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5605 GRAND PACIFIC DR; ; AS100129; Permit
8/17/22, 10:01 AM AS100129 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS100129 5605 GRAND Job Address: Status: ISSUED PACIFIC DR Permit Type: SPRINK Applied 10/13/2010 Parcel No: 2111300200 Approved: 10/13/2010 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 10/13/2010 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: CARLSBAD RANCH VILLAS FOUR FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTIONS @ $65/EA Applicant: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FIRE PROTECTION, INC. STE8 27665 FORBES RD LAGUNA N IGU EL, CA 949-348-9600 Owner: GRAND PACIFIC CARLSBAD L P 5900 PASTEUR CT #200 CARLSBAD CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) I 260 0 260 0 1/1 Mtow,q \&Vto SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FIRE PROTECTION 27665 FORBES RD., SUITE 8 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92677 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT & HOTEL VILLAS 51 & 52 5605 & 5609 GRAND PACIFIC DR., CARLSBAD, CA FILE NUMBER: DATE: OCT 9, 2010 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: LIGHT HAZARD, NFPA-13 DENSITY: .10/1500 ,5.6 K FACTOR AREA OF APPLICATION: 130 SQ. FT(MAX.), ATTIC SPRK. COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: VARIES NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 23 sprinklers TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 386.1 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 486.1 gpm FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ BR): 386.10 gpm @ 48.30 psi SPRINKLER THREAD SIZE: 1/2 inc Ply- NAME OF CONTRACTOR: SOCAL FIRE DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: DNA AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD FIRE DEPT CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: C-16 784928 CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # 4903012840) HRS SYSTEMS, INC. TUCKER, GA 30084 TUCKER, GA 30084 CSG THESE PLANS AND DETAILS ARE APPROVED APP 0' ED AS SUBUflTTED : THE APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS : / SHALL NPT BE /CONSTRUED BE / jfrd A PEiI1\ FOR AN V1OLAr OF FIRE DEPA ThIENT AW-ODE ORO DIN NCE. Date - ?C) C) THESE PLANS SHALL BE ON THE JOB ITrr SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 2 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 ATTIC.SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. TAG (PSI) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) CTY 73.8 20.0 4365.0 72.9 486.1 62.6 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 486.1 GPM TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 0.0 GPM OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 100.0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 386.1 GPM NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (FT) (PSI) (GPM) Si 30.5 K= 5.60 11.6 19.1 S2 30.5 K= 5.60 11.7 19.2 S3 30.5 K= 5.60 10.0 17.7 S4 30.5 K= 5.60 10.1 17.8 S5 30.5 K= 5.60 9.3 17.0 S6 30.5 K= 5.60 8.8 16.6 S7 30.5 K= 5.60 8.6 16.4 S8 30.5 K= 5.60 8.4 16.3 S9 30.5 K= 5.60 9.0 16.8 S1O 30.5 K= 5.60 8.3 16.2 Sli 30.5 K= 5.60 8.3 16.2 S12 30.5 K= 5.60 8.4 16.3 S13 30.5 K= 5.60 8.5 16.3 S14 30.5 K= 5.60 8.8 16.6 S15 30.5 K= 5.60 7.0 14.8 S16 30.5 K= 5.60 8.0 15.9 S17 30.5 K= 5.60 8.6 16.4 S18 30.5 K= 5.60 8.5 16.3 S19 30.5 K= 5.60 8.6 16.5 S20 30.5 K= 5.60 10.7 18.3 S21 30.5 K= 5.60 7.8 15.7 S22 30.5 K= 5.60 8.4 16.2 S23 30.5 K= 5.60 9.8 17.5 Ji 29.5 - - - - 14.2 - - - J2 29.5 - - - - 12.3 - - - J3 29.5 - - - - 11.2 - - - J4 29.5 - - - - 10.8 - - - J5 29.5 - - - - 10.7 - - - J6 29.5 - - - - 10.3 - - - J7 29.5 - - - - 10.4 - - - J8 29.5 - - - - 10.1 - - - SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 ATTIC.SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (FT) (PSI) (GPM) J9 29.5 - - - - 10.3 - - - J10 29.5 - - - - 10.2 - - - ill 29.5 - - - - 10.2 - - - J12 29.5 - - - - 10.3 - - - J13 29.5 - - - - 10.3 - - - J14 29.5 - - - - 10.4 - - - J15 29.5 - - - - 10.5 - - - J16 29.5 - - - - 10.7 - - - J17 29.5 - - - - 9.5 - - - JiB 29.5 - - - - 12.1 - - - J20 29.5 - - - - 22.9 - - - J21 29.5 - - - - 22.9 - - - J22 29.5 - - - - 22.9 - - - J23 29.5 - - - - 23.0 - - - TR 29.5 - - - - 27.6 - - - TR1 29.5 - - - - 25.1 - - - TR2 26.5 - - - - 27.7 - - - TR3 26.5 - - - - 29.9 SR 19.2 - - - - 33.3 Y2 19.2 - - - - 31.1 BR 1.0 HOSE STREAM 48.3 100.0 BR2 8.5 - - - - 36.7 X 8.5 - - - - 39.3 C 8.5 - - - - 41.9 - - - B2 8.5 - - - - 38.8 - - - B3 8.5 - - - - 44.1 - - - UG 0.0 - - - - 48.9 - - - UH 0.0 - - - - 50.8 - - - UG1 0.0 - - - - 51.8 - - - SD 3.0 - - - - 50.7 - - - BS 3.0 - - - - 60.7 UG2 0.0 - - - - 62.1 - - - CTY 0.0 SOURCE 62.6 486.1 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 4 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 ATTIC.SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/ FT (PSI) Pipe: 1 -19.1 1.095 PL 7.08 PF 2.1 Si 30.5 5.6 11.6 19.1 6.5 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 31 29.5 0.0 14.2 0.0 0.097 TL 21.87 PV Pipe: 2 -19.2 1.095 PL 5.83 PF 2.0 S2 30.5 5.6 11.7 19.2 6.5 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 31 29.5 0.0 14.2 0.0 0.098 TL 20.62 PV Pipe: 3 -17.7 1.095 PL 7.33 PF 1.9 S3 30.5 5.6 10.0 17.7 6.0 