HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-17; City Council; ; Amendments to the Community Development Block Grant Program Citizen Participation Plan and review of the Community Development Block Grant Program Fiscal Year 2024-25CA Review _RK___
Meeting Date: Oct. 17, 2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Staff Contact: Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior Program Manager
nicole.pianojones@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2191
Subject: Amendments to the Community Development Block Grant Program
Citizen Participation Plan and review of the Community Development
Block Grant Program Fiscal Year 2024-25
District: All
Recommended Actions
Hold a public hearing and:
1.Adopt a resolution approving amendments to the Community Development Block Grant
Program Citizen Participation Plan.
2.Adopt a resolution approving the Community Development Block Grant Program Fiscal
Year 2024-25 Funding Plan and authorizing the distribution of the notice of funding
Executive Summary
The city receives Community Development Block Grant funds from the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development each year. These grants are intended to help the city provide
decent housing and a suitable living environment, and to expand economic opportunities,
principally for low- and moderate-income people.
As a condition of the grant, the city must have a consolidated plan identifying the community
development and housing needs of the city’s low-income residents and strategies to meet
those needs over a five-year period. The city must also develop an annual action plan that
identifies the projects and programs to be funded to meet the goals identified in the
consolidated plan. The grant also requires the city to create and follow a citizen participation
plan that describes the city’s policies and procedures to engage community members and grant
beneficiaries to participation in creating, evaluating and implementing the program in Carlsbad.
Staff are also recommending that the city’s Housing Commission, which oversees other funding
for housing projects and programs, take on the duties of reviewing and making
recommendations on applications for Community Development Block Grant funding. This is
now done by a Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee, as its sole task.
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The City Council is being asked to approve two resolutions that:
•Amend the Citizen Participation Plan (Exhibit 1), sunsetting the Community
Development Block Grant Advisory Committee and transfer its CDBG funding review and
recommendation responsibilities to the city’s Housing Commission
•Reaffirm priorities for Fiscal Year 2024-25 (Exhibit 2)
The Citizen Participation Plan identifies an opportunity for public input and approval by the City
Council at a public hearing for both of these actions.
Explanation & Analysis
Citizen Participation Plan
Federal regulations describe the participation requirements with which the city must comply to
remain eligible for Community Development Block Grant funding.
The Citizen Participation Plan was last amended by the City Council on May 5, 2020, to include
provisions related to alternative public meeting forums due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since
that time, staff have identified several areas in which the Citizen Participation Plan needs to be
revised. A draft that shows areas of significant change is included at Exhibit 3. The proposed
amendments include:
•Removing temporary waivers granted during the pandemic
•Updates and clarification regarding fair housing requirements
•Miscellaneous clean-up
•Transferring the duties to review grant applications and recommend awards from the
Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee to the Housing Commission
Transferring funding review
The most substantial proposed amendment is to sunset the Community Development Block
Grant Advisory Committee and transfer its responsibilities to review applications and
recommend to the Housing Commission.
The Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee was established in 1994 and is
made up of seven members, including one representative each from the Senior Commission,
the Planning Commission and the Housing Commission, and four appointed residents.
Committee members are appointed by the City Council and serve two-year terms. The
Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee has met one to two times per year
with the sole charge of reviewing applications for Community Development Block Grant funding
and making recommendations on awards to the City Council. The committee does not review
requests for other funding sources, or any other plans or programs related to housing and
homelessness, so its limited purview covers only one element of the overall funding picture for
homeless services.
While providing homelessness-related services remains a high priority within the city’s Community
Development Block Grant five-year consolidated plan, the federal grant provides only a small part
of the funding relied upon to fund services in the city’s Homelessness Action Plan.
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In spring 2023, city staff presented the Homelessness Action Plan Funding Plan and Community
Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan together so that the Housing Commission, the
City Council and the public could review recommendations for homeless services with the
awareness of all available funding sources, including the Community Development Block Grant,
the state’s Permanent Local Housing Allocation and the city’s Housing Trust Fund, collectively.
City staff recommends the Housing Commission, an existing body that is familiar with the overall
funding plan for the Homelessness Action Plan, would be the more appropriate body to consider
and make recommendations on Community Development Block Grant funding as part of its review
of the Homelessness Action Plan Funding Plan, which includes all funding sources.
There are additional administrative reasons the Housing Commission review of CDBG funding
would be more effective and efficient:
• It has been difficult to recruit for volunteers to serve on the committee because of the
limited term and infrequent meetings. Most volunteers wishing to serve on the city’s
committees and commissions, prefer to serve on those that meet more regularly and for
longer terms.
• The logistics of setting meetings for the Advisory Committee have proven to be
challenging. Because there is no set meeting schedule, city staff have trouble finding
times when a quorum of committee members and the Council Chamber is available.
The regular Housing Commission meeting schedule is established annually, and adding the
CDBG funding review and recommendation duties to its regularly scheduled meeting agenda as
part of the Housing Commission work plan is a logical alignment of duties. The Housing
Commission also offers a more public forum for citizen review and recommendations to the
City Council.
CDBG Advisory Committee Housing Commission
• Meets one-two times per year,
with irregular unscheduled
meeting dates
• Meets once per month, with
meetings scheduled a year in
• Reviews and makes
recommendations only on CDBG
funding requests
• Reviews and makes
recommendations on all Housing
Trust Fund requests and the
Homelessness Action Plan Funding
• Makes recommendations to the
City Council
• Makes recommendations to the
City Council
• Committee members serve two-
year terms
• Commissioners serve four-year
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Funding Plan
The FY 2024-25 Annual Action Plan covers the fifth and final year of the city’s Consolidated
Plan, which assesses community development needs, identifies six priority goals and outlines
strategies to help the city meet those goals. The City Council approved the following priorities
on Jan. 14, 2020:
•Priority 1: Increase and preserve affordable housing opportunities for low- and
moderate-income households
•Priority 2: Prevent and reduce homelessness
•Priority 3: Strengthen support services for residents with special needs
•Priority 4: Improve and provide facilities to serve lower-income persons
•Priority 5: Provide fair housing services to residents
•Priority 6: Plan and administer the Community Development Block Grant program
The proposed FY 2024-25 Funding Plan, with the national and local objectives for the program,
is provided as Attachment A to Exhibit 2. The objectives reflect the city's desire to develop a
program that best meets the various needs of lower-income residents in Carlsbad. This federal
grant program regulates the amount of funds that are to be allocated to certain activities.
