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2681 GATEWAY RD; ; AS100155; Permit
8/17/22, 10:50 AM AS100155 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Job Address: 2681 GATEWAY RD Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2131911400 Lot #: 0 Permit No: AS100155 Status: ISSUED Applied 12/8/2010 Approved: 12/8/2010 Reference No.: Issued: 12/8/2010 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: SOUP PLANTATION EXPRESS T.I. FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: AMERICAN AUTOMATIC FIRE SUPPRESSION SUITE B 9510 PATHWAY STREET SANTEE, CA 619-562-3010 Owner: LNR CPI BRESSI RETAIL L L C C/O LNR PROPERTY CORP 4350 VON KARMAN AVE #200 NEWPORT BEACH CA Fees ($) : Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 130 0 130 0 1/1 Asloolss— Hydraulic:Design Information Sheet Name: SOTJPLANTAT1ON Ti. . Date: 12440 Location: 2681 GATEWAY RD. SUI(LE 103 C1RLSBAD Building EXIST System No. 1 Contractor: .AAFSI Contract No. - Calculated By: UP Drawing No. Construction: Combustible [1 Non-Combustible Ceiling Height - Ft. SYSTEM DESIGN NFPA 1. []Light Hazard Ordinary Hazard Group N 1 D 2 [] 3 El Extra Hazard El NFPA 231 El NFPA 231C: Figure: Curve: []Other (specify) OSpecific Ruling Made By Date Mea of Stinkler Opentti 945 SQ FT Density .10 AND .15 Wet [I] Dry [1 Deluge El Pre-Action Area Per Sprinkler 16 x 16 AND 10 10 - Sprinkler or Nozzle Hose Allowance GPM: Inside 0 Make TYCO Model TY-FRB, EC-8 Hose Allowance GPM: Outside 250 Size W', 314 K-Factor: 5.6, 8.0 Rack SpcmklerAltowanoe TeiperatureRating 155 CALCULATION SUMMARY GPM Required 306.26 PSI Required 20.96 At Base of Riser "<C" Factor Used: Overhead 120 Underground 150 WATVR SI IPPI .V Water Flow Test Pump Data Tank or Reservoir Date & Time Rated Capacity Capacity Static PS! 58 At PSI Elevation Residual PSI 56 Elevation GPM Flowing 1065 well Elevation 0 Proof Flow GPM Location SITE Source of Information Commodity DINING AND FOOD PREP Class Location Storage Height Area Aisle Width Storage Method: Solid Piled % Palletized % Rack I1k 0 Single Row El Conventicual Pallet Double Row [I Slave Pallet LI mukiple pww U Open Flue Spacing In Who Longitudinal Transverse - Horizontal Barriers Provided D Automatic Storage 0 Encapsulated El Solid Shelving LI Non-Encapsulated. Clearance From Joqf Storage toCeilüg Ft. In. 'I Water Flow (GPM) System Demand.. Sprinkler Demand 37.26 PSI 9 306.26 GPM Additional Flows 0.00 GPM Hose at Source 250.00 GPM Total Demand 37.26 PSI @ 556.26 GPM Water Supply.. Static 52.20 PSI Residual 50.40 PSI @ 1065.00 GPM Elevation 0.00 PSI 125 120 116 110 105 100 96 90 $5 80 75 10 56 80 5$ 80 45 40 35 30 25 20 16 10 0 Sigma Dynamics Corporation 71011 Supply I Demand Graph SOUPLANTAIION Ti. (.15 AND .10/945) SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2932HY7 SOUPLAWATION T.I. (.15 AND .10/945) FLOW TEST RESULTS Water Supply STATIC 52.20 PSI RESIDUAL 50.40 PSI @ 1065.00 GPM CITY PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT 556.3 GPM 12-16-2010 PAGE 1 51.66 PSI SUMMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS ACTUAL MINIMUM SPR FLOW FLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE 100 22.41 15.00 5.60 16.02 101 22.15 1500 5.60 15.64 102 22.07 15.00 5.60 15.53 103 20.92 1500 5.60 13.95 104 20.47 15.00 5.60 13.36 105 20.05 15.00 5.60 12.82 106 26.00 26.00 8.00 10.56 107 26.29 26.00 8.00 10:80 108 20.81 15.00 5.60 13.82 111 26.18 26.00 8.00 10.71 112 19.18 15.00 5.60 11.73 113 20.74 15.00 5.60 13.72 110 19.32 15.00 5.60 11.91 109 19.67 12.00 5.60 12.34 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT 0 TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT 0 MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS MAXIMUM VELOCITY FROM 12 TO 26 306.26 GPM 250.00 GPM 556.26 GPM 37.26 PSI 0.00 PSI 17.23 FPS 11 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2932HY7 12-16-2010 PAGE 2 SOUPL1'NTAT1ON T.I. (.15 AND .10/945) Location Flow Pipe Fittings Eqiiv FrictioA Pressure in Size & Length Loss Summary From To GPM IN Devices Ft PSI/Ft PSI 19 106 1.080 L 7.00 C=120 PT 10.56 U06) Q 26.00 F=T,2E P 10.40 PH -0.43 AO P 17.40 0.1835 PP 3.19 PT 13.32 ( 19) 25 112 1.080 L 3.00 C=120 PT 11.73 (112) Q 19.18 FT2E F 10.40 PR -0.43 AO T 13.40 0.1045 'PP 1.40 24 25 1.728 L 6.00 C=120 PT 12.70 ( 25) Q 19.18 F=O F 0.00 PH 0.00 EN T 6.00 0.0106 PP 0.06 23 24D0 26.18 1.728 L 2.50 C=120 PT 12.76 ( 24) Q 45.36 P=0 P 0.00 PH 0.00 EN P 2.50 0.0521 PP 0.13 22 23DQ 19.32 1.728 L 8.00 C=120 PT 12.89 ( 23) Q 64.69 F0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 EN T 8.00 0.1004 PF 0.80 21 22DQ 19.67 1.728 L 8.00 C=120 'PT 13.69 ( 22) Q 84.36 F=0 F 0.00 PH 0.00 EN ......0.1641 PF 1.31 .c •' 26 21DQ 20.81 1.728 Tr2.00 L 120 PT 15.00 C 21) Q 105.17 F=0 F PE 0.00 EN T .2468 PF 0.49 PT 15.49 ( 26) 26 ------------------- 113 1.080 L 8.00 C=120 PT 13,72 (113) Q 20.74 FT,2E F 10.40 FE -0.43 AO P 4 .1208 PP 2.22 12 26DQ 105.17 1.728 L 0.50 =120 PT 15.51 C 26) Q 125.91 F=T F 9.00 PE 0.00 BN T 9.50 .3443 PP 3.27 PT 18.78 C 12) 24 ------------------ 111 1.080 L 3.00 C=120 PT 10.71 (111) 0 26.18 F=T,2E F 10.40 PH -0.43 AO T 13.40 0.1858 PP 2.49 PT 12.77 ( 24) 23 ------------------ 110 1.080 L 3.00 C=120 PT 11.91 (110) Q 19.32 F=T2E F 10.40 PE -0.43 AO P 13.40 0.1060 PP 1.42 PT 12.90 C 23 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2932HY7 .12-16-2010 PAGE 3 SOJPLINTATIOM T.I. (.15 AND .10/945) Location Flow Pipe Fittings Equiv Friction Pressure in Size & Length Loss Summary From To GPM IN Devices Ft PSI/Ft PSI 22 ------------------ 109 1.080 L 6.00 C=120 PT 12.34 (109) Q 19.67 P=T2E F 10.40 PE -0.43 AC T 16.40 0.1095 PP 1.80 ------------------ PT 13.71 ( 22) 21 108 1.080 L 3.00 C=120 PT 13.82 (108) Q 20.81 F=T,2E F 10.40 P -0.43 AO T 13.40 0.1216 PP 1.63 ------------------ PT 15.02 ( 21) 20 107 1.080 L 5.00 C=120 PT 10.80 (107) Q 26.29 FT,2E F 10.40 PE -0.43 AC T 15.40 0.1872 PF 2.88 19 20 1.728 L 4.00 C=120 PT 13.25 ( 20) Q 26.29 F0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 BN T 4.00 0.0190 PP 0.08 18 19DQ 26.00 1.728 L 12.00 C=120 PT 13.33 ( 19) Q 52.29 F0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 EN T 12.00 0.0677 PF 0.81 PT 14.14 ( 18) 18 ------------------ 105 1.080 L 5.00 C120 PT 12.82 (105) Q 20.05 F=T,2E P 10.40 PE -0.43 AO T 15.40 0.1135 PP 1.75 17 18DQ 52.29 1.728 L 4.00 C=120 PT 14.14 ( 18) Q 72.34 FO F 0.00 P3 0.00 EN T 4.00 0.1235 PP 0.49 PT 14.63 ( 17) ------------------ 17104 1.080 L 4.00 C=120 PT 13.36 (104) Q 20.47 F=T2E P 10.40 PE -0.43 AC T 14.40 0,1179 PF 1.70 16 I7DQ 72.34 1.728 L 4.00 C=120 PT 14.63 ( 17) Q 92.81 F0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 SN T 4.00 0.1958 PF 0.78 PT 15.41 ( 16) ------------------ 16103 1.080 L 5.00 C=120 PT 13.95 (103) Q 20.92 F=T,2E F 10.40 P -0.43 AO T 15,40 0.12.27 PF 1.89 11 16DQ 92.81 1.728 L 3.00 C=120 PT 15.41 ( 16) Q 113.73 FT F 9.00 PE 0.00 EN T 12.00 0.2852 PF 3.42 PT 18.83 ( 11) SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2932HY7 SOUPLANTATION T.I. (.15 AND .10/945) Location Flow Pipe Fittings in Size & From To GPM IN Devices ------------------- 12-16-2010 PAGE 4 Equiv Friction Pressure Length Loss Summary Ft PSI/Ft PSI 15 102 1.080 L 5.00 C=I20 PT 15.53 (102) Q 22.07 F=T,2E F .10.40 FE -0.43 AO T 15.40 0.1355 PF 2.09 14 15 1.728 L 9.00 C=120 PT 17.19 ( 15) Q 22.07 F=O F 0.00 PE 0.00 EN T 9.00 0.0137 PP 0.2 ------------------ PT 17.31 ( 14) 14 101 1.080 L 5.00 C=120 PT 15.64 (101) Q 22.15 F=T,2E F 10.40 P -0.43 AO T 15.40 0.1364 PF 2.10 13 14DQ 22.07 1.728 L 3.00 C120 PT 17.31 ( 14) Q 44.21 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 EN T 3.00 0.0497 PP 0,15 PT 1746 13) 13 100 ------------------ 1.080 L 3.00 C=120 PT 16.02 (100) Q 22.41 F=T,2E F 10.40 PE -0.43 AO T 13.40 0.1394 PP 1.87 11 I3DQ 44.21 1.728 L 4.00 C=120 PT 17.46 ( 13) Q 66,63 P=T F 9.00 PE 0,00 RN T 13.00 0,1061 PP 1.38 ------------------ PT 18.84 11) 11 12 4.310 L =120 PT 18.78 ( 12) Q 125.91 P=O F 2:, FE 0.00 FM T .0040 PP 0.06 10 1IDQ 180.35 4.310 L=120 PT 18.84 ( 11) Q 306.26 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 FM T 12.50 0.0208 PP 0.26 3 10 4.310 L 24.00 C=120 PT 19.10 ( 10) Q 306.26 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00 FM T 24.00 0,0208 PP 0.50 2 3 4.310 L 37.00 C=120 PT 19.60 ( 3) Q 306.26 F=3E F 28.44 PE 0.00 FM P 65.44 0.0208 PF 1.36 1 2 4.3.10 L 14.00 C=120 PT 20.96 2) Q 306.26 F3E F 28.44 FE 4.98 FR T 42.44 0.0208 PP 0.88 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2932HY7 12-16-2010 PAGE 5 SOUPLANTATION T.I. (.15 AND .10/945) Location Flow Pipe Fittings Eqiiiv Friction Pressure in Size & Length Loss Summary From To GPM IN Devices Ft PSI/Ft PSI 0 1 5.914 L 77.50 C=150 PT 26.82 ( 1) Q 306.26 FT,DDC/GV,E F 72.41 PE 0.00 UN T 149.91 0.0029 PF 0.43 6" FEBCO 856 YL) REDUCED PRESSURE DETECTOR ASSEMBLY 10.00 PT 37.25 ( 0) 13-190 INSTALL ON OF SPRINKLER SFEMS AS 00 1 Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representative. All detects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. Ills understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. Property name. 5!!,uc'&4 . Datej Property address . . Accepted by approving authorities (names) SAV ç Plans Address itess f* Ay. Cg-a. c, qj Installation conforms to accepted plans Yes El No Equipment used is approved Yes El No If no, explain deviations Has, person in charge of fire equipment been instructed as , .CR Yes El No to location of control valves and care and maintenance • of this new equipment? If no. explain Instructions. •• Have copies of the following been left on the premises? l Yes El No System components instructions' [j Yes D No Care and maintenance Instructions ' ( Yes El No NFPA25 El Yes [No Lo system cation of Supplies buildings Year of Orifice . Temperature Make Model manufacture , size Ouantity rating Spnn)ders 1Cc 1. __ 7 ___________ ______ __________ 1/2. . I ZbC Pipe and fittings Type of pipe b//U Type of fittings Ci P 4Jarm valve or , Alarm device ' Madmum time to operate Type through test connection flow . Make Model Minutes Seconds s4 -EXMirt.. LiWL ,/At.lp:Z indicator Dryvalve . OOa- ' Make Modal Srial no. Make jodal Sedal.ns. Dry pipe operating test to trip through connection12 ure Water p . ~Ssure alr ' point pressure , Time water . reached test outlet1.2 Jami operated propedy Minutesj Seconds psi psi Minutes Yes I_No Without _Seconds Withh If no, explain .. 1Measured from time inspector's test connection is opened ' 2NFPA 13 only requires the 60-second limitation in specific sections FIGURE 16.1 Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping. 2002-Edition' SYSTEMS ACCEPTANCE 13-191 on -2zratl EJ Pneumatic E] Electric' CJ Hydraulics Piping s ised Yes [J No I Detecting media supervi '0 Yes D No Does valve operate 1brn4 a manual trip, remote, or both _-" D Yes D No control stations? Deluge and P Is there an accessible facility In each circuit If no, explain valms COD Yes No Does each circuit operate Does each circu to Maximum time to Make supervision loss alarm? valve release? Operate release. Yes No Yes No Miis-... Seconds 'Loestlon-_ Make and Setting Static pressure Residual n rate Pressure and floor WZd9— (flowing) reducing valve test Tn—let(OsQ Outlet (psi) Flow (gprro 12/.?