r --- -------
SOil and Foundation Engineers
Proposed Single-family Residence
315.9B Madison Street
Carlsbad, CA
JOB NO. 197113
March 11, 2019
Prepared for:
Darren Machuisky
3508 Woodland Way
Carlsbad, CA. 92008 RECEWED
APR 22 2319
Phone: (619) 462-9861 • Email: Clamonte@Flash.Net • Fax: (619) 462-9859
ca" W11a' La Nkmk cwnpary Int
Soil and Foundation Engineers
- Ti 1
Phone: (619) 462-9861 • Email: ClamonteFlash.Net • Fax: (619) 462-9859
March ll,2019 job No. 197113
TO: Darren Machuisky
3508 Woodland Way
Carlsbad, CA. 92008
SUBJECT: Report of Limited Geotechnical Investigation
Proposed Single-family Residence
3159B Madison Street
Carlsbad, CA
In accordance with your request, we have performed a geotechnical investigation
for the proposed residential development. We are presenting herein our findings
and recommendations. The above referenced geotechnical investigation,
conducted in 1998, and included the subject-property as well as the adjacent
parcels to the east and west. The findings of this investigation have been
incorporated into this report as well as the findings of our independent site
In general, we found the property suitable for the proposed project provided that
the recommendations contained herein are adhered to. We found the proposed
project site to be overlain with up to 4 feet of loose fill and topsoil. The property is
underlain at depth with competent sedimentary bedrock. Much of the loose surficial
soils will be removed by future cut and export operations. Remaining loose surface
soils may require mitigation by remedial grading in some locations. Detailed
earthwork and foundation recommendations are provided in the ensuing report.
If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to
contact our office. This opportunity to he of professional service is sincerely
Respectfully submitted,
Exp. eo
Jerry Re
No. 25241 No. 495
CliffoV. La Monte, R.C.E. 2524-1G .E. 0495 C
• SCOPE OF WORK ...........................................................................................................1
..................................................................... 3
SITE DESCRIPTION ................ ........................................................................................ 3
DESCRIPTION OF SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS. ........................................... 3
GROUNDWATER ...........................................................................................................4
• SEISMICITY AND FAULTING ........................................................................................ 5
SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS ................................................................................ .6
GEOLOGIC HAZARDS ........................... .............................. . ........................................ 7
CONCLUSIONS................................................................................... . ............................ 8
RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................... ..........................................9
EARTH WORK AND GRADING .................................................................................... 9
Specifications and Preconstruction ............... ............................................................ 9.
Compaction and Method of Filling ..........................................................................10
TemporaryCut Slopes ............................................................................................... 11
Excavation Characteristics ...................................................................................... 11
Excavation Characteristics......................................................................................11
SurfaceDrainage .......................................................................................................11
ErosionControl ........................................................................................................ 12
Grading Plans Review ...................
......................................................................... 12
• FOUNDATIONS .......... .....................................................................................................12
Foundation Embedment .......................................................................................... 12
SoilBearing Value ................................................................................................... 13
Lateral Load Resistance..........................................................................................13
• Foundation Reinforcement ...................................... .............................................. 13
Anticipated Settlements .........................................................................................14
Foundation Excavation Observation .......................... .14
Foundation Plan Review ...................................... .................................................. 14
Horizontal Distance of Footings from Slopes ....................................................14
• CONCRETE SLABS-ON-GRADE .............................. .................................................. 14
SLAB MOISTURE BARRIERS . ..................................................................................... 15
Interior Slab Curing Time ......................................................................................16
Passive Pressure ......................................................................................................16
• Soil Bearing Value...................................................................................................17
Active Pressure for Retaining Walls ..................................................................... 17
Retaining Wall Foundations .................................................................... .............. 17
Waterproofing and Subdrain Observation..........................................................17
Backfill........................................................................................................................ 18
FIELD INVESTIGATION.................................................................................................18
LABORATORY TESTS AND SOIL INFORMATION ................................................ 19
LIMITATIONS................................................................................................................. 19
Table I Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values and Design Page 6
Table II Foundation Embedment Page 13
Table III Equivalent fluid weights Page 17
Figure No. 1
Figure No. 2A
Figure No. 2B
Figure No.3 A and 3B
Figure No. 4
Figure No. 5
Site Location Map (Tope.)
Plot Plan and Geotecimical Map
Site Plan -Proposed Development
Test Boring Logs
Regional Geologic Map Excerpt (2005)
Regional Fault Activity Map
Appendix "A"- Standard Grading Specifications
Appendix "B" - Unified Soil Classification Chart
Proposed Residence March Ii, 2019
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
Page 2
. Proposed Single-family Residence.
3159 B Madison Street
Carlsbad, CA
The following report presents the results of a limited geotechnical investigation
performed for the proposed residential project. The project site is a developed
residential lot located at 3159B Madison Street in the City of Carlsbad, California.
. Figure Number 1 (attached) provides a vicinity map showing the approximate
location of the property and area topography. The project site is currently improved
a one-story single-family residence. We understand the existing residence will be
removed to make way for a new 2-story single-family residence. The existing
residence at 3159A Madison Street will remain. The existing shed will be relocated
to a central portion of the lot. The proposed structure will be a founded on
conventional shallow foundations with slab-on-grade floors. The structure will be
constructed at or near the grade of the existing home so ,planned grading is
anticipated to be minor.
This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the stated client and his design
consultants for specific application to the project described herein. Should the project
be changed in any way, the modified plans should be submitted to C. W. La Monte
Company, Inc. for review to determine their conformance with our
recommendations and to determine if any additional subsurface investigation,
laboratory testing and/or recommendations are necessary. Our professional services
have been performed, our findings obtained and our recommendations prepared in
accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and practices. This
warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied.
The scope of this investigation was limited to: surface reconnaissance, research of
readily available geotechnical literature pertinent to the site, subsurface exploration,
laboratory testing, engineering and geologic analysis of the field and laboratory data
and preparation of this report. More specifically, the intent of this investigation was
Review available geotechni:al reports and maps pertinent to the subject site.
Identify the subsurface conditions of the site to the depths influenced by the
proposed construction.
Based on laboratory testing and our experience with similar sites in the area,
identify the engineering properties of the various strata that may influence the
proposed construction, including the allowable soil bearing pressures,
expansive characteristics and settlement potential.