Because of this, the funding plan provides estimates in three categories, public services,
planning and administration, and facility improvements and affordable housing.
While the actual grant amount that the city will receive in FY 2024-25 is not yet known, staff
estimate it will be $518,215, based upon a projected 5% reduction from the current year’s
award. the table below identifies the anticipated amount available for FY 2024-25, based on the
estimates and the program’s funding restrictions:
Summary of proposed FY 2024-25 Funding Plan
Category To be funded Estimated
Public services
(Capped at 15% of grant)
Programs directly assisting low-income
Services carried out by non-profit
$ 77,732
fair housing
(Capped at 20% of grant)
Oversight of subrecipients
Compliance with federal requirements
Financial management
Fair housing services
$ 103,643
Affordable housing, facility
(No cap)
Facility improvements for non-profit
service providers
Acquisition and rehabilitation of low-
income housing
$ 336,840
Estimated FY 2024-25 award $ 518,215
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If the grant award ends up being more or less than anticipated, staff will make adjustments
proportionally over each of the three categories. Additionally, some Community Development
Block Grant-funded activities generate program income, such as the city’s Affordable Housing
Resale Program, which purchases at-risk affordable housing units to be resold to qualified
buyers. The average amount of program income received annually varies, with a five-year
average of $438,302. CDBG regulations allow up to 15% of any program income received during
the fiscal year to be allocated to public services, and up to 20% allocated to program
administration. Program income must be allocated in the same manner as entitlement funds
and comply with all CDBG regulations.
As a proactive measure to ensure the timely expenditure of funds, staff are recommending
allocating the program income at the beginning of the fiscal year along with the approval of the
Annual Action Plan, rather than waiting until the program income is received and then having
to go through the process of amending the Community Development Block Grant Annual Action
Plan mid-year. Staff would use the program income in the same proportions identified above.
Approving the funding plan, with its notice of funding availability, starts the application cycle
and the annual process of distributing the grant funds to non-profit service providers in the
community. Once the City Council approves the FY 2024-25 draft funding plan:
•Applications for FY 2024-25 funds will be made available on the city's website on Nov.
17, 2023
•Applications are to be submitted for review by Jan. 12, 2024.
•City staff will review each application for eligibility and completeness.
•The applications will be reviewed, and recommendations made by the appropriate
advisory body and then brought before the City Council for consideration and approval
at a public hearing tentatively scheduled for May 2024.
Community Engagement
In accordance with the city’s Citizen Participation Plan for its Community Development Block
Grant Program, this public hearing required a 30-day public notice period. Amendments to the
Citizen Participation Plan also requires a notice announcing a 30-day public review period. Staff
published the notice for these requirements in the Coast News and on the city’s website on
Sept. 15, 2023.
Past and current subrecipients of Community Development Block Grant funds and city
departments were directly notified of the opportunity for public comment.
All comments received during the public hearing will be included in the final plan as part of the
citizen participation section.
Fiscal Analysis
The Community Development Block Grant program is a fully funded federal program and is
separate from the city’s General Fund. The program operates on a reimbursement basis, in
which grant funds are expended for approved activities and then reimbursed from the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
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Staff recommends the City Council approve the amended Citizen Participation Plan – giving the
Housing Commission the responsibility to review and make recommendations on funding
applications – and the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Funding Plan.
•This maintains the city’s eligibility to receive federal block grant funding to help fund its
efforts to help lower-income community members, allows for the timely solicitation of
proposals and gives the duties of reviewing them to the Housing Commission, which
already reviews other housing-related funding.
•Not approving the plans could cause a delay or disruption of services to residents due to
a lack of federal funding for the programs supported by this federal grant.
•Staff have identified no drawbacks from these actions or that change.
If desired, the City Council may modify the Fiscal Year 2020-25 Consolidated Plan’s priorities to
focus grant funding on activities that meet a particular priority.
•This would give the City Council an opportunity to give staff alternative direction.
•Would require an additional public review and public comment period, and an
additional public hearing.
•This could create a delay or disruption of services to residents due to lack of funding for
Next Steps
Applications for the grant funding for FY 2024-25 will be available beginning Nov. 17, 2023, and
accepted through Jan. 12, 2024. Applications will be reviewed by a resident advisory body in
March or April 2023 and funding recommendations will be incorporated into the annual action
plan and made available for a public review period, followed by a public hearing of the City
Council in April or May 2024.
The Amended Citizen Participation Plan will be promptly submitted to HUD for review and
Environmental Evaluation
This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project
within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under Public Resources Code
section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the
environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment.
1.City Council resolution – Citizen Participation Plan
2.City Council resolution – Annual Funding Plan
3.Citizen and Community Participation Plan with proposed changes shown
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WHEREAS, the primary objective of the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Program is to develop viable urban communities through the provision of improved living
environments, expansion of economic opportunity and decent housing. Grant funds received through
the program are intended to principally serve persons of low and moderate income; and
WHEREAS, to be eligible for CDBG funds, the jurisdiction must adopt an Citizen Participation
Plan, which must be reviewed and approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development;
WHEREAS, the amended Citizen and Community Participation Plan formally sunsets the
Community Development Block Grant Citizens Advisory Committee and transfers the responsibilities
of reviewing Community Development Block Grant funding applications to the Housing Commission,
WHEREAS, the draft Plan was released for a 30-day public review period which began on
September 18, 2023, and concluded on October 17, 2023; and
WHEREAS, public comments from the public review period and the public hearing on October
17, 2023, if any, have been addressed through written response and included in the Citizen and
Community Participation Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has taken all testimony into
account in considering the Citizen and Community Participation Plan, as required for the city's CDBG
program; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, approves and authorizes the
submittal of the Citizen and Community Participation Plan for the city's CDBG program to the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as
1.That the above recitations are true and correct.
2.That the City Council hereby approves the Amended Community and Citizen
Participation Plan, including sunsetting the Community Development Block Grant
Exhibit 1
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Advisory Committee and transferring the duty of reviewing CDBG funding requests to
the Housing Commission (Attachment A).