/1e. 4- lydroslatic tests shall be made at not less thasj)13.6 bar) for 2Ji0urs or 50 psi (3.4 bar) 'boye-ettic pressure in excess of 150 psi (10.2 bar) for 2 hoursDlfferenhial dry-pipe valve clappers shall be left open during the test to prevent damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. Test description Pnejjrnafic Establish 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 1½ psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shag not exceed 1½ psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. All piping hydrostatically tested at ZQ psi (_ bar) for .L. hours If no, state reason Dry piping pneumatically tested ' [J Yes No Equipment operates properly Yes 0 No Do you certify asthe sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals were not used for testing systems or stopping leaks? ,.JYes No Drain Reading of gauge located near water Residual pressure with valve in test I Tests test supply test connection: psi ( _ connection open wide: 7' psi ( bar) Underground mains and lead-In connections to system risers flushed before connection made to,, sprinkler piping ' Verified by copy of the Contractor's Material and Test Yes 0 No Other Explain Certificate for Underground Piping. Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping Yes No If powder-driven fasteners are used in concrete, 0 Yes No If no, explain has representative sample testing been satisfactorily completed? Blank testing Number used Locations ' Number removed gaskets ' '' ' Welding piping 0 Yes No If Yes .. Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures comply 0 Yes 0 No with the requirements of at least AWS 82.1? ld Welding Do you certify that the welding was performed by welders qualified in 0 Yes 0 No , compliance with the requirements of at least AWS 82.1? , Do you certify that the welding was carried out In compliance with a D Yes 0 No documented quality control procedure to ensure that all discs are retrieved, that openings in piping are smooth, that slag and other welding residue are ' removed, and that the' internal diameters of piping are not penetrated? Cutouts Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that ' Yes 0 No (discs) all cutouts (discs) are retrieved? FIGURE 16.1 Continued I 2002 Edition 13-192 INSTALLATION OF. SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Hydraulic Nameplate provided it no, explain data nameplate ''ea D No Date left in service with all control valves open Remarks Name of sprinkler cont or . Tests witnessed by Signatures V iP.22_ F , 6wne9d) Title Date 4p4*itecL.-7-3 _________ For, dLU1 51 S&f4 'Z- Title Date FM 7-7 4v- FIGURE 16.1 .Continued ..... .,... . Portions of systems normally subjected to system open sprinklers after the test is completed, or the operating working pressures in excess of 150 psi (10.4 bar) shall be elements of automatic sprinklers shall be removed after the tested as described in at:apressure of50...psi(S.5 bar) test is.comp1eted..:. . :. in excess of system working pressure. 16.2.-1;12* The trench shall be backfilled between joints be- Where cold weather will not permit testing with waL fore testing to prevent movement of pipe ter, an interim air test shall be permitted to be conducted as described in 16 2 3 16 2 113 Where required-ftor safety measures presented by the hazards of open trenches, the pipe and joints shall be per 16.21A Modifications affecting 20 or fewer sprinklers shall mitted to be backfllled provided the in contractor not require testing in excess of system working pressure. .., takes . pot sibility or.lqcatng. and correcting leakage in Where addition or modification is made to an exist excess of that permitted in 162 1 8 ing system affecting more than 20 sprinklers the new . PoFtiOfl 16.2-1.14- Provision shall be made for the proper disposal of shall be isolated and tested at not less than 200 psi (13.8 bar) water used for flushing or testing,, ... for 2 hours.* Test Blanks. tio Modiflcns that cannot be isolated, such as relo- - cated drops, shall not require testing in excess of system work Test blanks shall have painted lugs protruding in ing pressure. . such a w.y as to. clearly indicate their presence. LOSS shall be determined by a drop in gauge pres- 16 2 1 15.2 The test blanks shall 1.&e 1.numbered, and the ia- sure or visual leakage. stalling contractor shall have-.; record keeping method ensur- ing their removal after work is completed. The test pressure shall be read from a gauge located at the low elevation point of the system or portion being 162416Wheniubjectto hydrostatictestpressures; the clap. tested. per of a differential-type valve shall be held off its seat to prep ....................................................nt damaging th.ev a l v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.2-11 Additives, corrosive chemicals such as sodium sib cate, or derivatives of sodium silicate brine, or other chemi 16 2 2 Th7 Pipe and Double Interlock System(s) Mr Test. cals shall not be used while hydrostatically testing systems or 16 2 2 1 Ii additon to the andard hydra ...uc t an for stopping leaks. . . ..................................pressureicakage ieLat 4ftpsL42.8.barjsha11.beconducted for Piping letween the exterior fire department con- . nection and the check valve in the fire department inlet pipe of 1½ psi (0.1 bar)f6thë2h6ifrsshäll be corrected'-.:: shall be hydrotatically tested in -the same-manner as -the-hal- ............iii' 1 .... ance of the system. S pable of being operated at temperatures below 32°E (OQ, air When deluge systems are being hydrostatically pressure leakage tests required in 16.2.2 shall be cqnducted at tested, plugs shall be installed in fittings and replaced with the lowest nominal temperature of the space. 2002 Edition AS[oo ts4~;- Fire & Building tqC42 I Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 Sries EC-8 --8.0 K-factor Extended Coverage (Light Hazad) Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers General Description The Series EC-8 Extended Coverage Pendent Sprinklers are decorative glass bulb sprinklers designed for use in light hazard occupancies. They are intended for use in automatic sprinkler systems designed in accordance with standard installation rules (e.g., NFPA 13) for a maximum coverage area of 400 ft2 (37,2 m2), as compared to the maximum coverage area of 225 ft2 (20,6 m2) for standard coverage sprin- klers used in light hazard occupancies. The recessed version of the EC-8, in- tended for use in areas with a finished ceiling, uses either the two-piece Style 30 or 40 Recessed Escutcheon. The Style 30 Recessed Escutcheon pro- vides up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent po- sition, whereas, the Style 40 provides 3/4 inch (19,1 mm) of vertical adjust- ment from the flush pendent position. The adjustment provided by the Re- cessed Escutcheons reduces the ac- curacy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Corrosion resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be ob- tained when exposed to corrosive at- mospheres. Although corrosion resis- IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP 700 for the 'INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Page 1 of 6 tant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suitability of these corrosion resistant coatings for any given corrosive environment. The effects of ambient temperature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be con- sidered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. WARNINGS The Series EC-8 Extended Coverage Sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compli- ance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the per- formance of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. Model/Sprinkler Identification Number TY4232 - Pendent, 8.01K TY4232 is a redesignation for C4232. MARCH, 2007 Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM and NYC Ap- proved. (Refer to Table A for complete approval information including corro- sion resistant status. The approvals apply to the service conditions indi- cated in the Design Criteria section.) Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Pipe Thread Connection 3/4 inch NPT Discharge Coefficients K = 8.0 GPM/psi112 (115,2 LPM/bar112) TFP223 Page 2 of B TFP223 Components: 3/4' ** ESCUTCHEON PLATE - Frame NPT SEATING SURFACE Button Sealing Assembly / i 2/8" Bulb Compression Screw 3 0 (54, mm) Deflector* * Temperature rating Is (12,7 mm) NOMINAL 1-7/16 indicated on Deflector. MAKE-IN (36,5 mm) ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/I can be provided 6* on special request FIGURE 1 SERIES EC-8 (TY4232) EXTENDED COVERAGE PENDENT SPRINKLERS SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 4) HAZARD TYPE TEMP. BULB LIQUID NATURAL BRASS I CHROME PLATED]POLYESTER WHITE* LIGHT Sensitivity Rating and Refer to Table C for FM Sensitivity Rating PENDENT 135°F/57°C Orange 1,2,3,5 Refer to Table B for UL and C-UL I55F/68°C Red REC. PENDENT wl Style 30 Esc. 135°F/57°C Orange 1,2,3,5 155°F/68°C Red REC. PENDENT wf Style 40 Esc. 135°F/57°C Orange 1, 2, 5 155°F/68°C Red NOTES: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL). Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM). Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 113-04-E. *Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to color (Special Order). TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS (Refer to the Design Criteria Section) Temperature Ratings 135°F/57°C and 155°F168°C Finish Sprinkler: Refer to Table A Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Chrome Plated, and Brass Plated Physical Characteristics Frame .............Bronze Button .............Bronze Sealing Assembly .......... Beryllium Nickel w/Teflont Bulb ........Glass (3 mm dia.) Compression Screw ......... ......Bronze Deflector ............Brass -t Registered trademark of DuPont Operation The glass bulb contains a fluid that expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and flow water. Design Criteria The Series EC-8 Extended Coverage Pendent Sprinklers must only be in- stalled in accordance with the applica- ble UL and C-UL Listing or FM Ap- proval requirements as indicated below. Only the Style 30 or 40 Re- cessed Escutcheon is to be used for recessed installation, as applicable (Ref. Table A, B, and C).. UI and C-UL listing Requirements The Series EC-8 Sprinklers may be used for the coverage areas shown in Table D, based on maintaining the minimum specified flow rate as a function of coverage area and haz- ard group for all of the sprinklers in the design area. With respect to heat sensitivity, the Series EC-8 Sprinklers can be used with unobstructed construction Con- sisting of flat, smooth ceilings (in- cluding bar joists) with a maximum pitch of one in six as defined and permitted by NFPA 13. The minimum allowable spacing be- TFP223 135°F 155°F AREA STYLE 16x16 Pendent OR OR 16 x 16 Style 30 Recessed OR OR 16 x 16 Style 40 Recessed OR OR 18x18 Pendent OR OR 18 x 18 Style 30 Recessed OR SR 18 x 18 Style 40 Recessed OR SR 20 x 20 Pendent OR SR 20 x 20 Style 30 Recessed OR SR 20 x 20 Style 40 Recessed SR SR OR: Quick Response SR: Standard Response N/A: Not Applicable TABLE B SENSITIVITY RATING FOR UL AND C-UL LISTING OF SERIES EC-8 SPRINKLERS 135°F 155°F AREA STYLE 16x16 Pendent OR OR 16 x 16 Style 30 Recessed OR N/A 16 x 16 Style 40 Recessed N/A N/A 18x18 Pendent OR OR 18 x 18 Style 30 Recessed OR N/A 18x18 Style 30 Recessed N/A N/A 20 x 20 Pendent OR OR 20 x 20 Style 30 Recessed OR N/A 20 x 20 Style 40 Recessed N/A N/A OR: Quick Response SR: Standard Response N/A: Not Applicable TABLE C SENSITIVITY RATING FOR FM APPROVAL OF SERIES EC-8 SPRINKLERS Page 3 of 6 Installation The Series EC-8 Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the follow- ing instructions: NOTES Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm). A leak tight 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.lbs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). A:maxi- mum of 30 ft.lbs. (40,7 Nm) of torque is to be used to install sprinklers. Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet with consequent leak- age or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for in- sufficient adjustment of an Escutcheon Plate by under- or over-tightening the Sprinkler. Readjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Step 1. The sprinkler must be installed with the deflector parallel to the mount- ing surface. Pendent sprinklers must be installed in the pendent positibn. Step 2. After installing the Style 30 or 40 mounting plate (or other escutch- eon, as applicable) over the sprinkler pipe threads, and with pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Wrench tighten pendent sprin- klers using only the W-Type 3 (End A) Sprinkler Wrench. Wrench tighten the recessed pendent sprinklers using only the W-Type 23 Sprinkler Wrench. The wrench recess of the applicable sprinkler wrench (Ref. Figure 4 and 5) is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats (Ref. Figure 1). tween the Series EC-8 Sprinklers, to prevent cold soldering, is 8 feet (2,4 m). 4. The Series EC-8 Sprinklers are to be installed in accordance with all other requirements of NFPA 13 for ex- tended coverage pendent sprin- klers. FM Approval Requirements The Series EC-8 Extended Coverage Sprinklers are to be installed in accord- ance with the applicable Factory Mu- tual Loss Prevention Data Sheet. Infor- mation provided in the FM Loss Prevention Data Sheets relate to, but are not limited to, hydraulic design, ceiling slope and obstructions, mini- mum and maximum allowable spac- ing, and deflector-to ceiling distance. Page 4 of 6 TFP223 DESCRIPTION AREA GPM PSI TY4232 (K=8.0) PENDENT 16 x 16 26. 10.6 18x18 33 17.0 20x20 40 25.0 1 ft. = 0.3048 m 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2 1 gpm = 3.785 1pm 1 psi = 0.06895 bar I gpm/112 = 40.74 mm/mm TABLED FLOW CRITERIA FOR UL AND C-UL LISTING OF SERIES EC-8 SPRINKLERS 2-7/8" DIA. 1/2±1/8° (73,0 mm) 1/2" (12,7 mm) r (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF b (57,2 mm) SPRINKLER 1/8" FITTING (3,2 mm) I _____ iiJ' \ MOUNTING / MOUNTING I SURFACE//I PLATE CLOSURE 1-1/4"(31,8 mm) 1" (25,4 mm) FIGURE 2 SERIES EC-8 RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2-7/8" DIA. 9/16±1/4" (73,0 mm) 314"(19,1 mm) r (14,3±6,4 mm) - 2-1/4' DIA. 1/4"(6,4 mm) I FACE OF (57,2 mm) I SPRINKLER 1/8" FITTING ________ (3,2 mm) I \ / MOUNTING / MOUNTING SURFACE// PLATE F CLOSURE "(33,3m 13/16"(20,6 mm) FIGURE 3 SERIES EC-8 RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON "FITTING SIDE" TOWARDS SPRINKLER FITTING / WRENCH ( RECESS (END FIGURE 4 W-TYPE 3 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS LijI----' FIGURE 5 W-TYPE 23 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH Care and Maintenance The Series EC-8 Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instructions: NOTE Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be no- tified. Sprinklers that are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modi- fied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to TFP223 Page 5 of 6 corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age to the sprinklers - before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be re- placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Section). Frequent visual inspections are rec- ommended to be initially performed for corrosion resistant coated sprinklers, after the installation has been com- pleted, to verify the integrity of the cor- rosion resistant coating. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suffice; however, instead of in- specting from the floor level, a random sampling of close-up visual inspec- tions should be made, so as to better determine the exact sprinkler condi- tion and the long term integrity of the corrosion resistant coating, as it may be affected by the corrosive conditions present. The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire & Building Products (TFBP) are war- ranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in mate- rial and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by TFBP. No warranty is given for products or com- ponents manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with TFBP or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modi- fied or repaired in accordance with ap- plicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by TFBP to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at TFBP's sole option. TFBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of prod- ucts. TFBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inac- curate or incomplete information sup- plied by Buyer or Buyer's repre- sentatives. In no event shall TFBP be liable, in contract, tort, strict liability or under any other legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential dam- ages, including but not limited to labor charges, regardless of whether TFBP was informed about the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFBP's liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The foregoing warranty is made in lieu of any and all other warranties. ex- press or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a par- ticular purpose. This limited warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on failure of or defect in products, materi- als or components, whether the claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal theory. This warranty will apply to the full ex- tent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder. Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN), quantity, and temperature rating. Re- fer to the Price List for complete listing of Part Numbers. Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections: Specify: TY4232, (specify tempera- ture rating), Extended Coverage Pen- dent Sprinkler with (specify finish), P/N (specify). 135°F157°C Natural Brass .............PSN 50-801-1-135 White Coated .............PSN 50-801.4-135 White (RAL9O1O). .......... PSN 50-801-3-135 Chrome Plated ............PSN 50-801-9-135 155F!68°C Natural Brass .............PSN 50-801-1-155 White Coated .............PSN 50-8014-155 White (RAL9OIO). .......... PSN 50-801-3-155 Chrome Plated ............PSN 50-801-9-155 Eastern Hemisphere sales only. Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: Style (30 or 40) Recessed Escutcheon with (specify finish), P/N (specify). Style 30 Recessed Escutcheon Chrome Plated ............PSN 56-705-9-011 White Color Coated ........PSN 56-705-4-011 White (RALSO1O). .......... PSN 56-705-3-011 Brass Plated ..............PSN 66-705-2-011 Style 40 Recessed Escutcheon Chrome Plated ............PSN 56-700-9-010 White Color Coated ........PSN 56-700-4-010 White (RAL9O1O). .......... PSN 56-700-3-010 Brass Plated ..............PSN 56-700-2-010 *Eastern Hemisphere sales only. Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 3 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-895-1-001. Specify: W-Type 23 Recessed Sprin- kler Wrench, PIN 56-000-6-838. Page 6 of 6 TFP223 TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 tqccJ /Fire & Building I Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 I Fax: (800) 791-5500 Series TY-FRB - 28, 42, 56,. and 80 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage General Description The Tycoe Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pen- dent Sprinklers described in this data sheet are quick response - standard coverage, decorative 3 mm glass bulb type spray sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard, commercial occupancies such as banks, hotels, shopping malls, etc. The recessed version of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinkler, where ap- plicable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. It uses either a two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Es- cutcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 3/4 inch (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position, or a two-piece Style 20 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 30(3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjust- ment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pen- dent position. The adjustment pro- vided by the Recessed Escutcheon re- duces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Corrosion resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be ob- IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING' that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. tamed when exposed to corrosive at- mospheres. Although corrosion resis- tant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suitability of these coatings for any given corro- sive environment. The effects of ambi- ent temperature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. An intermediate level versions of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinklers are detailed in Technical Data Sheet 1FP356, and Sprinkler Guards are de- tailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP780 WARNINGS The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers de- scribed herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these de- vices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. 