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AnNo GEOTECHNICAL - CIVIL - SURVEY 17579 EL CAJON DRIVE HESPERIA, CA 92345 PH: (562) 397-5229 aesoiltest@gmail.com November 5, 2018 ENG- 18-0006B Shanup Patel 1231 Basswood Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Subject: Supplemental Geotechnical information for the Proposed Retaining Walls (If Any). Basswood, Carlsbad, CA Gentlemen: This letter is to provide clarification that, the presumptive minimum Load-Bearing Values for soil # 5 per Table 1806.2 of the 2015 International Building Code would be acceptable on the conservative side, as Engineering Design Values for Any retaining wall up to 6' in retained Height. We have reviewed the latest grading plan, which specifies a Solid gravity Concrete Retaining wall per San Diego Regional Standard Drawings C-09, and the Design values used to developed said standard are below that minimum per said Code Table Referenced Above. This should provide the requested information. Please call if there are any questions. Respectfully submitted, A.E. Engi ring Gilbert lt Chief ngaineer Exp. 06-30-19 DEC 0 32018 UF LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING TDZo01f",M LEO MOINEERIN GEOTECHNICAL - CIVIL - SURVEY 17579 EL CAJON DRIVE HESPERIA, CA 92345 PH: (562) 397-5229 aesoiltestgmail.com September 7, 2018 ENG- 18-006A Shanup Patel 1231 Basswood Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Subject: Supplemental Geotechnical Information for the Proposed Two-Story Dwelling with an attached Four-Car Garage; 1231 Basswood Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Reference(s): 1. Soils Report No. ENG-18-006 dated February 2, 2018. 2. Geotechnical Investigation Report Review Checklist dated July 3, 2018. Gentlemen: The response to the reference correction letter is in an itemized response form, respectfully. Al: This firm has reviewed the Grading Plan and Foundation Plans, and they have been prepared in accordance with our recommendations in our soil report. A2: A Plot Plan has been prepared using the latest Grading Plan, and attached (Plate 1). A3: A Location Map has been prepared, and attached (Plate 2). Basswood Ave. 2 ENG-18-006A The proposed grading will consist of the following: A building pad will need.to be prepared for the proposed dwelling and garage. A 2:1 slope will be developed during the process of the grading. All soils within the building perimeter plus at least 5 feet to the sides (were possible) should be entirely removed and re-compacted to a minimum depth of 3 feet below proposed footing or the total depth of fill soils whichever is greater. The site is an area where the bedrock is an Older Paralic Deposit, which consist of silty sands; which are moist, firm, light gray to golden brown. No known active or potentially active faults are shown on reviewed published maps as crossing, or projected to the property. Therefore, the potential for surface rupture on the subject site is considered to be low. However, it should be recognized that recent earthquakes have resulted in surface rupture where no faults had been previously mapped. Also, the property is located in an area of high regional seismicity and is likely to be subjected to strong ground shaking during the life of the project from nearby and distant fault, which is characteristic of all Southern California. Boring Logs have been updated and attached (Plates 4-6). The Direct Shear test was performed using the ASTM D 3080 Method. Expansion Index test was performed using the ASTM 4829-11 Method. Sulfate test were performed using the CT 417(B) Method. AS: The bedrock is an Older Paralic Deposit (Qop 2-4); which consist of silty sands, with an expansion index of 39, which is considered to be low expansive. The test was performed using the ASTM 4829-11 method. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. ENG-18-006A A9: Temporary excavation into native soils may be cut vertical to a maximum height of 5 feet required by the project without shoring or slot cuts. Cuts higher than 5 feet should be trimmed to a 1:1 slope or shored. A shoring system should be designed using a value of 30 pcf applied as an equivalent fluid pressure (EFP).All excavations should be stabilized within 30 days of initial excavation. Water should not be allowed to pond on top of the excavation nor to flow towards it. All temporary excavations should be inspected by this firm to assess their stability conditions and to provide alternate recommendations for sloping, or shoring, if required. Al 0: The site is classified as a Seismic Design Category "D". Al 1: The site will be safe from landslides, settlement, and slippage. The property will continue to be stable after the improvements have been constructed and completed. The proposed improvements will not have an adverse impact on adjacent structures. Al2: All Slab-on-Grade should be at least 4 inches in thickness reinforced with No. 4 rebar spaced at 16 inches each way, joints should be at least 8 feet apart and cut to 25% of the depth of the slab. 13: The bedrock is an Older Paralic Deposit (Qop 2-4), and has a sulfate concentration of 681 ppm. Sample was taken from Test Boring No. 3 at a depth of 1.5 feet. Type II concrete should be used for the foundation and slab-on-grade. The site is not located within an area of Tsunami Inundation Area (Plate:?) List of maps: Geologic map (http://www.guake.ca.gov/mqps/ram/oceanside/oceanside.html) (Plate: 3). Geologic Map of North-Central Coastal area of San Diego County (Plate:3A). Tsunami Inundation Map for Emergency planning; Oceanside Quadrangle and San Luis Rey Quadrangle (Plate:7). A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 4 ENG-18-006A A16: The following observations and testing should be performed by this firm during the grading and construction of the proposed improvements. During Grading: Bottom of excavation of any area that will need backfilling. Every two vertical feet of backfill (must be compacted to a minimum of 90%). o Footing excavation for the proposed dwelling and garage, along with any retaining walls if any are plan. Placement of sub-drainage system and water proofing. Sub-grades for concrete driveways and walkways (must be compacted to a minimum of 90%). This should provide the requested information. Please call if there are any questions. Respectfully submitted, A.E. Engineering ER Gilberto Millot Chief Engineer R.C.E. # 53464 Exp. 06-30-19 oESSiö CD Ui No. 53464 rn - CNIIL OF C v,7c Alejandro Encizo Project Engineer Attachments: Plates A.E. ENGINEERING EX 2 STORY HOUSE APN: 205-112-35-00 GARAGE FLOOR 10300 AlE' H I /09 - / GARAGE PAD: 102.6 ,. I L3,uIr" - 0 / 0 / , (03 .1L.-. .riL cR: 003.50 / / IIr 1\ BUILMG PAD: 103.0/ / . r y / / ......'...................................... r EL I 5100? L] MST.I -- HOUSE SHED APN: 205-112-29--LOOJ APN: 2054112-30-00 I L OT L OLT] 'APN: 2Q5-1f--27-00 - - -i 2r- - .- - I COS11106 I 666050 I oo.s000y I HOUSE APN: 205-112-28-00 I LOT I 27 A.E. ENGINEERING CIVIL SOILS SURVEY 17579 EL CAJON DRIVE (562) 397-5229 HESPERIA, CA 92345 aesoiItestgmsiI.com KEY TB-2 .. TEST BORING PROPOSED DI CT DI AI0I 1231 BASSWOOD AVENUE DATE: 9- I SCALE: 1' CARLSBAD, CA I PLATE: I 1231 Basswood Ave - Google Maps Page 1 of 1 Go gLeriaps 1231 Basswood Ave U I Adsswthad Avenue CAsbd vvuceD kJayP Go ge Map data ©2018 Google 1000 ft 14 . .1 PLATE :2 https://www.google.com/rnaps/place/123 1+Basswood+Ave.+Car1sbad.±CA+92OO8!233. 16... 8/5/2018 1231 BASSWOOD AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PLATE: 3 \\ Ual CjW T b ( G -I : — \ \2- \,\ ti ' S' - T;b 'n Ts"'\ i ro loq a f QIo c,7 / V \\ \ Oby \'tab :xi ' Bo \U \rb Tsb -i •" -•- TO Gfe of - * _I , t1**\•fQ0 - /_._ 1 - 'C- -.--' - - 5 0b i —'cb (?f of Tsb of ko T,b_—W '-•::' SITE Qlvc: Upper Part, brownish to gray sands lower part of the formation is exposed at the base of this sub-unit at some localities PLATE: 3A I LOG OFBORINGI PROJECT bASSWOOD AVENUE PROJECT No. NG- I 8-OO BORING No. LOCATION HE PLOT PLAN LOGGED BY AE DATE 1-12-18 U >- I— , D H (/ 13 ci CLASSIFICATION, MOISTURE, TIGHTNESS LD >99K) (0- .5') SILTY SAND (DLL); DRY TO SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE, DARK BROWN. (1.5'-G') OLD RARALIC DEPOSITS, UNDIVIDED 2 (LATE TO MIDDLE PLEISTOCENE), (Qo 2-4); - / MOIST, FIRM, LIGhT GRAY WITH GOLDEN DROWN. 6 — _____ NO WATER, NO CAVING STOPPED C' 7 - 8 - 9 - 10- A.E. ENGINEERING PLATE 4 LOG OF BORING PROJECT bASSWOOD AVENUE PROJECT No. NG- I 8-OOG BORING No. _2 LOCATION 5EE PLOT PLAN LOGGED BY A DATE -I2-18 U LD bi Li w — u CLASSIFICATION, MOISTURE, TIGHTNESS (0-2) SILTY SAND (lLL); DRY TO SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE, - DARK DROWN. (2-C) OLD FARALIC DEPOSITS, UNDIVIDED (LATE TO MIDDLEPLEISTOCENE), (Qo 2-4); MOIST, FIRM, LIGHT GRAY WITH GOLDEN DROWN. 