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 J2 29.5 0.0 12.3 0.0 0.084 TL 22.12 PV Pipe: 4 -17.8 1.095 PL 6.17 PF 1.8 S4 30.5 5.6 10.1 17.8 6.1 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 J2 29.5 0.0 12.3 0.0 0.085 TL 20.96 PV Pipe: 5 -17.0 1.095 PL 4.00 PF 1.5 S5 30.5 5.6 9.3 17.0 5.8 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 33 29.5 0.0 11.2 0.0 0.079 TL 18.79 PV Pipe: 6 -16.6 1.095 PL 5.67 PF 1.5 S6 30.5 5.6 8.8 16.6 5.7 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 34 29.5 0.0 10.8 0.0 0.075 TL 20.46 PV Pipe: 7 -16.4 1.095 PL 8.79 PF 1.7 S7 30.5 5.6 8.6 16.4 5.6 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 35 29.5 0.0 10.7 0.0 0.073 TL 23.58 PV Pipe: 8 -16.3 1.095 PL 10.71 PF 1.4 S8 30.5 5.6 8.4 16.3 5.5 120 FTG ET PE 0.4 36 29.5 0.0 10.3 0.0 0.072 TL 19.34 PV Pipe: 9 -16.8 1.095 PL 1.62 PF 0.8 S9 30.5 5.6 9.0 16.8 5.7 120 FTG BT PE 0.4 J6 29.5 0.0 10.3 0.0 0.077 TL 10.25 PV Pipe: 10 -16.2 1.095 PL 9.50 PF 1.3 S1O 30.5 5.6 8.3 16.2 5.5 120 FTG ET PE 0.4 J8 29.5 0.0 10.1 0.0 0.071 TL 18.13 PV Pipe: 11 -16.2 1.095 PL 3.25 PF 1.3 Sil 30.5 5.6 8.3 16.2 5.5 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 38 29.5 0.0 10.1 0.0 0.071 TL 18.04 PV Pipe: 12 -16.3 1.095 PL 4.25 PF 1.4 S12 30.5 5.6 8.4 16.3 5.5 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 J10 29.5 0.0 10.2 0.0 0.072 TL 19.04 PV SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 5 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 ATTIC.SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 13 -16.3 1.095 PL 3.00 PF 1.3 S13 30.5 5.6 8.5 16.3 5.6 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 ill 29.5 0.0 10.2 0.0 0.073 TL 17.79 PV Pipe: 14 -16.6 1.095 PL 2.00 PF 1.1 S14 30.5 5.6 8.8 16.6 5.7 120 FTG 2T PE 0.4 J13 29.5 0.0 10.3 0.0 0.075 TL 14.32 PV Pipe: 15 -14.8 1.095 PL 8.67 PF 1.0 S15 30.5 5.6 7.0 14.8 5.0 120 FTG ET PE 0.0 S16 30.5 5.6 8.0 15.9 0.061 TL 17.30 PV Pipe; 16 -30.7 1.095 PL 2.00 PF 1.9 S16 30.5 5.6 8.0 15.9 10.5 120 FTG T PE 0.4 J14 29.5 0.0 10.4 0.0 0.233 TL 8.16 PV Pipe: 17 -16.4 1.095 PL 5.08 PF 1.5 S17 30.5 5.6 8.6 16.4 5.6 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 J15 29.5 0.0 10.5 0.0 0.073 TL 19.87 PV Pipe: 18 -16.3 1.095 PL 9.92 PF 1.8 S18 30.5 5.6 8.5 16.3 5.6 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 J16 29.5 0.0 10.7 0.0 0.073 TL 24.71 PV Pipe: 19 -16.5 1.095 PL 7.83 PF 1.7 S19 30.5 5.6 8.6 16.5 5.6 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 J16 29.5 0.0 10.7 0.0 0.074 TL 22.62 PV Pipe: 20 -135.0 2.157 PL 7.25 PF 1.0 S20 30.5 5.6 10.7 18.3 11.9 120 FTG ---- PE 0.4 J18 29.5 0.0 12.1 0.0 0.133 TL 7.25 PV Pipe: 21 -15.7 1.095 PL 9.79 PF 1.2 S21 30.5 5.6 7.8 15.7 5.3 120 FTC BT PE 0.4 J17 29.5 0.0 9.5 0.0 0.067 TL 18.42 PV Pipe: 22 -16.2 1.095 PL 3.96 PF 0.7 S22 30.5 5.6 8.4 16.2 5.5 120 FTG T PE 0.4 J17 29.5 0.0 9.5 0.0 0.071 TL 10.12 PV Pipe: 22A -31.9 1.096 PL 4.00 PF 2.5 J17 29.5 0.0 9.5 0.0 10.8 120 FTG T PE 0.0 J18 29.5 0.0 12.1 0.0 0.249 TL 10.19 PV Pipe: 23 -17.5 1.095 PL 7.08 PF 1.8 S23 30.5 5.6 9.8 17.5 6.0 120 FTG E2T PE 0.4 JiB 29.5 0.0 12.1 0.0 0.083 TL 21.87 PV SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 6 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 ATTIC.SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 24 163.4 2.157 PL 9.86 PF 1.9 Ji 29.5 0.0 14.2 0.0 14.3 120 FTG ---- PE 0.0 J2 29.5 0.0 12.3 0.0 0.189 TL 9.86 PV Pipe: 25 127.9 2.157 PL 9.50 PF 1.1 J2 29.5 0.0 12.3 0.0 11.2 120 FTG ---- PS 0.0 J3 29.5 0.0 11.2 0.0 0.120 TL 9.50 PV Pipe: 26 110.9 2.157 PL 4.00 PF 0.4 J3 29.5 0.0 11.2 0.0 9.7 120 FTG ---- PE 0.0 J4 29.5 0.0 10.8 0.0 0.092 TL 4.00 PV Pipe: 27 94.2 2.157 PL 1.17 PF 0.1 J4 29.5 0.0 10.8 0.0 8.3 120 FTG ---- PS 0.0 J5 29.5 0.0 10.7 0.0 0.068 TL 1.17 PV Pipe: 28 77.8 2.157 PL 7.08 PF 0.3 J5 29.5 0.0 10.7 0.0 6.8 120 FTG ---- PS 0.0 J7 29.5 0.0 10.4 0.0 0.048 TL 7.08 PV Pipe: 29 -33.1 2.157 PL 0.92 PF 0.1 J6 29.5 0.0 10.3 0.0 2.9 120 FTG T PS 0.0 J7 29.5 0.0 10.4 0.0 0.010 TL 12.92 PV Pipe: 30 44.8 2.157 PL 7.46 PF 0.1 J7 29.5 0.0 10.4 0.0 3.9 120 FTG ---- PS 0.0 J9 29.5 0.0 10.3 0.0 0.017 TL 7.46 PV Pipe: 31 -32.4 2.157 PL 7.25 PF 0.2 J8 29.5 0.0 10.1 0.0 2.8 120 FTG T PE 0.0 J9 29.5 0.0 10.3 0.0 0.009 TL 19.25 PV Pipe: 32 12.4 2.157 PL 3.71 PF 0.0 J9 29.5 0.0 10.3 0.0 1.1 120 FTG ---- PE 0.0 J10 29.5 0.0 10.2 0.0 0.002 TL 3.71 PV Pipe: 33 -3.9 2.157 PL 8.75 PF 0.0 J1O 29.5 0.0 10.2 0.0 0.3 120 FTG ---- PE 0.0 ill 29.5 0.0 10.2 0.0 0.000 TL 8.75 PV Pipe: 34 -20.2 2.157 PL 5.33 PF 0.0 ill 29.5 0.0 10.2 0.0 1.8 120 FTG ---- PE 0.0 J12 29.5 0.0 10.3 0.0 0.004 TL 5.33 PV Pipe: 35 -20.2 2.157 PL 1.90 PF 0.0 J12 29.5 0.0 10.3 0.0 1.8 120 FTG ---- PS 0.0 J13 29.5 0.0 10.3 0.0 0.004 TL 1.90 PV SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 7 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 ATTIC.SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 36 -36.8 2.157 PL 9.00 PF 0.1 J13 29.5 0.0 10.3 0.0 3.2 120 FTG ---- PE 0.0 J14 29.5 0.0 10.4 0.0 0.012 TL 9.00 PV Pipe: 37 -67.5 2.157 PL 2.70 PF 0.1 J14 29.5 0.0 10.4 0.0 5.9 120 FTG ---- PE 0.0 J15 29.5 0.0 10.5 0.0 0.037 TL 2.70 PV Pipe: 38 -83.9 2.157 PL 4.58 PF 0.3 J15 29.5 0.0 10.5 0.0 7.4 120 FTG ---- PE 0.0 J16 29.5 0.0 10.7 0.0 0.055 TL 4.58 PV