Consulting Geotechnical Engineers & Geologists
5931 Sea Lion Place, Suite 109
Carlsbad, California 92010
Office: 760-602-7815
Project No. FC-18-08-147
September 28, 2018
Core Capita Investments
Mr. Troy Shadian
17780 Fitch, Suite 145
Irvine, California 92614
FEB _2-2?c?E'?'
HOrAN r:o & EE
Preliminary Pavement Section Design And Plan Review, Proposed Lanikai
Main Gate Improvement Project, 6550 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad, California
Project ID: CDP 15-23 / PUD 15-11, Permit No. GR2017-0037, DWG No. 504-9A
Our firm has been retained to provide field engineering observations and laboratory and compaction
testing services during the construction for the proposed main gate improvement project at the above
referenced property. We have also received and reviewed the project Grading Plans, prepared by
Hofman Planning & Engineering, dated August 23, 2018. The purpose of this transmittal was to
review the project grading plans from a geotechnical standpoint, and provide preliminary subgrade
preparations and pavement section designs, based on our past experience with similar subgrade soils
in the vicinity of the project site.
A detailed subsoil investigation, soil sampling and laboratory testing is currently not completed for
the project with actual soil sampling and testing planned at the time of demolition and construction
works. However, we have visited the site and have assumed conservative minimum subgrade R-
value and expansion properties for onsite subgrade soils based on surface observations and our past
experience in the project areas. Consequently, all geotechnical recommendations provided in the
following sections shall be considered preliminary for planning and cost estimating purposes only,
subject to verification and revisions based on actual sampling and laboratory testing that will be
performed at the beginning of the project construction works. Revised recommendations may be
necessary and should be anticipated.
Based on our review of the project plans majority of the planned improvements are proposed at Main
Gate 1 and will include new pervious Permeable Interlocking Concrete Payers (PICP), saw cutting
and resurfacing of existing asphalt concrete pavings with new HMA (AC), new PCC sidewalks, new
pedestaling ramp, new concrete curbs and new metal sliding gate. Improvements at Gate 2 primarily
consist of new metal sliding gate.
Preliminary Pavement Section Design And Plan Review, Proposed September 28, 2018
Lanikai Main Gate Improvement Project, 6550 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad Page 2
The project improvement areas may be anticipated to be underlain by natural to disturbed/reworked
natural ground surfaces, consisting of orange to tan brown sand to silty sand (SM/SP) deposits
common in coastal Carlsbad areas. Engineering properties of the site subgrade soils may also be
anticipated to consist of expansion potential in a very low to low range (Expansion Index less than
50) and subgrade R-value greater than 5. Assumed values shall be verbified at the time demolitions
and construction based on actual sampling and testing.
Based on our review and from a geotechnical viewpoint, the project grading plans propose a feasible
design for the planned new site improvements, and are acceptable us. However, this report should
be considered as a part of the project grading plans, and all recommendations provided herein
considered in the final designs and implemented during the construction phase, where applicable and
as appropriate.
Fine and minor remedial grading techniques will be necessary in order to achieve final finish design
subgrade elevations, and improve existing subgrade soil and base materials conditions beneath the
planned new paving improvements. All fine and remedial subgrade soil preparations, and paving
operations should be completed in accordance with Chapter 18 (Soils and Foundations) and
Appendix "J" (Grading) of the 2016 California Building Code (CBC), City of Carlsbad Ordinances,
the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Green Book), and the requirements of
the following sections wherever applicable.
1. Pavement Subgrade Preparations: Minor fine and remedial grading and recompaction of
upper subgrade soils, and base layer where it is exposed, will be required underneath the
proposed new paving improvements in order to construct a stable structural section under the
proposed new HMA (AC), PICP and PCC paving surfaces. Specific recommendations
should be given in the field by the project geotechnical engineer at the time of subgrade and
base preparations. However, subgrade preparations consisting of in-place ripping and
recompaction (R&R) to a minimum depth of 12 inches should be anticipated.