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 17th day of October, 2023, by the following vote, to wit:
Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna.
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Attachment A
Page 1 of 8
Citizen and Community Participation Plan for
Programs Funded Under the Department of
Housing and Urban Development’s Office of
Community and Development and Planning
Amended by City Council Resolution No. 2020-078 Amended by City Council Resolution No. 2019-019
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The City of Carlsbad receives an annual entitlement of Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for housing
and community development activities to assist low-income persons. The city is also a participating
jurisdiction in the San Diego HOME Consortium. In accordance with the Grant, the city must create a
5-Year Consolidated Plan (Consolidated Plan) that addresses affordable housing and community
development needs, submit an Annual Action Plan (Annual Plan) to outline spending and activities
for the corresponding program years, and provide a Consolidated Annual Performance and
Evaluation Report (CAPER) to evaluate the city’s accomplishments and use of CDBG funds. As
required by HUD regulation 25 CFR 91.105, the city must have and follow a detailed Citizen
Participation Plan that specifies the city’s policies and procedures for engaging citizens and
encouraging them to participate in creating, evaluating, and implementing the CDBG program,
Assessment for Fair Housing (AFH) and/or Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing (AI) and/or
other statutorily required plan to address Fair Housing.
In addition, HUD regulations for the Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) and/or Analysis of
Impediments to Fair Assessment of Fair Housing (AI) and/or any other statutorily required plan to
address fair housing, require that the City adopt a Community Participation Plan setting forth the
City’s policies and procedures for the community participation, solicitation of views, and
recommendations from members of the community and other interested parties, a consideration
of the views and recommendations received, and a process for incorporating such views and
recommendations into decisions and outcomes.
This Citizen and Community Participation (CCPP) serves to meet the federal requirements
described above concurrently.
The primary goal of the Citizen and Community Participation Plan (CCPP) is to solicit views and
recommendations from members of the community, organizations, and other interested parties
and to incorporate the views and recommendations in the decision-making process. To accomplish
this goal, the CCPP mandates that the city will:
•In the development of the Consolidated Plan, and AFH and/or AI, encourage
participation from residents in the development and preparation of the Consolidated
Plan, Annual Plan, AFH, and/or AI and/or statutorily required plan to address fair
housing, substantial amendments to these plans, and CAPER.
•In the development and implementation of the Consolidated Plan, AFH and/or AI,
encourage the involvement by low-moderate income persons, particularly those who
reside in CDBG targeted neighborhoods, areas designated for revitalization, areas
designated as slum and blight, people with disabilities, racial and ethnic minorities, Non-
English speaking and persons with Limited English Proficient (LEP), and residents of
public and assisted housing developments.
•In the development and implementation of the Consolidated Plan, AFH, and/or AI,
encourage participation from the Continuum of Care, businesses, developers, nonprofit
organizations, philanthropic organizations, community-based and faith-based
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organizations, public housing agency consultations, resident advisory boards, resident
councils, and resident management corporations.
•Provide residents reasonable and timely access to information, meetings, and records.
•Provide residents the opportunity to review, offer input and feedback regarding the use
of CDBG and AFH funds, and comment on the CAPER.
•Provide assistance for non-English-speaking and LEP persons upon advance request
provided such services are available.
•Use comprehensive techniques to encourage and measure public participation and
review program performance.
•Reasonable accommodations will be provided for those with disabilities upon advance
The City of Carlsbad assures that the most diligent effort will be made to comply with the
process and procedures outlined in this Citizen and Community Participation Plan.
As an entitlement jurisdiction, the City of Carlsbad is required to prepare:
•A Five-Year Consolidated Plan.
•An Annual Action Plan.
•A Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).
•Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH), Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing (AI) and/or
other statutorily required plan to address Fair Housing.
The city will make a concerted effort to notify residents, social service providers, business groups,
nonprofit organizations, community and faith-based organizations, and community boards and
other interested organizations of the development of the Consolidated Plan, Annual Plan, AFH, AI
and/or other statutorily required plan to address Fair Housing, and CAPER through mailings,
including electronic mail, online postings, and notices in the newspaper.
The city will issue a Notice of Funding Availability inviting proposals for CDBG activities. Upon
request, the city will provide technical assistance to groups representing low-moderate income
persons to develop proposals for eligible activities.
The Housing Commission consists of five members appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the
City Council. Two of the commissioners are those assisted by the Carlsbad Housing Authority, one
of whom is at least 62 years of age. The three general commissioners are those with expertise in
one or more of the following areas: development, construction, real estate, social services,
housing advocacy, planning, architecture, or finance. If possible, the committee members should
represent the four quadrants of the city. The Housing Commission will review annual grant
proposals and make recommendations to the City Council concerning federal funding.
Commission meetings are open to the public and held approximately once per month.
Commission agendas are posted 72 hours prior to a meeting and available on the city’s website
and at Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA, 92008.
The city will prepare the Annual Plan, which may contain a list of projects to be funded for the
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given program year with any additional funding received. During each program year, however,
additional funding may become available because of program income, projects completed below
budget or projects canceled or delayed due to a variety of reasons. This list of back-up projects
may include public facility and infrastructure improvement projects can be included in Annual
Plans and be approved by the City Council to serve as back-up projects. The city may activate
these back-up projects at any time when funding becomes available. The city needs to receive
HUD approval for these back-up projects along with the approved and funded projects as part of
its approval for the Annual Plan. Initiation and funding of these projects would not constitute a
substantial amendment as defined below.
The city will make available any HUD-provided data and other supplemental information the
grantee plans to incorporate into its AFH at the start of the public participation process (or as soon
as feasible after). Prior to adoption of the Plan(s), the city will make available the estimated
amount of CDBG funding that it expects to receive, the activities that may be undertaken, the
estimated amount of funds that will be used to benefit low-moderate income persons, and any
activities that may result in displacement.
The city will publish a summary of the proposed Plan(s) and/or AFH in the newspaper and have it
available on the city’s website for a period of ten days prior to a public meeting. The summary will
describe the contents and purpose of the Plan(s) and/or AFH and include a list of the locations
where they may be reviewed. The Plan(s) and/or AFH will be available for review at Carlsbad City
Hall and at the city’s website. The city will provide a reasonable number of free copies to citizens
and groups upon request.