Pipe: 39 -116.7 2.157 PL 3.54 PF 0.4 J16 29.5 0.0 10.7 0.0 10.2 120 FTG ---- PE -0.4 S20 30.5 5.6 10.7 18.3 0.102 TL 3.54 PV Pipe: 40 -184.4 2.157 PL 33.96 PF 10.9 J18 29.5 0.0 12.1 0.0 16.2 120 FTG T PE 0.0 J20 29.5 0.0 22.9 0.0 0.237 TL 45.96 PV Pipe: 41 -201.7 2.157 PL 19.37 PF 8.8 J1 29.5 0.0 14.2 0.0 17.7 120 FTG T PE 0.0 J23 29.5 0.0 23.0 0.0 0.280 TL 31.37 PV Pipe: 42 -202.6 2.157 PL 1.75 PF 2.2 J23 29.5 0.0 23.0 0.0 17.8 120 FTG E PE 0.0 TR1 29.5 0.0 25.1 0.0 0.282 TL 7.75 PV Pipe: 43 0.9 2.157 PL 61.17 PF 0.0 J23 29.5 0.0 23.0 0.0 0.1 120 FTG E PE 0.0 J22 29.5 0.0 22.9 0.0 0.000 TL 67.17 PV Pipe: 44 0.9 2.157 PL 17.79 PF 0.0 J22 29.5 0.0 22.9 0.0 0.1 120 FTG E PE 0.0 J21 29.5 0.0 22.9 0.0 0.000 TL 23.79 PV Pipe: 45 0.9 2.157 PL 56.50 PF 0.0 J21 29.5 0.0 22.9 0.0 0.1 120 FTG T PE 0.0 J20 29.5 0.0 22.9 0.0 0.000 TL 68.50 PV Pipe: 46 -183.5 2.157 PL 7.83 PF 4.7 J20 29.5 0.0 22.9 0.0 16.1 120 FTG 2E PE 0.0 TR 29.5 0.0 27.6 0.0 0.235 TL 19.83 PV Pipe: 47 -202.6 3.260 PL 3.00 PF 1.2 TR1 29.5 0.0 25.1 0.0 7.8 120 FTG ET PE 1.3 TR2 26.5 0.0 27.7 0.0 0.038 TL 33.00 PV SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 8 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 ATTIC..SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 47A -202.6 2.950 PL 7.25 PF 0.3 TR2 26.5 0.0 27.7 0.0 9.5 150 FTG ---- PE 3.1 Y2 19.2 0.0 31.1 0.0 0.041 TL 7.25 PV Pipe: 47B -202.6 2.950 PL 10.75 PF 1.0 Y2 19.2 0.0 31.1 0.0 9.5 150 FTG E PE 4.7 BR2 8.5 0.0 36.7 0.0 0.041 TL 23.75 PV Pipe: 48 -183.5 3.260 PL 3.00 PF 1.0 TR 29.5 0.0 27.6 0.0 7.1 120 FTG ET PE 1.3 TR3 26.5 0.0 29.9 0.0 0.031 TL 33.00 PV Pipe: 49 -183.5 2.950 PL 7.25 PF 0.2 TR3 26.5 0.0 29.9 0.0 8.6 150 FTG ---- PE 3.1 SR 19.2 0.0 33.3 0.0 0.034 TL 7.25 PV Pipe: 48A -183.5 2.950 PL 10.75 PF 0.8 SR 19.2 0.0 33.3 0.0 8.6 150 FTG E PE 4.7 B2 8.5 0.0 38.8 0.0 0.034 TL 23.75 PV Pipe: 49 -202.6 2.950 PL 33.50 PF 2.6 BR2 8.5 0.0 36.7 0.0 9.5 150 FTG 2T PE 0.0 X 8.5 0.0 39.3 0.0 0.041 TL 63.50 PV Pipe: 50 -183.5 2.950 PL 0.71 PF 0.5 B2 8.5 0.0 38.8 0.0 8.6 150 FTG T PE 0.0 X 8.5 0.0 39.3 0.0 0.034 TL 15.71 PV Pipe: 51 -386.1 2.950 PL 4.00 PF 2.5 X 8.5 0.0 39.3 0.0 18.1 150 FTG T PE 0.0 C 8.5 0.0 41.9 0.0 0.134 TL 19.00 PV Pipe: 52 -386.1 3.260 PL 7.75 PF 2.2 C 8.5 0.0 41.9 0.0 14.8 120 FTG E PE 0.0 B3 8.5 0.0 44.1 0.0 0.124 TL 17.75 PV Pipe: 53 -386.1 3.260 PL 8.00 PF 1.0 B3 8.5 0.0 44.1 0.0 14.8 120 FTG ---- PE 3.2 BR 1.0 H.S. 48.3 100.0 0.124 TL 8.00 PV Pipe: 54 -486.1 6.280 PL 7.00 PF 0.2 BR 1.0 H.S. 48.3 100.0 5.0 140 FTG E PE 0.4 UG 0.0 0.0 48.9 0.0 0.006 TL 29.00 PV Pipe: 55 -486.1 6.080 PL 240.00 PF 1.9 UG 0.0 0.0 48.9 0.0 5.4 150 FTG ET PE 0.0 UH 0.0 0.0 50.8 0.0 0.006 TL 308.00 PV SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 9 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 ATTIC.SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 56 -486.1 6.080 PL 145.00 PF 1.0 UH 0.0 0.0 50.8 0.0 5.4 150 FTG E PE 0.0 UG1 0.0 0.0 51.8 0.0 0.006 TL 167.00 PV Pipe: 57 -486.1 6.280 PL 7.00 PF 0.2 UG1 0.0 0.0 51.8 0.0 5.0 .140 FTG E PE -1.3 BD 3.0 0.0 50.7 0.0 0.006 TL 29.00 PV Pipe: 58 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE BS 3.0 0.0 60.7 0.0 10.0 psi, 486.1 gpm BD 3.0 0.0 50.7 0.0 Pipe: 59 -486.1 6.080 PL 7.00 PF 0.2 BS 3.0 0.0 60.7 0.0 5.4 150 FTG E PE 1.3 UG2 0.0 0.0 62.1 0.0 0.006 TL 29.00 PV Pipe: 60 -486.1 6.080 PL 45.00 PF 0.4 UG2 0.0 0.0 62.1 0.0 5.4 150 FTG EG PE 0.0 CTY 0.0 SRCE 62.6 (N/A) 0.006 TL 72.00 PV NOTES (HASS) Calculations were performed by the i-lASS 7.9 computer program under license no. 4903012840 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 The system has been calculated to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.001 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.052 gpm. Total pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity is 18.1 ft/sec at pipe 51. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: STANDARD.PIP SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 10 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 ATTIC.SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 PAGE: * MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D N Eli Tee LngEil ChkViv BfyVlv GatViv AimChk DPViv NPTee 1.095 2.46 6.16 2.46 6.16 7.39 1.23 12.32 12.32 6.16 1.096 2.48 6.19 2.48 6.19 7.43 1.24 12.38 12.38 6.19 PAGE: B MATERIAL: THNWL HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D N Eli Tee LngEli ChkVlv BfyViv GatVlv AimChk DPV1v NPTee 2.157 6.00 12.00 3.00 14.00 8.00 1.