'F 41. - Jr Model/Sprinkler Identification Numbers TYI13I - Upright 2.8K, 1/2"NPT TY1231 - Pendent 2.81K, 1/2"NPT 1Y2131 - Upright 4.21K, 1/2"NPT TY2231 - Pendent 4.21K, 1/2"NPT 1Y3131 - Upright 5.6K, 1/2"NPT 1V3231 - Pendent 5.6K, 112"NPT TY4131 - Upright 8.0K, 3/4"NPT TY4231 - Pendent 8.01K, 3/4"NPT 1Y4831- Upright 8.0K, 1/2"NPT TY4931- Pendent 8.0K, 1/2"NPT Page 1 of 10 AUGUST, 2007 TFPI 71 ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE 7/16"(11,1 mm) NOMINAL 1/2" MAKE-IN MOT 2-1/4" (57,2 mm) - Page 2 of 10 TFPI7I STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED SSU* ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR 7/16" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL II MAKE-IN I 2-3/16" tIWRENCH (55,6 mm) / FLATS 1/2" NPT I SSP DEFLECTOR * I------ 2-7/8"(73,0 mm) DIA. PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION - Frame 3-Sealing 4- Bulb 6- Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2- Button Assembly 5-Compression 7- Bushing orifice seat on frame. Screw FIGURE 1 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TYII3I) AND PENDENT (TY1231) SPRINKLERS 22 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED SSU* ESCUTCHEON ESCUTCHEON 7/16"(11,1 mm) PLATE SEATING 1/2" NOMINAL SURFACE MAKE-IN -r— 1 2-3/16" NPT (55,6 mm) 1-1/2" (38,1 mm) NOMINAL 4 ___ FLATS 3 ri SSP DEFLECTOR * H 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4-Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5- Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw FIGURE 2 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY2131) AND PENDENT (TY2231) SPRINKLERS 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 1/2" (12,7 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN 2-1/4" (57,2 mm) CROSS SECTION TFPI7I ESCUTCHEON 7/16"(11,1 mm) PLATE SEATING NOMINAL SURFACE 112,, MAKE-IN NPT A2-3/16" (55,6 mm) I 1-1/2" (38,1 mm) Page 3 of 10 STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR UI 6* I 1 (55,6 mm) 7/16" 5 (11 ,mm) 1 NOMINAL I : MAKE-IN 2-3/16" WRENCH , 3 FLATS 1/2"NPT 1 SSP DEFLECTOR* H 2-7/8"(73,0 mm) DIA. PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw FIGURE 3 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY3 131) AND PENDENT (TY3231) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT STYLE 30 or 40 RECESSED SSU* ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR ESCUTCHEON 1/2" (12,7 mm) PLATE SEATING NOMINAL SURFACE MAKE-IN NPT 25116 (58,7 mm) I 1-9/16" (39,7 mm) WRENCH FLATS SSP DEFLECTOR * I 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. 3/4" NPT PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT - Frame 3- Sealing 4- Bulb 6- Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw FIGURE 4 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4131) AND PENDENT (TY4231) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT Page 4of1O TFPI7I 7/16"(11,1 mm) NOMINAL SSU" 112" MAKE-IN DEFLECTOR NPT *6 I _ 2415 2-1/4" _________ (57,2 mm) WRENCH 6 mm) L4 1-9/16" I (39,7 mm) FLATS - 3 sSp* 1 DEFLECTOR CROSS PENDENT UPRIGHT SECTION - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2- Button Assembly 5-Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw FIGURES QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4831) AND PENDENT (TY4931) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved. (Refer to Table A and B for complete approval information including corro- sion resistant status.) Maximum Working Pressure Refer to Table C. Discharge Coefficient K = 2.8 GPM/p5i112 (40,3 LPM/bar1/2) K = 4.2 GPM/p5i112 (60,5 LPM/bar112) K = 5.6 GPM/ps1112 (80,6 LPM/bari'2) K = 8.0 GPM/psi112 (115,2 LPM/bar112) Temperature Ratings Refer to Table A and B Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table A and B. Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated. Physical Characteristics Frame .............Bronze Button .........Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly .......... Beryllium Nickel w/Teflont Bulb ...............Glass Compression Screw .....Bronze Deflector .......Copper/Bronze Bushing (K=2.8) .......Bronze Operation The glass Bulb contains a fluid which expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Up- right Sprinklers are intended for fire protection systems designed in ac- cordance with the standard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (e.g., UL Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on the requirements of FM's Loss Pre- vention Data Sheets ). Only the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Recessed Escutch- eon, as applicable, is to be used for recessed pendent installations. 4- TFPI7I SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 7) K TYPE TEMP. BULB LIQUID NATURAL I BRASS CHROME I PLATED 1 POLYESTER WHITE*** 2.8 112" PENDENT (TY1231) and UPRIGHT (TT1131) 135F/57°C Orange 1, 2, 3, 5 155°FI68C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow 200°F/93°C Green 286°F/141"C Blue NPT 135°F/57"C Orange 1, 2, 5 RECESSED PENDENT (TY1231)* Figure 6 155°F/68°C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow 200°F/93°C Green 135"F157°C Orange RECESSED PENDENT (TY1231)** Figure 7 155°F168°C Red 175°F179°C Yellow 200°F193°C Green 4.2 1/2" NPT PENDENT (1Y2231) and UPRIGHT (TY2131) 135°F/57°C Orange 1,2 155°F/68°C Red 175°FI79°C Yellow 200°F193°C Green 286°F1141°C Blue 135°F/57°C Orange RECESSED PENDENT (TY2231)* Figure 8 155°F168°C Red 175°F179°C Yellow 200"F/93°C Green 135eF/570C Orange RECESSED PENDENT (TY2231)** Figure 9 155°F/68°C Red 175°FI79°C Yellow 200°F193°C Green NOTES: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Re- sponse Sprinklers. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprin- klers. 5. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. 7. Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprin- klers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. * Installed with Style 10 (1/2" NPT) or Style 40 (3/4" NPT) 314" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. ** Installed with Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Style 30 (3/4" NPT) 1/2" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to color (Special Order). N/A: Not Available TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS 2.8 AND 4.2 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS Page 5 of 10 Page 6 of 10 TFPI7I SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 8) K TYPE TEMP. BULB LIQUID NATURAL BRASS I CHROME PLATED WHITE POLYESTER I LEAD COATED - 5.6 PENDENT (TY3231) and UPRIGHT (TY3131) 135°FI57C Orange 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,2,3,5 155°F168°C Red 175"F/79°C Yellow 200°F193°C Green 286°F/141°C Blue 1/2" NPT 135°F157°C Orange 1,2,4,5 N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY3231)* Figure 10 155°F168°C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow 200°F/93°C Green 135°F/57°C Orange 1,2, 3,4,5 Green N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY3231)** Figure 11 155°F168°C Red 175"F/79°C Yellow 200°F193°C - 8.0 PENDENT (TY4231) and UPRIGHT (1Y4131) 135°F157°C Orange 1,2, 3.4,5,6,7 1,2,5 155F/68°C Red 175°F179°C Yellow 200°F/93°C Green 286°F/141 °C Blue 3/4" NPT 135°F/57°C Green 1,2,4, 5 Yellow N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY4231)* Figure 12 155°F/68°C Orange 175°F179°C Red 200°F/93°C 135°F157°C Orange 1,2, 3,4, 5 Green N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY4231) Figure 13 155°F168"C Red 175°F179°C Yellow 200°F193°C 8.0 1/2" NPT PENDENT (TY4931) and UPRIGHT (TY4831) 135°F/57°C Orange 1,2,4,5,6 Blue 1, 2, 5 155°F/68°C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow I 200°F193°C Green 286°F/141"C NOTES: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 007k/04) as Quick Response Sprinklers; however, the LPCB does not rate the thermal sensitivity of recessed sprinklers. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. VdS Approved (For details contact Tyco Fire & Building Products, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-53-428-3377). Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 094a106) as Quick Response Sprinklers. Where Polyester Coated and Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved, the sprinklers are FM Approved as a Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. * Installed with Style 10 (1/2" NPT) or Style 40 (3/4" NPT) 3/4" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. ** Installed with Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Style 30 (314" NPT) 1/2" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to color (Special Order). N/A: Not Available TABLE B LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS 5.6 AND 8.0 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS TFPI7I Page 7 of 10 SPRINKLER FINISH K TYPE NATURAL CHROME WHITE LEAD BRASS PLATED POLYESTER COATED PENDENT (TY3231) and 2.8 UPRIGHT (TY3131) 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) N/A 1/2" RECESSED PENDENT NPT (TY323) PENDENT (TY4231) and 4.2 UPRIGHT (1Y4131) 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) N/A RECESSED PENDENT NPT (TY4231) PENDENT (TY3231) and 250 PSI (17,2 BAR) 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) 5.6 UPRIGHT (TY3131) OR 1/2" 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) RECESSED PENDENT NPT (TY3231) (SEE NOTE I) N/A PENDENT (TY4231) and 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) 8.0 UPRIGHT (TY4131) RECESSED PENDENT NPT (TY4231) N/A 8.0 PENDENT (TY4931) 1/2" and 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) NPT UPRIGHT (TY4831) NOTES: 1. The maximum working pressure of 250 psi (17,2 bar) only applies to the Listing by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): the Listing by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL); and , the Approval by the City of New York. TABLE C, MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE Installation The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the fol- lowing instructions: NOTES Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm) for the 135"F/57°C to 3/32 inch (2,4 mm) for the 286°F/141°C temperature ratings. A leak tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinklerjoint should be obtained with a torque of 7 to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- mum of 21 ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) of torque may be used to install sprinklers with 1/2 NPT connections. A leak tight 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be ob- tained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.lbs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). A maximum of 30 ft.lbs. (40,7 Nm) of torque is to be used to install sprinklers with 3/4 NPT con- nections. Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet and cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to make-up for insuffi- cient adjustment in the escutcheon plate by under- or over-tightening the sprinkler. Readjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Up- right Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instruc- tions. Step 1. Pendent sprinklers are to be installed in the pendent position, and upright sprinklers are to be installed in the upright position. Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- plied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 14). With reference to Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats. The Series TY-FRB Recessed Pen- dent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instruc- tions. Step A. After installing the Style 10. 