Subgrade soils (and base materials, where exposed) within the project limits should be
reworked in-place, moisture conditioned to slightly (2%) above the optimum moisture levels
and compacted to a minimum 95 percent (based on ASTM D1557) compaction levels, tested
and approved by the project geotechnical consultant. Subgrade soils under curb and gutters,
should also be compacted to minimum 95 percent compaction levels, while subgrade under
sidewalks should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent compaction levels, unless
otherwise specified.
Preliminary Pavement Section Design And Plan Review, Proposed September 28, 2018
Lanikai Main Gate Improvement Project, 6550 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad Page 3
Preliminary HMA (AC) Structural Section Design: The following pavement structural
section design is based on a conservatively assumed subgrade R-value of 5 and design traffic
index (TI) of 5. A minimum section of 4 inches HMA (AC) over 6 inches of Class 2 crushed
aggregate base (AB) or the minimum section required by the City of Carlsbad, whichever is
more, will be required when a lesser pavement section is indicated by design calculations,
as presented in the table below (an equivalent full depth AC is also provided):
Design Design Traffic Index (11=5)
R-value I114A (AC) over AB I Equivalent Full Depth HMA (AC)
5 4" AC over 7.5" AB I 7.25" AC
HMA (AC) = Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete. AB = Aggregate Base.
Pavement design calculations are attached with this report as an Asphalt Pavement Structural Section Design Calculation
Maximum lift for asphalt concrete shall not exceed 3 inches, unless otherwise approved.
HMA (AC) layers greater than 3 inches thick should consist of a binder/base course (34-inch
aggregate) and a finish top course ('A-inch aggregate) topcoat, spread, placed and compacted
as required by the City of Carlsbad ordinances, and in accordance with the applicable local
codes and Caltrans standards.
Class 2 aggregate or recycled base (AB) may be used and shall meet or exceed the
requirements set forth in the current California Standard Specification (Caltrans Section 26-
1.02A). Base materials should be compacted to a minimum 95 percent of the corresponding
maximum dry density (ASTM D1557). Subgrade soils beneath the asphalt paving surfaces
should also be compacted to a minimum 95 percent of the corresponding maximum dry
density within the upper 12 inches. Base materials and subgrade soils should be tested for
proper moisture and minimum 95 percent compaction levels and approved by the project
geotechnical consultant prior to the placement of the base or asphalt layers.
Asphalt Overlay and Resurfacing: Cold milling, grinding and overlay of existing
pavements in the transition areas are proposed as shown on the project improvement plans.
Form this purpose, existing asphalt pavements should be neatly saw cut, where shown on the
project plans, and a minimum 2 feet wide strip along the edge of existing asphalt grinded to
a minimum depth of 2 inches for an overly placed as part of new asphalt paving to providing
a smooth transition. Upon completion of grinding, exposed surfaces receiving overlay
should be examined for pavement evaluation and the need for application of pavement fabric
to disallow reflective cracking. Pavement fabric (Pertomat or approved equal), if and where
necessary, should be properly placed over the exposed pavement cracks prior to resurfacing
in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and project specifications.
Preliminary Pavement Section Design And Plan Review, Proposed September 28, 2018
Lanikai Main Gate Improvement Project, 6550 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad Page 4
Surfaces of grinded asphalt should be prepared to the satisfaction of the project geotechnical
engineer and city inspector prior to the placement of the tack coat and/or pavement fabric.
All materials, and construction procedures should comply with the City of Carlsbad
Ordinances and Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction (Green Book).
4. Permeable Interlocking Concrete Payers (PICP): Permeable Interlocking Concrete
Payers (PICP) are incorporated into the new improvements apparently as a part of the project
stormwater BMPs. The project site is underlain by sandy soil (SM/SP) which typical have
modest to good infiltration characteristics. Based on our past experience with similar soils,
underlying soil profile may be characterized as Hydrologic Soil Group B/C (based on San
Diego Hydrology Manual classification). However, the PICP structural section designs
should provide adequate storage capacity consistent with the project stormwater
requirements, and nearby structures and improvements properly protected from excessive
saturation and softening of bearing and subgrade soils. For this purpose, deepened curb or
concrete edge restraints extending a minimum 12 inches below the finish subgrade levels
(below bottom of No 57 rock base) along the edges of impacted structures and site
improvements should be considered.
