HomeMy WebLinkAbout1430 YOURELL AVE; ; CBR2019-2489; PermitBuilding Permit Finaled Residential Permit Print Date: 09/28/2023 Job Address: 1430 YOURELL AVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1051 Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Work Class: Addition Parcel#: 1560510400 Track#: Valuation: $282,993.92 Lot#: Occupancy Group: Project#: #of Dwelling Units: Plan#: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Occupant Load: Plan Check#: Code Edition: Sprinkled: Project Title: Permit No: Status: (city of Carlsbad CBR2019-2489 Closed -Finaled Applied: 09/11/2019 Issued: 01/30/2020 Finaled Close Out: 09/28/2023 Final Inspection: 06/06/2023 INSPECTOR: Dreibelbis, Peter Renfro, Chris Description: MURPHY: 1,338 SF ADDITION TO HOME (490 SF 1ST FLOOR/ 848 SF 2ND FLOOR), 204 SF ADDITION TO GARAGE, 235 SF BALCONIES, 945 SF ALTERATION TO EXISTING LIVING SPACE Applicant: Property Owner: WILLIAM MURPHY 6976 CARNATION DR CARLSBAD, CA 92011-3814 (760) 809-4415 CO-OWNERS MURPHY II WILLIAM J AND MURPHY JILL M FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) 1430 YOURELL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ELECTRICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION MECHANICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL PLUMBING BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL SB1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE STRONG MOTION-RESIDENTIAL SWPPP INSPECTION FEE TIER 1-Medium BLDG SWPPP PLAN REVIEW FEE TIER 1-MEDIUM Total Fees: $3,033.40 Total Payments To Date: $3,033.40 Balance Due: AMOUNT $1,275.65 $892.96 $66.00 $175.00 $92.00 $182.00 $12.00 $36.79 $246.00 $55.00 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connect'1on with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov ( City of Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 PC Deposit--------- Date ~<f'._-_J ~/ -~/_q __ _ JobAddress 11-{~o yolA.tt..1/ Ave,;. Suite: ____ APN: __________ _ CT /Project#: __________ Lot#: ____ Fire Sprinklers: yes/ no Air Conditioning: yes/ no BRIEF DESCRIPTION oF woRK: RernoJe.\ /r+JJ.it-ion of ori~i/\11.I 5~r(..,, lj Addition/New: l:i}Z LivingSF, ,Z.75 DeckSF, ____ PatioSF, :;lo£! GarageSF Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? Yes/ No New Fireplace? Yes/ No, if yes how many? __ e71 At I I,::' ov· Remodel: __ :i~,~d.~_SF of affected area Is the area a conversion or change of use ? Yes/ No 0 Pool/Spa: ____ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? ____________ _ □ Solar: ___ KW, ___ Modules, Mounted: Roof/ Ground, Tilt: Yes/ No, RMA: Yes/ No, Battery: Yes/ No Panel Upgrade: Yes/ No D Reroof: ___________________________________ _ D Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical Only: ________________________ _ D Other: __________________________________ _ APPLICANT (PRIMARY CONTACT) Name: \Jjlll41Y'\ Mv.~k-f Address: (pt'}!, C1tl']:\4~0! Dr. City: f-3(1~ iJ State:ft_zip: tf'1.o!I Phone: J(pO -g 0'1-'-14 IS: Email: Hurphj Wj"-'@, Lf,a.\,100 .c,oM DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Name: ________________ _ Address: _______________ _ City: _______ State: ___ Zip: ___ _ Phone: ________________ _ Email: ________________ _ Architect State License: __________ _ PROPERTY OWNER Name: Wi\li11.1M l,,\.,.,tt.¥ Address: u'f.1-fR CArr1<1-,on Dr. City: (½.(l,;.lo~ State:Q_zip: qw I I Phone: Tl, 0 -g O'l-'1 'i 15 Email: Ml( '1 "''j i,1 j"' e?'. I<)« h " o • co "" CONTRACTOR BUSINESS Name: _ _..,,G....._.\,..,lb ..... r .... 'B__,_-....,,(?,......._.}.ull ...... Cf_._.,{Je:,,,...., --- Address: __________________ _ City: ________ State: ___ Zip: ______ _ Phone: __________________ _ Email: __________________ _ State License: ______ Bus. License: ______ _ (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he/she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law {Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or that he/she is e><empt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged e><emption. Any violation of Section 7031.S by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$5001). 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov 8-1 Page 1 of2 Rev. 06/18 ( OPTION A): WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION: f hearby affirm under penalty of perjury QJ1!:. of the following declarations: □ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work which this permit is issued. □ I have and will maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Name: _____________________ _ Policy No. ______________ Expiration Date: _________ _ □ Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to be come subject to the workers' compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000.00, in addition the to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE: __________________ □AGENT DATE: _____ _ ( OPTION B ): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: □ I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for safe (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's license Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own empjoyees, provided that such improvements are not lntended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). "J!_i, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's license Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractorjs) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). □ I am exempt under Section ________ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. □ Yes □ No 2.1 (have/ have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address/ phone/ contractors' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name/ address/ phone/ contractors' license number): 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address/ phone/ pe of work): OWNER SIGNATURE: __ w-"--<~'-.-+++4--1-U __________ □AGENT DATE:_q+-l-+I _ZD_l_"I_ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name: ____________________ _ Lender's Address: ____________________ _ ONLY COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registratlon form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 2SSOS, 25S33 or 2S534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? □ Yes □ No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? □ Yes □ No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? □ Yes □ No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY Of CARLSBAD AGAINST AU LIABILmes, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT.OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void ifthe building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANTSIGNATURE: W~ DATE: oi./11/i.01~ 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 8-1 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Page 2 of 2 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov Rev. 06/18 PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2019-2489) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 09/11/2019 Owner: CO-OWNERS MURPHY II WILLIAM J Work Class: Addition Status: Closed -Finaled AND MURPHY JILL M Issue Date: 01/30/2020 Subdivision: SHANGRILA TRACT Expiration Date: 03/07/2023 IVR Number: 21635 Address: 1430 YOURELL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1051 Scheduled Date Actual Inspection Type Start Date Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection 06/07/2021 06/07/2021 BLDG-Final Inspection 159052-2021 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Reinspection Incomplete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Fina/ for Temp power pole only Yes BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Fina! Double check GFCI receptacles in kitchen No countertop areas, and exterior deck areas. 09/08/2022 09/08/2022 BLDG-43 Air 191300-2022 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Cond./Furnace Set Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 06/06/2023 06/06/2023 BLDG-Final Inspection 213495-2023 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes Thursday, September 28, 2023 Page 3 of 3 PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2019-2489) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 09/11/2019 Owner: CO-OWNERS MURPHY 11 WILLIAM J Work Class: Addition Status: Closed -Finaled AND MURPHY JILL M Issue Date: 01/30/2020 Subdivision: SHANGRILA TRACT Expiration Date: 03/07/2023 IVR Number: 21635 Address: 1430 YOURELL AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1051 Scheduled Date Actual Inspection Type Start Date Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection 10/07/2020 10/07/2020 BLDG-13 Shear 140330-2020 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Panels/HD (ok to wrap) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 10/27/2020 10/27/2020 BLDG-84 Rough 142057-2020 Failed Chris Renfro Re inspection Incomplete Combo(14,24,34,44) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready, need exterior wrapped and No water tight prior to rough combo BLDG-14 No Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-24 Rough-Topout No BLOG-34 Rough Electrical No BLDG-44 No Rough-Ducts-Dampers 11/10/2020 11/10/2020 BLDG-84 Rough 143436-2020 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Combo(14,24,34,44) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-14 Yes Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-24 Rough-Topout Yes BLDG-34 Rough Electrical Yes BLDG-44 Yes Rough-Ducts-Dampers 11/25/2020 11/25/2020 BLDG-23 144759-2020 Passed Peter Dreibelbis Complete GasfTest/Repairs Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-82 Drywall, 144863-2020 Passed Peter Dreibelbis Complete Exterior Lath, Gas Test, Hot Mop Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLOG-17 Interior Lath-Drywall No BLDG-18 Exterior Lath and No Drywall BLDG-23 Gas-Test-Repairs No Thursday, September 28, 2023 Page 2 of 3 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled (city of Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2019-2489) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 09/11/2019 Owner: CO-OWNERS MURPHY II WILLIAM J AND MURPHY JILL M Work Class: Addition Issue Date: 01/30/2020 Subdivision: SHANGRILA TRACT Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 03/07/2023 Address: 1430 YOURELL AVE IVR Number: 21635 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1051 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Re inspection Inspection Date Start Date Status 02/03/2020 02/03/2020 BLDG-SW-Pre-Con 118175-2020 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 03/17/2020 03/17/2020 BLDG-32 Const. 122311-2020 Passed Chris Renfro Complete Servlce/Agricultural(Te mp) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Final Inspection 122312-2020 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Reinspection Incomplete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLOG-Building Deficiency Final for Temp power pole only No BLDG-Plumbing Final No BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No 07/16/2020 07/16/2020 BLDG-11 133046-2020 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Re inspection Incomplete Foundation/Ftg/Piers (Rebar) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLOG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-12 Steel/Bond 133047-2020 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Reinspection Incomplete Beam Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 08/11/2020 08/11/2020 BLDG-14 135324-2020 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Reinspection Incomplete Frame/Steel/Bolting/We !ding (Decks) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLOG-Building Deficiency 2nd story deck nail Yes 09/29/2020 09/29/2020 BLDG-15 Roof/ReRoof 139459-2020 Passed Chris Renfro Complete (Patio) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLOG-Building Deficiency Yes Thursday, September 28, 2023 Page 1 of 3 Owner: Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel. 760-809-4415 Structural Calculations For Remodel & Addition Murphy Residence 1430 Yourell Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Governing Code 2016 CBC E-mail: murphywjm@yahoo.com Engineer: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr #133 Temecula, CA 92590-2535 Tel. 951-296-1044 I Fax. 951-296-1047 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Job#6634 D[c 2 6 2019 JOB# PAGE / OF 01 1.0 DESCRIPTION ANALYSIS OF AN EXISTING SINGLE LEVEL RAISED FRAMED FLOOR TO HAVE A SECOND STORY ON PART OF THE STRUCTURE ADDED 2.0 DESIGN CRITERIA GOVERNING CODE 2016 CBC LOADS PER ASCE 7-10 AS AMENDED WIND 110 MPH, EXP C SITE CLASS: D SOIL BEARING: 1,500 PSF SEISMIC CATEGORY: D Ss= 1.13 51 = .434 Cs= .12 Sos= .79 501 = .453 I= 1.0 DESIGN METHOD: ASD .7E & .6W VAso = .7(.79) (W) = .086W (6.5/1} SMs= 1.184 SM1=.68 R=6.5 Rho V=.11W Rhox= 1.3 Rhoy= 1.3 Po-1s = .6 (.00256)(.85) ( 1.0} (.85) (110)2 (1.18} = 16 PSF P1s-20 = .6 (.00256)(.85} ( 1.0) (.90) (110)2 (1.18} = 16.8 PSF P20-2s = .6 (.00256)(.85) ( 1.0) (.94) (110)2 (1.18} = 17.5 PSF ROOF SHINGLE 4:12: 16 PSF DL 20 PSF LL FLOOR : 10 PSF DL 40 PSF LL 60 PSF DECKS WALLS: 15 PSF EXT 10 PSF INT PROJECT _______ ~ ~ MANNING ENGINEERING l1:-1c. ENGR DATE ME Civil/ Structural Consultarits 2.757◄ Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 ■:(951) 296-1044 ;;i;(951) 296-1047 @:info@manningrce.com 5/10/2019 U.S. Seismic Design Maps Murphy Remodel & Addition 1430 Yourell Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA Date Design Code Reference Document Risk Category 5/10/2019,2·.11:04 PM ASCE7-10 II Site Class Type Value Ss 1.13 s, 0.434 SMs 1.184 SM1 0.68 Sos 0.79 So1 0.453 Type Value soc D F, 1.048 F, 1.566 PGA 0.443 FPGA 1.057 PGAM 0.468 Tc 8 SsRT 1.13 SsUH 1.185 SsD 1.501 S1RT 0.434 S1UH 0.432 S1D 0.601 PGAd 0.56 CRs 0.953 CR1 1.004 https://seismicmaps.org Description MCER ground motion. (for 0.2 second period) MCER ground motion. (for 1.0s period) Site-modified spectral acceleration value Site.modified spectral acceleration value Numeric seismic design value at 0.2 second SA Numeric seismic design value at 1.0 second SA Description Seismic design category Site amplification factor at 0.2 second Site amplification factor at 1.0 second MCEG peak ground acceleration Site amplification factor at PGA Site modified peak ground acceleration Long-period transition period in seconds Probabil'lstic risk-targeted ground motion. (0.2 second) D -Stiff Soil Factored uniform-hazard (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) spectral acceleration Factored deterministic acceleration value. (0.2 second) Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (1.0 second) Factored uniform-hazard (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) spectral acceleration. Factored deterministic acceleration value. (1.0 second) Factored determin·,stic acceleration value. (Peak Ground Acceleration) Mapped value of the risk coefficient at short periods Mapped value of the risk coefficient at a period of 1 s 1/2 5/10/2019 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 MCER Response Spectrum 0.0 2.5 5.0 Period, T (sec) -Sa(g) Design Response Spectrum f l . ' \ U.S. Seismic Design Maps 7.5 ,, I 0.0 '----------------------- 0.0 2.5 5.0 Period, T (sec) -Sa(g) 7.5 DISCLAIMER lb While the infonnation presented on this website is believed to be correct. $,EAOC /OSHPD and its sponsors and contributors assume no responsibility or liability for its accuracy. The material presented in this web application should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability by engineers or other licensed professionals. SEAOC / OSHPD do not intend that the use of this information replace the sound judgment of such competent professionals, having experience and knowledge in the field of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the results of the seismic data provided by this website. Users of the Information from this website assume all liability arising from such use. Use of the output of this website does not imply approval by the governing building code bodies responsible for building code approval and interpretation for the building site described by latitude/longitude location in the search results of this webstie. https://seismicmaps.org 2/2 y ,-, -® 1 1 .. r I I I I ; DG101u.l DBL.SN::. 0 ILVD!SP. KITC!-lEN )l £1,_!;~~;~c_ J ! ________ J (q0 0 . DINING B'-0" REA FLAT CLG. 4qu, ''·0' '_/ FLAT CLG. --1 ------7 UIC I FIIPR I f<EF. _j_ 1 8'-0' I PREP mJ FLM CLG. i ""' T' Ir'-....;: PlFFl Fl!t 1 {J O II V 20~ @---[) l 2 CAR GARAGE FLAT ct.G. r----~5') I ------1 --7 I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ---" - ' ~ 1--: I I I I uP I I ' '"eel ,., __ i ____ -· 1--= ---:i -,,. \: \ (:js:>) ~-(Ji) re -l I ~ '--t,--x E'/.15 ttN&, ~ L ~ 2Ci) STER ROOM 8'-0• FLAT CLG. (f) LIVING ROOM 8'-0' Fl...AT CLG. ~u~ WIG i u a·-0• I FLAT CLG. _J 1---- F/J,... ........ To Rc::Mtttll/ ([) l--7 I ! I I _J_ I I I I I I I I I ' I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I cotE P<PRCH MASTER 10 BATH D ·~ . 'l~Xll ,.... 9--------+------I I sED I • : ~------__ J_J . --7·_++,' ---+------ I ' L-~------➔-7-----------+---l---' { l J.,-- 1 \'cl !i • (!) -------------------7 ,-, I I I I ,----~ .aaaaJj I I II/IC I I' - I e'-0• /1 -- I I !'LAT CLG. ..--I BAL(:ONY I ' ==a I BEDROOM 2 I ' &'-0• I I 0 1'1...AT CLG. I I @) ® 0 &n) 4%)11 I I -BATH2 L ____ lL I 8'-fl' I D FLATCLG, / 1----------------------- I I I I CJ ~lTH? 1----7 -----7 !/ I I I I STORAGE J_ 'I I I II/IC I ~ I I I [>< e·-0• s·-0• I I I I FlATC/7 rsTCLG.: I -I -e l I I I WI ~ ~ - §L ; im 17 DI~' I I I I I 15 I I 'lb\ zl;: I I I ~[3 D~ I I BEDf.~?M 3 r'.J; ·J 31lli .1 ..'3. / 0\ I ~ I I ~ --' .:. x~ I I FLAT CLG. (:::, L _, I I I 1 I I ' ' fil I I T-r-i I ' ' -- ~ I l I i ii ,' wt-\ ,•a•a ~~ I I I " £ I I , __ I )/f'7) \,,,_ I/ t-/_1,' I I I I I I I LCfJ / OFFICE I ------------ _, -j------------- [',., I ; 8'-0' I BALCONY FLAT CLG. I _ _J I ,-----I I I I --- I 7 I ----- L I I l __ I I "" I L -,----------------- (M) +-(f) r "X ,~ ' • -v::,, JOB# PAGE ,f OF ;Rc;;,I Cl,/"/, f{af (itol7r/4z,:1,;->{ 22 ,/7 f 7(/9 + c:( /1Jt1 ~ Z{ ;?c:,z /t;irUj, cf (!o// J /1 J JJ:il15r) j-(/e,ol-15( /L~J;-)_/t(t,} z: /'}/25 J0 uJ'l ~ ?Iii Ftu!1-f. uz,f 0-JP-LM2- (!o lJf ){ /Zeff' trtj + f(c,/fr{(1s?"'rri -r .z{at'}) = 2~ 9!8' A' • + !~-?Z;' f-(!/t}_fJ'otrj_!;) + I Jc>{ cf/;) /0 &,/ 15~} VMZ: lft-1 tfl/Fl }{x ½k JZe,zf 11 34.J~ flcz/2.. q 31, /y (,,.~~t( V~,t!(l~41)7 7,J PROJECT~~~~~~ ENGR DATE ;;;C &,/ f~} ·ii" I 37, 1'1 /7;:' Lt.Ix:~ ~ t/J.vt' 0f2?0 8 , 7v ~c,l( f<;~ J:JO, 7 , Jo ), /(,,, !77f 'lYl, ~ /,c:0 M I MANNING ENGINEERING INc Civil I Structural Consultants 27574 Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 ■:(951) 296-1044 ;i,;(951) 296-1047 @'.info@manriingrce.,om JOB# 2.s,' -LO />--Jo (rof1X 11,s-) -f-(S7~r1/_ll~ ;r-z,_;> If -o / PAGE 'j OF Ffa:!L ( 11, f1A,,1' .. cf} 1--::,-g rr( 1; ~ -4 -7/J) i(o -=-? Z85' X ff.£44, (I z. J';X I l-/111'/' I 0 S/z -J) ::::: fJ t If +(_1t,iy_Jl&,ftjJ) /J /t/j ! 5p73;:-11t u.vtJlrc'5 )J 7 /!uf leSWZ---XIY 1.1'.);J-/JJ evi5Jl1v:'? rtl-57 J1-V!?Z-x I y PROJECT _____ ~ ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING INC. Civil/ Structural Consultants 2757-4 Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 ■;(951) 296-1044 iil:(951) 296-10◄7 @:info@marrning:rce.com JOB# l IN[ A 73 C, I 2. 3 114 X J: c1f ,;z: 1 f i" 3/Z X rf,af ,::;-lf'-7t 4 I J x ?, 0 4 ~ 2 o YZ 2 ll 7 ,x F,o1 ~ I 2 J f"' PROJECT _____ ~ ENGR DATE ~ El PAGE l OF L</7 ,itJJ 2YI tJ~Z I 177 11 /0 MANNING ENGINEERING INC. Civil/ Structural Consultants 27574 Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 Temecula. CA 92590 ■;(951) 296-1044 .S.:(951) 296-1047 @:info@manning:rce.com JOB# Liw;! 5't-7_9!tf; (__ /4 ?i[t ),1?-(lift() :z-luJC, 3t;1f i 1e,(7t!) ·=7 r-izv C 12,{f-lil(llfif}Z t 1t_t(- 1J t7vZt( l 1µ( [if I z 3 1 'Y Jt//J. ;. /ft+ 1-lf... { 41'1) ~ ,2-t~ 7'-19),--#64 f--t' ( (,, ( 5' ft, - t,,fC f !.ii; (/17)7 *w rvrl f>< 1 91, 11 6, t,YP c1J l /1.;f 5(/jt?11 C 3 qg(p +-J.-lt(J.Syft)~ /foe,,ff ~ PROJECT~~~~~- ENGR DATE Jo/11f 4'brJt/.¥. 4_tvj, qgi, II- ~ MEI PAGE 1/ OF ~;,t(Z + f J3'1::: & 2:rl }c),:;3 f /"-11v:z l{4}J !~ IY~ /f/,8 + 2,;frc, z:. 4104 42r + c2:: ~ /vi/er >tr 2S}Z.. ~r,,,){2-¾)= 1q14 °l{u,)( r.y~ ~ 93r;. MANNING ENGINEERING INC, Civil/ Structural Consultants 27574 Commerce Center Or. Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 a:(951J 296-1044 o;a;:(951) 296-1047 @:info@manningrce.com JOB# LitJE A @Moc LINE A@ FWOfZ fiAJ,:;. 11. t/0'1 V ~ :J. +o '1 PROJECT ______ _ ENGR DATE PAGE <s OF MANNING ENGINEERING INc. Civil/ Structural Consultants 2757,J Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 Temecula, CA 9'2590 ■ :(951) 296-1044 !Sil:(951) 296-1047 @:info@manningrce.com JOB# PAGE q OF L/fl/E • 6 (@ @of F:::. 1s71 )/.: /S7). ·vdl!uu)for: R.,13,L!(tl.J SHffi!Z~ (1'.2.s-.12'3(8/ ))1,00:::. 32/,() FLF H~~~if=r~ fs" G, 5 x 'tl x 314-,& (aC3Pr ;6 (2))2~s11J;:; 2338 t1Jsrft( F = c.:?og2 ~/= 10&2.. q,5 ::. 2/9 ft..;= £ H"-8 ' I (jri-/F/-::: 15 4/Cf fLF ~x@ _j__ [is- 15 (!HJ . . xg K-419 -;&(ioxe 1-1o(ry;1J)1sfe }.,,,. 22. 72. PROJECT ______ _ ENGR DATE i-lDLl.J.505~s MANNING ENGINEERING INc. Civil/ Structural Consultants 2757-4 Commerce Center Dr. SUI 133 Temecula, CA 9_2590 ■:(951) 296-1044 ci:(951) 296-1047 @:infD@manningrce.com JOB# PAGE ,-0 OF L1AJE· D (3 RooF .-/LJID ,-=- v.:: /L//0 °!'I---Cf ·f-lo Yi C:,/oo PL F ~ ®.3;('-/--s.; LL co10 ;. poo n 1v 1c; Mu=-";,t.fi!,4 (sJo3 x 1-.J-ro2 ,s (4)J) ~ 32 1s~ FT-& _ rj}IJ/ I) 0 I °I /iz.. {4 0 I 000 X • ]Ot, ;< i) ( 30 -3 -~ (, 30lo 'f. 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Civil/ Structural Consultants 27574 Commerce Center Dr, Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 ■:(951) 296•1044 lii:{951) 296-1047 @:info@manningrce.com JOB# f-:: 3/Jt,~ 1/.:. 32U:. 5 fl=r/ Ufi~!fT= PAGE f,; OF _j_ [txg'/653 -,l{&'i{;;½&(z)){q$)" 4977 f.:343 S )v1Sf60 . t-100& S'D53 To POuNM TtoN CONT Fo0Jilt4 Mu .: /,1.f x /J-/ (' 69 oq x b -J>ro:z. {i )¾) ·:.. 4 ~ 139 fF!b5 ¢Mn"' r't/12. ('t;o, ooo x 1 301p x 3) (30-3 -3 (,306 Y-4~ ') ::-7171 1 -f8 x :J,s K .---;i/ pr-/115, Z-'·I 11 11J ro s01 L -/$ ii vJtlJC 3t4S T'7J> PROJECT _____ ~ [i] MANNING ENGINEERING INC. ENGR DATE MEI Civil/ Structural Consultants 2757◄ Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 T1m1e<:ula. CA 92590 ■:{951) 296-10+4 &i:(951) 296-1047 @:inf0@m<1nningrce.com JOB# , ,-------:-----------=PA:G~E ~1~1~o::F~--- L.IA!f .3 r' Fwo& ;=-: fw/2)(2,,~) = (_:_ } 70'7 /..!NE 4 / • F~ (1'/10) (35·/bj:i) v= H= 81 UfJ.,/fT=- 1-!NE 5 f = q(,~ )( 13/;_):: V"' q?;fo (b,S' /10 fJ-.f I /A0 H~s 1 UPi-lFT: 8~5 (0,5 X. '8 '/.. uo-/xq (&,5)ft j =_3_3_2~HD:...:U~r2.:::..:5D:::::.lS::.:.;i,'S'::__ PROJECT ENGR DATE MANN;NG ENGINEERING INC Civil/ Structural Consultants• 2757◄ Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 Temecula, CA 9,2590 ■:(951) 296-1044 Qi:(951) 296-1047 @:info@manningrce.com 15 &EE &W&< A) &IL.I.. 601.. ilNa: MARK V (p lf) SILL AND 6OLTINC:$ <allowable) SEE Su.JS ~ $14 CD 2x4 = 125 2x PRESSURE TREATED ~j 2x6 2'2''2' %" 41 12" ANCHOR . = !I 2x8 = 2(2:)(?) 6OLTS ii) 48" o.c. 0 2x4 115 2x PRESSURE TREATED ·ii?°'~ = ~~ 2x6 = 3(2:)(?) %" 41 12" ANCHOR 2x8 = 3(2:)(?) 6OLTS ii) 32" O.C. 11 ® 2x4 = 25(?) 2x PRESSURE TREATED ¾l .~;.,;1 2x6 = 35'2' %" 41 12" ANCHOR ¢1~ 2x8 = 35'2' 6OLTS ii) 24" o.c. ~ ~! 0 3x4 = 25'2' .3x PRESSURE TREATED '~ 3xt& 5(?)(?) %'' 41 12" ANCl-!OR 6OL TS ~ 3> = ;f,z. .3x8 = toSf?> ii) 24" o.c. ®3> 3x4 = 315 3x PRESSURE TREATED ;~;-i~ ·-111 3xto = 15(?) %" 41 1211 ANCI-IOR 6OL TS ~~~ - 3x8 = I CZ,(?) cz, e Ito" o.c. I ~x 3x4 = 5'2'(?) 3x PRESSURE TREATED .t;i~ .3x 6 = 1 (?)CZ,(?) %" 41 12" ANCHOR 6OL TS ~ .3x8 = 135'2' e 12" o.c. ~~it 01> .3x4 = 5Sf?> .3x PRESSURE TREATED I :ttf 3xto = 13(?)'2' %" 4> 1211 ANCHOR 6OL TS I .3x8 = ltof?>'2' 1ii) 1211 o.c . ®-3x4 = 144 3x PRESSURE TREATED ii .3x 3x to = 18'2''2' ¾" 4> 1211 ANCHOR 6OL TS ii .3x8• = 21'2'(?) e S" o.c . ~~~~\ft~Wltli~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2'2'1~ INTE~IO~ SHEA~UJAl-1-~ ED~e· 01srANCE ~ ~11 &1L..1.. eo1.. TIN~ SEE <&UJ&) e @ 145 PLF % <P 2x F.T. 48" O.C. ® 21f2'> FLF % <P 2x F .T . 3211 O.C. . © 2<33 FLF % <P 2x. F.T. 2411 O.C. @ 350 PLF % cp 2x F.T. 16 11 O.C. ® 480 PLF % cp 3x P.T. 2411 O.C. ® 128 FLF % <P 3x F.T. 16 11 O.C. @ 1110 PLF ¾ <P 3x F.T. 12 11 O.C. ® 1640 FLF ¾ cp 4x F.T. 12 11 O.C. 'ZIZ>\to c.e.c . &I-IEARWALL ANO CONNECTIONS. &HEATH \Na ONE S.IOE -V MATERIAL 17 SEE 5115 FOR eoL TS TO ca-IC MATERIAL TOP PLATE (allowable/ (PER 201<& c.ec. STAPLES/ CONNECTION CONNECTION (PER E&R-IS3S AL TERNA TE USING NAIL&/ SEE &WI SEE 5W3 & 18'1> PLF J." EXPANDED METAL OR WOVEN WIRE LATI-I L TP4 • 24' O.C. AND PQRTL/INP CEMENT PLASTER NIA lc&d • 6 ' O.C. u-lBLOCKED 1111TH "le& GA GALV. STAPLE& }b' LEe:.5 • c&' OC. & ISS PLF ¾' STR I 51-!EATI-IING, BLOCKED 16 GA Ii,• ¼" WOOD STRUCTURAL LEGS STAPLES• PANEL 8d•c&• OC. EN. * LTP4 • 24" OC. lc&d -6 ' OC. 6' OC. EOG.ES, 12" OC. FIELD 12' OC. FN. STUDS 2x 2x FRAMING • le&" O.C. FRAMING IE>' O.C. ~OCKER £ 23S PLF ¾' STR I 51-!EATI-IING, BLOCKED 16 GA Ii," ¼" ll/OOD STRUCTURAL LEGS STAPLES • PANEL 8d •6" o.c. EN. * L TP4 -24' O.C. 16d -4" O.C. 4' O.C. EDGES, 12" O.C. FIELD 12' O.C. F.N. STUDS 2x 2x FRAMING • 16" oc. FRAMING le&' OC. eLOCKED & 31S PLF ¾' STR I 51-!EATI-IING, BLOCKED 16 GA Ii,• ¼" WOOD STRUCTUAAI. LEGS STAPLES• PANEL 8d"6' OC. EN. LTP4 • 16' 0.C. IE,d -3' O.C. 3" O.C. EDGES, 12" O.C. FIELD 12' 0.C. FN. STUDS 2x * 2x FRAMING • 16' oc. FRAMING le&' O.C. eLOCKED £ 3S.il> PLF ¼" STR I 51-lEATI-IING, BLOCKED le& GA Ii," ¼" ll/OOD STRUCTURAL LEe:.5 ST APL ES " PANEL 8d•4' 0.C. EN. LTP4 • le&" OC. SD&2S6.i,.i, • S' O.C. 2' OC. EDGES, 12" OC. FIELD 12' O.C. FN. STUDS 2x * 3x BLOCK OR RIM 2x FRAMING • le&" OC. FRAMING 16' 0.C. ~QC15Ep JOIST ADJOINING PANEL EDGES 3x • MUDSILL 2x P.T. &5,.x 4=PLF ¼" STR I 5HEATI-IING, BLOCXED 16 GA Ii," ¼" ll/OOD 511<:UCTURAL PANEL LEGS STAPLES• 8d•3" O.C. EN. 12' OC. F.N. L TP4 -16' O.C. SDS2S8cZ>0 • S' OC. 2' OC. EDGES, 12" OC. FIELD INTERMEDIATE STUDS 2x • EDGE 3x BLOCK OR R IM 2x FRAMING • le&' O.C. NAILING TO ABUTTING PANELS 3x JOIST ADJOINING PANEL EDGES 3x • STUDS REQUIRED MUD&ILL 3x P.T. FRAMING 16' o.c. eLocKEp 6!" 