The city will prepare an annual CAPER to evaluate the progress of the Consolidated Plan and to
review accomplishments for the previous program year.
• Prior to submitting the CAPER to HUD, the public must be noticed advising of the
availability of the CAPER, will be published in the newspaper and available on the city’s
website. The CAPER will be available for review at Carlsbad, Housing & Homeless Services
Office, and on the city website.
• A comment period of not less than 15-days will be provided. All comments received, in
writing or orally, will be included in the final submission to HUD.
The city will amend its approved Plan(s) whenever it makes one of the following decisions:
• To carry out an activity not previously described in the Annual Plan using funds covered
by the
Consolidated Plan, including Program Income.
• To substantially amend the purpose, scope, location, or beneficiaries of an activity.
• To substantially amend the allocation priorities or the method of distributing funds.
A substantial amendment is defined as the following:
• An addition, modification, or elimination of a Consolidated Plan goal.
• An addition of a new activity not previously identified in the Annual Plan; or
• A change in an activity after the adoption of the Annual Plan that meets on of the
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following thresholds:
o A net increase or decrease greater than 50 percent of the activity allocation; or
o A change in the use of funds from one activity to another that affects 20 percent
or more of the city’s current annual CDBG fund allocation.
• Substantial amendments must be authorized by the Carlsbad City Council and will be
available on the city’s website and through public notices in the newspaper. Minor
changes and/or corrections may be made, so long as the changes do not constitute a
substantial amendment. Minor changes, including but not limited to modifications of
goal outcome indicators, shall not be considered a substantial amendment, and do not
require public review or a public hearing.
• The city will receive and consider comments concerning substantial amendments and/or
AFH revisions for a period of not less than 30 days. All comments received, in writing or
orally at a public meeting, will be considered in preparing the final Plan(s) and/or AFH. A
summary of the comments or views, including those not accepted and the reasons, shall
be attached to the final Plan(s) and/or AFH.
• Public notices will be published at least ten days prior to the hearing. Notices will include
the date, time, location, and summary of the proposed action to help facilitate informed
Any changes in federal funding level after the comment period of either the Draft Consolidated
Plan and/or Action Plan has expired, the resulting effect on the distribution of funds will not be
considered an amendment or a substantial amendment.
• The city will conduct at least two public hearings each year to obtain residents’ feedback
regarding housing and community development needs, proposed allocation of CDBG
funds, strategies and actions taken to affirmatively further fair housing, and review
program performance.
• The city will conduct at least one public hearing during the development of the AFH, AI,
and/or statutorily required plan to address fair housing prior to publishing for public
comment. The public hearing must be held prior to formulating the Consolidated Plan.
• The city will conduct at least one public hearing during the development of the
Consolidated Plan prior to publishing the Consolidated Plan for public comment.
• The city will receive and consider comments concerning the Plan(s), AFH, AI, and/or
statutorily required plan to address fair housing for a period of 30 days. All comments
received, in writing or orally at the public meeting, will be considered in preparing the
final Plan(s) and/or AFH. A summary of the comments, including those not accepted and
the reasons, shall be attached to the final Plan(s).
• Public notices will be published at least ten days prior to the hearing. Notices will include
date, time, location, and summary of the proposed action to help facilitate an informed
comment(s). Notices will be published in the newspaper and announced on the city’s
• Public notices, excluding the CAPER, will be published at least ten days prior to a hearing.
Notices will include the date, time, location, and summary of the proposed action to help
facilitate an informed comment(s). Notices will be published in the newspaper and
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announced on the city’s website.
Public hearings are held in the Carlsbad Council Chamber located at 1200 Carlsbad Village
Drive, Carlsbad, California, convenient to potential and actual beneficiaries of funding and
accessible to people with disabilities. Listening devices for the hearing impaired available at
public hearings upon request. Translators are provided for non-English speaking persons when
requests are made within five working days prior to a public hearing. Individuals with
disabilities, who require reasonable accommodations to participate in the City Council
meetings, should contact the City Manager’s Office at 442-339-3821, 711 (free relay service
for TTY users), 760-720-9461 (fax) or manager@carlsbadca.gov by noon on the Monday
before the meeting to make arrangements.
The City of Carlsbad provides adequate notice of 15 or 30 days, depending on the subject of the
notice, at all stages of the Consolidated Plan process to encourage participation by interested
parties. To allow for informed comment, notices provide specific information regarding the
subject of the notice including anticipated amount of funding, eligible types of activities,
expected benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, staff contact information, date, time,
and location of the event. Notices are published in the San Diego Union Tribune, the Coast
News, and/or other local newspaper. The City of Carlsbad provides advance notice for the
following specific documents:
Document Noticing period
• Citizen Participation Plan 30 days
• Five-Year Consolidated Plan 30 days
• Annual Plan 30 days
• AFH, AI, or other statutorily
required plan to address fair housing 30 days
• Substantial Amendment 30 days
• CAPER 15 days
Any citizen, organization, or other interested party may submit written requests for information
regarding the Consolidated Plan, Annual Plan, AFH, AI, and/or other statutorily required plan to
address fair housing, and CAPER, including the city’s use of funds under the CDBG programs and
the benefit to low- and moderate-income residents during the preceding five years.
The Citizen Participation Plan, the Consolidated Plan, the current Annual Plan, the current AFH, AI,
and/or other statutorily required plan to address fair housing, the current CAPER, and any
substantial amendments to these plans will be available for public review at Carlsbad City Hall,
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, and on the city’s website.
Upon request, the City of Carlsbad works with individuals or groups which represent lower income
people to develop proposals for funding assistance under the Consolidated Plan programs.
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Carlsbad staff does provide technical assistance for proposals that strengthen and expand the
role of community-based development organizations in planning for eligible activities.
The City of Carlsbad strives to avoid and minimize the displacement of individuals as a result of
the HUD funded activities. Therefore, to the greatest extent possible, the city:
• Considers the impact of displacement in the site selection, during the project planning
• Provides information to displaced individuals on available assistance and relocation
Prior to approval of any HUD funded activities with the potential for temporary or permanent
displacement of individuals, the responsible agency (city or private developer) provides a written
plan of action for comparable replacement low-income housing and assistance to displaced
persons, based on the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act of
1970 (URA), 49 CFR Part 24.