3 * 103.5 11.8 3- 0 :Ø_____ 6 - NO WATER, NO CAVING STOPPED @ C 7- 8 - 9 - 10— A.E. ENGINEERING PLATE 5 I LOG OFBORINGI PROJECT BASS WOOD AVENUE PROJECT No. NG- BORING No.3 LOCATION Sft PLOT PLAN LOGGED BY AE DATE 1-12-18 I U I- C' - C5 w CLASSIFICATION, MOISTURE, TIGHTNESS (,)QQ (0-2) SILTY SAND (PILL); DRY TO SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE, DARK BROWN - / (2-C) OLD PALIC DEPOSITS, UNDIVIDED (LATE TO MIDDLE PLEISTOCENE), (Qop 2-4); / MOIST, PIRM, LIGHT GRAY WITH GOLDEN BROWN. :____ 6 - / NO WATER, NO CAVING STOPPED @ C' 7 - 8 - 9 - 10— A.E. ENGINEERING PLATE 6 Ca dOrliia C omngercy Management Agency Tsunami Inundation Map for Emergency Planning California Geolog Cal Sunney Oceanside Quadrangle/San Luis Rey Quadrangle University of Southern California State of Califotilia County of San Diego H - C / nC. .1 gi TSUNAMI INUNDATION MAP METHOD OF PREPARATION FOR EMERGENCY PLANNING State of California County of San Diego aio OCEANSIDE QUADRANGLE SAN LUIS REY QUADRANGLE June 1, 2009 (alEMA -- HETHERINGTON flEEJMG Ill. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY HYDROGEOLOGY July 3, 2018 Project No. 8637.1 Log No. 19937 City of Carlsbad Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-7314 Attention: Ms. Tecla Levy Subject: THIRD-PARTY GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW (FIRST REVIEW) Proposed Two-Story Dwelling with Attached Four Car Garage 1231 Basswood Avenue Carlsbad, California Project ID: PD2018-0009 Drawing Number: DWG5 11-4A Reference: "Soil Engineering Investigation Report, Proposed Two Story Dwelling With An Attached Four Car-Garage, 1231 Basswood Avenue, Carlsbad, California", by A.E. Engineering, dated February 2, 2018. Dear Ms. Levy: In accordance with your request, Hetherington Engineering, Inc. has provided third-party geotechnical review of the referenced report. The following comments are provided for analyses and/or response by the Geotechnical Consultant. REVIEW OF GEOTECHNICAL REPORT The Consultant should review the project grading and foundation plans, provide any additional geotechnical recommendations considered necessary, and confirm that the plans have been prepared in accordance with the geotechnical recommendations. The Consultant should provide an updated geotechnical map utilizing the current grading plan for the project to clearly show (at a minimum) a) existing site topography, b) proposed structures/improvements, C) proposed finished grades, d) geologic conditions, e) locations of the subsurface exploration, f) temporary construction slopes, g) remedial grading, etc. The Consultant should provide a Location Map for the site. The Consultant should provide a detailed description of proposed site grading. 5365 Avenida Encinas, Suite A • Carlsbad, CA 92008.4369 • (760) 931-1917 • Fax (760) 931-0545 333 Third Street, Suite 2 • Laguna Beach, CA 92651-2306 • (949) 715-5440 • Fax (760) 931-0545 www.hetheringtonengineering.com p p : THIRD-PARTY GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW (FIRST REVIEW) Project No. 8637.1 Log No. 19937 July 3, 2018 Page 2 The Consultant should discuss regional geologic conditions, geologic structure, and faulting. S The Consultant should amend the boring logs to include the geologic unit that is currently described as "native". • The Consultant should provide relevant ASTM or other test methods for the laboratory O testing. O Foundation and slab design criteria for soils should be consistent with Section 1808.6 • of the 2016 California Building Code. The Consultant should provide expansion index test results and update the foundation recommendations, as necessary. I 9. The Consultant should provide temporary excavation recommendations. The Consultant should provide the site Seismic Design Category. • The Consultant should address impacts to adjacent property and improvements as a result of site grading and construction. • The Consultant should provide bardscape recommendations (minimum thickness, • reinforcement, and joint spacing). • The Consultant should specify the sulfate exposure category based on soluble sulfate testing or default to a severe category if testing is not available. Based on the sulfate exposure category, the Consultant should provide recommendations for s u l f a t e resistant concrete in accordance with ACI 318, Table 4.3.1. The Consultant should address the tsunami potential at the site. O 15. The Consultant should provide a list of published geologic maps/reports used in the preparation of the report. ' 16. The Consultant should provide a list of recommended geotechnical testing/observations during grading and construction. 