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S o9 WI SEMAN4-ROHY ST RUCTURAL ENGINEERS P'Lir ., LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR Viasat E5 Site Package Carlsbad, CA August 10, 2020 W+R Job #19-058.01 rn ny 9915 Mira Mesa Blvd. Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92131 TEL. (858) 536-5166 WRENGINEERS.COM TABLE OF CONTENTS Viasat E5 Site Analysis and Designs Genera' 3 Retaining Walls 11 8 r2- frehouse 52 WSEMAN-ROHY - STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS OTC Hazards by Location Search Information 000rdhrrrtua: 3512677587398536. 117.26279161757263 Elevation* 3125 Threatamp: 20200321Tl8:0417.118Z Hazard 1\Jpe: Seismic Reference Document: ASCE7.18 RInk Category; It Site Class: 0 / Basic Parameters 5111981 SUHOIIiQ NI .,. :...... Sernwnylld 312 ft ,Ot I. S rl (ole Prrkwg Map Name Value Description 86 0,968 MCEp ground motion (purlari=0.2s) 81 0,35 MOE9 ground motion (pelorl=1.fla) 1.008 Sllrs-rnsdhliad spectral azceierellenvakra Sul ricO Sliemsdthed spectral ascaleretlon value S01 null Numeric seismic design value at lOs SA * Sea Srstticn 11.4.8 -Additional Information Name Value Description SOC null Seismic design category 'F1 1.118 itltcemptftstion factor al0,2s F5 null Site asrpitfice8n tsctcc at lOs CR5 0.903 CoefficIent of risk (32s) CR1 0.913 Coefi101erri of risk (los) PGA 0.416 MC60 peek ground acceleration FPGA 1.184 Site arnpl4csticn factor atPGA FOAM 0.493 Site modified peat ground acceleration Ti S Long-perloO transition pence (s) SoRT 0.956 probabtlalls risk-tanjrnted ground motion (0.2u) ScUH 1.056 Factored rmlfccrmtsaard spectral acceleration (2% probability of oitcoodsrtco hi 50 years) SOD 1$ Factored datetrnlntotfe acceleration value (0.2s) 81141 0.35 Prottablto.frc risk-targeted ground meSon (Its) SIUH 0.383 Factored faaJ spctrut eeeolorallsn (2% probability of excaedasice tr. s0ynsams) 510 0.0 Factored detsrndntstic accetamstion value (1.0s) PGM 0.5 Factored deternnloluiic accstoration value (PGA) 8610 SeCtion )1.4,8 The (sssrfto Indkraicx1lxmra 00 NOT nurSed airy .nlrth, at Wiltir niacin to the values scurry </olirrerrflen lines erode dining the lnnikikrg code erlspfiosr pmarrosa Users it ridcorrErrn any ofpr4 oWu ed*w;.tInis tool wn1f thefeca AuthoW larblgJwtorrMiors kntorn prociranlisrq W11 design. Disclaimer Hazard loads are provided by the U.S. Geological Survey Selsval Denies Web Servicea. %lite the Information presented on this webaito Is believed to be correct, ATC and Its sponsors and contributors assume no responsibility or itatriuty, for Its accurecy. The materiel presented In (ho report should not be used or relied upon for any specific application sdthonnt competent examination and verification elite accuracy, sirrtabltily and appttoahliily by engineers or other licensed professionals. AIC does not Intend that the use of this lrnforrnstlor, replace the sound Judgment of such competent professionals, having experience and knowledge in the lisle of practice, nor to srslsstltnle for the standard of care required of such prelessinrnndu in Interprellag and applying the results of the report provided by this tosisslie. Users of the Indermeilan from lldswebsltu ussurrre all liability, irricing from Smith use, Use of No output of this wnbslte does not Imply approval by (ho governing building curls trusties reaponsibie lor building carte opproval and Interpretation for tire balding silo described by lsrflitldeIlrnlnjittrde Iociion In the report. OTC Hazards by Location Search Information - Temecula - - land: . Coordinates 33 12677587388536 -117.26279161757263 312 ft itaL.- :-•. Cleland -. -: - National Forest Elevation: 312 ft AflLd- rithad Dc Timestamp 2020-03-21 T 18 02 58.228Z - Stat Hazard Type Wind - - Go. gte .• - '--'ir Diego data62020 fl,. k Gi ASCE 7-16 ASCE 7-10 ASCE 7-05 MRI 10-Year ..........................67 mph MRI 25-Year ........................72 mph MRI 50-Year ...........................77 mph MRI 100-Year ............................82 mph Risk Category I .. ................89 mph LRiskC:ategory llITT 96 mph Risk Category Ill ................102 mph MRI 10-Year ..................72 mph MRI 25-Year .......................79 mph MRI 50-Year .....................85 mph MRI 100-Year ...................91 mph Risk Category I .........100 mph Risk Category II ...............110 mph Risk Category 111-IV 115 mph ASCE 7-05 Wind Speed .,.. 