20, 30, or 40 Mounting Plate, as appli- cable, over the sprinkler threads and with pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprin- kler into the sprinkler fitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 15). With reference to Figure 1, 2, 3, and 4, the W-Type 7 Recessed Page 8 of 10 2-7/8' DIA. ( 5/8±114 73,0 mm) 3/4' (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6.4 mm) SPRINKLER PLATE FACE OF Ll?57.2mm) MOUNTING I FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) SURFACE MOUNTING 1-511611 (33,3 mm) CLOSURE SERIES TY-FRB 13/16"(20,6 mm) FIGURE 6 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 2-7/8'D [A. - 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) I 314"(19,1 mm) (15,9±6.4 mm) - 2-1/4" DIA. I 1/4" (6,4 mm) I FACE OF MOUNTING I SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" MOUNTING SURFACE SERIES / 1-1/4"(31,8 mm) CLOSURE TY-FRB 3/4"(19,1 mm) FIGURE 8 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT TFPI7I - 2-7/8" DIA. - (73,0 mm) 1/2±1/8" 1/2"(12,7 mm) (12,7±3,2 MM) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4"(6,4 mm) I SPRINKLER PLATE I FACE OF fS7,2 mm) MOUNTING I FITTING I / 1/8" / (3,2 mm) MOUNTING / 6' I SURFACE (33,3 mm) I CLOSURE SERIES TY-FRB 1-1/16'(27,0 mm) FIGURE 7 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT - 2-7/8" DIA. 1/2±1/8" (73,0 mm) 1/2'(12,7mm) r (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4' DIA. I 1/4" (6,4 mm) I I FACE OF (572mm) MOUNTING I SPRINKLER PLATE 1/8' _-II I FITTING (32mm) MOUNTING SURFACE SERIES 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) CLOSURE TYFRB 1' (25,4 mm) FIGURE 9 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats. Step C. After the ceiling has been in- stalled or the finish coat has been ap- plied, slide on the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Closure over the Series TY-FRB Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. Care and Maintenance The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instructions: NOTES Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, permission to shutdown the affected fire protection system must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be notified. The owner must assure that the sprin- klers are not used for hanging of any objects; otherwise, non-operation in the event of a fire or inadvertent opera- tion may result. Absence of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, may delay the time to sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Sprinklers that are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modi- fied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age to the sprinklers - before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be re- placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Section). Frequent visual inspections are rec- ommended to be initially performed for corrosion resistant coated sprinklers, after the installation has been com- TFPI7I 2-7/8' DIA. 5/8±1/4' (73,0 mm) 3/4"(19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4' DIA. 1/4"(6,4 mm) I MOUNTING FACE OF (57,2 MM) PLATE SPRINKLER FITTING I/sn 1 .1 ____ I MOUNTING SURFACE SERIES 1-1/4"(31,8 mm) CLOSURE TY-FRB 3/4' (19,1 mm) FIGURE 10 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT — 2-7/8' DIA. 5/8±1/4' (73,0 mm) - 3/4' (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4' DIA I 1/4(6,4mm) I (57,2 MOUNTING FACE OF PLATE I SPRINKLER FITTING 1/8' I __ ___________ (3,2 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE P4 CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16"(33,3 mm) TY-FRB 13/16(20,6mm) FIGURE 12 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 80 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT Page 9 of 10 2-7/8' DIA. 1/2±1/8" (73,0 mm) 1/2'(12,7mm) r (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4' (6,4 mm) I SPRINKLER PLATE I FACE OF i572 mm) MOUNTING 1(8' I FITTING / (32mm) MOUNTING I SURFACE SERIES 1-1/4!'(31,8 mm) CLOSURE TYFRB 1' (25,4 mm) FIGURE 11 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT — 2-7(8' WA. (73,0 mm) 1/2"(12,7 mm) r (12,7±3,2 mm) — 2-1/4' DIA. 114"(6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING I SPRINKLER PLATE I 1/8' I FITTING (3,2 mm) I \ MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16" (33,3 mm)l TYFRB 1-1/16" (27,0 mm) FIGURE 13 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT plated, to verify the integrity of the cor- rosion resistant coating. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suffice; however, instead of in- specting from the floor level, a random sampling of close-up visual inspec- tions should be made, so as to better determine the exact sprinkler condi- tion and the long term integrity of the corrosion resistant coating, as it may be affected by the corrosive conditions present. The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- WRENCH RECESS (END 'A' USED FOR 1/2' NPT MODELS) WRENCH RECESS (END 'B' USED FOR 3/4" NPT MODELS) FIGURE 14 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified WRENCH RECESS PUSH WRENCH INTO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 15 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Page 10 of 10 TFPI7I P/N 57-XXX-X-XXX I L MODEL/SIN 330 2.8K UPRIGHT (I/2"NPT) TY1131 331 2.8K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY1231 340 4.2K UPRIGHT (1/2°NPT) TY2131 341 4.2K PENDENT (1/2°NPT) TY2231 370 5.6K UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) 1Y3131 371 5.6K PENDENT (1/2°NPT) TY3231 390 8.0K UPRIGHT (314°NPT) TY4131 391 8.0K PENDENT (314"NPT) TY4231 360 8.0K UPRIGHT (112°NPT) TY4831* 361 8.0K PENDENT (1/2°NPT) TY4931* I 155 175 200 286 RATING L 135 SPRINKLER I NATURAL BRASS 155°F168°C 4 WHITE POLYESTER 175°Fi79°C 3 WHITE (RAL9010) 200°F/93°C 9 CHROME PLATED 286°F/I 41°C 7 I LEAD COATED * Eastern Hemisphere sales only. TABLED PART NUMBER SELECTION SERIES TY-FRB PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire & Building Products (TFBP) are war- ranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in mate- rial and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by TFBP. No warranty is given for products or com- ponents manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with TFBP or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modi- fied or repaired in accordance with ap- plicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by TFBP to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at TFBP's sole option. TFBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of prod- ucts. TFBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inac- curate or incomplete information sup- plied by Buyer or Buyer's repre- sentatives. In no event shall TFBP be liable, in contract, tort, strict liability or under any other legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential dam- ages, including but not limited to labor charges, regardless of whether TFBP was informed about the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFBP's liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. oress or imolied. including-warranties This limited warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on failure of or defect in products, materi- als or components, whether the claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal theory. This warranty will apply to the full ex- tent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder. Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Refer to the Price List for complete listing of Part Num- bers. Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections: Specify: (Specify Model/SIN), Quick Response, (specify K-factor), (specify temperature rating), Series TY-FRB (specify Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler with (specify type of finish or coating), P/N (specify from Table D). Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: Style (10, 20, 30, or 40) Re- cessed Escutcheon with (specify*) fin- ish, PIN (specify*). * Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770. Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387. Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001. TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 LI Li INTERMEDIATE EXTENDED RECESSED V36, K56 Dry Type Standard Spray Pendent, Intermediate Level Pendent • -A1 & Recessed Pendent r V3605 STANDARD RESPONSE V3606 QUICK RESPONSE • c FLUSH SLEEVE AND PLAIN BARREL -SKIRT The Model V36 Series Dry Type Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers have been redesigned utilizing stainless steel internal components. The V36 Dry Sprinkler is used in special applications such as Freezing environments and conditions where sediment or foreign materials might accumulate in ordinary drop nipples. The Model V3606-and V3605 Intermediate Level Pendent sprinklers incorporate a water shield plate to prevent water from higher level sprinklers from interfering with normal operation. These intermedi- ate level sprinklers are designed for use in intermediate levels 01 rack storage or other open grate storage arrangements, where they may be exposed to upper level or ceiling level sprinklers. Available in either standard or quick response versions, the Model V36 Dry Type Pendent Sprinkler utilizes a frangible glass bulb. At the bulb's rated temperature, the sprinkler opens releasing the bulb seat assembly, causing the inner tube assembly to move, allowing the spring assembly to pivot along- side the inner tube. At this time, water Flows through the sprinkler and is distributed by the deflector, in an approved discharge pattern. The heart of the Model V36 sprinkler's proven actuating assembly is a hermetically sealed Frangible glass bulb that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the internal pressure. At the prescribed temperature the internal pressure within the bulb exceeds the strength of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distributed in an approved pattern. COVERAGE: • For coverage area and sprinkler placement, refer to NFPA 13 standards. NOTE: These sprinklers meet the new test requirements in UL 199, effective March 26, 2004. JOB OWNER CONTRACTOR ENGINEER System No. Submitted By Spec Sect - Para__________ Location Date Approved Date www.victaulic.com tiil-c VrClAULIC IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK or VICTAULIC COMPANY. e 2006 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. REV.G 40.601 cm L SLEEVE AND PLAIN BARREL INTERMEDIATE EXTENDED RECESSED SKIRT Dry Type Standard Spray Pendent, Intermediate Level Pendent & Recessed Pendent V3605 STANDARD RESPONSE V3606 QUICK RESPONSE FLUSH FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS - AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS 40.60 V36, K56 LISTED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Exaggerated for clarity Models: V3606 and V3605 Style: Pendent, Recessed Pendent or Intermediate Level Pendent Nominal Orifice Size: W/13 mm Orifice Insert: Stainless steel per UNS S30300 K-Factor: 5.6 Imp./8.1 SI." Nominal Thread Size: 1' NPT/33.7 mm Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi/1200 kPa Factory Hydrostatic Test: 100% @ 500 psi/345OkPa Mm. Operating Pressure: 7p5i/48kPa Temperature Rating: See chart on page 2 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Deflector: Brass per FiNS C22000 or Stainless Sleet per FiNS S30400 Bulb: Glass with glycerin solution. Bulb Nominal Diameter: Standard: 5.0 mm Quick Response: 3.0mm Split Spacer: Stainless sleet per FiNS S30300 Load Screw: Brass per FiNS C36000 Pip Cap: Stainless steel per FiNS S30300 Spring Seal Assembly: Teflon* coated Beryllium nickel alloy and stainless steel per IJNS S30300 Frame: Die cast brass Outer Tube: Galvanized steel pipe Inner Tube: Stainless steel per FiNS S30400 Escutcheon/Plate: 1010 - 1018 mild steel and stainless sleet Torsion Spring: SST Wire ACCESSORIES Installation Wrench: Model V36 Open End and Recessed Wrenches fit all V36 Series frames. Sprinkler Finishes: Plain brass Chrome plated White painted t A Flat black painted Custom painted f A Wax Wax/Lead ' Lead Proprietary Nickel Teflon Coaled A For cabinets and other accessories refer to separate sheet. " For K-Factor when pressure is measured in Bar, multiply S.I. units by 10.0. * Teflon is a registered trademark of Dupont Co. t Not available on the Intermediate Level Style Pendent. A Models V3606/V3605 are DL Listed For cor- rosion resistance in all configurations NOTE: Weather resistant escutcheon available upon request. www.victaulic.com Jf tc VIcTAUUC IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VIcTAULIc COMPANY. w 2006 VICTAUUC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 40.602 REVG FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS -- AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS 40.60 V36, K56 LISTED Dry Type Standard Spray -nediate Level Pendent, Inten Pendent & Recessed Pendent M~ A V3605 STANDARD RESPONSE V3606 QUICK RESPONSE II FLUSH SLEEVE AND PLAIN BARREL INTERMEDIATE EXTENDED SKIRT RECESSED APPROVALS/LISTINGS 6 ½ ''uick I Pendent 135, I552(,.,23i5 35, 1552OO,286 135, 55200,286 3 8.1 57,63,93,111 57,63,93,141 57,68,93,141 \06 vj Quick Recessed Pendent 1 .. .35 1,2,286 ,0 13S, 155 8.1 . 