The city will consider any comments from citizens received in writing or orally at public hearings
in preparing this Citizen Participation Plan, the Consolidated Plan, Annual Plan, CAPER, AFH, AI,
or other statutorily required plan to address fair housing, and/or substantial amendments to
these plans. A summary of all comments will be attached and submitted to HUD.
The city will respond to written complaints received relating to the Consolidated Plan, Annual
Plan, AFH, AI, or other statutorily required plan to address fair housing, CAPER, and/or
substantial amendments. Written complaints must describe the objection and provide contact
information of the complainant. The city will respond to complaints within 15 working days of
receiving the written complain, acknowledging the letter and identifying a plan of action, if
necessary. Correspondence may be addressed to:
City of Carlsbad
Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior
Program Manager Housing
& Homeless Services
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Persons wishing to contact the Los Angeles Area HUD Office may address correspondence to:
U.S. Housing and Urban Development
Attn: Robert DiGruccio
300 North Los Angeles St. , Suite 4054
Los Angeles, CA 90012
DEFINITIONS Annual Plan: A one year (July 1- June 30) planning document, detailing approved funding
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allocations for specific eligible activities. The Annual Plan is submitted to HUD 45 days prior to
the beginning of the program year.
CAPER: The Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) is prepared at the
end of the program year to detail how funds were actually expended and the extent to which
these funds were used for activities that benefitted low- and moderate-income people. The
CAPER is submitted to HUD within 90 days of the program year end.
CDBG: Community Development Block (CDBG) is a HUD grant which provides for a variety of
community development programs that benefit low- and moderate-income persons.
CFR: The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the general and permanent rules and regulations
published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the U.S.
Five-Year Consolidated Plan: A five-year planning document and application for funding which
establishes the city’s priorities and strategies for use of HUD administered funding.
HUD: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HD) is the federal agency which
administers and provides guidance for the Consolidated Plan process and use of federal funds
such as CDBG.
Low- and Moderate-Income Persons: Individuals from households with a total income that does not
exceed 80 percent of the median household income for the area adjusted for the family size.
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 16 of 32
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California held a noticed public hearing to
obtain comments on the FY 2024-25 Funding Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is anticipating a new allocation of Community Development Block
Grant funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for FY 2024-25; and
WHEREAS, a public notice announcing this public hearing was published Sept. 15, 2023; and
WHEREAS, public comments from the public review period and the public hearing, if any, will be
included in the FY 2024-25 Annual Action Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has taken all testimony into account
in considering the FY 2024-25 Annual Action Plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows:
1.That the above recitations are true and correct.
2.That the City Council approves the Community Development Block Grant Program Fiscal
Year 2024-25 Funding Plan (Attachment A).
3.That the City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to distribute the Notice of Funding
Availability (Attachment A) for the FY 2024-25 Community Development Block Grant
program, accept applications for funding, and process them for review.
Exhibit 2
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 17 of 32
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad
on the 17th day of October, 2023, by the following vote, to wit:
Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna.
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 18 of 32
Attachment A
FY 2024-25
Prepared October 2023
Housing Services Division
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 19 of 32
Community Development Objectives
The City of Carlsbad Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds will be allocated to
organizations, agencies, City Departments, or persons to implement programs or
develop/improve public facilities which meet the following community development objectives:
• Provide direct benefit to lower income persons through the provision or retention of
affordable housing units in Carlsbad;
• Provide direct assistance to lower income households to prevent or eliminate
residential Building or Municipal Code violations and/or improve the quality of housing
units in Carlsbad through residential (rental and/or owner occupied) rehabilitation
• Provide shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families which
results in an improved situation through employment, permanent or transitional
housing, treatment of mental, or substance abuse problems, etc.
• Provide assistance to non-profit public service providers who meet the basic needs of
lower income residents and residents with special needs. Basic needs are defined as
those which provide food, shelter, clothing and, in some cases, health care;
• Provide assistance to organizations administering programs that directly benefit lower
income children living in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more of the
following activities: daycare, after-school care, cultural enrichment, recreation, health
care/immunization or self-improvement. The City may also give priority to single-parent
assistance programs such as counseling services; and
• Provide assistance to organizations administering programs that directly benefit low-
income adults living in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more of the
following activities for adults: employment services, job training, and educational
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 20 of 32
• Provide assistance to city projects or facility improvements by public service providers
which are intended to benefit lower income households. Such projects must be able to
demonstrate that they will serve areas or residents of the City of Carlsbad that meet
HUD requirements regarding household incomes for that area.
• Provide assistance to organizations administering a fair housing program that directly
benefits low-income residents living in Carlsbad. The program must include conducting
workshops, distributing literature on fair housing, monitoring related legislation,
responding to inquiries related to fair housing from the public and processing inquiries,
providing conflict resolution counseling on the telephone or in-person, and resolving
discrimination complaints received from Carlsbad residents.
• Provide planning and administration of the CDBG program which includes, but is not
limited to, financial management, compliance, program reporting, contract
management, and data input.
HUD National Objectives
To be eligible for funding, every CDBG-funded activity must qualify as meeting one of the three
national objectives of the program. This requires that each activity, except those carried out
under the basic eligibility categories of Program Administration and Planning, meet specific
tests for either:
•Benefiting low- and moderate-income persons,
•Preventing or eliminating slums or blight, or
•Meeting other community development needs having a particular urgency because
existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the
community and other financial resources are not available to meet such needs.
An activity that fails to meet one or more of the applicable tests for meeting a HUD national
objective is in noncompliance with CDBG rules.
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 21 of 32
The City of Carlsbad is a recipient of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
program funding. For FY 2024-25, the city anticipates an annual award of $518,215. The CDBG
program regulates the amount of funds allocated to certain activities. Because of this, the
Funding Plan provides estimates within three categories: public services, planning and
administration, and facility improvements/affordable housing.