85 mph Risk Category IV ..................107 mph The results indicated hero DO NOT reflect any state or local amendments to the values or any delineation lines made during the building Code adoption process. Users should confirm any output obtained from this fool with the local Authority Having Jurisdiction before proceeding with design. Disca rner Hazard loads are interpolated from data provided in ASCE 7 and rounded up to the nearest whole integer. Per ASCE 7, islands and coastal areas outside the last contour should use the last wind speed contour of the coastal area - in some cases, this website will extrapolate past the last wind speed contour and therefore, provide a wind speed that is slightly higher. NOTE: For queries near wind-borne debris region boundaries, the resulting determination is sensitive to rounding which may affect whether or not it is considered to be within a wind-borne debris region. Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be examined for unusual wind conditions. While the information presented on this website Is believed to be correct, ATC and its sponsors and contributors assume no responsibility or liability for Its accuracy, The material presented in the report should not be used or relied upon for any specific aoplicatlon without competent examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability by onoineers or other S . ' f trti :;t.t: Ir .' - :i bi sk -'.1 - :cich: pr:' h t.: .-••.-' .;\_ ; ,cw (.;:tj .l) 7.13 Retaining Wails 7.13.1 Retaining walls should be designed using the values presented in Table 7.13.1. Soil with an expansion index (El) of greater than 90 should not be used as backfill material behind. retaining walls: TABLE 7,13.1 RETAINING WALL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Active Soil Pressure, A (Fluid Density, Level Backfill) 35 pef 1 40 pcI Active Soil Pressure, A (Fluid Densi(y, 2:1 Sloping Backfill) 45 psf 55 pef Seismic Pressure, S 141-1 psf At-Rest/Restrained Walls Additional Uniform Pressure (0 to 8 Feet High) 7H psf At-Rest/Restrained Walls Additional Uniform Pressure (8+ Feet High) 1314 psi Expected Expansion Index for the Subject Property EI90 ii equals the height of the retaining portion of the wall 7.13.2 The project retaining walls should be designed as shown in the Retaining Wall Loading Diagram, Ococon Project No, G1925-52-02 -31- August 29, 2019 ATREST1 RESTRAINED (IF REQUIRED) H Sal t SEISMIC (IF REQUIRED) ACTIVE RESSURE S . I Retaining Wall Loading Diagram 7.133 Unrestrained walls are those that are allowed to rotate more than 0.00IH (where 1-I equals the height, of the retaining portion of 'the wall) at the top of the 'wall. Where walls are restrained from movement at the top (at-rest condition), an additional uniform pressure should be added to the active soil pressure. For retaining walls subject to vehicular loads within a horizontal distance equal to two-thirds the wall height, a surcharge equivalent to 2 feet of fill soil should be added. 7.13.4 The structural engineer should determine the Seismic Design Category for the project in accordance with Section 1613.3.5 of the 2016 C13C or Section 11.6 of ASE 7-10. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category of D, B, or F, retaining walls that support more than 6 feet of backfill should be designed with seismic lateral pressure in accordance with Section 1803.5.12 of the 2016 CJ3C. The seismic load is dependent on the retained height where II is the height of the wall, in feet, and the calculated loads result in pounds per square foot (ps exerted at the base of the wall and zero at the top of the wall. 7. 13.5 Retaining walls should be designed to ensure stability against overturning sliding, and excessive foundation pressure. Where a keyway is extended below the wall base with the intent to engage passive pressure and enhance sliding stability, it is not necessary to consider active pressure on the keyway. Geocon Project No. GI 928-52-02 -32 - August 29, 2019 7.13.6 Drainage openings through the base of the wall (weep holes) should not be used where the seepage could be a nuisance or otherwise adversely affect the property adjacent to the base of the wall. The recommendations herein assume a properly compacted granular (El of 90 or less) free-draining backfill material with no hydrostatic forces or imposed surcharge load. The retaining wall should be properly drained as shown in the Typical Retaining Wall Drainage Detail. If conditions different than those described are expected, or if specific drainage details are desired, Geocon Incorporated should be contacted for additional recommendations. COMFIEV - RouioswrJE CORT QOuUC 3urA.c V.t414 / WATER PRCOFOM ILL MAPDRARY8AZI(CLI PER AMMTECT OR nrM,14oN FILTER AIC ZM ft ftiKrn ftcCJ - DR Ffl 1RAtFNr 4 '••--.