41S PLF "/22 STR I 5HEATI-IING BLOCKED ¾,• ll/OOD STRUCTURAL PANEL 16 GA, IJS• LEGS STAPLES"• 8d•3' O.C. EN. 12" OC. FN. L TP4 -12" OC. SDS2S8= • 6' 0 C. 2' OC. EDGES, 12" OC. FIELD INTERMEDIATE STUDS 2x., EDGE NAILING 3x BLOCK OR RIM ADJOINING PANEL EDGES 3x • TO ABUTTING PANELS 3x STUDS JOIST MUDSILL 3x P.T. REQUIRED FRAMING 16' OC. ~OCKER £" SS<Z> PLF ¾" ll/OOD STRUCTURAL PANEL 8d•2" 0.C. EN. 12" OC. FN. LTP4 -12' O.C. SDS2SBcZ><Z> • c& • OC. NIA INTERMEDIATE STUDS 2x • EDGE NAILING 3x BLOCK OR RIM TO ABUTTING PANELS 3x STUDS JOIST REQUIRED FRAMING 16" O.C. eLOCKEp & 12S PLF "m"-ll/OOD &TJ.!I.JCTURAL I PANEL 8d"2' O.C. EN. 12' OC. FN. INTERMEDIATE LTP4 • e• OC. &DS2S8= • 4' OC. NIA STUDS 2x ., EDGE FAILING TO ABUTTING 3x BLOCK OR RIM PANEL& 3x STUDS REQUIRED FRAMING JOIST 16' oc. !2LOCKEp £." ½2" ll/OOD STRUCTURAL PANEL l<Z>d•2' e1<Z> PLF O.C. EN. 12' OC. FN. L TP4 -e• O.C. &DS2S8= • 3" OC. NIA INTERMEDIATE STUDS 2x "EDGE 3x BLOCK OR RIM NAILING TO ABUTTING PANELS 3x STUD& JOIST REQUIRED FRAMING IE>" O.C. !2LOCKEl2 &I-IEATHINa TWO S.IOE <OOUBbE &HEAR) EACH &IOE -V (PER 2<Z>l6 C.6.C. STAPLES) PER E&R-IS3S TOP PLATE &ILL PLATE (allowable/ MATERIAL ALTERNATE USING NAIL& CONNECTION CONNECTION SEE 5W3 EACH SIDE SEE &W4 & 41.z> PLF ¼' STR I Sl-lEATI-IING BOTI-I SIDE& BLOCKED ¾" ll/OOD STRUCTURAL PANEL 16 GA IJS" LEG& STAPLES• 8d•6" O.C. EN. 12' O.C. FN. LTP4 • 2-4' OC. SDS2S8cZ>0 • 6' O.C. 4' O.C. EDGE&, 12' O.C. FIELD INTERMEDIATE STUDS 2x • EDGE OFFSET PANEL JOINTS FOR 2x OR U5E 3x NAILING TO ABUTTING PANEL& 3x STUD& IIA-IEN EN. IS ON BOTI-I &IDES TO STUD& REQUIRED COMMON MEMBER FRAMING 16' OC. ~• --·--- & E>3<Z> PLF ¾' STR I 5HEATI-IING BOTI-I SIDE& BLOCKED ¾' WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL 16 GA iJS' LEGS STAPLES • 8d•4' O.C. EN. 12" O.C. FN. LTP4 -16' O.C. SD&2S8cZ><Z> • 6" O.C. 3' O.C. EDGES, 12' oc. FIELD INTERMEDIATE STUDS 2x • EDGE OFFSET PANEL JOINTS FOR 2x OR USE 3x NAILING TO ABUTTING PANELS 3x STUD& IIA-IEN EN. IS ON BOTI-I SIDES TO STUDS REQUIRED COMMON MEMBER FRAMING 16' O.C. "'' ----- &. 8=PLF ¼" sm I 5HEATI-IING BOTI-I SIDES BLOCKED ¼' ll/OOD STRUCTURAL PANEL 16 GA Ii," LEGS STAPLES• 8d•3" O.C. EN. 12" O.C. FN. LTP-4 • 16" O.C. SDS2Se= • 4" 0.C. 2" O.C. EDGES, 12" O.C. FIELD INTEfsMEDIATE STUDS 2x • EDGE OFFSET PANEL JOINTS FOR 2x OR USE 3x NAILINCs TO ABUTTING PANELS 3x STUDS IIA-IEN EN. IS ON BOTI-I SIDES TO STUDS REQUIRED COMMON MEMBER FRAMING 16' O.C. "'' ----- ~ SS<Z>PLF '°/22' STR I 51-!EATI-IING BOTI-I SIDES BLOCKED ¼' ll/OOD STRUCTURAL PANEL 16 GA Ii,• LEGS STAPLES • 8d•3' O.C. EN. 12' O.C. FN. LTP4 • 12' O.C. SDS2Se= • 4" 0.C. 2" OC. EDGES, 12' O.C. FIELD INTERMEDIATE STUDS 2x • OFFSET PANEL JOINTS FOR 2x OR USE 3x EDGE NAILING TO ABUTTING STUDS IIA-IEN EN. IS ON BOTI-I SIDES TO PANELS 3x STUDS REQUIRED COMMON MEMBER FRAMING 16' O.C. eLOCKEQ £ 11.i,.i, PLF ¼' ll/OOD STJ.!I.JCTURAL PANEL 8d•2" 0.C. EN. 12" OC. FN. LTP4 • 12' OC. SDS25= • 3' O.C. NIA INTERMEDIATE STUDS 2x • EDGE NAILING TO ABUTTING PANELS 3x STUDS REQUIRED FRAMING 16' O.C. _, --·--- & I4S.il> PLF '%2" WOOD STJ.!I.JCTURAL I PANEL 8d•2' L TP4 • e• O.C. 2 ROWS • 4" o.c. OC. EN. 12" O.C. FN. INTERMEDIATE N/A STUDS 2x • EDGE FAILING TO ABUTTIN<:s PANELS 3x STUD& REQUIRED FRAMING 16' o.c. eLocKEp & 11-4.z> PLF NIA "/22" ll/OOD STRUCTURAL PANEL 10d•2" O.C. EN. 12" OC. F.N. L TP4 -e• O.C. 2 ROil/& • 4' OC. INTERMEDIATE STUD& 2x • EDGE NAILING TO ABUTTING PANELS 3x STUDS REQUIRED FRAMING 16" O.C. !;!LOCKED ll< SILL MAY 6E 3X P.T. PER SILL SCI-IEDULE. PAGE Ii OF R'OL \(p ?~ RLL 20 p7p f-Vl \0 <?'1f-fLL 4D ?'7f ) vb ~Sf LL OtCJZ . 1..0 f'?f VL s' \/\1-0L l l i DJ 1, /z_, / '3 ) ] l io t '1 ( i S ) + 2h = l '1 l vJLL l l \0)2-/z /<3)J··ZD -t z.,5 ' l f' 0 1----f w~, wv + ~ t OL ic,,, W '2.-Q'\.. ( 2, 2./2_ -i--2) IC. + '--t ( l!', / -\--2,S:. 365 W l L~ ~o w2LL (1-Z-/1,, +-1.,,) 2o ~ a.w ~ &\ V2-0 L \ 000 ,, It e>O L-L PROJECT _____ _ [W] MANNING E NGINEERING INC. ENGR DATE MEI Civil/ Structural Consultants 2757◄ Commerce Center Or. Ste 133 Temecula, CA n590 ■:(951) 296-10« li:(951) 296•10<47 <,:infolimannlngrce.com JOB# PAGE Jq OF \11J17-A -2,. , 0" ~ DL 4 l \ (p) + 4 ( U3 ) + i~ c t <o \ ~LL t\-( w ", z:._ Bo + ~~• B ,w , 1 p w,ot. lG\ 'N1..0L... aa./i (lld) tLr(Lt>}-t'Z.,7~ 30,5 w, u c&o vii 1... '-L-'a-3 / 2 ( z.o J z: -ZhD PROJECT _____ _ [i] MANNING ENGINEERING INC. Civil/ Structural Consultants 2757-4 Commerce Center Or. Ste 133 ENGR DATE MEI Temecula, CA 92590 a :(951) 296-1044 &:(951) 296-1047 11):inf°"manninirce.com JOB# PAGE 1:0 OF o' .'IJOL ?OS Wli-.z.(l)(J 4 y:. (2- emz. w I OL-\ ~ \ w ,z, OL-(\ "J h + 2, \ _\ la -t q-( i \li )HF"l 7/3 WILL '60 W'1LL (1 ? /1-+ 2, \ 2-O c 170 PG1 ~ Ol-e,oo ) fL-L 7 oD PROJECT _____ _ (i] MANNING ENGINEERING INC. ENGR DATE MEI Ci vi l / Stru c tura l Co n s ult a n t s 27574 Commerce Center Or. Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 ■:(951) 296-1044 li:(951) 296-1047 ~:info@mann1ns:rce.com JOB# PAGE 2f OF WJ~ \rO 1,S' ~{)L. \ql + 7( I~ J + l(p/2( lo)=-L\;cf~ f vJOL 40) \f\! LL 4-it Cj' ~\)\.. '170 (2..~l:;.. l?\L, (V-<1Lifi) 'c) 1 / '2-)< I t 7/'!J f f,LL-m ~ol, 403 W\OL 12/ ~ ( z..o) -t so = ·170 wu... .cr4G W,1,1, 12/i_. (eoo) :::. '?C:,D ~ · . YJ\11 .9 ( L} oS'5o ?Li 4140 LL IJ;J Ijz_., r { 4.,, PROJECT ____ _ .ti] MANNING ENGINEERING INC. ENGR DATE MEI Civil I S t ruc t ural Co n sulta 11ts 27574 Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 ■ :(951) 296-104-4 ,:i:(9S1) 296-1047 @;fnfo@mannin£rce.com JOB# PAGE 22 OF \-\ 0~ \3 0 \ \/~t)L '8/2. C 2.0) t 50 ~ ... w LL B / z (_ Coo) ~OL (1...? f2 ·t2. )\ ~ t 4 ( I 8 )-1--l}j ::: ?ll) \Nu)(}:/J / 2 ·t 2 ) ?_J) ::l ·Z qo t • \ I\ '{)L 3 z., a LP \ '{)'\.. \ fo ' 'N J--I \JJ \\..L P)O \J\J '2. t.\, IL q 0 \er\L \\0O'OL) \?OD LL PROJECT _____ _ ENGR DATE ~ MEI MANNING E NGINEERING INC. Civil/ Struct ural Cons ulta n ts 27574 Commerce Center Or. Ste 133 T~rnecula, CA 92590 ■:(951) 296-10<1-4 li:(951) 296-10-47 (!;l:lnfoe1mannln1rce.com JOB# ~PL 32£} vJ'U-, 1qo VWR \8 kt1)~ \01 1 ,0' o' f; Pz. q s' J z.5~' t f .;,, l C:, ,'_.:..-W--!,._...._l/ ---It W1\0C \L/12-( ~,o) -t-5 0 - L,J\LL l~/17_,, (__{pQ') -::. l;J-Z. OL l 91 t t<,/;l ( 10; -::::. PAGE 2.3 OF 17 00 W 2. LL I LG + I ~ It~ l 4o) ~ fi D L I 142 + 13 tY) 3 .::= 'b \ 9 B Z.1/ tr-zq . + f f?1il ? ( R J r 12 o L , vt1. c 1. , ~ ') -: ·g 1 9. B ( l ~lO{)LJ ~ 170 LL-) PROJECT ____ _ ENGR DATE [i] MEI 1 f-{Lf-f'~ Luzn . J. tJ.e MANNING ENGINEERING INC. Civi l/ St ru ct ural Co n s ulta n ts 27574 Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 a:(951) 296-10'4-4 ol:(951) 296-10~1 t;t1:lnf~mannln£rce.com JOB# PAGE ~~ OF w 01-\? / 2 C 2 o I t \ o ( l e ') -t-<; D ::. '(\jt,L, 1·?/2 ( &o) -=- \r()(\ ii !WR. I)_?) ' ' 1 ·5 1~5 \rJOL Jd-/;;_ ( 10) -t ~bS -::: \NLL. J] /:i ( 40) -\-·i G,p ~ J OL-?;65 + 7 ( l8 J \-\ t., /t 2. ( \ o) ~ \Nu~ ltuo-\--t~/12 (qaJ vJoL tt f? ·· °WLt-. '700·. J QL l t;/bl ( ID) ·-t-l~/,2-(_io) t l, (10 .)--t2'.5 = t 7~ ~LJ, le:, /;i. l 4D) + I ~/12-( i:rDJ ~ ·3'7Lf1 4: 10 PROJECT ____ _ ~ MANNING E NGINEERING INC. ENGR DATE ME Civil / Structural Consulta nts 2757-i Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 Temecula. CA 92590 a :(951) 296-1044 '5i:(951J 296-1047 @:info@manningrce.com JOB# Bm3 l l ' PAGE '2-5 OF ijli '8 f ~ •• I ~· Wr.-: ,1~• 4 W\-OL '\?J/tt ( W) -t-, ~o /2 ( l tlJ-t-50 = VJ \Lt, \ '?J /2 ( '7 b) ·-r lo/2 (40 J =: (;Ji. OL 230 i l 'l../i, ( I (p J ·t I\ ( t~/) _:_ lob4 w1.LL sqo + 2 2 /2 ( 1..0 ·) := .-a,o Pi W-0~ (., ( \fl-1 ) I 0B b OL..) }740 u., ~ 1.--\}O ~ ... l-, (_ (Z z.) ~ lv O OZ..) (o, 0 LL-.1 t '3 '_ 2 Y. /. 'f P~LJLm (t Fl f -z_, 2 1 S' ~ B' .it,;~ w Z----.-, ,-. -. 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ENGR DATE MEI Civil/ Str uctur al Consultan ts 27S74 Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 ■:(951) 296-1044 li:(951) 296-10◄7 11l:lnfo@mannin1rce.com JOB# \ p -, . ' 0 I I~ W OL 11 / z ( 'l.. 0) -\-\ ~ ft l ( t o) vJLL {2./2. (toD) + I~/,?_(_ 4oJ f~Yl'\ll (~_OLJ 'oSIO LL) ~ , Ft, f :!> ,.~J ~ '~ W-z.. WI • (.µ~~ '" l s 's l ') - PAGE 21 OF ~,OL B/2. (2°; T76 ~ v{'-l, Cc / 1-C roD ") - I 10 + l ~/22,(lo} ~ 1£-\-1 2-10 + I(, /t1,( 4o J ~ 2'11- ~~\)L 1~7-t l 44 + & ( \ ~ J ~ 4 i 9 v!lu. l'LS +· z-qq =-• ·tt 14 '\/Ji~L ')c,:S + ~LlY --4 4 '1 v1~ LL rz.,~ + 1-q4 ~ S5"t ,· - P, H1)P. z ( L) 9 ~D GL:> G 10 Lt-- P2. ~ 7-( ~ ') t {L;€)0-VL~ t ol{D u,, f~ \:)Y'n 0 l L) \l<f>-.Qdll,J Zl'xJ LL.+ r ) r1 / : ~ f z, 'p Vl\ f\ \. ~ bOD ~\, l ''? 100 I.A) • , L ,.. .. i·~ f fl-LL ~1 ;) ,J/t. PROJECT _____ _ [i] MANNING E NGINEERING INC. ENGR DATE MEI Civi l / Structural Cons ul tants 1757-4 Commerce Center Dr. Ste 133 Tomecula, CA 92S90 a ,(951) 296-10+4 a:(951) 296-1047 (!l:1nfo@manningrce.com 'l' r JOB# a s' • c> ~'oL \ u I I 7-( 1-0) - \/'J LL l f.J /11-. ( l?io) --;. \/J0t-\lc/(L ( 10) :=-~~ l? vJU-\ L, /r2. C 45) ~ s ~ 1, '½ PAGE 2,_; OF '7/J-r-'' 7/?J pp,Llyfl ;},) PROJECT _____ _ [W] MANNING ENGINEERING INC. ENGR DATE MEI Ci v il / St ru ctural Consu ltants 2757◄ Commerce Center Or. Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92S90 a :(951) 296-1o+4 &:(951) 296-10<47 @:1nf0filmann1nirce.com I JOB# J~L t G,/z (_ \ 0) =- ~u., le,/z_ (Ltu~ -z:: \J\\l?L., \ ~ /;7,, (lo) ~ 1~ <?> PAGE 2.q OF vl4 \ LR /r 7-( l{D'j :: 7 ~• J PROJECT _____ _ ENGR DATE [[i] MEI MANNING E NGINEERING INC. Civil/ Structural Co nsulta nts 2757◄ Commerce Center Or. St• 133 Temecula, CA 92590 •:(951) 296-11),H lii:(951) 296-1047 @:fnfo@mannfnirce.com Manning Engineering, Inc. 27~74 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 / Multiple Simple Beam Description: HDR1 -HDR3 Wood Beam Design: HDR1&HDR3 BEAM Size: Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Printed: 18 JUN 2019. 10 41AM File= C:\Users\MANNIN-1\DOCUME-1\ENERCA-1\PROJEC-1\#6632murph::J Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . V ' • ~--• • • -• • Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr Applied Loads 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.1970, Lr= 0.1250 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual: Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual: Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.107; 1 173.29 psi at 1,619.79 psi +D+Lr+H 0.090: 1 20.33 psi at 225.00 psi +D+Lr+H 1.250 ft in Span # 1 2.050 ft in Span# 1 ax e lect1ons 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31.21 O pcf Max Reactions Left Support Right· Support (k) .Q .b 0.25 .br 0.16 0.16 '1:1.. !:! Transient Downward 0.001 in Total Downward 0.0.03 in 85€,7 >180 0.25 Wood Beam Design: HDR2 BEAM Size : Ratio 9999 >360 Ratio LC: Lr Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+Lr+H 0.000 in 9999 LC: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 4x12, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr Applied Loads 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.1610, Lr= 0.080 kif!, Trib= 1.0 ft Unif Load: D = 0.1440, Lr= 0.180 klft, 6.0 to 8.0 ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: D = 1.0, Lr= 1.20 k@6.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual: Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.639 • 1 858.73 psf at 1,344.01 psi +D+Lr+H 0.454: 1 102.09 psi at 225.00 psi +D+Lr+H 6.000 ft in Span# 1 7.067 ft in Span# 1 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31.210pcf Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) .Q .b 0.96 .br 0.67 1.54 '1:1.. !:! ax e ect1ons Transient Downward 0.036 in Total Downward 0.079 in 1215 >180 1.68 Ratio 2679 >360 Ratio LC: Lr Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+Lr+H 0.000 in 99~19 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 . Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 / Multiple Simple Beam Description : HDR4-HDR5 Wood Beam Design : HDR4 BEAM Size: Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: 31 Project Descr: Printed: 17 JUN 2019. 12·12PM File= C:\Users\MANNIN~1-\DOCUME~1\ENERCA~1\PROJEC~1\#6632murph~.ec6 . • Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . • ' •; ., .. • .. • • • : M ! Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe • Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.1610, Lr= 0.080 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb: Max fv/FvRatio = fv: Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.080; 1 130.26 psr at 1,619.79 psi +D+Lr+H 0.068: 1 15.28 psi at 225.00 psi +D+Lr+H 1.250 ft in Span # 1 2.050 ft in Span# 1 4x6 2.50 ft 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density Max Reactions (k) Left Support .Q. .b 1r 0.10 0.10 ax e ectrons Transient Downward 0.001 in Total Downward 0.21 0.21 Ratio 9999 >360 Ratio 31.210 pcf 0.003 in 99s,9 >180 Right Support LC: Lr Only 0.000 in 9999 LC: LC: +D+Lr+H Wood Beam Design : HDR5 Transient Upward Ratio Total Upward Ratio 0.000 in 9999 LC: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size : Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb • Compr Applied Loads 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced • Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 1.000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1.500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Beam self weight calculated and added to loads UnifLoad: D=0.1970, Lr =0.12501</ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: D = 1.0, Lr= 1.20" k @ 5.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb: Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : 69l212p;i 1at 1,614.88 psi +D+Lr+H 2.500 ft in Span# 1 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31 .21 0 pcf Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : 0.232: 1 52.11 psi at 225.00 psi +D+Lr+H 0.000 ft in Span # 1 i------------------------1 Load Comb : Max Reactions (k) Left Support Right Support .Q. 1 0.50 1.50 1r 0.31 1.51 Y'l. !:! ax e ec!lons Transient Downward 0.021 in Total Downward 0.056 in 10i'3 >180 Ratio 2800 >360 Ratio LC: Lr Only LC: +D+Lr+H Transient Upward 0.000 in Total Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 Ratio 99Sr9 LC: LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 Wood Beam Design : HDR6 Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Printed: 18 JUN 2019. 1"42PM Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 4x12, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Fb -Tension Fb-Compr Applied Loads 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.1610, Lr = 0.080 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Unit Load: D = 0.1440, Lr= 0.180 k/ft, 0.0 to 2.0 ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: D = 1.0, Lr = 1.20 k @ 2.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual: Fb : Allowable : Load Comb: Max fv/FvRatio = fv: Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.639; 1 858. 73 psr at 1,344.01 psi +D+Lr+H 0.454: 1 102.09 psi at 225.00 psi +D+Lr+H 2.000 ft in Span # 1 0.000 ft in Span# 1 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31.21 O pcf Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q 1 1!: 1.54 0.67 YY. .t! ax De ectrons Transient Downward 0.036 in Total Downward O.OT9 in 1214 >180 1.68 0.96 Wood Beam Design : HDR7 BEAM Size: Ratio 2676 >360 Ratio LC: Lr Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+Lr+H 0.000 in 99~,9 LC: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 4x8, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31.210 pcf Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.1610, Lr= 0.080 k/ft, T rib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb: Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual: Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.482; 1 771. 78 psr at 1,601.48 psi +D+Lr+H 0.221: 1 49.74 psi at 225.00 psi +D+Lr+H Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q 1 1!: 0.32 0.32 0.67 0.67 4.000 ft in Span # 1 0.000 ft in Span# 1 YY. 8.0 ft 1-----------------------j .t! Max e ectrons Transient Downward 0.039 in Total Downward 0.1,:1 in 7~,4 >180 LC: +D+Lr+H Ratio 2447 >360 Ratio LC: Lr Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio 0.000 in 9999 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 2757 4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 ' E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 Multiple Simple Beam Description : HDR8-HDR9 Wood Beam Design : HDR8 BEAM Size: Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Printed· 17 JUN 2019. 12·19PM Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 4x10, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Fb -Tension 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx Fb -Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31 .21 0 pcf Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.3050, Lr = 0.260 kif!, Trib= 1.0 ft Desig_n SummaCL. Max fb/Fb Ratio = 0.656; 1 fb : Actual : 966.99 psr at 3. 750 ft in Span# 1 Fb : Allowable : 1,473.97 psi Load Comb: +D+Lr+H Max fv/FvRatio = 0.353 : 1 fv: Actual : 79.51 psi at 0.000 ft in Span# 1 Fv : Allowable : 225.00 psi Load Comb : +D+Lr+H Max Reactions (k) Q 1 .br ~ Yi. f Left Support 1.17 0.98 Right Support 1.17 0.98 Wood Beam Design : HDR9 BEAM Size: A 4x10 7.50 ft 4, e-----------------------~ L---....,a,---x-...-e,..,l,,,.e.,.,ct...,,o...,.n.,..s ___________________ _ li Transient Downward 0.047 in Total Downward 0.104 in 8E,2 >180 Ratio Transient Upward Ratio 1897 >360 Ratio LC: Lr Only 0.000in 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+Lr+H Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,700.0ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31.210 pcf Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.3050, Lr= 0.260 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Desig_n SummaCL. Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv: Actual: Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.269; 1 435.45 psr at 1,618.68 psi +D+Lr+H 0.207 : 1 46.57 psi at 225.00 psi +D+Lr+H Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q 1 !J: 0.39 0.39 0.46 0.46 1.500 ft in Span # 1 2.550 ft in Span # 1 Yi. 4x6 3.0 ft ,i( 4 !----------------------~ ax electrons Transient Downward 0.006 in Total Downward 0.013 in 28~-7 >180 Ratio 6234 >360 Ratio LC: Lr Only LC: +D+Lr+H Transient Upward 0.000 in Total Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 Ratio 9999 LC: LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 • Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 • E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 Multiple Simple Beam Description: HDR10-HDR11 Wood Beam Design: HDR10 Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Calculations per NDS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.4030, L = 0.4450 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual: Fb ; Allowable ; Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv ; Actual: Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.349 • 1 452.75 psf at 1,296.71 psi +D+L+H 0.295: 1 53.12 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H 1.250 ft in Span# 1 2.050 ft in Span # 1 4x6 2.50 ft 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31.210 pcf Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) .Q .b 0.51 0.56 'l1. .ti ax e lecllons Transient Downward Ratio 0.005 in Total Downward 0.009 in 32€;6 >180 0.51 0.56 6294 >360 Ratio LC: L Only LC: +D+L+H Transient Upward 0.000 in Total Upward 0.000 in 9999 LC: Ratio 9999 Ratio LC: Wood Beam Design: HDR11 Calculations per NDS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 3.5x11.875, Parallam PSL, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending BEAM Size: Wood Species : iLevel Truss Joist Wood Grade : Parallam PSL 2.2E Fb -Tension 2,900.0 psi Fe -Prll 2,900.0 psi Fv 290.0 psi Ebend-xx 2,200.0 ksi Fb -Compr 2,900.0 psi Fe -Perp 750.0 psi Ft 2,025.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,118.19 ksi Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.4035, L = 0.4450 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: E = 1.320 k @ 2.50 ft Point: E = -1.320 k @ 8.50 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv ; Allowable : Load Comb: 0.795; 1 2,209.74 psr at 5.000 ft in Span# 1 2,779.54 psi +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +H 0.608: 1 176.40 psi at 9.033 ft in Span # 1 290.00 psi + 1.20D+0.50Lr+ 1.60L +H Density 45.070 pcf Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) .Q .b .br .§ 2.08 2.23 'l1. g 0.79 -0.79 !:! ax e ections Transient Downward Ratio 0.094 in Total Downward 0.1 81 in 6€-1 >180 2.08 2.23 1280 >360 Ratio LC: L Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC:+D+L+H 0.000 in 99Sl9 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 . Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: • E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 Multiple Simple Beam Printed· 23 JUL 2019. 3 36PM File = C:1Users\MANNIN-1 \~D~O~C-UM~E--1~1E~N~E=R-C-A--1-IP-R~O-J~EC-11#6632murpt :J Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . . Description: HDR12-HDR1 3 Wood Beam Design : HDR12 Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: -3.5x14.0, Parallam PSL, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : iLevel Truss Joist Wood Grade : Parallam PSL 2.2E Fb -Tension 2,900.0 psi Fe -Prll 2,900.0 psi Fv 290.0 psi Ebend-xx 2,200.0 ksi Fb -Compr 2,900.0 psi Fe -Perp 750.0 psi Ft 2,025.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,118.19 ksi Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.170, L = 0.360 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Unif Load: D = 0.2330, L = 0.0850 k/ft, 0.0 to 1.0 ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: D = 3.550, L = 4.240 k @ 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv: Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.355; 1 970.05 psi at 2,734.10 psi +D+L+H 0.269: 1 78.05 psi at 290.00 psi +D+L+H 2.187 ft in Span # 1 6.853 ft in Span # 1 D(0.2330). L(0.08SO) Density Max Reactions (k) Left Support Q .!. .!.! .s. !:! ax e ect1ons Transient Downward 0.036 in Total Downward 4.07 5.23 Ratio 2688 >360 Ratio 45.070 pcf 0.0E,0 in 16(4 >180 Right Support 1.20 1.98 LC: L Only 0.000 in 9999 LC: LC: +D+L+H .. Wood Beam Design: HDR13 Transient Upward Ratio Total Upward Ratio 0.0C10 in 9%9 LC: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 4x10, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 1000 psi Fe -Prll 1500 psi Fv 180 psi Ebend-xx Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 1000 psi Fe -Perp 625 psi Ft 675 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.130, L = 0.240 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.613 ;1 725.16 psi at 1,183.19 psi +D+L+H 0.316 : 1 56.83 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H 4.000 ft in Span# 1 0.000 ft in Span # 1 8.0 fl 1700 ksi 620 ksi Density (k) Q I. Y:i. Ji .t! ax e ect1ons Transient Downward 0.057 in Total Downward Ratio 1694 >360 Ratio 31.21 pcf 0.0E,9 in 1078 >180 Max Reactions Left Support Right Support 0.55 0.96 0.55 0.96 LC: L Only 0.000 in 9999 LC: +D+L+H Transient Upward Ratio LC: Total Upward Ratio 0.0C,0 in 99~,9 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 . Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 • E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296=---10_4_7 _________ _ Multiple Simple Beam Description : HDR14-HDR15 Wood Beam Design : HDR14 Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: ------------·--------------------4x12, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31 .21 o pcf Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load D = 0.3290, L = 0.290 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : l"v : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.754; 1 815.99 ps, at 1,081.59 psi +D+L+H 0.407: 1 73.31 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q .!. 1.35 1.16 1.35 1.16 Wood Beam Design: HDR15 4.000 ft in Span # 1 0.000 ft in Span# 1 Y:J.. I 8.0 ft ' tiilax Deflections !::! Transient Downward 0.038 in Total Downward 0.0€:2 in 1165 >180 Ratio Transient Upward Ratio 2522 >360 Ratio LC: L Only O.OOOin 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 9999 LC: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 • BEAM Size: 4x14, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe-Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31 .21 O pcf Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.1610, L = 0.080 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Unit Load: D = 0.1680, L = 0.210 k/ft, 0.0 to 3.0 ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: D = 1.10, L = 1.30, E = 1.320 k@3.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb: Actual : 0.888; 1 871.13 ps, at 980.94 psi +D+L+H Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv: Actual: Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: Max Reactions (k) Left Support Right Support 0.492: 1 88.55 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H Q .!. .!.!: 1.78 1.64 1.19 0.93 3.013 ft in Span# 1 0.000 ft in Span# 1 Y:J.. .!; 0.83 0.50 !::! Max Deflections Transient Downward Ratio 0.031 in Total Downward 0.067 in 3112 >360 Ratio 14~:2 >180 LC: L Only ,0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E Transient Upward 0.000 in Total Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 Ratio 99~•9 LC: LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Te~ecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951 -296-1044 • E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-104 7 ---------------Mu It i p I e Simple Beam Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Description: HDR16-HDR17 :-,----:-'-=---=--:-------------------------------------------Wood Beam Design: HDR16 Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 201 6, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size : 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31 .210 pcf Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.1970, L = 0.120 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.132; 1 170.63 psi at 1,296.71 psi +D+L+H 0.111: 1 20.02 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H Q .b Max Reactions (k) Left Support Right Support 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.15 Wood Beam Design : HDR17 BEAM Size : 1.250 ft in Span # 1 2.050 ft in Span # 1 1:i Max e lect1ons Transient Downward 0.001 in 9999>360 LC: L Only 0.000in 9999 Ratio Transient Upward Ratio LC: Total Downward 0.003 in 87:::0 >180 LC: +D+L+H Ratio Total Upward Ratio 0.000 in 99Sl9 LC: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31.210 pcf 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.3290, L = 0.290 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb: Max fv/FvRatio = fv: Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.655; 1 847.57 PSI at 1,294.82 psi +D+L+H 0.417: 1 75.10 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q .!. .!.r 0.67 0.58 0.67 0.58 2.000 ft in Span # 1 0.000 ft in Span# 1 'f:1. 