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 3.260 10.00 20.00 7.00 22.00 14.00 1.00 18.00 18.00 20.00 PAGE: D MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: 140 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G N Eli Tee LngEi1 ChkViv BfyViv GatViv NPTee 6.280 22.00 47.00 14.00 51.00 16.00 5.00 47.00 PAGE: E MATERIAL: PVC150 HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G N Eli Tee LngE1l ChkViv BfyViv GatViv NPTee 6.080 22.00 46.00 14.00 49.00 15.00 5.00 46.00 PAGE: F MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) B T R S G E Tee R S GatViv 2.950 13.00 15.00 2.00 24.00 1.00 NOTES (USER) : Node: Si - Node: S2 - ... Node: S3 - Node: S4 - NOTES Q 0 LU 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 (N 0 0 LU '-I 0 0 0 H SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 11 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 ATTIC.SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p N kJo LU () (N H SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 12 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 ATTIC.SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 84+ 77+ 0 \ 70+\ I \ 63X \ I \ I \ \ P56+ \ R \ B \ S I \ S49+ \ U I \ R I \ E I \ 42+ \ I \ P I \ S I \ I 35+ \ I \ I \ I \ 28+ \ I \ \ I \ 21+ I * <-20.0 Psi @ 4365 gpm I Flow Test Point 14+ LEGEND if I X = Required Water Supply I 62.57 psi @ 486.1 gpm 7+ I 0 = Available Water Supply l 72.87 psi @ 486.1 gpm 0++-+---+----+-----+------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+ 16002400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 7200 8000 FLOW (GPM) Mimtqm +-ASimbo SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FIRE PROTECTION 27665 FORBES RD., SUITE 8 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92677 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR CARLSBAD RANCH RESORT & HOTEL VILLAS 51 & 52 5605 & 5609 GRAND PACIFIC DR., CARLSBAD, CA FILE NUMBER: DATE: OCT 9, 2010 -DESIGN DATA- ri OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: LIGHT HAZARD, NFPA-13 2ND FL (4 HEAD CALC.) DENSITY: 4 HEAD CALC.,4.3 K FACTOR AREA OF APPLICATION: VILLA UNITS! 4 HEADS COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: VARIES NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 4 sprinklers TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 54.8 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 154.8 gpm FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ BR): 54.8 gpm @ 21.4 psi SPRINKLER THREAD SIZE: 1!2 inch, 4.3 K FACT NAME OF CONTRACTOR: SOCAL FIRE DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: DANNY ANCHETA AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD FIRE DEPT OkTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: C-16 784928 CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # 4903012840) HRS SYSTEMS, INC. TUCKER, GA 30084 TUCKER, GA 3008411, CSG THESE PLANS AND DETAILS ARE APPROVED APPROV 1 SUBMITTED I. THE APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS SHALLNQVT BE CQNSTRUED TO BE / J A PERMIT \FOR v PLATIoLoF bEPARIW1 ADEPRORN E. Q V V.. Ti.oc PJ AhM QLW..% . r SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 2 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 2ND FL. .SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 2nd fl. .10/ 4 heads WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQD NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. TAG (PSI) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) CTY 73.8 20.0 4365.0 73.7 154.8 32.3 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 154.8 GPM TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 0.0 GPM OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 100.0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 54.8 GPM NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (FT) (PSI) (GPM) Si 20.2 K= 4.30 9.1 13.0 S2 20.2 K= 4.30 10.8 14.1 S3 20.2 K= 4.30 9.1 13.0 S4 20.2 K= 4.30 11.7 14.7 Y2 19.2 - - - - 13.2 - - - 1 19.2 - - - - 9.8 - - - 2 19.2 - - - - 11.4 - - - 3 19.2 - - - - 12.3 - - - 4 19.2 - - - - 12.3 - - - 5 19.2 - - - - 12.6 - - - 6 19.2 - - - - 12.9 7 19.2 - - - - 13.0 - - - 8 19.2 - - - - 12.9 - - - 9 19.2 - - - - 12.8 - - - 10 19.2 - - - - 12.6 - - - Y 19.2 - - - - 12.4 - - - Yl 19.2 - - - - 13.2 - - - SR 19.2 - - - - 13.3 - - - BR 1.0 HOSE STREAM 21.4 100.0 BR2 8.5 - - - - 17.9 X 8.5 - - - - 18.0 C 8.5 - - - - 18.0 - - - B2 8.5 - - - - 18.0 B3 8.5 - - - - 18.1 - - - UG 0.0 - - - - 21.8 UH 0.0 - - - - 22.1 UG1 0.0 - - - - 22.2 - - - BD 3.0 - - - - 20.9 BS 3.0 - - - - 30.9 UG2 0.0 - - - - 32.2 CTY 0.0 SOURCE 32.3 154.8 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD V1LLA551 52 2ND FL. .SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 2nd fl. .10/ 4 heads NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (ET) (PSI) (GPM) PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 1 -13.0 1.101 PL 1.50 PF 0.3 S1 20.2 4.3 9.1 13.0 4.4 150 FTG E PE 0.4 1 19.2 0.0 9.8 0.0 0.031 TL 8.50 PV Pipe: 2 -14.1 1.101 PL 1.50 PF 0.2 S2 20.2 4.3 10.8 14.1 4.8 150 FTG T FE 0.4 2 19.2 0.0 11.4 0.0 0.036 TL 6.50 PV Pipe: 3 -13.0 1.101 PL 1.50 PF 0.3 S3 20.2 4.3 9.1 13.0 4.4 150 FTG E PE 0.4 1 19.2 0.0 9.8 0.0 0.031 TL 8.50 PV Pipe: 4 -14.7 1.101 PL 1.50 PF 0.2 S4 20.2 4.3 11.7 14.7 4.9 150 FTG T PE 0.4 4 19.2 0.0 12.3 0.0 0.038 TL 6.50 PV Pipe: 5 -26.0 1.101 PL 9.33 PF 1.6 1 19.2 0.0 9.8 0.0 8.8 150 FTG T PE 0.0 2 19.2 0.0 11.4 0.0 0.111 TL 14.33 PV Pipe: 6 0.0 1.101 PL 9.33 PF 0.0 3 19.2 0.0 12.3 0.0 0.0 150 FTG T FE 0.0 4 19.2 0.0 12.3 0.0 0.000 TL 14.33 PV Pipe: 7 -40.1 1.394 PL 6.17 PF 1.0 2 19.2 0.0 11.4 0.0 8.4 150 FTG T PE 0.0 Y 19.2 0.0 12.4 0.0 0.078 TL 12.17 PV Pipe: 8 -6.0 1.394 PL 7.08 PF 0.0 4 19.2 0.0 12.3 0.0 1.3 150 FTG T FE 0.0 Y 19.2 0.0 12.4 0.0 0.002 TL 13.08 PV Pipe: 9 -38.7 1.394 PL 3.33 PF 0.8 Y 19.2 0.0 12.4 0.0 8.1 150 FTG E PE 0.0 Y2 19.2 0.0 13.2 0.0 0.073 TL 11.33 PV Pipe: 10 -7.5 1.394 PL 63.00 PF 0.2 Y 19.2 0.0 12.4 0.0 1.6 150 FTG ---- PE 0.0 