__ DPNQAbtD ALIERPACRIG ItAM OK PROPOSED M4lR 11W1 *R * r -•'- ovwr 40 M PIPE: M-ENIF-0 r DR TOTAL DRAW EXTRADRD 1) APVftD O.S7Lft1 Typical Retaining Wail Drainage Detail 7.13.7 The retaining walls may be designed using either the active and restrained (at-rest) loading condition or the active and seismic loading condition as suggested by the structural engineer. Typically, it appears the design of the restrained condition for retaining wall loading may be adequate for the seismic design of the retaining walls. However, the active earth pressure combined with the seismic design load should be reviewed and also considered in the design of the retaining walls. 7.13.8 In genera!, wall foundations having should be designed in accordance with Table 7.13.2. The proximity of the foundation to the top of a slope steeper than 3:1 could impact the allowable sail bearing pressure. Therefore, retaining wall foundations should be deepened such that the bottom outside edge of the footing is at least 7 feet horizontally from the face of the slope. Ococon Project No. G1926-52-02 -33 - August 29,2019 TABLE 7.13.2 SUMMARY OF RETAINING WALL FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS _ii TL Minimum Retaining Wall Foundation Width 12 inches Minimum Retaining Wall Foundation Depth 12 Inches Minimum Steel Reinforcement Per Structural Engineer Bearing Capacity 2,000 pef Estimated Total Settlement * 1 Inch Estimated Differential Settlement i4 Inch in 40 Feet *Total settlement due to foundation loads -• settlement of the existing fill should additionally be accounted for. 7.13.9 The recommendations presented herein are generally applicable to the design of rigid concrete or masonry retaining walls, In the event that other types of walls (such as mechanically stabilized earth [MSE] walls, soil nail walls, or soldier pile wails) are planned. Geocon Incorporated should be consulted for additional recommendations. 7.13.10 Unrestrained walls will move laterally when backfihled and loading is applied. The amount of lateral deflection is dependent on the wall height, the type of soil used for backfill, and loads acting on the wall. The retaining walls and improvements above the retaining walls should be designed to incorporate an appropriate amount of lateral deflection as determined by the structural engineer. 7.13.11 Soil contemplated for use as retaining wall backfill, including import materials, should be identified in the field prior to backfill. At that time, Geocon Incorporated should obtain samples for laboratory testing to evaluate its suitability. Modified lateral earth pressures may be necessary if the backfill soil does not meet the required expansion index or shear strength. City or regional standard wail designs, if used, are based on a specific active lateral earth pressure and/or soil friction angle. In this regard, on-site soil to be used as backfill may or may not meet the values for standard wall designs. Geocon Incorporated should be consulted to assess the suitability of the on-site soil for use as wall backfill if standard wall designs will be used. 7.14 Lateral Loading 7.14.1 Table 7.14 should be used to help design the proposed structures and improvements to resist lateral loads for the design of footings or shear keys. The allowable passive pressure assumes a horizontal surface extending at least 5 feet, or three times the surface generating Geocon Project No. 01928-52-02 -34- August 29, 2019 the passive pressure, whichever is greater, The upper 12 inches of material in areas not protected by floor slabs or pavement should not be included in design for passive resistance. TABLE 7.14 SUMMARY OF LATERAL LOAD DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS *Per manufacturer's recommendations. 7.14.2 The passive and frictional resistant loads can be combined for design purposes. The lateral passive pressures may be increased by one-third when considering transient loads due to wind or seismic forces. "• c:; t ' LU -u1-L ,; ( ':• ; i.:. \• 1:$,i I 'I I Ge.ocon ProjetNe. G1928-52-02 -35 - August 29, 2019 Retaining Walls WSEMAN+ROHY STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS : \ o (,3ogo8 ESMI (309.J2:. TC/FS) - (309.92 '\,••TC 310.5.9 TC/FS) - : LiMJr OF FIRE LANE tn ACCESS T -311- jog, 50 To 18 Z2.24 -ES 1.0 L--;-N -- V / - -c — - - — - - - — .• - 'V 309.51 Go Z313.58 PG J -LINE OF OVERHANG ABOVE (n'.) I 30 LOADING DOCK 31400 PS 4 - ELECTRICAL .-'. )V315 F - / \\ .. • LE1V \\\ \ F. R. o 310.66 0 15 \\\ 310. T IG G \ r (310.50 TC 20 /FS)/: 310.55 TC FS.0. \310.21 TG : 31 . .312 31 314.00 F. 17 15 (310 5 TCIFS M/4L....Ir1 (31007 FS) \ . : 18 RIM) 14 c 309.91 tie - 312, 0 FS cic: 1030TGjc:! 