13 V360 - ½ 5.6 I Standard Pendent 35 155, 200, 286-135, 55, 200, 286i 35, 155200,286 .J3 . . .8........ 135 155 200 86 155 '002( 135, 55 200 V 60 I 5.6 Standard Recessed endent * Listings and approval as 01 printing. A For K-Factor when pressure is measured in Bar, multiply S.I. units by 10 'Listed for all hazards. Approved for V3605 and V3606 dry sprinklers up to 48" length. RATINGS All glass bulbs are rated for temperatures from -67°FI-55°C to those shown in table below. Ordinary] AS 100 38 Oranq57 e Orcnary _68 __j 155 100 38 . lrsterrrs8diate 200 93 150 ...........65 ................. Green Irrternsédiote I 107 Due www.victaulic.com IdictauliC, VIcTAULIC Is A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VIcTAULIC COMPANY. © 2006 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. REV G 40.60 3 FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS - AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS V36, K56 Dry Type Standard Spray Pendant, Intermediate Level Pendent & Recessed Pendent V3605 STANDARD RESPONSE V3606 QUICK RESPONSE 11 FLUSH 40.60 LISTED AIR, 1p (v SLEEVE AND PLAIN BARREL INTERMEDIATE EXTENDED RECESSED SKIRT ORDERING INFORMATION Please specify the following when ordering: Sprinkler Model Number Style Temperature Ratinq K-Faktor Thread Size Quantity Sprinkler Finish Escutcheon Finish Wrench Model Number AVAILABLE WRENCHES Model V36 Open End and Recessed Wrenches lit all V36 Series frames. wwwvictauIic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2000 VICTAUUC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 40.60 4 - REV FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS - AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS HIOUTiou V367 K56 Dry Type Standard Spray Pendent, Intermediate Level Pendent & Recessed Pendent V3605 STANDARD RESPONSE V3606 QUICK RESPONSE 01 tt FLUSH LISTED ("or, n r C 7'r - i . L& SLEEVE AND PLAIN BARREL INTERMEDIATE EXTENDED RECESSED SKIRT WARNING '' Always read and understand installation, care, and maintenance instructions, supplied with each box of sprinklers, before proceeding with installation of any sprinklers. Ic Always wear safety glasses and foot protection. Depressurize and drain the piping system before attempting to install, remove, or adjust any Victaulic piping products. Installation rules, especially those governing obstruction, must be strictly followed. Painting, plating, or any re-coating of sprinklers (other than that sup- plied by Victaulic) is not allowed. Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious personal injury and/or property damage. The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. For minimum maintenance and inspection requirements, refer to the current National Fire Protection Association pamphlet that describes care and maintenance of sprinkler systems. In addition, the authority having jurisdiction may have addi- tional maintenance, testing, and inspection requirements that must be followed. If you need additional copies of this publication, or if you have any questions about the safe installation of this product, contact Victaulic World Headquarters: P.O. Box 31, Easton, Pennsylvania 18044-0031 USA, Telephone: 001-610-559-3300. www.victaulic.com 1dictaulie VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2006 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. REV .G 40.60_5 FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS - AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS 40.60 K56 UISTEIII Dry Type Standard Spray Pendent, Intermediate Level Pendent Im & Recessed Pendent V3605 STANDARD RESPONSE (" V3606 QUICK RESPONSE ir IV 40 FLUSH SLEEVE AND SKIRT PLAIN BARREL INTERMEDIATE EXTENDED RECESSED DIMENSIONS NOTE: The A" dimension of a dry sprinkler which extends into Freezers from wet pipe systems should be sized to provide at least 14" between the Freezer's outside wall or ceiling and the wet pipe. fl- - Tee with same outlet size [1 -- j] lee with same outlet size 1—• as sprinkler thread size. ead size. as sprinkler thread Seeirnportantinslsilatlor _U see"important Installation lnformatlon information, Na 2 No. 2 11' NIPT !HI"NPT 114" Min.Dia. Hole In Ceiling (Mm. i 1½"Mix.Ola. Hole in Ceiling ?T Two P iece 3" Dma 2" Escutcheon L. 2W Mix. Flush - Sleeve and Skirt Tee with same outlet size I I I as sprinkler thread Size. I ,,/\ I I See 'Important Installation Lk - _U Information', No. 2 1"NPT 'A" (Mm. 1½") 3'Dla— ___ Intermediate Level Pendent Tee with same outlet size r— as sprinkler thread size. See important Installation Information No. 2 Plain Barrel "A" (Mm. 1W) Collar Ceiling Cup fl -----11 Tee with same outlet size as sprinkler thread size. See "Important Installation 1"NPT lnformatlorr No. 2 "A" 1½ Min. Dla. (Mtn. 1W) Hole In Ceiling V-- fI in. Extended fl ----fl Tee with same outlet size u-il- i CS Sprinkler thread size. See important installation - - Information, No.2 - 2" Mm. Dia. Hole in Ceiling I" Min. 114" Max. )'Vr" lila. Recessed 3W Two Piece, Escutcheon www.victaulic.com \)"tuicr VICTALiLIC IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2005 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 40.606 REV--.G FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS - AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS 40.60 V36, K56 LISTED Dry Type Standard Spray Pendent, Intermediate Level Pendent & Recessed Pendent 0 V3605 STANDARD RESPONSE V3606 QUICK RESPONSE I Tj T 'TtR FLUSH SLEEVE AND PLAIN BARREL INTERMEDIATE EXTENDED RECESSED SKIRT DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS MODELS V3606, V3605 PENDENT, RECESSED PENDENT & INTERMEDIATE LEVEL PENDENT DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS - TRAJECTORY III'IiI jv H HH ii'ii I:LzIrI: \ \ -- 4 -- 2 4 6 8' 10' 12 14' 0.6 m 12 m 1.8 m 2.4 m 3.0 m 3.7 m 4.3 m 7ps1 —u.—. 15 psi 30ps1 wwwwwwo 48 kPa 103 kPa 207 kPa NOTES: 1 Data shown is approximate and can vary due to differences in installation. 2 These graphs illustrate approximate trajectories, floor-welting, and wall-wetting patterns For these specific victaulic FireLock automatic sprinklers. They are provided as information For guidance in avoiding obstructions to sprinklers and should not be used as minimum sprin- kler spacing rules For installation. Refer to the appropriate NFPA National Fire Code and the Authority Having Jurisdiction for specific information regarding obstructions, spacing limitations and area of coverage requirements. Failure to Follow these guidelines could adversely affect the performance of the sprinkler and will void all Listings, Approvals and Warranties. 3 All patterns are symmetrical to the centerline of the waterway. www.victaulic.com '\Acctauhc~ vicTAuLIc IS REGISTERED TRADEMARK or vlcTAuuc COMPANY.@ 2006 VIcTAuLiC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. REV .G 40.607 8' 2.4 m 6' 1.8 m 4, 12 m 2' 0.6 m 0 V36, K56 LISTED Dry Type Standard Spray Pendent, Intermediate Level Pendent & Recessed Pendent r I . V3605 STANDARD RESPONSE V3606 QUICK RESPONSE 4A v WXI FLUSH SLEEVE AND PLAIN BARREL INTERMEDIATE EXTENDED RECESSED SKIRT IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INFORMATION For detailed installation instructions, see publication 1-40. No. 1 Victaulic Model V36 Series Dry sprinklers should be installed in accordance with NFPA 13. These sprinklers are to be installed using a pipe wrench applied to the outer tube. When this is not possible, the proper sprinkler wrench may be used with extreme care for lengths up to approximately 18. Excessive force may distort the frame thus destroying the unit. No. 2 . Dry sprinklers MUST be installed only into the outlet of a cast or malleable iron lee. No. 3 DO NOT install dry sprinklers into any couplings or threaded elbows. In addition, DO NOT install dry sprinklers into any fitting that interferes with thread penetration. NOTE: The end seal of the dry sprinkler MUST NOT bottom out in the fitting. WARRANTY Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. NOTE This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. US & WORLD HEADQUARTERS CANADA CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA P.O. Box 31 905-884-7444 1-610-559-3300 Easton, PA 18044-0031 USA 905-884-9774 (fax) 1-610-559-3608 (fax) 4901 Kesslersville Road viccanada@victaulic.com vicatvlctaulic.com Easton, PA 18040 USA EUROPE ASIA PACIFIC 1-800-I-'ICK-VIC (1-800-/42-5842) 3293811500 86-21-54253300 1-610-559-3300 32-9-380-44-38 (fax) 86-21-54753671 (fax) 1-610-250-8817 (fax) viceuro@victaulic.be vicap@victauliC.Com piCkvic@victauliC.com UNITED KINGDOM MIDDLE EAST www.victaulic.com 44 (0) 1438741100 971-4-883-88-70 44 (0) 1438313883 (fax) 971-4-883-88-60 (fax) WCAS-6N6TCS vice uro©victau!ic.be UPDATED 4/2006 40.60 3123 REV 0 1IiIiIi,'AC_ta Li —1i VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK or VICTALILIC COMPANY. 