5 19.2 0.0 12.6 0.0 0.003 TL 63.00 PV Pipe: 11 -7.5 1.380 PL 42.75 PF 0.3 5 19.2 0.0 12.6 0.0 1.6 120 FTG 2T PE 0.0 6 19.2 0.0 12.9 0.0 0.006 TL 54.75 PV SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 4 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\FIASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 2ND FL. .SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 2nd fl. .10/ 4 heads PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 12 -7.5 1.394 PL 24.67 PF 0.1 6 19.2 0.0 12.9 0.0 1.6 150 FTG ET PE 0.0 7 19.2 0.0 13.0 0.0 0.003 TL 38.67 PV Pipe: 13 -7.5 1.394 PL 50.17 PF 0.2 7 19.2 0.0 13.0 0.0 1.6 150 FTG T PE 0.0 Yl 19.2 0.0 13.2 0.0 0.003 TL 56.17 PV Pipe: 14 -8.6 1.394 PL 56.58 PF 0.3 4 19.2 0.0 12.3 0.0 1.8 150 FTG ---- PE 0.0 10 19.2 0.0 12.6 0.0 0.005 TL 56.58 PV Pipe: 15 -8.6 1.394 PL 35.25 PF 0.2 10 19.2 0.0 12.6 0.0 1.8 150 FTG 2T PE 0.0 9 19.2 0.0 12.8 0.0 0.005 TL 47.25 PV Pipe: 16 -8.6 1.394 PL 16.58 PF 0.1 9 19.2 0.0 12.8 0.0 1.8 150 FTG T PE 0.0 8 19.2 0.0 12.9 0.0 0.005 TL 22.58 PV Pipe: 17 -8.6 1.394 PL 52.92 PF 0.3 8 19.2 0.0 12.9 0.0 1.8 150 FTG ET PE 0.0 Yl 19.2 0.0 13.2 0.0 0.005 TL 66.92 PV Pipe: 18 -16.1 1.394 PL 0.97 PF 0.1 Yl 19.2 0.0 13.2 0.0 3.4 150 FTG E PE 0.0 SR 19.2 0.0 13.3 0.0 0.014 TL 8.97 PV Pipe: 19 -16.1 2.950 PL 10.75 PF 0.0 SR 19.2 0.0 13.3 0.0 0.8 150 FTG E PE 4.7 B2 8.5 0.0 18.0 0.0 0.000 TL 23.75 PV Pipe: 20 -38.7 2.950 PL 10.75 PF 0.0 Y2 19.2 0.0 13.2 0.0 1.8 150 FTG E PE 4.7 BR2 8.5 0.0 17.9 0.0 0.002 TL 23.75 PV Pipe: 21 -38.7 2.950 PL 33.50 PF 0.1 BR2 8.5 0.0 17.9 0.0 1.8 150 FTG 2T PE 0.0 x 8.5 0.0 18.0 0.0 0.002 TL 63.50 PV Pipe: 22 -27.4 2.950 PL 4.00 PF 0.0 X 8.5 0.0 18.0 0.0 1.3 150 FTG T PE 0.0 C 8.5 0.0 18.0 0.0 0.001 TL 19.00 PV Pipe: 22A -16.1 2.950 PL 0.71 PF 0.0 B2 8.5 0.0 18.0 0.0 0.8 150 FTG T PE 0.0 X 8.5 0.0 18.0 0.0 0.000 TL 15.71 PV SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 5 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 2ND FL. .SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 2nd fl. .10/ 4 heads PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 23 -27.4 2.950 PL 4.00 PF 0.0 X 8.5 0.0 18.0 0.0 1.3 150 FTG T PE 0.0 C 8.5 0.0 18.0 0.0 0.001 TL 19.00 PV Pipe: 24 -54.8 3.260 PL 7.75 PF 0.1 C 8.5 0.0 18.0 0.0 2.1 120 FTG E PE 0.0 B3 8.5 0.0 18.1 0.0 0.003 TL 17.75 PV Pipe: 53 -54.8 3.260 PL 7.50 PF 0.0 B3 8.5 0.0 18.1 0.0 2.1 120 FTG ---- PE 3.2 BR 1.0 H.S. 21.4 100.0 0.003 TL 7.50 PV Pipe: 54 -154.8 6.280 PL 7.00 PF 0.0 BR 1.0 H.S. 21.4 100.0 1.6 140 FTG E PE 0.4 UG 0.0 0.0 21.8 0.0 0.001 TL 29.00 PV Pipe: 55 -154.8 6.080 PL 240.00 PF 0.2 UG 0.0 0.0 21.8 0.0 1.7 150 FTG ET PE 0.0 UH 0.0 0.0 22.1 0.0 0.001 TL 308.00 PV Pipe: 56 -154.8 6.080 PL 145.00 PF 0.1 UH 0.0 0.0 22.1 0.0 1.7 150 FTG E PE 0.0 UG1 0.0 0.0 22.2 0.0 0.001 TL 167.00 PV Pipe: 57 -154.8 6.280 PL 7.00 PF 0.0 UG1 0.0 0.0 22.2 0.0 1.6 140 FTG E PE -1.3 ED 3.0 0.0 20.9 0.0 0.001 TL 29.00 PV Pipe: 58 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE BS 3.0 0.0 30.9 0.0 10.0 psi, 154.8 gpm BD 3.0 0.0 20.9 0.0 Pipe: 59 -154.8 6.080 PL 7.00 PF 0.0 BS 3.0 0.0 30.9 0.0 1.7 150 FTG E PE 1.3 UG2 0.0 0.0 32.2 0.0 0.001 TL 29.00 PV Pipe: 60 -154.8 6.080 PL 45.00 PF 0.1 UG2 0.0 0.0 32.2 0.0 1.7 150 FTG EG PE 0.0 CTY 0.0 SRCE 32.3 (N/A) 0.001 TL 72.00 PV NOTES (HASS): (1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 7.9 computer program under license no. 4903012840 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 4792 LaVista Road Tucker, GA 30084 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 6 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 2ND FL. .SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 2nd fl. .10/ 4 heads The system has been calculated to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.004 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.118 gpm. Total pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity is 8.8 ft/sec at pipe 5. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: STANDARD.PIP PAGE: A MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D N Eli Tee LngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv AlmChk DPViv NPTee 1.380 3.00 6.00 2.00 7.00 6.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 PAGE: B MATERIAL: THNWL HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D N Eli Tee LngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv AlmChk DPVlv NPTee 3.260 10.00 20.00 7.00 22.00 14.00 1.00 18.00 18.00 20.00 PAGE: D MATERIAL: DIRON HWC: 140 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G N Ell Tee LngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv NPTee 6.280 22.00 47.00 14.00 51.00 16.00 5.00 47.00 PAGE: E MATERIAL: PVC150 HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G N Eli Tee LngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv NPTee 6.080 22.00 46.00 14.00 49.00 15.00 5.00 46.00 PAGE: F MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T R S G E Tee R S GatVlv 1.101 7.00 5.