4 1 07 96 11,4810 'Heel 5-/,s -2- J4 to 1o0.oUpsi pp= 609.3B# r 882# N Hvtr static Force: Code: CBC 2019,ACI 318-14,TMS 402-16 19 Load Footing Width Eccentricity Wall to Ftg CL Dist Footing Type Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio 0.0 lb 0.00 ft 0.00 in 0.00 ft Line Load 0.0 ft 0.300 Total Bearing Load 1,688 lbs ... resultant ecc, 7.99 in Soil Pressure c Toe = 1,508 psI OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psI OK Allowable = 2,000 psI Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 2,279 pat ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psI Footing Shear @ Toe 0.4 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel 8.0 psi OK Allowable 82,2 psi Sliding Colcs Lateral Sliding Force 882.5 lbs less 100% Passive Force = - 609.4 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 660.7 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1,5 Stability = 53.6 lbs WG Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered In the calculation of soil bearing Load Factors Building Code CBC 2019,ACi Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind,W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 I, Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engineers This Wail in File; O:Projects\1919-058 Viasat Bldg E5\E5 Project Name/Number: viasat It Title Site Walls Dsgnr SDR Description.,.. w/o EQ Walls\viasat e5 site Page; 1 Date; 6 JUN 2020 License KW License To I Criteria Retained Height 5.00 ft Wail height above soil 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall 0.00 Height of Soil over Too = 12.00 in - Water height over heel 0.0 ft Passive Pressure 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe = 0.00 pcf Footinglisoil Friction = 0.350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 12.00 In Surcharge Loads J ILateral Load Applied to Stem Surcharge Over Heel 100,0 Pt Lateral Load = 0.0 #/ft NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Height to Top = 0.00 ft Surcharge Over Toe 0.0 ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning Load Type = Wind (W) I Axial Load Applied to Stem (Service Level) Axial Dead Load 0.0 lbs Wind on Exposed Stem = 0.0 psf Axial Live Load 0.0 lbs (Service Level) Axial Load Eccentricity 0.0 in Cantilevered Retaining Wall Soil Data Allow Soli Bearing = 2,000.0 psI Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Active Heel Pressure 35.0 psf/ft [iesign summary -- I Stem Construction Bottom Stern OK Wall Stability Ratios Overturning Sliding Design Height Above Ftg ft 0.00 Wall Material Above Fit" = Concrete 1.61 OK Design Method LRFD = 1.44 Ratio < 1.51 - 0 At, uIuILflIIWQQ Rebar Size - = U,!J%J # 5 Rebar Spacing 18.00 Rebar Placed at = 5.67 i Design Data fo/FB + fa/Fa = 0.354 Total Force @ Section Service Level lbs Strength Level lbs = 954.5 Moment... Actual Service Level Strength Level ft-# = 1,803.0 Moment.....Allowable = 5084.1 Shear .... Actual Service Level psi = Strength Level psi = 14.0 Shear ..... Allowable psi = 82.2 Anet (Masonry) 1n2 = Rebàr Depth d' in = 5.67 Masonry Data I'm psi= Fs peir Solid Grouting Modular Ratio n' Wall Weight psfr 100.0 Short Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. = Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Masonry Design Method = ASD Concrete Data ________________ Ic pair 3,000.0 FY psir 60,000.0 10 Wiseman + Roby Structural Engines Project NameINumber ' sateS sit Title Site Walls Dsgnc SDR Description.... w/o EQ Page; 2 Data: 6 JUN 2020 This Wall in File; O:\Projects\19\19-058 Viasat E5\E5 Site\CaIcsRetaininq Walls\viasat e5 site Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code; CBC 2019,ACI 318-14,TMS 402-16 Concrete Stem Rebar Area Details Bottom Stem Vertical Reinforcing Horizontal Reinforcing As (based on applied moment): 0.0749 ln2lft (4/3) * As: 0.0998 in2/ft Min Stem T&S Reinf Area 0.960 in2 200bd/fy; 200(12)(5.67)/60000: 0,2265 in2/ft Min Stem T&S Reinf Area per ft of stem Height: 0.192 1n2/ft 0.0018bh ; 0.0018(12)(8); 0,1728 iri2/ft Horizontal Reinforcing Options: One layer of: Two layers of: Required Area; 0.1728 un2lft #4© 12.50 in #4© 25.00 in Provided Area: 0.2067 un2/ft #5© 19,38 In #5@ 38.75 in Maximum Area: 0.9217 un2lft #6@ 27.50 in #6@ 55.00 in [Footing Data -- ooting Design Results Toe Width = 0.83 ft Toe Heel Heel Width 2.17 Factored Pressure = 2,279 0 psf Total Footing Width = 3.00 Mu': Upward = 8,436 154 ft-ft Footing Thickness = 15.00 in Mu': Downward = 1,486 1,176 ft-ft Mu; Design = 206 1,023 ft-# Key Width = Key Depth 0.00 in Actual 1-Way Shear 0.00 0.36 8.04 psi Key Distance from Toe = Allow 1-Way Shear 1.00 ft = 82.16 82.16 psi Toe Reinforcing = # 5 @ 11.48 in f'c 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Heel Reinforcing = # 5 @ 11.47 in Footing Concrete Density 150.00 pof Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Mm. As % = 0.0018 Footing Torsion, Tu 0.00 ft-lbs Cover @ Top 3.00 @ Btm.