4x6 4.0 ft J A ~---.M·a::-:-x---.--e-::rr:ec-:c"'ti.,,.on.,.,s,---------------------- !:! Transient Downward 0.020 in Total Downward 0.044 in Ratio Transient Upward Ratio 2357 >360 Ratio LC: L Only 0.000 in 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio 1 os,7 >180 LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 99~,9 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 275"l4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 Multiple Simple Beam Description : HDR18-HDR19 Wood Beam Design: HDR18 BEAM Size : Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 4x12, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31 .210pcf 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.3770, L = 0.350 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.776; 1 840.61 psi at 1,082.79 psi +D+L+H 0.440: 1 79.16 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H Q I. .br Max Reactions (k) Left Support 1.45 1.31 Right Support 1.45 1.31 Wood Beam Design : HDR19 BEAM Size : 3. 750 ft in Span # 1 0.000 ft in Span# 1 '.ll. !;_ .t! 7.50 ft --i Max Defiect1ons Transient Downward 0.035 in Total Downward 0.075 in 1206 >180 Ratio Transient Upward Ratio 2536 >360 Ratio LC: L Only 0.000 in 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 9999 LC: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31 .210 pcf 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.3770, L = 0.350 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual: Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.432; 1 559.39 psi at 1,296.01 psi +D+L+H 0.332: 1 59.82 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) .Q .!. .br 0.57 0.53 0.57 0.53 1.500 ft in Span# 1 2.550 ft in Span # 1 '.ll. A. ~---------------------~ ~---.,.,...ax"""""'.,..e"'"e,..,c..,,t1-on.,..s,---------------------- .t! Transient Downward 0.008 in Ratio 4631 >360 LC: L Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Downward Ratio 0.016 in 2216 >180 Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 99Sl9 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 2757 4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 .. Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951 -296-1047 Printed: 18 JUN 20·19. 11'22AM U Ip e Imp Softwareco ri htENERCALC,INC.1983-2018,Build: . M--1-t. --1 --S-.--1-e-Beam File= C:1Users\MANNIN~1\DOCUME-1\ENERCA~1\PROJEC-11#6632murph~.ec6 . dtat·Ju®A•ki•l•@l:tl 2MGN,t-1#iciMUUm&GMD • Description : HDR20-HDR21 Wood Beam Design : HDR20 Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 7x14, Parallam PSL, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending iLevel Truss Joist Wood Grade : Parallam PSL 2.2E Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 2900 psi Fe -Prll 2900 psi Fv 290 psi Ebend-xx 2200 ksi 2900 psi Fe -Perp 750 psi Ft 2025 psi Eminbend -xx 1118.19 ksi Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.0770, L = 0.080 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Unit Load: D = 0.1340, L = 0.0990 k/ft, 9.50 to 16.0 ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: D = 2.620, L = 4.20, E = 3.20 k@ 9.50 ft Point: E = -3.20 k @ 11.830 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.933 ; 1 2,623.22 psi at 9.493 ft in Span# 1 2,812.83 psi +1 .20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +H 0.471 : 1 7x14 16.0 ft Density 45.07 pcf Max fv/FvRatio = fv: Actual : Fv : Allowable : 136.56 psi at 14.880 ft in Span# 1 290.00 psi ;-----------------------, Load Comb: Max Reactions Left Support Right Support +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .60L +H (k) Q .b .b[ ~ 2.10 2.48 3.11 3.65 'ii. _I;; 0.47 -0.47 ti ax e lect1ons Transient Downward 0.217 in Total Downward 0.3e7 in Ratio 884 >360 Ratio LC: L Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Total Upward Ratio 9999 Ratio LC: 4£15 >180 LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 9999 LG: --------------------------------------------------Wood Beam Design: HDR21 Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.360, L = 0.390 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb: Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.309; 1 400.68 psi at 1,296.71 psi +D+L+H 0.261 : 1 47.01 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H 1.250 ft in Span # 1 2.050 ft in Span # 1 4x6 2.50 ft 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31 .210 pcf Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) .Q .b 'ii. ti Max Deflections Transient Downward 0.004 in Total Downward 0.008 in 3713 >180 0.46 0.49 0.46 0.49 Ratio 7181 >360 Ratio LC: L Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 9999 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 . Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 Multiple Simple Beam Description : HDR22-HDR24 Wood Beam Design : HDR22-HDR23 Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Calculations per NDS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEA1if Size : 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced -· Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx Fb -Tension Fb -Compr Applied Loads 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.4150, L = 0.70 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: E = 3.20 k @ 2.50 ft Point: E = -3.20 k @ 2.50 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : 0.459; 1 594.60 psi at 1,296.71 psi +D+L+H 1.250 ft in Span # 1 2.050 ft in Span# 1 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31.210 pcf ' Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.388: 1 69.77 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H '---~M~a-x~D~e~fl-ec~t~1o_n_s __________________ j Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q !: 0.52 0.88 0.52 0.88 .br Wood Beam Design : HDR24 BEAM Size : Y:l. .t! Trans'ient Downward Ratio 0.007 in Total Downward 0.012 in 2502 >180 Transient Upward Ratio 4001 >360 Ratio LC: L Only 0.000in 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 99fl9 LC: Calculations per NDS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Fb -Tension Fb -Compr Applied Loads 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.4450, L = 0.3140 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.313;1 405.46 psi at 1,296.71 psi +D+L+H 0.264: 1 47.57 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H 1.250 ft in Span # 1 2.050 ft in Span# 1 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31 .210 pcf Max Reactions (k) Left Support Q !: .br Y:l. .t! ax e lect1ons Transient Downward 0.003 in Total Downward 0.008 in 36i0 >180 Right Support 0.56 0.39 0.56 0.39 Ratio Transient Upward Ratio 8919 >360 Ratio LC: L Only 0.000 in 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in Manning Engineering, Inc. 275~4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 Multiple Simple Beam Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Des~ription : HDR25-HDR26 Wood Beam Design : HDR25 Calculations per NDS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 4x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.4150, L = 0. 70 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio == fb: Actual: Fb : Allowable : Load Comb: Max fv/FvRatio == fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.459; 1 594.60 psi at 1,296.71 psi +D+L+H 0.388: 1 69.77 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H 1.250 ft in Span # 1 2.050 ft in Span# 1 4x6 2.50 ft 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density (k) Q 1 1r .t! 0.007 in Total Downward 0.52 0.88 Ratio 4001 >360 Ratio 31 .210 pcf 0.012 in 25(12 >180 Max Reactions Left Support Right Support 0.52 0.88 LC: L Only 0.000in 9999 LC: LC: +D+L+H Transient Upward Ratio Total Upward Ratio 0.000 in 99Sl9 LC: Wood Beam Design : HDR26 Calculations per NDS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 4x8, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr Applied Loads 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.1790, L = 0.37 40 k/ft, T rib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio == fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.641; 1 826.51 psi at 1,290.1 3 psi +D+L+H 2.750 ft in Span# 1 ~ 4d 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31.210 pcf Max fv/FvRatio == fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : 0.397: 1 71.42 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H 0.000 ft in Span# 1 I 5.50 ft L_I--------------- Max Deflections Transient Downward ,d. ·-1 Load Comb : Max Reactions (k) Q .b .b! Left Support 0.51 1.03 Right Support 0.51 1.03 'Jj_ !::! 0.041 in Total Downward 0.061 in 1078 >180 Ratio 1610>360 Ratio LC: L Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 99Sl9 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 Wood Beam Design : BM1 Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: '-f2- Printed: 18 JUN 2019. 10 57AM Calculations per NDS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 4x12, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,700.0 ksi 620.0ksi Density 31 .210 pcf Applied Loads Beam self wei9ht calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.1970, Lr = 0.1250 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : 0.795; 1 1,049.31 psi at 6.250 ft in Span# 1 1,320.23 psi Fb : Allowable : Load Comb: Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : Max Reactions (k) Left Support Right Support +D+Lr+H 0.298: 1 67 .16 psi at 11. 583 ft in Span # 1 225.00 psi +D+Lr+H Q !. 1.28 1.28 .br 0.78 0.78 4x12 12.50 ft f-------------------~ '----~M-~a-x~D~e~fl~ec~t~1o_n_s _______________ ·--- .ti Transient Downward 0.098 in Total Downward 0.259 in 5W >180 Ratio 1534 >360 Ratio LC: Lr Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+Lr+H 0.000 in 9999 LC: ------------------------------------------------Wood Beam Design : BM2 Calculations per NDS 2015, !BC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 4x12, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self wei9ht calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.1610, Lr= 0.080 k/ft, T rib= 1.0 ft Unit Load: D = 0.0720, Lr= 0.090 k/ft, 0.0 to 3.50 ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: D = 0.60, Lr = 0.70 k @ 3.50 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.863; 1 1,146.52 psi at 1,329.13 psi +D+Lr+H 0.399: 1 89.84 psi at 225.00 psi +D+Lr+H 3.520 ft in Span # 1 0.000 ft in Span # 1 -riilaxlYeflect1ons 4x12 11.0 ft 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31.210pcf --~ ~ A Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q !. .br 1.18 0.71 '1:1. .t! Transient Downward Ratio 0.087 in Total Downward 0.208 in 6~-4 >180 1.55 1.16 Transient Upward Ratio 1518 >360 Ratio LC: Lr Only 0.000in 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+Lr+H 0.000 in 99~19 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 275?4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Fax: 951 -296-1047 Printed: 16 JUN 2019 1 15PM Multipl~ Simple Beam. File= C:\Users\MANNIN~11DOCUME-11ENERCA-1\PROJEC-1\#6632murph~.ec6 . Software co ri ht ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . ilatli&~1ld•Jck$f:tl02:ZM®· TIJ![i9rt1:IM,i®ffltma#®lfrl=t4 • Description : BM3-BM4 Wood Beam Design : BM3 Calculations per NOS 201 5, IBC 2015, CBC 201 6, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 3.5x14.0, Parallam PSL, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending iLevel Truss Joist Wood Grade : Parallam PSL 2.2E Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 2,900.0 psi Fe -Prll 2,900.0 psi Fv 290.0 psi Ebend-xx 2,200.0 ksi 2,900.0 psi Fe -Perp 750.0 psi Ft 2,025.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,118.19 ksi Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.230, L = 0.590 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Unif Load: D = 0.3740, L = 0.220 k/ft, 0.0 to 2.0 ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: D = 1.70, L = 1.540 k@2.0 ft Point: D = 0.960, L = 0.670 k@ 10.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual: Fb : Allowable : Load Comb: Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.688; 1 1,832.94 ps1 at 2,664.16 psi +D+L+H 0.723: 1 209.66 psi at 290.00 psi +D+L+H 4.840 ft in Span# 1 0.000 ft in Span# 1 11.0 ft Density (k) Q .!. '!Y. .ti Max Deflections Transient Downward 0.141 in Total Downward 3.51 4.97 Ratio 934 >360 Ratio 45.070 pcf 0.2,'.4 in 5£:8 >180 Max Reactions Left Support Right Support 2.60 4.17 LC: L Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Wood Beam Design : BM4 99Sl9 LC: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 7x20, Parallam PSL, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : iLevel Truss Joist Wood Grade : Parallam PSL 2.2E Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 2900 psi Fe -Prll 2900 psi Fv 290 psi Ebend-xx 2200 ksi 2900 psi Fe -Perp 750 psi Ft 2025 psi Eminbend -xx 1118.19 ksi Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.06330, L = 0.05330 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Unif Load: D = 0.1260, L = 0.0670 k/fl, 0.0 to 13.0 ft, Trib= 1.0 fl Point: E = 6.550 k @ 2.50 ft Point: E = -6.550 k @ 10.50 ft Point: D = 3.50, L = 5.0, E = 6.550 k@ 13.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb: Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb: Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.836 · 1 2,217.89 psi at 12.980 ft in Span# 1 2,653.26 psi +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+H 0.377: 1 109.38 psi at 20.387 ft in Span# 1 290.00 psi +1 .20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +H 7x20 22.0 ft Density 45.07 pcf --l Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q .!. .!.!: ~ '!Y. .!;_ 5.06 1.49 !::! Max Deflections Transient Downward 0.229 in Total Downward 0.4:,1 in 5f,4 >180 3.76 3.25 3.73 3.80 Ratio 1152 > 360 Ratio LC: L Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 99Sl9 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 275? 4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Fax: 951-296-1047 Printed.18JUN2019.1021AM U Ip e Imp e ea m Softw re co ri ht ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . M It-. -I s· I 8 File= C:\Users\MANNIN-1\DOCUME' -11ENERCA-1\PROJEC-1\#6632murph~.ec6 . ' dlt!t8~i'Mtld•I1klf;G~ MiHW+t.@',. aa1M![M,ti:I¥'1'ifihliitml#®tiffl • Description : BM5-BM6 Wood Beam Design : BM6 Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 6x14, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 1350 psi Fe -Prll 925 psi Fv 170 psi Ebend-xx 1350 psi Fe -Perp 625 psi Ft 675 psi Eminbend -xx 1600 ksi 580 ksi Density 31.21 pct Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.1260, Lr= 0.090 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual: Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual: Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.666; 1 1,054.97 PSI at 11.250 ft 1,584.77 psi +D+Lr+H 0.225: 1 47.83 psi at 21.450 ft 212.50 psi +D+Lr+H Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q le !J 1.01 1.01 1.60 1.60 Wood Beam Design : BM5 BEAM Size: in Span# 1 in Span# 1 Y::1. g 6x14 22.50 ft ;~.-~~~=-~1 A -, ~---..a~x.,..~e•~1e~c£t1~on~s=--------------------- !:! Transient Downward 0.289 in Total Downward 0.746 in 362 >180 Ratio Transient Upward Ratio 933 >360 Ratio LC: Lr Only 0.000in 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+Lr+H 0.000 in 99~19 LC: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 7x14, Parallam PSL, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending iLevel Truss Joist Wood Grade : Parallam PSL 2.2E Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 2,900.0 psi Fe -Prll 2,900.0 psi Fv 290.0 psi Ebend-xx 2,200.0 ksi 2,900.0 psi Fe -Perp 750.0 psi Ft 2,025.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,118.19 ksi Density 45.070pcf Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.1960, L = 0.0940 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: E = 4.013 k@ 9.50 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : 0.656 · 1 2,275.09 psf at 9.533 ft in Span# 1 3,466.61 psi Load Comb: Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : +1.20D+0.750Lr+L+E+H 0.249: 1 90.36 psi at 0.000 ft in Span# 1 362.50 psi + 1.200+0. 750Lr+L +E+H Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q 1 !J §. Y::1. g 2.28 1.73 2.49 1.03 2.49 1.03 22.0 ft e-----------------------, !:! ax e ect1ons Transient Downward Ratio 0.428 in Total Downward 0.67"2 in 616 >360 Ratio 3E12 >180 LC: E Only ,0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E Transient Upward 0.000 in Total Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 Ratio 99£19 LC: LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27ft74 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 7x18, -Parclllam PSL~ Fully Unbraced ---- Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending iLevel Truss Joist Wood Grade : Parallam PSL 2.2E Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 2,900.0 psi Fe -Prll 2,900.0 psi Fv 290.0 psi Ebend-xx 2,200.0 ksi Density 2,900.0 psi Fe -Perp 750.0 psi Ft 2,025.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,118.19 ksi Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.3240, L = 0.3050 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb: Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual: Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.618 • 1 1,657.83 psi at 12.500 ft in Span # 1 2,681 .07 psi +D+L+H 0.304: 1 88.20 psi at 23.583 ft in Span# 1 290.00 psi +D+L+H Q .b .b.( 'J':j_ Max Reactions (k) Left Support 4.54 3.81 25.0 ft ---~~-ax-~-e-ie-c~t,-o-ns _____________ ·· - !:! Transient Downward Ratio Total Downward Ratio 45.070 pcf '-)~' ,-t;.. 0.7€,9 in 3E0 >180 Right Support 4.54 3.81 Transient Upward Ratio 0.360 in 833 >360 LC: L Only 0.000 in 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC:+D+L+H 0.0C•0 in 99f•9 LC: ·-·--Wood Beam Design : BM8 Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM s·ize-: 5.25x11.875, Parallam PSL, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : iLevel Truss Joist Wood Grade : Parallam PSL 2.2E Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 2,900.0 psi Fe -Prll 2,900.0 psi Fv 290.0 psi Ebend-xx 2,200.0 ksi 2,900.0 psi Fe -Perp 750.0 psi Ft 2,025.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,118.19 ksi Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.1340, L = 0.4140 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: D = 4.540, L = 3.810 k@ 7.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv: Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.328; 1 940.92 PSI at 2,869.15 psi +D+L+H 0.748: 1 216.93 psi at 290.00 psi +D+L+H 5.840 ft in Span# 1 7.013 ft in Span # 1 8.0 ft lv1axDefleclions --· Density Max Reactions (k) Left Support Q .b .b.( 'J':j_ .ti Transient Downward 0.040 in Total Downward Ratio 2399 >360 Ratio 45.070 pcf 0.0E,8 in 14(6 >180 Right Support 1.18 2.13 4.59 4.99 LC: L Only 0.000 in 9999 LC: +D+L+H Transient Upward Ratio LC: Total Upward Ratio 0.0C•0 in 99f19 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951 -296-1047 Multiple Simple Beam Description : BM9-BM10 /// Wood Beam Design : BM9 BEAM Size: Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Printed: 22 AUG 2019. 11 16AM File= C:\Users\MANNIN-1\DOCUME-1\ENERCA-1\PROJEC-11#6632murphriJ.ec6 . Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . C ----0 • • :-• Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 7x16, Parallam PSL, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : iLevel Truss Joist Wood Grade : Parallam PSL 2.2E Fb -Tension Fb-Compr Applied Loads 2,900.0 psi Fe -Prll 2,900.0 psi Fv 290.0 psi Ebend-xx 2,200.0 ksi 2,900.0 psi Fe -Perp 750.0 psi Ft 2,025.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,118.19 ksi Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.1440, L = 0.2940 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Unif Load: D = 0.3050, L = 0.1250 klft, 0.0 to 1.50 ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Unit Load: L = 0.1350 k/ft, 9.50 to 12.0 ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Point: D = 0.960, L = 0.670 k@ 1.50 ft Point: D = 1.70, L = 1.540 k@ 9.50 ft Point: D = 4.20, L = 5.90 k@ 12.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb: 0.714; 1 1,975.79 psi at 9.507 ft in Span# 1 2,766.05 psi +D+L+H 0.613: 1 Density 45.070 pcf ' Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual: Fv : Allowable : Load Comb: 177.90 psi at 14.208 ft in Span# 1 290.00 psi +D+L+H t-----------_--l_j ax e lect,ons Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q b 4.30 5.09 5.80 8.10 Wood Beam Design: BM10 BEAM Size : .t! Transient Downward 0.219 in Total Downward 0.381 in 4E,8 >180 Ratio Transient Upward Ratio 850 >360 Ratio LC: L Only 0.000 in 9999 LC : Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 9999 LC: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 3.Sx.11.875, Parallam PSL, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending iLevel Truss Joist Wood Grade : Parallam PSL 2.2E Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 2,900.0 psi Fe -Prll 2,900.0 psi Fv 290.0 psi Ebend-xx 2,200.0 ksi Density 45.070 pct 2,900.0 psi Fe -Perp 750.0 psi Ft 2,025.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,118.19 ksi Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unit Load: D = 0.070, L = 0.080 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb: Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.052 • 1 145.65 psf at 2,823.63 psi +D+L+H 0.051: 1 14.83 psi at 290.00 psi +D+L+H Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q !. !.r 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 3.500 ft in Span # 1 6.020 ft in Span# 1 Yi. .t! Max Deflections Transient Downward 0.004 in Total Downward 0.008 in 9999 >180 Ratio 9999 >360 Ratio LC: L Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 9999 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 2757 4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Te~ecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 -------------Mu It i p I e Simple Beam K!t:ltWW•!41r!N1kiE•U Zl1'1 :t1lk®l5'.:$; Description : DECK JOISTS Wood Beam Design: 13' BEAM Size: Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Printed· 18 JUN 2019 10 54AM File= C:\Users\MANNIN~11DOCUME~1\ENERCA~1\PROJEC~1\#6632murph::J Software co ri ht ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . l!t:tih\h:Ii& ri6hbhitootttnll I :t§ • Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 2x12, Sawn, Fully Braced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Wood Species : Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31 .210 pcf 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.0270, L = 0.080 k/ft, T rib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.887; 1 886.57 ps, at 1,000.00 psi +D+L+H 0.305: 1 54.98 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H Q !. !.r Max Reactions (k) Left Support 0.20 0.52 Right Support 0.20 0.52 6.500 ft in Span# 1 0.000 ft in Span # 1 Y:1. ~ 2x12 13.0 ft f------------------------ ti Max Deflect,ons Transient Downward 0.171 in Total Downward 0.22,6 in 660 >180 Ratio Transient Upward Ratio 913 >360 Ratio LC: L Only 0.000 in 9999 LC : Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 9999 LC: ----------,---------~-----------------------------------· Wood Beam Design : Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size: 2x10, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density 31 .210 pcf 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.0270, L = 0.080 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual '. Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.683; 1 557.35 ps, at 815.75 psi +D+L+H 0.230: 1 41 .45 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q !.. !.r 0.13 0.34 0.13 0.34 4.250 ft in Span# 1 7.735 ft in Span# 1 '!:!.. 8.50 ft 1----------------------1 ti Max Deflections Transient Downward Ratio 0.056 in Total Downward 0.07"7 in 13,:0 >180 1816 >360 Ratio LC: L Only Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 99~19 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951 -296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 Multiple Simple Beam lfi:•B:f@•Id•JIEiE:t£2 ~ :t:•tM .; . ,. M Description: FBM1 -FLOOR JOISTS Wood Beam Design: FBM1 Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Printed. 16 JUN 2019 4 33PM File = C:IUsers\MANNIN~11DOCUME~11ENERCA~11PROJEC~11#6632murp~,~-ec6. Software co ri ht ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . l!i[i§1\h§M 1:&iU1llal·®® ! Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Sii e: 4x8, Sawn, Fully Braced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb-Compr 1,000.0 psi Fe -Prll 1,500.0 psi Fv 180.0 psi Ebend-xx 1,000.0 psi Fe -Perp 625.0 psi Ft 675.0 psi Eminbend -xx Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.080, L = 0.320 k/ft, T rib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : 0.549; 1 714.15 psi at 1,300.00 psi +D+L+H 3.000 ft in Span# 1 5.400 ft in Span# 1 6.0 ft ax e lect1ons 1,700.0 ksi 620.0 ksi Density Load Comb : 0.320: 1 57.53 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H (k) Q !. l.! .!:! Transient Downward 0.050 in Total Downward Ratio 1450 >360 Ratio 31 .21 0 pcf -------j 0.0E:3 in 1144 >180 Max Reactions Left Support Right Support 0.26 0.96 0.26 0.96 LC: L Only LC: +D+L+H Wood Beam Design : FLOOR JOISTS Transient Upward 0.000 in Ratio 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio 0.000 in 9999 LC: Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 BEAM Size : 2x6, Sawn, Fully Unbraced Using Allowable Stress Design with ASCE 7-16 Load Combinations, Major Axis Bending Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Grade : No.1 Wood Species : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr 1000 psi Fe -Prll 1500 psi Fv 180 psi Ebend-xx 1000 psi Fe -Perp 625 psi Ft 675 psi • Eminbend -xx 1700 ksi 620 ksi Density 31.21 pcf Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Unif Load: D = 0.01 330, L = 0.05330 k/ft, Trib= 1.0 ft Design Summary Max fb/Fb Ratio = fb : Actual : Fb : Allowable : Load Comb : Max fv/FvRatio = fv : Actual : Fv : Allowable : Load Comb : 0.739; 1 868.13 psi at 1,174.34 psi +D+L+H 0.245: 1 44.10 psi at 180.00 psi +D+L+H Max Reactions Left Support Right Support (k) Q 0.06 0.06 !. 