB) / Freeway Commercial (FC) •Residential Mixed Use is an Allowable Use •Density: •Total Allowed (Base + Density Bonus) = 156 Units •Total Proposed = 156 Units •Affordable Units: •Density Bonus + Inclusionary = 20 Units •Proposed = 20 units (Very Low) •Height Limit: •Allowable = 45 feet •Proposed = 45 feet •CEQA: •Exempt (In-Fill) •Robust analysis performed HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 ' ,--. • ,;,J ~. - './Ji',JJ -~,-~ . " , •~ L' Proposed Project –Building and Amenities •Resident Amenities: •Fitness Center •Indoor Community Space •Outdoor Gathering Areas •BBQs •Swimming Pool/Jacuzzi •Activity Areas •Roof Deck •Business/Leasing Center HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Proposed Project –California Contemporary Architecture VIEW FROM SOUTHEASTERN CORNER LOOKING NORTHWEST VIEW FROM NORTHWESTERN CORNER LOOKING SOUTHEAST Entrance Driveway Carl’s Jr. Parking Lot HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Grand Avenue Planning for Future Generations •Maximum number of Solar Panels on the Roof Top •Electric vehicle charging stations for residents and guests •Low-flow water fixtures and LED lighting throughout •Efficient water heaters •Compliance with Cal Green Standards •Drought-tolerant landscaping •Community is conveniently located near transit,retail, recreational amenities,and schools HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Outreach Compliant with Policy No. 84 •Part B –Enhanced Stakeholder Outreach •Noticing signage (2 signs) •Mailed notices •Public outreach meeting •Responsive to all inquires/comments •Approved outreach report Main Public Concerns 1)Traffic/Safety 2)Parking 3)Community Character HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Outreach –Response to Public Concerns 1) Traffic Concern: More traffic and safety issue at Grand Avenue and Hope Avenue. •Level 1 Transportation Impact Analysis (not required). •Increase of only 105 net total daily trips. No impacts. •Improvements along Grand Avenue and to pedestrian access at this intersection. 2) Parking Concern: Not enough spaces will lead to too much street parking. •State requirement: 78 spaces •City requirement: 196 spaces •Proposed: 277 spaces •NO WAIVER FOR PARKING 3) Community Character Concern: Architecture does not align with the neighborhood. •Architecture style and sizing are similar to recently approved projects in the neighborhood. •Attended and following Design Review Committee public meetings. HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Outreach –Response to Public Concerns Community Character A –LOFTS APARTMENTS (2017) D –GRAND JEFFERSON (2020) C –CARLYLE (2017) B –GRAND WEST (2018) HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 PROJECT SITE Outreach –Response to Public Concerns Community Character A –LOFTS APARTMENTS (2017) D –GRAND JEFFERSON (2020) C –CARLYLE (2017) B –GRAND WEST (2018) HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Proposed Project –Needed Housing Housing Crisis •We have all felt or seen the crisis. •Next generations face big challenges. •No silver bullet, an all options approach. •Hope Apartments is one piece of the puzzle. •More housing, in the right places, is needed. HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Proposed Project –Achieving Planning Goals State Housing Mandates •Hope apartments will help the City meets its required goals of providing housing units Long-Range Planning •The City of Carlsbad and its residents have been planning for this type of project through years of long-term planning. HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Thank you for your consideration HOPE APARTMENTS, CARLSBAD SEPTEMBER 2023 Hope Apartments Shannon Harker, Senior Planner Community Development September 12, 2023 CT 2022-0001 / SDP 2022-0006 Item No. 9 { City of Carlsbad 5 legal parcels 2.95 acres Existing uses: •Carl’s Jr. (retain) •Carlsbad Village Inn (demolish) •Three single-family homes (demolish) Hope Apartments Location 2 ., A artments Hope p (DEV2022-0030) p 2022-0006 CT 2022-0001/SD Q 0 30 60 120 (City of Carlsbad Freeway Commercial (FC) District Hope Apartments Village & Barrio Master Plan Use: Multi-family uses permitted by right Height: 45’ and 4 stories Density: 28-35 du/ac 3 (City