Category Key Details Estimated
Public Services
(Capped at 15% of grant)
•Programs directly assisting low-income households
•Services carried out by non-profit agencies $ 77,732
Administration/Fair Housing
(Capped at 20% of grant)
•Subrecipient oversight
•Compliance with federal requirements
•Financial management
•Fair Housing services
$ 103,643
Affordable Housing/Facility
•Facility Improvements for non-profit service providers
•Acquisition/rehabilitation of low-income housing $ 336,840
ESTIMATED FY 2024-25 AWARD: $ 518,215
The FY 2024-25 award is currently an estimate based upon the five percent reduction from the
current year award. Should the actual allocation be more or less than anticipated, adjustments
will be made proportionally over each category; public services, planning/administration, and
facility improvements & affordable housing.
Program Income: Staff anticipates receiving program income during the fiscal year, although the
exact amount and date by which funds are received is unknown. For planning purposes, all
program income received during the fiscal year will be allocated as followed:
-A maximum of 15 percent allocated to public services
-A maximum of 20 percent allocated to program administration
-Remaining available program income will be distributed to existing, approved facility
improvement and affordable housing activities first, before funding a new project
Beginning on November 17, 2023, the City of Carlsbad will be accepting applications for eligible
programs and projects. The estimated funding availability is as follows:
• Fair Housing Services $25,000
• Public Services $77,732
• Facility Improvements/ $336,840
Affordable Housing
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 22 of 32
Below is the estimated timeline – please note that all the dates are tentative and subject to
change. All public meetings and review/comment periods will be publicly noticed.
• Applications Available November 17, 2023
• Applications Due January 12, 2024
• Citizen Advisory Body March or April 2024
•City Council Public Hearing April or May 2024
The FY 2024-25 CDBG Application will be available on City Website:
Applications due:
January 12, 2024, by 5:00 p.m.
*Email Submission Highly Encouraged*
Paper copies may be delivered to:
City of Carlsbad - Housing & Homeless Services
Attn: CDBG Program
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA, 92008
Contact: Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior Program Manager at
(442) 339-2191
(Remainder of page intentionally left blank)
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 23 of 32
Exhibit 3
Page 1 of 9
Citizen and Community Participation Plan for
Programs Funded Under the Department of
Housing and Urban Development’s Office of
Community and Development and Planning
Amended by City Council Resolution No. 2020-078 Amended by City Council Resolution No. 2019-019
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 24 of 32
Exhibit 3
Page 2 of 9
The City of Carlsbad receives an annual entitlement of Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for
housing and community development activities to assist low-income persons. The city is also a
participating jurisdiction in the San Diego HOME Consortium. In accordance with the Grant, the city must create a 5-Year Consolidated Plan (Consolidated Plan) that addresses affordable housing and community development needs, submit an Annual Action Plan (Annual Plan) to outline
spending and activities for the corresponding program years, and provide a Consolidated
Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) to evaluate the city’s accomplishments
and use of CDBG funds. As required by HUD regulation 25 CFR 91.105, the city must have and
follow a detailed Citizen Participation Plan that specifies the city’s policies and procedures for
engaging citizens and encouraging them to participate in creating, evaluating, and
implementing the CDBG program, Assessment for Fair Housing (AFH) and/or Analysis of
Impediments to Fair Housing (AI) and/or other statutorily required plan to address Fair Housing.
In addition, HUD regulations for the Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) and/or Analysis of
Impediments to Fair Assessment of Fair Housing (AI) and/or any other statutorily required
plan to address fair housing, require that the City adopt a Community Participation Plan
setting forth the City’s policies and procedures for the community participation, solicitation of
views, and recommendations from members of the community and other interested parties, a
consideration of the views and recommendations received, and a process for incorporating such views and recommendations into decisions and outcomes.
This Citizen and Community Participation (CCPP) serves to meet the federal requirements
described above concurrently.
The primary goal of the Citizen and Community Participation Plan (CCPP) is to solicit views and recommendations from members of the community, organizations, and other interested
parties and to incorporate the views and recommendations in the decision-making process. To
accomplish this goal, the CCPP mandates that the city will:
•In the development of the Consolidated Plan, and AFH and/or AI, encourage
participation from residents in the development and preparation of the Consolidated
Plan, Annual Plan, AFH, and/or AI and/or statutorily required plan to address fair
housing, substantial amendments to these plans, and CAPER.
•In the development and implementation of the Consolidated Plan, AFH and/or AI,
encourage the involvement by low-moderate income persons, particularly those who
reside in CDBG targeted neighborhoods, areas designated for revitalization, areas
designated as slum and blight, people with disabilities, racial and ethnic minorities,
Non-English speaking and persons with Limited English Proficient (LEP), and residents
of public and assisted housing developments.
Commented [NPJ1]: New language to cover new and/or changing federal fair housing requirements.
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Exhibit 3
Page 3 of 9
•In the development and implementation of the Consolidated Plan, AFH, and/or AI,encourage participation from the Continuum of Care, businesses, developers, nonprofit organizations, philanthropic organizations, community-based and faith-
based organizations, public housing agency consultations, resident advisory boards,
resident councils, and resident management corporations.
•Provide residents reasonable and timely access to information, meetings, and records.
•Provide residents the opportunity to review, offer input and feedback regarding the
use of CDBG and AFH funds, and comment on the CAPER.
•Provide assistance for non-English-speaking and LEP persons upon advance request
provided such services are available.
•Use comprehensive techniques to encourage and measure public participation andreview program performance.
Reasonable accommodations will be provided for those with disabilities upon advance request.
The City of Carlsbad assures that the most diligent effort will be made to comply with the
process and procedures outlined in this Citizen and Community Participation Plan.
DEVELOPMENT OF PLANS As an entitlement jurisdiction, the City of Carlsbad is required to prepare:
•A Five-Year Consolidated Plan.
•An Annual Action Plan.
•A Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).
•Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH), Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing (AI) and/or
other statutorily required plan to address Fair Housing.
The city will make a concerted effort to notify residents, social service providers, business
groups, nonprofit organizations, community and faith-based organizations, and community
boards and other interested organizations of the development of the Consolidated Plan,
Annual Plan, AFH, AI and/or other statutorily required plan to address Fair Housing, and
CAPER through mailings, including electronic mail, online postings, and notices in the
The city will issue a Notice of Funding Availability inviting proposals for CDBG activities. Upon
request, the city will provide technical assistance to groups representing low-moderate
income persons to develop proposals for eligible activities.