Describe possible geotechrrical factors that could have an effect on the site
Provide mapped spectral acceleration parameters from USGS Seismic Design
Address potential construction difficulties that may be encountered due to soil
conditions and groundwater, and provide recommendations concerning these
• Recommend an appropriate foundation system for the proposed structure and
develop soil engineering design criteria for the recommended foundation
Present our opinions in this written report, which includes in addition to our
findings and recommendations, a site plan showing the location of our
subsurface explorations, logs of the test trenches and a summary of our
laboratory test results.
It was not within our scope Df work to evaluate the site for hazardous materials
contamination. Further, we did not perform laboratory tests to evaluate the chemical
characteristics of the on-site soils in regard to their potentially corrosive impact to on-
grade concrete and below grade improvements.
The soil bearing conditions of the existing home, to remain, were not evaluated.
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 2
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
The property is located 3159 Madison Street in the City of Carlsbad, California. The lot
alignment is skewed in a northeast-southwest alignment; to simplify discussions
north is assumed to be oriented towards the northwest in alignment with Madison
Street. Using this convention the property is bounded on the north and south with
single-family homes, on the west with an alley, and on the east with Madison Street.
A legal description of the property is Assessor's Parcel Number 204-084-05-00. The
property is rectangular-shaped and is approximately 25 feet wide and a 140 feet
The lot is improved with two, one-story single-family homes. A residence at 3159A
occupies the eastern portion of the lot and fronts on Madison Street. The subject
3159B residence occupies the western portion of the lot and fronts on the alley. A
shed is located between the structures. A privacy fence separates the two homes.
Topographically, the property is relatively level and appears to drain by sheet flow
S to the alley and street. Survey information concerning actual elevations was not
available at the time of our investigation. However, a review of area topographic
maps indicates elevations on the order of 50 feet MSL.
The site is located within the coastal plain section of the Peninsular Ranges
Geomorphic Province of California. The coastal plain generally consists of subdued
landforms underlain by tertiary to quaternary aged marine sedimentary deposits.
The site was found to be underlain Quaternary aged sedimentary formational
deposits with associated surficial materials and minor fills. These soil types are
described individually below in order of increasing age. Also refer the attached Test
Boring Logs, Figure No. 3A&3B. A Plot Plan and Geotechnical Map is attached as.
Figure No. 2A with the test boring locations a mapping of the encountered units. An 5 excerpt from a regional geologic map is included as Figure No. 4.
Fill: Localized fills soils were encountered in Test Boring B-3. The fills were
about 2.5 feet and consist of dark brown, loose to medium dense, silty sand
Proposed Residence March 11, .2019 Page 3
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
with a little solid trash debris.
Topsoil: The site is capped with about 3 feet of topsoil materials. The topsoil
consists primarily of dark reddish brown, loose to medium dense, silty sand
(SM). The topsoils are moderately compressible and require remedial
grading. Based on our visual and textural classification plus our past
experience with similar soils in the vicinity of the subject site, these materials
are anticipated to possess a "very low" expansion potential.
Old Paralic Deposits (Qop): According to the Di gital Geologic Map of the Oceanside
30' X 60' Quadrangle, Southern California (2005), by Kenned5i Tan (Kenned and Tan, 2005),
the site is underlain at depth with competent and Quaternary-aged old paralic
deposits. The encountered formational materials consist primarily of reddish
brown to light brown, silty sands
Based on our visual and textural classification plus our past experience with similar
soils in the vicinity of the subject site, the above materials are anticipated to possess a
"very low" expansion potential.
No groundwater was encountered in our test excavations at the time of our
investigation, which extended to a maximum depth of 8 feet. Based on our past
experience and area reconnaissance, groundwater is anticipated at depths greater
than 20 feet.
It should be kept in mind, that any required grading operations might change
surface drainage patterns and/or reduce permeability due to the densification of
compacted soils. Such changes of surface and subsurface hydrologic conditions, plus
irrigation of landscaping or significant increases in rainfall, may result in the
appearance of surface or near-surface water at locations where none existed
previously. The damage from such water is expected to be minor and cosmetic in
nature, only if good positive drainage is implemented at the completion of
construction. Corrective action should be taken on a site-specific basis if, and when,
it becomes necessary.
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 4
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
No faults are known to traverse the site, thus it is not considered susceptible to
surface rupture as a result of on-site faulting. The probability of soil cracking caused
by shaking from close or distant fault sources is also considered to be low. It should
be noted that much of Southern California, including the San Diego County area is
characterized by a series of Quaternary-age fault zones, which typically consist of
several individual, en echelon faults that generally strike in a northerly to north-
westerly direction. Some of these fault zones (and the individual faults within the
zones) are classified as active while others are classified as only potentially active,
according to the criteria of the California Division of Mines and Geology (currently
California Geological Survey). Active fault zones are those that have shown
conclusive evidence of faulting during the Holocene Epoch (the most recent 11,000
years), while potentially active fault zones have demonstrated movement during the
Pleistocene Epoch (11,000 to 2 million years before the present) but no movement
during Holocene time. An excerpt from the 2010 Fault Activity Map of California
(California Geological Survey) is attached as Figure No. 5 and provides the recency
of faulting in the site vicinity.
Current geologic literature indicates that the Rose Canyon / Newport-Englewood
Fault Zone is the nearest active fault with the nearest segment mapped offshore
about 2 miles west of the site. According to the 2008 National Seismic Hazard Maps -
Fault Parameters (USGS website), the Maximum Magnitude earthquake on the Rose
Canyon / Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone is 6.9 (Ellsworth) or 6.7 (Hanks) with a
slip rate of 1.5. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone is currently classified as a Type "B" fault
(California Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps, June 2003.
O Other nearby faults, as shown on Figure Number 5, includes several unnamed Pre-
Quaternary (inactive) faults located within 5 miles of the site and located to the
north, south and east. Also the La Nacion Fault Zone and other Quaternary faults are
located over 25 miles south of the property. These faults are considered potentially
active, inactive, presumed inactive, or activity unknown, by the City of San Diego
Seismic Safety Study [potentially active faults have demonstrated movement during
the Pleistocene Epoch (11,000 to 1.6 million years before the present) but no
movement during Holocene (recent) times].
The Elsinore and San Jacinto Fault Zones located about 37 and 57 miles (respectively)
northeast of the site. The City of San Diego Seismic Safety Element estimates the
maximum probable earthquake for both the San Jacinto and the Elsinore fault zones
is between M 6.9 and 7.3, with a repeat interval of approximately 100 years. The
maximum credible earthquake for both fault zones is estimated at M 7.6.