Considering sandy characteristics of the onsite site soils, the proposed PICP section of 31/8..
inch, PICP over a minimum of 2 inches of ASTM No. 8 bedding course/choke stone over a
minimum 8 inches of ASTM No. 57 stone base course underlain with a Mirafi 140N soil
separation fabric over a minimum of 12 inches of 95 percent compacted subgrade (per
ASTM D1557), as show on the project plans, are considered acceptable at this time subject
to verification and confirmation at the time of subgrade preparations.
Bedding course/choke stone and base course stone should also be well compacted,
consolidated and interlocked (avoid crushing the underdrain pipes) with heavy construction
equipments. ASTM No. 8, No. 9 or No. 89 should be used for joint materials depending on
the joint size and per manufacturer recommendations.
Gradation requirements for ASTM No. 57, No. 8, No. 89 and No. 9 are as follows:
Percent Passing
No. 57 No. 8 No. 89 No. 9
1Y2" 100
1" 95to100
'/2" 25to60 100 100
3/8" 85to100 90to100 100
No.4 0tolO 10to3O 20to55 85to100
Preliminary Pavement Section Design And Plan Review, Proposed September 28, 2018
Lanikai Main Gate Improvement Project, 6550 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad Page 5
Percent Passing
No. 57 No. 8 No. 89 No. 9
No.8 0to5 OtolO 5to30 10to40
No. 16 0to5 OtolO OtolO
No. 50 0to5 0to5
5. Concrete Curb and Gutters, and PCC Sidewalks
Subgrade preparations and base section per structural section design will also be required for
all curbs and gutters (including cross gutters). Provide a minimum of 6 inches of Caltrans
Class 2 base (AB) materials under all curb and gutters, unless otherwise noted or approved.
Base layer under curb and gutters should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent, while
subgrade soils under curb and gutters and sidewalks should be compacted to a minimum of
90 percent compaction levels, unless otherwise specified. Base layer will not be required
under sidewalks in case of very low expansive soils.
Concrete sidewalks should be a minimum of 4 inches thick reinforced with 6x6/10x10
welded wire mesh carefully placed mid-height in the slab, unless otherwise noted or
approved. Reinforcements lying on subgrade soils will be ineffective and shortly corrode
due to lack of adequate concrete cover. Reinforcing bars should be correctly placed
extending through the construction joints tying the slab panels. In construction practices
where the reinforcements are discontinued or cut at the construction joints, slab panels
should be tied together with minimum 18 inches long #3 dowels at 18 inches on centers
placed mid-height in the slab (9 inches on either side of the joint).
Also, provide "tool joint" or "softcut" contraction/control joints spaced 10 feet on centers
maximum. The larger dimension of any panel shall not exceed 125% of the smaller
dimension. Tool or cut as soon as slab will support weight, and can be operated without
disturbing the final finish which is normally within 2 hours after final finish at each control
joint location or 150 psi to 800 psi. Tool or softcuts should be a minimum of 1-inch but
should not exceed 1 'A-inch deep maximum. In case of softcut joints, anti-ravel skid plates
should be used and replaced with each blade to avoid spalling and raveling. Avoid wheeled
equipment across cuts for at least 24 hours.
Joints shall intersect free-edges at a 900 angle and shall extend straight for a minimum of V/2
feet from the edge. The minimum angle between any two intersecting joints shall be 800 .
Align joints of adjacent panels. Also, align joints in attached curbs with joints in slab panels.
Provide adequate curing using approved methods (curing compound maximum coverage
rate = 200 sq. ft./gal.).
Preliminary Pavement Section Design And Plan Review, Proposed September 28, 2018
Lanikai Main Gate Improvement Project, 6550 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad Page 6
All subgrade preparations, base materials placement and compaction, as well as HMA, PICP and
PCC pavement constructions should be continuously observed and tested by the project geotechnical
consultant and presented in daily field and final pavement compaction reports. Testing procedures
will also aid the project contractor to achieve the specified soils moisture contents and compaction
levels. The nature of finish subgrade soils and final pavement designs shall also be confirmed by
performing appropriate sampling and laboratory testing and presented in the final subgrade
compaction reports.