of Carlsbad Hope Apartments Required Permits 4 •Tentative Tract Map, CT 2022-0001 -Lot consolidation •Site Development Plan, SDP 2022-0006 -Multi-family apartments 4 1111111 {city of Carlsbad 156 apartments Two-level subterranean garage 50% density bonus = 53 du/ac 20 very low-income affordable units Hope Apartments Project Features 5 Carl’s Jr. PARKING SH A R E D D R I V E W A Y 5 {city of Carlsbad Parking Carl’s Jr. PARKING Shared private driveway Gated entrance for tenants 0.5 spaces/unit per State Density Bonus Law = 78 spaces required 277 spaces proposed (1.78 spaces/unit) 110 electric vehicle spaces (14 fully installed, 68 ready, 28 capable) Hope Apartments Parking/Access SH A R E D D R I V E W A Y 6 6 GATE GFUINDAVE. \ .. . 'OWBi: • :EOfiQU l.NT ~ South and East Elevations 45’ 53’ 7 7 , I • I . t g , I: 49--~~--~ "~ ~ Waivers to Development Standards Hope Apartments Density Bonus Waivers •Private open space (i.e., balconies) •Fourth floor square footage •Building massing-maximum wall plane and roofline variation STATE DENSITY BONUS LAW 8 {city of Carlsbad •Planning Commission hearing on June 21, 2023 •Recommended approval (5-1-1) of the tentative tract map and site development plan Hope Apartments Planning Commission Action 99 ( City of Carlsbad Topics of Discussion •Architectural design •Carl’s Jr.-condition of parking lot and sidewalk improvements adjacent to Carlsbad Village Drive •Pedestrian connection to Carlsbad Village Drive Hope Apartments Planning Commission Discussion 10 ( City of Carlsbad Hope Apartments Planning Commission-Cont’d 11 Architectural Style ( City of Carlsbad Hope Apartments Planning Commission-Cont’d 12 Carl’s Jr. Condition of parking lot Sidewalk and landscape improvements adjacent to Carlsbad Village Drive Mobility 4.3.1 Design for Pedestrians First Great streets are walkable streets, and an essential distinction of great walkable streets is that the entire space is designed as an ensemble, from the travel lanes, trees and sidewalks, to the very buildings that line the roadway. There are a variety of street types, including main streets and neighborhood streets, and each type can be designed to effectively promote walkability. The following are several key elements for creating a great pedestrian environment throughout the Village and Barrio. 4. On primary commercial streets in the Village -such as Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad Village Drive, Grand Avenue, and State Street-sidewalk widths of at least ten feet (twelve feet preferred) are recommended where feasible, taking into consideration the traffic volumes of the adjacent roadway. Sidewalk widths also should allow for adjacent land uses to utilize the sidewalk for outdoor seating and other activities, as appropriate. Periodic features such as curb extensions or "bulb-outs• can extend the sidewalk into the parking lane, for example, creating extra space for pedestrians, decreasing the street width pedestrians must cross, and slowing down vehicles. ( City of Carlsbad 13 Pedestrian Connection to Carlsbad Village Drive Hope Apartments Planning Commission-Cont’d ( City of Carlsbad •General Plan •Zoning Ordinance •Village & Barrio Master Plan •State Density Bonus Law •California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Hope Apartments Project Consistency 14 {city of Carlsbad Housing Accountability Act Hope Apartments •GC §65589.5(j)(1) states cities shall not disapprove a project or impose a condition requiring lower density unless the city finds based on a preponderance of evidence that the project would have a specific, adverse impact on public health or safety, or there in no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid such adverse impact. 15 {city of Carlsbad Hope Apartments Recommendation ADOPT a resolution (Exhibit 1) approving a Tentative Tract Map (CT 2022-0001) and Site Development Plan (SDP 2022- 0006) to consolidate land, demolish an existing hotel and three residential structures and construct a four-story, 156- unit multi-family residential apartment building with subterranean parking located at 950 and 1006 Carlsbad Village Dr., 2944 Hope Ave., 945-A, 945-B and 955 Grand Ave. and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. 16 ( City of Carlsbad