0 26 VIcTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE USA. 40.60 -f U- II'4i 0 p. : I I I I r II IF I II I Full Line Sch-40 Replacement Dyna-Thread offers the life expectancy of Sch-40 with superior hydraulics and greater value. Dyna-Thread sprinkler pipe represents an engineering advancement for the sprinkler pipe industry. It combines the safety and longevity of traditional Sch-40 pipe with quality and superior hydraulic advantages. Dyna-Thread's inside diameter is up to 3.6 larger than Sch-40 giving it superior hydraulics. And, when used in combination with Dyna-Flow pipe, down sizing often occurs. Dyna-Thread is fully listed and approved by UL, ULC, and FM for fire sprinkler applications. The life expectancy of Dyna-Thread and Sch-40 are equal based on the calculated wall thicknesses per UL. The consistent quality of steel used to make Dyn a-Thread facilitates smooth threading and lower maintenance costs. The exterior of Dyna-Thread is protected by a clean, durable mill coating for extended shelf life and easy paint application. ~ ) < CFM > Listed Approved Listed With its increased strength and lighter weight, Dyna-Thread reduces installation fatigue and is ideal for retro-fit applications. Corrosion Resistance Ratio (CRR) is a UL (Underwriters Laboratory) term for the estimated life expectancy of a pipe joint. This is based on the calculated wall thickness at the base of the first exposed thread, assumed to be the weakest point of the pipe length. Dyna- Thread and Sch-40 have the same calculated wall thicknesses at-this point and are both assigned the same CRR of 1.00. The internal surface of all black Allied Tube & Conduit Fire Sprinkler pipe products up to 4.5000" in diameter is coated with our new Antibacterial Formula, "ABF'. In scientific laboratory test, ABS proved to have superior resistance to microbial colonization of pipe walls, thereby delaying or possibly preventing the onset of Microbiologically Influenced corrosion MIC) when the First Sprinkler System is first installed. More wall thickness at the thread (CRR=1.00) gives Dytia-Thread better life expectancy than lightwall threadable pipe joints. Unlike lightwall threadable pipe, Dyna-Thread has no thread gauge warning. Dyna-Thread is approved for standard hanger spacing (15 ft. can be used as earthquake sway bracing, and is safe to use as drops. Dyna-Thread is safer to weld on. Dyna-Thread is more widely accepted than lightwall threadable where Sch-40 is specified. Super 40fDyna-Thread pipe is manufactured to meet: ASTM A-135, Grade A and is in compliance with NFPA- 13. All sizes of Super 40/Dyna- Thread are rated at 300 psi working pressure. Super 40/Dyna-Thread is UL and ULC Listed for wet, dry deluge and pre-action sprinkler systems and FM Approved for use in wet systems. Super 40/Dyna-Thread can be "hot-dip" galvanized to meet FM requirement for dry systems. Super 40/Dyna-Thread is approved for all threaded couplings and welded outlets and is suitable for all roll-grooved, and plain-end fittings. (See listing information). NI'S Nominal I.D. M. M. (1120 Filled) Pcs/ Wtllilt (21) Wtllift (24) WVUft (25') In; mm In; mm Lbs/Ft Kg/rn Lbs/Ft, Kg/rn Lift Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg I 1.080 1.330 1.75 70 1955 2234 2327 25 27.4 2.0 2.60 70 887 /0/3 1056 11,4 1.408 1.870 2.54 51 2002 2288 2384 32 35.8 2.8 3.75 51 908 1038 1081 11/2' 1.639 2.290 3.22 44 2115 2418 2519 40 41.6 3.4 4.79 44 959 1097 1143 2' 2.104 3.050 4.57 30 1921 2196 2287 50 53.4 4.5 6.80 30 871 996 1037 16100 S. Lathrop • Harvey, IL 60426 Customer Service: 11350 Norcom Rd. . Philadelphia, PA 19154 (800) 882-5543 lIt,'/ part oiyour world TUBE I CONDUIT 2525 N. 27th Ave. • Phoenix, AZ 85009 Fax 708-339-1806 S3-3 P.O. Box 3365 South El Monte, CA 91733 626.444.0541 Fax 626.444.3887 www. Afcon.org 310 IUNGRESTR2UR Restraint Ring I-Lnn strainer SIZE Oñ fif.i314Tthril2iIi6liAFCOJ'.T#300 RifiHaiigé?, One size fits 2 '/2 and 3 inch AFCON#300 Ring Hanger. MATE1IAL - Carbon Steel. FINISH - Mu. Galvanized. LISTINGS - c us EX 2551 Listed only for use with AFCON#300 Ring Hanger. FUNCTION - To restrain movement of sprinkler pipe toward the knurl nut of the ring hanger. To prevent upward movement of pipe that supplies a pendent sprinkler below the ceiling. INSTALLATION - Per NFPA-13on steel, CPVC, or copper pipe. Snap into locking position on swivel nut of AF-CON #300 Ring Hanger. FEATURES - * Listed only for use with AFCON#300 Ring Hanger. ORDERING - Part # and size. 10/06 IMPERIAL MAX REC. LOAD LBS. METRIC PIPE ROD PE ROD 1/2 318 *00 10 3/4 318 400 j In 1 318 400 25 lii 1114 3/8 400 32 10 400 40 In _ 3/8 400 50 10 2112 600 65 10 3 3/8 600 80 to 31/2 318 600 10 4 1000 /730 10 1/2 1250 125 12 1250 150 12 i6 8 1/2 /250 oo 2 Order Part #300m Noic: 1/2 k/ag }Jzingcr uot <FM> npprovcd 1/2 and 3/4 Inch pipe 5 thru flinch pipe Z P.O. Box 3365 South El Monte, CA 91733 626.444.0541 Fax 626.444.3887 www. Afcon.org Im RING HANGER 1 thru 4 Inch pipe LISTED FOR STEEUCPVC SIZE - 1/2 thru 8 inch pipe. MATERIAL- Carbon Steel, Mil. Galvanized to G-90 spec. LISTING/APPROVAL - DEX255r Aithilgndti-PijeHangers. OSHPD OPA-0601 See Website. CONFORMS WITH: Federal Specification WW-fT-171 (Type 10, Manufacturers Standardization Society ANSI/MSS-SP-58 (Type 10). MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE - 6500F. FUNCTION - Pipe hanger component for use on steel, CPVC or copper piping. INSTALLATION Per NTPA 13 13R md 13D FEATURES - * Sized and listed exclusively for use with. #310 Surge Restrainer. Band edge is offset for EASY pipe insertion. * Custom fit swivel nut for better retention in ring body. * Full length .knurl on swivel nut for better grip. ORDERING - Part #, pipe size. 2/07 714 M. Size A B Work Weiqlit glv. lOPS/tIN !njmfii' In 1mm lbs/kg lbs/kg /4 /4 0.22 0.23 8 3 22 01 0.1 ~ 1 0.35 0.36 0 6 25 (i 16 0.16 /2 tt/11 1/it 0.56 0.58 15 17 2? 0.25 0.26 0.84 0.85 1.3 1.3 25 1'4 .78 057 11/1 11/ (5/ 2 2.1 32 75 44 0.1/1 0.? 1½ 1r1,16 115/ 6 2.7 2.1 .03 4? 1.7 1.2 2 1/14 2½ 4.2 4.3 50 40 2½ 19/I6 211/I6 6.7 6.0 65 4/ 68 3 3.1 3 - 2`1/11 3½ 10 10 80 56 4,5 4.0 2A6 341, 13 14 87 6 6.5' 4 2't/u 3"A 16 17 00 60 or; 74 /7 5 3S114 1½ 27 28 120 1 11 14 12 13 6 37/4 51/4 41 41 150 08 130 I? O 550e 69/ts 79 81 200 137 16Z 36 57 APPROVED For Listing / Approval details Contact your AnvilStssrTM Representative. Straight Tee A., 0, -A f- 6. S t a r r-n0 Products Division at AnoiC lotrnutivoI Cast Iran Threaded Fttngs Class 125 (Standard) Submittal Sheet Anvil standard and extra heavy cast iron threaded fittings are I Anvil standard and extra heavy fittings in this section, sizes manufactured in accordance with ASME-B1 6.4 (except plugs 1/4 NPS - 12NPS (8 - 300 DN), are included in the "List of and bushings, ASME B 16.14). Dimensions also conform to Inspected Fire Protection Equipment and Materials" issued by Federal Specifications, W\t'1-P-501 (except plugs and bushings 1 the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. WW-P-471). NOTE: See tAn Technical Data section for pressure-teniperature ratings. See AnvilStar Web site for the most current Listings and approvals. ~Ijr 111 111,11 IN 1113`0111 W-10,513 INFV Project: Date: Architect I Engineer: Contractor: Address: Notes 1: Notes 2: Anvil Cast & Malleable Iron Fittings For the latest LIL/ULC Listed and FM Approved pressure ratings, versus pipe schedule. REV. 03.03.06-005 go to www.anvilstar.com or contact your local AnvifStar representative Concentric Reducers AIkJtar Fire Prado,?, Division FA AvviI" InIcrirniir,nal Submittal Sheet Cast Iron Threaded Fittings Class 125 Standard) OPF HUL : For Listing I Approval APPROVED details contact your AnvilStarlM Representative. Size A B NPS/Di0 NPS/DAI A./mm In /mni Ibs4t -1/4 ½ ½ 1/u, 0.4 20 5I 0 dO 0,/I! ½ - 11/16 '/fl/7' '054" 1 /5 17 43 8.7'! 25 'us 1/7 0.63 38 0.29 1/7 1½ 0.84 IS 14 41 1 2½ 1.1 52 20 25 54 0.49 1. 1½s 21/s 1] 25 24 54 0.45 ½ --T/2- is 3 1/7 1½ 1.2 20 /3 41 0.511, 40 1 ½ 1-1/4 1.5 $5 /3 44 0.61! 1% 1 2% 1.5 57 0.66 ½ ½ 2 2 15 /0 51 0.51 2 2 1.9 50 20 IS 5/ 0.86 1 2 1.8 c/ 5/73 Size A B wei n ghi AOl'S/bit' :' NPS/DN . . In 1mm In/mm . lAs/kg' 2% 1.8 32 22 54 all) 11/2 - /x 2IVI6 2 ~ 2 3.1 2½ 40 /9 5 1.4 65 2 1 29'e 3 1 6/i, 2½ 4.3 20 24 64 2 3 2 ~ i s. 4 /10 50 . 1' 70 1.5 2½ 1/1, 21`/1s 4.4 2 215,i6 6.5 50 30 /5 2.9 4 21/2 1'/is 31,18 7.8 /00 65 30 7" 3.5 3 - l½s 31/8 7 77 7' 37 5 4 11/16 35ts 10 /25 100 27 114 4.8 4 F/I 3'/11, 14 6 100 20 87 6.3 /50 5 1'A P16 16 __________ 8 6 1½ 3% 29 200 ISO 32 58 /3 hex end Anvil standard and extra heavy cast iron threaded fillings are Anvil standard and extra heavy fittings in this section, sizes manufactured in accordance with ASME-13 16.4 (except plugs 1/4 NPS - 12NPS (8 - 300 DN), are included in the "List of and bushings, ASME 316.14). Dimensions also conform to it Inspected Fire Protection Equipment and Materials" issued by Federal Specifications, WW-P-501 (except plugs and bushings the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. WW-P-471'). NOTE: See the Technical Data red/on For pressure-lernipero/ure ratings. See Anv!ISkir Web site For the most current Listings and approvals. oT Ig 511. Project: Date: - Architect I Engineer: Contractor: Address: Notes 1: Notes 2: Anvil Cast & Malleable Iron Fittings For the latest UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved pressure ratings, versus pipe schedule, REV. 03.03,060011 go to www.annilstar.com or contact YOLIF local utnvilStar representative 900 Elbow - Straight flro Produofo DIulloo of AriU!I IrnIur,,otior,ol Cast Iron Threaded Fittings Cass 125 (Standard) Submittal Sheet APPROVED For Listing I Approval details contact your AnvilStar'" Representative. Weighi Size A II black gnlv. NPS/IJN In 1mm 16./mm !bs/kq (bs/11g 1/4 ½ /ts 0.16 0.11 8 13 22 307 0.05 -1/8 - /16 16M 0.25 0.26 0 /6 -- - 24 0.11 017 1/4 I½s 11/8 0.4 0.41 II II '." o 412 098 -1/4 Is/Is PAS 0.6 0.61 20 22 33 (1.21 7.28 .1 i/i 1½ 092 0.95 1½ - 11A 1 1.4 1.5 32 28 44 ('63 0.46 11/2 1/1 110s 2 2 411 33 48 4.81! 09! 2 11/1 (l 21,14 3.1 3.2 5!) 49' 57 1.11 1.11 2½ 11.3,11, 2/16 4.9 5.1 65 47 69 2,2 2.3 3 2Vis 3½ 7.2 7.4 90 5! 19 713 .14 4 211/is 3/14 12 13 100 68 98 571 5.1 5 3¼s 4½ 21 - 125 84 IN 10 _______________________________ 6 3½ 5½ 31 33 5!) 98 /30 (1 5 ii 5~t 6'/ 65 67 J1. 132 967 29 20 Anvil standard and extra heavy cast iron threaded fittings are Anvil standard and extra heavy fittings in this section, sizes manufactured in accordance with ASME-131 6.4 (except plugs 1/4 NPS - 1 2NPS (8 - 300 DN), are included in the "List of and bushings, ASME 816.14). Dimensions also conform to j Inspected Fire Protection Equipment and Materials" issued by Federal Specifications, WW-P-501 (except plugs and bushings If the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. WW-P-471). NOTE: See the Technical Data section for pressure-tsrnpsrcthire ratings. See AnvilStar Web site for the most current listings and opprosois. 71, -01 Project: Date: Phone: Architect / Engineer: Contractor: Address: Notes 1: Notes 2: Anvil Cast & Malleable fran Fittings For the latest UL/ULC Lisled and FM Approved pressut'e ratings, versus pipe schedule, 'Tf REV 03.03.06-001 go to www.anvilsiar.com or contact your local AnviiStar representative iiiAtVJl Branch Outlet Fire Products Division of Anvil Into national Submittal Sheet The Gruvlok Fig. 7044 Branch Outlet is For direct connection of sprinkler heads and drop nipples. Just cut a hole, saddle up and fasten it with the U-bolt. The branch outlet provides an economical, quick, and easy outlet at any location along a pipe. Specially engineered to conform to the pipe O.D., the Fig. 7044 provides a leak fight reliable seal in both positive pressure and vacuum conditions. Ductile iron housings with Grade E gasket and carbon steel U-bolt (3/u dia.) with flanged nuts. Ductile iron housings is available black. The maximum working pressure for all sizes is 175 PSI (12.1 bar). UL APPROVED For Listing / Approval details contact your AnvilStarlv Representative. - I at .r i. A i .L . IVIM I iLg,IrIL,M I iiU3L HOUSING: Ductile Iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12. U-BOLT & NUTS: Plated U-bolt conforming to ASTM A-307 with plated hex nuts conforming to ASTM A-563. COATINGS: U Plain U Other (Specify): For other Coating requirements contact an AnvilStar Representative. LUBRICATION: U Standard Gruvlok Gruvlok XtremeTM (Recommended for dry pipe systems and Freezer applications.) U Other (Specify): GASKETS: Materials Properties as designated in accordance with ASTM D-2000 U Grade "E" EPDM (Green color code) -40°F to 15OF (Service Temperature Range) (-40°C to 66°C) Recommended For water service, diluted acids, alkalies solutions, salts, oil-Free air and many chemical services not involving hydrocarbons, oils or gases. NOT FOR USE W1H HYDROCARBONS. lJ Other Project: Date: Phone: Architect I Engineer: Contractor: Address: Notes 1: Notes 2: PAGE I OF 2 Gruvlok Couplings, Fittings, Flanges, Clamps For the latest UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved pressure ratings, versus pipe schedule, REV. 030306-0016 go to www.anvilstar.com or contact your local AnvilStar representative Branch Outlet Piio Products Division of Anoif' Iu,tsrnultunl (i VA. !VL Submittal Sheet 1S1 Hole Diruneter Dimensions jperiked Torque _______ ___ Nominal Size Pipe 0.D. Max. WorkinD Pressure Mm. Din. Max. Din. A c Take-out M Max. Approx. Isi/DN(thm) : th./mm ji&4ar Th;/inh .ft/mns In 1mm In./,m !a/mm ta/mm Ft.-lbs/N-M I.belKg 1t/1,1 5/1 1,660x0,8'lO 175 111lts Fit 2/t 3½ 2½? 1% 27 33 0.8 22x51 725521.5 121 51 55 85' 311 Sr . 84 11/4 x'/l 1.660x1.050 175 1¼ 2Vin 31/2 27A2 - 1% 21 33 0.8 37c71' 47.4/ri 21] (2.1 311 37 .4 119 56 35 11/4 x1 i0i.31 :]z/4. ' t - 1½ 2 7 33 0.9 72r 25 4755357 (2.1 30 32 56 09 58 211 - 5-I 1½x½ 1.900x0.040 175 F/v 1 2½, 31/7. 2/v 14 21 33 0.8 'Uix/5 40.22/.3 12.1 50 37 55 /19 58 35 . 114 1½x~ 1.900x1.050 175 F/it 11/4 2½z 3½ 2¼. 1% 27 33 0.13 'llJr?O 48?57 12.1 30 37 14 119 56 55 144 F/tx] 1.900x1.315 175 11/16 11/4 2/v 31h 21A? 1½ 21 33 0.9 48 51 '11/So 33.7 17.1 30 32 .18 //cl 54 :4/I 2x½ 2.375 x 0.840 115 ]3/I 1114 21,1 31h; 27A 1% 27 33 0.8 54/ri/5 61/302/3 (5/ 311 32 44 90 56 42 - 0] 2 x-1/4 2,375 a 1.050 115 F/u, 11/4 2,t 31h 27A. 1½ 21 33 0.8 90020 40.55557 (2/ 30 32 56 90 56 4? 11.4 2 x 1 2.375x1.315 115 Flu 1½ 214 31A 2½i 1"V4 21 33 0.9 5/1025 60.3 33.7 (7/ .1/I 32 67 91/ 58 15 . 94 2½x 2.015 xO.840 175 1-1/161¼ 2/u 4½ 2¼ 2 27 33 0.8 /2.1 3(1 32 64/ III 51 2½ x',4 2.81511 1.050 115 13/16 1~ - ?/io 4¼ 2 2 27 33 0.9 1,557(4 7,50.251 21h x 2.875 a 1.315 1 175 1¼ 2°/ia 41A V/ri 2½ 27 33 1.0 4/co 25 7:404.37:' /5/ 50 3? Not for use in copper systems. § - For addilional 8o1i Torque information, see Technical Data section. A WARNING For dry pipe systems and freezer applications lubrication of the gasket is required, Gruvlok11' )(tremeTM Lubricant is recommended. RAGE 2 OF 2 Gruviok Couplings, Fittings, Flanges, Clamps For the latest IJL/IJLC Listed and FM Approved pressure ratings, versus pipe schedule, A., REV. 03.03.O&0017 go to www.anvilstar.com or contact your local isvilStar representative Size Deci r (e 12) 1/4 800116 GST.750 1/4x.i4 ST 5.93 125 1/4 8002s.57 .GSiI i00 114x1 25 6.25. 125: 1/4 8003957 GST 200 114 x 2 25 8.13 125 1/4 8004957 GST300 1/4.x.3 25 9:38 125 1/4" 8005925 GST 600 114x6 25 11.25 125 3/8 8006957 GST .75 1/4 x 3/4 25 5.63 125 8007957 GST 10 114x.1 25 5.8 .. 125 3/8" 8008957 GST 20 114 x 2 25 7.50 125 3/8 8009925 GsT 25 380 318 x 2 1/2 25 11 56 125 3/8" 8010957 GST 30 1/4 X 3 25 875 125 3/," 8011925 ,CSt40 114x4.. .. 25 bOO . . .125 3/8 8012925 GST 60 114x6 25 11.25 125 112" 8013925 GST2 1/4X2 25 8.75 125 1/2 8014925 CST .2.5-380 318K 2 1/2 25 12 50 125 1/2" 8015925 GST3 1/4X3 25 13.13 125 :1/2". 8016925 ,CST4 . 1'I4iX4. ..... 25 13.25 125 1/2" 8017925 GSTS 1!4X6 25 13.69 125 17 c v o-rh /4 8024957 DSTR 100 1/4-20X 1 25 7.81 . 125 1/4' 8025957 DST.100 114-14X1 25 .:.56 125. 1/4" 8026957 DST 150 114-14X 1-1/2 25 6.88 125 1/4" 802795.7 bST208 1/4-14X2 : 25 •••7•5 1/4" 8028957 DST 250 1/4-12X2-112 25 8.44 125 . :. 1I4' 95 80297 ...bST 300 1/4l4 X 3 . 25 .906 : . 125 1/4" 8030957 TEK500 12-24X1-1/2 25 6.88 125 3/8" 8037957 DSTR 1-1/2" 12-24 X 1-1/2 25 7.75 125 1038957:bT1". 1/4-20X.1 5 7.19 125 3/8' 8039957 DSTR 516 5/16-16 X 1-1/4 25 7.06 125 318" 804057 DT 10 1/4-14X I . :25 .5.94 . 125 3/8" 8041957 DST 15 114-14X 1-1/2 25 6.56 125 3f" 8O4251 'DST .0 1/4-14X2 25 :6.88 .. 125 318' 8043957 DST 25 1/4-14X 2-1/2 25 7.81 125 O447 DST 30 ..: . :..1/4ix 3 .. .5 44 .25 3/8" 8045957 DST 516 5/16-18X 1-1/4 25 7.50 125 . .318" .. •7EK50 4x 1-1/2 25 . 6.88 125 1/2" 8031925 DST 2.0 1/4-14X2 25 8.44 125 . .: :803925 ST25 114-141•.2-i!2 25 9.5 .. 125 1/2" 8033925 DSTR 1.0 114-20X 1 25 6.25 125 1.1" 84925....DSTR.5:16. 5/16-18X15114........25 . .. .125 1/2" 505925 DST 5.16 5/16-18X 1-1/4 25 8.44 125 1/2 Pn8"5 ICKSO 1224X1 1/2 25 750 125 .. Rdk Wihf telse Approvals Sz part# Descrtion Gy, (pl26) Qty 114" 8058957 . CST 200 . 5/16x.1-314 . . .25 . 8.44 . 125 : .. 3/b9957 CST 20 5/X 1-3/4 .5 75 125 8 b St2 W16 X 53/4 : 25 8.75 125 "9 tL onerete Nut Driver Use #14 NutOriver for Sanimys and Swiv& Head Part 8113910 Item If 100 wood :- . •3795' SH.DSTRi;. :2. 8138957 SH-DSTR 1 - SS 1/4-20x1 25 125 125 9.38 Fr r Wood DO SQV 114 8018957 SWG 100 1/4 X 1 25 938 125 Nut Dr~-vV' Use#14SWNutDnver 114 3019957 SWG 200 1/4 X 2 25 1000 125 fr Sidindrs and 1121 Rod Smmys 3/8" 8020957 SWG 10 1/4 X 1 25 7.50 125 C 3/8 8021957 SWG 20 1/4 X 2 25 875 125 3/8 8022925 SWG 25-380 3/8 X 2-1/2 25 12.81 125 3/8 8023925 SWG 30 1/4X3 25 10.63 15. ApprcwaL St e e 3/81, LzO509r SWD 10 1/4-14X 1 25 7.50 125 3/8 8051957 SWD 15 1/4-14 X 1 1/2 25 938 125 3/8" 8052957 SWD20 114-14X2 25 8.13 125 Part#8114910 3/8" 805357 SW15516 5/1-18X1-1I4 25..............T5 :125 Item # 101 3/8' 8054957 SWDR 1-1/2" 1/4-20X 1-1/2 25 9.06 125 3/8" 8055957 SWDR 1" 1/4-20X 1 25 :..75.... (.) 3/8' 8056957 SWDR 516 5/16-18 X 1-1/4 25 10.31 125 805707 SVVT 12-24X1-112 25 71 125 ROd Part #. . ,. - Welh C oncrete 'ApprovaJs . f Size . Model - Dcrptkn O.ti. (per 125) Qty 1/4' 8062957 SWC 200 5/16 X 1-3/4 25 9.38 . 125. 318' 8061957 .. SWC 20 . 5116•X 1-314 , 25 9.38 .. 125.. 111 RIP11111111 11111 I ,I ScreW Box Weight Case Approvals Pak # Model Descriptions Qty. (per 125) Qty 'OD 8139957 :SH-GST 20 1/4 x 2 25 9.38 125 ..... 8140957 SH-GST223S 114x2 25 9.38 125 ...... 8141957. H-GST30 . 1/4x3• 25 10.94 125 8142957 SH-GST30SS 114x3 25 10.94 125 d'1 ROE' O1reC1 Tilre Gauqe ttOY•ecj( &i,'1't F 2220 8150922 3181, XP2081142 20 25 103 125 1816 8153922 3/8 XP 35 Sammy X-Press 35 26. 103 125 1/4-20 x 1-1/8 Uninstalled . - . 22-18 8181922 1/4" XP 200 Sammy x-Press 200 25 10.3 125 .Samm-Presslt 8151910 . XPIT Installation Tool 1 . 1.02 ... . I'YI Installed . . (Kri.lncludes: Sleove,.1311 Receiver, Hex Wrnch, and25164' Drill Bit) :. 8152910 - XPDB 25/64" Drill Bit 1 0.14 1 Patent Pending arnniy 0' \. U.S. Patent No 6,443,680 1:1 For 3f' Rod 170 deflection from vertical • Accommodates up to 3-1/2 x 12 pitch roof Also available in stainless steel Use #14 Nut Driver (black) Steel Rod Screw Box Weight Case Approvals Part# Model Ga. Size Descriptions Qty. per 125) Qty. FXThEX5098 - Hangers, Pipe Page 1 of UL Online Certifications Directory VFXTEX5O98 Hangers, Pipe ageoi±oni Hangers,, Pipe eGfleraUflfqiQflj cur—Ha flgerS,1tpe TW BUILDEX 349 W BRYN MAWR AVE rAscA, IL 60143 USA :andarcl pipe hangers: Self-drilling anchors for horizontal installation into steel. EX5098 Mode! Min Steel Thknc In. Rod Size In. Max Pipe Size In. SWDR 0.037 3/8 4 SWDR 516 0.037 3/8 4 :andard pipe hangers: Self-drilling anchors for vertical installation into steel Model Min Steel Thkns In. Rod Size In. Max Pipe Size In. DSTR 1" 0.035 3/8 4 DSTR 1-1/2" 0.035 3/8 4 DST516 0.188 3/8 4 DSTR5I6 0.037 3/8 4 SH-DSTR-1 0.035 3/8 4 SH-DSTR-1-SS 0.035 3/8 4 TEK-50 0.250 3/8 4 ecial pipe hangers: Threaded anchors for vertical Installation into steel. Model Min Steel Thkris In. Rod Size In. Max Pipe Size In. X-Press 20 0.027 3/8 2 X-Press 35 0.043 3/8 3-1/2 FRAME/showpage.html?nanle=VFXT.EX5098&CCflS... 7/14/0 FTEX5098 Hangers, Pipe Page 2 of :andard pipe hangers: Self-threading anchor for horizontal installation into the side of a wood timber or joist. Model Min Wood Thkns In. Rod Size Max Pipe Size In. In. SWG25 380 1-1/2 3/8 4 eclal pipe hangers: Self-threading anchor for horizontal Installation Into the side of a wood timber or joist. Model Min Wood Thkns In. Rod Size In. Max Pipe Size In. SWG20 1-1/2 3/8 3 SWG20-SS 1-1/2 - 3/8 3-1/2 ecial pipe hangers: Self-threading anchor for horizontal installation into the top chord or flange of a structural composite wood joist of minimum 1-1/2 / 1-1/2 in. size. Model Min Wood Thkns In. Rod Size In. Max Pipe Size In. SWG20 1-1/2 3/8 2-1/2 SWG20-SS 1-1/2 3/8 2-1/2 SWG25-380 1-1/2 3/8 3-1/2 :andard pipe hangers: Self-threading anchor for vertical installation into the bottom of a wood timber or joist. Model Min Wood Thkns In. Rod Size In. Max Pipe Size In. GST 25-380 1-1/2 3/8 4 GST 30 1-1/2 3/8 4 GST 30-SS 1-1/2 3/8 4 SH-GST30 1-1/2 3/8 4 SH-GST30-SS 1-1/2 3/8 4 ecIal pipe hangers: Self-threading anchor for vertical installation into the bottom of a wood timber or joist. Model Min Wood Thkns In. Rod Size In. Max Pipe Size In. GST 20 1-1/2 3/8 2-1/2 GST 20-SS 1-1/2 3/8 2-1/2 SH-GST20 1-1/2 3/8 3 SH-GST20-SS 1-1/2 3/8 3 ttp.LLcitabase.ul.corn/cgi-bin/XYV/ternp1ate/L1SEXT/1 FRAME/showpage.litml?name=VFXT.EX5098&ccns... 7/14/0 TXT.EX5 098 - Hangers, Pipe Page 3 of :anclard pipe hangers: Self-threading anchor for vertical installation into the bottom chord or flange of a structural composite wood joist of minimum 1- 12 by 1-1/2 In. size. Model Min Wood Thkns In. Rod Size In. Max Pipe Size In. GST 25-380 1-1/2 3/8 4 ecia1 pipe hangers: Self-threading anchor for vertical installation into the bottom chord or flange of a structural composite wood joist of minimum 1-1/2 1-1/2 in. size. Model Min Wood Thkns In. Rod Size In. Max Pipe Size In. GST 20 1-1/2 3/8 2-1/2 GST 20-SS 1-1/2 3/8 2-1/2 aUpdated on 2004-08-27 )uestions? Notice,.ofDlscairne.r Ea.geiiop Copyrht0iLo..d.rlters LaboratorieJoc,( ie appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in Itself assure that products so Identified have been manufactured under UL's )llow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for e Mark on the product. L permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, esigns and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2 ie statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc." must appear adjacent to the tracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice In the following format: "Copyright © 2006 Underwriters boratories Inc®" An iidpnndi 0ruan17 e. on wcrI;lfl! i or a na1 fi i norid wltfl 1 nip Iitv, ilfeL...nina and cno.'inCc:. up: I/databa..ti1.comLcgj-bin/XYV/temp1ate/L.1SEXT/ I FRAME/showpage.htrnl?nanie=VFXT.EX5098&ccns... 7/14/0