0.21 0.21 l.! 4.000 ft in Span# 1 0.000 ft in Span # 1 Y:1. 2x6 8.0 ft 1-----------------------, '---~M~a-x~e~e~ct~1o_n_s ___________________ _ Transient Downward 0.140in Total Downward 0.17'9 in 52-5 >180 Ratio Transient Upward Ratio 687 >360 Ratio LC: L Only 0.000 in 9999 LC: Total Upward Ratio LC: +D+L+H 0.000 in 99s,9 LC: Manning Engineering, Inc. 275?4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 Code References Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: ----------------------------------------Calculations per AC/ 318-14, /BC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-16 General Information Material Properties fc : Concrete 28 day strength = fy : Rebar Yield = Ee : Concrete Elastic Modulus Concrete Density q> Values Flexure = Shear = Analysis Settings Min Steel % Bending Reinf. Min Allow% Temp Reinf. Min. Overturning Safety Factor Min. Sliding Safety Factor Add Fig Wt for Soil Pressure Use fig wt for stability, moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear Dimensions Width parallel to X-X Axis Length parallel to Z-Z Axis Footing Thickness Pedestal dimensions ... px : parallel to X-X Axis pz : parallel to Z-Z Axis Height Rebar Centerline to Edge of Concrete ... at Bottom of footing = 2.50 ksi 40.0 ksi 3,122.0 ksi 145.0 pcf 0.90 0.750 0.00180 = 1.0: 1 = 1.0 : 1 2.0 ft 2.0 ft 18.0 in in in in 3.0 in Yes Yes No No R~inton:=ing ___________ _ Bars parallel to X-X Axis Number of Bars 3 Reinforcing Bar Size = # 5 Bars para/lei to Z-Z Axis Number of Bars = 3 Reinforcing Bar Size # 5 Bandwidth Distribution Check (AC/ Direction Requiring Closer Separation # Bars required within zone # Bars requlred on each side of zone Applied Loads n/a n/a n/a ------------ Soil Design Values Allowable Soil Bearing Increase Bearing By Footing Weight Soil Passive Resistance (for Sliding) Soil/Concrete Friction Coeff. Increases based on footing Depth Footing base depth below soil surface Allow press. increase per foot of depth when footing base is below Increases based on footing plan dimension Allowable pressure increase per foot of depth when max. length or width is greater than ~ :~ ~--"---------!----'! :r-o- X•X Section Lookrno 10 +Z D Lr L S W E P : Columr, Load 08 : Overburden M-xx M-zz V-x V-z 2.50 --------------·---------·-----1.0 2.20 1.50 ksf No 100.0 ~cf 0.250 H fl ksf ft ksf ft k ksf k-ft k-fl k k Manning Engineering, Inc. 2757.4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-g~6-1""'0;_;.;47'---------- . General Footing RAtH:t'fl•Id•ltPif:tf Description : F 1 DESIGN SUMMARY Min. Ratio PASS 0.8793 PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS 0.03796 PASS 0.03796 PASS 0.03796 PASS 0.03796 PASS n/a PASS 0.0 PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS n/a Detailed Results ---- Item Soil Bearing Overturning -X-X Overturning -Z-Z Sliding -X-X Sliding -Z-Z Uplift Z Flexure (+X) Z Flexure (-X) X Flexure ( +Z) X Flexure (-Z) 1-way Shear ( +X) 1-way Shear (-X) 1-way Shear ( +Z) 1-way Shear (-Z) 2-way Punching §~ii Bearing ___________ _ Rotation Axis & Load Combination... Gross Allowable ___ X-X. +D+H 1.50 X-X. +D+L +H 1.50 X-X. +D+Lr+H 1.50 X-X. +D+S+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750L +0.750S+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.60W+H 1.50 X-X. +D+O. 750Lr+0.450W+H 1.50 X-X. +0+0.750S+0.450W+H 1.50 X-X. +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 1.50 X-X. +D+O. 70E+0.60H 1.50 X-X. +0+0.750L +O. 750S+0.5250E+H 1.50 X-X. +0.60D+0.70E+H 1.50 Z-Z. +O+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+L +H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+Lr+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+S+H 1.50 Z-Z, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L +H 1.50 Z-Z. +0+0.750L +0.750S+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.60W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750Lr+0.450W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750S+0.450W+H 1.50 Z-Z, +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 1.50 Z-Z. +0+0.70E+0.60H 1.50 Z-Z. +O+O. 750L +O. 750S+0.5250E+H 1.50 Z-Z. +0.60D+0.70E+H 1.50 Overturning Stability Rotation Axis & Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Printed· 18 JUN 2019 3'12PM • -File= C:1Users\MANNIN-11DOCUME-1\ENERCA-1\PROJEC-1\#6632mur1:;~J rightENERCALC, INC. 198J.2018, Build: . lit94,ki4M,'tMtiiitM=Gmtmm • -------------------•hi-1Hei•1;t- Applied 1.319 ksf 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.7750 k-ft/ft 0. 7750 k-fVft 0.7750 k-tuft 0.7750 k-ft/ft 0.0 psi 0.0 psi 0.0 psi 0.0 psi 4.241 psi Capacity 1.50 ksf 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 20.416 k-ft/ft 20.416 k-fVft 20.416 k-ft/ft 20.416 k-ft/ft 75.0 psi 0.0 psi 75.0 psi 75.0 psi 75.0 psi Governing Load Combination +0+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H about Z- No Overturning No Overturning No Sliding No Sliding No Uplift +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1 .90H + 1.20D+L +0.20S+E+ 1.90H n/a n/a n/a n/a +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1 .90H ----------------------------- xe·cc Zecc (in) n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 nla 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a Actual Soil Bearing Stress @ Location Bottom, -Z Top, +Z Left, -X Right, +X 0.8425 0.8425 n/a n/a 1.093 1.093 n/a n/a 0.8425 0.8425 n/a n/a 0.8425 0.8425 n/a n/a 1.030 1.030 n/a n/a 1.030 1.030 n/a n/a 0.8425 0.8425 n/a n/a 0.8425 0.8425 n/a n/a 0.8425 0.8425 n/a n/a 0.5055 0.5055 n/a n/a 1.228 1.228 n/a n/a 1.319 1.319 n/a n/a 0.8905 0.8905 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.8425 0.8425 n/a n/a 1.093 1.093 n/a n/a 0.8425 0.8425 n/a n/a 0.8425 0.8425 n/a n/a 1.030 1.030 n/a n/a 1.030 1.030 n/a n/a 0.8425 0.8425 n/a n/a 0.8425 0.8425 nla n/a 0.8425 0.8425 n/a n/a 0.5055 0.5055 nla nla 1.228 1.228 n/a n/a 1.319 1.319 n/a n/a 0.8905 0.8905 Actual / Allow Ratio 0.562 0.729 0.562 0.562 0.687 0.687 0.562 0.562 0.562 0.337 0.819 0.879 0.594 0.562 0.729 0.562 0.562 0.687 0.687 0.562 0.562 0.562 0.337 0.819 0.879 0.594 Load Combination ... Overturning Moment Resisting _Moment Stability Ratio Status Footing Has NO Overturning Slidi~g Stab_il~ity~---------- Force Application Axis Load Combination ... Footing Has NO Sliding All units k Sliding Force Resisting Force Stability Ratio Status Manning Engineering, Inc. Project Title: 5{ 275~4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Engineer: Temecula, CA 92590 Project ID: Tel: 951-296-1044 Project Descr: E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax:_ 951-296-1.Q.4 7 Printed: 18 JUN 2019 3 12F•M General Footing File= C:\Users\MANNIN-1\00CUME-11ENERCA-1\PROJEC-1Vl6632mu~::J Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . . . . . . . . . . Description : F1 Footing FleXU__I! . ------ Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu Side Tension As Req'd Gvrn. As Actual As Phi'Mn Status k-fl Surface in'2 in'2 in'2 k-fl ---- X-X, +1.40D+1 .60H 0.4375 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.40D+1 .60H 0.4375 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1 .60H 0.5750 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1 .60H 0.5750 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X, +1.20D+ 1.60L +0.50S+ 1.60H 0.5750 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 0.5750 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X, +1.20D+1 .60Lr+L+1.60H 0.50 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. + 1.20D+ 1.60Lr+L + 1.60H 0.50 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. + 1.20D+ 1.60Lr+0.50W+ 1.60H 0.3750 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. + 1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+ 1.60H 0.3750 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+L+1 .60S+1.60H 0.50 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+L+1.60S+1.60H 0.50 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60S+0.5QW+1 .60H 0.3750 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X, +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.3750 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. + 1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 0.50 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. + 1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+ 1.60H 0.50 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+L+0.50S+W+1.60H 0.50 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 0.50 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.2813 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.2813 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+L+0.20S+E+1.90H 0.7750 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 0.7750 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.5563 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.5563 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.40D+1.60H 0.4375 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.40D+1.60H 0.4375 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1 .60H 0.5750 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+ 1.60L + 1.60H 0.5750 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+ 1.60L +0.50S+ 1.60H 0.5750 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. + 1.20D+ 1.60L +0.50S+ 1.60H 0.5750 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60Lr+L+1.60H 0.50 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60Lr+L +1 .60H 0.50 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1 .60H 0.3750 -X Bottom 0.3888 MinTemo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. + 1.20D+ 1.60Lr+0.50W+1 .60H 0.3750 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z, +1.20D+L+1.60S+1.60H 0.50 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z, +1.20D+L+1.60S+1.60H 0.50 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. + 1.20D+ 1.60S+0.50W+ 1.60H 0.3750 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.3750 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. + 1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 0.50 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+L+W+1.60H 0.50 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L+0.50S+W+1.60H 0.50 -X Bottom 0.3888 MinTemo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 0.50 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.2813 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.2813 +X Bottom 0.3888 MinTemoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 0.7750 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z, +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 0.7750 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.5563 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.5563 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4650 20.416 OK One Way Shear Load Combination ... Vu -X Vu_@+X Vu @•Z __ V~@+Z Vu:Max PhiVn Vu / Phi*Vn Status --- +1.40D+1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 0.00 osi O.OOosi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK + 1.20D+ 1.60Lr+L + 1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1,60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+L+1.60S+1.60H o.ooosi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi O.OOosi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK + 1.200+ 1.60S+0.50W+ 1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+0.50Lr+L+W+1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+L+0.50S+W+1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +0.90D+W+ 1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi O.OOosi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK + 1.20D+L +0.20S+E+ 1.90H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi O.OOosi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK Manning Engineering, Inc. 27514 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fa_Jc:951-296-1047 --------------------=----c-------------=-~--cc--,--c-~-P-rin __ te..:..d·_1_s..:..JUC..,N~2~0..:..19 _ __:_3_·12..:...P_M Genera f Footing File = C:\Users\MANNIN-1\DOCUME-11ENERCA-1\PROJEC-1Vl6632murp~y.ec6 . Software co yrightENERCALC, INC.1983-2018, Build: . OOCBKWl•W•I•Wl=ft·, < · ~:MW&~ M!hW,t14M11J6irhilitOO®h,I=IY • Description : F1 One_!Vay Shear ---- Load Combination ... Vu@-X Vu @+X Vu @-Z Vu @+Z Vu:Max PhiVn Vu / Phi*Vn Status -+-0 .90D+E-+-0.90H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK Two-Way "Punching" Shear All units k ----- L_g_!d Combination ... Vu Phi*Vn Vu / Phi*Vn Status ---- +1.40D+1 .60H 2.39 osi 150.00osi 0.01596 OK +1 .20D-+-0.50Lr+1 .60L +1.60H 3.15 osi 150 00osi 0.02098 OK +1.20D+1.60L-+-0.50S+1.60H 3.15 osi 150.00osi 0.02098 OK +1.20D+1.60Lr+L +1.60H 2.74 osi 150.00osi 0.01824 OK +1.20D+1.60Lr-+-0.50W+1.60H 2 05 osi 150.00osi 0.01368 OK +1.20D+L +1.60S+1.60H 2.74 DSi 150.00osi 0.01824 OK +1.20D+1.60S-+-0.50W+1.60H 2.05 osi 150.00osi 0.01368 OK +1.20D-+-0.50Lr+L +W+1 .60H 2.74 DSi 150.00osi 0.01824 OK + 1.20D+L-+-0.50S+W+ 1.60H 2.74 osi 150.00osi 0.01824 OK -+-0.90D+W+1.60H 1.54 osi 150.00osi 0.01026 OK + 1.20D+L -+-0.20S+E+ 1.90H 4.24 osi 150.00osi 0.02827 OK -+-0. 90D+E-+-0.90H 3.04 osi 150.00osi 0.02029 OK Manning Engineering, Inc. 275Z4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax~9§.1-296-1047 __ General Footing Description : Code References Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: ------------------------Calculations per ACI 318-14, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-16 General Information --------- Material Properties fc : Concrete 28 day strength fy : Rebar Yield Ee : Concrete Elastic Modulus Concrete Density cp Values Flexure Shear Analysis Settings Min Steel % Bending Reinf. Min Allow% Temp Reinf. Min. Overturning Safety Factor Min. Sliding Safety Factor Add Ftg Wt for Soil Pressure Use ftg wt for stability, moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear Dimensions Width parallel to X-X Axis Length parallel to Z-Z Axis Footing Thickness Pedestal dimensions ... px : parallel to X-X Axis pz : parallel to Z-Z Axis Height = Rebar Centerline to Edge of Concrete ... at Bottom of footing = Bars parallel to X-X Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size Bars parallel to Z-Z Axis Number of Bars = Reinforcing Bar Size = Bandwidth Distribution Check (ACI Direction Requiring Closer Separation # Bars required within zone # Bars required on each side of zone = = = # # 2.50 ksi 40.0 ksi 3,122.0 ksi 145.0 pct 0.90 0.750 = = 0.00180 = 1.0 : 1 2.50 ft 2.50 ft 18.0 in in in in 3.0 in 4 5 4 5 n/a n/a n/a 1.0 : 1 Yes Yes No No .J ~··• Applied Lo_a_d_s _____________ _ Soil Design Values Allowable Soil Bearing Increase Bearing By Footing Weight Soil Passive Resistance (for Sliding) Soil/Concrete Friction Coeff. Increases based on footing Depth Footing base depth below soil surface Allow press. increase per foot of depth when footing base is below Increases based on footing plan dimension Allowable pressure increase per foot of depth when max. length or width is greater than . ---1 N L l L_·. ,. ... I 4-S58arl b -~ -: ·!~ I X-X~L.oolurlOIO•Z = 1.50 ksf = No = 100.0 pcf = 0.250 = ft = ksf = ft = ksf = ft ---- X h . ! --, I I ~ !.Zh<-UMIIIOl••X D Lr L S W ·------..CC...-----'------'-'-_ __ E H P : Column Load = 3.0 OB : Overburden = M-xx = M-zz = V-x = V-z = 4.0 0.0 ------·----- ----·------- k ksf k-ft k-ft k k Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 ____ _ General Footing Description : F2 DESIGN SUMMARY Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: ----------~-•t4iH•i•J;t .. Min. Ratio Item -PASS 0.8920 Soil Bearing PASS n/a Overturning -X-X PASS n/a Overturning -Z-Z PASS n/a Sliding -X-X PASS n/a Sliding -Z-Z PASS n/a Uplift PASS 0.05750 Z Flexure ( +X) PASS 0.05750 Z Flexure (-X) PASS 0.05750 X Flexure (+Z) PASS 0.05750 X Flexure (-Z) PASS n/a 1-way Shear ( +X) PASS 0.0 1-way Shear (-X) PASS n/a 1-way Shear ( +Z) PASS n/a 1-way Shear (-Z) PASS n/a 2-way Punching Detailed Results Soil Bearing __ Rotation Axis & Load Combination ... Gross Allowable X-X. +D+H 1.50 X-X. +D+L+H 1.50 X-X. +D+Lr+H 1.50 X-X. +D+S+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750L+0.750S+H 1.50 X-X. +D+Q.60W+H 1.50 X-X. +D+Q.750Lr+0.450W+H 1.50 X-X. +D+Q.750S+0.450W+H 1.50 X-X. +Q.60D+0.60W+0.60H 1.50 X-X. +D+Q.70E+0.60H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H 1.50 X-X. +Q.60D+0.70E+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+L+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+Lr+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+S+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750Lr+0.750L +H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750L +0.750S+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+Q.60W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750Lr+0.450W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +O+Q.750S+0.450W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +0.60D+0.60W+Q.60H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.70E+0.60H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H 1.50 Z-Z. +Q.60D+0.70E+H 1.50 Overturning Stability Rotation Axis & Load Combination ... -Footing Has NO Overturning Slidi~g~!_ability Force Application Axis Load Combination ... --Footing Has NO Sliding Applied Capacity Governing Load Combination ----------- Xecc nla n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 . 338 ksf 1.50 ksf 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 1.250 k-fl/ft 21.7 41 k-ft/ft 1.250 k-ft/ft 21.7 41 k-fl/ft 1.250 k-fl/ft 21.741 k-ft/ft 1.250 k-fUft 21.7 41 k-ft/ft 0.0 psi 75.0 psi 0.0 psi 0.0 psi 0.0 psi 75.0 psi 0.0 psi 75.0 psi 8.333 psi 75.0 psi +D+L +H about Z-Z axis No Overturning No Overturning No Sliding No Sliding No Uplift +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1 .60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H +1 .20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1 .60H n/a n/a n/a n/a +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H ---------------------- Zecc Actual Soil Bearing Stress ! Location Actual / Allow (in) Bottom, -Z Top, +Z Le , -X Right, +X Ratio --- 0.0 0.6975 0.6975 n/a n/a 0.465 0.0 1.338 1.338 n/a n/a 0.892 0.0 0.6975 0.6975 n/a n/a 0.465 0.0 0.6975 0.6975 n/a n/a 0.465 0.0 1.178 1.178 n/a n/a 0.785 0.0 1.178 1.178 n/a n/a 0.785 0.0 0.6975 0.6975 n/a n/a 0.465 0.0 0.6975 0.6975 n/a n/a 0.465 0.0 0.6975 0.6975 n/a n/a 0.465 0.0 0.4185 0.4185 n/a n/a 0.279 0.0 0.6975 0.6975 n/a n/a 0.465 0.0 1.178 1.178 n/a n/a 0.785 0.0 0.4185 0.4185 n/a n/a 0.279 n/a n/a nla 0.6975 0.6975 0.465 n/a n/a nla 1.338 1.338 0.892 n/a nla n/a 0.6975 0.6975 0.465 n/a nla n/a 0.6975 0.6975 0.465 n/a nla n/a 1.178 1.178 0.785 n/a n/a n/a 1.178 1.178 0.785 n/a n/a n/a 0.6975 0.6975 0.465 n/a n/a n/a 0.6975 0.6975 0.465 n/a n/a n/a 0.6975 0.6975 0.465 nla n/a n/a 0.4185 0.4185 0.279 n/a n/a n/a 0.6975 0.6975 0.465 n/a n/a n/a 1.178 1.178 0.785 n/a nla n/a 0.4185 0.4185 0.279 Overturning Moment Resisting Moment Stability Ratio Status All units k -- Sliding Force Resisting Force __ Stability Ratio Status ------ Manning Engineering, Inc. Project Title: 55 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Engineer: Temecula, CA 92590 Project ID: Tel: 951-296-1044 Project Descr: . E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: ~~1-29~-1047 Printed: 18 JUN 2019. 3·14PM General Footin File= C:\Users\MANNIN-1\DOCUME-1\ENERCA-1\PROJEC-11#6632mu~;~j re copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . l•~B:i:t!l1llI1I1IlliE:tS iim,:;~~ j~~ ~l!l!~1~l~B~E!ihlmami~ • Description : F2 !_ootin~exure Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu Side Tension As Req'd Gvrn. As Actual As Phi'Mn Status k-ft Surface in•2 in•2 in•2 k-ft ---- X-X, + 1.40D+ 1.60H 0.5250 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X, +1.40D+1.60H 0.5250 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .60L +1.60H 1.250 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.7 41 OK X-X. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .60L +1.60H 1.250 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 1.250 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 1.250 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4960 21.7 41 OK X-X. +1 .20D+1.60Lr+L +1.60H 0.950 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.7 41 OK X-X, +1.20D+1.60Lr+L +1.60H 0.950 -Z Bottom 0.3888 MinTemo% 0.4960 21.7 41 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 0.450 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21 .741 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 0.450 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. +1.20D+L+1.60S+1 .60H 0.950 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X, +1.20D+L +1.60S+1.60H 0.950 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. + 1.20D+ 1.60S+0.50W+ 1.60H 0.450 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X, +1.20D+1 .60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.450 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. + 1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+ 1.60H 0.950 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X, +1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+ 1.60H 0.950 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 0.950 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. + 1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 0.950 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. +0.90D+W+ 1.60H 0.3375 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.3375 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X, +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+ 1.90H 0.950 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+ 1.90H 0.950 -Z Bottom 0.3888 MinTemo % 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.3375 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.3375 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z, +1.40D+1.60H 0.5250 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.7 41 OK Z-Z, +1.40D+1.60H 0.5250 +X Bottom 0.3888 MinTemo % 0.4960 21 .741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H 1.250 -X Bottom 0.3888 MinTemo % 0.4960 21.7 41 OK Z-Z, + 1.20D+0.50Lr+ 1.60L +1.60H 1.250 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21 .741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 1.250 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H 1.250 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60Lr+L+1.60H 0.950 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60Lr+L+1.60H 0.950 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z, +1.20D+1.60Lr+0,50W+1 .60H 0.450 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 0.450 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L+1.60S+1.60H 0.950 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+L+1.60S+1.60H 0.950 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+1 .60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.450 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1 .60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.450 +X Bottom 0.3888 MinTemo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 0.950 -X Bottom 0.3888 MinTemo % 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 0.950 +X Bottom 0.3888 MinTemo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 0.950 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L+0.50S+W+1.60H 0.950 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.3375 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z, +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.3375 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 0.950 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. + 1.20D+L +0.20S+E+ 1.90H 0.950 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.3375 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.3375 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4960 21.741 OK OneW~J>hear ---- Load Combination ... Vu -X Vu @+X Vu@-Z Vu@+Z Vu:Max PhiVn Vu / Phi*Vn Status --------- +1.40D+1 .60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi O.OOosi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+1.60Lr+L +1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK + 1.20D+ 1.60Lr+0.50W+ 1.60H o.ooosi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+L+1 .60S+1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 0.00 osi O.OOosi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1 .60H 0.00 osi O.OOosi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.00 osi O.OOosi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 _________ _ General Footing Description : F2 One Way Shear Vu@-X Vu @+X Vu@-Z Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Printed: 18 JUN 2019 3 14Pf/; File= C:1Users\MANNIN-11DOCUME-11ENERCA-11PROJEC-1\#6632murphy.ec6-. Software co yright ENERCALC. INC. 1983-2018, Build: . Zl~I:X4,t1W66hhhw1=ttmR • Vu@+Z Vu:Max Phi Vn Vu/ Phi*Vn Status Load Combination ... +0.90D+E+0.90H :!:_~-WaL'Punching" Shear o.ooosi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 0.00 osi 75.00 osi 0.00 OK •·----- Vu Load CQ._mbina..!!