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 5
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
Other active fault zones in the region that could possibly affect the site include the
Coronado Bank and San Clemente Fault Zones to the southwest, and the Earthquake
Valley Fault and San Andreas Fault Zones to the northeast. However, a Maximum
Magnitude Earthquake on the Rose Canyon or Elsinore Fault Zones is anticipated to
generate ground accelerations on the site, greater than any of the other nearby fault
According to the Official Map of Aiquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones of California, by
the California Division of Mines and Geology (currently. California Geological
Survey) (CDMG, 1991) the site IS NOT located an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault
Zone map.
We have re-determined the mapped spectral acceleration values for the site utilizing
current U.S. Seismic Design Maps from the USGS website.
The analysis included the following input parameters:
Design Code Reference Document: ASCE7- 16 Standard
Site Soil Classification: Site Class D
Risk Category: II
Site Coordinates: 33.15910°N, 117.34585°W
The values generated by the Design Map Report are provided in the following table:
Site Coefficients and Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters
Ss S1 Fa F Sms Smi Sd Sd1 PGA
1.077 0.389 1.069 null 1.151 null 0.768 null 0.475
Application to the criteria in Table I for seismic design does not constitute any kind
of guarantee or assurance that significant structural damage or ground failure will
not occur if ever seismic shaking-occurs. The primary goal of seismic design is to
protect life, not to avoid all damage, since such design may be economically
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 6
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
General: No geologic hazards of sufficient magnitude to preclude development of
the site as currently proposed are known to exist. In our professional opinion and to
the best of our knowledge, the site is suitable for the proposed development.
Ground Shaking: A likely geologic hazard to affect the site is ground shaking
resulting from movement along one of the major active fault zones mentioned above.
Probable ground shaking levels at the site could range from slight to severe,
depending on such factors as the magnitude of the seismic event and the distance to
the epicenter. It is likely that the site will experience the effects of at least one
moderate to large earthquake during the life of the proposed structures.
Construction in accordance with the minimum requirements of the current building
codes and local governing agencies should minimize potential damage due to
seismic activity.
Landslide Potential and Slope Stability: A detailed, deterministic slope stability
analysis was not included within our scope of services. However, as part of this
investigation we reviewed the publication, "Landslide Hazards in the Southern Part
of the San Diego Metropolitan Area" by Tan and Giffen, 1995. This reference is a
comprehensive study that classifies San Diego County into areas of relative landslide
susceptibility. The subject site is located in Area 3. The 3 classification is typically
assigned to areas generally susceptible to slope movement. The site is further located
in Subarea 3-1 within the 3 classification. Slopes within the 3-1 subarea generally
occupy steeper and higher slopes which are marginally stable and potentially
susceptible to landslides and other slope failures.
Due to the sites underlying stable bedrock and gentle topography, deep-seating
landsliding does not appear to present a significant geotechnical hazard.
Liquefaction: The materials at the site are not subject to significant liquefaction due
to such factors as soil density, grain-size distribution, and groundwater conditions.
Soil Expansion: Generally, the soils encountered at the site are considered to possess
a very low-expansive potential.
Flooding: The site is located outside the boundaries of both the 100-year and the
500-year floodplains according to the maps prepared by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency.
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 7
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA 9
Tsunamis and Seiches: Tsunamis are great sea waves produced by submarine
earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Seiches are periodic oscillations in large bodies of
water such as lakes, harbors, bays or reservoirs. Based on the project's elevated
location, the site is considered to possess a low risk potential from tsunamis, or seiche
In general, our findings indicate that the project site is suitable for the proposed
structures, provided the recommendations presented herein are followed. The most
significant geotechnical conditions that will influence site development are
summarized below.
The lot is overlain with about 3 to 4 feet of potentially compressible topsoils
and localized fills. Therefore, an "undercut" grading operation is
recommended to mitigate this condition. The loose surficial materials should
be removed down to competent material and be replaced back in the
excavation as compacted fill (as needed to achieve design elevations). Where
possible the removals should extend at least 4 feet beyond the perimeter of the
No groundwater was encountered in our test explorations that extended to a
maximum depth of approximately 8 feet below the existing grade. Therefore,
groundwater should not present issues to the proposed development.
• The foundation level materials encountered at the site are considered to
possess a very low to low expansion potential (expansion index [El] less than
50) as defined by ASTM 4829. Recommendations for heaving soils are not
We do not anticipate a significant transition (cut/fill) we be generated by the
recommended site grading.
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 8
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
Specifications and Preconstruction
All grading should conform to the guidelines presented in this report, Sections 1804
and Appendix "J" of the 2016 California Building Code, the minimum requirements
of the City of Carlsbad and the Recommended Grading Specifications and Special
Provisions (Appendix A) attached hereto, except where specifically superseded in
the text of this report. Prior to grading, a representative of C.W. La Monte Company
Inc. should be present at the preconstruction meeting to provide additional grading
guidelines, if necessary, and to review the earthwork schedule.
Fill Suitability
On-site excavated materials may be used as compacted fill material or backfill. The
on-site materials, typically, possess a very low expansion potential. Any potential
import soil sites should be evaluated and approved by the Geotechnical Consultant
prior to importation. At least two working days notice of a potential import source
should, be given to the Geotechnical Consultant so that appropriate testing can be
accomplished. The type of material considered most desirable for import is a non-
detrimentally expansive granular material with some silt or clay binder.
Observation of Grading
Observation and testing by the soil engineer is essential during the grading
operations. This observation car range from continuous to an as-needed basis, based
on the project situation. This allows the soil engineer to confirm the conditions
anticipated by our investigation, to allow adjustments in design criteria to reflect the
actual field conditions exposed, and to determine that the grading progresses in
general accordance with the recommendations contained herein.
Site Preparation
Site preparation should begin with the removal of the all improvements designated
for removal and all vegetation and other deleterious materials from the portion of the
lot that will be graded and/or that will receive improvements. This should include
all root balls from the trees removed and all significant root material. The resulting
materials should be disposed of off-site.
Proposed Residence , March 11, 2019 Page 9
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
After clearing and grubbing, site preparation should continue with the removal all
existing topsoil material from areas that will be graded or that will support
settlement-sensitive improvements. Topsoil removals are expected to be about 3 feet,
but may be thicker in localized areas. Where possible, the removals should extend
laterally a minimum of 4 feet beyond the structure perimeter or to a distance equal to
the depth of removals (whichever is greater). All removal areas should be approved
by a representative of our office prior to the placement of additional fill or
improvements. In areas where lateral removals are limited, due to property line
constraints, deepened foundations may be used to compensate for deficiencies in
lateral removal of unsuitable soils.