= 3.00 in Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu = 0.00 ft-lbs If torsion exceeds allowable, provide supplemental design for footing torsion. Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings To: #4@ 7.40 In, #5@ 11.47 in, #64 16.29 in, #7@ 22.21 in, #8© 29.25 In, #9@ 37 Heel: #4© 7.40 in, #5© 11.47 in, #6@ 16.29 in, #7@ 22.21 in, #8@ 29.25 in, #9@ 37 Key: No key defined Min footing T&S reinf Area Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot If one layer of horizontal bars: #4c 7.41 in #5@ 11.48 In #6@ 16.30 In 0.97 In2 0.32 in2 At If two layers of horizontal bars: #4© 14.81 in #5@ 22.96 in #6@ 32.59 in Project Name/Number viasat it Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engineers Title Site Walls LDsgnr: SDR Description,.,. w/o EQ This Wall in File: 0:\Projects\1919-058 Viasat Bldg E5\E5 Slte\Calcs\Retalning Walls\viasat 05 site etalnPro (c) 1987-2019, Build Page: 3 Date: 6 JUN 2020 _._. P!Jleverea etaining waii Code: CBC 2019,ACl 318-1 4,TMS 402-16 RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment lbs It ft-# Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) 825.2 2.25 1,856.5 Soil Over HI (bel. water tbl) 2.25 1,856.5 Watre Table Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem * Axial Live Load on Stem Soil Over Toe = 0.42 Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) 500.0 1.17 583.2 Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Welghl = 562.5 1.50 843.8 Key Weight 1.00 Vert. Component = Total = 1,887.7 lbs R.M.= 3,283.4 * Axial live load NOT included in resistance, but is included for soil total displayed or used for overturning pressure calculation. of Item HI Act Pros (ab water tbl) HI Act Pres (be water tbl) Hydrostatic Force Buoyant Force = Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load Added lateral load = Load @ Stem Above Soil ing & Resisting Forces & IV OVERTURNING.... Force Distance Moment lbs it 114 683.6 2.08 1,424.2 198.9 3.13 621.4 Total = 882.5 O.T.M. = 2,045.6 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 1.61 Vertical loads used for Soil Pressure = 1,887.7 lbs Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered In the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. 11i- Horizontal Deflection at Too of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci Horizontal Deft @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.070 in The above calculation is not valid if the heel soil hearinci oressure exceedittiaLgf the toe_ because q wall then tend to rotate into the retained soil. it6 18 Hee' . S LU jo/~,2 ,q PpF 1687!ifl 2 Hydrotafc. Force LaIeth Prêst.dueiothesèi1BELOWwater:tabé £ I [Lateral Load Applied to Stem Lateral Load 0.0 #/ft .,.Height to Top = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 It Load Type = Wind (W) (Service Level) Wind on Exposed Stem 0.0 psf (Service Level) Adjacent Footing Load Adjacent Footing Load = 0.0 lb Footing Width 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Wail to Ftg CL Dist = 0.00 ft Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall 0.0 ft Poisson's Ratio 0.300 Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 2.11 OK Sliding = 1.76 OK Total Bearing Load = 3,608 lbs ...resultantecc. = 10.50 in Soil PressureToe 1,924 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 2,000 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 2,694 psf ACl Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 0.4 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 8.9 psi OK Allowable 82.2 psi Sliding Cabs Lateral Sliding Force = 1,673.9 lbs less 100% Passive Force = - 1,687.5 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 1,262.7 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 Stability 0.0 lbs OK Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of soil bearing Load Factors- Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind,W Seismic, E CBC 2019,ACI 1,200 1.600 1.600 1.000 1.000 Project Name/Numb sat 05 sit Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engln Title Site Walls Dsgnr: SDR Description Wi EQ This Wall in File: O:\Projects19\19-058 Viasat Bldg E5E5 Site\Calcs\Retairiing Wallsviasat e5 site Atz Page: 1 Date: 6JUN 2020 IWLdIfUW J IO(UI, DUUU UJ.W.I.J4 r1AN ROHY STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2019,ACl 318-14,TMS 402-16 License To: WISE Lcriteria [SoD Data Retained Height 6.00 ft Allow Soil Bearing 2,000.0 psf Wall height above soil •.. Q() ft Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Slope Behind Wall = 2.00 Active Heel Pressure 45.0 psf/ft Height of Soil over Toe = 12.00 In Water height over heel 0.0 ft Passive Pressure = 