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 1.394 8.00 6.00 1.00 11.00 1.00 2.950 13.00 15.00 2.00 24.00 1.00 NOTES (USER): WATER SUPPLY ANALYSIS 70.0 G A U 60.0 G E 50.0 P R E 5 40.0 2 E 30.0 P 20.0 S 10.0 -14 .7 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 FLOW (GPM) SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 8 DATE: 10/9/2010 C:\HASS77\CARLSBAD VILLAS51 52 2ND FL. .SDF JOB TITLE: Carlsbad Villas 51 & 52 2nd fl. .10/ 4 heads WATER SUPPLY CURVE 84+ 77+ 0 \ 70+\ I\ I \ 63+ \ I \ I \ I \ P56+ \ R I \ E I \ S I \ S49+ \ U \ R I \ E I \ 42+ \ I \ P I \ S I \ 135+ \ I \ x \ I \ 28+ \ I \ \ \ 21+ \ * <-20.0 psi @ I Flow Test 14+ LEGEND '7 I X = Required Water Supply I 32.27 psi @ 154.8 gpm 7+ I 0 = Available Water Supply 73.69 psi @ 154.8 gpm --------+------+-------- 16002400 3200 4000 4800 5600 FLOW 4365 gpm Point +---------+-----------+ 6400 7200 8000 (GPM) Carlsbad Municipal Water District Potable Water Discharge Event Report Date: qlZq /10 Location: 6O Reason for Discharge Event: \1Ai JkO Type of Event: Dewate ring Water Mains Note: Includes flow testing and flushing Dewatering Reservoirs Unscheduled Water Discharge Clear flow path of debris, surface contaminants and/or hazardous materials. Do not remove native - V e et hull. Erosion control, i.e. sandbags, silt fencing, hay bales, gravel bags, decreasing the velocity of discharge water. Initial IA Estimated Discharge Flow: 12 30 &eM ____ Start Time 3 End Time I - Pre-Dechiorination Residual: ,,7t 2+ Post-Dechlorination Residual: 0. 3S (less than 0.1 mg/L) pH within limits of 6.0 and 9.0 ________ Upon completion of dewatering, ensure that the flow path is free of all temporary erosion prevention materials. \ Upon completion completion of dewatering, ensure that any sediment or silted areas are cleared. Water Sampling Performed by:______________________________________ Comments: Submitted by: Reviewd by: (Name & Date Name & p Mobi/~-i -,-Asinix Flow Test Record Test Hydrant Cr\ Location 5,o5 it: ttkc b Hydrant ID No. Size Main S Static.............. Residual.......... Pressure Drop.. 5 (PDI 1).....K factor for PDI 1 Flow Hydrant(s) Hydrant I location ST 5(00 ( be.. Hydrant 2 location Y) y wr ,j fFc. ç b k. Hydrant 3 location Hydrant I Pitot PSI GPM: Size of Orifice___________ Hydrant 2 Pitot Td~ PSI GPM: 5O Size of Orifice Hydrant 3 Pitot PSI GPM: Size of Orifice.__________ Total: f/5 (Qi) Calculated test and flow data - 0 x PD2 k =Q2 PDI*k Static: .................... 81 L Desired Residual.......20 Pressure Drop (PD 2).. K factor PD 2: f/_25 x 9-9 divided by equals (-k3L,.!5' GPM at 20 psi residual Qi PD2k PD1k Q2 Comments: Test conducted for: (VtR Conducted .—!5v-V7-H602tJ.iLj1 2/o/4 fiz Date: Time:/.3Op(Y\ Flow Test Record Formulas GPM-Flow 2V2" 4' PSI GPM PSI GPM PSI GPM PSI GPM 1 170 16 670 1 430 16 1720 2 240 17 690 2 610 17 1770 3 290 18 710 3 740 18' 1820 4 340 19 730 4 860 19 1870 5 380 20 750 5 960 20 1920 6 410 22 790 6 1050 22 2020 7 440 24 820 7 1140 24 2110 8 480 26 860 8 1220 26 2190 9 500 28 890 19 1290 28 2280 10 . 530 30 920 10 1360 30 2330 11 560 33 950 11 1430 32 2430 12 580 34 980 12 1490 34 2510 13 610 36 1010 13 1550 36 2580 14 630 38 1040 14 1610 38 . 2650 15 650 40 1060 15 1660 40 2720 'S K Factor Formula PD K PD K PD K PD K PD K 1= 1.0 21= 5.18 41= 7.43 61= 9.21 81= 10.73 2= 1.45 22= 5.31 42= 7.53 62= 9.29 82= 10.80 3= 1.81 23= 5.44 43= 7.62 63= 9.37 83 10.87 4= 2.11 24= 5.56 44= 7.72 64= 9.45 84= 10.94 5= 2.3 ,9 25= 5.69 45= 7.81 65= 9.53 85= 11.01 6= 2.63 26= 5.81 46= 7.91 66= 9.61 86= 11.08 7= 2.86 27= 5.93' 47= 8.00 67= 9.69 87= 11.15 8= 3.07 28= 6.05 48= 8.09 68= 9.76 88= 11.22 9= 3.28 29= 6.16 49= 8.18 69= 9.84 89= 11.29 10= 3.47 30= 6.28 50= 8.27 70= 9.92 90= 11.36 11= 3.65 31= 6.39 51= 8.36 71= 9.99 91= 11.43 12= 3.83 32= 6.50 52= 8.44 72= 10.07 92= 11.49 13= 4.00 33= 6.61 53= 8.53 73= 10.14 93= 11.56 14= 4.16 34= 6.71 54= 8.64 74= 10.22 94= 11.63 15= 4.32 35= 6.82 55= 8.71 . 75= '10.29 95= 11.69 16= 4.48 36= 6.93 56= ' 8.79 76= 10.37 96= 11.76 17= 4.72 37= 7.03 57= 8.88 77= 10.44 97= 1.1.83 18= 4.76 '.38= 7.13 58= 8.96 78= 10.51 98= . 11.89 19= 4.90 39= 7.23 59= 9.04 79= 10.59 99= 11.96 20= 5.04 40= 7.33 60= 9.12 80= 10.66 100= 12.02 *PD = Pressure drop K = K factor '1 4- Chapter 24 Systems Acceptance AS 10o t2l Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by the property owner or their authorized agent. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shalt be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. It is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. Property name Date Properly, address Gf?AF Accepted by approving authorities (nanes) Address Plans Installation conforms to accepted plans $'Yes No Equipment used is approved 1 'Yes t No If no, explain deviations Has person in charge of fire equipment been instructed as (Yes No to location of control valves and care and maintenance of this new equipment? If no, explain Instructions Have copies of the following been left on the premises? Yes j No System components instructions JYes [No Care and maintenance instructions J&Yes No NFPA 25 Yes ENo Location of system Supplies buildings Year of Orifice Temperature Make Model manufacture size Quantity rating 'c Sprinklers 't 100 ;2o J^0 Pipe and Type of pipe Type of fittings fittings Maximum time to operate Alarm Alarm device through test connection valve or flow Type ) Make Model Minutes Seconds indicator Dry valve 0.0. D. Make Model Serial no. Make Model Se Time to trip J ater