Prior to placing any fill soils or constructing any new improvements in areas that
have been cleaned out to receive fill, the exposed soils should be scarified to a depth
of approximately 6 to 12 inches, be moisture conditioned, and compacted to at least
90 percent relative compaction.
Compaction and Method of Filling
40 All structural fill placed at the site and should be compacted to a minimum relative
compaction of at least 90 percent of its maximum dry density as determined by
ASTM Laboratory Test D1557. Any backfill soils supporting first story areas that
overhang the basement shall be compacted to at least 95 percent.
Fills should be placed at or slightly above optimum moisture content, in lifts six to
eight inches thick, with each lift compacted by mechanical means. Fills should
consist of approved earth material, free of trash or debris, roots, vegetation, or other
materials determined to be unsuitable by our soil technicians or project geologist. All
material should be free of rocks or lumps of soil in excess of twelve inches in
maximum width. However, in the upper two feet of pad grade, no rocks or lumps of
soil in excess of six inches should be allowed.
Utility trench backfill within five feet of the proposed structure and beneath all
pavements and concrete flatwork should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent
of its maximum dry density. The upper one-foot of pavement subgrade and base
material should be compacted to at least 95 percent relative density. All grading and
fill placement should be performed in accordance with the local Grading Ordinance,
the California Building Code, and the Recommended Grading Specifications and
Special Provisions attached hereto as Appendix A.
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 10
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
Temporary Cut Slopes
We anticipate no temporary cut slopes exceeding 4 feet in height and, therefore,
specifications for temporary cuts are not provided at this time. It should be noted
that the contractor is solely responsible for designing and constructing stable,
temporary excavations and may need to shore, slope, or bench the sides of trench
excavations as required to maintain the stability of the excavation sides where friable
sands or loose soils are exposed. The contractor's "responsible person", as defined in
the OSHA Construction Standards for Excavations, 29 CFR, Part 1926, should
evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety process.
In no case should slope height, slope inclination, or excavation depth, including
utility trench excavation depth, exceed those specified in local, state, and federal
safety regulations. Actual safe slope angles should be verified by the geotechnical
consultant at the time of excavation.
Excavation Characteristics
Based on our exploratory excavations, the subsurface materials at the site appear
relatively easy to moderate to excavate with conventional earthmoving equipment
and will generate good quality silty sand to poorly graded sand material. No
significant amounts of oversize rock material are anticipated.
Excavation Characteristics
Based on our exploratory excavations, the subsurface materials at the site appear
relatively easy to moderate to excavate with conventional earthmoving equipment
and will generate good quality silty sand. No significant amounts of oversize rock
material are anticipated.
Surface Drainage
Surface runoff into graded areas should be minimized. Where possible, drainage
should be directed to suitable disposal areas via non-erodible devices such as paved
swalés, gunited brow ditches, and storm drains. Pad drainage should be designed to
collect and direct surface water away from proposed structures and toward
approved drainage areas and/or LID systems.
Section 1804.3 of the California Building Code specifies the following for site grading:
The ground immediately adjacent to the foundation shall be sloped away from
the building at a slope of not less than one unit vertical in 20 units horizontal
(5-percent slope) for a minimum distance of 10 feet measured perpendicular to
the face of the wall. If physical obstructions or lot lines prohibit 10 feet of
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 11
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
horizontal distance, a 5-percent slope shall be provided to an approved
alternative method of diverting water away from the foundation. Swales used
for this purpose shall be sloped a minimum of 2 percent where located within
10 feet of the building foundation. Impervious surfaces within 10 feet of the
building foundation shall be sloped at a minimum of 2 percent away from the
building... The procedure used to establish the final ground level adjacent to
the foundation shall account for additional settlement of the backfill.
Erosion Control
In addition, appropriate erosion-control measures shall be taken at all times during
construction to prevent surface runoff waters from entering footing excavations,
ponding on finished building pad or pavement areas, or running uncontrolled over
the tops of newly-constructed cut or fill slopes. Appropriate Best Management
Practice (BMP) erosion control devices should be provided in accordance with local
and federal governing agencies.
Grading Plans Review
Any future grading plans should be submitted to this office for review to ascertain
that the recommendations provided in this report have been followed and that the
assumptions utilized in its preparation are still. valid. Additional or amended
recommendations may be issued based on this review.
Foundations for the structure should consist of continuous strip footings and/or
isolated spread footings founded in compacted fill or competent natural ground. It
appears recommendations for heaving soils are not required.
Foundation Embedment
Foundations should be constructed in accordance with the recommendations of the
project structural engineer and the minimum requirements of the CBC. The
following table provides suggested foundation dimensions.
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 12
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
Number of Floors
Supported by
Width of Footing
Embedment Depth
Below Undisturbed Soil
1 12 12
2 15 18.
3 18 24
Soil Bearing Value
The bearing level soils are anticipated to be comprised primarily of competent, silty
sand (SM). Silty sands are considered Class of Materials 4, based on classification of
these soils in accordance with the 1806A.2 Presumptive Load-Bearing Values of the
California Building Code. Using Table 1806A.2 as a guideline the Allowable
Foundation Pressure is 2000 pounds square foot (psf).
The values presented herein are for dead plus live loads and may be increased by
one-third when considering transient loads due to wind or seismic forces.
Lateral Load Resistance
Lateral loads against foundations may be resisted by friction between the bottom of
the footing and the supporting soil, and by the passive pressure against the footing.
The coefficient of friction between concrete and soil may be considered to be 0.4. The
passive resistance may be considered to be equal to an equivalent fluid weight of 300
pounds per cubic foot in recompacted fill or firm natural ground material. This
assumes the footings are poured tight against undisturbed soil. If a combination of
the passive pressure and friction is used, the friction value should be reduced .by one-
Foundation Reinforcement
It is recommended that continuous footings be reinforced with at least four No. 4
steel bars; two reinforcing bars shall be located near the top of the foundation, and
two bars near the bottom.
The steel reinforcement will help prevent damage due to normal, post construction
settlement or heaving, resulting from variations in the subsurface soil conditions.
The minimum reinforcement recommended herein is based on soil characteristics
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 13
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
only and is not intended to replace reinforcement required for structural
Anticipated Settlements
Based on our experience with the soil types on the subject site, the soils should
experience settlement in the rnag:iitude of less than 0.5 inch under proposed
structural loads.
It should be recognized that minor hairline cracks normally occur in concrete slabs
and foundations due to shrinkage during curing and/or redistribution of stresses
and some cracks may be anticipated. Such cracks are not necessarily an indication of
excessive vertical movements.
Foundation Excavation Observation
All foundation excavations should be observed by the Geotechnical Consultant prior
to placing reinforcing steel and formwork in order to verify compliance with the
foundation recommendations presented herein. All footing excavations should be
excavated neat, level and square. All loose or unsuitable material should be removed
prior to the placement of concrete.
Foundation Plan Review
The finalized, foundation plans should be submitted to this office for review to
ascertain that the recommendat:ons provided in this report have been followed and
that the assumptions utilized in its preparation are still valid. Additional or
amended recommendations may be issued based on this review.
Horizontal Distance of Footings from Slopes
According to Section 1808.7 (Foundation on or adjacent to slopes), of the California
Building Code, foundations on or adjacent to slope surfaces shall be founded in firm
material with an embedment and set back from the slope surface sufficient to
provide vertical and lateral support for the foundation without detrimental
settlement. Generally, foundation setbacks should conform to Figure 1808A.7.1.
It is our understanding that the floor system of the proposed structures will consist of
concrete slab-on-grade floors. We anticipate that the concrete slabs-on-grade will be
supported by non-detrimentally expansive, competent formation and/or properly
compacted fill material. The following recommendations assume that the subgrade
Proposed Residence Varch 11, 2019 Page 14
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
soils have been prepared in accordance with the recommendations presented in the
"Grading and Earthwork" section of this report. In addition, the following
recommendations are considered the minimum slab requirements based on the soil
conditions and are not intended in lieu of structural considerations.
Interior Floor Slabs: We recommend a minimum floor slab thickness of four inches
(actual) is recommended for slab-on-grade floors. The floor slabs should be
reinforced with at least No. 3 bars placed at 18 inches on center each way. Slab
reinforcing should be supported by chairs and be positioned at mid-height in the
floor slab. An expandable or compressible water stop is recommended at all
foundation and floor slab joints and abutments that are below grade.
Exterior Concrete Flatwork: On-grade exterior concrete slabs for walks and patios
should have a thickness of four inches and should be reinforced with at least No. 3
reinforcing bars placed at 24 inches on center each way. Exterior slab reinforcement
should be placed approximately at mid-height of the slab. Reinforcement and control
joints should be constructed in exterior concrete flatwork to reduce the potential for
cracking and movement. Joints should be placed in exterior concrete flatwork to
help control the location of shrinkage cracks. Spacing of control joints should be in
accordance with the American Concrete Institute specifications. When slabs abut
foundations they should be doweled into the footings.
Vehicular traffic should be avoided until the slab concrete is adequately cured.
A moisture barrier system is recommended beneath interior slab-on-grade floors
with moisture sensitive floor coverings or coatings to help reduce the upward
migration of moisture vapor from the underlying subgrade soil. A properly selected
and installed vapor retarder or barrier is essential for long-term moisture resistance
and can minimize the potential for flooring and environmental problems related to
excessive moisture.
"Above-grade" interior floor slabs should be underlain by a minimum 10-mil thick
moisture retarder product over a four-inch thick layer of clean sand material.
(Please note additional moisture reduction and/or prevention measures may be
needed, depending on the performance requirements for future floor covering
products). All moisture retarder/moisture barrier products used should meet or
exceed the performance standards dictated by ASTM E 1745 Class A material and be
properly installed in accordance with ACT publication 302 (Guide to Concrete Floor and
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 15
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
Slab Construction) and ASTM E1643 (Standard Practice for Installation of Water Vapor
Retarder Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs).
Moisture Retarders and Installation
Vapor retarder joints must have at least 6-inch-wide overlaps and be sealed with
mastic or the manufacturer's recommended tape or compound. No heavy equipment,
stakes or other puncturing instruments should be used on top of the liner before or
during concrete placement. In actual practice, stakes are often driven through the
retarder material, equipment is dragged or rolled across the retarder, overlapping or
jointing is not properly implemented, etc. All these construction deficiencies reduce
the retarders' effectiveness. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the
moisture retarder is properly placed in accordance with the project plans and
specifications and that the moisture retarder material is free of tears and punctures
and is properly sealed prior to the placement of concrete.
Interior Slab Curing Time
Following placement of concrete floor slabs, sufficient drying time must be allowed
prior to placement of floor coverings. Premature placement of floor coverings may
result in degradation of adhesive materials and loosening of the finish floor
materials. Prior to installation, standardized testing (calcium chloride test and/or
relative humidity) should be performed to determine if the slab moisture emissions
are within the limits recommended by the manufacturer of the specified floor-
covering product.
The below foundation values are provided for conventional shallow foundations.
Passive Pressure
The passive pressure for the prevailing soil conditions may be considered to be 300
pounds per square foot per foot of depth. This pressure may be increased one-third
for seismic loading. The coefficient of friction for concrete to soil may be assumed
to be 0.4 for the resistance to lateral movement. When combining frictional and
passive resistance, the friction value should be reduced by one-third.
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 16
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA 0
Soil Bearing Value
Conventional spread footings with the above minimum dimensions may be designed
for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,003 pounds per square foot for foundation
bearing in compacted fill or firm natural ground.
Active Pressure for Retaining Walls
Lateral pressures acting against masonry and cast-in-place concrete retaining walls
can be calculated using soil equivalent fluid weight. The equivalent fluid weight
value used for design depends on allowable wall movement. Walls that are free to
rotate at least 0.5 percent of the wall height can be designed for the active equivalent
fluid weight. Retaining walls that are restrained at the top (such as basement walls),
or are sensitive to movement and tilting should be designed for the at-rest equivalent
fluid weight.
Values given in the table below are in terms of equivalent fluid weight and assume a
triangular distribution. The provided equivalent fluid weight values assume that
onsite or imported, sandy soils (SF, SM, SC) with an Expansion Index (E.I.) of less
than 20 will be used as backfill. No clay soils (CL-CH) should be used as retaining
wall backfill. The retaining walls should be provided with adequate drainage.
Expansion Index (E.I.) of less than 50 will be used as backfill.
Equivalent Fluid Weights (efw) For Calculating Lateral Earth Pressures
(Using Non-detrimentally Expansive Backfill)
Native Backfill
Active 30 pcf
At-Rest 60 pcf
Retaining Wall Foundations
Retaining wall foundations shall be designed by the structural engineer based on the
appropriate parameters provided in this report.
Waterproofing and Subdrain Observation
In general, retaining walls should be provided with a drainage system adequate to
prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces and waterproofed as specified by the
Proposed Residence March 1, 2019 Page 17
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
project architect. Also refer to American Concrete Institute AC! 515.11 (A Guide to
the Use of Waterproofing, Damp Proofing, Protective and Decorative Barriers
Systems for Concrete).
Positive drainage for retaining walls should consist of a vertical layer of permeable
material positioned between the retaining wall and the soil backfill. Such permeable
material may be composed of a composite drainage geosynthetic or a natural
permeable material such as crushed rock or clean sand at least 12 inches thick and
capped with at least 12 inches of backfill soil. The gravel should be wrapped in a
geosynthetic filter fabric. Provisions should be made for the discharge of any
accumulated groundwater. The selected drainage system should be provided with a
perforated collection and discharge pipe placed along the bottom of the permeable
material near the base of the wall. The drain pipe should discharge to a suitable
drainage facility. A typical retaining wall detail is attached as Figure No. 9. If lateral
space (due to property line constraints) is insufficient to allow installation of the
gravel-wrapped 'burrito" drain, a geocomposite system may be used in lieu of the
typical gravel and pipe subdrain system. TenCate's MiraDrain (and similar products)
provide a "low-profile drainage system that requires minimal lateral clearance for
installation. MiraDRAIN and similar products may also be incorporated into a
waterproofing system and provide a slab drainage system (Please note that
supplemental manufacturer's details will be required to provide a waterproofed
All backfill soils should be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. Expansive
or clayey soils should not be used for backfill material. The wall should not be
• backfilled until the masonry has reached an adequate strength.
Three test explorations were placed on the lot, using a hand auger sampling system.
The excavations were placed specifically in areas where representative soil
conditions were expected and/or where the proposed structures will be located. Our
investigation also included a visual site reconnaissance. The excavations were
visually inspected and logged by our field geologist, and samples were taken of the
predominant soils throughout the field operation. Test excavation logs have been
prepared on the basis of our inspection and the results have been summarized on
Figures No. 3A through 3G. The predominant soils have been classified in
conformance with the Unified Soil Classification System (refer to Appendix B). In
• addition, a verbal textural description, the wet color, the apparent moisture and the
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 18
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
density or consistency are provided. The density of granular soils is given as very
loose, loose, medium dense, dense or very dense. The density of cohesive soils is
given as either very soft, soft, medium stiff, stiff, very stiff, and hard. Disturbed and . relatively undisturbed samples of typical and representative soils were obtained
from the test excavations and transported to the laboratory for testing.
Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with the generally accepted
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) test methods or suggested
procedures. A brief description of the tests performed is presented below:
CLASSIFICATION: Field classifications were verified in the laboratory by visual
examination. The final soil classifications are in accordance with the Unified Soil
Classification System.
MOISTURE-DENSITY: In-place moisture contents and dry densities were • determined for representative soil samples. This information was an aid to
classification and permitted recognition of variations in material consistency with
depth. The dry unit weight is determined in pounds per cubic foot, and the in-place
moisture content is determined as a percentage of the soil's dry weight. The results
are summarized in the test excavation logs.
MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture
content of a typical soil were determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM
Standard Test Pounds per square foot-1557, Method A. The results of this test are . presented on the following page.
Sample Location B-i @ 1' to 2'
Sample Description Dark brown, silty sand (SM-SP)
Maximum Density 124 pcf . Optimum Moisture 10.1%
The recommendations presented in this report are contingent upon our review of
final plans and specifications. Such plans and specifications should be made
available to the Geotechnical Engineer and Engineering Geologist so that they may
review and verify their compliance with this report and with Appendix A and the •
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 19
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA 0
current California Building Code. It is recommended that C.W. La Monte Company
Inc. be retained to provide soil-engineering services during the construction
operations. This is to verify compliance with the design concepts, specifications or
recommendations and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface
conditions differ from those anticipated prior to start of construction.
The recommendations and opinions expressed in this report reflect our best estimate
of the project requirements based on an evaluation of the subsurface soil conditions
encountered at the subsurface exploration locations and on the assumption that the
soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those encountered. It should be
recognized that the performance of the foundations and/or cut and fill slopes may be
influenced by undisclosed or unforeseen variations in the soil conditions that may
occur in the intermediate and unexplored areas. Any unusual conditions not covered
in this report that may be encountered during site development should be brought to
the attention of the Geotechnical Engineer so that he may make modifications if
This office should be advised of any changes in the project scope or proposed site
grading so that we may determine if the recommendations contained herein are
appropriate. It should be verified in writing if the recommendations are found to be
appropriate for the proposed changes or our recommendations should be modified
by a written addendum.
The findings of this report are valid as of this date. Changes in the condition of a
property can, however, occur with the passage of time, whether they are due to
natural processes or the work of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition,
changes in the Standards-of-Practice and/or Government Codes may occur: Due to
such changes, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or in part by
changes beyond our control. Therefore, this report should not be relied upon after a
period of two years without a review by us verifying the suitability of the
conclusions and recommendations.
In the performance of our professional services, we comply with that level of care
and skill ordinarily exercised by members of our profession currently practicing
under similar conditions and in the same locality. The client recognizes that
subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at the locations where our
borings, surveys, and explorations are made, and that our data, interpretations, and
recommendations are based solely on the information obtained by us. We will be
responsible for those data, interpretations, and recommendations, but shall not be
responsible for the interpretations by others of the information developed. Our
services consist of professional consultation and observation only, and no warranty
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 20
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, is made or intended in connection with
the work performed or to be performed by us, or by our proposal for consulting or
other services, or by our furnishing of oral or written reports or findings.
Our firm will not be responsible for the safety of personnel other than our own on
the site; the safety of others is the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor
should notify the Owner if he considers any of the recommended actions presented
herein to be unsafe.
It is the responsibility of the stated client or their representatives to ensure that the
information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of
the structural engineer and architect for the project and incorporated into the
project's plans and specifications. It is further their responsibility to take the
necessary measures to insure that the contractor and his subcontractors carry out
such recommendations during construction. The firm of C.W. La Monte Co. Inc.
shall not be held responsible for changes to the physical condition of the property,
such as addition of fill soils or changing drainage patterns, which occur subsequent
to the issuance of this report.
Proposed Residence March 11, 2019 Page 21
3159B Madison St.
Carlsbad, CA
'U Buena Vista
Lagoon "\ L-U.[NI T
"\ lTA E!n.
9:j1N4 v -
c \OUP
klA'.Hot. 14 1 lei
St Ptrn:". mt hh .i
Excerpt from USGS Topographic Map, San Luis Rey Quadrangle,
7.5-Minute Series, National Map Website
C.W. La Monte Company Inc.
Soil and Foundation Engineers
Approximate Test B-2 Boring Location
Geologic Units
Qaf = Artificial Fill
Qop =Old Paralic Deposits
C. W La Monte Company ki
3159 B Madison Street
Carlsbad, CA
sjrrF FLAN
Approximate Test B-2 Boring Location
= E
L_- T
Elevation: Date: 03/06/20 19 Logged By: Method :
TOPSOIL 1. Dark brown, very moist, loose to medium
2 dense, silty sand
3 115 9.5 OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS (Qop) 4
Reddish brown to light brown, moist,
5 - medium dense to dense, silty sand
P Elevation:± Date: 02/18/20 16 Logged By:JBR Method :
o'Hand Auger
Dark brown, very moist, loose to medium
2 dense, silty sand
3 .
4 . .• . .• ------------------...--•---- ----------.---
• • Reddish brown to light brown, moist,
• medium dense to dense, silty sand
................-........................•.......• ............................. ............•• ................................................................................................................................ .-
I — — —
c w LMoncnIx Proposed Single-family Residence
,-, -, - - .. ..' - 3159 B Madison Street
Carlsbad, CA
-,. . FIGURE NO. 3 A
'Elevation: Date: 03/06/2019 Logged By: Excavation
- Dark brown, very moist, loose to medium
dense, silty sand with a little trash debris 2
3 - TOPSOIL Dark brown, very moist, loose to medium
4 -
dense, silty sand
6 - Reddish brown, to light brown, moist,
medium dense to dense, silty sand
97c, WE
'-'"-'-' '''-'
Proposed Single-family Residence
''-JJ 3159 B Madison Street
ioEngees Carlsbad, CA
-/ Qop.7 :(
Excerpt from.
DIGIT-11. GLoLoc1c; M-IP OF TI-IL OCE4.SJI)L 30'X60,
OL.-1DR-L'\GIJ, SOUTHLRX C-tLI1-ORX!A (2005), By Kennedy - Tan
LEGEND (Localized)
C. W. La Monte Company Inc. Qop = Old paralic deposits
Soil and Foundation Engineers Fault - Solid where well defined: dashed where inferred.
FIGURE 5 - Excerpt from: 2010 Fault Activity Map of California, Geologic Data Map No. 6
c::1 'N
I Ohl 4
0 134
.R .5
\ •',>.
'\ok El
I 'c"
Fault traces on land are indicated by solid lines where well located, by dashed lines where approximately located or inferred, and by dotted lines where
concealed by younger rocks or by lakes or bays. Fault traces are queried where continuation or existence is uncertain.
FAIIT CLASSIFICATR)N COLOR ('ODE (Indicating Recency of Movement) Late Quaternary fault (during past 700,000 years).
- - -- ' Historic Fault (last 200 years)
_______ l--Iolocene fault (during past 11,700 years)
without historic record.
- - Pre-Quaternary fault (older that 1.6 million years) or fault
...........Quaternary fault (age undifferentiated) without recognized Quaternary displacement.
Appendix "A"
Appendix "A"
These specifications present the usual and minimum requirements for projects on which C.W. La Monte
Company is the geotechnical consultant. No deviation from these specifications will be allowed, except where
specifically superseded in the preliminary geology and soils report or in other written communication signed by
the Soils Engineer or Engineering Geologist of record.
The Soils Engineer and Engineering Geologist is the Owner's or Builders' representative on the Project. For
the purpose of these specifications, participation by the Soils Engineer includes that observation performed
by any person or persons employed by, and responsible to, the licensed Civil Engineer signing the soils
All clearing, site preparation, or earthwork performed cm the project shall be conducted by the Contractor
under the supervision of the Soils Engineer.
It is the Contractor's responsibility to prepare the ground surface to receive the fills to the satisfaction of the
Soils Engineer and to place, spread, mix, water, and compact the fill in accordance with the specifications of
the Soils Engineer. The Contractor shall also remove all material considered unsatisfactory by the Soils
It is also the Contractor's responsibility to have suitable: and sufficient compaction equipment on the job site
to handle the amount of fill being placed. If necessary, excavation equipment will be shut down to permit
completion of compaction. Sufficient watering apparatus will also be provided by the Contractor, with due
consideration for the fill material, rate of placement, and time of year.
A final report shall be issued by the Soils Engineer attesting to the Contractor's conformance, with these
All vegetation and deleterious material shall be disposed of off site. This removal shall be concluded prior to
placing fill.
Soil, alluvium, or bedrock materials determined by the Soils Engineer, as being unsuitable for placement in
compacted fills shall be removed from the site. The Soils Engineer must approve any material incorporated
as a part of a compacted fill.
After the ground surface to receive fill has been cleaced, it shall be scarified, disced, or bladed by the
Contractor until it is uniform and free from ruts, hollows, hummocks, or other uneven features which may
prevent uniform compaction.
The scarified ground surface shall then be brought to optimum moisture, mixed as required, and compacted
as specified. If the scarified zone is greater than 12 inch--s in depth, the excess shall be removed and placed
in lifts restricted to 6 inches.
Prior to placing fill, the ground surface to receive fill shall be inspected, tested as necessary, and approved
by the Soils Engineer.'
Any underground structures such as cesspools, cisterns, mining shafts, tunnels, septic tanks, wells, pipe
lines, or others are to be removed or treated in a manner prescribed by the Soils Engineer and /or governing
In order to provide uniform bearing conditions in cut-fill transition lots and where cut lots are partially in
soil, colluvium, or un-weathered bedrock materials, the bedrock portion of the lot extending a minimum of 3
feet outside of building lines shall be over excavated a minimum of 3 feet and replaced with compacted fill.
Appendix A Standard Grading and Construction Specificatins Page 2
Any material imported or excavated on the property may be utilized in the fill, provided each material
has been determined to be suitable by :he Soils Engineer. Roots, tree branches, and other matter missed
during clearing shall be removed from the fill as directed by the Soils Engineer.