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pot .1 Soil Density, Toe = 0.00 pcI FootingiSoil Friction = 0.350 ' Soil height to ignore for passive pressure 12.00 in 1 [Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 0,0 psf NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Live Load 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in jDesign Summary [em Construction Bottom Stem Design Height Above Ftg it = OK 0.00 Wall Material Above 'Ht" = Concrete Design Method = LRFD Thickness = 8.00 Rebar Size '• # 5 Rebar Spacing = 18.00 Rebar Placed at 5.67 I Design Data fb/FB + la/Fe = 0.508 Total Force @ Section Service Level lbs = Strength Level lbs = 1,296.0 Moment... .Actual Service Level ft-# Strength Level ft-# = 2,592.0 Moment ..... Allowable = 5,084.1 Shear,.,, .Actual Service Level psi = Strength Level psi= 19.0 Shear ..... Allowable psi= 82.2 Anot (Masonry) 1n2 Rebar Depth 'd' In= 5.67 Masonry Data I'm psi= Es psi Solid Grouting Modular Ratio'n' Wall Weight psf = 100,0 - Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick, = Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Masonry Design Method = ASD Concrete Data fc psi = 3,000.0 Fy psi = 60,000.0 Project Name/Number viasa sit Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engineers Title Site Walls Page: 2 Dsgnr: SDR Date: 6 JUN 2020 Description... w! EQ This Wall in File: O:\Projects\i919-058 Vlasat Bldg E5\E5 Slte\Calcs\Retaining Walis\viasat e5 site RetainPro (c) 1987-2019, Build 11.'19.11.12 License: KW-06055776 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2019,ACI 318-1431AS 402-16 License To: WISEMAN ROHY STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Concrete Stem Rebar Area Details Bottom Stem Vertical Reinforcing Horizontal Reinforcing As (based on applied moment): 0.1076 in2/ft (4/3)* As: 0,1435In2/ft Min Stem T&S Reinf Area 1,162 in2 200bd1fy: 200(12)(5.67)/60000: 0.2268 in2/ft Min Stem T&S Reinf Area per ft of Stem Height: 0.192 ln2lft 0.0018bh: 0.0018(12)(8): 0.1728 in2/ft Horizontal Reinforcing Options: One layer of: Two layers of: Required Area: 0.1728 in2/ft #4@ 12.50 in #4@ 25.00 In Provided Area: 0.2067 1n2/ft #5@ 19.38 in #5@ 38.75 In Maximum Area: 0.9217 1n2/ft #6@ 27.50 in #6© 55.00 in [Footing Data - [ Footing Design Results Toe Width = 0.83 ft Toe Heel Heel Width = 342 Factored Pressure = 2,694 0 psf Total Footing Width = 4.25 Mu: Upward = 10,384 1,365 ff4 Footing Thickness = 15.00 in Mu': Downward = 1,486 4,304 ft-# Mu: Design = 288 2,940 ff4 Key Width = 12,00 in Actual 1-Way Shear = 0.36 8.90 psi Key Depth 15.00 In Allow 1-Way Shear 82.16 82.16 psi Key Distance from Toe 0.83 ft Toe Reinforcing = #5 @ 12.00 in = 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Heel Reinforcing = #5 © 12.00 in Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Mm. As % 0.0018 Footing Torsion, Tu = 0.00 ft-lbs Cover @ Top 3.00 @ 8tm 3.00 in Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu = 0.00 ft-lbs If torsion exceeds allowable, provide supplemental design for footing torsion. - Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4t 7.40 in, #5@ 11,47 In, #6@ 16.29 ln,'#T© 22.21 in, #8@ 29.25 in, #9©'37 Heel: #4@ 7.40 in, #5@ 11.47 in, #6@ 16.29 in, 07@ 2221 in, #8@ 29.25 in, #9@ 37 Key: Not req'd: Mu <phi*5*lambdasqrt(tc)*Sm Min footing T&S reinf Area 1.38 1n2 Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot 0,32 in2 ift If one layer of horizontal bars: If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 7.41 in #4@ 14.81 in 95@ 11.48 in #5@ 22.96 in #6@ 16.30 In #6@ 32.59 in HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) HL Act Pres (be water (bi) Hydrostatic Force Buoyant Force Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load Load © Stem Above Soil = 1,673.9 2.42 4,612.4 Total = 1,673.9 O.T.M. = 4,045.1 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2.11 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 3,607.6 lbs Project Name/Numbe " sat e5 sit Title Site Walls Page: 3 Dsgnr: SDR Date: 6 JUN 2020 Description... w/EQ tdg E5\E5 Site\Calos\Retafnlng Walls\viaset e5 site Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2019,ACI 318-I4JMS 402-16 ENGINEERS ing Forces & Moments RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment lbs - it ft-# Soil Over HL lab. water tbl) 1,815.2 2.87 5.218,5 Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) 2.87 5,218.5 Watre Table Sloped Soil Over Heel = 208.0 3.33 693.4 Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem= Axial Live Load on Stem Soil Over Toe 0.42 Surcharge Over Toe Stem Weight(s) = 600.0 1.17 699.8 Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = 796.9 2.13 1,693.4 Key Weight = 187.5 1.33 249.9 Vert. Component = Total = 3607.6 lbs R.M.