Preliminary recommendations provided herein are based on assumed design values provided for
planning and cost estimating purposes and shall be verified by actual field sampling and testing at
the time demolitions and construction. Revised pavement structural sections may be necessary and
should be anticipated.
The future performance of the PICP pavement BMP facility, as currently planned at the project site,
is difficult to predict with certainty due to numerous unpredictable factors, such as amount of
seasonal and annual rainfall, actual infiltration rates, irrigation and maintenance of drainage systems.
In order to reduce potential impacts on the adjacent building foundations, structures, improvements,
or problems associated with the planned BMP facility, the following recommendations are presented:
Provide periodic maintenance of the PICP pavement BMP facility, as necessary, and monitor
nearby structures and improvements. Should any saturated ground or related conditions
occur, the project civil engineer and geotechnical consultants should be immediately notified.
Mitigation measures including installations of an underdrainage system consisting of a
perforated pipe (minimum 4-inch Sch. 80) placed in a trench (minimum 12 inches wide by
12 inches deep) surrounded with 'A-inch crushed rocks all wrapped in filter fabric (Mirafi
140N) may become necessary, and cannot be ruled out.
- Provide landscaping consisting of drought resistant plants and monitor the amount of
irrigation water. Irrigation should be limited to the amount of water necessary to sustain
plant life. A landscape architect should be consulted, in this regard.
The actual performance and impact of the recently required private PICP pavement BMP facilities
can only be evaluated through time. Additional recommendations or future repairs and modifications
to the system may be necessary, in the event adverse or consequential conditions manifest
themselves. This will require proper disclosure to any owners and all interested/affected parties.
However, in no respect do we guarantee or warrant the performance of the private PICP pavement
BMP facilities.
SNIS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc.
Preliminary Pavement Section Design And Plan Review, Proposed September 28, 2018
Lanikai Main Gate Improvement Project, 6550 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad Page 7
Should any questions arise concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office.
Reference to our Project No. GI-18-08-147 will help to expedite our response to your inquiries.
We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you again.
Attachment: Asphalt Pavement Structural Section Design Calculation Sheet
Distribution: Addressee (2, e-mail)
Mr. Brian Regan, Hofman Planning & Engineering (2, e-mail)
Proposed Lanikai Main Gate Improvement Project
Project No. FC-18-08-147
September 21, 2014
HMA (AC) Over Class 2 Aggregate Base Design:
Data: Subgrade R = 5; TI = 5; Minimum Section = 4" HMA over 6" Class 2 base.
GETOT = 0.0032 x TI x (100 - R) = 0.0032 x 5 x (100 - 5) = 1.52
GFAC (HMA): From Cal Trans 2006 Edition, Table #633.1 = 2.54
GEAc (H.kc ± 12) X GFAC = 4 ± 12 X 2.54 = 0.85
GEAB = GETOT - GEAC =1.52 - 0.85 = 0.67
HAS = (GEAB ± GFAB) X 12 = (0.67 — 1.1) X 12 = 7.3 SAY 7.5 inches
Use Minimum 4 Inches HMA (AC) Over 7.5 Inches Class 2 Base Over 95% Compacted
Full Depth HMA (AC) Design:
Data: Subgrade R =5; TI = 5.0.
GFAC (HMA): From Cal Trans 2006 Edition, Table #633.1 = 2.54
GFAS:= 1.1
GEAB =HASXGFAB=(7.5± 12)X 1.1=0.69
Equvi. GEAC = GEAB = 0.69
Equvi. HAC = ((GEAB = GEAc) ± GFAC) X 12 = (0.69 — 2.54) X 12 = 3.25 SAY 3.25 inches
TOT Equvl. HAc =(HAc + Equvl. HAC) = 4 + 3.25 = 7.25 inches
I Use Minimum 7.25 Inches Full depth HMA (AC) Over 95% Compacted Subgrade.
SMS Geotechnical Solutions, Inc.