T Alarm through test Water Air Tjjpair'rr reached operated Dry pipe connectiona.b pressure pressure air pressure test outleta.b property operating test Minutes Seconds psi i psi Minutes Seconds Yes No Without With o, explain LCe-Nati .. I Fire Protection Association NFPA 13 (p. 1 o13) a Measured from time inspector's test connection is opened b NFPA 13 only requires the 60-second limitation in specific sections FIGURE 24.1 Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping. Automatic Sprinkler Systems Section 24.2 Acceptance Requirements Operation jPneumatic lElectnc IHydraubcs Piping supervised EYes lNo Detecting media supervised _.._-'tj INo Does valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both (J Yes No control stations? Deluge and prea ction i Is there an accessible facility n each circuit If no, explain valves for testing? I Yes as each circuit operate Does each circuit operate Maximum time to Make Model supervision loss alarm? valve release? operate release I Yes No Yes No Minutes I Seconds Location ake and fes~sure Pressure and floor model Setting Static (flowing) Flow rate reducing in-let (psi) Outlet (psi) inlet (psi) Outlet (psi)i Flow (gp.) valve test Hydrostatic: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bar) for 2 hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in excess of 150 psi (102 bar) for 2 hours. Differential dry-pipe valve clappers shall be left open during the test to prevent damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. Test description Pneumatic: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 1112 psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shall not exceed 1112 psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. All piping hydrostatically tested at psi (_ bar) for 2-. hours If no, state reason Dry piping pneumatically tested ( Yes l No I Equipment operates properly Ij Yes No 7 Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sorium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals were not used for testing systems or stopping leaks? Irtyes 1No Drain Reading of gauge located near water Residual pressure with valve in test Tests test I supply test connection: psi( bar) connection open wide:_ psi (_ bar) Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers flushed before connection made to sprinkler piping Verified by copy of the Contractor's Material and Test Yes {J No Other Explain Certificate for Underground Piping. Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping OYes lJ No If powder-driven fasteners are used in concrete, Yes l No If no, explain has representative sample testing been satisfactorily completed? Blank testing Number used Locations Number removed gaskets Welding piping ,,Yes J No If yes... Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures used complied with %Yes Q No the minimum requirements of AWS B2.1, ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications, or other applicable qualification standard as required by the AHJ? Do you certify that all welding was performed by welders or welding operators 09 Yes lJ No qualified in accordance with the minimum requirements of AWS 82.1, ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications, or other applicable qualification standard as Welding required by the AHJ? Do you certify that the welding was conducted in compliance with a documented i'eS (JNo quality control procedure to ensure that (1) all discs are retrieved; (2) that openings in piping are smooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed; (3) the internal diameters of piping are not penetrated; (4) completed welds are free from cracks, incomplete fusion, surface porosity greater than '1w in. diameter, undercut deeper than the lesser of 259/6 of the wall thickness or 1/32 in.; and (5) completed circumferential butt weld reinforcement does not exceed 3/k in.? © 2006 National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13 (p.2 of 3) FIGURE 24.1 Continued Automatic Sprinkler Systems Chapter 24 • Systems Acceptance Cutouts Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that Yes (J No (discs) all cutouts (discs) are retrieved? Hydraulic Nameplate provided If no, explain data nameplate EYes EJ No Date left in service with all control valves open Remarks Name of sprinkler contractor 3oo-r*E91i- f Poiri. Tests witnessed by Signatures The orized agen Title D al ler con (sign Title Date Additional explanal orleand notes © 2006 National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13 (p.3 of 3) FIGURE 24.1 Continued Automatic Sprinkler Systems A,S tooi~-9 Chapter 24 • Systems Acceptance Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by the property owner or their authorized agent. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the lob. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. It is understood the owners representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. Property name Date Property address '-pp- Accepted by approving authorities (names) Address Plans Installation conforms to accepted plans kKYes Q No Equipment used is approved &Yes C No If no, explain deviations Has person in charge of fire equipment been instructed as ies (J No to location of control valves and care and maintenance of this new equipment? If no. explain Instructions Have copies of the following been left on the premises? OYes ! No, System components instructions es ( No FIes Care and maintenance instructions { No NFPA 25 Nye s IJNo Location of system Supplies buildings Year of Orifice T Temperature Make Model manufacture size [ Quantity rating 4301_..200 Sprinklers W\loo I_.OtO __________ p.Lo(2. oc-QI ?.bD /5:5' v1(w° 1._d0t) _____ ________ Pipe and Type of pipe Type of fittings '.. k teL fittings Maximum time to operate Alarm Alarm device through test connection valve or flow _Type Make Model Minutes Seconds indicator how Make Model Serial no. Make Model - Time to trip Time water Alarm through test Water Air nt reached operated Dry pipe connectiona.b pressure pressure air pressure test outieta.ti j property operating test Minutes Seconds psi -15T" psi Minutes Seconds Yes No Without With If plain © 2 tional Fire Protection Association NFPA 13 (p. 1 of 3) a Measured from time inspector's test connection Is opened b NFPA 13 only requires the 60-second limitation in specific sections FIGURE 24.1 Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping. Automatic Sprinkler Systems Section 24.2 Acceptance Requirements Operation LiPneumatic Li Electric LiHydraulics Piping supervised LiVes LiNo Detecting media supervised LJYes [No Does valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both LiYes Li No control stations? Deluge and piaction . Is there an accessible facility cir:urt If no, explain valves for testing? Does each circuit operate Does each circuit operate Maximum time to Make M supervision loss alarm? valve release? operate release Yes No Yes No Minutes Seconds Location Make and Pressure and floor model Setting Static (flowing) Row rate reducing valve test Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Flow (gpm) Hydrostatic: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bar) for 2 hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in excess of 150 psi (102 bar) for 2 hours. Differential thy-pipe valve clappers shall be left open during the test to prevent damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. Test description Pneumatic: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 11/2 psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shall not exceed 1112 psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. All piping hydrostatically tested at.2_ psi (_ bar) for hours If no, state reason Dry piping pneumatically tested Li Yes No Equipment operates properly Li Yes Li No Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals were not used for testing systems or stopping leaks? OjYes LiNo Drain Reading of gauge located near water Residual pressure with valve in test Tests test I supply test connection: psi (bar) connection open wide: psi (__bar) Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers flushed before connection made to sprinkler piping Verified by copy of the Contractor's Material and Test es No Other Explain Certificate for Underground Piping. Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler Li piping Yes No If powder-driven fasteners are used in concrete, I Li Yes Li No If no, explain has representative sample testing been satisfactorily completed? Blank testing Number used Locations Number removed gaskets Welding piping ØYes Li No If yes... Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures used complied with AYes Li No the minimum requirements of AWS 82.1, ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications, or other applicable qualification standard as required by the AHJ? Do you certify that all welding was performed by welders or welding operators Yes Li No qualified in accordance with the minimum requirements of AWS B2.1, ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications, or other applicable qualification standard as Welding required by the AHJ? Do you certify that the welding was conducted in compliance with a documented i'es LiNo quality control procedure to ensure that (1) all discs are retrieved; (2) that openings in piping are smooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed; (3) the internal diameters of piping are not penetrated; (4) completed welds are free from cracks, incomplete fusion, surface porosity greater than 'As in. diameter, undercut deeper than the lesser of 25% of the wall thickness or in.; and (5) completed circumferential butt weld reinforcement does not exceed 3/j2 in.? @2006 National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13 (p.2 of 3) FIGURE 24.1 Continued Automatic Sprinkler Systehis Chapter 24 • Systems Acceptance Cutouts Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that If [ N, (discs) all cutouts (discs) are retrieved? 1Yes Hydraulic Nameplate provided If no, explain data nameplate I_yes C) No Remarks Date left in service with all control valves open Name of sprinkler contractor mw- R* orE.CTO! Tests witnessed witnessed by Signatures D;te The Peown uthoria9edr de 7,/ Title (Date .000 P,oirr Additional explanationsand notes © 2006 National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13 (p.3 of 3) FIGURE 24.1 Continued Automatic Sprinkler Systems