= 8,554,9 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engln This Wall in File: 19-058 Viasat Pth,,1nI,', I 4Q2 9.11.12 STRUCTURA Su ing & Resi OVER1 Force Di Item lbs ft ft4 Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. Tilt Horizontal Deflection at Tot) of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci Horizontal Defi © Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.075 in The above ic tioajs notvalid if the heel sell beajgg,pjgssure exceeds that.Q the toe. because the wall uld then tend to rotate into the retained soil. 8wL lOfl.OUp5I Hydrtatic•Foce Later eiith pressure due o 'he s1 8ELOW water tabie Seismic due to stem seIfwht LU A Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engineers Project Name/Number viasa sit Title Site Walls Dsgnr: SDR Description.,,. WI EQ Page: 1 Date: 6 JUN 2020 This Wall in File: O:Projects19\19-058 Viasat Bldg E5\E5 Site\Calcs\Retaining WaiIsviasat e5 site RetalnPro (c) 1987-2018 Build - Ucense KW-06055776 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2019,ACI 318-14,TMS 402-16 License To WISEMAN ROHY STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS I Criteria Retained Height 8.00 it Wall height above soil = 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00 Height of Soil over Toe = 18.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Passive Pressure = 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pal Soil Density, Toe = 0.00 pof FootingSoil Friction = 0.350 Soil height to Ignore for passive pressure = 18.00 in [Surcharge Loads j [Lateral Load Applied to Stern •AdJacent Footing Load Surcharge Over Heel 100.0 psf Lateral Load = 0.0 #Ift Adjacent Footing Load = 0.0 lbs NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning ...Height to Top 0.00 ft Footing Width = 0.00 ft Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 ...Neight to Bottom = 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning Load Type = Wind (W) Wail to Ftg CL Diet = 0.00 ft LAxial Load Applied to Stem (Service Level) Footing Type Line Load Axial Dead Load 0.0 lbs Wind on Exposed Stem = 0.0 psf Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall 0.0 ft Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs (Service Level) Poisson's Ratio 0.300 Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 In [i'h Pressure Seismic Load Method : Triangular Total Strength-Level Seismic Load = 838.513 lbs Load at bottom of Triangular Distribution .......= 181.300 psf Total Service-Level Seismic Load = 586.959 lbs (Strength) Stem Weight Seismic Load j FP /,W Weight Multiplier 0.200 g Added seismic base force 112.0 lbs Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 2667.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Active Heel Pressure = 35.0 psf/It ts fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Service Level lbs = Strength Level lbs = 2,986.5 Moment .... Actual Service Level ft4= Strength Level ft-#= 8,720.3 Moment.....Allowable = 9,790.2 Shear.....Actual Service Level psi = Strength Level psi = 43.9 Shear.....Allowable psi= 82.2 Anet (Masonry) in2 Rebar Depth 'd' in 5.67 Masonry Data I'm psl= Fe psi= Solid Grouting = Modular Ratio 'n' Wall Weight psf 100.0 Short Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Masonry Design Method = ASO Concrete Data fc psi = 3,000,0 Fy psi= 60,000.0 Soil Pressure © Toe = 2,652 psi OK Soil Pressure @ Heel 0 psi OK Allowable 2,667 psI Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 3,972 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 pet Footing Shear @ Toe = 0.4 psi OK Footing Shear @ I-teal = 16.8 psi OK Allowable = 82.2 psi Sliding Caics Lateral Sliding Force = 2,490.6 lbs less 100% Passive Force = - 2,062.5 lbs less 100% Friction Force - 1,751.9 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK for 1.5 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered In the calculation of soil bearing Load Factors Building Code CBC 2019,ACl Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 £0 Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engine1 Project Name/NumbeSsat eB sit Title Site Walls Page: 2 Dsgnr: SDR Date: 6 JUN 2020 Description... WI EQ This Wall in File: 0:\ProJects1919-058 Viasat Bldg E5\E5 SiteCatcs\RetalnIng Walis\vlasat e5 site RotainPro (c) 1987-2019, Build 11.19.11,12 License: KW-06055776 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2019,ACl 318-14,TMS 402-16 License To: WISEMAN ROl-IY STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Design Summary j Stem Construction i Bottom Stem OK Design Height Above Ftg ft= 0.00 Wall Stability Ratios Wail Material Above "I-It" = Concrete Overturning 1,62 OK Design