_~n._ .. ________ _ +1.40D+1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .60L +1.60H + 1.20D+ 1.60L +0.50S+ 1.60H +1.20D+1.60Lr+L +1.60H +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H +1.20D+L +1.60S+1.60H +1.20D+1 .60S+0.50W+1 .60H +1 .20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1 .60H +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+ 1.60H +0.90D+W+1 .60H +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+ 1.90H +0.90D+E+0.90H 3.50 osi 8.33 osi 8.33 osi 6.33 osi 3.00 OSI 6.33 osi 3.00 osi 6.33 osi 6.33 DSi 2.25 osi 6.33 Psi 2.25 osi Phi*Vn 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00 osi 150.00 osi 150.00 osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi Vu / Phi*Vn 0.02333 0.05556 0.05556 0.04222 0.02 0.04222 0.02 0.04222 0.04222 0.015 0.04222 O.D15 All units k Status OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Manning Engineering, Inc. 27514 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 Code References Calculations per ACI 318-14, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-16 General Information Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: ------------------------ Material Properties f'c : Concrete 28 day strength fy : Rebar Yield = Ee : Concrete Elastic Modulus Concrete Density = (j) Values Flexure Shear = Analysis Settings Min Steel % Bending Reinf. Min Allow% Temp Reinf. Min. Overturning Safety Factor Min. Sliding Safety Factor Add Fig Wt for Soil Pressure Use fig wt for stability, moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear Dimensions Width parallel to X-X Axis Length parallel to Z-Z Axis Footing Thickness Pedestal dimensions ... px : parallel to X-X Axis pz : parallel to Z-Z Axis Height Rebar Centerline to Edge of Concrete ... at Bottom of footing = 2.50 ksi 40.0 ksi 3,122.0 ksi 145.0 pct 0.90 0.750 = 0.00180 = 1.0 : 1 = 1.0 : 1 3.0 ft 3.0 ft 18.0 in in in in 3.0 in Yes Yes No No Rei~Jorc_in~g,._ __________ _ Bars parallel to X-X Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size = Bars parallel to Z-Z Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size = Bandwidth Distribution Check (ACI Direction Requiring Closer Separation # Bars required within zone # Bars required on each side of zone Applied Loads # # ------------- D P : Column Load = 3.80 OB : Overburden M-xx M-zz = V-x V-z = 4.0 5 4.0 5 cl ., 'f\ n/a n/a n/a Lr Soil Design Values Allowable Soil Bearing Increase Bearing By Footing Weight Soil Passive Resistance (for Sliding) Soil/Concrete Friction Coeff. Increases based on footing Depth Footing base depth below soil surface Allow press. increase per foot of depth when footing base is below Increases based on footing plan dimension Allowable pressure increase per foot of depth when max. length or width is greater than ,--·--· X , _____ L,___ ' .____..__ _______ -{-__,~ ! 3'-0- )(.)l~r.on~ICl•Z L s w E 3.250 5.0 57 1.50 ksf No 100.0 ~,cf 0.250 H ft ksf ft ksf ft k ksf k-ft k-ft k k Manning Engineering, Inc. 275]4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax_;_ 951-296-1047 General Footing Description : F3 DESIGN SUMMARY Min. Ratio PASS 0.8013 PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS 0.08799 PASS 0.08799 PASS 0.08799 PASS 0.08799 PASS 0.02530 PASS 0.02530 PASS 0.02530 PASS 0.02530 PASS 0.07815 Detailed Results Soil Bearing Rotation Axis & Load Combination ... ---· X-X. +D+f-1 X-X. +O+L+H X-X, +D+Lr+f-1 X-X. +D+S+H X-X. +O+Q.750Lr+Q. 750L +f-1 X-X. +0-+-0.750L-+-O. 750S+f-l X-X, +O+Q.60W+f-l X-X, +D+Q. 750Lr+Q.450W+H X-X. +0-+-0.750S+Q.450W+H X-X. +Q.60D-+-0.60W+Q.60H X-X. +O+Q.70E+Q.60H Item Soil Bearing Overturning -X-X Overturning -Z-Z Sliding -X-X Sliding -Z-Z Uplift Z Flexure (+X) Z Flexure (-X) X Flexure ( +Z) X Flexure (-Z) 1-way Shear (+X) 1-way Shear (-X) 1-way Shear ( +Z) 1-way Shear (-Z) 2-way Punching Gross Allowable 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 X-X. +0-+-0. 750L +Q. 750S+Q.5250E+H 1.50 X-X. -+-0.60D-+-0.70E+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+H 1.50 Z-Z, +D+L +f-1 1.50 Z-Z. +D+Lr+H 1.50 Z-Z. +O+S+H 1.50 Z-Z. +O+Q.750Lr-+-0.750L +f-1 1.50 Z-Z. +0-+-0.750L-+-0.750S+f-l 1.50 Z-Z. +0-+-0.60W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+Q.750Lr+0.450W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+Q.750S+Q.450W+f-l 1.50 Z-Z. -+-0.60D-+-0.60W-+-0.60H 1.50 Z-Z, +0-+-0.70E+Q.60H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+Q.750L +Q.750S+Q.5250E+H 1.50 Z-Z. -+-0.60D-+-0.70E+H 1.50 Overturning Stability Rotation Axis & Load Combination ... ----Footing Has NO Overturning SlidinJ! Sta~L - Force Application Axis Load Combination ... --Footing Has NO Sliding ------ Applied 1.202 ksf 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 1.601 k-ft/ft 1.601 k-ft/ft 1.601 k-ft/ft 1.601 k-ft/ft 1.898 psi 1.898 psi 1.898 psi 1.898 psi 11.723 psi ----- Xecc Zecc (in) n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a Ov~rturning Moment Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Printed 18 JUN 2019 3 1GPM File= C:\Users\MANNIN-1\00CUME-1\ENERCA-1\PROJEC-1\#6632mu~:ec;;J Software copyright E~ER~~c, IN~. 1983-~18, B~ild:1~ •. 18.12;12 • ---------Capacity Governing Load Combination 1.50 ksf +D+Q.750L +Q.750S+Q.5250E+f-l about Z- 0.0 k-ft No Overturning 0.0 k-ft No Overturning 0.0 k No Sliding 0.0 k No Sliding 0.0 k No Uplift 18.198 k-ft/ft +1.20D+L-+-0.20S+E+1.90H 18.198 k-ft/ft +1.20D+L-+-0.20S+E+1 .90H 18.198 k-ft/ft +1.20D+L +Q.20S+E+1 .90H 18.198 k-ft/ft +1.20D+L-+-0.20S+E+1.90H 75.0 psi +1 .20D+L-+-0.20S+E+1.90H 75.0 psi +1 .20D+L-+-0.20S+E+1.90H 75.0 psi +1.20D+L +Q.20S+E+1.90H 75.0 psi +1.20D+L-+-0.20S+E+1.90H 150.0 psi +1.20D+L-+-0.20S+E+ 1.90H Actual Soil Bearing Stress @ Location Actual I Allow Bottom, -Z Top,+Z Left, -X Right, +X Ratio 0.6397 0.6397 n/a n/a 0.427 1.001 1.001 n/a n/a 0.667 0.6397 0.6397 n/a n/a 0.427 0.6397 0.6397 n/a n/a 0.427 0.9106 0.9106 n/a n/a 0.607 0.9106 0.9106 n/a n/a 0.607 0.6397 0.6397 n/a n/a 0.427 0.6397 0.6397 n/a n/a 0.427 0.6397 0.6397 n/a n/a 0.427 0.3838 0.3838 n/a n/a 0.256 1.029 1.029 n/a n/a 0.686 1.202 1.202 n/a n/a 0.801 0.7727 0.7727 n/a n/a 0.515 n/a n/a 0.6397 0.6397 0.427 n/a n/a 1.001 1.001 0.667 n/a n/a 0.6397 0.6397 0.427 n/a n/a 0.6397 0.6397 0.427 n/a n/a 0.9106 0.9106 0.607 n/a n/a 0.9106 0.9106 0.607 n/a n/a 0.6397 0.6397 0.427 n/a n/a 0.6397 0.6397 0.427 n/a n/a 0.6397 0.6397 0.427 n/a n/a 0.3838 0.3838 0.256 n/a n/a 1.029 1.029 0.686 n/a n/a 1.202 1.202 0.801 n/a n/a 0.7727 0.7727 0.515 Resisting_ Moment Stability Ratio Status All units k --- Sliding Force . ----~sisting Force Stability Ratio Status Manning Engineering, Inc. Project Title: 5q 275Z4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Engineer: Temecula, CA 92590 Project ID: Tel: 951-296-1044 Project Descr: E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296_-1Q47 Printed. 18 JUN 2019 3 15PM General Footing File= C:\UserslMANNIN-1\DOCUME-1\ENERCA-1\PROJEC-1Vl6632murpiJy.ec6 . Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983,2018, Build: . . --.. . . . : . . Description : F3 Footing F~e~e Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu Side Tension As Req'd Gvrn. As Actual As Phi'Mn Status k-ft Surface in•2 in•2 in•2 k-ft ---- X-X. +1.40D+1.60H 0.6650 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.40D+1.60H 0.6650 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .60L +1.60H 1.220 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. + 1.20D+0.50Lr+ 1.60L + 1.60H 1.220 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 1.220 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 1.220 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1 .200+1.60Lr+L +1.60H 0.9763 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60Lr+L +1.60H 0.9763 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. + 1.20D+ 1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 0.570 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.200+-1.60Lr+0.50W+1 .60H 0.570 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +1.60S+1 .60H 0.9763 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.20D+L+1.60S+1.60H 0.9763 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. + 1.200+ 1.60S+0.50W+ 1.60H 0.570 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. + 1.20D+ 1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.570 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.200+0.50Lr+L +W+ 1.60H 0.9763 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 0.9763 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 0.9763 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. + 1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1 .60H 0.9763 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.4275 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.4275 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 1.601 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+ 1.90H 1.601 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 1.053 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 1.053 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1.40D+1 .60H 0.6650 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1.40D+1 .60H 0.6650 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H 1.220 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H 1.220 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1 .60L+0.50S+1.60H 1.220 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1 .60L+0.50S+1.60H 1.220 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+1.60Lr+L+1 .60H 0.9763 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+1.60Lr+L+1.60H 0.9763 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+1 .60Lr+0.50W+1 .60H 0.570 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1.200+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 0.570 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+L +1.60S+1 .60H 0.9763 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+L+1.60S+1 .60H 0.9763 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. + 1.20D+ 1.60S+0.50W+ 1.60H 0.570 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+1 .60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.570 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+0.50Lr+L+W+1.60H 0.9763 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 0.9763 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. + 1.20D+L +0.50S+W+ 1.60H 0.9763 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L+0.50S+W+1.60H 0.9763 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.4275 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. -t-0.90D+W+1.60H 0.4275 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 1.601 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 1.601 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+E+0.90H 1.053 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+E+0.90H 1.053 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4133 18.198 OK ~eWay~~- Load Combination ... Vu -X Vu @+X Vu @-Z Vu@+Z Vu:Max Phi Vn Vu / Phi*Vn Statu~ ----+1.40D+1.60H 0.79 osi 0.79 osi 0.79 osi 0.79 osi 0.79 osi 75.00 osi 0.01 OK +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1 .60H 1.45 osi 1.45 osi 1.45 osi 1.45 osi 1.45 osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK + 1.20D+ 1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 1.45 osi 1.45 osi 1.45 osi 1.45 osi 1.45 osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK +1.20D+1.60Lr+L +1.60H 1.16 osi 1.16 osi 1.16 osi 1.16 osi 1.16osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK + 1.20D+ 1.60Lr+0.50W+ 1.60H 0.68 osi 0.68 osi 0.68 osi 0.68 osi 0.68 osi 75.00 osi 0.01 OK +1.20D+L+1.60S+1.60H 1.16DSi 1.16 osi 1.16 osi 1.16 osi 1.16osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.68 osi 0.68 osi 0.68 osi 0.68 osi 0.68 osi 75.00 osi 0,01 OK + 1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+ 1.60H 1.16 osi 1.16 osi 1.16 osi 1.16 osi 1.16osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK + 1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 1.16 osi 1.16 osi 1.16 osi 1.16 osi 1.16osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK +0.90D+W+1 .60H 0.51 osi 0.51 osi 0.51 osi 0.51 osi 0.51 osi 75.00 osi 0.01 OK +1.20D+L+0.20S+E+1.90H 1.90 osi 1.90 osi 1.90 osi 1.90 osi 1.90 osi 75.00 osi 0.03 OK Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 , Tel:951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com F§X:__951-296-1047 One Way Shear Load Combination ... --•----· -+-0.90D+E-+-0.90H _T~o-~ay "Punching" Shear Load Combination... __ +1.400+1 .60H +1.200-+-0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H +1 .200+1.60L-+-0.50S+1.60H +1.200+1.60Lr+L +1.60H +1.200+1.60Lr-+-0.50W+1.60H +1.20D+L+1.60S+1.60H + 1.200+1.60S-+-0.50W+ 1.60H + 1.20D-+-0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H +1 .20D+L-+-0.50S+W+1 .60H -+-0.90D+W+1.60H +1 .20D+L-+-0.20S+E+1.90H -+-0. 90D+E-+-0.90H Vu @-X Vu @+X 1.25 osi 1.25 osi Vu 4.87 osi 8.93 psi 8.93 osi 7.15 osi 4.17 osi 7.15 osi 4.17 osi 7.15 osi 7.15 osi 3.13 psi 11.72 osi 7.71 osi Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Printed: 18 JUN 20'19. 3"I6PM Vu @-Z Vu @+Z Vu:Max PhiVn Vu / Phi*Vn Status ·----1.25 osi 1.25 osi 1.25 osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK All units k --Phi*Vn Vu / Phi*Vn Status 150.00osi 0.03246 OK 150.00osi 0.05954 OK 15000osi 0.05954 OK 150.00osi 0.04765 OK 150.00osi 0.02782 OK 150.00osi 0.04765 OK 150.00osi 0.02782 OK 150.00osi 0.04765 OK 150.00osi 0.04765 OK 150.00osi 0.02087 OK 150.00osi 0.07815 OK 150.00osi 0.05137 OK Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951 -296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: ~~1-19_~-1047 ________ _ General Footing I W/9t,W4'1tl1N/U-mt:t;, ;; Description : F4 Code References Calculations per ACI 318-14, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used: ASCE 7-16 General Information Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: ------------------------------- Material Properties fc : Concrete 28 day strength fy : Rebar Yield Ee : Concrete Elastic Modulus Concrete Density cp Values Flexure Shear Analysis Settings Min Steel % Bending Reinf. Min Allow% Temp Reinf. Min. Overturning Safety Factor Min. Sliding Safety Factor Add Ftg Wt for Soil Pressure Use ftg wt for stability, moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear Dimensions 2.50 ksi 40.0 ksi 3,122.0 ksi 145.0 pcf 0.90 0.750 0.00180 1.0: 1 = 1.0 : 1 Yes Yes No No Soil Design Values Allowable Soil Bearing Increase Bearing By Footing Weight Soil Passive Resistance (for Sliding) Soil/Concrete Friction Coeff. Increases based on footing Depth Footing base depth below soil surface Allow press. increase per foot of depth when footing base is below Increases based on footing plan dimension Allowable pressure increase per foot of depth when max. length or width is greater than 1.50 ksf No 100.0 ~,cf 0.250 ft ksf ft ksf ft ------------------------------------------ Width parallel to X-X Axis Length parallel to Z-Z Axis Footing Thickness Pedestal dimensions ... px : parallel to X-X Axis pz : parallel to Z-Z Axis Height Rebar Centerline to Edge of Concrete ... at Bottom of footing = Reinfo~cing ____________ _ Bars parallel to X-X Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size Bars parallel to Z-Z Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size Bandwidth Distribution Check (ACI Direction Requiring Closer Separation # Bars required within zone # Bars required on each side of zone # # 3.50 ft 3.50 ft 18.0 in in in in 3.0 in 5 5 5 5 n/a n/a n/a Ape_lj_ed _L_o_a_d_s _________ _ P : Column Load OB : Overburden M-xx M-zz D 6.0 I X X ---..... ,.,f---+-'----1--C.------+-- ------------------ Lr L s w E H 7.430 0.0 ----------------------------· ---------------V-x V-z k ksf k-ft k-ft k k Manning Engineering, Inc. 27~74 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 _____________ _ General Footing Description : F4 DESIGN SUMMARY - Min. Ratio Item -PASS 0.8760 Soil Bearing PASS n/a Overturning -X-X PASS n/a Overturning -Z-Z PASS n/a Sliding -X-X PASS n/a Sliding -Z-Z PASS n/a Uplift PASS 0.1226 Z Flexure (+X) PASS 0.1226 Z Flexure (-X) PASS 0.1226 X Flexure ( +Z) PASS 0.1226 X Flexure (-Z) PASS 0.05656 1-way Shear ( +X) PASS 0.05656 1-way Shear (-X) PASS 0.05656 1-way Shear ( +Z) PASS 0.05656 1-way Shear (-Z) PASS 0.1231 2-way Punching Detailed Results --------- Soil Bearing_ Rotation Axis & Load Combination ... Gross Allowable ----- X-X. +D+H 1.50 X-X. +D+L+H 1.50 X-X. +D+Lr+H 1.50 X-X. +D+S+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 1.50 X-X. +D+O. 750L +0. 750S+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.60W+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750Lr+0.450W+H 1.50 X-X, +D+0.750S+0.450W+H 1.50 X-X. +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.70E+0.60H 1.50 X-X. +D+O. 750L +O. 750S+0.5250E+H 1.50 X-X. +0.60D+0.70E+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+L+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+Lr+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+S+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750Lr+0.750L +H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750L +0.750S+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.60W+H 1.50 Z-Z, +D+0.750Lr+0.450W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750S+0.450W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +0.60O+0.60W+0.60H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.70E+0.60H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+O. ?SOL +0.750S+0.5250E+H 1.50 Z-Z. +0.60D+0.70E+H 1.50 Overturning ~!~ility __ _ Rotation Axis & Load Combination ... --- Footing Has NO Overturning Sliding Stability _ __ _ _________ _ Force Application Axis Load Combination ... Footing Has NO Sliding Applied 1.314 ksf 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 2.386 k-ft/ft 2.386 k-ft/ft 2.386 k-ft/ft 2.386 k-ft/ft 4.242 psi 4.242 psi 4.242 psi 4.242 psi 18.460 psi Xecc" Zecc --Q!L - n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a 0.0 n/a Ov~rturning Moment_ Sliding For_ce Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: ----~- Capacity 1.50 ksf 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 19.467 k-ft/ft 19.467 k-ft/ft 19.467 k-ft/ft 19.467 k-ft/ft 75.0 psi 75.0 psi 75.0 psi 75.0 psi 150.0 psi Governing Load Combination +D+l +H about Z-Z axis No Overturning No Overturning No Sliding No Sliding No Uplift +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1 .60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1 .60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .69L +1 .60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .60L +1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .60L +1.60H +1 .20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+ 1.60L + 1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L + 1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .60L +1 .60H ----Actual Soil Bearing Stress ~ Location --Actual / Allow Bottom, -Z Top, +Z Let, -X Rig!!!c +X __ Ratio 0.7073 0.7073 1.314 1.314 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 1.162 1.162 1.162 1.162 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 0.4244 0.4244 0.7073 0.7073 1.162 1.162 0.4244 0.4244 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Resisting Moment ~sisting Force n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.7073 0.7073 1.314 1.314 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 1.162 1.162 1.162 1.162 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 0.7073 0.4244 0.4244 0.7073 0.7073 1.162 1.162 0.4244 0.4244 Stability Ratio __ St~tus All units k Stability Ratio Status 0.472 0.876 0.472 0.472 0.775 0.775 0.472 0.472 0.472 0.283 0.472 0.775 0.283 0.472 0.876 0.472 0.472 0.775 0.775 0.472 0.472 0.472 0.283 0.472 0.775 0.283 Manning Engineering, Inc. Project Title: '1~ 27524 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Engineer: Temecula, CA 92590 Project ID: Tel: 951-296-1044 Project Descr: ~ E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-2.fil>-1047 Printed: 18 JUN 2019. 3 17PM General Footing File= C:1Users\MANNIN-1\00CUME-1\ENERCA-1\PROJEC-11#6632mu~;:J Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . • a • • • • • • • Description : F4 Footing ~lexure ----- Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu Side Tension As Req'd Gvrn. As Actual As Phi'Mn Status k-ft Surface in'2 in'2 in'2 k-ft X-X. + 1.40D+ 1.60H 1.050 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.40D+1.60H 1.050 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H 2.386 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H 2.386 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo ¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 2.386 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 2.386 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. + 1.20D+ 1.60Lr+L +1.60H 1.829 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. + 1.20D+ 1.60Lr+L +1.60H 1.829 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Mln Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 0.90 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 0.90 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +1.60S+1.60H 1.829 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +1.60S+1.60H 1.829 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.90 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.90 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo ¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. + 1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+ 1.60H 1.829 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1 .60H 1.829 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 1.829 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. + 1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 1.829 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.6750 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.6750 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 1.829 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 1.829 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.6750 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.6750 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.40D+1.60H 1.050 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.40D+1.60H 1.050 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H 2.386 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. + 1.20D+0.50Lr+ 1.60L +1 .60H 2.386 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 2.386 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H 2.386 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60Lr+L +1.60H 1.829 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60Lr+L+1.60H 1.829 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 0.90 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1 .60H 0.90 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L+1.60S+1.60H 1.829 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L+1.60S+1.60H 1.829 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.90 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.90 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 1.829 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. + 1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 1.829 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L+0.50S+W+1.60H 1.829 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 1.829 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.6750 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. -+-0.90D+W+1.60H 0.6750 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 1.829 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 1.829 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.6750 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+E+O 90H 0.6750 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4429 19.467 OK One Way Shear --- Load Combination ... Vu @-X Vu ~+X Vu @-Z Vu @+Z Vu:Max PhiVn Vu / Phi*Vn Status +1.40D+1 .60H 1.87 osi 1.87 osi 1.87 osi 1.87 osi 1.87 osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .60L +1.60H 4.24 osi 4.24 osi 4.24 osi 4.24 osi 4.24 osi 75.00 osi 0.06 OK + 1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+ 1.60H 4.24 osi 4.24 osi 4.24 osi 4.24 osi 4.24 osi 75.00 osi 0.06 OK +1.20D+1 .60Lr+L +1 .60H 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 75.00 osi 0.04 OK +1.20D+1 .60Lr+0.50W+1 .60H 1.60 osi 1.60 osi 1.60 osi 1.60 osi 1.60 osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK +1.20D+L+1.60S+1.60H 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 75.00 osi 0.04 OK + 1.20D+ 1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 1.60 osi 1.60 osi 1.60 osi 1.60 osi 1.60 osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK + 1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+ 1.60H 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 75.00 osi 0.04 OK +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25osi 75.00 osi 0.04 OK +0.90D+W+1.60H 1.20 osi 1.20 osi 1.20 osi 1.20 osi 1.20 osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK + 1.20D+L +0.20S+E+ 1.90H 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 3.25 osi 75.00 osi 0.04 OK Manning Engineering, Inc. 2757 4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com • Fax: 951~296-1Q4L One Way Shear Load Combination ... -+-0.90D+E-+-0 .90H Two-Way "Punching" Shear LQ_ad Combination ... +1.40D+1.60H +1.20D-+-0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H +1.20D+1.60L-+-0.50S+1.60H +1.20D+1.60Lr+L +1.60H +1.20D+1 .60Lr-+-0.50W+1.60H +1.20D+L+1.60S+1 .60H +1 .20D+1 .60S-+-0.50W+1.60H +1.20D-+-0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H +1.20D+L-+-0.50S+W+1.60H -+-0.90D+W+ 1.60H +1.20D+L-+-0.20S+E+1.90H -+-0. 90D+E-+-0.90H Vu@-X Vu @+X 1.20 osi 1.20osi Vu 8.12 osi 18.46 osi 18.46 osi 14.15 osi 6.96 osi 14.15 osi 6.96 osi 14.15 osi 14.15 osi 5.22 osi 14.15 osi 5.22 osi Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Printed: 18 JUN 2019. 