The Housing Commission consists of five members appointed by the mayor and confirmed by
the City Council. Two of the commissioners are those assisted by the Carlsbad Housing
Authority, one of whom is at least 62 years of age. The three general commissioners are those with expertise in one or more of the following areas: development, construction, real estate, social services, housing advocacy, planning, architecture, or finance. If possible, the committee
members should represent the four quadrants of the city. The Housing Commission will review
annual grant proposals and make recommendations to the City Council concerning federal
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 26 of 32
Exhibit 3
Page 4 of 9
funding. Housing Commission meetings are open to the public and held approximately once
per month. Housing Commission agendas are posted 72 hours prior to a meeting and available
on the city’s website and at Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA,
The city will prepare the Annual Plan, which may contain a list of projects to be funded for the
given program year with any additional funding received. During each program year, however,
additional funding may become available because of program income, projects completed
below budget or projects canceled or delayed due to a variety of reasons. This list of back-up
projects may include public facility and infrastructure improvement projects can be included
in Annual Plans and be approved by the City Council to serve as back-up projects. The city may
activate these back-up projects at any time when funding becomes available. The city needs to
receive HUD approval for these back-up projects along with the approved and funded projects as part of its approval for the Annual Plan. Initiation and funding of these projects would not
constitute a substantial amendment as defined below.
The city will make available any HUD-provided data and other supplemental information the
grantee plans to incorporate into its AFH at the start of the public participation process (or as
soon as feasible after). Prior to adoption of the Plan(s), the city will make available the
estimated amount of CDBG funding that it expects to receive, the activities that may be undertaken, the estimated amount of funds that will be used to benefit low-moderate income persons, and any activities that may result in displacement.
The city will publish a summary of the proposed Plan(s) and/or AFH in the newspaper and have
it available on the city’s website for a period of ten days prior to a public meeting. The summary
will describe the contents and purpose of the Plan(s) and/or AFH and include a list of the
locations where they may be reviewed. The Plan(s) and/or AFH will be available for review at
Carlsbad City Hall and at the city’s website. The city will provide a reasonable number of free copies to citizens and groups upon request.
The city will prepare an annual CAPER to evaluate the progress of the Consolidated Plan and to
review accomplishments for the previous program year.
•Prior to submitting the CAPER to HUD, the public must be noticed advising of theavailability of the CAPER, will be published in the newspaper and available on the city’s
website. The CAPER will be available for review at Carlsbad, Housing & Homeless
Services Office, and on the city website.
•A comment period of not less than 15-days will be provided. All comments received, inwriting or orally, will be included in the final submission to HUD.
The city will amend its approved Plan(s) whenever it makes one of the following decisions:
•To carry out an activity not previously described in the Annual Plan using funds
covered by the
Consolidated Plan, including Program Income.
Commented [NPJ2]: New section for Housing Commission.
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 27 of 32
Exhibit 3
Page 5 of 9
•To substantially amend the purpose, scope, location, or beneficiaries of an activity.
•To substantially amend the allocation priorities or the method of distributing funds.
A substantial amendment is defined as the following:
•An addition, modification, or elimination of a Consolidated Plan goal.
•An addition of a new activity not previously identified in the Annual Plan; or
•A change in an activity after the adoption of the Annual Plan that meets on of the
following thresholds:
o A net increase or decrease greater than 50 percent of the activity allocation; or
o A change in the use of funds from one activity to another that affects 20 percent or more of the city’s current annual CDBG fund allocation.
•Substantial amendments must be authorized by the Carlsbad City Council and will be
available on the city’s website and through public notices in the newspaper. Minor
changes and/or corrections may be made, so long as the changes do not constitute a substantial amendment. Minor changes, including but not limited to modifications of
goal outcome indicators, shall not be considered a substantial amendment, and do
not require public review or a public hearing.
•The city will receive and consider comments concerning substantial amendmentsand/or AFH revisions for a period of not less than 30 days. All comments received, inwriting or orally at a public meeting, will be considered in preparing the final Plan(s)and/or AFH. A summary of the comments or views, including those not accepted and
the reasons, shall be attached to the final Plan(s) and/or AFH.
•Public notices will be published at least ten days prior to the hearing. Notices will
include the date, time, location, and summary of the proposed action to help facilitate
informed comments.
Any changes in federal funding level after the comment period of either the Draft Consolidated Plan and/or Action Plan has expired, the resulting effect on the distribution of funds will not be
considered an amendment or a substantial amendment.
•The city will conduct at least two public hearings each year to obtain residents’ feedback
regarding housing and community development needs, proposed allocation of CDBG
funds, strategies and actions taken to affirmatively further fair housing, and review
program performance.
•The city will conduct at least one public hearing during the development of the AFH, AI, and/or statutorily required plan to address fair housing prior to publishing for
public comment. The public hearing must be held prior to formulating the
Consolidated Plan.
•The city will conduct at least one public hearing during the development of theConsolidated Plan prior to publishing the Consolidated Plan for public comment.
•The city will receive and consider comments concerning the Plan(s), AFH, AI, and/or
statutorily required plan to address fair housing for a period of 30 days. All comments
received, in writing or orally at the public meeting, will be considered in preparing the
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 28 of 32
Exhibit 3
Page 6 of 9
final Plan(s) and/or AFH. A summary of the comments, including those not accepted and
the reasons, shall be attached to the final Plan(s).
•Public notices will be published at least ten days prior to the hearing. Notices will
include date, time, location, and summary of the proposed action to help facilitate an
informed comment(s). Notices will be published in the newspaper and announced on
the city’s website.
•Public notices, excluding the CAPER, will be published at least ten days prior to a
hearing. Notices will include the date, time, location, and summary of the proposed
action to help facilitate an informed comment(s). Notices will be published in the
newspaper and announced on the city’s website.