Method LRFD Sliding 1.53 OK Thickness = 8,00 Rebar Size = # 5 Total Bearing Load 5,005 lbs Rebar Spacing = 9.00 ...resultant ecc. = 14.90 in Rebar Placed at = 5.67 i Project Name/Number: viasa sit Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engineers Title Site Walls Page: 3 Dsgnr; SDR Date: 6 JUN 2020 Description.. wl EQ This Wall in File; O:\Projects\19\19-058 Viasat Bldg E5\E5 Site\Calcs\Retaining Walis\viasat o5 site RetainPro (c) 1987-2019, BuIld 1t19.1't.12 License: KW.06055776 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2019,ACI 318-14 TMS 402-16 I • AJIQMAM DnUV Q'rIIf'riIDAt MtIMD Concrete Stem Rebar Area Details Bottom Stem Vertical Reinforcing Horizontal Reinforcing As (based on applied moment): 0.3621 in2/ft (4/3) As: 0.4828 in2/ft Win Stem T&S Reinf Area 1.536 1n2 200bd/fy: 200(12)(6.67)160000: 0.2268 in2lft Win Stem T&S Reinf Area per ft of stem Height: 0.192 in2/ft 0.0018bh: 0.0018(12)(8): 0.1728 1n2/ft Horizontal Reinforcing Options; One layer of: Two layers of: Required Area: 0.3621 in2/ft #4@ 12.50 in #4@ 25.00 in Provided Area: 0.413:3 1n2/ft #5@ 19.38 in #5@ 38.75 in Maximum Area: 0.9217 in2/ft #6@ 27.50 in #6@ 55.00 in ooting Data I Footing Design Results Toe Width 0.83 ft Toe Heel Heel Width 4.17 Factored Pressure = 3,972 0 psf Total Footing Width = 5.00 Mu': Upward 15,320 2,066 ft-# Footing Thickness = 15.00 in Mu': Downward = 1761 8,828 ft-# Mu: Design = 373 6,761 ft-# Key Width = 12,00 Actual 1-Way Shear = 0.44 16.81 psi Key Depth 15,00in Allow 1-Way Shear = 82.16 82.16 psi Key Distance from Toe 0.83 ft Toe Reinforcing = # 5 @ 9.00 in ft = 3,000 psi Fy 60,000 psi Heel Reinforcing = #5 @ 9.00 in Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pof Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Mm. As % = 0,0018 Footing Torsion, Tu = 0.00 ft-lbs Cover © Top 3.00 @ Btm. 3.00 in Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu = 0,00 ft-lbs If torsion exceeds allowable, provide supplemental design for footing torsion. Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 7.40 in, #5@ 11.47 in, #6© 16.29 in, #7@ 22.21 in, #8@ 29.25 in, #9@ 37 Heel: #4@ 7.40 in, #5@ 11.47 in, #6@ 16,29 in, #7@ 22.21 in, #8© 29.25 in, #9@ 37 Key: Not req'd: Mu <phi*5*Iambdasqrt(fc)*Sm Win footing T&S relnf Area Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot If one layer of horizontal bars: #4@ 7.41 in #5© 11.48 In #6@ 16.30 in 1.62 in2 0.32 in2 ñt If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 14.81 in #5@ 22.96 in #6@ 32.59 in "U Project NameINumbe sate5sit Wiseman + Rohy Structural Engln Title Site Walls Page: 4 Dsgnr: SDR Date: 6 JUN 2020 Description... WI EQ This Wail in File: O:\Projects\19\19-056 Viasat Bldg E5\E5 Site\Calcs\Retaining Wails\viasat e5 site RetalnPro (c) 19O72Oi9, Build lf.19.11.12 License KW-06055776 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2019,ACi 318-14,TMS 402-16 LicenseTo : WISEMAN ROHY STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS I Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments OVERTURNING .,..RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# HL Act Pros (ab water thl) 1497.3 3.08 4616.8 Soil Over HL (ab. watertbt) 3,080.3 3.25 10,010.4 HI Act Pros (be water tbi) Soil Over HI (bel. water IbI) 3.25 10,010,4 Hydrostatic Force Watre Table Buoyant Force Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge over Heel = 294.3 4.63 1,361.2 Surcharge Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem Added Lateral Load = * Axial live load on Stem Load @ Stem Above Soil Soil Over Toe 0.42 Seismic Earth Load 587,0 3.08 1,809.8 Surcharge Over Toe = Seismic Stem Self Wt = 112.0 5.25 586,0 Stem Weight(s) = 800.0 1.17 933.1 Earth ti Stem Transitions= Total 2,490.6 O.T.M. = 8,375.8 Footing Weight 937,5 2.50 2,343.8 Key Weight 187.5 1,33 249,9 Resisting/Overtuming Ratio = 1.62 Vert. Component = Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure 5,005.3 lbs . Total 5,005.3 lbs R.M. 13,537.2 If seismic is included, the OTM and sliding ratios * Axial live load NOT Included in resistance, but is included for soil total displayed or used for pressure ca'culation, overturning may be 1.1 per section 1807.2.3 of 1130,- Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance, I Tilt Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wail bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci Horizontal Dell @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.118 in The above ca!çjiajpp is not vaildif the j100jQ because the will would then jqnd to rotate into thg..mlained, so I WISMAN + ROHY TUCTURAi ENGINEERS /'-v;DATE PROJECT •$HEETNO -OF - )O8NOi?:A 22 .'/ st o 13 ?i ci- J6 -&t4J i-01 Ic (o.or1 jOGk) T)" ir (/ZJ