3·17PM Vu @-Z Vu@+Z Vu:Max PhiVn Vu I Phi*Vn -~tus 1.20 osi 1.20 osi 1.20 osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK All units k Phi*Vn Vu I Phi*Vn Status 150.00osi 0.05416 OK 150.00osi 0.1231 OK 150.00osi 0.1231 OK 150.00osi 0.09433 OK 150.00osi 0.04642 OK 150.00osi 0.09433 OK 150.00osi 0.04642 OK 150.00osi 0.09433 OK 150.00 osi 0.09433 OK 150.00osi 0.03482 OK 150.00osi 0.09433 OK 150.00osi 0.03482 OK Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Teiecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 I General Footing Description : FS Code References Calculations per ACI 318-14, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used: ASCE 7-16 General Information Material Properties fc : Concrete 28 day strength = fy : Rebar Yield = Ee : Concrete Elastic Modulus = Concrete Density cp Values Flexure Shear Analysis Settings Min Steel % Bending Reinf. Min Allow% Temp Reinf. Min. Overturning Safety Factor Min. Sliding Safety Factor Add Fig Wt for Soil Pressure Use fig wt for stability, moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear Dimensions Width parallel to X-X Axis Length parallel to Z-Z Axis Footing Thickness Pedestal dimensions ... px : parallel to X-X Axis pz : parallel to Z-Z Axis Height Rebar Centerline to Edge of Concrete ... at Bottom of footing = Reinforcing Bars parallel to X-X Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size Bars parallel to Z-Z Axis Number of Bars = Reinforcing Bar Size = Bandwidth Distribution Check (ACI Direction Requiring Closer Separation # Bars required within zone # Bars required on each side of zone Applied Loads P : Column Load = OB : Overburden = M-xx = M-zz = V-x = V-z = D # # 7.0 2.50 ksi 40.0 ksi 3,122.0 ksi 145.0 pct 0.90 0.750 0 .00180 = 1.0 : 1 = 1.0 : 1 4.0 ft 4.0 ft 18.0 in in in in 3.0 in 6 5 6 5 n/a n/a n/a -I Lr Yes Yes No No [' ' • Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: (p5 Project Descr: Pnnted 22 AUG 2019 11 OGAM File= C:\Users\MANNIN-1\0OCUME-1\ENERCA-1\PROJEC-1Vl6632murp::J Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . . Soil Design Values Allowable Soil Bearing Increase Bearing By Footing Weight Soil Passive Resistance (for Sliding) Soil/Concrete Friction Coeff. Increases based on footing Depth Fooling base depth below soil surface Allow press. increase per foot of depth when footing base is below Increases based on footing plan dimension Allowable pressure increase per foot of depth when max. length or width is greater than L s w 10.0 E 1.50 ksf No 100.0 i;cf 0.250 H ft ksf ft ksf ft k ksf k-ft k-ft k k Manning Engineering, Inc. 27~7 4 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax:951-296-1047 General Footing Description : F5 Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Pnnted 22 AUG 2019. 11 05AM File= C:1Users\MANNIN-1\DOCUME-1\ENERCA-1\PROJEC-1Vl6632murp:;J Software copyrighl ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . -. . . . . . . . DESIGN SUMMARY -------------------------------'-❖@•1•1•'►11111. Min. Ratio Item PASS 0.8533 Soil Bearing PASS n/a Overturning -X-X PASS n/a Overturning -Z-Z PASS n/a Sliding -X-X PASS n/a Sliding -Z-Z PASS n/a Uplift PASS 0.1494 Z Flexure ( +X) PASS 0.1494 Z Flexure (-X) PASS 0.1494 X Flexure ( +Z) PASS 0.1494 X Flexure (-Z) PASS 0.08585 1-way Shear ( +X) PASS 0.08585 1-way Shear (-X) PASS 0.08585 1-way Shear ( +Z) PASS 0.08585 1-way Shear (-Z) PASS 0.1622 2-way Punching Detailed Results Soil Bearing Rotation Axis & Load Combination ... Gross Allowable X-X. +D+H 1.50 X-X. +D+L+H 1.50 X-X. +D+Lr+H 1.50 X-X. +D+S+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750L+0.750S+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.60W+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750Lr+0.450W+H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750S+0.450W+H 1.50 X-X. +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.70E+0.60H 1.50 X-X. +D+0.750L +O. 750S+0.5250E+H 1.50 X-X. +0.60D+0.70E+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+L+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+Lr+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+S+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750Lr+0.750L +H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750L +0.750S+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.60W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750Lr+0.450W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750S+0.450W+H 1.50 Z-Z. +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.70E+0.60H 1.50 Z-Z. +D+0.750L +0.750S+0.5250E+H 1.50 Z-Z. +0.60D+0.70E+H 1.50 Overturning Stability Rotation Axis & Xecc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Applied 1.280 ksf 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 3.050 k-ft/ft 3.050 k-ft/ft 3.050 k-ft/ft 3.050 k-ft/ft 6.439 psi 6.439 psi 6.439 psi 6.439 psi 24.335 psi Zecc (in) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Load Combination ... _Q~erturning Moment Footing Has NO Overturning S,!!__ding Stability Force Application Axis Load Combination ... Sliding Force ---------Footing Has NO Sliding Capacity 1.50 ksf 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 20.416 k-ft/ft 20.416 k-ft/ft 20.416 k-ft/ft 20.416 k-ft/ft 75.0 psi 75.0 psi 75.0 psi 75.0 psi 150.0 psi Governing Load Combination +D+l+H about Z-Z axis No Overturning No Overturning No Sliding No Sliding No Uplift +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .60L +1.60H +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1 .60H Actual Soil Bearing Stress ~ Location Actual I Allow Bottom, -Z Top, +Z Le , -X Right, +X Ratio 0.6550 0.6550 n/a n/a 0.437 1.280 1.280 n/a n/a 0.853 0.6550 0.6550 n/a n/a 0.437 0.6550 0.6550 n/a n/a 0.437 1.124 1.124 n/a n/a 0.749 1.124 1.124 n/a n/a 0.749 0.6550 0.6550 n/a n/a 0.437 0.6550 0.6550 n/a n/a 0.437 0.6550 0.6550 n/a n/a 0.437 0.3930 0.3930 n/a n/a 0.262 0.6550 0.6550 n/a n/a 0.437 1.124 1.124 n/a n/a 0.749 0.3930 0.3930 n/a n/a 0.262 n/a n/a 0.6550 0.6550 0.437 n/a n/a 1.280 1.280 0.853 n/a n/a 0.6550 0.6550 0.437 n/a n/a 0.6550 0.6550 0.437 n/a n/a 1.124 1.124 0.749 n/a n/a 1.124 1.124 0.749 n/a n/a 0.6550 0.6550 0.437 n/a n/a 0.6550 0.6550 0.437 n/a n/a 0.6550 0.6550 0.437 n/a n/a 0.3930 0.3930 0.262 n/a n/a 0.6550 0.6550 0.437 n/a n/a 1.124 1.124 0.749 n/a n/a 0.3930 0.3930 0.262 Resisting Moment Stability Ratio __ Status All units k Resisting Force Stability Ratio Status --- Manning Engineering, Inc. Project Title: ~7 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Engineer: Terlecula, CA 92590 Project ID: Tel: 951-296-1044 Project Descr: E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 9_51-296-1047 Printed· 22 AUG 201 ll 11 06AM General Footing File= C:\Users\MANNIN-1\00CUME-1\ENERCA-1\PROJEC-11#6632mu:;;J Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . . . . . • • = • • Description : FS Footing Flexure Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu Side Tension As Req'd Gvrn. As Actual As Phi'Mn Status k-ft Surface in'2 in'2 in'2 k-ft ---- X-X. +1.400+1.60H 1.225 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.400+1 .60H 1.225 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1 .60L+1.60H 3.050 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo o/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. + 1.20D+0.50Lr+ 1.60L +1.60H 3.050 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.200+1 .60L +0.50S+1 .60H 3.050 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. + 1.200+1.60L +0.50S+ 1.60H 3.050 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.200+1 .60Lr+L +1.60H 2.30 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo ¾ 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.200+1.60Lr+L +1.60H 2.30 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.200+1 .60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 1.050 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1 .200+1 .60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 1.050 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +1.60S+1.60H 2.30 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+L+1.60S+1 .60H 2.30 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1 .200+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 1.050 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. + 1.200+ 1.60S+0.50W+ 1.60H 1.050 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1 .20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 2.30 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1 .20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 2.30 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1 .20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 2.30 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 2.30 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.7875 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.7875 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. + 1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1 .90H 2.30 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. + 1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H 2.30 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.7875 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.7875 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.400+1.60H 1.225 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.400+1.60H 1.225 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1 .60H 3.050 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H 3.050 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1 .200+1 .60L +0.50S+1.60H 3.050 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.200+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 3.050 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.200+1.60Lr+L+1.60H 2.30 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. + 1.200+ 1.60Lr+L + 1.60H 2.30 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1 .200+1 .60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 1.050 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1 .200+1 .60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 1.050 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+L+1.60S+1 .60H 2.30 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L +1.60S+1 .60H 2.30 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1 .200+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 1.050 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1 .200+1 .60S+0.50W+1 .60H 1.050 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 2.30 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+0.50Lr+L+W+1.60H 2.30 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo¾ 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. + 1.20D+L +0.50S+W+ 1.60H 2.30 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 2.30 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+W+1.60H 0.7875 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+W+1 .60H 0.7875 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1 .90H 2.30 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temoo/o 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +1 .20D+L+0.20S+E+1.90H 2.30 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.7875 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 20.416 OK Z-Z. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.7875 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo % 0.4650 20.416 OK One Way Shear Load Combination ... Vu @•X Vu @+X Vu @-Z Vu @+Z Vu:Max PhiVn Vu / Phi*Vn _Status +1.400+1.60H 2.59 osi 2.59 osi 2.59 osi 2.59 osi 2.59 osi 75.00 osi 0.03 OK +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1 .60H 6.44 osi 6.44 osi 6.44 osi 6.44 osi 6.44 osi 75.00 osi 0.09 OK +1.200+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H 6.44 osi 6.44 osi 6.44 osi 6.44 osi 6.44 osi 75.00 osi 0.09 OK +1.200+1.60Lr+L+1.60H 4.86DSi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 75.00 osi 0.06 OK +1.200+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 2.22 osi 2.22 osi 2.22 osi 2.22 osi 2.22osi 75.00 osi 0.03 OK +1.20D+L+1 .60S+1.60H 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 75.00 osi 0.06 OK +1.200+1.60S+0.50W+1 .60H 2.22osi 2.22 osi 2.22 osi 2.22 osi 2.22osi 75.00 osi 0.03 OK +1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+1.60H 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 75.00 osi 0.06 OK +1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H 4.86DSi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 75.00 osi 0.06 OK +0.90D+W+1.60H 1.66 osi 1.66 osi 1.66 osi 1.66 osi 1.66 osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK +1.20D+L+0.20S+E+1 .90H 4.86 osi 4.86osi 4.86 osi 4.86 osi 4.86osi 75.00 osi 0.06 OK Manning Engineering, Inc. 27574 Commerce Center Dr Ste 133 Temecula, CA 92590 ~ Tel: 951-296-1044 E-mail: info@manningrce.com Fax: 951-296-1047 : General Footing Description : FS Project Title: Engineer: Project ID: Project Descr: Pnnted: 22 AUG 2019, 11'06AM File= C:\Users\MANNIN-1IDOCUME-1\ENERCA-1\PROJEC-11#6632murphriJ].ec6 . Software copyright ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2018, Build: . . t'. • ·~ • • • =· ! One WaySh_e_ar ____________________________________ _ Load Combination ... +0.90D+E+0.90H Two-Way "Punching" Shear Load Combination ... +1.40D+1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H +1.20D+1.60L +0.50S+1.60H +1.20D+1.60Lr+L +1.60H +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H +1.20D+L+1 .60S+1.60H +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H + 1.20D+0.50Lr+L +W+ 1.60H + 1.20D+L +0.50S+W+1.60H +0.90D+W+1.60H +1.20D+L +0.20S+E+1.90H +0.90D+E+0.90H Vu @-X 1.66 osi Vu @+X 1.66 osi Vu 9.77 osi 24.34 osi 24.34 osi 18.35 osi 8.38 osi 18.35 osi 8.38 osi 18.35 osi 18.35 osi 6.28 osi 18.35 osi 6.28 osi Vu@ -Z Vu @+Z 1.66 osi 1.66 osi Phi*Vn 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi 150.00osi Vu:Max PhiVn Vu/ Phi*Vn Status 1.66 osi 75.00 osi 0.02 OK All units k Vu/ Phi*Vn Status 0.06516 OK 0.1622 OK 0.1622 OK 0.1223 OK 0.05585 OK 0.1223 OK 0.05585 OK 0.1223 OK 0.1223 OK 0.04189 OK 0.1223 OK 0.04189 OK • Geotechnical • Geologic • Coastal • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92010 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 • www.geosoils1nc.com December 19, 2019 W.O. 7733-A1-SC Mr. Joe Murphy 6976 Carnation Drive Carlsbad, California 92011 DEC 2 6 2019 Subject: Reference: Geotechnical Review of Plans and Specifications, 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 92008, APN 156-051-04-00 1. "Murphy Remodel & Addition, 1430 Yourell Ave, Carslbad, CA 92008," sheets S1, S2, S4, and S5, no project number, undated, by Manning Engineering Inc. 2. "Limited Geotechnical Evaluation Relative to Allowable Bearing Value, Lateral Bearing Pressure, Lateral Sliding Resistance, and Seismic Design Parameters, Proposed Remodel with Addition and Accessory Dwelling Unit, 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 92008, Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 156-051-04-00," W.O. 7733-A-SC, dated December 6, 2019, by GeoSo'ils, Inc. Dear Mr. Murphy: In accordance with your request and authorization, GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) has performed a geotechnical review of the referenced plans and specifications. The scope of our services has included a review of the plans and details, a review of our previous geotehcnial report for the site (also referenced above), analysis of data, and preparation of this summary letter. Unless specifically superceded herein, the conclusions and recommendations contained in the referenced GSI report remain pertinent and applicable, and should be appropriately implemented during planning, design, and construction. Based on our review, it is determined that the plans and details properly incorporate GSl's recommendations, and are satisfactory from a geotechnical viewpoint. GSI points out that while the details show the minimum depth of embedment into suitable soils, as indicated in the referenced report, such soils are not encountered at the surface, and depending on the location, the foundations will need to be deepened about ½-foot to 3½ feet (e.g., the depth of embedment is added to those numbers), in accordance with the structural engineers recommendations. > r -'J:"'-ll ~ 0 • The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. If you should GeoSoils, Inc. ,d-;11,Lf David W. Skelly Civil Engineer, RCE 47857 DWS/JPF/jh Distribution: (3) Addressee (via US Mail and email) Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\7700\7733a1 gro GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A1-SC December 19, 2019 Page 2 DEC 2 6 2019 LIMITED GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION RELATIVE TO ALLOWABLE BEARING VALUE, LATERAL BEARING PRESSURE, LATERAL SLIDING RESISTANCE, AND SEISMIC DES.IGNPARAMETERS PROPOSED REMODEL WITH ADDITION AND ACCESSORY OWELLING UNIT ~~~-3 OUREtii~t-;:: FOR MR. JOE MURPHY 6976 CARNATION DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92011 W.O. 7733-A-SC DECEMBER 6, 2019 Geotechnical • Geologic • Coastal • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way •Carlsbad.California 92010 • (7601 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 • www.geoso1ls1nc.com December 6, 2019 W.O. 7733-A-SC Mr. Joe Murphy 6976 Carnation Drive Carlsbad, California 92011 Subject: Limited Geotechnical Evaluation Relative to Allowable Bearing Value, Lateral Bearing Pressure, Lateral Sliding Resistance, and Seismic Design Parameters, Proposed Remodel with Addition and Accessory Dwelling Unit, 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 92008, Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 156-051-04-00 Dear Mr. Murphy: In accordance with your request and authorization, GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI} has performed a limited geotechnical evaluation of the subject site relative to the proposed remodel of and additional construction to the existing residential structure as well as the proposed accessory dwelling unit, thereon, as depicted on the architectural plans prepared by Trigg Douglas Thorson ([TDT), 2019 [see Appendix Al). The purpose of our limited study was to evaluate the near-surface soil profile in order to provide an allowable bearing value, a lateral bearing pressure, a lateral sliding resistance, and seismic design parameters for the design of foundations supporting the proposed addition and accessory dwelling unit. The scope of our services included excavating two (2) exploratory test pits and advancing two (2) hand-auger borings within the property (see Appendix B); soil sampling; laboratory testing (Appendix C); limited engineering analyses; and preparation of this summary report. This report has been prepared for the sole purpose of simply providing limited evaluations of the onsite soils in close proximity to the proposed development, and geotechnical engineering parameters derived from testing of such, and does not constitute a complete geotechnical evaluation of site suitability, performance, stability, seismic hazards, settlement, etc. SITE CONDITIONS/PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The subject site consists of a roughly rectangular-shaped, developed residential property located at 1430 Yourell Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California92008 (see Figure 1, Site Location Map). The geographic coordinates of the approximate centroid of the site are 33.1739' ,-117.3414'. The site is bounded by Yourell Avenue to the south and by existing, developed residential properties to the remaining quadrants. Topographically, the property is relatively level to very gently sloping in a northeasterly direction. According to satellite imagery available on Google Earth Pro, site elevations range between approximately 168 and 179 feet (unknown datum) for an overall relief of Base Map: TOPO!® ©2003 National Geographic. ;o-"' (JI' SOUTH OCEANSIDE Wilmar, Supe,center Q f Ill --------- Target y El Camino North Q SITE \ t NOTTO SCALE Base Map: Google Maps, Copyright 2019 Google, Map Data Copyright 2019 Google Thi• map /1 copyrighted by Goog1" 2018. It I• unlawful to copy or reproduce 1/1 or •ny pert t,..,..,f, whether for ,,.,.on,/ u11 or,.,.,., without pennlu/on. All rights re1erved. N w.o. 7733-A-SC SITE LOCATION MAP Figure 1 approximately 11 feet. Site drainage appears to be accommodated by sheet flow runoff directed to the northeast. Existing structures include a one-story single-family residence and a one-story, detached workshop. Other existing site improvements consist of mortared rock retaining walls with a maximum height of approximately 3 feet, and Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) walkways and driveway. Site vegetation primarily consists of grass, weeds, shrubbery, and sparse trees. Based on our review of architectural plans prepared by TOT (2019), GSI understands that proposed site development includes the construction of a second-floor addition onto the westerly side of the existing residence, two-story westerly and northerly expansions of the existing building footprint, and a detached, one-story accessory dwelling unit near the northeasterly property corner. According to the structural plans prepared by Manning Engineering, Inc. (MEI, undated), the proposed additions to the existing residential structure will be supported by new continuous and pad footings. A new concrete slab-on-grade floor will be installed within the garage area of the remodeled residence. Elsewhere, the remodeled residence will utilize raised-wood floors. Based on communication with the Client, GSI understands that the proposed accessory dwelling unit will be supported by shallow foundations with a raised-wood floor. Building loads are currently unavailable, but assumed to be typical of relatively light residential construction. Sanitary sewerage is anticipated to be tied into the municipal system. FIELD EXPLORATION On November 14, 2019, a GSI representative visited the site and excavated two (2) exploratory test pits and two (2) exploratory hand-auger borings in close proximity to the currently proposed development. The approximate locations of these subsurface explorations are shown on Figure 2 (Subsurface Exploration Location Map). The subsurface explorations were conducted to evaluate the near-surface soil conditions within the vicinity of the proposed development and to collect relatively undisturbed and representative bulk samples of the encountered soils for laboratory testing. The test pit and hand-auger boring logs are presented in Appendix B. SITE GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS General Based on our field observations, the near-surface geologic units include undocumented artificial fill, Quaternary colluvium (topsoil), and Quaternary-age old paralic deposits (weathered and unweathered). The encountered geologic units are described below, from the youngest to the oldest. The approximate limits of these earth materials within the subject site are shown in plan view on Figure 2. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\ 7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 3 .,. Afu Qop GS/ LEGEND ARnFICIAL FILL -UNDOCUMENTED QUA TERNARY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS, CIRCLED WHERE BURIED ,.... ? -----APPROX/MA TE LOCA noN OF GEOLOGIC CONTACT, • QUERIED WHERE UNCERTAIN TP-2 Pl HA-2 ® TD=2' <a> N.A.P. APPROX/MA TE LOCA noN OF EXPLORATORY TEST PIT APPROX/MA TE LOCA noN OF EXPLORATORY HAND-AUGER BORING WITH TOTAL DEPTH IN FEET APPROXIMATE DEPTH TO SUITABLE OLD PARAL/C DEPOSITS BELOW EXISnNG GRADE (IN FEET) NOT A PART OF THIS STUDY N ~ GRAPHIC SCALE M O W M W ,· = 20' BASE MAP FROM: GOOGLE EARTH @2019 GOOGLE ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE This document or efi/e is not a part of the Construction Documents and should not be relied upon as being an accurate depiction of design. SUBSURFACE EXPLORA T/ON LOCATION MAP r:· 2 rtaure w.o. 7733-A-SC I DATE: 12/19 I SCALE: 1" = 20' Artificial Fill -Undocumented (Map Symbol -Afu) A relatively thin mantle of undocumented artificial fill was encountered at the surface in all subsurface explorations except Test Pit TP-2. As observed, the fill consisted of dark yellowish brown, brown, brownish gray, and light grayish brown sand; and dark brown silty sand. The fill was generally dry to damp, and loose to dense. The fill encountered in Test Pit TP-1 contained trace trash (plastic) and trace to locally abundant construction debris (plaster and brick fragments). Where encountered, the fill extended to depths ranging between approximately 1 foot to 3 feet below the existing grades. No documentation regarding the engineering suitability of the existing fill has been provided for GSI review. Thus, it is considered potentially compressible in its existing state, and should not be relied upon to support the proposed settlement-sensitive improvements (i.e., building foundations and slab-on-grade floors, flatwork, etc.). Quaternary Colluvium (Not Mapped) Quaternary colluvium was encountered at the surface in Test Pit TP-2 and directly underlying the undocumented fill in Test Pit TP-1, and Hand-Auger Boring HA-2. Based on observations therein, the thickness of the colluvium ranged between approximately ½to¾ feet. The colluvium generally consisted of brownish gray and brown sand that was dry and loose. The colluvium is not considered suitable for the support of the proposed settlement-sensitive improvements. Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits (Map Symbol -Qop) Quaternary-age old paralic deposits were encountered in all subsurface explorations at approximate depths ranging between ½-foot to 3½ feet below the existing grades. However, the upper approximately ¼ to ¾ feet of these deposits were weathered in Test Pits TP-1 and TP-2, respectively. The weathered old paralic deposits generally consisted of brown sand that was dry to moist and medium dense. Unweathered old paralic deposits were encountered at depths ranging between approximately 1 ½ and 3¾ feet below the existing grade, and generally consisted of yellowish brown and reddish brown silty sand, reddish brown clayey sand, and dark brown sand. The unweathered old paralic deposits were generally dry to moist and dense to very dense. The unweathered old paralic deposits encountered in Hand-Auger Boring HA-1 exhibited a moderate degree of cementation. The weathered old paralic deposits are considered potentially compressible in their existing state, and should not be used for the support of settlement-sensitive improvements. The unweathered old paralic deposits are considered suitable bearing materials at the subject site. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp1 2\ 7700\7733a.tge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 5 GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE No adverse geologic structures that would preclude project feasibility were identified during our field exploration nor our review of regional geologic maps (Tan and Kennedy, 2007). Based on our experience, the old paralic deposits are generally thickly bedded to massive and are flat-lying to gently dipping in a westerly direction. EXCAVATION CHARACTERISTICS/ROCK HARDNESS Based on the findings from our subsurface exploration, productive excavations into the onsite earth materials with heavy-duty mechanical excavation equipment in good-working condition are generally anticipated. However, the moderately cemented old paralic deposits in the vicinity of Hand-Auger Boring HA-1 may contribute to non-productive excavation, especially if relatively lightweight excavation equipment such as mini-excavators or rubber-tire backhoes are used. Thus, the localized need for rock breaking equipment (i.e., hoe ram) cannot be precluded and should be anticipated. Excavation equipment should be appropriately sized and powered for the required excavation task. GROUNDWATER Groundwater was not observed to the explored depths (see Appendix B). The regional groundwater table is anticipated to be coincident with sea level or approximately 168 feet below the lowest existing site elevation. However, perched groundwater may exist near the geologic contact between the old paralic deposits and the underlying Santiago Formation, which is approximately 68 feet below the lowest site elevation (Tan and Kennedy, 2007). Seasonal and cyclical variations in groundwater conditions from those encountered during field work, performed in preparation of this report, cannot be entirely precluded and should be anticipated. Due to its depth below the site, the regional groundwater table is not considered a significant geotechnical concern. There is potential for shallow perched groundwater to develop locally within the site (as the result of heavy/frequent precipitation, up-gradient irrigation practices, or damaged "wet" underground utilities) both during and following site development. Perched groundwater has the potential to occur along zones of contrasting permeabilities/densities (fill/old paralic deposits contacts, fill lifts, etc.) or along geologic discontinuities in the old paralic deposits. This potential should be anticipated and disclosed to all interested/affected parties. Should perched groundwater conditions develop in the future, this office could provide recommendations for mitigation. This may include but not necessarily be limited to the installation of subdrains or cut-off barriers. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourel/ Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp1 2\7700\ 7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 6 Due to the potential for post-development perched water to manifest near the surface, owing to as-graded permeability/density contrasts, more onerous slab design is necessary for any new slab-on-grade floor (State of California, 2019). Recommendations for reducing the amount of water and/or water vapor through slab-on-grade floors are provided in the this report. LIMITED GEOTECHNICAL HAZARDS EVALUATION According to the "City of Carlsbad Geotechnical Hazards Analysis and Mapping Study," prepared by Leighton and Associates, Inc. (L&A, 1992), the subject site is located within Hazard Category No. 53, which includes relatively level mesas underlain by terrace deposits (now referred to as old paralic deposits are current regional geologic maps), sandstone, or granitic/metavolcanic bedrock. L&A (1992) assign a land-use capability rating of "A" to Hazard Category No. 53. This indicates that the site is at low risk to geotechnical hazards. However, the site is located near the North American and Pacific tectonic plate boundary; and therefore, subject to moderate to strong ground shaking should an earthquake occur along any of the onshore and offshore active faults within the region. The possibility of ground acceleration, or shaking at the site, may be considered as approximately similar to the southern California region as a whole. EXISTING FOUNDATION The existing foundation appears to consist of perimeter continuous footings with post footings in the crawl space area of the residence. GSI exposed the continuous footing in Test Pit TP-2. Destructive testing, including concrete coring and compression testing was not performed. We observed that the footing was approximately 12 inches wide and embedded approximately 1 O inches below the lowest adjacent grade. The footing was bearing on potentially compressible weathered old paralic deposits. The embedment depth of the existing footing does not conform to current standards for one-story or two-story structures. In order to improve design-life compatibility between the existing structure and the proposed additions, the Client and their designers should strongly consider underpinning the existing foundation, especially where the existing foundation may experience new building loads or surcharges. The suitability of the existing post footings should be evaluated by the Project Structural Engineer. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\7700\ 7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 7 LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed on a representative sample of site earth materials in order to evaluate their physical characteristics. The results of our evaluation are summarized as follows: Classification Soils were classified with respect to the Unified Soil Classification System (U.S.C.S.) in general accordance with ASTM D 2487 and D 2488. The soil classifications are presented on the Test Pit and Boring Logs in Appendix B. Field Moisture and Density The field moisture contents and dry unit weights were determined for relatively "undisturbed" samples of earth materials obtained from the test pits. The dry unit weight was evaluated in general accordance with ASTM D 2937 (reported in pounds per cubic foot [pcf]), and the field moisture content was evaluated as a percentage of the dry weight in general accordance with ASTM D 2216. Results of these tests are summarized on the Test Pit Logs (see Appendix B). Expansion Index A representative sample of near-surface soil was tested for expansivity. The Expansion Index (E.I.) tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM Standard D 4829. The laboratory test results are presented in the following table. lsAMPLE LOCATION AND DEPTH I EXPANSION INDEX I EXPANSION POTENTIAL I I TP-1 @ 31/.-5'/4 I < 5 I Very Low I' E.I. = 0-20 -Very Low Expansion Potential E.I. = 21 to 50 -Low Expansion Potential E.I. = 51 to 90 -Medium Expansion Potential E.I. = 91 to 130 -High Expansion Potential E.I. > 131 -Verv Hiah Expansion Potential Sieve Analysis The grain-size distribution of a sample of unweathered old paralic deposits collected from Test Pit TP-2 between approximate depths of 2¼ and 6¼ feet below the existing grade was evaluated in general accordance with ASTM D 422. Based on this test, these earth materials are generally classified as a silty sand (Unified Soil Classification System [USCS] symbol -SM). The grain-size distribution curve is presented in Appendix C. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 8 Soil pH, Saturated Resistivity, Soluble Sulfates and Soluble Chlorides GSI conducted testing on a sample of the near-surface earth materials for an evaluation of general soil corrosivity and soluble sulfates, and soluble chlorides. Testing was performed in general accordance with ASTM G 51-95 2012, ASTM G 57-06 2012, ASTM D 516-16, and ASTM D 512-12B. Test results are presented in Appendix C and the following table: SAMPLE LOCATION SATURATED SOLUBLE SOLUBLE pH RESISTIVITY SULFATES CHLORIDES AND DEPTH (FT) (ohm-cm) (% bv weiahtl lnpml TP-2@ 21/,-6¼ 7.4 6,800 ND ND ND -Non-detectable concentration Corrosion Summary Laboratory testing indicates that the tested sample of the onsite soils is mildly alkaline with respect to soil acidity/alkalinity; is moderately corrosive to exposed, buried metals when saturated; and does not contain detectable concentrations of soluble sulfates or chlorides. Thus, the sample presents negligible sulfate exposure to concrete (i.e., Exposure Class SO per American Concrete Institute 318-14) and is not considered an external source of chlorides. It should be noted that GSI does not consult in the field of corrosion engineering. Therefore, additional comments and recommendations may be obtained from a qualified corrosion engineer based on the level of corrosion protection required for the project, as determined by the Project Architect and Structural Engineer. CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings described above, the following geotechnical conclusions are provided: 1. Based on the available subsurface data, the area of the site to receive the currently proposed development is mantled by approximately 1 ¼ to 3¾ feet of potentially compressible earth materials. In order to reduce the potential for the proposed improvements to experience damaging settlements, mitigation either in the form of remedial grading or structural engineering design is recommended for the support of such. Based on communication with the Client, GSI understands that remedial grading is undesired. Therefore, the proposed additions and accessory dwelling unit will need to be supported by deepened foundations that extend into the unweathered old paralic deposits, per the recommendations contained herein. New Mr. Joe Murphy W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 9 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. slab-on-grade floors should be designed as a structural slab that does not rely on the sub-soils for support, but spans between footings. Any ancillary site improvements, such as driveway pavements, swimming pools shells, pool decks, exterior hardscape, etc. that are constructed upon potentially compressible soils may be subject to settlement and associated distress; and therefore, may require increased maintenance, repairs, or premature replacement. This potential should be disclosed to all interested/affected parties. 2. Observations and laboratory testing indicate that the onsite soils are very low in expansion potential. Thus, specific structural design for foundations and slab-on-grade floors to mitigate the shrink/swell effects of the onsite soils is not warranted from a geotechnical perspective. 3. The tested sample of the onsite soils presents negligible sulfate exposure to concrete (Exposure Class SO per Table of ACI 318-14) and is not considered an external source of chlorides. 4. Where observed, the existing foundation does not conform to current standards of practice for the support of one-or two-story structures, and is bearing on potentially compressible earth materials. Any newly loaded portion of the existing foundation should be underpinned per the recommendations in this report. For design-life compatibility between the existing structure and the new addition, the Clients and their designers should consider underpinning the foundation of the existing residential structure in the vicinity of the proposed improvements. Otherwise, the finished product may be subject to a reduced service life and may require more frequent maintenance and repairs. 5. This study did not include evaluations of the quality nor compressive strength of the existing concrete. In addition, assessments of the condition, sizes, quantity, and arrangement of existing steel reinforcements were not performed. Lastly, this study did not evaluate the design-life compatibility between the existing residential structure and the proposed addition. Thus, the Client, Project Architect, and Structural Engineer may consider such studies to help meet Client expectations for the service life of the proposed remodel. PRELIMINARY FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS General The following geotechnical parameters should be used in the preliminary design of the proposed addition foundations, including underpin footings. Foundations should be founded into dense, unweathered old paralic deposits. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 1 o Spread Footing Design Allowable Bearing Value In accordance with Table 1806.2 of the 2016 California Building Code ([2016 CBC], California Building Standards Commission [CBSC], 2016), an allowable bearing value of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) may be used in the preliminary design of continuous spread footings that maintain a minimum width of 12 or 15 inches for one-and two-story floor loads, respectively, with a minimum embedment of 12 and 18 inches into suitable unweathered old paralic deposits for one-and two-story floor loads, respectively. A similar bearing value may be used in the preliminary design of isolated spread (column) footings with a minimum width of 24 inches square and a minimum embedment of 18 inches into suitable unweathered old paralic deposits. The bearing value may be increased by one-third when considering short duration seismic or wind loads. Based on the available subsurface data, footings may need extend to depths up to 5¼ feet below the existing grades to meet the aforementioned embedment recommendations. Actual footing depths would be based on conditions exposed within the footing excavations, and locally deeper footing excavations may be necessary to attain the recommended embedment into suitable old paralic deposits. All isolated footings should be tied to the perimeter foundation system in at least one direction with a reinforced grade beam to mitigate lateral drift and adverse seismic performance. Foundations should be designed for all applicable surcharge loads. Foundations should not surcharge the existing retaining walls Lateral Bearing Pressure For foundations deriving passive resistance from very low expansive, unweathered old paralic deposits, a passive earth pressure may be computed as an equivalent fluid having a density of 250 pcf, with a maximum earth pressure of 2,500 psf. The upper 6 inches of passive pressure should be neglected if not confined by slabs or pavement. Lateral Sliding Resistance For lateral sliding resistance, a 0.35 coefficient of friction may be utilized for a concrete to soil contact when multiplied by the dead load. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one-third. Footing Reinforcement Footing reinforcement should be provided by the Project Structural Engineer. At a minimum, GSI recommends that footings be reinforced with four (4) No. 4 steel reinforcing bars with two (2) bars placed near the top and two (2) bars placed near the bottom of the footing. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 11 Footing Setbacks Although not anticipated, all footing setbacks from slopes with gradients steeper than 5:1 (horizontal:vertical [h:v)) should comply with Figure 1808.7.1 of the 2016 CBC. GSI recommends a minimum horizontal setback distance of 7 feet as measured from the bottom, outboard edge of the footing to the slope face. Footings for structures adjacent to retaining walls should be deepened so as to extend below a 1: 1 (h:v) projection up from the heel of the wall footing, unless the retaining wall has been designed for the appropriate surcharge. NEW SLAB-ON-GRADE FLOOR DESIGN As previously mentioned, if remedial grading is not be performed in the area of the proposed slab-on-grade floor, the Project Structural Engineer should design a structural slab that is capable of accommodating the applied loads without the underlying soils for support, spanning the footings. The structural slab thickness and steel reinforcement should be provided by the Project Structural Engineer. All slab reinforcement should be supported by chairs (dobies) during concrete placement. Hooking of steel reinforcing bars should be avoided. Proposed slab-on-grade floors should be underlain by at least 4 inches of sand with a sand equivalent (S.E.) of 30 or greater. The sand should be relatively free of moisture and densified with vibratory equipment (i.e., plate compactor). In order to reduce the potential for moisture transmission through the slab-on-grade floor, a 15-mil vapor retarder conforming to ASTM E 17 45 Class "A" criteria (Stego Wrap or approved equivalent) should be placed mid-depth within the sand layer. Concrete used in the construction of the new footings and slab-on-grade floors should have a maximum water to cement ratio of 0.50. SEISMIC SHAKING PARAMETERS Based on the site conditions, the following table summarizes the site-specific design criteria obtained from the 2016 CBC (CBSC, 2016), Chapter 16 Structural Design, Section 1613, Earthquake Loads. The computer program "OSHPD Seismic Design Maps" (https://seismicmaps.org/), provided by the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) and the State of California's Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) was utilized for design. The short spectral response utilizes a period of 0.2 seconds. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Youre/1 Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 12 2016 CBC SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS PARAMETER VALUE 2013 CBC AND/OR REFERENCE Site Class D Section 1613.3.2/ASCE 7-10 (Chapter 20) Spectral Response -(0.2 sec), S, 1.130g Figure 1613.3.1 (1) Spectral Response -(1 sec), S, 0.434 g Figure 1613.3.1 (2) Site Coefficient, Fa 1.048 Table 1613.3.3(1) Site Coefficient, F, 1.566 Table1613.3.3(2) Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral 1.184g Section 1613.3.3 Response Acceleration (0.2 sec), s., (Eqn 16-37) Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral 0.680 g Section 1613.3.3 Response Acceleration (1 sec), SM 1 (Eqn 16-38) 5% Damped Design Spectral Response 0.789 g Section 1613.3.4 Acceleration (0.2 sec), S08 (Eqn 16-39) 5% Damped Design Spectral Response 0.453 g Section 1613.3.4 Acceleration (1 sec), S01 (Eqn 16-40) Seismic Design Category D Section 1613.3.5/ASCE 7-1 0 (Table11.6-1 or11.6-2) PGA. 0.468 a ASCE 7-10 (Eon 11.8.1) DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA Crawl Space Areas In order to reduce the potential for moisture and associated odors to accumulate within the crawl space areas, GSI recommends adequate ventilation. The use of a properly installed and sealed vapor retarder placed upon the surface grade in the crawl space areas, would help to reduce moisture in said areas. A water proofing specialist may also be retained for additional mitigation measures. Planting Water has been shown to weaken the inherent strength of all earth materials. Only the amount of irrigation necessary to sustain plant life should be provided. Over-watering should be avoided as it can adversely affect site improvements, and cause perched groundwater conditions. Plants selected for landscaping should be light weight, deep rooted types that require little water and are capable of surviving the prevailing climate. Utilizing plants other than those recommended above will increase the potential for perched water, staining, mold, etc., to develop. A rodent control program to prevent burrowing should be implemented. These recommendations regarding plant type, irrigation practices, and rodent control should be provided to all interested/affected parties. Mr. Jae Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc:. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 13 Drainage Adequate lot surface drainage is a very important factor in reducing the likelihood of adverse performance of foundations and hardscape. Surface drainage should be sufficient to prevent ponding of water anywhere on the property, and especially near structures. Lot surface drainage should be carefully taken into consideration during landscaping. Therefore, care should be taken that future landscaping or construction activities do not create adverse drainage conditions. Positive site drainage within the property should be provided and maintained at all times. Water should be directed away from foundations and not allowed to pond and/or seep into the ground. In general, site drainage should conform to Section 1804.4 of the 2016 CBC. Consideration should be given to avoiding construction of planters adjacent to structures. Site drainage should be directed toward the street or other approved area(s). Although not a geotechnical requirement, roof gutters, downspouts, or other appropriate means may be utilized to control roof drainage. Downspouts, or drainage devices should outlet a minimum of 5 feet from structures or into a subsurface drainage system. Areas of seepage may develop due to irrigation or heavy rainfall, and should be anticipated. Minimizing irrigation will lessen this potential. If areas of seepage develop, recommendations for minimizing this effect could be provided upon request. Landscape Maintenance Only the amount of irrigation necessary to sustain plant life should be provided. Over-watering the landscape areas will adversely affect existing and proposed site improvements. We would recommend that any proposed open-bottom planters adjacent to proposed structures be eliminated for a minimum distance of 10 feet. As an alternative, closed-bottom type planters could be utilized. An outlet placed in the bottom of the planter, could be installed to direct drainage away from structures or any exterior concrete flatwork. If planters are constructed adjacent to structures, the sides and bottom of the planter should be provided with a moisture retarder to prevent penetration of irrigation water into the subgrade. Provisions should be made to drain the excess irrigation water from the planters without saturating the subgrade below or adjacent to the planters. New planters should not be structurally connected to the structure. Consideration should be given to the type of vegetation chosen and their potential effect upon surface improvements (i.e., some trees will have an effect on concrete flatwork with their extensive root systems). From a geotechnical standpoint leaching is not recommended for establishing landscaping. If the surface soils are processed for the purpose of adding amendments, they should be recompacted to 90 percent minimum relative compaction. Gutters and Downspouts As previously discussed in the drainage section, the installation of gutters and downspouts should be considered to collect roof water that may otherwise infiltrate the soils adjacent to the structures. If utilized, the downspouts should be drained into PVC collector pipes Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 14 or non-erosive devices that will carry the water away from the house. Downspouts and gutters are not a geotechnical requirement provided that positive drainage is incorporated into project design (as discussed previously). Site Improvements Recommendations for exterior concrete flatwork design and construction can be provided upon request. If in the future, any additional improvements are planned for the site, recommendations concerning the geological or geotechnical aspects of design and construction of said improvements are recommended to be provided at that time. This office should be notified in advance of any fill placement, grading of the site, or trench backfilling after rough grading has been completed. This includes any grading, utility trench, and retaining wall backfills. Footing Trench Excavation All footing excavations should be observed by a representative of this firm subsequent to trenching and prior to the placement of concrete form work, steel reinforcement, and concrete. The purpose of the observations is to verify that the excavations are made into the recommended bearing material and to the minimum widths and depths recommended for construction. If loose or compressible materials are exposed within the footing excavation, a deeper footing or removal and recompaction of the subgrade materials would be recommended at that time. The Client may want to consider having a representative of GSI onsite at the start of foundation trenching to evaluate the depth to unweathered old paralic deposits and provide recommendations for footing embedment to the contractor performing the work. Footing trench spoil and any excess soils generated from utility trench excavations should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent, if not removed from the site. Trenching Considering the nature of the onsite soils, it should be anticipated that caving or sloughing could be a factor in subsurface excavations and trenching. Shoring or excavating the trench walls at the angle of repose (typically 25 to 45 degrees) may be necessary and should be anticipated. All excavations should be observed by one of our representatives and minimally conform to local safety codes and Cal-OSHA guidelines for Type "B" soils conditions, provided that groundwater, running sands, and/or other adverse conditions are absent. Utility Trench Backfill 1. All underground utility trench backfill should be brought to at least optimum moisture content and then compacted to obtain a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of the laboratory standard (per ASTM D 1557). Observation, probing, and testing should be provided to verify the desired results. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue. Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\7700\7733a.Jge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6. 2019 Page 15 2. Exterior trenches adjacent to, and within, areas extending below a 1: 1 (h:v) plane projected from the outside bottom edge of the footing, and all trenches beneath hardscape features and in slopes (if any), should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard. Sand backfill, unless excavated from the trench, should not be used in these backfill areas. Compaction testing and observations, along with probing, should be accomplished to verify the desired results. 3. All trench excavations should conform to Cal-OSHA and local safety codes. 4. Utilities crossing grade beams, perimeter beams, or footings should either pass below the footing or grade beam utilizing a hardened collar or foam spacer, or pass through the footing or grade beam in accordance with the recommendations of the structural engineer. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING GEOTECHNICAL OBSERVATION AND TESTING We recommend that observation and/or testing be performed by GSI at each of the following construction stages: • During significant excavation (i.e., greater than 4 feet). • During placement of subdrains or other subdrainage devices, prior to placing fill and/or backfill. • After excavation for new footings, prior to the placement of reinforcing steel, concrete form work, and concrete. • Prior to pouring any flatwork, after presoaking/presaturation and compaction of the subgrade. • During placement of backfill for underground utility trenches and subdrain trenches. • When any unusual soil conditions are encountered during any construction operations, subsequent to the issuance of this report. • When any improvements, such as spas, pools, walls, etc., are constructed. • A report of geotechnical observation and testing should be provided at the conclusion of each of the above stages, in order to provide concise and clear documentation of site work, and/or to comply with code requirements. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp1 2\ 7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 16 OTHER DESIGN PROFESSIONALS/CONSULTANTS The design civil engineer, structural engineer, architect, landscape architect, wall designer, etc., should review the recommendations provided herein, incorporate those recommendations into all their respective plans, and by explicit reference, make this report part of their project plans. This report presents minimum design criteria for the design of slabs, foundations and other elements possibly applicable to the project. These criteria should not be considered as substitutes for actual designs by the structural engineer/designer. The structural engineer/designer should analyze actual soil-structure interaction and consider, as needed, bearing, expansive soil influence, and strength, stiffness and deflections in the various slab, foundation, and other elements in order to develop appropriate, design-specific details. As conditions dictate, it is possible that other influences will also have to be considered. The structural engineer/designer should consider all applicable codes and authoritative sources where needed. If analyses by the structural engineer/designer result in less critical details than are provided herein as minimums, the minimums presented herein should be adopted. It is considered likely that some, more restrictive details will be required. If the structural engineer/designer has any questions or requires further assistance, they should not hesitate to call or otherwise transmit their requests to GSI. In order to mitigate potential distress, the foundation and/or improvement's designer should confirm to GSI and the governing agency, in writing, that the proposed foundations and/or improvements can tolerate the amount of differential settlement and/or expansion characteristics and design criteria specified herein. PLAN REVIEW Final project plans should be reviewed by this office prior to construction, so that construction is in accordance with the conclusions and recommendations of this report. Based on our review, supplemental recommendations and/or further geotechnical studies may be warranted. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp 12\7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 17 LIMITATIONS The materials encountered on the project site and utilized for our analysis are believed representative of the area; however, soil and bedrock materials vary in character between excavations and natural outcrops or conditions exposed during mass grading. Site conditions may vary due to seasonal changes or other factors. Inasmuch as our study is based upon our review, engineering analyses, and laboratory data, the conclusions and recommendations presented herein are professional opinions. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice, and no warranty is express or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. This report has been prepared for the purpose of providing soil design parameters derived from testing of a soil sample received at our laboratory, and does not represent an evaluation of the overall stability, suitability, or performance of the property for the proposed development. GSI assumes no responsibility or liability for work or testing performed by others, or their inaction; or work performed when GSI is not requested to be onsite, to evaluate if our recommendations have been properly implemented. Use of this report constitutes an agreement and consent by the user to all the limitations outlined above, notwithstanding any other agreements that may be in place. In addition, this report may be subject to review by the controlling authorities. Thus, this report brings to completion our scope of services for this portion of the project. Mr. Joe Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp 12\7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 18 The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. . ~oNALG~ Respectfully submItt "<-""<o v Fil o< J ~~ • '1,t.,,._, 9;, tt" 0 't;. ..... GeoSoils, Inc. 0.. -. No. 1340 z ~ Certified Engineering f <P~~~ :: 0~:::o~~~ If you P. rank· David W. Skelly neering Geologist, CEG 1340 Civil Engineer, RCE 47857 ~~ Staff Geologist RBB/DWS/JPF/jh Attachments: Distribution: Mr. Joe Murphy Appendix A -References Appendix B -Hand-Auger Boring and Test Pit Logs Appendix C -Laboratory Data (3) Addressee (via US Mail and email) 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp12\7700\7733a.lge GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 7733-A-SC December 6, 2019 Page 19 APPENDIX A REFERENCES GeoSoils, Inc. APPENDIX A REFERENCES American Concrete Institute, 2014, Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-14), and commentary (ACI 318R-14): reported by ACI Committee 318, dated September. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2010, Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures, ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 7-10. Building News, 1995, CAL-OSHA, State of California, Construction Safety Orders, Title 8, Chapter 4, Subchapter 4, amended October 1. California Building Standards Commission, 2016, California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2 of 2, based on the 2015 International Building Code, 2016 California Historical Building code, Title 24, Part 8, 2016 California Existing Building Code, Title 24, Part 10, and the 2015 International Existing Building Code. Kennedy, M.P., and Tan, SS., 2007, Geologic map of the Oceanside 30' by 60' quadrangle, California, regional map series, scale 1:100,000, California Geologic Survey and United States Geological Survey, www.conservation.ca.gov/ cgs/rghm/rgm/prel iminary _geologic_ maps.html Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1992, City of Carlsbad geotechnical hazards analysis and mapping study, Carlsbad, California, 115 sheets, scale: 1 inch = 400 feet, dated November. Manning Engineering, Inc., undated, Murphy remodel and addition, 1430 Yourell Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, sheets S1, S2, S4, and S5, various scales. Sowers and Sowers, 1979, Unified soil classification system (After U. S. Waterways Experiment Station and ASTM 02487-667) in Introductory soil mechanics, New York. Trigg Douglas Thorson, 2019, A remodel/ addition projectfor: Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008, San Diego County, Sheets A-1, A-2, A- 3, A-4, A-5, A-6, and A-7, various scales, commission no.: 1807148, dated July 19 and August 30. GeoSoils, Inc. APPENDIX B HAND-AUGER BORING AND TEST PIT LOGS GeoSoils, Inc. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM CONSISTENCY OR RELATIVE DENSITY Major Divisions Group Typical Names CRITERIA Symbols GW Well-graded gravels and gravel- "' C .!!> sand mixtures, little or no fines Standard Penetration Test > rn"' "' "'> .,._ C ·oo -rn Poorly graded gravels and Penetration "' oo.,. o-> ~ t5 ci ('.) GP gravel-sand mixtures, little or no Resistance N Relative "' 0 ·a; w Ei 2 fines (blows/It) Density 0 > 0 ~ 0 <PC N ('.) 0 0 * -" Silty gravels gravel-sand-silt 0-4 Very loose 0 • rn"' a, .c GM =O oz 0 8.!: mixtures Cf) C "' rn ~:'.::'. " 0 "§ (!) ,:: 4-10 Loose .S -g GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay ~ .~ mixtures 10-30 Medium ('.) ~ ' "' ~* SW Well-graded sands and gravelly 30-50 Dense oO 0 "' C 0 sands, little or no fines 0"' C i:; rn " C <P C > 50 Very dense ~ .g ·oo -rn rn 0<f) ,; Ul l.O O V SP Poorly graded sands and ~ ~ C ~ c::i gravelly sands, little or no fines 0 (tj ct! Q;J z :a' Cl)£ ~ 0 SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures "' rn "' -0 0 ~..c:: (I) ~ u 0 rn C :!: ~ 0. ~ ~rr:: Clayey sands, sand-clay SC mixtures Inorganic silts, very fine sands, Standard Penetration Test ML rock flour, silty or clayey fine 0 sands "' ~-E ~ Unconfined > (.) ·~ ~ Inorganic clays of low to Penetration Compressive "' -g :2 0 ·a; CL medium plasticity, gravelly clays, Resistance N Strength 0 (tl fr* sandy clays, silty clays, lean ~@ (blows/ft\ Consistencv (tons/ft'\ ~:.:Jg clays ·o . Cf) Cf) ~ Organic silts and organic silty <2 Very Soft <0.25 " 0 "' "' OL clays of low plasticity C 00 ·~ 00 2-4 Soft 0.25 -.050 m <!/ 0. "' ru Inorganic silts, micaceous or C 0 MH diatomaceous fine sands or silts, 4-8 Medium 0.50-1.00 ii: E 0 * ~ 0 elastic silts 0 m .-~ lJ} 8 -15 Stiff 1.00 -2.00 * u 1 @ Inorganic clays of high plasticity, 0 " .,, .c "' @ ·s :: CH fat clays 15-30 Very Stiff 2.00 -4.00 er "' ~ :::i iij -"' Cf) ->30 Hard >4.00 "' Organic clays of medium to high OH plasticity Highly Organic Soils PT Peat, mucic, and other highly organic soils 3" 3/4" #4 #10 #40 #200 U.S. Standard Sieve Unified Soil Gravel Sand Silt or Clay Classification Cobbles I I I coarse fine coarse medium fine MOISTURE CONDITIONS MATERIAL QUANTITY OTHER SYMBOLS Dry Absence of moisture: dusty, dry to the touch trace 0-5 % C Core Sample Slightly Moist Below optimum moisture content for compaction few 5-10 % s SPT Sample Moist Near optimum moisture content little 10-25 % B Bulk Sample Very Moist Above optimum moisture content some 25-45 % .!'. Groundwater Wet Visible free water; below water table Op Pocket Penetrometer BASIC LOG FORMAT: Group name, Group symbol, (grain size), color, moisture, consistency or relative density. Additional comments: coarse grained particles, etc. odor, presence of roots, mica, gypsum, EXAMPLE: Sand (SP), fine to medium grained, brown, moist, loose, trace silt, little fine gravel, few cobbles up to 4" in size, some hair roots and rootlets. File:Mgr: c;\SoilClassif.wpd PLATE 8-1 ~- HAND ELEV. DEPTH GROUP AUGER (ft,) (ft,) SYMBOL NO. HA-1 :t 168 0-1½ SP 1½-2 SM SAMPLE DEPTH (ft,) W.O. 7733-A-SC Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad Logged By: RBB November 14, 2019 LOG OF EXPLORATORY HAND-AUGER BORING MOISTURE FIELD DRY (%) DENSITY DESCRIPTION (pcf) ARTIFICll!L FILL -UNDOC!JMENTED: SAND, dark yellowish brown and brown, dry, medium dense: very fine to medium grained, trace SILT. QUATERNARY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS: SIL TY SAND, yellowish brown, dry, very dense; cemented. Practical Refusal at Approximately 2' No Groundwater/Caving Encountered Backfilled 11 /14/19 PLATE B-2 G p~. c.__) HAND ELEV. DEPTH GROUP AUGER (fl.) (fl.) SYMBOL NO. HA-2 ±178 0-1 SP 1-1¾ SP 1¾-2 SM SAMPLE DEPTH (fl.) W.O. 7733-A-SC Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad Logged By: RBB November 14, 2019 LOG OF EXPLORATORY HAND-AUGER BORING MOISTURE FIELD DRY (%) DENSITY DESCRIPTION (pc!) ARTIFICIAL FILL-UNDOCUMENTED: SAND, brownish gray, dry, loose; very fine to fine grained, trace SILT. QUATERNARY COLLUVIUM: SAND, brownish gray, dry, loose; very fine to fine grained, trace SILT. QUATERNARY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS: SILTY SAND, reddish brown, dry, dense; very fine to fine grained. Total Depth = 2' No Groundwater/Caving Encountered Backfilled 11/14/19 PLATE B-3 TEST PIT NO. TP-1 . f7 ~~~-W.O. 7733-A-SC Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad Logged By: RBB November 14, 2019 LOG OF EXPLORATORY TEST PIT ELEV. DEPTH GROUP SAMPLE MOISTURE FIELD DRY (ft.) (ft.) SYMBOL DEPTH (%) DENSITY DESCRIPTION (ft.) (pcf) :t179 0-1 SP BULK@0-3¾ ARTIFICIAL FILL • UNDOCUMENTED: SAND, light grayish brown, dry, medium dense; very fine to medium grained, trace SILT, trace trash (plastic) and construction debris (plaster and brick fragments). 1-3 SM UND@2 5.9 114.2 SIL TY SAND, dark brown, damp, dense; very fine to coarse grained, trace to locally abundant construction debris (plaster and brick fragments). 3-3½ SP QUATERNARY COLLUVIUM: SAND, brown, dry, loose; very fine to fine grained. 3½-3¾ SP WEATHERED QUATERNARY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS: SAND, brown, dry, medium dense; very fine to fine grained, trace SILT. 3¾-5¾ SM/SC SM BAG @ 3¾-5¾ QUATERNARY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS: SILTY SAND with trace CLAY and CLAYEY SAND, reddish brown, damp, dense; very fine to fine grained. BULK = Bulk Sample Total Depth = 5'/4' UNO = Relatively Undisturbed Sample No Groundwater/Caving Encountered SM BAG = Small Baa Same le Backfilled 11/14/19 PLATE B-4 TEST ELEV. DEPTH PIT (ft,) (It.) NO. TP-2 ±175 0-½ ½-1¼ 1¼-2¼ 2¼-5½ 5½-6¼ W.O. 7733-A-SC Murphy 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad Logged By: RBB November 14, 2019 LOG OF EXPLORATORY TEST PIT GROUP SAMPLE MOISTURE FIELD DRY SYMBOL DEPTH (%) DENSITY DESCRIPTION (It.) (pct) SP QUATERNARY COLLUVIUM: SAND, brownish gray, dry, loose; very fine to fine grained, trace coarse grains, trace SILT. SP UND@1 6.7 124.6 WEATHERED QUATERNARY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS: SAND, brown, moist, medium dense; very fine to fine grained, trace SILT. SM QUATERNARY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS: SILTY SAND, reddish brown, moist, dense; very fine to fine grained. SC BULK@ 2'/,-61/, CLAYEY SAND, reddish brown, moist, dense; very fine to fine grained coarsening to SIL TY SAND, reddish brown, moist, dense; very fine to fine grained. SP SAND, dark brown, moist, dense; very fine to fine grained. BULK = Bulk Sample Total Depth = 6'/4' UNO = Relatively Undisturbed Sample No Groundwater/Caving Encountered Backfilled 11 /14/19 PLATE 8-5 APPENDIX C LABORATORY DATA GeoSoils, Inc. Particle Size Distribution Report .E .E s .s .E .£ -~ s §! ~ ~ ~ l!l ,I ~ ~ : i "' M N -~ ";!:. .. .. 100 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I 90 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 80 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l\ I I I I I I I 70 I I I I I I I I I I I : ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I fl'. I I I I I I I I lJ.J 60 I I I I I I I I z I I I I I I I ~ I I u::: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t-I I I I I I I I I z 50 I I I I I I I ' I I lJ.J I I I I I I I I I t) I I I I I I I I I fl'. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lJ.J 40 Q. I I I I I I \l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 30 I I I I I :~ I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE -mm. •t. +3" % Gravel 0/4 Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium I Fine Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 I 58.6 23.4 SIEVE PERCENT spec: PASS? Soil DescrillliQ!l SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Reddish Brown Silty Sand #4 100.0 #JO 100.0 #20 99.5 Atterberg Limits #40 82.0 #60 49.2 PL= LL= Pl= #100 31.1 Coefficients #200 23.4 Dgo= 0.511 6 085= 0.4518 D50= 0.2985 D50= 0.2536 D30= 0.1417 D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification uses= SM AASHTO= Remarks • (no specification provided) Source of Sample: TP-2 Sample Number: TP-2 Depth: 2.25-6.25 I ~~H-I Client: Murphy Project: 1430 Yourell Ave. Proiect No: 7733-A-SC Tested By: _,T'-'-R.,__ ________ _ Checked By: .!.T-'-'R'------------ Date: I 1-15-19 Plate W.O. 7733-A-SC PLATE C-1 IISoilCor CORROSION & THERMAL SCIENCES 42184 Remington Ave, Temecula CA 92590 ph (951) 795-3135 • fx (951) 894-2683 Work Order No.: 191<7141 Client: GeoSoils, Inc. Project No.: 7733-A-SC Project Name: Murphy Report Date: November 22, 2019 Laboratory Test(s) Results Summary The subject soil sample was processed with the U.S. Standard No. 10 Sieve and tested for pH (ASTM G 51-95 2012), Soil Resistivity (ASTM G 57-06 2012), Sulfate Ion Content (ASTM D 516-16) and Chloride Ion Content (ASTM D 512-128). The test results follow: pH As Rec'd Saturated Sulfate Chloride Sample Identification Resistivity Resistivity Content Content (H+) (ohm-cm) (ohm-cm) (mg/L) (mg/L) TP-2 @ 2.25-6.25 ft 7.4 12,000 6,800 ND ND *ND=No Detection We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any _questions or clarifications regarding these results or procedures. M t 1111 9 [ ft Ahmet K. Kaya, Laboratory Manager www.soilcor.com Form No. 1-PR W.O. 7733-A~v. 08/2019 PLATE C-2 (city of Carlsbad CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any bu ilding permit without a completed school fee form. Project # & Name: JAN :~ I) 2020 Permit#: CBR2019-2489 Project Address: 1430 YOU RELL AVE Assessor's Parcel #: 1560510400 .;;;..:..:;..:;_::....::.:;_:_:_.::__ _____________ _ Project Applicant: COOWNER MURPHY II WILLIAM J & MURPHY JILL M (Owner Name) Residential Square Feet: New/Additions: 1,338 ;:;;.:.;;.;.;;..:: ________________ _ Second Dwelling Unit: ------------------- Commer c i a I Square Feet: New/Additions: City Certification: City of Carlsbad Bui lding Division Date: 09/11/2019 Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the add itional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. [ZJ Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 Phone: (760) 331-5000 D Encinitas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: (760) 944-4300 x1166 D San Dieguito Union H.S. District 684 Requeza Dr. Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: (760) 753-6491 Ext 5514 (By Appt. Only) D San Marcos Unified Sch. District 255 Pico Ave Ste. 100 San Marcos, CA 92069 Phone: (760) 290-2649 Contact: Katherine Marcelja (By Appt.only) D Vista Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista CA 92083 Phone: (760) 726-2170 x2222 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. Sig nature of Authorized School District Official:_,.=· L.2/\~,..:..· --1..P::u..-..::::;./"\.l<.:>,"",C:1,.kra.-1...'-~\.~· ;-=...,....,,___;_"-...:.._{_ ___ l ..:..;l:;....::::.Ll~L...1.L(-4.l...Al,,..,~J.=...:io..:__ __ _ . . le -(")1__.t_ v;~ V\'~Q..-,j Title: ~ '--' ~ v ,'·l\, \:::-:::::::r::: h v:C:'\:::: Date: C/~ J,1 / -/ </ CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Name of School District: ___,6"'42""25"'"'E-'-L,-.\,C""A1t11-Mu..lNLl,J.O-AR-l,,jEA""'lr----------- CARLSBAD, CA 92009 'J Community & Economic Development -Building Division )( It • 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2719 I 760-602-8558 fax I STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES 1. ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. 2. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY INSPECTOR AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL. 3. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR DUE TO INCOMPLETE GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARISE. 4. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PECENT (40%). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL. 5. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL CONTAIN 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE. 6. ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED. 7. THE CITY INSPECTOR SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ALTER THIS PLAN DURING OR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION AS NEEDED TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH CITY STORM WATER QUALITY REGULATIONS. OWNER'S CERTIFICAIB: I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST: (1) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO AVOID THE MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND TO AVOID THE EXPOSURE OF STORM WATER TO CONSTRUCTION RELATED POLLUTANTS; AND (2) ADHERE TO, AND AT ALL llMES, COMPLY WITH THIS Gill' APPROVED TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED BY THE Cln' OF CARLSBAD. rJ I u.. I~ 'J°· M "l 12-Ptl-j 1I OWNER(S)/OWNER'S AGENT NAME (PRINT) l-:'~il @WNER'S AGENT NAME (SIGNATURE) I ,} ,, ~ '"-W ~ E-29 STORM WATER COMPLIANCE FORM TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP C5820,c1 -2L\a Cl\ BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) SELECTION TABLE . Erosion Control Sediment Control BMPs Tracking Non-Stonn Water Waste Management and Materials BMPs Control BMPs Management BMPs Pollution Control BMPs C -C C 0 -' 0 0 :;:, C C. ! -a :;:, :;:, o> 0 "' -a "' -a "' C " " C C o> E C E C -0 => => 0 '5 ·c: .9-0 0 0 E -L L :;:, L " ::,; -a "' o> L Q) --·E => >, o> C Q) L £ Q) c' "'"' "' D '-□-L D C o> o_ Q) > Best Management Practice* o'd C Do 0 "E -Co, C L '-" L w 'l: C: 0 m o_ 0 Q) 0 Q) :;:; "' i< "' L Q) 0 C u Q) -Q) D -..c C: f-E UL "' -a " "' ::,; C: Q) C (BMP) Description ➔ "' " Q) (/) "' o> Q) o> m ·5 C o> C "O "' :£ 'l: -Q) Q) " ·5, "' D 0 iO C -g~ cc C 0 ::::, gJ E ~ ID " -0 L 0 -a >, 0"' D o> Q) :;:; L C 0 m u,·-o> 0,-~o u Q) D 0 Q) X ::,; 0 o> 0 C Q) Ct'. E 0 -N <n " o,:;::; Q) <PC ~~ 0 ~ L-;,: Q) Q) 0 "' E -"' " -=> .n E al :.:::: (I) :=3 tu =t :i'i u·c ·c: a. e o> --a ::5 .£ ., LL " L Q) => -a ·-Q) ·--a CO LO Q) -"' -a 0 0 '5 > L-_(] L _a 0 ·fig 0 •-D Q) L " --0 LO [r• -Q) Q) 0 ., " C 0 0 0 o> .B 0 -o -..c Q) -o -0 = C =C Q) :£ 0 L en "' ..c _a L .;,o D -L (I) C ~ct 0 ., -o-0 -o_ 0 o □ '-" WO in (/) u G:: '-" (/) > CJ') (/) n. CJ') Ct'. n.O n. >u ::,; CJ') ::,; CJ') CJ') u CJ')::,; CASQA Designation ➔ "' ro 0) -. ,_.., st-"' <O "' 0 N ,_.., "' OCJ . N ,_.., st-• "' ro ' I I I ' I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I u u u u w w w w w w w w et: g; CJ') (/) U) (/) ::,; ::,; ::,; i ::,; . Construction Activity w w w w (/) (/) (/) CJ') (/) (/) (/) (/) f-z z z z ;,: ;,: ;,: ;,: / Gradinn /Soil Disturbanc_e ./ Trench inn /Excavation Stockoilina ' Drill inn /Borina ! Concrete/Asohalt Sawcuttina Concrete Flatwork Pavina Conduit/Pioe Installation I / Stucco/Mortor Work / / Waste Disoosal ,/ / Staainn /Lav Down Area . / Enuinment Maintenance and Fue/inn Hazardous Substance Use/Storaae Dewaterina Site Access Across Dirt Other (Jistl: Instructions: 1. Check the box to the left of all applicable construction activity (first column) expected to occur during construction. 2. Located along the top of the BMP Table is a list of BMP's with it's corresponding California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) designation number. Choose one or more BMPs you intend to use during construction /from the list. Check the box where the chosen activity row intersects with the BMP column. 3. Refer to the CASQA construction handbook for inforrrlation and details of the chosen BMPs and how to apply them to the project. PROJECT INFORMATION Site Address: \'-\~o ~O'-<i!..L\\ A,n Cl.u:io'b Assessor's Parcel, Number: 15 lP O '5 l O '-t 00 Emergency Contact: Name: t,i1\ \; ~ N\,M f ½ ';j 24 Hour Phone: 11.1o -8' 0 q -'--1 <-i I', Construction Threat lo Storm Water Quality (Che~) ~EDIUM □ LOW Q) -"' 0 ;,:-C "' Q) " E 0"' 1: o> oo N C: DD ::r:::,; <O I ::,; ;,: '\ / Q) -"' o-;,:c Q) "' E -., ~ o> " 0 cc 0 D u::,;. OCJ I ::,; ;,: . . Page 1 of 1 REV 11/17 Building Permit Finaled Revision Permit Print Date: 09/28/2023 Job Address: 1430 YOURELL AVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1051 Permit No: Status: (city of Carlsbad PREV2020-0085 Closed -Finaled Permit Type: BLDG-Permit Revision Work Class: Residential Permit Revision Parcel#: 1560510400 Valuation: $0.00 Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Occupant Load: Code Edition: Sprinkled: Project Title: Track#: Lot#: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check#: CBR2019-2489 Plan Check#: Description: MURPHY: CORRECTED SETBACK ON SITE PLAN (FOR PLANNING ONLY) Applicant: Property Owner: WILLIAM MURPHY CO-OWNERS MURPHY II WILLIAM J AND 6976 CARNATION DR MURPHY JILL M CARLSBAD, CA 92011-3814 1430 YOURELL AVE (760) 809-4415 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Applied: 06/02/2020 Issued: 06/24/2020 Finaled Close Out: 09/28/2023 Final Inspection: INSPECTOR: FEE AMOUNT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVISION ADMIN FEE $35.00 Total Fees: $35.00 Total Payments To Date: $35.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov { City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK REVISION OR DEFERRED SUBMITTAL APPLICATION B-15 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Original Plan Check Number CBR2019-2489 Plan Revision Number PRv/2fY1)-@S:- ProjectAddress 1430 Yourell Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 General Scope of Revision/Deferred Submittal: Corrected Setback on Site Plan per guidance from Planning technician CONTACT INFORMATION: Name Jill Murphy Phone 760-840-9110 Fax ~-------- Address 1430 Yourell Ave City Carlsbad zip 92008 Email Address jmj.murphy@yahoo.com Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person. 1 . Elements revised: D Plans D Calculations D Soils D Energy Ii] Other 2. 3. Describe revisions in detail List page(s) where each revision is shown The Site Plan was corrected to reflect the dimensions as outlined by the planner in conjunction with the A-1 Site Plan original permitted plans. Called out dimensions on Site Plan as discussed with Planning Technician. The site plan reflects a change from 8'3" of setback on the West Side of property. to show that the new setback is 5'7" as indicated on the revised Site Plan. It also reflects the dimension between the neighboring house to be more than 22'2" The East side of the property has over 19'2" of setback from the property line. 4. Does this revision, in any way, alter the exterior of the project? D Yes Ii] No 5. Does this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? D Yes II] No 6. Does this revision affect any fire related issues? D Yes Ii] No 7. Is this a complete set? D Yes Ii] No ,,@3Signature ~V"'V"'l ~1;3 Date (JJ f , { ~ 0 1635 Faraday Avem,e,artsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Eal!: 760-602-8558 Email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov