HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 04-21; CARLSBAD VILLAGE TOWNHOMES; PRELIMINARY STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN; 2005-05-02S . Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan.MCD.1
Carlsbad Village
Town homes
2683 & 2687 Roosevelt St
Carlsbad, CA
prepared by:
Tim Graves, P.E.
27003 (exp 3/1/0)
9373 Hazard Way, #101
San Diego, CA 92123
No. 27003 II EM-31 -0 1j*1
METHOD Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan.MCD.2
This preliminary study was prepared pursuant to the County of San Diego - SUSMP Manual. Hydrology is based upon
by the San Diego County department of Pubic Works, Flood Control Division, Hydrology Manual, 2003.
The time periods for calculation of design flows is: EXISTING CON DlTlONS(PRE-DEVELOPMEND AND
TheRational Method Formula is 0 = C X I X A
0 is the peak design discharge In cubic feet per second
C Is the coefficient of runoff
I is the rainfall intensity in inches per hour
A is the tributary drainage area in acres
Run-off Coefficients - Soil Group 0
Run-off Coefficients - Soil Group D
Native 0.45
Landscaped Areas 0.45
Pavement 0.90
Roof Surfaces 0.90
Summary of Results
Area Existino ProDosed
"Pre-Development" "Post-Development" CHANGE
Sub-Basin "A:
Drainage Area 0.46 Ac 0.46 Ac
Run-Off Coef. 0.88 0.86
Design Runoff 0.0161 ac-ft 0.0199 ac-ft +23.6%
The proposed project will result is an increase in total volume, of run-off from thre project site
(23.6%) due to the increase in the amount of impervious surfaces. Most of the runoff is conveyed
to the stormdrain system via surface flow over paved areas. The recommended mitigation of the
increased run-off volume is to route the run-off from the paved areas into shallow depressions in
the Landscaped areas to increase the amount of percolation thereby decreasing the amount of
All runoff, therefore, is filitered prior to discharge across the property line.
85th Percentile Precipitation lsopluvial Map
Sub-Basin A (Existing) Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan.MCD.3
4.3 Site Hydrology
Run-off Coefficient - Soil Type D Runoff Coefficient
Al := 6721 + 4163 Area of Impervious Surfaces (Roof, Patio, Pave, etc) C1 := 0.9
Ap := 800 + 8537 Area of Pervious Surfaces (Landscaping, natural, etc) Cp 0.45
A:= (Al + Ap).Ac Totalarea - Ac A=0.46
% Impervious Percentl := AI-Ac Percenti = 0.54
% Pervious Percentp P Percent p = 0.46
C:= Ci.Percent,+ CpPercentp c= 0.69
Intensity based upon 85th Pecentile 24Hr Storm
Design Stomiwater Runoff for Sub-Basin - Total 12 = 0.0161 ac-ft
Sub-Basin A (Proposed)
4.3 Site Hydrology
Run-off Coefficient- Soil Type D
A1 := 13895 + 4486 Area of Impervious Surfaces (Roof, Patio, Pave, etc)
Ap := 1840 Area of Pervious Surfaces (Landscaping, natural, etc)
A:= (Al + Ap).Ac Total area - Ac
% Impervious Percenti := Al Ac A
% Pervious Percentp ApAc A
C:= C Percenti + Cp.Percentp
Intensity based upon 85th Pecentile 24HrStorm
Design Stormwater Runoff for Sub-Basin - Total
Runoff Coefficient
C:= 0.9
Cp:= 0.45
Percentl = 0.91
Percentp = 0.09
Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan.MCD.4
4.4 Water Quality Treatment Volume Based Upon Water Quality Design Storm runoff from tributary to BMP
Flow Based BMP - per SUSMP Section 4.3.2
Intensity based 0.2 in/Hr I 0.2
Water Quality Design Stormwater Runoff Rate
Q_Treatment := C.A.l.(7.48).60
Q_Treatment = 35.79 gpm - Required Treatment Capacity at BMP
Use (2) 20 gpm Filter Catch Basins
List Of Pollutants:
This Report is prepared pursuant to the standards contained in the Manual for
Permanent Storm Water Best Management Requirements.
The following pollutants have been identified as project specific areas of
01 Organic Compounds, including cleansing agents
02 Trash & Debris, including recyclable plastics, paper, etc
03 Oil & Grease including paint and solvents
04 Pesticides and Fertilizers
The receiving waters for the discharge from the site is the Buena Vista Lagoon
and ultimately into the Pacific Ocean. The stormwater will be transmitted via the
existing concrete swale on the adjacent property to the west, then into the City
Street drainage system that flows on the pavement of State Street to the north,
then down storm water drains continuing to the north to the discharge entry into
the Buena Vista Lagoon near the intersection of Highway 101 at State Street in
the northwest area of Carlsbad.
Site Design BMPs:
The project site design has incorporated the following BMPs into the plan:
01 The post development water runoff discharge rates have been
reduced, by directing all surface and roof drainage to the rear. All roof
drains exit into landscape plantings areas to reduce flows, then all excess
runoff is collected in area drains and piped through on-site subsurface
pipes into a discharge manifold on the property. The low level light wells
and the minor surface flows that collect at the rear of the parking garage
are pumped to the discharge manifold via a small sump pump; This
system reduces and mitigates the post development discharge to below
the existing 1.7 cfs site discharge rate;
02 New sidewalk drains to landscaping and plantings areas for sediment
control and deposit prior to entering any underground landscape drain.
Each landscape NDS area drain has a built in sediment trap bottom;
03 The minimal slope of the underground drainage system around the
perimeter of the site will minimize the flow velocities, and the drainage
flows will exit the property through a filtered discharge manifold system
with retention capacity to reduce the post development discharge to
below the existing condition;
04 The new impervious drives and walkways have been kept to a minimum
solely to accommodate the functional use;
05 The new planting areas around the perimeter of the structure have
been incorporated into the final plan to increase on-site absorption in
the post development condition;
06 There are no new slopes to stabilize; and
07 Existing vegetation & trees have been replaced to the extent possible.
Source Control BMPs:
The following source control BMPs are included in the final plan and are to be
used the the owner of the property:
01 All hazardous materials, such as fertilizers and paints shall be kept in
storage cabinets in the garage as shown on the first floor plan;
02 No outdoor storage areas are permitted;
03 Trash storage shall also be in City containers and dumpsters in the
covered garage and therefore not exposed to stormwater;
04 To the extent possible, pest-resistant plants will be specified in the
landscape plan, and the use of pesticides by the gardener or
homeowner shall be applied according to the manufacturer's
instructions as written on the packaging;
05 The Irrigation system shall have a rain sensor and auto shut-off, with
drip emitters for shrubs and pop-up misters for ground cover and
planting areas to minimize over spray;
06 Parking areas are covered, preventing stormwater from coming into
contact with possible pollutants on the pavement.
07 All catch basins shall be filtered, and routinely cleaned by the gardener;
08 A warning "stencil" shall be imprinted on the concrete adjacent to the
catch basin retention sump at the rear of the parking garage drive, and
shall state "Dumping of oil, paint, etc. or other hazardous pollutants is
strictly prohibited";
Responsible Party for Maintenance:
Since this is a multi-family development, the Homeowners Association shall
retain the long-term responsibility for adherence to and compliance with these
BMPs. Any gardeners or "handymen" who are hired to perform tasks at the
property shall be informed of their responsibility to additionally comply with the
written and implied intent of these guidelines.
Applicability Review of BMPs:
Section 3 - Erosion & Sediment Control
From Table 3 - I of the BMP Handbook, the following BMPs have been
determined to apply to the Project Site:
EC -I Scheduling yes most of work during dry season
EC -2 Preservation of no no steep slopes
Existing Vegetation
EC -3 Hydraulic Mulch no no steep slopes to protect
EC-4 Hydroseeding no no steep slopes
EC - 5 Soil Binders yes reliable stabilant
EC -6 Straw Mulch yes good temp. cover until final planting
EC -7 Geotextiles & Mats no for more severe conditions
EC -8 Wood Mulching no straw OK
EC -9 Earth Dikes & Swales no no place to divert to, full site impact
EC - 10 Velocity Dissipation no no erosive velocities
EC - 11 Slope Drains no no slopes to protect
EC - 12 Streambank Stabilization no no applicability
EC * 13 Polyacrylamide no no applicability
From Table 3 - 2, Temporary Sediment Control BMPs, the following BMPs have
been determined to apply to the Project Site:
SE - 1 Silt Fence
SE -2 Sediment Basin
SE-3 Sediment trap
SE -4 Check Dam
SE - 5 Fiber Rolls
SE-6 Gravel Bag Berm
SE-7 Street Sweeping
SE-8 Gravel Bag Barrier
SE-9 Straw Bale Barrier
SE - 10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection
yes at perimeter
no for larger sites
yes perfect for project size
no no fast moving runoff
yes good perimeter measure
no for larger projects
yes if required
yes as alternate to fiber / straw rolls
no for larger slopes
yes inlet to west in State Street
From Table 3 - 3, Wind Erosion Control, since the site is in a wind sheltered
area this BMP does not apply, but is included for reference if it may be required.
From Table 3 - 4, Tracking Control BMPs, since vehicle deliveries will be
dropping materials to the existing concrete driveway, and the majority of the
work will take place during the "dry" season, no Tracking BMPs will be
applicable. There will be no continuous heavy equipment entering nor leaving
the site on a daily basis. The bobcat work, restricted to the site shall be carefully
monitored for mud-free wheels when the equipment is reloaded onto the truck.
Section 4 - Non-Stormwater Management and Material Management BMPs
From Table 4 - 1, Non-Stormwater Management BMPs, the following BMPs have
been determined to be applicable to the Project Site:
NS - I Water Conservation Practice yes
NS -2 Dewatering Operations no none to be used
NS-3 Paving & Grinding Operations yes concrete drives & patios
NS -4 Temporary Stream Crossing no no applicability
NS -5 Clear Water Diversion no no applicability
NS -6 Illicit Connection I Discharge yes
NS-7 Potable Water I Irrigation yes
NS -8 Vehicle & Equipment Cleaning no none on site
NS -9 Vehicle & Equipment Fueling no none on site
NS - 10 Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance no none on site
NS - 11 Pile Driving Operations no none on site
NS - 12 Concrete Curing no none to be used
NS - 13 Concrete Finishing yes
NS - 14 Material & Equip Use Over Water no no applicability
NS - 15 Demolition Adjacent to Water no no applicability
NS - 16 Temporary Batch Plants no no applicability
From Table 4 - 2, Waste Management & Materials Pollution Control BMPs, the
following BMPs have been determined to be applicable to the Project Site:
WM - I Material Delivery & Storage yes
WM-2 Material Use yes
WM -3 Stockpile Management no no applicability
WM-4 Spill Prevention & Control yes
WM-5 Solid Waste Management yes
WM-6 Hazardous Waste Management yes
WM-7 COntaminated Soil Management no no applicability
WM -8 Concrete Waste Management yes
WM -9 Sanitary I Septic Waste Management yes
WM - 10 Liquid Waste Management no no applicability
All of the applicable Best Management Practices are included herein the
appendix of this report and become an integral part of the Stormwater Pollution
Control Plan. Compliance with these regulations shall be sole responsibility of
the Contractor. Any violations cited by the Architect of Record or by the City
Building Inspector shall be immediately addressed and corrected so that the
work may progress in an orderly manner, and contribute to preserving the
general water quality in the village area of the City of Carlsbad, California.
Post Construction Report, & Owner Responsibility:
The site design has captured the potential rainfall and use of construction water
and will direct it to the northesst corner of the property for disposition following
the natural contours and topograhpy of the existing street. No offsite stormwater
or rainfall runoff is anticipated to migrate onto the construction site due to the
natural direction of existing offsite drainage away from the site and the existing
drainage of the street at the front of the property toward the north.
The Owner of the property shall retain the long-term post construction
responsibility to assure that the implied or required maintenance of each Best
Management Practice is adhered to. This will include weekly trash removal in
City approved containers, weeding of planting beds and proper mowing of lawns
with proper disposal of cuttings, routine checks of hose bibbs & irrigation
components for leaks, proper leaf removal from street trees, and proper disposal
of used containers from general household cleaning products. The landscape
drains shall be kept free from debris, and the sump shall be routinely maintained
by the Homeowner's Association to be certain that the disconnect alarm sensor
is fully functional.
A final report shall be prepared by the contractor, and shall be provided to the
Building Inspector at final inspection, identifying the procedures that were used
to control the following sources of potential pollution that the construction
materials & methods of installation would have caused had they been improperly
01 vehicle, equipment and/ or tool fluids;
02 concrete and concrete rubble;
03 paints and solvents;
04 mortar mix and slurry residues;
05 masonry rubble and chipped pieces;
06 wood framing fragments, waste and remnants;
07 clay tile roofing and waste;
08 plumbing solder and flux;
09 sandbags and/or straw mulch;
10 packaging and wrapping, including styrofoam, plastic and cardboard;
11 raw landscaping materials, topsoil, plants, fertilizers, pesticides;
12 used form boards;
13 removal of contaminated soil at sediment trap;
14 disposal of excess straw mulch after use complete;
15 removal of temporary sanitary unit;
16 general trash removal;
17 itemization of any unanticipated spills and remedy methods; and
18 other potential items as may be identified by Architect during construction.
h1t H?(T
S5th Percentile Precipitation
isopluvial Map
Rainfall in Inches