Rock fragments less than 6 inches in diameter may be utilized in the fill, provided:
1.. They are not placed in concentrated pockets:
There is a sufficient percentage of fine-grained material to surround the rocks.
The Soils Engineer shall supervise the distribution of rocks.
C Rocks greater than 6 inches in diameter shall be taken off site, or placed in accordance with the
recommendations of the Soils Engineer in areas designated as suit-able for rock disposal.
Material that is spongy, subject to decay or otherwise considered unsuitable should not be used in the
compacted fill.
Representative samples of material to be utilized as compacted fill shall be analyzed by the laboratory
of the Soils Engineer to determine their physical properties. If any material other than that previously
tested is encountered during grading, the appropriate analysis of this material shall be conducted by the
Soils Engineer as soon as possible.
F. Material used in the compaction process shall be evenly spread, watered processed, and compacted in
thin lifts not to exceed 6 inches in thickness to obtain a uniformly dense layer. The fill shall be placed
and compacted on a horizontal plane, unless otherwise approved by the Soils Engineer.
If the moisture content or relative density varies from that required by the Soils Engineer, the
Contractor should re-work the fill untii the Soils Engineer approves it.
Each layer shall be compacted to 90 Percent of the maximum density in compliance with the testing
method specified by the controlling governmental agency. (In general, ASTM D-1 557-91, the five-layer
method will be used.)
If compaction to a lesser percentage is authorized by the controlling governmental agency because of a
specific land use or expansive soils condition, the area to receive fill compacted to less than 90 percent
shall either be delineated on the grading plan or appropriate reference made to the area in the soils
report. -
H. All fills shall be keyed and benched through all topsoil, colluvium, alluvium or creep material, into
sound bedrock or firm material excep: where the slope receiving fill exceeds a ratio of five horizontal
to one vertical, in accordance with the recommendations of the Soils Engineer.
I. The key for hillside fills should be a minimum of 15 feet in width and within bedrock or similar
materials, unless otherwise spec:fied in the soil report.
Subdrainage devices shall be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of the controlling
governmental agency, or with the recommendations of the Soils Engineer or Engineering Geologist.
The contractor will be required tD obtain a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent out to the finish
- slope face of fill slopes, buttresses, and stabilization fills. This may be achieved by either overbuilding
the slope and cutting back to the compacted core, or by direct compaction of the slope face with suitable
equipment, or by any other procedure which produces the required compaction.
Appendix A Standard Grading and Construction Specifications Page 3
M. All fill slopes should be planted or protected from erosion or by other methods specified in the soils
N. Fill-over-cut slopes shall be properly keyed through topsoil, colluvium or creep material into rock or
firm materials, and the transition shall be stripped of all soil prior to placing fill.
The Engineering Geologist shall inspect all cut slopes at vertical intervals not exceeding 10 feet.
If any conditions not anticipated in the preliminary report such as perched water, seepage, lenticular or
confined strata of a potentially adverse nature, unfavorably inclined bedding, joints or fault planes are
encountered during grading, these conditions shall be analyzed by the Engineering Geologist and Soils
Engineer, and recommendations shall be made to treat these problems.
Cut slopes that face in the same direction as the prevailing drainage shall be protected from slope wash by a
non-erodible interceptor swale placed at the top of the slope.
Unless otherwise specified in the soils and geological report, no cut slopes shall be excavated higher or
steeper than that allowed by the ordinances of controlling governmental agencies.
Drainage terraces shall be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of controlling governmental
agencies, or with the recommendations of the Soils Engineer or Engineering Geologist.
Observation of the fill placement shall be provided by the Soils Engineer during the progress of grading.
in general, density tests should be made at intervals not exceeding 2 feet of fill height or every 500 cubic
yards of fill placement. This criteria will vary, depending on soil conditions and the size of the job. In any
event, an adequate number of field density tests shall be made to verily that the required compaction is being
C. Density tests may also be conducted on the surface material to receive fills as determined by the Soils
D. All clean-outs, processed ground to receive fill, key excavations, subdrains, and rock disposals must be
inspected and approved by the Soils Engineer or Engineering Geologist prior to placing any fill. It shall be
the Contractor's responsibility to notify the Soils Engineer when such areas are ready for inspection.
A. The Contractor shall provide necessary erosion control measures, during grading and prior to the completion
and construction of permanent drainage controls.
B. Upon completion of grading and termination of inspections by the Soils Engineer, no further filling or
excavating, including that necessary for footings, foundations, large tree wells, retaining walls, or other
features shall be performed without the approval of the Soils Engineer or Engineering Geologist.
C. Care shall be taken by the Contractor during final grading to preserve any berms, drainage terraces,
interceptor swales, or other devices of permanent nature on or adjacent to the property.
D. In the event that temporary ramps or pads are constructed of uncontrolled fill soils during a future grading
operation, the location and extent of the loose fill soils shall be noted by the on-site representative of a
qualified soil engineering firm. These materials shall be removed and properly recompacted prior to
completion of grading operations.
E. Where not superseded by specific recommendations presented in this report, trenches, excavations, and
temporary slopes at the subject site shall be constructed in accordance with section 1541 of Title 8,
Construction Safety Orders, issued by OSHA.
Appendix A Standard Grading and Construction Specifications Page 4
I COARSE GRAINED: More than half of material is largerhan No. 200 sieve size.
GRAVELS: More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No.4 sieve size but smaller than 3'.
CLEAN GRAVELS GW Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines,
GP Poorly graded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, little or no fines
GRAVELS WITH FINES GM Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-silt mixtures
(Appreciable amount of fines)
GC Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel sand, clay mixtures.
SANDS: More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size
CLEAN SANDS SW Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines
SP Poorly graded rands, gravelly sands, little or no fines
SANDS WITH FINES SM Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silty mixtures.
(Appreciable amount of fines
SC Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures
IL FINE GRAINED: More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size
SILTS AND CLAYS ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt
- or clayey-silt .vith slight plasticity.
Liquid Limit CL Inorganic clay of low to medium plasticity,
Less than 50 gravelly clays, 3andy clays, silty clays, lean clays
OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity
• SILTS AND CLAYS MR Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty
soils, elastic silt
Liquid Limit CH Inorganic clays, of high plasticity, fat clays.
greater than 50
OH Organic clays ef medium to high niasticity.
• PT Peat and other highly organic soils.