Public hearings are held in the Carlsbad Council Chamber located at 1200 Carlsbad Village
Drive, Carlsbad, California, convenient to potential and actual beneficiaries of funding and
accessible to people with disabilities. Listening devices for the hearing impaired available at public hearings upon request. Translators are provided for non-English speaking persons when requests are made within five working days prior to a public hearing. Individuals with
disabilities, who require reasonable accommodations to participate in the City Council
meetings, should contact the City Manager’s Office at 442-339-3821, 711 (free relay service
for TTY users), 760-720-9461 (fax) or manager@carlsbadca.gov by noon on the Monday
before the meeting to make arrangements. Commented [NPJ3]: Removed CDBG AdvisoryCommittee, and added Housing Commission to Development of Plan section.
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 29 of 32
Page 7 of 9
The City of Carlsbad provides adequate notice of 15 or 30 days, depending on the subject of the
notice, at all stages of the Consolidated Plan process to encourage participation by interested
parties. To allow for informed comment, notices provide specific information regarding the
subject of the notice including anticipated amount of funding, eligible types of activities,
expected benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, staff contact information, date, time,
and location of the event. Notices are published in the San Diego Union Tribune, the Coast
News, and/or other local newspaper. The City of Carlsbad provides advance notice for the
following specific documents:
Document Noticing period
•Citizen Participation Plan 30 days
•Five-Year Consolidated Plan 30 days
•Annual Plan 30 days
•AFH, AI, or other statutorily
required plan to address fair housing 30 days
•Substantial Amendment 30 days
•CAPER 15 days
Any citizen, organization, or other interested party may submit written requests for information
regarding the Consolidated Plan, Annual Plan, AFH, AI, and/or other statutorily required plan to
address fair housing, and CAPER, including the city’s use of funds under the CDBG programs and
the benefit to low- and moderate-income residents during the preceding five years.
The Citizen Participation Plan, the Consolidated Plan, the current Annual Plan, the current AFH, AI, and/or other statutorily required plan to address fair housing, the current CAPER, and any substantial amendments to these plans will be available for public review at Carlsbad City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, and on the city’s website.
Upon request, the City of Carlsbad works with individuals or groups which represent lower income people to develop proposals for funding assistance under the Consolidated Plan programs. Carlsbad staff does provide technical assistance for proposals that strengthen and expand the role of community-based development organizations in planning for eligible activities.
The City of Carlsbad strives to avoid and minimize the displacement of individuals as a result of
the HUD funded activities. Therefore, to the greatest extent possible, the city:
•Considers the impact of displacement in the site selection, during the project planning
•Provides information to displaced individuals on available assistance and relocation
Commented [NPJ4]: Included other newspapers and corrected the number of days require for public review of
the annual action plan.
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 30 of 32
Page 8 of 9
Prior to approval of any HUD funded activities with the potential for temporary or permanent displacement of individuals, the responsible agency (city or private developer) provides a written plan of action for comparable replacement low-income housing and assistance to displaced
persons, based on the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act of
The city will consider any comments from citizens received in writing or orally at public hearings
in preparing this Citizen Participation Plan, the Consolidated Plan, Annual Plan, CAPER, AFH, AI,
or other statutorily required plan to address fair housing, and/or substantial amendments to
these plans. A summary of all comments will be attached and submitted to HUD.
The city will respond to written complaints received relating to the Consolidated Plan, Annual
Plan, AFH, AI, or other statutorily required plan to address fair housing, CAPER, and/or
substantial amendments. Written complaints must describe the objection and provide contact
information of the complainant. The city will respond to complaints within 15 working days of
receiving the written complain, acknowledging the letter and identifying a plan of action, if
necessary. Correspondence may be addressed to:
City of Carlsbad
Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior
Program Manager
Housing & Homeless
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Persons wishing to contact the Los Angeles Area HUD Office may address correspondence to:
U.S. Housing and Urban Development Attn: Robert DiGruccio 300 North Los Angeles St. , Suite 4054 Los Angeles, CA 90012
DEFINITIONS Annual Plan: A one year (July 1- June 30) planning document, detailing approved funding
allocations for specific eligible activities. The Annual Plan is submitted to HUD 45 days prior to
the beginning of the program year.
CAPER: The Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) is prepared at the
end of the program year to detail how funds were actually expended and the extent to which
these funds were used for activities that benefitted low- and moderate-income people. The
CAPER is submitted to HUD within 90 days of the program year end.
CDBG: Community Development Block (CDBG) is a HUD grant which provides for a variety of
community development programs that benefit low- and moderate-income persons.
Commented [NPJ5]: Removal of COVID-19 waivers.
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 31 of 32
Page 9 of 9
CFR: The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the general and permanent rules and regulations published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the U.S. government.
Five-Year Consolidated Plan: A five-year planning document and application for funding which
establishes the city’s priorities and strategies for use of HUD administered funding.
HUD: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HD) is the federal agency which
administers and provides guidance for the Consolidated Plan process and use of federal funds
such as CDBG.
Low- and Moderate-Income Persons: Individuals from households with a total income that does not
exceed 80 percent of the median household income for the area adjusted for the family size.
Oct. 17, 2023 Item #5 Page 32 of 32
Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior Program Manager
Housing & Homeless Services
Oct. 17, 2023
Amended Citizen Participation Plan &
FY 2024-25 Funding Plan
Nicole Piano-Jones, Senior Program Manager
Housing & Homeless Services
Oct. 17, 2023
•Public Hearing
•Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Overview
•Two topic covered
•Amended Citizen Participation Plan
•FY 2024-25 Funding Plan
•City of Carlsbad Entitlement Grantee
•Administered by Federal Housing &
Urban Development Department (HUD)
•Annual grant ~ $500,000
•Requirements include planning and
public participation
•Transfer grant review duties from
Community Development Block Grant
Advisory Committee to Housing Commission
•Removal temporary waivers
•Clean-up and clarification regarding
fair housing requirements
•Annual Award:$518,215
•Public Services (15% cap)$77,732
•Admin/Fair Housing (20% cap)$106,643
•Affordable Housing & Facilities (no cap)$336,840
•Applications Nov. – Jan.
•Advisory Committee Mar. or Apr.
•Public Review Apr. – May
•City Council Public Hearing May
City Council Adopt two resolutions;
1.Approving the Amended Citizen and
Community Participation Plan
2.Approving the FY 2024-25 CDBG
funding plan and authorize notice of
funding availability