HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 16-06; CARLSBAD VILLAGE LOFTS; RESPONSE THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW COMMENT; 2019-03-22cmri~, " Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc.
Inspection I Testing I Geotechnical I Environmental & Construction Engineering I Civil Engineering I Surveying
March 22, 2019 CTE Job No. 10-14798G
Wermers Properties
Attn: Austin Wermers
5080 Shoreham Place, Suite 105
San Diego California 92122
(858) 623-4958 Via Email: AustinW@wermerscompanies.com
Subject: Response the City of Carlsbad Review Comment
Proposed Carlsbad Village Lofts
1044 Carlsbad Village Drive (APNs: 203-320-3200, -3900, & -4700)
Carlsbad, California
Mr. Wermers:
Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc. (CTE) has reviewed the City of Carlsbad Review
Comment associated with the Proposed Carlsbad Village Drive Apartments with regards to
preliminary recommendations for the BMP's at the subject site. The comment was noted to be a
redline on the cover page of the referenced Updated Preliminary Geotechnical Recommendations
and Grading Plan Review Letter. CTE understands that the specific recommendations pertinent
to the proposed "Tree Wells" are required.
As required and requested, update recommendations associated with the proposed "Tree Wells"
are presented herein. Recommendations in the referenced report not specifically modified or
provided herein remain applicable for use during project design and construction. However,
CTE reserves the right to further modify recommendations and/or provide additional
recommendations based on the actual conditions encountered at the site during earthworks and
CTE performed percolation testing during the initial site geotechnical investigation conducted in
December of 2015. The evaluation was performed in general accordance with Appendix C of
the Model BMP Design Manual for the San Diego Region "Geotechnical and Groundwater
Investigation Requirements", dated January 2018. Documentation of the percolation testing is
provided in the Preliminary Geotechnical Report, dated January 27, 2016, and is provided as an
attachment in the referenced Updatereiminap Got
l Recommendations and Grading
Plan Review Letter. j1'KJ C L 111 V
JUN 24 2019
1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 1 I Fax (760) 746-9806 I www.cte-inc.net
Response the City of Carlsbad Review Comment Page 2
Proposed Carlsbad Village Lofts
1044 Carlsbad Village Drive (APNs: 203-320-3200, -3900, & -4700)
Carlsbad, California
March 22, 2019 CTE Job No. 10-14798G
The referenced Updated Preliminary Geotechnical Recommendations and Grading Plan Review
Letter contain Worksheet 1-8, which provided information concerning the categorization of
infiltration feasibility condition. CTh's response to Criteria Number Two and Criteria Number
Six of the aforementioned worksheet provided recommendation concerning the feasibility of
infiltration without increasing the risk of geotechnical hazards. Recommendation specific to the
"Tree Wells" detailed on Sheet 7 of the referenced Grading Plan Set are as follows:
Lining the sides of the "Tree Wells" with impermeable liner is recommended to reduce
lateral migration of infiltrate. The lining should extend to a depth such that infiltrate
enters the subgrade outside of a 1:1 (Horizontal: Vertical) plane extending up from the
bottom, outside corner of adjacent foundation excavations and utility trenches within 50
feet. CTE recommends relocating "Tree Wells" in the circumstance that the
aforementioned parameters are infeasible.
CTE understands that the proposed site Bio-Filtration Basins are lined on sidewalls and bottoms
with impermeable liners, as storm water intercepted by the basins is anticipated to be diverted to
adjacent storm drains following bio-filtration.
This letter is subject to the same limitations as previous CTE geotechnical documents issued for
the subject project. CTE's conclusions and recommendations are based on an analysis of the
observed conditions. If conditions different from those described in the reports are encountered
during construction, this office should be notified and additional recommendations, if required,
will be provided.
\\ESC_SERVER\Piojects\10-14798G\Ltr_Response to Review Commeuts.doc
Response the City of Carlsbad Review Comment Page 3
Proposed Carlsbad Village Lofts
1044 Carlsbad Village Drive (APNs: 203-320-3200, -3900, & -4700)
Carlsbad, California
March 22, 2019 CTE Job No. 10-14798G
The opportunity to be of service on this project is appreciated. If you have any questions
regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Respectfully submitted,
c) 7. /
/ 1 F. Lynch, CEG #1890
(jPrincipal Engineering Geologist
o No. 1890 Th
tP Exp. 5131t) -
Dan T. Math, GE# 2665
Vice President, Principal /
artinez OF Staff Geologist
Updated Preliminary Geotechnical Recommendations and Grading Plan Review
Proposed Carlsbad Village Lofts
1044 Carlsbad Village Drive (APNs: 203-320-3200, -3900, & -4700)
Carlsbad, California
CTE Job Number 10-14798G. dated February 28, 2019
Grading Plan Sheets lthrough 7, City of Carlsbad Project No. MS 16-06, Drawing 515-5A
Carlsbad Village Lofts
1044 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, California
Prepared by SB&O Engineering
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