17. The Consultant should sign and stamp the report. • • • HETHERINGTOIV ENGINEERING, INCA 0 THIRD-PARTY GEOTECBNICAL REVIEW (FIRST REVIEW) Project No. 8637.1 Log No. 19937 July-2,2018 Page 3 The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact this office at your convenience. Sincerely, HETjEJdNGTON ENGINEERING, INC. 4aul~ O --.. A.th RlN Professional Geologist 37 Certified Engineering Ge 1153 Certified Hydrogeologis (expires 3/31/20) £,P. Distribution: i-via e-mail (TecIa.1evycarlsbadca.gov) A,.e ark Civil J Geotechnical Engineer 397 (expires 3/31/20) HETHEII%GTOIV ENGINEERING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL - CIVIL - SURVEY 17579 EL CAJON DRIVE HESPERIA, CA 92345 PH: (562) 397-5229 aesoi1testgmai1.com SOIL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION REPORT PROPOSED TWO STORY DWELLING WITH AN ATTACHED FOUR CAR-GARAGE 1231 BASSWOOD AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. ENG-18-006 DATE: FEBRUARY 2,2018 Prepared for: Shanup Patel SOIL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION REPORT PROPOSED TWO STORY DWELLING WITH AN ATTACHED FOUR CAR-GARAGE 1231 BASSWOOD AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. ENG-18-006 DATE: FEBRUARY 2,2018 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a soil engineering investigation performed on the property. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the soils parameters applicable to the design and construction of the proposed improvements. Based on the findings, the soil conditions at the subject site are suitable for the construction of the proposed improvements provided the recommendations included herein are incorporated into their design and construction. A.E. ENGINEERING • Basswood Ave. 2 ENG-18-006 S S SCOPE The scope of this investigation included the following items: • Inspected site conditions. S • Performed exploratory work involving test borings to determine the depth and types of earth materials present and to obtain samples. • Laboratory testing of samples to determine their physical properties. Reviewed an undated preliminary site plan provided by the owner. ö 5. Reviewed the San Diego County Liquefaction Zones Map, • www.sandiegocounty.gov/oes/docs/DRAFT COSD Liquefaction 1" • California Geological Survey, Official Map of Seismic Hazard Zones. • Reviewed California Geological Survey, "Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California, Special Publication 117". • Reviewed ICBO Maps of known Active Fault Near-Source Zones in California and S • Adjacent Portions of Nevada. Analyzed data, formulated conclusions and recommendations, and prepared the report. • • S • S • • • A.E. ENGINEERING S S S S Basswood Ave. 3 ENG-18-006 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The preliminary site plan shows that the proposed improvements include a two story single-family dwelling with an attached four car-garage to be located on the slightly-sloping site. A concrete driveway will provide access from the street to the proposed improvements (Plate 1). SITE CONDITIONS The subject site is located east of Pico Drive and south of Carlsbad Village Drive in the City of Carlsbad. The property is currently vacant; the surface is mostly covered by wild grass and weeds. The property is relatively-flat, rectangular shaped lot approximately 72 feet wide by 200 feet long. Drainage is semi-controlled sheet flow towards the rear of the property. The surrounding developments consist of single-family dwellings. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 4 ENG-18-006 FIELD EXPLORATION On January 12, 2018, three exploratory borings were dug with hand-held tools to a maximum depth of 6 feet. The earth materials were logged and classified using the visual and tactile field identification procedures of the Unified Soil Classification System. Undisturbed 2.5- inch diameter core samples were obtained for laboratory testing. The earth materials encountered are described in the Earth Materials Section and on the logs of borings included in the Appendix. The locations of the exploratory sites are shown on Plate 1. EARTH MATERIALS The earth materials encountered at the site consist of fill and native soil. The fill soils are Silty Sands which are dry to slightly moist, loose, dark brown. The maximum amount of fill soils was encountered in Test Boring No. 2 and 3 and is about 2 feet. The native soils are also Silty Sands which are moist, firm, light gray with golden brown. The earth materials encountered are described graphically on the logs of borings in the Appendix. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 5 ENG-18-006 LABORATORY TESTS Laboratory tests were performed on typical soil samples. Field moisture content, unit weight and shear strength characteristics were determined from these test results. The shear strength values determined are shown graphically in the Appendix. Direct Shear These tests were performed on representative samples of the native soils that were saturated at least 24 hours under a normal load prior to application of the shear load. Each sample was sheared at a constant rate of displacement of 0.05 inches per minute in accordance with the consolidated-drained shear test procedure. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 6 ENG-18-006 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The site is considered geotechnically suitable for the construction of the proposed improvements provided the recommendations herein are considered in the design and followed during construction. Foundations During the field exploration fill soils were encountered within the building area, with fill having a maximum depth of about 24 inches. Therefore, the proposed two story dwelling and garage should be supported on continuous footings placed into firm and competent certified compacted fill. All soils within the building perimeter plus at least 5 feet to the sides should be entirely removed and re-compacted to a minimum depth of 3 feet below proposed footing or the fill soils whichever is greater. The bearing capacity for continuous footings with a minimum width and depth of 12 inches is 1,500 psf for certified compacted fill. The bearing value may be increased 20 percent for each additional foot of width or depth to a maximum of 2,700 psf. The bearing capacity allowed is for the total of dead and frequently applied live loads and may be increased by one- third for short duration wind and seismic loading. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 7 ENG-18-006 Lateral Design Resistance to lateral loads may be derived from the skin frictional forces acting at the base of footings and by passive pressure. The skin friction coefficient for use with dead load forces is 0.30 for certified compacted soils. The unit passive pressure for the first foot of depth using both internal frictional and cohesive shear strength components is 300 psf, with an increase of 100 percent for each additional foot of depth to a maximum of 3,000 psf. If the passive and skin frictional components are combined, the passive components should be reduced by a factor of one third. Settlement Settlement of the foundation is expected to occur immediately upon initial load application. Maximum settlement is expected to be less than 1/2-inch and differential settlement is expected to be less than 1/4-inch provided all foundations are supported as recommended. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 8 ENG-18-006 Floor Slabs-On-Grade and Concrete Pavements Floor slabs-on-grade and concrete pavements should be at least 4 inches of concrete reinforced with # 4 rebar spaced at 16 inches on center each way entirely supported on a 12-inch layer of certified compacted fill. Slabs on-grade and concrete pavements on native soil/certified compacted fill transition areas are not allowed. Concrete slabs which are to be covered with flooring should be underlain by a plastic vapor barrier that should consist of a 1 0-mil gauge polyvinyl chloride plastic film or equivalent (A vapor barrier is not required for the garage slabs). Because the vapor barrier prevents moisture from draining from fresh concrete, a better concrete finish can usually be obtained if at least 2 inches of sand is spread over the vapor barrier prior to placing the concrete. This sand layer also protects the plastic sheet while the concrete is being placed. The sub-grade materials should be thoroughly-saturated and maintained saturated at least 24 hours prior to placing the vapor barrier. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 9 ENG-18-006 Expansive Soils The native soils are silty sands. Although no actual expansion index test was performed, the silty sands are considered to be low to non-expansion. However, footings into certified compacted fill should be provided with two, # 4 rebar at top and bottom and slabs on-grade and concrete pavements should be reinforced with # 4 rebar spaced at 16 inches on center ach way. Sub-grade soils for slabs should be saturated at least 24 hours prior to placing concrete. Liquefaction Potential The Official Map of The San Diego County Liquefaction Zones (Reference # 5) shows that the subject site is not located in an area susceptible to soil liquefaction. Therefore, special recommendations to mitigate potential soil liquefaction are not necessary. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 10 ENG-18-006 Seismic Coefficients 2016 California Building Code Site Class "D" Ss=1.137 Si=0.436 FA=l.00 Fv=l.50 SmS = 1.189 Smi = 0.682 SDs = 0.792 SD! = 0.455 The southern California region can be subject to heavy shaking as a result of moderate to major earthquakes with a magnitude of 6 or greater. The use of the seismic coefficients included herein is intended to prevent loss of life and to minimize but not entirely eliminate structural damage. Moreover, major foundation problems are not anticipated as a result of earthquake- induced liquefaction, fault ground rupture or displacement and settlement provided the proposed foundation system is constructed as recommended with the limitations mentioned herein above. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 11 ENG-18-006 Grading Grading operations shall be in conformance with the following specifications: Excavation soils may be used as compacted fill provided that it is clean and free of debris. Areas to be covered with compacted fill should be grubbed and stripped of all vegetation, debris and other deleterious materials. Soils with in the garage area should be removed to a minimum depth of at least 12 inches below slabs on-grade and pavements. Footings, slabs on-grade and pavements on cut/fill transition areas are not allowed. The top 6 inches of the exposed surface(s) should be scarified, watered as needed to reach its near-optimum moisture content and thoroughly-compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. The soils to be used for compaction should be watered and mixed to obtain a uniform optimum moisture content, placed in layers not thicker than 8 inches and mechanically compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. Crushed miscellaneous or aggregate base materials should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent. This should be confirmed by a relative compaction test performed by the Soils Engineer or his representative at intervals not to exceed 2 feet in thickness. This procedure of layering, compaction, and testing should be continued until final grade is reached. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 12 ENG-18-006 The compaction characteristics of compacted fill should be based on a laboratory maximum compaction test performed in accordance with ASTM Method D1557. The field unit dry weight should be determined by the Sand Cone Method, ASTM Method D1556. No jetting or flooding of fill or backfill soils is permitted. Care shall be exercised during rough grading so that affected areas will drain properly without causing erosion offsite. Inspection and testing of all compaction work shall be under the supervision of the Soil Engineer or his representative. Please allow at least 24 hours to schedule the required inspections or tests. The Contractor shall have a responsible field superintendent on the project, in full charge of the work, with authority to make decisions. He shall cooperate fully with the Soil Engineer in carrying out the work. Fill or backfill soils shall not be placed, spread or rolled during unfavorable weather. When the work is interrupted by rain, operations shall not be resumed until the Soil Engineer in collaboration with the Contractor determine that conditions will permit satisfactory results. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 13 ENG-18-006 12. An abandoned sewage disposal system encountered during grading operations should be treated in the following manner. Liquids and compressible materials in a septic tank and seepage pit should be pumped out. Any structural portion within 5 feet of finish grade should be removed, and the cavity should be filled with suitable compacted soil, gravel or clean sand. A two-sack cement-sand .slurry mix may be used in lieu of compacted materials except within 5 feet below any footing bottom. Septic tanks should be removed entirely and the cavity backfihled entirely with compacted soil, sand, or with gravel up to within 2 feet of the surface and capped with soil. No evidence of the existence of a sewage disposal system was noticed during the field investigation but such structures may have been used and abandoned. Drainage Roof and pad drainage should be collected and conveyed to the street via non-erodible conduits. Drainage should not be allowed to pond against the footings. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 14 ENG-18-006 Inspections and Approval The bottom of the proposed fill areas and all footing excavations should be inspected and approved by this firm prior to the placement of compacted fill or placing forms. Approval by the City Inspector may also be required. Compacted materials should be tested to confirm that the required minimum relative compaction values of 90 percent have been achieved based on ASTM Test Method D1557. Please advise this office at least 24 hours prior to any required inspection or compaction testing. (NOTE: ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR REVIEWING, SIGNING AND STAMPING OF THE BUILDING PLANS, REQUESTED INSPECTIONS AND DENSITY TESTING ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT FEE FOR THIS REPORT). Limitations This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Shanup Patel. It is his responsibility to assure that the information and recommendations contained herein are made available to the designers and contractors of this project. This report is subject to review and approval by the Building Official. This report is based on the information obtained from exploratory borings and sampling locations using generally-accepted soils engineering practices. However, conditions can be expected to vary between points of exploration. No warranty, expressed or implied is made or intended in connection with this report or by any other oral or written statement. Any liability in connection herein shall not exceed the fees for the investigation. A.E. ENGINEERING Basswood Ave. 15 ENG-18-006 The opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Please call if you have any questions concerning this report. Respectfully submitted, A.E Engineering Gilberto Millot Chief Engineer R.C.E. # 53464 Exp. 06-30-19 YJ No. 534654 rn OF Alejandro Encizo Project Engineer Attachments: Appendix with 5 Plates A.E. ENGINEERING APPENDIX BASSWOOD AVE. TB-2 0 r! 9 0 5 w mimm 0 I TWO-STORY DWELLING I FT 11 TB-3 TB-2 KEY TEST BORING PROPOSED A.E. ENGINEERING CML SOILS SURVEY 17579 EL CA/ON DRIVE (562) 397-5229 HESPERIA, CA 92345 aesoi/testgmaiI.com I_I fli * • I 1231 BASSWOOD AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA CALE: 1=3( PLATE: 1 I LOG OFBORINGI PROJECT EAVLLK DRIVE LOCATION HE PLOT PLAN PROJECT No. NG I 6-00G - LOGGED BY Alf BORING No. DATE -24-18 U I I- I- VJ . 0 a_ CLASSIFICATION, MOISTURE, TIGHTNESS i x X F-: M u w X (0- 1.5') SILTY SAND (MLL); DRY TO SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE, DARK BROWN. (1.5'-G') NATIVE SILTY SAND (SM); MOIST, FIRM, LIGHT GRAY 2 - WITH GOLDEN BROWN. -0 6 NO WATER, NO CAVING STOPPED C 7- 8- 9 - 10- A.E. ENGINEERING PLATE 2 LOG OF BORING PROJECT KAVLLI. DKIV PROJECT No. NG- I 8-00G BORING No. _2 LOCATION HE PLOT PLAN LOGGED BY A DATE -24-18 U >- -LO - 0 CLASSIFICATION, MOISTURE, TIGHTNESS E CL K)cx (0-2) SILTY SAND (PILL); DRY TO SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE, - DARK BROWN. 2 - (2-C) NATIVE SILTY SAND (SM); MOIST, MRM, LIGHT GY WITH GOLDEN DROWN. 3 1 03.5 11.8 3- 4- 5- 6 - ______ NO WATER, NO CAVING STOPPEDC 7- 8- 9 - 10- A.E. ENGINEERING PLATE 3 I LOG OF BORING I PROJECT RAVLLIPRS DRIVE PROJECT No. PNG- I ö-QO BORING No. _3 LOCATION HE PLOT PLAN LOGGED BY Alf DATE I-24-6 I w 0 6 Li Li w Li CLASSIFICATION,MDISTURE,TTGHTNESS 00 W p LO K,X (0-2) SILTY SAND (FILL); DRY TO SLIGHTLY MOIST, LOOSE, DARK DROWN. - (2-C) NATIVE SILTY SAND (SM); MOIST, DRM, LIGHT GRAY / WITH GOLDEN DROWN. 6 - ______ NO WATER, NO CAVING STOPPED © C 7- 8- 9 - 10- A.E. ENGINEERING PLATE 4 • • DIRECT SHEAR TEST • PROJECT NAME: BASSWOOD AVENUE JOB No,: ENG-18-006 S O SOIL CLASSIFICATION SILTY SAND (SM) SAMPLE No: 3 • PLOTTED BY: AE DATE: 1-26-18 CHECKED BY: GM Ws 24.9 11.8 X 7 1 103.5 PCF C 120PSF ço29 UNDISTURBED * REMOLDED RESIDUAL_____________ 3506 • • • S 3000 U) 16 a- 2500 .U- . U) ooc LU 1500 • S _______ 1000 fr • _ ________________ Soc_ • ______________ __________________ 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 • ULTIMATE NORMAL STRESS, PSE A PEAK •RESIDUAL A.E.ENGINEERING PLATE 5 • I •